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_____ _ _

/ ____| v.1.1 | | | |
| (___ _ __ ___| |_ _ _ __ | | ___ _
\___ \| '_ \ / _ \ | | | | '_ \| |/ / | | |
____) | |_) | __/ | |_| | | | | <| |_| |
|_____/| .__/ \___|_|\__,_|_| |_|_|\_\\__, |
| | __/ |
|_| by Derek Yu |___/ Copyright (c) 2008, 2009
Mossmouth, LLC



"Legends speak of a Colossal Cave that extends deep underground, so twisted

by time that its passages shift like the sand under which it lies... the Cave
is said to be filled with fabulous treasures, but also incredible danger!"

Spelunky is a cave exploration / treasure hunting game where the goal is to

grab as much treasure from the cave as possible. Every time you play the
cave's layout will be different. Use your wits, your reflexes, and the items
available to you to survive and go ever deeper! Perhaps at the end you may
find what you're looking for...

Don't be afraid to die! But also don't be afraid to live! Happy Spelunky-ing!



Left, Right - Walk

Up - Climb Ladders and Vines
Down - Crouch
X - Whip, Throw Item, Use Item
Z (or W, Y) - Jump
C - Cycle Whip, Bombs, Rope
B - Use Bomb Shortcut
R - Use Rope Shortcut
F - Flare
P - Purchase/Bet
Esc - Pause/Menu (Quit Game)
F4 - Toggle Fullscreen
F9 - Take Screenshot
M - Toggle Music

- To RUN, either start walking and then press down, or hold down either Shift,
Ctrl, Alt, or Spacebar while walking. You can disable "Down for Running" when
the game first loads.

- To PICK UP ITEMS, crouch by them and press X. You can throw them by pressing
X again. Hold up to throw high, and down to drop.

- Certain items, like weapons, can be used, instead of thrown, with X.

- You start each game with 4 BOMBS and 4 ROPES. To use them, cycle to them
with C and then press X to use. The bomb must be armed first. Ropes can be
thrown upwards or downwards, depending on whether you're standing or crouching.

- You can HANG ON TO LEDGES by jumping into them. You can also flip onto a
ledge by crawling over it.

- OPEN CRATES AND CHESTS by holding up and pressing X.


Spelunky does support gamepads natively. To use a gamepad, plug it into a USB
slot and then enable gamepads when the game starts.

LT | RT Left Trigger - Bomb Shortcut
| Left Bumper - Run
___LB | RB___ Right Trigger - Rope Shortcut
/ \____=____/ \ Right Bumper - Purchase/Bet
. . D-Pad - Move
| | 9 10 4 | Button 10 - Pause/Menu (Quit Game)
| = = 1 3 | Button 1 - Whip, Throw Item, Use Item
| | 2 | Button 2 - Jump
| | Button 3 - Cycle Whip, Item, Bombs, Rope
| LA RA | Button 4 - [None by Default]
| ___________ | Left Analog - Move
' / \ '
\___/ \___/



Press F2 at the title screen to go to the level editor. You will be prompted
for a level name. Type in the name of an existing level, or a new level.

Use the mouse to place tiles (left button) or erase tiles (right button). Use
A and S (or the mouse wheel) to switch tiles within a group. Press Escape to
exit the level editor (you will be asked if you want to save the level first).

The number keys 1-4 select the different groups, which are:

- Blocks
- Enemies
- Traps
- Items

NOTE: more tiles will be available to you in the level editor as you play
through the game and meet certain requirements. However, you do not need to
reach any areas to play custom levels, even if they contain tiles you have not
unlocked yourself.

Click on the "Edit Info" button to change one or more of the following:

- Level Name
- Author
- Music (Cave, Lush, Ice, Temple, and Boss are the current options)
- Starting Life
- Starting Bombs
- Starting Rope
- Next Level

"Next Level" is the name of the default level to exit to. If this is left
blank, the default will be a win screen. You can also edit exits by pressing
"E" when your mouse cursor is over the exit. This will let you set where the
exit will lead to. You can also "E"dit entrances to set where the player
should appear depending on where they came from.

