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The Effect of Salts on Ozone Oxidation Processes

a a a b b
Marc A. Boncz , Harry Bruning , Wim H. Rulkens , Han Zuilhof & Ernst J. R. Sudhlter
Wageningen University and Research Centre, Subdepartment of Environmental Technology ,
Wageningen, the Netherlands
Wageningen University and Research Centre, Laboratory of Organic Chemistry ,
Wageningen, the Netherlands
Published online: 18 Jan 2007.

To cite this article: Marc A. Boncz , Harry Bruning , Wim H. Rulkens , Han Zuilhof & Ernst J. R. Sudhlter (2005) The Effect of
Salts on Ozone Oxidation Processes, Ozone: Science & Engineering: The Journal of the International Ozone Association, 27:4,
287-292, DOI: 10.1080/01919510591006382

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Ozone: Science and Engineering, 27: 287292
Copyright # 2005 International Ozone Association
ISSN: 0191-9512 print / 15476545 online
DOI: 10.1080/01919510591006382

The Effect of Salts on Ozone Oxidation Processes

Marc A. Boncz,1 Harry Bruning,1 Wim H. Rulkens,1 Han Zuilhof,2 and Ernst J. R. Sudholter2
Wageningen University and Research Centre, Subdepartment of Environmental Technology, Wageningen, the Netherlands
Wageningen University and Research Centre, Laboratory of Organic Chemistry, Wageningen, the Netherlands
Downloaded by [The University of British Columbia] at 11:15 14 October 2014

Much research on ozone oxidation is performed using (Archibald and RoyArcand, 1997), large amounts of cal-
model wastewaters, containing a number of organic com- cium, sulfate and carbonate (up to several grams per liter)
pounds to be degraded. In some cases they contain low
concentrations of inorganic buffers to stabilize the pH during will be present. In the tanker cleaning industry, detergents
the experiments. In practical applications, however, salts and were seen to be the most frequently used chemicals
detergents may be present as well. The effect of such com- (Boncz, 2002; EPA, 1998). The effect of these salts on the
pounds on the process has to be investigated to prevent process has to be investigated in order to be able to design
unexpected results in pilot- or full-scale applications. To installations, which can be applied effectively in practice.
quantify these effects, experiments have been performed on
model waste waters in the absence and the presence of high Salts can affect the ozone oxidation process in two
concentrations of several inorganic salts. The oxidation ways: physically and chemically. Physical changes occur
selectivity in these experiments was interpreted using in ozone solubility and ozone mass transfer. A change in
Hammett free-energy relationships. The effect of the differ- ozone solubility can be observed in salt-containing solu-
ent salt concentrations on the oxidation selectivity when tions, as mentioned by Rischbieter et al. (2000) and
considering reactions in the bulk of the liquid was seen to
be small. This implicates the design of an ozone-based oxida- Sotelo et al. (1989). The presence of a salt generally low-
tion system can often be based on literature or calculated ers the solubility of a gas. This effect can be quantified by
data regarding reaction rates. However, the effect of the Sechenov relation for solutions containing moderate
increased salt concentrations on ozone solubility and bubble concentrations of salts (up to 2 M) (Rischbieter et al.,
size distribution may have implications for the reactor design, 2000):
as these factors affect the mass transfer efficiency.
log H=H0 KS salt 1
Keywords Ozone, Salt effect, Chloride, Phosphate, Sulfate,
Nitrate, Ozone Solubility, Hammett-relationships
Here H is Henrys law constant as observed for the gas,
H0 Henrys law constant under P standard conditions, KS
the Sechenov constant, and [salt] the total salt concen-
INTRODUCTION tration. Typical values for KS are between 0.1 M1 and
0.5 M1, depending on the compound. Using these data it
Most of the research on ozonation of waste waters is can be shown that a 0.5 M salt concentration can already
done on aqueous model systems, containing no other lead to a decrease of the ozone solubility by 50%, as
compounds than the organic compounds to be degraded shown in Figure 1.
(Alaton et al., 2002; Beltran et al., 2000). In some cases Salts can also influence the size distribution of gas
low concentrations of inorganic buffers or higher concen- bubbles in a bubble column (Christenson and
trations of carbonate, serving as a radical scavenger, are Yaminsky, 1995; Walker et al., 2001). Above the so-called
present. In practical applications however, other com- transition concentration, electrolytes largely inhibit bubble
pounds, such as salts and detergents, will be present as coalescence, resulting in a lower average bubble diameter.
well. In the pulp and paper industry for instance, where This leads to increased mass transfer rates, resulting in
ozone can be used to remove color from the process water changing ozone oxidation kinetics (Christenson and
Yaminsky, 1995).
Address correspondence to Marc A. Boncz, Rue Madressilua A more important effect of inorganic salts on the
156, Caranda Boeque II, Campo Grande, 79032-380, Brazil, E- ozone oxidation process however is caused by chemical
mail: reactions. Carbonate ions are well-known species for

