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Does This Patient Have Hearing Impairment?

Akshay Bagai, MD Context Hearing impairment is prevalent among the elderly population but com-
Paaladinesh Thavendiranathan, MD monly underdiagnosed.
Allan S. Detsky, MD, PhD Objective To review the accuracy and precision of bedside clinical maneuvers for
diagnosing hearing impairment.
CLINICAL SCENARIOS Data Sources MEDLINE and EMBASE databases (1966 to April 2005) were searched
Case 1 for English-language articles related to screening for hearing impairment.
A 77-year-old previously healthy Study Selection Original studies on the accuracy or precision of screening ques-
woman in your primary care practice tions and tests were included. Articles that used unaccepted reference standards or
comes to your office for a routine medi- contained insufficient data were excluded. Medical Subject Headings or keywords used
in the search included hearing loss, hearing handicap, hearing tests, tuning fork, deaf-
cal examination. She feels well, has no
ness, physical examination, sensitivity, specificity, audiometry, tuning fork tests, Rinne,
complaints, and remains active. Dur- Weber, audioscope, Hearing Handicap Inventory for the ElderlyScreening version,
ing a routine functional inquiry, you in- whispered voice test, sensorineural, and conductive.
quire whether she feels she has any dif-
Data Extraction One author screened all potential articles and 2 authors indepen-
ficulty hearing. She tells you yes. She dently abstracted data. Differences were resolved by consensus. Each included study
says that her husband occasionally com- (n=24) was assigned a methodological grade.
plains that she is not hearing him very
Data Synthesis A yes response when asking individuals whether they have hear-
well. With further questioning, she also
ing impairment has a summary likelihood ratio (LR) of 2.5 (95% confidence interval
reports that she sometimes has diffi- [CI], 1.7-3.6); a no response has an LR of 0.13 (95% CI, 0.09-0.19). A score of 8 or
culty understanding people at work. In greater on the screening version of the Hearing Handicap Inventory for the Elderly
social situations, she often has to ask (HHIE-S) has an LR of 3.8 (95% CI, 3.0-4.8); a score less than 8 has an LR of 0.38
others to repeat themselves. What do (95% CI, 0.29-0.51). An abnormal Weber tuning fork test response has an LR of 1.6
you do next? (95% CI, 1.0-2.3); a normal response has an LR of 0.70 (95% CI, 0.48-1.0). An ab-
normal Rinne tuning fork test response has LRs ranging from 2.7 to 62; a normal re-
Case 2 sponse has LRs from 0.01 to 0.85. Inability to perceive a whispered voice has an LR of
You have been treating a 69-year-old 6.1 (95% CI, 4.5-8.4); normal perception has an LR of 0.03 (95% CI, 0-0.24). Not
passing the audioscope test has an LR of 2.4 (95% CI, 1.4-4.1); passing has an LR of
man in your primary care practice for 0.07 (95% CI, 0.03-0.17).
hypertension and diabetes for the last
10 years. He comes to see you in your Conclusions Elderly individuals who acknowledge they have hearing impairment re-
quire audiometry, while those who reply no should be screened with the whispered-
office for a routine annual checkup. You
voice test. Individuals who perceive the whispered voice require no further testing,
decide to screen him for hearing im- while those unable to perceive the voice require audiometry. The Weber and Rinne
pairment and ask him whether he feels tests should not be used for general screening.
that he has difficulty hearing. He re- JAMA. 2006;295:416-428
plies no. What do you do next?
can population, affects between 25% Author Affiliations: Departments of Health Policy,
WHY IS THIS QUESTION and 40% of the population aged 65 Management and Evaluation (Dr Detsky) and Medi-
cine (Drs Bagai, Thavendiranathan, and Detsky), Uni-
IMPORTANT? years or older.1-5 The prevalence in- versity of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario; and Depart-
Hearing impairment, a common ment of Medicine, Mount Sinai Hospital and University
creases dramatically with age, affect- Health Network, Toronto (Dr Detsky).
chronic condition in the older Ameri- ing 40% to 66% of patients older than Corresponding Author: Allan S. Detsky, MD, PhD,
75 years and more than 80% of pa- Mount Sinai Hospital, Room 427, 600 University Ave,
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5G 1X5 (allan.detsky
See also Patient Page. tients older than 85 years.6-8 Several
studies highlight the negative social and The Rational Clinical Examination Section Editors: David
CME available online at emotional effects of hearing impair- L. Simel, MD, MHS, Durham Veterans Affairs Medical Center and Duke University Medical Center, Durham,
ment. Hearing-impaired elderly indi- NC; Drummond Rennie, MD, Deputy Editor, JAMA.

416 JAMA, January 25, 2006Vol 295, No. 4 (Reprinted) 2006 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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viduals who do not use hearing aids are vide estimates of their accuracy and into the oval window and includes the
more likely to report sadness and de- precision. cochlea, the semicircular canals, and
pression, worry and anxiety, para- the distal end of the auditory nerve
noia, decreased social activity, emo- ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY (cranial nerve VIII). As part of the
tional turmoil, and insecurity compared OF HEARING cochlea, the organ of Corti is com-
with their hearing-impaired peers who The ear is divided into 3 structural parts: posed of hair cells (sensory transduc-
use hearing aids.9-14 external, middle, and internal ers) and a complex assortment of sup-
Formal audiological tests are (FIGURE 1). The external ear consists porting cells and is the end-organ of
required to diagnose hearing impair- of the pinna, or auricle, located on the hearing. Perilymph fluid surrounds
ment. These involve testing the head surface, and extends through the the membranous labyrinth of the
patients ability to hear sound tones in external auditory canal to the tym- semicircular canals and the cochlea.
a soundproof room with standardized panic membrane (eardrum). It func- Located within the cochlea are the
equipment. While these tests are not tions to capture sound waves for con- cochlear ducts, which contain endo-
invasive and are easy to conduct, they duction to deeper ear components. In lymphatic fluid. Movement of the
require expensive equipment that is addition, the external ear protects the footplate of the stapes causes vibra-
not widely available for mass screen- air-filled space of the middle ear, which tions of the perilymph and endo-
ing, require dedicated staff, and are contains the medial side of the tym- lymph, thus transmitting mechanical
time consuming. Therefore, tests that panic membrane, the proximal end of energy from the footplate at the oval
are readily performed by clinicians as the eustachian tube, and 3 bony os- window to the organ of Corti. Move-
part of a general physical examination sicles (malleus, incus, and stapes). The ment of the hair cells in the organ of
are useful to minimize the number of ossicles convert sound vibrations from Corti allows for the conversion of
patients who require these formal the air into mechanical waves for the mechanical waves into electrical
tests. The objective of this article is to inner ear. potential. This electrical potential is
inform clinicians which bedside tests The inner ear, or labyrinth, begins transmitted via the auditory nerve to
are useful for this purpose and to pro- where the footplate of the stapes fits the brain for interpretation.

