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British Journal of Haematology, 2003, 120, 574596




Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) is an autoim- thrombocytopenic purpura, ITP, thrombocytopenia +

mune disorder characterized by persistent thrombocyto- randomized, thrombocytopenia + randomised, thrombo-
penia (peripheral blood platelet count < 150 109 l) due to cytopenic + randomized, thrombocytopenic + random-
autoantibody binding to platelet antigen(s) causing their ised, thrombocytopenia + trial, thrombocytopenic +
premature destruction by the reticuloendothelial system, trial, thrombocytopenic + therapy, thrombocytopenia +
and in particular the spleen (Woods et al, 1984a,b). therapy. The search excluded thrombotic, neonatal
Although the basic underlying pathophysiology of ITP alloimmune and drug-induced thrombocytopenia. For
has been known for 50 years (Harrington et al, 1951), the paediatric reports the previous search terms were combined
literature shows that the investigation and management of with child and children.
patients with thrombocytopenia vary widely, and is not
evidence-based, due to a lack of clinical trials and quality
research. Despite major advances in our understanding of
the molecular basis of many blood disorders, the diagnosis Immune-mediated thrombocytopenias comprise, among
of ITP remains one of exclusion; there are currently no others: drug-induced thrombocytopenia, neonatal allo-
robust clinical or laboratory parameters that are able to immune thrombocytopenia, post-transfusion purpura, ITP,
establish the diagnosis of ITP with accuracy. This guideline acute ITP and secondary ITP. This guideline aims to deal
aims to assess available diagnostic tests and therapies, and with ITP in children, adults and pregnancy. Previous
attempts to provide a rational approach to the diagnosis and guidelines for the management of thrombocytopenia in
treatment in adults, children and in pregnancy. Although pregnancy have been published (Greaves & Letsky, 1997).
natural history data are becoming available (Cohen et al, Adult chronic ITP has an incidence of 5866 new cases
2000; Djulbegovic & Cohen, 2001; Portielje et al, 2001), per million population per year (5.86.6 per 100 000) in
there are few randomized trials in ITP and many of the the US (McMillan, 1997) with a similar incidence in the UK.
recommendations, like those of the American Society of This form of ITP affects mainly women of childbearing age
Hematology (ASH) Panel (George et al, 1996), are based on (Female:Male, 3:1) (Waters, 1992). Childhood ITP has an
expert opinion. incidence of between 4.0 and 5.3 per 100 000 (Lilleyman,
1999; Zeller et al, 2000).
Acute abrupt onset ITP is seen mainly in childhood, and
often follows a viral illness or immunization. The majority of
The purpose of this guideline is to provide a rational children require no treatment and in 8085% of cases the
approach to the laboratory investigation and management disorder resolves within 6 months. Some 1520% of chil-
of patients with ITP, including pregnant and non-pregnant dren develop a chronic form of ITP, which, in some cases,
adults and children, and patients with refractory disease. resembles the more typical adult disease. Chronic ITP in
The Guideline development group includes individuals from childhood has an estimated incidence of 0.46 per 100 000
relevant professional groups, and we have sought the views children per year (Reid, 1995) and prevalence of 4.6 per
of patients, through The ITP Support Association. Target 100 000 children at any one time (Hedman et al, 1997).
users of the Guideline include clinical haematologists Secondary immune thrombocytopenias occur in patients
involved in the care of adults and children with ITP, with other underlying autoimmune disorders (e.g. systemic
obstetricians and anaesthetists involved in the care of ITP in lupus erythematosus), or malignant disease (e.g. chronic
pregnancy, paediatricians and physicians. lymphocytic leukaemia).


MedLine was searched via PubMed using the following cri- Clinical features
teria: thrombocytopenia, platelet count, autoimmune ITP in adults is quite distinct from the typically acute
disorder seen in childhood. In adults, ITP typically has an
insidious onset, with no preceding viral or other illness.
Correspondence: The Secretary, BCSH, British Society for Haema- Symptoms and signs are highly variable and range from the
tology, 2 Carlton House Terrace, London SW1Y 5AF, UK. E-mail: fairly common asymptomatic patient with mild bruising, mucosal bleeding (e.g. oral or gastrointestinal tract)

574  2003 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

Guideline 575
through to frank haemorrhage from any site, the most Laboratory investigations
serious of which is intracranial. Overall, bleeding symptoms The finding of thrombocytopenia on a routine blood
are uncommon unless the ITP is severe (platelet count count may be the first indication of autoimmune
< 30 109 l) (George & Raskob, 1998). ITP in adults is a thrombocytopenia. Thrombocytopenia should be confirmed
disease predominantly of women of childbearing age. The by examination of the blood film to exclude pseudo-
natural history is poorly defined but studies are being thrombocytopenia due to EDTA-dependent platelet agglu-
conducted, looking at the long-term outcome in terms of tination as the cause of the spuriously low platelet count;
morbidity and mortality in patients with ITP (Portielje et al, this condition occurs in about 0.1% of adults, and is easily
2001). confirmed by the finding of a normal platelet count using a
sample taken into citrate rather than EDTA anticoagulant
Diagnostic approach for adults (Pegels et al, 1982).
Clinical history The blood film should also be examined to exclude non-
The patients history is used to: immune thrombocytopenias such as those associated with
Determine the type of bleeding and to distinguish plate- acute or chronic leukaemia, myelodysplasia, megaloblastic
let-type mucocutaneous bleeding from coagulation-type anaemia, microangiopathic anaemia, inherited thrombo-
haematomas cytopenias and pseudothrombocytopenia. An autoimmune
Assess the severity, extent and duration of bleeding. A profile screen should be carried out to exclude other
history of bleeding with previous surgery, dentistry and underlying autoimmune diseases.
trauma may be useful in determining the duration of If the history, physical examination, blood count and
chronic thrombocytopenia in the absence of blood counts blood film examination are consistent with the diagnosis of
Determine the presence of other medical disorders which ITP with no atypical findings, it can be argued that
may be responsible for thrombocytopenia by: additional investigations such as bone marrow examination
i) immune mechanisms, e.g. is there a recent history of and assays for platelet antibodies are unnecessary. If
transfusion raising the possibility of post-transfusion atypical findings are present, particularly those suggesting
purpura? alternative haematological diagnoses, additional investiga-
ii) non-immune mechanisms, e.g. is there a history of tions including bone marrow examination should be carried
excess alcohol consumption or a family history of out (Evidence level IV).
thrombocytopenia suggesting an inherited non-
immune thrombocytopenia? Bone Marrow Examination in adults
iii) Evolving aplastic anaemia, particularly relevant in This is a contentious issue, and one where there was no
children agreed consensus reached by the ASH panel, apart from
iv) Marrow infiltration with acute leukaemia suggesting this investigation for patients older than
v) Type IIB von Willebrands disease 60 years or where splenectomy was being considered
Determine the presence of medical conditions which may (George et al, 1996). In a study of adults with suspected
be associated with autoimmune thrombocytopenia, e.g. ITP, 61 of 66 patients had bone marrow findings consistent
drugs, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, with ITP; four had mild hypocellularity and one had
other autoimmune disorders, malignancy (e.g. lympho- neutrophil hypersegmentation and giant metamyelocytes,
proliferative disorders) but all five had a subsequent clinical course consistent with
Conditions which may increase the risk of bleeding, e.g. chronic ITP (Westerman & Grigg, 1999). More recently, a
local abnormalities in the gastrointestinal, genitourinary retrospective Chinese study evaluated 83 patients (aged
or central nervous systems between 16 and 60 years) with suspected ITP, all of whom
underwent bone marrow examination. Apart from 11 cases
Physical examination in which marrow iron was reduced or absent, the mar-
The physical examination is used to: rows were otherwise normal. Their recommendations were
Assess the type, severity and extent of bleeding that bone marrow sampling should be reserved for patients
Exclude conditions that might cause non-immune who are older than 60 years, or have atypical features, or
thrombocytopenia, e.g. severe infection, acute thrombo- have a poor response to first line (e.g. prednisolone)
cytopenia with neurological signs which may indicate a treatment or in whom splenectomy is being considered
diagnosis of thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP), (Mak et al, 2000).
skeletal and other abnormalities associated with congen-
ital thrombocytopenias, lymphadenopathy, which may
suggest the presence of a lymphoproliferative disease, and
splenomegaly. It should be noted that splenomegaly has
been reported to occur in less than 3% of adult patients Assays for anti-platelet antibodies
with ITP (Doan et al, 1960) and its presence should The direct platelet immunofluorescence test (PIFT) is used to
prompt a search for an alternative diagnosis investigate referred samples for the presence of platelet-
Determine the presence of medical conditions that may be associated immunoglobulin (PAIg); indirect testing of the
associated with autoimmune thrombocytopenia, e.g. HIV patients plasma against donor platelets is of little value in
infection, other autoimmune disorders, malignancy the investigation of suspected ITP because the sensitivity

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576 Guideline
and specificity is even lower than for direct testing (see this assay is not available in routine practice, and is
below). not recommended as part of the routine investigation of
Increased levels of platelet-associated IgG (PAIgG) can be ITP.
detected in most patients with ITP, but the results are not
sufficiently sensitive or specific (patients with non-immune Reticulated platelets
thrombocytopenias, e.g. septicaemia, frequently have pos- Measurement of platelet RNA by flow cytometry using
itive results) to justify the routine use of these assays in thiazole orange staining can be used to assess platelet
patients with suspected ITP (Mueller-Eckhardt et al, 1980; maturity. Reticulated platelets are significantly increased in
von dem Borne et al, 1986; Kelton et al, 1989). children with ITP, reflecting increased platelet production,
Assays for antibodies to specific platelet membrane compared with normal children and other causes of
glycoproteins (GP) IIb IIIa and Ib IX are less sensitive thrombocytopenia, e.g. acute leukaemia, aplastic anaemia
(5065%) but more specific (90%) in ITP (Berchtold & (Saxon et al, 1998). The precise role for the reticulated
Wenger, 1993; Brighton et al, 1996; Warner et al, 1999). platelet assay has not been established and its use is not
Although they may be useful in distinguishing between currently recommended.
immune and non-immune thrombocytopenia in complex
cases, their routine use in the diagnosis of ITP is not Helicobacter pylori infection
considered to be justified. A number of studies have reported the presence of H. pylori
Investigation of platelet autoantibodies may be of value in patients with autoimmune disease, particularly ITP. In
in adults with some series antibiotic therapy aimed at eradication of
Combination of bone marrow failure associated with H. pylori has ameliorated ITP in patients resistant to other
immune-mediated thrombocytopenia therapies (Gasbarrini et al, 1998; Emilia et al, 2001; Kohda
ITP patients refractory to first and second line treatment et al, 2002) although other studies have generated conflict-
Drug-dependent immune thrombocytopenia (DDITP) ing data (Jarque et al, 2001). Despite this, in patients
Miscellaneous disorders (rare), e.g. monoclonal gammo- refractory to therapy it is worthwhile performing serological
pathies and acquired autoantibody-mediated thrombas- assays and breath tests aimed at detecting the microorgan-
thenia ism (Evidence level III).
Bone marrow failure and immune-mediated thrombocytope-
nia. Antibody-mediated platelet destruction may aggravate
thrombocytopenia in some patients with thrombocyto- Recommendation for adults:
penia in whom there is inadequate thrombopoiesis, e.g. The diagnosis of ITP is based principally on the exclusion
patents with disorders such as chronic lymphocytic leuk- of other causes of thrombocytopenia using the history,
aemia (CLL) or bone marrow transplant recipients. React- physical examination, blood count, peripheral blood film,
ive megakaryocytopoiesis is often a feature of ITP, and autoimmune profile and other investigations. Further
there may be doubt as to whether there is platelet investigations are not indicated in the routine work-up of
autoimmunity in addition to bone marrow infiltration or patients with suspected ITP if the history, examination,
failure; a PAIg test with determination of antibody speci- blood count and film are typical of the diagnosis of ITP
ficity may be of use. and do not include unusual features that are uncommon
ITP patients refractory to first and second line treatment. For in ITP, or suggestive of other causes (Evidence IIbIV;
ITP patients for whom third line treatment is considered, Grade B, C).
measuring the autoantibody titre in addition to the platelet A bone marrow examination is unnecessary in adults
count and clinical signs of bleeding can be used to monitor unless there are atypical features, or the patient is over
the effect of treatment. A PAIg test and determination of the age of 60 years, or the patient relapses following
antibody specificity is recommended. complete remission, on or off therapy, or splenectomy is
Drug-dependent immune thrombocytopenia (DDITP). Many being considered (Evidence Level III).
drugs are associated with thrombocytopenia. For some PAIg is elevated in both immune and non-immune
drugs there is firm evidence that the thrombocytopenia is thrombocytopenia and therefore has no role in the
antibody-mediated. Serological investigations to determine diagnosis of uncomplicated ITP (Evidence level III).
whether the drug is the causative factor in the thrombo- It is worth determining the presence of H. pylori in
cytopenia are important in clinical management. Testing for patients refractory to therapy since some patients have
DDITP is of value for the following drugs: heparin, shown improvement in platelet counts following eradi-
quin(id)ine, and teicoplanin (Terol et al, 1993; Veldman cation therapy (Evidence level III, Grade B recommen-
et al, 1996). dation).