Message signs can be edited in the same way. Press "E" when your mouse cursor
is over the sign.

You can also click "New Level" to load a new level or "Test Level" to test your
level (dying or exiting will return you to the editor).


To play the level, press F3 at the title screen. You will be prompted for a
level name. You can also use the menu to select a level with the mouse.

Note: levels with a "!" as the first character in the name will not show up on
the menu.


Levels are saved as ".lvl" files in your levels directory. To share a level
with other players, you can either send them the file or you can simply open
up the file in a text editor (e.g. Notepad), copy the level data, and then
paste it into an e-mail or on a forum. Other users can copy that data and
save it to a .lvl file to play on their own computer.


1. This game is too hard!

- Spelunky is more like a "roguelike" game in that death is fast and always
permanent. It adds a certain tension to the game that makes it compelling.
In short, you're meant to die many times before you complete the game, if
ever. It's supposed to be tough!

2. Any plans to port the game to [game console]?

- Spelunky is coming to XBLA in 2010! Visit <> for

more info.
3. When will you release the source code (.gmk file)?

- The source code has been released! You can obtain it from the official
website at <>.

4. I have something to tell you about the game!

- I'd love to hear it! Contact me at Or post on the

Spelunky forums: <>

5. I'd like to donate some money to you for Spelunky.

- Well, thanks! That means a lot to me. But instead, please check out my
other games at my website <>. Or save your moneys for
Spelunky XBLA. :)


You can redistribute and/or modify Spelunky, including its source code, under
the terms of the Spelunky User License. You may not sell Spelunky.

Spelunky is distributed in the hope that it will be entertaining and useful,

but WITHOUT WARRANTY. Please see the Spelunky User License for more details.

The Spelunky User License should be available as an external file called

COPYING. If not, please obtain a new copy of Spelunky from the official
website at <>


This is a GAME by Derek Yu <>. It was MADE WITH Mark

Overmars's Game Maker 7.0 and 8.0 <>.

The BASIC PLATFORM ENGINE was by Martin Piecyk


The game uses tsg1zzn's SUPER SOUND SYSTEM library for Game Maker to play

The MUSIC was by George Buzinkai (, and Jonathan Perry


The SOUND EFFECTS were created in Dr. Petter's SFXR


This game incorporates ChevyRay's VIEW-SCALING SCRIPTS.


BETA TESTING was handled by Annabelle Kennedy, Benzido, Chutup, GeneralValter,

Guert, Graham Goring, Haowan, Hideous, Inane, increpare, Kao, Mark Johns,
Melly, Paul Eres, Super Joe, tantan, Team Quiggan, Terry, Xion, and Zaphos.

MANY THANKS to Matt Thorson for help implementing gamepad support. And also
Alec, Aquanoctis, azeo, Bob le Moche, Brandon McCartin, Devlin, dock, Drakkar,
Dragonmaw, Eclipse, Farbs, FishyBoy, Gainsworthy, KniteBlargh, kYn, lowpoly,
mirosurabu, Mr. Yes, nanotie, Nitro Crate, PaleFox, Pishtaco, Powergloved Andy,
Saladan0, sergiocornaga, Sparky, teknogames, and The-Imp for general feedback
and bug-reporting starting with v0.97. Thanks to Andy Hull for his suggestions
regarding dice houses and flares in v0.99.9.

After v0.97, so many new people played the game and gave me great feedback
that it would be very difficult to list them all. My thanks to them as well.

The game takes INSPIRATION from many things, including Spelunker (NES), La
Mulana <>, Balding's Quest
<>, Aztec (Apple II), Nethack
<>, Indiana Jones, and, maybe possibly, Cave Story

SPELUNKY is a game that would not exists without the help of many people.
My thanks to them!

And special thanks to Fran, my favorite damsel! <3


For a full list of changes to Spelunky, starting with v0.96.1, see here:

1.1 - 12/25/2009
1.0 - 9/1/2009

First non-beta version released.

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