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ed Cone SG on EC Aus te) Growth and Change &¢ A mind which really lays hold of a subject i s not easily detached from it. * —da Tarbell, 1857-1944 A cause is an event or action that makes some- thing else happen. An effeet is what happens as a result of that event ar action. ‘As you read this chapter, lool for eauses and effects * List the causes and effects of important events in Pennsylvania. What Caused ‘the Event? Can PA 5-1 LESSO Growing Industries Dara ax semen War, Pennsylvania continued to Mor o a grow. More than ever before, the state’s economy depended on aor natural resources. ‘As you read, tank for causes and efiects of Rich Natural Resources emg setbeities On August 27, 1859, Edwin Drake found oil near Titusville, BIG IDEA in northwestern Pennsylvania, Supplying cil and natural gas, Posy’ natural a by-product of oil, became a big business. A esnurces led tn a strong something that is produced while making the main product. fecanamy in the late 18903 3 2 a B In the 1860s, Williamsport was the center of the state's timber industry. Pennsylvania’s forests were not then protected. Many trees were cut dewn before Governor Gifford Pinchot led the ff Te effort to save the forests. | | ees Since coloniat times, Pennsylvania coal was mined and used by-product ene for fuel. The fuel helped run factories and railroads. Anthracite, human resource or hard coal, was the main fuel for making iron products. In the Caplis eebaroe 1840s, bituminous, or soft coal, was found in western Pennsylvania. Coke, a fuel made from soft coal, was used in steel factories, called mills. ‘What industries began because of Drake's discovery? @ CAUSE AND EFFECT has many meee fatal resowrees. Which rivers meet at Pittsburgh? ii Foret “teria EE raring an forest IMB steretectumng 1 senteactn con 1 Brmineue cou! A oi 6 nawatgse River PA 5-2 11877, angry railroad workers started a fire on a bridge in Reading. The bell (right) ‘comes fram a locomotive used in the 1870s, Workers Unite For many people, working conditions were poor, and pay was low. Many workers were given one task to do over and over, all day long. This is ¢alled @ the sharing of large jobs so that each worker does only part of the work. Labor unions pushed for better working conditions and more money. Pennsylvanians led the nation's labor movement. John Siney (syenee) started the first coal miners’ union in 1868. Uriah Stevens (yoo-RY-uh stée-vulnz) ane other Philadelphians formed a union called the Knights of Labor, in 1871. Ironworkers and steelworkers organized in 1876. , people who owned mines, mills, factories, and railroads, fought the labor unions. Franklin B. Gowen, president of the Philadelphia & Reading Railroad, hired people to break UP. the coal miners’ union. This led to a bitter fight between workers and owners. To improve working conditions, workers would sometimes strike. A Strike is the stopping of work to make employers meet workers’ demands. The Great Railroad Strike of 1877 started in Pennsylvania. It was the first major strike in the nation. It started when reil- road owners decided to lower workers’ pay. The governor sent soldiers to end the strike, As a result, more than 32 people were killed in Pittsburgh and Reading, In only two months, the strike spread to railroad workers in ten states. Partly because of the railroad strike, Terence V. Powderly led the Knights of Labor te open its membership to women in 1881 and to African Americans in 1883. industrialist George Westinghouse, 2 Pittsburgh inventor, improved railroad safety. His inventions, including air brakes, signals, and switches, made railroads safer for workers and travelers. What event led to the Great Railroad Strike? @ CAUSE AND EFFECT ike? @ ” PASS The Iron and Steel Industries The making of iron and steel products became Pennsylvania's largest industries, Many steel and iron mills were in the ‘western part of the state. There were also mills in Bethlehem, Harrisburg, Lewistown, Carlisle, and Morrisville. Pennsylvania's ironworking furnaces ‘turned to making steel in 1873. In Chester, John Fritz invented a new process for making stronger steel tracks for the rail- roads. The steel industry moved west when bituminous coal, used in making steel, was found in western Pennsylvania, Andrew Carnegie was a leader in the steel industry, He started out working in textile mills and for the railroads, In 1875, Carnegie built the first steel mill in Pittsburgh. When he sold Carnegie Stee! ‘The Homestead ‘Stool Mill in southwestern, Pennsylvania was one of several mills ‘operating in the late 1800s. PAS-4 Corporation, he used his wealth to help ‘others. More than $56 million went to start