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DRATT : 6th May 1981 THE WALL [SCREENPLAY by ROGER RATERS (co) GR Taters teu deraiseion. KEN THE TIGERS BROXE FREE It was just before dawn One miserable morning ‘n black '44 When the Forward Commander was asked to sit tight whea he asked that his nen be withdrawn. The generals gave thanks as the other racks held back the eaemy tanks for a while. And the Anzio bridgehead was held for the price of a few bundred ordinary lives. And kind old King George Sent Mother a note When he heard that Father was gone It vas I recall in the form of a scroil witb gold leaf and all. And I found it one day in a drawer of old photographs, hidden away. And my eyes, still-grow danp to rene=ter His Majesty signed with bis own rubter stamp It was dark all around There was frost on the ground Whea the Tigers broke. free. And no-one survived froa Y, —the Royal Fusiliers“Company C They were all left’ behind es Most of then dead “The Fest ‘of them: dying. And that's how/the High Command j Took ny Daddy.,from me. INT. AN HOTEL conmiDoR, Day. UNITED s7ATES We open on a long betel corridor. Almost curres? Bleached vhite. The carpe: the only colour. Facing An at the opposite end i the door toe Suite of roors. We closly track in. A Spanien MAID appears pulling. a heavy industrial vacuun cleasor. We dear, gradually wixed 1 a uoatage of Vera Lys songs from the Second Forle Bar. Re we ger closer to the BAID she plugs ip the vecuun cleaner, The whine of the vacuum cleaner provides the basis of 2 drose ehich de the background to our title music "Fhen tke Tigers Broke Free”, EXT. ANZIO. DUG ovr, 1944 Fe cut to black. Alnost. A mateb flares and 1ignte Up the sick of a hurricane erp, A glow of Jight Aedog out, The PLATOON COMMANDER, PINE 'S. FAILER, uphoskt the leather holster from bis Sam Browne. He takes out the Netiey revolver and looks slong the barrel. We see in tigot C.U'e ac he meticulously takes his gus apart to clean 41, MAIN TITLES over this. As the Tits f1aisn, he places the burricane lacy high oo a book, sex to # fleld telephone cbr. EXT. _A RUGBY FIELD. _o4y A green rugby field. A wide bive sky. Clouds. In fhe gistance a tiny figure of & sual] boy runs tonarde us; YOUNG PINK. He etops An front of us and stares at'an object, off casera. We do pot sce wbat be secs, INT. AN HOTEL SUITE. DAY F.X. vacuun clesser dies down, outside in the ball Tuside, a darkened room, We cut to E.C.U. of & Cigarette that bes burned Ste way through the fingers thet hola it right up to the filter. we cur to © man's face, PINE. Iemobile. Staring. Crazed. INT. AN HOTEL CORRIDOR. DAY ‘The Spanish MAID welks towards PINK'S door. she Lakes out a large ring with ber pase-keys on it~ Ye cut to insige the Foor. 6 INT. _AN HOTEL sur pay Awan, PINK, sits slumped in an armchair. Behind him, an unlit standard ianp. In front of bin the T.V. set, Still on, no sound, a soft eerie glow. We pan from PINK'S face towards the door. We hear thi key slip into the lock. fe cut closer. je MAID'S A crack of light appears es the door opens a couple of inches, but is brought up short by a chain guard taughtens. No music, Natural F.X. IN THE FLESH So ya" Thought ya’ Might 1ike to go to the show. To feel the warm thrill of confusion, That space cadet glow. Tell me ts something eluding you sunshine? Is this not what you expected to see? If you'd like to find out what's bebind these You'll have to claw your way through the Disguise ... which cold eyes 10 a a2 SIGHT A thick stecl chain holds together sone emergency doors. ‘Tne chain 15 under encrasus tension from the crowds outside. On the first uote of 'In the Flesh" the chain snaps. The exit doors burst open and a mass of screaming frantic people surge through. ‘They rush, wild eyed, down the empty corridor, Ye intercut trampling feet and screaming faces. EXT. ANZIO. Day ‘The trampling fect and screaming faces of battle. EXT. ARENA, NIGHT Police shake down sore of the fans, spreadeagling them against cars. Ankles are kicked back. . Hair pulled. Faces forced dows. Night sticks viciously swing at legs, Fans are bundled, unceremoniously into the backs of police cars ANTANTION & SCARF: GES (Inter: A dove explodes into an ominous teutonic eagle. The eagle first menaces the land, and then lays it waste, leaving in its wake a towering War Lord. Dog-like humanoids, their faces like gas masks, run for shelter ir ARENA. NIGHT We track along in: gee what they ece CUT to "So ya", Thought yi Migut life to go to The show..." On etage, at the start of the verse of ‘Ip the Flesh’ We cut to a neo-nari, punk/skinhead SINGER. Absolutely not the Pink Floyd. Who te this person?

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