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First Draft of the Revolution is a piece of ergodic literature that

follows the correspondence between and husband and wife. With one
click of a hyperlink, the audience is presented with the cover of a book
with the aforementioned title on it. As we turn the page we see a piece
of electronic parchment paper. The audience is given a brief backstory
of Juliette, the wife of Henri, who has been exiled for the summer to a
village with only a few houses and no society. As the audience clicks
on the following page, they are met with what appears to be a first
draft of a letter from Juliette to Henri.
It is on this electronic parchment where the literature becomes
ergodic. The audience is encouraged to click on sentences and revise
them so the letter can read more to their liking. In choosing
alternative ways to write the letter, the audience is writing the story.
The audience is given the chance to edit several letters of this back
and forth correspondence between Juliette and Henri, with each reply
dictating the subsequent response. This piece of literature is empirical
in the sense that choosing different options leads the audience
through various permutations during their interaction with this
electronic work.
We live in a time where postal correspondence has gone by the
wayside. These days, written communication is mainly done through
text or email. We seldom proofread our texts and often times we dont
check our motives nor question our intentions before spouting out
whatever it is that is on our minds. It is no longer commonplace for
someone to take someone elses feelings into account. Throughout this
story of Juliette and Henri, the audience was able to shape their story
by making tactful adjustments if they chose to. If one were to
complete this piece of electronic literature, it would have taken
patience and thought. If we as a people can begin to exercise patience
and thought more, well be able to write up a draft for our own

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