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Ganoderma penawar penyakit yang

Ganoderma Lucidum adalah sejenis cendawan daripada lebih 250 spesis. Ia
dipanggil dengan pelbagai nama mengikut masyarakat seperti melayu: cendawan
merah, china: lingzhi, jepun: reishi dan korea: yeongji. Menurut bahasa Greek:
ganos bermaksud bersinar, manakala derma bermaksud kulit.

Ganoderma Lucidum merupakan herba yang digunakan secara tradisional dalam

perubatan cina purba seawal pemerintahan Maharaja China yang pertama iaitu
Maharaja Qin Shi Huang lebih 5,000 tahun yang lalu. Dalam teks perubatan herba
purba china Shen Nongs Herbal Classic mengklasifikasikan Ganoderma Lucidum
sebagai Herba Tonik ( Gred 1 ) iaitu Superior Herb kerana ia mempunyai unsur
Adaptogen iaitu tidak bertoksik dan bebas daripada kesan sampingan, tidak spesifik
dan bertindak secara menyeluruh dalam memperbaiki kesihatan tubuh badan.

Penyakit Moden dan Ganoderma

Para pakar penyelidik di universiti-universiti China, Taiwan, Korea, Jepun dan

Amerika Syarikat telah banyak menjalankan kajian dan penyelidikan moden
mengenai Ganoderma Lucidum dan mendapati bahan aktif yang terkandung
didalamnya adalah seperti Polisakarida, Germanium Organik, Triterpenoid,
Adenosina, Protein, Serabut Diet, Kompleks, Enzim, Alkaloid, Sterol, Asid Lemak,
Nukleosida, Nukleotida, RNA, Vitamin dan Mineral.


Pelbagai kajian saintifik, makmal dan klinik telah dijalankan dan mendapati bahan
aktif yang terkandung dalam Ganoderma Lucidum amat berkesan sebagai agen anti
radang, anti tumor, anti kanser, anti oksidan, anti bakteria, anti virus, agen pelindung
hati, membantu menurunkan paras kolesterol darah dan agen penyahtoksin badan.

Kebanyakan kajian yang telah dijalankan di China, Korea, Jepun dan USA terhadap
perubatan dan nilai pemakanan Ganoderma Lucidum menunjukkan bahawa ia
berfaedah untuk mencegah dan merawat penyakit seperti tekanan darah tinggi,
diabetes ( kencing manis ), hepatitis, kanser dan AIDS.

Ladang Ganoderma Terbesar Di Dunia

Malaysia merupakan antara negara penanam dan pengeluar Ganoderma

Lucidum utama dunia dan ladang penanaman Ganoderma Lucidum yang terbesar di
dunia terletak di Malaysia iaitu di negeri Kedah yang dimiliki oleh Gano Excel.

Untuk menghasilkan Ganoderma Lucidum yang mempunyai kesan teraputik

berkualiti tinggi, ia banyak bergantung semasa proses penanamannya kerana ia amat
sensitif terhadap persekitarannya. Gano Excel merupakan pakar dalam menghasilkan
Ganoderma Lucidum yang berkualiti tinggi dari segi kesan teraputiknya.

Gano Excel menanam Ganoderma Lucidum menggunakan kaedah penanaman secara

organik 100% di Ladang Organik Ganoderma Gano Excel yang merupakan ladang
penanaman Ganoderma Lucidum terbesar di dunia. Persekitaran ladang yang
dikelilingi dengan kebun buah-buahan dan ladang getah yang luas memastikan udara
persekitaran yang bersih dan bebas dari pencemaran.

Medium penanaman organik digunakan seperti serbuk kayu getah, beras perang dan
sekam padi, kaedah gantungan beg polypropylene serta pengurusan dan kawalan
kebersihan tinggi terhadap rumah hijau memastikan lagi penghasilan Ganoderma
Lucidum yang berkualiti tinggi.

Tidak cukup dengan itu, Gano Excel begitu komited dalam memastikan penghasilan
produk Ganoderma yang berkualiti tinggi apabila Kompleks Kilang Gano Excel yang
bertaraf GMP dan HACCP ini menggunakan teknologi tinggi yang memenuhi
piawaian standard antarabangsa dalam penghasilan produk Ganoderma Gano Excel
dan produk-produk pemakanan kesihatan yang berasaskan Ganoderma Lucidum.