Thrombopoietin (TPO) assays

Measurement of the TPO level may be informative in
complex cases of thrombocytopenia, and is particularly
useful in distinguishing between reduced production of General note: to date there have been few randomized
platelets (high TPO level) and increased destruction of controlled trials conducted in ITP. Treatment should be
platelets (normal level) (Porcelijn et al, 1998). However, tailored to the individual patient.

 2003 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, British Journal of Haematology 120: 574596

Guideline 577
Natural history of adult ITP and the requirement Some two-thirds of patients will respond to prednisolone at
for medical or surgical treatment 1 mg kg body weight per day for 24 weeks, tapering off
The requirement for treatment varies from patient to patient, over several weeks (Ben-Yehuda et al, 1994; George et al,
and is dictated by factors such as clinical status (asympto- 1994; Stasi et al, 1995). Reported response rates vary widely
matic, bruising, bleeding or planned intervention likely to (from 3% to 50%) (George et al, 1996). A single randomized
induce bleeding in a patient with ITP who is thrombocytop- trial showed no difference in response to low dose
enic). Haemorrhagic death is a major concern in thrombo- 0.25 mg kg d vs 1 mg kg d in 160 children and 223
cytopenic patients, but recent data from 17 case series have adults (Bellucci et al, 1988). Relapse of thrombocytopenia is
been reviewed and show that the rate of fatal haemorrhage is common when the dose is reduced. Around one-third of
between 0.0162 and 0.0389 cases per patient-year at risk patients can expect a long-term response (Berchtold &
(the time at risk was defined as the time when the platelet McMillan, 1989; George et al, 1996; Manoharan, 1991;
count is < 30 109 l) (Cohen et al, 2000). A recent review Blanchette et al, 1998). Corticosteroids should be rapidly
by Portielje et al (2001) found that more patients died of tapered and stopped in patients who fail to respond to oral
infection than of bleeding. In this same review the authors prednisolone after 4 weeks (Pizzuto & Ambriz, 1984; Ben-
studied the natural history of 152 adult patients with ITP Yehuda et al, 1994). Long-term remission is seen in only
that were consistently managed and followed up over a 1020% of patients following cessation of prednisolone
10 year period, and showed that 93% of patients ultimately therapy (Ben-Yehuda et al, 1994; Stasi et al, 1995). Patients
achieving a platelet count of > 30 109 l did so within who fail to respond to treatment with corticosteroids or
2 years. Some 85% achieved platelet counts above require unacceptably high doses of corticosteroid in order to
30 109 l off treatment and had a long-term mortality maintain a safe platelet count should be considered for
identical to that of the general population; 9% of patients with splenectomy (Ben-Yehuda et al, 1994; George et al, 1994).
severe ITP (platelets < 30 109 l) had refractory ITP with IVIg. Pooled normal human immunoglobulin is effective
an associated mortality risk of 4.2 (bleeding and infection in elevating the platelet count in 75% of patients, of which
contributing equally). Six per cent of patients had platelets 50% will achieve normal platelet counts. However, res-
> 30 109 l while on maintenance therapy; the mortality in ponses are transient and 34 weeks following IVIg treat-
this group was only slightly above that of the general ment platelet counts drift back to pre-treatment levels
population. The study concludes that most adults with ITP (Dwyer, 1992; George et al, 1996), and there is little
have a good outcome with few in-patient admissions and no evidence of a lasting effect. A prospective randomized trial
excess mortality. These findings would tend to favour a policy involving 30 adult patients with chronic ITP (comparing
of using therapy only when absolutely required, thereby IVIg, prednisolone or combination of the two) with a
minimizing the risks of infection through immunosuppres- minimum follow-up of 2 years showed quite clearly that the
sion, and reserving treatment for those who actually require response rates, duration of response and requirement for
it, for example patients with severe symptomatic ITP. splenectomy were the same in all arms (Jacobs et al, 1994)
(Evidence level Ib, Grade B). A single randomized study
First line therapy showed no difference in efficacy between the two dosing
Standard rst line therapy schedules 0.4 g kg d for 5 d and 1 g kg d as a single
In general, patients with platelet counts exceeding infusion (Godeau et al, 1993). The mechanism of action of
30 109 l require no treatment unless they are undergo- IVIg in ITP remains largely unknown but is believed to
ing any procedure likely to induce blood loss including involve the blockade of Fc receptors on macrophages and
surgery, dental extraction or delivery (Yang & Zhong, 2000) other effectors of antibody-dependent cytotoxicity (Geha &
(Grade C recommendation). Rosen, 1996), the presence of anti-idiotype antibodies in
IVIg which block autoantibody binding to circulating
Recommendation for safe platelet counts in adults platelets and immune suppression (Godeau et al, 1993;
Dentistry 10 109 l Chong, 1995). While IVIg is a pooled blood product, it
Extractions 30 109 l has an excellent safety record although renal impairment
Regional dental block 30 109 l or failure has been reported with some preparations
Minor surgery 50 109 l (Schiavotto et al, 1993; Cayco et al, 1997).
Major surgery 80 109 l
Obstetrics see Thrombocytopenia in pregnancy Recommendations for first line therapy in adults:
Evidence Level IV There are no randomized studies comparing no treat-
ment vs. therapy with corticosteroids or IVIg. There is no
First line therapy comprises oral corticosteroids and indication for therapy in adults in whom there are no
intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg). Splenectomy is often symptoms or signs, or in whom the platelet count is
cited as first line therapy but this mode of treatment is greater than 30 109 l (Grade C recommendation).
seldom used as first line, and rather should be considered as IVIg is useful in 75% of patients in whom the platelet
second line therapy. count has to be raised either due to symptoms or signs,
Prednisolone. Prednisolone (or prednisone) is the initial or where there is predictable bleeding (e.g. surgery,
therapy for most patients with ITP who require treatment pregnancy labour or operative dentistry).
(McMillan, 1981; Bussel, 1990; Warkentin & Kelton, 1990).

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578 Guideline
Second line therapy objective evidence of likely response to splenectomy and
Splenectomy is recommended, where available, prior to splenectomy.
Splenectomy has been used for many years, before steroid (Evidence level III.)
therapy was introduced in 1950 (Chong, 1995; George Accessory splenic tissue. The presence of an accessory
et al, 1996), as a means of prolonging the survival of spleen (or spleens) should be considered in patients who fail
antibody-coated platelets. The procedure is not strictly to respond to splenectomy or relapse following an initial
curative since opsonization still takes place but the response (George et al, 1994). Imaging techniques have
effector of platelet destruction is removed. Two-thirds of shown the presence of accessory splenic tissue in up to 12%
patients with ITP who undergo splenectomy will achieve a of such patients (Facon et al, 1992).
normal platelet count, which is often sustained with no Prevention of infection post-splenectomy. Patients should be
additional therapy. Patients who do not have a complete given prophylactic polyvalent pneumococcal vaccine (Pneu-
response can still expect some improvement in counts (e.g. movax II), Haemophilus influenzae b (Hib) and meningo-
partial response) or transient increases in platelet count coccal C conjugate vaccinations at least 2 weeks prior to
(George et al, 1996). splenectomy (Centers for Disease Control (CDC), 1993;
Intraoperative platelet support. There is a suggestion, with British Committee for Standards in Haematology (BCSH),
little evidence, that if random donor platelets are deemed 1996). Revaccination with pneumococcal vaccine should
necessary to cover the surgery, these should be given once be offered every 5 years but is not currently recommended
the splenic artery has been clamped. Physiologically this for Hib. The recommendation for booster doses of meningo-
would appear logical but has never been subjected to coccal C conjugate virus may be introduced in the future.
rigorous study (Level IV evidence). Annual influenza vaccine is recommended in asplenic
Post-operative complications of splenectomy. Early studies patients. The patients vaccination status should be recor-
reported complication rates of around 22% and two series ded in the case notes. Following splenectomy patients
from New Zealand and France showed no mortality and should be offered phenoxymethylpenicillin 250500 mg
morbidity of only 7% in 48 and 72 patients respectively twice daily, or equivalent, or erythromycin (500 mg bd)
(Shaw, 1966; Naouri et al, 1993). In the study by possibly for life, in order to reduce the incidence of post-
Portielje et al (2001), two deaths occurred (out of 78 splenectomy pneumococcal infection (McMullin & Johnston,
patients undergoing splenectomy) and 26% had early 1993; Reid, 1994) (Grade C recommendation). The efficacy
post-operative complications (pulmonary embolism, intra- of such a regimen remains unproven (Makris et al, 1994).
abdominal bleeding, abdominal abscess, abdominal wall Some authorities would suggest antibiotic prophylaxis for
haematoma, gram negative sepsis, and others). Some 5% 3 years post-splenectomy. Patients should have a supply of
of patients suffered late complications. Overall, the com- broad-spectrum antibiotics at home for use if fever develops.
plication rate was higher in patients greater than 65 years In addition there are cards available that should be carried
of age. by patients, to alert physicians that the patient is asplenic.
Platelet count pre-splenectomy. Stasi et al (1995) recom- Some patients may wish to purchase alert bracelets or
mended a platelet count of 30 109 l; this may require pendants.
treatment with oral corticosteroids or IVIg pre-operatively
if the platelets are below 30 109 l. Others have used
oral dexamethasone (40 mg d for 4 d) to prepare
13 patients for splenectomy, 11 of whom had sufficient
rise in the platelet count for surgery (Gillis & Eldor, This defines patients who fail to respond to first line
1998). treatment or require unacceptably high doses of cortico-
Predicting response to splenectomy. Various indicators of steroids to maintain a safe platelet count. The actual
the likely response to splenectomy have been reviewed percentage of patients defined as having refractory ITP
including response to oral steroids, which has a low varies from 11% (Portielje et al, 2001) to 35% (George et al,
predictive value, response to high dose IVIg which, in two 1994). A large number of drugs have been used as second
small series, correlated well with response to splenectomy line therapy for ITP with variable success. The therapy used
(Chirletti et al, 1992; Law et al, 1997), and indium-labelled will depend on the age of the patient, the severity of the
autologous platelet scanning which appears to be the most presentation, the level of the platelet count, whether the
sensitive predictor of response to splenectomy, to date disease is primary refractory or relapsed, and the length of
(Najean et al, 1997). Recent work using indium-labelled time prior to relapse.
autologous platelets in 528 patients, has shown that when When considering second line therapy the original first
platelet destruction was splenic, then 96% of patients line therapies (corticosteroids, IVIg or splenectomy) should
between the age of 530 years and 91% of those above be reconsidered and implemented if possible (George et al,
the age of 30 years could expect to obtain a remission. 1996), although the doses may have to be altered compared
However, where the platelet destruction was hepatic or with those used in first line therapy. Additional supportive
diffuse (mixed splenic and hepatic) 92% of patients failed to therapy may need to be considered to allow their chronic
normalize their platelet counts or had incomplete responses use. For example, there is a small but significant risk of
to splenectomy (Najean et al, 1997; Evidence level III). The osteoporosis and avascular necrosis in patients on long-term
indium-labelled autologous platelet scan appears to offer corticosteroids and they should be assessed for this and