public libraries in 2,500 communities across the nation, Charles M. Schwab worked for Andrew Carnegie. In 1901, Carnegie sold his com- pany to United States Steel, known as U.S. Steel. Schwab then became the new com- pany’s president. U.S. Steel was very success- ful. In its first year, U.S. Stee! produced more than half of the nations steel. In 1904, Schwab founded Bethlehem Steel Company. The company became a leader in building warships during World War IL. Bethlehem Steel delivered a ship a day during the war. Its products were used to make many bridges and buildings around the country. How did finding bituminous coal alfect the steel industry? @ CAUSE AND EFFECT Resources for Making Steel Analyze Diagrams: ‘Three kinds of resources ‘are needed ta make most products. © Whieh kind of rexouree would safety equipment be? Industry Uses Resources ‘Three kinds of resources are needed to make products—natural resources, Ihuiman/resourees, or workers, and capital resources. CApitallresources are the build- ings. supplies, equipment, and money that a business uses. Pennsylvanians used these resources to build many industries. Many people immigrated to the state to work. Before the Civil War, many came from northern Europe. In the late 1800s, immigrants came from eastern and central Europe, Starting about 1910, thousands of African Americans moved to northern cities from the South. This movement is known as the Great Migration. Carousel horses, such as this one, have been made in Pennsylvania since the late 18005, Natural Resources Maen vesrepoas, | Minerzanéxecnators | Mhirg epee pie eee | Weotig tiuman Resources | Capital Resources Manufactured Products | Steelandsteelproets | By 1900, Pennsylvania led the nation’s textile and leather industries. Other manufacturing included paper, soap, paint, and musical instruments. Factories also produced motorcycles and power tools. Toy making was another industry. Factories in Erie and Girard made model trains, Several Pennsylvania companies made carousel (kareuhysel) horses Many Pennsylvanians produced food products. H.J. Heinz founded a company that makes ketchup and other products. Milton Hershey started a successful chocolate company. ‘What three kinds of resources are needed to make most products? CAUSE AND EFFECT How did immigration help Pennsylwania’s industries grow? @ BIG IDEA Which of Pennsylvania's: natural resources lod to new industries inthe late 1800s? @ VOCABULARY. Use the terns Sake ‘and industrialist to explain the [shor movement, © HISTORY. Which Pennsylvania industrialist invented railroad safety equipment? 2 A Changing World Ti cieensseyas 12 of social and economic ape change in Pennsylvania and the nation. In the early 1900s, eee | on aie eee As you rad, look for effoets af industries on 5 Pennsylvania saciety. Into the Twentieth Century BIG IDEA Women were active in several social reform movements in Social and canomic Pennsylvania, Florence Kelley was a Philadelphia lawyer and changes affected social worker. Kelley improved working conditions for children Pennsylvanian the 1900s. and women. She worked hard to pass laws that gave women the right to vote in local, state, and national elections, Kelley CN elec tne National Consumers League, a group that proterred wae bon consumers. Isabel Darlington was the first woman to practice suffrage law in Pennsylvania's highest court. Sarah C. F. Hallowell ran a newspaper called The New Century, Women did all the reporting, writing, and editing. At that time, many magazines did not include women’s views on important issues. Author Ida Tarbell, from Erie, wrote a series of articles for McClure's Magazine. The articles focused on illegal actions by oll company industrialists. Even though women in Pennsylvania had new choices, they did not have the same rights as men. Which leader worked 10 protect consumers? Florence Kelley & The Pennsylvania Women’s Suffrage Association was founded in 1868. For the next 50 years, many Pennsyivania women worked to get the right to vate. A eu hae | Character Trait Perseverance | close look Rockefeller’s company. Tarboll discovered that “Rockefeller had worked with the saileoads 30 that his company could sell them mere ol than the state's smaller ollrefiners. AS a result of “Tarhol’s wer, tho United States. Supreme Coun ordered changes in PEP e IEEE. World War | When the United States entered World War Lin 1917, Pennsylvania's citizens helped the war effort. The state's shipyards, mills, and factories made products for the soldiers. Coal production increased to meet the needs of the United States Army and Navy. The state's economy improved as a result of the war. Pennsylvanians bought almost $3 billion worth of Warbends. These