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Today, We are going to talk about the Guanaco. The Guanaco was possibly the first
animal that raised the andean man about 800 years ago and he is part of our rich
history. He lives in the north of Per, South of Chile and Argentina (in the serrrania
esteparia), between 1000 and 3800 m.s.n.m. But, Dr. Carlos affirm that this species
can occupy the altitudinal gradient from sea level to heights of 5000 meters above sea
This specie is protected by the state in the natinal reserve of Calipuy in the libertad,
and a small group of 12 specimens remaining there are in the Chaparri Private
Reserve, on the coast of Lambayaque.
Some researchers affirm that It is endangeed and could become extinct in 40 years.
The Number of Guanacos has dropped from 3000 in 1990 to probably less than 1347
Guanacos in the country.
Guanacos are endangered because their territories have been invaded for agricultural
activities. They was hunted by sheep farmers. The main cause that the guanacos are
in danger of extinction is because they are hunted for buying their wool and meat. Also,
climate change and global warming affect guanacos.
Another reason is that native species are being replaced by introduced species such
as livestock, rabbits and red deer; the damage accumalated by the increase of
herbivory by the introduced species has also several to accelerate the destruction of
the pampas and steppe habitats, which are already decreasing guanacos are suffering.
They are forced to compete for food with other species like rabbit or deer and this
causes stress for them. This loss could have strong effects on plant-animal
interactions, nutrient dynamics and disturbance reqimes. This is the main cause of the
destruction of the guanaco habitat.
We think that the responsable for this problem is the Peruvian State because they
allowed other species enter Peru like cows, sheeps and pigs are forced that the
farmers raised those animals.Also ,
If the state dont force the farmers, they are going to raise guanacos and vicuas. They
could have more money because the wool is more expensive. But
It is not raising other animals that are native to the area. These are some measures
that can be done to avoid the extinction of guanaco.Another solition could be promove
the donate of money for create a foundation to care guanacos. But the best solution
could be that The state should create a law that says that killing the guanacos is against
the law and that this is not worth.
You have to sue the hunting and sale of guanacos illegal possesion of endangered
animals should be reported immediately. Because , I don't thinks you should keep
quiet. So, If you dont reported the hunting and sale of guanacos they will die.

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