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Obligatory activity: Questions & answers

Obligatory activity: Questions & answers Instructions: Follow the indications below
and, on completion, send your text to your tutor.

1. First, click on the links to listen to the questions.

2. In a file, write down the questions. Mind your spelling! You can look up the
words you dont know.
3. Finally, write a personal answer to each one of the questions. Use the tenses
reviewed in this topic and give full answers, including a conjugated verb.

Question 1 Where did you go on your last holiday?

My last holiday
I remember very well that they were in the care of my sister, in the city from
I was there about 2 weeks ago and it was fun, because we visited many places

Question 2 When did you finish secondary school?

The day I finished my high school was the day from 17 juny from year from 2015

Question 3 Were you working when you started high school?

I did not work when I was studying in high school, I was only studying

Question 4: When did you last go to the movies?

I do not remember very well what day it was
but I think it was a December 27 last year
on that day they gathered all the young people to see a movie

Question 5: What did you do last night?

Last night I only saw a movie with my family, then I played with the phone until I fell

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