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Journal #2

Digital Citizenship and web literacy is appropriate technology use how and for what purposes you may
use technology in your classroom and how to find good sources for information, figuring out if they are
credible and how to use it properly as a source.

Copyright law and fair use for educators is a set of guidelines for how and what teachers may use or
reproduce for educational purpose under the law.

Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) is a diagram and explanation that shows the
knowledge a teacher should have to integrate technology in their teaching. It was designed around the
idea that what you teach and how you teach must be the base for any technology that you use in your
classroom to enhance learning. The presentation for this model was done in google docs.

Substitution Augmentation Modification Redefinition (SAMR) it allows you to see how technology might
impact teaching and learning.

S. using google docs instead of word.

A. Sharing to peers with google docs.

M. Sharing feedback on google docs.

R. using a recording to leave comments instead of writing them.

This presentation was given in icloud keynote.

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