 2003 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, British Journal of Haematology 120: 574596

Guideline 579
treated accordingly with bisphosphonates or hormonal steroids was required to achieve an adequate platelet
replacement if indicated. count.
The actual necessity for treatment should always be High dose IVIg. High dose intravenous immunoglobulin
considered, weighing up the risks and side effects of at a dose of 1 g kg per day for two consecutive days, often
treatment, against the risks of no treatment. In some in combination with corticosteroids, will raise the platelet
patients symptomatic therapy such as fibrinolytic inhibitors count rapidly in a proportion of patients (Bussel &
may be used, particularly if there is only mucous membrane Hilgartner, 1984; Imbach et al, 1985). Side effects,
bleeding, and in severe bleeding, such as gastrointestinal particularly headaches, may occur, but if successful can
haemorrhage, then platelets may be transfused. Although be given on an intermittent basis or substituted with
these are rapidly cleared from the circulation and have a intravenous anti-D (Blanchette et al, 1993). Godeau et al
severely shortened half-life they are often effective in (1993) reported good responses, including sustained com-
stopping bleeding (Carr et al, 1986). plete response (CR), in some patients with refractory ITP
treated with IVIg (12 g kg) repeated every 23 weeks. In
Conventional second-line treatment approaches general, however, the platelet response to IVIg is transient
For the patient in whom further conventional treatment with rare durable remissions (Schiavotto et al, 1995). IVIg
with standard dose corticosteroids is inappropriate there is usually reserved for patients with symptomatic ITP in
are a wide variety of therapeutic options (Collins & whom a rapid increase in platelet count is required, prior
Newland, 1992). These include: (i) high dose steroids, (ii) to operative procedures likely to cause blood loss, or in
high dose IVIg, (iii) intravenous anti-D, (iv) vinca alkaloids, pregnancy.
(v) danazol, (vi) immunosuppressive agents including Intravenous anti-D. Intravenous anti-D has been shown to
azathioprine and cyclophosphamide, (vii) combination elevate the platelet count in 7990% of adults (Scaradavou
chemotherapy, and (viii) dapsone. The wide variety of et al, 1997). The mechanism of action is believed to be
treatments available for second line therapy reflects their mediated through the destruction of Rh (D) positive red cells
relative lack of efficacy, and treatment should be tailored to which are preferentially removed by the reticuloendothelial
suit the individual. system, particularly the spleen, thus sparing autoantibody-
High dose corticosteroids. As an alternative to predniso- coated platelets through Fc receptor blockade (Bussel et al,
lone, Andersen (1994) reported favourable responses in 1991a).
refractory patients using an oral high dose dexamethasone In a single arm, open-label study of anti-D in 261 non-
regimen, comprising 40 mg of dexamethasone daily for 4 d, splenectomized and 11 splenectomized patients, 72% of
repeated every 28 d for six cycles. Ten patients were treated patients showed an increase in platelet count of greater than
in this small study with favourable responses in all patients 20 109 l, and in 46% of patients the platelet count rose by
(all had platelet counts exceeding 100 109 l), sustained more than 50 109 l. The improvement lasted for more
for at least 6 months. At this dose, side effects are common than 3 weeks in 50% of patients who responded (Scara-
and subsequent studies conducted by other groups have not davou et al, 1997). Anti-D treatment is suitable for Rh (D)
met with such success (Caulier et al, 1995; Arruda & positive patients who are not splenectomized, and is not
Annichino-Bizzacchi, 1996; Demiroglu & Dundar, 1997; recommended for refractory patients following splenectomy.
Kuhne et al, 1997). Vinca alkaloids. This group of drugs may cause a
Methylprednisolone. Parenteral steroids such as methyl- transient increase in the platelet count lasting between 1
prednisolone have been used as second and third line and 3 weeks in two-thirds of patients treated. Around 50%
treatments for patients with refractory ITP. One study of splenectomized patients will respond, but sustained
reported the results of nine adult patients with platelets responses are observed in less than 10% of patients
< 50 109 l, all of whom were treated initially with oral (Berchtold & McMillan, 1989; Manoharan, 1991; George
corticosteroids (prednisolone prednisone at 1 mg kg d). et al, 1996; Blanchette et al, 1998). Available drugs include
Methylprednisolone was given at 30 mg kg d for 3 d, vincristine 1 mg (occasionally 2 mg) intravenously (IV), or
20 mg kg d for 4 d then 5, 2 and 1 mg kg d each for vinblastine 510 mg IV weekly for 46 weeks.
1 week. The platelet count became normal within 35 d Danazol. Danazol, an attenuated androgen, appears to be
in all patients, although in seven of nine the response especially effective in patients with overlap syndromes
lasted only a few weeks before dropping to pre-treatment between ITP and lupus and can often be used as a
levels (Akoglu et al, 1991). von dem Borne et al, 1988) corticosteroid-sparing agent in responsive patients who
compared the effect of methylprednisolone with IVIg in require longer term unacceptably high doses. Ahn et al
22 adult patients with a control series (17 patients (1989) reported the outcome of 22 patients, of which 15
treated with standard oral corticosteroids). The methyl- had undergone splenectomy, treated with danazol at a dose
prednisolone was found to be as effective as IVIg in terms of 200 mg 24 times daily for more than 2 months.
of the frequency of response, with no reported side effects. Around 60% showed elevation of the platelet count
The major difference noted between the modalities was above 50 109 l that was sustained for more than
that the response to oral steroids was slower than that to 2 months. Older females and those who have undergone
intravenous methylprednisolone (von dem Borne et al, splenectomy appeared to have the best response (Ahn et al,
1988). Again, the response to intravenous steroids was 1989). Danazol, when given for longer than a year, induced
transient in all patients and maintenance with oral remissions lasting for years even after its discontinuation,

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580 Guideline
but early relapses were frequent when it was administered dapsone is low in patients who have undergone splenectomy
for less than 6 months (Ahn et al, 1989). The mechanism of (Hernandez et al, 1995).
action of danazol is unknown but it is postulated to
downregulate the number of Fc receptors on splenic
Recommendation for second line therapy in adults:
macrophages (Schneider et al, 1997).
Methylprednisolone is a useful second line treatment
Immunosuppressive agents. Immunosuppression may be
especially where there is a need to elevate the platelet
required in patients who fail to respond to alternative
count quickly, in combination with IV cyclophospha-
therapies. Treatment with azathioprine (2 mg kg, usually
mide and or IVIg. Evidence level IIa. Because of the
up to a maximum of 150 mg d) or cyclophosphamide as
relatively frequent incidence of accessory splenic tissue,
single agents may be considered and up to 25% of patients
this should be sought in those failing to respond to
may have a sustained response.
splenectomy. Agents such as high dose IVIg, vinca
Bouroncle & Doan (1969) used azathioprine in 17 patients
alkaloids, anti-D, danazol, azathioprine and cyclosporine
and reported excellent responses in 23.5% and good respon-
are worth considering in non-urgent or semi-urgent
ses in 41% after treatment for an average of 10 months (a
cases where there is a need to elevate the platelet count.
good response was one in which the normal platelet count
was sustained only with continued use of azathioprine).
Another review of the use of azathioprine (Quiquandon et al, Patients failing first and second line therapies
1990) reported 53 patients with chronic ITP who were Fortunately, most adult patients with chronic refractory ITP
treated with azathioprine at 150 mg per day for a median of are able to tolerate marked thrombocytopenia relatively well
18 months; 40 of the 53 patients had previously under- (Blanchette et al, 1998), and are able to have a normal or
gone splenectomy. Platelet responses were documented in near normal quality of life. For those who fail to respond to
64% of patients and were complete in 45% of these. standard first and second line therapy and who require
Azathioprine is slow-acting, and should be continued for treatment the options are limited and include: (i) interferon-a
up to 6 months before being deemed a failure. When a (IFN-a), (ii) anti-CD20, (iii) Campath 1H, (iv) mycophenolate
platelet response occurs the dose should be reduced, while mofetil, (v) protein A columns, and (vi) other treatments.
maintaining a safe platelet count (Blanchette et al, 1998). IFN-a. There are several case series that report on the
Cyclosporin A has been shown to increase the platelet use of IFN-a in refractory ITP, and have shown that 25% of
count when given either alone or with prednisolone but its patients can achieve a platelet count of over 100 109 l
side effects make it unlikely to be of widespread practical for between 1 week and 7 months after the IFN-a treatment
use. It may, however, sustain the patient over a difficult (George et al, 1996). The mechanism of action is unknown
period. Emilia et al. (1996) reported eight patients treated but may be due to modulation of effector B lymphocytes
over a 1362 month period with cyclosporin A (three involved in the autoimmune process. Because available data
patients had autoimmune haemolytic anaemia (AIHA), four suggest that IFN-a appears most effective in less severe ITP
ITP and one Evans syndrome). Responses were seen in all (Proctor et al, 1989), and previous reports of exacerbation of
patients (six CR and two partial responses). Side effects were ITP while receiving IFN-a, with a fatal outcome in one
moderate but transient. In most cases cyclosporin A had to patient (Matthey et al, 1990), IFN-a does not have a current
be continued in order to maintain an adequate platelet role in the management of ITP.
count (Emilia et al, 1996). In a recent study (Kappers- Anti-CD20 antibody. Rituximab (chimaeric anti-CD20
Klunne & vant Veer, 2001), 20 patients with ITP all of monoclonal antibody) has been evaluated in a single study
whom were refractory to corticosteroids and half of whom (Stasi et al, 2001) in which 25 patients with ITP resistant to
had undergone splenectomy, were treated with cyclosporin 25 therapeutic options were treated with 375 mg m2
A for at least 4 weeks. The dose was reduced by 50 mg d rituximab weekly for 4 weeks. Five patients showed a
every 2 weeks in those showing responses. Five patients complete response and a partial response was seen in a
remained in complete remission for at least 2 years after further five. In seven patients the responses were sustained
discontinuing cyclosporin A, and a further six patients for over 6 months. There was a suggestion that younger
showed partial responses. Cyclosporin A was discontinued patients showed better response rates.
in six patients due to side effects. Campath-1H. Lim et al (1993) treated six patients with
Dapsone. In a series of 66 adults with chronic ITP and refractory ITP (three patients had underlying CLL non-
platelet counts < 50 109 l treated with dapsone at Hodgkins lymphoma and one had Hodgkins disease). A
75100 mg orally, responses were observed in 33 of 66 response was seen in four of five evaluable patients, and in
patients (50%), with a median duration of treatment three of these the response lasted more than 49 months. In
required to achieve a response of 21 d. Sustained responses most cases it took between 4 and 6 weeks for a response to
were observed in 19 patients (Godeau et al, 1997). occur. Side effects were significant and included rigors and
Dapsones mechanism of action is unknown but may be fever during the infusion, and marked lymphopenia
due to reticuloendothelial blockade through increased red (< 0.1 109 l) in all patients treated. Worsening of
cell destruction (Godeau et al, 1997; Radaelli et al, 1999). thrombocytopenia was noted in two patients during therapy.
Half of all patients with chronic ITP treated with dapsone A more recent study of the use of Campath-1H in patients
will show some response within 3 weeks, but it appears to be with a variety of cytopenias has shown that it was well
less effective in severe cases of ITP. The response rate to tolerated with encouraging responses (Willis et al, 2001).

