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Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok

1. The Sense of I am ............................................................................................................6
1. Az 'n vagyok' rzse ......................................................................................................6
2. Obsession with the body .....................................................................................................8
2. A test knyszerkpzete ....................................................................................................8
3. The Living Present............................................................................................................ 10
3. Az l jelen................................................................................................................... 10
4. Real World is Beyond the Mind ........................................................................................ 13
4. A valdi vilg az elmn tl van ..................................................................................... 13
5. What is Born must Die......................................................................................................15
5. Ami megszletett, meg is kell halnia .............................................................................15
6. Meditation ........................................................................................................................ 17
6. Meditci...................................................................................................................... 17
7. The Mind .......................................................................................................................... 18
7. Az elme ........................................................................................................................ 18
8. The Self Stands Beyond Mind .......................................................................................... 21
8. Az n az elmn tl van ................................................................................................. 21
9. Responses of Memory ......................................................................................................25
9. Az emlkezet vlaszai ................................................................................................... 25
10. Witnessing ...................................................................................................................... 27
10. Tansg ...................................................................................................................... 27
11. Awareness and Consciousness ........................................................................................ 30
11. Tudat s tudatossg ..................................................................................................... 30
12. The Person is not Reality ................................................................................................ 32
12. A szemly nem valsgos ........................................................................................... 32
13. The Supreme, the Mind and the Body .............................................................................35
13. A Legfelsbb, az Elme s a Test ................................................................................. 35
14. Appearances and the Reality ........................................................................................... 40
14. Ltszatok s a realits ................................................................................................. 40
15. The Gnani....................................................................................................................... 44
15. A Gnani ...................................................................................................................... 44
16. Desirelessness, the Highest Bliss .................................................................................... 47
16. Vgynlklisg, a legnagyobb boldogsg .................................................................... 47
17. The Ever-Present ............................................................................................................ 53
17. A mindig jelenlev......................................................................................................53
18. To Know What you Are, Find What you Are Not ........................................................... 55
18. Hogy megtudd ki vagy, fedezd fel, ki nem vagy .......................................................... 55
19. Reality lies in Objectivity ............................................................................................... 59
19. A valsg elfogulatlansgot jelent ............................................................................... 59
20. The Supreme is Beyond All ............................................................................................ 63
20. A Legfelsbb mindenek felett ll ................................................................................ 63
21. Who am I? ...................................................................................................................... 68
21. Ki vagyok n? .............................................................................................................68
22. Life is Love and Love is Life .......................................................................................... 73
22. Az let szeretet s a szeretet let ................................................................................. 73
23. Discrimination leads to Detachment ................................................................................ 77
Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok

23. A megklnbztets prtatlansghoz vezet ................................................................. 77

24. God is the All-doer, the Gnani a Non-doer......................................................................83
24. Isten a mindent-tev, a Gnani a nem-tev ................................................................... 83
25. Hold on to I am ............................................................................................................ 88
25. Ragaszkodj az n vagyok-hoz ................................................................................... 88
26. Personality, an Obstacle .................................................................................................. 94
26. A szemlyisg akadly ................................................................................................ 94
27. The Beginningless Begins Forever .................................................................................. 99
27. A kezdetnlkli rkk kezddik ................................................................................ 99
28. All Suffering is Born of Desire ..................................................................................... 104
28. Minden szenveds vgybl szletik .......................................................................... 104
29. Living is Lifes only Purpose ........................................................................................ 107
29. Az let egyetlen clja maga az let ............................................................................ 107
30. You are Free NOW ....................................................................................................... 113
30. MOST vagy szabad ................................................................................................... 113
31. Do not Undervalue Attention ........................................................................................ 117
31. Ne becsld le a figyelmet .......................................................................................... 117
32. Life is the Supreme Guru .............................................................................................. 122
32. Az let a Legfbb Guru ............................................................................................. 122
33. Everything Happens by Itself ........................................................................................ 127
33. Minden magtl trtnik ........................................................................................... 127
34. Mind is restlessness Itself ............................................................................................. 134
34. Az elme maga a nyugtalansg ................................................................................... 134
35. Greatest Guru is Your Inner Self ................................................................................... 141
35. Bels ned a legnagyobb Guru .................................................................................. 141
36. Killing Hurts the Killer, not the Killed .......................................................................... 147
36. Az ls a gyilkosnak rt, nem a meggyilkoltnak ........................................................ 147
37. Beyond Pain and Pleasure there is Bliss ........................................................................ 153
37. A fjdalmon s lvezeten tl boldogsg van .............................................................. 153
38. Spiritual Practice is Will Asserted and Re-asserted ....................................................... 159
38. A spiritulis gyakorlat jra s jra kijelentsre kerl akarat ..................................... 159
39. By Itself Nothing has Existence .................................................................................... 166
39. Semmi nem nmagtl ltezik .................................................................................. 166
40. Only the Self is Real ..................................................................................................... 170
40. Csak az n valsgos ................................................................................................ 170
41. Develop the Witness Attitude ....................................................................................... 174
41. A tansg attitd kifejlesztse ................................................................................... 174
42. Reality can not be Expressed ........................................................................................ 177
42. A valsg nem fejezdhet ki ..................................................................................... 177
43. Ignorance can be Recognised, not Gnana...................................................................... 183
43. A tudatlansg felismerhet, a Gnana nem ................................................................. 183
44. 'I am' is True, all else is Inference ................................................................................. 188
44. Az n vagyok igazsg, minden ms kvetkeztets .................................................. 188
45. What Comes and Goes has no Being ............................................................................. 192
45. Ami jn s megy, annak nincs lte ............................................................................ 192
46. Awareness of Being is Bliss .......................................................................................... 197
46. A ltezs tudatossga boldogsg ............................................................................... 197
47. Watch Your Mind ......................................................................................................... 201
47. Figyeld az elmdet .................................................................................................... 201
48. Awareness is Free ......................................................................................................... 204

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok

48. A tudat szabad .......................................................................................................... 204

49. Mind Causes Insecurity................................................................................................. 213
49. Az elme veszlyeztettsget okoz ............................................................................... 213
50. Self-awareness is the Witness ....................................................................................... 217
50. Az n-tudoms a tan ............................................................................................... 217
51. Be Indifferent to Pain and Pleasure ............................................................................... 220
51. Lgy kzmbs a fjdalommal s az rmmel szemben ............................................ 220
I AM THAT part2 .............................................................................................................. 227
N AZ VAGYOK 2. rsz ............................................................................................... 227
52. Being Happy, Making Happy is the Rhythm of Life ..................................................... 227
52. Boldognak lenni, boldogg tenni az let harmnija .................................................. 227
53. Desires Fulfilled, Breed More Desires .......................................................................... 230
53. A beteljeslt vgyak tovbbi vgyakat keltenek ........................................................ 230
54. Body and Mind are Symptoms of Ignorance ................................................................. 234
54. A test s az elme a tudatlansg krtnetei ................................................................. 234
55. Give up All and You Gain All....................................................................................... 239
55. Adj fel mindent, s mindent elnyersz ........................................................................ 239
56. Consciousness Arising, World Arises ........................................................................... 244
56. Tudatossg megjelensvel a vilg is megjelenik ...................................................... 244
57. Beyond Mind there is no Suffering ............................................................................... 249
57. Az elmn tl nincs szenveds .................................................................................... 249
58. Perfection, Destiny of All ............................................................................................. 253
58. Tkleteseds a sorsa mindennek .............................................................................. 253
59. Desire and Fear: Self-centred States .............................................................................. 257
59. Vgyakozs s flelem: n-kzpont llapotok ......................................................... 257
60. Live Facts, not Fancies ................................................................................................. 261
60. Tnyeket lj, ne kpzelt dolgokat .............................................................................. 261
61. Matter is Consciousness Itself ....................................................................................... 264
61. Az anyag a tudatossg maga ..................................................................................... 264
62. In the Supreme the Witness Appears ............................................................................. 270
62. A Legfelsbben jelenik meg a tan ........................................................................... 270
63. Notion of Doership is Bondage ..................................................................................... 275
63. A cselekvsg kpzete ktelk .................................................................................. 275
64. Whatever pleases you, Keeps you Back ........................................................................ 278
64. Brmi, ami a kedvedre van, az visszatart ................................................................... 278
65. A Quiet Mind is All You Need ..................................................................................... 284
65. Csendes elmre van szksged csupn ...................................................................... 284
66. All Search for Happiness is Misery ............................................................................... 289
66. Minden boldogsg keress szenveds ........................................................................ 289
67. Experience is not the Real Thing................................................................................... 296
67. A tapasztalat nem a valsgos dolog ......................................................................... 296
68. Seek the Source of Consciousness................................................................................. 300
68. Keresd a tudatossg forrst ...................................................................................... 300
69. Transiency is Proof of Unreality ................................................................................... 303
69. A mlkonysg a valtlansgnak a bizonytka ......................................................... 303
70. God is the End of All Desire and Knowledge ................................................................ 309
70. Isten a vge minden vgynak s tudsnak .................................................................. 309
71. In Self-awareness you Learn about Yourself ................................................................. 315
71. Az n-figyels sorn nmagadrl tanulsz ................................................................. 315
72. What is Pure, Unalloyed, Unattached is Real ................................................................ 321

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok

72. Ami szntiszta, elegytetlen, fggetlen, az vals ........................................................ 321

73. Death of the Mind is Birth of Wisdom .......................................................................... 330
73. Az elme halla a blcsessg szletse ....................................................................... 330
74. Truth is Here and Now .................................................................................................. 336
74. Az igazsg itt s most van ......................................................................................... 336
75. In Peace and Silence you Grow ..................................................................................... 344
75. Bkben s csendben nvekszel ................................................................................ 344
76. To Know that You do not Know, is True Knowledge .................................................... 349
76. Tudni, hogy nem tudsz, az igazi tuds ....................................................................... 349
77. 'I' and 'Mine' are False Ideas .......................................................................................... 357
77. Az n s az enym tves idek ............................................................................. 357
78. All Knowledge is Ignorance .......................................................................................... 361
78. Minden tuds tudatlansg .......................................................................................... 361
79. Person, Witness and the Supreme ................................................................................. 367
79. Szemly, tan s a Legfelsbb .................................................................................. 367
80. Awareness .................................................................................................................... 372
80. Tudat ........................................................................................................................ 372
81. Root Cause of Fear ....................................................................................................... 378
81. A flelem eredend oka ............................................................................................ 378
82. Absolute Perfection is Here and Now............................................................................ 383
82. Abszolt tkletessg itt s most ............................................................................... 383
83. The True Guru .............................................................................................................. 389
83. A valdi Guru ........................................................................................................... 389
84. Your Goal is Your Guru ............................................................................................... 395
84. Clod a Gurud........................................................................................................... 395
85. I am: The Foundation of all Experience ...................................................................... 402
85. n vagyok: minden tapasztalat alapja ..................................................................... 402
86. The Unknown is the Home of the Real.......................................................................... 407
86. Az ismeretlen a valdi otthona .................................................................................. 407
87. Keep the Mind Silent and You shall Discover ............................................................... 414
87. Tartsd elmdet csendesen, s fel fogod fedezni ......................................................... 414
88. Knowledge by the Mind, is not True Knowledge .......................................................... 418
88. Az elme ltali tuds nem valdi tuds ....................................................................... 418
89. Progress in Spiritual Life .............................................................................................. 424
89. A spiritulis let fejldse ......................................................................................... 424
90. Surrender to Your Own Self.......................................................................................... 428
90. Add t nmagad sajt nednek ................................................................................. 428
91. Pleasure and Happiness................................................................................................. 435
91. rm s boldogsg ................................................................................................... 435
92. Go Beyond the l-am-the-body Idea ............................................................................... 438
92. Haladd meg az n-vagyok-a-test idet ....................................................................... 438
93. Man is not the Doer ...................................................................................................... 443
93. Nem az ember a cselekv .......................................................................................... 443
94. You are Beyond Space and Time .................................................................................. 447
94. Tren s idn tli vagy .............................................................................................. 447
95. Accept Life as it Comes ................................................................................................ 452
95. Fogadd az letet, ahogy az jn .................................................................................. 452
96. Abandon Memories and Expectations ........................................................................... 456
96. Hagyj fel az emlkekkel s az elvrsokkal ............................................................... 456
97. Mind and the World are not Separate ............................................................................ 462

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok

97. Az elme s a vilg nem klnllk ............................................................................ 462

98. Freedom from Self-identification .................................................................................. 469
98. nazonoststl val mentessg ................................................................................ 469
99. The Perceived can not be the Perceiver ......................................................................... 476
99. Az szlelt nem lehet azonos az szlelvel .................................................................. 476
100. Understanding leads to Freedom ................................................................................. 482
100. A megrts szabadsghoz vezet............................................................................... 482
101. Gnani does not Grasp, nor Hold .................................................................................. 487
101. A Gnani nem ragad s nem tart meg semmit ........................................................... 487

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok

1. The Sense of I am 1. Az 'n vagyok' rzse

Questioner: It is a matter of daily experience that on Krdez: Minden napos tapasztalat, hogy amikor
waking up the world suddenly appears. Where does felbrednk, a vilg azonnal megjelenik. Honnan
it come from? jn?

Maharaj: Before anything can come into being there Maharaj: Mieltt brmi ltrejhetne, lennie kell
must be somebody to whom it comes. All valakinek, aki szmra az ltrejn. Minden
appearance and disappearance presupposes a megjelens s eltns egy valamilyen vltozatlan
change against some changeless background. httr eltti vltozst felttelez.

Q: Before waking up I was unconscious. K: breds eltt tudattalan voltam.

M: In what sense? Having forgotten, or not having M: Milyen rtelemben? Nem emlkszel semmire,
experienced? Dont you experience even when vagy semmit sem tapasztaltl? Amikor tudattalan
unconscious? Can you exist without knowing? A vagy tapasztalni sem vagy kpes? Ltezhetsz-e
lapse in memory: is it a proof of non-existence? And tuds nlkl? Az emlkezet kihagys bizonythatja-e
can you validly talk about your own non-existence as a nemltezst? s joggal beszlhetnk-e sajt
an actual experience? You cannot even say that nemltezsedrl, mint valsgos tapasztalatrl? De
your mind did not exist. Did you not wake up on azt sem llthatjuk, hogy nem ltezett az elmd.
being called? And on waking up, was it not the Nem bredtl-e fel, mikor eljtt az breszt ideje?
sense I am that came first? Some seed s az breds sorn nem az 'n vagyok' rzet volt-e
consciousness must be existing even during sleep, az, ami elszr megjelent? A tudatossg valamilyen
or swoon. On waking up the experience runs: I am - csrjnak mg alvs kzben, vagy jult llapotban
- the body -- in the world. It may appear to arise in is lteznie kell. A felbreds sorn kibontakoz
succession but in fact it is all simultaneous, a single szemlyes tapasztalatod: 'n vagyok -- a test -- a
idea of having a body in a world. Can there be the vilgban'. Ez ltszlag egyms utn keletkez
sense of I am without being somebody or other? gondolatok sora, valjban teljesen egyidej, a
testnek a vilgban val birtoklsnak egyetlen
gondolata. Lehet-e 'n vagyok' rzsed anlkl,
hogy lennl valaki?

Q: I am always somebody with its memories and K: n mindig valaki vagyok, annak emlkeivel s
habits. I know no other I am. szoksaival. Nem ismerek msik 'n vagyok'-ot.

M: Maybe something prevents you from knowing? M: Valami gtolja taln a megismersedet? Amikor
When you do not know something which others valami olyan dolgot nem tudsz, amit msok igen, mit
know, what do you do? teszel?

Q: I seek the source of their knowledge under their K: tbaigaztsuknak megfelelen felkutatom a
instruction. tudsuk forrst.

M: Is it not important to you to know whether you are M: Nem fontos-e tudnod, hogy vajon puszta test
a mere body, or something else? Or, maybe nothing vagy-e, vagy valami ms? Vagy, esetleg, egyltaln
at all? Dont you see that all your problems are your semmi? Nem ltod, hogy minden problmd a teste
bodys problems -- food, clothing, shelter, family, problmja -- ennival, ruhzat, laks, csald,
friends, name, fame, security, survival -- all these bartok, hrnv, dicssg, biztonsg, tlls --
lose their meaning the moment you realise that you amelyek mindegyike abban a pillanatban elveszti a
may not be a mere body? jelentsgt, amint felismered, hogy nem puszta test

Q: What benefit is there in knowing that I am not the K: Mi hasznom szrmazik a tudsbl, hogy nem a
body? test vagyok?

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
M: Even to say that you are not the body is not quite M: De mg azt mondani, hogy nem a test vagy, sem
true. In a way you are all the bodies, hearts and teljesen igaz. Bizonyos rtelemben minden test, szv
minds and much more. Go deep into the sense of I s elme te vagy, s mg ennl is sokkal tbb. Merlj
am and you will find. How do you find a thing you mlyen az 'n vagyok' rzsbe, s megtallod.
have mislaid or forgotten? You keep in your mind Hogyan tallsz meg egy elkevert, vagy elfelejtett
until you recall it. The sense of being, of 'I am' is the dolgot? Addig trd rajta a fejed, amg eszedbe nem
first to emerge. Ask yourself whence it comes, or jut. A ltezs, az 'n vagyok' rzse jelenik meg
just watch it quietly. When the mind stays in the 'I elsknt. Krdezd meg nmagad, honnan jn, vagy
am' without moving, you enter a state which cannot csak szemlld csendesen. Amikor az elme
be verbalised but can be experienced. All you need moccanatlanul az 'n vagyok-ban tartzkodik, akkor
to do is try and try again. After all the sense I am is egy olyan llapotba kerlsz, amely nem foglalhat
always with you, only you have attached all kinds of szavakba, csupn tlhet. Mindssze annyit kell
things to it -- body, feelings, thoughts, ideas, tenned, hogy folyamatosan, jra s jra prblkozz.
possessions etc. All these self-identifications are Hiszen az 'n vagyok' rzse mindig veled van, csak
misleading. Because of them you take yourself to be mindenfle dolgot hozzkapcsoltl -- testet,
what you are not. rzseket, gondolatokat, fogalmakat, javaidat, stb.
Minden ilyen nazonosuls flrevezet. Miattuk
tekinted magad annak, ami nem vagy.

Q: Then what am I? K: Akkor mi vagyok?

M: It is enough to know what you are not. You need M: Elg azt tudnod, hogy mi nem vagy. Nem kell
not know what you are. For as long as knowledge tudnod, hogy mi vagy. Mert amg a tuds a mr
means description in terms of what is already ismert dolgok, szleletek, fogalmak kifejezseivel
known, perceptual, or conceptual, there can be no trtn lerst jelent, addig nismeret nem
such thing as self-knowledge, for what you are lehetsges, mert ami vagy, azt nem tudod lerni
cannot be described, except as except as total msknt, csak totlis tagadsknt. Mindssze annyit
negation. All you can say is: I am not this, I am not mondhatsz: 'n nem vagyok ez, n nem vagyok az'.
that. You cannot meaningfully say this is what I Nem tudod rtelemmel br mdon azt mondani,
am. It just makes no sense. What you can point out hogy 'ez az, ami vagyok'. Ennek semmi rtelme.
as 'this' or 'that' cannot be yourself. Surely, you can Amire gy tudsz rmutatni, mint 'ez', vagy 'az', nem
not be 'something' else. You are nothing lehetsz te. Valjban te nem lehetsz 'valami' ms.
perceivable, or imaginable. Yet, without you there Nem olyasvalami vagy, ami szlelhet vagy
can be neither perception nor imagination. You elkpzelhet. Te nlkled nem lehetsges viszont
observe the heart feeling, the mind thinking, the sem szlelet, sem kpzelet. Te szleled a szv
body acting; the very act of perceiving shows that rzst, az elme gondolkodst, a test mkdst;
you are not what you perceive. Can there be maga az szlels aktusa mutatja, hogy te nem az
perception, experience without you? An experience vagy, amit szlelsz. Lehet-e szlelet, tapasztalat te
must belong'. Somebody must come and declare it nlkled? Egy tapasztalsnak 'tartoznia kell
as his own. Without an experiencer the experience valakihez. Kell, hogy legyen valaki, s azt
is not real. It is the experiencer that imparts reality to sajtjaknt jelentse ki. Tapasztal nlkl a
experience. An experience which you cannot have, tapasztalat nem valsgos. A tapasztal az, aki
of what value is it to you? valsgot ad a tapasztalatnak. Egy olyan
tapasztalat, amellyel nem rendelkezhetsz, milyen
rtkkel br szmodra?

Q: The sense of being an experiencer, the sense of K: A tapasztal ltezsnek az rzse, az 'n
I am, is it not also an experience? vagyok' rzse, nem szintn tapasztalat-e?

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
M: Obviously, every thing experienced is an M: Nyilvnval, hogy minden tapasztalt dolog egy
experience. And in every experience there arises the tapasztalat. s minden tapasztalatban jelen van
experiencer of it. Memory creates the illusion of annak tapasztalja. Az emlkezet hozza ltre a
continuity. In reality each experience has its own folytonossg illzijt. Voltakppen mindegyik
experiencer and the sense of identity is due to the tapasztalatnak sajt tapasztalja van, s az
common factor at the root of all experiencer- nazonossg rzs az sszes tapasztal-
experience relations. Identity and continuity are not tapasztalat kapcsolat gykernek kzs tnyezje
the same. Just as each flower has its own colour, miatt van. Azonossg s folytonossg nem ugyanaz.
but all colours are caused by the same light, so do Mint ahogy minden virg sajt sznben pompzik,
many experiences appear in the undivided and de mindegyik szn elidzje ugyanazon fny, gy
indivisible awareness, each separate in memory, jelenik meg a sok tapasztalat az osztatlan s
identical in essence. This essence is the root, the oszthatatlan tudatossgban, mindegyik kln
foundation, the timeless and spaceless 'possibility' of emlkezetben, lnyegkben azonosknt. Ez a
all experience. lnyeg a gykere, alapja, idtlen s korltlan
'lehetsge' minden tapasztalatnak.

Q: How do I get at it? K: Hogyan rem el?

M: You need not get at it, for you are it. It will get at M: Nem kell elrned, mert az vagy. Az fog hozzd
you, if you give it a chance. Let go your attachment eljutni, ha lehetsget adsz neki. Engedd el a
to the unreal and the real will swiftly and smoothly valtlan irnti ragaszkodsodat, s a valsg
step into its own. Stop imagining yourself being or gyorsan s akadlymentesen sajt helybe lp.
doing this or that and the realisation that you are the Hagyd abba a kpzeldst, hogy ez, vagy az vagy,
source and heart of all will dawn upon you. With this hogy ezt, vagy azt csinlod, s meg fog szletni
will come great love which is not choice or benned a felismers, hogy te vagy mindennek a
predilection, nor attachment, but a power which forrsa s szve. Ennek velejrja egy olyan
makes all things love-worthy and lovable. hatalmas szeretetet, amely nem vlaszts vagy
rszrehajls, sem nem ragaszkods, hanem egy
mindent kedvess, szeretetremltv vltoztat er.

2. Obsession with the body 2. A test knyszerkpzete

Questioner: Maharaj, you are sitting in front of me Krdez: Maharaj, te velem szemben lsz, s n itt,
and I am here at your feet. What is the basic a lbaidnl. Mi az alapvet klnbsg kzttnk?
difference between us?

Maharaj: There is no basic difference. Maharaj: Nincs alapvet klnbsg.

Q: Still there must be some real difference, I come K: Mgiscsak kell lennie valamilyen klnbsgnek,
to you, you do not come to me. ha n jvk tehozzd, s nem te nhozzm.

M: Because you imagine differences, you go here M: Azrt ezrt msz ide s oda, 'felsbbrend'
and there in search of superior people. embert keresve, mert klnbsgekben hiszel.

Q: You too are a superior person. You claim to know K: Te is felsbbrend szemly vagy. Azt lltod,
the real, while I do not. hogy te ismered a valsgot, mg n nem.

M: Did I ever tell you that you do not know and, M: Mondtam n neked valaha, hogy alsbbrend
therefore, you are inferior? Let those who invented vagy mert nem ismered? Hagyd meg a bizonytst
such distinctions prove them. I do not claim to know azoknak, akik ezeket a klnbsgeket kiagyaltk. n
what you do not. In fact, I know much less than you nem, hogy tudom, amit te nem. Valjban n sokkal
do. kevesebbet tudok, mint te.

Q: Your words are wise, your behaviour noble, your K: Szavaid blcsek, viselkedsed nemes,
grace all-powerful. jindulatod korltlan.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
M: I know nothing about it all and see no difference M: Nem tudok errl semmit, s semmilyen
between you and me. My life is a succession of klnbsget nem ltok kzted s kztem. Az n
events, just like yours. Only I am detached and see letem ugyangy esemnyek egymsutnja, mint a
the passing show as a passing show, while you stick tid. Csak n prtatlan vagyok, s az let apr
to things and move along with them. dolgait apr dolgoknak tekintem, te pedig
ragaszkodsz a dolgokhoz, s magaddal cipeled

Q: What made you so dispassionate? K: Mi tett ennyire prtatlann?

M: Nothing in particular. It so happened that I trusted M: Semmi klns. Az gy trtnt, hogy rbztam
my Guru. He told me I am nothing but my self and I magamat a Gurumra. Kzlte velem, hogy semmi
believed him. Trusting him, I behaved accordingly ms nem vagyok, csupn nem, s n hittem neki.
and ceased caring for what was not me, nor mine. A bel vetett hitemnek megfelelen viselkedtem, s
befejeztem az olyan dolgokkal val foglalkozst, ami
nem n vagyok, s nem az enym.

Q: Why were you lucky to trust your teacher fully, K: Mirt volt neked olyan szerencsd, hogy teljes
while our trust is nominal and verbal? hitelt adsz tantdnak, mg a mi hitnk jelkpes, s
szavak szintjn marad?

M: Who can say? It happened so. Things happen M: Ki tudn megmondani? gy trtnt. A dolgok ok
without cause and reason and, after all, what does it s rtelem nlkl trtnnek, tulajdonkppen, s
matter, who is who? Your high opinion of me is your vgl is mit szmt, hogy ki kicsoda? A te felemel
opinion only. Any moment you may change it. Why vlemnyed rlam csupn a vlemnyed. Brmelyik
attach importance to opinions, even your own? pillanatban megvltoztathatod. Mirt tulajdontasz
jelentsget a vlemnyeknek, akr a sajtodnak

Q: Still, you are different. Your mind seems to be K: De te mgis ms vagy. gy tnik, elmd mindig
always quiet and happy. And miracles happen round csendes, s boldog. s csodk trtnnek krltted.

M: I know nothing about miracles, and I wonder M: Semmifle csodkrl nem tudok, s kvncsi
whether nature admits exceptions to her laws, lennk, a termszet elfogadna-e kivteleket sajt
unless we agree that everything is a miracle. As to trvnyei all, hacsak egyet nem rtnk abban,
my mind, there is no such thing. There is hogy minden csoda. Szerintem ilyesmi nem ltezik.
consciousness in which everything happens. It is A tudatossgban trtnik minden. Ez teljesen
quite obvious and within the experience of nyilvnval, s mindenki tapasztalatain belli.
everybody. You just do not look carefully enough. Csakhogy te nem szemlled elg gondosan. Nzz
Look well, and see what I see. helyesen, s lsd, amit n ltok.

Q: What do you see? K: Te mit ltsz?

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
M: I see what you too could see, here and now, but M: Azt ltom, amit te is lthatnl, itt s most, de te a
for the wrong focus of your attention. You give no rosszul fkuszlt figyelmed miatt nem figyelsz
attention to your self. Your mind is all with things, nmagadra. A te elmd csak dolgokkal, emberekkel
people and ideas, never with your self. Bring your s gondolatokkal foglalkozik, nmagaddal soha.
self into focus, become aware of your own lltsd nmagadat a fkuszba, vlj tudatoss sajt
existence. See how you function, watch the motives ltezsedre. Lsd, hogyan mkdsz, figyeld meg
and the results of your actions. Study the prison you tetteid indtkait s kvetkezmnyeit. Tanulmnyozd
have built around yourself by inadvertence. By a brtnt, amit figyelmetlensged miatt ptettl
knowing what you are not, you come to know your nmagad kr. Annak megrtsvel, hogy ki nem
self. The way back to your self is through refusal and vagy, jutsz el nmagad megismershez. Az
rejection. One thing is certain: the real is not nmagad fel forduls elutastson, elvetsen
imaginary, it is not a product of the mind. Even the keresztl vezet. Egy dolog biztos: a valsg nem
sense I am is not continuous, though it is a useful kpzelet szlte, nem az elme termke. Mg ha az
pointer; it shows where to seek, but not what to 'n vagyok' rzse nem is folytonos, mgis hasznos
seek. Just have a good look at it. Once you are irnyt; megmutatja, hogy hol kell keresni, de azt
convinced that you cannot say truthfully about your nem, hogy mit. Csak vizsgld meg alaposan. Mihelyt
self anything except I am, and that nothing that can meggyzdtl rla, hogy semmilyen ms hitelt
be pointed at, can be your self, the need for the I rdeml dolgot nem tudsz nmagadrl mondani,
am is over -- you are no longer intent on verbalising azon kvl, hogy n vagyok, s hogy semmi olyan
what you are. All you need is to get rid of the nincs, ami rmutathatna, hogy mi lehet az ned, az
tendency to define your self. All definitions apply to n vagyok irnti szksgleted elmlik nem lesz
your body only and to its expressions. Once this tbb szndkod szavakkal kifejezni, hogy mi vagy.
obsession with the body goes, you will revert to your Mindssze arra van szksg, hogy megszabadulj
natural state, spontaneously and effortlessly. The nmagad definilsnak hajlamtl. Minden
only difference between us is that I am aware of my definci a testedre vonatkozik csak, s annak
natural state, while you are bemused. Just like gold megnyilvnulsaira. Amint a test knyszerkpzete
made into ornaments has no advantage over gold elmlik, spontn mdon, s erfeszts nlkl
dust, except when the mind makes it so, so are we visszatrsz termszetes llapotodba. Az egyetlen
one in being -- we differ only in appearance. We klnbsg kzttnk az, hogy n tudatban vagyok
discover it by being earnest, by searching, enquiring, termszetes llapotomnak, mg te a gondolataidba
questioning daily and hourly, by giving one's life to vagy merlve. Mint ahogy az arany kszer sem
this discovery. rtkesebb az aranypornl, hacsak az elme azz
teszi, ugyangy vagyunk mi azonosak a ltben
csak megjelensnkben klnbznk. Ezt csak kell
komolysggal, mindennapi s -rbani keresssel,
rdekldssel, kutatssal, letnknek e felfedez
munknak val tadsval fedezzk fel.

3. The Living Present 3. Az l jelen

Questioner: As I can see, there is nothing wrong Krdez: Ahogy n ltom, semmi baj a testemmel, s
with my body nor with my real being. Both are not of valdi ltemmel sem. Egyiket sem n hoztam ltre,
my making and need not be improved upon. What s nincs szksg a megjavtsukra. Ami elromlott,
has gone wrong is the inner body, call it mind, az a bels test, nevezzk azt elmnek,
consciousness, antahkarana, whatever the name. tudatossgnak, antahkarannak, akrmilyen nven.

Maharaj: What do you consider to be wrong with Maharaj: Mire gondolsz, mi a baj az elmddel?
your mind?

Q: It is restless, greedy of the pleasant and afraid of K: Nyugtalan, svrog az lvezetek utn, s fl a
the unpleasant. kellemetlen dolgoktl.

M: What is wrong with its seeking the pleasant and M: Mi a baj az lvezet keressvel s a kellemetlen
shirking the unpleasant? Between the banks of pain dolgok kerlsvel? Az let folyja a fjdalom s az
and pleasure the river of life flows. It is only when lvezet partjai kztt folyik. Amikor az elme
the mind refuses to flow with life, and gets stuck at visszautastja az lettel val egyttfolyst, s
the banks, that it becomes a problem. By flowing megakad a partoknl, csak ekkor vlik ez
with life I mean acceptance -- letting come what problmv. Az lettel val egyttfolys alatt

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
comes and go what goes. Desire not, fear not, elfogadst rtek jnni hagyni, ami jn, menni
observe the actual, as and when it happens, for you hagyni, ami megy. Ne vgyj, ne flj, figyeld meg ami
are not what happens, you are to whom it happens. van, ahogyan s amikor az trtnik, mert te nem az
Ultimately even the observer you are not. You are vagy, ami trtnik, hanem az vagy, akinek az
the ultimate potentiality of which the all-embracing trtnik. Vgs soron mg a megfigyel sem te
consciousness is the manifestation and expression. vagy. Te a vgs potencialits vagy, aminek a
mindent fellel tudatossg a megnyilvnulsa s

Q: Yet, between the body and the self there lies a K: De a test s az n kztt ott van a gondolatok s
cloud of thoughts and feelings, which neither server rzsek felhje, amely nem szolglja sem a
the body nor the self. These thoughts and feelings testnek, sem az nnek. Ezek a gondolatok s
are flimsy, transient and meaningless, mere mental rzsek gyengk, tmenetiek s rtelmetlenek,
dust that blinds and chokes, yet they are there, mer mentlis por, amely vakt, s fullaszt, st
obscuring and destroying. zavaros s rombol.

M: Surely, the memory of an event cannot pass for M: Nyilvnval, hogy az esemny emlke nem
the event itself. Nor can the anticipation. There is felelhet meg magnak az esemnynek. Az
something exceptional, unique, about the present elreltsa sem. Van valami kivteles, egyedlll,
event, which the previous, or the coming do not ami a jelenben zajl esemnyhez kapcsoldik,
have. There is a livingness about it, an actuality; it amivel a megelz vagy az elkvetkez nem
stands out as if illuminated. There is the stamp of rendelkezik. lettelisg, realits jellemzi; lesen
reality on the actual, which the past and the future kirajzoldik, mintha ki lenne vilgtva. A jelenlegi
do not have. magn viseli a realits blyegt, amivel a mlt s a
jv nem rendelkezik.

Q: What gives the present that 'stamp of reality? K: Mi ragasztja a jelenre a realits blyegt?

M: There is nothing peculiar in the present event to M: Nincs semmilyen sajtossga a jelenben zajl
make it different from the past and future. For a esemnynek, ami a mlthoz vagy a jvhz kpest
moment the past was actual and the future will mss tenn. Egy pillanatra a mlt jelen volt, s a
become so. What makes the present so different? jv hasonlkppen azz fog vlni. Mi teszi a jelent
Obviously, my presence. I am real for I am always annyira mss? Nyilvnvalan az n jelenltem. n
now, in the present, and what is with me now shares a magam szmra mindig most vagyok valsgos, a
in my reality. The past is in memory, the future -- in jelenben, s ami velem van, most osztozik a
imagination. There is nothing in the present event realitsomban. A mlt az emlkezetben van, a jv
itself that makes it stand out as real. It may be some a kpzeletben. Magban a jelen esemnyben
simple, periodical occurrence, like the striking of the semmi olyan nincs, ami azt valsgg tenn.
clock. In spite of our knowing that the successive Tekintsnk valamilyen egyszer, periodikus
strokes are identical, the present stroke is quite esemnyt, pl. az ratst. Ismereteink dacra,
different from the previous one and the next -- as miszerint az egymst kvet tsek egyformk, a
remembered, or expected. A thing focussed in the jelenben hallatsz ts meglehetsen klnbzik az
now is with me, for I am ever present; it is my own elztl s a kvetkeztl ahogy emlkeztnk,
reality that I impart to the present event. vagy elvrtuk. A jelen gyjtpontjban lv dolog
velem van, mert n rkk jelen vagyok; az n sajt
realitsom az, ami a jelen esemnyhez addik.

Q: But we deal with things remembered as if they K: De mi gy tekintjk az emlkeinkben lv

were real. dolgokat, mintha azok tnylegesek lennnek.

M: We consider memories, only when they come M: Csak akkor trdnk az emlkekkel, amikor azok
into the present The forgotten is not counted until belpnek a jelenbe. Az elfeledett dolog nem szmt
one is reminded -- which implies, bringing into the addig, amg nem emlkeznk r vagyis a mostba
now. nem hozzuk.

Q: Yes, I can see there is in the now some unknown K: Igen, gy ltom, hogy a mostban van valamilyen
factor that gives momentary reality to the transient ismeretlen tnyez, amely a mlkony aktualits
actuality. szmra pillanatnyi realitst biztost.

M: You need not say it is unknown, for you see it in M: Azrt mert lland mkdsben lvnek ltod,

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
constant operation. Since you were born, has it ever nem kell azt mondanod, hogy ismeretlen.
changed? Things and thoughts have been changing Szletsed ta vltozott-e egyszer is? A dolgok s
all the time. But the feeling that what is now is real gondolatok folyton vltoznak. De az rzs, hogy ami
has never changed, even in dream. most van az relis, soha nem vltozott, mg
lomban sem.

Q: In deep sleep there is no experience of the K: Mly lomban nem tapasztalhat a jelen
present reality. realitsa.

M: The blankness of deep sleep is due entirely to M: A mly lom ressge kizrlag a specifikus
the lack of specific memories. But a general memory emlkek hinynak ksznhet. Jelen van viszont a
of well-being is there. There is a difference in feeling jlt ltalnos emlke. Klnbsget tesznk a
when we say I was deeply asleep from I was mlyen aludtam, s a nem voltam jelen
absent. rzsben.

Q: We shall repeat the question we began with: K: Trjnk vissza kezdeti krdsnkre: az let
between lifes source and lifes expression (which is forrsa s az let kifejezdse (a test) kztt ott van
the body), there is the mind and its ever-changeful az elme, s annak folyton vltoz llapota. A
states. The stream of mental states is endless, mentlis llapotok ramlata vg nlkli, rtelmetlen
meaningless and painful. Pain is the constant factor. s szenvedssel teli. A szenveds az lland
What we call pleasure is but a gap, an interval tnyez. Amit mi lvezetnek neveznk, az csupn
between two painful states. Desire and fear are the kt fjdalmas llapot kztti hzag, sznet. Az let
weft and warp of living, and both are made of pain. szvete s fonala a vgy s a flelem, s mindkett
Our question is: can there be a happy mind? szenvedst hoz ltre. Azt krdezzk: lehetsges-e
boldog elme?

M: Desire is the memory of pleasure and fear is the M: A vgy az lvezet emlke s a flelem a fjdalom
memory of pain. Both make the mind restless. emlke. Mindkett nyugtalann teszi az elmt. Az
Moments of pleasure are merely gaps in the stream lvezet pillanatai csupn hzagok a szenveds
of pain. How can the mind be happy? folyamban. Hogyan lehetne az elme boldog?

Q: That is true when we desire pleasure or expect K: Ez akkor igaz, ha lvezetre vgyunk, vagy
pain. But there are moments of unexpected, fjdalomra szmtunk. De vannak olyan pillanatok is,
unanticipated joy. Pure joy, uncontaminated by amikor vratlanul jn, nem ltjuk elre az rmt.
desire -- unsought, undeserved, God-given. Tiszta rm, vgytl romlatlan kretlen, ki nem
rdemelt, Isten-adta.

M: Still, joy is joy only against a background of pain. M: Az rm mgis csak a fjdalom httervel
szembeni rm.

Q: Is pain a cosmic fact, or purely mental? K: A szenveds kozmikus dolog, vagy csupn

M: The universe is complete and where there is M: A mindensg teljes, s ahol teljessg van, ahol
completeness, where nothing lacks, what can give semmi nem hinyzik, mi okozhat szenvedst?

Q: The Universe may be complete as a whole, but K: Lehet a Mindensg teljes, mint egsz, de
incomplete in details. rszleteiben tkletlen.

M: A part of the whole seen in relation to the whole M: Az egsz kpnek a rsze is teljes, az egszhez
is also complete. Only when seen in isolation it viszonytva. Csak akkor vlik hinyoss, s gy a
becomes deficient and thus a seat of pain. What szenveds szkhelyv, ha elszigetelten vizsglod.
makes for isolation? Mi az elszigeteltsg oka?

Q: Limitations of the mind, of course. The mind K: Az elme korltai, termszetesen. Az elme nem
cannot see the whole for the part. ltja az egszet a rszek miatt.

M: Good enough. The mind, by its very nature, M: gy van. Az elme, valsgos termszete szerint,
divides and opposes. Can there be some other sztvlaszt s ellenttbe llt. Vannak msmilyen

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
mind, which unites and harmonises, which sees the elmk, amelyek egyestenek s harmonizlnak,
whole in the part and the part as totally related to the amelyek a rszben ltjk az egszet, s a rszt az
whole? egsszel teljesen sszefgg dologknt ltjk?

Q: The other mind -- where to look for it? K: Msmilyen elme hol lehet olyat tallni?

M: In the going beyond the limiting, dividing and M: A korltoz, megoszt s szembellt elmt
opposing mind. In ending the mental process as we meghaladsban. Az ltalunk ismert mentlis
know it. When this comes to an end, that mind is folyamat vgn. Amikor ennek vge, akkor szletik
born. meg az elme.

Q: In that mind, the problem of joy and sorrow exist K: Abban az elmben nem ltezik tbb az rm s
no longer? bnat problmja?

M: Not as we know them, as desirable or repugnant. M: Nem, ahogyan mi ezeket ismerjk, kvnatosknt
It becomes rather a question of love seeking vagy ellenszenvesknt. Inkbb a kifejezs, s az
expression and meeting with obstacles. The akadlyokkal val szembesls szeretetnek
inclusive mind is love in action, battling against krdsv vlik. Az ezt tartalmaz elme cselekv
circumstances, initially frustrated, ultimately szeretetknt harcol a krlmnyek ellen, kezdetben
victorious. hasztalanul, vgl gyzedelmesen.

Q: Between the spirit and the body, is it love that K: A szellem s a test kztt a szeretet ltesti a
provides the bridge? hidat?

M: What else? Mind creates the abyss, the heart M: Mi ms? Az elme hozza ltre a szakadkot, a
crosses it. szv hidalja azt t.

4. Real World is Beyond the Mind 4. A valdi vilg az elmn tl van

Questioner: On several occasions the question was Krdez: Szmtalanszor felmerl krds, hogy az
raised as to whether the universe is subject to the univerzum az oksg trvnynek van alvetve, vagy
law of causation, or does it exist and function pedig e trvnytl fggetlenl ltezik s mkdik.
outside the law. You seem to hold the view that it is gy tnik, hogy te az ok nlklisg prtjn llsz,
uncaused, that everything, however small, is hogy minden, brmennyire kis dolog is nmagtl
uncaused, arising and disappearing for no known val, keletkezse s elmlsa mindenfle ismert
reason whatsoever. magyarzat hjn van.

Maharaj: Causation means succession in time of Maharaj: Az oksg a trbeli esemnyek idbeni
events in space, the space being physical or mental. egymsutnisgt jelenti, legyen a tr fizikai vagy
Time, space, causation are mental categories, mentlis. Id, tr, oksg, mind mentlis kategria,
arising and subsiding with the mind. amelyek az elmvel keletkeznek, s mlnak el.

Q: As long as the mind operates, causation is a valid K: Amg az elme mkdik, az oksg rvnyes
law. trvny.

M: Like everything mental, the so-called law of M: Mint minden mentlis dolog, az gynevezett
causation contradicts itself. No thing in existence oksg trvnye is ellentmond nmagnak. A ltez
has a particular cause; the entire universe dolgoknak nincs egyedi oka; a teljes univerzum
contributes to the existence of even the smallest kzremkdik, mg a legkisebb dolog ltezse
thing; nothing could be as it is without the universe esetn is; emiatt semmi nem lehetne az ami, az
being what it is. When the source and ground of univerzum nlkl. Amikor mindennek a forrsa s az
everything is the only cause of everything, to speak alapja azonos, akkor oksgrl, mint univerzlis
of causality as a universal law is wrong. The trvnyrl beszlni helytelen. Az univerzum nem
universe is not bound by its content, because its korltozott sajt tartalma ltal, mivel lehetsgei
potentialities are infinite; besides it is a vgtelenek; ezenkvl alapvet s teljesen szabad
manifestation, or expression of a principle elvek megnyilvnulsa, vagy kifejezse.
fundamentally and totally free.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
Q: Yes, one can see that ultimately to speak of one K: Igen, vgtre is belthat, hogy teljesen hibs azt
thing being the only cause of another thing is mondani, hogy valamely dolog lte egyedli okozja
altogether wrong. Yet, in actual life we invariably egy msik dolognak. A valsgos letben mgis
initiate action with a view to a result. mindig cselekedni kezdnk, ha eredmnyt akarunk

M: Yes, there is a lot of such activity going on, M: Igen, sok ilyen tevkenysg folyik a tudatlansg
because of ignorance. 'Would people know that miatt. Ha az emberek tudnk, hogy semmi nem
nothing can happen unless the entire universe trtnhet meg csak akkor, ha azt a teljes univerzum
makes it happen, they would achieve much more lehetv teszi, akkor sokkal tbbet rnnek el,
with less expenditure of energy. kevesebb energia rfordtsval.

Q: If everything is an expression of the totality of K: Ha minden az oksgi totalits kifejezdse, akkor

causes, how can we talk of a purposeful action hogyan beszlhetnk valamely eredmny fel
towards an achievement? mutat szndkos tevkenysgrl?

M: The very urge to achieve is also an expression of M: Valjban a cl elrsnek a knyszere is a

the total universe. It merely shows that the energy teljes univerzum kifejezdse. Csupn azt mutatja,
potential has risen at a particular point. It is the hogy az energia potencil bizonyos szintre
illusion of time that makes you talk of causality. emelkedett. Az id illzija ksztet arra, hogy az
When the past and the future are seen in the oksgrl beszlj. A mltat s a jvt az idtlen
timeless now, as parts of a common pattern, the mostban tekintve, egy ltalnos minta rszeiknt, az
idea of cause-effect loses its validity and creative oksgi elv elveszti rvnyessgt, s a kreatv
freedom takes its place. szabadsg foglalja el a helyt.

Q: Yet, I cannot see how can anything come to be K: Mg mindig nem rtem, hogyan tud brmi ok
without a cause. nlkl bekvetkezni.

M: When I say a thing is without a cause, I mean it M: Amikor azt mondom, hogy egy dolog ok nlkli,
can be without a particular cause. Your own mother azt gy rtem, hogy ltezhet egyni ok nlkl.
was needed to give you birth; But you could not Szksg volt desanydra, hogy letet adjon neked;
have been born without the sun and the earth. Even nem szlethettl volna meg a Nap s a Fld nlkl.
these could not have caused your birth without your De mindezek nem idzhettk volna el a
own desire to be born. It is desire that gives birth, szletsedet a te megszletsre irnyul vgyad
that gives name and form. The desirable is imagined nlkl. A vgy az, ami megszl, az adja a nevet s a
and wanted and manifests itself as something formt. Bekvetkezik a kvnatos elkpzelse s
tangible or conceivable. Thus is created the world in akarsa, s valamilyen tapinthatknt vagy
which we live, our personal world. The real world is elkpzelhetknt manifesztlja magt. gy
beyond the mind's ken; we see it through the net of keletkezett a vilg, amelyben lnk, a mi szemlyes
our desires, divided into pleasure and pain, right and vilgunk. A vals vilg az elme ltkrn tl van; mi
wrong, inner and outer. To see the universe as it is, vgyaink ftyln keresztl ltjuk, felosztva azt
you must step beyond the net. It is not hard to do so, rmre s fjdalomra, jra s rosszra, belsre s
for the net is full of holes. klsre. Ahhoz, hogy gy lssuk az univerzumot,
amilyen az valjban, a ftyol mg kell lpni. Nem
olyan nehz ezt megtenni, mert a ftyol tele van

Q: What do you mean by holes? And how to find K: Mit rtesz lyukakon? s hogy lehet ket
them? megtallni?

M: Look at the net and its many contradictions. You M: Vedd szemgyre a hlt s annak szmtalan
do and undo at every step. You want peace, love, ellentmondst. Alkotsz s rombolsz minden egyes
happiness and work hard to create pain, hatred and lpssel. Bkt akarsz, szeretetet, boldogsgot, s
war. You want longevity and overeat, you want kemnyen dolgozol, hogy szenvedst, gylletet s
friendship and exploit. See your net as made of such hbort hozz teremts. Hossz letet akarsz s
contradictions and remove them -- your very seeing tleszed magad, bartsgot akarsz s kihasznlod a
them will make them go. msikat. Tekintsd olyb a ftyladat, mint ami ilyen
ellentmondsokbl kszlt, s tvoltsd el ket ha
valban ltod ket, el fognak tnni.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
Q: Since my seeing the contradiction makes it go, is K: Ha ltom az ellentmondsokat, s ez eltnteti
there no causal link between my seeing and its azokat, nincs-e oksgi kapcsolat ltsom s
going? eltnsk kztt?

M: Causality, even as a concept, does not apply to M: Az oksg, ppen gy, mint a fogalom, nem
chaos. rvnyes az skoszra.

Q: To what extent is desire a causal factor? K: A vgy mennyire okozati tnyez?

M: One of the many. For everything there are M: Egy a sok kzl. Mert minden dolognak
innumerable causal factors. But the source of all that szmtalan okozati tnyezje van. De a forrsa
is, is the Infinite Possibility, the Supreme Reality, mindennek egy, a benned lv Vgtelen Lehetsg,
which is in you and which throws its power and light a Legfelsbb Valsg, amely erejt, fnyt s
and love on every experience. But, this source is not szeretett minden tapasztalatra rvetti. De ez a
a cause and no cause is a source. Because of that, I forrs nem ok, s az okok egyike sem forrs. Emiatt
say everything is uncaused. You may try to trace mondom, hogy minden nmagtl val.
how a thing happens, but you cannot find out why a Megprblhatod nyomon kvetni, hogyan trtnik
thing is as it is. A thing is as it is, because the valamely dolog, de nem fogod tudni felfedezni, hogy
universe is as it is. az a dolog mirt gy van, ahogy van. Egy dolog
azrt van gy, ahogy van, mert az univerzum olyan,

5. What is Born must Die 5. Ami megszletett, meg is kell halnia

Questioner: Is the witness-consciousness Krdez: A tan-tudatossg lland, vagy sem?
permanent or not?

Maharaj: It is not permanent. The knower rises and Maharaj: Nem lland. A tud a tudottal egytt
sets with the known. That in which both the knower keletkezik, s mlik el. Az, amiben mind a tud,
and the known arise and set, is beyond time. The mind a tudott keletkezik s elmlik, az idn tl van.
words permanent or eternal do not apply. Az lland vagy rk szavak itt nem rvnyesek.

Q: In sleep there is neither the known, nor the K: Alvs kzben nincs sem tudott, sem tud. Mi
knower. What keeps the body sensitive and tartja meg a test rzkenysgt s fogkonysgt?

M: Surely you cannot say the knower was absent. M: Azt nyilvnvalan nem llthatod, hogy a tud
The experience of things and thoughts was not nem ltezett. Nem tapasztaltl dolgokat s
there, that is all. But the absence of experience too gondolatokat, ez minden. De a tapasztalat hinya is
is experience. It is like entering a dark room and tapasztalat. Ez ahhoz hasonl, mint amikor belpsz
saying: 'I see nothing'. A man blind from birth knows egy stt szobba, s azt mondod, hogy nem ltok
not what darkness means. Similarly, only the knower semmit. A szletstl vak ember nem ismeri a
knows that he does not know. Sleep is merely a sttsg jelentst. Hasonlkppen, csak a tud
lapse in memory. Life goes on. tudja, hogy nem tud. Az alvs csupn egy
kihagys az emlkezetben. Az let megy tovbb.

Q: And what is death? K: s mi a hall?

M: It is the change in the living process of a M: Ez egy konkrt test letfolyamatban

particular body. Integration ends and disintegration bekvetkez vltozs. Az integrci megsznik, s
sets in. kezdett veszi a sztess.

Q: But what about the knower. With the K: De mi trtnik a tudval? A test elmlsval a
disappearance of the body, does the knower tud is semmiv lesz?

M: Just as the knower of the body appears at birth, M: Ahogy a test tudja a szletskor megjelenik,
so he disappears at death. gy a hallkor eltnik.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok

Q: And nothing remains? K: s semmi nem marad fenn?

M: Life remains. Consciousness needs a vehicle M: Az let fennmarad. A tudatossgnak szksge

and an instrument for its manifestation. When life van egy hordozra, s egy eszkzre, a
produces another body, another knower comes into megnyilvnulshoz. Amikor az let teremt egy
being, msik testet, megszletik egy msik tud.

Q: Is there a causal link between the successive K: Van-e okozati kapcsolat az egymsra kvetkez
bodyknowers, or body-minds? test-tudk vagy test-elmk kztt?

M: Yes, there is something that may be called the M: Igen, ltezik valami olyasmi, amit emlkezet-
memory body, or causal body, a record of all that testnek, vagy kauzlis testnek nevezhetnk, amely
was thought, wanted and done. It is like a cloud of minden olyan dolgot feljegyzett, amit gondoltunk,
images held together akartunk s tettnk. Ez valamifle egysgbe foglalt
kpek tmege.

Q: What is this sense of a separate existence? K: Miben ll az nll ltezs rzete?

M: It is a reflection in a separate body of the one M: Ez az egyetlen valsg elklnlt testknt val
reality. In this reflection the unlimited and the limited tkrzdse. Ebben a tkrzdsben a korltlan s
are confused and taken to be the same. To undo a korltos sszekeveredjk, s azonosnak hisszk.
this confusion is the purpose of Yoga. E felforduls helyrelltsa Yoga a clja.

Q: Does not death undo this confusion? K: A hall nem lltja helyre ezt az felfordulst?

M: In death only the body dies. Life does not, M: A hallban csak a test hal meg. Az let nem hal
consciousness does not, reality does not. And the meg, a tudatossg sem, a valsg sem. s az let
life is never so alive as after death. soha nem olyan eleven, mint a hall utn.

Q: But does one get reborn? K: De jjszletik az ember?

M: What was born must die. Only the unborn is M: A szletettnek meg kell halnia. Csak a nem-
deathless. Find what is it that never sleeps and szletett halhatatlan. Talld meg azt, ami soha nem
never wakes, and whose pale reflection is our sense alszik, s soha nem bred, s akinek n rzetnk a
of 'I'. halvny visszfnye?

Q: How am I to go about this finding out? K: Hogyan lssak neki a keressnek?

M: How do you go about finding anything? By M: Hogyan igyekszel megtallni valamit? Elmdet s
keeping your mind and heart in it. Interest there szvedet benne tartva. Legyen benned rdekelds,
must be and steady remembrance. To remember s llhatatossg az emlkezetben. szben tartani,
what needs to be remembered is the secret of amire emlkezni kell ez a siker titka. El fogod rni,
success. You come to it through earnestness. kell komolysg rvn.

Q: Do you mean to say that mere wanting to find out K: Azt lltod, hogy elegend a megtalls puszta
is enough? Surely, both qualifications and akarsa? Szerintem mind kpessgre, mind
opportunities are needed. lehetsgre szksg van.

M: These will come with earnestness. What is M: Ezek meg fognak rkezni a komolysggal. Ami a
supremely important is to be free from leginkbb fontos, hogy legyl mentes az
contradictions: the goal and the way must not be on ellentmondsoktl: a cl s az t nem lehetnek
different levels; life and light must not quarrel; klnbz szinteken; az let s a fny nem lehetnek
behaviour must not betray belief. Call it honesty, egymsnak ellensgei; a magatarts nem lehet
integrity, wholeness; you must not go back, undo, rulja a meggyzdsnek. Nevezd tisztessgnek,
uproot, abandon the conquered ground. Tenacity of integritsnak, teljessgnek; nem szabad
purpose and honesty in pursuit will bring you to your visszalpned, nem szabad visszacsinlnod, nem
goal. szabad kitpned a gykert, nem szabad elhagynod
a meghdtott terepet. Szndkod llhatatossga,
s szintesged a trekvsben, el fog juttatni a

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok

Q: Tenacity and honesty are endowments, surely. K: llhatatossg s becsletessg, bizonyosan.

Not a trace of them I have. Nyomuk sincs bennem.

M: All will come as you go on. Take the first step M: Jnni fognak, ahogy haladsz. Elszr az els
first. All blessings come from within. Turn within. 'l lpst kell meglpni. Minden lds bellrl jn.
am' you know. Be with it all the time you can spare, Fordulj befel. Az n vagyok fel. Lgy vele,
until you revert to it spontaneously. There is no amikor csak idd engedi, mg spontn mdon nem
simpler and easier way. trsz vissza hozz. Nem ltezik egyszerbb s
knnyebb t.

6. Meditation 6. Meditci
Questioner: All teachers advise to meditate. What Krdez: Minden tant meditcit javasol. Mi a
is the purpose of meditation? clja a meditcinak?

Maharaj: We know the outer world of sensations Maharaj: Az rzkels s trtns kls vilgt
and actions, but of our inner world of thoughts and ismerjk, de a gondolkods s rzs bels vilgrl
feelings we know very little. The primary purpose of nagyon keveset tudunk. A meditci elsdleges
meditation is to become conscious of, and familiar clja, hogy tudatostsuk s megismerjk bels
with, our inner life. The ultimate purpose is to reach letnket. A vgs cl az, hogy eljussunk az letnek
the source of life and consciousness. s a tudatossgnak forrshoz.

Incidentally practice of meditation affects deeply our Egybknt a meditci gyakorlsa mlyen hat a
character. We are slaves to what we do not know; of szemlyisgnkre. Amit nem tudunk annak szolgi
what we know we are masters. Whatever vice or vagyunk; amit tudunk, annak mesterei. Brmilyen
weakness in ourselves we discover and understand hibt vagy gyengesget felfedeznk magunkban, s
its causes and its workings, we overcome it by the megrtjk annak okait s mkdst, tkletes
very knowing; the unconscious dissolves when ismerete rvn rr lesznk rajta; a tudattalan a
brought into the conscious. The dissolution of the tudatosba emelkedve szertefoszlik. A tudattalan
unconscious releases energy; the mind feels megsznse felszabadtja az energikat; az elme
adequate and become quiet. adekvtnak s elcsendesltnek rzi magt.

Q: What is the use of a quiet mind? K: Mire hasznlhat a csendes elme?

M: When the mind is quiet, we come to know M: Amikor az elme csendes, nmagunkat a tiszta
ourselves as the pure witness. We withdraw from tanknt ismerjk fel. Visszavonulunk a
the experience and its experiencer and stand apart tapasztalatbl s annak tapasztaljbl, s a kett
in pure awareness, which is between and beyond kztt s fltt ll tiszta, legfelsbb tudatossgg
the two. The personality, based on self-identification, vlunk. Tovbbra is megmarad az nazonossg
on imagining oneself to be something: 'I am this, I alapjn nmagt valaminek kpzel szemlyisg:
am that', continues, but only as a part of the n ez vagyok, n az vagyok, de csupn az objektv
objective world. Its identification with the witness vilg rszeknt. A tanval val nazonosulsa
snaps. megszakad.

Q: As I can make out, I live on many levels and life K: Felfogsom szerint n tbb szinten lek, s az
on each level requires energy. The self by its very let minden szintjn energira van szksgem. Az
nature delights in everything and its energies flow n, termszete szerint, valjban mindenben
outwards. Is it not the purpose of meditation to dam rmt leli, s energii a klvilg fel ramolnak.
up the energies on the higher levels, or to push them Nem az a meditci clja, hogy az energit
back and up, so as to enable the higher levels to magasabb szintre emelje, vagy, hogy vissza- s
prosper also? felnyomja, hogy lehetv tegye a felsbb szintek
prosperlst is?

M: It is not so much the matter of levels as of gunas M: Ez nem annyira a szintek problmja, mint
(qualities). Meditation is a sattvic activity and aims at inkbb a gunk (minsgek). A meditci
complete elimination of tamas (inertia) and rajas szattvikus tevkenysg, aminek a clja a tamasz
(motivity). Pure sattva (harmony) is perfect freedom (tehetetlensg) s a rajasz (mozgkonysg) teljes

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
from sloth and restlessness. megszntetse. A tiszta szattva (harmnia) a
tunyasgtl s a nyugtalansgtl val tkletes
szabadsgot jelenti.

Q: How to strengthen and purify the sattva? K: Hogyan kell a szattvt ersteni s tiszttani?

M: The sattva is pure and strong always. It is like the M: A szattva mindig tiszta s ers. Olyan, mint a
sun. It may seem obscured by clouds and dust, but nap. Ha a felhktl s portl homlyosnak ltszik, az
only from the point of view of the perceiver. Deal csak az szlel szempontjbl van gy. Foglalkozz a
with the causes of obscuration, not with the sun. homly okaival, ne a nappal.

Q: What is the use of sattva? K: Mi a haszna szattvnak?

M: What is the use of truth, goodness, harmony, M: Mi a haszna az igazsgnak, jsgnak,

beauty? They are their own goal. They manifest harmninak, szpsgnek? Ezek nmagukrt valk.
spontaneously and effortlessly, when things are left Spontn s erfeszts nlkl megnyilvnulnak
to themselves, are not interfered with, not shunned, amikor a dolgokat bkn hagyjuk, nem gtoljuk, nem
or wanted, or conceptualised, but just experienced in kerljk, vagy akarjuk, vagy konceptualizljuk,
full awareness, such awareness itself is sattva. It hanem csak teljes tudatossggal tapasztaljuk ket,
does not make use of things and people -- it fulfils az ilyen legfelsbb tudatossg maga a szattva. Nem
them. jr haszonnal a dolgok s emberek szmra
beteljesti ket.

Q: Since I cannot improve sattva, am I to deal with K: Miutn a szattva teht nem fejleszthet, csak a
tamas and rajas only? How can I deal with them? tamasszal s a rajasszal kell trdnm? Hogyan
tudok velk foglalkozni?

M: By watching their influence in you and on you. Be M: A benned s rajtad okozott hatsuk
aware of them in operation, watch their expressions megfigyelsvel. Lgy tudatban mkdsknek,
in your thoughts, words and deeds, and gradually figyeld kifejezdsket gondolataidban, szavaidban
their grip on you will lessen and the clear light of s tetteidben, s rd gyakorolt hatsuk fokozatosan
sattva will emerge. It is neither difficult, nor a cskkenni fog, s a szattva tiszta fnye megjelenik.
protracted process; earnestness is the only condition Ez sem nem bonyolult, sem nem hosszadalmas
of success. eljrs; siker egyetlen felttele a komolysg.

7. The Mind 7. Az elme

Questioner: There are very interesting books Krdez: Ltszlag nagyon hozzrt emberek
written by apparently very competent people, in nagyon rdekes knyveket rtak, amelyekben
which the illusoriness of the world is denied (though tagadjk, hogy a vilg illuzi (habr azt nem, hogy
not its transitoriness). According to them, there mlandsg). Szerintk a lnyek egy hierarchiba
exists a hierarchy of beings, from the lowest to the sorolhatk, a legalacsonyabb rendtl a
highest; on each level the complexity of the legmagasabb rendig; az organizmus bonyolultsga
organism enables and reflects the depth, breadth minden szinten a tudatossg adott mlysgt,
and intensity of consciousness, without any visible emelkedettsgt s intenzitst teszi lehetv,
or knowable culmination. One law supreme rules illetve tkrzi, lthat vagy megismerhet fels
throughout: evolution of forms for the growth and korlt nlkl. Egyetlen legfelsbb trvny hat t
enrichment of consciousness and manifestation of mindent: a formk evolcija a tudatossg
its infinite potentialities. nvekedse s gyarapodsa, s vgtelen
lehetsgeinek kifejezsre jutsa rdekben.

Maharaj: This may or may not be so. Even if it is, it Maharaj: Lehet, hogy gy van, lehet, hogy nem. De
is only so from the minds point of view, but In fact ha gy is lenne, akkor is csak az elme nzpontjbl
the entire universe (mahadakash) exists only in lenne gy, valjban a teljes univerzum
consciousness (chidakash), while I have my stand in (mahadakash) a tudatossgban (chidakash) ltezik
the Absolute (paramakash). In pure being csupn, n ellenben az Abszoltban (paramakash)
consciousness arises; in consciousness the world tartzkodom. A tiszta ltezsben megjelenik a
appears and disappears. All there is is me, all there tudatossg; a tudatossgban jelenik meg, s mlik
is is mine. Before all beginnings, after all endings -- I el a vilg. Minden, ami van, n vagyok, minden, ami
am. All has its being in me, in the I am, that shines van, az enym. Minden kezdetek eltt, minden

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
in every living being. Even not-being is unthinkable vgek utn n vagyok. Minden ltez bennem
without me. Whatever happens, I must be there to van, az n vagyok-ban, ami benne ragyog minden
witness it. llnyben. Mg a nemltezs is elgondolhatatlan
nlklem. Akrmi trtnik, n ott kell legyek, hogy
tanja legyek.

Q: Why do you deny being to the world? K: Mirt tagadod a vilg ltezst?

M: I do not negate the world. I see it as appearing in M: n nem tagadom a vilgot. gy ltom, ahogy
consciousness, which is the totality of the known in megjelenik a tudatossgban, amely az ismert
the immensity of the unknown. sszessge az ismeretlen vgtelensgben.

What begins and ends is mere appearance. The Aminek kezdete van s vge, csupn megjelens. A
world can be said to appear, but not to be. The vilgrl lehet mondani, hogy megjelenik, de azt nem,
appearance may last very long on some scale of hogy ltezik. A megjelens nagyon hossz ideig
time, and be very short on another, but ultimately it eltarthat, bizonyos idskln, s lehet nagyon rvid,
comes to the same. Whatever is time bound is egy msikon, de vgs soron ugyanoda rkezik.
momentary and has no reality. Minden ami idfgg, az pillanatnyi, s nem

Q: Surely, you see the actual world as it surrounds K: De te is biztos, hogy ltod a tged krlvev
you. You seem to behave quite normally. valsgos vilgot. Egszen normlisnak ltszik a

M: That is how it appears to you. What in your case M: Ez szmodra tnik gy. Ami a te esetedben a
occupies the entire field of consciousness, is a mere tudatossg teljes tert betlti, az enymben csupn
speck in mine. The world lasts, but for a moment. It egy szikra. A vilg egy pillanatig tart. Az
is your memory that makes you think that the world emlkezeted miatt gondolod folyamatosnak a
continues. Myself, I don't live by memory. I see the vilgot. Ami engem illet, n nem emlkezet alapjn
world as it is, a momentary appearance in lek. n annak ltom a vilgot, ami, egy pillanatnyi
consciousness. megjelensnek a tudatossgban.

Q: In your consciousness? K: A te tudatossgodban?

M: All idea of me and mine, even of I am is in M: A nekem s enym fogalmai, de mg az n

consciousness. vagyok- is, a tudatossgban vannak.

Q: Is then your absolute being (paramakash) un- K: Akkor te abszolt ltez (paramakash) nem-
consciousness? tudatossg vagy?

M: The idea of un-consciousness exists in M: A nem-tudatossg fogalma csak a

consciousness only. tudatossgban ltezik.

Q: Then, how do you know you are in the supreme K: Akkor honnan tudod, hogy a legfelsbb
state? llapotban vagy?

M: Because I am in it. It is the only natural state. M: Mert abban vagyok. Ez az egyetlen termszetes

Q: Can you describe it? K: Le tudod rni?

M: Only by negation, as uncaused, independent, M: Csak tagadssal, gy, mint nmagtl valt,
unrelated, undivided, uncomposed, unshakable, fggetlent, semmivel kapcsolatban nem lvt,
unquestionable, unreachable by effort. Every osztatlant, forma nlklit, rendthetetlent,
positive definition is from memory and, therefore, ktsgbevonhatatlant, erfesztssel nem elrhett.
inapplicable. And yet my state is supremely actual Minden pozitv definci az emlkezetbl ered, ezrt
and, therefore, possible, realisable, attainable. alkalmazhatatlan. s llapotom mgis a legteljesebb
mrtkben valsgos, s ezrt lehetsges,
megvalsthat, elrhet.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
Q: Are you not immersed timelessly in an K: Nem vagy te belemerlve egy vgtelen
abstraction? absztrakciba?

M: Abstraction is mental and verbal and disappears M: Az absztrakci mentlis s verblis, s alvsban
in sleep, or swoon; it reappears in time; I am in my vagy julsban megsznik; egy id utn ismt
own state (swarupa) timelessly in the now. Past and megjelenik; n a sajt llapotomban vagyok
future are in mind only -- I am now. (swarupa), idtlenl a mostban. Mlt s jv az
elmmben lteznek csak n most vagyok.

Q: The world too is now. K: A vilg szintn most van.

M: Which world? M: Melyik vilg?

Q: The world around us. K: A krlttnk lv vilg.

M: It is your world you have in mind, not mine. What M: A te vilgod, ami az elmdben van, nem az
do you know of me, when even my talk with you is in enym. Mit tudsz rlam, mikor mg a veled val
your world only? You have no reason to believe that beszlgetsem is csak a te vilgodban van? Nincs
my world is identical with yours. My world is real, okod azt hinni, hogy az n vilgom azonos a tiddel.
true, as it is perceived, while yours appears and Az n vilgom valdi, igazi, olyan, amilyennek
disappears, according to the state of your mind. szlelem, mg a tid megjelenik s eltnik, az elmd
Your world is something alien, and you are afraid of llapotnak megfelelen. A te vilgod valami idegen,
it. My world is myself. I am at home. s te rettegsz tle. Az n vilgom n magam
vagyok. n itthon vagyok.

Q: If you are the world, how can you be conscious of K: Ha te vagy a vilg, hogyan lehetsz neki
it? Is not the subject of consciousness different from tudatban? A tudatossg alanya s trgya nem
its object? klnbznek?

M: Consciousness and the world appear and M: A tudatossg s a vilg egytt jelenik meg s
disappear together, hence they are two aspects of tnik el, ennl fogva egyazon llapot kt aspektusa.
the same state.

Q: In sleep I am not, and the world continues. K: Alvskor n nem vagyok, s a vilg folytatdik.

M: How do you know? M: Honnan tudod?

Q: On waking up I come to know. My memory tells K: bredskor a tudatra bredek. Az emlkezetem

me. mondja nekem.

M: Memory is in the mind. The mind continues in M: Az emlkezet az elmben van. Az elme
sleep. megmarad alvs kzben.

Q: It is partly in abeyance. K: Rszben felfggesztdik.

M: But its world picture is not affected. As long as M: De vilgkpt ez nem rinti. Amg az elme jelen
the mind is there, your body and your world are van, addig tested s vilgod is jelen vannak. A
there. Your world is mind-made, subjective, vilgod elme-alkotta, szubjektv, az elmbe zrt,
enclosed within the mind, fragmentary, temporary, tredkes, idleges, szemlyes, az emlkezet
personal, hanging on the thread of memory. fonaln fgg.

Q: So is yours? K: A tied is ilyen?

