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Animals home . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 4
Animal Pairs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 4
Baby Daisy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 4
Buzz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 4
Capital cities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 5
Cat and Mouse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 5
Chickens got the measles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 5
Crocodile, Crocodile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 6
Doctor, Doctor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 6
Down in the jungle (Slimy snot) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 6
Elephant Football . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 6
First to bring me . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 7
Fishy, Fishy, Fishy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 7
I went on pack holiday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 7
Islands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 7
Kims game . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 8
King Neptune . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 8
Ladders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 8

Magic key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 8
Mummy bear, Daddy bear, Baby bear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 9
Mushroom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 9
No sir not I sir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 9
Pass the Didgeridoo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 10
Paper hockey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 10
Poor Pussy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 10
Shopping bag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 10
Splat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 11
Spoons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 11
The Princess who likes quiet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 11
Toilet Tag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 11
Windmill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 12
Wink Murder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 12

How to play the games

Animals home

Equipment: A chair or token for each Brownie to their home

Rules: One Brownie stands in the centre of the hall with no home and the rest of the
Brownies stand scattered around the room with their home in front of them. The Brownie in
the centre says come and be spiders (or any other creature) and does the appropriate
action. The rest of the pack run to the centre and imitate her. When the leader shouts
animals home all the Brownies including the centre Brownie tries to get to a home. The
Brownie without a home goes to the centre and calls the next animal.

Animal Pairs

Equipment: None

Rules: Split the Brownies in to two groups. All the Brownies in one group will be given the
name of an animal. All of the Brownies in the other group will also be given the name of the
same animals as the other group. There should only be two Brownies with the same animal
name. When told to go, all of the Brownies have to walk around making the noise of their
animal. When they find another Brownie making the same noise they have to sit down in
their pairs. The aim of the game is to get all the animals paired together.

Baby Daisy

Equipment: None

Rules: Brownies are split into equal teams. Each team lines up one behind another at one
end of the room. Each person in the groups is given a name of a flower. The first person is
named Rose the second person is named Daffodil and the third person is named Snowdrop.
The fourth person is named Bluebell, the fifth person is named Sunflower and the sixth
person is named Baby Daisy. When the leader calls out a flower, those with that name have
to run to the other end of the room and back. The first person back gets a point for their
team. If the leader calls Baby Daisy the Brownies at the back have to crawl through their
teams legs and then runs normally to the end of the room and back. If the leader calls
garden everyone runs and the first team back gets a point. The team with the most points
at the end win.


Equipment: None

Rules: The aim of this game is to be the last Brownie in the game. All of the Brownies make a
circle and put their left hands out flat to the side of them. They then place one finger on the
palm of the hand of the Brownie stood to the right of them. When the leader shouts buzz
all the brownies have to lift their fingers off the other Brownies hand. Whilst they are doing
this they have to try and catch the finger of the Brownie stood to the left of them. If a
Brownie gets caught then they are out. The winner is the Brownie whose finger does not get

Capital cities

Equipment: None

Rules: Brownies sit on the floor lined up in their sixes and the leader stands at the front of
the groups. Each group has three points to start with. The leader calls the name of a well
known country, for example France. If any of the Brownies know what the capital city of that
country, they tell it to the Brownie in front of them until it gets to the Brownie at the front.
That Brownie then raises their hand and the leader will ask the Brownie the answer. If they
get it right they get a point if they get it wrong the other groups have a chance to get a
point. The Brownie at the front of each group should change after a few goes.

Cat and Mouse

Equipment: None

Rules: One Brownie is chosen to be the cat and another Brownie is chosen to be the mouse.
The rest of the Brownies make equal lines and stand facing the same direction. The Brownies
that are in the lines stretch out their arms to make walls. Every time the leader shouts
change all of the Brownies making the walls turn 90 degrees so the wall lines change. The
cat has to try and catch the mouse by running in and around the walls. Neither the cat nor
mouse can run through the walls (Brownies arms). The game finishes when the cat catches
the mouse. Two new Brownies are then chosen to be the next cat and mouse.

Chickens got the measles

Equipment: Song Chickens got the measles, the measles, the measles; Chickens got the
measles inside out!

Rules: All of the Brownies stand in a circle. When they start to sing the song for this game, all
the Brownies have to jump up and down crossing and then uncrossing their legs. When the
song finishes all Brownies must stay still and stay how they were for their last jump (either
with legs apart or legs crossed). If they finish with their legs apart then they stay in for the
next round. If they finish with their crossed then they are out. The winner is the last Brownie
in the game.