Kehebatan Ganoderma Gano Excel

Ganoderma Gano Excel dikatakan mampu MENGESAN penyakit dan toksin yang
tersembunyi dalam badan maka badan akan mengeluarkan simptom untuk membantu
kita mengenalpasti tempat yang sakit. Seterusnya Ganoderma Gano Excel akan
MEMBERSIH dengan cara menyingkirkan asid urik, asid laktik, kolesterol, lemak,
tisu mati dan bahan kimia yang terkumpul di dalam badan melalui Sistem
Perkumuhan. Seterusnya badan akan melakukan proses MENYEIMBANG iaitu tubuh
badan akan memulihkan dirinya dan mengaktifkan fungsi setiap organ tubuh badan
untuk proses MEMBAIKPULIH di mana Ganoderma Gano Excel akan meransang
badan memperbaiki dan membina sel dan tisu badan yang rosak serta menguatkan
Sistem Imunisasi. Akhir sekali Ganoderma Gano Excel akan MEREMAJAKAN
tubuh badan dengan mengekalkan fungsi dan sistem badan ke tahap optimum.

Berikut adalah antara manfaat Ganoderma Gano Excel yang dikatakan memberikan
nilai kesihatan terhadap seluruh sistem tubuh badan seperti :-
Membantu menguatkan sistem imunisasi dan pemulihan.
Membantu meningkatkan metabolisma badan.
Membantu memperbaiki dan melancarkan sistem kardiovaskular.
Membantu menurunkan paras kolesterol darah.
Membantu menyeimbangkan paras gula dalam darah.
Membantu meningkatkan tenaga badan.
Membantu menguatkan sistem penghadaman.
Berfungsi sebagai agen pelindung hati.
Raja Penyahtoksin badan.

Berikut adalah antara manfaat Excellium Gano Excel yang dikatakan memberikan
nilai kesihatan terhadap seluruh sistem tubuh badan seperti :-
Membantu perkembangan fungsi otak dan kecerdasan minda.
Membantu menguatkan sistem ketahanan badan.
Bertindak sebagai agen anti tumor untuk mencegah ketumbuhan.
Membantu membersihkan keracunan larutan air dalam badan.
Membekalkan zat galian bagi keperluan sistem badan.
Membekalkan oksigen yang tinggi ke dalam badan, sistem saraf dan otak.
Membantu menurunkan paras gula dalam darah.
Membantu meningkatkan metabolisma badan.
Membantu membekalkan tenaga dan menghilangkan kelesuan.
Membantu meningkatkan kecantikan dan kesihatan kulit.

Pengambilan Dosej:

2 kali sehari, 1-2 kapsul sekali makan untuk dewasa dan kurangkan setengah untuk
kanak-kanak Sesuai diambil bersama dengan ubat doktor dan herba lain. Dicadangkan
pengambilan Ganoderma diambil bersama Excellium.
Ganoderma ( 90 kapsul ) WM = RM 78.00, EM = RM 83.00
Ganoderma ( 30 kapsul ) WM = RM 30.00, EM = RM 31.50

Excellium ( 90 kapsul ) WM = RM 54.00, EM = RM 57.00

Excellium ( 30 kapsul ) WM = RM 20.00, EM = RM 21.00
Ganoderma Facts Cordypine
Red Mushrooms
Ganoderma Safety
Reviews & Studies
Ailment Reflection
Ganoderma as
Health Products
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Skin Beauty Secret
Spirulina -
Aquazeon - H2O
Filter Cordypine
DXN CEO - Dr. Lim DXN Cordypine blends quality cordyceps and naturally fermented pineapple juice. It is a
DXN Global - Top 25potent formula as the pineapple enzymes produced from fermentation are capable of
Network Marketing working actively with cordyceps giving better result and excellent performance. The best
Business Decisions health food suitable for people from all walks of life. Regular consumption of helps in
maintaining and improving our body system.
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About This Site What is Cordyceps?
Building This
Cordyceps (Cordyceps sinensis) is a traditional Chinese herb found in the highlands of
China, Tibet and Nepal. This fungus grows on the body of caterpillars during winter. By
Search & Sitemap spring, these caterpillars would leave its hard shell and the mushroom would sprout from
SBI Affiliate $$$ the ground just in time for harvesting. Therefore, Cordyceps is also known as "Caterpillar
Privacy Policy mushroom". In Chinese, it is called "Dong Chong Xia Cao" or "Winter Worm Summer
Donate Grass".
Mind & Self
Empowerment Cordyceps contains abundant nutrients and active ingredients such as cordycepic acid,
The Power In You cordecepin, amino acids, glutamic acid, polysaccharides and vitamin B12. Modern Research
Your Marvellous has revealed that the cordecypic acid, which was first studied by Chatterjee et al. in the year
Mind 1957 2, can support bronchial and adrenal gland function. Long term administration can
Holosync Solution reinforce the body in improving the function of internal organs, strengthens the immune
Energy & system as well as optimizing longevity.. Today, cordyceps has been successfully cultivated
Environment in the laboratory for higher and better harvests.
Nuclear Radiation
Scalar Energy Modern Scientific Breakthrough
[?]Subscribe To
This Site Recent Press Release of startling news that a specially cultivated and processed cordyceps

mushroom produced in the United States, under very careful conditions without the danger

of heavy metals, pesticide, and deadly solvents (which can occur in the wild harvest), has
been independently analyzed by the US Laboratories to be more potent than the best wild
harvested cordyceps from China 3.

