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Gramrrrar I

o tor, Plurol nouns
ffi Present conlinuous 58

S be, subject pronouns R

(B' Present simple or Present
continuous? 62
m odjectives
Demonstrotives, possessive
Use your Enqlish 3 (units 11-1s) 66

il-ffi, Possessive 's, whose

b.:- lo
m some, ony, How much/
How mdny 68
ffi hdve got 20

ffi like, love, hste 74

Prepositions of ploce,
ffi want to, Iet's 76

Where is/ore ...? 26

$s must, can 80

ffi t "." is/ore..., How mony? 30

Ute 84

ffi was, were 86

lmperotives, con for permission ee

d$ Post simple - regulor g0

trF Object pronouns 42

Post simple - irregulor g0
Question words s0
S Pr"."n,.irpt" 48
$F- 0" eoire to 102

d? frequency
Pr"."n, simple, odverbs of
Ule you, Engfilh 5 tunitszo*z+t roo

GrommoI Reference 108

r,ou" 56
Word List 111
d#,/(ffi#'?r, p$uxrmtr ffi ffi &# $'*s

/Hello. children.
Are they peppers?
i.--- ;;-'''
ot Brion s pointings. -

o green pepper!
Its on owful pointing!
:'l; ii ;" iil;"o?-)
l;$ cr,,rr r#I$rTxotl

E t4

Brion isn't o good ortistl

beginning with o
pepper peppers consonont: o frlend,
DUS rguonos o bird.
bus buses We use on before words
gross glosses beginning with o vowel:
tomoto tomotoes on iguonct. on ortist.
photos There ore no orticles for
toy toys plurol words: peppert
igu!!:: lh-:e loot<s. ,.t
strowberry strowberries
c &'l..ook .rt thE sDeilinq f uirs on pdge l 0B.
, Circle {:he cOrrect wmrcl.
@/ on pointing 5 o./ on elephont
Z o,/ on insect 6 o/ontoy
3 o./ on oronge 7 o/onopple
.{ o./ on bosketboll B o / onshirt

, write o, {'fl or -.
1 book. ..-........ three books, ..9.f....... open book
? ............ iguono. ............ smoll iguono. ............ four iguonos
3 ............ two opples. ............ green opple. ............ opple
4 ............ pointing. ............ six pointings, ............ owful pointing

Count dnd write the plLirnl. Add -s or -es.

'I nouseJffi ..|ryq.1qqssi............ s bush
box ffi
three 6 sondwich
7 tomoto

B window
r,l Coumt find write the pl rdl" Add -s ot" -ies,
boy icci .qlgl ...
2 ferry @
3 strowberry
,t toy
5 donkey
s boby
7 key

k,3 .#w*"$ {

*fvvwvwwww ffql
q/on. nlurol nouns

.>. fu.
1Y q^,,*
1 0) women
:t) o

9) o womon

4) leoves
T leof

leof leoves mon men

loof looves womon women
wife wives child children
tooth teeth
Some nouns hove
mouse mice
irregulor plurols. Eoch
sheep sheep
of them forms the plurol
fish flsh
in o different woy.
deer deer
t.0oid, count ond write the Flurdl.

two fish mon tooth


deer loof
dn' foot

i$ woll
v,msffi-' mouse
%#* knife
ilt -
Write the plurols in the bdgs.
wife child fly desk 9rangg book mouse tomoto
glasg bus knife porty laby wotch loof yotrgfi sheep

@ $@
@ e e e>
aIgrgc9. .. ..:t .::.". _: : babies Ioaves wamen

q'i Ploy s gorne. Toke turns.

Four books.

book key kn ife

child strowberry fish
DOX g loss mon
ffiffi, mu,xh"$mmt pnffir$ffie,effiffi

Who s thot?

Its Corlq. my porrot. )

, om not
'm not Who islenny?
HE Jenny. She s my cousin.
toll. -.-
is not
in the pork.
rsn t
in the pork.
where is Corlq?
He s in the gorden.

ore ..
ore nol Whot is thot?
!e _,
oren t
Its my bog.

Am om.
No, m nol.
he Jenny? Yes.
t5 she silly? No,
it in the pork? it

Yes. ore.
you you
No, oren't.
mey they

Clrele th rorrect word.
Corg@ ore my porrot. lenny is,/ ore
from Austrolio.

aB*n ond tor zor"f;;D (t"' /"'"o0


Brion ond lenny

is ,/ ore cousins.

Dove. you is / ore

very tolll

r::1' Reod dnd write"

'! Brion is clever. clever.
2 Zoe ond Vicky ore friends. friends.
3 Dove is o bosketboll ployer. o bosketboll ployer.
,f The children ore in the gorden. in the gorden.
5 lvly cousin ond I ore ten yeors old. ten yeors old.
6 The door is open. open.
? Vicky is hoppy. ho p py.
E The cots ore on the toble. on the toble.

( l) ii- Res{tr $nd corret the senterices.

Corky: Jenny is from Englond.
Brion: she ..191.!...... from Enqlond. She's from Austrolio.
Corky: You're eight yeors old.
Zoe'. 1................ eight yeors old. .......,........ ten yeors old!
Co rky: Brion ond lenny ore friends.
Dove: They................ f riends. ................ cousins.
Corky: Dove is short.
Brion: He................ short. ......,......... tolll
corlq: We re in the pork.
Zoe: We................ in thepork. in the gordenl
Corlq: l'm Sporky. the dog.
Dove: You................ Sporlq, the dog. ................ Corky. the porrot!
be, subject pronouns

,i - r Kefid, drflw lines f,nd rn otch,
1 l< 7^a h^hv?
0 | om.
e Are you o pupil?
Yes. [r they orent.
3 Are the children ir pork?
No. \ c she isn't.
Are we OK?
Yes. d l'm not.
Are you from Austrolio?
No. e he isn't.
ls Brion Zoe s cousin?
No. f we ore.

i"!i i! Write short snswers.

1 Are you o student? .. It.q.,..1..q.n.,............
2 Are you eight yeors old?
3 ls your dod toll?
4 ls your mum from Austrolio?
5 Are your cousins twelve yeors old?
6 ls your teocher from the USA?

fi .,i*, **** ond wrtte.

lannv / qh^ih?
Vrsrrors ro ouR ScHooL lt" ts Jennu from Jo.Jtn I
..N.q.,. s.f.e. ier ll,.f .frcn.&,._s.l.ql.,.qr.,
Costos./ Greece?
nohe age country lq Cnqln<. fn^ Lo'"' )
Adrion 12 the USA /es, ne 15.
Nicola 10 the USA Gino ond Antonio ,/ Chino?
6ina 10 Italy
Antonio 11 Itoly
Costos 9 Greece / ltoly?
Juon 10 Spoin

Janny 9 Aus-trolio
Anno 11 Russio 5 Nicole ond Adrion / the USA?

6 Anno ,/ Russio?

Write Corl<y's q uestions"
whot .. ]9. !-r9 nome You re Corky, the porrot.
2 Who Im Zoe! I'm your friend.
Whot His nome s Brion.
4 Where ............................... We're in the gorden.
5 Who They're Dove ond Jenny.
6 Who She's Brion s cousin.

r Complete with one word.

ii Write.
AnswerJenny's e-moil in Exercise 8. Write obout you ond your friends.
Use her e-moil os o model.

ffimsmmms$wm mdjemtfiwes

sunglosses for lvluml

= ... ond for Dod... Hm!
Those ore cool sondols!

Singulor this + o singulor verb ond:
these + o plurol verb to
@ This o fobulous T-shirtl tolk obout people. onimols
ry for you. or things thot ore neor.
We use:
Plurol ttst+osingulorverb
ond: those + o plurol verb
@ These nice sunglosses.
to tolk qbout people. oni-
Bil{@ cool sondols. mols or thlngs thot ore for.
!-nok und write tfiIs. ft?ese, tfrdt or tfiose"

@ 1 .r.119,...... is o big book.

2 ..i.n|!...... is o smoll book. d

@@*I il:ffiilil;:,r,@WW
Write ,'.s or dre.
1 This ..{-s........ o new cor. 5 Those ............ policemen.
2 Those............ blue pens. 6 This ............ o young womon.
3 These ............ eggs. 7 These ............ computers.
4 Thot ............ o green door. I Tho1 ............ on old CD.

Look ond write euestions. Then write true onswers"

pretty / dress? d ,t cool / shoes? @

la fn;e t tarltr Arp<<?
t:1. l1:11Y._ :..ri.:.::r..:1'.:.::Y. i..
. Yes, .if..i1.,.1.N.s.,. il.isnll.

nice / T-shirt? 5 nice / wotch?

3 good / boots? ffiEi} 6 good ,/ mork? sp6f,


Possessive od.jectives

Stop it. Corkyl Now listen! ...ond thot is your bowll

This is my bowl!


... ond this is your homeworkl

For o mon. use hA.
This is my friend. His nome is George.
For o womon. use her.
you your
This is Mory Her docl is o teocher
he hts For on onimol or thing. use its.
she her Thdts o pretty tree. Its leoves ore green.
It For o pet. when you know if it is o boy or
o girl, use h/s or her.
This is my pqrrot. His nome\ Corky.
you your
they their ln the plurol, use theirfor men, women.
things. onimols or pets.
These ore my clossmotes. Their nomes
ore Poul ond Solly.

Cinele the cor!'ct word,
sunglosses ore funnyl Corlq is my ,/ her pet.

4 Its,/ Your eyes ore red, Zoe!

Her,/ His T-shirt is big!

Reod find write.

A: Hi! Wete Dovid ond lon. This is..9.f.1......... schooi. We're in closs 5E.
B: Hellol nome s Thomos.
A: Hello. Thomosl
i;t A: This is Andrew ond this is ................ sister, Josie. mum is o doctor.
B: Hi. Andrewl Hi. Josiel ls this ................ dog?
c: Yes, it is. Hes o boy. ................ nomes Eddie.

ls thot Julio over there? skirt is cool!

Yes, it is! Hello Julio!
Hello. girls!
Julio. ................ skirt is fobulous! ls it new?
Yes, it is. Thonks!

\^,/rite r, diolsgLre, T'hen fict it out in closs.

Choose o diologue from Exercise 5. Use it os o model ond write o new diologue.
Act it out.
ffimsmmssilwe k, vy&psm
Possessive 3

o tropicol porodise!

Corky, thot is Zoe s

scorfl Those ore
Jennys sunglosses!

,t,,,,,i.,,,i,', . l' .] .,t'' t ,, , , , ,

zoe's scorf. the girls' sunglosses.
Brionl bog. the boys' bogs.
The cot's toil. the cots' toils.

the men s shoes.
the sheeps legs.

We use possessive b with nouns to tolk obout possession.

' We use 3 with singulor nouns: Zoe s scotf, the cots toil
. We use'with regulor plurol nouns: the girls'sunglosses
" We use 5 with irregulor plurol nouns: the mens shoes

:l ,r I:li:lt ,iitir|" li. tt ,r, til:rili t:. ' ilttl,;lt il :

Zoe s eyes ore brown. 3 = possessive s

Zoe s hoppy. 5=rs
l-ooi< flnd write.



..!.r.r.e!.'.p.... . bog is pink. z nose ts reo.

iier bog is pink. nose ts red.

The.................... legs ore very short. The .................... shrrt is big.

legs ore very short. shirt is big.

5 The .................... neck is long. homework is very gooo.

neck is long. homework is very gooo.

Write 's or ' "

1 Inese ore tYtory..:. pens. 5 The cot..... nome is Nino.
Z ls this Brion..... bike? 6 The students..... books qre here.
3 Its Jenny..... computer. 7 The teocher..... cor is white.
4 These ore the boys..... shoes. I These ore the girls..... English tests.

Writ the sentences in the fu ll forrn.

I Brion s Zoe's friend. Brtan is Loe's friend.
2 Thots Dove s book.
3 Jennys Brion s cousin.
4 The mouse's nomei Pinlq.
5 Helen s this girl s sister.
The womon s bog s red.

t {r' Whose?

i-wr,"i" o"s b ili;i-;

- \i ?.a

i Aooqqhhhl l
rlt isn t my bog!
. 1l

ls it your bog?,J iltlAgom_s !9si..)

bog rs this? Itb Adom s bog.
shoes ore those? They're my shoes.

i l1i
Choeise cnd write,
is ore its they're

1 Whose bog ..1:........... this? lf's Adom s.

2 Whose sunglosses ................ these? Dove's.
3 Whose boll ................ this? Peter s.
4 Whose posters ................ those? Cloire s.
5 Whose bikes ................ these? the boys'.
Whose cor ................ thot? my dod s.

l-ool(. \ y'rite questions ond onswers"

D ..Wflg9g.... scort is this 2 ................91osses

-/t ll

................bog ? eyes

5 ................ T-shirt ................ regs

at) Flcy o gome.

Student A: Think of on object in the clossroom. Ask o question.
Student B: Look oround the clossroom. Find the ob.ject ond onswer the question.

awh"*t"g ls q*y *d,


'1 bog 2 shoes 3 T-shirt 4 hoir

[\low swcp r0les,

ffimnrm *ff##
positive, negotive

fi iiri""t r:". got ii.k"ilr


Brion, come on!

It s got three wheels ond three bells.

But it hosn't
got brokesl

The story continues on poge 22.


You nove ooI You hove not qot . . -

t|cKets ror me ctnemo.
ve gor noven t qot
They They

ne HE
hos qot hos not qot
5he , _
s gor
o newbtt(e. 5he
nosn r gol
o new btke.
It It
Cirqle the correct word.
1 Brion. Dove ond ZoeQqyggojry hos got o new bike.
2 Dove hove got./ hos got tickets for the cinemo.
3 You hove got,/ hos got o clever dog.
,I I hovent got / hosn't got o bike.
E 5 They hove got,/ hos got two bononos.
6 We hoven't got,/ hosnt got o DVD ployer.
7 She hove got,/ hos got green eyes.
E Peter hoven't got,/ hosn't got o bosketboll.

Look, redd dnd write.


'iDove ..lill:ii..i.9l?1.... o biq fomily.

? He....................... o sister. Her nome is Suzie. He.......................o brother.
3 Suzie....................... o pink dress. She ....................... o green dress.
4 Doves fother o moustoche. He ....................... o beord.
5 Doves mother ond grondmother short hoir. They....................... long
ho rr.

; W'ite obout your fomily.