Crocodile, Crocodile

Equipment: None

Rules: One Brownie is chosen to be the crocodile and the rest of the Brownies line up at one
end of the room. All of the Brownies will say, Crocodile, crocodile sail across the water,
Mum says, Dad says in a cup and saucer. The crocodile will then reply by saying, Only if
youre wearing . . . and will choose a piece of clothing or anything that some of the Brownies
may be wearing. If any of the Brownies are wearing that item they can walk across the room
without being tagged. The rest of the Brownies then have to try and run across the room
without being caught by the Crocodile. If they are caught they are out. The winner is the last
Brownie in the game.

Doctor, Doctor

Equipment: None

Rules: One Brownie is chosen to be the Doctor and they leave the room. The rest of the
Brownies stand in a circle and hold hands. They then twist themselves around each other
without letting go of hands. They then shout doctor, doctor. The doctor then comes in and
has to untwist all of the Brownies without taking their hands apart. The game ends when the
Brownies are back into a circle.

Down in the jungle (slimy snot)

Equipment: Song Down in the jungle where nobody goes, theres a big fat gorilla picking
his nose, and he picks and he flicks it to see where it goes, whos gonna get that, whos
gonna get that whos gonna get that slimy snot!

Rules: Brownies sit in a circle and place their right hand on top of the Brownies hand that is
sat next to them. One Brownie starts off with the snot and passes it to the Brownie on their
left. All the Brownies continue this whilst singing a song. When the song finishes the Brownie
with the snot gets to wipe it on another Brownie. The first time you get the snot you lose
one hand. The second time you have to turn around but get both hands back. The third time
you lose a hand again.

Elephant Football

Equipment: One large ball

Rules: All of the Brownies stand in a circle with their legs apart (wide enough to fit a ball
through). A ball is given to one of the Brownies and they hit the ball across the circle. The
Brownies keep the ball moving and have to try and get the ball through someones legs.
They can only stop the ball from going through their legs by using their hands. If the ball
goes through a Brownies leg they can only use one hand. If it goes through their legs again
they have to turn around but they can use both hands. If the ball goes through their legs for

a third time they lost a hand again and the fourth time it goes through their legs they are

First to bring me

Equipment: Counters to keep score

Rules: Brownies will work in their sixes for this game. The aim of this game is to bring
whatever the leader asks for before any of the other sixes. The leader will say first to bring
me and then they will choose an object that is in the room i.e. a book. The sixes then race
against each other to get a book and to get it to the leader first. The winning team is the
team with the most points at the end of the game.

Fishy Fishy Fishy

Equipment: None

Rules: One Brownie is chosen to be a shark and all the other Brownies are fish and they line
up at one end of the room. The shark will say fishy fishy fishy, come swim in my sea! Then
the fish reply by saying sharky sharky sharky, you cant catch me! Once this has been said
all the fish try and run to the other side of the room without being caught by the shark. If
they are caught by a shark they become seaweed. The seaweed have to stand still where
they were tagged, but they are allowed to tag the fish as they walk past.

I went on pack holiday

Equipment: None

Rules: Brownies sit in a circle and one Brownie starts the game by saying I went on pack
holiday and I took . . . then lists an item that they could take on pack holiday, for example
my toothbrush. The Brownie on her right then says I went on pack holiday and I took . . .
they then have to say what the first Brownie said and then add what they would take. This
continues round the whole circle, with each Brownie remembering everything that has
already been said and also adding their own object at the end. If a Brownie forgets they can
get help from the other Brownies.


Equipment: Newspaper

Rules: Each Brownie is given a sheet of newspaper. Each Brownie needs to find a space,
place their sheet of newspaper on the floor and then stand on it. When the leader shouts
go the Brownies carefully run around the pieces of newspaper. When the leader shouts
stop the Brownies must go and stand one a piece of newspaper (only one Brownie to a
piece of newspaper). Every time the Brownies start to run around the leader will remove

one sheet of newspaper from the game. The Brownie not standing on a sheet of paper is
out. The winner is the last Brownie standing on a piece of newspaper.

Kims game

Equipment: A tray containing a selection of six to ten small objects, pencil and paper per

Rules: The Brownies sit in a circle and the tray is placed in the centre of the circle. The
Brownies have one minute to look and remember the objects on the tray (if playing with a
large group it would be advisable to have two circles and two trays). After one minute the
tray is removed and the Brownies have two minutes to try and remember and write down all
the items on the tray. After this time the tray is returned to the centre and all the Brownies
pass their list to the Brownie on her right who checks it and passes it back.