Ozone: Science and Engineering August 2005 287

Na 2SO 4
MgSO 4
5.0 Ca(NO3) 2

4.0 NaCl
3.0 KCl
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
salt concentration (M)

FIGURE 1. Effect of salts on the solubility of ozone in an aqueous solution (Rischbieter et al., 2000).

scavenging the radicals involved in the ozone decomposi- HO H2 PO4  ! OH H2 PO4 k < 1:2  107 M1 s1
tion (Boncz, 2002; Rischbieter et al., 2000; Sotelo et al., 6
Downloaded by [The University of British Columbia] at 11:15 14 October 2014

1989). The two reactions responsible for the radical

scavenging effect are given below:
HO PO4 3 ! OH PO42 k < 1  107 M1 s1
HO CO3 2 ! OH CO3  k 4:2  108 M1 s1 7
2 Sotelo et al. (1989), however, reported a decrease in
ozone decomposition rate due to radical scavenging, not
O2  CO3  ! CO3 2 O2 k 7:5  108 M1 s1 only by carbonate, but also by phosphate and sulfate at
3 moderate and elevated pH. No reference was made to
regeneration of the scavenging inorganic anions, in reac-
These reactions result in a catalytic decrease of the tions comparable to the one in equation [3].
hydroxyl radical concentration and consequentially in a At low pH, however, phosphate and chloride were
loss of efficiency and a relatively higher share of the direct found to increase the ozone decomposition rate (Sotelo
oxidation mechanism (Christenson and Yaminsky, 1995; et al., 1989). Due to the direct reaction between ozone
Walker et al., 2001). and the chloride anion, the half-life time of ozone was
Radical scavenging reactions of other anions, compar- reduced by a factor of 2 in the presence of 0.1 M NaCl.
able to the reactions [2] and [3], are a possibility that The following reactions and reaction-rate constants were
might affect ozone-oxidation selectivity. Unfortunately, reported (Haag and Hoigne, 1983):
very few literature data could be found on the scavenging
effect by such reactions of other inorganic salts (like O3 Cl ! O2 OCl  k1 0:003 M1 s1 8
nitrate, phosphate, and sulfate).
Liao reported a small radical scavenging effect by O3 OCl ! 2 O2 Cl  k2 110 M1 s1 9
chloride (Liao et al., 2001). Schmelling et al. found no
radical scavenging effect using nitrate, chloride, or borate Simulating ozone decomposition in the presence of chlor-
(Schmelling et al., 1997). Tanaka found no significant ide using these two reactions could explain the reduction
effect of chloride in the ozone oxidation of ammonia in in ozone lifetime as observed by Sotelo to a great extent,
seawater (Tanaka and Matsumura, 2002). Finally, as shown in Figure 2.
Hoigne reported that sulfate, phosphate, nitrate, chlor- Although, based on literature, salt effects cannot be
ide are extremely slow in reacting with HO; their scaven- excluded completely, we do not expect to find any sig-
ging effect can generally be neglected (Hoigne, 1998). nificant effect of them. Experiments were performed to
This is consistent with all but the first of the following verify if the selectivity of ozone oxidation in systems
reaction rates being considerably slower than reaction [2] containing increased salt concentrations is indeed com-
(Farhataziz and Ross, 1977): parable to the selectivity of the ozone oxidation in solu-
tions of a lower ionic strength.