Figure 1. Anatomy of Ear


Membranous Osseous
Labyrinth Cross Section
Semicircular Labyrinth
Canals Through Cochlea

(Auditory) Nerve Cochlear Nerve Fibers
Incus Perilymph Organ of Corti
Ossicles Malleus SCALA
Stapes Cochlea


Membrane Oval Round
Window Window


2006 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. (Reprinted) JAMA, January 25, 2006Vol 295, No. 4 417

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HEARING IMPAIRMENT Hz and between 45 and 60 dB. A per- threshold average at 500 Hz, 1000 Hz,
Pathophysiology son with normal hearing perceives and 2000 Hz is greater than 25 dB. Nu-
Disruption of the auditory pathway any- sounds that have frequencies between merous variations to this standard cri-
where from the pinna to the brain may 20 and 20 000 Hz. terion have been proposed. For ex-
result in hearing loss. Hearing loss is Impairments in hearing can involve ample, a definition proposed by Ventry
typically classified as conductive, sen- impairments of sensitivity to fre- and Weinstein16 and widely accepted by
sorineural, or mixed. Conductive hear- quency, intensity, or both. Since hear- physicians and audiologists defines
ing loss results from pathologic changes ing impairment is not a yes or no hearing impairment as the inability to
of either the external or the middle ear phenomenon but rather a matter of hear a 40-dB tone at 1000 or 2000 Hz
structures, preventing the sound waves type and degree, there is no univer- in both ears, or a 40-dB tone at 1000
from reaching the fluids of the inner ear. sally accepted case definition for hear- and 2000 Hz in one ear. Clinically, a
Common causes include cerumen or ing impairment.15-18 However, all case 25-dB threshold is usually considered
foreign-body impaction, perforated definitions require formal audiometric mild sensorineural hearing impair-
tympanic membrane, otitis media, oto- testing that includes pure-tone assess- ment; a 40-dB threshold, moderate;
sclerosis, cholesteatoma, tumor, or dis- ment, speech audiometry, and imped- and a greater than 60-dB threshold,
articulation of the ossicular chain due ance studies. In pure-tone audiom- severe.
to trauma. etry, individual tones of different
Sensorineural hearing loss results frequencies (ranging from 250 to Conductive Hearing Impairment
from pathologic changes of inner ear 8000 Hz) are presented in a sound- To diagnose conductive hearing im-
structures such as the cochlea or the au- proof room at various intensities pairment, an air-bone gap is calcu-
ditory nerve and prevents neural im- (ranging from 5 to 120 dB) to each lated by subtracting the bone conduc-
pulses from being transmitted to the au- ear. Air conduction thresholds, which tion threshold (in decibels) from the air
ditory cortex of the brain. Sensorineural are a measure of both conductive and conduction threshold at each tested fre-
hearing loss can be genetic, resulting sensorineural hearing, are determined quency. When the air conduction
from a mutation in a single gene or from by presenting pure tones (using head- threshold is greater than the bone con-
a combination of mutations in several phones) that must travel via the outer duction threshold, conductive hear-
genes, or acquired, due to prolonged ex- and middle ear before getting to the ing impairment exists. The greater the
posure to loud noises, exposure to oto- cochlea and auditory nerve. Bone con- air-bone gap, the greater the magni-
toxic substances such as aminoglyco- duction thresholds, which test only tude of conductive hearing impair-
sides, inner ear infections, Meniere sensorineural hearing, are determined ment. Clinically, an air-bone gap of 25
disease, and other systemic disease such by placing a bone oscillator on the dB is considered mild conductive hear-
as diabetes mellitus. Patients with sen- mastoid bone; this stimulates the ing impairment; of 40 dB, moderate;
sorineural hearing loss typically have skull, which in turn stimulates the and of greater than 60 dB, severe.
difficulty filtering background noise, cochlea directly, bypassing the outer
which makes listening especially chal- and middle ear. The threshold for Hearing Handicap
lenging in common social settings. De- each tone frequency is determined by While audiometric tests provide a
generation of the hair cells in the or- finding the intensity level (in deci- quantitative measure of hearing loss,
gan of Corti causes sensorineural bels) at which the individual can they do not reflect the impact of such
hearing loss related to aging (presby- detect the tone 50% of the time. An a loss on an individuals life. Hearing
cusis). Presbycusis is the most com- audiogram graphically displays the handicap is used to denote a change in
mon cause of hearing loss in the United threshold for each frequency. In pres- hearing that interferes with perform-
States and is typically gradual, bilat- bycusis, the pure-tone audiogram ing activities of daily living.15,16 Some
eral, and characterized by high- characteristically shows hearing individuals with mild hearing loss
frequency hearing loss. Mixed hear- impairment for higher-frequency experience a substantial disability and
ing loss comprises elements of both sounds (1000 to 8000 Hz). handicap, whereas others with moder-
conductive and sensorineural hearing ate hearing loss may not exhibit any
loss. Sensorineural Hearing Impairment form of disability or hearing handi-
The traditional definition used to clas- cap. The most commonly used test to
Definition of Hearing Impairment sify sensorineural hearing impairment quantify hearing handicap is the
and Hearing Handicap is a pure-tone average, called the speech screening version of the Hearing
Sound is described in terms of fre- frequency pure-tone average, greater Handicap Inventory for the Elderly
quency (or pitch, measured in Hertz) than 25 dB in the better ear at 500 Hz, (HHIE-S).19 Although initially
and intensity (or loudness, measured 1000 Hz, and 2000 Hz.17,18 In other designed to identify hearing handicap,
in decibels). Conversational speech words, an individual has sensorineu- this test has also been used to screen
usually occurs between 500 and 3000 ral hearing impairment if the bone individuals for hearing impairment.
418 JAMA, January 25, 2006Vol 295, No. 4 (Reprinted) 2006 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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SCREENING TESTS FOR Box. Hearing Handicap Inventory for the Elderly (Screening Version)
Item No./Question
Self-reported Hearing Loss
Screening Question E-1. Does a hearing problem cause you to feel embarrassed when meeting new
Self-reported data to assess presence of Yes (4) Sometimes (2) No (0)
diseases and disorders have been used
E-2. Does a hearing problem cause you to feel frustrated when talking to mem-
frequently in large-scale epidemiologic bers of your family?
survey studies, such as the Health Inter- Yes (4) Sometimes (2) No (0)
view Survey20 or the National Health and
S-1. Do you have difficulty hearing when someone speaks in a whisper?
Nutrition Examination Survey.21 Simi- Yes (4) Sometimes (2) No (0)
larly, screening patients for hearing im-
E-3. Do you feel handicapped by a hearing problem?
pairment using self-reported screening
Yes (4) Sometimes (2) No (0)
questions involves asking the patient
whether they feel they have hearing im- S-2. Does a hearing problem cause you difficulty when visiting friends, relatives,
or neighbors?
pairment. Numerous variations in the
Yes (4) Sometimes (2) No (0)
wording of the sentence exist, includ-
ing Do you feel you have a hearing loss? S-3. Does a hearing problem cause you to attend religious services less often than
you would like?
or Do you have a hearing problem
Yes (4) Sometimes (2) No (0)
now? or Would you say you have any
difficulty hearing? A yes or equivocal E-4. Does a hearing problem cause you to have arguments with family members?
Yes (4) Sometimes (2) No (0)
response to this question is considered
a positive screen for hearing impairment. S-4. Does a hearing problem cause you difficulty when listening to television or
The HHIE-S Yes (4) Sometimes (2) No (0)
The HHIE-S (BOX)19 is a 10-item, self- E-5. Do you feel that any difficulty with your hearing limits or hampers your per-
administered questionnaire devel- sonal or social life?
Yes (4) Sometimes (2) No (0)
oped to measure social and emotional
handicap secondary to hearing impair- S-5. Does a hearing problem cause you difficulty when in a restaurant with rela-
ment. The HHIE-S can be adminis- tives and friends?
Yes (4) Sometimes (2) No (0)
tered easily in a primary care office
setting. Total Score ____________
Individual questions are scored as yes
(4 points), sometimes (2 points), or no
(0 points). Scores on the HHIE-S range
from 0 (no handicap) to 40 (maxi- Weber Test. To conduct the Weber one ear compared with those in the
mum handicap). Different scores have test, the base of the vibrating fork is other. Therefore, individuals with bi-
been proposed as a cutoff above which placed on the vertex (top or crown of lateral conductive or bilateral sensori-
individuals are identified as hearing the head). Alternative locations are the neural hearing impairment should, like
handicapped. bridge of the nose, upper incisors, or individuals with normal hearing, have
forehead.23 The patient is asked if the a Weber test result that does not dem-
Tuning Fork Tests: sound is heard and whether it is heard onstrate lateralization, as these indi-
Weber and Rinne in the middle of the head (or in both viduals have no difference in air and
Clinical textbooks describe several tun- ears equally), toward the left, or to- bone conduction thresholds between
ing fork tests, including the Weber, ward the right. In a patient with nor- the 2 ears. Thus, the Weber test is not
Rinne, Bing, and Schwaback. Over the mal hearing, the tone is heard cen- useful to identify individuals with bi-
years, the Bing and Schwaback tests have trally. In asymmetric/unilateral hearing lateral conductive hearing impair-
gone out of favor due to inadequate evi- impairment, the tone lateralizes to one ment or bilateral sensorineural hear-
dence of their performance. The We- side. Lateralization indicates an ele- ing impairment.
ber and Rinne tests, on the other hand, ment of conductive impairment in the Rinne Test. The Rinne test can be
are still widely taught. To perform both ear in which the sound localizes, a sen- performed in 2 ways to detect conduc-
tests, the tuning fork (256 or 512 Hz) sorineural impairment in the contra- tive hearing impairment.
is struck gently on a hard rubber pad, lateral ear, or both. Loudness Comparison Technique. The
the elbow, or the knee about two thirds The Weber test detects differences in base of the vibrating fork is placed on
of the way along the tine.22 air and bone conduction thresholds in the mastoid bone, behind the ear and
2006 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. (Reprinted) JAMA, January 25, 2006Vol 295, No. 4 419

