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Around the World in Eighty Days

by Jules Verne

Retold by Mara Jos Lobo and Pepita Subir

Phileas Foggs journey around the world

Phileas Fogg is a rich man. He lives in London. He has no family. Every

day he has breakfast at 8.25. He has lunch at 12.15 and dinner at 7


Phileas Fogg is looking for a new servant. Whats your name?

Jean Passepartout, sir.

Are you French?

Yes, sir. I am. And I am an acrobat. But now I want to work in England.

I want a normal job. I want a quiet life.

OK Mr Passepartout. You can be my servant.

Phileas Fogg is a member of the Reform Club. He goes to the Club

every day at 11.30 a.m. At the Club he reads newspapers and books. He

also plays cards. Today it is Wednesday, 2nd October, 1872

There is a story in the newspaper. Its about a big bank robbery. A man

stole 55,000. The police cant find the robber anywhere.

Well, the world is very big. The robber can hide anywhere.

But now there are railways. The world is smaller. People can travel

quickly. I can travel around the world in eighty days...


I will show you. I will go this evening. I will return here on Saturday,

21st December, at 8.45 in the evening. I can do it! I bet you 20,000!

We accept your bet.

Passepartout! Put some clothes and this money in a bag. Were leaving

in ten minutes. We will travel going around the world in eighty days.


Seven days later, Detective Fix is in Suez ...

I think that man is the bank robber! Im going to arrest him.

My names Detective Fix.

I work for the police in London. That man is a bank robber. I cant

arrest him. Were not in England. Can you arrest him, please?

Sorry, I cant. His passport is correct.

In the evening a telegram arrives at Scotland Yard.


TO Scotland Yard FROM Detective Fix

'Phileas Fogg is the bank robber. He is going to Bombay. Send the

arrest papers to Bombay.'

The ship arrives in Bombay on 20th October. The arrest papers do not

arrive! Phileas Fogg and Passepartout take the train to Calcutta.

But suddenly

Look, sir. Theres no more railway track! We cant go by train to

Calcutta. This man and his elephant must take us to the next station.

Whats that?

Its a rich mans funeral. Theyre going to burn his body.

Whos she?

Shes the rich mans wife. She will die in the morning.


Its the law. Its called suttee.

We must help her.

And in the morning

Shes going to die. We cant help her.

Its Passepartout! Run!

And on the train to Calcutta

My names Aouda. Thank you very much for everything.

They arrive in Calcutta at 7 oclock in the morning.

The ship to Hong Kong leaves at 12 oclock.

Youre not safe in India. Were travelling to Hong Kong by ship. Come

with us.

And in Hong Kong

Please go to the ship Carnatic. Buy three tickets to Yokohama. We will

travel tomorrow.

But Passepartout and Detective Fix become friends. They visit the city


Passepartout forgets to buy the tickets for the Carnatic.

And the next day

That's strange! Wheres Passepartout and the tickets? Wheres the


The Carnatic sailed yesterday. But I can take you to Yokohama in my

ship. From Yokahoma you can take a ship to San Francisco. Can you pay


Yes, of course I can pay you. We must sail without Passepartout.

Suddenly Detective Fix appears.

I am going to Yokohama, too. Can I go with you?

Yes, of course.

And in Yokohama

Look! Theres Passepartout! Hes an acrobat!

Im so happy to see you again! I got lost in Hong Kong. But I took the

ship to Yokohama.

Come with us to San Francisco.

The travellers arrive in San Francisco. From San Francisco they travel

to New York by train. The Sioux Indians attack them. They escape and

take another train to New York.

No message from Scotland Yard. I will follow Phileas Fogg, to San


We must be in New York on 11th December at 10 oclock!

Their train arrives in New York at 11.15 in the evening. They are too

late for the ship to Liverpool. They go to a hotel. The next morning

Where are you going?

To Bordeaux, in France. But I dont want any passengers.

I can pay you eight thousand dollars. Please take us on your ship!

Well OK. We leave at 9 oclock.

Phileas Fogg arrives in Liverpool at 11.40 on 21st December. At 11.41

Detective We are in Britain now. I am a detective. I am arresting you.

You will go to prison.


Because you are the missing bank robber. You have got 55,000 in

your bag. The money is from the Bank of England.

What do you mean? Im not a robber.

A short time later ...

Im very sorry, sir. This is a mistake. The real robber is now in prison.

Youre free.

But Im too late now. Its Saturday 21st December, 2.33 p.m. I cant

get to London in time.

Lets catch the train immediately.

Phileas Fogg goes to London by train. He arrives at 8.50 p.m.

Are you going to the Reform Club now?

No. Im five minutes late. Im going home. I cant win my bet.

It is the next day. Phileas Fogg is at home. He is reading the

It isnt 22nd December. Today is 21st December! I travelled East! I

have got an extra day!

It is evening at the Reform Club. Mr Foggs friends are playing cards.

Everybody is looking at a big clock on the wall.

Its 8.25 pm. Phileas Fogg has only got 20 minutes. Were going to win

the bet!

Suddenly the door opens.

Mr Fogg!!!

Yes. Here I am. Im the winner! I travelled the world in 80 days. I

claim my 20,000

And on 23rd December Phileas Fogg marries Aouda. They are very


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