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Vencislav Grabulov1, Ivo Blai2, Aleksandar Radovi2, Stojan Sedmak3



Originalni nauni rad / Original scientific paper Adresa autora / Author's address:
UDK /UDC: 620.178.7 Institut za ispitivanje materijala, Beograd, Srbija
Rad primljen / Paper received: 10.4.2007.
Vojnotehniki institut, Beograd, Srbija
Tehnoloko-metalurki fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu

Kljune rei Keywords

elik visoke vrstoe high strength steel
zavareni spoj welded joint
udarna ilavost impact toughness
ispitivanje padajuim tegom drop weight test
prelazna temperatura krtosti nil-ductility transition temperature
eksplozivna proba explosion bulge test
Izvod Abstract
Tri metode ispitivanja razliitim brzinama optereenja Three testing methods of different loading rates had been
epruveta sa zarezom (udarno klatno, padajui teg, izboa- applied using notched specimens (impact pendulum, drop
vanje eksplozijom) su primenjene za ocenu ilavosti i weight, explosion bulging) for toughness and ductility
duktilnosti runo elektroluno zavarivanih spojeva. Osnov- assessment of metal manual arc welded joints. Basic
ne osobine zavarenih spojeva i prelazna temperatura su properties of welded joints and transition temperatures
takoe odreene kao deo ispitivanja zavarljivosti. were assessed too, as a part of weldability testing.
Prikazani su rezultati primene date tri metode na elike Results are presented of the three given methods applied
NIONIKRAL 70 i SUMITEN 80P, iste klase vrstoe. Poka- to steels NIONIKRAL 70 and SUMITEN 80P, of the same
zalo se da primenjene metode ispitivanja ne iskljuuju strength class. It is found that the applied test methods do
jedna drugu, jer daju komplementarne rezultate za ponaa- not exclude each other, producing complementary results
nje pri lomu zavarenih spojeva. for fracture behaviour of welded joints.
Prednost primene nisko legiranih elika visoke vrstoe Benefits of applying high strength low alloyed (HSLA)
(HSLA) u konstrukcijama, posebno za posude pod pritis- steels in structures, especially for pressure vessels, are the
kom, je u smanjenoj teini proizvoda i ekonominijoj proiz- reduced dead weight and increased economical production.
vodnji. Parametri dobijeni ispitivanjem zatezanjem, pre Parameters obtained by tensile tests, above all yield stress
svega napon teenja i svojstva plastinost, su osnova za and plastic properties, are the basis for the design of struc-
projektovanje konstrukcija, da bi se osigurala njena vrsto- tures in order to achieve strengths under applied load. Valu-
a pri dejstvu optereenja. Iz ispitivanja tvrdoe se dobijaju able comparative data are obtained from hardness tests. The
dragoceni uporedni podaci. Pogodnost oblikovanja je tako- capability of forming is another substantial material proper-
e bitna osobina materijala, a za konstrukcije od HSLA ty, and for HSLA steels the weldability is of particular
elika, zavarljivost ima poseban znaaj. Kako su zahtevi za significance. Since requirements for safe service are more
sigurnu eksploataciju sve stroiji, propisano je ispitivanje and more strict, the testing of ductility and toughness para-
parametara duktilnosti i ilavosti, kao i otpornosti prema meters is specified, including fracture resistance tests. All
lomu. Svi navedeni parametri se ispituju za zavareni spoj cited parameters are tested for the entire welded joint as
kao celinu i za svaki od tri konstituenta zavarenog spoja, well as for three joint constituents, parent metal (PM), weld
osnovni metal (PM), metal ava (WM) i zonu uticaja toplo- metal (WM) and the heat-affected-zone (HAZ), since the
te (HAZ), jer su zahtevi eksploatacijske sigurnosti i integri- requirement for service safety of welded structures,
teta zavarenih konstrukcija, proizvedenih od HSLA elika produced of HSLA steel has an utmost importance because
posebno vani zbog posledica eventualnog otkaza. of the consequences of eventual failure.
Duktilnost i ilavost se smanjuju sa poveanjem vrstoe Ductility and toughness are reduced with increased
pa se prednosti HSLA elika mogu iskoristiti samo optimal- strength, and benefits of HSLA steels can be used only by
nom kombinacijom osobina. Parametri ilavosti i duktilnos- optimal combination of properties. Toughness and ductility
ti se koriste samo za poreenje, jer iako znaajni za sigur- parameters are used only for comparison, since although
nost konstrukcije, nisu prikladni za proraun kao parametri important for structural safety, they are not convenient for
vrstoe. calculation as strength parameters.


Vol. 8, br. 3 (2008), str. 181190 Vol. 8, No 3 (2008), pp. 181190
ilavost i duktilnost zavarenih spojeva elika... Toughness and ductility of high strength steels...