 2003 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, British Journal of Haematology 120: 574596

Guideline 581
Mycophenolate mofetil. This antiproliferative immunosup- have active bleeding from the gastrointestinal (GI) or
pressant, licensed for the prophylaxis of acute renal, cardiac genitourinary tracts, into the central nervous system or
or liver transplant rejection, has been shown to be of value other sites. In this situation, treatment is aimed at elevating
in some patients with autoimmune cytopenias including the platelet count to a safe level quickly (i.e. in less than
refractory ITP (Evidence Level IV). However, the numbers of 24 h). Clearly, many of the treatments discussed earlier
patients treated to date are small and larger studies are take much longer to achieve this effect, and therapies that
required (Zimmer-Molsberger et al, 1997; Allison & Eugui, work almost immediately include platelet transfusion,
2000; Howard et al, 2002). intravenous methylprednisolone and IVIg.
Protein A immunoadsorption column. Snyder et al (1992) Combination chemotherapy. This mode of therapy may be
reported on the use of protein A columns in 72 patients with useful for patients who have failed other therapies but in
refractory ITP, 49 of whom had undergone splenectomy. All whom the need to elevate the platelet count is less urgent,
72 patients were given six immunoadsorption treatments e.g. patients who are not actively bleeding. There is a risk of
for 23 weeks. Twenty nine of the 72 (40%) were continued second malignancies, including acute leukaemia, in patients
on low dose steroid (prednisone <30 mg d). Some 25% of treated with these medications and the use of cytotoxic
patients had good responses (platelets exceeding agents, especially in younger patients, should be carefully
100 109 l, while 21% had fair responses (platelets considered. In those patients with severe, symptomatic
between 50 and 100 109 l). Over half the patients chronic ITP refractory to multiple previous treatments the
(54%) had poor responses (Snyder et al, 1992). The use of cyclophosphamide, vincristine and prednisolone
mechanism of action of the protein A columns may involve combined in regimens such as those used in the lymphomas
reducing platelet activation (Cahill et al, 1998). The use of have been shown to be effective. Figueroa et al (1993)
protein A columns requires good venous access, is cumber- reported their results in 10 patients with refractory ITP.
some and relatively expensive (Karpatkin, 1997). Two patients had underlying malignant disease (Hodgkins
For patients who fail to respond to these therapies disease and CLL). All 10 had been treated previously with
there are limited data on the use of ascorbic acid (Brox steroids and had undergone splenectomy. The platelet count
et al, 1988), chlorodeoxyadenosine, colchicine (Strother et al, was less than 5 109 l in all patients. A complete response
1984; Jim, 1986), liposomal doxorubicin, and peripheral was seen in six patients (durable in four); a partial response
blood stem cell transplantation (Lim et al, 1997; Skoda et al, was observed in two (one durable) and two died of
1997). intracerebral haemorrhage.
Plasmapheresis. This treatment has been used in order to
remove antiplatelet antibodies and immune complexes. Recommendations for emergency treatment in adults:
There are several reports, the largest of which documented For rapid elevation of the platelet count in extreme
the treatment of 14 patients, some of whom had acute ITP emergencies transfusion of random donor platelets is
(Marder et al, 1981). Five of nine with acute ITP responded appropriate. When a higher platelet count is required but
to plasmapheresis. Bussel et al (1988) have reported success there is less urgency, IVIg and or IV methylprednisolone
using a combination of plasmapheresis and IVIg for patients and or IV cyclophosphamide may be useful. Evidence
with chronic refractory ITP. The general consensus is that Level IV.
plasmapheresis is not a useful therapeutic manoeuvre in the
treatment of chronic ITP.
Liposomal doxorubicin. This has been used in the context
of small non-randomized studies only, with variable success
(Cosgriff et al, 1998). ITP in children is uncommon. It is usually a benign disorder
that requires no active management other than careful
explanation and counselling. This is because serious bleed-
Recommendation for therapy in adults failing first and
ing is rare, and about 80% of children with ITP will recover
second line therapies:
spontaneously within 68 weeks. Children and their par-
Campath-1H and rituximab are agents that may be of
ents may benefit from the contacts and literature available
value for patients in whom there is no response to other
from ITP support groups such as The ITP Support Associ-
therapies and in whom there is a definite requirement to
ation (
elevate the platelet count (e.g. active bleeding). Myco-
phenolate mofetil appears to be effective in some patients
with severe refractory ITP but larger studies are required
The diagnosis of childhood ITP is by exclusion. It can occur
to confirm its efficacy and safety. In terms of the risk:
at any time of childhood, but in the neonatal period must be
benefit ratio, treatments with interferon-a, protein A
distinguished from maternal ITP or alloimmune thrombo-
columns, plasmapheresis and liposomal doxorubicin are
cytopenia. In children older than 10 years a chronic course
not recommended.
may be more common. In acute ITP, the history is short
with the appearance of purpura and bruising over a
Emergency treatment in adult patients 2448 h period. The platelet count is usually less than
Urgent treatment is required for adults with severe 1020 109 l. Children with higher platelet counts rarely
thrombocytopenia (e.g. platelets < 30 109 l) and who show any symptoms. The presenting platelet count may be

 2003 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, British Journal of Haematology 120: 574596

582 Guideline
unrecordable in the face of few symptoms and signs. The Special diagnostic considerations in the
illness may follow an acute viral infection or immunisation. Accident & Emergency (A & E) Department
ITP associated with varicella needs special caution as The possibility of non-accidental injury (NAI) and menin-
occasional cases have more complex coagulation disorders gococcal disease must be considered by A & E staff when
with antibodies directed against proteins S and or C dealing with a young child presenting with bruising and
(Ganesan & Kirkham, 1997). ITP may be provoked by the purpura for the first time. Children with infection usually
measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine, with an have other features and non-accidental injury does not
estimated risk of 1 in 24 000 doses (Farrington et al, 1995), present with generalized purpura.
usually occurring within 6 weeks of vaccination. There is
no evidence of a vaccine-associated recurrence in children Investigations
who developed ITP independently of and before MMR Full blood count and careful film examination by an
vaccination (Miller et al, 2001). The Committee on the experienced morphologist. If a low platelet count does not fit
Safety of Medicines (CSM) recommend that children who the clinical picture the count should be repeated to exclude
develop ITP within 6 weeks of the first dose of MMR should a spurious result.
have their serological status for the three viruses evaluated Coagulation screening. Only necessary if there is a possi-
before the second dose is due. If serology suggests that a bility of meningococcal infection, features to suggest an
child is not fully immune to measles, mumps and rubella, inherited bleeding disorder in addition, or a suspicion of
then a second dose of MMR is recommended. The Public NAI.
Health laboratory Service is offering a free serological Antiplatelet antibodies. Measurement of antiplatelet anti-
testing service for children developing ITP within 6 weeks bodies does not assist in the diagnosis (Taub et al, 1995;
of the first dose of MMR. Those not protected against George et al, 1998).
rubella by MMR are at risk of developing ITP from infection H. pylori infection. This is discussed above. There is no
with rubella itself when the risk is 1 in 3000 (data from the information about this infection as a precipitating cause of
Department of Health Education Authority, http:// ITP in children, although H. pylori infection does occur in The MMR vaccine package childhood. There is therefore no indication to screen
inserts are being upgraded to reflect the CSMs advice. children with ITP unless there are other clinical indicators
to suggest infection (Sherman & Macarthur, 2001).
Differential diagnosis Bone marrow aspiration. Bone marrow examination
The history of bruising and purpura is sometimes more excludes some causes of thrombocytopenia but can only con-
chronic, with symptoms developing more slowly over weeks firm that the picture is consistent with peripheral destruction.
or months. In these children caution should be exercised Although it is argued that if a child has a sinister underlying
and particular attention paid to the possibility of a congen- disorder there will be other clues in the blood picture or
ital disorder. These are most often missed because they are the clinical examination (Halperin & Doyle, 1988; Calpin
uncommon and are therefore not considered. et al, 1998) this is not always reliable (Reid, 1992).

