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1) Created two users with same email id BIG NO NO.

We may
need to set the email/username as unique key in the database (HIGH PRIORITY)
2) Getting the below undefined while entering the password less than 8 characters. The
message should read Invalid password! Password should be minimum of 8 characters


4) Couldnt login to the system after creating the user with password which includes
special characters such as #. The password should support special character including @,
5) Getting the below message while clicking the Feature Set link in the navigation.
Clicking any link is give the message box. HIGH
6) The team section in the dashboard is showing the boxes when there are no team
members. Remove the box and keep it blank.

7) Deleting the feature is giving the title as Dashboard. It should be Feature

8) The box should read Message to proposal team. Also the message to proposal team
appears even for the just created project. We may need to check the status of the
project and display only if it is applicable.
9) We can remove the country/state/timezone from the project creation wizard and
reduce it into two tabs by bringing the budget, timeline and terms and condition to the
technology tab. The technology tab should ready 2. Technology & other details

10) Created a long description and by hitting the save, it didnt save. This may be due to
entering more that 500 chars. If the text is beyond the limit, the system should give a
message that The description is greater than 500 characters instead of not saving.

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