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1: For instance

2: Too funny for words

3: Back to square one

4: Once in a blue moon

5: A cut above the rest

6: The wrong end of the stick

7: Side show

8: Tickled pink
9: Small talk

10: Two left feet

11: Get up and go

12: Painless operation

13: Crossbreed

14: Downright stupid

15: Moral support

16: Half-hearted
17: To err on the right side

18: Split personality

19: Beaten black and blue

20: Middle C
21: Third world

22: Unfinished symphony

23: Jack-in-a-box

24: Falling asleep

25: What's black and white and red all over?

26: Sit down and shut up

27: Robin Hood

28: Too little, too late

29: Matine

30: Green fingers

31: Deep in thought

32: Quite right

33: Wide load

34: Heart to heart

35: See for yourself

36: Turn the other cheek

37: Green with envy

38: Over and over again

39: For once in my life

40: Broken promise

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