Congenital disorders that may resemble ITP

Recommendation for investigation of suspected child-
(a) In a young child (within a few weeks or months of birth)
hood ITP:
Wiskott Aldrich syndrome
In a child with typical clinical and laboratory features
Bernard Soulier syndrome
who needs no treatment, a bone marrow examination is
Other occasional families with isolated congenital or
not required (Grade B recommendation). If therapy is
hereditary thrombocytopenias of unspecified type
considered, it must be recognised that occasionally the
(b) In older children
diagnosis of ITP will be incorrect. Bone marrow exam-
Evolving Fanconi anaemia
ination will usually reveal this. Marrow examination is
von Willebrands disease type IIB (Donner et al, 1987)
necessary in the presence of atypical clinical features or if
Serious marrow disorders
there is no response to treatment. It is also recommended
Acute leukaemia (NB especially Down syndrome)
that the bone marrow be examined before steroid
Aplastic anaemia
therapy is given (Evidence Level IV). Marrow aspiration
should ideally be accompanied by a trephine biopsy
Special diagnostic considerations in older children
because this gives a better estimate of megakaryopoiesis
Children over the age of about 10 years may be more
(Beardsley & Nathan, 1998). Marrow examination is
likely to have a chronic course (Walker & Walker, 1984;
painful and is more acceptable when performed under
Reid, 1995). Other autoimmune diseases associated with
general anaesthesia (Evidence levels: IIb, III).
thrombocytopenia should be considered, particularly sys-
temic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and antiphospholipid
syndrome. Older children should have additional investi- Management of ITP in childhood: general measures
gations performed (see below). Thrombocytopenia has not It is essential that children are classified clinically and not
commonly been reported as the initial presentation of HIV by platelet count, because children with severe thrombo-
infection in children, but can occur during the course of cytopenia (less than 10 109 l) have usually mild
the disease. clinical symptoms. Pronounced skin purpura and bruising,

 2003 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, British Journal of Haematology 120: 574596

Guideline 583
however, extensive, do not indicate a serious bleeding risk Treatment: Expectant Watch and Wait policy
on their own. To date there has been a universal More than 80% of children with acute ITP do not have
tendency to treat the count alone rather than the childs significant bleeding symptoms and can be managed without
symptoms. Two UK national surveys of children with ITP specific therapy directed at raising the platelet count
have demonstrated that only 4% of children with ITP (Buchanan et al, 1997; Baronci et al, 1998; Dickerhoff &
have serious symptoms such as severe epistaxis or GI von Ruecker, 2000; Bolton-Maggs et al, 2001; Bolton-Maggs
bleeding (Bolton-Maggs & Moon, 1997; Bolton-Maggs & & Moon, 1997, 2001; Sutor et al, 2001) (Evidence levels III
Moon, 2001). Similar data are available from Germany and IV). It is essential that the parents, and child where able,
(Sutor et al, 2001) and Norway (Zeller et al, 2000). have an explanation that this is usually a self-limiting benign
Several studies have confirmed that the incidence of disorder (Dickerhoff & von Ruecker, 2000). Most children
intracranial haemorrhage (ICH) is much less than the 1 can be managed well at home, and do not require hospital
3% widely quoted, and is closer to 0.10.5% (Lilleyman, admission, which should be reserved for children with
1994). In the two UK national surveys there were two clinically important bleeding (severe epistaxis, i.e. lasting
ICH in 703 cases (0.3%), with complete recovery in both more than 30 min with heavy bleeding, GI bleeding, etc.).
cases, similar to the incidence derived from a retrospective Parents should be advised to watch for other signs of bleeding
national survey (Lilleyman, 1994, 1997). Similarly, a and be given a contact name and 24 h telephone number;
recent Japanese study found an incidence of 4 in 772 similar advice as that given to families with a child with
(0.52%) children, with no deaths (Iyori et al, 2000). It is severe haemophilia is often the most appropriate, with, as far
impossible to predict which children will develop an ICH, as possible, avoidance of formal contact sports or activities
and it may be that there are other predisposing factors with high risk of trauma or head injury. Other activities can
that contribute to this for example an underlying vascular be continued as normal, and the child should be encouraged
anomaly. to continue schooling on the basis that ITP is a disorder that
ICH has occurred in children who have been treated and may last some weeks or months (Evidence levels: III and IV,
in one study this was the case in a third of children reviewed Grade B and C recommendation).
(Lee & Kim, 1998). It is worth noting that in the first Most children with mild or moderate symptoms only (the
randomized study of IVIg the only child to have ICH did so majority) can be safely managed as outpatients with weekly
early, was on IVIg and died 6 d after presentation (Imbach or less frequent visits (level III evidence) (Dickerhoff & von
et al, 1985). As discussed earlier, the need for treatment in Ruecker, 2000; Bolton-Maggs et al, 2001). A repeat platelet
children with acute ITP should not be driven by the platelet count is not necessary while a child still has purpura as this
count alone, but mainly by symptoms. Children who symptom is an indication that the count is likely to be less
continue to be severely thrombocytopenic with significant than 20 109 l; however, a repeat count should be per-
bleeding symptoms are very rare indeed, and should be formed within the first 710 d to check that there is no
referred to a specialist centre for management (Lilleyman, evidence of a serious marrow disorder emerging, particularly
1999). aplasia. Otherwise the count can be performed when clinic-
ally indicated by a change of symptoms, or if the family feel
Clinical classifications more at ease knowing the result. However, too close a focus
Two clinical scoring systems have been used, the first in on numbers is not helpful. When the thrombocytopenia
the two UK national surveys for analysis of 703 newly persists but the child remains well, the intervals between visits
diagnosed children (Bolton-Maggs & Moon, 1997, 2001), can be stretched out in order to minimise interference with
and the second was reported from a single centre in Texas schooling. With increasing duration of a very low platelet
where it has been analysed on 109 occasions in 54 count and limitation of some sporting activities, lifestyle
patients, both at diagnosis and in established ITP (Bucha- issues become relatively more important and should be
nan & Adix, 2001). Both of these confirm that the sympathetically discussed. These issues may influence deci-
majority of children do not have serious bleeding problems sions about treatment. Most parents and patients can live quite
despite very low platelet counts. The severity of bleeding at comfortably with petechiae and low platelets awaiting spontaneous
any given time, especially at presentation does not predict remission providing their physician can (Dickerhoff, 1994).
the risk of subsequent episodes of serious bleeding.
Children should not be treated on the basis of cutaneous
signs alone, however, dramatic and widespread the
Children with acute ITP and mild clinical disease may be
managed expectantly with supportive advice and a 24 h
contact point, irrespective of platelet count (Grade B
Recommendation: recommendation). The full blood count should be repea-
Clinical severity, in addition to platelet count, should be ted within 10 d of diagnosis to ensure there is no
used to define the severity of acute ITP in children. evidence of evolution to a serious marrow disorder;
Treatment should be considered on the basis of other thereafter the count need not be monitored until
clinical symptoms in addition to cutaneous signs, and resolution of clinical symptoms suggests the onset of
not the platelet count alone (Level IIb evidence, Grade B remission or there are other clinical indicators suggesting
recommendation). the need.

 2003 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, British Journal of Haematology 120: 574596

584 Guideline
Specific treatment to raise the platelet count Pulsed high dose dexamethasone. This treatment appears
Several therapies raise the count faster than no treatment to be less effective in children than in adults in producing
(Ib evidence). However, all have significant side effects and long-term remission, but may be useful as a temporary
none alters the underlying pathology nor increases the measure. There is no evidence that this treatment, or any
chance of complete remission. These strategies are appro- of the treatments that can produce an increase in the
priate for children with severe bleeding symptoms. platelet count, increases the chance of complete remission.
Three small studies of 11 (Kuhne et al, 1997), 17 (Borgna-
Corticosteroids Pignatti et al, 1997) and seven children (Chen et al, 1997)
Prednisolone. Conventional doses of 12 mg kg d for a demonstrated some benefit in some children 78%
maximum of 14 d may be effective in raising the count but children achieved a platelet count > 100 109 l within
perhaps is little faster than no therapy (Buchanan & 72 h in 41 cycles of treatment given to 11 children with
Holtkamp, 1984) (Level 1b evidence). Prednisolone should chronic ITP (Kuhne et al, 1997). However, side effects
be discontinued after a maximum of 23 weeks irrespective were unacceptable in 3 11 children. This treatment
of platelet count because of the serious side effects cannot be recommended as first line therapy in sympto-
associated with prolonged treatment. There is evidence matic children.
that smaller doses (0.25 mg kg d for 21 d) may produce a
rise in count (Bellucci et al, 1988). A high dose regimen Recommendation:
(prednisolone 4 mg kg d) has been compared in two If a child has mucous membrane bleeding and more
randomized controlled trials and been shown to be more extensive cutaneous symptoms, high dose prednisolone
effective (Level Ib evidence). Fifty three children were 4 mg kg d is effective (Grade A recommendation, Level
randomized between IVIg, high dose (4 mg kg d) oral Ib evidence). It can be given as a very short course
prednisolone with tapering and cessation by 21 d and no (maximum 4 d). There are no direct comparisons of low
therapy in one study (Blanchette et al, 1993). The median dose (12 mg kg d) with high dose therapy. If lower
time to reach a count of > 50 109 l was 4 d in the doses of 12 mg kg d are used the treatment should be
prednisolone group compared with 16 d in the no given for no longer than 14 days, irrespective of
treatment group, and 2 d in those given IVIg. The same response.
regimen was used in a later study of 146 children which
included a treatment arm with anti-D (Blanchette et al, Intravenous immunoglobulin
1994). In the latter study 28 39 (72%) of children in the Intravenous immunoglobulin is effective in raising the
high dose steroid arm achieved a count > 50 109 l platelet count in more than 80% of children, and does so
within 72 h. more rapidly than steroids or no therapy (Blanchette et al,
The disadvantage of this steroid regimen is the duration 1994) (Level 1b evidence). It is expensive and invasive,
at high dose. A short course may be sufficient. A pilot study and should be reserved for emergency treatment of patients
of 25 children given 4 mg kg for 4 d (Carcao et al, 1998) who do not remit or respond to steroids and who have
demonstrated that 22 children achieved a count of active bleeding. It is an appropriate treatment to enable
> 20 109 l within a week with minimal side effects (Level essential surgery or dental extractions. It should not be
III evidence). If a child requires treatment for symptoms, an used to raise the platelet count in children with cutaneous
early effect on count is reassuring. It is essential that symptoms alone. IVIg is a pooled blood product, the risks
steroids are not continued for longer than 2 to 3 weeks or of which must be explained to patients. It has significant
titrated against the platelet count as this may lead to side effects, noted in 75% of children treated in a recent
inappropriate doses and duration, with very significant trial (Blanchette et al, 1993). Severe headache can be
long-term side effects. troublesome (Kattamis et al, 1997). In addition, IVIg has
transmitted hepatitis C, a life-threatening infection (Duhem
Other steroid regimens et al, 1994). Its use in children with trivial symptoms is
High dose methyl prednisolone (HDMP). This has been not justified.
used as an alternative to IVIg because it is cheaper and Dose regimen. The traditional dose is 0.4 g kg daily for
effective. A small study of 22 children given an oral 7 d 5 d. This has now been superseded by short course high
course (30 mg kg d for 3 d followed by 20 mg kg d for dose treatment either with a single dose of 0.8 g kg or
4 d) demonstrated that all patients achieved platelet 1 g kg given on 1 or 2 d (Blanchette et al, 1994;
counts > 50 109 l by d 7. Courses were repeated Tarantino et al, 1999). These larger doses may be
monthly if the count was less than 20 109 l on d 30, associated with a higher risk of side effects. Another
for up to six courses (Ozer et al, 2000). Other small studies small, randomized multicentre study demonstrated lower
have demonstrated HDMP to be as effective as IVIg in doses of 250, 400 or 500 mg kg d for 2 d to be
raising the platelet count (Ozsoylu et al, 1989, 1993). effective (count increasing by more than 30 109 l) in
Two studies demonstrated the efficiency of a combined 16 17 (94%) children aged 512 years (Warrier et al,
approach using HDMP with IVIg but these were small 1997). The product chosen should be one with at least
uncontrolled studies (Barrios et al, 1993; Gereige & two viral inactivation steps included in the manufacturing
Barrios, 2000). process.