DXN has chosen the best species of wild Cordyceps sinensis and has cultivated it in
laboratory with total success. It is 100% free from contaminants and uniquely harvested to
maintain the high concentration of its active compounds.

Principal Applications

Cordyceps is claimed to support sexual functioning, blood circulation, oxygen intake,

helping maintain normal cholesterol or blood pressure levels, and the increase in the general
function of the cell system 4.

These claims are based on the use of Cordyceps in thousands of facilities in Mainland China
and throughout Asia, including:

The Chinese Academy of Medical Science

The Beijing College of Medicine
The Veterans General Hospital of Taipei
The Taiwan Pediatric Association
The People's Liberation Army Hospital

a) Supporting Respiratory Tract

Cordyceps is officially listed in the Chinese Pharmacopoeia and is used to support the upper
respiratory tract, such as pneumonia, chronic bronchitis and tuberculosis.

b) Promoting Kidney's Functioning

Cordyceps improves kidney functions and was shown to return levels of infection-fighting
T cells to normal in kidney transplant patients. Cordyceps can reduce the possibility of
kidneys from being damaged by antibiotics and other drugs without reducing their antibiotic

c) Strengthening the immune system

Compounds found in cordyceps are classified as HDP "Host Defense Potentiators". These
compounds include: hemicelluloses, polysaccharides, polysaccharide-peptides, nucleosides,
triterpenoids, complex starched and other metabolites. These compounds support the human
immune system as well as aid in nervous transmission, metabolism, hormonal balance and
nutrient transport. HDP helps our body to regulate the development of lymphoid stem cells
and other important body defense responses.
d) Improving sexual function

Cordyceps has a long history of practical use in supporting male healthy sexual practices.

f) Maintaining cholesterol level

Constituents of cordyceps contribute to the reduction of the level of LDL (Low Density
Lipoprotein) cholesterol as well as the increase of the level of HDL (High Density
Lipoprotein) cholesterol.

g) Improving symptoms of fatigue

Cordyceps is widely used by athletes and non-athletes of all ages for energy level
supporting purposes.

h) Strengthening lungs and kidneys

Cordyceps is considered to be potent in strengthening the lungs and fortifying the kidney
channels which is responsible for both sexual energy and lower back joint health.

i) Increase endurance and stamina

Between August 23-26, 1993, at the First International Conference on Mushroom Biology
and Mushroom products held in Hong Kong, it was discussed at the recent Chinese National
Athletic Games in Beijing, record setting performances by Chinese athletes introduced the
use of Cordyceps to the public as a supplement that6 promotes optimal health performance.

Cordyceps fungus has the ability to increase the ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) production
in human cell's mitochondria and thus increasing the energy level of people who take it.

Supplement for Positive Results

DXN K-product (knowledge product) - Cordypine is a combination of high quality

cordyceps with naturally fermented pineapple extract, a potent formula as the pineapple
enzymes produced from the fermentation process are capable of working synergistically
with cordyceps for better health function and excellent performance.

Health Benefits:

1. Enhances digestion
2. Supports healthy joint function
3. Increases endurance and stamina
4. Supports healthy blood circulation
5. Strengthens the immune system
6. Maintains lung and kidney functions
7. Promotes male sexual activities
8. Boosts metabolic cell function

Who should take Cordypine?

As a general tonic and just like Ganoderma, Cordypine is suitable for all ages and
particularly effective for people who have:

minor or occasional gastrointestinal problems such as bloating, diarrhea and cramps

associated with inefficient or incomplete digestion.
no appetite
bad eating habits
symptoms of fatigue
low sex drive
poor sleeping quality

Cordypine is of natural materials, free of synthetic ingredients and does not have known
side effects. It is also suitable for long term consumptions.

How to take Cordypine?

Shake well before use.
Dilute 20 ml. of Cordypine into a cup of 80 ml. warm/ cold water. For optimum result,
take Cordypine with DXN's RG & GL
Keep Cordypine refrigerated after opening
The product may change in color due to the natural aging process.
Consume within 4 hours.

DXN Global is the sole manufacturer of other DXN natural health products like theLingzhi
Coffee 3-in-1, Lingzhi Coffee 2-in-1, Lingzhi Black Coffee, Other Coffee
Beverages, Lingzhi Coffee Recipe, Cocozhi Chocolate Drink, The Spica
Tea,Morinzyme, Spirulina Algae, Gano Massage Oil, Ganozhi Toothpaste, Ganozhi Gel or
Body Foam, The Ganozhi Soap.

These health products are available only through authorized DXN Service Centers
worldwide or through International Networking System. Please check for the Service
Centers near you to purchase this product or Contact Us to inquire for details on how to
purchase with discount.

Also available in Cordyceps capsules & tablets:

- 60 capsules per bottle

- 120 tablets per bottle

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