M: Oh no. I live in a world of realities, while yours is M: , nem n a realitsok vilgban lek, mg te a
of imagination. Your world is personal, private, fantzia vilgban. A te vilgod szemlyes,
unshareable, intimately your own. Nobody can enter magntermszet, nem megoszthat, a te intim
it, see as you see, hear as you hear, feel your sajtod. Senki nem lphet bele, hogy gy lsson,
emotions and think your thoughts. In your world you ahogy te, gy halljon, ahogy te, rezze az
are truly alone, enclosed in your ever-changing rzseidet, s gondolja a gondolataidat. A te
dream, which you take for life. My world is an open vilgodban igazbl te vagy egyedl, bezrva egy

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
world, common to all, accessible to all. In my world rkk vltoz lomba, amit letnek hiszel. Az n
there is community, insight, love, real quality; the vilgom nyitott vilg, mindenkinek ltalnos,
individual is the total, the totality -- in the individual. mindenkinek elrhet. Az n vilgomban kzssg,
All are one and the One is all. belts, szeretet, valdi minsg van; az egyn
ugyanaz, mint a teljes egsz, a teljessg benne
van az egynben. Minden egy, s az Egy minden.

Q: Is your world full of things and people as is mine? K: A te vilgod is tele van dolgokkal s emberekkel,
mint az enym?

M: No, it is full of myself. M: Nem, az velem van tele.

Q: But do you see and hear as we do? K: De ltsz s hallasz, mint ahogy mi?

M: Yes, l appear to hear and see and talk and act, M: Igen, ltszlag hallok s ltok, beszlek s
but to me it just happens, as to you digestion or cselekszem, de ezek csak gy trtnnek nlam, mint
perspiration happens. The body-mind machine looks ahogy nlad az emszts vagy a verejtkezs
after it, but leaves me out of it. Just as you do not trtnik. A test-elme gpezet gondjt viseli, de
need to worry about growing hair, so I need not engem kihagy belle. Ahogy neked nem kell a haj
worry about words and actions. They just happen nvesztsvel veszdnd, gy nekem nem kell
and leave me unconcerned, for in my world nothing veszdnm a szavakkal s a cselekvsekkel. Azok
ever goes wrong. csak megtrtnnek, s engem nem rintenek, mert
az n vilgomban soha semmi nem romlik el.

8. The Self Stands Beyond Mind 8. Az n az elmn tl van

Questioner: As a child fairly often I experienced Krdez: Gyermekknt elg gyakran tapasztaltam
states of complete happiness, verging on ecstasy: tkletes, eksztzissal hatros boldogsg
later, they ceased, but since I came to India they llapotokat: ksbb ezek megszntek, de mita
reappeared, particularly after I met you. Yet these Indiba jttem jra megjelentek, klnsen mita
states, however wonderful, are not lasting. They veled tallkoztam. De ezek az llapotok brmilyen
come and go and there is no knowing when they will csodlatosak, nem maradandak. Jnnek s
come back. tvoznak, s nem lehet tudni, hogy mikor trnek

Maharaj: How can anything be steady in a mind Maharaj: Hogyan lehetne brmi lland egy
which itself is not steady? elmben, amely nmaga nem lland?

Q: How can I make my mind steady? K: Hogyan tudnm az elmmet llhatatoss tenni?

M: How can an unsteady mind make itself steady? M: Hogyan tudn egy llhatatlan elme llhatatoss
Of course it cannot. It is the nature of the mind to tenni magt? Termszetesen nem tudja. Az
roam about. All you can do is to shift the focus of elmnek termszete, hogy a kboroljon. Mindssze
consciousness beyond the mind. annyit tehetsz, hogy a tudatossg fkuszt az elmn
tlra tolod.

Q: How is it done? K: Hogyan kell ezt csinlni?

M: Refuse all thoughts except one: the thought 'I M: Utasts vissza minden gondolatot, egyet kivve:
am'. The mind will rebel in the beginning, but with az n vagyok gondolatt. Az elme ellen fog llni
patience and perseverance it will yield and keep kezdetben, de trelem s kitarts esetn feladja, s
quiet. Once you are quiet, things will begin to elcsendesedik. Amint elcsendesedtl, a dolgok
happen spontaneously and quite naturally without elkezdenek spontn s teljesen termszetes mdon
any interference on your part. trtnni anlkl, hogy te brmi mdon beavatkoznl.

Q: Can I avoid this protracted battle with my mind? K: Elkerlhetem az elmmmel val hosszadalmas

M: Yes, you can. Just live your life as it comes, but M: Igen, elkerlheted. Csak ld az letedet, ahogy
alertly, watchfully, allowing everything to happen az jn, de beren, figyelmesen, megengedve

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
as it happens, doing the natural things the natural mindennek, hogy trtnjen, ahogy trtnik, a
way, suffering, rejoicing -- as life brings. This also is termszetes dolgokat a termszetes mdon
a way. vgezve, szenvedssel, vagy rmmel ahogy az
let hozza. Ez is egy t.

Q: Well, then I can as well marry, have children, run K: Szval, akkor meg is nslhetek, gyerekeim
a business be happy. lehetnek, zletet vezethetek boldog lehetek.

M: Sure. You may or may not be happy, take it in M: gy van. Lgy boldog, vagy boldogtalan, fogadd
your stride. termszetesen.

Q: Yet I want happiness. K: Mgiscsak a boldogsgot szeretnm.

M: True happiness cannot be found in things that M: A valdi boldogsg nem vltoz s ml
change and pass away. Pleasure and pain alternate dolgokban tallhat. rm s fjdalom
inexorably. Happiness comes from the self and can krlelhetetlenl vltakoznak. Boldogsg csak az
be found in the self only. Find your real self nbl szrmazhat, s csak az nben tallhat.
(swarupa) and all else will come with it. Keresd valdi nmagad (swarupa), s minden ms
eljn vele.

Q: If my real self is peace and love, why is it so K: Ha az n valdi nmagam a bke s a szeretet,
restless? akkor mirt olyan nyugtalan?

M: It is not your real being that is restless, but its M: Nem a valdi lnyed nyugtalan, hanem annak az
reflection in the mind appears restless because the elmben val tkrzdse mutatkozik annak, az
mind is restless. It is just like the reflection of the elmd nyugtalansga miatt. Olyan ez, mint amikor a
moon in the water stirred by the wind. The wind of vzen tkrzd holdfnyt megborzolja a szl. A
desire stirs the mind and the 'me', which is but a vgy szele megborzolja az elmt, s az n, amely
reflection of the Self in the mind, appears changeful. csak elmebeli tkrzdse az nnek,
But these ideas of movement, of restlessness, of vltozkonynak mutatkozik. De mindeme mozgs,
pleasure and pain are all in the mind. The Self nyugtalansg, rm s fjdalom idek, mind az
stands beyond the mind, aware, but unconcerned. elmben vannak. Az n az elme felett ll, beren,
de prtatlanul.

Q: How to reach it? K: Hogyan rhetem el?

M: You are the Self, here and now Leave the mind M: Te vagy az n, itt s most. Hagyd az elmt
alone, stand aware and unconcerned and you will bkn, lgy ber s semleges, s realizlni fogod,
realise that to stand alert but detached, watching hogy a ktds nlkli bersg, a jv-men
events come and go, is an aspect of your real esemnyek szemllse, a te valdi termszeted egy
nature. aspektusa.

Q: What are the other aspects? K: Mi a tbbi aspektus?

M: The aspects are infinite in number. Realise one, M: Vgtelen sok aspektusa van. Ismerj fel egyet, s
and you will realise all. mindet felismered.

Q: Tell me some thing that would help me. K: Mondj valami olyasmit, ami segtsgemre lehet.

M: You know best what you need. M: Te tudod legjobban, mire van szksged.

Q: I am restless. How can I gain peace? K: Nyugtalan vagyok. Hogy rhetem el a bkt?

M: For what do you need peace? M: Mirt van szksged bkre?

Q: To be happy. K: Hogy boldog legyek.

M: Are you not happy now? M: Most nem vagy boldog?

Q: No, I am not. K: Nem, nem vagyok.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok

M: What makes you unhappy? M: Mi tesz boldogtalann?

Q: I have what I dont want, and want what I dont K: Amim van, azt nem akarom, s azt akarom, amim
have. nincs.

M: Why dont you invert it: want what you have and M: Mirt nem fordtod meg: akard azt, amid van, s
care not for what you dont have? ne rdekeljen az, amid nincs.

Q: I want what is pleasant and dont want what is K: Akarom, ami kellemes, s nem akarom, ami
painful. fjdalmas.

M: How do you know what is pleasant and what is M: Honnan tudod, hogy mi kellemes s mi nem az?

Q: From past experience, of course. K: A mltbeli tapasztalataim alapjn, termszetesen.

M: Guided by memory you have been pursuing the M: Emlkezettl vezettetve hajszoltad az lvezetet,
pleasant and shunning the unpleasant. Have you s kerlted a kellemetlent. Sikerrel jrtl?

Q: No, I have not. The pleasant does not last. Pain K: Nem, nem jrtam. Az lvezet nem tarts. A
sets in again. fjdalom jra beksznt.

M: Which pain? M: Milyen fjdalom?

Q: The desire for pleasure, the fear of pain, both are K: Mind az lvezet irnti vgy, mind a fjdalomtl
states of distress. Is there a state of unalloyed val flelem nyomorsgos llapot. Ltezik a tiszta
pleasure? rm llapota?

M: Every pleasure, physical or mental, needs an M: Minden lvezethez, legyen az fizikai vagy
instrument. Both the physical and mental mentlis, eszkzre van szksg. Minden fizikai s
instruments are material, they get tired and worn mentlis eszkz anyagi, elfradnak s
out. The pleasure they yield is necessarily limited in elhasznldnak. Az lvezet intenzitsban s
intensity and duration. Pain is the background of all idtartamban szksgszeren korltozott. Minden
your pleasures. You want them because you lvezetednek a fjdalom a httere. Azrt vgysz r,
suffer. On the other hand, the very search for mert szenvedsz. Msfell, az lvezet keressnek
pleasure is the cause of pain. It is a vicious circle. valdi oka a fjdalom. Ez egy rdgi kr.

Q: I can see the mechanism of my confusion, but I K: rtem az sszezavarodsom mechanizmust, de

do not see my way out of it. nem ltom a kivezet utat.

M: The very examination of the mechanism shows M: Pontosan a mechanizmus vizsglata mutatja
the way. After all, your confusion is only in your meg az utat. Vgl is a zavar csak az elmdben
mind, which never rebelled so far against confusion van, amely soha nem lzadt fel mostanig a
and never got to grips with it. It rebelled only zrzavar ellen, s soha szllt szembe vele. Csak a
against pain. fjdalom ellen lzadt fel.

Q: So, all I can do is to stay confused? Q: Teht csak annyit tehetek, hogy vget vetek a

M: Be alert. Question, observe, investigate, learn all M: Lgy ber. Krdezz, figyelj, vizsgldj, tudj meg
you can about confusion, how it operates, what it mindent a zrzavarrl, hogyan mkdik, mit okoz
does to you and others. By being clear about neked s msoknak. Tisztba kerlvn a
confusion you become clear of confusion. zrzavarral, megtisztultt vlsz a zrzavartl.

Q: When I look into myself, I find my strongest K: Amikor magamba nzek, legersebb vgyamnak
desire is to create a monument, to build something azt ltom, hogy egy emlkmvet hozzak ltre, hogy
which will outlast me. Even when I think of a home, valami olyat ptsek, ami tl fog lni engem. Mg
wife and child, it is because it is a lasting, solid, amikor az otthonomra gondolok, a felesgemre s a

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
testimony to myself. gyerekeimre, az is azrt van, mert ezek nmagam
maradand, szilrd tansgttelei.

M: Right, build yourself a monument. How do you M: Rendben, pts nmagadnak emlkmvet. Hogy
propose to do it? akarod azt megtenni?

Q: It matters little what I build, as long as it is K: Kevss szmt, hogy mit ptek, ameddig az
permanent. maradand.

M: Surely, you can see for yourself that nothing is M: Ktsg nlkl te magad is lthatod, hogy semmi
permanent. All wears out, breaks down, dissolves. nem lland. Minden elhasznldik, eltrik,
The very ground on which you build gives way. What szertefoszlik. Mg az alap is beomlik, amire ptesz.
can you build that will outlast all? Mi olyat pthetsz, ami mindent tll?

Q: Intellectually, verbally, I am aware that all is K: Intellektulisan, verblisan, tudatban vagyok

transient. Yet, somehow my heart wants annak, hogy minden muland. A szvem valahogy
permanency. I want to create something that lasts. mgis llandsgra vgyik. Szeretnk valami
idtllt alkotni.

M: Then you must build it of something lasting. What M: Akkor azt valamilyen idtllbl kell ptened. Mi
have you that is lasting? Neither your body nor olyanod van, ami idtll? Sem a tested, sem az
mind will last. You must look elsewhere. elmd nem fog rkk fennmaradni. Mshol kell

Q: I long for permanency, but I find it nowhere. K: llandsg utn svrgok, de sehol nem tallom.

M: Are you, yourself, not permanent? M: Te magad nem vagy lland?

Q: I was born, I shall die. K: Megszlettem, majd meghalok.

M: Can you truly say you were not before you were M: llthatod-e bizonyosan, hogy nem voltl, mieltt
born and can you possibly say when dead: Now I megszlettl, s mondanod-e igazn a hallodkor:
am no more? You cannot say from your own mostantl nem vagyok tbb? Nem mondhatod
experience that you are not. You can only say I am. sajt tapasztalatod alapjn, hogy nem vagy. Csak
Others too cannot tell you you are not. azt mondhatod, hogy n vagyok. Msok sem
mondhatjk neked, hogy te nem vagy.

Q: There is no I am in sleep. K: Alvs kzben nincs n vagyok.

M: Before you make such sweeping statements, M: Mieltt ilyen tlsgosan somms lltsra
examine carefully your waking state. You will soon ragadtatod magad, vizsgld meg gondosan az
discover that it is full of gaps, when the min blanks brenlti llapotodat. Hamarosan felfedezed, hogy
out. Notice how little you remember even when fully az tele van olyan hzagokkal, amikor az elme kirl.
awake. You just dont remember. A gap in memory Figyeld meg, hogy milyen kevsre emlkszel, fleg
is not necessarily a gap in consciousness. mire teljesen felbredsz. Alig emlkszel valamire. Az
emlkezetbeli hzag nem szksgszeren jelent a
tudatossgban is hzagot.

Q: Can I make myself remember my state of deep K: Van r md, hogy emlkezzek a mly alvs alatti
sleep? llapotomra?

M: Of course. By eliminating the intervals of M: Termszetesen. brenlti rid figyelmetlensgi

inadvertence during your waking hours you will intervallumainak a kikszblsvel fokozatosan ki
gradually eliminate the long interval of absent- fogod kszblni a feledkenysg azon hossz
mindedness, which you call sleep. You will be aware intervallumait, amelyet alvsnak nevezel. Tudatban
that you are asleep. leszel, hogy alszol.

Q: Yet, the problem of permanency, of continuity of K: De az llandsgnak, a ltezs

being, is not solved. folyamatossgnak a problmja ezzel mg nincs

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok

M: Permanency is a mere idea, born of the action of M: Az llandsg puszta idea, ami az id hatsra
time. Time again depends of memory. By szletett. Az id viszont az emlkezet al van
permanency you mean unfailing memory through rendelve. llandsgon te vgtelen ideig tart
endless time. You want to eternalise the mind, which hinytalan emlkezetet rtesz. rkkvalv akarod
is not possible. tenni az elmt, ami nem lehetsges.

Q: Then what is eternal? K: Akkor mi rkkval?

M: That which does not change with time. You M: Az, ami nem vltozik az idvel. Nem teheted
cannot eternalise a transient thing -- only the rkkvalv a mland dolgot csak a vltozatlan
changeless is eternal. rkkval.

Q: I am familiar with the general sense of what you K: ltalnos rtelemben ismert szmomra, amirl
say. I do not crave for more knowledge. All I want beszlsz. Nem kvetelek tbb tudst. Mindssze
is peace. bkre vgyom.

M: You can have for the asking all the peace you M: Tid lehet, ha kred a teljes bke, amire vgysz.

Q: I am asking. K: Krem.

M: You must ask with an undivided heart and live an M: Osztatlan szvvel kell krned, s teljes letet kell
integrated life. lned.

Q: How? K: Hogyan?

M: Detach yourself from all that makes your mind M: Klntsd el nmagad mindattl, ami elmdet
restless. Renounce all that disturbs its peace. If you nyugtalann teszi. Adj fel mindent, ami bkjt
want peace, deserve it. hborgatja. Ha bkt akarsz, rdemeld ki azt.

Q: Surely everybody deserves peace. K: Biztosan mindenki megrdemli a bkt.

M: Those only deserve it, who don't disturb it. M: Csak azok rdemlik meg, akik nem hborgatjk

Q: In what way do I disturb peace? K: Milyen mdon hborgatom n a bkt?

M: By being a slave to your desires and fears. M: Azzal, hogy vgyaid s flelmeid szolgjv

Q: Even when they are justified? K: Mg akkor is, ha azok indokoltak?

M: Emotional reactions, born of ignorance or M: A tudatlansg vagy gondatlansg miatt szletett

inadvertence, are never justified. Seek a clear mind emocionlis reakcik soha nem indokoltak. Keresd a
and a clean heart. All you need is to keep quietly tiszta elmt s a tiszta szvet. Mindssze az
alert, enquiring into the real nature of yourself. This szksges, hogy lgy teljesen ber, kutasd
is the only way to peace. nmagad valdi termszett. Ez az egyetlen t a

9. Responses of Memory 9. Az emlkezet vlaszai

Questioner: Some say the universe was created. Krdez: Egyesek azt mondjk, hogy az univerzum
Others say that it always existed and is for ever teremtetett. Msok azt mondjk, hogy mindig
undergoing transformation. Some say it is subject to ltezett, s rkk vltozsoknak alvetett.
eternal laws. Others deny even causality. Some say Nmelyek azt mondjk, hogy rk trvnyeknek
the world is real. Others -- that it has no being alrendelt. Msok tagadnak minden kauzalitst.
whatsoever. Egyesek azt mondjk, a vilg valsgos. Msok

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
hogy nem br ltezssel semmilyen mdon.

Maharaj: Which world are you enquiring about? Maharaj: Melyik vilgrl krdezel?

Q: The world of my perceptions, of course. K: Az ltalam rzkelt vilgrl, termszetesen.

M: The world you can perceive is a very small world M: A vilg, amit rzkelsz, valjban nagyon kis
indeed. And it is entirely private. Take it to be a vilg. s teljesen magntermszet. Vedd gy, hogy
dream and be done with it. lom, s ess t rajta.

Q: How can I take it to be a dream? A dream does K: Hogyan tekinthetnm lomnak? Egy lom nem
not last. marad fenn.

M: How long will your own world last? M: Meddig fog a te sajt vilgod fennmaradni?

Q: After all, my little world is but a part of the total. K: Vgl is, az n kis vilgom csak rsze az

M: Is not the idea of a total world a part of your M: Nem az egsz vilg ideja a te szemlyes
personal world? The universe does not come to tell vilgod rsze? Az univerzum nem jn oda hozzd
you that you are a part of it. It is you who have elmondani, hogy te az rsze vagy. Te vagy az, aki
invented a totality to contain you as a part. In fact all kitallt egy teljessget, amelynek tged, mint rszt,
you know is your own private world, however well tartalmaznia kell. Mindaz amit ismersz, az valjban
you have furnished it with your imaginations and a te privt vilgod, brmilyen jl berendezted is
expectations. elkpzelseiddel s elvrsaiddal.

Q: Surely, perception is not imagination. K: De ht az szlels az nem kpzelds.

M: What else? Perception is recognition, is it not? M: Mi ms lenne? Az szlels az felismers, ugye?

Something entirely unfamiliar can be sensed, but Ha valami teljesen ismeretlen, az szlelhet, de nem
cannot be perceived. Perception involves memory. ismerhet fel. Az szlels magban foglalja az

Q: Granted, but memory does not make it illusion. K: Rendben van, de az emlkezet nem teszi azt

M: Perception, imagination, expectation, M: szlels, kpzelet, elvrs, megrzs, illzi

anticipation, illusion -- all are based on memory. mind emlkezeten alapulnak. Alig van kzttk
There are hardly any border lines between them. hatrvonal. Csaknem sszeolvadnak egymssal.
They just merge into each other. All are responses Mindezek az emlkezet vlaszai.
of memory.

Q: Still, memory is there to prove the reality of my K: De mgiscsak az emlkezet a prbja a vilgom
world. realitsnak.

M: How much do you remember? Try to write down M: Mennyire emlkszel? Prbld meg emlkezetbl
from memory what you were thinking, saying and lerni, hogy mit gondoltl, mondtl s csinltl mlt
doing on the 30 of the last month. hnap 30-n.

Q: Yes, there is a blank. K: Ht igen, ez kitrldtt.

M: It is not so bad. You do remember a lot -- M: Nem olyan rossz a helyzet. Sok mindenre
unconscious memory makes the world in which you emlkszel a tudattalan emlkezet teszi a vilgot,
live so familiar. amelyben lsz, olyan jl ismertt.

Q: Admitted that the world in which I live is K: Elfogadom, hogy a vilg, amelyben lek
subjective and partial. What about you? In what kind szubjektv s rszleges. s te? Mifle vilg az,
of world do you live? amiben te lsz?

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
M: My world is just like yours. I see, I hear, I feel, I M: Az n vilgom ppen olyan, mint a tied. Ltok,
think, I speak and act in a world I perceive, just like hallok, rzek, gondolok, beszlek s cselekszem az
you. But with you it is all, with me it is nothing. ltalam szlelt vilgban, ppen gy, mint te. De ami
Knowing the world to be a part of myself, I pay it no veled van, az minden, ami velem van, az semmi. A
more attention than you pay to the food you have vilgot nmagam egy rszeknt tudva, nem fordtok
eaten. While being prepared and eaten, the food is r tbb figyelmet, mint amennyit te fordtasz arra az
separate from you and your mind is on it; once telre, amit megettl. Mikzben kszted s eszed,
swallowed, you become totally unconscious of it. I az tel tled klnll dolog, s az elmd r irnyul;
have eaten up the world and I need not think of it amint lenyelted, teljesen tudattalann vlsz r
any more. nzve. n megettem a vilgot, s nem kell
gondolnom r soha tbb.

Q: Dont you become completely irresponsible? K: Nem lettl teljesen feleltlen?

M: How could I? How can I hurt something which is M: Hogy vltam volna azz? Hogyan bnthatnk
one with me. On the contrary, without thinking of the valamit, ami egy velem? Ellenkezleg, a vilgra val
world, whatever I do will be of benefit to it. Just as gondols nlkl akrmi, amit teszek, a hasznra
the body sets itself right unconsciously, so am I lesz. Ahogy a test is rendbe hozza magt
ceaselessly active in setting the world right. tudattalanul, gy vagyok n szntelenl aktv a vilg
rendbe hozsa tern.

Q: Nevertheless, you are aware of the immense K: Mindamellett, tudatban vagy-e a vilg
suffering of the world? mrhetetlen szenvedsnek?

M: Of course I am, much more than you are. M: Termszetesen igen, sokkal inkbb, mint te.

Q: Then what do you do? K: Aztn mit teszel?

M: I look at it through the eyes of God and find that M: n Isten szemvel tekintek r, s gy tallom,
all is well. hogy minden jl van.

Q: How can you say that all is well? Look at the K: Hogy mondhatod, hogy minden jl van? Tekintsd
wars, the exploitation, the cruel strife between the a hborkra, a kizskmnyolsra, a lakossg s az
citizen and the state. llam kztti kegyetlen kzdelemre.

M: All these sufferings are man-made and it is within M: Mindezen szenvedseket az ember hozta ltre,
man's power to put an end to them. God helps by s hatalmban ll az embernek, hogy vget vessen
facing man with the results of his actions and nekik. Isten az embert gy segti, hogy szembesti
demanding that the balance should be restored. cselekedetei eredmnyeivel, s az egyensly
Karma is the law that works for righteousness; it is helyrelltsnak az ignyvel. A Karma az a
the healing hand of God. trvny, amely az igazsgossg rdekben
mkdik; ez Isten gygyt keze.

10. Witnessing 10. Tansg

Questioner: I am full of desires and want them Krdez: Teli vagyok vgyakkal, amelyek
fulfilled. How am I to get what I want? szeretnm, ha beteljesednnek. Hogyan kaphatom
meg, amit akarok?

Maharaj: Do you deserve what you desire? In some Maharaj: Kirdemled, amire vgysz? gy vagy gy,
way or other you have to work for the fulfilment of de meg kell dolgoznod vgyaid beteljeslsrt.
your desires. Put in energy and wait for the results. Fektess be energit, s vrd az eredmnyeket.

Q: Where am I to get the energy? K: Honnan vegyem az energit?

M: Desire itself is energy. M: Maga a vgy az energia.

Q: Then why does not every desire get fulfilled? K: Akkor mirt nem teljesedik be minden vgy?

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok

M: Maybe it was not strong enough and lasting. M: Lehet, hogy nem volt elg ers s tarts.

Q: Yes, that is my problem. I want things, but I am K: Igen, na ez a problmm. Akarok dolgokat, de
lazy when it comes to action. amikor eljn a cselekvs ideje, ellustulok.

M: When your desire is not clear nor strong, it M: Amikor a vgyad nem tiszta s ers, nem lthet
cannot take shape. Besides, if your desires are alakot. Ezenfell, ha vgyaid szemlyesek, a sajt
personal, for your own enjoyment, the energy you lvezetedet szolgljk, a rjuk irnytott energid
give them is necessarily limited; it cannot be more szksgkppen korltozott; nem lehet belle tbb,
than what you have. mint amennyivel rendelkezel.

Q: Yet, often ordinary persons do attain what they K: tlagemberek mgis gyakran elrik, amire
desire. vgynak.

M: After desiring it very much and for a long time. M: Azutn, hogy vgyakozsuk nagyon ers s
Even then, their achievements are limited. hossz ideig tartott. De teljestmnyk mg ekkor is

Q: And what about unselfish desires? K: s mi van az nzetlen vgyakkal?

M: When you desire the common good, the whole M: Amikor a kzjt vgyod, az egsz vilg egytt
world desires with you. Make humanity's desire your vgyik veled. Tedd az emberisg vgyt a
own and work for it. There you cannot fail, magadv, s dolgozz rte. Nem bukhatsz el.

Q: Humanity is Gods work, not mine. I am K: Az emberisg Isten dolga, nem az enym.
concerned with myself. Have I not the right to see Nekem sajt magammal kell trdnm. Nincs jogom,
my legitimate desires fulfilled? They will hurt no one. hogy legitim vgyaim teljeslst keressem? Azok
My desires are legitimate. They are right desires, senkit nem bntanak. Az n vgyaim helynvalk.
why dont they come true? Ezek helyesek vgyak, mirt nem vlnak valra?

M: Desires are right or wrong according to M: A vgyak a krlmnyektl fggen jk vagy

circumstances; it depends on how you look at them. rosszak; attl fgg, hogy tekintesz rjuk. A j s a
It is only for the individual that a distinction between rossz kztti klnbsg csak az egyn szmra
right and wrong is valid. igazolgat.

Q: What are the guide-lines for such distinction? K: Mik az ilyen klnbsgek irnyelvei? Honnan
How am I to know which of my desires are right and tudom, hogy mely vgyaim jk, s melyek rosszak?
which are wrong?

M: In your case desires that lead to sorrow are M: A te esetedben a szomorsghoz vezet vgyak
wrong and those which lead to happiness are right. rosszak, s a boldogsghoz vezetk jk. De nem
But you must not forget others. Their sorrow and szabad megfeledkezned msokrl. Az
happiness also count. szomorsguk s boldogsguk szintn szmt.

Q: Results are in the future. How can I know what K: Az eredmnyek a jvben jelentkeznek. Honnan
they will be? tudom, hogy mik lesznek azok?

M: Use your mind. Remember. Observe. You are M: Hasznld az eszedet. Emlkezz. Figyelj. Nem
not different from others. Most of their experiences klnbzl msoktl. Az legtbb tapasztalatuk rd
are valid for you too. Think clearly and deeply, go is rvnyes. Gondolkozz tisztn s mlyen, menj
into the entire structure of your desires and their bele a vgyaid s azok kvetkezmnyei teljes
ramifications. They are a most important part of your struktrjba. Ezek a te mentlis s emocionlis
mental and emotional make-up and powerfully affect szerkezeted legfontosabb rszei, s erteljesen
your actions. Remember, you cannot abandon what hatnak a tetteidre. Jegyezd meg, nem tudod feladni
you do not know. To go beyond yourself, you must azt, amit nem ismersz. nmagad meghaladshoz
know yourself. elszr ismerned kell nmagad.

Q: What does it mean to know myself? By knowing K: Mit jelent ismerni nmagam? nmagam
myself what exactly do I come to know? megismersvel tulajdonkppen mit ismerek meg?

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok

M: All that you are not. M: Mindazt, ami nem vagy.

Q: And not what I am? K: s nem azt, ami vagyok?

M: What you are, you already are. By knowing what M: Ami vagy, az mr vagy. Megismerve, hogy mi
you are not, you are free of it and remain in your nem vagy, szabadd vlsz tle, s megmaradsz
own natural state. It all happens quite spontaneously sajt termszetes llapotodban. Mindez teljesen
and effortlessly. spontn s erfeszts-mentesen trtnik.

Q: And what do I discover? K: s mit fedezek fel?

M: You discover that there is nothing to discover. M: Felfedezed, hogy nincs mit felfedezni. Az vagy
You are what you are and that is all. ami vagy, s ez minden.

Q: I do not understand. K: Nem rtem.

M: It is your fixed idea that you must be something M: Az a rgeszmd, hogy ennek vagy annak kell
or other, that blinds you. lenned, ami megvakt tged.

Q: How can I get rid of this idea? K: Hogyan szabadulhatok meg ettl az eszmtl?

M: If you trust me, believe when I tell you that you M: Ha bzol bennem, ha elhiszed, ha azt mondom
are the pure awareness that illuminates neked, hogy te a tiszta tudatossg vagy, amely
consciousness and its infinite content. Realise this fnnyel rasztja el a tudatossgot s annak vgtelen
and live accordingly. If you do not believe me, then tartalmt. bredj ennek tudatra, s lj ennek
go within, enquiring What am I? or, focus your mind megfelelen. Ha nem hiszel nekem, akkor haladj
on I am, which is pure and simple being. befel a mi vagyok n? kutatssal, vagy tartsd
elmd fkuszt az n vagyok-on, amely tiszta s
egyszer ltezs.

Q: On what my faith in you depends? K: Mitl fgg, hogy hiszek-e benned?

M: On your insight into other peoples hearts. If you M: Hogy beleltsz-e ms emberek szvbe. Ha nem
cannot look into my heart, look into your own. tudsz az n szvembe ltni, nzz a sajtodba.

Q: I can do neither. K: Egyiket sem tudom megcsinlni.

M: Purify yourself by a well-ordered and useful life. M: Tiszttsd meg magad egy jl vezetett, s hasznos
Watch over your thoughts, feelings, words and lettel. gyelj gondolataidra, rzseidre, szavaidra
actions. This will clear your vision. s tetteidre. Ez meg fogja tiszttani ltsodat.

Q: Must I not renounce every thing first, and live a K: Nem kell mindenrl lemondanom elszr, s
homeless life? remeteknt lnem?

M: You cannot renounce. You may leave your home M: Nem tudsz lemondani. Otthonodat elhagyhatod,
and give trouble to your family, but attachments are csaldodnak gondot okozhatsz, de a ktelkek az
in the mind and will not leave you until you know elmdben vannak, s nem fognak elengedni, amg
your mind in and out. First thing first -- know az elmdet kvl-bell meg nem ismered. Elszr az
yourself, all else will come with it. els dolog ismerd meg magad, minden ms jnni
fog vele.

Q: But you already told me that I am the Supreme K: De te mr kzlted velem, hogy n a Legfelsbb
Reality. Is it not self-knowledge? Valsg vagyok. Ez nem nismeret?

M: Of course you are the Supreme Reality. But what M: Termszetesen, te vagy a Legfelsbb Valsg.
of it? Every grain of sand is God; to know it is De ht aztn? Minden porszem Isten; fontos ezt
important, but that is only the beginning. tudni, de ez csak a kezdet.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
Q: Well, you told me that I am the Supreme Reality. K: Nos, az mondtad, n vagyok a Legfelsbb
I believe you. What next is there for me to do? Valsg. Hiszek neked. Mit a kvetkez teendm?

M: I told you already. Discover all you are not. Body, M: Mr mondtam. Fedezd fel, hogy mi nem vagy.
feelings, thoughts, ideas, time, space, being and Test, rzsek, gondolatok, idek, id, tr, lt s
not-being, this or that -- nothing concrete or abstract nemlt, ez s az semmilyen konkrt vagy
you can point out to is you. A mere verbal statement absztrakt dolog, amire r tudsz mutatni, nem te
will not do -- you may repeat a formula endlessly vagy. A pusztn verblis kijelents nem mkdik
without any result whatsoever. You must watch vg nlkl ismtelhetsz egy formult, anlkl, hogy
yourself continuously -- particularly your mind -- brmilyen eredmnnyel jrna. Folyamatosan
moment by moment, missing nothing. This figyelned kell magad klnsen az elmdet
witnessing is essential for the separation of the self pillanatrl pillanatra, semmit el nem mulasztva. Ez a
from the not-self. tansg elengedhetetlen az nnek a nem-ntl val

Q: The witnessing -- is it not my real nature? K: A tansg nem ez az n valdi termszetem?

M: For witnessing, there must be something else to M: A tansghoz kell valami ms, amit tanstasz.
witness. We are still in duality. Mg mindig a dualitsban vagyunk.

Q: What about witnessing the witness? Awareness K: Mi a vlemnyed a tan tansgrl? A

of awareness? tudatossg tudatossga?

M: Putting words together will not take you far. Go M: A szavak egymshoz fzse nem visz messzire.
within and discover what you are not. Nothing else Fordulj befel, s fedezd fel, hogy ki nem vagy.
matters. Semmi ms nem szmt.

11. Awareness and Consciousness 11. Tudat s tudatossg

Questioner: What do you do when asleep? Krdez: Mit csinlsz, mikor alszol?

Maharaj: I am aware of being asleep. Maharaj: Tudatban vagyok alv llapotomnak.

Q: Is not sleep a state of unconsciousness? K: Az alvs nem a tudattalansg llapota?

M: Yes, I am aware of being unconscious. M: Igen, tudatban vagyok a tudattalan


Q: And when awake, or dreaming? K: s amikor bren vagy, vagy lmodsz?

M: I am aware of being awake or dreaming. M: Tudatban vagyok brenlti vagy lmod


Q: I do not catch you. What exactly do you mean? K: Nem rtem. Mit jelent ez pontosan? Hadd
Let me make my terms clear: by being asleep I vilgtsam meg a fogalmaimat: alv llapoton n
mean unconscious, by being awake I mean tudattalansgot rtek, brenlti llapoton
conscious, by dreaming I mean conscious of ones tudatossgot, lmods alatt azt rtem, hogy az
mind, but not of the surroundings. elmnek tudatban lenni, de a krnyezetnek nem.

M: Well, it is about the same with me, Yet, there M: Nos, ezek krlbell ugyanazok, mint az enyim,
seems to be a difference. In each state you forget de van egy szembetn klnbsg. Te mindegyik
the other two, while to me, there is but one state of llapotban elfelejted a msik kettt, mg az n
being, including and transcending the three mental szmomra csak egy ltezsi llapot van, magban
states of waking, dreaming and sleeping. foglalva s meghaladva az brenlt, lmods s
alvs hrom mentlis llapott.

Q: Do you see in the world a direction and a K: Ltsz-e a vilgban irnytst s szndkot?

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok

M: The world is but a reflection of my imagination. M: A vilg csak a kpzeletem tkrzdse. Brmit
Whatever I want to see, I can see. But why should I akarok ltni, lthatom. De mirt talljak ki teremtsi
invent patterns of creation, evolution and mintkat, evolcit s pusztulst? Nincs szksgem
destruction? I do not need them and have no desire rjuk, s nem hajtom bezrni a vilgot egy mentlis
to lock up the world in a mental picture. kpbe.

Q: Coming back to sleep. Do you dream? K: Visszatrve az alvsra. Szoktl lmodni?

M: Of course. M: Termszetesen.

Q: What are your dreams? K: Miket lmodsz?

M: Echoes of the waking state. M: Az brenlti llapot visszatkrzdseit.

Q: And your deep sleep? K: s a mly alvsod?

M: The brain consciousness is suspended. M: Az agyi tudatossg sznetel.

Q: Are you then unconscious? K: Akkor tudattalan vagy?

M: Unconscious of my surroundings -- yes. M: Nem vagyok tudatban a krnyezetemre igen.

Q: Not quite unconscious? K: Nem vagy teljesen tudattalan?

M: I remain aware that I am unconscious. M: Megmarad a tudat, hogy tudattalan vagyok.

Q: You use the words 'aware' and 'conscious'. Are K: A tudat (aware) s a tudatos (conscious)
they not the same? szavakat hasznlod. Ezek nem ugyanazok?

M: Awareness is primordial; it is the original state, M: A tudat az s; ez az eredeti llapot, kezdet

beginningless, endless, uncaused, unsupported, nlkli, vg nlkli, nem okozati, nem tmogatott,
without parts, without change. Consciousness is on rszek nlkli, vltozs nlkli. A tudatossg a
contact, a reflection against a surface, a state of kettssg llapothoz kapcsold felszni
duality. There can be no consciousness without tkrzds. Nem ltezhet tudatossg tudat nlkl,
awareness, but there can be awareness without tudat viszont ltezhet tudatossg nlkl, pldul
consciousness, as in deep sleep. Awareness is mly alvsban. A tudat abszolt, a tudatossg a
absolute, consciousness is relative to its content; sajt tartalmtl fgg; a tudatossg mindig valamire
consciousness is always of something. tudatos. A tudatossg rszleges s vltozkony, a
Consciousness is partial and changeful, awareness tudat totlis, megvltozhatatlan, nyugodt s
is total, changeless, calm and silent. And it is the csendes. s ez a kzs mtrixa minden
common matrix of every experience. tapasztalsnak.

Q: How does one go beyond consciousness into K: Hogyan lehet a tudatossgbl a tudatba
awareness? tovbblpni?

M: Since it is awareness that makes consciousness M: Mivel a tudat az, ami a tudatossgot lehetv
possible, there is awareness in every state of teszi, a tudatossg minden llapotban van tudat.
consciousness. Therefore the very consciousness of Kvetkezskppen a tudatos ltezs tkletes
being conscious is already a movement in tudata is mr egy tudatbeli mozgs. A tudatfolyamod
awareness. Interest in your stream of consciousness irnti rdeklds vezet el tged a tudathoz. Ez nem
takes you to awareness. It is not a new state. It is at egy j llapot. Azonnal felismered, mint eredeti,
once recognised as the original, basic existence, alapvet ltezst, amely az let maga, s szeretet
which is life itself, and also love and joy. s rm is.

Q: Since reality is all the time with us, what does K: Mivel a valsg mindig velnk van, mibl ll az
self-realisation consist of? n-megvalsts?

M: Realisation is but the opposite of ignorance. To M: A megvalsts csupn a tudatlansg ellentte. A

take the world as real and ones self as unreal is vilgot valsnak, s az ember njt valtlannak

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
ignorance. The cause of sorrow. To know the self as tekinteni, az tudatlansg. A fjdalom okozja. Az nt
the only reality and all else as temporal and transient az egyetlen valsgnak tudni, s minden mst
is freedom, peace and joy. It is all very simple. idlegesnek s mlandnak, az szabadsg, bke s
Instead of seeing things as imagined, learn to see rm. Mindez nagyon egyszer. Ahelyett, hogy
them as they are. It is like cleansing a mirror. The olyannak ltnd a dolgokat, amilyennek kpzeled
same mirror that shows you the world as it is, will ket, tanuld meg gy ltni ket, ahogyan azok
also show you your own face. The thought 'I am' is vannak. Ez a tkr tiszttshoz hasonl. Ugyanaz a
the polishing cloth. Use it. tkr, amely a vilgot gy mutatja szmodra,
ahogyan az van, meg fogja mutatni neked sajt
arcodat is. Az n vagyok gondolat a trlruha.

12. The Person is not Reality 12. A szemly nem valsgos

Questioner: Kindly tell us how you realised. Krdez: Lgy szves, mesld el neknk, hogyan
valstottad meg nmagad?

Maharaj: I met my Guru when I was 34 and realised Maharaj: 34 ves koromban tallkoztam Gurummal,
by 37. s 37 ves koromra megvalsultam.

Q: What happened? What was the change? K: Mi trtnt? Mi vltozott?

M: Pleasure and pain lost their sway over me. I was M: lvezet s fjdalom elvesztettk a hatalmukat
free from desire and fear. I found myself full, felettem. Szabad voltam vgytl s flelemtl.
needing nothing. I saw that in the ocean of pure Teljesnek talltam nmagamat, szksgletek
awareness, on the surface of the universal nlklinek. Lttam, hogy a tiszta bersg
consciousness, the numberless waves of the cenjban, az egyetemes tudatossg felsznn a
phenomenal worlds arise and subside jelensgvilg megszmllhatatlan hullma
beginninglessly and endlessly. As consciousness, keletkezik s tnik el, kezdet s vg nlkl. Mint
they are all me. As events they are all mine. There is tudatossg, k mind n vagyok. Mint esemnyek, k
a mysterious power that looks after them. That mind az enymek. Ltezik egy titokzatos er, amely
power is awareness, Self, Life, God, whatever name gondjukat viseli. Ez az er az bersg, n, let,
you give it. It is the foundation, the ultimate support Isten, brhogy is nevezd. Ez az alapja, vgs
of all that is, just like gold is the basis for all gold tmasza mindennek, ami van, pontosan gy, ahogy
jewellery. And it is so intimately ours. Abstract the az arany alapja minden arany kszernek. s ez
name and shape from the jewellery and the gold ennyire kzvetlen mdon a mink. Vonatkoztasd el
becomes obvious. Be free of name and form and of a nevet s a formt az kszertl, s az arany
the desires and fears they create, then what nyilvnvalv vlik. Szabadulj meg nvtl s
remains? formtl, s az ltaluk keltett vgytl s flelemtl,
mi marad akkor?

Q: Nothingness. K: Semmi.

M: Yes, the void remains. But the void is full to the M: Igen, az ressg marad. De az ressg sznltig
brim. It is the eternal potential as consciousness is tele van. Ez az rk lehetsg, mint tudatossg az
the eternal actual. rk realits.

Q: By potential you mean the future? K: Lehetsg alatt a jvt rted?

M: Past, present and future -- they are all there. And M: Mlt, jelen s jv ezek mind benne vannak.
infinitely more. s vgtelenszer tbb.

Q: But since the void is void, it is of little use to us. K: De, minthogy az ressg res, kevs haszna van

M: How can you say so? Without breach in M: Hogy mondhatsz ilyet? A folytonossgbeli
continuity how can there be rebirth? Can there be szakads nlkl hogyan lehetne jjszlets?
renewal without death? Even the darkness of sleep Lehet-e megjuls hall nlkl? Mg az alvs
is refreshing and rejuvenating. Without death we sttsge is frisst s megjt. Hall nlkl
would have been bogged up for ever in eternal belesllyednnk az rk vnsgbe.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok

Q: Is there no such thing as immortality? K: Nincs olyan, hogy halhatatlansg?

M: When life and death are seen as essential to M: Amikor az letet s a hallt egyformn
each other, as two aspects of one being, that is lnyegesnek tekintik, mint az emberi ltezs kt
immortality. To see the end in the beginning and aspektust, az a halhatatlansg. Ltni a vget a
beginning in the end is the intimation of eternity. kezdetkor s a kezdetet a vgkor, az rkkvalsg
Definitely, immortality is not continuity. Only the zenete. Ktsgtelen, hogy az rklt nem
process of change continues. Nothing lasts. llandsg. Csak a vltozs lland. Semmi nem
tart rkk.

Q: Awareness lasts? K: A tudat rk?

M: Awareness is not of time. Time exists in M: A tudat nem idbeli. Id csak a tudatossgban
consciousness only. Beyond consciousness where ltezik. A tudatossgon tl hol van id s tr?
are time and space?

Q: Within the field of your consciousness there is K: A tudatossgod tern bell van a tested is.
your body also.

M: Of course. But the idea 'my body', as different M: Termszetesen. De az n testem idea, mint ami
from other bodies, is not there. To me it is 'a body', ms testektl klnbzik, nincs benne. Szmomra
not 'my body', 'a mind', not 'my mind'. The mind ez egy test nem az n testem, egy elme, nem az
looks after the body all right, I need not interfere. n elmm. Az elme megfelelen gondoskodik a
What needs be done is being done, in the normal testrl, nekem nem kell kzbeavatkoznom. Ami meg
and natural way. kell, hogy trtnjen, az megtrtnik, normlis s
termszetes mdon.

You may not be quite conscious of your Nem lehetsz teljesen tudatban pszicholgiai
physiological functions, but when it comes to funkciidnak, csak akkor leszel hirtelen ntudatos,
thoughts and feelings, desires and fears you amikor azok belpnek a gondolataidba, rzseidbe,
become acutely self-conscious. To me these too are vgyaidba s flelmeidbe. Nlam ezek is jrszt
largely unconscious. I find myself talking to people, tudattalanok. gy tallom, hogy teljesen hibtlanul
or doing things quite correctly and appropriately, s helynvalan beszlek emberekkel, vagy teszek
without being very much conscious of them. It looks dolgokat, anlkl, hogy tlsgosan tudatban
as if I live my physical, waking life automatically, lennnk. gy ltszik, mintha fizikai, felbredett
reacting spontaneously and accurately. letemet automatikusan lnm, nkntelen s
hibtlan reaglssal.

Q: Does this spontaneous response come as a K: Ez az nkntelen reakci nmegvalsuls

result of realisation, or by training? eredmnye, vagy gyakorls?

M: Both. Devotion to you goal makes you live a M: Mindkett. nmagad clnak szentelse arra
clean and orderly life, given to search for truth and to ksztet, hogy tiszta s rendszeres letet lj, az
helping people, and realisation makes noble virtue igazsg keresse, az emberek segtse, s az
easy and spontaneous, by removing for good the nmegvalsts nemes ernyeket s spontaneitst
obstacles in the shape of desires and fears and teremt, a vgyakban, flelmekben s rossz idekban
wrong ideas. megtestesl akadlyok vgleges eltvoltsval.

Q: Dont you have desires and fears any more? K: Nincsenek tbb vgyaid s flelmeid?

M: My destiny was to be born a simple man, a M: Az n sorsom az volt, hogy egyszer emberknt
commoner, a humble tradesman, with little of formal szletve tlagember, egyszer keresked legyek,
education. My life was the common kind, with kevs formlis kpzettsggel. Az letem az tlagos
common desires and fears. When, through my faith mdon telt, a szoksos vgyakkal s flelmekkel.
in my teacher and obedience to his words, I realised Amikor tantmba vetett hitem rvn, s szavainak
my true being, I left behind my human nature to look engedelmeskedve megvalstottam valdi ltemet,
after itself, until its destiny is exhausted. magam mgtt hagytam emberi termszetemet,
Occasionally an old reaction, emotional or mental, amely nmagrl gondoskodik, mg vgzete kimerl.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
happens in the mind, but it is at once noticed and Egyszer-egyszer egy rgi, emocionlis vagy
discarded. After all, as long as one is burdened with mentlis reakci megjelenik az elmmben, de
a person, one is exposed to its idiosyncrasies and egybl szreveszem, s trlm. Elvgre ameddig az
habits. ember szemlyisggel terhelt, addig ki van tve
annak a gondolkodsmdjnak s szoksainak.

Q: Are you not afraid of death? K: Nem flsz a halltl?

M: I am dead already. M: n mr halott vagyok.

Q: In what sense? M: Milyen rtelemben?

M: I am double dead. Not only am I dead to my M: Ktszeresen is halott vagyok. Nemcsak

body, but to my mind too. testemnek haltam meg, hanem elmmnek is.

Q: Well, you do not look dead at all. K: Nos, egyltaln nem ltszol halottnak.

M: Thats what you say. You seem to know my state M: Mondod te. gy ltszik, hogy te jobban tudod,
better than I do. milyen llapotban vagyok, mint n.

Q: Sorry. But I just do not understand. You say you K: Bocsnat. n csak nem rtem. Azt mondod, hogy
are bodyless and mindless, while I see you very test nlkli s elme nlkli vagy, mikzben n gy
much alive and articulate. ltlak, mint aki nagyon is l, s magt kifejezni

M: A tremendously complex work is going on all the M: Rettenetesen bonyolult mkds megy vgbe az
time in your brain and body, are you conscious of it? agyadban s a testedben, tudatban vagy?
Not at all. Yet for an outsider all seems to be going Egyltaln nem. Mgis, egy kvlllnak minden
on intelligently and purposefully. Why not admit that intelligensnek s tgondoltnak tnik. Mirt nem
ones entire personal life may sink largely below the fogadod el, hogy az ember egsz szemlyes lete
threshold of consciousness and yet proceed sanely nagymrtkben lesllyedhet a tudatkszb al, s
and smoothly? mgis sszeren s zkkenmentesen mkdik?

Q: Is it normal? K: Normlis ez?

M: What is normal? Is your life -- obsessed by M: Mi a normlis? A te leted vgyakkal s

desires and fears, full of strife and struggle, flelmekkel gytrten, tele viszllyal s
meaningless and joyless -- normal? To be acutely kzdelemmel, rtelem s rm nlkl normlis?
conscious of your body id it normal? To be torn by Hirtelen tudatoss vlni a testedre, az normlis?
feelings, tortured by thoughts: is it normal? A healthy rzelmek, gondolatok ltal knoztatni az normlis?
body, a healthy mind live largely unperceived by Az egszsges test, az egszsges elme
their owner; only occasionally, through pain or nagyobbrszt szrevtlen a tulajdonosa szmra;
suffering they call for attention and insight. Why not csak esetenknt, fjdalom vagy szenveds rvn
extend the same to the entire personal life? One can kvetelnek figyelmet s bepillantst. Mirt nem
function rightly, responding well and fully to terjeszted ki ugyanezt egsz szemlyes letedre?
whatever happens, without having to bring it into the Az ember helyesen funkcionlhatna, megfelelen s
focus of awareness. When self-control becomes teljesen reaglva brmire, ami trtnik, anlkl,
second nature, awareness shifts its focus to deeper hogy az bersg fkuszba kellene hozni. Amikor az
levels of existence and action. nuralom msodik termszett vlik, az bersg
ttolja fkuszt a ltezs s cselekvs mlyebb

Q: Dont you become a robot? K: Nem vltl robott?

M: What harm is there in making automatic, what is M: Mirt baj, hogy ami szoksos s ismtld, az
habitual and repetitive? It is automatic anyhow. But automatikusan mkdik? Ez mindenkppen
when it is also chaotic, it causes pain and suffering automatikus. De amikor kaotikus is, fjdalmat s
and calls for attention. The entire purpose of a clean szenvedst okoz, s figyelemrt kilt. A tiszta s jl
and well-ordered life is to liberate man from the rendszerezett letnek minden szndka, hogy
thraldom of chaos and the burden of sorrow. megszabadtsa az embert a kosz leigzottsgbl,

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
s a szomorsg terhtl.

Q: You seem to be in favour of a computerised life. K: gy tnik, hogy te a komputerizlt letet


M: What is wrong with a life which is free from M: Mi rossz van egy olyan letben, amely mentes a
problems? Personality is merely a reflection of the problmktl? A szemlyisg pusztn a valsg
real. Why should not the reflection be true to the tkrkpe. Mirt ne felelhetne meg a tkrkp az
original as a matter of course, automatically? Need eredetinek termszetesen, automatikusan?
the person have any designs of its own? The life of Szksge van a szemlynek nmaga valamilyen
which it is an expression will guide it. Once you tervre? Az let, amelynek ez kifejezdse,
realise that the person is merely a shadow of the tmogatni fogja ezt. Amint felismered, hogy a
reality, but not reality itself, you cease to fret and szemly pusztn a valsgnak egy rnykpe, de
worry. You agree to be guided from within and life nem maga a valsg, abbahagyod a
becomes a journey into the unknown. nyugtalankodst s aggodalmaskodst. Egyetrtesz
vele, hogy bellrl vezettess, s az let az
ismeretlenbe irnyul utazss vlik.

13. The Supreme, the Mind and the Body 13. A Legfelsbb, az Elme s a Test
Questioner: From what you told us it appears that Krdez: Amiket mondasz abbl gy tnik, hogy
you are not quite conscious of your surroundings. To nem vagy egszen tudatban a krnyezetednek.
us you seem extremely alert and active. We cannot Neknk rendkvl elevennek s tevkenynek tnsz.
possibly believe that you are in a kind of hypnotic Nem tudjuk igazn elhinni, hogy te egyfle
state, which leaves no memory behind. On the hipnotikus llapotban vagy, ami utn nem marad
contrary, your memory seems excellent. How are we emlk. Ellenkezleg, gy ltszik, kitn memrid
to understand your statement that the world and all it van. Hogyan kell rtennk azt az lltsodat, hogy a
includes does not exist, as far as you are concerned. ami tged illet, a vilg, s minden, amit az magban
foglal, nem ltezik?

Maharaj: It is all a matter of focus. Your mind is Maharaj: Ez nzpont krdse. A te elmd a vilgra
focussed in the world, mine is focussed in reality. It fkuszlt, az enym a valsgra. Ez olyan, mint a
is like the moon in daylight -- when the sun shines, hold a nappali vilgossgban amikor st a nap, a
the moon is hardly visible. Or, watch how you take hold alig lthat. Vagy figyeld meg, ahogyan az telt
your food. As long as it is in your mouth, you are magadhoz veszed. Amg a szdban van, addig
conscious of it; once swallowed, it does not concern tudatban vagy; amint lenyelted, nem trdsz vele
you any longer. It would be troublesome to have it tovbb. Nagyon fradsgos lenne, ha az elme vgig
constantly in mind until it is eliminated. The mind ksrn, amg el nem tvozik. Az elmnek norml
should be normally in abeyance -- incessant activity esetben hatlyon kvl kell lennie a szntelen
is a morbid state. The universe works by itself -- that tevkenysg kros llapot. Az univerzum magtl
I know. What else do I need to know? mkdik ezt tudom. Mi egyebet kellene tudnom?

Q: So a gnani knows what he is doing only when he K: Teht a gnani akkor tudja csak, hogy mit csinl,
turns his mind to it; otherwise he just acts, without amikor az elmjt rirnytja; egybknt anlkl
being concerned. cselekszik, hogy rinten a dolog.

M: The average man is not conscious of his body as M: Az tlagember nincs tudatban a testnek, mint
such. He is conscious of his sensations, feelings and olyannak. Benyomsainak, rzseinek s
thoughts. Even these, once detachment sets in, gondolatainak van tudatban. De a prtatlansg
move away from the centre of consciousness and bekvetkeztekor mg ezek is tvolabb kerlnek a
happen spontaneously and effortlessly. tudatossg kzppontjtl, s spontn s
erfeszts nlkl zajlanak.

Q: What then is in the centre of consciousness? K: Mi van ekkor a tudatossg kzpontjban?

M: That which cannot be given name and form, for it M: Az, aminek nem adhat nv s forma, mert
is without quality and beyond consciousness. You tulajdonsgok nlkli, s tudatossgon tli.
may say it is a point in consciousness, which is Mondhatni, ez a tudatossgnak egy olyan pontja,

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
beyond consciousness. Like a hole in the paper is amely tl van a tudatossgon. Mint ahogy a
both in the paper and yet not of paper, so is the paprban lv lyuk, amely benne is van paprban,
supreme state in the very centre of consciousness, meg nincs is, gy van a legfelsbb llapot a kells
and yet beyond consciousness. It is as if an opening kzepn tudatossgnak, s mgis tl a
in the mind through which the mind is flooded with tudatossgon. Mintha egy nyls lenne az elmben,
light. The opening is not even the light. It is just an amelyen keresztl fny rasztja el az elmt. A nyls
opening. mg nem a fny. Az csak egy nyls.

Q: An opening is just void, absence. K: Egy nyls csak ressg, hiny.

M: Quite so. From the mind's point of view, it is but M: gy van. Az elme nzpontjbl ez csak egy
an opening for the light of awareness to enter the olyan nyls a tudatossg fnyn, amelyen belphet
mental space. By itself the light can only be a mentlis ressgbe. A fny nmagban csak
compared to a solid, dense, rocklike, homogeneous olyan, mint a tiszta tudatossg szilrd, sr,
and changeless mass of pure awareness, free from kszer, homogn s megvltozhatatlan tmege,
the mental patterns of name and shape. amely mentes a nevek s formk mentlis mintitl.

Q: Is there any connection between the mental K: Van valamilyen kapcsolat a mentlis ressg s
space and the supreme abode? a legfelsbb kztt?

M: The supreme gives existence to the mind. The M: A legfelsbb ad ltezst az elmnek. Az elme ad
mind gives existence to the body. ltezst a testnek.

Q: And what lies beyond? K: s mi van azon tl?

M: Take an example. A venerable Yogi, a master in M: Vegynk egy pldt. Egy tiszteletremlt Yogi, a
the art of longevity, himself over 1000 years old, hossz let mvszetnek mestere, aki maga 1000
comes to teach me his art. I fully respect and v fltti kort megrt, eljn hozzm, hogy
sincerely admire his achievements, yet all I can tell megtantsa nekem a mvszett. n teljes
him is: of what use is longevity to me? I am beyond mrtkben tisztelem, s szintn csodlom, amit
time. However long a life may be, it is but a moment elrt, mgis csak azt tudom mondani neki: mi
and a dream. In the same way I am beyond all hasznom a hossz letbl? n meghaladtam az
attributes. They appear and disappear in my light, idt. Brmilyen hossz is legyen egy let, az csak
but cannot describe me. The universe is all names egy pillanat, s csak egy lom. Ugyangy
and forms, based on qualities and their differences, meghaladtam minden tulajdonsgot. Megjelennek
while I am beyond. The world is there because I am, s eltnnek fnyemben, de nem tudnak lerni
but I am not the world. engem. Az univerzum nem ms, mint
tulajdonsgokon, s azok eltrsein alapul nevek
s formk, mg n mindezeket meghaladtam. A vilg
van, mert n vagyok, de n nem a vilg vagyok.

Q: But you are living in the world. K: De a vilgban lsz.

M: That's what you say. I know there is a world, M: Ezt te mondod. Tudom, hogy van vilg, amely
which includes this body and this mind, but I do not magban foglalja ezt az elmt s ezt a testet, de
consider them to be more mine than other minds nem tekintem ket jobban enymnek mint a tbbi
and bodies. They are there, in time and space, but I elmt s testet. Ezek idben s trben vannak, de
am timeless and spaceless. n idtlen s vgtelen vagyok.

Q: But since all exists by your light, are you not the K: De ha minden a te fnyed ltal ltezik, nem te
creator of the world? vagy a vilg teremtje?

M: I am neither the potentiality nor the actualisation, M: Sem a potencialits, sem a megvalsts, sem a
nor the actuality of things. In my light they come and valsgos dolgok nem vagyok. A fnyemben ezek
go as the specks of dust dancing in the sunbeam. gy jnnek s mennek, mint a napsugrban tncol
The light illumines the specks, but does not depend porszemek. A fny megvilgtja a porszemeket, de
on them. Nor can it be said to create them. It cannot nem fgg tlk. Az sem mondhat, hogy ltrehozza
be even said to know them. ket. De mg azt sem lehet mondani, hogy tud

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
Q: I am asking you a question and you are K: n felteszek neked egy krdst, te vlaszolsz.
answering. Are you conscious of the question and Tudatban vagy a krdsnek s a vlasznak?
the answer?

M: In reality I am neither hearing nor answering. In M: Valjban n sem nem hallok, sem nem
the world of events the question happens and the vlaszolok. Az esemnyek vilgban megtrtnik a
answer happens. Nothing happens to me. krds, s megtrtnik a vlasz. Semmi nem velem
Everything just happens. trtnik. Minden csak gy megtrtnik.

Q: And you are the witness? K: s te a tan vagy?

M: What does witness mean? Mere knowledge. It M: Mit jelent, hogy tan? Csupn tudomst. Eddig
rained and now the rain is over. I did not get wet. I esett, s most elllt. Nem ztam meg. Tudom, hogy
know it rained, but I am not affected. I just witnessed esett, de az nem volt rm hatssal. Csak tanja
the rain. voltam az esnek.

Q: The fully realised man, spontaneously abiding in K: A spontn mdon a legfelsbb llapotban lv,
the supreme state, appears to eat, drink and so on. teljesen megvalsult ember is lthatan eszik, iszik
Is he aware of it, or not? stb. Tudatban van ennek, vagy sem?

M: That in which consciousness happens, the M: Azt, ami a tudatossgot magban foglalja, az
universal consciousness or mind, we call the ether egyetemes tudatossgot, vagy elmt, gy nevezzk,
of consciousness. All the objects of consciousness hogy a tudatossg mennyboltja. A tudatossg
form the universe. What is beyond both, supporting objektumai alkotjk az univerzumot. Ami
both, is the supreme state, a state of utter stillness mindezeken tl van, mindezeket tmogatja, a
and silence. Whoever goes there, disappears. It is legfelsbb llapot, a tkletes nyugalom s csend
unreachable by words, or mind. You may call it God, llapota. Aki eljut oda, eltnik. Ez szavakkal vagy
or Parabrahman, or Supreme Reality, but these are elmvel elrhetetlen. Nevezheted Istennek, vagy
names given by the mind. It is the nameless, Parabrahmannak, vagy Legfelsbb Valsgnak, de
contentless, effortless and spontaneous state, ezeket a neveket az elme adja. Ez egy lten s
beyond being and not being. nemlten tli, kimondhatatlan, tartalom nlkli,
erfeszts-mentes s spontn llapot.

Q: But does one remain conscious? K: De megmarad a tudatossg?

M: As the universe is the body of the mind, so is M: Ahogy az univerzum az elmnek a teste, gy
consciousness the body of the supreme. It is not teste a tudatossgnak a legfelsbb. maga nem
conscious, but it gives rise to consciousness. tudatos, de oka a tudatossgnak.

Q: In my daily actions much goes by habit, K: Napi tevkenysgeim tbbnyire megszoksbl,

automatically. I am aware of the general purpose, automatikusan mennek vgbe. Tudatban vagyok
but not of each movement in detail. As my az ltalnos clnak, de minden mozdulatnak nem.
consciousness broadens and deepens, details tend Ahogy tudatossgom szlesedik s mlyl, a
to recede, leaving me free for the general trends. rszletek egyre inkbb visszahzdnak, szabadon
Does not the same happens to a gnani, but more hagyva engem az ltalnos tendencikra. Nem
so? ugyanez trtnik egy gnani esetn, de mg ennl is

M: On the level of consciousness -- yes. In the M: A tudatossg szintjn igen. A legfelsbb

supreme state, no. This state is entirely one and llapotban, nem. Az az llapot kizrlag egy s
indivisible, a single solid block of reality. The only oszthatatlan, a valsg egyetlen, szilrd egysget
way of knowing it is to be it. The mind cannot reach alkot blokkja. Megismersnek egyetlen mdja
it. To perceive it does not need the senses; to know azz lenni. Az elme nem rheti azt el. szlelshez
it, does not need the mind. nincs szksg rzkszervekre; ismershez nincs
szksg elmre.

Q: That is how God runs the world. K: Ez az, ahogy Isten a vilgot mkdteti.

M: God is not running the world. M: Nem Isten mkdteti a vilgot.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
Q: Then who is doing it? K: Akkor ki?

M: Nobody. All happens by itself. You are asking the M: Senki. Minden nmagtl trtnik. Te teszed fel
question and you are supplying the answer. And you a krdst, s te vlaszolsz. s mr akkor tudod a
know the answer when you ask the question. All is a vlaszt, amikor a krdst felteszed. Minden a
play in consciousness. All divisions are illusory. You tudatossg jtka. Minden feloszts illuzrikus.
can know the false only. The true you must yourself Csak a hamisat tudhatod. Az igazsgnak lenned
be. kell.

Q: There is the witnessed consciousness and there K: Van a szemllt tudatossg s van a szemll
is the witnessing consciousness. Is the second the tudatossg. A msodik a legfelsbb?

M: There are the two -- the person and the witness, M: Itt ez a kt dolog a szemly s a tan, a
the observer. When you see them as one, and go megfigyel. Amikor egynek ltod, s meghaladod
beyond, you are in the supreme state. It is not ket, akkor vagy a legfelsbb llapotban. Ez nem
perceivable, because it is what makes perception szlelhet, mert ez az, ami az szlelst lehetv
possible. It is beyond being and not being. It is teszi. Ami tl van lten s nemlten. Ami nem a
neither the mirror nor the image in the mirror. It is tkr, sem nem a tkrkp. Ez az, ami az idtlen
what is -- the timeless reality, unbelievably hard and valsg, hihetetlenl kemny s szilrd.

Q: The gnani -- is he the witness or the Supreme? K: A gnani a szemll, vagy a Legfelsbb?

M: He is the Supreme, of course, but he can also be M: A Legfelsbb, termszetesen, de tekinthet az

viewed as the universal witness. univerzlis szemllnek is.

Q: But he remains a person? K: De szemly marad?

M: When you believe yourself to be a person, you M: Amikor magadat szemlynek hiszed, akkor
see persons everywhere. In reality there are no mindentt szemlyeket ltsz. A valsgban
persons, only threads of memories and habits. At nincsenek szemlyek, csak emlkek s szoksok
the moment of realisation the person ceases. szlai vannak. A megvalsuls pillanatban a
Identity remains, but identity is not a person, it is szemly megsznik. Az identits megmarad, de az
inherent in the reality itself. The person has no being identits nem szemly, az magnak a valsgnak a
in itself; it is a reflection in the mind of the witness, velejrja. A szemly nem br nll lttel, csak egy
the 'I am', which again is a mode of being. tkrzds a szemll elmjben, az n vagyok-
ban, egy jabb mdjaknt a ltezsnek.

Q: Is the Supreme conscious? K: A Legfelsbb tudatos?

M: Neither conscious nor unconscious, I am telling M: Sem nem tudatos, sem nem nem-tudatos, ezt
you from experience. tapasztalatbl mondom.

Q: Pragnanam Brahma. What is this Pragna? K: Pragnanam Brahma. Mi a Pragna?

M: It is the un-selfconscious knowledge of life itself. M: Magnak az letnek a tudatossg nlkli tudsa.

Q: Is it vitality, the energy of life, livingness? K: leter, az let energija, lettelisg?

M: Energy comes first. For everything is a form of M: Energia elssorban. Minthogy minden az energia
energy. Consciousness is most differentiated in the egy formja. A tudatossg az brenlt llapotban a
waking state. Less so in dream. Still less in sleep. legdifferenciltabb. lomban kevsb. Alvskor mg
Homogeneous -- in the fourth state. Beyond is the kevsb. A negyedik llapotban homogn. Ezen a
inexpressible monolithic reality, the abode of the kifejezhetetlen monolitikus realitson tl van a gnani
gnani. tartzkodsi helye.

Q: I have cut my hand. It healed. By what power did K: Elvgtam a kezem. Meggygyult. Milyen er ltal
it heal? gygyult meg?

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
M: By the power of life. M: Az leter ltal.

Q: What is that power? K: Mi ez az er?

M: It is consciousness. AII is conscious. M: Tudatossg. Minden tudatos.

Q: What is the source of consciousness? K: Mi a tudatossg forrsa?

M: Consciousness itself is the source of everything. M: Maga a tudatossg a forrsa mindennek.

Q: Can there be life without consciousness? K: Lehet let tudatossg nlkl?

M: No, nor consciousness without life. They are both M: Nem, s tudatossg sem let nlkl. Ezek egyek.
one. But in reality only the Ultimate is. The rest is a De valjban csak a Vgs ltezik. A maradkrl
matter of name and form. And as long as you cling szl a nv s a forma. s amg ahhoz az idehoz
to the idea that only what has name and shape ragaszkodsz, hogy csak a nvvel s formval
exists, the Supreme will appear to you nonexisting. rendelkezk a ltezk, a Legfelsbb szmodra nem
When you understand that names and shapes are lteznek fog tnni. Amikor megrted, hogy a nevek
hollow shells without any content whatsoever, and s formk minden tartalmat nlklz res hjak, s
what is real is nameless and formless, pure energy a valdi nv s formanlkli, tiszta letenergia,
of life and light of consciousness, you will be at tudatossg-fny, akkor megtalltad a bkt s
peace -- immersed in the deep silence of reality. belemerlsz a valsg mly csendjbe.

Q: If time and space are mere illusions and you are K: Ha az id s tr puszta illzik s te meghaladtad
beyond, please tell me what is the weather in New azokat, mondd meg krlek, milyen id van New
York. Is it hot or raining there? Yorkban? St a nap, vagy esik?

M: How can I tell you? Such things need special M: Hogy tudnm n ezt megmondani neked? Az
training. Or, just travelling to New York. I may be ilyen dolgokhoz specilis gyakorls szksges.
quite certain that I am beyond time and space, and Vagy csak New Yorkba kell utazni. Egszen biztos,
yet unable to locate myself at will at some point of hogy meghaladtam az idt s a teret, s mgsem
time and space. I am not interested enough; I see no vagyok kpes thelyezni magam az id s tr
purpose in undergoing a special Yogic training. I tetszs szerinti pontjra. Nem rdekel a dolog
have just heard of New York. To me it is a word. elgg; azt hiszem, nincs szndkomban elvgezni
Why should I know more than the word conveys? egy specilis Yoga trninget. n csak hallomsbl
Every atom may be a universe, as complex as ours. ismerem New Yorkot. Szmomra ez csak egy sz.
Must I know them all? I can -- if I train. Mirt kellene tbbet tudnom annl, mint amit a sz
hordoz? Minden atom egy, a mienkhez hasonl
bonyolultsg univerzum. Kell nekem mindegyikket
ismerni? Ismerhetnm ha gyakorolnk.

Q: In putting the question about the weather in New K: A New Yorki idjrsrl feltett krdsemben hol a
York, where did I make the mistake? hiba?

M: The world and the mind are states of being. The M: A vilg s az elme a ltezs llapotai. A
supreme is not a state. It pervades, all states, but it legfelsbb nem llapot. that minden llapotot, de
is not a state of something else. It is entirely nem llapota valami msnak. Teljesen ok nlkli,
uncaused, independent, complete in itself, beyond fggetlen, nmagban teljes, tl idn s tren,
time and space, mind and matter. elmn s anyagon.