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level with the canal, to assess bone con- Patients with normal hearing will re- ticipating the loudness of the next pre-
duction. To assess air conduction, the peat back all 3 numbers/letters cor- sented tone (each tone has an on-time
fork is then quickly placed close to the rectly. If they respond incorrectly or not of 1.5 seconds and an off-time of 1.5
ear canal with the U of the fork fac- at all, the test should be repeated once seconds). The results for that ear should
ing forward to maximize the sound for more using a different combination of be recorded and the contralateral ear
the patient. The patient is asked if the 3 numbers/letters. It is important to use should be tested in the same fashion.26
sound is louder by bone conduction or a different combination each time to ex- The audioscope screening can be per-
by air conduction. Normally, the air clude the effect of learning. Overall, the formed in less than 90 seconds in of-
conduction is louder than bone con- patient is considered to have passed the fice settings.
duction (often abbreviated in written screening test if they repeat at least 3
records as ACBC). out of a possible total of 6 letters/ METHODS
Threshold Technique. The base of the numbers correctly. The other ear should Literature Search and Quality
vibrating fork is placed on the mas- be then assessed in a similar manner, Assessment of Included Articles
toid bone, behind the ear and level with again using a different combination of A structured MEDLINE and EMBASE
the canal, to assess bone conduction. numbers/letters.24 database search including the years
To assess air conduction, the patient is 1966 through April 2005 was con-
asked to tell the examiner as soon as he Audioscope ducted to identify English-language ar-
or she can no longer hear the sound, An audioscope is a rechargeable bat- ticles examining the accuracy or pre-
then the fork is quickly placed close to terypowered, lightweight, handheld cision of bedside screening tests for
the ear canal with the U of the fork instrument that combines a pure-tone hearing impairment. Medical Subject
facing forward. The patient is asked if screening audiometer and otoscope into Headings or keywords used in the
he or she can hear the sound again. Nor- a single unit. It contains built-in inte- search included hearing loss, hearing
mally, the sound is heard longer through grated circuitry for producing pure handicap, hearing tests, tuning fork, deaf-
air conduction than through bone tones at 500, 1000, 2000, and 4000 Hz, ness, physical examination, sensitivity,
conduction. at loudness levels of 20, 25, and 40 dB, specificity, audiometry, tuning fork tests,
In conductive hearing loss, sound is as well as a halogen fiber optic oto- Rinne, Weber, audioscope, Hearing
heard through bone as long as or longer scope for otoscopic examination. The Handicap Inventory for the Elderly
than (by threshold technique) or as loud cost of this apparatus is approxi- Screening version, whispered voice test,
as or louder than (by loudness com- mately US $550. sensorineural, and conductive. This com-
parison technique) it is through air The patient sits with an elbow puterized search was supplemented
(written in records as BCAC). In sen- propped on the armrest of a chair and with a manual review of the bibliogra-
sorineural hearing loss, the Rinne test with the hand in the form of a gentle phies of all identified articles, addi-
result is the same as that achieved in fist.25 The patient is then instructed that tional core articles (identified a priori
normal hearing, with sound heard he or she will hear faint tones of dif- as articles used to develop recent guide-
longer (by threshold technique) or ferent pitches and should raise a fin- lines for the screening of elderly pa-
louder (by loudness comparison tech- ger as soon as a tone is heard and then tients for hearing impairment), a com-
nique) through air. lower the finger as soon as the tone is monly used clinical skills textbook,27
no longer heard. The patient should re- and contact with experts in the field.
Whispered-Voice Test peat back the instructions to ensure that One of the authors (A.B.) screened
The examiner stands 2 ft (0.6 m; arms they have been completely under- all potential articles and then re-
length) behind the patients field of vi- stood. Patients who are not able to re- viewed and abstracted data from all ar-
sion (to prevent lipreading); the exam- spond with arm or finger movements ticles that were identified as relevant.
iner then whispers while gently using due to physical disability should be in- A second author (P.T.) independently
the end of his or her finger to occlude structed to answer yes when they hear reviewed and abstracted data from the
and rub the external auditory canal of the test tone. same articles. Both authors together re-
the patients nontested ear. It is impera- The patients ear canal and tym- viewed these extracted data for inclu-
tive to rub, as occlusion alone does not panic membrane should first be visu- sion; differences were resolved by con-
provide sufficient masking. The exam- alized with an appropriately fitting sensus. Articles were included if they
iner should take in a full breath, ex- speculum attached to the audioscope. were original studies on the accuracy
hale, and then whisper a set of 3 ran- The speculum should be inserted into and/or precision of bedside screening
dom numbers and letters (eg, 5, B, 6). the ear canal to get a tight seal be- questions or physical examination ma-
To confirm that the patient under- tween the speculum and the ear canal. neuvers for hearing impairment. Stud-
stands the instructions, a trial run us- The audioscope is then used to pre- ies on screening of both symptomatic
ing a loud voice and a simple number sent pure tones of random loudness (in and asymptomatic individuals were in-
such as 99 is often worthwhile. decibels) to prevent patients from an- cluded. Articles were excluded if they
420 JAMA, January 25, 2006Vol 295, No. 4 (Reprinted) 2006 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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evaluated individuals younger than 16 probability is the prevalence of hear- Most studies used pure-tone thresh-
