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Now WARNING: Sold out for 2 months, now in stock and accepting orders.
In The salt harvest is just 16 weeks long and we have already sold
St ock! through our first batch. All orders will be limited to just 4 bags. Orders
will be delivered in the order they are received. Order yours today.

"Find Out The Deadly

Truth Behind
Iodized, Kosher, and
Commercial Sea Salt!"
"Salt So Good...
Your Heart Will T hank You"

Read What This Customer Said:

"Wow. I hadnt expected to be able to discern a difference. I cant stand the
taste of salt as-is (makes me pull the eww face) but your salt, I could lick
off my finger with raised eyebrows and a head nod. It tastes so naturally
real - like it comes from the earth and not off a Canadian sidewalk in winter.
Colette K. - Toronto, ON

Brought to you by RealGoodSalt...

100% All-Natural, Unrefined, Handmade,
Organically Harvested Sea Salt
From The Cuyutln Lagoon
John and Geordie

Colima, MX - Salt thats good for you? I dont believe it, I said. And
you can actually enjoy salt again? Outrageous!"
Whats more... it has over 80 essential minerals and its good for your
Believe me. I was skeptical at first too.
It didn't help that it was the most delicious, delightful salt I've ever
tasted. Coarse, crunchy and moist at the same time. When you eat it,
it pops. It has bite, but doesnt linger. It doesnt overstay its welcome.
And all it takes is one pinch. A few grains. Five or six at most.
In short, it was like no other salt Ive ever had in my entire life...

I was on my way up to Chacala for a day of surfing with a bunch of

families, when I saw the fruit stands by the side of the road.
Stands with pineapple, jaca, mango, papaya, bananas, sugar cane
candies... and sea salt.
Out-of-the-blue, I remembered my friend, Lina. She's a foodie from San
Out-of-the-blue, I remembered my friend, Lina. She's a foodie from San
Francisco. And when I had told her I was living in Mexico for a month,
she said, Try the salt. The ones they sell in white burlap bags.
That's when I abruptly stopped the car -- to my familys surprise. I said
to my wife, Lets get some salt! She smiled and said, OK.
After tasting just one pinch of AztecSeaSalt, I was sold.
And I knew right away, I needed to share this salt with as many people
as possible.
In fact, I sent a few bags to the founder of Heres
what he had to say...

"The secret ingredient in many of my dishes is AztecSeaSalt.

Give it a try and I guarantee you'll taste the difference and never
go back to regular salt."
Ron Douglas
NY Times Best Selling Author
America's Most Wanted Recipes

Our friend, Jimmy Chin travels the world as a Ron Douglas

photographer for National Geographic.

He was the first person to summit and then ski Mt.


This is what he had to say...

"My friend Geordie sent me a bag of his organically harvested

AztecSeaSalt from my favorite Mexican surf spot. Loved the
salt! The whole family loves it. Used it today."
Jimmy Chin
National Geographic Photographer
World Traveler
Jimmy Chin

But Isn't Salt Bad For You?

Thats what I thought too... at first. I was worried I was falling in love
with something that would slowly, silently kill me.
But then I did some serious research. And what I discovered
astounded me.

Weve all been told salt causes high blood pressure, cardiac disease
and heart problems.

In fact, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) says its worse than
fats, sugar and alcohol!
So t hey must have t he science t o back t hat up right ?

Well, heres where it gets strange.

They dont.

Ill tell you all about it in a moment. But first, let me tell you about

The Town of Sayulita And My Surfing Addiction

Im John Cawrse (pronounced coarse like
coarse sea salt).

For the longest time, my wife, daughter and I

have vacationed in the small town of Sayulita --
on the Pacific coast of Mexico.

It has a small population of 2,500 or so residents,

many, American expats. So it has a small
community, family-oriented feel.

But the real reason we came down every winter

were the two surf breaks right in town. Everyone
surfs around here... whether youre six or sixty.
Family Surf

There's also a sandbar that makes soft waves. Not too big, not too crowded. It's
perfect for kids just starting to learn.