Q: By what sign do you recognise it? K: De milyen jelek alapjn ismerhet fel?

M: That's the point that it leaves no traces. There is M: Ez a lnyeg, hogy nem hagy nyomokat. Semmi
nothing to recognise it by. It must be seen directly, nem teszi lehetv a felismerst. Kzvetlenl kell
by giving up all search for signs and approaches. ltni, feladva mindenfle keresst jeleknek s
When all names and forms have been given up, the megkzeltseknek. Amikor minden nevet s formt
real is with you. You need not seek it. Plurality and feladtl, a valsg van veled. Sokflesg s
diversity are the play of the mind only. Reality is one. klnbzsg jtka csak az elmnek. A valsg

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
Q: If reality leaves no evidence, there is no speaking K: Ha a valsgra nincs bizonytk, akkor nincs rla
about it. mit beszlni.

M: It is. It cannot be denied. It is deep and dark, M: Az van. Cfolhatatlan. Mly s stt, misztrium
mystery beyond mystery. But it is, while all else feletti misztrium. De van, mg minden ms pusztn
merely happens. trtnik.

Q: Is it the Unknown? K: Az az Ismeretlen?

M: It is beyond both, the known and the unknown. M: Az tl van mind ismerten, mind ismeretlenen. De
But I would rather call it the known, than the inkbb az ismertnek neveznm, mint az
unknown. For whenever something is known, it is ismeretlennek. Mert brmikor, amikor valami ismert,
the real that is known. a valdi az, ami ismert.

Q: Is silence an attribute of the real? K: Tulajdonsga a csend a valsgnak?

M: This too is of the mind. All states and conditions M: Ez is az elme sajtja. Minden llapot s felttel
are of the mind. az elme sajtja.

Q: What is the place of samadhi? K: Hol a samadhi helye?

M: Not making use of one's consciousness is M: A tudatossg nem hasznlata a samadhi. Csak
samadhi. You just leave your mind alone. You want hagyd elmdet magra. Ne akarj semmit, sem a
nothing, neither-from your body nor from your mind. testedtl, sem az elmdtl.

14. Appearances and the Reality 14. Ltszatok s a realits

Questioner: Repeatedly you have been saying that Krdez: Tbb zben emltetted, hogy az
events are causeless, a thing just happens and no esemnyek ok nlkliek, a dolgok csak gy
cause can be assigned to it. Surely everything has a megtrtnnek, s nem tulajdonthat nekik ok.
cause, or several causes. How am I to understand Biztos van mindennek oka, esetleg tbb is. Hogy kell
the causelessness of things? rtelmeznem a dolgok ok nlklisgt?

Maharaj: From the highest point of view the world Maharaj: A legfelsbb nzpontbl a vilgnak nincs
has no cause. oka.

Q: But what is your own experience? K: De mi a te tapasztalatod?

M: Everything is uncaused. The world has no cause. M: Minden nmagtl val. A vilgnak nincs oka.

Q: I am not enquiring about the causes that led to K: Nem a vilg teremtshez vezet okokat
the creation of the world. Who has seen the creation tudakolom. Ki ltta a vilg teremtst? Lehet, hogy
of the world? It may even be without a beginning, az kezdet nlkli, rkk ltez. De n nem a
always existing. But I am not talking of the world. I vilgrl beszlek. A vilgot valami mdon
take the world to exist -- somehow. It contains so lteznek ttelezem. Bizonyra minden rendelkezik
many things. Surely, each must have a cause, or okkal, vagy okokkal.
several causes.

M: Once you create for yourself a world in time and M: Amint teremtesz magadnak egy id- s trbeli,
space, governed by causality, you are bound to kauzalits ltal kormnyozott vilgot, akkor arra
search for and find causes for everything. You put knyszerlsz, hogy mindennek az okt keresd.
the question and impose an answer. Felteszed a krdst, s elrsz egy vlaszt.

Q: My question is very simple: I see all kinds of K: A krdsem nagyon egyszer: a dolgokat ltva
things and I understand that each must have a gy gondolom, hogy mindegyiknek kell, hogy legyen
cause, or a number of causes. You say they are egy, vagy szmos oka. Te azt mondod, hogy a te
uncaused -- from your point of view. But, to you nzpontodbl ok nlkliek. De szmodra semmi
nothing has being and, therefore, the question of nem ltezik, ezrt a kauzalits krdse fel sem

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
causation does not arise. Yet you seem to admit the merl. Mgis gy tnik, hogy a dolgok ltezst
existence of things, but deny them causation. This is elfogadod, csak okozatisgukat tagadod. Ez az, amit
what I cannot grasp. Once you accept the existence nem tudok megrteni. Ha egyszer elfogadod a
of things, why reject their causes? dolgok ltezst, mirt utastod el azok okait?

M: I see only consciousness, and know everything M: n csak tudatossgot ltok, s mindent csak
to be but consciousness, as you know the picture on tudatossgknt ismerek, mint ahogy te tudod, hogy
the cinema screen to be but light. a mozivsznon lv kp csak fny.

Q: Still, the movements of light have a cause. K: Node a fny mozgsainak oka van.

M: The light does not move at all. You know very M: A fny egyltaln nem mozog. Nagyon jl tudod,
well that the movement is illusory, a sequence of hogy a mozgs illuzrikus, megszaktsok s
interceptions and colourings in the film. What moves sznezdsek sorozata a film. Ami mozog, az a film
is the film -- which is the mind. vagyis az elme.

Q: This does not make the picture causeless. The M: Ez nem teszi a kpet oktalann. Ott van a film, s
film is there, and the actors with the technicians, the aztn a mvsz a technikusokkal, a rendez, a
director, the producer, the various manufacturers. producer, a klnbz gyrtk. A vilgot okok ltal
The world is governed by causality. Everything is vezrelt. Minden sszekapcsoldik.

M: Of course, everything is inter-linked. And M: Termszetesen, minden sszekapcsoldik. s

therefore everything has numberless causes. The ezrt mindennek megszmllhatatlan oka van. Az
entire universe contributes to the least thing. A thing egsz univerzum kzremkdik a legkisebb
is as it is, because the world is as it is. You see, you dologban is. Minden dolog azrt olyan, amilyen,
deal in gold ornaments and I -- in gold. Between the mert a vilg olyan amilyen. Nzd, te az arany
different ornaments there is no causal relation. kszerekkel foglalkozol, s n az arannyal. A
When you re-melt an ornament to make another, klnbz kszerek kztt nincs oksgi
there is no causal relation between the two. The sszefggs. Amikor beolvasztasz egy kszert,
common factor is the gold. But you cannot say gold hogy msikat csinlj, nincs oksgi sszefggs a
is the cause. It cannot be called a cause, for it kett kztt. A kzs tnyez az arany. De nem
causes nothing by itself. It is reflected in the mind as mondhatod, hogy az arany az ok. Nem nevezhet
'I am', as the ornament's particular name and shape. oknak, mert nmagban semmit nem okoz. Az
Yet all is only gold. In the same way reality makes elmben n vagyok-knt, a dsztrgyak egyedi
everything possible and yet nothing that makes a neveknt s formjaknt tkrzdik. Mgis minden
thing what it is, its name and form, comes from csak arany. Ugyanilyen mdon a valsg tesz
reality. mindent lehetsgess, s mgsincs semmi, ami
azz teszi a dolgot, ami, annak neve s formja a
valsgbl jn.

But why worry so much about causation? What do De mirt kellene annyira aggdni az oksg miatt? Mi
causes matter, when things themselves are teszi az okokat fontoss, mikor a dolgok maguk
transient? Let come what comes and let go what mlandk? Hadd jjjn, ami jn, s hadd menjen,
goes -- why catch hold of things and enquire about ami megy mirt ragadnnk meg a dolgokat s
their causes? kutatnnk azok okait?

Q: From the relative point of view, everything must K: Viszonylagos nzpontbl mindennek kell, hogy
have a cause. oka legyen.

M: Of what use is the relative view to you? You are M: Mi haszna a viszonylagos nzpontnak
able to look from the absolute point of view -- why go szmodra? Kpes vagy abszolt nzpontbl nzni
back to the relative? Are you afraid of the absolute? mirt lpsz vissza a viszonylagoshoz? Flsz az

Q: I am afraid. I am afraid of falling asleep over my K: Flek. Flek, hogy lomba zuhanok az n
so-called absolute certainties. For living a life gynevezett abszolt bizonyossgaimon tl. Abban,
decently absolutes don't help. When you need a hogy az letet elfogadhat mdon ld, az abszolt
shirt, you buy cloth, call a tailor and so on. nem segt. Amikor ruhra van szksged anyagot
veszel, keresel egy szabt, s gy tovbb.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok

M: All this talk shows ignorance. M: Ez az egsz beszd tudatlansgra utal.

Q: And what is the knower's view? K: s mi a tud nzpontja?

M: There is only light and the light is all. Everything M: Csak fny van, s a fny minden. Minden ms
else is but a picture made of light. The picture is in csak fnybl kszlt kp. A kp a fnyben van, s a
the light and the light is in the picture. Life and fny a kpben. let s hall, n s nem-n add fel
death, self and not-self --- abandon all these ideas. mindezen idekat. Azoknak semmi hasznuk
They are of no use to you. szmodra.

Q: From what point of view you deny causation? K: Milyen nzpontbl tagadod az oksgot? Relatv
From the relative -- the universe is the cause of nzpontbl az univerzum az oka mindennek.
everything. From the absolute -- there is no thing at Abszolt nzpontbl egyltaln nem lteznek
all. dolgok.

M: From which state are you asking? M: Milyen llapotbl krdezel?

Q: From the daily waking state, in which alone all K: A mindennapos brenlt llapotbl, amelyben
these discussions take place. kizrlag ezek a magyarzatok lteznek.

M: In the waking state all these problems arise, for M: Mindezen problmk az brenlti llapotban
such is its nature. But, you are not always in that annak ilyetn termszete miatt merlnek. De nem
state. What good can you do in a state into which mindig vagy abban az llapotban. Mi jt tehetsz egy
you fall and from which you emerge, helplessly. In olyan llapotban, amelybe belezuhansz, majd
what way does it help you to know that things are elbukkansz belle, tehetetlenl? Mi mdon segt
causally related -- as they may appear to be in your ez, megismerd a dolgok oksgi fggst
waking state? amikppen azok brenlti llapotodban

Q: The world and the waking state emerge and K: A vilg s az brenlti llapot egytt jelennek
subside together. meg s szllnak al.

M: When the mind is still, absolutely silent, the M: Amikor az elme csendes, abszolt csendes, az
waking state is no more. brenlti llapot nem ltezik tbb.

Q: Words like God, universe, the total, absolute, K: Az olyan szavak, mint Isten, vilgmindensg,
supreme are just noises in the air, because no abszolt, legfelsbb pusztn zajok a levegben,
action can be taken on them. mert semmilyen tevkenysg nem kthet hozzjuk.

M: You are bringing up questions which you alone M: Olyan krdseket vetsz fel, amelyeket egyedl te
can answer. tudsz megvlaszolni.

Q: Don't brush me off like this. You are so quick to K: Ne rzz le ezen a mdon. Olyan gyorsan tvltod
speak for the totality, the universe and such a tmt a totalitsra, az univerzumra s hasonl
imaginary things. They cannot come and forbid you elkpzelt dolgokra. Azok nem tudnak idejnni, s
to talk on their behalf. I hate those irresponsible megtiltani, hogy az rdekkben beszlj. Utlom a
generalizations. And you are so prone to personalise meggondolatlan ltalnostsokat. s nagyon
them. Without causality there will be no order; nor hajlamos vagy r, hogy egyniv formld azokat.
purposeful action will be possible. Kauzalits nlkl nem lenne rend, s tervszer
tevkenysg sem lenne lehetsges.

M: Do you want to know all the causes of each M: Szeretnd tudni mindegyik esemny sszes
event? Is it possible? okt? Lehetsges ez?

Q: I know it is not possible. All I want to know is if K: Tudom, hogy nem lehetsges. Csak annyit
there are causes for everything and the causes can akarok tudni, hogy van-e oka mindennek, s az okok
be influenced, thereby affecting the events? befolysolhatk-e, ezltal lehet-e hatni az

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
M: To influence events, you need not know the M: Az esemnyek befolysolshoz nem kell
causes. What a roundabout way of doing things. Are ismerned az okokat. Micsoda kerlt a
you not the source and the end of every event? cselekvshez. Nem te vagy a kiindulpontja s a
Control it at the source itself. vge minden esemnynek? Ellenrizd azt magnl
a forrsnl.

Q: Every morning I pick up the newspaper and read K: Minden reggel veszem az jsgot, s
with dismay that the world's sorrows -- poverty, ktsgbeesssel telve olvasom, hogy a vilg
hatred and wars -- continue unabated. My questions fjdalmai szegnysg, gyllkds s hbork
are concerning the fact of sorrow, the cause, the tovbbra sem cskkennek. A krdseim e fjdalom
remedy. Don't brush me off saying that it is tnyhez, az okokhoz, az ellenszerhez
Buddhism. Don't label me. Your insistence on kapcsoldnak. Ne rzz le mindig azzal, hogy ez
causelessness removes all hope of the world ever Buddhizmus. Ne cmkzz engem. Az oksg
changing. nlklisg hangoztatsval minden remnyemet
elveszed, hogy a vilg valaha megvltozik.

M: You are confused, because you believe that you M: ssze vagy zavarodva, mert azt hiszed, hogy te
are in the world, not the world in you. Who came first vagy a vilgban, nem a vilg tebenned. Ki jtt elbb
-- you or your parents? You imagine that you were te vagy a szleid? Azt kpzeled, hogy
born at a certain time and place, that you have a megszlettl egy bizonyos idben s helyen, hogy
father and a mother, a body and a name. This is van egy apd s egy anyd, egy tested s egy
your sin and your calamity. Surely you can change neved. Ez bnd, s balsorsod. Bizonyra meg
your world if you work at it. By all means, work. Who tudod vltoztatni a vilgodat, ha dolgozol rajta.
stops you? I have never discouraged you. Causes or Termszetesen, dolgozz rajta. Ki tart vissza? n ezt
no causes, you have made this world and you can soha nem helytelentem. Okok vagy nem okok, te
change it. csinltad ezt a vilgot, s te tudod megvltoztatni

Q: A causeless world is entirely beyond my control. K: Egy ok nlkli vilg teljes egszben az
ellenrzsemen kvl ll.

M: On the contrary, a world of which you are the M: Ellenkezleg, egy olyan vilgot, amelynek te
only source and ground is fully within your power to vagy az egyedli forrsa, s alapja, teljesen a te
change. What is created can be always dissolved hatalmadban ll megvltoztatni. Ami teremtetett,
and re-created. All will happen as you want it, mindig megszntethet s jrateremthet. Minden
provided you really want it. gy fog trtnni, ahogy te akarod, feltve, hogy
valban akarod azt.

Q: All I want to know is how to deal with the world's K: Csak azt akarom tudni, hogyan kezeljem a vilg
sorrows. csapsait.

M: You have created them out of your own desires M: Te hoztad ltre ket, a sajt vgyaidbl s
and fears, you deal with them. All is due to your flelmeidbl, bnj is velk. Mindez a miatt van, hogy
having forgotten your own being. Having given elfelejtkeztl sajt ltedrl. Realitst adva a film
reality to the picture on the screen, you love its kpeinek, megszeretted a rajta lv embereket,
people and suffer for them and seek to save them. It szenvedsz rtk, s megmentskre trekszel.
is just not so. You must begin with yourself. There is Csakhogy ez nem gy van. nmagaddal kell
no other way. Work, of course. There is no harm in kezdened. Nincs ms t. Dolgozz, termszetesen.
working. Semmi baj nincs a munkval.

Q: Your universe seems to contain every possible K: gy ltszik, hogy a te univerzumod minden
experience. The individual traces a line through it lehetsges tapasztalatot tartalmaz. Az egyn egy
and experiences pleasant and unpleasant states. rajta keresztl halad vonalat kvetve kellemes s
This gives rise to questioning and seeking, which kellemetlen llapotokat tapasztal. Ez krdezshez
broaden the outlook and enable the individual to go s keresshez vezet, amely szlesti ltkrt, s
beyond his narrow and self-created world limited lehetv teszi, hogy meghaladja az szk, s maga
and self-centred. This personal world can be teremtette korltos vilgt, s nkzpontsgt. Ez
changed -- in time. The universe is timeless and a szemlyes vilg megvltoztathat idvel. Az
perfect. univerzum idtlen, s tkletes.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
M: To take appearance for reality is a grievous sin M: Azt felttelezni, hogy a realitsnak kls
and the cause of all calamities. You are the all- megjelense van, fjdalomhoz vezet oktalansg,
pervading, eternal and infinitely creative awareness - s minden szerencstlensg oka. Te vagy a mindent
- consciousness. All else is local and temporary. betlt, rk s vgtelen teremt bersg
Don't forget what you are. In the meantime work to tudatossg. Minden ms helyi jelleg, s tmeneti.
your heart's content. Work and knowledge should go Ne feledd, mi vagy. Dolgozz kzben szved
hand in hand. elgedettsgn. Munka s tuds kz a kzben kell,
hogy haladjanak.

Q: My own feeling is that my spiritual development is K: Az az rzsem, hogy spiritulis fejldsem nem
not in my hands. Making one's own plans and az n hatskrm. Sajt terv ksztse, s annak
carrying them out leads no where. I just run in circles kivitelezse, sehov sem vezet. Csak krbe-krbe
round myself. When God considers the fruit to be futok magam krl. Isten ltja, hogy a gymlcs
ripe, He will pluck it and eat it. Whichever fruit megrett, akkor leszaktja, s megeszi. Ha
seems green to Him will remain on the world's tree valamely gymlcs zldnek tetszik Neki, fennhagyja
for another day. a vilg fjn, mg egy napra.

M: You think God knows you? Even the world He M: Azt hiszed, Isten tud rlad? Mg a vilgrl sem
does not know. tud.

Q: Yours is a different God. Mine is different. Mine is K: A tied egy msik Isten. Az enym ms. Az enym
merciful. He suffers along with us. irgalmas. velnk egytt szenved.

M: You pray to save one, while thousands die. And if M: Te egy megmentsrt imdkozol, mikzben
all stop dying, there will be no space on earth ezrek halnak meg. s ha megsznne a hall,
elfogyna a hely a Fldn.

Q: I am not afraid of death. My concern is with K: n nem flem a hallt. Az n gondom a csapsok
sorrow and suffering. My God is a simple God and s a szenveds. Az n Istenem egyszer Isten, s
rather helpless. He has no power to compel us to be elgg tehetetlen. Nincs hatalma arra knyszerteni,
wise. He can only stand and wait. hogy blcsek legynk. csak ll s vr.

M: If you and your God are both helpless, does it not M: Ha te s a te Istened is tehetetlenek vagytok,
imply that the world is accidental? And if it is. the abbl nem az kvetkezik, hogy a vilg esetleges?
only thing you can do is to go beyond it. s ha gy van, az egyetlen dolog, amit tehetsz,
meghaladni azt.

15. The Gnani 15. A Gnani

Questioner: Without God's power nothing can be Krdez: Isten hatalma nlkl semmit nem lehet
done. Even you would not be sitting here and talking tenni. Mg te sem lhetnl itt, s beszlhetnl
to us without Him. neknk Rla.

Maharaj: All is His doing, no doubt. What is it to me, Maharaj: Minden az mve, nincs ktsg. Mi az
since I want nothing? What can God give me, or nekem, miutn semmit nem akarok? Mi az, amit
take away from me? What is mine is mine and was Isten adhat nekem, vagy elvehet tlem? Ami az
mine even when God was not. Of course, it is a very enym, az az enym, s mg akkor is az enym
tiny little thing, a speck -- the sense 'I am', the fact of volt, amikor Isten nem volt. Termszetesen, ez egy
being. This is my own place, nobody gave it to me. nagyon apr, kicsi dolog, egy szikra az n vagyok
The earth is mine; what grows on it is God's. rzse, a ltezs tnye. Ez az n sajt helyem, ezt
senki nem adta nekem. A Fld az enym; ami rajta
n, az Isten.

Q: Did God take the earth on rent from you? K: Isten brbe vette tled a Fldet?

M: God is my devotee and did all this for me. M: Isten az n imdm, s mindezt rtem tette.

Q: Is there no God apart from you? K: Isten nem tled klnll?

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
M: How can there be? 'I am' is the root, God is the M: Hogyan lehetne az? n vagyok a gykr, Isten
tree. Whom am I to worship, and what for? a fa. Kit kellene imdjak, s mirt?

Q: Are you the devotee or the object of devotion? K: Te az imd vagy, vagy pedig az imdat trgya?

M: I am neither, I am devotion itself. M: Egyik sem vagyok, n maga az imdat vagyok.

Q: There is not enough devotion in the world. K: Nincs elg odaads a vilgban.

M: You are always after the improvement of the M: llandan a vilg jobbtst keresed. Valban azt
world. Do you really believe that the world is waiting hiszed, hogy a vilg arra vr, hogy te megmentsd?
for you to be saved?

Q: I just do not know how much I can do for the K: Csak nem tudom, hogy mennyit tehetek a
world. All I can do, is to try. Is there anything else vilgrt. Amit megtehetek, azt mind megprblom.
you would like me to do? Van valami egyb, amit szeretnl, hogy megtegyek?

M: Without you is there a world? You know all about M: Nlkled ltezik a vilg? Mindent tudsz a vilgrl,
the world, but about yourself you know nothing. You de nmagadrl nem tudsz semmit. Te magad vagy
yourself are the tools of your work, you have no az eszkz a munkdhoz, nincs szksged ms
other tools. Why don't you take care of the tools eszkzkre. Mirt nem gondoskodsz az eszkzkrl,
before you think of the work? mieltt a munkra gondolsz?

Q: I can wait, while the world cannot. K: n tudok vrni, mg a vilg nem tud.

M: By not enquiring you keep the world waiting. M: Kutats nlkl a vilgot vrakozsban tartod.

Q: Waiting for what? K: Mire val vrakozsban?

M: For somebody who can save it. M: Valakire, aki megmentheti.

Q: God runs the world, God will save it. K: Isten mkdteti a vilgot, Isten fogja megmenteni.

M: That's what you say. Did God come and tell you M: Ezt te mondod. Isten jtt s azt mondta neked,
that the world is His creation and concern and not hogy a vilg az teremtse s rdekeltsge, s
yours? nem a tid?

Q: Why should it be my sole concern? K: Mirt kellene annak az n egyedli

rdekeltsgemnek lenni?

M: Consider. The world in which you live, who else M: Fontold meg. A vilgrl, amelyben lsz, ki tud
knows about it? mg?

Q: You know. Everybody knows. K: Te tudsz. Mindenki tud.

M: Did anybody come from outside of your world to M: Jtt brki a vilgodon kvlrl, hogy ezt elmondja
tell you? Myself and everybody else appear and neked? n magam, s mindenki ms megjelennk,
disappear in your world. We are all at your mercy. s eltnnk a te vilgodban. Mi mind neked vagyunk

Q: It cannot be so bad. I exist in your world as you K: Az nem lehet olyan rossz. n is gy ltezem a te
exist in mine. vilgodban, mint ahogy te ltezel az enymben.

M: You have no evidence of my world. You are M: Neked nincs bizonytkod az n vilgomrl.
completely wrapped up in the world of your own Teljesen be vagy burkolzva a sajt magad
making. ksztette vilgba.

Q: I see. Completely, but -- hopelessly? K: rtem. Teljesen, de remnytelenl?

M: Within the prison of your world appears a man M: A vilgod brtnben megjelenik egy ember, aki

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
who tells you that the world of painful contradictions, kzli veled, hogy a fjdalmas ellentmondsok,
which you have created, is neither continuous nor amiket teremtettl, se nem folyamatosak, se nem
permanent and is based on a misapprehension. He tartsak, s tvedsen alapulnak. Igyekszik rvenni,
pleads with you to get out of it, by the same way by hogy lpj ki belle, ugyanazon a mdon, ahogy
which you got into it. You got into it by forgetting belptl. Azltal lptl be, hogy elfelejtetted ki vagy,
what you are and you will get out of it by knowing s azltal fogsz kilpni, hogy megismered magad,
yourself as you are. annak, aki vagy.

Q: In what way does it affect the world? K: Milyen mdon hat ez a vilgra?

M: When you are free of the world, you can do M: Amikor mentes vagy a vilgtl, tudsz tenni
something about it. As long as you are a prisoner of valamit rte. Amg a rabja vagy, tehetetlen vagy
it, you are helpless to change it. On the contrary, megvltoztatni azt. Ellenkezleg, brmit teszel,
whatever you do will aggravate the situation. slyosbtani fogod a helyzetet.

Q: Righteousness will set me free. K: Az igazsgos cselekedet szabadd tesz.

M: Righteousness will undoubtedly make you and M: Az igazsgos cselekedet ktsgtelenl tged s
your world a comfortable, even happy place. But a vilgodat nyugodt lelkiismeretv, st boldog
what is the use? There is no reality in it. It cannot helly tesz. De mi a gyakorlat? Ennek nincs
last. realitsa. Ez nem lehet tarts.

Q: God will help. K: Isten segteni fog.

M: To help you God must know your existence. But M: Ahhoz, hogy segtsen, Istennek tudnia kell a
you and your world are dream states. In dream you ltezsedrl. De te a vilgoddal egytt llom llapot
may suffer agonies. None knows them, and none vagytok. Elfordulhat, hogy lmods kzben
can help you. gytrdsz. Senki nem tud rla, s senki nem tud
segteni rajta.

Q: So all my questions, my search and study are of K: Teht minden krdsem, keressem s
no use? tanulsom hibaval?

M: These are but the stirrings of a man who is tired M: Ez csak egy alvsba belefradt ember
of sleeping. They are not the causes of awakening, bredezse. Nem okai a felbredsnek, csak korai
but its early signs. But, you must not ask idle jelei annak. De nem szabad olyan hibaval
questions, to which you already know the answers. krdseket feltenned, amelyekre mr tudod a

Q: How am I to get a true answer? K: Hogyan kapom meg az igazi vlaszt?

M: By asking a true question -- non-verbally, but by M: Az igazi krds feltevsvel nem szavak ltal,
daring to live according to your lights. A man willing hanem fnyeddel sszhangban lv, btor lettel.
to die for truth will get it. Az kapja meg, aki ksz meghalni az igazsgrt.

Q: Another question. There is the person. There is K: Ms krds. Van a szemly. Van az, aki a
the knower of the person. There is the witness. Are szemlyt ismeri. Van a tan. Lehet-e ugyanaz az
the knower and the witness the same, or are they ismer s a tan, vagy ezek eltr llapotok?
separate states?

M: The knower and the witness are two or one? M: Az ismer s a tan kett, vagy egy? Amikor az
When the knower is seen as separate from the ismer s az ismert klnbznek ltszik, akkor a
known, the witness stands alone. When the known tan nll. Amikor az ismert s az ismer egynek
and the knower are seen as one, the witness ltszik, akkor a tan eggy vlik velk.
becomes one with them.

Q: Who is the gnani? The witness or the supreme? K: Ki a gnani? A tan, vagy a legfelsbb?

M: The gnani is the supreme and also the witness. M: A gnani a legfelsbb is, s a tan is. a ltezs,
He is both being and awareness. In relation to s ugyanakkor az bersg is. A tudatossghoz

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
consciousness he is awareness. In relation to the viszonytva, az bersg. Az univerzumhoz
universe he is pure being. viszonytva, a tiszta ltezs.

Q: And what about the person? What comes first, K: s mi a vlemnyed a szemlyrl? Melyik az
the person or the knower. els, a szemly vagy az ismer?

M: The person is a very small thing. Actually it is a M: A szemly egy nagyon csekly dolog.
composite, it cannot be said to exist by itself. Voltakppen sszetett, de nem tekinthet nmagtl
Unperceived, it is just not there. It is but the shadow lteznek. szlelhetetlen, csaknem nincs. Pusztn
of the mind, the sum total of memories. Pure being az elme rnyka, az emlkek sszessge. A tiszta
is reflected in the mirror of the mind, as knowing. ltezs az elme tkrben, tudsknt tkrzdik. Az
What is known takes the shape of a person, based ismert lti fel a szemly emlkezeten s
on memory and habit. It is but a shadow, or a megjelensen alapul formjt, ami csak az
projection of the knower onto the screen of the mind. ismernek az elme kpernyjre vetl rnyka,
illetve kivettse.

Q: The mirror is there, the reflection is there. But K: A tkr ott van, a tkrkp ott van. De hol a nap?
where is the sun?

M: The supreme is the sun. M: A legfelsbb a nap.

Q: It must be conscious. K: Annak tudatosnak kell lennie.

M: It is neither conscious nor unconscious. Don't M: A legfelsbb sem nem tudatos, sem nem
think of it in terms of consciousness or tudattalan. Ne tudatossg s tudattalansg
unconsciousness. It is the life, which contains both terminusaiban gondolkozz. A legfelsbb a mindent
and is beyond both. magban foglal, s mindenek fltt ll let.

Q: Life is so intelligent. How can it be unconscious? K: Az let annyira intelligens. Hogyan lehetne

M: You talk of the unconscious when there is a M: Tudattalansgrl emlkezetkihagys esetn

lapse in memory. In reality there is only beszlsz. A valsgban csak tudatossg van.
consciousness. All life is conscious, all Minden let tudatos, minden tudatossg l.
consciousness -- alive.

Q: Even stones? K: Mg a kvek is?

M: Even stones are conscious and alive. M: Mg a kvek is tudatosak s lk.

Q: The worry with me is that I am prone to denying K: Aggaszt, hogy hajlok az olyan ltezs
existence to what I cannot imagine. elutastsra, amit nem tudok elkpzelni.

M: You would be wiser to deny the existence of what M: Blcsebben tennd, ha annak a ltezst
you imagine. It is the imagined that is unreal. utastand el, amit elkpzelsz. Az elkpzelt az, ami
nem vals.

Q: Is all imaginable unreal? K: Minden elkpzelhet valtlan?

M: Imagination based on memories is unreal. The M: Az emlkezetre alapozott elkpzels a valtlan.

future is not entirely unreal. A jv nem teljesen valszertlen.

Q: Which part of the future is real and which is not? K: A jvnek melyik rsze vals, s melyik nem?

M: The unexpected and unpredictable is real. M: A vratlan, s kiszmthatatlan a vals.

16. Desirelessness, the Highest Bliss 16. Vgynlklisg, a legnagyobb


Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
Questioner: I have met many realised people, but Krdez: Sok megvalsult embert lttam, de
never a liberated man. Have you come across a megszabadult embert soha. Te tallkoztl mr
liberated man, or does liberation mean, among other megszabadult emberrel, vagy a megszabaduls is,
things, also abandoning the body? mint sok ms dolog, egyben a test feladst is

Maharaj: What do you mean by realisation and Maharaj: Mit rtesz megvalsuls s
liberation? megszabaduls alatt?

Q: By realisation I mean a wonderful experience of K: Megvalsuls alatt a bknek, jsgnak, s

peace, goodness and beauty, when the world makes szpsgnek azt a csodlatos tapasztalatt rtem,
sense and there is an all-pervading unity of both amikor a vilgnak rtelme van, s kialakul annak
substance and essence. While such experience mindenre kiterjed egysge, mind szubsztancilis,
does not last, it cannot be forgotten. It shines in the mind esszencilis rtelemben. Amg egy ilyen
mind, both as memory and longing. I know what I tapasztalat nem vlik llandv, addig nem
am talking about, for I have had such experiences. feledhet. Ott ragyog az elmben, mint emlkezet,
mint svrgs. Tudom, mirl beszlek, mert van
nmi tapasztalatom.

By liberation I mean to be permanently in that Megszabaduls alatt az ebben a csodlatos

wonderful state. What I am asking is whether llapotban val folyamatos tartzkodst rtem. A
liberation is compatible with the survival of the body. krds az, hogy a megszabaduls
sszeegyeztethet-e a test tllsvel.

M: What is wrong with the body? M: Mi a baj a testtel?

Q: The body is so weak and short-lived. It creates K: A test annyira gynge s muland.
needs and cravings. It limits one grievously. Szksgleteket s vgyakat teremt. Ami slyosan
lekorltozza az embert.

M: So what? Let the physical expressions be limited. M: Na s? Hadd korltozzon csak a fizikai mkds.
But liberation is of the self from its false and self- Legalbb az n megszabadul a hamis, s n-terhel
imposed ideas; it is not contained in some particular idektl; ez nem rsze semmilyen klnleges
experience, however glorious. tapasztalatnak, legyen az brmennyire nagyszer.

Q: Does it last for ever? K: rkk fog tartani?

M: All experience is time bound. Whatever has a M: Minden tapasztalat idben korltos. Aminek
beginning must have an end. kezdete van, annak kell, hogy legyen vge is.

Q: So liberation, in my sense of the word, does not K: Teht az n rtelmezsem szerinti

exist? megszabaduls nem ltezik?

M: On the contrary, one is always free. You are, M: Ellenkezleg, az ember mindig szabad. Tudatos
both conscious and free to be conscious. Nobody vagy, ugyanakkor tudatoss vlni szabad. Ezt senki
can take this away from you. Do you ever know nem tudja elvenni tled. Ismerted magad nem
yourself non-existing, or unconscious? lteznek, vagy tudattalannak valaha?

Q: I may not remember, but that does not disprove K: Nem emlkszem ilyesmire, de ez nem cfolja azt,
my being occasionally unconscious. hogy esetenknt tudattalan vagyok.

M: Why not turn away from the experience to the M: Mirt nem fordulsz a tapasztalattl a tapasztal
experiencer and realise the full import of the only fel, s ismered fel a teljes jelentsgt az egyetlen
true statement you can make: 'I am'? igaz megllaptsnak: n vagyok?

Q: How is it done? K: Hogy kell csinlni?

M: There is no 'how' here. Just keep in mind the M: Itt nincs hogyan. Csak tartsd az elmdben az
feeling 'I am', merge in it, till your mind and feeling n vagyok rzst, egyeslj vele, mg elmd s
become one. By repeated attempts you will stumble rzsed eggy nem vlnak. Ismtelt

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
on the right balance of attention and affection and prblkozsokkal r fogsz lelni a figyelem s a
your mind will be firmly established in the thought- ragaszkods helyes arnyra, s elmd szilrdan
feeling 'I am'. Whatever you think, say, or do, this meg fog llapodni az n vagyok gondolat-rzsben.
sense of immutable and affectionate being remains Brmit gondolsz, mondasz, vagy csinlsz, a ltnek
as the ever-present background of the mind. ez a megvltozhatatlan s szeretetteljes rzete
elmd mindig jelenlv httere marad.

Q: And you call it liberation? K: s te ezt megszabadulsnak nevezed?

M: I call it normal. What is wrong with being, M: n ezt normlisnak nevezem. Mi baj az
knowing and acting effortlessly and happily? Why erfeszts-mentes s boldog ltezssel, tudssal
consider it so unusual as to expect the immediate s cselekvssel? Mirt tekintjk annyira
destruction of the body? What is wrong with the rendkvlinek, hogy elvrjuk, hogy a test azonnal
body that it should die? Correct your attitude to your elpusztuljon? Mi baj a testtel, hogy annak meg kell
body and leave it alone. Don't pamper, don't torture. halnia? Vltoztass a testedhez val hozzllsodon,
Just keep it going, most of the time below the s bzd nmagra. Ne knyeztesd, ne gytrd.
threshold of conscious attention. Mkdst tartsad csak, az id javarszben, a
tudatos figyelem kszbe alatt.

Q: The memory of my wonderful experiences haunts K: Nagyszer lmnyeim gyakran felidzdnek

me. I want them back. bennem. Meg akarom tartani azok emlkeit.

M: Because you want them back, you cannot have M: Mert meg akarod ket tartani, ezrt nem lehetnek
them. The state of craving for anything blocks all a tieid. A brmi irnti vgyakozs llapota meggtol
deeper experience. Nothing of value can happen to minden mlyebb tapasztalst. Semmi nem lehet
a mind which knows exactly what it wants. For rtkes egy olyan elme szmra, amely pontosan
nothing the mind can visualise and want is of much tudja, hogy mit akar. Mert semmi olyannak, amit az
value. elme elkpzel s akar, nincs nagy rtke.

Q: Then what is worth wanting? K: De ht mi a baj az akarssal?

M: Want the best. The highest happiness, the M: A legjobbat akard. A legemelkedettebb
greatest freedom. Desirelessness is the highest boldogsgot, a legnagyobb szabadsgot. A
bliss. vgynlklisg a legnagyobb szabadsg.

Q: Freedom from desire is not the freedom I want. I K: A vgyaktl val szabadsg nem az a
want the freedom to fulfil my longings. szabadsg, amit n akarok. n a vgyaim
beteljestsnek a szabadsgt akarom.

M: You are free to fulfil your longings. As a matter of M: Szabad vagy a vgyaid beteljestsben. Ami azt
fact, you are doing nothing else. illeti, mst sem csinlsz.

Q: I try, but there are obstacles which leave me K: Prblom, de akadlyok llnak az utamban.

M: Overcome them. M: Gyzd le ket.

Q: I cannot, I am too weak. K: Nem tudom, tl gyenge vagyok.

M: What makes you weak? What is weakness? M: Mi tesz gyengv? Mi a gyengesg? Msok
Others fulfil their desires, why don't you? teljestik vgyaikat, te mirt nem?

Q: I must be lacking energy. K: Nincs elg energim.

M: What happened to your energy? Where did it go? M: Mi lett az energiddal? Hov tnt? Nem
Did you not scatter it over so many contradictory pazaroltad tl sok ellentmond vgyra s
desires and pursuits? You don't have an infinite trekvsre? Energia utnptlsod nem vgtelen.
supply of energy.

Q: Why not? K: Mirt nem az?

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok

M: Your aims are small and low. They do not call for M: A cljaid kicsinyesek s alacsonyrendek. Az
more. Only God's energy is infinite -- because He ilyenek nem hvnak el tbbet. Csak Isten energija
wants nothing for Himself. Be like Him and all your vgtelen mert semmit nem akar Magnak. Lgy
desires will be fulfilled. The higher your aims and olyan, mint , s minden vgyad teljesl. Minl
vaster your desires, the more energy you will have emelkedettebbek a cljaid, s minl hatalmasabbak
for their fulfilment. Desire the good of all and the a vgyaid, annl tbb lesz az energid a
universe will work with you. But if you want your own teljestskhz. Vgyd a jt, s az univerzum veled
pleasure, you must earn it the hard way. Before egytt dolgozik. De ha sajt rmdet keresed, azt a
desiring, deserve. nehezebb ton kell elnyerned. Mieltt vgyakozol,
rdemeld ki.

Q: I am engaged in the study of philosophy, K: Filozfiai, szociolgiai s pedaggiai

sociology and education. I think more mental tanulmnyokat folytattam. gy gondolom, tbb
development is needed before I can dream of self- mentlis felkszlsre van szksg, mieltt az
realisation. Am I on the right track? nmegvalstsrl lmodozhatnk. J ton haladok?

M: To earn a livelihood some specialised knowledge M: A kenyered megkeresshez bizonyos

is needed. General knowledge develops the mind, szakismeretekre van szksged. Az ltalnos tuds
no doubt. But if you are going to spend your life in fejleszti az elmt, ez nem ktsges. De ha tuds
amassing knowledge, you build a wall round halmozssal akarod tlteni az leted, falat ptesz
yourself. To go beyond the mind, a well furnished magad krl. Az elme meghaladshoz nincs
mind is not needed. szksg kimvelt elmre.

Q: Then what is needed? K: Akkor mire van szksg?

M: Distrust your mind, and go beyond. M: Ne bzz az elmdben, s tekints mg.

Q: What shall I find beyond the mind? K: Mit keressek az elme mgtt?

M: The direct experience of being, knowing and M: A ltezs, a tuds s a szeretet kzvetlen
loving. tapasztalatt.

Q: How does one go beyond the mind? K: Hogy tud az ember tllpni az elmn?

M: There are many starting points -- they all lead to M: Sok kiindulpont ltezik amelyek mind
the same goal. You may begin with selfless work, ugyanahhoz a clhoz vezetnek. Kezdhetsz nzetlen
abandoning the fruits of action; you may then give munkval, a cselekedet eredmnyrl val
up thinking and end in giving up all desires. Here, lemondssal; azutn feladhatod a gondolkodst s
giving up (tyaga) is the operational factor. Or, you vgl lemondhatsz minden vgyrl. A kulcstnyez
may not bother about any thing you want, or think, or a felads (tyaga). Vagy esetleg nem veszdsz azzal,
do and just stay put in the thought and feeling 'I am', hogy brmilyen dolgot akarsz, elgondolsz, vagy
focussing 'I am' firmly in your mind. All kinds of csinlsz, s csak az n vagyok gondolathoz s
experience may come to you -- remain unmoved in rzshez ragaszkodsz, elmdet szilrdan az n
the knowledge that all perceivable is transient, and vagyok-ra fkuszlva. Akrmilyen lmnyt lsz t
only the 'I am' endures. maradj eltklten a tudatban, hogy minden
szlelhet elmlik, s csak az n vagyok marad

Q: I cannot give all my life to such practices. I have K: Nem tudom egsz letemet ilyen gyakorlatoknak
my duties to attend to. szentelni. Ktelessgeim vannak, amelyeket el kell

M: By all means attend to your duties. Action, in M: Termszetesen, ktelessgeidet lsd el.
which you are not emotionally involved and which is Cselekvs, amelybe nem bonyoldsz bele
beneficial and does not cause suffering will not bind rzelmileg, s amely dvs, s nem vlt ki
you. You may be engaged in several directions and szenvedst, nem fog megktni. Lehetsz elktelezett
work with enormous zest, yet remain inwardly free klnbz irnyokban, s dolgozhatsz hatalmas
and quiet, with a mirror-like mind, which reflects all, lendlettel, maradj bensdben, mgis szabad s
without being affected. nyugodt, tkrszer elmvel, amely mindent

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
visszatkrz, anlkl, hogy az hatssal lenne r.

Q: Is such a state realisable? K: Ltezik ilyen megvalsthat llapot?

M: I would not talk about it, if it were not. Why M: Nem beszlnk rla, ha nem ltezne. Mirt
should I engage in fancies? foglalkoznk kpzeldsekkel?

Q: Everybody quotes scriptures. K: Mindenki idz szentrsokat.

M: Those who know only scriptures know nothing. M: Aki csak szentrsokat ismer, semmit nem tud.
To know is to be. I know what I am talking about; it is Tudni annyi, mint lenni. n tudom, amirl beszlek;
not from reading, or hearsay. ez nem olvasmnylmny, vagy mendemonda.

Q: I am studying Sanskrit under a professor, but K: Szanszkrit tanulmnyokat folytatok egy

really I am only reading scriptures. I am in search of professzornl, de valjban szentrsokat olvasok
self-realisation and I came to get the needed csak. Az nmegvalstst kutatom, s eljttem, hogy
guidance. Kindly tell me what am I to do? megkapjam a szksges segtsget. Lgy olyan j,
s mondd el, hogy mit kell tennem?

M: Since you have read the scriptures, why do you M: Minthogy olvastad a szentrsokat, mirt engem
ask me? krdezel?

Q: The scriptures show the general directions but K: A szentrsok megmutatjk az ltalnos
the individual needs personal instructions. irnyokat, de az egynnek szemlyes utastsokra
van szksge.

M: Your own self is your ultimate teacher (sadguru). M: Sajt ned a te vgs tantd (sadguru). A kls
The outer teacher (Guru) is merely a milestone. It is tanr (Guru) pusztn csak egy mrfldk. Csak
only your inner teacher, that will walk with you to the bels tantd lehet az, aki elksr a clig, mert a
goal, for he is the goal. cl.

Q: The inner teacher is not easily reached. K: A bels tant nem knnyen elrhet.

M: Since he is in you and with you, the difficulty M: Mivel benned, s veled van, a nehzsg nem
cannot be serious. Look within, and you will find him. lehet komoly. Nzz befel, s meg fogod tallni t.

Q: When I look within, I find sensations and K: Amikor befel nzek, benyomsokat s
perceptions, thoughts and feelings, desires and szleleteket, gondolatokat s rzseket, vgyakat
fears, memories and expectations. I am immersed in s flelmeket, emlkeket s elvrsokat tallok.
this cloud and see nothing else. Elmerlk ebben a felhben, s semmi mst nem

M: That which sees all this, and the nothing too, is M: Ami ltja mindezt, s a semmit szintgy, az a
the inner teacher. He alone is, all else only appears bels tant. Egyedl van, minden ms csak gy
to be. He is your own self (swarupa), your hope and ltszik, mintha lenne. a te sajt magad (swarupa)
assurance of freedom; find him and cling to him and vagy, szabadsgod remnye s bizonyossga;
you will be saved and safe. talld meg t, s kapaszkodj bel, s
megmeneklsz, s biztonsgba kerlsz.

Q: I do believe you, but when it comes to the actual K: Elhiszem neked, de amikor ppen megtallnm
finding of this inner self, I find it escapes me. ezt a bels nt, gy ltom, elszkik ellem.

M: The idea 'it escapes me', where does it arise? M: Hol keletkezik az elszkik ellem gondolata?

Q: In the mind. K: Az elmben.

M: And who knows the mind. M: s ki ismeri az elmt?

Q: The witness of the mind knows the mind. K: Az elmnek a tanja ismeri az elmt.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
M: Did anybody come to you and say: 'I am the M: Jtt mr hozzd valaki, azt mondva: n vagyok
witness of your mind'? az elmd tanja?

Q: Of course not. He would have been just another K: Termszetesen nem. csak az elme egy msik
idea in the mind. gondolata lenne.

M: Then who is the witness? M: Akkor ki a tan?

Q: I am. K: n vagyok.

M: So, you know the witness because you are the M: Teht, azrt ismered a tant, mert te vagy a tan.
witness. You need not see the witness in front of Nem kell magad eltt ltnod a tant. Ismtlem, lenni
you. Here again, to be is to know. annyit jelent, hogy tudni.

Q: Yes, I see that I am the witness, the awareness K: Igen, rtem, hogy n vagyok a tan, a tudatossg
itself. But in which way does it profit me? maga. De mi hasznom belle?

M: What a question. What kind of profit do you M: Micsoda krds. Mifle haszonra szmtasz?
expect? To know what you are, is it not good Tudni, hogy mi vagy, nem felel meg?

Q: What are the uses of self-knowledge? K: Mi haszna az nismeretnek?

M: It helps you to understand what you are not and M: Segt megrtened, hogy mi nem vagy, s
keeps you free from false ideas, desires and actions. megszabadulnod a tves elkpzelsektl, vgyaktl
s cselekedetektl.

Q: If I am the witness only, what do right and wrong K: Ha a tan egyes-egyedl n vagyok, akkor mi
matter? helyes s helytelen?

M: What helps you to know yourself is right. What M: Ami segt, hogy megismerd nmagad, az helyes.
prevents, is wrong. To know one's real self is bliss, Ami gtol ebben, az helytelen. Ismerni a valdi nt
to forget -- is sorrow. boldogsg, elfelejteni szomorsg.

Q: Is the witness-consciousness the real Self? K: A tan-tudatossg a valdi n?

M: It is the reflection of the real in the mind (buddhi). M: A tan-tudatossg a valsg tkrzdse az
The real is beyond. The witness is the door through elmben (buddhi). A valsg ezen tl van. A tan az
which you pass beyond. ajt, amelyen keresztl oda juthatsz.

Q: What is the purpose of meditation? K: Mi a meditci clja?

M: Seeing the false as the false, is meditation. This M: A hamis hamisnak ltsa, a meditci. Ezt kell
must go on all the time. folytatnod szakadatlanul.

Q: We are told to meditate regularly. K: Azt mondjk, rendszeresen kell meditlni.

M: Deliberate daily exercise in discrimination M: Az igaz s a hamis megklnbztetsnek

between the true and the false and renunciation of minden napi, tgondolt gyakorlsa, s a hamis
the false is meditation. There are many kinds of elvetse, a meditci. Sokfle meditcival lehet
meditation to begin with, but they all merge finally kezdeni, de vgl mind egybeolvadnak.
into one.

Q: Please tell me which road to self-realisation is the K: Lgy szves, beszlj nekem arrl, hogy melyik az
shortest. nmegvalstshoz vezet legrvidebb .

M: No way is short or long, but some people are M: Nem az t a rvid vagy hossz, hanem bizonyos
more in earnest and some are less. I can tell you emberek komolyabbak, s msok kevsb azok.
about myself. I was a simple man, but I trusted my Meslhetek sajt magamrl. n egy egyszer ember
Guru. What he told me to do, I did. He told me to voltam, de hittem a Gurumban. Amire krt,

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
concentrate on 'I am' -- I did. He told me that I am megtettem. Azt mondta, hogy koncentrljak az n
beyond all perceivables and conceivables -- I vagyok-ra megtettem. Azt mondta, hogy tl
believed. I gave him my heart and soul, my entire vagyok minden szlelhetn s elkpzelhetn
attention and the whole of my spare time (I had to elhittem. Neki adtam a szvemet s a lelkemet, teljes
work to keep my family alive). As a result of faith and figyelmemet, s minden felesleges idmet
earnest application, I realised my self (swarupa) (dolgoznom kellett, hogy fenn tartsam a
within three years. You may choose any way that csaldomat). A hit s a lelkiismeretes gyakorls
suits you; your earnestness will determine the rate of eredmnyekppen nemet (swarupa) hrom ven
progress. bell felismertem.

Q: No hint for me? K: Nincs tmutatsod szmomra?

M: Establish yourself firmly in the awareness of 'I M: llapodj meg szilrdan az n vagyok
am'. This is the beginning and also the end of all bersgben. Ez a kezdete, egyben a vge is
endeavour. minden erfesztsnek.

17. The Ever-Present 17. A mindig jelenlev

Questioner: The highest powers of the mind are Krdez: Az elme legmagasabb eri a
understanding, intelligence and insight. Man has felfogkpessg, az intelligencia s az intuci. Az
three bodies -- the physical, the mental and the embernek hrom teste van a fizikai, a mentlis, s
causal (prana, mana, karana). The physical reflects a kauzlis (prana, mana, karana). A fizikai tkrzi
his being; the mental -- his knowing and the causal - ltezst; a mentlis tudst, s a kauzlis
- his joyous creativity. Of course, these are all forms boldog alkotkpessgt. Termszetesen, ezek a
in consciousness. But they appear to be separate, formk mind a tudatossgban vannak. De
with qualities of their own. Intelligence (buddhi) is klnbzknek tnnek, sajt minsgekkel
the reflection in the mind of the power to know (chit). rendelkezknek. Az intelligencia (buddhi) a tudat
It is what makes the mind knowledgeable. The (chit) erejnek az elmben val tkrzdse. Ez az,
brighter the intelligence, the wider, deeper and truer ami az elmt rtelmess teszi. Minl tisztbb az
the knowledge. To know things, to know people and intelligencia, annl szlesebb, mlyebb s valdibb
to know oneself are all functions of intelligence: the a tuds. Ismerni a dolgokat, ismerni az embereket,
last is the most important and contains the former s ismerni nmagt ezek mind az intelligencia
two. Misunderstanding oneself and the world leads funkcii: az utols a legfontosabb, s tartalmazza az
to false ideas and desires, which again lead to elz kettt. nmagnak s a vilgnak a flrertse
bondage. Right understanding of oneself is hamis idekhoz s vgyakhoz vezet, amely viszont
necessary for freedom from the bondage of illusion. I ktttsgekhez vezet. Mindezt rtem, elmletileg, de
understand all this in theory, but when it comes to amikor az alkalmazsra kerl sor, gy tallom, hogy
practice, I find that I fail hopelessly in my responses a szitucikkal s emberekkel kapcsolatos reakciim
to situations and people and by my inappropriate remnytelenl hibsak, s a nem helynval
reactions I merely add to my bondage. Life is too reakciimmal csupn ktelkeimet erstem. Az let
quick for my dull and slow mind. I do understand but tl gyors az n nehzkes s lass elmmnek. A
too late, when the old mistakes have been already felfog kpessgem mkdik, de tl ksn, akkor,
repeated. amikor a rgi hibkat mr ismt elkvettem.

Maharaj: What then is your problem? Maharaj: Mi a problmd?

Q: I need a response to life, not only intelligent, but K: Az letre trtn reaglsomnak nemcsak
also very quick. It cannot be quick unless it is intelligensnek, hanem nagyon gyorsnak is kell
perfectly spontaneous. How can I achieve such lennie. Csak akkor lehet gyors, ha tkletesen
spontaneity? spontn. Hogyan rhetek el ilyen spontaneitst?

M: The mirror can do nothing to attract the sun. It M: A tkr semmit nem tud tenni annak rdekben,
can only keep bright. As soon as the mind is ready, hogy magra irnytsa a napot. Csak azt tudja tenni,
the sun shines in it. hogy tiszta marad. Amint az elme kszen ll, a nap
felragyog benne.

Q: The light is of the Self, or of the mind? K: A fny az n, vagy az elme sajtja?

M: Both. It is uncaused and unvarying by itself and M: Mindkett. A fny nmagtl val, s nmaga

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
coloured by the mind, as it moves and changes. It is ltal nem vltoz, ugyanakkor mozgsban s
very much like a cinema. The light is not in the film, vltozsban az elme ltal befolysolt. Nagyon j
but the film colours the light and makes it appear to hasonlat erre a mozi. A fny nem a filmben van,
move by intercepting it. hanem a film a fny sznezsvel s eltrtsvel az
teszi azt ltszlag mozgv.

Q: Are you now in the perfect state? K: Te most a tkletes llapotban vagy?

M: Perfection is a state of the mind, when it is pure. I M: A tkletessg az elme llapota, amikor az tiszta.
am beyond the mind, whatever its state, pure or n tl vagyok az elmn, brmilyen annak az
impure. Awareness is my nature; ultimately I am llapota, tiszta vagy nem tiszta. A tudatossg a
beyond being and non-being. termszetem; vglegesen tl lptem ltezsen s

Q: Will meditation help me to reach your state? K: A meditci segt, hogy elrjem az llapotodat?

M: Meditation will help you to find your bonds, M: A meditci abban segt, hogy megtalld a
loosen them, untie them and cast your moorings. ktelkeidet, meglaztsd azokat, kibontsd azokat, s
When you are no longer attached to anything, you levesd a lncaidat. Amikor mr nem ragaszkodsz
have done your share. The rest will be done for you. tbb semmihez, megcsinltad a rszedet. A tbbi
elvgeztetik szmodra.

Q: By whom? K: Ki ltal?

M: By the same power that brought you so far, that M: Ugyanazon er ltal, amely elhozott tged idig,
prompted your heart to desire truth and your mind to amely sugalmazta szvednek az igazsg vgyt, s
seek it. It is the same power that keeps you alive. elmdnek annak keresst. Ez ugyanaz az er,
You may call it Life or the Supreme. amely letben tart. Nevezheted t letnek vagy a

Q: The same power kills me in due course. K: Ugyanez az er l meg, ha eljn az ideje.

M: Were you not present at your birth? Will you not M: Nem voltl jelen a szletsedkor? Nem leszel
be present at your death? Find him who is always jelen a hallodkor? Keresd t, aki mindig jelen van,
present and your problem of spontaneous and s a spontn s tkletes vlaszra vonatkoz
perfect response will be solved. problmd meg fog olddni.

Q: realisation of the eternal and an effortless and K: Az rkkval realizlsa, s az rkk vltoz,
adequate response to the ever-changing temporary ml esemnyre adott hatkony, s adekvt vlasz,
event are two different and separate questions. You kt klnbz, s nll krds. gy ltszik, te
seem to roll them into one. What makes you do so? egynek tekinted ket. Mirt?

M: To realise the Eternal is to become the Eternal, M: Az rkkval realizlsa azt jelenti, hogy az
the whole, the universe, with all it contains. Every rkkvalv vlni, az egssz, az univerzumm,
event is the effect and the expression of the whole annak minden tartalmval. Minden esemny az
and is in fundamental harmony with the whole. All egsz hatsa s kifejezse, s alapvet
response from the whole must be right, effortless harmniban van az egsszel. Minden vlasz,
and instantaneous. amely az egszbl szrmazik, igaz kell, hogy
legyen, erfeszts-mentes s azonnali.

It cannot be otherwise, if it is right. Delayed Nem lehet mskppen, ha igazi. A ksleltetett

response is wrong response. Thought, feeling and vlasz rossz vlasz. Gondolkozsnak, rzsnek s
action must be one and simultaneous with the cselekvsnek egynek, s az ket elhv
situation that calls for them. szitucival egyidejnek kell lennie.

Q: How does it come? K: Hogy kvetkezik ez be?

M: I told you already. Find him who was present at M: Mondtam mr. Keresd meg t, aki jelen volt
your birth and will witness your death. szletsedkor, s tanja lesz hallodnak.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
Q: My father and mother? K: Apm s anym?

M: Yes, your father-mother, the source from which M: Igen, apd-anyd, a forrs, ahonnan jttl. Egy
you came. To solve a problem you must trace it to problma megoldshoz vissza kell azt kvetned a
its source. Only in the dissolution of the problem in forrsig. a helyes megolds A helyes megolds
the universal solvents of enquiry and dispassion, megtallsa csak a problmnak a kutats s
can its right solution be found. prtatlansg univerzlis oldszerben val
felolddsa rvn lehetsges.

18. To Know What you Are, Find What 18. Hogy megtudd ki vagy, fedezd fel, ki
you Are Not nem vagy
Questioner: Your way of describing the universe as Krdez: Ahogyan az univerzumot lerod, mint
consisting of matter, mind and spirit is one of the anyagot, elmt s szellemet magban foglal
many. There are other patterns to which the valamit, egy md a sok kzl. Lteznek ms olyan
universe is expected to conform, and one is at a loss mintk is, amelyeknek az univerzum vrhatan
to know which pattern is true and which is not. One megfelel, s az ember azt sem tudja, melyik minta
ends in suspecting that all patterns are only verbal helyes, s melyik nem. Az embernek az a gyanja
and that no pattern can contain reality. According to tmad, hogy minden minta csupn verblis, s hogy
you, reality consists of three expanses: The expanse egy minta sem kpes tartalmazni a valsgot.
of matter-energy (mahadakash), the expanse of Szerinted a valsgnak a kvetkez hrom
consciousness (chidakash) and of pure spirit kiterjedst tartalmazza: az anyag-energia
(paramakash). The first is something that has both (mahadakash) kiterjedst, a tudatossg
movement and inertia. That we perceive. We also (chidakash) kiterjedst s a tiszta szellem
know that we perceive -- we are conscious and also (paramakash) kiterjedst. Az els valami olyan,
aware of being conscious. Thus, we have two: aminek mozgsa, s tehetetlensge van. szleljk
matter-energy and consciousness. Matter seems to ket. Azt is tudjuk, hogy szleljk tudatosak
be in space while energy is always in time, being vagyunk, s tudatban vagyunk a ltez tudatnak.
connected with change and measured by the rate of gy kt dologgal rendelkeznk: anyag-energival s
change. Consciousness seems to be somehow here tudatossggal. Az anyagot trben lteznek ltjuk,
and now, in a single point of time and space. But mg az energit mindig idben lteznek, olyannak,
you seem to suggest that consciousness too is ami vltozsokhoz kapcsoldik, s amit a vltozs
universal -- which makes it timeless, spaceless and gyakorisgval mrnk. A tudatossg valami mdon
impersonal. I can somehow understand that there is itt s most, az idnek s trnek egyetlen pontjban
no contradiction between the timeless and lteznek ltszik. De te azt ltszol szuggerlni, hogy
spaceless and the here and now, but impersonal a tudatossg szintn univerzlis vagyis idtlen,
consciousness I cannot fathom. To me hatrtalan s szemlytelen. Azt valahogy mg kpes
consciousness is always focalised, centred, vagyok megrteni, hogy nincs ellentmonds az
individualised, a person. You seem to say that there idtlen s hatrtalan, valamint az itt s most kztt,
can be perceiving without a perceiver, knowing de a szemlytelen tudatossg rtelmnek nem
without a knower, loving without a lover, acting tudok a mlyre hatolni. Szmomra a tudatossg
without an actor. I feel that the trinity of knowing, mindig koncentrlt, kzpontostott, egyedi egy
knower and known can be seen in every movement szemly. gy tnik, azt mondod, hogy lehetsges
of life. Consciousness implies a conscious being, an szlels szlel nlkl, tuds tud nlkl, szeretet
object of consciousness and the fact of being szeret nlkl, cselekvs cselekv nlkl. gy
conscious. That which is conscious I call a person. A rzem, hogy a tuds,a tud s a tudott hromsga
person lives in the world, is a part of it, affects it and az let minden pillanatban megfigyelhet. A
is affected by it. tudatossg magban foglalja a tudatos ltezt, a
tudatossg objektumt, s a tudatosnak levs
tnyt. Azt, ami tudatos, nevezem n szemlynek. A
szemly a vilgban l, rsze annak, hat r, s
elszenvedi annak hatst.

Maharaj: Why don't you enquire how real are the Maharaj: Mirt nem vizsglod, hogy mi mdon
world and the person? valdi a vilg s a szemly?

Q: Oh, no. I need not enquire. Enough if the person K: Oh, nem. Nem kell vizsglnom. Elegend, hogy a
is not less real than the world in which the person szemly nem kevsb valdi, mint a vilg, amelyben
exists. a szemly l.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
M: Then what is the question? M: Akkor mi a krds?

Q: Are persons real, and universals conceptual, or K: A szemlyek valdiak s az univerzlis

are universals real and persons imaginary? konceptulis, vagy pedig az univerzlis valdi, s a
szemlyek elkpzeltek?

M: Neither are real. M: Egyik sem valdi.

Q: Surely, I am real enough to merit your reply and I K: n bizonyra elg valdi vagyok, hogy
am a person. kirdemeljem a vlaszodat, s n egy szemly

M: Not when asleep. M: Mikzben alszol, nem vagy az.

Q: Submergence is not absence. Even though K: Az almerls nem hiny. Mg alvs kzben is
asleep, I am. vagyok.

M: To be a person you must be self-conscious. Are M: Hogy szemly lehess, ntudatosnak kell lenned.
you so always? llandan az vagy?

Q: Not when I sleep, of course, nor when I am in a K: Amikor alszom, termszetesen nem, jult, vagy
swoon, or drugged. kbult llapotban sem.

M: During your waking hours are you continually M: brenlti ridban folyamatosan ntudatos
self-conscious? vagy?

Q: No, Sometimes I am absent-minded, or just K: Nem, nha figyelmetlen vagyok, vagy csak
absorbed. elmerlt.

M: Are you a person during the gaps in self- M: Szemly vagy-e az ntudat hzagaiban?

Q: Of course I am the same person throughout. I K: Termszetesen, ugyanaz a szemly vagyok

remember myself as I was yesterday and yester mindvgig. Emlkszem magamra, mi voltam tegnap,
year -- definitely, I am the same person. s mlt vben hatrozottan ugyanaz a szemly

M: So, to be a person, you need memory? M: Teht, ahhoz, hogy szemly legyl, emlkezetre
van szksged?

Q: Of course. K: Termszetesen.

M: And without memory, what are you? M: s emlkezet nlkl, mi vagy?

Q: Incomplete memory entails incomplete K: A tkletlen memria tkletlen szemlyisggel

personality. Without memory I cannot exist as a jr egytt. Emlkezet nlkl nem ltezhetek
person. szemlyknt.

M: Surely you can exist without memory. You do so M: Minden ktsgen fell tudsz ltezni emlkezet
-- in sleep. nlkl. Ezt teszed alvsban.

Q: Only in the sense of remaining alive. Not as a K: Csak abban rtelemben, hogy letben maradok.
person. Nem a szemlyben.

M: Since you admit that as a person you have only M: Miutn elismerted, hogy szemlyknt csak
intermittent existence, can you tell me what are you idszakosan ltezel, meg tudnd-e mondani nekem,
in the intervals in between experiencing yourself as hogy mi vagy az nmagadat szemlyknt val
a person? tapasztalsod kztes intervallumaiban?

Q: I am, but not as a person. Since I am not K: Akkor is vagyok, de nem szemlyknt. Mivel nem

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
conscious of myself in the intervals, I can only say vagyok tudatban nmagamnak ezekben az
that I exist, but not as a person. intervallumokban, csak annyit mondhatok, hogy
ltezem, de nem szemlyknt.

M: Shall we call it impersonal existence M: Nevezhetjk ezt szemlytelen ltezsnek?

Q: I would call it rather unconscious existence; I am, K: Inkbb neveznm tudattalan ltezsnek; vagyok,
but I do not know that I am. de nem tudom, hogy vagyok.

M: You have said just now: 'I am, but I do not know M: pp az imnt mondtad: Vagyok, de nem tudom,
that I am'. Could you possibly say it about your being hogy vagyok. Tudnd ezt a tudattalan llapotodban
in an unconscious state? mondani, esetleg?

Q: No, I could not. K: Nem, nem tudnm.

M: You can only describe it in the past tense: 'I did M: Csak mlt idben tudsz rla beszlni: Nem
not know. I was unconscious', in the sense of not tudtam. Tudattalan voltam, abban az rtelemben,
remembering. hogy nem emlkszel.

Q: Having been unconscious, how could I remember K: A tudattalan llapotombl hogyan tudnk
and what? emlkezni, s mire?

M: Were you really unconscious, or you just do not M: Valban tudattalan voltl, vagy csak nem
remember? emlkszel?

Q: How am I to make out? K: Honnan tudhatnm n azt?

M: Consider. Do you remember every second of M: Gondold t. Emlkszel a tegnapi nap minden
yesterday? msodpercre?

Q: Of course, not. K: Termszetesen nem.

M: Were you then unconscious? M: Akkor teht tudattalan voltl?

Q: Of course, not. K: Termszetesen nem.

M: So, you are conscious and yet you do not M: Teht, tudatos vagy, s mgsem emlkszel?

Q: Yes. K: Igen.

M: Maybe you were conscious in sleep and just do M: Lehet, hogy tudatos voltl alvs kzben, csak
not remember. nem emlkszel.

Q: No, I was not conscious. I was asleep. I did not K: Nem, nem voltam tudatos. Aludtam. Nem gy
behave like a conscious person. viselkedtem, mint egy tudatos szemly.

M: Again, how do you know? M: Megismtlem a krdst, honnan tudod?

Q: I was told so by those who saw me asleep. K: Azoktl, akik lttak aludni.

M: All they can testify to is that they saw you lying M: k csak annak lehettek tani, hogy lttak tged
quietly with closed eyes and breathing regularly. nyugodtan, csukott szemekkel fekdni, s
They could not make out whether you were szablyosan llegezni. Nem tudhattk, hogy tudatos
conscious or not. Your only proof is your own voltl-e vagy sem. Egyetlen bizonytkod a sajt
memory. A very uncertain proof it is. emlkezeted. Ez nagyon ktsges bizonytk.

Q: Yes, I admit that on my own terms I am a person K: Igen, beltom, hogy sajt terminolgim szerint
only during my waking hours. What I am in between, csak brenlti rim sorn vagyok szemly. Hogy
I do not know. kzben mi vagyok, azt nem tudom.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok

M: At least you know that you do not know. Since M: Legalbbis tudod, hogy nem tudod. Mivel
you pretend not to be conscious in the intervals elfogadod, hogy az brenlti rk kztti
between the waking hours, leave the intervals alone. intervallumokban nem vagy tudatos, ezekkel az
Let us consider the waking hours only. idszakokkal ne foglalkozzunk. Foglalkozzunk
csupn az brenlt rival.

Q: I am the same person in my dreams. K: lmaimban ugyanaz a szemly vagyok.

M: Agreed. Let us consider them together waking M: Megegyeztnk. Vegyk egytt fontolra az
and dreaming. The difference is merely in continuity. brenlt s az lom llapott. A klnbsg merben
Were your dreams consistently continuous, bringing folytonossgbeli. Ha az lmaid kvetkezetes mdon
back night after night the same surroundings and the folytonosak lennnek, jjelrl jjelre visszatrnnek,
same people, you would be at a loss to know which ugyanazon krnyezettel s emberekkel, aligha
is the waking and which is the dream. tudnd, hogy melyik az brenlt s melyik az lom
Henceforward, when we talk of the waking state, we llapota. Mostantl, amikor az brenlt llapotrl
shall include the dream state too. beszlnk, rtsk bele az llom llapott is.

Q: Agreed. I am a person in a conscious relation K: Megegyeztnk. n a vilggal folyamatos

with a world. kapcsolatban lv szemly vagyok.

M: Are the world and the conscious relation with it M: A vilg s a vele val folyamatos kapcsolat
essential to your being a person? elengedhetetlen ahhoz, hogy szemly legyl?

Q: Even immersed in a cave, I remain a person. K: Amikor almerlk egy barlangba, akkor is
szemly maradok.

M: It implies a body and a cave. And a world in M: Ez egy testet s egy barlangot jelent. s egy
which they can exist. vilgot, amelyekben azok ltezhetnek.

Q: Yes. I can see. The world and the consciousness K: Igen. rtem. A vilg s a vilg tudatossga
of the world are essential to my existence as a elengedhetetlenek ahhoz, hogy szemlyknt
person. ltezzek.

M: This makes the person a part and parcel of the M: Ez teszi a szemlyt a vilg szerves
world, or vice versa. The two are one. alkotrszv, illetve viszont. A kett egy.

Q: Consciousness stands alone. The person and the K: A tudatossg egyedl ll. A szemly s a vilg
world appear in consciousness. tudatossgban jelenik meg.

M: You said: appear. Could you add: disappear? M: Azt mondtad: megjelenik. Hozztehetnd, hogy:

Q: No, I cannot. I can only be aware of my and my K: Nem, nem tehetnm. n csak magamnak, s a
world's appearance. As a person, I cannot say: 'the vilgom megjelensnek vagyok tudatban.
world is not'. Without a world I would not be there to Szemlyknt nem mondhatom, hogy: a vilg nem
say it. Because there is a world, I am there to say: ltezik. A vilg nlkl nem lehetnk itt, hogy ezt
'there is a world'. elmondjam. A vilg ltezse miatt vagyok itt, hogy
azt mondjam: a vilg ltezik.

M: Maybe it is the other way round. Because of you, M: Lehet, hogy fordtva van. Mert te vagy, azrt
there is a world. ltezik a vilg.

Q: To me such statement appears meaningless. K: Szmomra ez a kijelents rtelmetlen.

M: Its meaninglessness may disappear on M: rtelmetlensge kutatssal szntethet meg.


Q: Where do we begin? K: Hol kezdjk?