Postupci za ocenu ilavosti i duktilnosti zavarenog spoja Procedures for assessing the toughness and ductility of
mogu biti sloeni zbog heterogenosti mikrostrukture i welded joint can be complex due to the heterogeneity of
mehanikih osobina WM i HAZ. microstructure and mechanical properties of WM and HAZ.
Pre svega je potrebno objasniti vezu izmeu ilavosti i First, it is necessary to explain the relation between
duktilnosti. ilavost je energetski parametar ponaanja toughness and ductility. Toughness is an energy parameter
optereenog materijala sa prslinom i predstavlja koliinu of loaded cracked material behaviour and presents the
utroene energije. Duktilnost je pogodnost materijala za amount of consumed energy. Ductility is the capacity of the
oblikovanje i meri se veliinom izduenja, odnosno, odgo- material for deformation and is measured by elongation and
varajuom deformacijom. Od stanja napona i deformacija, corresponding strain. The stress-strain state under applied
koje se pod dejstvom optereenja u epruveti ili konstruk- load substantially affects values of toughness and ductility
cijskom elementu uspostavi, bitno zavisi veliina parameta- parameters. There are two limiting states. In case of plane
ra ilavosti i duktilnosti. Dva su granina stanja. U stanju stress state, the strain, i.e. elongation is free in all three
ravnog napona deformacija, odnosno izduenje, je slobodno spatial directions. In plane strain state, stresses are acting in
u tri prostorna pravca. U stanju ravne deformacije deluju three directions, the strain is constrained and elongation is
naponi u tri pravca, ime je deformacija ometena i do izdu- possible only in two directions of the crack plane. Between
enja moe doi samo u dva pravca ravni prsline. Izmeu these two states, transition (mixed mode) states can be
ova dva stanja se uspostavljaju prelazna (meovita) stanja u established where smaller or larger deformation is possible,
kojima je deformacija mogua u manjoj ili veoj meri, to indicated by the amount of energy consumed for the devel-
se iskazuje koliinom energije koja se troi na razvoj defor- opment of strain and fracture. When deformation is com-
macije i loma. Kada je deformacija potpuno ometena nema pletely constrained no energy is consumed for fracture and
utroka energije za lom i kada se postigne dovoljno optere- when sufficient load is applied, fracture develops from an
enje, lom se razvije iz postojee prsline bez daljeg povea- existing crack with no energy increase brittle fracture,
nja energije krti lom, koji sledi posle samo elastinih preceded only by elastic deformation. When, at three-direc-
deformacija. Kada, pri troosnoj deformaciji, treba povea- tional deformation, energy consummation for strain devel-
vati utroak energije da bi se deformacija razvijala dolazi opment needs to be increased, corresponding material
do ponaanja materijala koje se naziva duktilnim (to ozna- behaviour is known as ductile (indicating material stretch-
ava rastegljivost materijala), ili plastinim (jer se sa plas- ing) or plastic (since the geometry is changed by plastic
tinom deformacijom menja geometrijski oblik), ili ilavim deformation), or tough (since significant amount of energy
(jer je potreban znaajan utroak energije). Isti nazivi se is consumed). The same terms are used for the fracture that
koriste za lom koji se u tim uslovima razvija iz postojee develops in these conditions from the existing crack, also
prsline, praen i razvojem plastine deformacije. followed by development plastic deformation.
Veliki je broj faktora koji utiu na pojavu ravnog stanja There is a large number of factors affecting the occur-
napona i ravne deformacije. Velike dimenzije, pre svega rence of plane stress and plane strain states. Large sizes,
velika debljina komponente ili epruvete doputaju preteno primarily large thickness of component or specimen, allow
ravnu deformaciju, pa se moe oekivati krti lom iz posto- dominant plane strain, and brittle fracture can be expected
jee prsline ili njoj sline greke, kada se uspostavi kritina from crack or a crack-like defect, when the critical value of
veliina optereenja, odnosno napona. Drugi faktor je load and stress is reached. The second factor is stress
koncentracija napona. U teoriji elastinosti je matematiki concentration. In the Theory of Elasticity, stress depend-
izvedena zavisnost napona od geometrijskog oblika i pri ence on geometry shape is mathematically derived and
nagloj promeni oblika dolazi do velikog lokalnog porasta local increase in stress takes place with abrupt change of
napona, koncentracije napona, ime se uspostavlja troosno shape, stress concentration, allowing to establish a state of
stanje napona i ravna deformacija. Na vrhu prsline pri samo three-directional stress and plane strain. In the case of elas-
elastinoj deformaciji je faktor koncentracije beskonano tic deformation acting solely at the crack tip, the stress
veliki, to moe dovesti do trenutnog ili vrlo brzog loma concentration factor becomes infinite and can lead to
ve pri malom optereenju. Ovakva situacija je nepoeljna instantaneous or very fast fracture, even at low loads. This
u eksploataciji konstrukcija, jer postojea prslina esto situation is unfavourable for structures in operation, since
dovodi do havarija, koje su u nekim sluajevima i katastro- the existing crack often leads to failures, sometimes catas-
falne. Trei znaajan faktor je brzina saoptavanja opteree- trophic. The third important factor is the load rate, at high
nja; pri velikoj brzini nema dovoljno vremena za razvoj load rate there is not sufficient time for plastic deformation
plastine deformacije, pa je lom neizbeno krt. to develop and fracture is inevitably brittle.
Od opisanih faktora, koji utiu na ponaanje optereenog Of the described factors that affect behaviour of loaded
materijala, debljina je neprikladna za ispitivanje, jer zahteva material, thickness is inconvenient for testing, since it
veliko optereenje i odgovarajue veliki ureaj dovoljnog requires high testing load and corresponding huge equip-
kapaciteta u pogledu energije. ment with sufficient energy capacities.
Zbog toga su parametri ilavosti i duktilnosti i odgovara- Hence, toughness and ductility parameters and corre-
jui ureaji definisani na bazi brzine dejstva optereenja i sponding equipment are defined based on submitted load
geometrijskog oblika sa koncentracijom napona na epruve- rate and geometry shape, producing stress concentration on
tama dosta malih dimenzija. specimens of rather small size.


Vol. 8, br. 3 (2008), str. 181190 Vol. 8, No 3 (2008), pp. 181190
ilavost i duktilnost zavarenih spojeva elika... Toughness and ductility of high strength steels...