HO Cl ! ClOH k 8:9  107 M1 s1 4

HO NO3 ! OH NO3  k < 5  105 M1 s1 The effect of moderate salt concentrations on the selec-
5 tivity of the ozone-oxidation was investigated using

288 Ozone: Science and Engineering August 2005

The experiments were performed as follows: in a closed
1.00 0.00
reactor (see Figure 3), 1500 ml of the desired salt solution was
0.80 brought, and adjusted to the desired pH using H2SO4 (caus-
ing an additional loading with sulfate of around 0.002 M).
[O 3]t / [O 3]0

0.60 Salt solutions (0.5 M) were prepared from K2SO4, KNO3, or

K2HPO4, respectively. Consequentially, the reactor contents
were thermostated at 15 oC and saturated with ozone, pro-
0.20 duced from pure oxygen (HoekLoos gases, NL) by a Sorbios
GSG 001 ozone generator (Sorbios GmbH, Berlin,
0.00 10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00
Germany) and introduced at a controlled rate using a mass
time (min.)
flow controller (Brooks Instruments, Veenendaal, NL).
The pH was kept constant by automatic addition (using a
LH Fermentation auto-titrator, LH Fermentation,
FIGURE 2. Simulation of ozone decomposition in water at pH = 6
in the presence of different concentrations of Cl, taking into
Maindenhead, UK) of solutions of 1 M HCl or a 1.5 N
account (i) a simplified OH initiated decomposition pathway and NaOH/Ca(OH)2 (1.25:0.125 M:M) solution. After saturation
(ii) reactions (7) and (8). Data points are experimental data from a 20.00 ml sample was withdrawn to determine the initial
Sotelo (1989). Curves are fitted to data points, using k1 = 0.003 ozone concentration using the indigo method (Bader and
Downloaded by [The University of British Columbia] at 11:15 14 October 2014

M-1S-1 and k2 = 110 M-1S-1. Hoigne, 1981). Then, 50 ml of a stock solution containing a
total of 30 mM of the mixture of the five organic compounds
(competition experiment) was injected to start the experi-
comparative experiments with a model system, consisted ment. The pH of the reaction mixture was monitored and
of p-methoxy benzoic acid, p-methyl benzoic acid, ben- kept constant automatically by addition of a 1.5 N NaOH/
zoic acid, p-chloro benzoic acid and p-nitro benzoic acid, Ca(OH)2 (1.25:0.125 M:M) solution. Ca(OH)2 was used to
as described before (17), but in the presence of a moder- prevent the accumulation of carbonate in the alkaline solu-
ately high concentration (0.5 M) of a specified salt. tion, as this anion may reduce the amount of radicals in the
Comparative experiments were used, as they allow for solution. In addition to using Ca(OH)2 in the alkaline solu-
determination of reaction rates independent of rate lim- tion used for the automatic pH regulation, the storage vessel
itations imposed by mass transfer rates, and independent in which this solution was kept vented through Ca(OH)2
of slight variations of the ozone concentration in the pellets.
ozone/oxygen gas mixture fed to the reactor (Munoz At selected time intervals, 20.00 ml samples were taken
and Sonntag, 2000). from this reactor and brought into 50.00 ml volumetric flasks
As it was demonstrated that salts can have both a containing an acidic buffer and a small, but known, amount
(small) radical scavenging and an initiating effect, of indigo-trisulfonate, to quench any ozone present in the
depending on the pH, experiments were performed sample and to allow for determination of the dissolved
under both acidic and basic conditions. The pH values ozone concentration. Consequentially, demineralized
were chosen to guarantee comparable reactions to take water was supplemented to 50.00 ml. Concentrations of
place: using these conditions the experiments were per- the individual compounds were measured by means of
formed at a pH of 2.4, well below the pKAs of all but one HPLC using a 10 cm Chromspher C18 column as men-
of the acidic compounds (and still allowing 50% depro- tioned in earlier publications (Boncz, 2002; Boncz et al.,
tonization of the most acidic benzoic acid) or at a pH 1999). The mobile phase was a gradient, starting as a 15:85
clearly above the pKAs of all acidic compounds (at mixture of methanol containing 2% demineralized water
pH = 10.4). In the experiments performed under basic and a buffer containing 1.47 mM sodium acetate, 19.58
conditions a radical mechanism was aimed at, so the mM acetic acid, and 4.84 mM triethylamine in deminera-
presence of carbonate in the reactor was prevented. A lized water, at a flow of 0.5 ml/min. Over time (20 min) the
selection of relevant data regarding these compounds is percentage of the methanol/demineralized water mixture
given in Table 1. increased at a constant rate to 30% v/v, to change back at

