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Christ The Answer International Ministries


Ephesians 2:12-19, Psalms 25:14, 118:22-24

In these above scriptures there are some very revealing details that form the basic outline of what
we are to have in attitude, desire and benefits. Our attitude has to be one of Psalm 25:14 the
secret of the Lord is with them that fear Him; and He will shew them His Covenant. We need to
have such an attitude of honor to what the Lord has done for us and keep that heart so that He
can reveal His Covenant to us. We can know what it says but to truly understand something, we
must have it in our hearts. God desires to show this Covenant in our hearts and we need to see
His desire is to do that. But His pearl of great price (that which is holy) is not going to come to
those of swine mentality. So learn to keep a gentle heart before the Lord and see His revelation
come to pass in your life.

We have already been given the Name of Jesus, HIS LOVE, Authority, Power and Dominion,
according to the Word. However we do not understand the Covenant what it means to totally
give oneself to that partner, as even Abraham did for he became a father of faith on a inferior
covenant to ours. It was made by blood of animals, while ours was established by the Blood of

1Corinthians 11:25 speak of the covenant This cup is the New Covenant (Testament, ratified
agreement established ) in My Blood. There is not one thing you can add to or take away from
this Covenant, for Jesus made it with His Own Blood on our behalf. All that is required of me is
that I believe in it with all my heart. Strong faith comes out of understanding with my heart and
soul the plan of God. What His will is and the Word declares His plan! It is when we receive
the engrafted (to set or fix deeply and firmly, implanted) Word of God that is able to save our
souls, then we can be doers of the Word, getting the victorious results that God has planned all
along. James 1:21,22

We also need to notice here in these scriptures that this Covenant was made on our behalf for
our benefit. We were strangers to His Covenants of promise with Israel, no hope in this world.
What an edict! You want to talk of being between rock and a hard place Then we see by faith
we have been given access to the throne room of God through the Blood of Jesus, GLORY! Now
we are household and a home (habitation) to the Presence of the Holy Spirit, and eternal
relationship with God, and all His benefits, Praise the Lord!

So well did David prophesy victory to us! This what David prophesied in Psalm 118:22-24
you have become my salvation, (my Healer, Deliverer, Provider, King, God, Eternal Life,
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Preservation) the stone which the builders refused is become the head stone of the corner
(the head of the church), This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad
in it. May I ask, what day is this that David speaks of? It is the day of the New Covenant, and
we do rejoice and we are glad in it, GLORY TO GOD! This should be our desire, to glorify the
Lord Jesus Christ in all He has done for us.

Dr. Kenneth Hagin tells a story of poor servant lady of rich woman, whom she served faithfully
for many years. Through the course of time, the rich lady passed away, but left a will and
testament, and gave a document to the servant lady to keep. She hung it on her wall and framed
it. Later when she was sick, her pastor came to visit and read this document. He asked her
whether she knew what it said or not. The servant lady did not know how to read and so didnt
know what it said. She had lived for many years in poverty after the rich lady had passed on. The
pastor informed her that document promised her to be able to leave in relative financial security
for the rest of her life. She had lived in ignorance of what was hers by last will and testament.
Many people do the same each day as Christians. Hosea 4:6, Isaiah 5:13 tell us that through a
lack of knowledge many of Gods saints, we have been shortchanged of what God has blessed us
with through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We have got to learn what is ours from the Word
of God, make our demand in faith upon that Word from God, to take back from the devil
everything that he has stolen from the church; to apprehend of what God has accomplished for us
through Jesus Christ.

For many years, bits and pieces of revelation have made parts of the covenant more real each
day. The reason for this study is to help even one to get more from it, to understand just how God
made it possible for us to be joint heirs with Jesus Christ, Romans 8:17,29, conformed to the
image of HIS SON. Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift. Faith gives us all equal
opportunity to receive the promised benefits, as we all will see throughout this study. Let us
understand this one thing about faith in the Covenant It is impossible to make a claim to
receive in faith from Father God, if you do not know what right or benefit that you are asking
for. What I am saying is this if you dont know whatever you are asking for His will for you,
how can you ask in faith for the promised blessing Faith begins with a knowledge of His will
and testament THE BLOOD COVENANT, Romans 10:17 Faith that wins is always
based upon the Bloods finished work and Present Power to deliver

There is this song I want to share, we believe it is anonymous

Its the Blood that sets me free, Its the Blood that makes me whole,
The Lord Jesus shed it, and the Holy Ghost applied it,
Its the Blood that saved my soul!
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1) What is a Covenant of Blood?

Foundation Scriptures: Ephesians 2:12-19, Psalms 25:14, 118:22-24

Strong Agreement between two people. Father God gave Jesus to be cut, to shed His blood for a
covenant between God and man. Jesus cut a covenant of Blood on our behalf. His Life was given
for our lives.

The tribal custom of some nations they still practice blood covenants. In Africa, they have
different markings to identify who is in covenant with another tribe, or person.

Native culture of eating in neighbors house; if you dont go to the fridge when you are hungry
and get something to eat, you will offend the house and it will be an offense. You may not be
invited back again to that house.

Marriage, the giving of rings, is a covenant symbol In some countries there is a dowry before

Genesis 15:12-18... when God cut the covenant with Abram, it was an agreement that would last
eternally. God walked in a figure eight pattern, in and around the pieces of flesh, signifying a
covenant that would go on forever. (Note: Gen. 15:11 birds tried to steal, just like the devil tries
to steal the covenant from God's people today.)

The Blessing of the covenant that God cut with Abraham is still in effect today, and is upon
every believer in Christ Jesus. Galatians 3:14, That the blessing of Abraham might come upon
the Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.

*** Note: we are not just talking about church doctrinal statements, or my Pastor believes or
what I believe for that can be taken or rejected. What we are speaking of, is the most
strongest agreement that a man or woman can enter into. Not optional, not partial, both parties in
the agreement have to abide by it. Life - blessings, death - cursings is what we are talking of

Examples of Old Covenant men and women, (1Corinthians 10:11)

Genesis 12:1-3... bless, curse (one meaning - boomerang)

Genesis 14:22 Abram did not want any body else to get the credit for making him rich, or any
blessing. God was his abundant compensation, and faithful to provide as such as he needed.

When Abram believed God, he made an unqualified committal of himself and family to God. It
was accounted to him for righteousness; he did this by faith, (totally and completely committing
himself to God). He walked uprightly before the Lord.
Abram believed Genesis 15:1-6... Amp. Your shield, your abundant compensation and your
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reward shall be exceedingly great.

