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FOUNDATIONS Koinonia School of Ministry LIFE WITH TRUE LOVE Akash Suriya Lecturer 2 res John, the Apostle of love, in his first epistle, writes those who believe in the name of the Son of God so that they may know the right apostolic doctrines and right moral principles because the false teachers were attacking the true apostolic doctrines and true moral teaching. One of the prominent false teachers of Gnosticism was Cerinthus who was propagating the false teaching that Jesus Christ was an ordinary man and He was not equal to God. According to Cerinthus physical body was evil, nothing to do with spirit and with spiritual spaces and could be used in immoral activities. Some believers adopted his teaching and became his followers. But some remained in the apostolic truth. Hence, the believers were divided into wo groups, namely, those with Gnostic philosophies and those with true apostolic doctrines. Those who held the apostolic doctrines were confused with a lot of questions. They were baffled of true doctrines and true moral standard, Therefore, John set forth the following criteria so that Christians will be able to test and identify their right belief and right moral principle for continuing in fellowship with the triune God in love and in truth: Life with true love ever lives in the light (2:10). Life with true love embraces the truth (3:18). Life with true love sacrifices self (3:16). Life with true love forgives others (2:26; 4:21). Life with true love will not continue in sin (3:8, 9). Life with true love helps others (3:18). Life with true love never fears (4:18). Life with true love never hates (4:20). Life with true love never deceives (1:8, 9; 3:7). Life with true love does not continue to lie (4:20).

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