years, used another screening test evalu- ing impairment in the general adult olds from an audiometer alone or in
ated in this article (eg, audioscope) as population. For a hearing loss preva- combination with speech reception and
a reference standard, or contained in- lence or pretest probability of 25%, a speech recognition thresholds as the ref-
sufficient or incomplete data to allow positive LR of 10 raises the posttest erence standard; however, the case defi-
calculation of likelihood ratios (LRs). probability to 77%, a positive LR of 5 nitions differed. The differences were
Study quality was assigned based on raises it to 63%, and a positive LR of 3 in both the tone frequencies used for
a grading scheme previously used for this raises it to 50%. Similarly, negative LRs testing and the decibel threshold used
series.28 Level 1 studies were blind in- of 0.15 and 0.10 lower the posttest to classify someone as hearing im-
dependent comparisons of a test with a probabilities to 5% and 3%, respectively. paired. For most tests, the testing fre-
valid reference standard in a large num- The DORs are a global measure of test quencies used had small nonsignifi-
ber (200) of consecutive patients. performance that tell examiners how cant effects on the calculated LRs.
Level 2 studies were similar to level 1 likely they are to correctly identify hear- Therefore, in studies that evaluated the
studies, but with fewer than 200 pa- ing impairment or normal hearing. Sev- screening test against varying hearing
tients. Level 3 studies were also blind in- eral studies determined test character- test frequencies, only the frequency
dependent comparisons of the test with istics (sensitivity, specificity, positive definition that provided the best DOR
a reference standard, but the patients and negative LRs) for each test against is presented in the corresponding
were enrolled in a nonconsecutive fash- varying hearing impairment defini- screening-test table and used to calcu-
ion using a subset or smaller group who tions of the reference standard. For late the likelihood summary estimate.
may have had the condition, and the hearing impairment definition at a par-
studies generated results on both the test ticular intensity level (in decibels), the Precision Studies
and the reference standard. Level 4 stud- testing frequency that provided the best No studies reported the precision of the
ies were nonindependent comparisons DOR was included in the accuracy self-reported single-question screen-
of a test with a valid reference standard tables presented herein and used to cal- ing test, though it seems likely that pa-
among a grab sample of patients be- culate the summary LRs. tients would provide consistent re-
lieved to have the condition in ques- When there were at least 2 studies sults given the tests simplicity and ease
tion. Level 5 studies were nonindepen- with similar definitions of hearing im- of administration. The HHIE-S is a stan-
dent comparisons of a test with a pairment and similar screening tests, we dardized test with preset questions that
reference standard of uncertain validity. used random-effects measures to cal- is assumed to have high reproducibil-
We included studies of the self- culate the summary LRs. For most stud- ity and precision. The HHIE-S per-
reported screening question and ies, despite statistical heterogeneity, the formed at 6-week intervals displays high
HHIE-S that were level 1 or level 2 in confidence interval around the point es- test-retest reliability (Pearson r=0.84
quality. For other screening tests, we timate for the LR was sufficiently nar- when completed on paper and r=0.96
included the best available studies, row that we could make appropriate in- when conducted face-to-face50). Simi-
which consisted of several studies hav- ferences about the usefulness of the test. larly, the HHIE-S performed at a phy-
ing quality levels of 3 or 4. Most studies reported precision (in- sicians office and then repeated at a
traobserver and interobserver) as either hearing center shows high test-retest re-
Data Analysis a statistic or Pearson r coefficient. liability (r=0.84, P.001).40
All analyses were performed using There were insufficient data for each test No studies evaluating the precision of
Comprehensive Meta-analysis version to combine results and provide sum- the Weber test were identified. The re-
2.023 (Biostat Inc, Englewood, NJ). We mary precision scores. producibility of the Weber test may be
used the raw data in the articles to cal- limited by the lack of a standardized force
culate the LRs and diagnostic odds ra- RESULTS used to strike the tuning fork, the tun-
tios (DORs) associated with test re- Study Characteristics ing fork frequency used, and the pre-
sults. Likelihood ratios are a method of A total of 924 studies were identified cise location at which the base of the fork
converting pretest probability into post- by the search strategy, of which 24 met is placed.
test probability.29 A positive LR is the the inclusion and exclusion criteria Only 1 study evaluated the reliabil-
ratio of the chance of an abnormal test (TABLE 1). The included studies ac- ity of the Rinne test. Burkey et al48
result in people who have the disease counted for a total of 12 645 patients. showed that the sensitivity improved
condition relative to people who do not The studies were published between considerably when the test was per-
have the disease. Similarly, a negative 1966 and 2004 and involved patients formed by an otolaryngologist as com-
LR is the ratio of the chance of a nor- both with and without ear symptoms pared to an otolaryngology postgradu-
mal test result in people who have the who were seen at outpatient otolaryn- ate trainee. The variability in the test
disease condition relative to people who gology or primary care clinics as well accuracy when performed by 2 differ-
do not have the disease. The pretest as geriatric medicine inpatient settings. ent examiners on the same patient
2006 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. (Reprinted) JAMA, January 25, 2006Vol 295, No. 4 421