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
M: All I know is that whatever depends, is not real. M: Biztosan tudom, hogy ami fgg, az nem
The real is truly independent. Since the existence of valsgos. A valdi nem fgg semmitl. Mivel a
the person depends on the existence of the world szemly ltezse a vilg ltezstl fgg, s a vilg
and it is circumscribed and defined by the world, it ltal krlhatrolt s meghatrozott, a szemly nem
cannot be real. lehet valdi.

Q: It cannot be a dream, surely. K: lom biztosan nem lehet.

M: Even a dream has existence, when it is cognised M: Mg az lom is ltezssel br, amikor tudsz rla,
and enjoyed, or endured. Whatever you think and lvezed, vagy tled. Brmit gondolsz s rzel, az
feel has being. But it may not be what you take it to ltezik. De az, amit lteznek felttelezel, nem
be. What you think to be a person may be ltezhet. Amit szemlynek gondolsz, az valami
something quite different. egsz ms lehet.

Q: I am what I know myself to be. K: n az vagyok, aminek tudom magam.

M: You cannot possibly say that you are what you M: Nem valszn, hogy mondhatsz olyat, hogy az
think yourself to be. Your ideas about yourself vagy, aminek gondolod magad. A magadrl alkotott
change from day to day and from moment to elkpzelseid naprl napra, pillanatrl pillanatra
moment. Your self-image is the most changeful thing vltoznak. Az nkped a legvltozkonyabb
you have. It is utterly vulnerable, at the mercy of a tulajdonod. A legteljesebb mrtkig sebezhet,
passer by. A bereavement, the loss of a job, an kiszolgltatva minden jttment knye-kedvnek.
insult, and your image of yourself, which you call Halleset a csaldban, a munkahely elvesztse, egy
your person, changes deeply. To know what you are inzultus, s az nmagadrl alkotott kp, amelyet a
you must first investigate and know what you are szemlyisgednek nevezel, mlyen megvltozik.
not. And to know what you are not you must watch Ahhoz, hogy megtudd mi vagy, elbb fel kell
yourself carefully, rejecting all that does not fedezned, hogy mi nem vagy. s, hogy megtudd mi
necessarily go with the basic fact: 'I am'. The ideas: I nem vagy, elbb gondosan figyelned kell magad,
am born at a given place, at a given time, from my visszautastva mindent, ami nem jr szksgszeren
parents and now I am so-and-so, living at, married egytt azzal az alapvet tnnyel, hogy: n vagyok.
to, father of, employed by, and so on, are not Az ilyen gondolatok, hogy adott helyen szlettem,
inherent in the sense 'I am'. Our usual attitude is of 'I adott idben, a szleimtl, most ez meg ez vagyok,
am this'. Separate consistently and perseveringly the itt meg itt lek, hzas vagyok, apa vagyok,
'I am' from 'this' or 'that', and try to feel what it means alkalmazott vagyok, stb., nem velejri az n
to be, just to be, without being 'this' or 'that'. All our vagyok-nak. Az n ez vagyok szokss vlt
habits go against it and the task of fighting them is attitdnk. Kvetkezetesen s kitartan klntsd el
long and hard sometimes, but clear understanding az n vagyok-ot az ez vagy az-tl, s prbld
helps a lot. The clearer you understand that on the rezni, mit jelent lenni, csak lenni, anlkl, hogy ez
level of the mind you can be described in negative vagy az lennl. Minden szoksunk ez ellen szl, s
terms only, the quicker you will come to the end of a velk val megharcols feladata hossz, s
your search and realise your limitless being. idnknt nehz, de a tiszta megrts sokat segt.
Minl tisztbban megrted, hogy az elme szintjn
csak negatv kifejezsekkel rhatod le magad, annl
gyorsabban rsz a keress vgre s ismered fel,
hogy lnyed korltok nlkli.

19. Reality lies in Objectivity 19. A valsg elfogulatlansgot jelent

Questioner: I am a painter and I earn by painting Krdez: Fest vagyok, a festszet a kenyerem. Br
pictures. Has it any value from the spiritual point of ez valamilyen rtkkel spiritulis nzpontbl?

Maharaj: When you paint what do you think about? Maharaj: Amikor festesz, mire gondolsz?

Q: When I paint, there is only the painting and K: Amikor festek, csak a fests van s nmagam.

M: What are you doing there? M: Te mit csinlsz ott?

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
Q: I paint. K: Festek.

M: No, you don't. You see the painting going on. M: Nem, nem azt csinlod. Nzed a kpet, ahogy
You are watching only, all else happens. kszl. Te csak figyelsz, minden ms trtnik.

Q: The picture is painting itself? Or, is there some K: A kp festi nmagt? Vagy van egy mlyebb n,
deeper 'me', or some god who is painting? vagy valamifle isten, aki fest?

M: Consciousness itself is the greatest painter. The M: A tudatossg maga a legnagyobb fest. Az
entire world is a Picture. egsz vilg egy Festmny.

Q: Who painted the picture of the world? K: Ki festette a vilgfestmnyt?

M: The painter is in the Picture. M: A fest benne van a Festmnyben.

Q: The picture is in the mind of the painter and the K: A kp a fest elmjben van, s a fest abban a
painter is in the picture, which is in the mind of the kpben van, amely a fest elmjben van, aki a
painter who is in the picture. Is not this infinity of kpben van. Nem abszurd az llapotoknak s
states and dimensions absurd? The moment we talk dimenziknak ez a vgtelensge? Abban a
of picture in the mind, which itself is in the picture, pillanatban, hogy az elmben lv kprl beszlnk,
we come to an endless succession of witnesses, the amely elme nmaga a kpben van, a tank vgtelen
higher witness witnessing the lower. It is like sorozathoz jutunk, a magasabb tan az
standing between two mirrors and wondering at the alacsonyabbnak a tanja. Ez olyan, mint kt tkr
crowd. kztt llni, s a tmeget csodlni.

M: Quite right, you alone and the double mirror are M: Tkletesen igaz, egyedl te vagy, s egy ketts
there. Between the two, your forms and names are tkr. A kett kztt van tmntelen formd s
numberless. neved.

Q: How do you look at the world? K: Hogyan szemlled a vilgot?

M: I see a painter painting a picture. The picture I M: Ltok egy festt, amint egy kpet fest. A kpet
call the world, the painter I call God. I am neither. I vilgnak nevezem, a festt Istennek. n egyik sem
do not create, nor am I created. I contain all, nothing vagyok. n nem teremtek, s teremtett sem vagyok.
contains me. n tartalmazok mindent, semmi nem engem

Q: When I see a tree, a face, a sunset, the picture is K: Amikor egy ft, egy arcot, egy naplementt ltok,
perfect. When I close my eyes, the image in my a kp tkletes. Amikor becsukom a szemem, az
mind is faint and hazy. If it is my mind that projects elmmben lv kp elhalvnyodik, s elmosdott
the picture, why need I open my eyes to see a lovely vlik. Ha az elmm az, ami a kpet kivetti, mirt kell
flower and with eyes closed I see it vaguely? kinyitnom a szemem, hogy megnzzek egy szp
virgot, s csukott szemmel mirt ltok

M: It is because your outer eyes are better than your M: Azrt, mert a kls szemeid jobbak, mint a
inner eyes. Your mind is all turned outward. As you belsk. Elmd teljesen kifel fordul. Amint
learn to watch your mental world, you will find it even megtanulod, hogyan ksrd figyelemmel mentlis
more colourful and perfect than what the body can vilgodat, sokkal sznesebbnek s tkletesebbnek
provide. Of course, you will need some training. But fogod tallni azt, mint amilyennel a test szolglni tud.
why argue? You imagine that the picture must come Termszetesen, szksg van bizonyos gyakorlsra.
from the painter who actually painted it. All the time De minek vitatkozunk? Azt kpzeled, hogy a kpnek
you look for origins and causes. Causality is in the attl a festtl kell szrmaznia, aki ppen festi.
mind, only; memory gives the illusion of continuity Szakadatlanul kezdeteket s okokat keresel.
and repetitiveness creates the idea of causality. Kauzalits csak az elmben ltezik; a folytonossg
When things repeatedly happen together, we tend to illzija az emlkezet miatt van, s a kauzalits
see a causal link between them. It creates a mental idejt az ismtlds teremti. Amikor a dolgok
habit, but a habit is not a necessity. ismtelten egytt trtnnek, hajlamosak vagyunk r,
hogy oksgi kapcsolatot lssunk kzttk. Ez egy
mentlis hoz ltre, de a szoks nem

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok

Q: You have just said that the world is made by K: pp az imnt mondtad, hogy a vilgot Isten
God. teremtette.

M: Remember that language is an instrument of the M: Ne felejtsd el, hogy a nyelv az elme eszkze; az
mind; It is made by the mind, for the mind. Once you elme ksztette, az elme szmra. Egyszer
admit a cause, then God is the ultimate cause and elfogadsz egy okot, aztn Isten a vgs ok, s a
the world the effect. They are different, but not vilg a hats. Ezek klnbz, de nem klnll
separate. dolgok.

Q: People talk of seeing God. K: Az emberek lthat Istenrl beszlnek.

M: When you see the world you see God. There is M: Amikor a vilgot ltod, Istent ltod. Nem lthat a
no seeing God, apart from the world. Beyond the vilgtl klnll Isten. A vilg felett ltni Istent
world to see God is to be God. The light by which annyi, mint Istennek lenni. A fny, ami ltal a vilgot,
you see the world, which is God is the tiny little azaz Isten ltod, aprcska kis szikra: a vagyok,
spark: 'I am', apparently so small, yet the first and amely nyilvnval, hogy nagyon kicsi, mgis az els
the last in every act of knowing and loving. s az utols, a tuds s szeretet minden aktusban.

Q: Must I see the world to see God? K: Kell ahhoz a vilgot ltnom, hogy lssam Istent?

M: How else? No world, no God. M: Hogyan msknt? Ha nincs vilg, nincs Isten.

Q: What remains? K: Akkor mi marad?

M: You remain as pure being. M: Te maradsz, tiszta ltezsknt.

Q: And what becomes of the world and of God? K: s miv vlik a vilg s Isten?

M: Pure being (avyakta). M: Tiszta ltezss (avyakta).

Q: Is it the same as the Great Expanse K: Ez ugyanaz, mint a Nagy Tr (paramakash?


M: You may call it so. Words do not matter, for they M: Nevezheted gy is. A szavak nem szmtanak,
do not reach it. They turn back in utter negation. mert nem rik el azt. Visszatrnek, a legteljesebb

Q: How can I see the world as God? What does it K: Hogyan lthatom Istenknt a vilgot? Mit jelent a
mean to see the world as God? vilgot Istenknt ltni?

M: It is like entering a dark room. You see nothing -- M: Ez olyan, mint egy stt szobba lpni. Nem
you may touch, but you do not see -- no colours, no ltsz semmit tapogatzol, de semmit se ltsz se
outlines. The window opens and the room is flooded szneket, se krvonalakat. Kinylik az ablak, s a
with light. Colours and shapes come into being. The szobt elrasztja a fny. Sznek s formk
window is the giver of light, but not the source of it. szletnek. Az ablak adja a fnyt, de nem forrsa
The sun is the source. Similarly, matter is like the neki. A nap a forrs. A problma ehhez a stt
dark room; consciousness -- the window -- flooding szobhoz hasonlt; a tudatossg az ablak
matter with sensations and perceptions, and the rasztja el benyomsokkal s rzkletekkel az
Supreme is the sun the source both of matter and of anyagot, s a Legfelsbb a nap, amely mind az
light. The window may be closed, or open, the sun anyagnak, mind a fnynek a forrsa. Az ablak lehet
shines all the time. It makes all the difference to the zrva vagy nyitva, a nap mindig st. Klnbsgeket
room, but none to the sun. Yet all this is secondary ez csak a szobra nzve jelent, de a nap szmra
to the tiny little thing which is the 'I am'. Without the 'I semmiflt. De mindez mellkes egy olyan aprcska
am' there is nothing. All knowledge is about the 'I dologhoz kpest, mint az n vagyok. Az n vagyok'
am'. False ideas about this 'I am' lead to bondage, nlkl semmi nincs. Minden tuds az n vagyok-rl
right knowledge leads to freedom and happiness. szl. Az n vagyok-kal kapcsolatos hamis idek
ktttsghez vezetnek, a helyes tuds
szabadsghoz s boldogsghoz.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok

Q: Is 'I am' and 'there is' the same? K: A vagyok s a van azonosak?

M: 'I am' denotes the inner, 'there is' -- the outer. M: A vagyok a belsre mutat, a van a klsre.
Both are based on the sense of being. Mindkettnek az alapja a lt rzete.

Q: Is it the same as the experience of existence? K: Ez ugyanaz, mint a ltezs tapasztalata?

M: To exist means to be something, a thing, a M: Ltezni annyit jelent, mint lenni valaminek, egy
feeling, a thought, an idea. All existence is particular. dolognak, egy rzsnek, egy gondolatnak, egy
Only being is universal, in the sense that every idenak. Minden ltezs egyedi. Csak a lt
being is compatible with every other being. univerzlis, abban az rtelemben, hogy minden lt
Existences clash, being -- never. Existence means minden ms lttel kompatibilis. A ltezsek eltrek,
becoming, change, birth and death and birth again, a lt soha. A ltezs valamiv vlst, szletst s
while in being there is silent peace. meghalst, s ismt szletst jelent, mg a lt
csendes bkt.

Q: If I create the world, why have I made it bad? K: Ha n vagyok a vilg teremtje, mirt
teremtettem azt rossznak?

M: Everyone lives in his own world. Not all the M: Mindenki a sajt vilgban l. Nem minden vilg
worlds are equally good or bad. egyformn j vagy rossz.

Q: What determines the difference? K: Mi hatrozza meg a klnbsget?

M: The mind that projects the world, colours it its M: Az elme az, ami a vilgot kivetti, s kisznezi a
own way. When you meet a man, he is a stranger. maga mdjn. Amg nem tallkoztl valakivel, addig
When you marry him, he becomes your own self. az idegen szmodra. Amikor sszehzasodtok,
When you quarrel, he becomes your enemy. It is nmagadd vlik. Amikor veszekedtek,
your mind's attitude that determines what he is to ellensgedd vlik. Az elmd hatrozza meg, hogy
you. mit jelent szmodra.

Q: I can see that my world is subjective. Does it K: Tudom, hogy a vilg szubjektv. Megtveszt is
make it also illusory? egyben?

M: It is illusory as long as it is subjective and to that M: Addig megtveszt, amg szubjektv, s csak
extent only. Reality lies in objectivity. ugyanazon mrtkben. A valsg elfogulatlansgot

Q: What does objectivity mean? You said the world K: Mit jelent az elfogulatlansg? Azt mondtad, a
is subjective and now you talk of objectivity. Is not vilg szubjektv, s most elfogulatlansgrl
everything subjective? beszlsz. Nem minden szubjektv?

M: Everything is subjective, but the real is objective. M: Minden szubjektv, de a valsg objektv.

Q: In what sense? K: Milyen rtelemben?

M: It does not depend on memories and M: Nem fgg emlkektl s elvrsoktl, vgyaktl
expectations, desires and fears, likes and dislikes. s flelmektl, tetszstl s nemtetszstl.
All is seen as it is.

Q: Is it what you call the fourth state (turiya)? K: Ez az, amit negyedik llapotnak (turiya) nevezel?

M: Call it as you like. It is solid, steady, changeless, M: Nevezd, ahogy tetszik. Az megbonthatatlan,
beginningless and endless, ever new, ever fresh. egyntet, megvltozhatatlan, kezedet s vg
nlkli, rkk j, rkk friss.

Q: How is it reached? K: Hogyan rhet el?

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
M: Desirelessness and fearlessness will take you M: Vgy nlklisg s flelem nlklisg juttatnak el
there. oda.

20. The Supreme is Beyond All 20. A Legfelsbb mindenek felett ll

Questioner: You say, reality is one. Oneness, unity, Krdez: Azt mondod, hogy a valsg egy. Az
is the attribute of the person. Is then reality a person, egyetlensg, az egysg, a szemlyt jellemz
with the universe as its body? attribtumok. Eszerint a valsg egy szemly,
amelynek a teste az univerzum?

Maharaj: Whatever you may say will be both true Maharaj: Brmi, amit mondasz, egyarnt igaz s
and false. Words do not reach beyond the mind. hamis. A szavak nem rnek tl az elmn.

Q: I am just trying to understand. You are telling us K: n csak megprblom megrteni. A Szemlyrl,
of the Person, the Self and the Supreme. (vyakti, az nrl s a Legfelsbbrl (vyakti, vyakta, avyakta)
vyakta, avyakta). The light of Pure Awareness beszlsz. A Tiszta Tudatossg (pragna) fnye az
(pragna), focussed as 'I am' in the Self (jivatma), as nben (jivatma) koncentrldik,n vagyok-knt,
consciousness (chetana) illumines the mind megvilgtja az elmt (antahkarana), tudatossgknt
(antahkarana) and as life (prana) vitalises the body (chetana), s vitalizlja a testet (deha), letknt
(deha). All this is fine as far as the words go. But (prana). Mindez rendben van, amg beszlnk rla.
when it comes to distinguishing in myself the person De amikor kln vlik nmagamban a szemly az
from the Self and the Self from the Supreme, I get ntl, s az n a Legfelsbbtl, sszezavarodom.
mixed up.

M: The person is never the subject. You can see a M: A szemly soha nem a szubjektum. Lthatsz
person, but you are not the person. You are always szemlyt, de te nem a szemly vagy. Te mindig a
the Supreme which appears at a given point of time Legfelsbb vagy, amely adott idpontban s helyen
and space as the witness, a bridge between the mint a tan jelenik meg, mint a Legfelsbb tiszta
pure awareness of the Supreme and the manifold Tudatossga s a szemly sokfle tudatossga
consciousness of the person. kztti hd.

Q: When I look at myself, I find I am several persons K: Amikor nmagamra nzek, tbb klnbz
fighting among themselves for the use of the body. szemlyknt ltom magam, akik egymssal
harcolnak a test hasznlatrt.

M: They correspond to the various tendencies M: Azok az elme klnfle tendenciinak

(samskara) of the mind. (samskara) felelnek meg.

Q: Can I make peace between them? K: Teremthetek-e kzttk bkt?

M: How can you? They are so contradictory. See M: Hogyan tudnl? Elgg ellentmondsban vannak
them as they are -- mere habits of thoughts and egymssal. Lsd ket annak, amik gondolatok s
feelings, bundles of memories and urges. rzsek puszta megjelensi formjnak, emlkek s
ksztetsek csomagjainak.

Q: Yet they all say 'I am'. K: De mind azt mondjk, hogy n vagyok.

M: It is only because you identify yourself with them. M: Ez csak azrt lehetsges, mert azonostod
Once you realise that whatever appears before you magad velk. Amint felismered, hogy brmi jelenik
cannot be yourself, and cannot say 'I am', you are meg eltted, az nem lehet veled azonos, s nem
free of all your 'persons' and their demands. The mondhatod r azt, hogy n vagyok, szabadd vlsz
sense 'I am' is your own. You cannot part with it, but sszes szemlyeidtl s azok ignyeitl. Az n
you can impart it to anything, as in saying: I am vagyok rzete a sajtod. Nem vlhatsz meg tle, de
young, I am rich etc. But such self-identifications are tulajdonthatsz neki brmit, mondvn, hogy: fiatal
patently false and the cause of bondage. vagyok, gazdag vagyok, stb. De az ilyen
nazonosulsok nyilvnvalan hamisak, s
ktttsghez vezetnek.

Q: I can now understand that I am not the person, K: Most mr rtem, hogy n nem a szemly vagyok,
but that which, when reflected in the person, gives it hanem az, ami a szemlyknt val tkrzdsekor

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
a sense of being. Now, about the Supreme? In what annak a lt rzett adja. Rtrhetnk most a
way do I know myself as the Supreme? Legfelsbbre? Milyen mdon ismerhetem magam a

M: The source of consciousness cannot be an M: A tudatossg forrsa nem lehet trgya a

object in consciousness. To know the source is to be tudatossgnak. A forrst ismerni annyi, mint a
the source. When you realise that you are not the forrsnak lenni. Amikor felismered, hogy nem a
person, but the pure and calm witness, and that szemly vagy, hanem a tiszta s csendes tan, s
fearless awareness is your very being, you are the ez a rettenthetetlen Tudatossg a te valdi lted,
being. It is the source, the Inexhaustible Possibility. hogy te magad vagy a lt. Ez a forrs, a
Kiapadhatatlan Lehetsg.

Q: Are there many sources or one for all? K: Sok forrs van, vagy egy forrsa van mindennek?

M: It depends how you look at it, from which end. M: Attl fgg, hogyan nzed, milyen cllal. A
The objects in the world are many, but the eye that vilgban sok az objektum, de a szem, amely nzi
sees them is one. The higher always appears as ket, az egy. A magasabb mindig egyknt jelenik
one to the lower and the lower as many to the meg az alsbbnak, s az alsbb sokknt a
higher. felsbbnek.

Q: Shapes and names are all of one and the same K: A formk s nevek mind egy s ugyanazon
God? Isteni?

M: Again, it all depends on how you look at it. On M: Ismtlem, attl fgg, hogyan nzed. Verblis
the verbal level everything is relative. Absolutes szinten minden relatv. Abszoltumokat tapasztalni
should be experienced, not discussed. kell, nem megvitatni.

Q: How is the Absolute experienced? K: Hogyan tapasztalhat az Abszolt?

M: It is not an object to be recognised and stored up M: Az nem egy felismerhet, s az emlkezetben

in memory. It is in the present and in feeling rather. It eltrolhat objektum. A jelenben van, s leginkbb
has more to do with the 'how' than with the 'what'. It az rzsben. Inkbb a hogyan szval krdezhet,
is in the quality, in the value; being the source of mint a mi-vel. A minsgben van, az rtkben;
everything, it is in everything. lvn forrsa mindennek, benne van mindenben.

Q: If it is the source, why and how does it manifest K: Ha az a forrs, mirt s hogyan nyilvntja meg
itself? magt?

M: It gives birth to consciousness. All else is in M: Vilgra hozza a tudatossgot. Minden ms a

consciousness. tudatossgban van.

Q: Why are there so many centres of K: Mirt van olyan sok kzpontja a tudatossgnak?

M: The objective universe (mahadakash) is in M: Az objektv univerzum (mahadakash) lland

constant movement, projecting and dissolving mozgsban van, megszmllhatatlan formban
innumerable forms. Whenever a form is infused with kivetl, s szertefoszlik. Akrmikor egy formba let
life (prana), consciousness (chetana) appears by (prana) kltzik, tudatossg (chetana) jelenik meg, a
reflection of awareness in matter. Tudatossgnak az anyagban val tkrzdse

Q: How is the Supreme affected? K: Hogyan rinthet meg a Legfelsbb?

M: What can affect it and how? The source is not M: Mi rinthetn, s hogyan? A forrst nem rintik a
affected by the vagaries of the river nor is the metal - foly szeszlyei, sem az anyagt az kszernek a
- by the shape of the jewellery. Is the light affected formja. rinti-e a kp a vettvsznat? A
by the picture on the screen? The Supreme makes Legfelsbb tesz mindent lehetv, ez minden.
everything possible, that is all.

Q: How is it that some things do happen and some K: Hogy van az, hogy bizonyos dolgok

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
don't? megtrtnnek, bizonyosak pedig nem.

M: Seeking out causes is a pastime of the mind. M: Az okok nyomozsa az elme idtltse. Nem
There is no duality of cause and effect. Everything is ltezik ok s hats kettssge. Mindennek megvan
its own cause. a sajt oka.

Q: No purposeful action is then possible? K: Akkor ht nem lehetsges a szndkos


M: All I say is that consciousness contains all. In M: Csak azt mondhatom, hogy a tudatossg foglal
consciousness all is possible. You can have causes magban mindent. A tudatossgban minden
if you want them, in your world. Another may be lehetsges. Lehetnek okaid, ha gy akarod, a te
content with a single cause -- God's will. The root vilgodban. Egy msik tartalmazhat egyetlen okot
cause is one: the sense 'I am'. Isten akaratt. Az eredend ok egy: az n vagyok

Q: What is the link between the Self (Vyakta) and K: Mi a kapcsolat az n (Vyakta) s a Legfelsbb
the Supreme (Avyakta)? (Avyakta) kztt?

M: From the self's point of view the world is the M: Az n nzpontjbl a vilg az ismert, a
known, the Supreme -- the Unknown. The Unknown Legfelsbb az Ismeretlen. Az Ismeretlen hozza
gives birth to the known, yet remains Unknown. The vilgra az ismertet, mgis Ismeretlen marad. Az
known is infinite, but the Unknown is an infinitude of ismert vgtelen, de az Ismeretlen a vgtelen
infinities. Just like a ray of light is never seen unless vgtelensg. Mint ahogy a fnysugr sem ltszik
intercepted by the specs of dust, so does the sosem, hacsak nem az tjba kerl porszemek
Supreme make everything known, itself remaining ltal, gy tesz a Legfelsbb mindent ismertt, mg
unknown. nmaga ismeretlen marad.

Q: Does it mean that the Unknown is inaccessible? K: Ez azt jelenti, hogy az Ismeretlen

M: Oh, no. The Supreme is the easiest to reach for it M: Oh, nem. A Legfelsbbet lehet a legknnyebben
is your very being. It is enough to stop thinking and elrni, mert az a te valsgos lted. Elg lelltani a
desiring anything, but the Supreme. gondolkodst, s a vgyakozst dolgok irnt, kivve
ez all a Legfelsbbet.

Q: And if I desire nothing, not even the Supreme? K: s ha nem vgyom semmire, mg a Legfelsbbre

M: Then you are as good as dead, or you are the M: Akkor olyan vagy, mint a halott, vagy te vagy a
Supreme. Legfelsbb.

Q: The world is full of desires: Everybody wants K: A vilg vgyakkal teli: mindenki mindenflt akar.
something or other. Who is the desirer? The person Ki a vgyakoz? A szemly, vagy az n?
or the self?

M: The self. All desires, holy and unholy, come from M: Az n. Minden vgy, legyen az szent, avagy
the self; they all hang on the sense 'I am'. profn, az nbl ered; mind az n vagyok rzettl

Q: I can understand holy desires (satyakama) K: rtem, hogy a szent vgyak (satyakama) az
emanating from the self. It may be the expression of nbl szrmaznak. Lehet, hogy ez az nnek a
the bliss aspect of the Sadchitananda (Beingness -- Sadchitananda (Lt Tudat dv), dv aspektusa.
Awareness --Happiness) of the Self. But why unholy De mirt vannak profn vgyak?

M: All desires aim at happiness. Their shape and M: Minden vgynak a boldogsg a clja. Formjuk
quality depend on the psyche (antahkarana). Where s minsgk a pszichtl fgg (antahkarana). Ahol
inertia (tamas) predominates, we find perversions. a tehetetlensg (tamas) van tlslyban, ott
With energy (rajas), passions arise. With lucidity romlottsgot lelnk. Az energival (rajas)

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
(sattva) the motive behind the desire is goodwill, szenvedlyek keletkeznek. A vilgossggal (sattva)
compassion, the urge to make happy rather than be a vgy mgtt jakarat, rszvt hzdik, s inkbb a
happy. But the Supreme is beyond all, yet because boldogg tevsnek, mint a boldogg vlsnak a
of its infinite permeability all cogent desires can be knyszere. Habr a Legfelsbb mindenek felett ll,
fulfilled. mgis, teresztkpessge vgtelen lvn, minden
rvnyes vgy beteljeslhet.

Q: Which desires are cogent? K: Milyenek az rvnyes vgyak?

M: Desires that destroy their subjects, or objects, or M: Azok a vgyak, amelyek elpuszttjk
do not subside on satisfaction are self-contradictory szubjektumaikat, vagy objektumaikat, vagy nem
and cannot be fulfilled. Only desires motivated by csillapodnak le kielgtsk utn, azok
love, goodwill and compassion are beneficial to both nellentmondsosak, s nem teljeslhetnek be.
the subject and object and can be fully satisfied. Csak a szeretet, jakarat, s rszvt motivlta
vgyak dvsek mind a szubjektumra, mind az
objektumra nzve, s teljeslhetnek be teljes

Q: All desires are painful, the holy as well as the K: Minden vgy fjdalommal jr, a szent ugyangy,
unholy. mint a profn.

M: They are not the same and pain is not the same. M: A vgyak nem azonosak, s a fjdalom sem
Passion is painful, compassion -- never. The entire azonos. A szenvedly fjdalmas, a knyrlet
universe strives to fulfil a desire born of compassion. sosem. Az egsz univerzum arra trekszik, hogy a
knyrletbl szletett vgyat beteljestse.

Q: Does the Supreme know itself? Is the Impersonal K: Ismeri a Legfelsbb sajt magt? Tudatos a
conscious? Szemlytelen?

M: The source of all has all. Whatever flows from it M: A minden forrsa mindent magban foglal. Brmi
must be there already in seed form. And as a seed is szrmazzk belle, annak mr ott kellett lennie,
is the last of innumerable seeds, and contains the mag formjban. s amint az a mag, amely
experience and the promise of numberless forests, szmtalan mag kztti utolsknt szmtalan erd
so does the Unknown contain all that was, or could tapasztalatt s grett tartalmazza, gy tartalmaz
have been and all that shall or would be. The entire az Ismeretlen mindent, ami volt, vagy lehetett volna,
field of becoming is open and accessible; past and s mindent, ami lesz, vagy lehetne. A valamiv vls
future coexist in the eternal now. egsz tere nyitott s elrhet; mlt s jv
egyidejleg lteznek az rk mostban.

Q: Are you living in the Supreme Unknown? K: Te a Legfelsbb Ismeretlenben lsz?

M: Where else? M: Hol mshol?

Q: What makes you say so? K: Mirt mondod ezt?

M: No desire ever arises in my mind. M: Soha nem merlnek fel vgyak az elmmben.

Q: Are you then unconscious? K: Akkor ht tudattalan vagy?

M: Of course not. I am fully conscious, but since no M: Termszetesen nem. Teljesen tudatos vagyok,
desire or fear enters my mind, there is perfect de mivel elmmbe nem lp be vgy, vagy flelem,
silence. tkletes benne a csend.

Q: Who knows the silence? K: Ki tud a csendrl?

M: Silence knows itself. It is the silence of the silent M: A csend tud nmagrl. Ez a csendes elme
mind, when passions and desires are silenced. csendje, amikor a szenvedlyek s vgyak

Q: Do you experience desires occasionally? K: Tapasztalsz vgyakat nhanapjn?

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok

M: Desires are just waves in the mind. You know a M: A vgyak csak hullmok az elmmben. Akkor
wave when you see one. A desire is just a thing szerzel tudomst egy hullmrl, amikor ltsz egyet.
among many. I feel no urge to satisfy it, no action A vgy csak egy a sok dolog kztt. Nem rzek
needs be taken on it. Freedom from desire means ksztetst, hogy beteljestsem, sem cselekvs
this: the compulsion to satisfy is absent. knyszert, hogy legyzzem. A vgytl val
szabadsg ezt jelenti: hinyzik a beteljestsnek a

Q: Why do desires arise at all? K: Egyltaln, mirt keletkeznek vgyak?

M: Because you imagine that you were born, and M: Azrt, mert azt kpzeled, hogy megszlettl, s
that you will die if you do not take care of your body. hogy meg fogsz halni, ha nem viseled gondjt a
Desire for embodied existence is the root-cause of testednek. A megtesteslt ltre irnyul vgy a baj
trouble. gykr oka.

Q: Yet, so many jivas get into bodies. Surely it K: Igen, oly sok jiva lt testet. Ez nem lehet
cannot be some error of judgement. There must be valamilyen hibs dnts, bizonyra. Kell legyen
a purpose. What could it be? valamilyen cl. Mi lehet az?

M: To know itself the self must be faced with its M: Hogy megismerje magt, az nnek szembeslnie
opposite -- the not-self. Desire leads to experience. kell ellenttvel a nem-nnel. A vgy
Experience leads to discrimination, detachment, tapasztalshoz vezet. A tapasztals felismershez,
self-knowledge -- liberation. And what is liberation prtatlansghoz, nismerethez vezet
after all? To know that you are beyond birth and megszabadulshoz. s mi a megszabaduls vgl
death. By forgetting who you are and imagining is? Tudni, hogy szlets s hall fltt ll vagy.
yourself a mortal creature, you created so much Elfelejtvn, hogy ki vagy, s nmagadat haland
trouble for yourself that you have to wake up, like teremtmnynek kpzelvn, oly sok bajt teremtettl
from a bad dream. nmagad szmra, hogy fel kell bredned, mint egy
rossz lombl.
Enquiry also wakes you up. You need not wait for
suffering; enquiry into happiness is better, for the A kutats ugyancsak felbreszt. Nem kell
mind is in harmony and peace. szenvedsre vrnod; a boldogsg kutatsa a jobb,
mert ekkor az elme harmniban s bkben van.

Q: Who exactly is the ultimate experiencer -- the K: Pontosan, ki a vgs tapasztal az n, vagy az
Self or the Unknown? Ismeretlen?

M: The Self, of course. M: Az n, termszetesen.

Q: Then why introduce the notion of the Supreme K: Akkor mirt vezeted be a Legfelsbb Ismeretlen
Unknown? fogalmt?

M: To explain the Self. M: Hogy megmagyarzzam az nt.

Q: But is there anything beyond the Self? K: De ht van valami az nen tl?

M: Outside the Self there is nothing. All is one and M: Az nen kvl semmi sincs. Minden egy, s
all is contained in 'I am'. In the waking and dream minden az n vagyok-ban van. Az brenlt s az
states it is the person. In deep sleep and turiya it is lom llapotban ez a szemly. A mly alvsban
the Self. Beyond the alert intentness of turiya lies the s a turiya-ban ez az n. A turiya ber figyelmn
great, silent peace of the Supreme. But in fact all is tl van a Legfelsbb hatalmas, csendes bkje. De
one in essence and related in appearance. In valjban, lnyegt tekintve, minden egy, s
ignorance the seer becomes the seen and in megjelenskben sszekapcsoldnak.
wisdom he is the seeing. Tudatlansgban a lt a ltott vlik, s
blcsessgben a lts.
But why be concerned with the Supreme? Know the
knowers and all will be known. De mirt foglalkozol a Legfelsbbel? Ismerd meg az
ismert, s minden ismertt vlik.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok

21. Who am I? 21. Ki vagyok n?

Questioner: We are advised to worship reality Krdez: Azt a tancsot adtk, hogy az Istenknt,
personified as God, or as the Perfect Man. We are vagy a Tkletes Emberknt megszemlyestett
told not to attempt the worship of the Absolute, as it valsgot imdjuk. Azt mondtk, ne az Abszolt
is much too difficult for a braincentred imdsra trekedjnk, mivel az tl nehz az
consciousness. agykzpont tudatossg szmra.

Maharaj: Truth is simple and open to all. Why do Maharaj: Az igazsg egyszer, s mindenki
you complicate? Truth is loving and lovable. It szmra hozzfrhet. Mirt kompliklod? Az
includes all, accepts all, purifies all. It is untruth that igazsg szeret, s szeretetre mlt. Tartalmaz
is difficult and a source of trouble. It always wants, mindent, elfogad mindent, megtisztt mindent. A
expects, demands. Being false, it is empty, always in hazugsg bonyolult, s bajok forrsa. Mindig akar,
search of confirmation and reassurance. It is afraid elvr, kvetel. Hamis lvn res, mindig
of and avoids enquiry. It identifies itself with any megerstst s biztostkot keres. Fli s kerli a
support, however weak and momentary. Whatever it vizsgldst. Valamifle fenntartval azonostja
gets, it loses and asks for more. Therefore put no magt, holott gyenge s pillanatnyi. Brmit elr
faith in the conscious. Nothing you can see, feel, or elveszti, s tovbb keres. Ezrt nem tesz a
think is so. Even sin and virtue, merit and demerit tudatossg mellett hitet. Semmit nem lthatsz,
are not what they appear. Usually the bad and the rezhetsz, vagy gondolhatsz annak, ami. Mg a bn
good are a matter of convention and custom and are s az erny, az rdem s az rdemtelensg sem
shunned or welcomed, according to how the words azok, aminek ltszanak. A rossz s a j rendszerint
are used. megegyezs s szoks krdse, kerlend vagy
dvzlend, a hasznlt szavakkal sszhangban.

Q: Are there not good desires and bad, high desires K: Nincsenek j s rossz vgyak, emelkedett s
and low? alsbbrend vgyak?

M: All desires are bad, but some are worse than M: Minden vgy rossz, de nmelyek a tbbinl is
others. Pursue any desire, it will always give you rosszabbak. Akrmilyen vgyat kergetsz, az mindig
trouble. bajba sodor.

Q: Even the desire to be free of desire? K: Mg a vgyakozstl val megszabaduls vgya


M: Why desire at all? Desiring a state of freedom M: Minek vgyni egyltaln? A vgyakozstl val
from desire will not set you free. Nothing can set you megszabaduls vgya sem fog szabadd tenni.
free, because you are free. See yourself with Semmi nem tehet szabadd, mivel szabad vagy.
desireless clarity, that is all. Lsd nmagad vgymentes fnyknt, ez minden.

Q: It takes time to know oneself. K: Idbe kerl, hogy megismerjem nmagamat.

M: How can time help you? Time is a succession of M: Hogyan segthetne az id? Az id a pillanatok
moments; each moment appears out of nothing and egymsra kvetkezse; minden pillanat eltnik a
disappears into nothing, never to reappear. How can semmibl s eltnik a semmibe, soha nem lpve
you build on something so fleeting? jra sznre. Hogy pthetsz valamire, ami ennyire

Q: What is permanent? K: Mi lland?

M: Look to yourself for the permanent. Dive deep M: Keresd nmagadban az llandt. Merlj al
within and find what is real in you. mlyen, befel, s fedezd fel, ami valdi benned.

Q: How to look for myself? K: Hogyan kell nmagamban keresnem?

M: Whatever happens, it happens to you. What you M: Brmi trtnik, az benned trtnik. Amit teszel, a
do, the doer is in you. Find the subject of all that you cselekv benned van. Fedezd fel mindennek a
are as a person. szubjektumt, ami te vagy, egy szemlyben.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
Q: What else can I be? K: Mi ms lehetnk?

M: Find out. Even if I tell you that you are the M: Fedezd fel. Mg ha el is mondom, hogy te vagy a
witness, the silent watcher, it will mean nothing to tan, a csendes megfigyel, az nem fog jelenteni
you, unless you find the way to your own being. neked semmit, hacsak meg nem tallod az utat a
sajt lnyedhez.

Q: My question is: How to find the way to one's own K: Megkrdeznm: Hogyan keressem az utat a sajt
being? lnyemhez?

M: Give up all questions except one: 'Who am l'? M: Hagyj fel minden krdssel, egy kivtelvel: Ki
After all, the only fact you are sure of is that you are. vagyok n? Vgtre is az egyetlen tny, amiben
The 'I am' is certain. The 'I am this' is not. Struggle to biztos lehetsz az, hogy vagy. Bizonyos, hogy n
find out what you are in reality. vagyok. Igyekezz felfedezni, hogy mi vagy

Q: I am doing nothing else for the last 60 years. K: Semmi mst sem teszek, az utbbi 60 vben.

M: What is wrong with striving? Why look for M: Mi baj a trekvssel? Mirt vrsz el
results? Striving itself is your real nature. eredmnyeket? A trekvs maga a te valdi

Q: Striving is painful. K: A trekvs fjdalmas.

M: You make it so by seeking results. Strive without M: Te teszed azz, az eredmnyek hajszolsval.
seeking, struggle without greed. Trekedj anlkl, hogy kvetelnl, kzdj anlkl,
hogy svrognl.

Q: Why has God made me as I am? K: Mirt teremtett engem Isten n vagyokknt?

M: Which God are you talking about? What is God? M: Melyik Istenrl beszlsz? Mi az Isten? Nem -e a
Is he not the very light by which you ask the valdi fny, ami ltal krdezel? Az n vagyok maga
question? 'I am' itself is God. The seeking itself is Isten. A keress maga Isten. A keress sorn
God. In seeking you discover that you are neither felfedezed, hogy te sem a test, sem az elme nem
the body nor mind, and the love of the self in you is vagy, s a benned lv n-szeretet teljes egszben
for the self in all. The two are one. The az nrt van. A kett egy. A benned lv
consciousness in you and the consciousness in me, tudatossg, s a bennem lv tudatossg, kettnek
apparently two, really one, seek unity and that is ltszik, valjban egyek, keresd az egysget, s az
love. a szeretet.

Q: How am I to find that love? K: Hogyan keressem ezt a szeretet?

M: What do you love now? The 'I am'. Give your M: Mit szeretsz most? Az n vagyok-ot. Add t neki
heart and mind to it, think of nothing else. This, szvedet s elmdet, semmi msra ne gondolj. Ez,
when effortless and natural, is the highest state. In it amikor erfeszts mentes s termszetes, a
love itself is the lover and the beloved. legmagasabb llapot. Benne a szeretet maga a
szeret s a szeretett.

Q: Everybody wants to live, to exist. Is it not self- K: Mindenki akar lni, ltezni. Ez nem nszeretet?

M: All desire has its source in the self. It is all a M: Minden vgy az nbl ered. Mindez a helyes
matter of choosing the right desire. vgy vlasztsnak a dolga.

Q: What is right and what is wrong varies with habit K: Hogy mi a j, s mi a rossz, az habitustl s
and custom. Standards vary with societies. szokstl fggen vltozik. A modellek egytt
vltoznak a trsadalmakkal.

M: Discard all traditional standards. Leave them to M: Dobj ki minden hagyomnyos modellt. Hagyd r

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
the hypocrites. Only what liberates you from desire azokat a hipokritkra. Csak az j, ami megszabadt
and fear and wrong ideas is good. As long as you vgytl, flelemtl s rossz idektl. Ameddig bn
worry about sin and virtue you will have no peace. s erny miatt aggdsz, nem lelhetsz bkre.

Q: I grant that sin and virtue are social norms. But K: Elfogadom, hogy bn s erny trsadalmi
there may be also spiritual sins and virtues. I mean normk. De ltezhetnek spiritulis bnk s ernyek
by spiritual the absolute. Is there such a thing as is. Spiritulis alatt az abszoltot rtem. Lteznek
absolute sin or absolute virtue? olyan dolgok, mint abszolt bn vagy abszolt

M: Sin and virtue refer to a person only. Without a M: Bn s erny csak szemlynek tulajdonthat.
sinful or virtuous person what is sin or virtue? At the Bns vagy ernyes szemly nlkl mi a bn, vagy
level of the absolute there are no persons; the ocean az erny? Az abszolt szintjn nincsenek
of pure awareness is neither virtuous nor sinful. Sin szemlyek; a tiszta tudatossg cenja se nem
and virtue are invariably relative. ernyes, se nem bns. Bn s erny
megvltozhatatlanul viszonylagosak.

Q: Can I do away with such unnecessary notions? K: Ki tudom kszblni az ilyen szksgtelen

M: Not as long as you think yourself to be a person. M: Amg szemlynek gondolod magad, addig nem.

Q: By what sign shall l know that I am beyond sin K: Milyen jelekbl fogom tudni, hogy tl vagyok
and virtue? bnn s ernyen?

M: By being free from all desire and fear, from the M: Abbl, hogy mentes vagy minden vgytl s
very idea of being a person. To nourish the ideas: 'I flelemtl, attl az idetl, hogy szemly vagy. A
am a sinner' 'I am not a sinner', is sin. To identify bns vagyok, nem vagyok bns idek tpllsa
oneself with the particular is all the sin there is. The bn. nmagadnak az egynivel val azonostsa,
impersonal is real, the personal appears and mindssze ez a bn. A szemlytelen valsgos, a
disappears. 'I am' is the impersonal Being. 'I am this' szemlyes megjelenik majd eltnik. n vagyok a
is the person. The person is relative and the pure szemlytelen Lt. n vagyok ez a szemly. A
Being -- fundamental. szemly viszonylagos, s a tiszta Lt

Q: Surely pure Being is not unconscious, nor is it K: A tiszta Lt biztosan nem tudattalan, sem
devoid of discrimination. How can it be beyond sin megklnbztetstl mentes. Hogy lehet, hogy tl
and virtue? Just tell us, please, has it intelligence or van bnn s ernyen? Csak azt mondd el neknk,
not? krlek, rendelkezik intelligencival, vagy nem?

M: All these questions arise from your believing M: Mindeme krdsek azrt merlnek fel benned,
yourself to be a person. Go beyond the personal and mert szemlynek hiszed magad. Haladd meg a
see. szemlyt, s lss.

Q: What exactly do you mean when you ask me to K: Tulajdonkppen mire gondolsz, amikor arra
stop being a person? krsz, hogy sznjek meg szemlynek lenni?

M: I do not ask you to stop being -- that you cannot. M: Nem a lt megszntetst krem tled ezt nem
I ask you only to stop imagining that you were born, is tudnd megtenni. Csak azt krem, hogy hagyj fel
have parents, are a body, will die and so on. Just try, azzal az elkpzelssel, hogy szlettl, hogy szleid
make a beginning -- it is not as hard as you think. vannak, hogy test vagy, hogy meg fogsz halni, s
gy tovbb. Csak prblkozz, fogj hozz nem
olyan nehz, mint ahogy azt gondolod.

Q: To think oneself as the personal is the sin of the K: Szemlynek gondolni nmagam a szemlytelen
impersonal. bne.

M: Again the personal point of view. Why do you M: Megint a szemlyes nzpont. Mirt ragaszkodsz
insist on polluting the impersonal with your ideas of ahhoz, hogy bn s erny fogalmaiddal
sin and virtue? It just does not apply. The beszennyezd a szemlytelent? A szemlytelen nem

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
impersonal cannot be described in terms of good jellemezhet a j s rossz kifejezseivel. Az Lt
and bad. It is Being -- Wisdom -- Love -- all absolute. Blcsessg Szeretet csupa abszolt. Hol a bn
Where is the scope for sin there? And virtue is only hatkre? s az erny csak a bn ellentte.
the opposite of sin.

Q: We talk of divine virtue. K: Beszlnk isteni ernyrl.

M: True virtue is divine nature (swarupa). What you M: Az igaz erny isteni termszet (swarupa). Ami
are really is your virtue. But the opposite of sin which valjban vagy, az a te ernyed. De a bn ellentte,
you call virtue is only obedience born out of fear. amit te ernynek nevezel, csak flelembl szletett

Q: Then why all effort at being good? K: Akkor minek minden erfeszts a jobb vlsra?

M: It keeps you on the move. You go on and on till M: Mozgsban tart. Folyton-folyvst msz, amg
you find God. Then God takes you into Himself -- meg nem tallod Istent. Akkor Isten bevon
and makes you as He is. nmagba s olyann tesz, mint .

Q: The same action is considered natural at one K: Ugyanazon cselekedet termszetesnek

point and a sin at another. What makes it sinful? tekintend az egyik esetben, s bnnek a msikban.
Mi teszi bnss?

M: Whatever you do against your better knowledge M: Ha brmit a legjobb tudsod ellenben teszel, az
is sin. bn.

Q: Knowledge depends on memory. K: A tuds az emlkezettl fgg.

M: Remembering your self is virtue, forgetting your M: nedre emlkezni erny, nedet elfelejteni bn.
self is sin. It all boils down to the mental or Ez a szellem s az anyag kztti mentlis vagy
psychological link between the spirit and matter. We pszicholgiai kapcsolat sszefoglalsa. Nevezhetjk
may call the link psyche (antahkarana). When the a kapcsolatot pszichnek (antahkarana). Amikor a
psyche is raw, undeveloped, quite primitive, it is pszich nyers, fejletlen, egszen primitv, akkor
subject to gross illusions. As it grows in breadth and erteljes illziknak alvetett. Ahogy
sensitivity, it becomes a perfect link between pure emelkedettsgben s rzkenysgben nvekszik,
matter and pure spirit and gives meaning to matter gy vlik a tiszta anyag, s a tiszta szellem kztti
and expression to spirit. tkletes kapcsolatt, s ad rtelmet az anyagnak,
s kifejezst a szellemnek.

There is the material world (mahadakash) and the Van az anyagi vilg (mahadakash), s van a
spiritual (paramakash). Between lies the universal spiritulis (paramakash) vilg. Kzttk van az
mind (chidakash) which is also the universal heart univerzlis elme (chidakash), amely az univerzlis
(premakash). It is wise love that makes the two one. szv (premakash) is. Ez a blcs szeretet az, amely a
kettt egyesti.

Q: Some people are stupid, some are intelligent. K: Vannak ostoba emberek, s vannak intelligensek.
The difference is in their psyche. The ripe ones had A klnbsg a pszichjkben van. Az rettek mgtt
more experience behind them. Just like a child tbb a tapasztalat. Ahogy a gyermek nvekszik az
grows by eating and drinking, sleeping and playing, evs, ivs, alvs s jtk ltal, gy formldik az
so is man's psyche shaped by all he thinks and feels emberi pszich a gondolatok, rzsek s
and does, until it is perfect enough to serve as a cselekedetek ltal, amg elg tkletes nem lesz
bridge between the spirit and the body. As a bridge ahhoz, hogy hdknt szolgljon a szellem s a test
permits the traffic; between the banks, so does the kztt. Ahogy egy hd lehetv teszi a forgalmat a
psyche bring together the source and its expression. partok kztt, gy kpez a pszich hidat a forrs s
annak kifejezdse kztt.

M: Call it love. The bridge is love. M: Nevezd szeretetnek. A hd szeretet.

Q: Ultimately all is experience. Whatever we think, K: Vgs soron minden tapasztalat. Brmit
feel, do is experience. Behind it is the experiencer. gondolunk, rznk, csinlunk, az tapasztalat.
So all we know consists of these two, the Emgtt van a tapasztal. gy mindent, amit tudunk,

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
experiencer and the experience. But the two are e kettbl ll ssze, a tapasztalbl s a
really one -- the experiencer alone is the experience. tapasztalatbl. De a kett valjban egy a
Still, the experiencer takes the experience to be tapasztal maga a tapasztalat. A tapasztal mgis
outside. In the same way the spirit and the body are azrt szerzi a tapasztalatot, hogy kvl legyen.
one; they only appear as two. Ugyangy a szellem s a test is egy; csak kettnek

M: To the Spirit there is no second. M: A Szellem szmra nincs msik.

Q: To whom then does the second appear? It seems K: Kinek jelenik meg akkor a msik? Nekem gy
to me that duality is an illusion induced by the tnik, hogy a dualits egy olyan illzi, amely a
imperfection of the psyche. When the psyche is pszich tkletlensge miatt jtt ltre. Amikor a
perfect, duality is no longer seen. pszich tkletes, dualits sincs tbb.

M: You have said it. M: Ezt te mondtad.

Q: Still I have to repeat my very simple question: K: Megint az n nagyon egyszer krdsemet kell
who makes the distinction between sin and virtue? feltennem: ki teszi a klnbsget bn s erny

M: He who has a body, sins with the body, he who M: Akinek teste van, a testtel kveti el bnt, akinek
has a mind, sins with the mind. elmje van, elmvel kvet el bnt.

Q: Surely, the mere possession of mind and body K: Az elme s a test puszta birtoklsa nyilvn nem
does not compel to sin. There must be a third factor knyszert bn elkvetsre. Kell, hogy legyen egy
at the root of it. I come back again and again to this harmadik tnyez, ami ennek alapja. Azrt trek
question of sin and virtue, because now-a-days vissza jra s jra, a bn s erny e krdshez,
young people keep on saying that there is no such mert manapsg a fiatalok kztt az a monds tartja
thing as sin, that one need not be squermish and magt, hogy olyan mint bn, nem ltezik, hogy az
should follow the moment's desire readily. They will ember ne legyen finnys, s azonnal kvetnie kell
accept neither tradition nor authority and can be pillanatnyi vgyait. Nem fogadnak el sem
influenced only by solid and honest thought. If they hagyomnyt, sem tekintlyt, s csak komoly s
refrain from certain actions, it is through fear of becsletes gondolatokkal befolysolhatk. Ha
police rather than by conviction. Undoubtedly there tartzkodnak bizonyos cselekedtektl, azt inkbb a
is something in what they say, for we can see how rendrsgtl val flelembl teszik, mint
our values change from place to place and time to meggyzdsbl. Tagadhatatlan, hogy van valami
time. For instance -- killing in war is great virtue abban, amit mondanak, mert lthatjuk, hogyan
today and may be considered a horrible crime next vltoznak rtkeink helyenknt, s idnknt.
century. Hborban lni, pldul, ma nagy erny, a
kvetkez vszzadban pedig lehet, hogy
borzalmas bntettnek fog szmtani.

M: A man who moves with the earth will necessarily M: A Fldn l szksgszeren tapasztal
experience days and nights. He who stays with the nappalokat s jszakkat. Aki a Napon lakik, nem
sun will know no darkness. My world is not yours. As ismer sttsget. Az n vilgom nem a titek. Ahogy
I see it, you all are on a stage performing. There is ltom, ti most mind sznpadi eladsban vagytok.
no reality about your comings and goings. And your Semmi realitsa, ahogy jttk-mentek. s
problems are so unreal. problmitok annyira valszertlenek.

Q: We may be sleep-walkers, or subject to K: Lehet, hogy alvajrk vagyunk, vagy egy

nightmares. Is there nothing you can do? rmlom alakjai. Semmit nem tehetsz?

M: I am doing: I did enter your dreamlike state to tell M: Teszek: Belptem a te lomszer llapotodba
you -- "Stop hurting yourself and others, stop hogy kzljem veled Hagyd abba, hogy fjdalmat
suffering, wake up". okozol magadnak s msoknak, hagyd abba a
szenvedst, bredj fel.

Q: Why then don't we wake up? K: Akkor mirt nem brednk fel?

M: You will. I shall not be thwarted. It may take M: Fel fogsz. n nem foglak akadlyozni. Ignyelhet

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
some time. When you shall begin to question your nmi idt. Amikortl elkezded ktsgbe vonni az
dream, awakening will be not far away. lmodat, az breds mr nincs messze.

22. Life is Love and Love is Life 22. Az let szeretet s a szeretet let
Questioner: Is the practice of Yoga always Krdez: A Yoga gyakorlsa mindig tudatos? Vagy
conscious? Or, can it be quite unconscious, below lehet teljesen tudattalan is, az bersg kszbszintje
the threshold of awareness? alatti?

Maharaj: In the case of a beginner the practice of Maharaj: Kezdk esetben a Yoga gyakorlsa
Yoga is often deliberate and requires great gyakorta szndkos, s nagy eltkltsget ignyel.
determination. But those who are practising De azok, akik komolyan, tbb ve gyakorolnak,
sincerely for many years, are intent on self- szakadatlanul az nmegvalstsra trekedve, vagy
realisation all the time, whether conscious of it or tudatban vannak, vagy nem. A tudattalan sadhana
not. Unconscious sadhana is most effective, a leghatkonyabb, mert az spontn, s folyamatos.
because it is spontaneous and steady.

Q: What is the position of the man who was a K: Mi a helyzet azzal, aki komoly Yoga gyakorl volt
sincere student of Yoga for some time and then got egy ideig, majd elcsggedt, s felhagyott minden
discouraged and abandoned all efforts? erfesztssel?

M: What a man appears to do, or not to do, is often M: Hogy valakin ltszik-e, hogy gyakorol, vagy sem,
deceptive. His apparent lethargy may be just a gyakran megtveszt. Ltszlagos letargija puszta
gathering of strength. The causes of our behaviour ergyjts is lehet. Viselkedsnk okai nagyon
are very subtle. One must not be quick to condemn, nehezen megfoghatk. Senkit nem szabad gyorsan
not even to praise. Remember that Yoga is the work eltlni, sem felmagasztalni. Ne felejtsd, hogy a
of the inner self (vyakta) on the outer self (vyakti). All Yoga a bels n (vyakta) munkja a kls nen
that the outer does is merely in response to the (vyakti). Minden, amit a kls csinl, csupn vlasz
inner. a belsre.

Q: Still the outer helps. K: Mgis a kls segt.

M: How much can it help and in what way? It has M: Mennyire segthet s mi mdon? Van nmi
some control over the body and can improve its kontrollja a test fltt, s javtani tud a testtartson
posture and breathing. Over the mind's thoughts and s a llegzsen. Az elme gondolatai s rzsei fltt
feelings it has little mastery, for it is itself the mind. It kevs hatalma van, mert maga az elme. A bels
is the inner that can control the outer. The outer will az, amely kontrolllni tudja a klst. Ha a kls elg
be wise to obey. blcs, akkor engedelmeskedik neki.

Q: If it is the inner that is ultimately responsible for K: Ha a bels az, amely vgs soron az ember
man's spiritual development, why is the outer so spiritulis fejldsrt felels, akkor mirt serkentik
much exhorted and encouraged? s sztnzik annyira a klst?

M: The outer can help by keeping quiet and free M: A kls segteni kpes csendben maradni, s
from desire and fear. You would have noticed that all vgytl s flelemtl mentesnek lenni.
advice to the outer is in the form of negations: don't, szrevehetted volna, hogy a klsnek adott minden
stop, refrain, forego, give up, sacrifice, surrender, tancs tagad formj: ne tedd, llj meg, tartzkodj,
see the false as false. Even the little description of mondj le, add fel, ldozd fel, engedd el, lsd a
reality that is given is through denials -- 'not this, not hamisat hamisnak. Mg az adott valsgnak a
this', (neti, neti). All positives belong to the inner self, rvid lersa is tagadson keresztl trtnik nem
as all absolutes -- to Reality. ez, nem ez, (neti, neti). Minden pozitv a bels
nhez tartozik, mint ahogy minden teljes a

Q: How are we to distinguish the inner from the K: Hogyan klnbztetjk meg a belst a klstl a
outer in actual experience? tnyleges tapasztals sorn?

M: The inner is the source of inspiration, the outer is M: A bels a forrsa az inspircinak, a kls
moved by memory. The source is untraceable, while mozgatja az emlkezetet. A forrs

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
all memory begins somewhere. Thus the outer is kinyomozhatatlan, amg minden emlkezetnek
always determined, while the inner cannot be held in kezdete van valahol. Ily mdon a kls mindig
words. The mistake of students consists in their determinlt, mg a bels nem foglalhat szavakba. A
imagining the inner to be something to get hold of, tanulk akkor hibznak, mikor azt kpzelik, hogy a
and forgetting that all perceivables are transient and, bels valami olyan, amit meg kell szereznik, s
therefore, unreal. Only that which makes perception elfelejtik, hogy minden szlelhet tmeneti, s ezrt
possible, call it Life or Brahman, or what you like, is valtlan. Csak ami az szlelst lehetv teszi, azt
real. nevezzk letnek vagy Brahman-nak, vagy ami
ugyanaz, valsgnak.

Q: Must Life have a body for its self-expression? K: Az letnek szksge van testre az n-

M: The body seeks to live. It is not life that needs the M: A test akar lni. Nem az letnek van szksge a
body; it is the body that needs life. testre; a testnek van szksge az letre.

Q: Does life do it deliberately? K: Az let ezt tudatosan teszi?

M: Does love act deliberately? Yes and no. Life is M: A szeretet tudatosan cselekszik? Igen s nem. Mi
love and love is life. What keeps the body together ms tartja egyben a testet, mint a szeretet? Mi a
but love? What is desire, but love of the self? What vgy, ha nem az n szeretete? Mi a flelem, ha nem
is fear but the urge to protect? And what is az oltalmazs knyszere? s mi a tuds, ha nem az
knowledge but the love of truth? The means and igazsg szeretete? Az eszkzk s formk lehetnek
forms may be wrong, but the motive behind is rosszak, de a mgttk hzd indtk mindig a
always love -- love of the me and the mine. The me szeretet az n s az enym szeretete. Az n s az
and the mine may be small, or may explode and enym, lehet kicsi, vagy lehet az egsz univerzumra
embrace the universe, but love remains. kiterjed s azt tfog, de a szeretet ugyanaz.

Q: The repetition of the name of God is very K: Isten nevnek az ismtelgetse Indiban nagyon
common in India. Is there any virtue in it? megszokott dolog. Van valamilyen rtke ennek?

M: When you know the name of a thing, or a person, M: Ha ismered egy dolognak, vagy egy szemlynek
you can find it easily. By calling God by His name a nevt, akkor azt knnyen megtallod. Istent a
you make Him come to you. nevn szltva, arra kszteted t, hogy eljjjn

Q: In what shape does He come? K: Milyen formban fog eljnni?

M: According to your expectations. If you happen to M: Az elvrsaidnak megfelelen. Ha te

be unlucky and some saintly soul gives you a trtnetesen egy peches ember vagy, s valamely
mantra for good luck and you repeat it with faith and jmbor llek ad neked egy j szerencse mantrt, s
devotion, your bad luck is bound to turn. Steady faith te azt hittel s odaadssal ismtelgeted, akkor a
is stronger than destiny. Destiny is the result of rossz szerencse visszjra fordul. A szilrd hit
causes, mostly accidental, and is therefore loosely ersebb, mint a vgzet. A vgzet az okok
woven. Confidence and good hope will overcome it eredmnye, tbbnyire vletlenszer, s emiatt lazn
easily. szvtt. Bizalom s j remnysg knnyedn
gyzedelmeskedik fltte.

Q: When a mantra is chanted, what exactly K: A mantra kntlsakor mi trtnik pontosan?


M: The sound of mantra creates the shape which M: A mantra hangja hozza ltre a formt, amit az n
will embody the Self. The Self can embody any megtestest. Az n brmilyen formt meg tud
shape -- and operate through it. After all, the Self is testesteni s mkdni azon keresztl.
expressing itself in action -- and a mantra is primarily Tulajdonkppen az n a cselekvsben fejezi ki
energy in action. It acts on you, it acts on your magt s a mantra elssorban a cselekvsben
surroundings. lv energia. Hat terd, hat a krnyezetedre.

Q: The mantra is traditional. Must it be so? K: A mantra tradicionlis. Ennek gy kell lennie?

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
M: Since time immemorial a link was created M: Emberemlkezet eltti id ta kapcsolat van
between certain words and corresponding energies bizonyos szavak, s a megfelel energik kztt, s
and reinforced by numberless repetitions. It is just megszmllhatatlan ismtlssel megersthet. Ez
like a road to walk on. It is an easy way -- only faith ppen olyan, mint az t, amelyen stlsz. Knny t
is needed. You trust the road to take you to your csak hit szksges hozz. Hinned kell, hogy az t
destination. elvisz a clodig.

Q: In Europe there is no tradition of a mantra, except K: Eurpban nincs hagyomnya a mantrnak,

in some contemplative orders. Of what use is it to a egyes kontemplatv rendek kivtelvel. Mi a haszna
modern young Westerner? egy modern nyugati fiatal szmra?

M: None, unless he is very much attracted. For him M: Semmi, hacsak az nem vonzza t nagyon. A
the right procedure is to adhere to the thought that szmra megfelel gyakorlat az, ha ragaszkodik a
he is the ground of all knowledge, the immutable gondolathoz, hogy minden tuds alapja, lland s
and perennial awareness of all that happens to the halhatatlan tudatossga minden olyannak, ami az
senses and the mind. If he keeps it in mind all the rzkekkel s az elmvel trtnik. Ha ezt
time, aware and alert, he is bound to break the szakadatlanul, beren s kszenltben az
bounds of non-awareness and emerge into pure life, elmjben tartja, ssze kell, hogy trjenek a nem-
light and love. The idea -- 'I am the witness only' will tudatossg korltai, s fel kell, hogy emelkedjen a
purify the body and the mind and open the eye of tiszta letbe, fnybe s szeretetbe. Az n vagyok az
wisdom. Then man goes beyond illusion and his egyetlen tan ideja meg fogja tiszttani a testet s
heart is free of all desires. Just like ice turns to water az elmt, s kinyitja a blcsessg szemt. Azutn az
and water to vapour, and vapour dissolves in air and ember meghaladja az illzit, s szve minden
disappears in space, so does the body dissolve into vgytl szabadd vlik. Ahogy a jg vzz vlik, s a
pure awareness (chidakash), then into pure being vz prv, majd a pra sztoszlik a levegben s
(paramakash), which is beyond all existence and eltnik a trben, ppen gy olddik fel a test a tiszta
non-existence. tudatossgban (chidakash), majd a tiszta ltben
(paramakash), amely tl van minden ltezsen s

Q: The realised man eats, drinks and sleeps. What K: A megvalsult ember eszik, iszik, s alszik. Mi
makes him do so? kszteti, hogy gy tegyen?

M: The same power that moves the universe, moves M: Ugyanaz az er, amely az univerzumot mozgatja,
him too. mozgatja t is.

Q: All are moved by the same power: what is the K: Ha mindent ugyanazon er mozgat, mi a
difference? klnbsg?

M: This only: The realised man knows what others M: Csak az, hogy a megvalsult ember tudja, amit a
merely hear; but don't experience. Intellectually they tbbiek csupn hallanak, de nem tapasztalnak.
may seem convinced, but in action they betray their Intellektulisan lehet, hogy meggyzdttnek
bondage, while the realised man is always right. ltszanak, de tetteik ktelkeikrl rulkodnak, mg a
megvalsult ember mindig helyesen cselekszik.

Q: Everybody says 'I am'. The realised man too says K: Mindenki azt mondja, hogy n vagyok. A
'I am'. Where is the difference? megvalsult ember is azt mondja, hogy n vagyok.
Mi a klnbsg?

M: The difference is in the meaning attached to the M: A klnbsg az n vagyok szhoz ktd
words 'I am'. With the realised man the experience: 'I jelentsben van. A megvalsult ember tapasztalata:
am the world, the world is mine' is supremely valid -- n vagyok a vilg, a vilg az enym a legteljesebb
he thinks, feels and acts integrally and in unity with mrtkben rvnyes hibtlanul gondolkodik, rez
all that lives. He may not even know the theory and s cselekszik, s minden lvel egysgben. Lehet,
practice of self-realisation, and be born and bred hogy mg csak nem is ismeri az nmegvalsts
free of religious and metaphysical notions. But there elmlett s gyakorlatt, s zig-vrig mentes vallsi
will not be the least flaw in his understanding and s metafizikai fogalmaktl. De nincs a legkisebb
compassion. hiba sem rtelmi kpessge s knyrlete tern.

Q: I may come across a beggar, naked and hungry K: Tegyk fel, hogy rakadok egy meztelen s hes

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
and ask him 'Who are you?' He may answer: 'I am koldusra, s megkrdezem tle ki vagy te? Lehet,
the Supreme Self'. 'Well', I say, 'suffice you are the hogy azt vlaszolja: n vagyok a Legfelsbb n.
Supreme, change your present state'. What will he Nos, mondom, ha te vagy a Legfelsbb, vltoztasd
do? meg jelenlegi llapotodat. Mit fog csinlni?

M: He will ask you: 'Which state? What is there that M: Azt fogja krdezni: Milyen llapotot? Mi az, amit
needs changing? What is wrong with me? meg kell vltoztani? Mi a baj velem?

Q: Why should he answer so? K: Mirt kellene gy vlaszolnia?

M: Because he is no longer bound by appearances, M: Mert nem kti klssg, nem azonostja nmagt
he does not identify himself with the name and a nvvel s a formval. Emlkezetet hasznl, de az
shape. He uses memory, but memory cannot use emlkezet nem tudja hasznlni t.

Q: Is not all knowledge based on memory? K: Nem minden tuds alapul memrin?

M: Lower knowledge -- yes. Higher knowledge, M: Az alacsonyabb tuds igen. A magasabb

knowledge of Reality, is inherent in man's true tuds, a Valsg ismerete, az ember igazi
nature. termszetnek velejrja.

Q: Can I say that I am not what I am conscious of, K: Mondhatom azt, hogy n nem vagyok az, aminek
nor am I consciousness itself? a tudatban vagyok, sem az, ami tudatban van

M: As long as you are a seeker, better cling to the M: Amg keres vagy, a legjobb, ha ahhoz az
idea that you are pure consciousness, free from all idehoz ragaszkodsz, hogy a tiszta, minden
content. To go beyond consciousness is the tartalomtl mentes tudatossg vagy. A tudatossg
supreme state. meghaladsa a legfelsbb llapot.

Q: The desire for realisation, does it originate in K: A megvalsuls irnti vgy a tudatossgbl
consciousness or beyond? szrmazik, vagy azon tlrl?

M: In consciousness, of course. All desire is born M: A tudatossgbl, termszetesen. Minden vgy

from memory and is within the realm of emlkezetbl szletik, s a tudatossg birodalmn
consciousness. What is beyond is clear of all belli. Ami azon tl van, az minden trekvstl
striving. The very desire to go beyond mentes. A tudatossg meghaladsnak a vgya
consciousness is still in consciousness. valjban mg a tudatossgban van.

Q: Is there any trace, or imprint, of the beyond on K: Van valamilyen nyom, vagy lenyomat, a
consciousness? tudatossgon tl?

M: No, there cannot be. M: Nem, ott nem lehet.

Q: Then, what is the link between the two? How can K: Akkor mi a kapcsolat a kett kztt? Hogy lehet
a passage be found between two states which have tjrst tallni kt olyan llapot kztt, amelyekben
nothing in common? Is not pure awareness the link semmi kzs? Nem a tiszta bersg a kapcsolat
between the two? kettejk kztt?

M: Even pure awareness is a form of M: Mg a tiszta bersg is a tudatossg egy

consciousness. formja.

Q: Then what is beyond? Emptiness? K: Akkor mi van azon tl? ressg?

M: Emptiness again refers only to consciousness. M: Az ressg ismt csak a tudatossgra

Fullness and emptiness are relative terms. The Real vonatkozik. Teljessg s ressg viszonylagos
is really beyond -- beyond not in relation to kifejezsek. A Valsg valban tl van nem a
consciousness, but beyond all relations of whatever tudatossgon tl, hanem minden relcin, legyen az
kind. The difficulty comes with the word 'state'. The brmifle. A nehzsget az llapot sz okozza. A
Real is not a state of something else -- it is not a Valsg nem llapota valami msnak. nem

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
state of mind or consciousness or psyche -- nor is it llapota az elmnek, vagy a tudatossgnak vagy a
something that has a beginning and an end, being pszichnek sem nem olyan valami, aminek
and not being. All opposites are contained in it -- but kezdete s vge lenne, lte s nemlte. Minden
it is not in the play of opposites. You must not take it ellentt benne foglaltatik de nem vesz rszt az
to be the end of a transition. It is itself, after the ellenttek jtkban. Nem tekintheted egy tmenet
consciousness as such is no more. Then words 'I vgnek. nmaga, azutn a tudatossg, mint
am man', or 'I am God' have no meaning. Only in olyan nincs tbb. Azutn az n ember vagyok
silence and in darkness can it be heard and seen. vagy n Isten vagyok szavaknak tbb nincs
jelentsge. Csak csendben s sttben lehet t
hallani s ltni.

