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Colour the parts of the circulatory system in red. in io BD Label the circulatory system with the correct words from Activity 2. Q Read and write T (true) or F (false). Then, correct the false sentences. a. The respiratory system moves blood around our body. oD b. Blood transports nutrients, oxygen and waste substances. DO c. Blocd is mainly made up of red blood cel. oD d. Arteries, veins and capillaries are blood vassals. dD . The thorax pumps blood around the body. 0D @ Unscramble the words and complete the text. [ Sol > G :) ) (nucalircito ) [adobe ) ygnoxe (tentusrin (satwe) Blood ________is the constant movement of blood in the blood vessels. transpors_______and__ to all parts of the body, It halps to eliminate_________ substances. @ Read the sentences and write the words. {closed circuit - veins cepilaries~ heart —biood arteries - waste) a. It transports nutrients, oxygen and waste substances. b. They carry blood from the heart to all other parts of the body. c. They carry blood back to the heart. d. Thay connect arteries to veins. . It pumps blood around the body. Blood takes this to the exoretory system. g. The heart and blood vessels make up this. @ Unscramble the letters and label the diagrams. C5D ODOC Wm 4 Q Complete the sentences about respiration leaves - expands — contracts — enters - oxygen lungs - exhalation — inhale fa. Ar reaches our lungs through respiration, When we breathe in, the thorax and air the lungs. This breathing movernent is called, bb. When we breathe out, the thorac and air. the body. This breathing movement is called, ©. Inhaled air reaches the and the in this air passes into the blood. @ Read the sentences and write the organ or part of the respiratory system. 2. Two small tubes each connected to a lung, 'b. The part cf the respiratory system where air enters the body. cc. Two spongy, dlastic organs that are prctectad by the thoracie cavity d. Atube that connacts the nose and the lungs. @ Look at the diagram and circle the correct words. 1a. When we inhale / exhale, the thorax expands / contracts . and air enters the lungs. This is called inhalation / exhalation. b. When we inhale / exhale, the thorax expands / contracts and air is expelled from the body. This is called inhalation / exhalation. @ Match and write the sentences. a. Reproduction allows . People have sexual reproduction c. Sexual organs begin -d. Physical changes during puberty are to mature during puberty. and are viviparous. people to have offspring. different for men and women. @ Look and label the diagrams. Then, write the name of each system. [uterus — testes — penis — vagina — ovaries — prostate gland — vulva ) JUL JUU

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