1 l/ big fomily ..!..l.e.ue.r.l!..sp.l..q..hts..fsntla,..i..t.1.r:..s.q!.9..p.ig...!.q.ry.;.ts."..
? l./ brother(s)
,7 l/sister(s)
lvly dod / moustoche
5 lvly mum / short hoir.
| ,/ brown eyes.
questions, short qnswers

Hove you got o screwdriver?

Hey, woit! The bike s OK!

Goodbye. Brion!
OK, let s go.


you Yes. you

HOVE got o screwdriver?
No, we nove.
fiey mey hovent.

ne --
he hos.
Hos 5ne got the tickets? .,
sne hosnt.

it II
_i | _.............
( We don't use qot in short onswer; \l
I ,_

llefid $nd write q [id:!iti0r]$^
Zoe s got o purple jocket. floS sne jocket. too?
"9.q1......... o blue
2 Dove ond Peter hove got o bosketboll. o footboll. too?
.i You ve got o TV o DVD ployer, too?
:I Brions got o cot. o dog. too?
The mon s got on umbrello. o coot. too?
t; We've got oronge juice. milk, too?
The house hos got o green door. green windows, too?
(i Vickys got o brother. o sister, too?

fl.{)01{. \Mfr ite qHesti$ s 0f'id un$r{/e15,

t- . T-,, -
tsno n Peter Ltotre


."fi l
lbil.e ]
Brion,/ o skoteboord? 4 Jenny / robot?
...f.,11. i Jil.rl..i.\.c, :.q.qil.l.i .
...inlq,,.iig:n1L, llglir gcl g tqqql
Zoe / o computer? 5 Peter / o CD ployer?

:i Dove / o bike? fi Cloire/ocomero?

li ,Asl< cnd uerslfer. Ti l(e ttirns,

skoteboord? ( Yes. I hove. / No. I hovent. )

skoteboord guitor dog
' ll ll."..ll I
l\4P3 ployer
/i s1-
Use youn ffinglish (Units 1*S)

j;::itllr CotmFlete with d or dn. Then write the plurol.

r Ints Is .:.... cor. These are cors .

2 Thot is ........ oronge.

3 This is ........ tooth.
4 This is........ umbrello.
5 Thot is ........ knife.
6 Thot is ........ wotch.
7 This is ........ elephont.
I Thot is ........ bus.

,::ri:, Look 0nd write"

I Oliver

? the childen
{* Whose
3 Horry ffi'w
v Whose

+ Heren
CF @ Whose
sPour 4@* Whose
6 the boys
rl1,,.ir g;t.t* rnu correct word.
lvlo ndy: Hi.lohn! ls 1 this / thot your bog over there?
John: No, 2 your ,/ my bog is here.
lvlondy: 3 whose ,/ Whot bog is it?

Joh n: I think it s a Mike / tvlike s.

lviondy: Are 5 you ./ your reody for the school picnic?
John: Yes. I om. Look! This is 6 o / on new T-shirt!
Mondy: 7 Theyte ,/ lts
lohn: Thonks! And these 8 is,/ ore my new sunglosses.
Mondy: And l've got my e dod / dods comero.
JOnn: Greot! The buses ore over there! ls thot 10 we ,/ our teocher?
lvlo ndy: Yes. its 1r Mr Brook / lvlr Brook's.
lvlr Brook: 12 This ,z These is
John, lvlondy! our bust Hurry up!
tr-i stsn dnd drsw li nes.
Lionne Kim Oliver Tom

Horry Ben Lrso

Lister! sddim find tol{ rxotss. Thn fisl{ find cx tr s'r/v P r"
1 Who,/ hos got / red hoir? tJlt rr
i)?.!.!,..4.!tg.i!1. Ativr:r'
"t Who ,/ be / twins?
3 Who,/ hos got / o blue
4 Whose / cousins / be / the two girls?
5 Who,/ hos got / long, dork hoir?
6 Whose / ftiend / Kim?

11,,,' ldentify things or people thqt ore neor or for.

A: Whot's this? B: lt's o wdtch.
A: Who ore those boys? B: They're my friends.
', ' Tolk obout possession.
A: Whose is this bog? B: lt's Tom's.
Sondrd's got new sunglosses.
;, Describe things ond people.
Poul's got shot't hoir
Mory's eyes ore blue.

ffinmpmmfitf;mmnm mf pffmmmo
kWfrmnm ps/Nnm".,,, ff
Zoe. ore my glosses Are they under the desk? Are
in your room? they next to the CD ployer?

No. they oren t.

No, Brion. they orent.'1

Are they ln front of the TV?

Are they behind your bog?
Where ore my glosses?
on your heod?

No. they oren t.

& The boll is on the box.
elf t'" boll is next to the box.

@ The boll is under the box.

a tru The boll is neor the box.

@ The boll is behind the box. tfllOffiL The bolt is between the two boxes.

t, l', i i',, '

.ts Dove? He
where ! Zoe? :; in rront or the rv.
the cot? ;n"

the boys?
Where ore the giris? rr,r"y ii" in zoe s room.
my glosses?

!-o{}k oftd cirale thd crlrrerl: flnswer,
, ,. -----l_:\., .
1 The rocket is.'next to-,/ in front of
the bosket.
? The tennis bolls ore in ,/ on the
:l The skis ore neor / between the
bosketboll ond the footboll.
4 The footboll boots ore on / next to
the footboll.
5 The flippers ore under / in front of
en t.
the skis.
ti The riding boots ore between,/ behind
! the bosketboll.
7 The ski goggles ore in front of ,/ under
the bosket.
wfiere\ Hrisn\ cut? [-oa:l<, rfiroose flnd M/rite,
in on under in front of next to behifid between neor

tts ..h.9!.r.{9.... tre ooor.

\\ l'l/

+ lts ................ the TV. 5 lt's .......... ..... its bosket. 6 1 1 s ................ the bowl
ond the boll.

7 lts ................ Brion. li lt's ................ the bed

Where is/ore ...?

l-os{(, Write questions flnd onswers.

wnere ..ii........ your sister? .

tl. ...... .. .... the kitchen.

? Where ............ the cof6? the supermorket.

Where............ my new the bed.


Where ............ Chris ond

the co r.

G.:Z ,.
5 Where........,... the mouse? the sofo I
6 Where ............ Dod? the gorden.

7 Where ............ the DVD? the DVD ployer.

tt Where............ my shoes? the choir.

lLo{){r.. tllrilir{t, 1:lrlFslllinn5 t) rd fl Irri\rr,,eri.

1 (Zoe?) 't.l!tr:'::. Laz lifl?.ll:.t.lriilf ....... tn" tr"".

(dogs?) the picnic rug.
the picnic bosket.
'j (robbits?) the tree.
:i (Dove?)........... Leo ond Jenny.


il1fir,r,, it ff,I:r'r'ro]"\/ rj[i il.i'f,,.

Student A: Look ot the picture tn Exercise 4. Ask questions obout it.

Student B: Look ot the picture tn Exercise 4. Then close your book ond onswer
the questions.

I Where s Dove?
i He s between Leo ond lennv. I
:5r,litlt $ r.0 I 1"" :t.

fffpmrm dm/Nrm..., ffimkff nxmx*pf

ls there? Good. Come on. now.

Positive _,
o big gorden. There ore

qorden. There ore not
ffrere l"'.1"' o biq two swinos.
tsnl orent
Questions ls $ere o big gorden? Are fiere two swings?
Short onswers Yes. there is. / No. there isnt. Yes, there ore. / No. there oren't.

Wh- questions How mony swings ore there? There ore two.
ond onswers How mony swimming pools There is one.
ore there?

ll..iir,l} iii ftn{J'rtrr'rfit{r :l"l1fll?'lji i:il, j |irri't.i:i rii,it:1,

! o toble.
:t four choirs.
,t three glosses on the toble.
o red bike.
two swings.
ii o dog under the toble.
two birds.
l:| o mogozrne.

1..{f(rl.r: rirlt th jil

lpi4r1l]l.r frji i l:irrrrir(it;r '1, 'rrtiljllo rJl lr rjll; l: i r,rr:l l.lrJ'irii ,;) tiljjiln/e ri,,
lri l.lir-l o dog under the toble?
T .. liil:.,..ljl.r.':.r li..i:r:.......
,rir,fi: Llclrj: l\l!, l:fii id at'rlriii:
,il two cots behind the bike? .

o jug on the toble?

'I four glosses?
o coke?
two swings?
I two children in the gorden?
I o skoteboord under the toble?

l.L'r,olt" rrlrlr:ll rlrnd irn ili:ri. lJ I i,i; yr,,4,, 1 ', ,

How mony choirs ore there?

t_' How mony bikes ore there?
l How mony swings ore there?
l How mony plotes ore there?
!L How mony glosses ore there?
There is/lre,.., How mony?

l..cir,;rh, fiirn d fll!lr,ll 'k1/f1}].I},.

g s 0
- :-

School Suprhlorket Nluseurn

Librorq C ihlno

'1 cinemo
7 zoo
I supermorket
.+ bus stotion
{i school
7 sports centre
L, mUSeUm
I librory
-llr cof6

: li..elLr!,r f i; [:[]H, piii:f{.ir''ir'jn ll. rioxr!:ip ,:1. 'l,r1l? iite tu r:,stl ! n,nI fin(ll r:l Il -5ri'r Bflr,;.

I o museum?!'flc.,l.l,..i,l..Ll'.:, jii',i.|.r.:'............ )/e I , tlrre: ii.

,l three cinemos? ,'\:: t'..1,t'.r t l..l.f':::: t.tjt r,t:,: ':

:l o toy shop?
.+ three schools?
I o museum?
tJ, two porks?
l o zoo?
ll three cofes?
,&n$w{:r the q ues t i1l)int 0rh(}rjt l/$ur- t$$,rn 0r ur'0{x,
ls there o zoo?
ll ls there ore librory?
.l How mony porks ore there?
How mony cinemos ore there?
ls there o museum?
How mony schools ore there?

fltefl{i, ch{r0ss 0]nd !i,,ri1te,.

ls schools laf 's there librory ore

Dear Sam
My name is Brian and r...1..1......... ten years 0r0.
In my town, there are three 2................ and h.vo sp0rts

Ine/e ................ Tour c nemas. Inere s a '

too. There . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a park but 6................ isn't a 200.

7................lhere a zoo in your town?

Best wishes,

Write to Brion obout your town. Use his emoil in ExerciseTosomodel.

Dear Brian
l\,4y name is
In my lown, mere

Best wishes,



Greotl con sing ond Whot con you do. Dove?


Brion con ploy the guiiorl

Well. Icon ploy bosket-
boll. but I con't sing!
You con try. Dove. Pleose ... We con help you. my frieeend ...

Th owfu l!
friend is very toll.
He con ploy bosketbolll \


But he con t sing ot olll Yeoh I

srng. l/You/ He/ She/ lt/ connol sing.
We,/You/They ploy bosketboll. We/You/They (con't) ploy bosketbol

sing? l/you/he/she/it con

^ l/ you/ he/ she/ it/
LOn write o song?
we,/ you/ mey No. we/you/they cont.
ploy bosketboll?
!-osk ot the tohle. \ffrit,e questisns und finswers,
{ .x

Whot cnn gou do?Slgr upforthe shoro!

Noru doti.te phg huslc alt

Peter :f
Brioh & Zoe

'i ..1-9.'.r......... Jenny donce?

) lii ................ Brion ond Zoe oct?

.], ................ Peter sing?
4 ................ Adom donce?
5 ................ Peter ond Adom sing?
6 ............... Adom ploy music?
't Rri^n
^n.l 7^a <in^?
i:l ................ Jenny sing?

t-ool( fit tftre tdble ogflin. \4/rite con or ccrnt.

1enny..99l'1......... sing but she .9.9.0.:L. .... ploy music.

She ................ donce but she ................ oct.

:l Peter................ sing but he ploy music.
He................ oct but he ................ donce.
:) Brion ond Zoe ................ sing ond they ploy music.
l1 Thav .ldn.a h t thpv ............ OCt.
I Adom ................ oct ond he ................ s'ng.
I He ................ ploy music but he ................ donce.

Remd {rnl write d{rd 0r' ftMf.

1 Dove con ploy bosketboll ..9!11...... he con t sing.
bo ll. -t.
zoe con rollerblode ..?!4.... stre con ride o BIVIX bike.
l Brion con reod French ............ he con't speok it.
,1 Adom con t ploy tennis ............ he con t swim.

ri Jenny con't run fost ............ she con jump.

t! Vicky con point............ she con moke o coke.

N-otrl{. Write questio$rs ond flnswers,

? ride o bike

3 climb o tree

4 srng

5 point

6 drive o cor

\itr/rite qNiestions ond trLte flnswers.
'Iyou / ride o bike ..Q9:.t.:99y.1.1!9..y.t..p.iiS.i. .. . .. ..\ ep.,.!..sqn,..(. Nq.,..t . psr.l.l.
2 your friend ,/ ploy the guitor....
your dod ,/ swim
your mum / donce
5 elephonts / speok English
6 pofrots ,/ fly

'rit;:ia:: Put the wore{s in the right order.

'I piono,/ con / ploy / the / they.
!.\l!..t:9L.p.r.q!..l.\.e..p.t.9.19,........ ..

2 ploy ,/ you music / con? /

3 horse/ con / Soroh / ride / o.

4 onswer / the / con / you / question?

5 con t ,/ tree / we / this / climb.

your./ con / fosl / sister / run?

Refid find Y'rr;te,"

Brian write songs ir' point I oct x

Dove sing A ploy bosketboll t,r' donce I
Zoe ride o horse r,/ skote &r' ploy tennis i
Corky speok English! t/ ride o bike /

Dear Gb\ot\ o-

b(i,L^ 6rd Do-ve ate $! besL Iaiui,5 .

Br'at' ca^ N(*& songs o.]nd- he 1.!fl ..P9! !11::...........

vu,t n. t .i.1.?.'.!. a<k\.

9&Ve'...,.,....,.......,....,,,..,.. 5t \9 qho, d,6Ace br& he

cah -...............................1 He's verg good"\
horse, 6Ad | 4.r'
6....-..-.-..................... b0(l l7
tznn t .

Cark! Lt ny peL pa*oL. He 8

and. he 9 t^gL'h\
C^.r, Uau speak nqA>sh?


; Write"
Write o letter to Zoe. Write obout whot you ond your friends
con or cont do. use her letter in Exercise 7 os o mooet.