23. Discrimination leads to Detachment 23. A megklnbztets prtatlansghoz

Maharaj: You are all drenched for it is raining hard. Maharaj: Ti csurom vizesek vagytok, mert nagyon
In my world it is always fine weather. There is no esik. Az n vilgomban mindig j id van. Ott nincs
night or day, no heat or cold. No worries beset me jszaka vagy nappal, nincs meleg vagy hideg. Nem
there, nor regrets. My mind is free of thoughts, for zaklatnak sem aggodalmak, sem sajnlkozs.
there are no desires to slave for. Elmm gondolatoktl mentes, mert nincsenek
vgyak, amiket szolglnia kellene.

Questioner: Are there two worlds? Krdez: Kt vilg van?

M: Your world is transient, changeful. My world is M: A te vilgod tmeneti, vltozkony. Az n

perfect, changeless. You can tell me what you like vilgom tkletes, megvltozhatatlan. Elmondhatod
about your world -- I shall listen carefully, even with nekem, hogy mit szeretsz a vilgodban
interest, yet not for a moment shall I forget that your figyelmesen, st rdekldssel hallgatlak, de egy
world is not, that you are dreaming. pillanatra sem feledem, hogy a te vilgod nem
ltezik, hogy lmodsz.

Q: What distinguishes your world from mine? K: Mi klnbzteti meg a te vilgodat az enymtl?

M: My world has no characteristics by which it can M: Az n vilgomnak nincsenek jellemzi, amelyek

be identified. You can say nothing about it. I am my ltal azonosthat lenne. Nem tudsz rla mondani
world. My world is myself. It is complete and perfect. semmit. n vagyok a vilgom. Az n vilgom n
Every impression is erased, every experience -- magam vagyok. Teljes s tkletes vilg. Minden
rejected. I need nothing, not even myself, for myself benyoms trlve, minden tapasztalat elutastva.
I cannot lose. Semmire nincs szksgem, mg sajt magamra
sem, mert nmagamat nem tudom elveszteni.

Q: Not even God? K: Mg Istenre sincs szksged?

M: All these ideas and distinctions exist in your M: Mindezen idek s sajtos vonsok a te
world; in mine there is nothing of the kind. My world vilgodban vannak, az enymben semmi ilyesfle
is single and very simple. nincs. Az n vilgom szimpla s nagyon egyszer.

Q: Nothing happens there? K: Nem trtnik benne semmi?

M: Whatever happens in your world, only there it M: Brmi trtnik a vilgodban, csak ott van neki
has validity and evokes response. In my world rvnyessge, s vlt ki reakcit. Az n vilgomban
nothing happens. semmi nem trtnik.

Q: The very fact of your experiencing your own K: A te sajt vilgod tapasztalsnak tnye
world implies duality inherent in all experience. valjban a minden tapasztalattal egytt jr
dualitsra utal.

M: Verbally -- yes. But your words do not reach me. M: Verblisan igen. De a szavaid nem rnek el
Mine is a non-verbal world. In your world the hozzm. Az enym szavaktl mentes vilg. A te
unspoken has no existence. In mine -- the words vilgodban ami nincs kimondva, az nem ltezik. Az
and their contents have no being. In your world enymben a szavak, s azok tartalma nem

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
nothing stays, in mine -- nothing changes. My world lteznek. A te vilgodban semmi nem lland, az
is real, while yours is made of dreams. enymben semmi nem vltozik. Az n vilgom
valdi, mg a tiedet lmok alkotjk.

Q: Yet we are talking. K: Mi mgis beszlgetnk.

M: The talk is in your world. In mine -- there is M: A beszlgets a te vilgodban zajlik. Az

eternal silence. My silence sings, my emptiness is enymben rk csend van. Az n csendem
full, I lack nothing. You cannot know my world until nekel, az n ressgem teljes, nem vagyok hjn
you are there. semminek. Nem ismerheted meg a vilgomat, mg
ott nem vagy.

Q: It seems as if you alone are in your world. K: gy tnik, mintha egyedl lennl a vilgodban.

M: How can you say alone or not alone, when words M: Hogy mondhatsz ilyet, hogy egyedl, vagy nem
do not apply? Of course, I am alone for I am all. egyedl, mikor a szavak alkalmatlanok?
Termszetes, hogy egyedl vagyok, mikor n
vagyok minden.

Q: Are you ever coming into our world? K: Be szoktl jnni a mi vilgunkba?

M: What is coming and going to me? These again M: Mi szmomra a jvs s mens? Ezek megint
are words. I am. Whence am I to come from and szavak. n vagyok. Mirt is kellene valahonnan
where to go? jnnm, s hov kellene menjek?

Q: Of what use is your world to me? K: Mi haszna a te vilgodnak szmomra?

M: You should consider more closely your own M: Sajt vilgodat sokkal gondosabban kellene
world, examine it critically and, suddenly, one day szemllned, kritikusan vizsglnod, s egy nap
you will find yourself in mine. hirtelen az enymben tallnd magad.

Q: What do we gain by it? K: Mit nyernnk vele?

M: You gain nothing. You leave behind what is not M: Semmit nem nyersz. Elhagyod, ami nem sajtod,
your own and find what you have never lost -- your s megtallod, amit nem vesztettl el soha sajt
own being. ltedet.

Q: Who is the ruler of your world? K: Ki a vilgod ura?

M: There are no ruler and ruled here. There is no M: Nincs benne sem uralkod, sem olyan, aki fltt
duality whatsoever. You are merely projecting your uralkodnak. Nincs benne semmifle dualits. Te
own ideas. Your scriptures and your gods have no pusztn a sajt ideidat vetted ki. Szent
meaning here. knyveidnek s Isteneidnek itt nincs jelentsk.

Q: Still you have a name and shape, display K: Amg van neved s formd, ez tudatossgra s
consciousness and activity. tevkenysgre utal.

M: In your world I appear so. In mine I have being M: A te vilgodban gy jelenek meg. Az enymben
only. Nothing else. You people are rich with your csak ltem van. Semmi ms. Nlad az ember
ideas of possession, of quantity and quality. I am lehetsgek, mennyisgek s minsgek
completely without ideas. fogalmaiban bvelkedik. Nekem egyltaln
nincsenek fogalmaim.

Q: In my world there is disturbance, distress and K: Az n vilgomat felforduls, fjdalom s

despair. You seem to be living on some hidden ktsgbeess jellemzi. gy tnik, te bizonyos rejtett
income, while I must slave for a living. jvedelembl lsz, mg nekem szolglni kell, hogy

M: Do as you please. You are free to leave your M: Tgy ahogy jnak ltod. Szabadsgodban ll,
world for mine. hogy elhagyd a vilgodat az enymrt.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok

Q: How is the crossing done? K: Hogyan kell tkelni?

M: See your world as it is, not as you imagine it to M: Lsd a vilgodat olyannak, amilyen, s ne
be. Discrimination will lead to detachment; amilyennek kpzeled. A megklnbztets
detachment will ensure right action; right action will prtatlansghoz vezet, a prtatlansg a helyes
build the inner bridge to your real being. Action is a cselekvst biztostja; a helyes cselekvs bels hidat
proof of earnestness. Do what you are told diligently pt valdi ltedhez. A cselekedet a bizonytka a
and faithfully and all obstacles will dissolve. komolysgnak. Tedd, ahogy elmondtad gondosan,
hitelesen s minden akadly el fog tnni.

Q: Are you happy? K: Boldog vagy?

M: In your world I would be most miserable. To M: A te vilgodban a legnyomorultabb lennk.

wake up, to eat, to talk, to sleep again -- what a Felkelni, enni, beszlni, jra aludni micsoda
bother. unalom.

Q: So you do not want to live even? K: Teht mg lni sem akarsz?

M: To live, to die -- what meaningless words are M: lni, meghalni micsoda rtelmetlen szavak
these. When you see me alive, I am dead. When ezek. Amikor lnek ltsz engem, halott vagyok.
you think me dead, I am alive. How muddled up you Amikor gy gondolod, halott vagyok, akkor lek.
are. Micsoda zavaros vagy.

Q: How indifferent you are? All the sorrows of our K: Hogyan lehetsz ilyen semleges? A vilg sszes
world are as nothing to you. szomorsga mintha semmi lenne szmodra.

M: I am quite conscious of your troubles. M: n tkletesen tudatban vagyok a


Q: Then what are you doing about them? K: Aztn mit teszel ellenk?

M: There is nothing I need doing. They come and M: Semmit nem kell tennem. A gondok jnnek, s
go. mennek.

Q: Do they go by the very act of your giving them K: Tvoznak, pusztn azrt, mert figyelmet adsz
attention? nekik?

M: Yes. The difficulty may be physical, emotional or M: Igen. A nehzsg lehet testi, emocionlis vagy
mental; but it is always individual. Large scale mentlis; de minden esetben individulis. A nagy
calamities are the sum of numberless individual lptk szerencstlensgekben szmtalan egyni
destinies and take time to settle. But death is never sors sszegzdik, s lecsillapodsukhoz id kell. De
a calamity. a hall sohasem szerencstlensg.

Q: Even when a man is killed? K: Mg akkor sem, ha meglnek valakit?

M: The calamity is of the killer. M: A szerencstlensg a gyilkost ri.

Q: Still, it seems there are two worlds, mine and K: Mgiscsak gy tnik, hogy az enym s a tid kt
yours. kln vilg.

M: Mine is real, yours is of the mind. M: Az enym valdi, a tied az elm.

Q: Imagine a rock and a hole in the rock and a frog K: Kpzelj el egy kvet, abban egy reget, s egy
in the hole. The frog may spend its life in perfect bkt az regben. Lehet, hogy a bka az egsz
bliss, undistracted, undisturbed. Outside the rock the lett tkletes boldogsgban, zavartalanul,
world goes on. If the frog in the hole were told about nyugalmasan li. A kvn kvl a vilg megy a maga
the outside world, he would say: 'There is no such tjn. Ha az regi bka hallana a kls vilgrl, azt
thing. My world is of peace and bliss. Your world is a mondan: Nincs semmi ilyesmi. Az n vilgom
word structure only, it has no existence'. It is the bks s boldog. A te vilgod csak szavakbl ll

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
same with you. When you tell us that our world szerkezet, nem ltez dolog. Veled is ugyanezt a
simply does not exist, there is no common ground helyzet. Amikor azt mondod, hogy a mi vilgunk
for discussion. Or, take another example. I go to a egyszeren nem ltezik, a vitnknak nincs kzs
doctor and complain of stomach ache. He examines alapja. Vagy vegynk msik pldt. Elmegyek az
me and says: 'You are all right'. 'But it pains' I say. orvoshoz, s elpanaszolom, hogy fj a gyomrom. Az
'Your pain is mental' he asserts. I say 'It does not orvos megvizsgl, s azt mondja: n egszsges.
help me to know that my pain is mental. You are a De ht fj. mondom. Az n fjdalma mentlis
doctor, cure me of my pain. If you cannot cure me, jelenti ki a doktor. n azt mondom, hogy nem segt,
you are not my doctor.' hogy tudom, hogy a fjdalmam mentlis. n orvos,
szntesse meg a fjdalmat. Ha nem tud
meggygytani, akkor n nem az n orvosom.

M: Quite right. M: Igazad van.

Q: You have built the railroad, but for lack of a K: Felptetted a vasutat, de hd nlkl a vonat nem
bridge no train can pass. Build the bridge. tud tovbbmenni. ptsd fel a hidat.

M: There is no need of a bridge. M: Nincs szksg hdra.

Q: There must be some link between your world and K: Kell, hogy legyen valamilyen kapcsolat a te
mine. vilgod s az enym kztt.

M: There is no need of a link between a real world M: Nincs szksg kapcsolatra a valdi vilg s egy
and an imaginary world, for there cannot be any. kpzelt vilg kztt, mert nem is lehet semmilyen.

Q: So what are we to do? K: Akkor mit kell tennnk?

M: Investigate your world, apply your mind to it, M: Tanulmnyozd a vilgodat, fordtsd fel az
examine it critically, scrutinise every idea about it; elmdet, vizsgld fell kritikusan, ellenriz minden
that will do. rla szl idet; ez megteszi.

Q: The world is too big for investigation. All I know is K: A vilg tl nagy egy ilyen vizsgldshoz. Csak
that I am the world is, the world troubles me and I azt tudom, hogy n vagyok, a vilg van, a vilg
trouble the world. zavar engem, s n zavarom a vilgot.

M: My experience is that everything is bliss. But the M: Az n tapasztalatom szerint minden boldogsg.
desire for bliss creates pain. Thus bliss becomes the De a boldogsg irnti vgy fjdalmat teremt. gy a
seed of pain. The entire universe of pain is born of boldogsg a fjdalom csrjv vlik. A fjdalom
desire. Give up the desire for pleasure and you will egsz univerzuma vgybl szletett. Add fel az
not even know what is pain. rm irnti vgyat, s mg csak tudni sem fogd,
hogy mi a fjdalom.

Q: Why should pleasure be the seed of pain? K: Az rmnek mirt kellene a fjdalom csrjnak

M: Because for the sake of pleasure you are M: Azrt, mert az rm kedvrt sok bnt kvetsz el.
committing many sins. And the fruits of sin are s a bn gymlcse szenveds s hall.
suffering and death.

Q: You say the world is of no use to us -- only a K: Azt mondod, hogy a vilgnak nincs haszna
tribulation. I feel it cannot be so. God is not such a szmunkra gytrelem csupn. n gy rzem, hogy
fool. The world seems to me a big enterprise for ez nem lehet gy. Isten nem ilyen bolond. A vilg
bringing the potential into actual, matter into life, the szmomra egy nagy vllalkozsnak tnik, amelynek
unconscious into full awareness. To realise the a clja, hogy a lehetsgest aktuliss tegye, az
supreme we need the experience of the opposites. anyagba letet hozzon, a tudattalant teljesen
Just as for building a temple we need stone and tudatoss tegye. A legfelsbb felismershez meg
mortar, wood and iron, glass and tiles, so for making kell ismernnk az ellentteket. Mint ahogy a
a man into a divine sage, a master of life and death, templom ptshez kre, habarcsra, fra, vasra,
one needs the material of every experience. As a vegre s cserpre van szksg, gy ahhoz, hogy
woman goes to the market, buys provisions of every az ember isteni blcsessgre tegyen szert, ura

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
sort, comes home, cooks, bakes and feeds her lord, legyen letnek s hallnak, a mindent tapasztals
so we bake ourselves nicely in the fire of life and anyagra van szksg. Ahogy az asszony elmegy a
feed our God. piacra, vsrol mindenfle lelmiszert, hazamegy,
fz, st, s megeteti urt, gy stjk ki magunkat
szpen az let tzn, s etetjk meg a mi Urunkat.

M: Well, if you think so, act on it. Feed your God, by M: Nos, ha te gy gondolod, tgy eszerint. Etesd
all means. Uradat, csak rajta.

Q: A child goes to school and learns many things, K: A gyermek iskolba jr, s sok olyan dolgot tanul,
which will be of no use to it later. But in the course of amelyeknek semmi haszna ksbb. De a tanulsi
learning it grows. So do we pass through folyamat sorn fejldik. gy megynk t mi is
experiences without number and forget them all, but szmtalan tapasztalaton s felejtjk el mindet, de
in the meantime we grow all the time. And what is a kzben llandan gyarapszunk. s mi ms a gnani,
gnani but a man with a genius for reality. This world ha nem egy olyan ember, aki valsg irnt klns
of mine cannot be an accident. It makes sense, tehetsggel br? A vilgunk nem lehet vletlen
there must be a plan behind it. My God has a plan. mve. rtelemmel br, muszj, hogy legyen egy terv
mgtte. Az n Istenem rendelkezik tervvel.

M: If the world is false, then the plan and its creator M: Ha a vilg hamis, akkor a terv s annak teremtje
are also false. szintn hamis.

Q: Again, you deny the world. There is no bridge K: Megint tagadod a vilgot. Nincs meg a hd
between us. kzttnk.

M: There is no need of a bridge. Your mistake lies in M: Nem kell hd. Ott hibzol, hogy azt hiszed, hogy
your belief that you are born. You were never born szlettl. Te sohasem szlettl, soha nem is fogsz
nor will you ever die, but you believe that you were meghalni, de te azt hiszed, hogy megszlettl egy
born at a certain date and place and that a particular bizonyos idben s helyen, s hogy ez a konkrt
body is your own. test a sajtod.

Q: The world is, I am. These are facts. K: A vilg van, n vagyok. Ezek tnyek.

M: Why do you worry about the world before taking M: Mirt aggdsz a vilg miatt, ahelyett, hogy
care of yourself? You want to save the world, don't magaddal trdnl? Meg akarod menteni a vilgot,
you? Can you save the world before saving ugye? Meg tudod menteni a vilgot, mieltt magadat
yourself? And what means being saved? Saved megmentend? s mit jelent megmenteni?
from what? From illusion. Salvation is to see things Megmenteni, mitl? Az illzitl. A megvlts azt
as they are. I really do not see myself related to jelenti, hogy gy ltni a dolgokat, ahogyan azok
anybody and anything. Not even to a self, whatever vannak. n valban nem ltom magam
that self may be. I remain forever -- undefined. I am - kapcsolatban llnak senkivel s semmivel. Mg az
- within and beyond -- intimate and unapproachable. nnel sem, brmi is az n. n maradok rkk
meghatrozatlan. n bell s tl intim s
megkzelthetetlen vagyok.

Q: How did you come to it? K: Ezt hogyan rted el?

M: By my trust in my Guru. He told me 'You alone M: A Gurumba vetett hitem ltal. azt mondta
are' and I did not doubt him. I was merely puzzling nekem, Egyedl te vagy, s n nem ktelkedtem
over it, until I realised that it is absolutely true. benne. Egsz egyszeren addig tprengtem fltte,
mg fel nem ismertem, hogy ez az abszolt igazsg.

Q: Conviction by repetition? K: Ismtelgetssel trtn meggyzs?

M: By self-realisation. I found that I am conscious M: n-felismerssel. gy talltam, hogy tudatos

and happy absolutely and only by mistake I thought I vagyok, s abszolte boldog, s csak tvedsbl
owed being consciousness-bliss to the body and the gondoltam, hogy a boldogsgtudatrt a testnek s a
world of bodies. testek vilgnak tartozom.

Q: You are not a learned man. You have not read K: Te nem vagy egy tanult ember. Nem sokat

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
much and what you read, or heard did perhaps not olvastl, s amit olvastl is, vagy hallottl, lehet,
contradict itself. I am fairly well educated and have hogy nem voltak elg ellentmondsosak. Nekem
read a lot and I found that books and teachers meglehetsen magas a kpzettsgem, sokat
contradict each other hopelessly. Hence whatever I olvastam, s gy tallom, hogy a knyvek s a
read or hear, I take it in a state of doubt. 'It may be tantk remnytelenl ellentmondanak egymsnak.
so, it may not be so' is my first reaction. And as my Ebbl ereden brmit olvasok vagy hallok,
mind is unable to decide what is true and what is ktkedssel fogadom. Lehet, hogy gy van, lehet,
not, I am left high and dry with my doubts. In Yoga a hogy nem gy van, ez az els reakcim. s mivel
doubting mind is at a tremendous disadvantage. az elmm kptelen eldnteni, hogy mi igaz, s mi
nem, fakpnl hagy a ktelkedsemmel egytt. A
Yogban a ktelked elme rettenetesen nagy

M: I am glad to hear it; but my Guru too taught me to M: rmmel hallom; de az n Gurum megtantott
doubt -- everything and absolutely. He said: 'deny engem ktelkedni is mindenben, s teljes
existence to everything except your self.' Through mrtkben. Azt mondta: tagadd mindennek a
desire you have created the world with its pains and ltezst, kivve nedt. Vgyak ltal teremtetted a
pleasures. vilgot, annak minden fjdalmval s rmvel.

Q: Must it be also painful? K: Fjdalommal is kell jrnia?

M: What else? By its very nature pleasure is limited M: Mivel mssal? Valdi termszete szerint az rm
and transitory. Out of pain desire is born, in pain it korltozott s mlkony. A fjdalombl szletett
seeks fulfilment, and it ends in the pain of frustration vgy a fjdalomban keres beteljesedst, s a
and despair. Pain is the background of pleasure, all frusztrci s ktsgbeess fjdalmban r vget.
seeking of pleasure is born in pain and ends in pain. Fjdalom a httere az rmnek, az sszes rm
keress fjdalomban szletik, s fjdalomban r

Q: All you say is clear to me. But when some K: Minden amirl beszlsz, vilgos. De amikor
physical or mental trouble comes, my mind goes dull valamilyen testi s mentlis bajom tmad, elmm
and grey, or seeks frantically for relief. eltompul s lehangoldik vlik, vagy
ktsgbeesetten enyhlst keres.

M: What does it matter? It is the mind that is dull or M: Mit szmt? Az elme az, ami tompa vagy
restless, not you. Look, all kinds of things happen in nyugtalan, nem te. Nzd, ebben a szobban
this room. Do I cause them to happen? They just mindenfle dolgok trtnnek. n vagyok az oka a
happen. So it is with you -- the roll of destiny unfolds megtrtnsknek? Csak gy megtrtnnek. gy
itself and actualises the inevitable. You cannot van ez veled is a sors gombolyaga legombolytja
change the course of events, but you can change nmagt, s megvalstja az elkerlhetetlent. Nem
your attitude and what really matters is the attitude vltoztathatod meg az esemnyek menett, de a
and not the bare event. The world is the abode of hozzllsodon vltoztathatsz, s ami valjban
desires and fears. You cannot find peace in it. For szmt, az az attitd, s nem a puszta tny. A vilg
peace you must go beyond the world. The root vgyaknak s flelmeknek a lakhelye. Nem
cause of the world is self-love. Because of it we lelhetsz benne bkt. A bkhez meg kell haladnod
seek pleasure and avoid pain. Replace self-love by a vilgot. A vilg soka az egoizmus. Emiatt
love of the Self and the picture changes. Brahma the keressk az rmet, s kerljk a fjdalmat. Cserld
Creator is the sum total of all desires. The world is ki az egoizmust az n szeretetvel, s a kp
the instrument for their fulfilment. Souls take megvltozik. Brahma a Teremt minden vgy
whatever pleasure they desire and pay for them in vgsszege. Beteljestsknek a vilg az eszkze.
tears. Time squares all accounts. The law of balance Az emberi lnyek akrmilyen rmt megragadnak,
reigns supreme. s knnyekkel fizetnek rte. Idvel minden szma
kiegyenltsre kerl. Az egyensly trvnynek
korltlan az uralma.

Q: To be a superman one must be a man first. K: Hogy szupermen vljon belled, embernek kell
Manhood is the fruit of innumerable experiences: lenned elbb. Ember voltod megszmllhatatlan
Desire drives to experience. Hence at its own time tapasztalat gymlcse: a vgyak vezetnek a
and level desire is right. tapasztalathoz. Ennlfogva, a maga idejben s
szintjn, a vgy helynval.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok

M: All this is true in a way. But a day comes when M: Mindez igaz, annyira-amennyire. De eljn a nap,
you have amassed enough and must begin to build. amikorra mr eleget halmoztl fel, s el kell kezdeni
Then sorting out and discarding (viveka-vairagya) az ptkezst. Ekkor a kivlogats s selejtezs
are absolutely necessary. Everything must be (viveka-vairagya) vlik abszolte szksgess.
scrutinised and the unnecessary ruthlessly Mindent meg kell vizsglni alaposan, s a
destroyed. Believe me, there cannot be too much feleslegeset knyrtelenl el kell puszttani. Higgy
destruction. For in reality nothing is of value. Be nekem, semmilyen pusztts nem lehet tl sok. Mert
passionately dispassionate -- that is all. valjban semminek nincs rtke. Lgy
szenvedlyesen szenvedlytelen ez minden.

24. God is the All-doer, the Gnani a Non- 24. Isten a mindent-tev, a Gnani a nem-
doer tev
Questioner: Some Mahatmas (enlightened beings) Krdez: Egyes Mahatmk (megvilgosodott
maintain that the world is neither an accident nor a szemlyek) azt a vlemnyt kpviselik, hogy a vilg
play of God, but the result and expression of a sem nem baleset, sem nem Isten jtka, hanem egy
mighty plan of work aiming at awakening and hatalmas, felbredst clz munkaterv eredmnye
developing consciousness throughout the universe. s kifejezse, s az egsz univerzumra kiterjed
From lifelessness to life, from unconsciousness to tudatossg fejleszts. Az lettelentl az let fel, a
consciousness, from dullness to bright intelligence, tudattalantl a tudatos fel, a tompasgtl a ragyog
from misapprehension to clarity -- that is the intelligencia fel, a flrertstl a vilgossg fel
direction in which the world moves ceaselessly and ez az az irny, amely szerint a vilg mozog,
relentlessly. Of course, there are moments of rest szakadatlanul s krlelhetetlenl. Termszetesen
and apparent darkness, when the universe seems to vannak pillanatai a nyugalomnak s a ltszlagos
be dormant, but the rest comes to an end and the sttsgnek, amikor az univerzum szunnyadni
work on consciousness is resumed. From our point ltszik, de a pihens a vghez r, s a
of view the world is a dale of tears, a place to tudatossgon vgzett munka jra kezddik. A mi
escape from, as soon as possible and by every nzpontunkbl a vilg siralomvlgy, egy hely,
possible means. To enlightened beings the world is ahonnan meneklni kell, amilyen gyorsan csak
good and it serves a good purpose. They do not lehet, s minden lehetsges mdon. A
deny that the world is a mental structure and that megvilgosodott lnyek szmra a vilg j, s j
ultimately all is one, but they see and say that the clokat szolgl. A maguk rszrl nem tagadjk,
structure has meaning and serves a supremely hogy a vilg egy mentlis struktra, s vgs soron
desirable purpose. What we call the will of God is minden egy, de gy ltjk s mondjk, hogy a
not a capricious whim of a playful deity, but the struktra rtelemmel br, s a legteljesebben
expression of an absolute necessity to grow in love kvnatos clt szolglja. Amit mi Isten akaratnak
and wisdom and power, to actualise the infinite neveznk, az nem egy jtszi istensg szeszlyes
potentials of life and consciousness. hbortja, hanem egy abszolt szksgszersg
kifejezdse a szeretetben, blcsessgben s
Just as a gardener grows flowers from a tiny seed to erben val fejldsre, az let s a tudatossg
glorious perfection, so does God in His own garden vgtelen lehetsgeinek a megvalstsra.
grow, among other beings, men to supermen, who
know and love and work along with Him. Ahogy a kertsz a kis virgmagbl ragyogan
tkletes virgokat nevel, gy neveli Isten az sajt
When God takes rest (pralaya), those whose growth kertjt, az egyb lnyek kztt az embert
was not completed, become unconscious for a time, szupermenn, aki Vele egytt tud, szeret s
while the perfect ones, who have gone beyond all munklkodik.
forms and contents of consciousness, remain aware
of the universal silence. When the time comes for Isten megpihensekor (pralaya) azok, akiknek a
the emergence of a new universe, the sleepers fejldse nem fejezdtt be, egy idre tudattalann
wake up and their work starts. The more advanced vlnak, mg azok, akik tkletesek, akik a
wake up first and prepare the ground for the less tudatossg sszes formjt s tartalmt
advanced -- who thus find forms and patterns of meghaladtk, tudatban maradnak az univerzlis
behaviour suitable for their further growth. csendnek. Amikor elrkezik egy j univerzum
ltrejttnek az ideje, az alvk felbrednek, s
Thus runs the story. The difference with your elkezdik a munkjukat. A fejlettebbek brednek fel
teaching is this: you insist that the world is no good elszr, s elksztik a talajt a kevsb fejlettek
and should be shunned. They say that distaste for szmra akik ily mdon megfelel formkat, s

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
the world is a passing stage, necessary, yet viselkedsi mintkat tallnak tovbbi
temporary, and is soon replaced by an all-pervading nvekedskhz.
love, and a steady will to work with God.
gy szl a trtnet. Mi a klnbsg a te tantsodhoz
kpest? Te ragaszkodsz hozz, hogy a vilg nem j,
s el kell belle meneklni. k viszont azt mondjk,
hogy a vilgtl val irtzs ml llapot, szksges,
de ideiglenes, s nemsokra felvltja a mindent
betlt szeretet, s az Istennel val munklkods
szilrd akarata.

Maharaj: All you say is right for the outgoing Maharaj: Amirl beszlsz, a kifel vezet (pravritti)
(pravritti) path. For the path of return (nivritti) tra igaz. A visszafel vezet (nivritti) thoz
naughting oneself is necessary. My stand I take hanyatls szksges. n ott tartzkodom, ahol
where nothing (paramakash) is; words do not reach semmi (paramakash) nincs, ahov nem rnek el
there, nor thoughts. To the mind it is all darkness szavak, sem gondolatok. Az elme szmra ez teljes
and silence. Then consciousness begins to stir and sttsg s csend. Aztn a tudatossg megmoccan,
wakes up the mind (chidakash), which projects the s az bred elme (chidakash) kivetti az
world (mahadakash), built of memory and emlkezetbl s kpzelerbl felpl vilgot.
imagination. Once the world comes into being, all Amint a vilg megszletik, minden amit mondtl,
you say may be so. It is in the nature of the mind to lehetsges. Az elmnek az a termszete, hogy
imagine goals, to strive towards them, to seek out clokat kpzeljen el, feljk trekedve utakat s
means and ways, to display vision, energy and mdokat keressen, vzikat, energit s btorsgot
courage. These are divine attributes and I do not nyilvntson meg. Ezek isteni attribtumok, s n ne
deny them. But I take my stand where no difference utastom el ket. De n ott tartzkodom, ahol nem
exists, where things are not, nor the minds that ltezik klnbsg, ahol nincsenek dolgok, sem elme,
create them. There I am at home. Whatever ami ltrehozza ket. Ott az n otthonom. Akrmi
happens, does not affect me -- things act on things, trtnik, az nem hat rm csak dolgok hatnak
that is all. Free from memory and expectation, I am dolgokra, semmi tbb. Emlkezettl s elvrstl
fresh, innocent and wholehearted. Mind is the great mentes, friss, rtatlan s szinte vagyok. Az elme
worker (mahakarta) and it needs rest. Needing vgzi a nagy munkt (mahakarta), s neki van
nothing, I am unafraid. Whom to be afraid of? There szksge pihensre. Semmire nem lvn
is no separation, we are not separate selves. There szksgem, n flelem nlkli vagyok. Kitl kellene
is only one Self, the Supreme Reality, in which the flnem? Nincs elklnltsg, nem vagyunk
personal and the impersonal are one. elklnltek. Csak egyetlen n van, a Legfelsbb
Realits, amelyben a szemly s a szemlytelen

Q: All I want is to be able to help the world. K: Csak azt akarom, hogy segthessek a vilgon.

M: Who says you cannot help? You made up your M: Ki mondta, hogy nem segthetsz? Eldnttted,
mind about what help means and needs and got hogy mit jelent a segtsg, s hogy milyen
your self into a conflict between what you should segtsgre van szksg, s ellentmonds alakult ki
and what you can, between necessity and ability. az amit kell, s amit lehet tenned, a szksges s a
lehetsges kztt.

Q: But why do we do so? K: De ht mirt tesszk ezt?

M: Your mind projects a structure and you identify M: Elmd kivett egy struktrt, amivel azonostod
yourself with it. It is in the nature of desire to prompt magad. Termszetnek megfelelen a vgy arra
the mind to create a world for its fulfilment. Even a sarkallja az elmt, hogy beteljeslse rdekben
small desire can start a long line of action; what teremtsen egy vilgot. Mg egy apr vgy is akcik
about a strong desire? Desire can produce a hossz sort indthatja el; mire kpesek akkor az
universe; its powers are miraculous. Just as a small ers vgyak? A vgy univerzumot tud teremteni;
matchstick can set a huge forest on fire, so does a ereje csodval hatros. Ahogy egy kis gyufaszl
desire light the fires of manifestation. The very lngra tud lobbantani egy hatalmas erdt, gy
purpose of creation is the fulfilment of desire. The gyjtja meg a vgy a megnyilvnuls tzt. A
desire may be noble, or ignoble, space (akash) is teremts valdi clja a vgy beteljestse. A vgy
neutral -- one can fill it with what one likes: You must lehet nemes, vagy alantas, a tr (akash) semleges
be very careful as to what you desire. And as to the azzal tltheti fel az ember, amivel akarja: nagyon

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
people you want to help, they are in their respective vatosnak kell lenned, hogy mire vgysz. s mivel
worlds for the sake of their desires; there is no way azok vilga, akiknek segteni akarsz, szintn az
of helping them except through their desires. You vgyaik kedvrt van, nincs md, hogy segts nekik,
can only teach them to have right desires so that hacsak nem a vgyaikon keresztl. Csak azt
they may rise above them and be free from the urge tanthatod meg velk, hogy a vgyaik legyenek
to create and re-create worlds of desires, abodes of helyesek, gy azok fl emelkedhetnek, s
pain and pleasure. megszabadulhatnak attl a srgetstl, hogy meg-
s jrateremtsk vgyaik vilgt, a fjdalom s rm
tartzkodsi helyt.

Q: A day must come when the show is wound up; a K: El kell, hogy jjjn a nap, amikor az elads
man must die, a universe come to an end. vget r; az embernek meg kell halnia, a vilg vget

M: Just as a sleeping man forgets all and wakes up M: Ahogy az alv ember is mindent elfelejt, s egy
for another day, or he dies and emerges into another msik napra bred, vagy meghal s egy msik
life, so do the worlds of desire and fear dissolve and letben jelenik meg, ppgy a vgy s flelem
disappear. But the universal witness, the Supreme vilga is szertefoszlik s eltnik. De az univerzlis
Self never sleeps and never dies. Eternally the tan, a Legfelsbb n soha nem alszik, s soha
Great Heart beats and at each beat a new universe nem hal meg. A Nagy Szv rkk dobog, s minden
comes into being. dobbanskor egy j vilg szletik.

Q: Is he conscious? K: tudatos?

M: He is beyond all that the mind conceives. He is M: tl van mindenen, amit az elme felfogni kpes.
beyond being and not being. He is the Yes and No Tl van lten s nemlten. az Igen s a Nem
to everything, beyond and within, creating and mindenre, a tl s a bell, a teremts s a pusztts,
destroying, unimaginably real. a felfoghatatlan valsg.

Q: God and the Mahatma are they one or two? K: Isten s a Mahatma egyek, vagy klnbzk?

M: They are one. M: Egyek.

Q: There must be some difference. K: Kell, hogy legyen valamilyen klnbsg.

M: God is the All-Doer, the gnani is a non-doer. God M: Isten a Mindent-Tev, a gnani a nem-tev. Isten
himself does not say: 'I am doing all.' To Him things nem mondja: n csinlok mindent. Az szmra a
happen by their own nature. To the gnani all is done dolgok sajt termszetk szerint trtnnek. A gnani
by God. He sees no difference between God and szerint mindent Isten csinl. nem lt klnbsget
nature. Both God and the gnani know themselves to Isten s a termszet kztt. Isten is, a gnani is, a
be the immovable centre of the movable, the eternal mozdthat mozdulatlan kzpontjnak tudja magt,
witness of the transient. The centre is a point of void a muland rk tanjnak. A kzppont az ressg
and the witness a point of pure awareness; they egy pontja, s a tan a tiszta bersg egy pontja;
know themselves to be as nothing, therefore nothing semminek tudjk magukat, ezrt nem llhat ellenk
can resist them. semmi.

Q: How does this look and feel in your personal K: Ezt hogyan ltod s rzed a szemlyes
experience? tapasztalataid alapjn?

M: Being nothing, I am all. Everything is me, M: Semmi lvn, minden vagyok. Minden n
everything is mine. Just as my body moves by my vagyok, minden az enym. Ahogy a testem is a
mere thinking of the movement, so do things happen puszta mozgsra gondolsom miatt mozog, gy a
as I think of them. Mind you, I do nothing. I just see dolgok is azrt trtnnek, mert n rjuk gondolok.
them happen. Jegyezd meg, n semmit nem teszek. n csak
figyelem, ahogy megtrtnnek.

Q: Do things happen as you want them to happen, K: A dolgok gy trtnnek, ahogyan te akarod, hogy
or do you want them to happen as they happen? trtnjenek, vagy azt akarod, hogy trtnjen, ami

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
M: Both. I accept and am accepted. I am all and all M: Mindkett. Elfogadok, s elfogadnak. Minden n
is me. Being the world I am not afraid of the world. vagyok, s n vagyok minden. A vilg lvn, nem
Being all, what am I to be afraid of? Water is not flek a vilgtl. Minden lvn, mitl kellene flnem?
afraid of water, nor fire of fire. Also I am not afraid A vz nem fl a vztl, sem a tz a tztl. n sem
because I am nothing that can experience fear, or flek, mert semmi olyan nem vagyok, ami flelmet
can be in danger. I have no shape, nor name. It is tapasztalhatna, vagy veszlyben lehetne. Nekem
attachment to a name and shape that breeds fear. I nincs se formm, se nevem. A nvhez s formhoz
am not attached. I am nothing, and nothing is afraid val ragaszkods az, ami a flelmet okozza. n nem
of no thing. On the contrary, everything is afraid of ragaszkodom. n semmi vagyok, s a semmi nem
the Nothing, for when a thing touches Nothing, it fl a semmitl. Ezzel szemben, minden fl a
becomes nothing. It is like a bottomless well, Semmitl, mert ami megrinti a Semmit, az semmiv
whatever falls into it, disappears. vlik. Ez egy feneketlen reghez hasonlt, minden
eltnik, ami beleesik.

Q: Isn't God a person? K: Isten nem szemly?

M: As long as you think yourself to be a person, He M: Ameddig te szemlynek gondolod magad, is

too is a person. When you are all, you see Him as szemly. Amikor te minden vagy, akkor t is
all. mindennek ltod.

Q: Can I change facts by changing attitude? K: Megvltoztathatom a tnyeket az attitd


M: The attitude is the fact. Take anger. I may be M: Az attitd a tny. Vegyk a dht. Lehetek
furious, pacing the room up and down; at the same dhs, fel s al jrklva a szobban; kzben
time I know what I am, a centre of wisdom and love, tudom, hogy mi vagyok, a blcsessg s szeretet
an atom of pure existence. All subsides and the kzppontja, a tiszta ltezs egy atomja. Minden
mind merges into silence. lecsillapodik, s az elme egybeolvad a csenddel.

Q: Still, you are angry sometimes. K: Te mgis dhs vagy idnknt.

M: With whom am l to be angry and for what? Anger M: Kire lennk dhs, s mirt? Az indulat jn, s az
came and dissolved on my remembering myself. It is nmagra emlkez n miatt szertefoszlik. Ez mind
all a play of gunas (qualities of cosmic matter). a gunk (kozmikus anyag minsgek) jtka. Amikor
When I identify myself with them, I am their slave. azonostom magamat velk, szolgjuk vagyok.
When I stand apart, I am their master. Amikor kln llok tlk, mesterk vagyok.

Q: Can you influence the world by your attitude? By K: Be tudod folysolni a vilgot az attitdd ltal? A
separating yourself from the world you lose all hope vilgtl val elklnlseddel elveszted minden
of helping it. remnyt, hogy segtesz rajta.

M: How can it be? All is myself -- can't I help myself? M: Hogy lenne ez lehetsges? Minden n vagyok
I do not identify myself with anybody in particular, for ne tudnk magamon segteni? Nem tekintem
I am all -- both the particular and the universal. magam egynnek, mert n minden vagyok mind
az egyedi, mind az univerzlis.

Q: Can you then help me, the particular person? K: Akkor segteni tudsz nekem, az egyedi

M: But I do help you always -- from within. My self M: De ht n folyamatosan segtelek bellrl. Az
and your self are one. I know it, but you don't. That n nem s a te ned egyek. n tudom ezt, de te
is all the difference -- and it cannot last. nem. Ez az sszes klnbsg s ez nem lehet

Q: And how do you help the entire world? K: s hogyan segted a vilg egszt?

M: Gandhi is dead, yet his mind pervades the earth. M: Gandhi meghalt, elmje mgis thatja a fldet. A
The thought of a gnani pervades humanity and gnani gondolata thatja az emberisget, s
works ceaselessly for good. Being anonymous, szntelenl dolgozik a jrt. Nvtelenknt, bellrl
coming from within, it is the more powerful and jvknt, ez a leghatalmasabb s leginkbb

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
compelling. That is how the world improves -- the ellenllhatatlan. A vilg ilyen mdon javul a bels
inner aiding and blessing the outer. When a gnani segti, s ldsban rszesti a klst. Amikor egy
dies, he is no more, in the same sense in which a gnani meghal, nincs tbb, ugyanabban az
river is no more when it merges in the sea, the rtelemben, ahogy egy foly sincs tbb, amikor
name, the shape, are no more, but the water beleolvad a tengerbe, a neve, a formja nincsenek
remains and becomes one with the ocean. When a tbb, de a vz megmarad, s eggy vlik az
gnani joins the universal mind, all his goodness and cennal. Amikor egy gnani egyesl az univerzlis
wisdom become the heritage of humanity and uplift elmvel, minden jsga s blcsessge az
every human being. emberisg rksgv vlik, s felemel minden
emberi lnyt.

Q: We are attached to our personality. Our K: Ktdnk szemlyisgnkhz. Egynisgnk,

individuality, our being unlike others, we value very ltnk eltr msoktl, nagyon nagyra rtkeljk.
much. You seem to denounce both as useless. Your gy ltszik, te mindkettt denuncilod, mint
unmanifested, of what use is it to us? haszontalant. A tied megnyilvnulatlan, mi haszna
ennek a mi szmunkra?

M: Unmanifested, manifested, individuality, M: Megnyilvnulatlan, megnyilvnult, egynisg,

personality (nirguna, saguna, vyakta, vyakti); all szemlyisg (nirguna, saguna, vyakta, vyakti);
these are mere words, points of view, mental mindezek csupn szavak, nzpontok, mentlis
attitudes. There is no reality in them. The real is attitdk. Nincs realitsuk. A valsg csendben
experienced in silence. You cling to personality -- tapasztalhat meg. Kapaszkodsz a szemlyisgbe
but you are conscious of being a person only when de csak akkor vagy tudatban a szemly ltnek,
you are in trouble -- when you are not in trouble you amikor bajban vagy amikor nem vagy bajban nem
do not think of yourself. gondolsz nmagadra.

Q: You did not tell me the uses of the Unmanifested. K: Nem beszltl a Megnyilvnulatlan hasznrl.

M: Surely, you must sleep in order to wake up. You M: Nyilvnvalan aludnod kell, hogy flbredj
must die in order to live, you must melt down to lmodbl. Meg kell, hogy halj, hogy lj, fel kell, hogy
shape anew. You must destroy to build, annihilate olvadj, hogy j formt nyerj. Rombolnod kell, hogy
before creation. The Supreme is the universal pts, puszttanod kell, mieltt teremtesz. A
solvent, it corrodes every container, it burns through Legfelsbb az univerzlis felold, korrodl minden
every obstacle. Without the absolute denial of ednyt, get t minden akadlyt. A mindennek az
everything the tyranny of things would be absolute. abszolt tagadsa nlkl a dolgok zsarnoksga
The Supreme is the great harmoniser, the guarantee vlna korltlann. A Legfelsbb a nagy
of the ultimate and perfect balance -- of life in harmoniztor, a vgs s tkletes egyensly
freedom. It dissolves you and thus re-asserts your biztostka a szabad let. Felold tged, s ezzel
true being. jra megersti igazi ltedet.

Q: It is all well on its own level. But how does it work K: Mindez rendben van, a sajt szintjn. De hogy
in daily life? mkdik ez napi szinten?

M: The daily life is a life of action. Whether you like it M: A napi let a cselekvs lete. Kedveled vagy
or not, you must function. Whatever you do for your sem, funkcionlnod kell. Brmit teszel a sajt
own sake accumulates and becomes explosive; one kedvedrt, az akkumulldik, s robbananyagg
day it goes off and plays havoc with you and your vlik; egy nap elszabadul, s nagy rombolst visz
world. When you deceive yourself that you work for vgbe benned s a vilgban. Ha azzal mtod
the good of all, it makes matters worse, for you magad, hogy mindenki javrt dolgozol, az
should not be guided by your own ideas of what is slyosbtja a dolgot, mert nem ideid ltal kellene
good for others. A man who claims to know what is msokat a jra vezetned. Aki jogot forml r, hogy
good for others, is dangerous. tudja, mi a j msoknak, veszlyes ember.

Q: How is one to work then? K: Ht akkor hogyan dolgozzon az ember?

M: Neither for yourself nor for others, but for the M: Nem nmagadrt, nem is msokrt, hanem
work's own sake. A thing worth doing is its own magnak a munknak a kedvrt. Egy dolog rtkt
purpose and meaning, Make nothing a means to sajt clja s rtelme teszi. Ne tulajdonts
something else. Bind not. God does not create one jelentsget semmi msnak. Ne kapcsolj hozz
thing to serve another. Each is made for its own semmit. Isten az egyik dolgot nem egy msik

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
sake. Because it is made for itself, it does not szolglatra teremti. Minden nmagrt van. Mivel
interfere. You are using things and people for nmagrt van, nem okoz zavart. A dolgokat s
purposes alien to them and you play havoc with the embereket tlk idegen clokra hasznlod, s nagy
world and yourself. rombolst viszel vgbe a vilgban, s magadban.

Q: Our real being is all the time with us, you say. K: Valdi lnynk llandan velnk van, azt
How is it that we do not notice it? mondod. Hogy van az, hogy nem vesszk t szre?

M: Yes, you are always the Supreme. But your M: Igen, te mindig a Legfelsbb vagy. De figyelmed
attention is fixed on things, physical or mental. When a dolgokra irnyul, legyenek azok testiek vagy
your attention is off a thing and not yet fixed on mentlisak. Amikor a figyelmed elvondik egy
another, in the interval you are pure being. When dologrl, s mg nem irnyul egy msikra, abban az
through the practice of discrimination and idkzben tiszta ltezs vagy. Amikor a
detachment (viveka-vairagya), you lose sight of megklnbztets s prtatlansg (viveka-vairagya)
sensory and mental states, pure being emerges as gyakorlsval elveszted az rzkek s mentlis
the natural state. llapotok ltst, a tiszta lt termszetes llapota
jelenik meg.

Q: How does one bring to an end this sense of K: Hogyan vethet vget az ember az elklnls
separateness? rzkelsnek?

M: By focussing the mind on 'I am', on the sense of M: Elmjnek a vagyok-ra, a lt rzkelsre
being, 'I am so-and-so' dissolves; "I am a witness fkuszlsval az ez-s-ez vagyok megsznik; ami
only" remains and that too submerges in 'I am all'. marad, az az n tan vagyok csupn, majd az is
Then the all becomes the One and the One -- almerl az n minden vagyok -ba. Ekkor a minden
yourself, not to be separate from me. Abandon the az Eggy vlik, s az Egy nmagadd, amely nem
idea of a separate 'I' and the question of 'whose klnbzik tlem. Add fel a klnll n idejt, s
experience?' will not arise. a kinek a tapasztalata? krds nem fog felmerlni.

Q: You speak from your own experience. How can I K: Te nnn tapasztalatod alapjn beszlsz. Hogy
make it mine? tehetnm azt magamv?

M: You speak of my experience as different from M: Azrt mondod, hogy az n tapasztalatom

your experience, because you believe we are klnbzik a tidtl, mert azt hiszed, hogy
separate. But we are not. On a deeper level my klnbzk vagyunk. De nem vagyunk azok. Egy
experience is your experience. Dive deep within mlyebb szinten az n tapasztalatom a te
yourself and you will find it easily and simply. Go in tapasztalatod. Ugorj mlyfejest nmagadba, s meg
the direction of 'I am'. fogod azt tallni, knnyen s egyszeren. Haladj a
vagyok irnyba.

25. Hold on to I am 25. Ragaszkodj az n vagyok-hoz

Questioner: Are you ever glad or sad? Do you Krdez: Szoktl-e boldog, vagy szomor lenni?
know joy and sorrow? Ismered-e az rmet s a bnatot?

Maharaj: Call them as you please. To me they are Maharaj: Nevezd ahogy tetszik. Szmomra ezek
states of mind only, and I am not the mind. csak elmellapotok, s nem vagyok az elme.

Q: Is love a state of mind? K: A szeretet elmellapot?

M: Again, it depends what you mean by love. Desire M: Mint mr mondtam, ez attl fgg, mit rtesz
is, of course, a state of mind. But the realisation of szeretet alatt. A vgy, termszetesen, elmellapot.
unity is beyond mind. To me, nothing exists by itself. De az egysg megvalstsa tl van az elmn.
All is the Self, all is myself. To see myself in Szmomra semmi nem ltezik nmagtl. Minden
everybody and everybody in myself most certainly is az n, minden n vagyok. Ltni nmagamat
love. mindenben, s mindent nmagamban, a
legktsgtelenebb szeretet.

Q: When I see something pleasant, I want it. Who K: Ha valamit kellemesnek tallok, akkor kvnom.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
exactly wants it? The self or the mind? Ki az, pontosan, aki megkvnja? Az n vagy az

M: The question is wrongly put. There is no 'who'. M: Rosszul tetted fel krdst. Nincs olyan, hogy ki.
There is desire, fear, anger, and the mind says -- Ami van az a vgy, a flelem, a dh, s az elme azt
this is me, this is mine. There is no thing which could mondja ez n vagyok, ez az enym. Nincs olyan
be called 'me' or 'mine'. Desire is a state of the mind, dolog, amelyet gy nevezhetnnk, hogy n vagy
perceived and named by the mind. Without the mind enym. A vgy az elmnek az elme ltal rzkelt
perceiving and naming, where is desire? s elnevezett llapota. Az rz s elnevez elme
nlkl hol a vgy?

Q: But is there such a thing as perceiving without K: Van-e olyan dolog, mint rzkels, elnevezs
naming? nlkl?

M: Of course. Naming cannot go beyond the mind, M: Termszetesen. Az elnevezs nem mehet tl az
while perceiving is consciousness itself. elmn, mg az rzkels a tudatossg maga.

Q: When somebody dies what exactly happens? K: Amikor valaki meghal, mi trtnik pontosan?

M: Nothing happens. Something becomes nothing. M: Semmi nem trtnik. Valami semmiv vlik.
Nothing was, nothing remains. Semmi volt, semmi maradt.

Q: Surely there is a difference between the living K: Biztos, hogy van klnbsg az l s a halott
and the dead. You speak of the living as dead and of kztt. Te gy beszlsz az lrl, mintha halott, s a
the dead as living. halottrl, mint l lenne.

M: Why do you fret at one man dying and care little M: Mirt nyugtalantod magad egy ember halla
for the millions dying every day? Entire universes miatt, mikzben azzal kevss trdsz, hogy millik
are imploding and exploding every moment -- am I halnak naponta? Teljes vilgok robbannak be s
to cry over them? One thing is quite clear to me: all robbannak ki, minden pillanatban srnom kellene
that is, lives and moves and has its being in miattuk? Egy dolog teljesen vilgos szmomra:
consciousness and I am in and beyond that minden, ami l s mozog, a tudatossgban ltezik,
consciousness. I am in it as the witness. I am s n ezen tudatossgon bell, s tl vagyok. Bell
beyond it as Being. vagyok, mint tan. Tl vagyok rajta, mint Lt.

Q: Surely, you care when your child is ill, don't you? K: Biztos tged is aggaszt, amikor a gyermeked
beteg, nem?

M: I don't get flustered. I just do the needful. I do not M: Nem nyugtalant. Csak teszem, amit szksges.
worry about the future. A right response to every Nem aggdom a jv miatt. Az letmkdsem
situation is in my nature. I do not stop to think what minden helyzetre tartalmazza a helyes vlaszt. Nem
to do. I act and move on. Results do not affect me. I llok meg azon gondolkodni, hogy mit tegyek.
do not even care, whether they are good or bad. Cselekszem, s haladok tovbb. A kvetkezmnyek
Whatever they are, they are -- if they come back to nem hatnak rm. Mg csak az sem rdekel, hogy
me, I deal with them afresh. Or, rather, I happen to jk, vagy rosszak-e. Brmik is legyenek, vannak
deal with them afresh. There is no sense of purpose ha visszatrnek, ismt foglalkozom velk. Jobban
in my doing anything. Things happens as they mondva, ismt megtrtnik, hogy velk foglalkozom.
happen -- not because I make them happen, but it is Nincs cltudatossg semmilyen cselekvsemben. A
because I am that they happen. In reality nothing dolgok trtnnek, ahogy trtnnek nem azrt
ever happens. When the mind is restless, it makes trtnnek meg, mert n megtrtntt teszem ket,
Shiva dance, like the restless waters of the lake hanem azrt, mert n az vagyok. Valjban soha
make the moon dance. It is all appearance, due to semmi nem trtnik. Amikor az elme nyugtalan,
wrong ideas. akkor Shiva-tnct jrja, hasonlan a thoz,
amelynek nyugtalan vizn tncot jr a hold. Mindez
ltszat, amely a helytelen ideknak tulajdonthat.

Q: Surely, you are aware of many things and K: Te bizonyra tudatban vagy szmos dolognak,
behave according to their nature. You treat a child s az termszetk szerint viselkedsz. A gyerekkel
as a child and an adult as an adult. gyerekknt bnsz, s a felnttel felnttknt.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
M: Just as the taste of salt pervades the great ocean M: Mint ahogy a s ze tjrja a hatalmas cent, s
and every single drop of sea-water carries the same a tengervz minden cseppje ugyanazt az zt
flavour, so every experience gives me the touch of hordozza, gy adja szmomra minden tapasztalat a
reality, the ever fresh realisation of my own being. valsg rintst, rkk friss megvalstsaknt
sajt ltemnek.

Q: Do I exist in your world, as you exist in mine? K: Ltezem n a te vilgodban, mint ahogy te az

M: Of course, you are and I am. But only as points in M: Termszetesen, te vagy, s n vagyok. De csak
consciousness; we are nothing apart from mint pontok a tudatossgban; semmik nem vagyunk
consciousness. This must be well grasped: the world a tudatossgon nlkl. Ezt jl kell rteni: a vilg a
hangs on the thread of consciousness; no tudatossg crnaszln fgg; ha nincs tudatossg,
consciousness, no world. nincs vilg sem.

Q: There are many points in consciousness; are K: A tudatossgban sok pont van; ugyanannyi a
there as many worlds? vilg is?

M: Take dream for an example. In a hospital there M: Vegyk az lmot, pldul. Egy krhz sok
may be many patients, all sleeping, all dreaming, betegnek mindegyike alszik s lmodik, mindegyik
each dreaming his own private, personal dreams a sajt egyni, szemlyes lmt lmodja, amelyek
unrelated, unaffected, having one single factor in nincsenek kapcsolatban egymssal, nincsenek
common -- illness. Similarly, we have divorced hatssal egymsra, egyetlen dolog kzs bennk
ourselves in our imagination from the real world of a betegsg. Hasonlkppen, mi is elvlasztottuk
common experience and enclosed ourselves in a magunkat kpzeletnkben a kzs tapasztalat vals
cloud of personal desire and fears, images and vilgtl, s bezrtuk magunkat a szemlyes vgyak
thoughts, ideas and concepts. s flelmek, kpek s gondolatok, idek s
koncepcik felhjbe.

Q: This I can understand. But what could be the K: Ezt rtem. De mi lehet az oka a szemlyes
cause of the tremendous variety of the personal vilgok iszony sokflesgnek?

M: The variety is not so great. All the dreams are M: Nem olyan nagy a sokflesg. Minden egyes
superimposed over a common world. To some lom egy kzs vilgra szuperponldik. Bizonyos
extent they shape and influence each other. The fokig formljk, s befolysoljk egymst. Az
basic unity operates in spite of all. At the root of it all alapvet egysg, mindennek ellenre, mkdik.
lies self-forgetfulness; not knowing who I am. Mindennek a gykere az n-feleds; a nem tudsa
annak, hogy ki vagyok n.

Q: To forget, one must know. Did I know who I am, K: Ahhoz, hogy felejthessen, tudnia kell az
before I forgot it? embernek. Tudtam, hogy ki vagyok n, mieltt
elfelejtettem azt?

M: Of course. Self-forgetting is inherent in self- M: Termszetesen. Az n-felejts az ntudat

knowing. Consciousness and unconsciousness are velejrja. A tudatossg s a tudattalansg
two aspects of one life. They co-exist. To know the ugyanazon letnek a kt aspektusa. Egyms mellett
world you forget the self -- to know the self you lteznek. A vilg megismershez elfelejted nedet
forget the world. What is world after all? A collection ned megismershez elfelejted a vilgot. Mi a
of memories. Cling to one thing, that matters, hold vilg, vgl is? Emlkek gyjtemnye. Kapaszkodj
on to 'I am' and let go all else. This is sadhana. In az egyetlen dologba, ami szmt, ragaszkodj az n
realisation there is nothing to hold on to and nothing vagyok-hoz, s engedj el minden mst. Ez a
to forget. Everything is known, nothing is sadhana. A megvalsulsban semmihez nem kell
remembered. ragaszkodni kell, s semmit nem kell elfelejteni.
Minden tuds, semmi nem emlk.

Q: What is the cause of self-forgetting? K: Mi az n-felejts oka?

M: There is no cause, because there is no M: Nincs ok, mert nincs felejts. Mentlis llapotok
forgetting. Mental states succeed one another, and kvetkeznek egymsra, s mindegyik elmossa az

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
each obliterates the previous one. Self-remembering elzt. Az n-emlkezs egy mentlis llapot, s az
is a mental state and self-forgetting is another. They n-elfelejts egy msik. Vltakoznak, mint a nappal
alternate like day and night. Reality is beyond both. s az jjel. A valsg mindkett fltt ll.

Q: Surely there must be a difference between K: Biztosan kell, hogy legyen klnbsg a felejts s
forgetting and not knowing. Not knowing needs no a nem tuds kztt. A nem tudshoz nem
cause. Forgetting presupposes previous knowledge szksges ok. A felejts elzetes tudst
and also the tendency or ability to forget. I admit I elfelttelez, s a felejtsre val hajlamot, vagy
cannot enquire into the reason for not-knowing, but kpessget is. Bevallom, nem tudom
forgetting must have some ground. megkrdjelezni a nem tuds gondolatt, de a
felejtsnek kell, hogy legyen valamilyen alapja.

M: There is no such thing as not-knowing. There is M: Nincs olyan dolog, mint nem-tuds. Csak felejts
only forgetting. What is wrong with forgetting? It is van. Mi rossz van a felejtsben? Ugyanolyan
as simple to forget as to remember. egyszer felejteni, mint emlkezni.

Q: Is it not a calamity to forget oneself? K: Nem jelent csapst, ha valaki elfelejti nmagt?

M: As bad as to remember oneself continuously. M: Ugyanolyan rossz, mint folyamatosan emlkezni

There is a state beyond forgetting and not-forgetting nmagadra. Ltezik egy llapot a felejtsen s a
-- the natural state. To remember, to forget -- these nem felejtsen tl a termszetes llapot.
are all states of mind, thoughtbound, word-bound. Emlkezni, felejteni ezek mindketten az elme
Take for example, the idea of being born. I am told I gondolathoz kttt, szhoz kttt llapotai. Vegyk
was born. I do not remember. I am told I shall die I pldul a szlets idejt. Azt mondtk, szlettem.
do not expect it. You tell me I have forgotten, or I Nem emlkszem r. Azt mondtk, meg fogok halni.
lack imagination. But I just cannot remember what Nem gondolom. Azt mondod, elfelejtettem, vagy
never happened, nor expect the patently impossible. hjn vagyok a kpzeletnek. Pedig egyszeren csak
Bodies are born and bodies die, but what is it to me? nem tudok visszaemlkezni arra, ami soha nem
Bodies come and go in consciousness and trtnt meg, s nem tartom valsznnek a
consciousness itself has its roots in me. I am life and nyilvnvalan lehetetlent. A testek szletnek, s a
mine are mind and body. testek meghalnak, de mit jelent ez szmomra? A
testek a tudatossgban jnnek s mennek, s a
tudatossgnak magnak a gykerei nbennem
vannak. n vagyok az let, s az elme s a test az
n tulajdonom.

Q: You say at the root of the world is self- K: Azt mondod, hogy a vilg gykernl az n-
forgetfulness. To forget I must remember What did I elfelejts van. A felejtshez emlkeznem kell arra,
forget to remember? I have not forgotten that I am. amire elfelejtek emlkezni? n soha nem felejtettem
el, hogy n vagyok.

M: This 'I am' too may be a part of the illusion. M: Lehet, hogy az n vagyok is rsze az illzinak.

Q: How can it be? You cannot prove to me that I am K: Ez hogyan lehetsges? Nem tudod nekem
not. Even when convinced that I am not -- I am. bebizonytani, hogy nem vagyok. Mg ha
bebizonytand is, hogy nem vagyok n vagyok.

M: Reality can neither be proved nor disproved. M: A valsg sem nem bizonythat, sem nem
Within the mind you cannot, beyond the mind you cfolhat. Elmn bell nem lehetsges, az elmn
need not. In the real, the question 'what is real?' kvl nem szksges. A valdiban a mi valdi?
does not arise. The manifested (saguna) and krds nem merl fel. A megnyilvnult (saguna) s a
unmanifested (nirguna) are not different. megnyilvnulatlan (nirguna) nem klnbznek

Q: In that case all is real. K: Ilyenformn minden valdi.

M: I am all. As myself all is real. Apart from me, M: n vagyok minden. nmagamknt minden
nothing is real. valdi. Engem kivve semmi nem valdi.

Q: I do not feel that the world is the result of a K: n nem gy rzem, hogy a vilg egy hiba

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
mistake. eredmnye.

M: You may say so only after a full investigation, not M: Ilyet csak egy teljes vizsglatot kveten
before. Of course, when you discern and let go all mondhatsz, nem eltte. Termszetesen, amikor
that is unreal, what remains is real. megltod a klnbsget, s eleresztesz mindent,
ami nem valdi, akkor csak a valdi marad.

Q: Does anything remain? K: Marad egyltaln valami?

M: The real remains. But don't be mislead by words. M: A valdi marad. De ne ltasd magad szavakkal.

Q: Since immemorial time, during innumerable K: Emberemlkezet ta, megszmllhatatlan

births, I build and improve and beautify my world. It szletsek sorozatn keresztl ptem, javtom s
is neither perfect, nor unreal. It is a process. szptem a vilgomat. Ami sem nem tkletes, sem
nem valszertlen. Ez egy folyamat.

M: You are mistaken. The world has no existence M: Tvedsz. Rajtad kvl nem ltezik a vilg. Minden
apart from you. At every moment it is but a reflection pillanatban csak nmagad tkrkpe. Te teremted,
of yourself. You create it, you destroy it. te puszttod.

Q: And build it again, improved. K: Aztn jra ptem, tkletesebbre.

M: To improve it, you must disprove it. One must die M: A tkletestshez cfolnod kell. Meg kell halnia
to live. There is no rebirth, except through death. az embernek, hogy ljen. Nincs jjszlets, csak
hall rvn.

Q: Your universe may be perfect. My personal K: A te vilgod lehet, hogy tkletes. Az n

universe is improving. szemlyes vilgom tkletesedik.

M: Your personal universe does not exist by itself. It M: A te szemlyes vilgod nem ltezik nmagtl.
is merely a limited and distorted view of the real. It is Pusztn csak egy korltozott, s torz kpe a
not the universe that needs improving, but your way valsgnak. Nem az univerzumot kell tkletesteni,
of looking. hanem a te ltsmdodat.

Q: How do you view it? K: Te milyennek ltod?

M: It is a stage on which a world drama is being M: Egy sznpadnak, amelyen a vilg drma
played. The quality of the performance is all that jtszdik. Kizrlag az elads minsge a fontos;
matters; not what the actors say and do, but how nem az szmt, hogy a sznszek mit mondanak s
they say and do it. csinlnak, hanem csak az, ahogyan mondjk s
csinljk azt.

Q: I do not like this lila (play) idea I would rather K: Nekem nem tetszik ez a lila (jtk) idea, n
compare the world to a work-yard in which we are inkbb hasonltanm a vilgot egy munkaterlethez,
the builders. amelyen mi vagyunk az ptmunksok.

M: You take it too seriously. What is wrong with M: Tl komolyan veszed. Mi baj a jtkkal? Csak
play? You have a purpose only as long as you are addig van clod, amg nem vagy teljes (purna);
not complete (purna); till then completeness, addig pedig a teljessg, a tkletessg a cl. De
perfection, is the purpose. But when you are amikor teljes vagy nmagadban, kvl-bell teljesen
complete in yourself, fully integrated within and integrlt, akkor lvezed az univerzumot; nem
without, then you enjoy the universe; you do not dolgozol rajta. A dezintegrltnak gy tnik, hogy
labour at it. To the disintegrated you may seem kemnyen dolgozol, de ez az illzijuk. A
working hard, but that is their illusion. Sportsmen sportolk ltszlag hatalmas erfesztseket
seem to make tremendous efforts: yet their sole tesznek: egyetlen motivcijuk mgis a jtk, s a
motive is to play and display. megnyilatkozs.

Q: Do you mean to say that God is just having fun, K: Azt akarod mondani, hogy Isten csak szrakozik,
that he is engaged in purposeless action? hogy cl nlkl cselekvssel foglalja el magt?

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
M: God is not only true and good, he is also M: Isten nem csak igaz s j, hanem szp is
beautiful (satyam-shivam-sundaram). He creates (satyam-shivam-sundaram). A szpsget annak
beauty -- for the joy of It rmrt teremti.

Q: Well, then beauty is his purpose. K: Nos ht, akkor a szpsg a clja.

M: Why do you introduce purpose? Purpose implies M: Mirt kevered bele a szndkot? A szndk
movement, change, a sense of imperfection. God mozgst, vltozst, tkletlensg rzst implikl.
does not aim at beauty -- whatever he does is Istennek nem clja a szpsg brmit tesz, az
beautiful. Would you say that a flower is trying to be szp. Lehet olyat mondani, hogy a virg megprbl
beautiful? It is beautiful by its very nature. Similarly szp lenni? Szp az, a sajt termszetnl fogva.
God is perfection itself, not an effort at perfection. Hasonlkppen, Isten is maga a tkletessg, nem
kell erfesztst tennie, hogy tkletess vljon.

Q: The purpose fulfils itself in beauty. K: A szndk a szpsgben teljesti be nmagt.

M: What is beautiful? Whatever is perceived M: Mi a szp? Brmit, amit a tkletes boldogsg

blissfully is beautiful. Bliss is the essence of beauty. llapotban ltsz, az minden szp. A szpsgnek az
eszencija a boldogsg.

Q: You speak of Sat-Chit-Ananda. That I am is K: Beszlsz a Sat-Chit-Ananda-rl. Az, hogy

obvious. That I know is obvious. That I am happy is ltezem, szembetn. Az, hogy tudok, szembetn.
not at all obvious. Where has my happiness gone? Az, hogy boldog vagyok, egyltaln nem
szembetn. Hov tnt a boldogsgom?

M: Be fully aware of your own being and you will be M: Lgy teljesen tudatban sajt ltednek, s a
in bliss consciously. Because you take your mind off tudatos boldogsgban leszel. Mivel elmdet
yourself and make it dwell on what you are not, you elfordtod nmagadrl, s arra irnytod, ami nem
lose your sense of well-being of being well. vagy, elveszted a jl lt elgedettsgnek az

Q: There are two paths before us -- the path of effort K: Kt t ll elttnk az erfeszts tja (yoga
(yoga marga), and the path of ease (bhoga marga). marga), s a knyelem tja (bhoga marga).
Both lead to the same goal -- liberation. Mindkett ugyanahhoz a clhoz vezet a

M: Why do you call bhoga a path? How can ease M: Mirt hvod a tnak bhogt? Hogy vezethet a
bring you perfection? knyelem tkletessghez?

Q: The perfect renouncer (yogi) will find reality. The K: Aki eljutott a tkletes lemondsig (yogi),
perfect enjoyer (bhogi) also will come to it. megtallja a valsgot. Aki eljutott a tkletessgig
az lvezetben (bhogi), szintn el fog oda jutni.

M: How can it be? Aren't they contradictory? M: Hogy lehet ez? Nem ellentmond kijelentsek

Q: The extremes meet. To be a perfect Bhogi is K: A vgletek tallkoznak. Tkletes Bhoginak lenni
more difficult than to be a perfect Yogi. I am a sokkal nehezebb, mint tkletes Yoginak. n
humble man and cannot venture judgements of egyszer ember vagyok, s nem merszelhetek
value. Both the Yogi and the Bhogi, after all, are rtkeket megtlni. Vgs soron mind a Yogi, mind
concerned with the search for happiness. The Yogi a Bhogi, a boldogsg keressvel trdik. A Bhogi
wants it permanent, the Bhogi is satisfied with the erfesztsei gyakran kitartbbak, mint a Yogi.
intermittent. Often the Bhogi strives harder than the

M: What is your happiness worth when you have to M: Mit r a boldogsgod, ha erlkdnd s
strive and labour for it? True happiness is dolgoznod kell rte? A valdi boldogsg spontn s
spontaneous and effortless. erfeszts mentes.

Q: All beings seek happiness. The means only K: Minden lny a boldogsgot keresi. Csak eltr

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
differ. Some seek it within and are therefore called mdokon. Nmelyek bell keresik, s ezrt a nevk
Yogis; some seek it without and are condemned as az, hogy Yogi, msok kvl keresik, s a Bhogi nevet
Bhogis. Yet they need each other. ragasztottk rjuk. Mgis, szksgk van egymsra.

M: Pleasure and pain alternate. Happiness is M: Az rm s a fjdalom vltakozak. A boldogsg

unshakable. What you can seek and find is not the rendthetetlen. Amit keresni lehet, s megtallni, az
real thing. Find what you have never lost, find the nem valdi. Fedezd fel, amit soha el nem vesztettl,
inalienable. fedezd fel, ami tled soha el nem idegenthet.

26. Personality, an Obstacle 26. A szemlyisg akadly

Questioner: As I can see, the world is a school of Krdez: rtelmezsem szerint a vilg a Yoga
Yoga and life itself is Yoga practice. Everybody iskolja, s maga az let egy Yoga gyakorlat.
strives for perfection and what is Yoga but striving. Mindenki tkletessgre trekszik, s mi ms a
There is nothing contemptible about the so-called Yoga, ha nem trekvs? Semmi megvetend nincs
'common' people and their 'common' lives. They az gynevezett egyszer emberekben, s az
strive as hard and suffer as much as the Yogi, only egyszer letkben. Legalbb olyan kemnyen
they are not conscious of their true purpose. trekszenek, s legalbb annyit szenvednek, mint a
Yogi, csak k nincsenek tudatban igazi cljuknak.