Genesis 15:5 Talk about having vision, God spoke that the seed of Abram would be so great, as
infinite as the number of stars in the heavens. Every time Abram looked up at night when he
went to bed he would remember the God, Who was his abundant compensation, Who said that
his seed would outnumber the stars. He reminded himself of this and gave God the praise every
night as he went to bed

(Genesis 22:17,18) and if that wasnt enough, He told Abraham to look to the sands of the
seashore, and try and count that! What a reminder to his faith. Abraham look up and praise me
every night for the Words spoken to you, and when you wake in the morning and go to wash at
the seashore, just spend a bit of time and try to count the sand, so shall thy seed beWhat an
awesome reminder of such an Awesome God

El-Shaddai Genesis 17:1-3... El-Shaddai, the God Who is more than enough, The Breasty
One, The Nurse, The Provider, literally means we can suck our life out of God; you don't have a
need that I, El-Shaddai, can't meet.

Up until this time, Elohim, the Father, Son, Holy Spirit, the God of natural order, was all man
knew about Gods character. Now He reveal Himself as El Shaddai, the One Who will stop,
slow down, speed up, accelerate natural laws on behalf of His Covenant partner, Abraham, on
the earth. Jesus did the same in the Gospels, multiplying bread, John 6:2-14, making wine, John
2:1-11. This is important to us for anything Jesus did, we can do, according to the Word of

Genesis 17:3 And Abram fell on his face: and God talked with him, saying,
Abram had such a reverence for the presence of God Almighty.
Psalm 25:14 the revelation of the Covenant is directly measurable by your respect and reverence
for the Word of God.

Genesis 17:5 God renames his Covenant man by a new name Abraham which means: Father
of many nations have I made thee.

God is already calling those things which be not as though they are. Romans 4:17even God
who quickeneth the dead, and calleth those things which be not as though they were.

*** Note that God chose to make His covenant with Abraham, every area of Abraham's life was
blessed, finances, health, strength, emotional, social. And look at Genesis 17:8 Israel has a
everlasting agreement with God as their partner for the land of Canaan. That agreement is for an
everlasting possession. (NO way would I want to be fighting against Israel in a land deal, it is a
done deal with God Almighty on their side. God said I will be their God. Boy, if they, (Israel)
look to God and hold to this Look out any enemies, you will be found fighting God, and you
cannot win! El-Shaddai, the supernatural God, Who can override natural law, was his
covenant partner.
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Isaiah 41:8, James 2:23, speaking of Genesis 15:6 says that Abraham was the friend of God.
Does not that indicate just what a close relationship Abraham had with God?

Jesus the witness Galatians 3:8... Jesus was witness to this agreement, because God preached
the Gospel unto Abraham, saying that... "in thee shall all nations be blessed."

Genesis 17:21-27 Does not the fact that all these men willfully submitted themselves to being
circumcised speak volumes about the witness and testimony of the life of Abraham, how he
walked in communion together in faith with God Almighty? Doesnt that show the faithfulness
of Abraham to walk in the Covenant with God, that his men would follow him to such an serious
and solemn time as this?

Abraham's IntercessionGenesis 18:17-33 ...God had such faith in his covenant partner, His
friend, that He actually shared His thoughts with Abraham and allowed Abraham to intercede for
the righteous. God's report of Abraham was that "for I know him", (18:19) Wow! (Job 22:30)
Abraham had such a faithful report from the Lord
- a Covenant man,
- in command of and faithful in raising his children and household,
- will hold to justice and judgment,
- that the Lord may bring upon Abraham that which he hath spoken to him,

Genesis 22... Abraham is an old man, takes Isaac to sacrifice.

Abraham believes God will provide a sacrifice or raise up Isaac from the dead because the
covenant promises were to come through Isaac's seed.

Isaac must have had faith in the covenant too or he could have stopped Abraham from the
sacrifice. (Isaac was about twenty years old. Could have easily stopped an old man.) He knew
God would raise him up too! He believed God too! And he also saw and lived with Abraham. He
saw the promises of God and the blessings of God upon Abraham in such a supernatural way
he knew God was good and following Him was the thing to do

Because they both believed, they set a precedent. God then had the right and privilege to send
HIS SON to the earth, as an offering for our sin nature. God then could send His only Son to die.
He could allow the shedding of His blood for the remission of our sins, and raise Jesus up on our
behalf, being the first born (Hebrews 1:6, Romans 8:29, Colossians 1:15,18) of many brethren,
making us the new creations by faith (2Corinthians 5:17) that we are now in Christ Jesus. We
literally now are a brand new species of being, that never before existed.

God remembersExodus 2:24,25 ...God heard their groaning and remembered His Covenant
with Abraham, with Isaac, and with Jacob

Moses intercedes Exodus 32:13,14...Moses reminded God of His Covenant. It seems that
the Covenant had such an awesome respect from both God and Moses, and Moses changed
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God's mind

Exodus 33:11 Moses face to face with God Almighty, as a FRIEND!

David his faith in the Covenant, 1Samuel 17:20,32-53 ...David never called Goliath
anything but an uncircumcised Philistine, (a dog, a heathen). David never once called Goliath a
giant... Why? Because David had a covenant with Almighty God. He knew the Philistine,
Goliath had no covenant with God and that is why David in faith, knew he would win.

2Chronicles 6:14 ...Solomon in his wisdom, knew God was a Covenant keeping God, showing
mercy to those who walked uprightly, with all their hearts. Every time the Glory of God,
(Manifested presence of God) showed up in the Bible, it was because they honored the
Covenant, they magnified the Word of God. That is where God said His eyes, His Name, His
heart would be, honoring His Covenant with Abraham.

2Chronicles 7:5 consider the offering made in respect of the Old Covenant, in the value that
they placed upon it, they had so many sheep (120,000) and oxen (22,000) that blood must have
run down the streets. Consider that they knew that this was of great value to them in every area
of their lives

2Chronicles 20:7-25 ...Jehoshaphat is in trouble, fears the Lord, calls a fast. Then he goes before
the Lord God in the house of God, and speaks to the Lord. See how he repeats the terms of the
Covenant back to the Lord. "Are you not the Covenant keeping God of the seed of Abraham?
We don't know how to deliver ourselves... but You do, hear us and help... we don't know what to
do, but You do and our eyes are upon You. What did they see with their eyes? Did they see
God? No! They saw words of the Covenant, the very Promise of God; 2Chronicles 7:16 where
God said He would put His Name, My eyes, and My Heart will be here perpetually (Amp).
They believed God and then God moved because they put His agreement to work for them, they
spoke His Word over the circumstance and great victory came. God honors His Covenant. They
had faith in the Lord God and were established and believed in the prophets and were prospered.
Mightily! It took three days to get all the spoils, they went away from that fight, without
wielding a sword, millionaires!