Deor Zoe,
ore hlu bestJriehds.
. corl ............................ but ................ cot,l

Best {rishes
f;mpwnmtfiwmm, #ffif? ffiffifl.


fi 'lool ottt" lor"ro Do;;. arion. ffi 1

OK. The comero is reody.
Don't move. Dovel
\ .--i
behind Corky's choir! Corky, woke up! 7
/ -----
'r' .(?I

( wett. it ri o funny photo! )

Look ot the comerol Do not (Dont) move!

Woke up! Do not (Dont) loughl

To tell someone to do something. we use the verb only:

Look ot the comero!
To tell someone not to do something, we use Do nof (Dont) + verb:
Dont move!
;it lMuteh the sentenres w'itln the pictures"


Don t sit there! Toke on umbrello.

b Dont tolk! f Wosh your honds!
c Don't close the door. pleose! s Don't cry.
Eot your spinoch! ln Listen to this!

.:r]:i' Ch$ose flnd write.

toke { gperX sitX tolkr{ help er' listen y' woshs/ eotX

i ..llg.9le..4.q1.1t..cPg.l. the window Im cotd.

2 ............................... me, pleose. lcon't corry oll these bogs.
3 ...............................! Listen to the teocher!
4 ............................... your foce. You've got chocolote on it.
5 ............................... here! lts Bens choir.
6 Here s my comero. ............................... o photo of Peter.
I ............................... to this song! lts greot!
t! ............................... this coke. lt s owfull

'fell fi friend whut to do or n(}t t(r do 0t schr:)01.

(eot in the clossroom l) Don't, eaL rn Lhe

(listen to the teocher er')
(onswer the teochers questions e/)
(reod comics in the clossroom.x)
5 (listen to music in the clossroom /)
(sit ot your desk or')

con for permission


zoa GlFT SHO

I rtl
I Elrt
Yes. you con. Toke o
photo of the closs. too. Not now, Brion. Loter.
:=' r-1 7 .- -1 ffl l-'{ '- : ''

No, we con't. Look

ot the sign, Peter

l/you/he/she/ toke photos? Yes, l/you/he/ she / con.
it/we/they visit the shop? No. it/ we / they cont.

We use Con I / we osk for permission to to something.

i We use cdn when we give permission ond con t when we
don't give permission.
I Csn we feed the onimals?
you conL
No. I

You cdn feed Corky. i

Write {srT ,crri c('n'f .

Dogs welcome. You ..rlilll..... toke your dog.

Don t open the doorl
You ............ open the door.
3 No bikesl You ............ ride o bike.
+ Visit our shop. You ............ visit the shop.
5 Pleose toke o chocolote. You ............ toke o chocolote.
tii Do not swim herel You ............ swtm here.

L$erl{, c[ rll)si;e ffnd write.

feed use eot or drink toke jrrrrff, ploy

n peter!.]ll.:Y!iT.'.......... h"r".

lvlrs Benton
her mobile pnone nere.

@liffiffi Wllw
.l We in the shop. 4 Zoe ............................... photos here.

5 The boys ........... ................... with 6 The girls

their boll in this pork. the ducks.

fi r AEk ftrrrl sfi5vrlielr"

Find out obout the rules in your friend s home.

(. con you wotch rv ofter 1o o clock?) (_I_9.1991,, -)

r wotchrvorte;1,o.,ti*.. fi' ;-;;-0",,y;";;;'\
l.l listen to music in your room? 6 weor eorringst
:lr go to bed ofter 11 o'clock? 7 go on holidoy without your porents?
4 go to the cinemo with your friends? E sleep ot o friend s house?
tfis clfiss oR]$r..1t lr,o|lJr p0rt'f.nsl'',

tllJ 'ff|
[];tr; m ltr"' ifiIj il"'li {il} ti,,lt il"'tr l#iii
lj #ilIj

nt I l.dni <lzdtal

/' 7r4.

Zoe con help you! )

I Con you see thot pond? Hes in it! )

We use object pronouns ofter ',

me verbs ond prepositions:

Help me!
you you
Don't look ot them!
she her
it it
you you
mey them

: Csnnplete




Circle the orrect wo!.d"

1 The boys ore over there. Con you see they ,@
2 Listen to he ,/ him!
l Come to the pork with us./ we.
4 Ask they / them o question.
5 The exerclse is difficult. Pleose helpl/
5 Look ot she / her. She's very pretty.
v Pleose ploy with me,/ L
I /
Con you tell we us your nome?

1l Drow lines ond n'lotch the sentences.

1 Brion is in the cor. o Pleose help me.
These shoes ore nice. b Come ond visit us.
3 Jenny is in the kitchen. . l .dn-f <aa v^ll
4 I con t corry this box. d Jenny is with him.
We re in London. e Con I weor them?
Where ore you? f Go ond tolk to her.
r:' Reod cnd write.
1 I con't ride this bike. Icon't ride it
2 Look ot the flowersl Look ot
? adn ihav <aa Patar? Con they see
4 Dont drink the woter. Don t drink
5 Go out with John ond Ann. Go out with
6 Eot your sondwich. Eot
I Sit next to lenny. Sit next to
I Listen to your porents. Listen to

Object pronouns

n1,;;] g**0, d!ooss 0i'rd write.

them her him you -md it us

:,: ^
("{)N-n pgeT.e.

'tr Wheres the cor? I con't t"" . i.{.. .. . .. . . .. .

. I

2 Uncle lock ond Aunt Diono ore here! Soy hello to

3 Its Tom s birthdoy todoy. I've got o present for ................!
4 I con t do this exercise. Pleose. help ................1
5 Shes o greot singer! Listen to ................!
Wele thirsty. Pleose give o gloss of woter.

li:ii:r Wri{e the wo!'ds in the qonrect order.

1 | to / lolk / cant / now / you.
/!q1!. tp' sLc .tsr,
2 with / Brion s ,/ her.
a f ront / in / We're / of / him.

surprise,/ a / Dod's / for / got / me!
children,/ The./ with / ore / them.
l'!t Circle the correct qnswer,
1 These bononos orent OK. Dont eot
o them b they crt
2 This is lenny. ... . .. ... .. . .. ..'s Brion s cousin.
o Her b She cHe
3 Zoe con't corrv thot box! Help ................, Dove!
q his bit c ner
4 Adom is ill. He cont come to the cinemo with
owe bl cu5
5 ................ ore hunorv Con we hove o sondwich?
qUs b Them c We
6 Look qt Peterl ................ s behind Dove.
oHe b Him c They

) .,liii comptete with one word.

1 A: These bosketboll boots ore for 1..99f Tom. Hoppy birthdoy!
B: Thonks Mum. 2................'re greot! Con I weor 3................ todoy?

2 A:. I hovent got o block pen with me.

B: l've got o block pen. Here, toke a
A: Thonks!

3A: ls this your photo olbum?

B: Yes, it is.
A: con I look ot 5................?
B: Of course. Here. This is lvlorio. Look ot 6.. .. . .. .. . .. . . . .l
7................! only three yeors old in this photo!

4A: 8................'m bored.

B: Come with to the pork. then.
A: Greotl

I ,,lill write o diologue. Then oct it out in closs.

Choose o diologue from Exercise 9. Use it os o model ond write o new diologue.
Act it out.

Wme ymur ffimg$fisftr {&Jmits ffi*1ffi)

fi l,,,,llil Uistem mnd write A,()r B.

'l Picture 5 Picture

;l Picture A 6 Picture
3 Picture 7 Picture
4 Picture $ Picture

,.' ,:i i..osi{ flt tlre in Hxercise '1 , CFioose d:nd write.
in front of between -bl'iifiA- in under (x2) neor on
Picture A
| ...:1.'.::.:..:.. o bog ..llY.'.'.r.'.r!.... the sofo.
2 ................ o bosket................ the sofo ond the choir
J ..,.,......._... fhraa nan< tha tdhla
4 two photos the window.

Picture B
6 o bog ................ the choir.
six books ................ the choir.
7 ................ o choir ................ the TV.
two flowers ................ the vose.

iil ,' foon< ergflln flt thB picturets in Exercise 'tr. As[{ find onswor.
( Where s Zoe in Picture A? front of the sofo.
1 Zoe? 2 the pens? 3 the bog? 4 the photos? 5 Corkv? 6 the bosket?

Write questions find onswe!.s.
Nick Helen Sondro
ploy footboll x
speok ltolion x x
ride o bike x
swim 200m x

1 Helen ,/ ploy footboll Can Helen e! su. !ep!.Fs!l.?..... . Ne,..e.f.e..eel.'!,......

z Nick/rideobike
l Sondro./ swim 200m
4 Nick ,/ speok ltolion
5 Helen/rideobike
tt Sondro ,/ ploy footboll

Reod, qhoose dnd write.

A: We've. got four foiry cokes.
A: put on o olote. Dleose. 1 o they b them c those
A: 2.....,................ o Icont toke b lcon toke c Con ltoke
o photo with your comero?
B: I'm sorry. I hovent got my comero
with 3................ 3 ome DI cmy
eot this sondwich! 4 o Cont b Don t cNo
Its Som s.
Emmo? 5 o Where s ore
b Where c Where
lcon't see 6 o her b them c she
Oh. there she is. And there s Dovid.
Oh. yes. Emmo s behind 7 7 o him bhe cit
A: to this song. lts greot! I o You listen b listen c Listen
B: Yes. it is.

1,,;.' Ask obout ond soy where things ore.

A: Where\ the bog? B: lts on the toble.
There ore two men in the car
1,,,, Tolk obout things you con/con't do.
I con ride q bike. She cont open the window
rj, Give instructions.
Listen to the teocher Dont write on your book.
Ask permission to do something.
',,, Con I wotch TV?
Wn'mm,u*rrut ltmfinurplllrlr

positive, time expressions

i il;. Soturdoys! | 9et , rllt tt"y 9" t" o i"tt t""o restouront. )
,fil \... my pocket money!
-,i,, 7-

Zoe buys lce creom ond

the boys buy popcorn.
,'ijr sr.o"vt. *" t
\. stoy ot nome. ,,/

No money!

eot popcorn ot six o'clock / night./

| / We / You / They buy comics on Soturdoy. the weekend
g0 to the crnemo in the morning / the ofternoon ./
popcorn the evening
He / She / lt buys comics a\/arv h,aot on Soturdoy / Mondoy
goes to the cinemo ever doy / weekend ./ week ,/
month / yeor
on Sundoys = every Sundoy
in the evenings = every evening
l/\r'it,p f.lrr{l !ir"!rfirii in Il'p l:.l"riIrl pr$r]i,ri! fi :iiflritr.rl(nr,

foo( stoy tly gr{ do run study wosh Jvatcn- swim live eot buy teoch

icol<s UJ,.:';,lliI ii

IJF l_cn;, trl: lhit r:piltl lq r|r ;]! oft pco0 -liJt).

C ir{:ll{: t.hI r:]0ttlt,l:l[ \ir,',r)rd],

'I ..'
we ''.;
trKe / [Kes rce creom.
i: Dove ploy,/ ploys bosketboll every Soturdoy.
:l Corky speok / speoks English.
1' They live / lives in London.
r] Peter study./ studies Sponish on Fridoys.
h Dove ond Brion reod./ reods comics.
/ | get up./ gets up ot seven o clock every doy.
r) lvlrs Cole teoch,/ teoches French.

filrlniri rtn d ,,iuriil;,t:,

Every doy. I get up ot Sonio ............................... ot seven

7 o clock.
o'clock every doy.
In the ofternoon. she
In the ofternoon ldo
my nomeworK.
her homework.
In the evening, I wotch
il In the evening. she

We ............................... ot ten
At the weekend. we get o clock ot the weekend.

on/ upot10oclock. In the morning, we

ln the morning. we go to the pork.
to the pork. {i In the ofternoon. we
In the ofternoon. we com puter
ploy computer gomes. gomes.

negotive, questions
t' Does he fly \,

\ g blg Plon-e?
lil, ,' coirs,. thi; ,l;y u;.r" '
\.. lomes. He s o pilot. ..'


E \......,.
Cool! ;

i Do you fly
Inls rs uncte 6erl.
plones, too?
i. I don t tolk to vets!

tv :----.-
No. l don t. Corky. \,
^w! ,,.r Sorry. Uncle Bert. corky
lmovet. doesn't like vets!

do not
| / We / You / They
oon I fly o plone.
does not like vets.
He / She / lt

Do l/ we/ you/they fly o plone? ''- l/ we / you/ they do.

Does he / she / it like vets? he / she / it
N-- doesnt.

do pilots do?
does zoe do ot the weekends?
s ,|
Circle the correct word.
Corkydonl ,/ doesnitrlike vets.
2 Vets rdiifr.'t'l doesn:t,fty ptones.
3 We friJfirt doesnteot strowberries.
4 She d6nlt / doestrrJ,weor jeons.
5 You if6htdoesnlt,reod comics.
6 The door.dtihl / doJsnitr"open with this key.
He tiffn't'/ doesi:iltploy computer gomes.
8 lfs6iiT)/ doega'{iwotch TV in the evening.

@, Reod ond complete.

ffi "wrffi&tweffit
go to school teoch Moths help sick onimols
ploy footboll point pictures ploy tennis
wotch TV cook dinner go out with friends

..Pg+:....... tohn ..P.1.99........ footbo in the morninq?

..t!e.,.\s..4999t11,..... He .p1999...... tootbox..i.t..Ll.?..lflettola,. .
................lulio Mothsintheofternoon?
She ................ iMoths ................................
3 ................ Horry ond Emmo ................ out with friends in the ofternoon?
They ................ tennis
4 ................ John to school in the evening?
He................ TV
5 ................ Julio pictures in the evening?

6 ................ Horry ond

They ................ out with friends

Ask ond onswer. Toke turns.

1Fridoy mornings? 4 Soturdoy mornings?

2 Fridoy ofternoons? 5 Soturdoy ofternoons?
3 Fridoy evenings? 6 Soturdoy evenings?

ffirmmmmt **f; mmp$m, u'xmjrurmn-hem mff
/ Hello. Con I osk you some questions
at tf \,.for TeenLink. our school mogozine?

I usuolly visit o friend. We

ploy computer gomes.

No. not olwoys. We We often go to the pork. Dove

sometimes listen to music. usuolly ploys bosketboll there.

,' And whot do you do Corky! You never ploy the

\. in your free time? piono ond you never pointl

Wow! Thots omozing !