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Table 1. Hearing Impairment Accuracy Studies

Age, Mean (SD)
No. of or Mean (Range) Tests Reference Quality
Source Clinical Setting Study Dates Design Patients or Range, y Evaluated Standard Level*
Clark et al,33 Two communities in rural 1988 Prospective evaluation of 267 60-85 Self-reported Audiogram 1
1991 Iowa women in a longitudinal question
bone density study
alive in 1988
Nondahl et al,30 Population-based study of 1993-1995 Prospective evaluation of 3556 65.8 (48-92) HHIE-S, Audiogram 1
1998 residents of Beaver Beaver Dam Eye Study self-reported
Dam Township, Wis patients alive as of question
March 1, 1993
Wiley et al,31 Population-based study of 1993-1995 Prospective evaluation of 3471 48-92 HHIE-S Audiogram 1
2000 residents of Beaver Beaver Dam Eye Study
Dam Township, Wis patients alive as of
March 1, 1993
Sindhusake Population-based study of 1997-1999 Prospective evaluation of 2003 55-99 HHIE-S, Audiogram 1
et al,32 2001 residents living in the individuals who self-reported
west of Sydney, participated in the Blue question
Australia Mountains Eye Study
Dalton et al,14 Population-based study of 1998-2000 Prospective evaluation of 2688 69 (53-97) HHIE-S Audiogram 1
2003 residents of Beaver individuals who
Dam Township, Wis participated in EHLS-1
Okamato et al,34 Settsu City Health Center, July to Prospective evaluation of 918 40-85 Self-reported Audiogram 1
2004 Osaka, Japan December consecutive question
2001 participants who were
given health checkups
Lichtenstein Four university-based and NA Prospective evaluation of 178 74.2 (6.4) HHIE-S, Audiogram 2
et al,40 1988 2 community-based consecutive patients audioscope
internist practices in 65 y
Nashville, Tenn
Lichtenstein Four university-based and NA Prospective evaluation of 178 74.2 (6.4) HHIE-S Audiogram 2
et al,41 1988 2 community-based consecutive patients
internist practices in 65 y
Nashville, Tenn
MacPhee Acute rehabilitation wards January and Prospective evaluation of 62 80.8 (66-96) Whispered voice Audiogram 2
et al,35 in Victoria Geriatric February all patients at the unit
1988 Unit, Glasgow, 1987 during study period
Voeks et al,37 Nursing home residents NA Prospective evaluation of 198 72.4 (11.4) Self-reported Audiogram 2
1993 over 2-y period consecutive question
admissions during
study period
McBride et al,42 Primary care clinics at 1989 Prospective evaluation of 185 70 (5) HHIE-S, Audiogram 2
1994 community health consecutive patients audioscope
center and a Veterans 60 y
Affairs Medical Center
Eekhof et al,36 Outpatient ENT clinic over NA Prospective evaluation of 62 55 Audioscope-3, Audiogram 2
1996 6-wk period consecutive patients whispered
aged 55 years and voice
older attending the
clinic for an audiogram
Abyad,39 2004 Community academic 1998-1999 Prospective evaluation 68 79 (4.6) HHIE-S Audiogram 2
nursing home in
Wu et al,38 Geriatric medicine NA Prospective evaluation of 63 62-90 Self-reported Audiogram 2
2004 outpatient clinic and consecutive outpatients question
inpatients in Tan Tock to the clinic and all
Seng Hospital, patients admitted on
Singapore, over 6 mo the last Saturday of the
month for the 6-mo
Stankiewicz ENT clinic NA Prospective evaluation of 122 NA Weber, Rinne Audiologic 3
and random clinic patients examination,
Mowry,44 reporting of hearing audiometry
1979 loss, tinnitus, and/or
vertigo; patients with
normal hearing used as

422 JAMA, January 25, 2006Vol 295, No. 4 (Reprinted) 2006 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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Table 1. Hearing Impairment Accuracy Studies (cont)

Age, Mean (SD)
No. of or Mean (Range) Tests Reference Quality
Source Clinical Setting Study Dates Design Patients or Range, y Evaluated Standard Level*
Swan and Audiology clinic over NA Prospective evaluation of 101 57 (17-89) Whispered voice Audiogram 3
Browning,24 2-mo period all patients with aural
1985 symptoms over 2 mo
Frank and Hiram G. Andrews NA Prospective evaluation 678 20-96 Audioscope Audiogram 3
Peterson,45 Rehabilitation Center,
1987 The Pennsylvania
State University
Speech and Hearing
Clinic, senior citizen
groups, central
Browning Otology clinic NA Prospective evaluation of 101 NA Whispered voice Audiogram 3
et al,43 1989 consecutive patients
referred with ear
Ciurlia-Guy Veterans chronic care NA Prospective evaluation 104 79 (10.0) Audioscope-3 Audiogram 3
et al,8 1993 facility 60-99
Crowley and Columbia-Presbyterian NA Prospective evaluation of 100 NA Rinne Audiogram 4
Kaufman,49 Medical Center, patients with air-bone
1966 New York, NY threshold gaps 10 dB
Bienvenue Speech and Hearing NA Prospective evaluation of 30 51-81 Audioscope Audiogram 4
et al,25 1985 Clinics at The clients at the clinics
Pennsylvania State
University and the
State University
Burkey et al,48 Private otology practice 1994-1995 Retrospective chart review 1000 NA Rinne Audiogram 4
Chole and Otolaryngology clinic, NA Prospective evaluation of 200 NA Rinne Audiogram 4
Cook,46 Davis Medical individuals suspected
1988 Center, University of of having conductive
California hearing loss
Johnston,47 Guys Hospital Medical NA Prospective evaluation of 62 32 Rinne Audiogram 4
1992 School, London, consecutive patients
England with conductive hearing
Abbreviations: EHLS-1, Epidemiology of Hearing Loss Study 1; ENT, ear, nose, and throat; HHIE-S, Hearing Handicap Inventory for the ElderlyScreening version; NA, not available.
*See Methods section for definition.