King Neptune

Equipment: None

Rules: One Brownie is chosen to be King Neptune and the rest of the Brownies are split into
four equal teams. Each team starts in a corner of the room. The teams are giving sea animal
names e.g. Dolphins, Sharks, Seahorses and Whales. The leader will shout two of the groups
names. Those two groups have to swap without being caught by King Neptune. If caught,
that Brownie has to sit out. Once all members of one group are out that animal becomes
extinct. The winning team is the team that has one player left at the end.


Equipment: None

Rules: Brownies are put into pairs and then sit on the floor in two lines with their feet
touching their partners feet. Each pair is given a number to remember. The leader will shout
out a number. If a pairs number is called they have to race each other back to their seats.
From their seats they have to run over the other Brownies legs to the bottom of the room,
then around the back of all of the Brownies to the top of the room then back down over the
other Brownies legs to their seats. The first Brownie back gets a point for their team. The
winning team is the one with the most points at the end.

Magic key

Equipment: None

Rules: Brownies stand in a circle and they all imagine they have a key around their necks.
When the leader says go, all the Brownies turn around and unlock an imaginary chest with
their key. They will take something out of their chest and turn around again and then mime
using their object. The leaders will walk around the circle trying to guess what each Brownie

has got. When the leader guesses correctly that Brownie then helps to guess what the other
Brownies are miming.

Mummy bear, Daddy bear, Baby bear

Equipment: Keys

Rules: Brownies get into threes and then all stand together in a circle making sure they are
next to their group of three. One person in the group is named Mummy bear, another is
named Daddy bear and the final person in the group is named Baby bear. The leader will
shout one of the bears names i.e. Daddy bear. This means all the Daddy bears have to run
around the outside of the circle and back to their space. Whilst all the Daddy bears are
running, the Mummy bear and Baby bear have to make an arch. Once the Daddy bear gets
back to their group they run under the arch and try to get to keys in the centre of the circle
before the other groups. The group that gets the keys get a point. The group with the most
points at the end win.


Equipment: None

Rules: The aim of this game is to find the poisonous mushroom and then run away from it.
All of the Brownies curl up in balls on the floor. One Brownie is chosen to go outside. Whilst
that Brownie is outside, another is chosen to be the poisonous mushroom. The Brownie
outside then comes back in and gently sits on the mushrooms. If she sits on the poisonous
mushroom, the mushroom gets up and chases her and tries to catch her. Two more
Brownies are then chosen to be the poisonous mushroom and the person who sits on the

No sir not I sir

Equipment: Chairs one per Brownie

Rules: Brownies are split into equal teams and then all sit in lines on chairs facing the leader.
Each group is given a number. The group with the number one is the top of the class and the
group with the highest number is the bottom of the class. The aim is to get to the top of the
class. The leader will say the teacher has lost his keys, he accuses number . . . the leader
then says a number. As soon as a number is said the whole of that group must stand up. The
person at the front will then say no sir not I sir try number . . . and they will then pick a
number. At this point the group just stood up must sit down and the new group will stand
up. Again the person at the front will say no sir not I sir try number . . . this continues until
one of the teams dont stand up at the same time. If this happens, that team moves down
one meaning all the other teams move as well. Each team will then have a new number to
remember. The winning group is the group sat at the top of the class when the game

Pass the Didgeridoo

Equipment: Something to use as a Didgeridoo i.e. wooden block, Song Pass the
Didgeridoo blue, pass the Didgeridoo. I want to pass it to you so pass the Didgeridoo!

Rules: All of the Brownies stand in a circle and one of them is given the Didgeridoo. When
the Brownies start to sing the song they pass the Didgeridoo around the circle. When the
song finishes the Brownie holding the Didgeridoo is out. They must pass the Didgeridoo to
the next person and then sit in the middle. Every time a Brownie is out, the other Brownies
must stay where they are stood. They should not make the circle smaller. After a few goes
gaps will start to appear in the circle. This means when a Brownie gets the Didgeridoo and
there is a gap next to them, they have to run with the Didgeridoo to the next Brownie. They
will then pass the Didgeridoo and then run back to their original space. This continues until
one Brownie is left and that Brownie is the winner.

Paper hockey

Equipment: Sponge ball, two paper sticks and two chairs

Rules: The two chairs are placed either end of the room and the paper sticks are placed in
the middle of the chairs with the ball. The Brownies are split into two teams and sit down, in
lines, either side of the room. Each Brownie is given a number, so there will be two Brownies
with the same number. When their number is called, the Brownies have to run and pick up a
paper stick and try to hit the ball between their team chair legs. If another number is called
they have to get up and take over from their team member. The people who are playing
have to leave the stick where it is when another number is called.