. We use odverbs of frequency to soy how often somebody does something.

olwoys i ir r i:': rlrlt,:ii:rr ,,lt ir They dlwdys ploy computer gomes.
usuolly : I I i,r l: ', I usual Iy go to d f riend s house.
We often go to the pork.
We sometimes listen to music.
You never resd books.
. Adverbs of frequency usuolly go before the moin verb.
she doesn't olways go to bed edrly.
Do you usudlly go to the pdrk?
" sometimes ond often hove o different ploce in o negotive sentence.
Sometimes they dont ploy bosketboll.
They don't visit their ount often.
l-{J0l{ {Jt tlne chort on pclqe S2. Add the (srrrct rrdverb.
1 Peter..9.Qllf.llrllf;1. tistens to music with his friend.
2 :i : i i lr: i i i
: : : : r: : :
:it : i !
: ' r i i:: , ilt : I I i I
l Dove ................ ploys bosketboll in the pork.
il | ................ buy mogozines.
l:r;,:r"r::l:'liri:t l: We ................ wotch ry on Fridoys.
b lll:;il:llrrltllrlll,.:l:r,;ll:i';t:t: lr:t ll: They................ go out with friends on Soturdoy evening.
ti rlr.iliil,111 ',' Adom ................ reods comics.
I ii;li11:11riii'.ililii t i|i ;tit r,' lMy sister................ drinks mitk for breokfost.

\Alrltd! th,e qlrlverh !n the aorr*ct plcce,

'tr She rides her bike in the pork. (sometimes) .?!.r(.......
I You go to bed ot 9 o'clock. (olwoys)

3 We go to the cinemo on Wednesdoy. (usuolly)

4 | reod o mogozine on Sundoy morning. (often)

'e 5 she eots fish. (never)

{i He does his homework on Fridoys. (olwoys).

ri Refi{l sr ri tu,rrite,

hat do you do in vour free time?

always usually
wstL a
olten sometimes
rgod cornics


i Sylvia tisten tD
waLch T,l

Chri sl,.::l:,e Lrt plau nsmputer

l:he ?atk. gdtteS
t- ctoria
Victr gD aut vl tLn slc-! o,
\,- frrcnCs name

1 peter.l|s.,r.tllg..!l.lih..-n.i'.igiLi1.,..i!i,...1?rteliilif:l..r.i.g.qlL..c.qnt9il
* Sylvio
I Chris................
.n Victorio
Present simple, odverbs of frequency

Loo!( frt Exsrcise 3 on puqe 53. Writs que$tions flnd nn..jwers.

Whet r.l0 they d ;n th*ir free tirne?
/ olwoys?
i Sylvio ,/ listen to music
.ilqrg fuil'..q,,.glw.trep..i.t.9!9.r1..!q.:!.t1p!9!. ..'119,,..i.f.q..d9.c9,......
2 Victorio ,/ skote in the pork./ often?

3 Chris / ploy computer gomes / sometimes?

4 Victorio / stoy ot home / usuolly?

Peter / wotch TV ./ olwqys?

Svlvio / oo out with friends / often?

:il:':tii Refld flnd cornplote the dimlogues.

ile. i!, 1..,.rt............ .. . eorly in the morning.

(lvly cousin Rolf ,/ get up / never)
Whot time does he get up?
ot twelve o'clock.
(he /get up /usuolly)
Does he go to bed lote, too?
to bed before five in the
morning. (he / go /never)
Oh, deor! Does he work?
Yes, he does. He s o night bus driver!

.......... ot nine o'clock?

(you / go to bed / olwoys)
No. not olwoys. .............. ot eight
o'clock. (l / go to bed./ sometimes)
Thots eorly!
Yes, it is. But 6....... ..... ot six o clock in
the morning ond wotch the cortoons on TV! (l / get up / often)

C l'r'*r* se,n Il ri:i',ru ri {:* ut I o HI:'l' r.l Lt,

olwoys usuolly often sometimes never

r hove mitk for breokfost'.'ri.!..:::l..lll.ql.l|:*:.,......

2 do homework in the evening
3 wotch TV in the morning
4 <tl.{v f^r ia<t<
5 see my friends ot the weekenc
6 go to the cinemo on lvlondoys ..............

e{e,{:t nd wn itc,

T). ( Zoe,
M9 besL rle^ds are Isabellq q d Dqrlo rr.", ,. .1.1y1.1 .. .. . .. . .. .. .. . .. .
tllve) m9 hou5e. (pta9 / oLen) aL m9
houee becquee I've goL a bLO gqrde . Isa&ttq 3
(llke) rnosi-c. Sk + l3L^S) qM 5he
(pla$ Lha gurLar. Daruo
(reqd / ueuc{lt conlcs a d
AL Lhz seeke^ds. * 4...................... (go / 5o"rL.6es) Lo Lh"
ci,nemq or e............ ..... (".'aL"t) o DVD aL DqrLo's t-,orse.
!^lhqL qbooL 9o.i t^Jhc\L
9ou qn.r 9o(Jr rle^.|s
(-".arg / ao)"

Write o letter to Giovonno. Write obout your friends ond whot you usuolly do together.
Use her letter in Exercise 7 os o model.

Deor Giouonno,
Mg best friends ore


Do you sell strowberry \
f)t Whot do you wont. Zoe? r

''A strowberry'

No, I don t.
don t hove strowberry
milkshokes. Zoe. milkshokes?

con I nove o
n .1*r" rlinrno'u".n"nt l

,'W"1. *notG' I hove mugs ond T-shirts! Thot

. you hove?
"a:-'li::':ii f.. lody over there hos milkshokes. ..fZC..


l/You/We/fhey hove o milkshoke.

He ,/ She / lt hos T-shirts.
l/You/We/fhey do not (don't) hove o milkshoke.
HelShe/lt does not (doesn't) hove T-shirts.

Do l/ we/ you/ they o milkshoke?

Yes. | ,/ you / we / they do.
hove No, | ,/ you / we / they do not (dont).

Does he / she / it T-shirts?

Yes, he ,/ she / it does.
No, he / she,/ it does not (doesn't).

Flefitl find vi/rite f] nr/e ,or y'tcr$" {"ld}i?lt ,fi$ufl or c{dJel"qrt,fu,r:r'r/ri:'.

! (,x) o brother or o sister. She r............................... (rn)

Zoe 1 .g!'.(,:lli.'.t .

five cousins. She olso 3............. (ir') Corlq. her pet porrot. Sometimes
he s noughty but he s often very funny!

Dove 4............................... (ir") o little sister, suzie. she is five yeors old. Dove ond Suzie

42 ounts, uncles ond

His nome s lon ond he's 20 yeors old. Brion olso ..... (u,/') o cot.
Her nome s Ginger

CornpIelto lnri1:li the ,col rr*ct 1lorrlr qrf ,lt'rv'a..

A: The Chronicles of Nornia is o greot film.
B: I r..'.1:11:r....... it on DVD.
A: Greot! Con we wotch it?
B: Yes. of course.
A. 2................ you ................o DVD ployer in your room?
B: No, I
A: Lets go to my house. then. | 4................ o DVD ployer in my room.
B: Greotl

;I A: I need your help. lts my cousin s birthdoy todoy ond | 5. . ........ .. ... .o
present for him!
B: 6 ha h^<ah^ll .dn?
A: Yes, he
B: Whot obout o cD wollet for his CDs?
rhdt< d d^^.r ,.rad Ha o o CD wolletl Thonksl

) l-(){}k 0t Hxarcise ?,, flhalnfl{: llnd rl/i] nll si irr red tt,ir fl,uk:fl {fvr 'rIil'nlr:rqurul;.
ijsf {:lna}$e !d 'e
1 /
Christino Aguilero singer,/ her new CD / listen to,/ o CD ployer
?," /
my f riend's / scorf photo olbum for her photos

[Flr'trt*lFjtlf$;rfi[ ll,']l li rffi rr
n'uillilrtl,trr i,Jr ll1,
il ilii

' fVl On. not f m

, nor weoflng my


H,'l 'l l- n',li'it- ti
Its o TV show obout pets. \
Quiet. pleosel
.{."fiff ,/- oi. i; "
Welcome to 'J

Pouls tut
Tolk! This is
Zoe ond her

;'r\..-.Pet Porrot,
gorky: ..'/

" We use the

I om ('m) present
We ./ You ./ They ore (le) continuous for
He/She/lt is (s) weoring sunglosses. something thot
going to the shops. is hoppening
I om not ('m not)
now or todoy.
We ./ You ./ They ore not (oren t)
He/She/lt is not (isnt)

Yes. I om.
Am I weoring sunglosses?
No, l'm not.
Yes, you ./ we ,/ they ore.
Are we ,/ you ,/ they going to the shops?
No, you ,/ we ,/ they're not.

ts he/she/it listening to music?

Yes. he ,/ she it is. /
No, he,/ she,/ it isnt.

l{,dr.l -ir,r.qr ond vrritr: rirl,Fr thfl r:firrsct ln{lcf01ifi0i.

+IdV Jd -purt- leove go write buy swim lough sit close

.Li99i!,S... lF Lool( 0r the spelling

r les on poge 1i).9.

Write ffi, r's ,r' is or nftr ,l 7't,.

se I Look! Corky...i....... weoring his cooljocket!
;i They............ doing o TV show obout pets.
!e :] Dove ond Brion ............ wqtching the pet show on TV.
4 Come with us. We ............ going to the cinemo.
li Hurry upl The bus ............ leoving!
6 You ............ wolking very fost. Woit for me!
i' Pleose be quiet. Dod ............ sleeping.
i) | ............ writing o story for the school mogozine.

C[r$os,rl iilmd ],vnitc] n$rqfi tiv$ $i:rntRn{-esr.

do eot ride -wedi reod sleep swim listen

1 Brion ..19f..i:.W99fl.rl9. his glosses todoy.
! The boys ....................... their lunch. They oren't hungry.
j You ....................... your homework !You're wotching TV!
4 she ....................... to music. she's writing on e-moil.

5 He ....................... his bike. He s skoting.

b The cot ....................... . lt's ploying in the gorden.
;I | ....................... your mogozine. This is my mogozine.
I They ....................... in the seo. lts very cold.

W[iifi] q ertior]s, ihc'll rlrn't' thfrnn fo tlic r fi$vrcrr't.

1 (Tom / study) ......11:,.....i.,.'1.'.':..i. for the History test? fl Yes, I om.
7 (lvlum / work) ................. todoy? ll) Yes, he is.
l (you / write) ................. o letter? r No, they orent.
4 (they / lough) d Yes, you ore.
5 (it / roin) The sky is grey. e No, she isn t.
I (l / sit) ................. on your choir? lf Yes, it is.
Present continuous

[-ssi{, !&rite t4u+sfir:rns orx{i finsur'er$.

i the girl / toke / o photo?

? the dogs / jump?
:i Brion,/ eot,/ o bonono?
4 Zoe / lough?
5 the clowns,/ weor,/ red shoes?
ii the boby / look ot the clowns?
;r the mice / sleep?
li the cot / run?

fl..d]i:rl{ s}{: th pi{irltre in Hx{}r'cise 5. Corr'e[t thp spntnfi{:ss.

The girl is tolking to Dove.
? The clowns ore weorinq block T-shirts.

3 Brion is drinking lemonode.

4 The ocrobots ore jumping.

5 The boby is sleeping.

G Zoe is crying.

1 Dove is reoding o comic.

fi The dogs ore running.

R{}ud crn*{ comy:letie {:ll}r," d iru lo rtu e,.

Pete: Hi Dove! lts Pete.

Dove: Hi Peter!
fl Pete: whot 1..qi.1.!i9.11..1i.|19.i'............ (you / do?)
Dove: .... TV. (l / wotch)
P Pete: Whot 3.................. /
............. (zoe do?)
.... o book. (she / reod)
t Dove:
(Adom ond l/ ploy)
.... bosketboll in the pork.

Dove: .
Greot! 6. . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. too! (l / come)

Cho{}se fi d {.0n-rplet'.

listen visit donce study do ryatc6 write not tolk

Dear l\4ax
It's four o'ctock. I'm boredt zoe's trere ort tr,lr
a slow She ............................... t0 me. Cofky
0n TV.
.... to music and he
.... (funny lrirdl)
Dave isn't here. He . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... .......... his granny. Peter

and Jenny . ............................. . for a test and I

... an e-mailto youl

What 8............................... you ........................... today?

Write on e-moil to o friend. Write obout whot you. your fomily ond friends ore doing
(or not doing) now Use Brion s e-moil in Exercise I os o model.




ffir-mmmmfi m$mmp#m mn- ffitrm'mmmmt
o.lwf 'l ot
This is strongel Zoe usuotty \ ::v:
i 8oclockt
goes to school
rilr gets up ot 7 oclock. ltsB | lts 9 o'clock now ond ]

Todoys o holidoy. Corlql
There s no school!

She gets up ot 7 o'clock every doy. Shes sleeping ot the moment.

He olwoys goes to school ot o'clock. He s ploying bosketboll now.
Zoe, Brion ond Dove like boord gqmes.

r.-.---* -'-'*-
|i " regulorly)
Use the Present iimpte to totk obout routines (things you
do l
or focts (e.g. things you like or hote)
I ''
Use the Present continuous to tolk obout things we ore doing
now j
Use these verbs in the present simple only: hdte. love,
I like, kiow. I
\...-'.......'"'**,._ I

lloiLrl{" rsr;r{l nd r,,i,,r ite'
Usuolly Todoy
'I Zoes dod usuolly.:^l'.:l-1'.i...... his cor to
work. (drive) .,
Todoy he ..1i:.1.i.(li.f,ll. his bike. (ride)

;il Brion usuolly on opple for

breokfost. (eot)
Todoy he
o bonono. (eot)

Vicky ond Zoe usuolly ................ jeons.

Todoy they
dresses. (weor)

Zoe usuolly oronge juice in

the ofternoon. (drink)
Todoy she
milk. (drink)

The boys usuolly ................ footbo...

Todoy they
tennis. (ploy)

Itnff{l {xri}d ur/rf i[:s onsl/ifnr!;.

Does Zoe s Dod usuolly ride his bike to work?
ls he riding his bike to work todoy?
Does Brion usuolly eot on opple for breokfost?
ls he eoting on opple todoy?
:Ji Do V dq ond Zoe usuolly weor jeons?
Are they weoring jeons todoy?
{ '1' Does Zoe usuolly drink milk in the ofternoon?
ls she drinking milk todoy?
* li Do the boys usuolly ploy footboll?
Are they ploying footboll todoy?


