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SESS: O:N 6 MINI-VOLLEYBALL — LEVEL 1 Revision —~ | Warm-Up 5 mins 5S mins Equipment Skill Development 6 Markers 1 Volleyball/pair 6 Bibs * Ideally, for this age group, volleyball should be played on a badminton size court. Where this is not possible use a volleyball net at ‘half mast’. ‘Hang in There’ Relay + Teams of 6 and in pairs. Partners face each other and place ball between each other's stomachs. They shuffle around a marker and back to team without dropping the ball. No part of the partner's body should touch the other. If the ball drops, a pair has to return to the start and begin again. DIG REVISION TIPS 1. Players should call ‘MINE’ for the ball. 2. Move quickly and anticipate where the ball is likely to land. 3. Arms should guide the ball and not hit it * Players form pairs and line up behind the baseline. Toss $ | yx x the ball over the net. One player must call for the ball and try and dig it to their partner. The partner must try em and catch the ball in the ‘NEUTRAL position. + Ensure players move quickly on the court and that they collect the ball and give it to the ball tosser after their turn. * Rotate tosser. * Make a game out of the activity by awarding points. 1 point if the partner catches the dig. 2 points if the partner catches the ball in the setting position. 3 points if they do the above requirements and catch the ball in front of their partner. 1s

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