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Components of Media and Information Literate

a. Improve Quality of Life
Literate Individual determine what our goals and desires and take
advantage of opportunities you have to make if you are a literate
b. Greater Political Participation
Literate individual engaged in political participation as a source of
vitality and creative energy. Participation should promote
opportunity to express his own interest.
c. Better Economic Opportunities
When somebody is willing to pay you money for doing something
that you are willing and able to do.
d. Improve Learning Environment
Literate individual improved learning and teaching skills and
equipped with tools necessary to collaborate and participate with
teachers and peers.
e. More Cohesive Social Units
Literate individual engaged a group to be in unity while working
towards a goal or to satisfy the needs of its members. This groups
include sports team, work groups, military units, fraternity groups
and social groups.

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