Prelazna temperatura krtosti Nil ductility transition temperature

Za konstrukcijske elike je vrlo znaajan i etvrti faktor, A fourth factor is also important for structural steels,
temperatura eksploatacije i ispitivanja, jer je utvreno da namely operating and testing temperature, since it is found
postoji prelazna temperatura ispod koje se elik, inae that a transition temperature exists below which steel,
duktilan, ponaa krto, /1/. otherwise ductile, exhibits brittle behaviour, /1/.
Ispitivanja duktilnosti i ilavosti na razliitim temperatu- Ductility and toughness tests at different temperatures in
rama, u osnovi, daju samo podatak o nivou prelazne tempe- fact produce only data about the transition temperature
rature prema energiji utroenoj u ispitivanju. level according to the consumed test energy.
Udarno ispitivanje po arpiju Impact test according to Charpy
Ispitivanje po arpiju je prihvaeno i standardizovano Testing according to Charpy is accepted and standard-
(ISO 148) za ocenu udarne ilavosti, jer je prikladno i ised (ISO 148) for impact toughness assessment, as conven-
jednostavno. Obimna literatura posveena ovom ispitivanju ient and simple. Extended literature devoted to this testing
je dostupna i sa nekoliko meunarodnih tematskih konfe- is available also from several international topical confer-
rencija koje su obeleile vie od jednog veka primene ispiti- ences indicating more than one century of Charpy testing.
vanja po arpiju. Istoj temi je posveen i dvobroj 12/2002 The same topic has been covered in issue 12/2002 of the
asopisa Integritet i vek konstrukcija (IVK), /2/. S obzirom Structural Integrity and Life (IVK) journal, /2/. In that
na to, ovde e biti prikazana samo najvanija dostignua u respect, only most important achievements in the develop-
razvoju i primeni arpijevog ispitivanja. Danas se ovo stan- ment and use of Charpy test are presented here. Today this
dardno ispitivanje izvodi sa malim epruvetama 1010 standard testing is performed on small specimens 1010
55 mm sa V zarezom dubine 2 mm, rasponom oslonaca 55 mm, with a 2 mm V-notch, a support span of 40 mm on
40 mm na klatnu, a rezultati se daju u specifikaciji materijala. pendulum, and results are given in material specifications.
U konvencionalnom arpi ispitivanju se meri ukupna The conventional Charpy test measures total energy
energija apsorbovana pri lomu epruvete. Dodatni podaci se absorbed while fracturing the specimen. Additional infor-
dobijaju sa instrumentiranog arpi ureaja na dijagramu mation can be obtained if the impact tester is instrumented
promene optereenja tokom vremena ispitivanja, /3, 4/. to provide a load-time history during the test, /3, 4/.
Shematizovana kriva optereenjevreme, sa instrumenti- Schematic curve load vs. time from an instrumented
ranog arpi ureaja za duktilni elik, prikazana je na sl. 1. Charpy test for a ductile steel is presented in Fig. 1. This
Iz ovakvog zapisa se moe odrediti energija potrebna za record allows to determine the energy required for initiating
inicijaciju loma (prsline) i za razvoj loma. On daje i poda- fracture (crack) and for propagating fracture. It also gives
tak o optereenju nivoa teenja, o maksimalnom opteree- data on the yielding load, maximal load, and fracture load.
nju i o optereenju pri lomu. Iz oblika dobijenog zapisa The shape of obtained record of load change with time
promene optereenja sa vremenom, moe se ve na prvi allows to evaluate, at the first glance, whether fracture is
pogled oceniti da li je lom krt ili duktilan. brittle or ductile.

Slika 1. Dijagram optereenjevreme instrumentiranog arpi ispitivanja za duktilan lom

Figure 1. Diagram load vs. time for an instrumented Charpy test at ductile fracture.
Instrumentacija je poveala mogunosti ispitivanja po The instrumentation has increased the capacity of
arpiju ne samo razdvajanjem delova energije potrebnih za Charpy tests not only by separating energy parts necessary
inicijaciju i za rast prsline, /3/, ve i zato to daje ocenu for crack initiation and propagation, /4/, but may also serve
nivoa optereenja tokom loma. Specifikacija materijala za as an assessment of the load level during fracture. Material
teko optereene zavarene konstrukcije obuhvata energiju specification of heavy duty welded structures include
udara za BM i WM, kao i prelaznu temperaturu za materijal impact energies for BM and WM, as well as transition
koji radi na niskim temperaturama, /5/. Jo uvek postoji temperature for material operating at low temperatures, /5/.
problem kako oceniti ilavost HAZ, jer je teko postaviti The problem how to assess HAZ toughness is still actual,
koren zareza precizno u podruju HAZ koje ima najmanju since it is difficult to locate notch root accurately in HAZ
ilavost, /6/. region of the lowest toughness, /6/.
Vol. 8, br. 3 (2008), str. 181190 Vol. 8, No 3 (2008), pp. 181190
ilavost i duktilnost zavarenih spojeva elika... Toughness and ductility of high strength steels...