Present simple or Present continuous?

ri.:irrii:r liir l] [nrrr:rr;:1: ,ri)frj l]ii]],

I I listen to music:eiery dd.'l now.
;il Why ore you weoring o dress every Sundoy./ todoy?
J lvly dod usuolly /
ot the moment drives to work.
,if Are you going to bed every doy /ot the moment?
He doesn't buy o mogozine every Soturdoy / now.
Ll The girls ore ploying in the gorden every doy / ot the moment.
Do you olwoys / right now ploy tennis on Sundoys?
She isn't tolking on the phone every ofternoon / now.

- I r.' ,; r'lj l|fll t.l trJ t,1 'r rt.:

Briar. - have 7oe 1o to ':'1,::.
lea'ot\ the library Usuolly on Mondqy ofternoon ...
1 Brion .lr.ili..:).irll:::;|...lllr:ilr.r.,

Cor-ky - watch i: zoe

Dave ar.d Pete - Itar-' or.
Fl^y b^tkatb^ll ii Dove ond fute

Claire and Anna

- rtudy Fra,rch 'i Cloire ond Anne...........................

This ofternoon ,,.

t,. r,' Brion .....'.....1...1.. 1....i...]..1i ;.............
. .. :-...i-:..III.........'..L...................

11 Dove ond Pete

'l ll Cloire ond Anne

Hesel, choose fi nal wrlte.

come drink like sit hove eot yritS do

T). ( Zoe
t ...!ra.:uri !,ing......... Lhes posLcqrd
sLLh 69 qml!) or Lhe seeke^d. t7
LhLs Cace. IL'5 oreaLl
IL's SoLlJ'doS rno.^L^Or an.t t =............................... oa
coe cuLh .n11 ro!n. She +
, qM I 5............................... le6on.ce cream. AL tome.
i I usuallg 6......... .... m9 homeoorl4 o^ SaLurdqg
j 6or^L^e becqus mg g.a dsoLher ql*4g5
.... Lo our ho.,se or lu^.h oi su^dags.
dhaL aboJL \lo,? 3.................
)o. ................. "^?

,:il Write q esti0ns find (!nswrs"

'I Giovonno / usuolly do her homework / on Soturdoy?
..|lt* !r!!e ?.r..lpnl.yp.lf . 9!' P!.
? Giovonno / do her homework,/ ot the moment?

? Her grondmother,/ olwoys visit her / on Sundoy?

4 Her mum,/ eot lemon ice creom?

,iiti wnite.
You ore owoy for the weekend. Write o postcord to o friend.
Use Giovonno s postcord in Exercise 5 os o model.

Deor ...............................
It's Soturdoq ............................... ohd

At home, I usuoltg

Best (,ishes

Use your English (Units 11-15)

{if $S wit" obout you ond your fomily.

1 l/go to school s9..!e..:*pp.r.. s!.F..p.lg!pp.\:n..t kr^nsn tns,

2 (mum / dod) / 90 to work ..Yu..n.qn..sq#..!e..wsr!..e!...q..sls{ecK,............

3 l/ do my homework
4 | / get rny pocket money
5 We ./ hove dinner
6 (sister / brother / friend) wotch TV
7 | / go to the cinemo
8 (mum / dod) / go to bed

W,p neoa ond choose. Then tick (r') True or Folse for your friend.

tfr: ti Look ot the questionncire in Exercise 2, write sentences obout you,

1 ..91. f.qilCegr. ! -g!!s. se!..v.p..grpsn4.3..c.'.9!p.gtr.............

Listen ond drow lines to mqtch.

Soturdoy. 11 .30 o.m.

Thursdoy, 5.00 p.m.

Wednesdoy, 10.00 o.m.

Tuesdoy.4.30 p.m.

Wednesdoy. '1
.00 p.m.

Soturdoy.3.00 p.m.

Complete with the present simple or the present continuous,

Look! Thots chris over there! t-le 1...9..P.199.1.r19.............. (ploy) footboll with the boys.
whot 2. .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. (he/do) here? He usuolly
.... (do) his
homework in the ofternoon.
Todov is o holidov There s no homeworkl

A: Hello. girls! Where a. . . .. .. . .. ... .. ... .. . .. .. .. . .. . (you / go)?

B: Hello, Ms Brownl Penny ond I
.... (go) the cinemo.
A: .... (you / olwoys / go)
to the cinemo on Fridoys? ,r,r,,' Tolk obout hobits ond routines
B: Yes. we do. or how often you do things.
I usuolly get up ot 9 o'clock ot
A: Con I reod your comic? the weekend.
B: I'm sorry. | .... (reod) it ot He ploys tennis on Fridoys.
the moment. jl,i,,' Tolk obout something thot is
But its six o clock. You 8.. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . hoppening now
(olwoys / wotch) your fovourite TV show ot He! buying o poir of jeons.
six o'clock. They're studying for o test.
,$:iirri:ilid'Jl"llrx;1, {fi'1tr,11',;11 {t/',
lih/ril,lu !r,,ij,,,' f 11,'rl

some, ony

No. there isn't \

.i oh, goodl There
ore some biscuits
!._ l.Llhllb9! biscuits in the cupboord! Don't
\. e{ rEmlrhelj-" f"l _c"jrqi

o biscuit three biscuits tce creom

on opple two opples sugor

. We con count countoble nouns:

There ore some crisps.
o biscuit. two biscuits. three
o/scu/rs ...
There orent ony crisps. We con t count uncountoble
Are there ony crisps? nouns. Don't odd -s. ice credm.
cheese, sugor. woter, milk elc.
We use o/o, with singulor
countoble nouns. We use sorne
There is some ice creom. ond dnl with plurol countoble
nouns ond uncountoble nouns. l
There isn't ony ice creom. . =- ...,,.'-'-._...'''..-..-..-..''...,/
ls there ony ice creom?

L$0;{ 0fldl vi/fits {:t, fli-t d)t 5{l/}t,:,

'l .l:......... biscuit ? ..91-lilL9... ice creom 3 ............ woter tomot0es


............ oronge t) I ............ green

vegetobles 50 too cheeseburger

I ............ fruit 10............ soup n L........... yoghurt I :lr ............ chips

111 Write c! elr soi-rre.

1 A: Hove you got..9..... pencil?
B: Yes. here you ore.
A t na6.t S0l?1 h^h6' r^^
A: Im thirsty.
B: Theres ........ orongejuice in the fridge.
A: Thonks!
:i A: There 0re........ comics on the toble. Whose ore they?
B: They re Doves.
4 A: Im hungry.
B: We've got........ breod, ........ cheese ond ........ tomoto.
A: Greotl Lets moke ........ sondwich. then.
A: I've got ........ new CDs with me. Hove you got........ CD ployer?
B: Yes, lhove.
A: OK. Let's listen to them.

some, ony

Lool< ond wvite.

rhere .9f9..i9P.e. plotes but There ................ bononos

there ..9.1.(L.1..9119 glosses. but there ................ oronges.

**,-r \
^ .,/
rew@lV};-r.*JY;r:) \:::;ligi4!lr;rl.PJ

There ................ tomotoes but 4 There biscuits but

there ................ pototoes. mere cnsps.

l-ool<. Write questions ond ons\ /ers.

ruYu,: l5 tnefe anu sujar (
Ye< lhoro i<
. . ^ i;" !'.1?i.:..Y:
biscuits? ..1.!..
,;;,.. ^"i, lll::l1l
NA, tnefe aren t.
3 coffee?

4 crisps?

5 milk?


7 sweets?

I teo?

;i:;:iii Write questions ond onswers.

1 sondwiches ?!. gnu..9.s.!.4wi9!99.? .

bononos / ..1-lg,..b.ql. J.|vs.sp.f..9.9n9.. !9n9t99:.

2 oronge juice ?
lemonode /
3 opples ?
strowberries y'
4 milk ?
yoghurt (
'i ao,eond her friencls ore fit the Eutmore Csf6. Whot d0 they wunt
to eflt?


2 Zoe 3 Dove Vidq 5 Corky 6 Adom

1 Brion: I'd like

w @@ffiffi
2 Zoe: I'd like
3 Dove: lh like
4 Vlcky: I'd like
5 Corky: l'd like
6 Adom: l'd like

I ll i Cornplete with one word.

woiter: Hello. Con lhelp you?
zoe. Hello! I'd like (1) ..9?.f9...... chips ond (2) green solod, pleose.
Woiter: Sorry, we hoven t got (3) ................ solod, todoy. We've got (4)
Zoe. No. thonks. Con I hove (5) sondwich. pleose?
Woiter: Of course.
Zoe. Thonk you.

l " Mffld new diolcgues \&'ith d portner.

Dove: lemonode, opple Vicky: vegetoble soup. sondwich
Woiter: lemonode X. oronge juice / Woiter: vegetoble soup L chicken soup
Dove: tomoto juice Vicky: chips

Brion: cheeseburger.bonono
Woiter: bonono I. strowberries /
Brion: opple
How much, How mony

How mony people ore coming

About twelve. ,/

How much food is there? l

We've got three


Brion! Look ot him!

How mony sondwiches ore there" How much food is there?

How mony plotes do we need? How mudr colo hove we got?

some colo three cons
of colo
some p0pcorn rwo conons
of popcorn
some woter o litre of
t;11' l-oon dt pfiEe 72. Cfinose unci \,vrite' Tlren onsw*r the questions.

how much how mony

people ore coming to the Porty? Abaul:. Lvuelve. .


2 colo is there?
3 popcorn hove they got?
,1 sondwiches ore there?
5 glosses ore there on the toble?
plotes do they need?
7 oronge juice is there?
burgers ore there?

l:,,i Asi< 0nd {xnswer.

You ore orgonizing o picnic. Decide how much you need of eoch thing ond
complete the shoPPing list below.
We need some colo.
OK. How much colo?
Four cons, I think.
Whot obout some sondwiches?
Good ideo. . sondwiches?
Fine. We need some ...

.t..99n9.................... *t"
orar,qe juk*'

t, 'rilli:; Cornplete the questions. Then osl{ ernd snswer'

1 .. brothers ond,/or sisters hove you got?
2 woter do you drink everY doy?
milk is there in your fridge ot the moment?
4 CDs hove you got?
students ore there in Your closs?
frffg, dmwm, #nm#m
Ilove their music but \
my mum hotes it. I
only listen to it on my
C,i MP3 ployer ot home!


( I9:: I ig:rl"J,9 919"fl Yes. I do. Whot

obout you?

I con't rollerblode but

Becouse he
my friend Zoe con.
she's very good. lvly
I other friend, Dove.

.llt"' '"19'b!dl'.s:

We con use o noun ofter the verbs /ike.

/oye ond hote. I like this group.
I love dogs. We love their music.
His mum hotes thot music. Dove hotes rollerbloding.
' We con olso use the -ing form of o
verb ofter //ke. love and hote.
They like swimming.
S he I ikes rol I erbl dd ing.
P' L0(:ri( u.t il're spellrnq fiils5 on pcqe 1::

rili;iir' write true sentences obout you with /ove, like o( hute.
(skote) I
.!................ ....:lqlJll9r............ . .... . .... .......
(clossicol music)
3 (ploy computer gomes) ....................
(swim in the seo)
5 (museums)
6 (tests)


Dove ploy bosketboll comtcS donce

Zoe & Brion music go to the cinemo gel up eony

Jenny dogs reod books chicken soup

, i.i$ uoot< ot the chort in Exercise ?. Asl< ond onswer"
'I Dove,/ 4"}
\g z doncer D-p.ep..Qqvg..t.q.ry..4qLg!nu?. \9.'..\.e..4?.q91!'............
He hates doncinq.
2 zoe onderion t

t lennyt@r
chicken soup?
4 Dove /
(fr/ comics

Zoe ond Brion /

get up eorly?
lenny /q?/ dogs?

r} ':'ljl,
Ask qnd dnswer. Tol<e turns"
1ei r oo. r rou" rJoo.)

1 solod 2 ploy computer gomes 3 porties 4 swim 5 school 6 ploy footboll

*ffffi. ;rili;,flj',i'i,i il';i;lii,, ,ii iil;il if'"lfri;

wont to

Do you wont to
I wont to live ' h6 r66n?
.-. o poloce. ...,' :":_r:"""
^ ^r
" I

,"1 )r

Becouse l wont to doncel I don t'

wont to study everY doYl

l/You/we/They wont to be fomous.

HelShe/lt wonts to donce.

l/You/We/fhey do not (don t) wont to be fomous

He/She/lt does not (doesnl) wont to donce.

Yes, | / / we ./ they do.

Do l/ we / you/they to be fomous? No, |,/ you / we / they do not (dont).
to donce? Yes. he / she ./ it does.
Does he / she,/ it
No, he / she./ it does not (doesn't).

, After the verb vvonf we use to + verb.

I wqntto live in o pdldce. Zoe wonts to be o bollerino.
I .' When o question begins with Whl you onswer it with Eecouse
1 a: wnv do vou wont to be o bsllerino? B: Becouse I wont to donce!
,,irll Lool( ftfid wrlte.
.\r,,"1 o-o be o pilot F/
ffi "\ work in on office

visit our friend in New York

I)- - ^

go to the vet X

tidy their room X OOil

1 peter ..S.9.!.h..h.19......................... o pilot.

zo"..4qg:i.ll.Y.9.lf..{e..ry9tK.... . .. in on orrice
:i Brion ond Jenny their friend in New York.
4 Corky................... to the vet.
5 Dove .................... o fomous bosketboll ployer.
Cloire ond Ann ...................... their room.

,;l:.i' r Re0d 0nd write.

Corky: whot{i.g?.9..w9 It..L.P..p(. .... .. .
.... Jenny? (be)
Jenny: 12................ o children s doctor (be)
Corlq: why?


tt, .i..1]. finO out whct yotjl'frie d wfints ttl be.


I Tell tlx* clsss ubout y{)ut' pfirtner"

-1,'--- -
C"h" *"rt;i" b"; pil".-)

,'t;rt" ; ;"e; ;"""1 il-

( Lels g! the vet nowl )


Thonk you. Brionl

. Use le/3 + verb to moke suggestions.

go the vet. Lets plsy o gome!
Let s
proy o gome. Lets wotch TV

i1:l lM"toh.
'tr Im hungryl Let's wotch it ot my house.
2 I wont to see o film. -\.\ -"--.- Let s toke him to the vet.
3 lts o lovely doy todoy! c Lets moke o sondwich.
4 My dog is sick. Let s toke on umbrello.
5 lvly fovourite progromme s on TV. e Lets hove o picnic.
6 lts roining ! Lets go to the cinemo this evening.