Maharaj: In what way are your common people -- Maharaj: Mi mdon Yogik a te egyszer embereid?

Q: Their ultimate goal is the same. What the Yogi K: Az vgs cljuk is ugyanaz. Amit a Yogi
secures by renunciation (tyaga) the common man lemondssal (tyaga) r el, azt a kznsges ember
realises through experience (bhoga). The way of tapasztalat (bhoga) tjn valstja meg. A Bhoga
Bhoga is unconscious and, therefore, repetitive and tja nem tudatos, ennl fogva ismtlsekkel teli, s
protracted, while the way of Yoga is deliberate and hosszantart, mg a Yoga tja tgondolt s
intense and, therefore, can be more rapid. elmlylt, ezrt sokkal gyorsabb lehet.

M: Maybe the periods of Yoga and Bhoga alternate. M: Lehet, hogy a Yoga s Bhoga peridusok
First Bhogi, then Yogi, then again Bhogi, then again vltakoznak. Elszr Bhogi, aztn Yogi, majd jbl
Yogi. Bhogi, majd jbl Yogi.

Q: What may be the purpose? K: Mi lehet a cl?

M: Weak desires can be removed by introspection M: A gyenge vgyak eltvolthatk nelemzssel s

and meditation, but strong, deep-rooted ones must meditcival, de az ers, mlyen gykerez
be fulfilled and their fruits, sweet or bitter, tasted. vgyakat be kell teljesteni, s gymlcseiket,
legyenek azok desek vagy keserek, meg kell

Q: Why then should we pay tribute to Yogis and K: Akkor mirt adznak elismerssel a Yogiknak, s
speak slightingly of Bhogis? All are Yogis, in a way. beszlnek megveten a Bhogikrl? Mindegyikk
Yogi, bizonyos mdon.

M: On the human scale of values deliberate effort is M: Az emberi rtkrend az tgondolt erfesztst
considered praiseworthy. In reality both the Yogi and dicsretremltnak tekinti. A Yogi s a Bhogi
Bhogi follow their own nature, according to valjban a sajt termszetket kvetik, a
circumstances and opportunities. The Yogi's life is krlmnyektl s a lehetsgektl fggen. A Yogi
governed by a single desire -- to find the Truth; the lett egyetlen vgy vezrli megtallni az
Bhogi serves many masters. But the Bhogi becomes Igazsgot; a Bhogi sok mestert szolgl. De a
a Yogi and the Yogi may get a rounding up in a bout Bhogibl Yogi lesz, s a Yogi fellkerekedhet a
of Bhoga. The final result is the same. Bhoga kzdelmben. A vgs eredmny ugyanaz.

Q: Buddha is reported to have said that it is K: A hagyomny Buddhnak tulajdontja a mondst,

tremendously important to have heard that there is miszerint mrhetetlenl fontos hallani rla, hogy van
enlightenment, a complete reversal and megvilgosods, ami teljes megfordulst s
transformation in consciousness. The good news is talakulst jelent a tudatossgban. A j hr ahhoz

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
compared to a spark in a shipload of cotton; slowly hasonlatos, amikor szikra pattan egy hajrakomny
but relentlessly the whole of it will turn to ashes. gyapotba; lassan, de knyrtelenl az egsz
Similarly the good news of enlightenment will, hamuv lesz. Hasonl mdon fog a megvilgosods
sooner or later, bring about a transformation. j hre is elbb vagy utbb talakulst vgbevinni.

M: Yes, first hearing (shravana), then remembering M: Igen, elszr halls (shravana), majd emlkezs
(smarana), pondering (manana) and so on. We are (smarana), elmlkeds (manana) s gy tovbb.
on familiar ground. The man who heard the news Ismers terepen vagyunk. Aki halotta a hrt Yogiv
becomes a Yogi; while the rest continue in their vlik; mg a tbbiek folytatjk Bhogjukat.

Q: But you agree that living a life -- just living the K: De azzal bizonyra egyetrtesz, hogy az let
humdrum life of the world, being born to die and lse a vilg egyhang letnek puszta lse, a
dying to be born -- advances man by its sheer megszlets, hogy meghaljunk, s a meghals,
volume, just like the river finds its way to the sea by hogy megszlessnk mr a puszta mennyisge
the sheer mass of the water it gathers. miatt is fejleszti az embert, ppgy, mint ahogy a
foly is megtallja az tjt a tenger fel, pusztn
azltal, hogy nagy tmeg vizet sszegyjt.

M: Before the world was, consciousness was. In M: Mieltt a vilg lett volna, tudatossg volt. A vilg
consciousness it comes into being, in consciousness tudatossgban kezdi ltezst, a tudatossgban
it lasts and into pure consciousness it dissolves. At marad fenn s a tiszta tudatossgba olvad bele.
the root of everything, is the feeling 'I am'. The state Minden dolgok gykernl ott a vagyok rzse. Az
of mind: 'there is a world' is secondary, for to be, I do elmnek a van vilg llapota msodlagos, mert a
not need the world, the world needs me. lthez nincs szksgem a vilgra, a vilgnak van
szksge rm.

Q: The desire to live is a tremendous thing. K: Az letsztn hatalmas dolog.

M: Still greater is the freedom from the urge to live. M: Mg nagyobb az letsztntl val szabadsg.

Q: The freedom of the stone? K: A knek a szabadsga?

M: Yes, the freedom of the stone, and much more M: Igen, a knek a szabadsga, s mg sok ms
besides. Freedom unlimited and conscious. azon kvl. A szabadsg hatrtalan, s tudatos.

Q: Is not personality required for gathering K: Nincs szksg szemlyisgre a tapasztalat

experience? gyjtshez?

M: As you are now, the personality is only an M: Szmodra, amilyen most vagy, a szemlyisg
obstacle. Selfidentification with the body may be csak nyg. A testtel val nazonosuls j lehet egy
good for an infant, but true growing up depends on kisgyermek szmra, de az igazi felnvekvs a
getting the body out of the way. Normally, one testtl val fggetlenedsen mlik. Normlis
should outgrow body-based desires early in life. esetben az embernek kora ifjsgban ki kell nni a
Even the Bhogi, who does not refuse enjoyments, test-alap vgyait. Mg az lvezeteket el nem
need not hanker after the ones he has tasted. Habit, utast Bhoginak sem kell vgyakoznia azok utn,
desire for repetition frustrates both the Yogi and the amiket megzelt. A szoks, az ismtls vgya mind a
Bhogi. Yogit, mind a Bhogit akadlyozza.

Q: Why do you keep on dismissing the person K: Mirt tartod elutastandnak a szemlyt (vyakti),
(vyakti) as of no importance? Personality is the mint jelentsg nlkli dolgot? A szemlyisg
primary fact of our existence. It occupies the entire ltezsnk elsdleges tnyezje. Az tlti be egsz
stage. szntert.

M: As long as you do not see that it is mere habit, M: Amg nem ltod meg, hogy a szemlyisg
built on memory, prompted by desire, you will think pusztn csak emlkezetre pl szoks, amelyet a
yourself to be a person -- living, feeling, thinking, vgy sarkall, mindaddig szemlynek fogod magad
active, passive, pleased or pained. Question gondolni, aki l, rz, gondolkod, tevkenyked,
yourself, ask yourself. 'Is it so?' 'Who am l'? 'What is boldog vagy bnatos. Vond krdre magad, krdezd
behind and beyond all this?' And soon you will see magad: gy van ez? Ki vagyok n? Mi van mindezek

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
your mistake. And it is in the very nature of a mgtt, s mindezeken tl? s hamarosan meg
mistake to cease to be, when seen. fogod ltni a hibidat. s a hiba, valdi termszete
szerint, megsznik ltezni, amikor megltod.

Q: The Yoga of living, of life itself, we may call the K: A ltezsnek, magnak az letnek a Yogjt,
Natural Yoga (nisarga yoga). It reminds me of the nevezhetjk Termszetes Yognak (nisarga yoga).
Primal Yoga (adhi yoga), mentioned in the Rig-Veda Engem arra az si Yogra (adhi yoga) emlkeztet,
which was described as the marrying of life with amit a Rig-Veda gy emlt, mint az elmvel trtnt
mind. hzassgktst.

M: A life lived thoughtfully, in full awareness, is by M: Az elmlked, teljes tudatossgban lt let,

itself Nisarga Yoga. nmagban vve Nisarga Yoga.

Q: What does the marriage of life and mind mean? K: Mit jelent az let s az elme hzassga?

M: Living in spontaneous awareness, consciousness M: A spontn tudatossgban lt, erfeszts-mentes

of effortless living, being fully interested in one's life - let tudatossgt, az let irnti teljes rdekldst
- all this is implied. mindezt magban foglalja.

Q: Sharada Devi, wife of Sri Ramakrishna K: Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa felesge

Paramahamsa, used to scold his disciples for too Sharada Devi leszidta tantvnyait, ha tl sok
much effort. She compared them to mangoes on the erfesztst tettek. A frl retlenl leszaktott
tree which are being plucked before they are ripe. manghoz hasonltotta ket. Minek sietni? mondta.
'Why hurry?' she used to say. 'Wait till you are fully Vrj, mg teljesen meg nem rsz, lds leszel s
ripe, mellow and sweet.' des.

M: How right she was. There are so many who take M: Milyen igaza volt. Olyan sokan vannak, akik
the dawn for the noon, a momentary experience for dlnek nzik a hajnalt, egy futlagos tapasztalatot
full realisation and destroy even the little they gain teljes megvalsulsnak, s mg ezt a keveset is
by excess of pride. Humility and silence are leromboljk mrtktelen ggjkkel. Az alzatossg
essential for a sadhaka, however advanced. Only a s a csend nlklzhetetlen a sadhakhoz,
fully ripened gnani can allow himself complete brmennyire elrehaladott vagy. Csak a teljesen
spontaneity. rett gnani engedhet meg magnak teljes

Q: It seems there are schools of Yoga where the K: gy tudom, vannak a Yognak olyan iskoli,
student, after illumination, is obliged to keep silent amelyekben a tantvnynak ktelez csendben
for 7 or 12 or 15 or even 25 years. Even Bhagavan maradnia 7, 12, 15 vagy 25 vig. Mg Bhagavan Sri
Sri Ramana Maharshi imposed on himself 20 years Ramana Maharshi is 20 v hallgatst mrt magra,
of silence before he began to teach. mieltt tantani kezdett.

M: Yes, the inner fruit must ripen. Until then the M: Igen, a bels gymlcs meg kell, hogy rjen.
discipline, the living in awareness, must go on. Addig is a fegyelmet, a tudatossgban val letet
Gradually the practice becomes more and more kell gyakorolni. A gyakorlat fokozatosan egyre
subtle, until it becomes altogether formless. finomabb s finomabb, mgnem teljesen
formanlkliv vlik.

Q: Krishnamurti too speaks of living in awareness. K: Krishnamurti is a tudatossgban val letrl


M: He always aims directly at the 'ultimate'. Yes, M: mindig kzvetlenl a vgst clozza. Igen,
ultimately all Yogas end in your adhi yoga, the vgl minden Yoga a te adhi yogdba torkollik, a
marriage of consciousness (the bride) to life (the tudatossg (a menyasszony) s az let (a vlegny)
bridegroom). Consciousness and being (sad-chit) hzassgba. Az dvssg felmerlshez
meet in bliss (ananda). For bliss to arise there must tallkozsra, kapcsolatra van szksg, az egysg
be meeting, contact, the assertion of unity in duality. rvnyestsre a dualitsban.

Q: Buddha too has said that for the attainment of K: Buddha is azt mondta, hogy a nirvana
nirvana one must go to living beings. Consciousness megvalstshoz az embernek az llnyekhez kell
needs life to grow. mennie. A tudatossgnak letre van szksge

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
ahhoz, hogy nvekedjen.

M: The world itself is contact -- the totality of all M: A vilg maga kapcsolat az sszes kapcsolat
contacts actualised in consciousness. The spirit teljessge valsul meg a tudatossgban. A szellem
touches matter and consciousness results. Such megrinti az anyagot, s tudatossgot eredmnyez.
consciousness. when tainted with memory and Ilyen tudatossgot. Amikor emlkezettel s
expectation, becomes bondage. Pure experience elvrssal szennyezdik, akkor ktelkk vlik. A
does not bind; experience caught between desire tiszta tapasztalat nem eredmnyez ktttsget; a
and fear is impure and creates karma. vgy s flelem kztt ragadt tapasztalat tiszttalan,
s karmt teremt.

Q: Can there be happiness in unity? Does not all K: Lehetsges boldogsg az egysgben? Nem von
happiness imply necessarily contact, hence duality? minden boldogsg maga utn szksgszeren
kapcsolatot, ebbl ereden dualitst?

M: There is nothing wrong with duality as long as it M: Semmi baj a dualitssal, amg nem teremt
does not create conflict. Multiplicity and variety konfliktust. A kzdelem nlkli sokflesg s
without strife is joy. In pure consciousness there is vltozatossg rmet szerez. A tiszta
light. For warmth, contact is needed. Above the unity tudatossgban fny van. A melegsghez
of being is the union of love. Love is the meaning kapcsolatra van szksg. A szeretet egysge a lt
and purpose of duality. egysge felett ll. A szeretet a jelentse s clja a

Q: I am an adopted child. My own father I do not K: n adoptlt gyerek vagyok. Apmat nem
know. My mother died when I was born. My foster ismerem. Anym meghalt a szletsemkor.
father, to please my foster mother, who was Nevelapm, rmet akarvn szerezni
childless, adopted me -- almost by accident. He is a nevelanymnak, aki gyermektelen volt, szinte
simple man -- a truck owner and driver. My mother vletlenl engem adoptlt. Egyszer ember
keeps the house. I am 24 years now. For the last teherautja van, sofrkdik. Anym a hztartst
two and a half years I am travelling, restless, vezeti. n 24 ves vagyok. Az utbbi kt s fl
seeking. I want to live a good life, a holy life. What vben utazom, nyugtalan vagyok, keresek. Egy j
am I to do? letet akarok lni, egy megszentelt letet. Mit kell

M: Go home, take charge of your father's business, M: Menj haza, vedd t apd vllalkozst,
look after your parents in their old age. Marry the girl gondoskodj ids szleidrl. Vedd el a lnyt, aki rd
who is waiting for you, be loyal, be simple, be vr, lgy hsges, lgy egyszer, lgy alzatos.
humble. Hide your virtue, live silently. The five Titkold el ernyessgedet, lj csendesen. Az t
senses and the three qualities (gunas) are your eight rzk s a hrom minsg (gunk) a te nyolc
steps in Yoga. And 'I am' is the Great Reminder lpsed a Yogban. s az n vagyok a Nagy
(mahamantra). You can learn from them all you Emlkeztet (mahamantara). Megtanulhatsz tlk
need to know. Be attentive, enquire ceaselessly. mindent, amit tudnod kell. Lgy figyelmes, kutass
That is all. szntelenl. Ez minden.

Q: If just living one's life liberates, why are not all K: Ha csak az megszabadt, hogy emberi letet
liberated? lek, akkor mirt nem megszabadult mindenki?

M: All are being liberated. It is not what you live, but M: Minden lny megszabadult. Nem az szmt, hogy
how you live that matters. The idea of enlightenment mit lsz meg, hanem, ahogyan megled a
is of utmost importance. Just to know that there is problmkat. A megvilgosods ideja a
such possibility, changes one's entire outlook. It acts legnagyobb fontossg. Annak a puszta tudsa,
like a burning match in a heap of saw dust. All the hogy ltezik egy ilyen lehetsg, megvltoztatja az
great teachers did nothing else. A spark of truth can ember egsz szemlletmdjt. Olyan a hatsa, mint
burn up a mountain of lies. The opposite is also true; g gyufaszlnak a halom frszporra. A nagy
The sun of truth remains hidden behind the cloud of tantk sem csinltak mst. Az igazsg egy szikrja
self-identification with the body. felemsztheti a hazugsgok hegyt. Az ellenkez
szintn igaz; az igazsg napja rejtve marad a testtel
val nazonosuls felhje mgtt.

Q: This spreading the good news of enlightenment K: A megvilgosods rvendetes hrnek az

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
seems very important. elterjedse nagyon fontosnak ltszik.

M: The very hearing of it, is a promise of M: Valjban ennek meghallsa grete a

enlightenment. The very meeting a Guru is the megvilgosodsnak. Valjban a Guruval val
assurance of liberation. Perfection is life-giving and tallkozs a megszabaduls biztostka. A
creative. tkletessg letad, s teremt.

Q: Does a realised man ever think: 'I am realised?' K: Gondolja-e megvalsult ember valaha is azt,
Is he not astonished when people make much of hogy n megvalsult vagyok? Nem lepdik-e meg,
him? Does he not take himself to be an ordinary amikor az emberek nagyra tartjk t? Nem tartja-e
human being? nmagt mindennapi embernek?

M: Neither ordinary, nor extra-ordinary. Just being M: Sem mindennapinak, sem rendkvlinek. Csak
aware and affectionate -- intensely. He looks at tudatosan s szeretetteljesen l mdfelett.
himself without indulging in self-definitions and self- nmagra n-meghatrozsok s n-azonostsok
identifications. He does not know himself as megengedse nlkl tekint. Nem valamilyen vilgtl
anything apart from the world. He is the world. He is klnll valaminek ismeri magt. maga a vilg.
completely rid of himself, like a man who is very rich, Teljesen megszabadtotta nmagt, akrcsak a
but continually gives away his riches. He is not rich, nagyon gazdag ember, aki folyton elajndkozza a
for he has nothing; he is not poor, for he gives vagyont. Nem gazdag, mert nincs semmije; nem
abundantly. He is just propertyless. Similarly, the szegny, mert bsggel ad. Csak vagyona nincs.
realised man is egoless; he has lost the capacity of Hasonlkppen, egmentes a megvalsult ember,
identifying himself with anything. He is without elvesztette arra vonatkoz kpessgt, hogy
location, placeless, beyond space and time, beyond azonostsa nmagt brmivel. Nincs lakhelye,
the world. Beyond words and thoughts is he. llstalan, tl van tren s idn, tl van a vilgon.
Tl van szavakon s gondolatokon.

Q: Well, it is deep mystery to me. I am a simple K: Nos, ez nagyon mly rejtly a szmomra. n
man. egyszer ember vagyok.

M: It is you who are deeply complex, mysterious, M: Te mlysgesen sszetett, titokzatos, nehezen
hard to understand. I am simplicity itself, compared rthet vagy. Hozzd kpest n maga az
to you: I am what is -- without any distinction egyszersg vagyok: n az vagyok, ami van
whatsoever into inner and outer, mine and yours, mindenfle bels s kls, enym s tid, j s
good and bad. What the world is, I am; what I am rossz megklnbztetse nlkl. Ami a vilg, az
the world is. vagyok n; ami n vagyok, a vilg az.

Q: How does it happen that each man creates his K: Az hogyan trtnik, hogy minden ember
own world? ltrehozza a sajt vilgt?

M: When a number of people are asleep, each M: Amikor tbben alszanak egyszerre, mindenki a
dreams his own dream. Only on awakening the sajt lmt lmodja. Csak az brenlt sorn merl
question of many different dreams arises and fel a sok klnbz lom krdse, amit ejtenek,
dissolves when they are all seen as dreams, as amikor mindannyian lomnak, valamilyen elkpzelt
something imagined. dolognak tekintik.

Q: Even dreams have a foundation. K: De ht az lmoknak van alapjuk.

M: In memory. Even then, what is remembered, is M: Az emlkezetben. Ugyanakkor, amire

but another dream. The memory of the false cannot emlksznk, csak egy msik lom. A hamis emlke
but give rise to the false. There is nothing wrong with nem eredmnyezhet mst, csak hamisat. Magval
memory as such. What is false is its content. az emlkezettel semmi baj. Ami hamis, az annak a
Remember facts, forget opinions. tartalma. A tnyekre emlkezz, a vlemnyeket
felejtsd el.

Q: What is a fact? K: Mi a tny?

M: What is perceived in pure awareness, unaffected M: Ami a tiszta, vgyaktl mentes tudatossgban
by desire. szlelhet.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok

27. The Beginningless Begins Forever 27. A kezdetnlkli rkk kezddik

Questioner: The other day I was asking you about Krdez: A minap a fejlds ktfle tjrl
the two ways of growth -- renunciation and krdeztelek a lemond, hogy s az lvezetrl (yoga
enjoyment (yoga and bhoga). The difference is not s bhoga). A klnbsg nem olyan nagy, mint ltszik
so great as it looks -- the Yogi renounces to enjoy; a Yogi lemond, az lvezet rdekben; a Bhogi
the Bhogi enjoys to renounce. The Yogi renounces lvez, a lemonds rdekben. A Yogi lemond
first. inkbb.

Maharaj: So what? Leave the Yogi to his Yoga and Maharaj: Na s? Hagyd a Yogira az Yogjt, s a
the Bhogi to Bhoga. Bhogira az Bhogjt.

Q: The way of Bhoga seems to me the better one. K: Szmomra a Bhoga tja tnik jobbnak. A Yogi
The Yogi is like a green mango, separated from the olyan, mint a zld mang, amit idnap eltt szedtek
tree prematurely and kept to open in a basket of le a frl, s szalmakosrban tartanak, hogy
straw. Airless and overheated, it does get ripe, but kinyljon. Leveg nlkl, melegen tartva megrik, de
the true flavour and fragrance are lost. The mango az igazi z s illat elveszett. A fn hagyott mang
left on the tree grows to full size, colour and kifejldik, teljes mret, sznes s des lesz. Minden
sweetness. A joy in every way. Yet somehow Yoga vonatkozsban lvezetess vlik. Mgis, valahogy a
gets all the praises, and Bhoga -- all the curses. As I Yoga kapja az sszes dicsretet, s a Bhoga az
see it, Bhoga is the better of the two. sszes szitkot. Ahogy ltom, a Bhoga a jobb kettejk

M: What makes you say so? M: Mibl gondolod, hogy ez gy van?

Q: I watched the Yogis and their enormous efforts. K: Figyeltem a Yogikat s roppant erfesztsket.
Even when they realise, there is something bitter or Mg ha meg is valsulnak, valami keser vagy
astringent about it. They seem to spend much of fanyar ze van neki. gy tnik, sok idt tltenek
their time in trances and when they speak, they transzban, s amikor megszlalnak, egyedl a
merely voice their scriptures. At their best such szentrsoknak adnak hangot. Legjobbjaik, mint a
gnanis are like flowers -- perfect, but just little gnanik, akr a virgok tkletesek, de csak
flowers, shedding their fragrance within a short virgocskk, illatukat kis krben rasztva. Msok
radius. There are some others, who are like forests - akr az erdk gazdagok, vltozatosak,
- rich, varied, immense, full of surprises, a world in terjedelmesek, tele meglepetssel, egy egsz vilg
themselves. There must be a reason for this van bennk. Kell, hogy legyen magyarzat erre a
difference. klnbsgre.

M: Well, you said it. According to you one got M: Nos, egyetrtek. Ahogy mondod, az egyik
stunted in his Yoga, while the other flourished in elsatnyul a Yogban, mg a msik kivirgzik a
Bhoga. Bhogban.

Q: Is it not so? The Yogi is afraid of life and seeks K: Nem gy van? A Yogi fl az lettl, s bkt
peace, while the Bhogi is adventurous, full of spirits, keres, mg a Bhogi vakmer, llekkel teli, elre fel
forward going. The Yogi is bound by an ideal, while halad. A Yogi idek ltal kttt, mg a Bhogi mindig
the Bhogi is ever ready to explore. ksz a felfedezsre.

M: It is a matter of wanting much or being satisfied M: Ez annak a problmja, hogy valaki sokat akar,
with little. The Yogi is ambitious while the Bhogi is vagy kevssel is beri. A Yogi nagyratr, mg a
merely adventurous. Your Bhogi seems to be richer Bhogi csupn kalandvgy. A Bhogi gazdagabbnak,
and more interesting, but it is not so in reality. The s sokkal rdekesebbnek ltszik, de valjban ez
Yogi is narrow as the sharp edge of the knife. He nem gy van. A Yogi vkony, mint a ks le. Amit
has to be -- to cut deep and smoothly, to penetrate neki kell vgni mlyen s egyenletesen, biztos
unerringly the many layers of the false. The Bhogi kzzel thatolni a hamis sok rtegn. A Bhogi sok
worships at many altars; the Yogi serves none but oltrnl imdkozik; a Yogi senkit nem szolgl, csak
his own true Self. sajt njt.

There is no purpose in opposing the Yogi to the Cltalan dolog a Yogit s a Bhogit szembelltani. A
Bhogi. The way of outgoing (pravritti) necessarily kifel irnyul t (pravritti) szksgkppen meg kell,
precedes the way of returning (nivritti). To sit in hogy elzze a befel irnyul utat (nivritti). tlkezni

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
judgement and allot marks is ridiculous. Everything s felcmkzni, nevetsges dolog. Minden a vgs
contributes to the ultimate perfection. Some say tkletessget segti el. Nmelyek azt mondjk,
there are three aspects of reality -- Truth-Wisdom- hogy a valsgnak hrom aspektusa van Igazsg
Bliss; He who seeks Truth becomes a Yogi, he who Blcsessg Boldogsg. Aki az Igazsgot keresi,
seeks wisdom becomes a gnani; he who seeks az Yogiv, aki a blcsessget az gnaniv, aki pedig
happiness becomes the man of action. a boldogsgot, az a tettek emberv vlik.

Q: We are told of the bliss of non-duality. K: Hallottunk az egysg boldogsgrl.

M: Such bliss is more of the nature of a great peace. M: Az ilyenfajta boldogsg inkbb a magasztos bke
Pleasure and pain are the fruits of actions -- termszete. Az rm s a fjdalom az ernyes s a
righteous and unrighteous. bns tettek gymlcsei.

Q: What makes the difference? K: Mi okozza a klnbsget?

M: The difference is between giving and grasping. M: A klnbsg az ads s a megszerzs kztt
Whatever the way of approach, in the end all van. Mindegy, hogy a megkzelts mdja, a vgn
becomes one. minden eggy vlik.

Q: If there be no difference in the goal, why K: Ha nem klnbzik a cl, mirt tesznk
discriminate between various approaches? klnbsget az egyes megkzeltsek kztt?

M: Let each act according to his nature. The ultimate M: Mkdjn minden az termszete szerint. A
purpose will be served in any case. All your vgs clt fogja szolglni mindenkpp. Valamennyi
discriminations and classifications are quite all right, megklnbztetsed s osztlyozsod teljesen
but they do not exist in my case. As the description rendben van, de az n esetemben azok nem
of a dream may be detailed and accurate, though lteznek. Mint ahogy egy lom lersa lehet egszen
without having any foundation, so does your pattern rszletes s pontos, annak ellenre, hogy minden
fit nothing but your own assumptions. You begin with alapot nlklz, gy nem felel meg a te mintd
an idea and you end with the same idea under a semmi msnak, csak a te sajt felttelezseidnek.
different garb. Elkezded egy ideval, s befejezed ugyanazon, de
mskppen felltztetett ideval.

Q: How do you see things? K: Milyennek ltod a dolgokat?

M: One and all are the same to me. The same M: Kivtel nlkl egyformk szmomra. Ugyanaz a
consciousness (chit) appears as being (sat) and as tudatossg (chit) jelenik meg ltknt (sat) s
bliss (ananda): Chit in movement is Ananda; Chit boldogsgknt (ananda): a mozgsban lv chit az
motionless is being. Ananda; a mozdulatlan chit a lt.

Q: Still you are making a distinction between motion K: Mg klnbsget teszel mozgst s
and motionlessness. mozdulatlansg kztt.

M: Non-distinction speaks in silence. Words carry M: A megklnbztets mentessg csendben

distinctions. The unmanifested (nirguna) has no beszl. A szavak megklnbztetst hordoznak. A
name, all names refer to the manifested (saguna). It megnyilvnulatlannak (nirguna) nincs neve, minden
is useless to struggle with words to express what is nv a megnyilvnultra (saguna) vonatkozik.
beyond words. Consciousness (chidananda) is spirit Hasztalan dolog azon erlkdni, hogy szavakkal
(purusha), consciousness is matter (prakriti). fejezd ki, ami tl van szavakon. A tudatossg
Imperfect spirit is matter, perfect matter is spirit. In (chidananda) szellem (purusha), a tudatossg anyag
the beginning as in the end, all is one. (prakriti). A tkletlen szellem anyag, a tkletes
anyag szellem. Kezdetben, miknt a vgn is,
minden egy.

All division is in the mind (chitta); there is none in Minden sztvlaszts az elmben (chitta) van, nem
reality (chit). Movement and rest are states of mind a valsgban (chit). Mozgs s nyugalom az elme
and cannot be without their opposites. By itself llapotai, s nem ltezhetnek az ellentteik nlkl.
nothing moves, nothing rests. It is a grievous Magtl semmi nem mozog, semmi nem nyugszik.
mistake to attribute to mental constructs absolute Slyos hiba mentlis konstrukciknak abszolt
existence. Nothing exists by itself. ltezst tulajdontani. Semmi nem ltezik nmagtl.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok

Q: You seem to identify rest with the Supreme K: Jl veszem szre, hogy a nyugalmat a
State? Legfelsbb llapottal azonostod?

M: There is rest as a state of mind (chidaram) and M: Az egyik fle nyugalom az elme (chidaram)
there is rest as a state of being (atmaram). The llapota, a msik fle nyugalom a lt (atmaram)
former comes and goes, while the true rest is the llapota. Az elbbi megjelenik s eltnik, mg az
very heart of action. Unfortunately, language is a igazi nyugalom a cselekvs legbels magja. Sajnos,
mental tool and works only in opposites. a nyelv mentlis eszkz, s csak ellenttekkel

Q: As a witness, you are working or at rest? K: Tanknt mkdsben, vagy nyugalomban


M: Witnessing is an experience and rest is freedom M: A tansg tapasztalat, s a nyugalom mentes a

from experience. tapasztalattl.

Q: Can't they co-exist, as the tumult of the waves K: Nem ltezhetnek egyidejleg, mint az cennak
and the quiet of the deep co-exist in the ocean. a felsznen kavarg hullmai, s mlynek csendje.

M: Beyond the mind there is no such thing as M: Az elmn tl nem ltezik tapasztalat. A
experience. Experience is a dual state. You cannot tapasztalat dulis llapot. Nem beszlhetsz gy a
talk of reality as an experience. Once this is valsgrl, mint tapasztalatrl. Amint ezt
understood, you will no longer look for being and megrtetted, nem trekszel tbb, hogy klnll s
becoming as separate and opposite. In reality they szembenll lgy, illetve hogy azz vlj. A
are one and inseparable, like roots and branches of valsgban egyek s elvlaszthatatlanok, mint
the same tree. Both can exist only in the light of ugyanannak a fnak a gykerei s gai. Mindkett
consciousness, which again, arises in the wake of csak a tudatossg fnyben ltezik, ami ismtlem,
the sense 'I am'. This is the primary fact. If you miss az n vagyok rzsbl val felbredskor merl
it, you miss all. fel. Ez az elsdleges tny. Ha elhibzod ezt,
mindent elhibzol.

Q: Is the sense of being a product of experience K: A lt rzete tapasztals eredmnye csupn? A

only? The great saying (Mahavakya) tat-sat is it a tat-sat nagy mondsa (Mahavakya) pusztn
mere mode of mentation? mentlis md?

M: Whatever is spoken is speech only. Whatever is M: Brmit is mondtak, az csupn beszd. Brmit is
thought is thought only. The real meaning is gondoltak, az csupn gondolat. A Mahavakya igaz,
unexplainable, though experienceable. The de a te ideid hamisak, mert minden idea (kalpana)
Mahavakya is true, but your ideas are false, for all hamis.
ideas (kalpana) are false.

Q: Is the conviction: 'I am That' false? K: A meggyzds, hogy n Az vagyok, hamis?

M: Of course. Conviction is a mental state. In 'That' M: Termszetesen. A meggyzds mentlis

there is no 'I am'. With the sense 'I am' emerging, llapot. Az Az-ban nincs n vagyok. Az n
'That' is obscured, as with the sun rising the stars vagyok megjelensvel az Az elhomlyosodik,
are wiped out. But as with the sun comes light, so mint ahogy a nap felkeltvel kihunynak a csillagok.
with the sense of self comes bliss (chidananda). The De, mint ahogy a nappal egytt jr a fny, gy jr
cause of bliss is sought in the 'not--I' and thus the egytt az n rzetvel a boldogsg (chidananda). A
bondage begins. ktttsg a boldogsg oknak a nem--n-ben
keressvel kezddik.

Q: In your daily life are you always conscious of your K: Mindennapjaid folyamn mindig tudatban vagy
real state? valdi llapotodnak?

M: Neither conscious, nor unconscious. I do not M: Se tudatban, se nem tudatban nem vagyok.
need convictions. I live on courage. Courage is my Nincs szksgem hitekre. Btran lek. Lnyegem a
essence, which is love of life. I am free of memories btorsg, amely az let szeretete. Emlkektl s
and anticipations, unconcerned with what I am and elvrsoktl mentes vagyok, nem trdm vele, mi

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
what I am not. I am not addicted to selfdescriptions, vagyok, s mi nem vagyok. Nem vagyok
soham and brahmasmi ('I am He', 'I am the nmeghatrozs-fgg, a soham s a brahmasmi
Supreme') are of no use to me, I have the courage ('n vagyok, 'n a Legfelsbb vagyok) semmit
to be as nothing and to see the world as it is: nem jelentenek szmomra, megvan a btorsgom,
nothing. It sounds simple, just try it. hogy semmi legyek, s annak lssam a vilgot ami:
semminek. Ez egyszernek tnik, prbld csak ki.

Q: But what gives you courage? K: De mi ad neked btorsgot?

M: How perverted are your views. Need courage be M: Micsoda kificamodottak a nzeteid. A btorsgot
given? Your question implies that anxiety is the adni kell? A krdseid arra utalnak, hogy az
normal state and courage is abnormal. It is the other aggdst tartod normlis llapotnak, s a btorsgot
way round. Anxiety and hope are born of abnormlisnak. Fordtva. Nyugtalansg s remny a
imagination -- I am free of both. I am simple being kpzelet szlttei n mindketttl mentes vagyok.
and I need nothing to rest on. n egyszeren csak ltezem, s nincs szksgem
semmi egybre.

Q: Unless you know yourself, of what use is your K: Ha nem ismered magad, a ltezsnek mi haszna
being to you? To be happy with what you are, you szmodra? Hogy boldog lgy akknt, ami vagy,
must know what you are. tudnod kell, hogy mi vagy.

M: Being shines as knowing, knowing is warm in M: A ltezs tudsknt ragyog, a tuds szeretetben
love. It is all one. You imagine separations and gyengd. Ez mind egy. Elklnlsekben hiszel, s
trouble yourself with questions. Don't concern krdsekkel gytrd magad. Ne ess tlzsba a
yourself overmuch with formulations. Pure being megfogalmazsokkal. A tiszta lt nem lerhat.
cannot be described.

Q: Unless a thing is knowable and enjoyable, it is of K: Ha egy dolog nem megismerhet, s nem
no use to me. It must become a part of my lvezetes, akkor nincs haszna szmomra. A
experience, first of all. tapasztalatom rszv kell, hogy vljon, elssorban.

M: You are dragging down reality to the level of M: Lerngatod a valsgot a tapasztalat szintjre.
experience. How can reality depend on experience, Hogyan fgghetne a valsg a tapasztalattl, amikor
when it is the very ground (adhar) of experience. ppen, hogy az a tapasztalat alapja (adhar)? A
Reality is in the very fact of experience, not in its valsg ppen, hogy tnye a tapasztalatnak, nem
nature. Experience is, after all, a state of mind, while pedig termszete. A tapasztalat vgl is elme
being is definitely not a state of mind. llapot, mg a lt bizonyos, hogy nem elme llapot.

Q: Again I am confused. Is being separate from K: Megint sszezavarodtam. Elklnl a tudstl?


M: The separation is an appearance. Just as the M: Az elklnls ltszat. Mint ahogy az lom nem
dream is not apart from the dreamer, so is knowing klnll az lmodtl, gy a tuds sem klnll a
not apart from being. The dream is the dreamer, the lttl. Az lom azonos az lmodval, a tuds azonos
knowledge is the knower, the distinction is merely a tudval, a klnbsg pusztn verblis.

Q: I can see now that sat and chit are one. But what K: Nos, rtem, hogy a sat s a chit egyek. De mi van
about bliss (ananda)? Being and consciousness are a boldogsggal (ananda)? A lt s a tudatossg
always present together, but bliss flashes only mindig egytt vannak jelen, de boldogsg csak
occasionally. ritkn, s villansszeren jelentkezik.

M: The undisturbed state of being is bliss; the M: A lt zavartalan llapota boldogsg; a zavart
disturbed state is what appears as the world. In non- llapot vilgknt jelenik meg. Egysgben boldogsg
duality there is bliss; in duality -- experience. What van; dualitsban tapasztals. Ami megjelenik s
comes and goes is experience with its duality of pain eltnik, az tapasztalat, annak fjdalom s rm
and pleasure. Bliss is not to be known. One is kettssgvel. A boldogsgot lehet tudni. Az ember
always bliss, but never blissful. Bliss is not an mindig boldogsg, de soha nem boldog. A
attribute. boldogsg az nem egy tulajdonsg.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
Q: I have another question to ask: Some Yogis K: Msik krdsem: Nhny Yogi elri cljt, de
attain their goal, but it is of no use to others. They do ennek semmi haszna msok szmra. Vagy nem
not know, or are not able to share. Those who can tudjk, vagy nem akarjk tadni. Akik kzre tudjk
share out what they have, initiate others. Where lies adni, amijk van, elindtjk a tbbieket. Hol van a
the difference? klnbsg?

M: There is no difference. Your approach is wrong. M: Nincs klnbsg. Hibs a megkzeltsed.

There are no others to help. A rich man, when he Nincsenek tbbiek, akiken segteni kellene. Amikor a
hands over his entire fortune to his family, has not a gazdag ember truhzza a teljes vagyont a
coin left to give a beggar. So is the wise man (gnani) csaldjra, egy fitying sem marad, hogy a koldusnak
stripped of all his powers and possessions. Nothing, adja. A blcs ember (gnani) ugyangy veti le minden
literally nothing, can be said about him. He cannot kpessgt s vagyont. Semmit, sz szerint
help anybody for he is everybody. He is the poor semmit nem tud mondani magrl. Nem tud segteni
and also his poverty, the thief and also his thievery. senkinek, mert minden. a szegny s a
How can he be said to help, when he is not apart? szegnysg is, a tolvaj s a tolvajls is. Hogy
Who thinks of himself as separate from the world, let mondhatna olyat, hogy segt, amikor nem
him help the world. klnbzik? Ha valaki klnllnak gondolja
nmagt a vilgtl, hadd segtsen a vilgon.

Q: Still, there is duality, there is sorrow, there is K: De ht dualits van, szomorsg van, szksg
need of help. By denouncing it as mere dream van segtsgre. Az, hogy puszta lmoknak
nothing is achieved. nyilvntjuk, semmilyen clhoz nem vezet.

M: The only thing that can help is to wake up from M: Egyetlen dolog segthet, az lombl val
the dream. felbreds.

Q: An awakener is needed. K: Szksg van valakire, aki felbreszt.

M: Who again is in the dream. The awakener M: Aki szintn benne van az lomban. Az breszt
signifies the beginning of the end. There are no egyben a vg kezdett is jelenti. Nincsenek rkk
eternal dreams. tart lmok.

Q: Even when it is beginningless? K: Mg akkor sem, ha nincs kezdete?

M: Everything begins with you. What else is M: Minden veled kezddik. Mi ms lehet, aminek
beginningless? nincs kezdete?

Q: I began at birth. K: n a szletsemkor kezddtem.

M: That is what you are told. Is it so? Did you see M: Ez az, amirl beszltem neked. Tnyleg gy van?
yourself beginning? Lttad magad kezddni?

Q: I began just now. All else is memory. K: ppen most kezddtem. Minden ms emlk.

M: Quite right. The beginningless begins forever. In M: Kitn. A kezdetnlklisg rkk kezddik.
the same way, I give eternally, because I have Ugyanilyen mdon n is szakadatlanul adok, mert
nothing. To be nothing, to have nothing, to keep semmim nincs. Semminek lenni, semmivel nem
nothing for oneself is the greatest gift, the highest brni, semminek nem tartani nmagadat a
generosity. legnagyobb ajndk, a legnagyobb bsg.

Q: Is there no self-concern left? K: Mr nem trdsz magaddal?

M: Of course I am self-concerned, but the self is all. M: Termszetesen trdm magammal, de minden
In practice it takes the shape of goodwill, unfailing n vagyok. A gyakorlatban ez a jakarat
and universal. You may call it love, all-pervading, all- kifogyhatatlan s egyetemes formjt lti magra.
redeeming. Such love is supremely active -- without Nevezhetjk mindent betlt, mindent megvlt
the sense of doing. szeretetnek is. Az ilyen szeretet a legteljesebb
rtelemben aktv a cselekvs rzete nlkl.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok

28. All Suffering is Born of Desire 28. Minden szenveds vgybl szletik
Questioner: I come from a far off country. I had Krdez: Tvoli orszgbl jttem. Van nmagamrl
some inner experiences on my own and I would like nmi bels tapasztalatom, s szeretnk
to compare notes. tapasztalatokat cserlni.

Maharaj: By all means. Do you know yourself? Maharaj: Termszetesen. Ismered nmagad?

Q: I know that I am not the body. Nor am I the mind. K: Tudom, hogy nem a test vagyok. Az elmm sem
n vagyok.

M: What makes you say so? M: Ezt mire alapozod?

Q: I do not feel I am in the body. I seem to be all K: Nem rzem, hogy a testemben vagyok. Nekem
over the place everywhere. As to the mind, I can gy tnik, hogy mindenhol vagyok. Az elmt pedig,
switch it on and off, so to say. This makes me feel I gyszlvn, ki-be tudom kapcsolni. Emiatt gy
am not the mind. rzem, hogy n nem az elme vagyok.

M: When you feel yourself everywhere in the world, M: Amikor gy rzed, hogy a mindenhol ott vagy
do you remain separate from the world? Or, are you vilgban, gy rzed, hogy klnll vagy a vilgtl?
the world? Vagy te vagy a vilg?

Q: Both. Sometimes I feel myself to be neither mind K: Mindkett. Nha gy rzem, hogy sem az elme,
nor body, but one single all-seeing eye. When I go sem a test nem vagyok, csak egyetlen mindent lt
deeper into it, I find myself to be all I see and the szem. Amikor ebbe mlyebben belemegyek, gy
world and myself become one. rzem, hogy mindent ltok s a vilg s n eggy

M: Very well. What about desires? Do you have M: Nagyszer. Mi van a vgyakkal? Vannak
any? egyltaln?

Q: Yes, they come, short and superficial. K: Igen, addnak, rvidek s felsznesek.

M: And what do you do about them? M: s mit teszel velk?

Q: What can I do? They come, they go. l look at K: Mit tehetnk? Jnnek, aztn elmennek. Figyelem
them. Sometimes I see my body and my mind ket. Nha ltom, hogy testem s elmm
engaged in fulfilling them. belebocstkoznak a kielgtskbe.

M: Whose desires are being fulfilled? M: Ilyenkor kinek a vgyai teljeslnek?

Q: They are a part of the world in which I live. They K: Rszei a vilgnak, amelyben lek. ppen
are just as trees and clouds are there. olyanok, mint a benne lv fk s felhk.

M: Are they not a sign of some imperfection? M: Nem valamifle tkletlensg jelei lennnek?

Q: Why should they be? They are as they are, and I K: Mirt lennnek azok? Olyanok amilyenek, s n
am as I am. How can the appearance and vagyok, amilyen vagyok. Hogy tudna a vgyak
disappearance of desires affect me? Of course, they megjelense s eltnse hatni rm? Termszetesen
affect the shape and content of the mind. a formra s az elme tartalmra hatssal vannak.

M: Very well. What is your work? M: Nagyszer. Mi a foglalkozsod?

Q: I am a probation officer. K: Felttelesen szabadlbra helyezettek

felgyeletvel megbzott rendrtiszt vagyok.

M: What does it mean? M: Az mit jelent?

Q: Juvenile offenders are let off on probation and K: Prbaidre bocstanak fiatalkor bnelkvetket,
there are special officers to watch their behaviour akiknek specilis hivatalnokok figyelik a
and to help them get training and find work. viselkedst, segtve ket a kpzsben, s hogy

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
munkt talljanak.

M: Must you work? M: Muszj dolgoznod?

Q: Who works? Work happens to take place. K: Ki dolgozik? A munkavgzs megtrtnik.

M: Do you need to work? M: Szksged van r, hogy dolgozz?

Q: I need it for the sake of money. I like it, because it K: Szksgem van r, a pnz miatt. Szeretem, mert
puts me in touch with living beings. sszekapcsol ms llnyekkel.

M: What do you need them for? M: Mit akarsz tlk?

Q: They may need me and it is their destinies that K: Szksgk lehet rm, s az sorsuk miatt
made me take up this work. It is one life, after all. vgzem ezt a munkt. Egy az let, vgl is.

M: How did you come to your present state? M: Hogyan kerltl a jelenlegi llapotodba?

Q: Sri Ramana Maharshi's teachings have put me K: Sri Ramana Maharshi tantsai tereltek az
on my way. Then I met one Douglas Harding who utamra. Azutn tallkoztam egy Douglas Harding
helped me by showing me how to work on the 'Who nev emberrel, aki azltal segtett nekem, hogy
am I ?' megmutatta a ki vagyok n? mkdst.

M: Was it sudden or gradual? M: Hirtelen trtnt, vagy fokozatosan?

Q: It was quite sudden. Like something quite K: Teljesen hirtelen trtnt. Valami olyasmi volt, mint
forgotten, coming back into one's mind. Or, like a amikor valami, amit teljesen elfelejtettl, visszatr az
sudden flash of understanding. 'How simple', I said, ember elmjbe. Vagy mint a megrts egy hirtelen
'How simple; I'm not what I thought I am. I'm neither felvillansa. Milyen egyszer, mondtam - milyen
the perceived nor the perceiver; I'm the perceiving egyszer; nem az vagyok, akinek gondoltam
only'. magam. Sem az szlelt, sem az szlel nem
vagyok; csupn az szlelet vagyok.

M: Not even the perceiving, but that which makes all M: De mg az szlelet sem, hanem az, ami ezt
this possible. lehetv teszi.

Q: What is love? K: Mi a szeretet?

M: When the sense of distinction and separation is M: Amikor hinyzik a klnbzs s elklnls
absent, you may call it love. rzete, azt nevezheted szeretetnek.

Q: Why so much stress on love between man and K: Mirt olyan nagy a knyszere a frfi s n kztti
woman? szeretetnek?

M: Because the element of happiness in it is so M: Mivel annyira kimagasl a benne lv boldogsg

prominent. elem.

Q: Is it not so in all love? K: Ez nem minden szeretet esetn van gy?

M: Not necessarily. Love may cause pain. You call it M: Nem szksgszeren. A szeretetet fjdalom is
then compassion. okozhatja. Ekkor knyrletnek nevezed.

Q: What is happiness? K: Mi a boldogsg?

M: Harmony between the inner and the outer is M: A boldogsg a bels s a kls kztti harmnia.
happiness. On the other hand, self-identification with Msfell, a kls okokkal val nazonosuls
the outer causes is suffering. szenveds.

Q: How does self-identification happen? K: Hogyan megy vgbe az nazonosuls?

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
M: The self by its nature knows itself only. For lack M: Az n termszettl fogva nmagt ismeri csak.
of experience whatever it perceives it takes to be Tapasztalatlan lvn brmit szlel, azt nmagnak
itself. Battered, it learns to look out (viveka) and to hiszi. Megsrl, megtanul kifel nzni (viveka), s
live alone (vairagya). When right behaviour (uparati), egyedl lni (vairagya). Amikor a helyes magatarts
becomes normal, a powerful inner urge (uparati) lesz a normlis, egy erteljes bels
(mukmukshutva) makes it seek its source. The ksztets (mukmukshutva) jelentkezik sajt
candle of the body is lighted and all becomes clear forrsnak keressre. A test gyertyja meggyullad,
and bright. s minden vilgoss s ragyogv vlik.

Q: What is the real cause of suffering? K: Mi a szenveds valdi oka?

M: Self-identification with the limited (vyaktitva). M: A korltozottal (vyaktitva) val nazonosuls. A

Sensations as such, however strong, do not cause benyomsok nmagukban, brmilyen ersek, nem
suffering. It is the mind bewildered by wrong ideas, okoznak szenvedst. A rossz idek ltal sszezavart
addicted to thinking: 'I am this' 'I am that', that fears elme gondolkods fggv vlik: n ez vagyok, n
loss and craves gain and suffers when frustrated. az vagyok, ami fl a vesztesgtl, s szksge van
a nyeresgre, s szenved, amikor csaldik.

Q: A friend of mine used to have horrible dreams K: Egy bartomnak iszonyatos lmai vannak, estrl
night after night. Going to sleep would terrorise him. estre. Amikor kzeledik az alvs, rettegs tlti el.
Nothing could help him. Semmi nem segt rajta.

M: Company of the truly good (satsang) would help M: A valdi j (satsang) trsasga tudna neki
him. segteni.

Q: Life itself is a nightmare. K: Maga az let egy rmlom.

M: Noble friendship (satsang) is the supreme M: A nemes bartsg (satsang) a legfbb

remedy for all ills, physical and mental. gygyszere minden betegsgnek, legyen az fizikai,
vagy mentlis.

Q: Generally one cannot find such friendship. K: Nem nagyon tallni ilyen bartokat.

M: Seek within. Your own self is your best friend. M: Keresd bell. Sajt ned a legjobb bartod.

Q: Why is life so full of contradictions? K: Az let mirt olyan ellentmondsokkal teli?

M: It serves to break down mental pride. We must M: Ez a mentlis gg letrsre szolgl. Fel kell,
realise how poor and powerless we are. As long as hogy ismerjk, milyen gyarlk s tehetetlenek
we delude ourselves by what we imagine ourselves vagyunk. Amg a lt, tuds, birtokls, cselekvs
to be, to know, to have, to do, we are in a sad plight elkpzelsvel csaljuk magunkat, valjban
indeed. Only in complete self-negation there is a sznalmasan szorult helyzetben vagyunk. Csak
chance to discover our real being. teljes n-tagadsban van lehetsg valdi ltnk

Q: Why so much stress on self-negation? K: Mirt akkora nehzsg az ntagads?

M: As much as on self-realisation. The false self M: Ugyanakkora, mint az nmegvalsts. A hamis

must be abandoned before the real self can be nt el kell hagyni, mieltt a valdi nt
found. megtallhatnnk.

Q: The self you choose to call false is to me most K: Az n, amit hamisnak nevezel, a legfjdalmasabb
distressingly real. It is the only self I know. What you rtelemben valdi szmomra. Ez az egyetlen n,
call the real self is a mere concept, a way of tudomsom szerint. Amit a valdi nnek nevezel,
speaking, a creature of the mind, an attractive ghost. fogalom csupn, kifejezsmd, elme teremtmny,
My daily self is not a beauty, I admit, but it is my own vonz szellemkp. Mindennapi nem nem egy
and only self. You say I am, or have, another self. szpsg, beismerem, de az n sajt, s egyetlen
Do you see it -- is it a reality to you, or do you want nem. Azt mondod, n vagyok, hogy van egy msik
me to believe what you yourself don't see? n. Ltod azt realits szmodra, vagy olyat akarsz
elhitetni velem, amit te magad sem ltsz?

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok

M: Don't jump to conclusions rashly. The concrete M: Ne bocstkozz elhamarkodott

need not be the real, the conceived need not be kvetkeztetsekbe. Minl konkrtabb igny, hogy ne
false. Perceptions based on sensations and shaped lgy a valdi, annl inkbb vled gy, hogy nem
by memory imply a perceiver, whose nature you vagy hamis. Az rzkels alap szlelsek, s azok
never cared to examine. Give it your full attention, memria ltali alaktsa szlelre utal, akinek a
examine it with loving care and you will discover termszetnek a megvizsglsra sosem fordtottl
heights and depths of being which you did not gondot. Szenteld neki teljes figyelmedet, vizsgld
dream of, engrossed as you are in your puny image meg szeret gondossggal, s a lt olyan
of yourself. magassgait s mlysgeit fogod felfedezni,
amelyekrl nmagad apr kpbe merlten mg
csak nem is lmodtl.

Q: I must be in the right mood to examine myself K: Megfelel lelkillapotba kell kerlnm ahhoz,
fruitfully. hogy eredmnyesen vizsgljam magam.

M: You must be serious, intent, truly interested. You M: Elengedhetetlen felttel, hogy legyl komoly,
must be full of goodwill for yourself. elsznt trekv, szintn rdekld. Maximlis
jindulattal kell nmagad irnt viseltetned.

Q: I am selfish all right. K: Meglehetsen nz vagyok.

M: You are not. You are all the time destroying M: Nem vagy az. Szakadatlanul puszttod magadat
yourself, and your own, by serving strange gods, s nedet, idegen, ellensges s hamis istenek
inimical and false. By all means be selfish -- the right szolglatval. Termszetesen, lgy nz a helyes
way. Wish yourself well, labour at what is good for mdon. Kvnj magadnak jt, fradozz azon, ami j
you. Destroy all that stands between you and szmodra. Semmists meg mindent, ami kzd s a
happiness. Be all -- love all -- be happy -- make boldogsg kz ll. Legyl minden szeress
happy. No happiness is greater. mindent legyl boldog tedd magad boldogg.
Nincs nagyobb boldogsg.

Q: Why is there so much suffering in love? K: A szeretetben mirt van olyan sok szenveds?

M: All suffering is born of desire. True love is never M: Minden szenveds vgybl szletik. Az igaz
frustrated. How can the sense of unity be frustrated? szeretet soha nem vall kudarcot. Hogyan vallhatna
What can be frustrated is the desire for expression. kudarcot az egysg rzse? Ami kudarcot vallhat,
Such desire is of the mind. As with all things mental, az a kifejezs vgya. Ilyen fajta vgy az elm.
frustration is inevitable. Mivel minden dolog mentlis, a kudarc

Q: What is the place of sex in love? K: Hol a helye a szexnek a szeretetben?

M: Love is a state of being. Sex is energy. Love is M: A szeretet ltllapot. A szex energia. A szeretet
wise, sex is blind. Once the true nature of love and blcs, a szex vak. Amint megrted a szeretet s a
sex is understood there will be no conflict or szex igazi termszett, azok nem keverednek ssze,
confusion. vagy cserldnek fel tbb.

Q: There is so much sex without love. K: Olyan sok a szeretet nlkli szex.

M: Without love all is evil. Life itself without love is M: Szeretet nlkl minden gonosz. Az let maga,
evil. szeretet nlkl, gonosz.

Q: What can make me love? K: Mi tehet engem szeretv?

M: You are love itself -- when you are not afraid. M: Akkor szereted nmagad amikor nem flsz.

29. Living is Lifes only Purpose 29. Az let egyetlen clja maga az let
Questioner: What does it mean to fail in Yoga? Krdez: Mit jelent az, hogy eredmnytelennek

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
Who is a failure in Yoga (yoga bhrashta)? lenni a Yogban? Ki eredmnytelen a Yogban
(yoga bhrashta)?

Maharaj: It is only a question of incompletion. He Maharaj: Ez csupn befejezetlensgrl szl. Aki

who could not complete his Yoga for some reason is bizonyos okok miatt nem tudta vgigvinni az
called failed in Yoga. Such failure is only temporary, Yogjt, azt tekintik eredmnytelennek a Yogban.
for there can be no defeat in Yoga. This battle is Ez a harc mindig megnyersre kerl, mert ez az igaz
always won, for it is a battle between the true and s hamis kztti harc. A hamisnak nincs eslye.
the false. The false has no chance.

Q: Who fails? The person (vyakti) or the self K: Ki sikertelen? A szemly (vyakti), vagy az n
(vyakta)? (vyakta)?

M: The question is wrongly put. There is no question M: Rossz a krds feltevs. Nincs sz
of failure, neither in the short run nor in the long. It is sikertelensgrl, sem a kzeli, sem a tvoli jvben.
like travelling a long and arduous road in an Ez egy ismeretlen orszgban trtn, hossz s
unknown country. Of all the innumerable steps there fradsgos utazshoz hasonlt. A szmtalan sok
is only the last which brings you to your destination. lps kzl csak az utols az, amelyik a eljuttat a
Yet you will not consider all previous steps as clllomsodba. Mgsem tekinted sikertelensgnek
failures. Each brought you nearer to your goal, even az sszes elz lpsedet. Mindegyik kzelebb vitt
when you had to turn back to by-pass an obstacle. a clodhoz, mg az is, amikor vissza kellett
In reality each step brings you to your goal, because fordulnod, hogy kikerlj egy akadlyt. A valsgban
to be always on the move, learning, discovering, minden lps a clba visz, mert a folyamatos
unfolding, is your eternal destiny. Living is life's only mozgs, tanuls, felfedezs, kibontakozs a te rk
purpose. The self does not identify itself with vgzeted. Az let egyetlen clja maga az let. Az n
success or failure -- the very idea of becoming this nem azonostja magt sikerrel vagy kudarccal a
or that is unthinkable. The self understands that teljes ezz vagy azz vls ideja elkpzelhetetlen.
success and failure are relative and related, that Az n megrti, hogy a siker s a kudarc
they are the very warp and weft of life. Learn from viszonylagosak s sszekapcsoldnak, hogy
both and go beyond. If you have not learnt, repeat. valjban ezek az let fonala s szvedke. Tanulj
mindkettbl, s lpj tovbb. Ha nem tanultl,

Q: What am I to learn? K: Mit kell tanulnom?

M: To live without self-concern. For this you must M: nrdekeltsg nlkl lni. Ehhez valdi lnyedet
know your own true being (swarupa) as indomitable, (swarupa) megfkezhetetlen, flelem nlkli, rk
fearless, ever victorious. Once you know with gyztesknt kell ismerned. Amint abszolt
absolute certainty that nothing can trouble you but bizonyossggal tudod, hogy semmi nem rthat
your own imagination, you come to disregard your neked, csak sajt kpzeleted, eljutsz vgyaid s
desires and fears, concepts and ideas and live by flelmeid, koncepciid s ideid figyelmen kvl
truth alone. hagysig, s kizrlag az igazsgot led.

Q: What may be the reason that some people K: Mi lehet az oka, hogy egyesek sikeresek, s
succeed and others fail in Yoga? Is it destiny or msok sikertelenek a Yogban? Ez a vgzetk,
character, or just accident? illetve karakterk, vagy csak vletlensg?

M: Nobody ever fails in Yoga. It is all a matter of the M: Soha senki nem sikertelen a Yogban. Ez az
rate of progress. It is slow in the beginning and rapid egsz az elrehalads mrtknek a problmja.
in the end. When one is fully matured, realisation is Kezdetben lass az elrehalads, s a vgre
explosive. It takes place spontaneously, or at the felgyorsul. Amikor az ember teljesen megrett r, a
slightest hint. The quick is not better than the slow. megvalsuls robbansszer. Spontn megtrtnik,
Slow ripening and rapid flowering alternate. Both are vagy a legcseklyebb tmutats hatsra. A gyors
natural and right. nem jobb a lassnl. Lass rs gyors virgzs
vltakoznak. Mindkett termszetes s helyes.

Yet, all this is so in the mind only. As I see it, there is De mindez csak az elmben jtszdik gy. Ahogy n
really nothing of the kind. In the great mirror of ltom, semmi ilyesmi nincs. A tudatossg nagy
consciousness images arise and disappear and only tkrben kpek merlnek fel s tnnek el, s csak
memory gives them continuity. And memory is az emlkezet ad nekik kontinuitst. s az emlkezet

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
material -- destructible, perishable, transient. On anyagi termszet elpusztthat, roml, ml.
such flimsy foundations we build a sense of personal Ilyen gyenge bizonytalan, kihagysos, lomszer
existence -- vague, intermittent, dreamlike. This alapokra ptjk szemlyes ltnk rzett. Az n-
vague persuasion: 'I-am-so-and-so' obscures the gy-s-gy-vagyok-nak ez a megbzhatatlan
changeless state of pure awareness and makes us meggyzdse elfedi a tiszta tudatossg vltozatlan
believe that we are born to suffer and to die. llapott, s elhiteti velnk, hogy szenvedsre
szlettnk, s hogy meghaljunk.

Q: Just as a child cannot help growing, so does a K: ppen gy, ahogy a gyermek sem segthet a
man, compelled by nature, make progress. Why nvekedst, az ember sem knyszertheti a
exert oneself? Where is the need of Yoga? termszet ellenre az elre haladst. Mirt
erlkdik? Hol a Yoga szksgessge?

M: There is progress all the time. Everything M: lland a halads. Minden a haladst segti. De
contributes to progress. But this is the progress of ez a tudatlansg haladsa. A tudatlansg krei
ignorance. The circles of ignorance may be ever llandan szlesedhetnek, mgis minden ktttsg
widening, yet it remains a bondage all the same. In ugyanaz marad. A megfelel idben megjelenik a
due course a Guru appears to teach and inspire us Guru, hogy tantson, s a Yoga gyakorlsra
to practise Yoga and a ripening takes place as a inspirljon, s egy rs megy vgbe, amely
result of which the immemorial night of ignorance eredmnyekppen a tudatlansg idtlen sttsge
dissolves before the rising sun of wisdom. But in szertefoszlik, a blcsessg felkel napja eltt. De
reality nothing happened. The sun is always there, valjban semmi nem trtnik. A nap mindig ott van,
there is no night to it; the mind blinded by the 'I am szmra nem ltezik jjel; az n a test vagyok
the body' idea spins out endlessly its thread of idetl megvakult elme nyjtja a vgtelensgig
illusion. illzijnak a fonalt.

Q: If all is a part of a natural process, where is the K: Ha minden egy termszetes folyamat rsze, mirt
need of effort? van szksg trekvsre?

M: Even effort is a part of it. When ignorance M: Mg a trekvs is rsze. Amikor a tudatlansg
becomes obstinate and hard and the character gets megtalkodott s ridegg vlik, s a jellem romlott
perverted, effort and the pain of it become inevitable. vlik, a trekvs s annak fjdalma
In complete obedience to nature there is no effort. elkerlhetetlenn vlik. A termszet irnti teljes
The seed of spiritual life grows in silence and in megadsban nincs erfeszts. A spiritulis let
darkness until its appointed hour. magja csendben s sttben n, annak kijellt

Q: We come across some great people, who, in their K: Tallkozni nha nagyszer emberekkel, akik reg
old age, become childish, petty, quarrelsome and korukra gyermetegg, kicsinyess, civakodv s
spiteful. How could they deteriorate so much? gyllkdv vlnak. Hogy tudtak ennyire leromlani?

M: They were not perfect Yogis, having their bodies M: Nem voltak tkletes, a testket teljes kontroll
under complete control. Or, they might not have alatt tart Yogik. Vagy nem tudtak gondot fordtani
cared to protect their bodies from the natural decay. testknek a termszetes romlstl val
One must not draw conclusions without megvdsre. Nem szabad kvetkeztetseket
understanding all the factors. Above all, one must levonni, minden tnyez megrtse nlkl.
not make judgements of inferiority or superiority. Legfkppen, nem szabad tlkezni alsbbrendsg
Youthfulness is more a matter of vitality (prana) than vagy felsbbrendsg fltt. A fiatalos hv sokkal
of wisdom (gnana). inkbb vitalits (prana) dolga, mint a blcsessg

Q: One may get old, but why should one lose all K: Az ember megregedhet, de mirt kellene
alertness and discrimination? elvesztenie minden bersgt s lesltst?

M: Consciousness and unconsciousness, while in M: Tudatossg s tudattalansg, amg testben vagy,

the body depend on the condition of the brain. But az agyi felttelektl fgg. De az n mindkett fltt
the self is beyond both, beyond the brain, beyond ll, az agy fltt is s az elme fltt is. Az eszkz
the mind. The fault of the instrument is no reflection hibja nem hrul vissza hasznljra.
on its user.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
Q: I was told that a realised man will never do K: Azt hallottam, hogy egy megvalsult ember soha
anything unseemly. He will always behave in an semmit nem tesz helytelenl. Mindig pldamutat
exemplary way. mdon viselkedik.

M: Who sets the example? Why should a liberated M: Ki rja el a pldt? Mirt lenne szksges a
man necessarily follow conventions? The moment megszabadult embernek konvencikat kvetnie?
he becomes predictable, he cannot be free. His Abban a pillanatban, ahogy kiszmthatv vlik,
freedom lies in his being free to fulfil the need of the mr nem lehet szabad. Az szabadsga abban ll,
moment, to obey the necessity of the situation. hogy lnyben szabad, hogy teljestse, amit a
Freedom to do what one likes is really bondage, pillanat megkvetel, hogy engedelmeskedjen a
while being free to do what one must, what is right, szituci szksgszersgnek. A szabadsg, azt
is real freedom. tenni, amit az ember szeret, valjban ktttsg,
mg szabadnak lenni annak megttelben, ami
szksges, ami helyes, valdi szabadsg.

Q: Still there must be some way of making out who K: Mgis, kell, hogy legyen valamilyen md
has realised and who has not. If one is megtudni, ki a megvalsult, s ki nem az. Ha az
indistinguishable from the other, of what use is he? ember nem megklnbztethet a tbbitl, annak mi
haszna szmra?

M: He who knows himself has no doubts about it. M: Aki ismeri nmagt, annak nincsenek ktelyei
Nor does he care whether others recognise his state errl. Nem trdik azzal, hogy msok felismerik-e az
or not. Rare is the realised man who discloses his llapott vagy sem. Ritka az a megvalsult ember,
realisation and fortunate are those who have met aki feltrja megvalsultsgt, s szerencssek, akik
him, for he does it for their abiding welfare. tallkoznak vele, mert azt az maradand
jltkrt teszi.

Q: When one looks round, one is appalled by the K: Ha az ember krbe tekint, elborzad a
volume of unnecessary suffering that is going on. szksgtelen szenvedsek nagy mennyisgtl.
People who should be helped are not getting help. Akiknek segteni kellene, nem kapnak segtsget.
Imagine a big hospital ward full of incurables, Kpzelj el egy nagy krhzat, tele gygythatatlan,
tossing and moaning. Were you given the authority hnykold s nyszrg betegekkel. Ha
to kill them all and end their torture, would you not megkapnd a felhatalmazst, hogy mind megld
do so? ket, s vget vess a szenvedseiknek, megtennd,
vagy sem?

M: I would leave it to them to decide. M: n rjuk hagynm a dntst.

Q: But if their destiny is to suffer? How can you K: De ha az sorsuk az, hogy szenvedjenek? Hogy
interfere with destiny? avatkozhatsz bele a sorsukba?

M: Their destiny is what happens. There is no M: Az sorsuk az, ami trtnik. A sors nem
thwarting of destiny. You mean to say everybody's ellentmondsos. Azt akarod mondani, hogy
life is totally determined at his birth? What a strange mindenkinek az lete a szletsekor teljesen
idea. Were it so, the power that determines would meghatrozott? Micsoda klns idea. Ha gy lenne,
see to it that nobody should suffer. akkor a meghatroz er gondoskodna rla, hogy
senkinek ne kelljen szenvednie.

Q: What about cause and effect? K: Mi a vlemnyed az ok s okozatrl?

M: Each moment contains the whole of the past and M: Minden pillanat a mlt egszt tartalmazza, s a
creates the whole of the future. jv egszt teremti.

Q: But past and future exist? K: De ltezik mlt s jv?

M: In the mind only. Time is in the mind, space is in M: Az elmben csak. Az id az elmben van, a tr
the mind. The law of cause and effect is also a way az elmben van. Az ok s okozat trvnye is egy
of thinking. In reality all is here and now and all is gondolkodsmd. A valsgban minden itt s most
one. Multiplicity and diversity are in the mind only. van, s minden egy. Sokflesg s klnbzsg
csak az elmben lteznek.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok

Q: Still, you are in favour of relieving suffering, even K: De te mgis vagy olyan kegyes, hogy enyhted a
through destruction of the incurably diseased body. szenvedst, mg ha a gygythatatlan beteg test
elpuszttsa rn is.

M: Again, you look from outside while I look from M: Te megint kvlrl nzel, mg n bellrl. n nem
within. I do not see a sufferer, I am the sufferer. I ltok szenvedt, n vagyok a szenved. n bellrl
know him from within and do what is right ismerem t, s teszem, ami helyes, spontn s
spontaneously and effortlessly. I follow no rules nor erfeszts nlkl. Nem kvetek szablyokat, s
lay down rules. I flow with life -- faithfully and nem is vetem al magam szablyoknak. Az lettel
irresistibly. ramlok odaadan s ellenllhatatlanul.

Q: Still you seem to be a very practical man in full K: Mgis egy nagyon praktikus, a kzvetlen
control of your immediate surroundings. krnyezetedet teljes ellenrzse alatt tart
embernek ltszol.

M: What else do you expect me to be? A misfit? M: Mit vrsz, mi ms legyek? Egy beilleszkedsre
kptelen embernek kellene lennem?

Q: Yet you cannot help another much. K: De nem nagyon tudsz a msikon segteni.

M: Surely, I can help. You too can help. Everybody M: Biztos, hogy tudok. Te szintn tudsz segteni.
can help. But the suffering is all the time recreated. Mindenki tud segteni. De a szenveds
Man alone can destroy in himself the roots of pain. szakadatlanul jrateremtdik. Az ember kizrlag
Others can only help with the pain, but not with its sajt magban tudja elpuszttani a fjdalom
cause, which is the abysmal stupidity of mankind. gykereit. Msok csak a fjdalommal kapcsolatban
segthetnek, de nem tudnak vltoztatni annak okn,
ami az emberisg mrhetetlenl ostobasga.

Q: Will this stupidity ever come to an end? K: Ez az ostobasg vget fog rni valaha?

M: In man -- of course. Any moment. In humanity -- M: Az emberben termszetesen. Akrmelyik

as we know it -- after very many years. In creation -- pillanatban. Az emberisgben mint tudjuk
never, for creation itself is rooted in ignorance; nagyon sok v mlva. A teremtsben soha, mert a
matter itself is ignorance. Not to know, and not to teremts eleve tudatlansgban gykerezik; a
know that one does not know, is the cause of problma maga a tudatlansg. Nem tudni, s nem
endless suffering. tudni, hogy az ember nem tud, a vgtelen
szenveds oka.

