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Describing people Knowledge intellectual genius whiz-kid egghead a (computer! buff bookworm Politics activist chawvinist nationalist revolutionary liberal Socialist Conservative democrat conservative with a small C Negative words gossip loudmouth windbag, bore indiscreet snob smart alec egotist primadonna creep drip twit Humour comic a laugh buffoon clown joker a giggle Personality individualist worrier devious gracious polite MCP. feminist boor a real gentleman! lady nitw blockhead thick stupid idiot hypocrite charlatan quack liar do-gooder go-getter show-off 57 Experts connoisseur artist gourmet guru expert educated Types flirt. tease wolf casanova clockwatcher tramp downrand-out hippie bully slave driver coward chicken wallflower sissy hypochondriac drunkard glutton lecher sex-maniac grumbler complainer pain in the neck 58 Hesitation Phrases: Well, um... Well, let’s see. Mmm, I'll have to think about that. Re-stating: So what you're saying is... So what you’re really saying is... In other words, If | understand you correctly, So you mean that... 46. What you really mean Imagine you are a journalist interviewinga politician for a newspaper article Journalist: What are you going to do about the slums? Politician: Well, let me think .... that isa very difficult question. Journalist: In other words, you don't have any plans. When we are asked a question which we either do not know the answer to or which we would prefer to avoid, we often use a hesitation phrase. Hf someone insists on finding out our opinion, they can restate what they think we believe. Work in pairs as journalist and politician with the following interview questions, Use the phrases in the lists and make conversations. like the example above Issue 1 — The New Nuclear Power Station I. What is your opinion of nuclear power? 2. Are you in favour of the new nuclear power station being built 10 miles away? 3. Do you think it will cause health problems for the people in neighbouring villages? 4, What is happening to the people who have to leave their homes to make way for the power station? 5. Why have all the decisions been taken in secret? Issue 2 — Houses for the Homeless A large empty building in the centre of town has been occupied by squatters — people with nowhere to live 1. Do you have plans to bring in the army to evict the squatters? 2, Is it true that you have cut off the water to the building? 3. Do you know that there are women with babies in the building? 4, Where are you going to put these people when they finally come out?

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