Job 1:5... Job had a covenant with God that protected his life. Job offered continual sacrifices,
more out of fear than anything. It may be indicates that he was doing it out of fear that his
children were not right before God. Throughout the Book of Job the devil lies through the two
counselors and to get Job to accuse God of lying, making him sick, and of stealing Jobs
prosperity. Elihu tried to get Job to see the goodness of God, and to believe the report of the
Lord Isaiah 53: Who has believed our report? Report of what? The report of the goodness
of God!

Job 38-42... At the end of Job, we clearly see that God had chose to make a Covenant with Job,
and would live up to His end of the deal if Job would stay in faith about God's goodness. Job,
again saw the goodness of God, something so wonderful, that God will keep His Word.
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Job 1:3, 42:12 result of being in Covenant with the Almighty God, was that God more than
doubled what Job had lost through the attack of the devil. When you get attacked, you can
rejoice even when you think you have lost, for God will see to it that you win! The devil will
have to pay back seven times what he tried to steal, for your covenant Partner will see to it if you
stand your ground.

Jeremiah 1:12 His call to the ministry of Prophet to the nation of Israel, was received on the
covenant promise of God watching over His WORD to perform it

Daniel 3:14-30 Daniel in the fiery furnace knew that God was his Deliverer. See how the
three answered the King? If you do (throw us in the fire, our God whom we serve, He will
deliver us If you dont throw us in, it doesnt matter, we still will not bow down to your
images) They had a covenant keeping God on their side

Daniel 6:3-27 Daniel had such faith in His Covenant Partner that he continued to pray and do
the will of God regardless of circumstances, above honor of man, above ease of position, wealth,
even his life. Why? Because His partner was that precious to Him in everything. He had a
consistent prayer life.
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2) Why a New Covenant?

Foundation Scriptures: Ephesians 2:12-19, Psalms 25:14, 118:22-24

Because the Old Covenant could never be for all the people, the whole earth. It was so the seed
bringing the righteous line into the earth that Jesus Christ came through could be preserved. The
benefits of the new far outweigh the old covenant. In the old, the people had a high priest to
present an offering once a year to atone, (to cover) their sin nature or sin consciousness. They
knew God from a distance and were afraid of His presence, (Exodus 34:30) now He dwells in
our hearts. The nation of Israel was the people God chose to bring this covenant to reality upon
the earth to bless all nations. This is really a fulfillment of Galatians 3:8 where God
preached the gospel to Abraham saying, In thee shall all nations be blessed. Jesus fulfilled the
Old, bringing us the New Covenant, which is for all men, women, children everywhere who will
call upon the Name of the Lord.

Matthew 27:51-53 In that ONE that hung on the cross, was deliverance for all. When the curtain
to the Holy of Holies was torn in two, from top to bottom, (which only God could do, it was 20
ft. high, 40 ft. wide, and 4-6 inches thick!)

Jeremiah 31:31,33,34; Ezekiel 36:26,27; 37:14,23,26 This is what the prophets foretold about
the coming of Jesus and what would happen to mankind when Jesus came. How instead of
living in a temple, made with human hands; Father God now dwells within believers. His laws
would not be on some book or tablet of stone, where people could never experience His love and
forgiveness the wiping away of sin consciousness, His Presence in their very lives! That is
why the promise of the Holy Spirit to dwell inside of each believer was such awesome news and
still is. Think of this, the God of the universe, of all that is, desires to dwell in human hearts and
have such fellowship with men and women. That is why holiness is possible for each believer,
for you have the Holy ONE on the inside of you. Listen to His guidance, Today!

2Chronicles 3,4,5 talk about the incredible amount of money that was invested into the building
of the sanctuary for Gods Presence to be among them. Note that there was no quibbling about
how much something cost, just a desire to build the best they could for His Presence among
them You have got to be of even greater value, for Jesus Christ came and died so that His
Presence could be on the inside of you Just check all the gold and labor to build the temple

2Chronicles 7:5 think about this, for an offering for Gods presence among them they offered
22,000 oxen, 120,000 sheep in one offering!!!

Do you think that God would desire to live in something less than that of the Old
Testament NO, it is a better Covenant!

Deuteronomy 7:9... this covenant (OT) will last a thousand generations, could be passed down
through generations... The blessings of the Old Covenant come upon those who are of faith in
Jesus Christ. Galatians 3:14 says that through Abraham, we receive the blessing and the
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promise of the Spirit, Gods Presence within us redeems us from the curse.
Hebrews 13:20... Jesus' blood was of the everlasting covenant (eternal agreement with God and
man) Everlasting, never failing, without an end. Compare that with the Old Covenant, which
had to be renewed on a yearly basis This is forever!

Hebrews 5:8,9 7:24,25,26 Jesus is the high priest of this eternal New Covenant, forever. Forever
Jesus is interceding for the church forever! He will be the Lamb upon the throne! Forever he is
the captain of our salvation. His priesthood is higher than the heavens in the very throne room of
God and consecrated forever! Wow what an awesome God we serve! This means that it will
work for believers wherever they are, whenever, if they stand their ground upon that word of

(While in Guatemala in 1996, the Lord spoke to me about the power and integrity of God in
supporting this covenant. No matter where you are in the world, that He would see to it that the
covenant of protection and provision have not passed away, and that He would look after us in
these matters. As He spoke these words to my spirit I began to weep openly, in the middle of a
seminar on the Blood Covenant! A day later, the pastor that hosted us came to me with a
prophetic word from the Lord for me. He spoke exactly the same word that the Lord had
ministered to me the day before. It was as if the Lord really wanted to get the message across to
me. The times that I have needed to rehear that same message! We need to trust in the Covenant
keeping God. You will find he will not let you down, just keep looking to Him.

