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Better be a hip-hop man, together

We play the rapping game

2. Do you want some gold?

Coz your skin is fuckin old.

3. Is the enemy a troll?

Coz I thought we are toe to toe.

4. Shut the fuck up. Idiot.

Watch your mouth

Coz your mama in my house.

Coz you no soviet.

5. I am so lag,

the FPS is fake.

Just gonna reconnect,

and hope they are not too fed.

6. My pc is old,

And my brain is slow.

7. My rap skill is my human nature,

Not that you could really picture.

8. Riot is this a prank?

This garen is too damn tank.

Riot, I beg you, please fix it,

Coz this is just so fuckin lit.

9. I just want a penta kill.

And this bitch thought he can kill steal.

Real skills?

Nothing I could feel.

10. Am I wrong?

You little Chinese ping pong.

11. Blitzcrank has land his hook,

And Ekko get his life took.


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