TABLE 1. Acidity Constants and Hammett s Substituent Parameters for the Acids under Study

Compound pKA (19) sp (20) sp+ (20)

p-Methoxy benzoic acid 4.47 0.27 0.78
p-Methyl benzoic acid 4.36 0.17 0.31
Benzoic acid 4.19 0.00 0.00
p-Chloro benzoic acid 3.98 0.23 0.11

Ozone: Science and Engineering August 2005 289



pH controller
mass flow
controller basic and acidic
generator vent

coil ( 15 oC)
H 2O 2
Downloaded by [The University of British Columbia] at 11:15 14 October 2014

oxygen gas

magnetic stirrer

FIGURE 3. Schematic drawing of the experimental setup (Boncz, 2002).

the end of the analysis. Detection was performed using a The decrease of selectivity in the presence of phosphate
Kratos Analytical 783 UV detector (Kratos, Manchester, can be in agreement with a stimulation of ozone dissocia-
UK) at wavelengths of 218, 227, and 247 nm. A Varian tion by phosphate as mentioned by Sotelo et al. (1989), if
DMS 100 spectrophotometer (Varian, Palo Alto, CA, this dissociation mechanism involves a radical mechan-
USA) was used to measure the concentration of ozone in ism. The result may be affected however by the large error
the off-gas of the reactor (to determine the amount of ozone in the determination of the reaction rate of p-nitro ben-
needed for a certain degree of oxidation) and to measure the zoic acid in this experiment. The reduction of the selec-
concentration of indigo trisulfonate in the samples. tivity in the presence of sulfate, is not supported by
literature data. Hence it cannot be concluded that the
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION anions studied significantly affect the selectivity of the
ozone oxidation by increasing the share of radical reac-
The effect of different salt concentrations on the oxi- tions under acidic conditions.
dation selectivity was quantified using Hammett free-
energy relationships, in the same way as published before
(Boncz, 2002). The sensitivity of the reaction mechanism
to substituent effects, r, being r = d log(k/k0)/d s, was blank
taken as a measure of reaction selectivity. Relative reac- nitrate
0.80 phosphate
tion rates (k/k0) were determined in competition experi- 0.60 sulphate
ments, thus eliminating the effect of the ozone 0.40 chloride
concentration from the experimentally determined reac- 0.20

tion rates. Under both acidic and basic reaction condi- 0.00
tions, the effect of the presence of the different salts on -0.20
this selectivity was seen to be small.
The experiments at low pH involve a direct oxidation (by -0.80
O3) only. At a pH of 2.4, ozone decomposition by the -1.00
hydroxyl-anion initiated mechanism (Staehelin and Hoigne, -1.00 -0.50 0.00 0.50 1.00
1985) can be considered negligible. As can be seen in Figure +
4, nitrate and chloride hardly affect the selectivity of the
ozone oxidation. A decrease in selectivity (indicated by a FIGURE 4. Hammett-plot showing the effect of four different salts
smaller slope r in the Hammett-plot correlating log(k/k0) (0.5 M) on the selectivity of the oxidation of mixtures of the five
benzoic acids mentioned in Table 1 with ozone at pH = 2.4.
with s;r = 0.38 vs r = 0.65 in the blank) is only seen in
Reference (k0) is benzoic acid.
the presence of sulfate and phosphate.

290 Ozone: Science and Engineering August 2005

The oxidation reactions under basic conditions show a
0.20 blank
nitrate lower selectivity than those at a low pH due to the larger
0.10 phosphate contribution of radical degradation pathways. In the pre-
sence of the anions used in this study, the selectivity of the
-0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 oxidation increases marginally, indicating that these
-0.10 anions, unlike the carbonate anion, do not act as signifi-

-0.20 cant radical scavengers. The exception is nitrate, where

interaction with the radical mechanism is suspected.
Overall, it can be aagreed that the conclusions with
-0.40 regard to the selectivity and efficiency of the process,
drawn from experiments in low ionic strength model sys-
tems, can be maintained when these processes are to be
FIGURE 5. Hammett-plot showing the effect of four different salts used on waste waters containing intermediate concentra-
(0.5 M) on the selectivity of the oxidation of mixtures of the five tions of salts.
benzoic acids mentioned in Table I with ozone at pH = 10.4.
Reference (k0) is benzoic acid. REFERENCES
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