Eksplozivno ispitivanje izboavanjem Explosion bulge test

Moda je najvei nedostatak udarnog ispitivanja po Probably the chief deficiency in the Charpy impact test
arpiju to mala epruveta nije uvek realan model za is that a small specimen is not always a realistic model of a
konstrukciju u pravoj veliini. Ne samo da dovodi do znat- full scale structure. Not only does the small specimen lead
nog rasipanja rezultata, ve epruveta debljine 10 mm nije u to considerable scatter of results, but a specimen of 10 mm
stanju da obezbedi intenzitet ometene deformacije, kakav se thickness cannot provide the same constraint of strain as
moe uspostaviti u konstrukciji mnogo vee debljine. Ova would be found in a structure of much larger thickness.
situacija je prikazana na sl. 2. Na odreenoj radnoj tempera- This situation is depicted in Fig. 2. At a particular operating
turi standardna arpi epruveta pokazuje visok nivo energije, temperature the standard Charpy specimen shows a high
dok u stvari isti materijal u konstrukciji sa presekom velike shelf energy, while actually the same material in a thick-
debljine moe imati znatno manju ilavost pri istoj tempe- sectioned structure can have a significantly lower toughness
raturi. Logian pristup tom problemu je razvoj ispitivanja u at the same temperature. The logical approach to this prob-
kome se mogu koristiti epruvete poveane debljine, kao to lem is development of tests capable of handling specimens
je eksplozivno ispitivanje izboavanjem. Osnovna potreba of extended thickness, as the explosion bulge test. The basic
da se ispituju velike epruvete proistekla je iz nemogunosti need to test large specimens resulted from the inability to
da se male laboratorijske epruvete slome pri naponu produce fracture in small laboratory specimens at stresses
manjem od napona teenja, a u brodskim konstrukcijama bellow yield stress, whereas brittle fractures in ship struc-
krti lom se javljao na radnoj temperaturi pri nivou elasti- tures occur at operating temperatures at elastic stress levels,
nog napona, kao to je bio sluaj sa brodovima Liberti, /1/. as experienced with Liberty ships, /1/. The development of
Takvo ispitivanje i praktinu primenu rezultata su uveli u such tests and practical application of their results had been
SAD saradnici Mornarike nacionalne laboratorije (NRL) introduced in USA by co-workers of the Naval Research
na elu sa Pelinijem, /7, 8/. Laboratory (NRL), headed by Pellini, /7, 8/.
Eksplozivno ispitivanje izboavanjem, razvijeno u NRL The explosion bulge test, developed in NRL to study the
radi prouavanja krtog loma konstrukcijskih elika ugrae- problem of brittle fracture in structural steels used in
nih u trup broda prikazano je na sl. 3. Nosa kalupa (ukru- welded ship hulls, is presented in Fig. 3. Die support (rig)
enje) sa osnovom omoguava izboavanje ispravno with the base allows bulging of properly positioned test
postavljene ispitne ploe (epruvete). Punjenje livenog plate (specimen). Cast explosive charge of specified mass
eksploziva odreene mase i snage se postavlja na odree- and power should be applied at a properly determined
nom rastojanju pomou odstojnika iznad ispitne ploe. distance, obtained by cardboard box over the test plate.
Velika brzina optereenja eksplozijom doprinosi krtom High rate of explosion loading contributes to brittle fracture
lomu ispitne ploe, a znaajna je i uloga koncentracije of test plate, and the role of stress concentration and
napona i ometene deformacije, to je ostvareno krtim nava- constraint is also important, being achieved by brittle weld
rom i na njemu izvedenom zarezu. surfacing bead and an additionally introduced notch in it.
Primenjeno na zavareni spoj, /8/, ovo ispitivanje omogu- Applied to welded joint specimens, /8/, this test enables
ava da se odredi kritino podruje u spoju, u kojem e doi to determine the most critical region in weldment, where
do loma. Na taj nain se globalnim ispitivanjem mogu odre- fracture would occur. In this way, the critical local property
diti lokalno kritina svojstva, to je korieno i u ovom could be defined in a global test, as this was also used in
istraivanju. this investigation.

Slika 2. Uticaj debljine na prelaznu temperaturu Slika 3. Shema eksplozivnog ispitivanja izboavanjem
Figure 2. Effect of thickness on transition temperature. Figure 3. Scheme of explosion bulge test.

Ispitivanje padajuim tegom Drop weight test

Iskustvo steeno u NRL eksplozivnim ispitivanjem izbo- Experience gathered in NRL with the explosion bulge
avanjem je posluilo za razvoj ispitivanja padajuim test has led to the development of drop-weight test (DWT),
tegom (DWT), sa ciljem da se slini rezultati dobiju bez intended to obtain similar results avoiding the explosion.


Vol. 8, br. 3 (2008), str. 181190 Vol. 8, No 3 (2008), pp. 181190
ilavost i duktilnost zavarenih spojeva elika... Toughness and ductility of high strength steels...

