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The value for angle of shearing resistant , which is 44.227 degrees shows that the shearstrength of
the soil due to friction is relative low but it, is within the normal range of 45 degrees.Remember that
sandy soil is cohesion less.[Lab]In the graph of vertical against horizontal displacement, it can be
deduced that when there is anincrease in displacement the strained get multiplied following a discrete
sequence at a reducingangles positive to the horizontal plane. In the long run, the end of the shearing
is marked by aconstant zone.[NES16]The drawback to this test of shear box is the sensitivity to the
angle of dilation angle, which isunderestimated by the extreme measurement. At the same time strain
angle due to friction get overestimated

.ReferencesAnon., n.d.Laboratory Shear Testing of Soils.s.l.:ASTM International.D. G. Fredlund, H.

R., 1993.Soil Mechanics for Unsaturated Soils.s.l.:John Wiley & Sons.

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