population suggests that the test may large variation between examiners out- sults of the audiologist in the hearing
not be reliably reproduced. Further- comes to the differences in loudness of center were compared with those of the
more, the variability in other test fac- the whispering. A systematic review of internist in the office, the interob-
tors similar to the Weber test limits the the whispered-voice test52 reinforced the server reliability measured by the
expected reproducibility. fact that standardizing the loudness of score ranged from 0.41 (poor) at 500
Several studies examined the preci- the whisper is the greatest challenge. Hz to 0.74 (very good) at 2000 Hz.
sion of the whispered-voice test. Few studies state that the whispered se- Bienvenue et al25 showed that the cor-
Macphee et al35 compared the results quence occurred after a full expira- relations between repeated audiomet-
of a geriatrician and an otolaryngolo- tion. In addition, they suggest that the ric screenings taken about one-half hour
gist and found an agreement of 88%, most appropriate letters, numbers, or to 1 hour apart were 0.996 at 500 Hz,
while Uhlmann et al51 compared the re- words for testing also need further in- 0.988 at 1000 Hz, 0.998 at 2000 Hz, and
sults of an audiologist with those of an vestigation. Furthermore, presbycusis 0.989 at 4000 Hz. Since these correla-
otolaryngologist and found a correla- in older patients results in difficulty tions were quite high, the authors con-
tion of 0.67. However, in the study by hearing high-frequency sounds such as cluded that the results of the audio-
Eekhof et al,36 in which the results of consonants; hence, using different con- scope test are reliable.
6 examiners were compared with those sonants and vowels could also alter the
of the first examiner, the interob- reproducibility of the test.53 Accuracy of History Taking for the
server reliability (measured by the Co- Two studies examined the preci- Diagnosis of Hearing Impairment
hen ) ranged from 0.16 (poor) to 1.0 sion of the audioscope. In the study by Self-reported Screening Question. Six
(perfect). The authors attributed the Lichtenstein et al,40 in which the re- studies assessed the accuracy of a self-

2006 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. (Reprinted) JAMA, January 25, 2006Vol 295, No. 4 423

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reported screening question against a perception of their relatives decreased definition of hearing impairment were
reference standard of pure-tone aver- hearing when deciding on formal au- not explicitly described in terms of air-
age threshold across a broad range of diology testing. bone thresholds. Neither the tests per-
patients (TABLE 2). The studies were The HHIE-S. Seven studies met our formed using the 256-Hz tuning fork nor
similar in design but differed slightly in study criteria, and all used pure-tone those performed using the 512-Hz tun-
the wording of the self-reported ques- average as the reference standard ing fork are useful to either increase or
tion. The screening question is only (TABLE 3). The presence of hearing decrease the probability of identifying in-
moderately useful to detect subtle hear- handicap (ie, an HHIE-S score 8) in- dividuals with unilateral sensorineural or
ing impairment (25 dB). Patients who creases the probability of a hearing im- unilateral conductive hearing loss. An ab-
report difficulty hearing have a sum- pairment of at least 40 dB (summary LR, normal Weber test result has an LR of
mary LR of 2.2 (95% confidence inter- 3.8; 95% CI, 3.0-4.8). However, a more only 1.6 (95% CI, 1.0-2.3) to 1.7 (95%
val [CI], 1.8-2.8), while those who severe hearing handicap (ie, an HHIE-S CI, 1.0-2.9), while a normal result low-
claim no problem have a summary LR score 24) does not further improve ers the probability, with an LR of 0.70
of 0.45 (95% CI, 0.36-0.56). Patients the probability of detecting hearing im- (95% CI, 0.48-1.0) to 0.76 (95% CI, 0.57-
who report normal hearing are much pairment (summary LR, 4.0; 95% CI, 1.0), making it an inaccurate test for
less likely to have moderate to severe 2.6-6.2). The absence of a hearing screening purposes.
hearing impairment (40 dB), with a handicap, defined as an HHIE-S score Rinne Tuning Fork Test. Although
summary LR of 0.13 (95% CI, 0.09- of 8 or less, marginally lowers the prob- numerous studies have evaluated the
0.19). A family members assertion that ability of hearing impairment (sum- Rinne tuning fork test for assessing con-
the patient has difficulty hearing may mary LR, 0.38; 95% CI, 0.29-0.51). ductive hearing loss, only 5 studies met
be as important as, or more important the study criteria (TABLE 4). All 5 stud-
than, the patients own recognition of Accuracy of the Physical ies were of lower quality (level 3 or 4).
hearing loss. Although we found no evi- Examination for Diagnosis Although Chole et al46 found better
dence that addresses this issue in the of Hearing Impairment characteristics with the 512-Hz tun-
studies we reviewed, we suggest that cli- Weber Tuning Fork Test. In the only ing fork, most studies found that a
nicians should decide individually on study of the Weber test that met the study 256-Hz tuning fork is more accurate
how to incorporate a family members criteria,44 the reference standard test and either alone or in combination with

Table 2. Accuracy of the Self-reported Single Question to Detect Hearing Impairment

Reference Standard Definition
of Hearing Impairment*

Definition of Pure-Tone Pure-Tone LR (95% CI)

Self-reported Hearing Average Frequencies, kHz,
Source Single Question Impairment Threshold, dB and Ear Tested Positive Negative
Clark et al,33 1991 Would you say that you Yes 25 1, 2, 3, and 4 in 4.2 (2.5-7.2) 0.55 (0.47-0.66)
have any difficulty poorer ear
Voeks et al,37 1993 Do you have trouble Yes or equivocal 25 0.5, 1, and 2 in 1.4 (1.1-1.8) 0.61 (0.43-0.87)
hearing? response better ear
Nondahl et al,30 Do you feel you have a Yes 25 0.5, 1, 2, and 4 in 2.5 (2.3-2.7) 0.41 (0.38-0.44)
1998 hearing loss? poorer ear
Sindhusake et al,32 Do you feel you have a Yes 25 0.5, 1, 2, and 4 in 2.4 (2.2-2.6) 0.33 (0.29-0.38)
2001 hearing loss? better ear
Summary estimate 25 2.2 (1.8-2.8) 0.45 (0.36-0.56)
Okamato et al,34 Do you have any Yes 30 1 in worse ear 2.3 (2.0-2.7) 0.50 (0.41-0.61)
2004 difficulty with your
Wu et al,38 2004 Do you think you have Yes 30 1 or 3 6.3 (1.0-41.7) 0.47 (0.32-0.67)
a hearing problem?
Summary estimate 30 2.4 (1.6-3.8) 0.49 (0.41-0.59)
Clark et al,33 1991 Would you say that you Yes 40 1 and 2 in better 3.1 (2.4-3.9) 0.15 (0.05-0.43)
have any difficulty ear
Sindhusake et al,32 Do you feel you have a Yes 40 0.5, 1, 2, and 4 in 2.1 (2.0-2.2) 0.13 (0.08-0.20)
2001 hearing loss? better ear
Summary estimate 40 2.5 (1.7-3.6) 0.13 (0.09-0.19)
Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; LR, likelihood ratio.
*Hearing impairment definition based on audiometry.