eksplozije. Energija ispitivanja padajuim tegom se dobija The energy for drop weight test is obtained from potential
od potencijalne energije mase (tega) koja slobodno pada. energy of free falling mass (weight). Due to significant
Zbog znatne teine tega i visine ureaja ostvaruje se mnogo weight of the tup and height of device, much more energy
vea energija u poreenju sa arpijevim klatnom. Prvobitno can be obtained compared to the Charpy pendulum.
je DWT razvijeno /9/ samo za odreivanje prelazne Initially, DWT is developed, /9/, specifically for determining
temperature krtosti (NDT) ploa pune debljine. Za the Nil Ductility Transition (NDT) temperature on full
odreivanje prelazne temperature potrebne su po dve thickness plates. At least two specimens are required to
epruvete za svaku temperaturu. Jednostavnost epruvete za determine NDT at each temperature. The simplicity of the
ispitivanje padajuim tegom (sl. 4) i ureaja za zadavanje drop-weight test specimen (Fig. 4) and the loading appara-
optereenja, kao i tumaenje rezultata doprineli su primeni tus, and the interpretation of results have contributed to its use.
ovog ispitivanja. The stress applied to the specimen during impact loading
Napon koji deluje u epruveti tokom udarnog optereenja is limited to the yield point by a stopping block attached to
je ogranien nivoom teenja pomou graninog bloka the anvil under the specimen. This is a practical device for
postavljenog na nakovnju ispod epruvete. To je praktian evaluating the ability of the steel to withstand yield point
ureaj za ocenu sposobnosti elika da li moe da podnese load in the presence of a small flaw, and is used for the
napon teenja u prisustvu male prsline, to se koristi za assessment of crack significance.
ocenu znaaja prslina. Specimens may be oxygen-cut from a parent plate and
Epruveta se iz osnovne ploe iseca kiseonikim reza- additionally machined. The thinner specimen prepared from
njem i naknadno obrauje mainski. Tanju epruvetu iz vrlo a very thick plate should be weld on to the rolling surface.
debele ploe treba navariti sa strane valjanja. Kako je epru- Since the specimen is a wide beam loaded in three-point
veta iroka greda, optereena savijanjem u tri take, ovo bending, this restriction limits the stress on the tension face
ogranienje spreava da napon zategnutog lica ploe pree of the plate to a value that does not exceed yield stress. A
napon teenja. Kratak navar od krtog metala ava, preuzet short surface weld bead of brittle weld metal, taken from
od eksplozivnog ispitivanja izboavanjem, debljine 15 do the explosion bulge test, 15 to 25 mm thick, typically of
25 mm, obino veliine 80350 mm, se nanosi na povrinu size 80350 mm, is deposited on the plate surface (Fig. 4).
ploe (sl. 4). The drop-weight test is devised for testing relatively
Ispitivanje padajuim tegom je osmiljeno za ispitivanje heavy structural sections, and is not recommended for
relativno debelih preseka konstrukcije, i nije preporueno samples of parent metal of thickness below 12.5 mm.
za uzorke osnovnog metala debljine ispod 12,5 mm.

Slika 4. Epruveta za ispitivanje padajuim tegom

Figure 4. Drop weight test specimen.


Prikazani su rezultati ispitivanja zavarenih spojeva dva Test results are presented of welded joints of two low
niskolegirana elika visoke vrstoe (HSLA) namenjena za alloy high strength steels (HSLA), aimed for manufacturing
opremu pod pritiskom i projektovana za rad na niskim pressure equipment and designed for low temperature appli-
temperaturama. cations.
Osnovne osobine ispitivanih elika i zavarenih spojeva Basic properties of tested steels and welded joints
Ispitani su elici NIONIKRAL 70, debljine 35 mm (A), i The two tested steels are NIONIKRAL 70, 35 mm thick
elik SUMITEN 80P, debljine 46 mm (B). Njihov hemijski (A), and SUMITEN 80P, 46 mm thick (B). Chemical com-
sastav je dat u tab. 1, zatezne karakteristike u tab. 2. position is given in Table 1, tensile properties in Table 2.


Vol. 8, br. 3 (2008), str. 181190 Vol. 8, No 3 (2008), pp. 181190
ilavost i duktilnost zavarenih spojeva elika... Toughness and ductility of high strength steels...

Tabela 1. Hemijski sastav ispitivanih elika

Table 1. Chemical composition of tested steels.
Hemijski sastav, te. % (Chemical composition, wt. %)
elik (Steel) C Si Mn P S Cr Ni Mo V Al Cu B
A 0.1 0.27 0.35 0.014 0.012 1.11 2.65 0.26 0.1 0.05
B 0.1 0.3 0.9 0.01 0.008 0.48 1.01 0.47 0.03 0.24 0.0016

Tabela 2. Zatezne karakteristike ispitivanih elika

Table 2. Tensile characteristics of tested steels.
Napon teenja Zatezna vrstoa Izduenje Suenje povrine poprenog preseka
Yield strength Ultimate tensile strength Elongation Reduction of cross section area
elik (Steel) YS (MPa) UTS (MPa) A (%) Z (%)
A 780 825 18 68
B 775 820 26 70

Podaci o zavarenom spoju Welded joint data

elik A je zavaren runo elektroluno (E postupak) Steel A is welded by metal manual arc welding (MAW
obloenom bazinom elektrodom tipa Tenacito 80, Erlikon, procedure) using coated basic electrode Tenacito 80, Oerli-
vajcarska. kon, Switzerland.
Hemijski sastav elektrode Tenacito 80 je (%): Chemical composition of Tenacito 80 is (%):
C: 0,06; Si: 0,50; Mn: 1,80; Cr: 0,35; Ni: 2,20; Mo: 0,40. C: 0.06; Si: 0.50; Mn: 1.80; Cr: 0.35; Ni: 2.20; Mo: 0.40.
Napon teenja istog metala ava Tenacito 80 je iznad Yield strength of pure weld metal Tenacito 80 is above
750 MPa, njegova zatezna vrstoa iznosi 810 do 910 MPa, 750 MPa, its ultimate tensile strength is 810 to 910 MPa,
a izduenje pri lomu iznad 16%. and elongation at fracture above 16%.
elik B je zavaren runo elektroluno (E postupak) oblo- Steel B is welded by metal manual arc welding (MAW)
enom bazinom nisko vodoninom elektrodom tipa LB using coated basic low hydrogen electrode LB 118, Cobe
118, Cobe Steel, Japan. Steel, Japan.
Hemijski sastav elektrode LB 118 elektrode je (%): The chemical composition of LB 118 electrodes is (%):
C: 0,1; Si: 0,30,7; Mn: 57; P: 0,035; S: 0,013; Cr: 1922; C: 0.1; Si: 0.30.7; Mn: 57; P: 0.035; S: 0.013; Cr: 1922;
Ni: 9,510,5; Ti: 0,20,5. Ni: 9.510.5; Ti: 0.20.5.
Napon teenja istog metala ava LB 118 je min. Yield strength of pure weld metal LB 118 is min.
720 MPa, njegova zatezna vrstoa je iznad 820 MPa, a 720 MPa, its ultimate tensile strength is min. 820 MPa, and
izduenje pri lomu iznad 22%. elongation at fracture is above 22%.
Epruvete su zavarili ispitani zavarivai prema kvalifiko- Certified welders welded the specimens using qualified
vanoj specifikaciji postupka zavarivanja (WPS). Pravac Welding Procedure Specification (WPS). The direction of
zavarivanja je bio popreno na pravac valjanja elika. the welded joint is transverse to steel rolling direction.
Mehanike osobine zavarenih epruveta su date u tab. 3. Mechanical properties of the specimens are given in Table 3.