Q: We are told of the great avatars, the saviours of K: Hallottunk a nagy avatrokrl, a vilg
the world. megmentirl.

M: Did they save? They have come and gone -- and M: Megmentettk? Eljttek s elmentek s a vilg
the world plods on. Of course, they did a lot and tovbbra is knldik. Termszetesen sokat tettek, s
opened new dimensions in the human mind. But to j dimenzikat nyitottak az emberi elmben. De
talk of saving the world is an exaggeration. tlzs lenne azt mondani, hogy megmentettk a

Q: Is there no salvation for the world? K: Nincs megvlts a vilg szmra?

M: Which world do you want to save? The world of M: Melyik vilgot akarod megvltani? A sajt
your own projection? Save it yourself. My world? kivettsed vilgt? Azt mentsd meg magad. Az n
Show me my world and I shall deal with it. I am not vilgomat? Mutasd meg nekem a vilgomat, s n a
aware of any world separate from myself, which I am gondjaimba veszem. n nem tudok semmilyen,
free to save or not to save. What business have you tlem klnll vilgrl, amelyet lehetsgem lenne
with saving the world, when all the world needs is to megmenteni, vagy nem megmenteni. Mi dolgod a
be saved from you? Get out of the picture and see vilg megmentsvel, amikor au egsz vilgnak arra
whether there is anything left to save. van szksge, hogy tled legyen megmentve? Lpj
ki a kpbl, s nzd meg, vajon marad-e valamilyen

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok

Q: You seem to stress the point that without you K: gy tnik, stresszel tged az a krds, hogy
your world would not have existed and therefore the nlkled a vilgod nem ltezne, s ezrt az egyetlen
only thing you can do for it is to wind up the show. dolog, amit tehetsz rte, hogy megsznteted az
This is not a way out. Even if the world were of my eladst. Ez nem kit. Mg ha a vilg az n sajt
own creation, this knowledge does not save it. It only teremtsem is lenne, ez a tuds nem menti meg.
explains it. The question remains: why did I create Csak megmagyarzza. A krds megmarad: mirt
such a wretched world and what can I do to change teremtettem ilyen boldogtalan vilgot, s mit tehetek,
it? You seem to say: forget it all and admire your hogy megvltozzon? gy tnik, azt mondod: felejts
own glory. Surely, you don't mean it. The description el mindent, s csodld a sajt dicssgedet.
of a disease and its causes does not cure it. What Bizonyra nem gy rtetted. A betegsg lersa s
we need is the right medicine. okai nem gygytjk meg azt. Amire szksgnk
van, az a megfelel medicina.

M: The description and causation are the remedy for M: A lers s az okozs a gygyszere a korltoltsg
a disease caused by obtuseness and stupidity. Just s ostobasg okozta betegsgnek. Mint ahogy egy
like a deficiency disease is cured through the supply hinybetegsg a hinyz elemek ptlsval
of the missing factor, so are the diseases of living gygythat, gy gygythatk az l betegsgei egy
cured by a good dose of intelligent detachment. j adag intelligens elfogulatlansggal (viveka-
(viveka-vairagya). vairagya).

Q: You cannot save the world by preaching K: Nem tudod megmenteni a vilgot a tkletessg
counsels of perfection. People are as they are. Must blcsessgeirl szl prdikcival. Az emberek
they suffer? olyanok amilyenek. Elkerlhetetlen, hogy

M: As long as they are as they are, there is no M: Amg olyanok, amilyenek, nincs menekvs a
escape from suffering. Remove the sense of szenvedstl. Tvoltsd el az elklnltsg rzst,
separateness and there will be no conflict. s nem lesz tbb konfliktus.

Q: A message in print may be paper and ink only. It K: Egy nyomtatott zenet nmagban lehet, hogy
is the text that matters. By analysing the world into csak papr s tinta. A szveg az, ami szmt. A
elements and qualities we miss the most important -- vilgot elemekk s minsgekk boncolva
its meaning. Your reduction of everything to dream elhibzzuk a legfontosabbat annak jelentst. A te
disregards the difference between the dream of an mindent lomm reduklsod figyelmen kvl hagyja
insect and the dream of a poet. All is dream, a rovar lma s a pota lma kztti klnbsget.
granted. But not all are equal. Mindegyik lom, rendben van. De nem azonosak.

M: The dreams are not equal, but the dreamer is M: Az lmok nem azonosak, de az lmod egy. n
one. I am the insect. I am the poet -- in dream. But in vagyok a rovar. n vagyok a pota az lomban.
reality I am neither. I am beyond all dreams. I am the De a valsgban egyik sem vagyok. n minden
light in which all dreams appear and disappear. I am lmon tl vagyok. n vagyok a fny, amelyben
both inside and outside the dream. Just as a man minden lom megjelenik s eltnik. Az lmon kvl is
having headache knows the ache and also knows s bell is vagyok. Ahogy az az ember, akinek fj a
that he is not the ache, so do I know the dream, feje, tudja, hogy fj, s azt is tudja, hogy nem a
myself dreaming and myself not dreaming -- all at fjdalom, gy tudok n az lomrl, a sajt lmomrl
the same time. I am what I am before, during and s a nem sajt lmomrl mindegyikrl egyszerre.
after the dream. But what I see in dream, l am not. n az vagyok, ami az lom eltt, alatt s utn
vagyok. De amit az lomban ltok, az nem n

Q: It is all a matter of imagination. One imagines that K: Ez teljesen kpzeler krdse. Az egyik azt
one is dreaming, another imagines one is not kpzeli, hogy lmodik, a msik azt kpzeli, hogy
dreaming. Are not both the same? nem lmodik. Nem ugyanaz?

M: The same and not the same. Not dreaming, as M: Ugyanaz, s nem ugyanaz. A nem lmods, kt
an interval between two dreams, is of course, a Part lom kztti intervallum, amely termszetesen az
of dreaming. Not dreaming as a steady hold on, and lmods rsze. A nem lmodsnak, mint a
timeless abidance in reality has nothing to do with valsgban val folyamatos tartzkodsnak, s
dreaming. In that sense I never dream, nor ever idtlen idzsnek, nincs teendje az lmodssal.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
shall. Ebben az rtelemben n sohasem lmodok, s soha
nem is fogok.

Q: If both dream and escape from dream are K: Ha az lom, s az lombl val kilps egyarnt
imaginings, what is the way out? kpzelds, mi a kit?

M: There is no need of a way out. Don't you see that M: Nincs szksg kitra. Nem ltod, hogy a kit
a way out is also a part of the dream? All you have szintn rsze az lomnak? Csak annyit kell tenned,
to do is to see the dream as dream. hogy az lmot lomnak lsd.

Q: If I start the practice of dismissing everything as a K: Ha elkezdem a mindent elengeds gyakorlatt,

dream where will it lead me? lomknt hov fog engem vezetni?

M: Wherever it leads you, it will be a dream. The M: Akrhov vezet tged, lom lesz. Valjban az
very idea of going beyond the dream is illusory. Why lmon val tllps ideja illuzrikus. Mirt mennl
go anywhere? Just realise that you are dreaming a brhova? Csak ismerd fel, hogy egy vilgnak
dream you call the world, and stop looking for ways nevezett lmot lmodsz, s fejezd be a kiutak
out. The dream is not your problem. Your problem is keresst. Nem az lom a problmd. A te
that you like one part of your dream and not another. problmd az, hogy az lmod egyik rszt szereted,
Love all, or none of it, and stop complaining. When s msikat nem. Szeress benne mindent, vagy ne
you have seen the dream as a dream, you have szeress semmit, s fejezd be a panaszkodst.
done all that needs be done. Amikor az lmot lomnak ltod, mindent megtettl,
amit tenned kellett.

Q: Is dreaming caused by thinking? K: Az lmodst a gondolkods okozza?

M: Everything is a play of ideas. In the state free M: Minden idek jtka. Fogalomalkotstl mentes
from ideation (nirvikalpa samadhi) nothing is llapotban (nirvikalpa samadhi) semmit nem
perceived. The root idea is: 'I am'. It shatters the szlelsz. A gykr idea az n vagyok, ami
state of pure consciousness and is followed by the darabokra zzza a tiszta tudatossg llapott. Ezt
innumerable sensations and perceptions, feeling megszmllhatatlan benyoms, szlels, rzkels
and ideas which in their totality constitute God and s idea kveti, amelyek teljessge Istent, s az
His world. The 'I am' remains as the witness, but it is vilgt alkotjk. Az n vagyok megmarad tanknt,
by the will of God that everything happens. de mint Isten akarata, amely ltal minden trtnik.

Q: Why not by my will? K: Mirt nem az n akaratom ltal?

M: Again you have split yourself -- into God and M: Megint felosztottad magad Istenre s tanra. A
witness. Both are one. kett egy.

30. You are Free NOW 30. MOST vagy szabad

Questioner: There are so many theories about the Krdez: Nagyon sok elmlet ltezik az ember
nature of man and universe. The creation theory, the termszetrl s az univerzumrl. A teremts
illusion theory, the dream theory -- any number of elmlet, az illzi elmlet, az lom elmlet egsz
them. Which is true? sereg van bellk. Melyik igaz?

Maharaj: All are true, all are false. You can pick up Maharaj: Mindegyik igaz, mindegyik hamis.
whichever you like best. Vlaszthatod brmelyiket, amelyik a legjobban

Q: You seem to favour the dream theory. K: gy tnik, te az lom elmletet fel hajlasz.

M: These are all ways of putting words together. M: Ezek a szszaports klnbz mdjai. Van, aki
Some favour one way, some favour another. az egyikre hajlik, van, aki a msikra. Az elmletek
Theories are neither right nor wrong. They are sem nem jk, sem nem rosszak. Magyarzni
attempts at explaining the inexplicable. It is not the prbljk a felfoghatatlant. Nem az elmlettel van a
theory that matters, but the way it is being tested. It problma, hanem az ellenrizhetsggel. Az
is the testing of the theory that makes it fruitful. elmletet a prbja teszi gymlcszv. A

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
Experiment with any theory you like -- if you are truly Kiprblhatod brmelyik elmletet, amelyik tetszik
earnest and honest, the attainment of reality will be ha igazn komoly s becsletes vagy, el fogod rni
yours. As a living being you are caught in an a valsgot. Te egy tarthatatlan s fjdalmas
untenable and painful situation and you are seeking szituciba ragadt llny vagy, aki kiutat keres.
a way out. You are being offered several plans of Brtndrl klnfle alaprajzokat knlnak,
your prison, none quite true. But they all are of some amelyek nem egszen helyesek. De valamilyen
value, only if you are in dead earnest. It is the rtke mindegyikek van, amennyiben hallosan
earnestness that liberates and not the theory. komoly a hozzllsod. A komolysg az, ami
felszabadt, s nem az elmlet.

Q: Theory may be misleading and earnestness -- K: Az elmlet lehet flrevezet, s a komolysg

blind. vak.

M: Your sincerity will guide you. Devotion to the goal M: Az szintesged az, ami segt. A szabadsg s
of freedom and perfection will make you abandon all tkletessg cljnak szentelve magad, el fognak
theories and systems and live by wisdom, maradni az elmletek s rendszerek, s letedet
intelligence and active love. Theories may be good blcsessggel, intelligencival, s cselekv
as starting points, but must be abandoned, the szeretettel fogod lni. Az elmletek jk lehetnek
sooner -- the better. kezdsnek, de el kell hagyni azokat, minl elbb,
annl jobb.

Q: There is a Yogi who says that for realisation the K: Van egy Yogi, aki azt mondja, hogy a
eightfold Yoga is not necessary; that will-power megvalsulshoz nincs szksg a nyolc fokozat
alone will do. It is enough to concentrate on the goal Yogra; hogy az akarater egyedl is megcsinlja.
with full confidence in the power of pure will to obtain Elegend, ha a clra koncentrlsz, a tisztasg ereje
effortlessly and quickly what others take decades to irnti teljes bizalommal, s knnyen s gyorsan
achieve. elnyered, amit msok vtizedek alatt vltanak

M: Concentration, full confidence, pure will. With M: Koncentrci, teljes bizalom, tiszta akarat. Ilyen
such assets no wonder one attains in no time. This eszkzkkel nem csoda, hogy az ember igen rvid
Yoga of will is all right for the mature seeker, who id alatt clba r. Ez az akarat Yogja megfelel az
has shed all desires but one. After all, what is will rett keresnek, aki egy kivtelvel minden vgyt
but steadiness of heart and mind. Given such levetkzte. Vgl is, amit akar, az csak a szv s
steadfastness all can be achieved. elme szilrdsga. Ilyen llhatatossggal minden

Q: I feel the Yogi did not mean mere steadiness of K: rzsem szerint a Yogi szndka nem pusztn
purpose, resulting in ceaseless pursuit and az elhatrozs szntelen trekvs s elmlyeds
application. He meant that with will fixed on the goal tjn trtn megszilrdtsa. Az lehetett a
no pursuit or application are needed. The mere fact szndka, hogy a clra irnytott akarattal se
of willing attracts its object. trekvsre, se szellemi erfesztsre ne legyen
szksg. Az akaratnak a puszta tnye vonzza annak

M: Whatever name you give it: will, or steady M: Akrmilyen nevet adsz neki: akarat, vagy
purpose, or onepointedness of the mind, you come llhatatos szndk, vagy az elme egyhegysge, a
back to earnestness, sincerity, honesty. When you komolysghoz, szintesghez, becsletessghez
are in dead earnest, you bend every incident, every rkezel vissza. Ha hallosan komoly vagy, leted
second of your life to your purpose. You do not minden mozzanata, minden msodperce clod fel
waste time and energy on other things. You are visz. Nem pazarolsz idt s energit ms dolgokra.
totally dedicated, call it will, or love, or plain honesty. Teljesen elktelezett vagy, hvd azt akaratnak, vagy
We are complex beings, at war within and without. szeretetnek, vagy egyszer becsletessgnek.
We contradict ourselves all the time, undoing today Bonyolult lnyek vagyunk, akik harcban llnak kvl-
the work of yesterday. No wonder we are stuck. A bell. Szakadatlanul ellenttbe kerlnk
little of integrity would make a lot of difference. nmagunkkal, ma lerombolva a tegnapi munkt.
Nem csoda, hogy megrekedtnk. Egy kis teljessg is
nagy klnbsget szokott csinlni.

Q: What is more powerful, desire or destiny? K: Melyik az ersebb, a vgy vagy a sors?

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok

M: Desire shapes destiny. M: A vgy alaktja a sorsot.

Q: And destiny shapes desire. My desires are K: s a sors alaktja a vgyat. A vgyaim
conditioned by heredity and circumstances, by rkletesen s a krnyezet ltal, a lehetsgek s a
opportunities and accidents, by what we call destiny. vletlenek ltal kondicionltak, ezrt vgzetnek

M: Yes, you may say so. M: Igen, mondhatod gy is.

Q: At what point am I free to desire what I want to K: Mely ponttl ll szabadsgomban arra vgyni,
desire? amire vgyni akarok?

M: You are free now. What is it that you want to M: Most szabad vagy. Mire akarsz vgyni? Vgyj
desire? Desire it. arra.

Q: Of course I am free to desire, but I am not free to K: Termszetesen szabadon vgyakozhatok, de

act on my desire. Other urges will lead me astray. nem vagyok szabad aszerint cselekedni. Ms
My desire is not strong enough, even if it has my knyszerek eltr irnyba fognak engem vezetni.
approval. Other desires, which I disapprove of are Nem elg ersek a vgyaim, hiba fogadom el ket.
stronger. Ms helytelentett vgyaim ersebbek.

M: Maybe you are deceiving yourself. Maybe you M: Lehet, hogy becsapod magad. Lehet, hogy
are giving expression to your real desires and the megnyilvnulnak valdi vgyaid, s amelyeket
ones you approve of are kept on the surface for the helyeselsz kzlk, azok maradnak a felsznen, a
sake of respectability. tisztessg miatt.

Q: It may be as you say, but this is another theory. K: Lehet, hogy gy van, ahogy mondtad, de ez
The fact is that I do not feel free to desire what I msik elmlet. Az a helyzet, hogy nem rzem, hogy
think I should, and when I seem to desire rightly, I do szabadna arra vgyni, amire gy gondolom, hogy
not act accordingly. kellene, s amikor gy tnik, helyes vgyaim
vannak, nem cselekszem annak megfelelen.

M: It is all due to weakness of the mind and M: Mindezt az elme gyengesge, s az agy
disintegration of the brain. Collect and strengthen dezintegrcija okozza. Szedd ssze, s erstsd
your mind and you will find that your thoughts and meg az elmdet, s megltod, hogy gondolataid s
feelings, words and actions will align themselves in rzseid, szavaid s tetteid, akaratod irnytsnak
the direction of your will. megfelelen egymshoz fognak hangoldni.

Q: Again a counsel of perfection. To integrate and K: Megint egy tkletesedsi tancs. Az elme
strengthen the mind is not an easy task. How does integrlsa s erstse nem knny feladat.
one begin? Hogyan kell elkezdeni?

M: You can start only from where you are. You are M: Csak onnan indulhatsz, ahol vagy. Te itt s most
here and now, you cannot get out of here and now. vagy, nem lphetsz ki az itt s mostbl.

Q: But what can I do here and now? K: De mit tehetek itt s most?

M: You can be aware of your being -- here and now. M: Tudatban lehetsz ltezsednek itt s most.

Q: That is all? K: Ez minden?

M: That is all. There is nothing more to it. M: Ez minden. Semmi egyb nem kell hozz.

Q: All my waking and dreaming I am conscious of K: Valamennyi brenltem s lmom sorn

myself. It does not help me much. tudatban vagyok nmagamnak. Ez nem sokat segt

M: You were aware of thinking, feeling, doing. You M: Tudatban voltl a gondolkodsnak, rzsnek,
were not aware of your being. cselekvsnek. Nem voltl tudatban a ltezsednek.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok

Q: What is the new factor you want me to bring in? K: Milyen j tnyezt akarsz, hogy vezessek?

M: The attitude of pure witnessing, of watching the M: A tiszta tansg attitdjt, hogy az esemnyeket
events without taking part in them. anlkl nzd, hogy rszt vennl bennk.

Q: What will it do to me? K: Mit fog ez tenni velem?

M: Weak-mindedness is due to lack of intelligence, M: Az elmegyengsget az intelligencia, a megrts

of understanding, which again is the result of non- hinya okozza, ami szintn a nem tudatossg
awareness. By striving for awareness you bring your eredmnye. A tudatossgra val trekvssel
mind together and strengthen it. elmdet sszetartod, s ersted.

Q: I may be fully aware of what is going on, and yet K: Lehet, hogy teljesen tudatban vagyok annak,
quite unable to influence it in any way. ami trtnik, s mgsem vagyok kpes azt
semmilyen mdon befolysolni.

M: You are mistaken. What is going on is a M: Flrertesz. Ami trtnik, az elmd projekcija. A
projection of your mind. A weak mind cannot control gyenge elme nem tudja kontrolllni sajt
its own projections. Be aware, therefore, of your projekcijt. Kvetkezskppen, vlj tudatoss
mind and its projections. You cannot control what elmdre, s annak projekciira. Nem tudsz uralkodni
you do not know. On the other hand, knowledge azon, amirl nem tudsz. Msfell, a tuds ert ad. A
gives power. In practice it is very simple. To control gyakorlatban ez nagyon egyszer. Hogy uralkodj
yourself -- know yourself. nmagadon ismerned kell magad.

Q: Maybe, I can come to control myself, but shall I K: Lehet, hogy el tudok jutni az nkontrollig, de
be able to deal with the chaos in the world? kpes leszek-e kezelni a koszt a vilgban?

M: There is no chaos in the world, except the chaos M: Nincs kosz a vilgban, kivve azt a koszt,
which your mind creates. It is self-created in the amelyet elmd teremt. Ez egy maga teremtette
sense that at its very centre is the false idea of kosz, abban az rtelemben, hogy kells kzepben
oneself as a thing different and separate from other nmaga hamis ideja ll, mint egy olyan dolog,
things. In reality you are not a thing, nor separate. amely a tbbi dologtl klnbzik, s elklnl.
You are the infinite potentiality; the inexhaustible Valjban nem vagy sem dolog, sem klnll. Te a
possibility. Because you are, all can be. The vgtelen potencialits vagy; a kimerthetetlen
universe is but a partial manifestation of your lehetsg. A te lted miatt lehet minden. Az
limitless capacity to become. univerzum csupn egy rszleges megnyilvnulsa
te valamiv vlsod hatrtalan kapacitsnak.

Q: I find that I am totally motivated by desire for K: gy tallom, hogy engem abszolt motivl az
pleasure and fear of pain. However noble my desire rm utni vgy, s a fjdalomtl val flelem.
and justified my fear, pleasure and pain are the two Brmennyire is nemesek a vgyaim, s indokoltak a
poles between which my life oscillates. flelmeim, letem rm s a fjdalom plusai kztt

M: Go to the source of both pain and pleasure, of M: Menj el minden fjdalom s rm, vgy s
desire and fear. Observe, investigate, try to flelem forrshoz. Figyeld meg, tanulmnyozd,
understand. prbld megrteni.

Q: Desire and fear both are feelings caused by K: Mind a vgy, mind a flelem testi vagy mentlis
physical or mental factors. They are there, easily tnyezk miatt keletkez rzsek. Ott vannak,
observable. But why are they there? Why do l desire knnyen megfigyelhetk. De mirt vannak ott? Mirt
pleasure and fear pain? vgyok az rmre, s flek a fjdalomtl?

M: Pleasure and pain are states of mind. As long as M: A fjdalom s az rm az elme llapotai.
you think you are the mind, or rather, the body-mind, Mindaddig, amg azt gondolod, hogy te vagy az
you are bound to raise such questions. elme, helyesebben szlva a test-elme, ilyen
krdsekhez fogsz ktdni.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
Q: And when I realise that I am not the body, shall I K: s amikor felismerem, hogy nem a test vagyok,
be free from desire and fear? meg fogok szabadulni a vgytl s a flelemtl?

M: As long as there is a body and a mind to protect M: Ameddig van a test, s van a testet vdelmez
the body, attractions and repulsions will operate. elme, addig vonzsok s tasztsok mkdnek. Ott
They will be there, out in the field of events, but will lesznek, az esemnyek tern kvl, de nem fognak
not concern you. The focus of your attention will be tged rintetni. A figyelmed fkusza msutt lesz.
elsewhere. You will not be distracted. Nem leszel zavartatva.

Q: Still they will be there. Will one never be K: De mg mindig ott lesznek. Az ember sose lehet
completely free? teljesen szabad?

M: You are completely free even now. What you call M: Teljesen szabad vagy, e pillanatban is. Amit te
destiny (karma) is but the result of your own will to sorsnak (karma) nevezel, az csak sajt lni
live. How strong is this will you can judge by the akarsod eredmnye. Hogy milyen ers ez az
universal horror of death. akarat, arra a halltl val univerzlis irtzsbl

Q: People die willingly quite often. K: Az emberek elg ritkn halnak meg szvesen.

M: Only when the alternative is worse than death. M: Csak amikor az alternatva rosszabb a hallnl.
But such readiness to die flows from the same De az ilyen hallra val kszenlt ugyanabbl a
source as the will to live, a source deeper even than forrsbl ered, mint az lni akars, egy olyan
life itself. To be a living being is not the ultimate forrsbl, amely magnl az letnl is mlyebb.
state; there is something beyond, much more llnynek lenni nem a vgs stdium; azon tl van
wonderful, which is neither being nor non-being, valami sokkal csodlatosabb, ami sem ltez, sem
neither living nor notliving. It is a state of pure nem ltez, sem l, sem lettelen. A tiszta
awareness, beyond the limitations of space and tudatossg llapota, tl tr s id korltain. Amint a
time. Once the illusion that the body-mind is oneself test-elmvel val azonossg illzijt elhagyod, a
is abandoned, death loses its terror, it becomes a hall elveszti rmuralmt, az let rszv vlik.
part of living.

31. Do not Undervalue Attention 31. Ne becsld le a figyelmet

Questioner: As I look at you, you seem to be a poor Krdez: Amint ltom, te egy szegny, nagyon
man with very limited means, facing all the problems korltozott anyagi eszkzkkel rendelkez ember
of poverty and old age, like everybody else. vagy, aki, mint mindenki ms, szembesl az regkor
s a szegnysg sszes problmjval.

Maharaj: Were I very rich, what difference would it Maharaj: Ha nagyon gazdag lennk, az miben
make? I am what I am. What else can I be? I am jelentene klnbsget? Az vagyok, ami vagyok. Mi
neither rich nor poor, I am myself. egyb lehetnk? Nem vagyok sem gazdag, sem
szegny, nmagam vagyok.

Q: Yet, you are experiencing pleasure and pain. K: De mgis tapasztalsz rmt s fjdalmat.

M: I am experiencing these in consciousness, but I M: n ezeket a tudatossgban tapasztalom, de n

am neither consciousness, nor its content. sem a tudatossg, sem annak tartalma nem vagyok.

Q: You say that in our real being we are all equal. K: Azt mondod, hogy valdi ltnkben mindannyian
How is it that your experience is so different from egyenlk vagyunk. Hogyan lehetsges, hogy a te
ours. tapasztalatod annyira klnbzik a mienktl?

M: My actual experience is not different. It is my M: A valsgos tapasztalatom nem tr el a

evaluation and attitude that differ. I see the same tietektl. A kirtkelsem s az attitdm, az, ami
world as you do, but not the same way. There is eltr. Ugyanazt a vilgot ltom, mint ti, de nem
nothing mysterious about it. Everybody sees the ugyanolyan mdon. Nincs ebben semmi titokzatos.
world through the idea he has of himself. As you A vilgot mindenki az nmagrl alkotott iden
think yourself to be, so you think the world to be. If keresztl ltja. Mivel nmagadat ltezek gondolod,
you imagine yourself as separate from the world, the gy a vilgot is lteznek gondolod. Ha gy kpzeled

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
world will appear as separate from you and you will el nmagad, hogy a vilgtl elklnlsz, akkor a
experience desire and fear. I do not see the world as vilg gy fog megjelenni, mint ami elklnl tled, s
separate from me and so there is nothing for me to vgyat s flelmet fogsz tapasztalni. n nem ltom
desire, or fear. klnllnak tlem a vilgot, s gy szmomra
semmi nem kvnatos, vagy flelmetes.

Q: You are a point of light in the world. Not K: Te egy vilgt pont vagy a vilgban. Nem
everybody is. mindenki az.

M: There is absolutely no difference between me M: Abszolt semmi klnbsg nincs kztem s

and others, except in my knowing myself as I am. I msok kztt, azon kvl, hogy n n vagyokknt
am all. I know it for certain and you do not. ismerem magam. n vagyok minden. n ezt
bizonyosan tudom, te pedig nem.

Q: So we differ all the same. K: Teht mgis klnbznk.

M: No, we do not. The difference is only in the mind M: Nem, nem klnbznk. A klnbsg csak az
and temporary. I was like you, you will be like me. elmben van, s csak tmenetileg. Olyan voltam,
mint te, olyan leszel, mint n.

Q: God made a most diversified world. K: Isten a lehet legvltozatosabb vilgot teremtette.

M: The diversity is in you only. See yourself as you M: A vltozatossg benned csupn van. Lsd
are and you will see the world as it is -- a single magad, ahogy vagy, s gy fogod ltni a vilgot,
block of reality, indivisible, indescribable. Your own ahogy az van a valsg egyetlen oszthatatlan,
creative power projects upon it a picture and all your lerhatatlan tmbjeknt. A te tulajdon kreatv erd
questions refer to the picture. vetti r a kpet, s minden krdsed a kpre

Q: A Tibetan Yogi wrote that God creates the world K: Egy tibeti Yogi rta, hogy Isten cllal teremtette a
for a purpose and runs it according to a plan. The vilgot, s tervszeren mkdteti. A cl j, s a terv
purpose is good and the plan is most wise. a legblcsebb.

M: All this is temporary, while I am dealing with the M: Mindez tmeneti jelleg, ezzel szemben n az
eternal. Gods and their universes come and go, rkkvalval foglalkozom. Istenek s univerzumaik
avatars follow each other in endless succession, and jelennek meg s tnnek el, avatrok kvetik
in the end we are back at the source. I talk only of egymst vgtelen sorban, s a vgn visszatrnk a
the timeless source of all the gods with all their forrsba. n csak az sszes istenek s sszes
universes, past, present and future. univerzumaik mltjnak, jelennek s jvjnek az
idtlen forrsrl beszlek.

Q: Do you know them all? Do you remember them? K: Ismered mindet? Emlkszel rjuk?

M: When a few boys stage a play for fun, what is M: Amikor nhny gyerek sznre visz egy
there to see and to remember? darabot,hogy szrakozzanak, mit kell ott ltni s

Q: Why is half humanity male and half female? K: A fl emberisg mirt frfi, s a fele n?

M: For their happiness. The impersonal (avyakta) M: A boldogsguk rdekben. A szemlytelen

becomes the personal (vyakta) for the sake of (avyakta) szemlyess (vyakta) vlik a kapcsolatbeli
happiness in relationship. By the grace of my Guru I boldogsg kedvrt. Gurum kegyelmbl azonosan
can look with equal eye on the impersonal as well as tudom tekinteni a szemlytelent, s a szemlyest.
the personal. Both are one to me. In life the personal Egyek szmomra. Az letben a szemlyes
merges in the impersonal. sszeolvad a szemlytelennel.

Q: How does the personal emerge from the K: A szemlyes hogyan emelkedik ki a
impersonal? szemlytelenbl?

M: The two are but aspects of one Reality. It is not M: Ezek csak aspektusai az egyetlen Valsgnak.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
correct to talk of one preceding the other. All these Nem helyes az a megfogalmazs, hogy az egyik
ideas belong to the waking state. megelzi a msikat. Mindkt idea a felbredett
llapothoz tartozik.

Q: What brings in the waking state? K: Mi visz a felbredett llapotba?

M: At the root of all creation lies desire. Desire and M: Minden teremtsnek vgy a gykere. A vgy s a
imagination foster and reinforce each other. The kpzelet egymst tplljk s erstik. A negyedik
fourth state (turiya) is a state of pure witnessing, llapot (turiya) a tiszta tansg elfogulatlanul ber,
detached awareness, passionless and wordless. It is szenvedlytelen s szavakkal ki nem fejezhet
like space, unaffected by whatever it contains. llapota. Olyan, mint a tr, amely semmi ltal nem
Bodily and mental troubles do not reach it -- they are befolysolt, akrmit foglal magban. Testi s
outside, 'there', while the witness is always 'here'. mentlis zavarok nem rintik azok, ott kvl
vannak, mg a tansg mindig itt van.

Q: What is real, the subjective or the objective? I am K: Melyik valsgos, a szubjektv, vagy az objektv?
inclined to believe that the objective universe is the Hajlamos vagyok azt hinni, hogy az objektv
real one and my subjective psyche is changeful and univerzum az egyetlen valsg, szubjektv pszichm
transient. You seem to claim reality for your inner, pedig vltozkony s muland. Te viszont, amint
subjective states and deny all reality to the concrete, ltom, bels, szubjektv llapotaidat tekinted
external world. valsgnak, s elutastod minden realitst a
kzzelfoghat, kls vilgnak.

M: Both the subjective and the objective are M: A szubjektv s az objektv, egyarnt vltozkony
changeful and transient. There is nothing real about s muland. Semmi nem valdi, ami velk
them. Find the permanent in the fleeting, the one kapcsolatos. Keresd llandt a mulandban, az
constant factor in every experience egyetlen vltozatlan tnyezt minden

Q: What is this constant factor? K: Mi ez a vltozatlan tnyez?

M: My giving it various names and pointing it out in M: A klnfle nevek adsa, s a sokfle mdon
many ways will not help you much, unless you have val rmutats nem sok segtsget jelent szmodra,
the capacity to see. A dim-sighted man will not see hacsak nem rendelkezel a lts kpessgvel. A
the parrot on the branch of a tree, however much homlyosan lt ember nem fogja ltni az gon l
you may prompt him to look. At best he will see your papagjt, akrmennyire is sztnzd t a nzsre. A
pointed finger. First purify your vision, learn to see legjobb esetben a mutatujjadat ltja. Elbb tiszttsd
instead of staring, and you will perceive the parrot. meg a ltsodat, tanulj meg nzni bmszkods
Also you must be eager to see. You need both helyett, s meg fogod ltni a papagjt. Ezenfell
clarity and earnestness for self-knowledge. You trelmesnek is kell lenned, hogy lss. Az
need maturity of heart and mind, which comes nismerethez tisztasgra is, s komolysgra is
through earnest application in daily life of whatever szksg van. Szksg van a szv s az elme
little you have understood. There is no such thing as rettsgre, amely a mindennapi komoly
compromise in Yoga. alkalmazson keresztl bred fel, brmi kevss is
rted. A Yogban nincs kompromisszum.

If you want to sin, sin wholeheartedly and openly. Ha vtkezni akarsz, teljes szvvel s nyltan vtkezz.
Sins too have their lessons to teach the earnest A vtkeknek is megvan a maguk feladata, tantani a
sinner, as virtues -- the earnest saint. It is the mixing komoly vtkezt, miknt az ernyeknek is a
up the two that is so disastrous. Nothing can block komoly szentlett. E kett sszetvesztse
you so effectively as compromise, for it shows lack vgzetes dolog. Semmi nem blokkolhat oly
of earnestness, without which nothing can be done. hatkonyan, mint a kompromisszum, mert az a
komolysg hinyt mutatja, amely nlkl semmi nem
vihet vgbe.

Q: I approve of austerity, but in practice I am all for K: Helyeslem a mrtkletessget, de gyakorlatilag

luxury. The habit of chasing pleasure and shunning kt kzzel kapok a luxus utn. Az lvezet
pain is so ingrained in me, that all my good hajszolsnak s a fjdalom elkerlsnek a
intentions, quite alive on the level of theory, find no szoksa annyira belm ivdott, hogy sszes j
roots in my day-to-day life. To tell me that I am not clom, melyek elmleti szinten teljesen elevenek,

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
honest does not help me, for I just do not know how nem eresztenek gykeret htkznapi letemben. Ha
to make myself honest. rm olvassk, hogy nem vagyok becsletes, az nem
segt rajtam, mert pp azt nem tudom, hogyan vljak

M: You are neither honest nor dishonest -- giving M: Sem becsletes, sem becstelen nem vagy a
names to mental states is good only for expressing mentlis llapotok elnevezse csak elfogadsod
your approval or disapproval. The problem is not vagy eltlsed kifejezsre j. A problma nem a te
yours -- it is your mind's only. Begin by problmd elmd csupn. Kezdd magad
disassociating yourself from your mind. Resolutely elklnteni az elmdtl. Eltklten emlkeztesd
remind yourself that you are not the mind and that its magad, hogy te nem az elme vagy, s hogy annak
problems are not yours. problmi nem a tieid.

Q: I may go on telling myself: 'I am not the mind, I K: Mondogathatom magamnak: n nem az elme
am not concerned with its problems,' but the mind vagyok, nem rintenek annak problmi, de az
remains and its problems remain just as they were. elme megmarad, s a problmi is megmaradnak,
Now, please do not tell me that it is because I am ppen, ahogy voltak. Ne mondd azt most nekem,
not earnest enough and I should be more earnest. I krlek, hogy nem vagyok elg komoly, s vljak
know it and admit it and only ask you -- how is it komolyabb. Ezt n tudom, s el is fogadom, csak
done? azt krdezem tled hogyan kell ezt csinlni?

M: At least you are asking. Good enough, for a start. M: Legalbb krdezel. Ez megfelel, kiindulsnak.
Go on pondering, wondering, being anxious to find a Tovbbra is legyl elmlked, kvncsi, az tkeress
way. Be conscious of yourself, watch your mind, sorn. Lgy tudatban nmagadnak, figyeld
give it your full attention. Don't look for quick results; elmdet, szenteld neki teljes figyelmedet. Ne vrj
there may be none within your noticing. Unknown to gyors eredmnyeket; azok nem biztos, hogy
you, your psyche will undergo a change, there will szrevehetk lesznek szmodra. Ismeretlenl is azt
be more clarity in your thinking, charity in your mondom, pszichd vltozson fog keresztlmenni,
feeling, purity in your behaviour. You need not aim gondolkodsod sokkal vilgosabb vlik, rzseidbe
at these -- you will witness the change all the same. jindulat, magatartsodba tisztasg kltzik. Nem
For, what you are now is the result of inattention and kell clul kitznd mgis fogod tapasztalni ezeket a
what you become will be the fruit of attention. vltozsokat. Mert ami most vagy, az
figyelmetlensg eredmnye, s amiv vlsz, az
figyelem gymlcse lesz.

Q: Why should mere attention make all the K: Mirt kellene mr, az egsz klnbsget a puszta
difference? figyelemnek hozza ltre?

M: So far your life was dark and restless (tamas and M: Ez ideig leted stt s nyugtalan (tamas s
rajas). Attention, alertness, awareness, clarity, rajas) volt. A figyelem, az elvigyzatossg, az
liveliness, vitality, are all manifestations of integrity, bersg, a tisztasg, az elevensg, az
oneness with your true nature (sattva). It is in the letkpessg, mind a te igaz termszeteddel
nature of sattva to reconcile and neutralise tamas (sattva) val integrits, egysg megnyilvnulsa. A
and rajas and rebuild the personality in accordance sattva termszete, hogy lecsillaptja s semlegesti a
with the true nature of the self. Sattva is the faithful tamast s a rajast, s a helyrelltja a szemlyisget
servant of the self; ever attentive and obedient. az n igaz termszetnek megfelelen. A Sattva, az
n hsges szolgja; llandan figyelmes s

Q: And I shall come to it through mere attention? K: s ezt puszta figyelemmel fogom elrni?

M: Do not undervalue attention. It means interest M: Ne becsld al a figyelmet. rdekldst jelent, s

and also love. To know, to do, to discover, or to szeretetet is. A tuds, cselekvs, felfedezs, vagy
create you must give your heart to it -- which means teremts rdekben a szvedet kell adnod ami
attention. All the blessings flow from it. figyelmet jelent. Minden lds ebbl ered.

Q: You advise us to concentrate on 'I am'. Is this too K: Azt tancsolod, koncentrljunk a vagyok-ra. Ez
a form of attention? is a figyelem egy formja?

M: What else? Give your undivided attention to the M: Mi ms lenne? Szenteld osztatlan figyelmedet

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
most important in your life -- yourself. Of your annak, ami az letedben a legfontosabb
personal universe you are the centre -- without nmagadnak. Szemlyes univerzumodnak te vagy a
knowing the centre what else can you know? kzpontja a kzpont ismeretn kvl mi egyebet
kellene mg tudnod?

Q: But how can I know myself? To know myself I K: De hogy ismerhetem meg nmagam? nmagam
must be away from myself. But what is away from megismershez el kell tvolodnom nmagamtl.
myself cannot be myself. So, it looks that I cannot De ami tvol van nmagamtl, az nem lehet
know myself, only what I take to be myself. nmagam. gy ltszik, teht, hogy nem ismerhetem
meg nmagam, csak azt, aminek tartom magam.

M: Quite right. As you cannot see your face, but only M: Kitn. Ahogy a sajt arcodat sem lthatod, csak
its reflection in the mirror, so you can know only your annak tkrbli tkrkpt, ppgy csak a tiszta
image reflected in the stainless mirror of pure tudatossg makultlan tkrben tkrzd kpedet
awareness. lthatod.

Q: How am I to get such stainless mirror? K: Hogyan juthatok ilyen makultlan tkrhz?

M: Obviously, by removing stains. See the stains M: Kzenfekv, a foltok eltvoltsval. Lsd a
and remove them. The ancient teaching is fully valid. foltokat, s tvoltsd el ket. Az si tants teljes
mrtkben igaz.

Q: What is seeing and what is removing? K: Mi a lts s mi az eltvolts?

M: The nature of the perfect mirror is such that you M: A tkletes tkrt, a termszetbl fakadan,
cannot see it. Whatever you can see is bound to be nem ltod. Brmi, amit ltsz, a folttal kapcsolatos.
a stain. Turn away from it, give it up, know it as Utastsd el, add fel, ismerd fel, mint nemkvnatost.

Q: All perceivables, are they stains? K: Minden folt, ami szlelhet?

M: All are stains. M: Mindegyikk folt.

Q: The entire world is a stain. K: Az egsz vilg folt.

M: Yes, it is. M: Igen, az.

Q: How awful. So, the universe is of no value? K: Micsoda borzalom. Teht az univerzum

M: It is of tremendous value. By going beyond it you M: Ennek risi rtke van. A rajta val tllpssel
realise yourself. valstod meg nmagad.

Q: But why did it come into being in the first K: De mirt szletett meg, az els alkalommal?

M: You will know it when it ends. M: Tudni fogod, amikor vget r.

Q: Will it ever end? K: Vget r valaha?

M: Yes, for you. M: Igen, szmodra.

Q: When did it begin? K: Mikor kezddtt?

M: Now. M: Most.

Q: When will it end? K: Mikor lesz vge?

M: Now. M: Most.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
Q: It does not end now? K: Mirt nem r vget most?

M: You don't let it. M: Nem hagyod.

Q: I want to let it. K: Azt akarom, hogy vge legyen.

M: You don't. All your life is connected with it. Your M: Nem akarod. Az egsz leted sszefgg vele.
past and future, your desires and fears, all have their Mltad s jvd, vgyaid s flelmeid, mind a
roots in the world. Without the world where are you, vilgban gykereznek. A vilg nlkl hol lennl, ki
who are you? lennl?

Q: But that is exactly what I came to find out. K: De pontosan ezrt jttem ide, hogy megtalljam.

M: And I am telling you exactly this: find a foothold M: s n pontosan errl beszlek: keress egy
beyond and all will be clear and easy. talpalatnyi helyet rajta kvl, s minden tiszta lesz,
s knny.

32. Life is the Supreme Guru 32. Az let a Legfbb Guru

Questioner: We two came from far off countries; Krdez: Mi ketten egy tvoli orszgbl jttnk;
one of us is British, the other American. The world in egyiknk angol, msikunk amerikai. A vilg
which we were born is falling apart and, being amelyben szlettnk darabokra hullik, s fiatalok
young, we are concerned. The old people hope they lvn, aggdunk emiatt. Az ids emberek,
will die their own death, but the young have no such remnyeik szerint, maguktl halnak meg, de a
hope. Some of us may refuse to kill, but none can fiatalok nem remlnek ilyet. Nmelyiknk
refuse to be killed. Can we hope to set the world elutasthatja, hogy ljn, de azt, hogy t megljk,
right within our lifetime? senki nem tudja elhrtani. Remlhetjk a vilg jra
fordulst, mg a mi letnk alatt?

Maharaj: What makes you think that the world is Maharaj: Mi ksztet arra, hogy azt gondold, hogy a
going to perish? vilg el fog pusztulni?

Q: The instruments of destruction have become K: A pusztt eszkzk ereje hihetetlen mrtkben
unbelievably potent. Also, our very productivity has megntt. Ezen fell, termelsnk egyre inkbb
become destructive of nature and of our cultural and rombol hatssal van a termszetre, valamint
social values. kulturlis s trsadalmi rtkeinkre.

M: You are talking of the present times. It has been M: Ti most a jelenrl beszltek. gy volt ez mindig,
so everywhere and always. But the distressing s mindenhol. De a lehangol helyzet lehet, hogy
situation may be temporary and local. Once over, it idleges s loklis. Egyszer vge lesz, s el fogjtok
will be forgotten. felejteni.

Q: The scale of the impending catastrophe is K: Hihetetlenl nagyarny katasztrfa kszbn

unbelievably big. We live in the midst of an llunk. Egy hatalmas robbans kzepette lnk.

M: Each man suffers alone and dies alone. Numbers M: Minden ember egyedl szenved, s egyedl hal
are irrelevant. There is as much death when a meg. A szmoknak nincs jelentsgk. Ugyanannyi
million die as when one perishes. a hall, mikor millik halnak, s amikor egy pusztul

Q: Nature kills by the millions, but this does not K: A termszetet millik gyilkoljk, de engem ez
frighten me. There may be tragedy or mystery in it, nem riaszt. Lehet tragikus vagy rejtlyes, de ne
but no cruelty. What horrifies me is man-made legyen kegyetlen. Ami elborzaszt, az az ember ltal
suffering, destruction and desolation. Nature is keltett szenveds, rombols s pusztts. A
magnificent in its doings and undoings. But there is termszet fennklt mdon cselekszik, akr ltrehoz,
meanness and madness in the acts of man. akr pusztt. De az ember cselekedetei
hitvnysggal s rlettel vannak tele.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
M: Right. So, it is not suffering and death that are M: Rendben. Teht nem a szenveds s a hall a
your problem, but the meanness and madness at problmd, hanem azok gykere, a hitvnysg s
their root. Is not meanness also a form of madness? az rlet. Nemde a hitvnysg is az rlet egy
And is not madness the misuse of the mind? formja? s nemde az rlet az elme tves
Humanity's problem lies in this misuse of the mind hasznlata? Az emberisg problmja csupn az
only. All the treasures of nature and spirit are open elme ilyetn val tves hasznlatban rejlik. A
to man who will use his mind rightly. termszet s a szellem minden kincse feltrul azon
ember szmra, aki az elmjt helyesen hasznlja.

Q: What is the right use of mind? K: Hogyan kell az elmt helyesen hasznlni?

M: Fear and greed cause the misuse of the mind. M: Flelem s kapzsisg az oka az elme helytelen
The right use of mind is in the service of love, of life, hasznlatnak. Az elme helyes hasznlata a szeret,
of truth, of beauty. az let, az igazsg, a szpsg szolglatt jelenti.

Q: Easier said than done. Love of truth, of man, K: Knnyebb mondani, mint csinlni. Az igazsg
goodwill -- what luxury. We need plenty of it to set szeretete, az ember szeretete, jakarat micsoda
the world right, but who will provide? fnyzs. Sok kell ezekbl ahhoz, hogy a vilg
jobb vljon, de ki az, aki ezekrl gondoskodik?

M: You can spend an eternity looking elsewhere for M: Egy rkkvalsgot is eltlthetsz az igazsg s
truth and love, intelligence and goodwill, imploring szeretet, intelligencia s jakarat keressvel,
God and man -- all in vain. You must begin in esedezve Istennek s embernek teljesen
yourself, with yourself -- this is the inexorable law. haszontalanul. Magadban, magaddal kell kezdened
You cannot change the image without changing the ez az engesztelhetetlen trvny. Nem tudod
face. First realise that your world is only a reflection megvltoztatni a kpet, az arc megvltoztatsa
of yourself and stop finding fault with the reflection. nlkl. Elszr ismerd fel, hogy vilgod csak
Attend to yourself, set yourself right -- mentally and nmagad tkrzdse, s hagyd abba a tkrkp
emotionally. The physical will follow automatically. kritizlst. Magaddal trdj, magadat hozd rendbe
You talk so much of reforms: economic, social, mentlis s emocionlis llapotodat. A testi
political. Leave alone the reforms and mind the kvetni fogja, automatikusan. Oly sokat beszlsz
reformer. What kind of world can a man create who reformokrl: gazdasgi, szocilis, politikai
is stupid, greedy, heartless? reformokrl. Hagyd a reformokat, s trdj a
reformerrel. Mifle vilg teremthet olyan embert,
amely ostoba, kapzsi, szvtelen?

Q: If we have to wait for a change of heart, we shall K: Ha a szv vltozsra kell vrnunk, akkor a
have to wait indefinitely. Yours is a counsel of vgtelensgig kell vrnunk. A te blcsessged a
perfection, which is also a counsel of despair. When tkletessg blcsessge, amely egyben a
all are perfect, the world will be perfect. What lemonds blcsessge is. Amikor minden tkletes,
useless truism. akkor az egsz vilg tkletes lesz. Micsoda
haszontalan kzhely.

M: I did not say it. I only said: You cannot change M: n nem ezt mondtam. n csak azt mondtam:
the world before changing yourself. I did not say -- nem vltoztathatod meg a vilgot, nmagad
before changing everybody. It is neither necessary, megvltoztatsa eltt. Nem azt mondtam azt, hogy
nor possible to change others. But if you can change mindenki megvltozatsa eltt. Nem szksges, s
yourself you will find that no other change is needed. nem is lehetsges msokat megvltoztatni. De ha
To change the picture you merely change the film, nmagadat meg tudod vltoztatni, gy fogod tallni,
you do not attack the cinema screen. hogy semmilyen ms vltozsra nincs szksg. A
kp megvltoztatshoz csak a filmet kell
kicserlned, nem kell megrohamoznod a

Q: How can you be so sure of yourself? How do you K: Hogy lehetsz ennyire biztos nmagadban?
know that what you say is true? Honnan tudod, hogy amit mondasz, az igaz?

M: It is not of myself that I am sure, I am sure of you. M: Nem nmagam az, amiben biztos vagyok,
All you need is to stop searching outside what can benned vagyok biztos. Mindssze az szksges,
be found only within. Set your vision right before you hogy hagyd abba, hogy kvl keresed, ami csak

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
operate. You are suffering from acute bell tallhat. Hozd rendbe a ltsodat, mieltt
misapprehension. Clarify your mind, purify your operlsz. Akut flrertstl szenvedsz. Vilgostsd
heart, sanctify your life -- this is the quickest way to meg elmdet, tiszttsd meg szvedet, szenteld meg
a change of your world. letedet ez a leggyorsabb mdja a vilg

Q: So many saints and mystics lived and died. They K: Olyan sok szent s misztikus lt, s halt meg
did not change my world. anlkl, hogy megvltoztatta volna a vilgot.

M: How could they? Your world is not theirs, nor is M: Hogyan tehettk volna? A te vilgod nem az
their yours. vk, sem az vk nem a tid.

Q: Surely there is a factual world common to all. K: Biztos, hogy van egy trgyi vilg, amely mindenki
szmra kzs.

M: The world of things, of energy and matter? Even M: Dolgok, energia s anyag vilga? Mg ha lenne
if there were such a common world of things and is a dogoknak s erknek egy ilyen kzs vilga, az
forces, it is not the world in which we live. Ours is a nem az a vilg, amelyben mi lnk. A mi vilgunk az
world of feelings and ideas, of attractions and rzsek s idek, vonzsok s tasztsok,
repulsions, of scales of values, of motives and rtkrendek, motivcik s serkentk vilga,
incentives, a mental world altogether. Biologically we mindent egybevetve egy mentlis vilg. Biolgiailag
need very little, our problems are of a different order. nagyon kevsre van szksgnk, a mi problmink
Problems created by desires and fears and wrong ms rendek. A problmk a vgyak s flelmek
ideas can be solved only on the level of the mind. miatt keletkeznek, s rossz idek csak az elme
You must conquer your own mind and for this you szintjn oldhatk meg. Le kell gyznd sajt
must go beyond it. elmdet, s ehhez meg kell azt haladni.

Q: What does it mean to go beyond the mind. K: Mit jelent az elme meghaladsa?

M: You have gone beyond the body, haven't you? M: A testet mr meghaladtad, nemde? Mr nem
You do not closely follow your digestion, circulation ksred szoros figyelemmel az emsztst, a
or elimination. These have become automatic. In the keringst vagy az elvlasztst. Ezek automatikuss
same way the mind should work automatically, vltak. Ugyangy kell az elme munkjnak is
without calling for attention. This will not happen automatikuss, odafigyels nlkliv vlnia. Ez nem
unless the mind works faultlessly. We are, most of kvetkezik be, hacsak az elme munkja hibtlann
our time mind and body-conscious, because they nem vlik. Idnk legnagyobb rszben elme- s
constantly call for help. Pain and suffering are only testtudatosak vagyunk, mivel ezek llandan
the body and the mind screaming for attention. To segtsgrt kiltanak. A fjdalom s a szenveds
go beyond the body you must be healthy: To go csak figyelemrt vistoz test s elme. A test
beyond the mind, you must have your mind in meghaladshoz egszsgesnek kell lenned: az
perfect order. You cannot leave a mess behind and elme meghaladshoz elmdnek tkletesen
go beyond. The mess will bog you up. 'Pick up your rendben kell lennie. Nem lehet rendetlensget
rubbish' seems to be the universal law. And a just magad utn hagyva tovbblpni. A rendetlensg el
law too. fog nyelni. A szedd ssze a szemetedet univerzlis
trvnynek tnik. s igazsgosnak is.

Q: Am I permitted to ask you how did you go beyond K: Megengeded, hogy megkrdezzem, hogy te
the mind? hogyan haladtad meg az elmdet?

M: By the grace of my Guru. M: Gurum kegyelmbl.

Q: What shape his grace took? M: Milyen formt lttt az kegyelme?

M: He told me what is true. M: Elmondta nekem, hogy mi az igazsg.

Q: What did he tell you? K: Mit mondott?

M: He told me I am the Supreme Reality. M: Azt mondta, n vagyok a Legfelsbb Realits.

Q: What did you do about it? K: Mihez kezdtl vele?

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok

M: I trusted him and remembered it. M: Hittem benne, s az eszembe vstem.

Q: Is that all? K: Ez minden?

M: Yes, I remembered him; I remembered what he M: Igen, hittem benne; eszembe vstem, amit
said. mondott.

Q: You mean to say that this was enough? K: Azt akarod mondani, hogy ennyi elg volt?

M: What more needs be done? It was quite a lot to M: Mit kellett volna mg tenni, ezen kvl? pp elg
remember the Guru and his words. My advice to you volt a Gurura s szavaira emlkezni. Az a tancs,
is even less difficult than this -- just remember amit neked adok, ennl mg kevsb bonyolult
yourself. 'I am', is enough to heal your mind and take csak emlkezz nmagadra. Az n vagyok
you beyond. Just have some trust. I don't mislead elegend, hogy elmdet meggygytsd, majd
you. Why should l? Do I want anything from you. I meghaladd. Csak egy kis hitre van szksg. Nem
wish you well -- such is my nature. Why should I csaplak be. Mirt tennm? Taln akarok valamit
mislead you? Commonsense too will tell you that to tled? Jt kvnok neked ez a termszetem. Mirt
fulfil a desire you must keep your mind on it. If you vezetnlek flre? A jzan sz szerint is, ha
want to know your true nature, you must have teljesteni akarsz egy vgyat, akkor az eszedben kell
yourself in mind all the time, until the secret of your tartanod. Ha meg akarod ismerni igazi
being stands revealed. termszetedet, llandan szben kell tartanod
nmagad, amg lted titka fel nem trul.

Q: Why should self-remembrance bring one to self- K: Mirt kell az nemlkezsnek nmegvalstst
realisation? eredmnyeznie?

M: Because they are but two aspects of the same M: Mert ez csak kt aspektusa ugyanannak az
state. Selfremembrance is in the mind, self- llapotnak. Az nemlkezs az elmben van, az
realisation is beyond the mind. The image in the nmegvalsts az elmn tl. A tkrben lv kp, a
mirror is of the face beyond the mirror. tkrn tli arc.

Q: Fair enough. But what is the purpose? K: Elg rthet. De mi a cl?

M: To help others, one must be beyond the need of M: A msokon val segtsghez meg kell, hogy
help. haladd a segtsg irnti szksget.

Q: All I want is to be happy. K: Csupn boldog akarok lenni.

M: Be happy to make happy. M: Lgy boldog, hogy boldogsgot teremts.

Q: Let others take care of themselves. K: Mindenki gondoskodjon nmagrl.

M: Sir, you are not separate. The happiness you M: n nem klnll, Uram. Amely boldogsg nem
cannot share is spurious. Only the shareable is truly megoszthat, helytelen. Csak a megoszthat igazn
desirable. kvnatos.

Q: Right. But do I need a Guru? What you tell me is K: Rendben. De kell nekem Guru? Amit mondasz
simple and convincing. I shall remember it. This egyszer s meggyz. Megjegyezem az
does not make you my Guru. elmondottakat. Ettl nem leszel a Gurum.

M: it is not the worship of a person that is crucial, but M: Nem a szemly imdata a lnyeges, hanem a
the steadiness and depth of your devotion to the feladat irnti odaadsod szilrdsga s a mlysge.
task. Life itself is the Supreme Guru; be attentive to Maga az let a Legfelsbb Guru; gyelj a tle kapott
its lessons and obedient to its commands. When you leckkre, s engedelmeskedj parancsainak. A
personalise their source, you have an outer Guru; forrsuk megszemlyestsekor van kls Gurud;
when you take them from life directly, the Guru is amikor kzvetlenl az lettl veszed azokat, akkor a
within. Remember, wonder, ponder, live with it, love Guru bell van. Tartsd eszedben, csodld, elmlkedj
it, grow into it, grow with it, make it your own -- the rajta, lj vele, szeresd, nj bele, nj vele, tedd
word of your Guru, outer or inner. Put in all and you sajtodd a szavt a Gurunak, legyen az akr

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
will get all. I was doing it. All my time I was giving to kls, akr bels. Adj bele mindent, s megkapsz
my Guru and to what he told me. mindent. n megcsinltam. Minden idmet
Gurumnak szenteltem, s annak, amit mondott

Q: I am a writer by profession. Can you give me K: A foglalkozsom r. Tudsz valamilyen

some advice, for me specifically? kifejezetten nekem szl tancsot adni?

M: Writing is both a talent and a skill. Grow in talent M: Az rs kpessg, egyben szakrtelem. Nveld
and develop in skill. Desire what is worth desiring kpessgedet s fejleszd szakrtelmedet. Vgyj
and desire it well. Just like you pick your way in a arra, ami vgyakozsra rdemes, s vgyakozz jl.
crowd, passing between people, so you find your Ahogy az utadat keresed a tmegben, az emberek
way between events, without missing your general kztt haladva, gy keresd utadat az esemnyek
direction. It is easy, if you are earnest. kztt, f irnyod elhibzsa nlkl. Ez knny, ha
komoly vagy.

Q: So many times you mention the need of being K: Sokszor emlted a komolysg szksgessgt.
earnest. But we are not men of single will. We are De mi nem vagyunk ppen egy akarat emberek.
congeries of desires and needs, instincts and Egy halom vgy s szksglet, hajlam s sztn
promptings. They crawl over each other, sometimes vagyunk. Egymson tcsapva hol egyik, hol msik
one, sometimes another dominating, but never for dominl, de sohasem sokig.

M: There are no needs, desires only. M: Nincsenek szksgletek, csak vgyak vannak.

Q: To eat, to drink, to shelter one's body; to live? K: Az evs, ivs, a testrl val gondoskods, maga
az let nem az?

M: The desire to live is the one fundamental desire. M: Az lni vgys az egyetlen alapvet vgy.
All else depends on it. Minden ms ennek fggvnye.

Q: We live, because we must. K: Azrt lnk, mert muszj.

M: We live, because we crave sensory existence. M: Azrt lnk, mert szksgnk van az rzki

Q: A thing so universal cannot be wrong. K: Ami ennyire univerzlis, nem lehet rossz.

M: Not wrong, of course. In its own place and time M: Termszetesen nem rossz. A sajt helyn s
nothing is wrong. But when you are concerned with idejn semmi nem rossz. De amikor az igazsg, a
truth, with reality, you must question every thing, valsg rdekel, meg kell vizsglnod minden dolgot,
your very life. By asserting the necessity of sensory az egsz letedet. Ha azt lltod, hogy rzki s
and intellectual experience you narrow down your intellektulis tapasztalatra van szksg, akkor
enquiry to search for comfort. cskken a knyelem keresse irnti rdekldsed

Q: I seek happiness, not comfort. K: Boldogsgot keresek, nem knyelmet.

M: Beyond comfort of mind and body what M: Elme s test knyelmn tl milyen boldogsgra
happiness do you know? gondolsz?

Q: Is there any other? K: Van valami ms?

M: Find out for yourself. Question every urge, hold M: Fedezd fel te magad. Krdjelezz meg minden
no desire legitimate. Empty of possession, physical sztnzst, ne tekintsd a vgyat jogosnak. Vlj meg
and mental, free of all self-concern, be open for tulajdonaidtl, testiektl s szellemiektl, szabadulj
discovery. meg minden nrdektl, lgy nyitott a felfedezsre.

Q: It is a part of Indian spiritual tradition that mere K: Ez az indiai spiritulis tradci rsze, ami szerint
living in the proximity of a saint or sage is conducive egyszeren egy szent vagy blcs kzelsgben lni

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
to liberation and no other means are needed. Why mr szabadsghoz vezet, s nincs szksg ms
don't you organise an Ashram so that people could eszkzre. Mirt nem szervezel egy Ashramot, gy az
live near you? emberek a kzeledben lhetnnek?

M: The moment I create an institution I become its M: Amint ltrehozok egy intzetet, a rabjv vlok.
prisoner. As a matter of fact I am available to all. Tulajdonkppen rendelkezsre llok mindenkinek.
Common roof and food will not make people more Kzs tet s tel nem nyjtana tbbet az
welcome. 'Living near' does not mean breathing the embereknek. A kzelben ls nem jelenti, hogy
same air. It means trusting and obeying, not letting ugyanazt a levegt kell szvni. Jelent viszont hitet s
the good intentions of the teacher go to waste. Have engedelmessget, hogy nem hagyod elfecsrldni a
your Guru always in your heart and remember his tant j szndkt. Gurud tartsd mindig a
instructions -- this is real abidance with the true. szvedben, s tantsait az eszedben ez az
Physical proximity is least important. Make your igazsgban val valdi tartzkods. A testi kzelsg
entire life an expression of your faith and love for kevsb fontos. Tedd egsz letedet tantd irnti
your teacher -- this is real dwelling with the Guru. hited s szereteted kifejezdsv ez a Guruval
val valdi egyttlt.

33. Everything Happens by Itself 33. Minden magtl trtnik

Questioner: Does a gnani die? Krdez: Meghal a gnani?

Maharaj: He is beyond life and death. What we take Maharaj: meghaladta az letet s a hallt. Amit
to be inevitable -- to be born and to die -- appears to mi elkerlhetetlennek hisznk a szlets s a hall
him but a way of expressing movement in the , az szmra csak a mozdulatlanban val mozgs,
Immovable, change in the changeless, end in the a vltozatlanban val vltozs, a vg nlkliben val
endless. To the gnani it is obvious that nothing is vg egy kifejezsi mdja. A gnani szmra
born and nothing dies, nothing lasts and nothing nyilvnval, hogy semmi nem szletik s semmi
changes, all is as it is -- timelessly. nem hal meg, semmi nem maradand s semmi
nem vltozik, minden az ami idtlenl.

Q: You say the gnani is beyond. Beyond what? K: Beszltl a gnani meghaladsrl. Mit haladott
Beyond knowledge? meg? Meghaladta a tudst?

M: Knowledge has its rising and setting. M: A tudsnak keletkezik, s elmlik. A tudatossg
Consciousness comes into being and goes out of letre kel, s megsznik ltezni. Ez naponta
being. It is a matter of daily occurrence and megtrtnik, s megfigyelhet. Mindannyian tudjuk,
observation. We all know that sometimes we are hogy olykor tudatosak vagyunk, s nmelykor nem.
conscious and sometimes not. When we are not A nem tudatos llapot a mi szmunkra sttsgnek
conscious, it appears to us as a darkness or a blank. vagy ressgnek tnik. Egy gnani viszont tudatban
But a gnani is aware of himself as neither conscious van nmagnak, amint sohasem tudatos vagy
nor unconscious, but purely aware, a witness to the tudattalan, hanem teljesen ber, tanja az elme
three states of the mind and their contents. hrom llapotnak, s azok tartalmnak.

Q: When does this witnessing begin? K: Mikor kezddik ez a tansg?

M: To a gnani nothing has beginning or ending. As M: A gnani szmra semminek nincs kezdete, vagy
salt dissolves in water, so does everything dissolve vge. Ahogy a s felolddik a vzben, gy olddik fel
into pure being. Wisdom is eternally negating the minden a tiszta ltben. A blcsessg szntelen
unreal. To see the unreal is wisdom. Beyond this lies tagadja a valtlant. Ltni a valtlant, az blcsessg.
the inexpressible. Ezen tl a kifejezhetetlen van.

Q: There is in me the conviction: 'I am the body' K: Meggyzdsem: n a test vagyok. Elismerem,
Granted, I am talking from unwisdom. But the state ezt oktalansgom miatt mondom. De mikor kezdte el
of feeling oneself the body, the body-mind, the mind- az ember rzkelni a test, a test-elme, az elme-test,
body, or even pure mind -- when did it begin? st mi tbb, a tiszta elme llapott?

M: You cannot speak of a beginning of M: Nem beszlhetsz a tudatossg kezdetrl. A

consciousness. The very ideas of beginning and kezdet s az id idei a tudatossgon belliek. Hogy
time are within consciousness. To talk meaningfully rtelmes mdon beszlhess valaminek a kezdetrl,

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
of the beginning of anything, you must step out of it. ki kell lpned belle. s abban a pillanatban, hogy
And the moment you step out, you realise that there kilptl, felismered, hogy nincs ilyen dolog, s soha
is no such thing and never was. There is only reality, nem is volt. Csak valsg van, amelyben nincs
in which no thing' has any being on its own. Like olyan dolog, amelynek sajt lte lenne. Mint ahogy
waves are inseparable from the ocean, so is all a hullmok elvlaszthatatlanok az centl, gy az
existence rooted in being. egsz ltezs is a ltben gykerezik.

Q: The fact is that here and now I am asking you: K: A tny, hogy itt s most krdezlek tged: mikor
when did the feeling 'I am the body' arise? At my keletkezett az n a test vagyok rzse?
birth? or this morning? Szletsemkor? Vagy ma reggel?

M: Now. M: Most.

Q: But I remember having it yesterday too. K: De n emlkszem, hogy tegnap is megvolt.

M: The memory of yesterday is now only. M: A tegnap emlkezete is csak most van.

Q: But surely I exist in time. I have a past and a K: De n minden ktsgen fell idben ltezem.
future. Mltam van, s jvm.

M: That is how you imagine -- now. M: Ezt kpzeled most.

Q: There must have been a beginning. K: Kellett lennie egy kezdetnek.

M: Now. M: Most.

Q: And what about ending? K: s mi van a vggel?

M: What has no beginning cannot end. M: Aminek nincs kezdete, az nem rhet vget.

Q: But I am conscious of my question. K: De n tudatban vagyok a krdsemnek.

M: A false question cannot be answered. It can only M: Egy hamis krdst nem lehet megvlaszolni. Azt
be seen as false. csak hamisnak lehet ltni.

Q: To me it is real. K: Szmomra valsgos.

M: When did it appear real to you? Now. M: Mikor jelent meg szmodra valsgosknt? Most.

Q: Yes, it is quite real to me -- now. K: Igen, teljesen vals szmomra most.

M: What is real about your question? It is a state of M: Hogyan tekinthetnnk valsnak a krdsedet?
mind. No state of mind can be more real than the Az egy elmellapot. Semmilyen elmellapot nem
mind itself. Is the mind real? It is but a collection of lehet valsgosabb, mint az elme maga. Az elme
states, each of them transitory. How can a valsgos? Csak llapotok kollekcija, amelyek
succession of transitory states be considered real? mindegyike ml termszet. Hogyan lehetne ml
llapotok sort valsnak tekinteni?

Q: Like beads on a string, events follow events -- for K: Mint egy gyngysor szemei, gy kvetik egymst
ever. az esemnyek rkkn-rkk.

M: They are all strung on the basic idea: 'I am the M: Mindegyikk az n a test vagyok alap idera
body'. But even this is a mental state and does not van felfzve. Azonban mg ez is egy mentlis
last. It comes and goes like all other states. The llapot, s nem tarts. Megjelenik s eltnik, akr a
illusion of being the body-mind is there, only tbbi llapot. A test-elme ltnek illzija csak azrt
because it is not investigated. Non-investigation is lehetsges, mert nem tanulmnyoztad. A
the thread on which all the states of mind are strung. tanulmnyozatlansg fonalra van felfzve az elme
It is like darkness in a closed room. It is there -- sszes llapota. Ez olyan, mint a zrt szobban lv
apparently. But when the room is opened, where sttsg. Ott van ltszlag. De amikor az ajt
does it go? It goes nowhere, because it was not kinylik, hov tnik? Sehov, mert nem volt ott. Az

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
there. All states of mind, all names and forms of elme minden llapota, a ltezs nevei s formi a
existence are rooted in non-enquiry, non- nem-kutatsban, a nem-vizsglatban, a
investigation, in imagination and credulity. It is right kpzeldsben s a hiszkenysgben gykereznek.
to say 'I am', but to say 'I am this', 'I am that' is a sign Helynval azt mondani, hogy n vagyok, de azt
of not enquiring, not examining, of mental weakness mondani, hogy ez vagyok, az vagyok a nem-
or lethargy. kutats, a nem-vizsglat, a mentlis gyengesg,
vagy letargia jele.

Q: If all is light, how did darkness arise? How can K: Ha minden fny, hogyan keletkezett a sttsg?
there be darkness in the midst of light? Hogy lehet sttsg a fny kzepette?

M: There is no darkness in the midst of light. Self- M: Nincs sttsg a fny kzepette. Az nnkrl
forgetfulness is the darkness. When we are val megfeledkezs a sttsg. Amikor
absorbed in other things, in the not-self, we forget belefeledkeznk ms dolgokba, a nem-nbe, akkor
the self. There is nothing unnatural about it. But, why feledkeznk el az nrl. Semmi abnormlis nincs
forget the self through excess of attachment? ebben. De mirt kell elfeledkezni az nrl
Wisdom lies in never forgetting the self as the ever- mrtktelen ktds ltal? A blcsessg abban ll,
present source of both the experiencer and his hogy soha nem feledkeznk el az nrl, mint a
experience. tapasztalnak s tapasztalatnak rkk jelenlv

Q: In my present state the 'I am the body' idea K: Jelen llapotomban az n a test vagyok idea
comes spontaneously, while the 'I am pure being' spontn megjelenik, mg a tiszta lt vagyok idet az
idea must be imposed on the mind as something elmre kell erltetnem, mint valamilyen igaz, de nem
true but not experienced. tapasztalt dolgot.

M: Yes, sadhana (practice) consists in reminding M: Igen, a sadhana (gyakorls) abban ll, hogy az
oneself forcibly of one's pure 'being-ness', of not ember erteljesen emlkezteti magt tiszta
being anything in particular, nor a sum of particulars, ltezsg-re, nem valami konkrt dolognak a
not even the totality of all particulars, which make up ltre, sem a rszek sszessgnek a ltre, de mg
a universe. All exists in the mind, even the body is csak nem is az univerzumot alkot rszek
an integration in the mind of a vast number of sszessgnek a ltre. Minden az elmben ltezik,
sensory perceptions, each perception also a mental mg a test is risi mennyisg rzki szlelet
state. If you say: 'I am the body', show it. elmebeli integrcija, brmilyen szlelet szintn egy
mentlis llapot. Ha azt mondod: n a test vagyok,
mutasd meg.

