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Gomez 1

Uriel Gomez

Ms. Trotter

English Lit p.4

20 September 2017

One of a Kin

If you know anything about Mexican Society you know that Machismo (Masculine

Pride) plays a big part in it and my father was on board with the whole concept of said

machismo. You see I come from an Old School family with Old School ideas which is the only

reason I was born. After my sister was born my dad wasnt satisfied so he talked my mom into

trying to have another kid hoping it would come out a boy. Five years into my parents marriage

I was born on June 21 of the year 2000. I have 3 older sisters; one of whom Ive never met

before and a brother who is the oldest, my sisters who played the role of my mom when I was

growing up when she couldnt due to her working multiple jobs. My brother played the role of

my father when he didnt want to molded me into who I am for the better or worse for the first

couple years of my life.

I cant really go into detail about past generations because all I really know is my mom

but the little information I do know is enough to keep me going. Knowing the only reason that I

was born is because my dad wanted to have a man in the family but when it came time to be a

Man he wasnt there so my mom had to play both roles is why I have the utmost respect for

her forever and always. I respect her because despite the fact that she was an immigrant and

didnt know a word of english but went to adult school and worked her way up not only for her

english but for her citizenship. My mother and my siblings have shaped me into who I am today.
Gomez 2

She taught me how to make something out of nothing. I grew up with people who family was all

they had. WE grew together as a family all while I was just trying to grow up and that was done

because of her.

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