Choose cnd write"

listen wotch go leove -pidf visit

Zoe: l'm boredl

B rio n: 1
.L9.1.'.1..P.l.q!.............. o boo rd gome.
Zoe: No. I dont like boord gomesl
Dove: .... o DVD.
Zoe. I hoven't got ony new DVDSI
B rio n: .... to music.
Zoe: No. thonks!
Dove: .... to the pork.
Zoe. Not ogoin !
Dove: oK. s............................... o museum!
Zoe'. I don't like museumsl
Brion: Ive got o brilliont ideo!
Dove: Whot is it?
Brion: Zoe olone!

rt ;:lti; fcln witf! o portner. Tolde turns.

Moke suggestions.

( l'm bored! ) o


1 bored / ploy o computer gome

2 thirsty / drink some lemonode
3 tired,/ hove o breok
4 hungry / moke o sondwich
5 sod / wotch o funny film

#Wttfid*fililr; {##ll"fl

ii", rrrt":i i*""ttf V*".,

fi \.J",:|,?f
!1v ..'/

vet? Pleose?
No. you con't! You must eot fruit
ond vegetobles every doy! And you
i con't hove sweet drinks. but you
\- coq
1ome1lnes E\/e a\.
| / You ./ We must eot fruit ond vegetobles. | / You ,/ We mustn't eot chocolote.
He ./ She ./ lt con hove milk. He ./ She ./ It conl hove sweet drinks.

Con | / you / we / he / she / it eot chocolote?

l''" Use rnust when it is necessory ond importont to do something:

You must exercise every doy! = Exercise every doy!
Use musfnt when it is importont NOT t0 do something:
You mustnt edt sweets! = Dont eot sweets!
Use co, to osk for ond give permission. Use cont to soy No.
Cdn I eot ice credm? No. you canL
You cont hove fizzy drinks.

flt [i-,r,

fi You mustn't run ocross the rood.

b You mustn't eot or drink.


' m#p

{ You mustnt feed the onimols.

4 d You mustn't wolk on the gross.

e You must weor o seotbelt.

f You must be quiet.

q You must buy o ticket for the troin.

X.ool{ 0rn{i wri{:ts rn&st nn rm,usflrrlf.


Before you go into the pool:

vou..fiLf:l|ll eot. You ,............... put your bog ond

clothes in o locker.
ln the pool:

You ................ weor o swimming 4 You ................ weor flippers.
cop ond goggles.

After you come out of the pool,

re You ................ leove your bog in the locker.

{lillr Reod ond write sentences with rnust, mustnt snd con"
Dr lvl.K. Sour
12 Willow Rd,
London N16 sBL
Every day! Sometimes Neverl
fruit fruit juice chocolate
vegetables milk sweels
water cake fizzy drinks

oat ftt'if atpnr datt

1 fruit Corky . ^"al : .:.:
l.'.':: -". .l i Y::.::::v.:YJ.................

fruit juice Corky 9.sn9 lrn 99.. 4ri.t !..ff e t l .Jq a9g. ....
5 chocolote Corky mustn t eqt cnjcjlate.
4 milk Corky
sweets Corky
6 vegetobles Corky
7 coke Corky
fizzy drinks corky
I woter Corky

Re6d ond cornpf ete with must, mustnt, can

flnd the ve!,b in brdckets.
Mum: Get reody. Brion. We're going to the Notionol Gollery.
Brion: tvtum. 1..c31.1..!.q.fl. (toke) my comero?
lMum: Yes. you 2..99.[........., but you 3..
. .. .. .. ... .. .

(toke) photos in the gollery.

Corky: a | ................ (wotch) TV?

zoe. No. you 5..
.. . .. .. .. . .. .. , corlq. You 6
(exercise) now
Corky: we ................ (go) to the pork. then?
Zoe'. Good ideo.

Dove: Im going to the librory.

Suzie: 8 | ................ (come) with you?
Dove: Yes. you e
Suzie, but you 10
(be) very quiet.

fil# Choose ond complete with rnust, mustnt, con ond q verb from the box.

eot (x 2) sit go sleep ploy drink exercise


We 1..T.Y:i.11f9............... a good We s.. ... .. .. . .. . . . .. .. . .. .. . . . .. ... on a chair all

breakfast eyery moming.We day we 6................................ . We
..... ftuit and ..... a sporl, walk or
vegetables and we ride our biles.
: ..... eight glasses of We 8................................ to bed late.
rwatereveryday. We 9................................
We "................ sofletimes for eight hours every night.
sweels and chocolate but not \er) ot'ren

Complete with one or two words.

Hi Brian!
l'm staying with my grandm0ther {or a few days. I love staying here because I
. 99.!. . . . . . . . . . usually d0 things I can'1do at homel For example, at h0me I

g0 t0 bed before half past nine. Al Granny's | 3................ go to bed at eleven!

She has her rules, though: | 4................ eat all my vegetables, | 5................ wear my
shoes in the house and I play loud music (it's 0K - l've got my i-pod).
| 7................ play computer games, th0ughl
At home | 8................ only play computer games al the weekend.

[[F write.
You ore stoying with your grondporents. Write on e-moil to o friend obout the rules in their
house. Use som s e-moil in Exercise 6 ond the ideos below.

go to bed ,/ eot (fovourite food) / ploy computer gomes ,/ tidy your room
wotch ry./ go out with your friends / listen to music

Wse ymur HnENfish {Unfitm 1ffi*1q)

li] ,1i... msten, choose flnd write"

Lucy ond her dod ore shopping ot the supermorket.

How mony opples do they buy?
There ore pens in the pocket.
3 A: ............................... does Lucys dod wont?
B: One kilo
+ Lucy buys .. chocolote eggs.
5 There ............................... yogurt.
t-" A: ............................... do they buy?

B: Twelve.

'to Eight b Four c Ten

zo two b four c erg nr
3o How mony pockets b How much sugor c How much milk
40 o box of b two c two boxes of
5o is some strowberry b isn't ony bonono c isnt ony strowberry
6o How mony glosses b How much juice c How mony bottles

ri,,i,i flh*ose mnd cornplete with the corl'ect forff] ruf the verb.

ploy (x2) get listen .redd be

Hi, I'm.Jode ond l'm eleven lvly nome s Ben. I like school
yeors old. t like 1.f9{l{4119.... but I hote 4
books ond
iW up eorly in the morning. llove
.... footboll
music. I love onimols. When
lfinish school I wont
,^h with my friends. I wont
6............................... for
3 Englond one doy!
o vet.
:::.:::, Mlritq rtr tl$ t,V0u.
Your photo

Hi! My nome s .. ond I'm ................ yeors old.

l'm o pupil ot .............................................. School.
I rove .............................................. ond

I don't like
When lfinish school, lwont

l i::l Write,
UO the puzzle. Whot do Zoe ond Brion love doing in the summer?

We hoven't got ony breod. We ... buy some.


2 A: Whot do you ... to do this ofternoon?

B: Lets go for o pizzo.
3 Mory doesn't ... fish. She never eots it.
4 How ... foiry cokes do you wont?
5 How ... sugor do you put in your teo?
{i, Brion loves .. . computer gomes.
7 A: lvium. ... I see the film on TV tonight?
B: Yes. of course.
E I hote ... up eorly! lwont to sleep!


Tqlk obout countoble ond uncountoble things

Theres some woter in thot bot e.
We hoven't got ony biscuits.
How much sugor do you put in your teo?
Tolk obout likes ond dislikes.
She likes chocolate.
We hdte getting up edrly in the morning.
Moke suggestions.
Lets go for o wdlk!
Tolk obout obligotion, prohibition ond permission.
You must do your homework.
They mustnt swim ofter lunch.
Con I go to Poul's house?

:'il;;;;;eit b"byl
fi , ls this your photo. 6flOn i I

Yes. I wos erghteen You weren t ugly.

llil' \ _ monrlsold You were sweetl

I o pretty boby?

, He wos o toll boby!_)

t/He/She/lt wos sweet.

You ./ We / They were toll.

l/He/She/lt wos not (wosn t) 5Weet.

you / We ./ They were not (weren t) toll.

Wos l/he/ she/it sweet? No. | / he / she,/ it wos not (wosnt).
toll? Yes. you ./ we / they were.
Were you / we / they
No, you / we ,/ they were not (weren t)

Present Post Where were you yesterdoy?

todoy yesrerooy wos ot home.

tonight lost night Who wos ot the porty?

this morning yesterdoy morning Brion ond Dove were there.
this weekend lost weekend
this Tuesdoy lost Tuesdoy
Write t.r$ri / were,
7^6 i< d;rl She..!9i........ o pretty boby.
^ ^rattv
Dove is toll. He ................ o toll boby. too.
The girls ore ot the shops todoy. They ................ ot the shops yesterdoy. too.
We ore in London this week. We ................ in Poris lost week.
It is cold this morning. It . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cold yesterdoy morning.
l'm ot the pork todoy. | ........ ot the swimming pool yesterdoy.
They ore ot the cinemo tonight They ................ ot the cinemo lost night. too.
You ore ot home this Soturdoy. You ................ ot home lost Soturdoy. too.

iFl;i Refld ffird {oyrect the sentenes.


?olor .Jehru

mofnir'r9: ParK
narnir'gl zoo w:*h \l6kU

afierroon: ,in?ma \^rlth Mam t{l*-rnoon sNmmLng POOL

ev9nir9: Aun't ?at'i houie e\ening'. aL home

Peter wos ot the supermorket on Soturdoy morning.

aL Lhe park :
He wasn'i. oL Lhe cinemo,. I'e was 9!..11?..P.9.1f
lenny wos ot home on Sundoy ofternoon.

3 Jenny ond Vicky were ot the pork on Sundoy morning.

4 Peter wos ot home on Soturdoy evening.

5 Jenny wos ot Zoe's house on Sundoy evening.

6 Peter ond Adom were ot the librorv on Soturdov ofternoon.

wos, were

riii':.ri; Whsre were j;h'y ye$terdtry? Lool(, c[ioose flnd u/rits,

yesrerooy mornrng yesterdoy ofternoon lost night

r suzie ..!\191.i:r./:. t!9..4.q1 2 Zoe ond V1cky................ Pete
. itf ii!t!9,

4 Brion ond Dove 5 Cloire ond Ann .............. 6 Adom t-oslk {rt Hxerciss 3. Asl( ond qnswer.

1 Suzie / ot home / yesterdoy morning
.. W'il. :lsrit sl.
. hs w.
a*!:e!.4.9s..nlt.!.t?.s.?. .... .
7 Zoe ond Vicky / ot the shops./ yesterdoy ofternoon?

3 Pete / ot Dove s house ,/ lost niqht?

4 Brion ond Dove./ ot the supermorket,/ yesterdoy morning?

Cloire ond Ann / ot the pork./ yesterdoy ofternoon?

ft Adom / ot home / lost night?

Conn f:lrts wi{h one \ft'ord.
Deor Gin\u1 o-,
LrrsL wexkend. 1.P!p......... l,tn\ On S*btrd,a4 | L
aI o-

kLznd's house hr LL^n*'. lt . . . . . . . . . . . for g*Ls onl4. Cl,ajreI

. . . . . a-r.A, A-rne
there, tao. the lood- 5................ latturstir. \Ne
verg happg.
On Surdag Daye o,hd, | 7................ aL Br'ut'n's house. lL I
o" No'ln d.e! so we J . . . . . . . . . . h Ue gMden 6L d&!1.
. . . . . .

\t,Mexe 14
. .. .. . .. ... .. .. . uou L6sL neaken[?
Lov e

'llr.:ilj .qnswer tn're qusstions fihsut Exe!.cise 5.
1 Where wos Zoe lost Soturdoy?
She wos
2 Why weren't Dove ond Brion there, too?
3 How wos the food?
The food
4 When wos Zoe ot Brion s house?

5 Who wos there, too?

Wos it o worm doy?

{ Where were they oll doy?

(] Arl$wefi the ques*ions ot ollt yorn, Tl'len frsl{ {rnel ons$,rer with fi $}frltrrsr'.
1 Where were you lost Sundoy?
Who wos with you?
Wos the weother good?

7 Were you o sweet boby?

Whot wos your first word?
Whot wos your first toy?

3 Were you hoppy on your first doy ot school?

Whot wos your teochers nome?
Wos he ,/ she nice?

LOSISoturdoy ofternoon. 5he looked ot l'er wordrobe. lt wos o messl
fil Zoe cleoned her room.
Let s ploy hide
ond seekl

wonted to ploy - I li
wos very busy. Not now, Corkyl

She tidied wororoDe. Then she closed the door on

wolked out of the room.
The story continues...

wolked out of the room.

l/You/He/ She / lt / We / They closed the door.
tidied the wordrobe.

looK looked
wotch wotched
close closed
donce donced
tidy tidied
corry corried
study studied

yesterdoy ofternoon three hours ogo

lost Soturdoy two doys ogo
,*# Write the pust forrn of the verbs.

nq )N6 try ploy ggsL like corry cleon close wolk donce


i,..r. Cofi!Flte the sentences.

1 we ..W9{9hgg. (wotch) TV yesterdoy evening
2 She ................ (knock) on Brion s door but he wosn't in his room.
3 I ................ (tidy) my room yesterdoy.
4 Dovid ................ (visit) his grondporents o week ogo.
5 They ................ (pick) flowers from their gorden.
6 lt ................ (snow) yesterdoy!
? | ................ (coll) you yesterdoy but you werent ot home
I They................ (finish) their homework two hours ogo.

iIi;i: ctrooru ond complete.

cook wotch ,lF climb stoy visit wosh pick
Ot,tR WEKEND bg Zoe Bakex
L0-5t tLl.urd-64 | 1..h.e.!Pe4... mg mum i,n Lhe kLtrhen. We sp64hettL
and. l lhe d.Lshes .

MU kLohd D,Lve 4 hL, a.$r,L tLy\d I hcLe m Lhe cavntrt .

ne r
0-n 0-PPLe 9re9 wLLh hLs .,avtLns a,nl' the4 6ppLe'

lor 0, P@. brL&r\ o.L home. He and, hLs d'aA


d:g witn orrout you.

