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Mens Breast Cancer

Awareness Week
October 15-21
Both men and women have
breast tissue than can devel-
op cancer cells. Symptoms
of breast cancer in men
include: a lump or swelling,
skin dimpling, nipple retrac-
tion, redness or scaling of
the nipple or skin, discharge
from the nipple. The only
way to accurately diagnose
breast cancer is through a

Spreading the message

Pat Washburn undertakes one woman
campaign to warn men of breast cancer
Of The Record
Marlyn Washburn spent his life teaching --
in both the classroom and as a principal.
Now it is his wife Pat who has taken up the
cause of educating others following her hus-
bands death from breast cancer..
Marlyn passed away in May of this year at
the age of 66. Since then, Pat has led a cam-
paign to raise awareness about mens breast
So many people came up to me after
Marlyn died and said they didnt know men
could get breast cancer, said Pat. There just is
not a lot of information about it out there.
Pat, the former Lawton city clerk, now lives
in Omaha. She has traveled around the state of
Nebraska as well as different parts of Iowa to Marlyn had lost his battle with cancer.
spread information on the disease. Just a few years earlier, Marlyn had sup-
That message is being delivered in a variety ported his daughter Barbara Lovercheak in her
of ways. Pat estimates she has sent out over breast cancer fight. Her cancer was diagnosed
7,500 pamphlets that give information on mens early, and she is a cancer survivor.
breast cancer. She also attends events at schools However, that early detection does not
or business to hand out the flyers and answer happen often for men, as many are unaware of
questions. the threat from breast cancer.
And a new wrap for Marlyns Dodge Dart Any noticeable changes in the breast or
gives her a mobile billboard. It says Breast nipple area should be reported to a health care
Cancer Does Not Discriminate: Men 2. physician.
However, she finds personal testimony to be While battling the disease, Marlyn did
the most effective way of spreading the mes- what he could to educate others. That included
sage. having a personalized license plate made that
Im not a public speaker, but Im so pas- reads MEN 2, and has the pink ribbon of breast
sionate about this that I will walk up to anybody cancer awareness.
and talk with them, she says. I was standing His wife has now made it her mission to
in line at the airport the other day with three carry on that cause.
men. I only had a few seconds, but we talked I told his children that Im not going to let
about breast cancer. Two of them knew men him die in vain. He was an educator, and that
could get it, but one of them didnt. should be his legacy, said Pat.
Marlyn was among those who did not know I believe Marlyn is with me every step of
men could be affected by breast cancer. the way. He shows up in so many ways. He
It was a routine check up for his diabetes was a very good man, and he treated me like a
that eventually led to the diagnosis. Initially the queen.
only symptom was pain in his shoulder, which But what also motivates her is the painful
he and Pat believed came from his golf. struggle the family endured at the end of
The results from the blood test concerned Marlyns life. He spent 34 days in the hospital
doctors, and an ultrasound and biopsy followed. with Pat by his side for much of that time.
It was revealed that Marlyn had stage 4 Even if one family is spared the nightmare
breast cancer, which had spread to his liver, we faced with Marlyns breast cancer, my
lungs, kidneys, lymph nodes and brain. campaign to educate others will have been
Radiation and chemotherapy treatments worth it.
began immediately. But after six months,

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