I love surfing... as you can tell.

And one of the reasons why I love surfing is... the waves are real.

Its not theory. Its not some concept. Its not abstract.

You cant control the waves. You cant make the waves happen. The wave is what
it is and you must ride it , you cant pretend that it is something else.

That sounds deep and philosophical, I know.

But while out on the ocean the other morning, I was thinking about these things...
thinking about the scientific research on salt.

I am sure you have read plenty of articles on how a high salt diet is bad for you. Here
is the other side of that coin.

The Truth About Salt Being "Bad" For Your Heart

In a recent New York Times expos, bestselling author
Gary Taubes dug into the research on salt.
Back in 1972, the National Institutes of Health
introduced the National High Blood Pressure Education
Program to help prevent hypertension.
Problem was -- there were no meaningful experiments
done yet. There were only two scraps of research.

One, based on observation, they noticed that certain

groups of people who ate very little salt had virtually no
Thats great, right? But these populations also didnt
eat a lot of other things. Like sugar, for instance. So it
doesnt prove anything.

The second piece of research was based on an animal

lab test. Rats were fed a lot of salt and got high blood
The catch? The scientists gave them sixty times the
amount of salt any normal human would ever eat. Thats
the equivalent of almost TWO CUPS of salt every day! NY Times Expos
Click Here To Read It...
And based on that -- those two very weak studies --
the USDA and FDA declared: Salt is bad for you!

An Annoying Lack of Proof...

Thing is, Jeremiah Stamler, a leading cardiologist from the inside, even
admitted later... (In both 1972 and 1981), the data was inconclusive
admitted later... (In both 1972 and 1981), the data was inconclusive
and contradictory and inconsistent.
But thats not the worst of it...

Another "low salt" cardiologist by the name of Graham MacGregor

was once caught saying the poor research was nothing more than a
minor irritation that causes us a bit of aggravation.

In other words, theyre all saying, We dont know if salt is really bad for
you, but lets keep the lie going because weve been telling it for too
long now.

To this day, the people behind the eat-less-salt campaign have stuck
to their guns.

And heres what they dont want you to know...

Too Little Salt May Actually Cause Heart Disease!

This is where it gets stranger...

Eating too little salt actually causes heart health problems!

Its hard to believe, I know. But its true.

You see, outside of the USDA and FDA, scientists around the world
didnt really pay attention to the salt-is-bad campaign.

In one European study in 2011, scientists followed 3,681 subjects from

Belgium, Poland, Netherlands, Italy and Czechoslovakia over eight
They discovered a lower sodium diet actually led to increased
cardiovascular-related deaths!

The study appeared in The Journal of American Medical Association

(JAMA). It was ignored.

But it wasnt the first time JAMA reported something like this.

Another salt-related study a few years before had subjects from

Canada, Ireland, Germany, England, the Philippines and even the USA.

They followed them between November 2001 - March 2008. The

results were the same. A lower sodium diet meant increased
congestive heart failure (CHF).

But t he real kicker is...

National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey is a government-run

health survey.
Over the last 30 years, theyve found that higher sodium diets
are not associated with elevated blood pressure.

Instead, its when you have too little minerals (like sodium) that you
end up with higher blood pressure!

In fact, studies have shown that low-salt diets can increase the risk of
heart attacks by 400%!
Trut h is...

Our Body NEEDS Salt

Salt, in its most basic form, is sodium and chloride.

