Script CupOfTea

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Create a scene based around this dialogue.

You should have at least one prop in the

scene to help you create conflict/tension in the scene.

A Hello, anybody there?

B Not if youre a salesman

A No, no, its only me dear.

B Oh, its only you dear

A Yes, just me

B Mmm, just you. Plonk yourself down

A Ooh, I like your hair. Have you just had it done?

B Yes, yes. Ive just had it done. Do you like it?

A Mmm, yes. Doesnt make mine look so bad now.

B Ooh, I see you mustve stopped using that wrinkle cream I gave you.

A No.

B Oh. Can I get you a cuppa dear.

A Well, I dont want to put you out.

B You wont

A Well only if youre having one yourself

B I am

A Only if its not too much trouble

B It isnt

A Oh well, if you insist

B I do. So what do you want then, tea or coffee?

A Ooh, yes please, that would be lovely

B Yes, but would you prefer tea or coffee?

A Yes please yes.

B Hmm, let me put it this way what do you like?

A What do I like? What do I like? Hmm let me see. I like a warm sunny
day. I like little puppy dogs with cute little nosey wosies. And I love
those little lollies you get and you put them in your mouth and they go
all tingly

B Dear, dear! Thats very nice, but would you like a cup of something?

A Yes, just half a cup though.

B Half a cup of what?

A Whatever is easiest to make.

B Theyre both as easy as each other, so which do you prefer?

A Ill have what youre having

B Well Im having a tea, so would you like tea?

A Well apparently tea is one of Iraqs major exports. And we wouldnt

want to be seen supporting the Iraqi cause now would we.

B Coffee then.

A Well coffee is quite often grown in South Africa, where they have an
appalling human rights record.

B So just what do you want?

A Well, I just want people of all nations to live together in peace and harmony.

B No!

A Whats wrong with that?

B No I mean that peace and love stuff is all good, but what I mean is

A Yes.

B But which one?

A Whichever is closest to hand.

B Ive got a rather large tea caddy in one hand and a very heavy coffee jar in
the other hand. One could say theyre both very close to hand, and the police
could say theyre both blunt instruments. SO MAKE A DECISION!

A Umm, Ill have Ill have coffee.

B Coffee. Right. Fine. Hoorah. We have a decision. Making the coffee.

A But only if its decaffeinated.

B Aaahhhh.. exits

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