papers showed that the buyer had loaned money to the government to help pay for a war. More than 300,000 Pennsylvanians fought in battles in Europe. General Tasker H. Bliss of Lewisburg wes on the American Peace Commission. ‘After World War I, Congress approved the Nineteenth Amendment to the Constitution. It gave women Suffrage. or the right to vote and hold public office. da Tarbell 1857-1944 Pennsylvania was the eighth state to pass the amendment. Women in the state had worked for their rights since the 1800s. Pennsylvanian Carrie Chapman Catt led the National American Womeris Suffrage Association. Not all of the changes after the war were good for Pennsylvanians, The demand for coal fell. In the 19205, ol and gas replaced coal as the major fuel source. The shrinking market for coal caused economic problems. Pennsylvanians began to suffer as industries changed. Many coal miners lost their jobs. Textile mill owners began to move their factories to the South, where costs were lower. Many textile workers lost their jobs. Farmers suffered when prices for their products dropped. (CRIED How did the Nineteenth Amendment affect Pennsylvanians? @ CAUSE AND EFFECT PAS-7 The Great Depression and More Conflict During the Great Depression in the 1930s, the economy weakened. Many people lost their jobs, and some people became homeless. Stee! mills and coal mines lowered production. In 1932, nearly ‘one-fourth of Philadelphia's workers dic not have jobs. The next year, almost one- half were unemployed, or jobless, Some people had to sell their homes, and many could not afford to buy food. Professionals, such as doctors and lawyers, could not collect money that was owed to them. Many people lost their savings State programs helped many people. Governor Gifford Pinchot hired workers to pave state roads. President Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal programs provided work for thousands of others. During the Depression, many Mexican laborers worked on Philadelphia railroads. Pennsylvania Governar Gifford Pinchot is i These workers were also hired to help out on Pennsylvania farms. The United States entered World War IL in December 1941. Oil, steel, food, and money from Pennsylvania helped the nations war effort. Factories were making airplanes, tanks, and weapons. The _ Philadelphia Navy Yard built ships, includ- ing two of the largest steel battleships in the world, The demand for Pennsylvania's products created millions of Jobs. In turn, the new jobs made the state's economy much stronger. More than one million people from Pennsylvania served in the military. There were 130 generals and admirals from the state. General George C. Marshall and commander of the Army Air Forces, Henry H. Arnold, both played key roles. How did high unemployment cause other economic problems? @ Cause AND EFFECT supervising the work of a road- paving crew The timetable (right) encourages people ta buy war bonds to help pay for World War Il Each year, had polluted the air and water. Coal mings poured chemicals into rivers and streams. Smoke from iron and steel mills polluted the air and caused health prob lems for some people. In 1959, the Air Pollution Control Act gave the state the right to protect the air. Since 1967, the state and federal governments have spent almost $500 million on clean-up efforts, The Pennsylvania Department ‘of Environmental Resources was created in 1968. By the 1970s, other regions and natians were making steel at a lower cost, The demand for Pennsylvania's coal, iron, and steel dropped. Many mills shut down. The Pennsylvania economy changed. Today, farming is a major industry that provides milk, eggs, chickens, fruits, and vegetables. Tourism also plays a major role. Many visitors enjoy our state's historical sites and natural features. Pennsylvania remains a leader in manu- facturing. Companies around the state make machinery, electronic items, building materials, art supplies, and glass. Today, computer technology and biotechnology research are growing industries. How did problems in the steel industry affect the economy? AND EFFECT How did wars affect Pennsylvania’ economy? How did the Great Depression affect Pennsylvania? VOCABULARY In a paragraph ahout equal rights, use the torm siafFrage: © ECONOMICS What are two main industries in Pennsytvania today? SET CAUSE AND EFFECT ‘As you read, think about ‘why people worked for ‘change and haw the changes affected the slate, BIG IDEA African Americans worked to gain civil rights Women ‘worked together to imprave ‘their rights, pesticide Civil Rights and Social Changes Sassi reform movements continued through the twentieth century in Pennsyvania and the nation. African Americans and women worked to gain