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ate Upton in a bikini, pulling the bottoms down.

A teenage, topless Daisy Lowe

kissing her then-boyfriend. Miley Cyrus on a giant wrecking ball, naked but for a
pair of Dr Martens. Since the 90s, the photographer Terry Richardson has been known
for an almost soft-porn aesthetic, which includes nudity, innuendo and simulated
sex acts. With estimated earnings of 44m in 2013, Richardson has photographed
Barack Obama, taken pictures for Vogue, Harpers Bazaar and GQ, and directed pop
videos for Beyonc, as well as Cyrus. He even has a nickname Uncle Terry.

If that sounds creepy, thats because it is. Richardson has been called out by
models accusing him of suspect behaviour. It seems they have finally been listened
to: Cond Nast International, the publishing company that includes Vogue, GQ and
Vanity Fair in its stable, has stopped its magazines from working with him again,
not renewing his contract, according to reports. A leaked email from James
Woodhouse, the executive vice president, reads: Cond Nast would like to no longer
work with Terry Richardson.

The question is why would it take so long for these magazines to distance
themselves? Unlike Harvey Weinstein, Richardsons activities have long been public.
This story dates back to 2010 when Rie Rasmussen called Richardson out, and others
soon followed with graphic descriptions of abuse. Jamie Peck told Jezebel an
anecdote about Richardson asking her to take out her tampon so he could play with
it. In 2014, Charlotte Waters complained of him licking her bottom and asking her
to squeeze his testicles on a shoot. Stylist Anna del Gaizo spoke of him pressing
his penis into her face in 2008. Richardson hasnt helped himself, remarking in
2007 its not who you know, its who you blow. I dont have a hole in my jeans for

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Why have things changed now? It may, of course, be due to the Weinstein effect.
Caryn Franklin, the fashion journalist and diversity campaigner, first wrote about
Richardsons behaviour in 2013. She thinks the tipping point comes down to the fact
that we have had several very high-profile predators that have been stopped
Jimmy Savile, Max Clifford, Rolf Harris and Harvey Weinstein. Like Weinstein,
Franklin says Richardson was protected for a long time by other powerful people: I
have had people I respect say to me: But hes a very nice person, you simply dont
know him. Ive had them suggest that I am trying to damage his career. Richardson
has always denied abuse.

Franklin is joined by models Cameron Russell and Edie Campbell in her crusade to
protect young women in the fashion industry. The duo have been vocal on social
media this month, sharing stories of abuse on Instagram with the hashtag
#MyJobShouldNotIncludeAbuse. Christy Turlington also came out to say the fashion
industry is surrounded by predators.

Even before the Richardson news broke, it was announced that New York is
introducing the Models Harassment Protection Act, after consultation with the Model
Alliance, the organisation led by ex-model Sara Ziff. The intention is that models
will now be protected in the photoshoot environment, with brands and magazines
liable should harassment occur.

To see this as the death knell of Richardsons career is probably overstating the
power of Cond Nast. People who have spoken out havent damaged his career, says
Franklin. He has damaged his career I categorically am not concerned with
whether he can earn his next million.

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