Tabela 3. Rezultati ispitivanja zavarenih spojeva: zatezne karakteristike, ugao savijanja oko trna i tvrdoa
Table 3. Results of welded joint tests: tensile properties, guided bend angle, and hardness.
Zavareni spoj (Welded joint) Metal ava (Weld metal) Savijanje oko trna Tvrdoa
elik Napon teenja Mesto loma Napon teenja Zatezna vrstoa Izduenje Bend test Hardness
(Steel) Yield stress Fracture location Yield stress Tensile strength Elongation Lice (Face) Koren (Root) HAZ WM
(MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (%) () () HV30 HV30
A 800 WM 750 810 16 180 180 260330 258290
B 761 HAZ 796 848 22 180 180 220334 255275

Tvrdoa Hardness
Rezultati merenja tvrdoe popreno po zavarenom spoju Results of hardness measurements across welded joints
su prikazani na sl. 5, /10/. Vidljiv je za oba spoja porast are presented in Fig. 5, /10/. An increase in hardness (and
tvrdoe (i vrstoe) u podruju HAZ oko linije stapanja. strength) of both joints is visible in HAZ regions at fusion line.
Udarna ilavost Impact toughness
Epruvete iz osnovnog metala (PM) elika A su ispitane u Parent metal specimens of steel A are tested in the
pravcu valjanja (L) i u poprenom pravcu (C), sa zarezom u rolling (L) and in transverse directions (C) with notches in
tim pravcima, a za elik B su ispitane samo epruvete u these directions, and only specimens in rolling direction of
pravcu valjanja. Ispitane su i epruvete sa zarezom u WM i u steel B. Specimens with notches in WM and HAZ were also
HAZ. Veliine udarne ilavosti su date na sl. 6. tested. Impact toughness values are given in Fig. 6.


Vol. 8, br. 3 (2008), str. 181190 Vol. 8, No 3 (2008), pp. 181190
ilavost i duktilnost zavarenih spojeva elika... Toughness and ductility of high strength steels...

Slika 5. Rezultati merenja tvrdoe poprenog preseka zavarenog spoja

Figure 5. Results of hardness measurements across welded joints.

Slika 6. Rezultati ispitivanja epruveta arpi V instrumentiranim klatnom

Figure 6. Instrumented impact test results obtained with Charpy V specimen.
WM (metal ava) (weld metal); HAZ (zona uticaja toplote) (heat affected zone)
L (zarez u poprenom pravcu) (notch in cross-rolling direction); C (zarez u pravcu valjanja) (notch in rolling direction)
1(energija nastanka prsline) (crack initiation energy); 2(energija irenja prsline) (crack propagation energy); 3(ukupna energija) (total energy)


Vol. 8, br. 3 (2008), str. 181190 Vol. 8, No 3 (2008), pp. 181190
ilavost i duktilnost zavarenih spojeva elika... Toughness and ductility of high strength steels...

Parametri eksplozivnog ispitivanja izboavanjem Explosion bulge test parameters

Epruvete dimenzija 500debljina mm su ispitane Specimens sized 500thickness mm are tested by
eksplozivnim izboavanjem prema shemi na sl. 3. Krti explosion bulging according to scheme in Fig. 3. Brittle
navar je zavaren u pravcu valjanja osnovnog metala, tj. u bead is welded in rolling direction of parent metal (PM), i.e.
pravcu metala ava, a zarez za nastanak prsline je bio upra- direction of tested weld metal, and the notch as crack starter
van na navar. Tipian razvoj prsline u zavarenom spoju pri is normal to the bead. Typical development of cracks in
eksplozivnom ispitivanju je prikazan na sl. 7. Rezultati ispi- welded joint during explosion tests are given in Fig. 7. Test
tivanja su prikazani na sl. 8, izraeni razvojem izboavanja results are shown in Fig. 8, by bulge development B and
B i stanjenjem ploe R sa brojem eksplozija. plate thinning R vs. number of explosions.

Slika 7. Shema razvoja prsline u eksplozivnom ispitivanju izboavanjem

Figure 7. Scheme of crack propagation in explosion bulge test.
A(krti navar) (brittle bead); B(zarez za nastanak prsline) (notch-crack starter); C(prslina) (crack)

Slika 8. Rezultati eksplozivnog ispitivanja izboavanjem, izraeni smanjenjem debljine R i razvojem izboenja B sa brojem eksplozija
Figure 8. Results of explosion bulge test, expressed by reduction of thickness R and bulge development B vs. number of explosions.