civil rights. As suburbs were developed, meny people left crowded cities Civil Rights In the early 1900s, thousands of African Americans from the South moved north. They wanted to escape poor living condi- tions and laws that treated them unfairly. African Americans found jobs in the state’s steel mills, coal mines, shipyards, and railroads. Some Pennsylvania workers did not like competing with African Americans for jobs and homes. Racial tensions grew and sometimes resulted in violence. Some People were killed during protests in Chester and Philadelphia. The state's African American community came together to fight for their civil rights. African American churches became impor- tant meeting places. People gathered in churches to share information about jobs, education, and housing. In Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, and Harrisburg, more Afriean Americans began to run their own businesses. GESTED Why did many African Americans move north? @ CAUSE AND EFFECT The Mother Bethel African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church in Philadelphia was one ofthe First churches in the city started by an African American. Progress for African Americans After World War Il, African Americans continued to move north to work in Pittsburgh's steel mills and Philadelphia's shipyards. African American women also found work in the factories. These workers made up a large part of the -city populations. Working and living conditions for African Americans were still unfair. The struggle for civil eights continued through the twentieth century. In the 1960s, there were civil rights protests in the state. In order to make change, some African ‘Americans ran for political office. A grow: ing number of African Americans were elected to city, state, and national governments. In 1958, Robert N.C. Nix, Se, became the first African American from Pennsylvania elected to the United States Congress. In 1977, K. Leroy Irvis became the first African American in the nation to serve as speaker of the house in a state legislature. In 1983, W. Wilson Goode, Sr., became Philadelphia's first African American mayer. By 1993, there were 18 African Americans ICiilaikae Robert N.C. Nix, Sr. 1905-1987 Character Trait: Civic Virtue In 1958, Robert N.C. Nix, Sr, became Pennsylvania's first African American elected to the United States House of Representatives. Nic wos reelected ten times, serving a total of 20 years. While in Congress, Nix worked hard to pass civil rights laws that improved living and working coneitions for African Amenians. He served con the Foreign Affairs ‘Committee and the Veterans’ Affairs Commitice in the Pennsylvania General Assembly. By serving as elected officials. African Americans helped pass laws that improved civil rights. (TED) Why did some African Americans ‘wark within the political system? @ CAUSE AND eFFECT President Lyndon Johnson sigued the Civil Rights Act on July 2, 1968, This important law (right) gave equal rights to Alrican Americans, 2 ac The American Dream In the 1950s and 1960s, there was a boom in suburban growth. In the early 1950s, William Levitt planned a suburb in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. He named the town Levittown and built small houses that young families could afford Many people were happy to leave crowded cities, such as Philadelphia. They gained a house with a yard in a quiet neighborhood. Levittown grew quickly. By the time the suburb was complete, there were more than 17,000 new homes. The idea of owning a home in the suburbs became known as the American Dream. Pennsylvania's Levittown became ‘a model for other suburbs around the country. Where is Levittown? Lovittown was a planned eubur writh swore than 17,000 single-family homes. Entrepreneur William Levitt purchased farmland in lower Bucks County (below lel) ‘and buitthomes, schools, churches, swimming pots, and shopping centers (belowe right). Women’s Rights During the 1960s and the 1970s, Pennsylvania’s women began to have a larger role in state politics. In 1964, Genevieve Blatt ran for election to the United States Senate. Although she did not win the election, Blatt gained the respect of the state's Democratic party. in the women's movement, a nationwide effort to win advances for American women, Many women's groups had headquarters in Philadelphia. In 1971, the Equal Rights Amendment was added to the state con- stitution. This law made it illegal to deny civil rights to women just beeause they are women. In the 1970s, rules were changed so that girls could play Little League baseball on the same teams as boys. ‘What was the women’s movement? Pennsylvania women were ai 10,990 5874 nowy Into a Modern World Pennsylvanians