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Laus vs.

Torres filed against Laus and John Doe a complaint for the collection of a sum of money. The
Sheriff proceeded to the petitioners' address to serve the summons and a copy of the complaint.
Failing to serve the summons personally upon the petitioners after waiting for 10 minutes, he
resorted to a substituted service through one Josephine Areola, who purportedly represented
herself to be the maid of the said petitioners.
Is there a valid service of summon?
NO. failure to find the defendants in their residence on the first and only attempt to effect service
in person does not justify the availment of substituted service. There was no attempt by the
sheriff to faithfully comply with the requirments of service in person on the defendant. Worse,
substituted service was made through a girl who was only 11 to 12 years old.

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