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YOUNG PINE, now need ten, tae cone, hone, trop achat Hse WOTHER Tout ct wert. Re wakes hirsel? 3 and Jess, Be wanders up the stairs nb hovers outesde ber besrosa. open. Re tocke ineige, ue deciaee to ve Nereouen Be peeks ineige erasers of uote Wolisinovs pisk Bray ie slorly opens # bottom draxer ng discovers bis Father's uaiforn wrapped te tistoe Ne puts on the Jucker, tue bat god the Sem with revolver bolster, He toye with tbe gun and live Teninition thet he bas discovered 23 Ber. _pATLyay EvenseweNT, pay YOUSG PINE and txo other emai] boys scramble over a Bigh brick sali at the top of s railesy cutting near Econel ectrsnce, ‘trey Huddle at the botton ef the 1i'as YING Fiti shares out hse Father's Fensining Baijets equaity veressa thes; “There ie one bullet Fenaioing. Epied ort) his feteaae YOUNG Pu mouth of a dark tuone:, and places. the bullet on the Steel ratloch tress ajproacbes., YOU Biseent apisaee the cis of the ednee 20. of YOUNG Ke see bis P.0-V. ac the goods train rushes past Through the glats ve elinpse people packed in like Eattle, ‘Their faces tre pisk Scarfien masks, Thesr Hlngers reach out ike ciaes- COT back to YOUNG PIR He face hae cleo autensrphoced ante « terrified pink BAEK. Over thie ve boar the FLACIEN'S votes. PIKE dtactons 2 TAS the trate KOS face, the wind blasts Bix hair “You ~ ses you ~ stand pei less Ye see YOUNG PINK'S P.0.¥. of bis toacher strosely back- Tie; gslnouettea at the ead of the tusnel. He exande Dettcrn the reiie, brandishing bis cane, CUT bask to YOUNG PIEK'S face) a nesk no eore. Seared. ¥e CUT to e grotesque pufpet of the TEACIER. “It dangles, enacingiy ia the eouth of the tusaei. “Tt ducks down ed peers ta, ‘It's eyes 1ike two ear headlights in the THE HAPPIEST DAYS OF OUR LIVES hen e grew up and went to school There were certain teachers sho would Hurt the children any way they could By pouring their derision Upon anything we did, aad exposing every scakness, However carefully hidden by’ the Xids. But ia the toma, it was well known, : When they got hone at aight, their’ fat and -°, Psychopathie wives sould thrasn then Withia inches of their lives, 24 INT. ERT. _NI iT hen we grew up and went to schocl, there rere certain teachers sho would burt the children anysay they could .... " We sce the grotesque puppet, in the concert situation approaching the PINK FLOYD, our narrators. They sing ‘The Happiest Days of Our Lives’. We mix through to ... ANOTHER ERICK IN THE WALL - Part IT We don’t need no education. We don't need a0 thought control. No dark sarcasm in the classroom, Teacher's leave us kids alone. Hey - teacher, leave us kids alone, All in all it's just another brick in the wall. All in all you're all just bricks in the wall. Sopeieacce CeO aw e Gee oe EB a vee 20, ‘ a Se eet OCC oor ry fs 29 casidren being chisnelled along 26 NT. _reAcHEA's wotse. scar Mo eee a eurpurtan dining room. Draaticalty Lit. Hinoat epee politely ase wecheatealiy We don't seed go teoughe fo'the ctaserece +5 voes) entey Fron thelr ¢aten, sna eo eeu trae they are erdcnary Hociee sine surreal sete iron 28 ExT scvooL vaso. _pioeT Tit the schoo 4p the backzrouns, the chtldren bert {nto the flames! He slowly wove fa oa the grotesgue fice be tt beet forpelt, “we bens the TEACHER'S Ye Cur to. TEACHER'S HOUSE. DIN cut TEACHER and WIFE sti21 eating ¢inner. Total silence. Natural FX. The TEACHER has nearly finished bis meal He folds bis napkin, very precisely, as 4f finished His wife indicates hat he should ccopletely finish what is on bis plate. He obeys We gradually fade in telephone ringing F.X. OTHER Mother do you think they'll drop the bozb? Mother do you think they'll like the song? Mother do you think they'll try to break ay balls? Mother should I build a wall? Nother should I rua for President? Mother should I trust the Government? Mother will they put me in the firing line? Mother am I really dying? 30 cur iother do you think they'12 drop the bées?, wether do you think they'll tke the soap? Mother do you think. they"id Break my baile? Ye cut to C.U. of Sx70 photograph of PINK apd bie wiTE, TE sits bext tova telephone on & bedside table. The Uoiephone Pings.” Usancwered 31 ENT. _AN HOTEL SUITE. DAY. UNITED STATES. PINK on the telephone. He Riiying. pensive, on the bed. fears through the curtains, and we We cut to tient c.U, Pi YOTHER soont'a Bush, now baby don't you cry. Mana's gonaa’ wake all of your Nigntmare's cone true. Mama's gonna’ put ail of her fears Suto you. Mama's gonna’ keep you right nere ‘Ser ber wing. She won't let you fly, but she night let you sing. ena will keep baby coay and warn. Oooh babe, cock babe, cock babe Of course wan'11 help Sutid the wall 32 33 34 INT. YOUNG PINKY "Mana's gonna’ put al] of her fears into you. Vana’s gonna’ ake 211 of your nightmares come true..." We see YOUNG PINK, aged ten, £11 in bed. Hie NOTHE! tidies and fusscs the pedslothes, and looks on anxiously as the DOCTOR etufis a thernoneter into his mouth, and tests his legs, as 1f for Polio. The DOCTOR calls the YOTHER czinously to one side and talks, as grown-ups do, We eee YOUNG PINK'S frightened face. The door closes, leaving YOUNG PINK in darkness. He calls out for MOTHER to leave the door open. She opens st a crack. fe see a marrow shaft of light across YOUNG PINK'S face. INT. ConcrRT. _wiGuT We intercut the whole of ‘Mother’ with our narrators, PINK FLOYD, on stage ey you: Br “She won't let you fly, but she might let you sing. Mana will keep babs cosy and warm. Oooh babe, oooh babe, oooh babe, of course Man'ii help buiid the wall” YOUNG PINK leaves his cick bed and pads down the hall to his MOTHER'S becroor. He gently opens the door. Hie MOTHER is fast asleep. She snores loudly, YOUNG PINK gingerly pulls back the bedclothes and climbs in besice her. ie snuggles up. We see C.U. of MOTHER snoring. We mix fron shot of YOUNG PINK and his MOTHER to vorweR feont'é Mother do you think she's good enouea? Mother do you think she's dangerous to ne? Mother will she tear your little boy apart? Goh Aah Mother will she break ny heart? Hush cow baby, baby don’t you cry. . Mama's gonna'’check out all your girlfriends for you Mana won't let anyone dirty got througa. Mama's gonta' wait up till you cone in. Mama will always find out where You've been. Mama's gonna’ keep you healthy and clean. Qoooh babe, oooh babe, asooh babe, You'll always be a baby to me. Mother, did it need to be 80 high?

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