Before Jesus returns there will be those who really catch hold and trust the Lord. For there are
many great things to do, NOW! (John 14:12). We need to believe God for miracles in finances,
not just for ourselves, to pay our debts, but to pay off the mortgage on churches, bless missions
with airplanes and tools to get the jobs done that God has called them to do.
We must dream big dreams for God is big. We are the children of the Living God. We are the
body of Christ, and we will not be denied from the will and purpose for which Jesus died, to
redeem the people from the tyranny of Satan, who holds so many in bondage to different vices.
My friend, the Blood of Jesus can set you so free and just by faith in the Blood you can have
liberty and freedom youve never experienced before. The Holy Spirit is trying to make this
reality to Christians about faith in the Blood of Jesus. This is not a selfish thing to know about
the Blood, it frees you to free others by faith in Jesus Christ! God grant us wisdom to use these
truths, and bring honor and glory to the Lord Jesus. In the last days we are going to live by this
Covenant, and God wants us to know the benefits! Psalm 103:2)

Deuteronomy 28, 30:19 and blessing. God is interested in blessing His people, not
cursing. The curse comes through disobedience, but God is a blessing and a Blesser of His
people. He is constantly thinking of ways to bless you. Galatians 3:13 Christ has redeemed
you from the curse of the Law. If we see this, that Christ has redeemed us, by His shed blood;
what would He withhold or hold back from us?

Romans 8:32 He who did not spare

Ephesians 2:12-19 ...not to be strangers any more to the covenants of promise, no longer
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without hope, no longer without God in the world, but now fellowcitizens with the saints and of
the household of God. So to put this in a different wording but saying the same thing, you are of
the household of God, a fellowcitizen of heaven, full of hope, you are with the Holy God in this
world, and His Promises are yours. That is if we are to believe the Bible as it is written; and I do.
Even when I blow it, God has made a way possible for me to be forgiven. What an Awesome
God, Whose mercies never end.

In Russia, I have read that before the iron curtain fell, they used to call it the reading of the will...
God's Will and Testament! This New Testament is the last Will and Testament of the Lord Jesus
Christ, the express will of God for His church, which is the body of Christ.

Luke 14:27-30... Father, Jesus, Holy Ghost realized what it would cost to redeem us, and
considered us worthy of such a high price, willingly they paid it. God sees mankind as
extremely precious!

Romans 8:32... Because it cost God everything, it cost Jesus everything, his life given so that
I/we may have an agreement with God Almighty for "all" eternity.

*** Could Jesus have sinned? Could Jesus have turned His back to the ministry laid before

Hebrews 2:16-18; Jesus suffered temptation.

Luke 4: Jesus tempted of the devil. If there was temptation, it had to be a real temptation, and
Jesus overcame. But Jesus could have sinned He chose not to! He spoke the Word of
Almighty God and won, overcoming every temptation.

John 1:14 full of grace and truth. Jesus overcame through the ability that God gives and
a full knowledge of truth (the Bible).

Matthew 26:38, Mark 14:34 overwhelmed with grief, that it almost kills me, exceedingly
sorrowful, Luke 22:44 being in such agony, Jesus sweat drops of Blood in the Garden of
Gethsemane Was that a difficult thing to go through? Didnt Jesus say that He could have
called 12 legions of angels (6,000 a legion x 12 legions = 80,000 or more angels).

Didnt Jesus know what was about to come upon Him? Yes, He knew. The Flesh recoils from
that kind of consecration

Hebrews 5:7 (Amp.) His flesh recoiled not from going to hell, but being out of the Presence of
God Almighty

Hebrews 5:9 being made perfect He was not yet perfect, until the nature of sin and death that
was laid upon him, was destroyed!

Hebrews 7:26-28 consecrated (or perfected) for evermore. That is why He is the first-born
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of many brethren Col. 1:15,18

Jesus never defeated the devil with anything more than what we are He defeated the
devil as the first-born, the first to arise from the dead, the first New Creation, full of the
Word of God.
Remember where Mary was looking for Jesus and He found her and said Mary, touch me not, I
go to my Father and your Father, to My God, and your God (John 20:17). Jesus was going as
the first born New Creation with an offering of Blood on behalf of the church of the first-born.

Psalm 145:8,9 The Lord is gracious (the meaning of that is He is disposed to show favor),
and full of compassion (abounding in mercy and loving-kindness), slow to anger (Hes not
mad at you) and of great mercy (even when you do blow it).:9 THE LORD IS GOOD TO

The New Covenant was Jesus work! Jesus said I must work the works of Him who sent Me
John 5:20 even greater works, John 9:4 work the works, John 14:12, and so shall we boldly in
Jesus Name!

Some folks never believe that God wants to be good to them or answer their prayers so they
dont trust themselves to pray with fervor and power. You need to answer this question, are you
that bad of a person?

Psalms 116:12,13 What shall I render unto the Lord for all His benefits toward me? I will
take the cup of salvation, and call upon the Name of the Lord. To do this properly we must
declare God as our covenant partner and declare the blessings of the Covenant, the benefits of
being identified with Him. The cup is a full cup of salvation, with peculiar benefits and blessings
to those that are in Covenant Relationship with God through the Blood of Jesus Christ. Many
will understand they have certain benefits as citizens of their country, or their job benefits. You
dont need to be a rocket scientist to figure this out, God is on your side to bring you and many to
victory through Jesus Christ.

Notice the part I will take, You are the one to take advantage of this Covenant. I will
declare the Words of the Covenant. The greatest gift of honor and blessing you can give to the
Lord Jesus Christ is to live by faith and power, in the light of the Holy Spirits guidance,
uprightly and in the blessings of this Covenant. This demonstrates to the world where you
live, in faith and power that God is alive and loves us completely in every area of our lives.
And when people ask you how it happens that your needs are met in all areas, you are able
to tell them of the ONE Who will have this same effect in their lives also.

Hebrews 10:23 This is what the New Covenant is all about, living by faith in the covenant,
finding out how to please Him more, by faith.

The Words of the Covenant must have Blood shed because

Leviticus 17:11, Hebrews 10:22 of the flesh is in the blood, given ...that maketh
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atonement for the soul. Blood must be shed for an agreement to take place, or there is no

Hebrews 12:24, Genesis 4:10... Jesus' Blood is the "life" of this Covenant, it "speaks" of better
things from God than Abel's. Abels blood cried out for judgement. Jesus Blood speaks of
Salvation - healing, deliverance, prosperity, victory, eternal life; an eternal covenant with God
Almighty as Your partner, for all eternity, not just in this life. But it starts now!!!

Ephesians 2:13, Acts 20:28... church of God ...purchased with His own Blood. We have got to
see that there is not one thing you or I could or can do to deserve this or add to it, in your own
works, I think you would be doing a little dance jigYou can not add to this work of God. It
has been done for our benefit, by the Blood of Jesus.