Write three things you did lost Soturdoy Choose from the verbs in the box

ploy wotch stoy visit wosh tidy cook coll

| ^^+ <^r,,.4^,, I

negotive, questions, short onswefs

Loter on Soturdoy ...

You were lucky! didn t wotch TV.
Did you wotch the
Yes. I did.
I helped my dod in the gorden.
gome on TV. Dove?

Whot did
you do. Zoe?

Well, lcleoned my room. Corky I locked corky in the

Oh, nol
wonted to ploy hide ond seek. wordrobe two hours ogol
I didn't wont to ploy but Corky ...

wotch rv'
l/You/He/She/ It / we / Thev did not (didnt)
' ploy gomes

| / you / he / she ploy? Yes. | / /

you / he she./ it,/ we./ they did.
it / we / they run? No. | ,/ you ,/ he ,/ she / it / we / they did not (didn t).
,'iii' qor!.T( t the se$teflees,
On Fridoy ofternoon ...
1 Zoe cleoned the living room.
sn".4i4tt.1t. s1.{ilit.......... rhe rivins room. she cleaned her bedroom.
2 Zoe tidied the kitchen cupboord.
She............................... the kitchen cupboord. She............................... her
Dove wotched o film on TV.
Dove ............................... o film on TV. He .. the gome.
Brion helped his mum.
Brion ............................... his mum. He............................... his dod.
Corky wonted to ploy o boord gome.
Corky............................... to ploy o boord gome . He............................... to ploy
hide ond seek.

R+ndJ ond write.

Corky: zoe 1 .!1.9.q!.e:9... (cleon) her room yesterdoy ond she
(lock) me in the wordrobe!
Peter: you ................ (knock) on the door?
corky: Yes. 1a................. . | 5.. . .. . . .. .. . . . (shout) 'zoe!
. .

I'm in the wordrobe!'

Peter: she ................ (open) the door?
Corlq: No. she 7
................ . . she wos in the kitchen.
Corky: (stoy) in the wordrobe
for two hours!

r il :lt:l plsy ff gcme" Ask qnd dnsw6r"

Student A: Look ot the list below Tick two things.
Student B: Ask ouestions to find out whot B hos ticked.
1 wosh ,/ the dishes 4 pick / flowers in the go rden
2 tidy ./ mY room 5 visit/omuseum
3 ploy / footboll 6 cook / dinner

Did you wosh the dishes yesterdoy? No. ldidn't. / Yes. I did.

Now sw0p ro[e:;.

ji {lijr xi fl,ii,fl Xltil f; fi} .- I H','ii'',{ttirl,j1 q,ri ili r{iil ii',,


It wos Zoe's birthdoy Corky dronk four He ote five foiry cokes.
porty yesterdoy. glosses of oronge juice. o tll

He song ond he donced. Then he hod o ... ond he went to the vet ...

went to the vet.

You / He / She / ltl We / They ote five foiry cokes.
noo o stomochoche.

lrregulor verbs do not odd -ed in the post simple. I

They chonge in different woys:

Present drink eot go sing sleep write
Post dronk ote went song slept wrote
the poit of reod is reod. The spelling is the some. but
the sound is different.
The post of hove is hod.
rli ,ii ,Mctch,
Present Post
eot orove
go noo
hove bought
buy ote F Lool( 0t the spelling rules on pirge 109.
drrve mode
meet sow
5ee went
g ive met

;,;i'il meuel snd motch,

1 Corky ote er 'Hoppy Birthdoy' to Zoe.
? Corky hod b Zoe o present.
3 Brion ond Dove song |: five foiry cokes.
4 Vicky gove d o beoutiful bi(hdoy coke for Zoe.
5 Peter dronk e o stomochoche.
6 Zoes mum mode f one bottle of lemonode.

;l;,:i, Ceirnplete the sentences.

,l *^,t-
Mum ..llilY:..... (moke) o chocolote coke yesterdoy.
? Peter ................ (write) on e-moil to his friend lqst night.
3 | ................ (see) your sister ot the librory lost week.
4 You ................ (drink) oll the oronge juice!
q The girls ................ (buy) new T-shirts lost Soturdoy.
Horry................ (eot) o solod for lunch.

iil.i! Cho$se find write.

drink buy (x2) go (x2) meet drive eot

Zoe ond Vicky 1..t?.1.{....... to tn" shopping c

yesterdoy ofternoon. Zoe 2. . . .. . . . .. .. . .. . o new
jocket ond Vicky o T-shirt. Then
to the cinemo. Zoe 5 ..... .. . .. ... .. .
popcorn ond Vicky o milkshoke.
The film wos very funny. After the cinemo th
Vickys mum ot o cof6 ond she
them home in her cor.

iPlm- short qnswers


,,. d


Then why did you hove o

stomochoche lost night?

eot supper! The ,

' Becouse I ote two
Ng::ppel- .
/ ,.
lyn:les- .'

go to the vet
| / You / He / She / lt / We / They did not (didn't) yesterdoy
sleep lost night

| / you / he / she go to the vet? Yes. l/ / he / she / it / we / they did.

it / we / they sleep lost night? No. | / you / he / she / it / we / theydid not (didnl)

-i!$ foot ond \ /rlte true sentences. /rr.a i lttillil

Zoe ond her friends hod o picnic in the pork yesterdoy.

1 Zoe / rcod / book
.. -zps..Atdnl!..r.n!..e. !ech,. lhe..t...s.q. s..nesetlrf. :
2 Brion,/ fly / his kite

Dove ,/ eot,/ o sondwich

4 Jenny/ride/ohorse
5 Pete / listen / to music
Corky / drink / oronge juice

'iiliiiij Lool< dt the picture in Exercise 5 ond write"

'I ..0-'d..1h9.a..5p......... (they,/ go) to rhe beoch for ..Np.,. !lr.u..4t4nl i,...
their picnic?
(Zoe / eot) on opple? NO,

(Pete ond Dove/ fly)

model plones?
(they hove) o CD ployer
with them?
5 ......................... oenny./ weor) shorts?
6 ........................ (Pete / drink) o bottle of milk?

u :iil jil Ask ond dnswer. Tol(e turns.

Did you see o film lost weekend?

o funny film

1 see / film,/ lost weekend meet./ o friend,/ lost Sundoy

2 eat / pizzo,/ yesterdoy 5 buy/oCD/lostweek
drink ./ oronge juice / yesterdoy do ,/ o test ,/ lost month

ft {, u ffi ffii ffi ii ffi il1,i,tlr,rtl,$ Rfl,J,$$

Who s Giovonno? )
How old is she?

o letter
It s
. :tt- -i: t:.

from Giovonno.
greotl whots
' the problem?

Becouse Ive got o pen

friend, too. Here s my I con't reod his
1 5ne VeS In letter to him! leltel to Tel_ '

Whot ls your nome? Where do You live?

Where ore they going? whot time does Zoe get uP?
How mony CDs hos he got? How mony books did Brion buy?
Who con you see? Whose hot ore you weoring?

Whot's this? Its o letter. ,/ w" prf '

question words ot
Who is Giovonno? She s zoe s pen friend.
Its Corkys. the beginning of o
whose letter is this?
r.. queslon
Where does she live? She lives in ltoly.
when is the gome? On Soturdoy morning.
Whot time do you get up? At seven o clock.
Whot colour is your bike? Its blue.
why ore you loughing? Becouse this story is funny.
How ore you? Im fine, thonks.
How old isjohn? He s twelve.
How mony tickets hove you got? Three.
How mudr sugor do you need? One kilo.
::;i;i: RFfld f, d mdtch.
1 Who is Oliver? 0 An elephont ond o giroffe.
2 How old is your grondod? t! lts in the wordrobe.
:) Whot con you see in this picture? { lts lohn s.
Where is my jocket? d Becouse l'm sod.
5 Whose bike is thot? e Holf post three.
6 How mony sondwiches hove we got? I' Hes seventy yeors old.
1 Whot time is it? q WeVe got six.
Why ore you crying? h Hes my cousin.
r!,:: Hefid CfioOSe frnd wrlte.

where when whot how mony whose .iqh6

Whr., dra v^,,r hdranr<? ? ................ is this?

3 ................ rollerblodes ore these? 4................ ore you going?

5 ................ is your birthdoy? 6

^nhl6< ^16

Question words

f ut the wsrd$ im tl"te {orl ect oreler.

your / Whot./ is / nome? i.9Tg l
2 is./ When / birthdoy / your?
3 brothers / you / How monY /
sisters / ond / hove / got?
4 orelWhy/leoving/You?
5 youlWhere / going / ore?
6 ogoin/con/When/l/
see ,/ you?

iii.;.'ir Cli'cte the cot'rect word5"

1 A: Whot time does the film stort / the film storts?
B: At 4 o'clock.

A: Whot you did / did you do Yesterdoy?

B: I went to the cinemo with my sister.
A: Whot did you see / you sow?
B: We sow o film with Orlondo Bloom.
3 A: Where were you./ you were this morning?
B: I wos ot the shops.
A: Whot did you buy./ You bought?
B: I bought this T-shirt.
A: How much it cost./ did it cost?
B: f12.
'' cornrrlte the dldlogue.
Zoe's tdlking on the phone. Her mum comes bock from work.
Zoe: OK then. Bye! Hi. Muml
lvlum: Hello dorling! 1..W!.9..'199........ .... .. ...... . .. . (who be) on the phone? /
zoe. lt wos Aunt lulio.
Mum: 2.
.. ... .. ..... .. .. (whot / she/ wont) ?
Zoe. She wonted to speok to Dod but he isn't here.
Mum: 3. . .. .. . .. .. .
. . . .. (where / he / be) ?
Zoe. Hes ot the suPermorket.
Mum: 4.. .. . .. . . . .. . . . .. (why / he /go) to the supermorket?
Zoe. Becouse we hoven t got ony sugor.
Mum: lsee. (where/Youlgo) ?
zoe. I'm going to Brions. 6. . . .. . . .. . . . . . .
.. (when./ be / dinner) ?

lvlum: Dinner's ot holf post seven. Don't be lote!

Zoe. OK. Mum.
ii,:.F wrlte tne q uestrons.
Peter is interviewing Michoel, the bosketboll teom coptoin, for the school mogozine.

peter: 1H9.w..c14..9.19.99.q.........
(be). Michoel?
Michoel: I'm sixteen.
Peter: 2
(be) birthdoy? (be)
lvlichoel: lts on the 15th of Moy.
Peter: ................... (live)?
Michoel: In Horton Street.
Peter: (get up) ?
Michoel: At holf post six.
Peter: s
(eot) for breokfost?
lvlichoel: Cornflokes with miik ond o oonono.
Peter: 6 (be) fovourite bosketboll ployer?
Michoel: Shoquille O Neol.

ifilF Write the questions.

how old / be? ..lp.w..c! e se.t ?.

2 /
how mony cousins / hove got?
3 wnen / do / your homework?
4 wherc / go / lost Soturdoy ofternoon?
5 /
how much./ popcorn con eotT /
whot / be/ fovourite sport?

Eii+' Ask ond onswer the questions in Exercise 7.

( H"-;b r= y",,, )

Now tell the closs obout your portner.

r'\D -And the luckv number is ..
{t ......

' I'm goingto i

o bi9 /
!-lY :o'l
/. Zoe. come quickly!
',. Corlq's going to foint!


number is 1661. Your

number is 1991 !
''We use be golrg
to to tolk obout
our plons for the
om (m) future.
We / You ./ They ore ( re) going to buy o cor.
He/she/lt is (s)

I om not ('m not)

We/You/TheY ore not ( re not) going to buy o cor
HelShe/lt is not (isn t)

Yes, I om.
Am I
Yes.we / you / they ore.
Are we / you / they going to buy o cor?
No. we / you / they ore not (orenl)
Yei he / she,/ it is.
ls he ,/ she / it
No, he / she / it is not (isnt).

week ,/ month etc.

i::it:: meco qnd mflt(h"

T Adom loves onimols 0 Im going to moke o lemon pie.
2 Ive got twelve lemons. fr They're going to visit the British Museum.
3 Its Cloire s birthdoy tomorrow c Wete going to wotch TV.
4 Bob ond l-ino ore in London. d He s going to be o vet.
5 lvly sister cont drive o cor. e lm going to buy her o present.
We're stoying ot home this evening. f Shes going to toke driving tessons.

:ii:ili nesU 0nrl wflite"

Zoe. Brion ond Dove ore preporing for o school trip.

4 drin ks.
i poper cups.
................ o boll.
Lool( ot Exercise 2" C(rrrect the sentences,
1Zoe is going to toke o comero. I!.t:,.;lt.'.!. gItns ta tol..t. o comero.
Zoe ond Brion ore going to bring music CDs. music CDs.
Dove is going to moke sondwiches. sondwiches.
Brion ond Zoe ore going to bring o boll. o boll.
Brion is going to get poper cups. poper cups.
6 Zoe is going to buy drinks. drin ks.

be going to

ri:1!o ,qe,fl dl i, ri'i1l]{l}.

point the choir wotch TV ploy tennis

buy o CD ployer moke o coke

r zoe ..1,.:l.rl,fl.l....:l.q'1.: l]l:......1.n iDcln. I Vicl<y

,1 Brion



li Corky ............... ... I Zoe ond Vicky

liri,,'',' t-o,:)t,{ fllL Lhr:l lci(ili.[ir]',E ri ifi ir)ft]rcise "f fincl 't,,,rrite.
'r zoe / point / her bedroom? ..1,:..iCf..glt:l,g..flt. Piilll!: !(1..Plilt.qitll| l
..lli,.rltrt ii:i.1t....iililir.riii,]f1..q!19...i.t.tyt1.t9..'1111.ri.t.,.
j Vicky / eot/ breokfost?

] Pete ond Dove,/ sit / in the gorden?

4 Brion/buy/ocomputer?

L; Corky/reod/obook?

1i Zoe ond Vicky / listen,/ o CD?

S Comptete with one word.

Dear Sam,
Tomorrory is a holiday. l'm very happy about that. Here's
what | 1 . l1l . . . . . . . . . . . going to do:

l'm ................ to stay up late t0night and watch a DVD.
I'm 3 ................ going to get up before ten o'clock,
tomorrow. Then I'm going a go to Zoe's lor
breaklast. Dave and Jenny 5 ................ going to be there,
too. After breakfast we're going to 6 ................ to the
swimming pool. We 7 not going to do any
homework! (Hurrahl)
What 8 ................ you going to do tomorrow?

f)@ Ask qnd onswer. Toke turns. Ask your portner dbout
his / her plons for the weekend.

