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Course Title: MS Programming Date Revised: 5/24/2017

Revised by: Denver Guess

Course Description

This introductory Computer Programming class is one trimester long and designed to give
students a feel for writing computer programs. Unlike platforms such as Scratch and
LabVIEW that use a visual programming language, this course uses Processing, a textual
programming language similar to Java. Students will write code in Processing to develop
static images, animations, and video games throughout the course while developing an
appreciation for the technical art of computer programming.

Major Units/Themes

UNIT 1: Graphical Elements (2 weeks)

Target 1:Students will learn to create and adjust the size of the programming window and
modify its background.

Target 2: Students will be able to write programs that draw basic shapes including points,
lines, rectangles, ellipses, and triangles.

Target 3: Students will be able to write programs that adjust background, border, and fill color
of basic shapes. Furthermore, they will be able to make borders and fill transparent.

Target 4: Students will be able to add text to their programs.

Target 4:Students will be able to save and export their programs.

Unit 2: Variables and Functions (2 weeks)

Target 1: Students will be able to use the draw() and setup() functions.

Target 2: Students will be able to use the mouseX, mouseY, width and height global

Target 3: Students will be able to use mathematical operations including addition, subtraction,
multiplication, and division.

Target 4: Students will be able to recognize a variety of variables types including integer,
floating, and Boolean.

Target 5: Students will be able to create variables, initialize them in the setup() loop, and use
them in the draw() loop.
Target 6:Students will understand and use conditional statements (if statements), including
statements with multiple conditions separated by and and or logic.

Target 7: Students will be able to write programs that use both mouse and keyboard input.

Unit 3: Classes (3 weeks)

Target 1: Students will be able to understand what classes are, how they are constructed,
and how they are used.

Target 2: Students will be able to write programs that call functions from classes that they
have developed.

Unit 4: Video Game Design (4 weeks)

Target 1: Students will be able to design write a program for a videogame that is interactive,
appropriate in difficulty, and uses user defined classes.

Learning Outcomes

Develop an appreciation for computer programming

Understand and apply various aspects of object oriented programming to write their
own computer programs
Develop and apply computer programming vocabulary
Develop their ability to use Design Thinking when approaching a problem.
Gain an understanding of the connections between art, play, and technology.


Unit 1: Students will write the following programs:

Points and Lines
Color Spectrum
Character with Color

Unit 2: Students will write the following programs:

Size and Color Changing Circle
RGB Car Race
Hit Box

Unit 3: Students will write the following programs:

Character Class
Unit 3: Students will take the following quiz:
Class Structure

Unit 4: Students will design a videogame that meets the following criteria:
Interactive via both mouse and keyboard input.
Uses at least 2 user defined classes.
Is appropriately difficult to play for a middle school aged user.
Demonstrates knowledge of:
Global variables
User variables
Graphics including shapes, color, and text
Conditional Statements and Logic
Mouse and Keyboard Input

Key Resources This is a great way to get started. It can probably be used

for the first week if the teacher needs guidance on teaching processing. A complete list of the global variables and functions
in processing. For each item, there is an example, syntax structure and further

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