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The reason that I chose this symbol for the book is

because in the beginning of the story although we dont

know it yet, is the beginning of this very dark and vicious
cycle. Adam is taking an imaginary ride to Rutterburg,
Vermont to see his father-whom we later find out is dead-
whom he doesnt want to admit is dead. In the story we
take breaks from his bicycle trip in which he is being
questioned by a man by the name of Brint who we later
find out might be conspiring with the people that killed
his parents. This is the third time he has met with this man
although Adam does not remember the past two times.
The man is there to help him remember the past but might
have an ulterior motive for it. As Adam remembers more
and more he starts to withdraw and when he finally starts
to remember his parents death he remembers the man in
the gray pants and what he said, he then fully withdraws
into himself and as he gets to his room in the institution
he forces himself to forget his past again and tries to
remember his name and after a while of singing the
farmer in the dell he gets to the last line of the song the
cheese stands alone he then states is identity he is the
cheese as he has no one not even himself.
The story ends with the same paragraph it began with.
The first sentence was "I am riding the bicycle and I am
on Route 31." This can be interpreted as the beginning of
his obliteration and the continuation of his endless
bicycle trip.

Note: Ms.Messinger thank you so much for assigning

this book it really gave new meaning to psychological
thrillers for me and it messed me up bad but in a good
way. To be honest I thought these books would be the
most boring things ever but when I finished they really
left me in a daze.

P.S: please dont give me detention for this.

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