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DroidJack v3.

3 - Android Remote Administration Tool

L.R Sanjeevi (c) 2014.

Terms & Conditions:

Please read before using the software. By using the software you agree that you
comply with the terms and conditions of the software.

Changelogs v3.3:
* WhatsApp Reader - For rooted devices only.
* Call Triggering - Trigger internet on offline devices by calling from specified
* Icon Changer - Change the icon of your APK in APK Generator.
* Reset DroidJack Server - Reset DroidJack server to improve efficiency if needed.
* Reset Data Transfer port - If any issues arise, use this to reset the data
transfer port.
* Added Personal Notepad - A notepad to save any personal details about the device.
* Fixed bug in Remote Eyes - Video that was causing zero byte outputs.
* Fixed other minor bugs.

Setup Instructions:
1) Register a dynamic dns from no-ip or
2) Choose a port (Example: 1337), forward the chosen port (1337) and 1334 (default)
so u need to port forward 2 ports!
3) Generate the APK with the chosen port (1337) and ur dynamic dns and other

Feel free to contact me for support and suggest your ideas.

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