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Closure Framing Statement

This portfolio addresses multiple relevant theories throughout the platform and artifact
captions, with frequent reference to the ELL/ESL instructional strategies outlined in Dr. Socorro
Herreras research on effective teaching strategies for CLD students. While the portfolio places
emphasis on Dr. Herreras work, the portfolio also includes research from Stephen Krashen and
Lev Vygotsky. Through the use of these strategies and theories in the classroom, students are
provided with a risk-free learning environment that promotes their native language as they
acquire their second language skills and fluency.
The educational implications of this portfolio are to provide all educators with insight
about ESL/ELL instructional strategies and to provide examples of how they can adapt ESL/ELL
instructional strategies for various grade levels and content areas. Each of the artifacts were
completed in a 6th or 7th grade class, but they have also been successfully adopted for the lower
elementary and upper secondary levels. Each of the strategies that the artifacts highlight were
completed with both non-CLD students and CLD students, and all students were more engaged
and had agency in their learning while completing these strategies. Furthermore, these
strategies also provide teachers with further insight into student ability levels and content
knowledge. Even though casual conversations with your students is a simple way to learn about
a students cultural and linguistic background, these strategies provide teachers with the means
to go deeper into their understanding of their CLD students individual biographies. With the
information gained from these strategies, educators can determine how they can better support
their students academic and linguistic needs.
Finally, as I completed this portfolio I learned how to better reflect on my own practices, I
learned how to implement and modify ESL/ELL strategies effectively, and I learned the
importance of student agency in the classroom.

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