At the weekend...
1 get up eorly? 3 study? 5 do some shopping?
2 go to the pork? 4 visit o friend? 6 ploy bosketboll?

Use ymur Hmg IEsFr (Units tr1*Pc+)

ri],s Listen ond ticl< (l) the {orrect sentenqes.

1 o Beth hod o good weekend. E
b Beth didnt hove o good weekend. T
o Beth stoyed with her grondmother. I
b Beth s sister stoyed with her grondmother. tr
o Beth went to theotre on Fridoy. T
b Beth went to o birthdoy porty on Fridoy. tr
o Beth liked the ploy. I
b Beth didnl like the ploy. I
o Beth hod dinner ofter the theotre. tr
b Beth didnt hove dinner ofter the theotre. tr
o Beth visited her ount ond uncle ond then went to the shops. I
b Beth went to the shops qnd then visited her ount ond uncle. I
o Suson went out on Soturdoy. T
b Suson stoyed ot home on Soturdoy. tr
r: r: Listen ogoin dnd Fut the sentences in the correct srder.
Then connplete the text"
Fridqy Soturdoy
! o go to the theotre I e hove lunch ot o cof6
I o finish tote I t visit ount ond uncle
I c toke the troin to London ! g buy some jeons
! o go to bed without dinner ! h go for o wolk

On Fridoy. Beth ond her porents ..t..0.2.r'...t!9, l;11r.q..!.q..!llt4qf .... . rhen they
On Soturdoy, Beth
Then she ond her porents ond they oll

, Write obout you" When did yorj d(} tlnese tlnings?

1 tidy ./ mY room t .t.t4tp4.nv..r.qpn lr.i.q.lgl:q.fq-4'l
2 ploy ,/ o gome
3 see ,/ o film
4 drink / some milk
5 ride / my bike
Hello, lon. 1

B: Fine. thonks.
I phoned you yesterdoy but you weren't ot home. 2

(you /
lwos ot the pork, with Nick. 3. .. .. .. . .. . . . .. . . . (you / do) yesterdoy?
lwent to the cinemo with my brother ond Denise.
(Denise / be)?
She s our cousin.
a. 5 (she / be)?
she s six yeors old.

Write dh0ut you. Whot ore your plons for the holidoys?
1 get up eorly ..lln. sstnu.!p..s.e!.lp..egr.ts.../..).'.r'!?. s.e!.lp.!st.U..
2 ploy with my friends
? listen to music

ii,:ii!r Do tne puzzle ond find the hidden messoge.

A: ... did you go to bed eorly?
B: Becouse lwos tired.
A: Did you ... your sondwich?
B: No. I wosn't hungry.
3 | ... o funny film yesterdoy.
4 A: I didn't feel well lost night.
B: Did you ... o stomochoche?
A: ... shoes ore these?
B: They're Ben s.
We're going to ... our model
plones ot the pork tomorrow
A: How ... milk do you wont?
B: One bottle, pleose.
Look ot those clouds!
Tolk obout things thot hoppened in the post.
Ithink its ... to roin.
They wotched TV lost night.
Ask for specific informotion.
Whot time does the film stort?
Tolk obout plons ond moke predictions.
I'm going to stoy ot home tonight.
Its going to roin.

Grsmm0r Reference


To moke the pturol oJ most nounsJ we add s ot the end oJ the word,
a bag -, two bags
a bike I three bikes
a cow -t Jour cows
To mohe the pturol oJ nouns thot end in s, ss, sh, -ch ond -x, we odd es ot the end
oJ the word,
a bus "t two buses
a glass + sk glasses
o brush I Jive brushes
a watch + three watches
a box ) two boxes
To make the pLuroL oJ nouns thot end in -o, we odd -es ot the end oJ the word,
a tomato + Jour tomataes
a potato + eight potatoes
a photo + two photas
a radio + three radios
To moke the plurot oJ nouns thot end in voweL + -y, we just odd s ot the end oJ the word:
a bay 4 two boys
a toy ) togs
To make the pluroL oJ nouns thot end in consonant + -y, we change y to i and add -es:
a baby + Jour babies
a cherry + six cherries
To mo[e the plurol oJ nouns thot end in for fe,we ch.onge Jor Jeto ves.
a woLJ + eight wolves
a loaf + Jive loaves
a [ife + nine lives

. These nouns chonge in dlfJerent woys in the pturct,

Singutor Plurol Singulor P [uro[
man + men tooth + teeth
waman -, women foat + Jeet
child + children mouse + mice
' These nouns do not chong ot oll in the piurot,
S ing PlurqI
sheep -, sheep
Jish + Jkh
deer + deer
Gromrnor Reference

Unit x1

' To mohe the third person singutor (he, she, t, oJ most verbs in th present simple,
we 4qq -s:
recLcL + reads write + writes
run + runs
. We odd -es to verbs thot nd in -o, -s, -ch, ss, sh or -x,
pass + passes Jix + Jixes
watch + watches go + gaes
brush * brushes
. With verbs thot end in consonont + y, we chonge -y to -r ond odd -es:
tidy + tidies study + studies
. With verbs thot end in vowe[ + y, we ontg odd -s:
play + plays sray + stays

l.,f nf;{ 14

. To mohe *Le -ing lorm oJ most verbs in the present continuous, we just odd rng:
open + opening walh ) walking c[imb + climbing
. With verbs thot end in -e, we leove out the letter e ond odd ing.
make + making close ) closing
. With one syltobte verbs thot end in one vowel + one consonont, we doubte the consonont
q\d. add ing.
run + running sit + sitting

Unf;t 21

. To mohe the post simpte oJ rnost verbs we od.d. ed.

walk + walked play + played open ) opened
. Wth verbs thot end in -e we add -d.
cLose * closed donce +
. With verbs thqt end in consonont + -y, we chonge -g to i o d add -ed;
tidg + tidied carry + carried study ) studied

Grommor Reference

lnfinitive Post simple

DE wos/were
buy bought
c0st cost
o0 did
d rink oronK
drrve drove
eot ote
foll fell
fly flew
get got
9rve gove
go went
nove noo
leove left
moKe mode
meel met
reod reod
nde rode
run ron
soy sord
see sow
sing song
srt sot
weor wore
write wrote

WVmnd f,f;st
Unit 1 Englond (n.) Unit 5 town (n.)
opple (n.) irom (prep.) woll(n.)
beord (n.)
gorder (n.)
orist (n.) bell (n.)
Greece (n.)
owful (odj ) brke (n.)
hoppy (adj.) Unit 8
bqby (n.) broke (n.)
bonono (n.) Itoy(n) brother (i.) oct (v)
bosketbo | (n.) open (odj.)
comero (n )
p0rK (n.)
bird (n.) cD ployer (n.)
p0rrol (n.) climb (v)
book (n.) cinemo (n.)
pupil(n.) donce (v)
boy (n.)
box (n.)
Russlo (n.)
DVD ployef (n.) do (v)
D!5 (n.l 5ome (001.)
iomily (n.) drive (v)
child (n.) 5hort (odj.) rost (0dj.)
iother (n.)
deer (n.) spoin (n ) Ffench (n.)
grondnrotlrer (n.)
donkey (n.) student (n.) guitor (n.)
hoir (n.)
elephont (n.) toble (n.) herp (v)
toil (odj.) Jocket (n.)
ierry (n.) horse (n.)
teocher (n.) lurce (n.) jump (v)
fish (n.) loptop (n.)
the usA (n.)
lly (n.) rets go (v)
foot (n.) Wlrot obout (yo!)? musrc (n.l
rnilk (n.)
fox (n.) who (pron.) point (v.)
rnoflrer (n.)
iriend (n.) plone (n.)
Unit 3 rnoustoche (n.)
gloss (i.) ploy (v)
robot (n.)
biscuit (n.) question (n.)
house (n.) screwdfiver (i.)
iguono (n.) boots (n.)
surprise (n.) reod (v)
insect (n.)
bowl (n.)
trcket (n.)
run (v)
key (n.) cD (n.)
woit (v) snow (vl
kn fe (n.)
computer (n.) sing (v)
wheel (n.)
leor (n.) coo (odj.) 50ng (n.)
life (n.) cornflokes (n.) Unit 6 speok (v)
cup (n.) swim (v.)
looi (n.) bosket (i.)
rn0n (n.) doctor (n.) rry (v)
coie (n.)
0ress (n.)
mouse (n.J
or0nge (n.l
iobulous (odj.)
flipper (n.)
footbol (n.)
Unit I
good (odj.) onimol(n.)
Po ntrng (n.) g osses (n.)
greot (odj.)
Penc l(n.) gogg es (n.)
pepper (n ) heovy (odj.) ch0colote (n.)
heod (n.)
photo (n.) homework (n.) jeons (n.) clossfoom (n.)
rodio (n.) lsien (v) crose (v.)
ktchen (n.)
sondwich (n.) pcn c (n.) cold (odj.)
sheep (n.) new (odl.) conric (n )
robbit (n.)
stfowberry (n.) nice (odj.) cry (v)
rocket (n )
lomoto (n.) n0w (oclv )
riding boots (n.) drink (v)
iooih (n.) old (odj.) duck (n.)
room (n.J
pretty (odj.) eofr ng (n.l
roy {n.) rus (n.)
wotch (n.)
sister (n.)
skis (n.)
eot (v)
skoteboord (n.) loce (n )
wfe (n.) sofo (n.)
window (n.)
skid (n.)
supermorket (n ) leed (v)
wo f (n.)
smoll{odj.) f!rny (odj.)
sung osses (n.) Unit 7 go on ho idoy
womon (i )
T shrd (n.)
Best wishes
Ljrit 2 bus slotion (n.)
hond (n.)
Unit 4
omozing (odj.) co <e (n.)
eye (n.) home (n.)
Austrolio (n.) ideo (n.)
reg (n.) hunqry (odj.)
bos (n.) jus (n.)
bosketbo I ployer (n.)
long (odl.)
lbrory (i.) look (v)
neck (r.) moblle phone (J].)
besi (odt.) mogozine (n.)
chino (n ) museum (n.)
closs (n.) school (n.)
open (v)
scorr (n.) porenr (n.l
clever (odj.) spofts centre (n )
short (odl.) reody (odj.)
swimming poo (n )
door (n.) torl (n.)
swrng (n.)

Word list

sn0p (n.) Uni! tlj2l orgonize (v) seotbelt (n.)

s qn (n.l people (n.)
dnver (n.)
s eep (v) plote (n.) sock (n.)
eorly (odv)
stond (v) solod (n ) swrmmrng cop (n.)
iree time (n.)
toke (v) shoppi'rg ist (n.) touch iv)
interview (n.)
tolk (v) soup (n.) tfoin (v)
lote (odv)
there (odv) sLgor (n.l weight (n.)
night bus (n.)
Lrse (vl slleet (n.)
visit (v) 'Unit 20
woke up (v) thrng (n.) lontostic (odj.)
wosh (v) vegeioble (n ) lunch (n.)
wotch out (v) Yoghurt (n.) m0nrh (n.)
welcome (v) Porls (n.)
17 sweet (odj.)
'thlitiiO,' bosebo lcop (n.)
CD wollet (n.)
closslco mus c (n.) !qly (qdj.)
osk (v) fqll over (v.) worm (odj.)
lody (n.)
be lrofed (v) qroup (n.) weother (n.)
milkshoke (n.)
be cofeful (v) hote (v) word (n.)
mug 1n.l
blrthdoy (n.) IvlP3 p oyer (n.)
n0ughty (odl.)
on y (odv) Unit 21
over there (odv)
difficult (odj.) other (odj.) busy (odj.)
scorf (n.)
exefc se (n.) why (odv) creon (v.)
flower (n.) dish (i.)
il (odj.) rUnit:i8 hide ond seek (n.)
pond (n.) ogoln (odv.) Invite (v)
present (n.)
obout (prep.) o one (odj.) knock (v)
see (vl bollefino (n.) ock (v)
owoy (odv)
singer (n.) lucky (odj.)
skote (v.) bestsellef (n.) mess (n.)
clown (n.)
tell(v) b00rd gonre (n.) pick (v)
e-mo | (n )
ilrirsty (odj ) breok (n.) pie (n.)
rilm (v)
tod0y (n.) brili0nt (odj.) shout (v)
!ough (v)
woter (n.) detective story (n ) wordrobe (n )
reove (v.)
qujet (odj.) fonrous (odj.) yesterdoy (n.)
lovourite (odj.)
Un t:1i
ovely (odl.) Unit 22
oiternoon (n.)
rv show (n.)
mogrc (odj.) beouiiful (odl.)
buy (v) ,:ruiil 15:rr New Yofk (n ) meer (v)
computer gome (n ) ofiice (n.) sfroPPing centfe (n.)
gorne (n.)
evening (n.) poloce (n.) stomochoche (n.)
holidoy (n.)
fost food resto!ront (n.) prlsoner (n.) 5!pper (n.)
phone (n.)
iirst (odj.) progrornme (n.)
postcord (n.)
get (v) q!een (n.) wrong (0dJ.)
shorts (n.)
get !p (v.) suggestion (n.)
stfonge (odj.)
ice creom (n.) t dy (v) Unit 23
rro!sers (n.)
like (v.) t red (odj.) dofling (n.)
rrve (v) U0it:16 wrtdr (n.) girofie (n.)
love (v) writer (n.) elter (n.)
boiile (n.)
morning (n.) pen ffiend (n.)
corton (n.) t nil'19
P lot (n.) Problern (n.)
pockei money (n.) con (n.)
cheeseburqer (n.)
popcorn (n.) exercise (v) uiiit 24
chrps (n.)
Sot!rdoy (n.) fot (odj.) Briiish lvluseum (n.)
coffee (n.)
sick (odj.) get reody (v) dinner (n.)
co o (n.)
stoy (v) gfoss (n.) driving lesson (n.)
crisps (n.)
srudy (v.) foint (v)
cLrpboord (n.)
sundoy (n.) ocker (n.) foll (v.)
decide (v)
teoch (v) rose (v) Hollywood (n.)
eoch (odj.)
uncle (n.) loud (odj.) numbef (n.)
foiry coke (n.)
vet (n.) must (vJ roce (n.)
food (n.)
Notionolcollery rich (odj.)
fridge (n.)
pul (vJ wrn (vl
frult (n.)
quietly (odv)
need (v)


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