Vol. 8, br. 3 (2008), str. 181190 Vol. 8, No 3 (2008), pp. 181190
ilavost i duktilnost zavarenih spojeva elika... Toughness and ductility of high strength steels...

Prelazna temperatura krtosti Nil-ductility transition temperature

Prelazna temperatura krtosti u ovom istraivanju je odre- The nil-ductility transition temperature is determined in
ena na osnovu rezultata ispitivanja padajuim tegom i this investigation from the results of drop weight test and
udarnog ispitivanja po arpiju. from the Charpy impact test.
Mogunosti ispitivanja padajuim tegom su mnogo vee, The drop weight test capacity is more important, since
jer se na osnovu njegovih rezultata moe oceniti i znaaj based on its results it is possible to evaluate crack signifi-
prsline i zavisnost kritinog napona i veliine prsline, /8/. cance and dependence of critical stress on crack size, /8/.
Prelazne temperature krtosti, odreene na osnovu 50% Nil-ductility transition temperatures, determined for 50%
gornjeg platoa energije udara arpi V i na osnovu ispitivanja of upper shelf Charpy V impact energy and from drop weight
padajuim tegom, su date u tab. 4. Najvea vrednost prelaz- test are listed in Table 4. The highest transition temperature
ne temperature je sa obe metode dobijena u metalu ava. in both methods is found to be in the weld metal.
Tabela 4. Prelazna temperatura krtosti konstituenata zavarenog spoja (C)
Table 4. Nil-ductility-transition temperature of welded joint constituents (C).
elik A (Steel A) elik B (Steel B)
50% arpi V udarne energije (50% Charpy V impact energy) 138 100 52 94 56 62 105 48
Ispitivanje padajuim tegom (Drop weight test) 103 85 84 130
L(pravac valjanja) (rolling direction); C(popreni pravac) (cross rolling direction); WM(metal ava) (weld metal);
HAZ(zona uticaja toplote) (heat affected- zone)

Vrednosti tvrdoe na sl. 5 su na oekivanom nivou za Hardness values in Fig. 5 are of expected levels for both
zavarene spojeve oba elika A i B. Rasipanje rezultata, steels A and B welded joints. Some scatter of results observed
uoeno za WM elika A je pripisano vieprolaznom zavaru. in WM of steel A can be attributed to the multipass weld.
Rezultati dobijeni merenjem veliine energije pri ispiti- Results obtained by measuring energy values in instru-
vanju instrumentiranim arpi klatnom pokazuju samo ila- mented Charpy pendulum test show only material tough-
vost materijala, ali ne i njegovu duktilnost. Dodatni podatak ness, but not its ductility. An additional result is the NDT
je NDT temperatura, koja nivoom ilavosti oznaava tem- temperature, indicating temperature regions of brittle and
peraturna podruja krtog i duktilnog ponaanja materijala. ductile material behaviour by toughness level.
Udarna ilavost elika A (sl. 6), izraena preko energije, Impact toughness of steel A (Fig. 6), expressed in energy
je visoka i dovoljna u oba pravca, kao i na niskim tempera- terms, is high and satisfactory in both directions, also at low
turama. temperatures.
To nije sluaj sa metalom ava, gde su vrednosti energije This is not the case with weld metal, where energy
male na svim temperaturama. To vai i za NDT temperatu- values are low for all temperatures. This is also valid for
ru, za energiju udara od 27 J prema zahtevu, jer je ona via NDT temperature, of impact energy 27 J, according to
od vrednosti koja odgovara 50% gornjeg nivoa energije requirements, since it is higher than the value for 50% of
arpi, ve na 25C. upper shelf of Charpy energy, already at 25C.
Zona uticaja toplote je u ovom ispitivanju bolja u pogle- The heat-affected-zone in this test is found to be superior
du ilavosti od metala ava. Meutim, izmerene vrednosti regarding toughness compared to weld metal. However, the
energije se znatno razlikuju, to ukazuje na problem poloa- measured energy values differ significantly, indicating the
ja vrha zareza. Jasno je da vrednost udarne energije HAZ problem of notch tip positioning. It is clear that the HAZ
mora da bude ispitivana u skladu sa vrednostima tvrdoe i impact energy value must be tested in accordance with
uvaavajui raspodelu mikrostrukture. hardness results and considering distribution of microstructure.
Za elik B, sline vrstoe, vrednosti energije udara su For steel B of similar strength, impact energy values are
zadovoljavajue, i zahtevi za NDT temperaturu su ispunjeni high, and requirements for NDT temperature are satisfied
za sva tri konstituenta. Neto vee vrednosti udarne energije for all three constituents. Somewhat higher impact energy
WM u poreenju sa PM su pripisane sastavu legure elek- values of WM compared to PM are attributed to alloy compo-
trode. Rezultati za HAZ su uporedivi sa rezultatima za PM. sition of electrode. HAZ results are comparable to PM. The
Objanjenje za rasipanje rezultata izmeu tri epruvete nije explanation of scattered results among the three specimens is
traeno, jer su svi rezultati iznad specificiranih vrednosti. not requested, since all results are above specified values.
Visok kvalitet oba elika i zavarenih spojeva u pogledu High quality of both steels and welded joints regarding
duktilnosti je dokazan u eksplozivnom ispitivanju izboava- the ductility is proved in the explosion bulge test. Cracks that
njem. Prsline, koje su krenule iz zareza na krtom navaru emanated from the brittle bead notch, developed mostly in
oko linije stapanja razvijale su se uglavnom u pravcu valja- rolling direction and are arrested in the parent metal (Fig. 7)
nja i zaustavljale u osnovnom metalu u veini epruveta. in most specimens.
Nema velike razlike kada se porede epruvete osnovnog No significant difference is found comparing parent metal
metala i zavarenog spoja, tj. posle est udara eksplozije and welded joint specimens, e.g. after six explosion shots
razvoji stanjenja i izboavanja su bili uporedivi za sva thinning and bulge developments are comparable for all
eksplozivna punjenja (sl. 8). explosive charges (Fig. 8).


