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#Configuration file generation for TAM ssl Connection

java com.tivoli.pd.jcfg.SvrSslCfg -action config -admin_id sec_master -admin_pwd

PWD -appsvr_id APp_ID -appsvr_pwd 123456 -host localhost -port port -policysvr
localhost:7135:1 -port 7135 -authzsvr localhost:7136:1 -mode local -cfg_file
"./tam_config_file.conf" -key_file "./tam_Keystore_file.ks" -cfg_action create
-certrefresh true

#PDJrteCfg - Pdjrte configuration for TAM components

java -Dpd.home=/opt/PolicyDirector/ -cp

/opt/PolicyDirector/java/export/pdjrte/PD.jar com.tivoli.pd.jcfg.PDJrteCfg -action
config -java_home /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/java/jre -host <IP or host name of
the PolicyServer> -port 7135 -domain Default -config_type full -cfgfiles_path
/opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/tivoli/tam -alt_config

pdjrtecfg.exe -action config -host localhost -port 7135 -java_home "c:\Program

Files (x86)\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\java\jre" -domain Default -config_type full
cfgfiles_path "C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\tivoli\tam"

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