FATHER, JESUS CHRIST, & HOLY SPIRIT planned this all out for our benefit before
we were born. Sinners will not celebrate this victory we have in Christ Jesus, but dont get mad
at us, we are just the recipients of the blessing, through Jesus Christ.

When we have children we start to plan out the blessings that we want for them. We want to
bless and care for them with good things

Where did we get that from? It is inside of us to plan for our childrens future.

God has planned for our future, that we be the blessed, the head not the tail, above not
beneath, first not the last, blessed not the cursed! He saved us when we were at our worst,
how much more shall HE do with us now that we are redeemed?
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3) The Word of God is the Covenant Jesus' Blood consecrated.

Foundation Scriptures: Ephesians 2:12-19, Psalms 25:14, 118:22-24

Psalms 138:2... the Word is "magnified" above all thy name. Read the Bible like it is intended, a
Blood Covenant agreement between Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit, and me or you. God stands with
you and behind these words of the Covenant.

Psalm 119:89 forever O Lord is thy word settled in heaven. What is a Covenant without
Words that describe and enforce what the Covenant is about?

Remember when Abraham made Covenant with God, who was it that pronounced the
blessings and cursings? God did! He made covenant with man, and spoke the ability into
that covenant. Who made covenant with God on behalf of sinful man? God in flesh,
condemned sinful flesh, restoring us all into Righteousness before His very throne.

2Peter 1:2-4... The words of the covenant are as important if not more, than the way the
Covenant is made. Words make up this Covenant, and to know the power of these Words, you
must have a relationship with the One Whom has made this Covenant with us. That way the
Word means something when they are spoken by you. Get to know the author of it, and you
will know what it means

For example, my kids needed bikes I was their authority to whether or not they would get the
new bikes. When I said we would get them in so many days, they would get so happy. They
rejoiced in knowing their Daddy's word that they would get their bikes. Relationship!

Psalms 111:5,9... the Lord is "mindful" of His Covenant. It is forever imprinted upon His mind,
(Amp.) Hebrew def. - to recount, make mention, be in remembrance.

Matthew 5:18, 12:26... if God's Word fails then God's Kingdom could not stand, it would be
divided and fall. As we said in Psalm 138:2 His Word cannot fail Not even one jot or tittle
(smallest Hebrew mark) can fail, He has magnified HIS WORD ABOVE His Name

Hebrews 1:3 ...the Word of God holds this universe in place, if it fails we'd be destroyed along
with the universe.

Psalms 103:17,18 ...mercy is upon those who fear the Lord, and earnestly keep His Covenant.
(those who hear, receive, love and obey it.)

Hebrews 8:6,10 ...better covenant, established upon better promises. Law of God in our mind
and written upon our hearts. No longer just to memorize, but very the temple of the Holy Spirit.

Hebrews 13:20 ...through the blood of the everlasting covenant. This agreement is an eternal
one that will last throughout all eternities. Forever is not something we easily can understand
The Blood Covenant Page 14

but that is Gods faith and love toward us He wants us to be with Him

Matthew 23:16-22 ...Jesus is saying that the words of the Covenant, and Who stands behind
those words is more important than the gold or idol substitutes. When you raise your hand in
Covenant with God Almighty, you are swearing by the temple of God. Ask yourself this
question. Which is greater, God or the gold of the temple?

Why do we lift up our hands in prayer as 1Timothy 2: states? When lifting hands to the Lord
that is a covenant sign, even as Abraham did.

Genesis 14:22 I have lift up mine hand unto the Lord, the Most High God, the possessor of
heaven and earth,

Luke 13:16... a daughter of Abraham, a daughter of the covenant keeping God of Abraham.
Yes, we can heal on the Sabbath, but why havent you healed her already, in the previous 6 days,
or even the last 16 years? She is a covenant daughter of the Almighty God !!! This is her
privilege, her right as My partner

Philippians 4:19 My God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ
Jesus. What makes this verse work is that it is ratified word of Covenant through the Blood of
Christ Jesus. You could also take any verse where in Christ, by Christ, in Whom, by
Whom, in Him, by Him, you see - all those verses are reality of the Blood Covenant. And
God wants to honor those Words. His Son shed Blood for them... It would be a great idea to
underline them or color them in to better know where they are in the New Testament Epistles.
The Blood Covenant Page 15

4) Our God chose to make His Covenant with man.

Foundation Scriptures: Ephesians 2:12-19, Psalms 25:14, 118:22-24

Genesis 17 for Me, my Covenant is with you... and thy seed after thee for an
everlasting covenant I will be their God.

Isaiah 51:2 Abraham your father I called him alone, and blessed him, and increased

Matthew 16:16,18 Thou are the Christ, the Son of the Living God. and upon this rock
will I build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it (hell shall not hold
back the anointing of Revelation knowledge that flows out of this rock The Christ. The
rock was the revelation of Christ, the Cornerstone of the Church and the victorious,
delivering anointing that it has inside of her

Colossians 1:27 Christ in you, the hope of Glory.

Ephesians 3:8-11 fellowship of the mystery that now unto the principalities and
powers in heavenly places might be known by the church the manifold wisdom of God
according to the eternal purpose which he purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord: God wants us
to know these things of the Blood Covenant and the victory in Christ that we have So that we
declare, and demand back from the devil the things that belong to the Body of Christ

Isaiah 43:25,26 ...I am He that blotteth out thy transgressions for mine own sake... For HIS
sake he wiped out my sins. He desires fellowship with us that much...

We are not just the servants of Jesus, we are the sons of God, 1John 3:1,2 and joint heirs with
Jesus Christ, Romans 8:17, Galatians 4:7.

2Peter 3:9 ...not willing for any to perish, wants all to repent, to enjoy the blessings and
privileges of being in covenant with the Father through Jesus shed blood.

Every and all, these are the types of assurances the Spirit of God has written to us, His desire is
that all repent.

Jesus willingly cut the Covenant on our behalf.

Isaiah 50:6 I gave my back to the smiters, and my cheeks to them that plucked off my hair: I hid
not my face from shame and spitting.

Isaiah 52:14 As many were astonied at thee; his visage was so marred more than any man, and
his form more than the sons of men:
The Blood Covenant Page 16

Luke 22:15 And he said unto them, With desire I have desired to eat this Passover with you
before I suffer: (imagine that, before he is going to the cross his joy was to share communion
with the disciples)

The Amplified says I have earnestly and intensely desired

Knox says I have longed and longed

You know what it must have been like to wait for 2,000 years or more to redeem mankind with
perfect love and fellowship with the Father, just as Jesus had?