have made many contributions to present-day life. Some citizens worked to develop computer technology. In 1925, Philadelphia member of Congress Clyde Kelly introduced the Airmail Act, which helped create the airline industry. Two years later, Governor Pinchot started the state's Bureau of Aeronautics. In the late 1930s, Philadelphia International Airport opened. John R. Carson ane! Dr. Harry Davis helped develop the radio. The nation’s first radio station, KDKA, broadcast from Pittsburgh in 1920. Pennsylvania's women also made impor ‘tant contributions. Rachel Carson wrote Silent Spring. Her book focused on the dangers of pesticides, chemicals that kill harmful insects on crops. Carson discov- ered that pesticides also killed birds and other animals, Her book led to laws banning certain dangerous pesticides. ‘Author Pearl S, Buck was a civil rights and womens rights activist. Her novel The Good Forth won a Pulitzer Prize in 1932. She received the Nobel Prize for Scientist Rachel Carson wrote Silent Spring. an i + greater protection Literature in 1938. She was the first woman to win both awards. Pennsylvanian Carl E. Stotz started Little League baseball in Williamsport in 1939. By 2000, there were Little League teams around the world. Williamsport hosts the Littie League World Series each August. How did Pennsylvanians contribute to present-day society? GAUSE AND EFFECT Whatwas one effect of the women’s movement? @ BIGIDEA How did winning public affice help African Americans? @ VOCABULARY Uso the term asticide to tell why Rache! Carson wrote Silent Spring. © HISTORY What is | evittawn? People Bringing Changes Pennsylvanians are proud of the many well- ry known people from their state. Each has BID YOU KNOW? contributed ideas and talents that have brought about positive changes. These people, and many others, have helped shape Pennsylvania’s history. In 1946, scientists at the University of Pennsylvania announced the invention of the world’s first digital computer, called ENIAC. Mary Lou Williams was one of the most important female jazz musicians of her time. She brought change to the jazz community as one of the few women to play the piano and to conduct the orchestra. Min L. Matheson of Wilkes-Barre was one of the first women to fight to change working conditions in Pennsylvania factories. Along with the International Ladies’ Garment Workers Union, or ILGWU, she improved conditions for textile workers. Howard Zahniser was a leading conservationist who helped push the Wilderness Act of 1964 through Congress. This act protected 104 million acres of wilderness across the nation as public land. Rico. In 1955, he joined the Pitisburgh Pirates. For the next 18 years, Clemente was a role model for fair play and active in helping less fortunate people. For his con- tributions, Clemente was honored as the first Hispanic American in the National Baseball Hall of Fame. | Ca Choose ane of these leaders and 5 i Visit The Learning Site at design a tage sli to honor him jesign a postage stamp to hone @ ‘www harcourtschool.cor orher. Be sure to include information showing why they were impartant. Display your stamp in the classroom, 10 learn about other famous people ey Reni] yaa Review and Test Preparation Cause and Effect Copy the following graphic organizer onto a separate sheet of paper. Use it to show the effects of Edwin Drake's dis- covery of oil in 1859. Drake discovers oil THInk AND Write Write a Paragraph Explain how one Pennsylvanian’s contribution to modern culture has affected your life. aretha Write the word or words that correctly match each definition ‘by-ptoduct (p-PAS-2) industatist (p. PA5-2) umaniresource (p. PA5-5) Suffrage Ip. PAS-7) ‘pesticide (p. PA 5-13) @ ihe right to vote © something that is produced whilo making the main product © owners of mines, mills, factories, and railroads @ chomical used to protect crnps from insects © workers PA 5-16 Answer these questions. © What happened after World War | that caused economic problems in Pennsylvania? @ How did industries hurt the environment ‘of Pennsylvania? Write the letter of the best choice. © Who was Ida Tarbell? A a Philadelphia lawyer B a writer for McClure’ Magazine C a senator from Pennsylvania D a civil rights activist Lue tae a N6 © How did the state and federal governments help people during the Great Depression? © How did World War Il affect the economy of Ponnsylvania? PERFORMANCE Have a Debate Choose the point af view of either the workers or the industrialists about strikes. Make a list of reasons for your opinion. Partner with someone who has chasen the opposite position from yours. Conduct a debate before your classmates.

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