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Hailey Madera & Cesar Herrera & Lailah Dircio

The French Revolution Begins.

The year of 1978 witnessed

two-far events: The
beginning of the French
Revolution and a New United
States of America , The French
Revolution was more complex,
more radical and more
The French Revolution.
The French Revolution tried to
create not only new political
order, but a new social order, this
was different from the American
Revolution which created a new
political system, the American
Colonies had wealthy people and
clergy, but their group was given
special status as were in France
The French Revolution was also more violent because the the
French had to decide what to do about the king & the only king
that had to be gotten rid of lived for across the Atlantic Ocean

The French Revolution was a major turning point in world

history, during the decade it occurred many new social ideas were
put the forth, one of the most powerful ideas of the French
Revolution was that the people were the Nation
The Three Estates. 10% of the Land ownership
was the First Estate, the
25% of the it was the second
The first estate were the Estate.
clergy. 98% of the population was
the Third Estate, 1.5% of it
The second Estate was the
all was the second Estate,
nobles. and 0.5% of the rest was the
The third estate was the First Estate.
lowliest peasant to the Badly the the social system
wealthiest peasants. and the Enlightenment drew
100% of the population was people to dislike the
the third estate taxation. monarchy of Louis XVI.
65% of the Land ownership
population was also the third
estate .
Financial Crisis
The Cause of the revolution was near collapse of the
French Budget.
In 1787 and in 1788 were bad harvesting years.
There was a slowing in manufacturing led to food
shortages, food prices rising and even unemployment .
Besides the problems that was going on, the French King
and his ministers continued to spend useful money on
wars and court luxuries.
When the government wanted to help the American
colonists against Britain, that's when they were
Louis XVI was then forced to to call a meeting of
representatives of the Estates General.
The Destruction of the Old Regime.
The National assembly
proclaimed the Rights of
man and settled a limited
All citizens had the right to
monarchy in the constitution
freedom of speech and the right
of 1791.
to make laws.
The August 26, the National
A woman named Olympe de Gouges,
Assembly adopted the
refused to accept the exclusion
Declaration of the RIghts of
of women from political rights
Man and the Citizen.
and function.
This document was to abide by
Louis XVI did not want to go w/
the basic liberties..Ex:
the new decrees, so the women in
property, security, and
Versailles forced him to accept
resistance to oppression.
From Estates General to National Assembly.
The third Estate claimed the They swore to know it as the
right to have their votes count Tennis Court Oath.
as much as those of the clergy Louis XVI was then notified
and the nobles. and could not trust any of his
On June 5th it was known that peers.
the third estate would have the Peasants rebellions soon
same rights as the other estates became what was part of the
have. panic at that time was called
On June 20th of 1789, the third The Great Fear.
estate were to have a meeting, The peasants feared that the
but the doors were locked, so labor of the National would
they went out to a tennis court be stopped by foreign armies.
to resume their meeting.
Continuing Estates General to National
The Catholic church had been
an important part to the
social and political system
while they were under the old
The Civil Constitution of the
CLergy was a law that was then
passed because bishops and
priest were to be elected by
the people, not appointed by
the pope and the church.
1. Make a 7-10 slide presentation that explains the main causes, events, names, dates and effects of
the French Revolution.
2. Each person who works on this slide show (maximum 4) must turn in their own copy of the slide
show. Additionally every person should be an expert on every section of the slide show whether
they worked on it or not, and should be ready to present individually.
3. If you use internet sources you need to cite them use the Purdue Owl website or easybib to see
how to do that.
4. Relevant images (at least 7) need to be included that EXPLAIN what is being said in the slide.
Pictures are not decorations, I should be able to delete the words from your slide and teach just by
pointing out things in the picture.
a. Make sure you use pictures that are not copyrighted. Use advanced image search to filter by
usage rights.
This is due Friday, if you finish early make a page on your website and embed the slides on a
webpage dedicated to revolutions.
How do you know if it is good enough?
1. First Reread the directions that has everything you need to know and will be
how I grade this assessment.
2. Ask yourself the following questions:
a. Could I teach other students, who have no prior knowledge about the French Revolution from
these slides? If yes then good job you are on the right track.
b. Did I plagiarize the information in any way? Do I have a Bibliography/Work Cited slide? You
definitely need one even if it's from your notes.
c. Are the pictures relevant and explanatory of what you are trying to say? Do you have pictures
of old dead guys? I doubt you are trying to teach about what they looked like.
d. Is it boring? You cant teach from boring slides. Make your font and pictures big enough so
that the main idea is communicated. There is no word minimum here and honestly no one, not
even me is going to read bulky paragraphs from a slide, communicate your main ideas and
nothing else.
e. Did you leave out important information? I will be able to see very quickly who gets it and who
doesn't if crucial information is left out.

Do your best and have fun! You guys are awesome

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