Weymouths says Earnestly I have longed to eat this Passover with you before I suffer; for I
tell you that I certainly shall not eat one again till its full meaning is brought out in the Kingdom
of God.

Philips says with all my heart I have longed to eat this Passover with you before the time
comes for me to suffer. Believe me, I shall not eat the Passover again until all that it means is
fulfilled in the Kingdom of God.

Matthew 26:26 Amp. Now as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and praising God gave thanks
and asked Him to bless it to their use, and when HE had broken it He gave it to the disciples and
said, Take, eat; this is my body

- Symbol of Christ uniting Jewish and Gentile in resurrection power

- Exodus 25:30, this bread was always before the presence of God

- John 6:58 This bread came down from Heaven; when you eat this bread you live
forever! This bread has resurrection Power

- Jesus called the Bread of Life, John 6:48, we are to eat and drink of the
Covenant and resurrection power by faith.

Matthew 26:27,28 drink all of you...this is My Blood of the New Testament, which is shed
for many for the remission of sins. Meaning of remission is really casting away of sins
(Psalms 103:12)

Forever Forgiven: This idea of being a sinner saved by grace is not scriptural; you are either
saved, called a saint on the basis of Jesus Christs work, or a sinner in need of a Savior.

Matthew 26:39, Luke 22:44 ...Jesus in agony over the events to come... prayed with great
intensity, the flesh recoils from this kind of sacrifice, yet did it for us... (if He had to pray like
that, could not we also intercede for others the same way?)

Mark 15:33... the curse was so awful upon Jesus the sun didn't even shine, from about 12 noon
The Blood Covenant Page 17

till three o'clock

Hebrews 5:7... Jesus shrank from the horrors of separation from the bright presence of the
Father. (Amp.) Not concerned where he was going, but Whom He was to be separated from.

1Corinthians 2:8 ...god of this world didn't know, or he would have never crucified Jesus.

Romans 8:32 ...Think about this. If God would go to such lengths to redeem us, to make these
promises available for us what reason would or could He possibly give to withhold anything
from us? None! There isnt any to give. We just have to renew our minds to the will of God. The
Word of God is alive and active.

Jeremiah 1:12 says God is actively watching over it to perform the Word in our lives. Glory to
God. We are so precious to the Lord.
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5) When do we enter into this Blood Covenant with God?

Foundation Scriptures: Ephesians 2:12-19, Psalms 25:14, 118:22-24

Ephesians 2:13 ...Now in Christ Jesus... made nigh by the Blood of Christ...

Hebrews 1:3, John 1:12 ...when we believe on Jesus, we are given the right, privilege and
authority to become the children of God, NOW !

Acts 3:26 ...sent Him to bless you... when? NOW !

Galatians 3:13 ...Christ has redeemed me, (paid my penalty) from the curse of the law, being
made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is everyone that hangeth on a tree. Jesus paid the
price and I receive the blessing of Abraham through faith in Jesus Christ. And the Holy Spirit
comes to dwell on the inside! Holy Ghost couldn't come on the inside unless we were made
brand new! Jesus bore the curse for me; the blow of the whole curse was upon Him at one time.

Deuteronomy 28 ...tells us the blessings and curses of the Old Covenant

Romans 8:1 ...NOW there is no condemnation...

Romans 5:10,11 ...we have been reconciled (totally changed) through Jesus. Not just
atonement, but reconciled (totally changed). (best english translation of this word.) We have
exchanged our sin nature for the nature of God on the inside of us. NOW !

2Corinthians 5:17 Christ, he is a new creation, (a brand new species of being), with God's
authority, power and blessing. NOW ! Galatians 6:15 a new creation is what matters now!
This is what the ISSUE is all about!

Ephesians 1:7 ...we have, we possess redemption (salvation, deliverance healing), the
forgiveness (pardon, liberty, remission, total change) of sins, according to the riches of His
grace; We possess this NOW !

Colossians 1:14 In whom we have (possess) redemption (total change) through His Blood...
forgiveness of sins. NOW !

Hebrews 1:3 ...He had by Himself purged our sins. To purge something means totally blown
away. So no more sin consciousness, or condemnation.

And now I sing a brand new song Amazing Grace all day long
He paid a debt he did not owe, I owed a debt I could not pay,
I needed someone to wash my sins away
Christ Jesus paid a debt that I could never pay
The Blood Covenant Page 19

Romans 5:9,10,11 to repeat myselfone way to interpret reconciled is totally changed, or

exchanged. What has been exchanged? Our old nature for a new one, 2Cor. 5:17. Not just
atonement or covering, but new nature, a new species of being (Amplified Bible) a total change.

Hebrews 9:9 the service didnt even make the priest acceptable to God, his conscience was
still dirty

:10 but when Jesus came, and the time of reformation took place (the time of total change or

:12 then Jesus having obtained for us eternal redemption

:14 His blood obtained for us, a purged conscience, (totally blown away of sin conscienceness,
there is no more sin concsiousness, no more thinking of unworthiness), for Jesus has made you
worthy in the very HOLY AWESOME PRESENCE of ALMIGHTY GOD! When Jesus has said
you are worthy, brother, sister, you are worthy. There isnt anybody to argue with HIM !!!

Hebrews 10:2 if the blood of calves and goats could have done this, they would have not
had any conscience of sins

:9 Jesus needed to come to establish the second, and

:18 where there is remission of sins, there is no longer any need for an offering for sin,

:19 through Jesus we can now go into the holiest of Holies, into the bright Presence of the
Father God

:22 for now we can draw near unto God Almighty, hearts cleansed by the Blood of Jesus, no
longer an evil conscience, but CLEAN, and bodies washed in pure water

:23 we can now hold fast in FAITH without wavering, FOR HE IS FAITHFUL THAT PROMISED !