T race Minerals
Sodium is an essential mineral. Our body doesnt know Not Found In Refined Salt
how to manufacture sodium by itself.
Sulfur Copper
Sodium keeps the fluid levels in our bodies balanced.
From the water in our cells, to our blood pressure... to our Magnesium Erbium
lymph nodes. Pot assium Tin
Calcium Manganese
Without salt, our heart cannot contract normally, which
would damage our valves. Silicon Cerium
Carbon Fluoride
Chloride, on the other hand, keeps our acid-base
balanced. It helps stomach acid, raises our pH levels and Iron Rubidium
aids in absorbing potassium. Aluminum Gallium
Praseodymium Boron
In short, salt regulates a lot of things in our bodies.
St ront ium Tit anium
Theres a reason why weve eaten salt for Zinc Bromine
thousands of years.
Theres a reason why we put patients on an IV
saline solution when they cant drink fluids. (Our T race Minerals?
blood is 0.9% salt). What Do T hey Do?
Theres a reason why its in our genetic makeup
to crave salt. Click Here To Find Out

But somehow, the USDA has turned salt into public

enemy number one at our dinner tables.

But Before You Pour Salt All Over Your Food...

Now, I know I just told you how thin the research is on salt being
bad for your heart but don't take that as a license to pour salt
all over your food.
Moderation is the key. When you use salt, use just enough, not
too much, and make sure it is the best salt you can buy.

But theres another side to this story.

You see, most salts are bad for you. In fact, theyre downright
poisonous and toxic to your health.
But heres the funny thing. When I say most, Im talking about
iodized table salt, commercial salt often labeled as sea salt
and even... kosher salt.

In other words, the salts you get at the grocery store or


You see, most big brand salts you see in the store are refined.
(And they taste like it too!)
How T o T ell If Your
What that means is -- Salt Is Refined
Find Out Now, Click Here
They have had all their minerals and moisture stripped
They use sulfuric acid and chlorine to bleach the salt
Theyre made in a way so that theyre an impossibly
high 99.7% purity.
They would make it 100% pure but that last .03% is for the
anti-caking agents. Thats the stuff that makes table salt flow
out of your saltshaker.

(Real salt is moist, soft and tastes like the sea).

Not Good Salt
Bad Salt
Refined Iodized
AztecSeaSalt Commercial
Table Salt "Sea Salt"
7.02% Less Sodium Chloride
Than Refined Salt
99.7% Sodium Chloride 80+ Healthy Minerals Your 99.7% Sodium Chloride
Body Needs
Stripped of Natural Minerals Stripped of Natural Minerals
Feel Good Supporting
Mined From The Earth Harvested by Machine
Traditional Artisans
Anti-Caking Agents Added Anti-Caking Agents Added
Natural Flavor Makes Your
Healthy Food Taste Better

How Many Toxins Are You Willing To Put In Your Body?

Problem is -- anti-caking agents have ingredients which
may be toxic to your body. Just take a look at their
scary-sounding names: sodium ferrocyanide, ammonium
citrate and aluminum silicate.
Now, the government has deemed these chemicals
"safe to eat"... and they're low in toxicity...

The same government also says it's safe to put Red

#40 and Yellow #5 in our children's cereal too. And as
we know, many ingredients deemed safe in the past
(like cigarettes), were called unhealthy later.

Why do the big name salt makers do this? In two words:

shelf life. In one word: profit.

Whats more -- the FDA allows them to have as much

as 2% of your table salt be anti-caking and free-flowing

But thats not all...

Can Refined Salt
The worst part is -- some of them have caught on to Kill You?
Americas health craze and now put the sea salt Click Here To Find Out
label on their boxes.

But its all just a marketing ploy. Commercial sea salt

may come from the sea the question is -- has it
been refined?

Now, you may also be wondering -- whats wrong with

99.7% purity? Isnt that good?

Thats something else I discovered.

When you strip salt of its minerals... and you eat it, your
body doesnt get it. Trace minerals interact with one
another, sometimes in ways that can trigger imbalances.
Too much of one can cause or contribute to a deficiency
of another.

Your body doesnt know how to use it properly.

Salt That's Actually Good For You

So if our body needs salt to live... but table salt,
So if our body needs salt to live... but table salt,
commercial sea salt and even koshering salt has
toxins in it... whats left?

Simple. We go back to how salt was made 150 years

ago -- before it became industrialized.

