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Year 8 -2017

Topic: Transformations; from Page to Screen

Final Task: (Formative Assessment)
Respond to the following essay question:
How effectively has the director adapted elements of the original texts to create meaning?
You must discuss at least one of the following elements:

Character development
A significant event and how it is transformed from the original text
Themes and ideas
Specific film techniques such as camera shots and angles,
Music editing etc.

Due in your first timetabled English lesson of Week 9.

Further Instruction
Essay Hand in

800- 900 words.

Type in font 12, Times New Roman, double spaced.
Stapled with no plastic sleeves.
Staple a copy of the marking criteria to your task.
You will have one lesson in class to work on your essay.

Practice Task: (Summative Assessment)

You will submit one body paragraph in response to the following question.
How effectively has the director adapted elements of the original texts to create meaning?
You may discuss one of the following elements:

The Setting
Katherine Barlows Character development
The theme of friendship
Due at your teachers discretion in week 7.

Further Instruction
Body Paragraph- Hand in

200-300 words.
Type in font 12, Times New Roman, double spaced.
Stapled with no plastic sleeves.
There will be teacher lead discussion and scene breakdown in class for you to discuss the optional
narrative elements.
You will receive extensive feedback and a mark for this assessment. The mark will not be recorded and
does not impact your final assessment grade
There is no penalty for using your practice paragraph in your final submission.

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