Isaiah 41:8-20 thresh the mountains; beat them small

God is talking to Israel, children of the Old Covenant (My Covenant partners, Isaac, Israel,
Abraham) and prophesies to them of a new agreement that has threshing instrument
having teeth, (a term to make real the strength of the agreement, like an iron clad will),
...thresh the mountains; and beat them small... (See Mark 11:23 about speaking to the

Covenant Words every promise in the New Testament in Whom, in Him, In Christ Jesus,
by Christ
Philippians 4:19 God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ
Jesus. The Blood Covenant stands behind this promise like every other promise, Jesus died and
shed His Blood so all your needs would be met, spiritually, mentally, physically, financially, and
The Blood Covenant Page 20

socially. When we truly give Him our lives, He truly does take care of every area of our life. He
has counted the cost for each promise of God to be made true in your life, all we need to do is
stand in faith believing that His Word is true and He will come through for you. It is according to
His riches in glory, not according to your riches here on earth. God has streets paved with gold

2Corinthians 1:20 ...In Christ, any promise you can find in the Bible is yours, and Yes will be
the answer from Father God, because the Blood Covenant of Jesus Christ is in effect, today.
Dream big! Make Plans to succeed, get the wisdom of God

In fact, if you dont dream big and pray that way, you may be dishonoring the Covenant
Matthew 22:2-14 If you were Jesus Christ, what would you expect of your followers to pray and
believe for?

Psalm 116:12-14 David wanted to know what to give to the Lord for such a great gift, for all His
benefits to the Lord? His highest blessing to the Lord God Almighty was to take the cup of
Salvation and lift it high to honor the Covenant and blessings that came because of that
Covenant. To call (declare or demand) upon the Covenant. Glory to God!

Luke 12:31,32 fear not, little flock for it is your Fathers good pleasure to give you the

Psalms 103:1-6 ...covenant blessings that still are in effect today, through Jesus Christ, the
mediator of the New Covenant.

Hebrews 9:15 Jesus is the mediator, (the Lawyer on your side of the case every time that you
are accused.

Revelations 12:10 declares that every time the enemy accuses you, he is cast down It
seems that Satan had access to the throne room of God before Jesus came and Jesus cast him
down The Blood is already been shed that is why satan is cast down.

Revelations 12:11 Satan is overcome by the Blood of Jesus, and the words you speak What
kind of Words? Covenant Words of the New Testament!

Mark 11:23 whosoever shall say

Psalm 24:7-10 Jesus opened up the gates of righteousness to us, He is the KING OF

Revelations 1:18, 12:11 ...and they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of
their testimony... Our victory is through the Blood of the Lamb and confessing His Word, The
Isaiah 43:26, Hebrews 10:9-13,23 ...put them in remembrance... expecting to see all enemies
under His feet. We are in Covenant with Almighty God, through Jesus Christ the immortal Son.
It's an immortal agreement, which we are heirs of, RIGHT NOW ! What an honor to know
The Blood Covenant Page 21

this Blood Covenant God made is for our benefit. God did not need this covenant, He was
and is doing just fine. It is for us to use to get victory in every area of our lives, where the
devil has stolen and to set the captives free.

Max Lucado The cross did what sacrificed lambs could not do. It erased our sins not for
a year, but for all eternity. The cross did what man could not do. It granted us the right to
talk with, love and even live with God.

2Corinthians 4:7 the abundant exceeding greatness of excellency of the power may be of
The Blood Covenant Page 22

6) Whom does God reveal His Covenant to?

Foundation Scriptures: Ephesians 2:12-19, Psalms 25:14, 118:22-24

Psalms 25:14 ...they that fear the Lord more than anything else...

Genesis 17:3 Abram fell on his face (before El Shaddai, What did El Shaddai look like to
Abram What kind of Godly reverence, emotions, did Abram have?)

Moses was the meekest man on the face of the earth, why did God call him that. Because Moses
was the most obedient, he followed the plan of God for almost every thing in his life.

Hosea 10:12; Jeremiah 4:3 break up your fallow ground, till HE comes and rains
righteousness (till until it POURS)

Matthew 5:6 ...they that are hungry, thirsty for the truth...

John 7:17 ...desire to do the will of God, and find God's truth

John 6:37 ...him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out. Cast out from what? The
covenant of Blood of Jesus Christ!

John 6:53-58 ...those who continually receive the communion of the Lord, have eternal life.
You have His life in you, NOW!

I believe today that we have kind of people, that God hungers to be around. I pray we
follow their example. In Acts we find several examples and your assignment this week is to
find them and write out what qualities that God was excited about.

I believe today that we need to ask the Lord how we can be that type of individual that God
desires to be around. One that hungers for God, as much as God hungers for them. Wow
what a revelation that is to our hearts Take time this week to pray about this, and how
you can change by His power and grace to be that kind of person. God Bless you.

Divine Protection, To Plead the Blood

Revelations 12:11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their

We want to focus on Overcoming power of the Blood

Satan does not want the church of Christ Jesus to emphasize the Blood of Jesus. He knows his
days are numbered and words of faith in the Blood of Jesus mean he is overcome.
The Blood Covenant Page 23

There are churches that do not want to teach about the Blood of Jesus, or even sing about it.
Consequently there is little power to overcome in those churches.

We now can see the value of confession with the Blood of Jesus, making us covenant partners
with God Almighty Revelations 12:11

When something or someone is overcome, it no longer has any power

1Corinthians 2:6 last part of the verse KJV princes of this world that come to nought, NEB
declining to their end, Youngs nor of the rulers of this age of those becoming useless, AMP
or of the leaders of this present age, who are being brought to nothing and are doomed to pass
away, Moffats or of the dethroned powers who rule this world. (they are already dethroned)

Isaiah 54:13 NO apparatus, plan of attack, or weapon formed against you can prosper.

Terry Mize, missionary to the world, wrote More Than Conquerors and has this testimony of
divine protection

Psalm 18:19, Ephesians 4:27 Neither give place to the devil Give no place to the devil
When we give place to something, we are giving that a place of authority that is not right.

If we want total victory in our lives, we have to get to the place, where we realize we have paid
the price for total victory, by our words and actions. We can take preventative action that
ensures our victory.

In thought, word, or deed we can either open (sin) or close (holy) the doors that the devil feels he
can go through to hinder our lives. We also occupy a place of authority And the Blood of
Jesus is what gives us that authority. Make much use of the Blood of Jesus, and it will make
much of you.
Pleading the Blood of Jesus:

Plead is a legal term, to conduct a legal case

Isaiah 1:17,18 let us reason, legal case

1Samuel 24:15, 25:39 The Lord will plead my cause (from Nabal)

Psalm 35:1, 43:1, 94:22 Plead my cause (stand in the gap for me)

Isaiah 43:25,26 Plead put me in remembrance

Psalm 107:2 Let the redeemed of the Lord SAY SO, whom he hath redeemed from the
hand of the enemy.
The Blood Covenant Page 24

Hebrews 12:24 The Blood speaks and testifies with you, AGREE WITH THE

1John 3:8 Greater is He that is in you

1John 5:18 he that is begotten of God keepeth himself (how? By agreeing with what God
says is done for you. Jonah 2:8,9)

I like the testimony of one fellow they were surrounded by the enemy on all sides and looked
like they were loosing He reports to the General and the General stands up with great joy, and
says Boys, lets go round em all up, Dont let a one of them escape

Using the Blood over attacks of disease

In Ghana West Africa, I saw the use of the Blood on a daily basis in the Pastors family.
Mosquitoes carried the malaria disease. Every time one of their kids got bit by any bug, they
pleaded the Blood of Jesus over that bite, and never did one of those children get sick while I
was there. Not one fever, not one problem.

