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Vikings came from the Scandinavian countries:Norway,Denamark and Sweden

and they lived between AD 700-1000.
They travelled all over the world and some went to fight ,conquer new territories
and steal the treasures . Others settled in new lands as farmers, craftsmen or
The name Viking comes from a language called Old Norse and means a pirate
raid.After the first attack,English people called them the Danes invader ,but
they were from Norway.
In Ad 787 three Vikings long ships landed in southern England.There,they killed all
people and then travelled further.That attack was the born of the Vikings.
After that they went to Scotland, where they made settlements in the north and
on the Orkney and Shetland islands. Vikings also settled on the Isle of
Man.Then,they raided Wales, but few made homes there.
Viking traders could be found as far east as Constantinopole (Turkey), where they
met people from Africa, Arabia and Asia.
In ninteenth century Vikings had a great influence.
Do you now words:sky;skin;skirt or skein?
Or names like:Eric or Ander?
The suffix by means in Old Norse yard or village and thats why places had
names like:Normandy,Grimsby,Barnby.
The names Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday are named after the Old Germanic
They built the first settlement on the south bank of the River Liffey and they
called it,Dubh Linn after the place where they keep the boats. Built at what is now
the heart of modern-day Dublin, it became the hub of one of Europes largest
slave markets. The Vikings kept firm control of Dublin for nearly three centuries,
until the Irish High King Brian Boru defeated them in the Battle of Clontarf in
Odyn was the leader of the gods and he was the god of magic and war.
Thor was the god of thunder. Thor had iron gloves, a magic belt and a hammer.
He was also god of protection.
Freya was the god of agriculture and fertility and had golden tears when she was
Valhalla was the place where they went after they died.Valhalla is like heaven at
the Christians.

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