 2003 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, British Journal of Haematology 120: 574596

Guideline 585
with an adequate platelet count (i.e. more than 20 109 l)
and have no symptoms unless injured. In children under
IVIg can raise the platelet count rapidly, but should be
10 years of age at diagnosis spontaneous remission is likely
reserved for emergency treatment of serious bleeding
to occur eventually; expectant management can continue.
symptoms or in children undergoing procedures likely to
Children more than 10 years of age at diagnosis, and in
induce blood loss. It is effective given as a single dose of
particular adolescent females, are more likely to sustain a
0.8 g kg (Evidence level Ib, Grade A recommendation).
chronic course and management considerations are much
Lower doses are also effective, and fewer side effects are
as for adults. Most children need no specific therapy to raise
seen, in younger children.
the count unless injured or requiring surgery or dental
extraction. Particular problems may arise for girls at the
Other therapies onset of menstruation. Children and parents should not
Anti-D immunoglobulin. This is less expensive than IVIg forget the vulnerability to excessive bleeding following
and can be given to Rh (D) positive individuals as a short serious accidents and it is advisable for the family to carry
infusion, and is therefore amenable to outpatient therapy. It a card or letter with details of the disorder in case of
is effective in children (Scaradavou et al, 1997), but the emergency. A medical bracelet or pendant may be helpful.
mechanism of action is not fully understood. Like IVIg, Children with counts persistently below 10 109 l are
anti-D has the disadvantage of being a pooled blood product, likely to have some symptoms, e.g. easy bruising or odd
but produces a rise in platelet count as rapidly as IVIg when petechiae. Such children have been described as having
given at sufficient dosage (4550 lg kg) (Tarantino et al, chronic severe ITP (CSITP), are very rare (estimated annual
1999). Some degree of haemolysis is quite commonly seen, incidence of perhaps 1 in 2 500 000; Lilleyman, 1999) and
which can occasionally be severe and is associated with are the most difficult to manage (Lilleyman, 2000). There is
renal failure (Gaines, 2000). Lower dose treatment is less a strong case for these children to be referred to paediatric
effective at raising the platelet count than IVIg (Blanchette haematologists with a special interest. Occasionally, girls
et al, 1994). carry ITP into adulthood, but it tends to attenuate over time
(anecdotal reports). There are no data on boys with
Other treatments
persistent ITP beyond their teens.
As with adult ITP, a variety of other drugs have been tried in
The risk of serious bleeding is a function of the duration of
patients with persistent thrombocytopenia and bleeding.
time with a low count and has been estimated at 0.5% at
There is insufficient information concerning their use in
12 months in those with a count less than 20 109 l
children to make specific recommendations concerning what
(Lilleyman, 1999). There is insufficient evidence in the
should be used or in which order. Cytotoxic drugs should
literature to determine the best course of management for
be used with extreme caution in children, with appropri-
these patients (George et al, 1996; Lilleyman, 2000).
ate consideration given to infertility and carcinogenesis.
Treatment must be tailored to the child and situation,
based on three criteria: the therapy should be effective, it
Use of blood products platelet transfusions
should not carry more risk than the untreated condition,
Life-threatening haemorrhage is the only indication for
and it should make the child feel better (George et al, 1996;
platelet transfusion in ITP, a destructive platelet disorder
Lilleyman, 2000).
where transfusions of normal doses are unlikely to be
A significant group of children with ITP have counts of
effective. National surveys have demonstrated that platelet
1030 109 l, and although they have no serious bleeding,
transfusions are sometimes given for simple thrombocy-
are nevertheless troubled by purpura. Children, particularly
topenia. This is never justified. In a life-threatening situation
once at secondary school, become very conscious of their
(such as the rare ICH) larger than normal doses are required
appearance and need sympathetic support. Lifestyle issues
with monitoring of the increment as a guide, and other
and restrictions on sporting activities become more import-
modalities such as high dose IV steroids and IVIg should be
ant and should be taken into account in considering therapy.
given at the same time to maximise the chances of raising
Intermittent treatment with IVIg can be given to cover
the count and stopping the haemorrhage.
activity holidays after appropriate discussion of the risks.
However, it should be noted that this might cause additional
Recommendation: problems with insurance cover when a child has been in
Platelet transfusions should only be given for ICH or hospital within 6 months of going on holiday. There is no
other life-threatening bleeding, and then in much larger evidence that air travel predisposes to bleeding in patients
doses than for marrow failure. At the same time, with ITP; there is no indication to treat the count prior to
immunomodulatory treatment should be given with holidays other than to cover activities. Parents should
high dose intravenous steroids or IVIg (Grade C recom- always declare the illness to their insurance company before
mendation). travelling in case treatment is required while on holiday.
Bleeding complications must be managed according to
Chronic ITP in childhood severity and circumstances; there is no straightforward
Most children with ITP will remit within 6 months. The strategy for these young people. Splenectomy is often
management of children with continuing thrombocytopenia considered, but it is ineffective in around 25% of cases,
is essentially the same as for acute ITP. Many children settle and with longer follow-up it is clear that the relapse rate is

 2003 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, British Journal of Haematology 120: 574596

586 Guideline
high, although often the platelet count runs at a more Table I. The major causes of maternal thrombocytopenia in preg-
acceptable level with fewer symptoms. nancy.

Recommendations: Spurious EDTA-induced platelet aggregation

1. Children with chronic ITP usually do not need Gestational thrombocytopenia
active therapy but should be followed up regularly Pre-eclampsia and HELLP* syndrome
and reminded to report to hospital after injuries. Autoimmune thrombocytopenia
They should have a designated contact person and
number. SLE
2. Children with chronic severe ITP should be referred antiphospholipid syndrome
to a paediatric haematologist for management and HIV-related
long term follow-up. Disseminated intravascular coagulation
Haemolytic uraemic syndrome thrombotic thrombocytopenic
Splenectomy purpura
Folate deficiency
Splenectomy is rarely indicated in children with ITP. Long-
Congenital platelet disorders
term follow-up demonstrates that spontaneous remissions
Coincidental marrow disease
continue to occur at least up to 15 years from diagnosis Hypersplenism
(Reid, 1995), so the persistence of a low count beyond 6 or
12 months is therefore not on its own an indication for
surgery. Given that the risk of dying from ITP in childhood *Haemolysis, elevated liver enzymes and low platelets.
is extremely low (less than 1 in 500), that the mortality
associated with splenectomy is 1.4 (Najean et al, 1997) to
2.7% (Eraklis & Filler, 1972) and that the risk of over- indicator of significant complications of pregnancy such
whelming sepsis probably persists for life, splenectomy is as pre-eclampsia or disseminated intravascular coagula-
only justified in exceptional circumstances (Eden & Lilley- tion (DIC) in addition to a range of less common acquired
man, 1992). Severe lifestyle restrictions, crippling menor- or congenital disorders (Table I). Thus, the assessment
rhagia or life threatening haemorrhage may give good of individual cases of thrombocytopenia in pregnancy
reason for the procedure, but only 7075% will respond focuses on excluding important secondary causes and
(George et al, 1996), and full precautions against sepsis weighing the risks of bleeding in mother and infant
should be undertaken (BCSH, 1996). against the hazards of diagnostic and therapeutic inter-
Normal platelet count in pregnancy
Splenectomy is rarely indicated in childhood ITP. It is
Most pregnant women have platelet counts within the non-
occasionally justified for life-threatening bleeding and for
pregnant reference range. However, large prospective stud-
children with chronic unremitting and severe ITP whose
ies (level III evidence) have confirmed that platelet counts
disease has been present for more than 1224 months
tend to fall during pregnancy and levels of 120
with demonstrable impairment of their quality of life, but
150 109 l are not uncommon in the third trimester (Sill
these children are rare, and should be referred to a
et al, 1985; Burrows & Kelton, 1988). A single-institutional
specialist paediatric haematologist for individual consid-
study (Burrows & Kelton, 1988) of 1357 women with
eration (Grade C recommendation).
normal pregnancy, delivering at term, showed a mean
platelet count of 225 10 l with 95% confidence intervals
of 109341 109 l.
Incidence of ITP in pregnancy
The advent of routine platelet counting using automated
blood cell counters highlighted the fact that mild to Gestational thrombocytopenia (incidental thrombocytopenia
moderate thrombocytopenia is common in healthy women of pregnancy)
with an apparently normal pregnancy. Excluding those The best evidence for the natural history of this phenom-
cases with spurious counts due to EDTA-induced in vitro enon comes from a sequence of prospective studies reported
platelet aggregation, the large majority of these women by the McMaster group in Ontario (Burrows & Kelton,
have gestational thrombocytopenia (GT), a benign self- 1988, 1990, 1993) (Level III evidence). At term, thrombo-
limiting phenomenon with no significant bleeding-risk to cytopenia was present in 5.48.3% of healthy mothers.
mother or infant. However, it may be difficult or Platelet counts were only mildly reduced in most patients
impossible to distinguish GT from idiopathic (autoim- (mean 135 109 l) and were between 100 and
mune) thrombocytopenia (ITP) in which the transmission 150 109 l in 95% of cases. It is exceptional for the
of platelet antibodies across the placenta has the potential platelet count to fall below 80 109 l but rare cases,
to cause fetal or neonatal thrombocytopenia and haemor- subsequently confirmed as GT, had counts as low as
rhage. Maternal thrombocytopenia may also be an 50 109 l.

 2003 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, British Journal of Haematology 120: 574596