John G Lake had this happen to him when the deadly bubonic plague broke out in the war.
People were dying of the plague and as they got sicker and died this foamy saliva would come
out of their mouths. It was very deadly. The scientists and doctors were very afraid of this. But
John Lake would minister to these people and never fear it at all. They asked him why not? He
told them to take some of this deadly foam and put it under a microscope, and tell him what was
there So they did and they said it was very full of deadly germs of this plague. Then he told
them to put some foam on his hand and then take a look under the microscope. They did it with
great fear and trepidation. But it is recorded in the war journals of the United States that it died,
on contact with His skin of his hand. Why? He told them he lived under a Blood Covenant, and
that the Law of Life in Christ Jesus was stronger than any filthy disease, than the law of sin and
death. LIFE conquers.

Romans 8:1,2 This the LAW OF HEAVEN

Hebrews 7:25 He ever liveth to make intercession for me

His desire is for us to make victoriously through each day, and win each battle, the enemy tries to
discourage us with, by going forward with the Word of God.

Spiritual Sacrifices (Weapons) of the Covenant

Romans 12:1 ...present your body a living sacrifice, (to die is gain, to live on is to bless others.
In renewing your mind to the will of God you can be a blessing to others) When we take hold of
the Covenant we have, through faith in Jesus Christ, we become a blessing wherever we go, for
then we carry His Presence wherever we go. We can change the world, change nations, impact
countries, and do mighty exploits, because we have a Covenant with the Almighty God Daniel
The Blood Covenant Page 25

11:32, Jeremiah 1:12, Hebrews 11:2,3

Ephesians 5:2 walk in love towards others, to forgive is a Covenant weapon of great
power Mark 11:25, 1John 4:17,18

Philippians 4:18 bless others financially, a sacrifice well pleasing to God. Acts 20:35

Hebrews 13:15 ...sacrifice of praise

Hebrews 13:16, Acts 10:38 ...doing good, having a reputation of a giver to the poor.

Hebrews 6:19 Ephesians 2:18 ...hope of the New Covenant allows us to go into the Holy of
Holies of God by faith, for Jesus has already made it possible for us.

1Corinthians 10:16

1Corinthians 11:28 (Amplified) By not determining how powerful this cup and bread are, is
drinking it unworthily

By this judgment takes place and the devil sees and takes advantage of it in your life. The reason
many are sick, and many sleep is not discerning the Lords body and Blood (what it ratified
for them in their lives)

Weymouths translation speaks of benefits bodily and spiritual health and life!

1Corinthians 10:16 Judge yourself in covenant with God, through the Blood of Jesus! He is on
your side to bring you through to victory!

I judge myself free from the law of sin and death, out from under condemnation and into the
Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus. In fact, I walk in the life of God, the Law of the Spirit of life in
Christ Jesus. I believe on the shed Blood of Jesus Christ and His ever present Power to deliver

Now the disciples knowing Jesus was going, He said the Holy Ghost would be there to abide
with and in them. That they could demand in the Name of Jesus, and things would happen. Jesus
turned the chalice over and removed all doubt in their hearts as to who He was.
The Blood Covenant Page 26

7) What is the highest purpose Father God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit
cut this Blood Covenant on our behalf?

Foundation Scriptures: Ephesians 2:12-19, Psalms 25:14, 118:22-24

John 3:16 ...God always gave to show His love for mankind, we are created in His image
Genesis 1:26, John 17:3, 21... Jesus wanted us to know the joy and love of the Almighty God,
and to spend time in His Presence now and throughout all eternity.

John 17:23 ...we are loved as much as Jesus Christ His own Son. We are that precious to God.
The world will not celebrate forgiveness of sins, they are still in bondage to sin nature. They
have no knowledge of the price Jesus Christ paid to redeem them. Until that revelation or
understanding happens, they have no conviction of sins, no celebration of being totally and
completely, freely, forgiven of all sin and released from the nature of sin. So dont expect them
to celebrate this freedom, have patience and love them to Jesus, overcome by your word of
testimony and faith in the Blood of the New Covenant Jesus paid for in full !




We need to discern the Lords body properly:

THE BREAD: promise of life, of resurrection power, healing from any sickness or disease,
deliverance from every soulish attack, He was broken for our wholeness,

Stand and Receive the Bread

THE BLOOD: The Grace available, the Offering was the sinless, spotless, Blood of the

Stand and Receive the Blood

Hebrews 7:25, Psalms 118:24, Psalms 2:8, The Father declared the decree that was written
in heaven from the beginning! You are REDEEMED from the curse!

Brothers & Sisters, CHRIST in YOU, THE HOPE OF GLORY

The mystery is over in you. You are washed and clean before God Almighty in the Blood of
the Lamb of God the very Righteousness of God in Christ Jesus, redeemed from sin
consciousness and condemnation to think and act like your God and Lord on this earth!
Execute the judgment written! Psalm 149. Set the captives free in Jesus Name!
The Blood Covenant Page 27

Note: I am most grateful and thankful to these authors, and their faith in declaring to us all the
promises of God in His Fullness to each of us. Also I want to mention the series of tapes by
Kenneth Copeland done in about 1981, on the Blood Covenant, were excellent teaching tapes on
this subject, and a great blessing to me. These are some great books to study further on

Redeemed - Kenneth Hagin

A Better Covenant Kenneth Hagin
P.O. Box 50126 Tulsa, OK 74150-0126

The Blood - Benny Hinn

Creation House, 600 Rinehart Road, Lake Mary, FL 32746

The Blood Covenant - E. W. Kenyon

Kenyon Gospel Publishing Society, Inc. (no address)

Our Covenant With God Kenneth Copeland

Covenant of Blood Kenneth Copeland
KCM Publications, Fort Worth Texas 76192

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