Poor Pussy

Equipment: None

Rules: Brownies sit in a circle. One Brownie is selected to be the cat and they go in the
centre of the circle. The cat crawls round the circle on her hands and knees. The cat will
crawl up to one Brownie and will say miaow, miaow. The Brownie must then stroke the
cats head and say poor pussy. If she does this without laughing, the cat crawls to another
Brownie. If the Brownie laughs she also becomes a cat and both cats crawl up to other
Brownies. The game can be played until one Brownie is left or once a time limit is finished.

Shopping bag

Equipment: None

Rules: The Brownies sit in a circle and an imaginary bag is passed round. Each Brownie, in
turn, takes something out and acts what she would do with it. The rest of the pack guess
what it is and then the bag is passed to the next Brownie. If desired, the Brownies could be
told that the bag contains specific types of goods. For example; fruit, toys or tools.


Equipment: None

Rules: Brownies stand in a circle and one Brownie is chosen to stand in the middle. The
Brownie in the middle will point to a Brownie and shout splat. The Brownie who is being
pointed at must duck down and the two Brownies either side of her must shoot each other
by shouting splat. The Brownie that shouted splat the slowest is out. Another way a Brownie
might be out is if they dont duck down quick enough when they are pointed at. Also if a
Brownie ducks or shouts splat and they are not either being pointed at or next to the person
being pointed at, they will be out. The winner is the last Brownie left in the game.


Equipment: two chairs, five spoons

Rules: Brownies are split into two groups and sit in two lines facing each other. The leader
goes down one line numbering all the Brownies. They then go down the other line and
numbers all the Brownies in that line. After this is done there should be two Brownies with
the same number. A chair is placed at either end of the hall and five spoons are placed in the
centre of the hall. The leader will shout out a number. The twos Brownies with that number
get up and try to be the first one to get three spoons on their chair. Brownies are only
allowed to pick one spoon up at a time, but they can take spoons from the other Brownies
chair. The first Brownie to get three spoons on their chair wins a point for their team. The
team with the most points wins the game.

The Princess who likes quiet

Equipment: A chair, keys

Rules: One Brownie is selected to be the princess and sits on the chair that is facing towards
a wall. A bunch of keys are placed under the chair. The other Brownies sit at the other end of
hall facing the princess. The leader chooses one Brownie to try and get the keys from under
the chair. The princess has to listen and point to where they think the selected Brownie is
walking. The princess is not allowed to look behind them, they must only listen. If the
princess points at the Brownie, they must sit down and another Brownie is selected. If the
Brownie gets the keys they become the new princess.

Toilet Tag

Equipment: None

Rules: Toilet tag has similar rules to the game stuck in the mud. One or two Brownies are
selected to be the catchers. All of the other Brownies have to run around and try not to be
tagged. If they are tagged then they must stop and bend their knees as if they were sitting
on a toilet. They also have to put one of their arms out to the side of them (acting as the

flush of a toilet). To be freed, a Brownie who has not been tagged must go and sit on a
Brownie that has been stuck and then they must pull the Brownies arm like they are pulling
the flush on a toilet. The Brownie is then freed and both Brownies continue to run around.
The leader can change the Brownies that are the catchers once all Brownies are stuck or
after a certain amount of time.


Equipment: three bean bags

Rules: Brownies are split into four groups and are placed in lines in each corner of the room
(this is like the four blades on a windmill). More groups can be used depending on the
number of Brownies. In the centre of the hall there will be three bean bags. Each group is
number one to six (can be higher or lower depending on numbers). The leader shouts a
number and that Brownie from each group crawls through the legs of the other Brownies in
their team and runs and collects a bean bag. They then crawl back through the legs to their
space. The team without a bean bag gets a point. The winning team is the team with the
lowest amount of points at the end of the game.

Wink Murder

Equipment: None

Rules: Brownies sit in a circle. One Brownie is selected to be the detective and they go
outside of the room. Whilst the detective is outside of the room, the leader selects another
Brownie to be the murderer. The detective is called back in the room and stands in the
middle of the circle. The murderer has to wink at the other Brownies without being caught
by the detective. If a Brownie is winked at they must pretend to die. The detective has three
guesses to find the murderer. If they guess who the murderer is then a new detective and
murderer are chosen. If they guess incorrectly, then the same Brownie continues to be the
detective and a new murderer is selected.


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