424 JAMA, January 25, 2006Vol 295, No. 4 (Reprinted) 2006 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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Table 3. Accuracy of the HHIE-S to Detect Hearing Impairment

Reference Standard Definition of Hearing Impairment

HHIE-S Definition Pure-Tone Pure-Tone LR (95% CI)

of Hearing Average Frequencies, kHz,
Source Impairment Threshold, dB and Ear Tested Positive Negative
Lichtenstein et al,41 1988 8 25 0.5, 1, and 2 in better ear 3.2 (2.1-4.7) 0.43 (0.30-0.60)
McBride et al,42 1994 8 25 1, 2, and 4 in better ear 3.6 (2.0-6.6) 0.60*
Nondahl et al30 1998 8 25 0.5, 1, 2, and 4 in worse ear 6.8 (5.5-8.3) 0.70 (0.67-0.72)
Sindhusake et al,32 2001 8 25 0.5, 1, 2, and 4 in better ear 3.9 (3.3-4.5) 0.49 (0.45-0.54)
Dalton et al,14 2003 8 25 0.5, 1, 2, and 4 in either ear 7.9 (6.1-10.1) 0.66 (0.64-0.69)
Abyad39 2004 8 25 0.5, 1, and 2 in better ear 2.4 (1.4-4.2) 0.25 (0.12-0.53)
Summary estimate 8 25 4.5 (3.1-6.6) 0.55 (0.45-0.67)
Lichtenstein et al,41 1988 8 40 1 or 2 in both ears or 1 and 2 in one ear 3.1 (2.2-4.4) 0.37 (0.24-0.57)
McBride et al,42 1994 8 40 1 or 2 in both ears or 1 and 2 in one ear 2.5 (1.7-3.7) 0.49*
Wiley et al,31 2000 8 40 0.5, 1, 2, and 4 in worse ear 5.0 (4.4-5.6) 0.40 (0.35-0.46)
Sindhusake et al,32 2001 8 40 0.5, 1, 2, and 4 in better ear 3.3 (3.0-3.7) 0.26 (0.20-0.34)
Dalton et al,14 2003 8 40 0.5, 1, 2, and 4 in either ear 5.0 (4.3-5.8) 0.52 (0.47-0.56)
Summary estimate 8 40 3.8 (3.0-4.8) 0.38 (0.29-0.51)
McBride et al,42 1994 24 25 1, 2, and 4 in better ear 4.3 (1.7-10.4) 0.76*
Summary estimate 24 25 4.3 (1.7-10.4) 0.76
Lichtenstein et al,40 1988 24 40 1 or 2 in both ears or 1 and 2 in one ear 5.2 (2.6-10.2) 0.64 (0.50-0.80)
McBride et al,42 1994 24 40 1 and 2 in one ear or 1 or 2 in both ears 3.4 (1.9-5.9) 0.66*
Summary estimate 24 40 4.0 (2.6-6.2) 0.64 (0.50-0.80)
Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; LR, likelihood ratio.
*Data not provided to calculate confidence intervals around negative LR; not included in calculation of summary estimate.

other tuning forks.43,44,49,54,55 The refer-

Table 4. Accuracy of the Rinne Tuning Fork Test to Detect Conductive Hearing Impairment
ence standard was air-bone threshold
Reference Standard
gaps determined using pure-tone au- Definition of
diometry. Variability in the degree of air- Hearing Impairment: LR (95% CI)
Tuning Fork Air-Bone Threshold
bone threshold gaps used to define con- Source Frequency, Hz Gap, dB* Positive Negative
ductive hearing impairment prohibits Chole and Cook,46 1988 256 10 2.8 (1.8-4.3) 0.30 (0.21-0.42)
the combination of data across studies 512 10 44 (2.8-696) 0.56 (0.48-0.65)
to calculate summary estimates. An ab- Johnston,47 1992 512 10 15 (1.0-236) 0.47 (0.36-0.60)
normal Rinne test result increases the Burkey et al,48 1998 512 10 24 (18-30) 0.21 (0.16-0.27)
probability of conductive hearing loss Crowley and Kaufman,49 1966 256 15 48 (3.0-746) 0.26 (0.19-0.35)
but has a wide range of LRs (2.7 [95% 512 15 62 (3.9-970) 0.21 (0.15-0.30)
CI, 2.0-3.5] to 62 [95% CI, 3.9-970]), 256 25 12 (5.1-27) 0.06 (0.03-0.14)
with a majority of the studies showing 512 25 11 (4.7-25) 0.09 (0.05-0.18)
LRs greater than 15. On the other hand, 256 30 3.9 (2.7-5.6) 0.01 (0-0.15)
a normal Rinne test result may be less 512 30 2.7 (2.0-3.5) 0.08 (0.02-0.23)
useful in dismissing hearing impair- Stankiewicz and Mowry,44 1979 256 NA 30 (9.3-95) 0.58 (0.46-0.73)
ment, as indicated by the LR range from 512 NA 17 (3.7-75) 0.85 (0.76-0.95)
0.01 (95% CI, 0-0.15) to 0.85 (95% CI, Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; LR, likelihood ratio; NA, not available.
*Definition based on audiometry; air-bone threshold gap calculated by subtracting the bone conduction threshold in deci-
0.76-0.95), with the majority of the LRs bels from air conduction threshold in decibels.
greater than 0.30. Several studies have Rinne test performed using threshold technique; in remaining studies, Rinne test performed using loudness technique.
Conductive hearing loss not defined in terms of air-bone gap.
attempted to report the minimal air-
bone threshold gap required for the
Rinne test result to change from nor- Whispered-Voice Test. Four stud- repeat back a letter/number combina-
mal to abnormal (results range from ies met our study criteria (TABLE 5). tion whispered at a distance of 2 ft (0.6
from 17 dB to 40 dB23,49,54,56-59). Again, Pure-tone threshold audiometry was the m) increases the probability of a 30-dB
the large variance in the results pre- reference standard in all 4 studies. The or greater hearing impairment (sum-
cludes using the Rinne test as an accu- prevalence of hearing impairment mary LR, 6.1; 95% CI, 4.5-8.4). How-
rate screening tool. ranged from 26% to 61%. Inability to ever, normal perception of the whis-
2006 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. (Reprinted) JAMA, January 25, 2006Vol 295, No. 4 425

