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1. I was doing everything not to meet them but when I suddenly saw them walking into my
direction I knew that facing them was ____________________________ AVOID

2. The choice of TV sets was enormous .There were _______________________ types

available. VARY

3. The temperature is getting higher and higher this summer. Its __________________hot!

4. It was so ________________________ of her to leave the dog in a car when it was

scorching .He might have died. RESPONSIBLE

5. The color palette was all sweet pastels, as delicate as Easter eggs but_________________,
not childish. MIRACLE

6. Her ____________________ comments caused him to leave the room in anger. DISRUPT

7. The ________________________of my car is relatively cheap so I can afford it.


8. He also persuasively insisted that any strike on Iran must serve to destroy the regime, not
_________________________________ it. STRONG

9. They made their _______________________of our behavior very clear. We knew we

couldnt do it again. APPROVE

10. The rest are ________________________ on the Italian mainland already, heading

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