Vol. 8, br. 3 (2008), str. 181190 Vol. 8, No 3 (2008), pp. 181190
ilavost i duktilnost zavarenih spojeva elika... Toughness and ductility of high strength steels...

Ispitivanje padajuim tegom je samo potvrdilo da daje Drop weight testing has only confirmed that it produces
manje konzervativne rezultate u odnosu na kriterijum usvo- less conservative results in comparison to the criterion
jen za odreivanje prelazne temperature pomou udarnog accepted for transition temperature by applying impact tests
ispitivanju po arpiju (tab. 4). according to Charpy (Table 4).
Treba napomenuti da, od ovde primenjenih postupaka It is to mention that of these here used test methods only
ispitivanja, jedino ispitivanje padajuim tegom omoguava the drop weight test allows to assess the significance of
da se oceni znaaj veliine prsline s obzirom na delujui crack size regarding applied stress, as developed by Pellini
napon, kako je to razvio Pelini sa saradnicima, /8/. U tom and co-workers, /8/. In that sense much more possibilities
pogledu mnogo vie mogunosti daju ispitivanja mehanike are offered by fracture mechanics tests, since they are
loma, jer se izvode na epruvetama sa zamornom prslinom, performed on fatigue pre-cracked specimens, /11/, and rela-
/11/, a izvedene su zavisnosti veliine prsline i delujueg tions between crack size and applied stress are derived
napona preko odgovarajueg parametra mehanike loma, /12/. using the corresponding fracture mechanics parameter, /12/.
Uzimajui u obzir dobijene rezultate moe se zakljuiti Taking into account obtained results one can conclude
da su primenjeni postupci ispitivanja duktilnosti i ilavosti that the applied procedures for testing ductility and tough-
elika visoke vrstoe selektivni. Rezultati dobijeni pomou ness of high strength steels are selective. Results obtained
arpi ispitivanja su saglasni sa rezultatima eksplozivnog by using Charpy test are compatible with results of explo-
ispitivanja izboavanjem, iako su izraeni razliitim velii- sion bulge test, although expressed in different terms. Also,
nama. Takoe, indikacija najslabijeg podruja zavarenog the indication of the weakest region of the welded joint,
spoja, dobijena arpi ispitivanjem je potvrena eksperimen- obtained by Charpy test, is verified by experimental tests in
talnim ispitivanjem u uslovima velike brzine optereenja. high strain rate conciliation.
Zakljueno je da se primenjeni postupci ne iskljuuju, jer It is concluded that the applied test methods do not
daju rezultate koji se dopunjuju, i time pomau da se razu- exclude each other, since they produce complementary
me ponaanje prsline u elicima za posude pod pritiskom i results, helping to understand crack behaviour in pressure
njihovim zavarenim spojevima za razliite brzine deformi- vessel steels and their welded joints for different strain
sanja. rates.
Razmatrani postupci se mogu koristiti i za izbor materi- The considered procedures can be used also for material
jala i kvalifikaciju zavarenih spojeva. selection and welded joint qualification.
1. Murray Boyd, G., Fracture design practices for ship structures, 10. Grabulov, V., Prilog definisanju uticaja hemijskog sastava i
Fracture Vol. V, edited by H. Liebovitz, Academic Press, New debljine lima na pojavu prskotina u zavarenim spojevima eli-
York, (1969), pp. 383-470. ka NIONIKRAL-70 (A contribution to determine the effect of
2. Tematski broj Sto godina udarnog ispitivanja po arpiju chemical composition and plate thickness on crack occurrence
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No 1-2 (2002). (1986).
3. Instrumented Impact Testing, ASTM STP 563, ASTM Phila- 11. Burzi, Z., Sedmak, S., Manjgo, M., Eksperimentalno odrei-
delphia (1974). vanje parametara mehanike loma zavarenih spojeva (Experi-
4. Popovi, O., Sedmak, A., Triovi, N., Odreivanje ilavosti mental determination of fracture mechanics parameters of
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nom (Material toughness assessment using different parame- 12. Gubeljak, N., Zerbst, U., SINTAPStructural integrity assess-
ters obtained by Charpy pendulum), IVK, Vol. 2; No 1-2 ment procedure, in From fracture mechanics to structural
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5. Sedmak, S., Radovi, A., Grabulov, V., Analiza odnosa energi- DIVK-TMF, Belgrade (2004), pp. 303-320.
je nastanka i rasta prsline u eliku na razliitim temperatura-
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in steel at different temperatures), IVK, Vol. 2; No 1-2 (2002)
pp. 5-10.
6. Sedmak, S., Ocena osobina zavarenog spoja ispitivanjem epru-
veta sa prslinom (Welded joint properties evaluation by
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7. Standard Procedures for Explosion Testing Ferrous and Non-
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Vol. 8, br. 3 (2008), str. 181190 Vol. 8, No 3 (2008), pp. 181190

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