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pered voice dramatically lowers the at 6 in will more likely fail to detect af- 30-dB 2 5 and a 45-dB 4 5 threshold,
likelihood of hearing impairment (sum- fected patients than will performing the respectively.
mary LR, 0.03; 95% CI, 0-0.24). Inabil- test at 2 ft. Despite slight differences in the defi-
ity to perceive the whispered voice nition of hearing impairment, the sen-
when the test is performed at 6 in (15 Audioscope Test sitivity to detect hearing impairment
cm) from the patient, instead of the Six studies evaluating the accuracy of was consistently high, ranging from
more commonly used distance of 2 ft, the audioscope test were identified 87% to 100%. On the other hand, the
sharply increases the likelihood of hear- (TABLE 6). Three of the studies were specificity was variable, ranging from
ing impairment (LR, 67; 95% CI, 4.3- quality level 1 or 2, while the remain- 42% to 90%. Thus, normal hearing per-
1062); however, accurate perception of ing 3 studies were level 3 or 4. The ception on audioscope screening makes
the whispered voice at 6 in only mar- prevalence of hearing impairment hearing impairment very unlikely (sum-
ginally reduces the likelihood of ranged from 26% to 69%. Four stud- mary LR, 0.07; 95% CI, 0.03-0.17). Pa-
hearing impairment (LR, 0.27; 95% CI, ies8,36,40,42 used a 40-dB pure-tone av- tients with abnormal hearing percep-
0.19-0.39).35 Thus, screening for hear- erage threshold (reference standard), tion on audiocope screening have a
ing loss with the whispered voice test while the remaining 2 studies used a moderately increased probability of

Table 5. Accuracy of the Whispered-Voice Test to Detect Hearing Impairment*

Reference Standard Definition
of Hearing Impairment

Pure-Tone Pure-Tone LR (95% CI)

Whispered-Voice Definition Average Frequencies,
Source of Hearing Impairment Threshold, dB kHz Positive Negative
Swan and Browning,24 1985 Unable to repeat 3/6 30 0.5, 1, and 2 7.4 (4.7-11.8) 0.01 (0-0.10)
letter/number combination
MacPhee et al,35 1988 Unable to repeat 50% of 3 triplet 30 0.5, 1, and 2 6.1 (3.2-11.7) 0.01 (0-0.12)
sets of numbers
Browning et al,43 1989 Failure to repeat 2 of 3 digit/letter 30 0.5, 1, and 2 9.5 0.06
combination on 2 occasions
Eekhof et al,36 1996 Inability to repeat 2 or more 30 NA 4.6 (2.6-8.1) 0.12 (0.06-0.24)
Summary estimate 30 6.1 (4.5-8.4) 0.03 (0-0.24)
Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; LR, likelihood ratio; NA, not available.
*Distance from examiner to patient was 2 ft (0.6 m) in all 4 studies.
Definition based on audiometry.
Data not provided to calculate confidence intervals around LR; not included in calculation of summary estimate.

Table 6. Accuracy of the Audioscope to Detect Hearing Impairment

LR (95% CI)
Audioscope Definition Reference Standard Definition
Source of Hearing Impairment of Hearing Impairment* Positive Negative
Bienvenue et al,25 Pure-tone average 30 dB at 0.5, Pure-tone average 30 dB at 0.5, 1, 3.1 0.10
1985 1, 2, and 4 kHz 2, and 4 kHz
Frank and Peterson,45 Threshold 45 dB at 1 of the Pure-tone threshold 45 dB at 1 14.1 0.09
1987 0.5-, 1-, 2-, or 4-kHz of 0.5-, 1-, 2-, or 4-kHz
frequencies (each ear separate) frequencies (each ear separate)
Lichtenstein et al,40 40-dB loss at 1- or 2-kHz frequency 40-dB loss at 1- or 2-kHz frequency 3.4 (2.5-4.5) 0.08 (0.03-0.24)
1988 in both ears or at 1- and 2-kHz in both ears or at 1- and 2-kHz
frequencies in one ear frequencies in one ear
Ciurlia-Guy et al,8 Unable to hear a 40-dB tone at any Unable to hear a 40-dB tone at any 1 1.3 (1.1-1.5) 0.07 (0.01-0.51)
1993 1 frequency of 1 or 2 kHz in frequency of 1 or 2 kHz in either
either ear ear
McBride et al,42 1994 Better-ear threshold of 40 dB at 2 40-dB loss at 1- or 2-kHz frequency 4.9 (3.4-6.8) 0.05
kHz in both ears or at 1- and 2-kHz
frequencies in one ear
Eekhof et al,36 1996 Unable to hear all 4 tones (0.5, 1, 2, Pure-tone average threshold 40 dB 1.7 (1.4-2.1) 0.03 (0.0-0.45)
and 4 kHz) at 40 dB
Summary estimate 2.4 (1.4-4.1) 0.07 (0.03-0.17)
Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; LR, likelihood ratio.
*Definition based on audiometry.
Data not provided to calculate confidence intervals; not used to calculate summary estimate.

426 JAMA, January 25, 2006Vol 295, No. 4 (Reprinted) 2006 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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passing the test suggests hearing im- Analysis and interpretation of data: Bagai, Thaven-
Figure 2. Algorithm for Determining Need diranathan, Detsky.
for Formal Audiometric Testing pairment (summary LR, 6.1; 95% CI, Drafting of the manuscript: Bagai, Detsky.
4.5-8.4), and the patient should then Critical revision of the manuscript for important in-
tellectual content: Bagai, Thavendiranathan, Detsky.
Elderly Patients With Possible be referred for formal audiometric test- Statistical analysis: Bagai, Thavendiranathan, Detsky.
Hearing Loss ing. Although the audioscope and whis- Administrative, technical, or material support: Detsky.
Study supervision: Detsky.
pered-voice tests both have similar Financial Disclosures: None reported.
Yes Self-reported No
Hearing Loss?
accuracy test characteristics, the whis- Acknowledgment: We thank David Simel, MD, Duke
pered-voice test has a better DOR com- University, Durham, NC, for his valuable guidance dur-
ing the course of the study. We also thank George
Positive Result pared with the audioscope test. Clini- Tomlinson, PhD, University of Toronto, Toronto, On-
Yes on Whispered-Voice No
Test or Audioscope
cians who are concerned about the tario, for his statistical help with data analysis. In ad-
dition, we are thankful to Heather Whitson, MD, Duke
Screening? reliability of using their own whis- University, and Jay Piccirillo, MD, Washington Uni-
pered voice might opt to screen with versity, St Louis, Mo, for their comments and review
of the manuscript.
Refer for Formal
Audiometric Testing
No Further
an audioscope.


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In every child who is born, under no matter what cir-

cumstances, and of no matter what parents, the po-
tentiality of the human race is born again.
James Agee (1909-1959)

428 JAMA, January 25, 2006Vol 295, No. 4 (Reprinted) 2006 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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