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Mark Zuckeberg

Mark Zuckeberg, he is one of the phenomena of the world today. Mark followed the
way of his seniors like Steve Jobs and Bill Gates to drop out from the University and
built a technology-based business empire. His hard work has now come to the social
network with the fastest rate of growth and progress throughout the world. The name
of Mark Zuckeberg, at this time, is known as one of the founders of social networking
site, Facebook. He is also the CEO of the company he had built in 2004.

Mark was born as a smart kid in literature and in the field of technology. Evidently, he
was able to master the four languages and had a hobby to tink the software since he
was teenager.
His intelligence made Harvard became the primary choice in terms of the University.
He went on to the place to take computer science and sociology as the major. In the
second year, Mark began to show his work when created a program or application
named Facemash. This is an amusing application that made the students at Harvard
could give their votes to the other student photos.

Facemash then closed in just a few days after launching because Mark did sabotage
the students photographs data from Harvards official website and it made Harvard
college blocked the site. However, he was not deterred because of that incident, he
even continued to design Facebook, which used the Facemash template. It was
originally a social networking service that was intended for students at Harvard. First
launched in 2004 and in just four months, it had been used by 30 campuses. Then,
in late 2004, Facebook users reached one million people.

The fast growth of Facebook made Mark did not want to go back and chose to drop
out. He then focused on developing its business and now, Facebook currently has
more than 500 million users. Last, since 2010, Mark has been named as one of the
100 most influential people in the entire world. His life story has been published in a
movie titled, The Social Network.

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