We eat unrefined sea salt made the way it was meant

to be.

Now, you may be thinking that unrefined sea salt

means gourmet, expensive and hard-to-get.

I can assure you none of that is the case. At least, not

with AztecSeaSalt.

As part of my business, I go down to the Cuyutln

Lagoon saltpans in Colima once in a while. I like to visit
the salineros (salt farmers) who make AztecSeaSalt.

Interesting Note: these saltpans are the very same ones

where the Aztecs made their salt over 500 years ago...
even before the Spaniards arrived.

The salineros (salt farmers) are an interesting group of

A Day In T he Life of
people. A Colima Salinero
Every night, the salinero (salt
They are migrant working families. (You can only make farmer) wakes up at half-
salt in Cuyutln between February and May, before the past-midnight when the camp
rains come). is pitch dark.
They are entrepreneurs. (They get paid for the amount Read The Rest Of The Story
of salt they produce). Click Here
And they are, as they say, salt-of-the-Earth people.

The salineros showed me around their eras (saltpans),

and how they made the salt.

Making salt the traditional way -- handmade, organic

and all-natural -- is a long, arduous process. (You can
read more about it in the sidebar).

And at the end of the day, I held a deep appreciation for

the salineros and their work.

May I Send You A Bag Of AztecSeaSalt To Try?

After my visit to the Cuyutln Lagoon saltpans, I wasnt just sold on
AztecSeaSalt. I was sold on the salineros, what they were doing and
how they were doing it.

I wanted to support their work.

And it also became clear to me, real good salt is hard to come by in the
U.S. Most of them are found in gourmet stores. Overpriced. And
frankly, hard-to-find in most parts.

I was having dinner with Geordie and his family one night. Hes a
Bermudan expat, and he had moved down to Sayulita four years
before me.

When I brought up the idea to import AztecSeaSalt directly to

American homes, he loved the idea. We decided to go into business
that night.
Thats how our company, RealGoodSalt began. Over a dinner of
good salsa, good cerveza and of course, good salt.

And now, wed like to share our very first product with you. As you can
easily guess, its AztecSeaSalt.

One Small Pinch Is All It Takes

As you read this, were just starting to ship out our first
few batches.

And as such, we want you to have the best possible

price. So right now, you can get a 1/2 lb. bag of
AztecSeaSalt for just $24.99. Whats more, when you
buy two bags, well cover shipping as long as you live in
the States. (And we have discounted shipping if youre
in Canada)
Now, some people may immediately think... $25 for a half
pound of salt? Ive never paid more than a few dollars for
table salt. And youd be right about that.

Hopefully, this informative webpage has helped you to

understand the dangers of table salt, commercial sea
salt and kosher salt. How chemicals and toxins are
found in it.
But here's something else.

AztecSeaSalt is more powerful in flavor than your typical How T o Use

table salt. AztecSeaSalt
Where recipes are calling for a full teaspoon of salt... you Find Out, Click Here
will only need a few pinches of AztecSeaSalt.

So if you did the math, AztecSeaSalt is actually not

that much more than iodized table salt. (If you take into
consideration our average shipping and handling fee is
about $4.95 per bag).

A pinch is all it takes. And a pinch wont cost more than

a few pennies.

Of course -- your satisfaction is my highest priority.

Thats why, youll be getting...

"Fall In Love With This Salt Or Get Your Money Back"
Lifetime Guarantee
Make My Order Now

But You Must Hurry...

As I had mentioned, theres only a limited supply each
year. The migrant Colima salineros work hard between
February and late May... sometimes stretching into early
June if were lucky with the weather.

Thats a total of sixteen weeks. In May, the rains fall,

the lagoon refills or the winds are too strong. In other
words, its near impossible to make salt.

AztecSeaSalt is made with loving care during this brief


So theres only a limited supply each year and it always

sells out.

We have recently received another batch, and would like

to ensure your name is on one (or a few) bags before we
run out.