Guideline 587
The incidence of thrombocytopenia in cord blood samples innovative methodologies, measurement of serum platelet
taken from the infants of women with GT and women with autoantibodies are not clearly diagnostic of ITP in individual
normal platelet counts was identical at 4%. patients and do not predict the likelihood of neonatal
Hence, GT is characterized by: thrombocytopenia (Burrows & Kelton, 1992; Letsky &
Mild thrombocytopenia (rarely < 80 109 l) Greaves, 1996; Sainio et al, 1998; Boehlen et al, 1999).
Occurrence in healthy women with otherwise normal
blood counts Recommendation for investigation of suspected ITP in
Most commonly occurs in the third trimester of preg- pregnancy:
nancy As in non-pregnant patients, the diagnosis of ITP is one
Normal platelet counts before and after pregnancy of exclusion. Benign gestational thrombocytopenia is
No association with maternal haemorrhage 100 times more common but, as there are no definitive
No association with fetal or neonatal thrombocytopenia diagnostic tests, it may be impossible to distinguish these
GT is difficult to distinguish from ITP when thrombocy- conditions until a non-pregnant platelet count is avail-
topenia is identified for the first time during pregnancy and able. All women with platelet counts < 100 109 l
no previous counts have been documented. should be screened for clinical or laboratory evidence of
pre-eclampsia, coagulopathy or autoimmune disease.
Idiopathic (autoimmune) thrombocytopenia (ITP) Bone marrow examination is unnecessary unless there is
Chronic ITP is most common in women of reproductive age suspicion of leukaemia or lymphoma. The routine
and is therefore encountered in pregnancy. The estimated measurement of PAIg or platelet antibodies is not
prevalence is 15 cases per 10,000 pregnancies (Kessler recommended (Evidence Levels III IV, Grade C recom-
et al, 1982), i.e. around 100 times less common than GT. mendations).
Patients occasionally present for the first time with severe
thrombocytopenia in pregnancy and women with previ-
ously diagnosed ITP may experience an exacerbation in
pregnancy, the nadir platelet count usually occurring in the Optimum management of ITP in pregnancy requires close
third trimester (Burrows & Kelton, 1992). However, the collaboration between the obstetrician, haematologist and
most common presentation is the finding of asymptomatic paediatrician. There are no high quality prospective studies
thrombocytopenia on routine laboratory testing, when the or randomized clinical trials to inform management of the
distinction from GT may be difficult. mother, delivery or the neonate. Recommendations are
As in the non-pregnant patient, the diagnosis of ITP is based on clinical experience and expert consensus (Grade C
largely one of exclusion as there is no confirmatory recommendation).
laboratory test (Burrows & Kelton, 1992). Documentation
of a low platelet count outside pregnancy is invaluable. It is Management of the pregnant woman with ITP
important to exclude pre-eclamptic syndromes, DIC or The decision to treat the pregnant woman with ITP is based
autoimmune disorders such as SLE and the antipho- on assessment of the risk of significant haemorrhage. The
spholipid syndrome, which carry significant prognostic count usually falls as pregnancy progresses, the greatest
and therapeutic implications (Table II). Patients should be rate of decline and nadir occurring in the third trimester
carefully examined for hepatosplenomegaly and lympha- (Burrows & Kelton, 1992). Therefore, careful planning is
denopathy or features of pre-eclampsia (hypertension, required to ensure a safe platelet count at the time of
proteinuria, intrauterine growth restriction). delivery. Frequency of monitoring depends on the individual
If there are no additional clinical features and the blood case, taking into account the absolute platelet count, rate of
count and film are otherwise normal, bone marrow change and proximity of delivery.
examination is not recommended (Letsky & Greaves, 1996).
As with non-pregnant adults and paediatric ITP, platelet- Targets for treatment
associated IgG is of no diagnostic value. Despite recent Asymptomatic patients with platelet counts > 20 109 l
do not require treatment until delivery is imminent but
should be carefully monitored, both clinically and haema-
Table II. Recommended laboratory investigations of thrombocy- tologically (Letsky & Greaves, 1996). Platelet counts of
topenia in pregnancy (Grade C recommendation) > 50 109 l are regarded as safe for normal vaginal
delivery (Letsky & Greaves, 1996) and some experts extend
Blood film (to exclude spurious thrombocytopenia, red cell this to levels of 3050 109 l (Lichtin, 1996). A platelet
fragments, other haematological disorders) count of > 50 109 l is also safe for Caesarian section but
Coagulation screen (PT, APTT, fibrinogen, D-dimer) would preclude the use of epidural anaesthesia for which
Liver function tests the platelet count should be > 80 109 l. Because of the
Anticardiolipin antibodies lupus anticoagulant theoretical risk of haematoma formation and neurological
SLE serology damage, spinal or epidural anaesthesia is not recommended
if the platelet count is < 80> 50 109 l (Letsky & Greaves,
PT, prothrombin time; APTT, activated partial thromboplastin 1996). There is no evidence that the template bleeding time
time; DRVVT, dilute Russells viper venom time. predicts the risk of haemorrhage in this situation.

 2003 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, British Journal of Haematology 120: 574596

588 Guideline
Treatment options
In women who need treatment, both oral corticoster-
The major treatment options for maternal ITP are
oids and IVIg appear to have a similar response rate to
corticosteroids or IVIg. Vinca alkaloids, androgens and
the use of these agents in the non-pregnant patient
most immunosuppressive drugs should not be used in
Although many clinicians now favour the use of IVIg
pregnancy although azathioprine has been used safely in
in pregnancy there are no good comparative studies
transplant patients.
and the decision must take into account maternal
If the duration of treatment is likely to be short, i.e.
clinical factors and preference in addition to the
starting in the third trimester, corticosteroids are a cost-
expense, availability and (remote) risks of microbial
effective option. An initial dose of 1 mg kg (based on pre-
transmission by IVIg.
pregnancy weight) is recommended (Burrows & Kelton,
There are no convincing data on the effect (beneficial
1992; Letsky & Greaves, 1996), subsequently tapered to the
or otherwise) of corticosteroids or IVIg on the
minimum haemostatically effective dose. Patients must be
fetal neonatal platelet count.
carefully monitored for significant side effects such as
Severe refractory ITP may respond to high dose IV
hypertension, hyperglycaemia, osteoporosis, excessive
methyl prednisolone IVIg or azathioprine. If essen-
weight gain and psychosis. As 90% of the administered
tial, splenectomy may be performed (ideally in the
dose of prednisolone is metabolised in the placenta (Smith &
second trimester) and the laparoscopic route may have
Torday, 1982), serious fetal side effects such as adrenal
clinical advantages similar to those seen in non-
suppression are unlikely. The only systematic study showed
pregnant patients.
no beneficial effect of low dose maternal steroids on the fetal
platelet count (Christiaens et al, 1990).
If steroid therapy is likely to be prolonged, significant side Management of delivery and the newborn infant
effects occur or an unacceptably high maintenance dose is Historically, management of the delivery in mothers with
required (perhaps > 7.5 mg prednisolone daily) IVIg ther- ITP was dominated by concerns over the risk of severe
apy should be considered. There are no published compar- neonatal thrombocytopenia and haemorrhage. In 1976,
ative trials of steroids and IVIg in pregnancy. The caesarean section was recommended for all patients based
conventional dose of IVIg is 0.4 g kg d for 5 d although on a reported perinatal mortality of 1221%, largely due to
1 g kg for 2 d has been used successfully and may be more birth trauma and ICH (Murray & Harris, 1976). These data
convenient (Burrows & Kelton, 1992). The response rate were clearly selective and excessively pessimistic; more
(80%) and duration of response (23 weeks) is similar to recent reviews suggesting a neonatal mortality of around
non-pregnant patients. After an initial response, repeat 0.6% (Burrows & Kelton, 1992). Large prospective studies
single infusions can be used to prevent haemorrhagic published in the 1990s show an incidence of severe
symptoms and ensure an adequate platelet count for neonatal thrombocytopenia (< 50 109 l) of 8.914.7%
delivery. The ability of maternal IVIg therapy to improve with ICH occurring in 01.5% of infants (Bussel et al,
fetal platelet counts remains controversial (Nicolini et al, 1991b; Burrows & Kelton, 1993). There is no evidence that
1990). IVIg carries the same potential risks and side effects caesarean section is safer for the thrombocytopenic neonate
as in the non-pregnant patient and the financial cost is than uncomplicated vaginal delivery (which is unequivo-
much higher than corticosteroids. cally safer for the mother). In any event, most haemor-
Therapeutic options for those women with severely symp- rhagic events in neonates occurred 2448 h after delivery
tomatic ITP refractory to oral steroids or IVIg include high at the nadir of the platelet count.
dose intravenous methyl prednisolone (1000 mg), perhaps Attempts have been made to predict which neonates will
combined with IVIg, or azathioprine (Letsky & Greaves, have severe thrombocytopenia to inform management
1996). From available data, the latter appears to cause no decisions. It is reported (evidence level III) that the fetal or
significant problems to either mother or fetus (Erkman & neonatal platelet count cannot be reliably predicted from
Blythe, 1972; Price et al, 1976; Alstead et al, 1990). Splen- the maternal platelet count, maternal platelet antibody
ectomy in pregnancy is now rarely performed. If essential, it levels (by a variety of techniques) or a history of maternal
is best carried out in the second trimester and may be splenectomy for ITP (Samuels et al, 1990; Burrows &
successfully performed by the laparoscopic route, although Kelton, 1992; Letsky & Greaves, 1996; Sainio et al, 1998;
this may be technically difficult beyond 20 weeks gestation. Boehlen et al, 1999). Fetal blood sampling by cordocentesis
has been explored (Scioscia et al, 1988) but this procedure
carries a mortality of 12%, which is at least as high as the
Recommendation: (All Grade C)
risk of ICH. Scalp blood sampling in early labour to
Asymptomatic women with platelet counts > 20
measure the fetal platelet count has also been advocated
109 l do not need treatment until delivery is imminent
(Scott et al, 1980). This procedure is technically difficult,
Platelet counts > 50 109 l are safe for normal
commonly produces artefactually low results because
vaginal delivery in patients with otherwise normal
of clotting due to exposure to vernix or amniotic fluid
and can cause significant haemorrhage. For these reasons,
Platelet counts > 80 109 l are safe for caesarean
both cordocentesis and fetal scalp blood sampling have now
section, spinal or epidural anaesthesia in patients with
been largely abandoned in the management of ITP in
otherwise normal coagulation

 2003 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, British Journal of Haematology 120: 574596