And remember, were covering shipping for you this time


Hurry! Before it is all gone.

Yours healthfully,

John Cawrse, co-founder of RealGoodSalt

P.S. I never quite finished my Sayulita story. You see, a

few months back, my wife and I decided to go all in and
move to this lovely town.

What finally made us to do it is the Costa Verde

International School, a non-profit school that expat
parents started here.

The student body is an even 40/60 mix of international

expat and local Mexican children. Over 40% of the
student body receives a scholarship to attend.
Its great. The classroom size is about 14 kids per
teacher. It goes up to grade six, and weve attracted
some amazing teachers.

The reason I bring this up is to let you know that a

percentage of each bag of AztecSeaSalt goes to the
Costa Verde scholarship fund. This helps another local
Sayulita child with an opportunity he or she wouldnt get
Costa Verde International School
Personally, I think this salt should win a Nobel Peace Sayulita Mexico
Prize for all the good it does.

Just try one bag. Youll love it...

Our Customers Love Our Salt

"I am extremely fussy about food. I have tried many salts. Yours is
UNBELIEVABLE. My husband and I had grass fed burgers for dinner last
night with your salt. AMAZING! Thank you for making this salt available."
Judi S. from Buffalo, NY

"Great product. Good follow up tips on keeping it moist and how to dry it for

Bill J. from Baton Rouge, LA

" tastes great and very little is needed. Definitely worth the purchase!"

Maraine D. from Patagonia, AZ

"Having been a long-time user of the Celtic Sea Salt brand,... I'm a convert! I
find it to have a better taste and a softer texture. And knowing that its locally
harvested and helps the local community instead of a big corporation is a
Kevin W. from Dallas, TX

More Customers Love Our Salt

"Typically I use the Himalayan variety so at first I was a bit skeptical. But,
this stuff rocks! No pun intended. It's got a smooth yet complex taste and the
size and texture is perfect for both direct consumption, cooking or finishing."

Lawrence L. from Denver, CO

"As the owner of an organic food business I really appreciate what these
guys are doing. Where our food comes from matters - a lot. And these guys
get that. The quality is 2nd to none."

Anthony C. from Columbus, OH

"As the owner of an organic food business I really appreciate what these
guys are doing. Where our food comes from matters - a lot. And these guys
get that. The quality is 2nd to none."

Anthony C. from Columbus, OH

"The AztecSeaSalt has a very nice/rich flavor that compliments our meals
without the need for added sauces. ...I appreciate the quality of the product
and the level of service. We will order again."

Darsie C. from Haines, AK

"Very nice tasting sea salt... you can tell it is fresh from the sea as the water
content is high... I highly recommend this natural product."
Greg C. from Fort Lauderdale, FL

Order Your Salt Here


Two 8oz Bags

Four 8oz Bags
$49.98 $99.96
Free Shipping Included ($ 9 .9 9 t o Can.) Included
Priorit y Shipping Included Included
100% Nat ural Yes Yes
Organically Harvest ed Yes Yes
80+ Healt hy Minerals Yes Yes
No Added Chemicals Yes Yes
Support s Salineros Yes Yes
New Modern Package Yes Yes
Zip-Top Seal Yes Yes
Built -In Salt Cellar Yes Yes
Average Re-Order In 6 Mont hs 1 Year
Order Limit 2 Orders 1 Order

Add T o My Cart
Add To My Cart

Or, try just 1 bag $24.99

plus shipping
We now have salt in stock. Because of the scarcity of our supply all orders
are limited to just four bags. We encourage you to make your order now.
We ship all orders in the same order in which they were placed.

Copyright 2013 RealGoodSalt. All Rights Reserved. T erms of Service, Privacy Policy and Links to Studies.

T his product has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not meant to cure, treat, or prevent any diseases.

Never undertake any substantial changes in your diet or exercise patterns without first consulting your physician, especially if
you are currently being treated for any medical conditions.

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