Guideline 589
In view of the difficulty in predicting those few neonates defect should be present. The mother should always be
with severe thrombocytopenia and the very low risk of questioned about excessive bruising or bleeding since the
serious haemorrhage, it is now generally agreed (Level III presence of these may signify impaired platelet function in
evidence, Grade B recommendation) that the mode of borderline cases.
delivery in ITP should be determined by purely obstetric The use of powerful non-steroidal anti-inflammatory
indications (Bussel et al, 1991c; Burrows & Kelton, 1992; drugs for post-partum or post-operative analgesia should
Letsky & Greaves, 1996). be avoided in women with platelet counts less than
Following delivery, a cord blood platelet count should 100 109 l because of their anti-platelet activity which
be determined in all cases (Level III evidence, Grade C may increase the risk of haemorrhage (Level IV Evidence,
recommendation). Those infants with subnormal counts Grade C Recommendation).
should be closely observed clinically and haematologically Venous thromboembolism (VTE) is the commonest cause
as the platelet count tends to fall further to a nadir of maternal mortality in the UK and all women with ITP
between d 2 and 5 after birth (Burrows & Kelton, 1992). should be considered for thromboprophylaxis if they are
Treatment of the neonate is rarely required. In those with undergoing surgical delivery, are immobilized by other
clinical haemorrhage or platelet counts < 20 109 l medical complications, have a congenital or acquired
treatment with IVIg 1 g kg produces a rapid response. thrombophilia (especially the antiphospholipid syndrome)
Life-threatening haemorrhage should be treated by platelet or recent venous thrombosis. In each case an individual
transfusion combined with IVIg (Burrows & Kelton, risk assessment must be made about the desirability and
1992). safety of anticoagulant therapy taking into account factors
Severe thrombocytopenia and clinical haemorrhage in such as age, obesity and personal and family history.
neonates are sufficiently unusual in association with Although there are no published data to guide clinical
maternal ITP that where they occur, neonatal alloimmune practice, treatment or prophylaxis with standard doses of
thrombocytopenia should be excluded by laboratory testing. unfractionated heparin (UFH) or low-molecular-weight
This is important not only for the appropriate management heparin (LMWH) should be used in women with platelet
of the neonate, but also in relation to the antenatal counts > 50 109 l (Level IV Evidence, Grade C Recom-
management of subsequent pregnancies. mendation) in whom the risk of haemorrhage is very low.
In women regarded at especially high risk of VTE (e.g.
antiphospholipid syndrome, antithrombin deficiency) the
balance of risks would probably favour thromboprophylaxis
Anaesthetic management options at platelet counts down to 50 109 l, especially if LMWH
The obstetric anaesthetist is often called upon to make a with its more favourable therapeutic window is used. All
decision regarding the advisability of regional analgesia and at-risk patients should use appropriate graduated compres-
anaesthesia in these cases. Several textbooks and articles sion hosiery and be considered for intermittent mechanical
offer guidance on this subject, and the general trend in pneumocompression of the calves during surgery (Level IV
recent years has been to lower the cut-off point from a Evidence, Grade C Recommendation).
platelet count of 80100 109 l (Beilin et al, 1997). In
fact, there is no evidence to support this sort of all-
or-nothing approach, and every case must therefore be
considered on its own merits, with the risk of the procedure The mode of delivery in women with ITP should be
decided by primarily obstetric indications. There is no
(epidural spinal haematoma) balanced against the benefits
evidence to support the routine use of caesarean
(pain relief, better blood pressure control, avoidance of
general anaesthesia). section (Grade B)
When monitoring platelet levels, the trend as well as the Platelet counts > 50 109 l are safe for normal
vaginal delivery if coagulation is otherwise normal
absolute value is important, and the mother with a rapidly
falling count should be regarded with more suspicion than Platelet counts > 80 109 l are safe for spinal epidu-
the one with a low, but stable, platelet level (Greaves & ral anaesthesia or caesarean section if coagulation is
otherwise normal
Letsky, 1997). At the same time, the cause of the
Women undergoing operative delivery should be
thrombocytopenia must be taken into account since
different pathologies have different effects upon the haemo- considered for thromboprophylaxis according to their
individual clinical risk factors. Standard prophylactic
static mechanism for a given platelet count. In general,
doses of UFH or LMW heparin should be used if the
patients with a platelet count of > 80 109 l in the absence
of pre-eclampsia are unlikely to have significantly altered maternal platelet count is > 100 109 l (Grade C)
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs should be avoi-
platelet function. Tests of platelet function, such as bleeding
ded for post-partum or post-operative analgesia in
time, are operator-dependent and therefore of limited
predictive value. Thromboelastography is a promising women with platelet counts < 100 109 l (Grade C)
development in this field, but its place in clinical practice The risk of clinically dangerous thrombocytopenia in
the neonate is very low but cannot be predicted by
has yet to be determined, and will require further clinical
clinical or laboratory parameters in the mother.
trials (Gorton & Lyons, 1999). Routine coagulation studies
are usually indicated in thrombocytopenia in case any other Attempts to measure the fetal platelet count by

 2003 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, British Journal of Haematology 120: 574596

590 Guideline
cordocentesis or fetal scalp blood sampling are not
recommended as they carry more risks than potential The section on paediatric ITP is based on an article by Dr
clinical benefits (Grade B) Bolton-Maggs (2002), written for Current Paediatrics and is
Because of the risk of haemorrhagic complications in reproduced with permission by Elsevier Science Ltd.
the neonate the application of scalp electrodes for
monitoring in labour and fetal blood sampling should
be avoided. The use of vacuum extraction (ventouse) is
contraindicated and complicated instrumental delivery Although the advice and information contained in these
(e.g. rotational forceps) should be avoided if possible guidelines is believed to be true and accurate at the time of
(Grade C) going to press, neither the authors nor the publishers can
Cord platelet counts should be measured in all accept any legal responsibility for any errors or omissions
neonates of mothers with ITP and those with subnor- that may have been made.
mal levels monitored clinically and with daily counts
until after the nadir which usually occurs on d 25 British Committee for Standards in
after delivery (Grade C) Haematology General Haematology Task Force
Treatment of the thrombocytopenic neonate should be
reserved for those with clinical evidence of haemor-
rhage or a platelet count < 20 109 l when there is
usually a prompt response to IVIg (1 g kg). Life- Dr Drew Provan, Barts & The London, Queen Marys School
threatening haemorrhage should be treated with of Medicine and Dentistry, London, UK
immediate platelet transfusion and IVIg (Grade C). Professor Adrian Newland, Barts & The London, Queen
Marys School of Medicine and Dentistry, London UK
Dr Derek Norfolk, Department of Haematology, General
For patients with ITP in whom heavy menstrual bleeding Dr Paula Bolton-Maggs, Department of Haematology,
Alder Hey Childrens Hospital, Liverpool, UK
occurs, symptom control may be achieved using tranexamic
Professor John Lilleyman, Barts & The London, Queen
acid and or oral contraceptives. The Mirena coil is a
Marys School of Medicine and Dentistry, London, UK
progestogen-loaded intrauterine contraceptive that induces
Professor Ian Greer, Department of Obstetrics, University
endometrial atrophy, and is effective in controlling menor-
of Glasgow, Glasgow Royal Infirmary, Glasgow, UK
Dr Anne May, Department of Anaesthetics, Leicester
Royal Infirmary, Leicester, UK
PATIENT SUPPORT Dr Mike Murphy, National Blood Service, Department of
The ITP Support Association was formed in 1995 to offer Haematology, Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals, and University of
support to those with adult, childhood and maternal ITP. Oxford, UK
Assisted by its medical advisors the Association publishes a Dr Willem Ouwehand, Department of Transfusion Medi-
quarterly newsletter and a wealth of reader friendly booklets cine, Cambridge and NBS Cambridge
and factsheets on ITP and its associated concerns, including Mrs Shirley Watson, ITP Support Association, Bedford,
guidelines for schools, protocol for dentists of affected UK
patients, splenectomy patients guide and holiday guide-
lines. ITP HealthCare cards are supplied for a small fee, Classification of Evidence Levels
giving personal details on a wallet-size laminated card in
case of emergency. Ia Evidence obtained from meta-analysis of randomized
Annual national conventions featuring ITP specialists controlled trials
from the UK and USA allow patients to overcome their Ib Evidence obtained from at least one randomized
feelings of isolation by meeting fellow sufferers. The controlled trial
IIa Evidence obtained from at least one well-designed
Association has funded research and part funded the
controlled study without randomization
National Register of Patients and the first ITP Specialist
IIb Evidence obtained from at least one other type of
Nurse. By sending an A5 SAE with 2x 1st class stamps to well-designed quasi-experimental study*
The ITP Support Association, Synehurste, Kimbolton Road, III Evidence obtained from well-designed non-experimental
Bolnhurst, Bedfordshire, MK44 2EW, UK, ITP suffer- descriptive studies, such as comparative studies,
ers families can receive a free information pack. There is correlated studies and case studies
no membership fee, the ITP Support Association is run by IV Evidence obtained from expert committee reports or
volunteers and relies mainly on voluntary donations to fund opinions and or clinical experience of respected authorities
its operation. Further information can be found on http:// and Where to Get Help patient *Refers to a situation in which implementation of an intervention
leaflets can be ordered free of charge by e-mailing shirley@ is outwith the control of the investigators, but an opportunity exists to evaluate its effect.

 2003 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, British Journal of Haematology 120: 574596

Guideline 591
Classification of Grades of Recommendations Bellucci, S., Charpak, Y., Chastang, C. & Tobelem, G. (1988) Low
doses v conventional doses of corticoids in immune thrombocy-
A Requires at least one Evidence topenic purpura (ITP): results of a randomized clinical trial in
randomized controlled trial levels Ia, Ib 160 children, 223 adults. Blood, 71, 11651169.
as part of a body of literature Ben-Yehuda, D., Gillis, S. & Eldor, A. (1994) Clinical and ther-
of overall good quality and apeutic experience in 712 Israeli patients with idiopathic
consistency addressing specific thrombocytopenic purpura. Israeli ITP Study Group. Acta Hae-
recommendation matologica, 91, 16.
B Requires the availability of Evidence levels Berchtold, P. & McMillan, R. (1989) Therapy of chronic idiopathic
well-conducted clinical IIa, IIb, III thrombocytopenic purpura in adults. Blood, 74, 23092317.
studies but no randomized Berchtold, P. & Wenger, M. (1993) Autoantibodies against platelet
clinical trials on the topic glycoproteins in autoimmune thrombocytopenic purpura: their
of recommendation clinical significance and response to treatment. Blood, 81, 1246
C Requires evidence obtained Evidence 1250.
from expert committee reports level IV Blanchette, V., Freedman, J. & Garvey, B. (1998) Management of
or opinions and or clinical chronic immune thrombocytopenic purpura in children and
experiences of respected adults. Seminars in Hematology, 35, 3651.
authorities. Indicates an Blanchette, V., Imbach, P., Andrew, M., Adams, M., McMillan, J.,
absence of directly applicable Wang, E., Milner, R., Ali, K., Barnard, D., Bernstein, M., Chan,
clinical studies of good quality K.W., Esseltine, D., deVeber, B., Israels, S., Kobrinsky, N. & Luke,
B. (1994) Randomized trial of intravenous immunoglobulin G,
intravenous anti-D, and oral prednisone in childhood acute
immune thrombocytopenic purpura. Lancet, 344, 703707.
Blanchette, V.S., Luke, B., Andrew, M., Sommerville-Nielsen, S.,
Barnard, D., de Veber, B. & Gent, M. (1993) A prospective,
Ahn, Y.S., Rocha, R., Mylvaganam, R., Garcia, R., Duncan, R. & randomized trial of high-dose intravenous immune globulin G
Harrington, W.J. (1989) Long-term danazol therapy in auto- therapy, oral prednisone therapy, and no therapy in childhood
immune thrombocytopenia: unmaintained remission and age- acute immune thrombocytopenic purpura. Journal of Pediatrics,
dependent response in women. Annals of Internal Medicine, 111, 123, 989995.
723729. Boehlen, F., Hohlfeld, P., Extermann, P. & de Moerloose, P. (1999)
Akoglu, T., Paydas, S., Bayik, M., Lawrence, R. & Firatli, T. (1991) Maternal antiplatelet antibodies in predicting risk of neonatal
Megadose methylprednisolone pulse therapy in adult idiopathic thrombocytopenia. Obstetrics and Gynecology, 93, 169173.
thrombocytopenic purpura. Lancet, 337, 56. Bolton-Maggs, P.H.B. (2002) The management of immune
Allison, A.C. & Eugui, E.M. (2000) Mycophenolate mofetil and its thrombocytopenic purpura. Current Paediatrics, 12, 298303.
mechanisms of action. Immunopharmacology, 47, 85118. Bolton-Maggs, P.H. & Moon, I. (1997) Assessment of UK practice
Alstead, E.M., Ritchie, J.K., Lennard-Jones, J.E., Farthing, M.J. & for management of acute childhood idiopathic thrombocytopenic
Clark, M.L. (1990) Safety of azathioprine in pregnancy in purpura against published guidelines. Lancet, 350, 620623.
inflammatory bowel disease. Gastroenterology, 99, 443446. Bolton-Maggs, P.H.B. & Moon, I. (2001) National audit of the
Andersen, J.C. (1994) Response of resistant idiopathic thrombocy- management of childhood idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura
topenic purpura to pulsed high-dose dexamethasone therapy. against UK guidelines: closing the loop education and re-audit
New England Journal of Medicine, 330, 15601564. demonstrate a change in practice. Blood, 98, 58b (abstract
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