Q: Here it is. K: Itt van.

M: Only when you think of it. Both mind and body M: Csak akkor, amikor r gondolsz. Mind az elme,
are intermittent states. The sum total of these mind a test, idszakos llapotok. Felvillansaik
flashes creates the illusion of existence. Enquire sszessge hozza ltre a ltezs illzijt. Kutasd,
what is permanent in the transient, real in the unreal. hogy mi az, ami nem vltozik az tmenetiben, ami
This is sadhana. valdi a valtlanban. Ez a sadhana.

Q: The fact is that I am thinking of myself as the K: Az a helyzet, hogy gy gondolkozom magamrl,
body. mint testrl
M: Think of yourself by all means. Only don't bring M: Termszetes, hogy gondolkozol magadrl. Csak
the idea of a body into the picture. There is only a ne hozd be a kpbe a test idejt. Csak
stream of sensations, perceptions, memories and benyomsok, szleletek, emlkek s
ideations. The body is an abstraction, created by our fogalomkpzsek rama ltezik. A test egy
tendency to seek unity in diversity -- which again is absztrakci, amit a klnbzsgben val egysg
not wrong. keressi hajlamunk teremt ami szintn nem hiba.

Q: I am being told that to think 'I am the body' is a K: Azt mondjk, hogy az n a test vagyok gondolat
blemish in the mind. az elme fogyatkossga.

M: Why talk like this? Such expressions create M: Mirt mondjk ezt? Az ilyen megnyilvnulsok
problems. The self is the source of all, and of all -- miatt keletkeznek a problmk. Az n a forrsa

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
the final destination. Nothing is external. mindennek, s mindennek a vgllomsa. Semmi
nem klsleges.

Q: When the body idea becomes obsessive, is it not K: Amikor a test ideja rgeszmss vlik, az nem
altogether wrong? vgkpp rossz?

M: There is nothing wrong in the idea of a body, nor M: Semmi rossz nincs a test ideban, st, mg
even in the idea 'I am the body'. But limiting oneself abban az ideban sem, hogy n a test vagyok. De
to one body only is a mistake. In reality all existence, az, hogy valaki csak a testre korltozza magt, az
every form, is my own, within my consciousness. I hiba. Valjban minden ltezs, minden forma a
cannot tell what I am because words can describe sajtom, a tudatossgomon belli. Nem tudom
only what I am not. I am, and because I am, all is. megmondani, mi vagyok, mert a szavak csak azt
But I am beyond consciousness and, therefore, in tudjk lerni, hogy mi nem vagyok. Vagyok, s azrt
consciousness I cannot say what I am. Yet, I am. van minden, mert vagyok. Azonban a tudatossg
The question 'Who am I' has no answer. No felett ll vagyok, emiatt a tudatossgban nem
experience can answer it, for the self is beyond tudom megmondani, hogy mi vagyok. De vagyok. A
experience. ki vagyok krdsre nincs vlasz. Semmilyen
tapasztalat nem nyjthat r vlaszt, mert az n
tapasztalaton tli.

Q: Still, the question 'Who am I' must be of some K: A ki vagyok krdsnek mgis kell, hogy legyen
use. valamilyen haszna.

M: It has no answer in consciousness and, M: Nincs r vlasz a tudatossgban, s ezrt segt

therefore, helps to go beyond consciousness. tllpni a tudatossgon.

Q: Here I am -- in the present moment. What is real K: Itt vagyok a jelen pillanatban. Mi a valsg
in it, and what is not? Now, please don't tell me that ebben, s mi nem az? Most, lgy szves, nehogy azt
my question is wrong. Questioning my questions mondd, hogy a krdsem rossz. A krdseim
leads me nowhere. megkrdjelezsvel nem megyek semmire.

M: Your question is not wrong. It is unnecessary. M: A krdsed nem rossz. Flsleges. Azt mondtad:
You said: 'Here and now I am'. Stop there, this is itt s most vagyok. Maradj ott, ez valsgos. Ne
real. Don't turn a fact into a question. There lies your alaktsd t a tnyt krdss. Ebben rejlik a hibd. Te
mistake. You are neither knowing nor not-knowing, sem tud, sem nem-tud, sem elme, sem anyag
neither mind nor matter; don't attempt to describe nem vagy; ne prbld magad az elme s az anyag
yourself in terms of mind and matter. kifejezseivel lerni.

Q: Just now a boy came to you with a problem. You K: Nemrg egy fi jtt hozzd egy problmval.
told him a few words and he went away. Did you Miutn mondtl neki nhny szt, elment. Segtettl
help him? neki?

M: Of course. M: Termszetesen.

Q: How can you be so sure? K: Hogy lehetsz ebben olyan biztos?

M: To help is my nature. M: A termszetemhez tartozik a segts.

Q: How did you come to know It? K: Hogyan jutottl ehhez a tudshoz?

M: No need to know. It operates by itself. M: Nincs szksg tudsra. Ez magtl mkdik.

Q: Still you have made a statement. On what is it K: Mgis tettl egy kijelentst. Mire alapoztad?

M: On what people tell me. But it is you who asks for M: Arra, amit az emberek mondanak nekem. De te
proofs. I do not need them. Setting things right lies in vagy az, aki bizonytkokat kr. Nekem nincs
my very nature, which is satyam, shivam, sundaram szksgem r. A dolgok jobbtsa az n valdi
(the true, the good, the beautiful). termszetembl fakad, amely a satyam, shivam,
sundaram (az igaz, a j, a szp).

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok

Q: When a man comes to you for advice and you K: Amikor valaki tancsrt jn hozzd, s te adsz
give him advice, wherefrom does it come and by neki, honnan szrmazik a tancs, s milyen er ltal
what power does it help? mkdik a segtsg?

M: His own being affects his mind and induces a M: Az sajt lte hat az elmjre s induklja a
response. vlaszt.

Q: And what is your role? K: s mi a te szereped?

M: In me the man and his self come together. M: Bennem az ember s nje egyeslnek.

Q: Why does not the self help the man without you? K: Mirt nem segt az n az embernek nlkled?

M: But I am the self. You imagine me as separate, M: De ht n vagyok az n. Te engem elklnltnek

hence your question. There is no 'my self' and 'his hiszel, innen ered a krdsed. Nem ltezik olyan,
self'. There is the Self, the only Self of all. Misled by hogy n nem s nje. Az n a mindenki
the diversity of names and shapes, minds and egyetlen nje. Flrevezettetve a nevek s formk,
bodies, you imagine multiple selves. We both are elmk s testek vltozatossg ltal, azt hiszed, hogy
the self, but you seem to be unconvinced. This talk tbb n van. Mindannyian az n vagyunk, de gy
of personal self and universal self is the learner's ltszik, te ktelkedsz ebben. Ez a beszlgets a
stage; go beyond, don't be stuck in duality. szemlyes nrl s univerzlis nrl a tanulsi
stdium; hatolj a mlyre, ne ragadj a dualitsba.

Q: Let us come back to the man in need of help. He K: Trjnk vissza arra az emberre, akinek segtsg
comes to you. kell. Eljn hozzd.

M: If he comes, he is sure to get help. Because he M: Ha eljn, akkor biztos, hogy kap segtsget. Mivel
was destined to get help, he came. There is nothing segtsget kapni hivatott, eljtt. Nincs ebben semmi
fanciful about it. I cannot help some and refuse klns. Nem tudok egyeseken segteni, msokat
others. All who come are helped, for such is the law. pedig visszautastani. Mindenki aki idejn,
Only the shape help takes varies according to the segtsget kap, mert ilyen a szeretet. Csak a
need. segtsg formja vltozik a szksgnek

Q: Why must he come here to get advice? Can't he K: Mirt kell neki a tancsrt idejnnie? Nem
get it from within? kaphatja meg azt bellrl?

M: He will not listen. His mind is turned outward. But M: Nem hallan meg. Az elmje kifel fordult. De
in fact all experience is in the mind, and even his tulajdonkppen minden tapasztals az elmben
coming to me and getting help is all within himself. zajlik, gy ht az, hogy eljn hozzm, s segtsget
Instead of finding an answer within himself, he kap, mind nmagn bell van. Ahelyett, hogy a
imagines an answer from without. To me there is no vlaszt nmagn bell keresn, azt kpzeli, hogy a
me, no man and no giving. All this is merely a flicker vlasz kvlrl jn. Szmomra nincs n, nincs ember
in the mind. I am infinite peace and silence in which s nincs ads. Mindez pusztn fel-fellobbans az
nothing appears, for all that appears -- disappears. elmben. n vgtelen bke s csend vagyok,
Nobody comes for help, nobody offers help, nobody amelyben semmi nem jelenik meg, mert minden, ami
gets help. It is all but a display in consciousness. megjelenik semmiv lesz. Senki nem jn
segtsgrt, senki nem nyjt segtsget, senki nem
kap segtsget. Mindez csak egy megnyilvnuls a

Q: Yet the power to help is there and there is K: Mgis a segt er ltezik, s van valaki vagy
somebody or something that displays that power, valami, ami megnyilvntja ezt az ert, nevezd azt
call it God or Self or the Universal Mind. The name Istennek vagy nnek, vagy az Univerzlis Elmnek.
does not matter, but the fact does. A nv nem szmt, csak a tny.

M: This is the stand the body-mind takes. The pure M: Ezt az llspontot a test-elme vallja. A tiszta elme
mind sees things as they are -- bubbles in a dolgokat gy ltja, ahogy vannak buborkoknak
consciousness. These bubbles are appearing, a tudatossgban. Ezek a buborkok megjelennek,

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
disappearing and reappearing -- without having real eltnnek, s megint megjelennek anlkl, hogy
being. No particular cause can be ascribed to them, vals lttel brnnak. Semmilyen konkrt ok nem
for each is caused by all and affects all. Each bubble tulajdonthat nekik, mert minden oka mindennek s
is a body and all these bodies are mine. minden hat mindenre. Mindegyik bubork egy test,
s mindezen testek az enymek.

Q: Do you mean to say, that you have the power to K: Azt akarod mondani, hogy brsz a hibtlan
do everything rightly? cselekvs hatalmval?

M: There is no power as separate from me. It is M: Nem ltezik tlem hatalom rajtam kvl. Ez rsze
inherent in my very nature. Call it creativity. Out of a a termszetemnek. Nevezd alkotkpessgnek. Egy
lump of gold you can make many ornaments -- each aranyrgbl sok dsztrgy kszthet mind
will remain gold. Similarly, in whatever role I may megmarad aranynak. Ehhez hasonlan,
appear and whatever function I may perform -- I megjelenhetek brmifle szerepben, s betlthetek
remain what I am: the 'I am' immovable, unshakable, akrmilyen funkcit az maradok, aki vagyok: a
independent. What you call the universe, nature, is mozdulatlan, rendthetetlen, fggetlen n vagyok.
my spontaneous creativity. Whatever happens -- Amit te univerzumnak, termszetnek nevezel, az
happens. But such is my nature that all ends in joy. nem ms, mint az n spontn alkotkpessgem.
Brmi trtnik megtrtnik. De a termszetem
szerint minden boldogsghoz vezet.

Q: I have a case of a boy gone blind because his K: Hallottam egy esetet egy firl, aki megvakult,
stupid mother fed him methyl alcohol. I am mert a buta anyja metilalkoholt itatott vele. Krlek,
requesting you to help him. You are full of segts rajta. Te teli vagy knyrlettel, s
compassion and, obviously, eager to help. By what nyilvnval, hogy szvesen segtesz. Milyen hatalom
power can you help him? ltal tudsz rajta segteni?

M: His case is registered in consciousness. It is M: A fi esett nyilvntartsba vette a tudatossg.

there -- indelibly. Consciousness will operate. Benne van kitrlhetetlenl. A tudatossg meg
fogja oldani.

Q: Does it make any difference that I ask you to K: Vltoztat valamin a krsem, hogy segts?

M: Your asking is a part of the boy's blindness. M: A krsed a fi vaksgnak a rsze. Krsed a
Because he is blind, you ask. You have added vaksgnak a kvetkezmnye. Nem adtl hozz
nothing. semmit.

Q: But your help will be a new factor? K: A te segtsged viszont j tnyez lenne?

M: No, all is contained in the boy's blindness. All is M: Nem, mindent a fi vaksga foglal magban.
in it -- the mother, the boy, you and me and all else. Minden abban van benne az anya, a fi, te s n,
It is one event. s minden ms. Ez egyetlen esemny.

Q: You mean to say that even our discussing the K: Azt akarod mondani, hogy mg az is eleve
boy's case was predestined? elrendelt volt, hogy beszltnk a fi esetrl?

M: How else? All things contain their future. The boy M: Hogyan lehetne mskpp? Minden dolog
appears in consciousness. I am beyond. I do not magban foglalja a jvjt. A fi a tudatossgban
issue orders to consciousness. I know that it is in the jelenik meg. n meghaladtam azt. n nem
nature of awareness to set things right. Let osztogatok elrsokat a tudatossgnak. Tudom,
consciousness look after its creations. The boy's hogy az bersgnek termszete a dolgok rendbe
sorrow, your pity, my listening and consciousness hozsa. Gondoskodjon a tudatossg a sajt
acting -- all this is one single fact -- don't split it into teremtmnyeirl. A fi bnata, a te sajnlatod, az n
components and then ask questions. hallgatsom s a tudatossg cselekedete mindez
egyetlen dolog ne oszd fel rszeire, s ne tegyl fel
utna krdseket.

Q: How strangely does your mind work? K: Hogy te milyen furcsn gondolkodsz.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
M: You are strange, not me. I am normal. I am sane. M: Te vagy furcsa, nem n. n normlis vagyok. p
I see things as they are, and therefore l am not az elmm. n a dolgokat gy ltom, ahogy vannak,
afraid of them. But you are afraid of reality. ezrt nem flek tlk. Te viszont flsz a valsgtl.

Q: Why should l? K: Mirt flnk?

M: It is ignorance of yourself that makes you afraid M: Sajt magad nem ismerete az oka a flelmednek,
and also unaware that you are afraid. Don't try not to s az is tudatlansg, amitl flsz. Ne a nem flsre
be afraid. Break down the wall of ignorance first. trekedj. Dnts le elbb a tudatlansg falt.

People are afraid to die, because they do not know Az emberek azrt flnek meghalni, mert nem tudjk,
what is death. The gnani has died before his death, hogy mi a hall. A gnani mr a halla eltt meghalt,
he saw that there was nothing to be afraid of. The ltta, hogy ott semmi olyan nem volt, amitl flni
moment you know your real being, you are afraid of kellene. Abban a pillanatban, hogy megismered
nothing. Death gives freedom and power. To be free valdi ltedet, nem flsz semmitl. A hall
in the world, you must die to the world. Then the szabadsgot s ert ad. Ahhoz, hogy szabad legyl
universe is your own, it becomes your body, an a vilgban, meg kell halnod a vilg szmra. Akkor
expression and a tool. The happiness of being az univerzum nmagadd vlik, testedd,
absolutely free is beyond description. On the other kifejezdsedd s eszkzdd. Az abszolt
hand, he who is afraid of freedom cannot die. szabad ltezs boldogsga lerhatatlan. Msfell,
aki retteg a szabadsgtl, nem halhat meg.

Q: You mean that one who cannot die, cannot live? K: Azt akarod mondani, hogy aki nem tud meghalni,
az nem tud lni?

M: Put it as you like; attachment is bondage, M: Fogalmazz, ahogy tetszik; a ktds

detachment is freedom. To crave is to slave. rabszolgasg, a szenvtelensg szabadsg.
Vgyakozni azt jelenti, szolglni.

Q: Does it follow that if you are saved, the world is K: Ez azt jelenti, hogy ha te megmeneklsz, akkor a
saved? vilg is megmenekl?

M: As a whole the world does not need saving. Man M: A vilgnak, gy ltalban, nincs szksge
makes mistakes and creates sorrow; when it enters megmentsre. Az ember az, aki hibzik, s bnatot
the field of awareness, the consciousness of a okoz; de amikor belp az bersg terbe, a gnani
gnani, it is set right. Such is his nature. tudatossgba, akkor rendbe jn. Ilyen a

Q: We can observe what may be called spiritual K: szrevehetnk valamifle spiritulis fejldst. Az
progress. A selfish man turns religious, controls nz ember vallsoss vlik, nfegyelemre tesz
himself, refines his thoughts and feelings, takes to szert, megtiszttja gondolatait s rzseit, spiritulis
spiritual practice, realises his true being. Is such gyakorlatokat vgez, felismeri valdi ltt. Az effle
progress ruled by causality, or is it accidental? fejlds al van vetve az oksgnak, vagy

M: From my point of view everything happens by M: Az n nzpontombl minden magtl, teljesen

itself, quite spontaneously. But man imagines that spontn mdon trtnik. Az ember azonban gy
he works for an incentive, towards a goal. He has kpzeli, hogy egy indtknak megfelelen, egy cl
always a reward in mind and strives for it. rdekben cselekszik. Mindig a jutalom jr az
eszben, s azrt iparkodik.

Q: A crude, unevolved man will not work without a K: Az retlen, kialakulatlan ember jutalom hjn nem
reward. Is it not right to offer him incentives? dolgozik. Nem lenne taln helyes sztnzket
felknlni neki?

M: He will create for himself incentives anyhow. He M: Az ilyen ember mindenkppen megteremti az
does not know that to grow is in the nature of sztnzket. Nem tudja, hogy a tudatossgnak
consciousness. He will progress from motive to termszete fejlds. Egyik motvumrl a msikra
motive and will chase Gurus for the fulfilment of his ugrik, s Gurukra vadszik, hogy vgyait
desires. When by the laws of his being he finds the beteljestse. Amikor lte trvnyeinek megfelelen

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
way of return (nivritti) he abandons all motives, for megtallja a visszavezet utat (nivritti), feladja az
his interest in the world is over. He wants nothing -- sszes motvumot, mert a vilg irnti rdekldse
neither from others nor from himself. He dies to all megsznik. Nem akar semmit sem msoktl, sem
and becomes the All. To want nothing and do nmagtl. Meghal minden szmra, s a Mindenn
nothing -- that is true creation. To watch the universe vlik. Nem akarni semmit, s nem tenni semmit ez
emerging and subsiding in one's heart is a wonder. a valdi teremts. Titokban figyelni az univerzum
megjelenst s eltnst, egy csoda.

Q: The great obstacle to inner effort is boredom. The K: A bels erfesztsnek hatalmas akadlya az
disciple gets bored. unalom. A tantvny elunja magt.

M: Inertia and restlessness (tamas and rajas) work M: A tehetetlensg s nyugtalansg (tamas s
together and keep clarity and harmony (sattva) rajas) sszedolgoznak, s elnyomjk a tisztasgot
down. Tamas and Rajas must be conquered before s a harmnit (sattva). Elbb le kell gyzni a
sattva can appear. It will all come in due course, tamast s a rajast, hogy a sattva megjelenhessen.
quite spontaneously. Minden eljn a maga idejben, teljesen spontn

Q: Is there no need of effort then? K: Teht nincs szksg erfesztsre?

M: When effort is needed, effort will appear. When M: Amikor lesz szksg az erfesztsre, meg fog
jelenni az erfeszts. Amikor az erfeszts
effortlessness becomes essential, it will assert itself.
You need not push life about. Just flow with it and nlklzhetetlen lesz, akkor ki fogja magt jelenteni.
give yourself completely to the task of the present Emiatt nem kell srgetned az letet. Csak ramolj
moment, which is the dying now to the now. For egytt vele, s add t magad teljesen a jelen pillanat
living is dying. Without death life cannot be. feladatnak, amely a mostba hal most. Mert lni
nem ms, mint meghalni. let nem ltezhet hall
Get hold of the main thing that the world and the self nlkl.
are one and perfect. Only your attitude is faulty and
needs readjustment. Ragaszkodj a lnyeghez, hogy a vilg s az n egy
s tkletes. Csupn az attitdd az, ami hibs, s
This process or readjustment is what you call helyreigaztand.
sadhana. You come to it by putting an end to
indolence and using all your energy to clear the way Ezt a folyamat, vagy helyreigazts az, amit
for clarity and charity. But in reality, these all are sadhannak nevezel. gy rheted el, hogy vgt
signs of inevitable growth. Don't be afraid, don't veted a tunyasgnak, s sszese energid
resist, don't delay. Be what you are. There is nothing bevetsvel megtiszttod az utat a tisztasg s
to be afraid of. Trust and try. Experiment honestly. szeretet eltt. De valjban ezek mind az
Give your real being a chance to shape your life. elkerlhetetlen fejlds jelei. Ne flj, ne llj ellen, ne
You will not regret. halogass. Lgy, ami vagy. Semmi nincs, amitl flni
kellene. Higgy, s trekedj. Prblkozz
becsletesen. Adj lehetsget valdi lted szmra
hogy alaktsa letedet. Nem fogod megbnni.

34. Mind is restlessness Itself 34. Az elme maga a nyugtalansg

Questioner: I am a Swede by birth. Now I am Krdez: Svd szrmazs vagyok. Hatha Yogt
teaching Hatha Yoga in Mexico and in the States. tantok Mexikban s az llamokban.

Maharaj: Where did you learn it? Maharaj: Hol tanultad?

Q: I had a teacher in the States, an Indian Swami. K: Az llamokban, egy indiai Swami volt a tanrom.

M: What did it give you? M: Mit szereztl ltala?

Q: It gave me good health and a means of K: J egszsget, s ltfenntartsi eszkzket.


M: Good enough. Is it all you want? M: Helyes. Vgysz mg valamire?

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok

Q: I seek peace of mind. I got disgusted with all the K: Elmm bkjt keresem. Megcsmrlttem
cruel things done by the so-called Christians in the mindattl, amit gynevezett keresztnyek kvettek
name of Christ. For some time I was without religion. el Krisztus nevben. J ideig nem voltam vallsos.
Then I got attracted to Yoga. Majd maghoz vonzott a Yoga.

M: What did you gain? M: Mirt volt ez hasznos szmodra?

Q: I studied the philosophy of Yoga and it did help K: Megtanultam a Yoga filozfijt, s ez sokat
me. segtett nekem.

M: In what way did it help you? By what signs did M: Hogyan segtett? Milyen jelek alapjn jutottl arra
you conclude that you have been helped? a kvetkeztetsre, hogy segtett tged?

Q: Good health is something quite tangible. K: A j egszsg valahogy egszen kzzelfoghat.

M: No doubt it is very pleasant to feel fit. Is pleasure M: Semmi ktsg, nagyon kellemes egszsgesnek
all you expected from Yoga? lenni. Ez minden, amit a Yogtl vrsz?

Q: The joy of well-being is the reward of Hatha K: A Hatha Yoga jutalma a j egszsg lvezete. De
Yoga. But Yoga in general yields more than that. It a Yognak ltalban ennl is nagyobb hozama van.
answers many questions. Sok krdsre vlaszt ad.

M: What do you mean by Yoga? M: Mit rtesz Yoga alatt?

Q: The whole teaching of India -- evolution, re- K: A teljes indiai tantst az evolcirl,
incarnation, karma and so on. reinkarncirl, karmrl, s a tbbi.

M: All right, you got all the knowledge you wanted. M: Rendben van, megszereztl minden tudst, amit
But in what way are you benefited by it? akartl. De milyen mdon vlik ez az elnydre?

Q: It gave me peace of mind. K: Az elmm bkre lelt.

M: Did it? Is your mind at peace? Is your search M: Valban? Bkben van az elmd? Vge a
over? keressnek?

Q: No, not yet. K: Nem, mg nincs.

M: Naturally. There will be no end to it, because M: Termszetesen. Sosem lesz vge, mert nem
there is no such thing as peace of mind. Mind ltezik olyan, mint az elme bkje. Az elme
means disturbance; restlessness itself is mind. Yoga jelentse zrzavar; a nyugtalansg maga az elme. A
is not an attribute of the mind, nor is it a state of Yoga nem az elme egy tulajdonsga, s nem is
mind. elme llapot.

Q: Some measure of peace I did derive from Yoga. K: Bkmet a Yogtl nyertem, bizonyos

M: Examine closely and you will see that the mind is M: Ha alaposan megvizsglod meg fogod ltni, hogy
seething with thoughts. It may go blank occasionally, az elme a gondolatok kavargsa. Esetenknt ress
but it does it for a time and reverts to its usual vlhat, de csak egy ideig marad gy, s visszatr a
restlessness. A becalmed mind is not a peaceful szoksos nyugtalansg. Az elcsendesedett elme
mind. You say you want to pacify your mind. Is he, nem bks elme. Azt mondod, le akarod csillaptani
who wants to pacify the mind, himself peaceful? akarod az elmdet. akarja az elme
lecsillapodst, nmaga bkjt?

Q: No. I am not at peace, I take the help of Yoga. K: Nem. Nem vagyok bkben, ignybe kell vennem
a Yoga segtsgt.

M: Don't you see the contradiction? For many years M: Nem ltod az ellentmondst? Mr sok ve, hogy
you sought your peace of mind. You could not find it, keresed az elmd bkjt. Nem tudtad megtallni,

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
for a thing essentially restless cannot be at peace. mert aminek a lnyege a nyugtalansg, nem lehet

Q: There is some improvement. K: Van nmi javuls.

M: The peace you claim to have found is very brittle M: A bke, amit lltlag megtalltl, nagyon
any little thing can crack it. What you call peace is trkeny, brmilyen kis dolog, meg tudja trni. Amit
only absence of disturbance. It is hardly worth the te bknek nevezel, az csak a zrzavar hinya.
name. The real peace cannot be disturbed. Can you Alighanem ez a legjobb elnevezs. A valdi bke
claim a peace of mind that is unassailable? nem zavarhat meg. Akarod, hogy olyan bkben
legyen az elmd, amely megzavarhatatlan?

Q: l am striving. K: Ennek az elrsre trekszem.

M: Striving too is a form of restlessness. M: A trekvs is a nyugtalansg egy formja.

Q: So what remains? K: Akkor milyen lehetsg marad?

M: The self does not need to be put to rest. It is M: Az nnek nincs r szksge, hogy nyugalomba
peace itself, not at peace. Only the mind is restless. helyezd. Maga a bke, nem pedig bkben van.
All it knows is restlessness, with its many modes Csak az elme nyugtalan. Minden, amit tud, az
and grades. The pleasant are considered superior nyugtalansg, az sokfle mdozatval s
and the painful are discounted. What we call fokozatval. Az lvezetet tekinti magasabb
progress is merely a change over from the rendnek, s a fjdalmat lertkeli. Amit mi
unpleasant to the pleasant. But changes by fejldsnek hvunk, az pusztn a nem kellemes
themselves cannot bring us to the changeless, for felcserlse a kellemesre. De maguk a vltozsok
whatever has a beginning must have an end. The nem visznek el bennnket a vltozatlanhoz, mert
real does not begin; it only reveals itself as brminek, aminek kezdete van, vge is kell, hogy
beginningless and endless, all-pervading, all- legyen. A valdi nem kezddik; az csak
powerful, immovable prime mover, timelessly megmutatkozik, mint kezdet s vg nlkli, mindent
changeless. betlt, mindenhat, mozdulatlan elsdleges
mozgat, idtlen vltozatlan.

Q: So what has one to do? K: Akkor mit kell tenni?

M: Through Yoga you have accumulated knowledge M: A Yoga rvn tudst s tapasztalatot gyjtttl.
and experience. This cannot be denied. But of what Ez nem tagadhat. De mi haszna szmodra
use is it all to you? Yoga means union, joining. What mindennek? A Yoga egyeslst jelent,
have you re-united, re-joined? sszekapcsoldst. Mi az, amivel jraegyesltl,

Q: I am trying to rejoin the personality back to the K: Megprblom jraegyesteni a szemlyisget

real self. valdi nnel.

M: The personality (vyakti) is but a product of M: A szemlyisg (vyakti) csak kpzelet termke. Az
imagination. The self (vyakta) is the victim of this n (vyakta) az ldozata ennek a kpzeldsnek. Az,
imagination. It is the taking yourself to be what you hogy annak tartod magad, ami nem vagy,
are not that binds you. The person cannot be said to ktttsgben tart tged. A szemly nem mondhatja,
exist on its own rights; it is the self that believes hogy sajt jogon ltezik; az n az, aki azt hiszi, hogy
there is a person and is conscious of being it. ltezik egy szemly, s tudatban van a ltnek. Az
Beyond the self (vyakta) lies the unmanifested nen (vyakta) tl tallhat a megnyilvnulatlan
(avyakta), the causeless cause of everything. Even (avyakta), ami mindennek az ok nlkli oka. Mr
to talk of re-uniting the person with the self is not csak azrt sem helyes a szemly s az n
right, because there is no person, only a mental jraegyeslsrl beszlni, mert nem ltezik
picture given a false reality by conviction. Nothing szemly, csak egy mentlis kp, amely egy hit
was divided and there is nothing to unite. alapjn keletkezett hamis valszersg. Semmi nem
kerlt megosztsra, s nincs semmi, amit egyesteni

Q: Yoga helps in the search for and the finding of K: A Yoga segteni fog a keressben s az n

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
the self. megtallsban.

M: You can find what you have lost. But you cannot M: Azt tallhatod meg, amit elvesztettl. De nem
find what you have not lost. tallhatod meg azt, amit nem vesztettl el.

Q: Had I never lost anything, I would have been K: Ha nem vesztettem volna el semmit, akkor
enlightened. But I am not. I am searching. Is not my megvilgosodott lennk. De nem vagyok. Keresek.
very search a proof of my having lost something? A keressem nem valsgos bizonytk arra nzve,
hogy elvesztettem valamit?

M: It only shows that you believe you have lost. But M: Csak azt mutatja, azt hiszed, hogy elvesztetted.
who believes it? And what is believed to be lost? De ki hiszi ezt? s mit hisz, hogy mit vesztett el?
Have you lost a person like yourself? What is the Elvesztettl egy magadhoz hasonl szemlyt? Mi
self you are in search of? What exactly do you az az n, ami utn kutatsz? Pontosan mit vrsz a
expect to find? keresstl?

Q: The true knowledge of the self. K: Az n igaz ismerett.

M: The true knowledge of the self is not a M: Az n igaz ismerete nem tuds. Nem egy olyan
knowledge. It is not something that you find by valami, amit keresssel, mindenhov benzve
searching, by looking everywhere. It is not to be megtallhatsz. Nem tallhat meg trben vagy
found in space or time. Knowledge is but a memory, idben. A tuds csak emlkezet, gondolkodsi
a pattern of thought, a mental habit. All these are minta, mentlis viselkedsmd. Mindezek az lvezet
motivated by pleasure and pain. It is because you s a fjdalom ltal motivltak. Mert az lvezet s a
are goaded by pleasure and pain that you are in fjdalom sztklsre keresed a tudst. Lvn,
search of knowledge. Being oneself is completely hogy nmagad vagy, minden indtkon teljesen tl
beyond all motivation. You cannot be yourself for vagy. Nem vlhatsz nmagadd valamifle ok miatt.
some reason. You are yourself, and no reason is Te nmagad vagy, s ehhez semmifle ok nem
needed. szksges.

Q: By doing Yoga I shall find peace. K: A Yoga gyakorlsval bkt lelek.

M: Can there be peace apart from yourself? Are you M: Ltezhet-e nmagadtl fggetlen bke? Sajt
talking from your own experience or from books tapasztalatbl beszlsz, vagy csupn knyvek
only? Your book knowledge is useful to begin with, alapjn? Knyvbl szerzett ismereteid hasznosak
but soon it must be given up for direct experience, kezdetben, de mihamarabb fel kell adnod azokat a
which by its very nature is inexpressible. Words can kzvetlen tapasztalat rdekben, amely valdi
be used for destruction also; of words images are termszete szerint kifejezhetetlen. A szavak
built, by words they are destroyed. You got yourself rombolsra is hasznlhatk; a szavak ltal felptett
into your present state through verbal thinking; you kpek szavak ltal semmislnek meg. Jelenlegi
must get out of it the same way. llapotodat verblis gondolkodssal hoztad ltre;
ugyanilyen mdon kell kikerlnd belle.

Q: I did attain a degree of inner peace. Am I to K: Mr megvalstottam egy bizonyos fok bkt. Le
destroy it? kell azt rombolnom?

M: What has been attained may be lost again. Only M: Ami elrsre kerlt, az ismt elveszthet. Csak
when you realise the true peace, the peace you az igazi bke megvalstsakor nem fog a bke
have never lost, that peace will remain with you, for elveszni soha, az a bke veled marad, mert soha
it was never away. Instead of searching for what you nem is volt tvol. Ahelyett, hogy azt keresed, amid
do not have, find out what is it that you have never nincs, fedezd fel azt, amit soha nem vesztettl el.
lost? That which is there before the beginning and Azt, ami ltezik mindenek kezdete eltt, s vge
after the ending of everything; that to which there is utn; azt, aminek nincs sem szletse, sem halla.
no birth, nor death. That immovable state, which is Azt a megvltozhatatlan llapotot, amelyre nem hat
not affected by the birth and death of a body or a a test vagy az elme szletse s halla, azt az
mind, that state you must perceive. llapotot kell felismerned.

Q: What are the means to such perception? K: Milyen eszkzei vannak az ilyen felismersnek?

M: In life nothing can be had without overcoming M: Az letben semmi nem szerezhet meg

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
obstacles. The obstacles to the clear perception of akadlyok legyzse nlkl. Az ember igaz lte
one's true being are desire for pleasure and fear of tiszta szlelsnek akadlyai az lvezet utni vgy,
pain. It is the pleasure-pain motivation that stands in s a fjdalomtl val flelem. Ez az lvezet-fjdalom
the way. The very freedom from all motivation, the motivci llja utadat. A minden motivcitl val
state in which no desire arises is the natural state. teljes szabadsg llapotban nem merlnek fel
vgyak, ez a termszetes llapot.

Q: Such giving up of desires, does it need time? K: A vgyak ilyen feladshoz idre van szksg?

M: If you leave it to time, millions of years will be M: Ha az idre bzod, akkor milli vekre lesz
needed. Giving up desire after desire is a lengthy szksged. A vgyak egyenknti feladsa
process with the end never in sight. Leave alone hosszadalmas folyamat, aminek a vge sohasem
your desires and fears, give your entire attention to lthat. Hagyd bkn vgyaidat s flelmeidet,
the subject, to him who is behind the experience of fordtsd teljes figyelmedet az alanyra, arra, aki a
desire and fear. Ask: 'who desires?' Let each desire vgy s flelem tapasztalata mgtt van. Krdezd
bring you back to yourself. azt: ki az, aki vgyakozik? A vgyakkal vitesd
vissza magadat nmagadhoz.

Q: The root of all desires and fears is the same -- K: Minden vgy s flelem gykere ugyanaz a
the longing for happiness. boldogsg utni svrgs.

M: The happiness you can think of and long for, is M: A boldogsg, amire te gondolsz, s ami utn
mere physical or mental satisfaction. Such sensory vgydsz, csupn testi s mentlis kielgls. Az
or mental pleasure is not the real, the absolute ilyen rzki vagy mentlis lvezet nem azonos a
happiness. valdi, az abszolt boldogsggal.

Q: Even sensory and mental pleasures and the K: Mg az rzki s mentlis lvezetnek, s a fizikai
general sense of well-being which arises with s mentlis egszsggel jr jlt ltalnos
physical and mental health, must have their roots in rzsnek is a valsgban kell gykereznie.

M: They have their roots in imagination. A man who M: Mindezek a kpzeletben gykereznek. Ha valaki
is given a stone and assured that it is a priceless hozzjut egy khz, ami fell bizonyos, hogy egy
diamond will be mightily pleased until he realises his felbecslhetetlen rtk gymntot kapott, rendkvli
mistake; in the same way pleasures lose their tang boldogsgot fog rezni, mg fel nem ismeri hibjt;
and pains their barb when the self is known. Both ugyangy veszti el az lvezet az zt, s a fjdalom a
are seen as they are -- conditional responses, mere tskjt, amikor az n felismersre kerl.
reactions, plain attractions and repulsions, based on Mindegyikk annak fog ltszani, ami kondicionlt
memories or pre-conceptions. Usually pleasure and reaglsnak, puszta reakcinak, egyszer
pain are experienced when expected. It is all a vonzsnak s tasztsnak, amelyeknek az alapja az
matter of acquired habits and convictions. emlkezet, s a kialakult nzetek. lvezet s
fjdalom rendszerint akkor kerlnek
megtapasztalsra, amikor elvrod ket. Mindez
tanult viselkeds, s hiedelmek dolga.

Q: Well, pleasure may be imaginary. But pain is real. K: Nos, az lvezet lehet, hogy kpzelet szlte. De a
fjdalom valdi.

M: Pain and pleasure go always together. Freedom M: Fjdalom s lvezet mindig egytt jrnak. Ha
from one means freedom from both. If you do not szabad vagy az egyiktl, azt jelenti, szabad vagy
care for pleasure, you will not be afraid of pain. But mindketttl. Ha nem trdsz az lvezettel, nem
there is happiness which is neither, which is fogsz flni a fjdalomtl. De a szabadsg egyik sem,
completely beyond. The happiness you know is mindezeket tkletesen meghaladja. Az ltalad
describable and measurable. It is objective, so to ismert boldogsg lerhat, s megmrhet.
say. But the objective cannot be your own. It would gyszlvn objektv. De az objektv nem lehet a te
be a grievous mistake to identify yourself with sajtod. Slyos hiba lenne nmagadat valami
something external. This churning up of levels leads klslegessel azonostani. A szintek sszekavarsa
nowhere. Reality is beyond the subjective and nem vezet sehov. A valsg meghalad szubjektvet
objective, beyond all levels, beyond every s objektvet, fltte ll minden szintnek, fltte ll
distinction. Most definitely it is not their origin, source minden klnbsgnek. A leghatrozottabban nem

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
or root. These come from ignorance of reality, not eredete, forrsa vagy gykere nekik. Ezek a valsg
from reality itself, which is indescribable, beyond nem ismersbl szrmaznak, nem magbl a
being and not-being. valsgbl, amely lerhatatlan, tl van lten s

Q: Many teachers have I followed and studied many K: Sok tantt kvettem, s sok doktrnt
doctrines, yet none gave me what I wanted. tanulmnyoztam, de egyik sem adta meg nekem,
amit akartam.

M: The desire to find the self will be surely fulfilled, M: Az n megtallsnak a vgya bizonyosan
provided you want nothing else. But you must be beteljesthet, feltve, hogy nem akarsz semmi
honest with yourself and really want nothing else. If mst. De becsletesnek kell lenned nmagaddal
in the meantime you want many other things and are szemben, s valban nem szabad semmi mst
engaged in their pursuit, your main purpose may be akarni. Ha ekzben sok egyb dolgot is akarsz, s
delayed until you grow wiser and cease being torn elkezdesz azok fel trekedni, akkor f clod
between contradictory urges. Go within, without elodzdhat, amg elg blccs nem vlsz, s abba
swerving, without ever looking outward. nem marad az ellenttes knyszerek kztti
szerteszt szakadsod. Fordulj befel kanyarok
nlkl, anlkl, rkk kifel tekintgets nlkl.

Q: But my desires and fears are still there. K: De mg vannak ltez vgyaim s flelmeim.

M: Where are they but in your memory? Realise that M: Hol vannak azok, a memridon kvl? Ismerd
their root is in expectation born of memory and they fel, hogy a gykerk a memriban szlet
will cease to obsess you. elvrsban van, s meg fogjk szntetni a

Q: I have understood very well that social service is K: Nagyon jl megrtettem, hogy a trsadalom
an endless task, because improvement and decay, szolglata egy vgtelen feladat, mert fejlds s
progress and regress, go side by side. We can see it rombols, halads s visszafejlds, egyms mellett
on all sides and on every level. What remains? haladnak. Ezt minden oldalon s minden szinten
lthatjuk. Mit marad htra?

M: Whatever work you have undertaken -- complete M: Akrmibe fogsz csinld vgig. Ne fogj j
it. Do not take up new tasks. Unless it is called for by feladatba. Hacsak azt nem teszi szksgess a
a concrete situation of suffering and relief from szenvedsnek, s a szenveds enyhtsnek egy
suffering. Find yourself first, and endless blessings konkrt szitucija. Talld meg elszr nmagadat,
will follow. Nothing profits the world as much as the s vget nem r lds fog kvetkezni. Semmilyen
abandoning of profits. A man who no longer thinks in hasznot nem hoz a vilg, ugyangy a haszonrl val
terms of loss and gain is the truly non-violent man, lemonds sem. Aki tbb nem a vesztesg s
for he is beyond all conflict. nyeresg kategriiban gondolkodik, az az igazn
erszak mentes ember, mert tl van minden

Q: Yes, I was always attracted by the idea of ahimsa K: Igen, mindig vonzdtam az ahimsa
(non-violence). (erszakmentessg) idejhoz.

M: Primarily, ahimsa means what it says: 'don't hurt'. M: Alapveten, az ahimsa azt jelenti, amit mond: ne
It is not doing good that comes first, but ceasing to rts. Ez nem jcselekedet, egybknt, hanem a
hurt, not adding to suffering. Pleasing others is not fjdalomokozs abbahagysa, tovbbi szenveds
ahimsa. nem okozsa. A msoknak val rmszerzs nem

Q: I am not talking of pleasing, but I am all for K: Nem rmszerzsrl beszlek, hanem hogy ksz
helping others. vagyok segteni msokon.

M: The only help worth giving is freeing from the M: Egyetlen segtsg br rtkkel, a tovbbi segtsg
need for further help. Repeated help is no help at all. szksglettl val megszabadts. A megismtelt
Do not talk of helping another, unless you can put segtsg egyltaln nem segtsg. Ne beszlj msok
him beyond all need of help. megsegtsrl, hacsak nem tudod ket tlsegteni

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
a segtsg minden szksgletn.

Q: How does one go beyond the need of help? And K: Hogyan lehet meghaladni a segtsg szksgt?
can one help another to do so? s tudja-e az ember segteni a msikat, hogy ezt

M: When you have understood that all existence, in M: Amikor megrtetted, hogy minden lny szenved a
separation and limitation, is painful, and when you sztvlasztottsgban s elhatroltsgban, s amikor
are willing and able to live integrally, in oneness with kpes s hajland leszel integrltan lni, egysgben
all life, as pure being, you have gone beyond all minden lettel, tiszta ltknt, akkor haladtad meg a
need of help. You can help another by precept and segtsg minden szksgt. Tanccsal, pldval,
example and, above all, by your being. You cannot lnyeddel segthetsz msokon, legelssorban. Nem
give what you do not have and you don't have what adhatsz olyat, amid nincs, s nem lehet olyanod,
you are not. You can only give what you are -- and ami nem te vagy. Csak azt adhatod, ami vagy azt
of that you can give limitlessly. viszont korltozs nlkl.

Q: But, is it true that all existence is painful? K: De igaz az, hogy minden ltezs fjdalmas?

M: What else can be the cause of this universal M: Mi egyb oka lehet ennek ez egyetemes lvezet
search for pleasure? Does a happy man seek keressnek? A boldog ember keres-e boldogsgot?
happiness? How restless people are, how constantly Micsoda nyugtalanok az emberek, mennyire lland
on the move. It is because they are in pain that they mozgsban vannak. Szenvedsk miatt keresnek
seek relief in pleasure. All the happiness they can enyhlst az lvezetben. Brmifle boldogsgot
imagine is in the assurance of repeated pleasure. csak az ismtld lvezet biztostsban tudnak

Q: If what I am, as I am, the person I take myself to K: Ha az, ami vagyok, ahogy vagyok, a szemly,
be, cannot be happy, then what am I to do? akinek tartom magam, nem kpes boldog lenni,
akkor mit tehetek?

M: You can only cease to be -- as you seem to be M: Csak abbahagyni tudod a ltet aminek az most
now. There is nothing cruel in what I say. To wake lenni ltszik. Semmi kegyetlen nincs abban, amit
up a man from a nightmare is compassion. You mondok. Knyrletessg rmlmbl felbreszteni
came here because you are in pain, and all I say is: egy embert. Azrt jttl ide, mert szenvedsz, s n
wake up, know yourself, be yourself. The end of pain csupn annyit mondok neked: bredj fel, ismerd
lies not in pleasure. When you realise that you are meg magad, lgy nmagad. A szenveds vge nem
beyond both pain and pleasure, aloof and az lvezetben rejlik. Amikor felismered, hogy felette
unassailable, then the pursuit of happiness ceases minden fjdalom s lvezet fltt ll vagy,
and the resultant sorrow too. For pain aims at kzmbs s megtmadhatatlan, akkor vge a
pleasure and pleasure ends in pain, relentlessly. boldogsg keressnek, s az abbl, szrmaz
szomorsgnak is. Mert a fjdalom az lvezet fel
mutat, s az lvezet fjdalomban vgzdik,

Q: In the ultimate state there can be no happiness? K: A vgs llapotban nem lehetsges a

M: Nor sorrow. Only freedom. Happiness depends M: Sem szomorsg. Csak szabadsg. A boldogsg
on something or other and can be lost; freedom from fgg ettl, vagy attl, s elveszthet; a mindentl
everything depends on nothing and cannot be lost. val szabadsg semmitl sem fgg, s nem
Freedom from sorrow has no cause and, therefore, veszthet el. A szomorsgtl val szabadsgnak
cannot be destroyed. Realise that freedom. nincs oka, s ezrt nem elpusztthat. Valstsd
meg ezt a szabadsgot.

Q: Am I not born to suffer as a result of my past? Is K: Nem lehet, hogy mltam eredmnyekppen
freedom possible at all? Was I born of my own will? szlettem szenvedsre? Lehetsges egyltaln a
Am I not just a creature? szabadsg? Sajt akaratombl szlettem? Nem
csak egy kreatra vagyok?

M: What is birth and death but the beginning and the M: Mi ms a szlets s a hall, ha nem

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
ending of a stream of events in consciousness? tudatossgbeli esemnyek folyamnak kezdete s
Because of the idea of separation and limitation they vge? Amelyek az elklnltsg s korltozottsg
are painful. Momentary relief from pain we call ideja miatt szenvedsteljesek. A szenvedstl val
pleasure -- and we build castles in the air hoping for tmeneti enyhlst lvezetnek nevezzk s
endless pleasure which we call happiness. It is all lgvrakat ptnk, a vg nlkli lvezetben
misunderstanding and misuse. Wake up, go beyond, remnykedve, amelyet elneveztnk boldogsgnak.
live really. Mindez flrerts, s tves hasznlat. bredj fel,
lpj tl, lj igazn.

Q: My knowledge is limited, my power negligible. K: Tudsom korltozott, erm jelentktelen.

M: Being the source of both. The self is beyond both M: A lt a forrsa mindkettnek. Az n fltte ll
knowledge and power. The observable is in the mind a tudsnak, mind az ernek. Az szlelhet az
mind. The nature of the self is pure awareness, pure elmben van. Az n termszete tiszta bersg,
witnessing, unaffected by the presence or absence tiszta tansg, jelenlttl, illetve tuds vagy szeretet
of knowledge or liking. hinytl rintetlen.

Have your being outside this body of birth and death Lsd be, hogy lnyed ezen szletsnek s hallnak
and all your problems will be solved. They exist alvetett testen kvl van, s minden problmd
because you believe yourself born to die. Undeceive megolddik. Szlets s hall azrt lteznek, mert
yourself and be free. You are not a person. hiszel szletsedben s hallodban. Jzantsd ki
magad, s lgy szabad. Te nem szemly vagy.

35. Greatest Guru is Your Inner Self 35. Bels ned a legnagyobb Guru
Questioner: On all sides I hear that freedom from Krdez: Mindenfell azt hallom, hogy az
desires and inclinations is the first condition of self- nmegvalsts elfelttele a vgyaktl s
realisation. But I find the condition impossible of hajlamoktl val szabadsg. De n gy ltom, hogy
fulfilment. Ignorance of oneself causes desires and e felttel teljestse lehetetlen. A tudatlansg
desires perpetuate ignorance. A truly vicious circle. vgyakat kelt, s a vgyak fenntartjk a
tudatlansgot. Ez egy valdi rdgi kr.

Maharaj: There are no conditions to fulfil. There is Maharaj: Nincsenek semmifle felttelek, amelyeket
nothing to be done, nothing to be given up. Just look teljesteni kellene. Semmit nem kell tenni, semmit
and remember, whatever you perceive is not you, nem kell feladni. Csak figyelj, s tartsd szben, hogy
nor yours. It is there in the field of consciousness, akrmit szlelsz, az nem te vagy, sem nem a tid.
but you are not the field and its contents, nor even Az a tudatossg terben van, de te nem vagy a tr,
the knower of the field. It is your idea that you have sem annak tartalma, de mg az sem te vagy, aki
to do things that entangle you in the results of your tudatban van a trnek. Amiatt az elkpzelsed
efforts -- the motive, the desire, the failure to miatt, hogy cselekedned kell, gabalyodsz bele az
achieve, the sense of frustration -- all this holds you erfesztseid eredmnyeibe az indtk, a vgy, a
back. Simply look at whatever happens and know sikertelensg, a frusztrci rzse , amelyek
that you are beyond it. visszahznak. Egyszeren csak figyelj mindent, ami
trtnik, s tudd, hogy te azon tl vagy.

Q: Does it mean I should abstain from doing K: Ez azt jelenti, hogy tartzkodnom kell a
anything? cselekvstl?

M: You cannot. What goes on must go on. If you M: Nem vagy r kpes. Ami megy, annak mennie
stop suddenly, you will crash. kell. Ha hirtelen megllnl, sszetrnd magad.

Q: Is it a matter of the known and the knower K: Ez a tud s a tudott eggy vlsnak a trgya?
becoming one?

M: Both are ideas in the mind, and words that M: Mindkett idea az elmben, s az ket kifejez
express them. There is no self in them. The self is szavakban van. Nincs bennk n. Kzttk, s
neither, between nor beyond. To look for it on the felettk sincs. Mentlis szinten hiba keresed.
mental level is futile. Stop searching, and see -- it is Hagyd abba a keresst, s megltod itt s most
here and now -- it is that 'I am' you know so well. All van , az n vagyok az, amit olyan jl ismersz.
you need to do is to cease taking yourself to be Csupn annyit kell tenned, hogy megsznsz

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
within the field of consciousness. Unless you have nmagadat a tudatossg tern bell lvnek tartani.
already considered these matters carefully, listening Hacsak alaposan t nem gondoltad mr ezeket a
to me once will not do. Forget your past experiences tmkat, egyszeri meghallgatst kveten nem
and achievements, stand naked, exposed to the fogod megtenni. Felejtsd el a mlt tapasztalatait s
winds and rains of life and you will have a chance. vvmnyait, llj ki meztelenl, kitve magad az let
szelnek s esjnek, s lesz egy eslyed.

Q: Has devotion (bhakti) any place in your teaching? K: Tartalmaz odaadst (bhakti) valahol a tantsod?

M: When you are not well, you go to a physician M: Amikor nem vagy egszsges, orvoshoz msz,
who tells you what is wrong and what is the remedy. aki kzli veled a bajodat, s az ellenszert. Ha
If you have confidence in him, it makes things bizalmat rzel irnta, az egyszersti a dolgokat:
simple: you take the medicine, follow the diet beveszed az orvossgot, betartod a ditt, s
restrictions and get well. But if you do not trust him, helyrejssz. De ha nem bzol benne, akkor vagy
you may still take a chance, or you may study vllalod a rizikt, vagy megtanulod gygykezelni
medicine yourself. In all cases it is your desire for magad. Mindegyik esetben a gygyulsi vgyad az,
recovery that moves you, not the physician. ami mozgat tged, nem az orvos.

Without trust there is no peace. Somebody or other Bizalom nlkl nincs bke. Mindig hiszel valakinek
you always trust -- it may be your mother, or your legyen az a mamd, vagy a felesged. Az sszes
wife. Of all the people the knower of the self, the ember kzl az n ismerje, a megszabadult ember
liberated man, is the most trust-worthy. But merely a legmegbzhatbb. De a puszta bizalom nem elg.
to trust is not enough. You must also desire. Without Vgynod is szksges. A szabadsg vgya nlkl
desire for freedom of what use is the confidence that mi haszna van a bizonyossgnak, hogy
you can acquire freedom? Desire and confidence megszerezheted a szabadsgot? Vgy s
must go together. The stronger your desire, the bizonyossg egytt kell jrjanak. Minl ersebb a
easier comes the help. The greatest Guru is vgyad, annl knnyebben jn a segtsg. A
helpless as long as the disciple is not eager to learn. legnagyobb Guru is tehetetlen, amg a tantvny
Eagerness and earnestness are all-important. nem lelkesedik a tanulsrt. Lelkeseds s
Confidence will come with experience. Be devoted komolysg ltfontossgak. A bizonyossg meg fog
to your goal -- and devotion to him who can guide jnni a tapasztalattal. Lgy odaad a clod irnt s
you will follow. If your desire and confidence are az odaads az irnt, aki vezetni tud tged, be fog
strong, they will operate and take you to your goal, kvetkezni. Ha vgyad s bizonyossgod ersek,
for you will not cause delay by hesitation and akkor mkdni fognak, s elvisznek clodhoz, mert
compromise. nem lesz okod kslekedni habozs s megalkuvs
The greatest Guru is your inner self. Truly, he is the
supreme teacher. He alone can take you to your A legnagyobb Guru a bels n. Valjban a
goal and he alone meets you at the end of the road. legfelsbb tant. Egyedl tud tged a clodba
Confide in him and you need no outer Guru. But juttatni, s egyedl vr az t vgn. Bzz benne,
again you must have the strong desire to find him s nem lesz szksged kls Gurura. De ismtlem,
and do nothing that will create obstacles and delays. ersen vgynod kell megtallni t, s ne tgy semmi
And do not waste energy and time on regrets. Learn olyat, ami akadlyokat s ksedelmeskedst
from your mistakes and do not repeat them. eredmnyezne. s ne pazarolj energit s idt
megbnsokra. Tanulj a hibidbl, s ne ismteld
meg azokat.

Q: If you do not mind my asking a personal K: Megengeded, hogy feltegyek egy szemlyes
question...? krdst?

M: Yes, go ahead. M: Igen, csak tessk.

Q: I see you sitting on an antelope skin. How does it K: gy ltom, antilop brn lsz. Hogy egyeztethet
tally with non-violence? ez ssze az erszakmentessggel?

M: All my working life I was a cigarette-maker, M: Egsz letemben cigarettt ksztettem, segtve,
helping people to spoil their health. And in front of hogy az emberek tnkretegyk az egszsgket. s
my door the municipality has put up a public a kapummal szemben a helyhatsg fellltott egy
lavatory, spoiling my health. In this violent world how nyilvnos illemhelyet, ami tnkreteszi az n
can one keep away from violence of some kind or egszsgemet. Ebben az erszakos vilgban

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
other? hogyan tarthatna tvolsgot az ember az erszak
egyik vagy msik fajtjtl?

Q: Surely all avoidable violence should be avoided. K: Biztos vagyok benne, hogy minden elkerlhet
And yet in India every holy man has his tiger, lion, erszakot el kell kerlni. s Indiban mgis minden
leopard or antelope skin to sit on. szent embernek van tigris, oroszln, leoprd vagy
antilop bre, amin l.

M: Maybe because no plastics were available in M: Taln, mert nem lltak rendelkezsre manyagok
ancient times and a skin was best to keep the damp az si idkben, s a br volt a legalkalmasabb, hogy
away. Rheumatism has no charm, even for a saint. tvol tartsa a nedvessget. A reuma nem kellemes,
Thus the tradition arose that for lengthy meditations mg egy szentnek sem. gy alakulhatott ki a
a skin is needed. Just like the drum-hide in a temple, hagyomny, hogy a hossz meditcikhoz brre van
so is the antelope skin of a Yogi. We hardly notice it. szksg. Ahogy a templomi dobokon is br van, gy
van antilop br a Yoginl is. Nemigen figyelnk erre.

Q: But the animal had to be killed. K: De az llatot meg kellett lni.

M: I have never heard of a Yogi killing a tiger for his M: Soha nem hallottam, hogy egy Yogi meglt volna
hide. The killers are not Yogis and the Yogis are not egy tigrist a brrt. A gyilkosok nem Yogik, s a
killers. Yogik nem gyilkosok.

Q: Should you not express your disapproval by K: Nem kellene helytelentsedet kifejezned,
refusing to sit on a skin? visszautastva, hogy egy brn lj?

M: What an idea. I disapprove of the entire universe, M: Micsoda tlet. n az egsz univerzumot
why only a skin? helytelentem, mirt szortkozzak egy brre?

Q: What is wrong with the universe? K: Mi baj az univerzummal?

M: Forgetting your Self is the greatest injury; all the M: ned elfelejtse a legnagyobb krttel; az
calamities flow from it. Take care of the most sszes szerencstlensg ebbl kvetkezik. gyelj a
important, the lesser will take care of itself. You do legfontosabbra, a kicsiny majd gondoskodik
not tidy up a dark room. You open the windows first. magrl. Ne takartsd fel a stt szobt. Elszr
Letting in the light makes everything easy. So, let us nyiss ablakot. A fny beeresztse mindent knnyv
wait with improving others until we have seen tesz. Vrjunk teht msok jobbtsval, amg meg
ourselves as we are -- and have changed. There is nem lttuk magunkat olyannak, amilyenek vagyunk
no need to turn round and round in endless s meg nem vltoztunk. Nem szksges a
questioning; find yourself and everything will fall into vgtelen krdezgetsben val krbe-krbe forgs;
its proper place. talld meg nmagad, s minden a valdi helyre

Q: The urge to return to the source is very rare. Is it K: A forrshoz val visszatrs vgya nagyon ritka.
at all natural? Termszetes dolog ez egyltaln?

M: Outgoing is natural in the beginning, ingoing -- in M: A kezdetkor a kiramls termszetes, a

the end. But in reality the two are one, just like beramls pedig a vgn. De valjban a kett
breathing in and out are one. egy, pp gy, mint ahogy a ki s belgzs egyek.

Q: In the same way are not the body and the dweller K: Nem egyek-e, ugyanilyen mdon, a test s a test
in the body one? lakja?

M: Events in time and space -- birth and death, M: Id- s trbeli esemnyek szlets s hall, ok
cause and effect -- these may be taken as one; but s okozat tekinthetk egynek; de a test s a testet
the body and the embodied are not of the same lttt a valsgnak nem ugyanazon fokozatai. A test
order of reality. The body exists in time and space, idben s trben ltezik, muland s korltozott,
transient and limited, while the dweller is timeless mg a lak idtlen s hatrtalan, rk s mindent
and spaceless, eternal and all-pervading. To identify that. A kett azonostsa slyos hiba, s vgtelen
the two is a grievous mistake and the cause of szenvedsnek az okozja. Lehet az elmrl s a
endless suffering. You can speak of the mind and testrl gy beszlni, mint amelyek egyek, de a test-

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
body as one, but the body-mind is not the underlying elme nem kpezi valsg alapjt.

Q: Whoever he may be, the dweller is in control of K: Akrki is legyen , a lak vezreli a testet, s
the body and, therefore, responsible for it. kvetkezskppen felels rte.

M: There is a universal power which is in control and M: Az univerzlis er az, amely vezrel, s felels.
is responsible.

Q: And so, I can do as I like and put the blame on K: s akkor csinlhatok, ami nekem tetszik, s
some universal power? How easy. tulajdontsam a hibt valamilyen univerzlis ernek?
Milyen knny.

M: Yes, very easy. Just realise the One Mover M: Igen, nagyon knny. Csak ismerd fel az Egy
behind all that moves and leave all to Him. If you do Mozgatt minden mgtt, ami mozog, s hagyj
not hesitate, or cheat, this is the shortest way to mindent r. Ha nem hezitlsz, s nem csalsz, ez a
reality. Stand without desire and fear, relinquishing legrvidebb t a valsghoz. Lgy vgy s flelem
all control and all responsibility. nlkli, elhagyva mindenfle vezrlst, s minden

Q: What madness. K: Micsoda rlet.

M: Yes, divine madness. What is wrong in letting go M: Igen, isteni rlet. Mi baj van a szemlyes
the illusion of personal control and personal vezrls, s a szemlyes felelssg illzija
responsibility? Both are in the mind only. Of course, elengedsvel? Mindkett csak az elmben van.
as long as you imagine yourself to be in control, you Termszetesen, amg azt kpzeled, hogy te
should also imagine yourself to be responsible. One vezrelsz, felelsnek is kpzeled magadat. Az egyik
implies the other. maga utn vonja a msikat.

Q: How can the universal be responsible for the K: Hogyan lehet az univerzlis felels az egyedirt?

M: All life on earth depends on the sun. Yet you M: A Fldn minden let a naptl fgg. Mgsem
cannot blame the sun for all that happens, though it tesszk felelss a napot mindenrt, ami
is the ultimate cause. Light causes the colour of the megtrtnik, habr az a vgs ok. A fny okozza a
flower, but it neither controls, nor is responsible for it virg szneit, de sohasem vezrli, s nem is felels
directly. It makes it possible, that is all. rte kzvetlenl. Lehetv teszi azt, ez minden.

Q: What I do not like in all this is taking refuge in K: Amit nem szeretek ebben az egszben, az a
some universal power. valamilyen univerzlis erhz val menekls.

M: You cannot quarrel with facts. M: Nem hibztathatod a tnyeket.

Q: Whose facts? Yours or mine? K: Kinek a tnyeit? A tidet vagy az enymet?

M: Yours. You cannot deny my facts, for you do not M: A tidet. Az n tnyeimet nem tudod tagadni,
know them. Could you know them, you would not mert nem ismered ket. Ha ismernd ket, nem
deny them. Here lies the trouble. You take your tagadnd. Ebben rejlik a problma. A te
imagining for facts and my facts for imagination. I kpzeldseidet tnyeknek tartod, s az n
know for certain that all is one. Differences do not tnyeimet kpzeldsnek. n teljes bizonyossggal
separate. Either you are responsible for nothing, or tudom, hogy minden egy. A klnbsgek nem
for everything. To imagine that you are in control vlasztanak el. Vagy semmirt nem vagy felels,
and responsible for one body only is the aberration vagy mindenrt. Azt kpzelni, hogy te vezrelsz egy
of the body-mind. testet, s felels vagy rte, csupn a test-elme

Q: Still, you are limited by your body. K: Mgis, korltozott vagy a tested ltal.

M: Only in matters pertaining to the body. This I do M: Csak a testtel kapcsolatos dolgokban. Ezzel n
not mind. It is like enduring the seasons of the year. nem trdm. Olyan ez, mint elszenvedni az

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
They come, they go -- they hardly affect me. In the vszakokat. Az vszakok jnnek s mennek alig
same way body-minds come and go -- life is forever vannak rm hatssal. Ugyanilyen mdon jn s
in search of new expressions. megy a test-elme az let rkk keresi az j

Q: As long as you do not put all the burden of evil on K: Amg nem rakod a gonosz minden terht Istenre,
God, I am satisfied. There may be a God for all I elgedett vagyok. Lehet, hogy van Isten, mr
know, but to me he is a concept projected by the amennyire tudom, de szmomra az emberi elme
human mind. He may be a reality to you, but to me ltal kivettett koncepci. Lehet, hogy realits
society is more real than God, for I am both its szmodra, de szmomra a trsadalom sokkal
creature and its prisoner. Your values are wisdom valsgosabb, mint Isten, mert n mindkettnek
and compassion; society's sagacious selfishness. I teremtmnye s rabja vagyok. A te rtkeid a
live in a world quite different from yours. blcsessg s a knyrlet; a trsadalom az
rtelmes nzs. n olyan vilgban lek, amely
teljesen ms, mint a tied.

M: None compels. M: Senki nem knyszert.

Q: None compels you, but I am compelled. My world K: Tged senki nem knyszert, de engem igen. Az
is an evil world, full of tears, toil and pain. To explain n vilgom egy gonosz vilg, tele knnyekkel,
it away by the intellectualising, by putting forth kszkdssel s fjdalommal. Az intellektualista
theories of evolution and karma is merely adding flremagyarzs, az olyan terik kifejlesztsvel
insult to injury. The God of an evil world is a cruel karltve, mint evolci s karma, csupn srtssel
God. tetzi az igazsgtalansgot. Egy gonosz vilgnak az
Istene kegyetlen Isten.

M: You are the god of your world and you are both M: Te vagy az istene a te vilgodnak, s te vagy az
stupid and cruel. Let God be a concept -- your own ostoba, s kegyetlen is. Legyen Isten koncepci a
creation. Find out who you are, how did you come to te sajt teremtmnyed. Dertsd ki, hogy ki vagy,
live, longing for truth, goodness and beauty in a hogyan jttl a vilgra, igazsgra, jsgra s
world full of evil. Of what use is your arguing for or szpsgre svrogva, egy gonoszsggal tele
against God. When you just do not know who is God vilgban. Milyen haszonnal jr, ha akr Isten mellett,
and what are you talking about. The God born of akr ellene rvelsz? Amikor ppen hogy azt nem
fear and hope, shaped by desire and imagination, tudod, hogy kicsoda Isten, s hogy mi az, amirl
cannot be the Power That is, the Mind and the Heart beszlsz. Az Isten, amely flelembl s remnybl
of the universe. szletett, vgy s kpzelet ltal formlt, nem lehet
azonos azzal az Ervel, Amely az univerzum Elmje
s Szve.

Q: I agree that the world I live in and the God I K: Elfogadom, hogy az a vilg, amelyben lek, s az
believe in are both creatures of imagination. But in az Isten, akiben hiszek a kpzelet szlttei. De
what way are they created by desire? Why do I milyen mdon lettek a kpzelet ltal ltrehozva?
imagine a world so painful and a God so indifferent? Mirt tallok ki egy ennyire szenvedssel teli vilgot,
What is wrong with me that I should torture myself s egy ennyire kznys Istent? Mi bajom, hogy
so cruelly? The enlightened man comes and tells ilyen kegyetlenl meg kell magam gytrnm? A
me: 'it is but a dream to put an end to', but is he not megvilgosodott ember jn, s azt mondja nekem:
himself a part of the dream? I find myself trapped ez csak egy lom, vess neki vget, de nem maga
and see no way out. You say you are free. Of what is az lom rsze? gy ltom, csapdba kerltem, s
are you free? For heaven's sake, don't feed me on nem ltok kiutat. Te azt mondod, szabad vagy. Mitl
words, enlighten me, help me to wake up, since it is szabadultl meg? Az Isten szerelmre, ne szavakkal
you who sees me tossing in my sleep. traktlj, vilgosts meg, segts flbrednem, mivel te
vagy az, aki hnykoldni ltsz engem lmomban.

M: When I say I am free, I merely state a fact. If you M: Amikor azt mondom, szabad vagyok, pusztn
are an adult, you are free from infancy. I am free tnyt llaptok meg. Ha te felntt vagy, akkor mentes
from all description and identification. Whatever you vagy a gyermetegsgtl. n mentes vagyok minden
may hear, see, or think of, I am not that. I am free lerstl s azonosulstl. Brmit hallasz, vagy ltsz,
from being a percept, or a concept. n nem vagyok az. Mentes vagyok attl, hogy
szlels, vagy fogalom lennk.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
Q: Still, you have a body and you depend on it. K: De ht tested van, s fggesz tle.

M: Again you assume that your point of view is the M: Ismt azt felttelezed, hogy egyedl a te
only correct one. I repeat: I was not, am not, shall nzpontod korrekt. Megismtlem: Nem voltam,
not be a body. To me this is a fact. I too was under nem vagyok, s nem leszek test. Szmomra ez tny.
the illusion of having been born, but my Guru made n is abban az illziban ltem, hogy szlettem, de
me see that birth and death are mere ideas -- birth is Gurum felismertette velem a szlets s hall
merely the idea: 'I have a body'. And death -- 'I have puszta idea mivoltt a szlets csupn egy idea:
lost my body'. Now, when I know I am not a body, testem van. s a hall elvesztettem a testemet.
the body may be there or may not -- what difference Most, mikor tudom, hogy n nem vagyok test, a test
does it make? The bodymind is like a room. It is akr ott van, akr nem mi a klnbsg? A test-
there, but I need not live in it all the time. elme olyan, mint egy szoba. Itt van, de nekem nem
kell llandan benne lnem.

Q: Yet, there is a body and you do take care of it. K: De mgis, a test ltezik, s te gondot viselsz r.

M: The power that created the body takes care of it. M: A testet ltrehoz er visel r gondot.

Q: We are jumping from level to level all the time. K: Szintrl szintre ugrlunk, mindvgig.

M: There are two levels to consider -- the physical -- M: Kt szintje van a szemlletnek a fizikai ami
of facts, and mental -- of ideas. I am beyond both. tnyek, s a mentlis ami az idek. n
Neither your facts, nor ideas are mine. What I see is mindkettn tl vagyok. Sem a tnyeid, sem az ideid
beyond. Cross over to my side and see with me. nem az enymek. Amit n ltok, az tl van ezeken.
Gyere t az n oldalamra, s lsd, amit n.

Q: What I want to say is very simple. As long as I K: Amit mondani akarok, az nagyon egyszer. Amg
believe: 'I am the body', I must not say: 'God will look azt hiszem: a test vagyok, nem mondhatom azt,
after my body'. God will not. He will let it starve, hogy: Isten gondjt fogja viselni a testemnek. Nem
sicken and die. fogja. Hagyni fog, hogy hezzek, megbetegedjek s

M: What else do you expect from a mere body? Why M: Mi egyebet vrsz egy puszta testtl? Mirt vagy
are you so anxious about it? olyan nyugtalan miatta?

Because you think you are the body, you want it Mert azt gondolod, hogy a test vagy, azt akarod,
indestructible. You can extend its life considerably hogy elpusztthatatlan legyen. Alkalmas praktikkkal
by appropriate practices, but for what ultimate good? jelentsen meghosszabbthatod az lett, de milyen
hasznot rhetsz el?

Q: It is better to live long and healthy. It gives us a K: Jobb, ha hossz ideig, s egszsgesen lnk.
chance to avoid the mistakes of childhood and Eslyt ad, hogy kikszblhessk a gyermek- s
youth, the frustrations of adulthood, the miseries and ifjkor hibit, a felnttkor frusztrciit, az regkor
imbecility of old age. szenvedseit s gyengeelmjsgt.

M: By all means live long. But you are not the M: Hogyne, lj tovbb. De nem te vagy a mester.
master. Can you decide the days of your birth and Kpes vagy meghatrozni a szletsed s a hallod
death? We are not speaking the same language. napjt? Nem ugyanazt a nyelvet beszljk. A tid a
Yours is a make-believe talk, all hangs on ltszatkelts beszde, amelyben minden
suppositions and assumptions. You speak with vlekedsektl s feltevsektl fgg. Olyan
assurance about things you are not sure of. dolgokrl beszlsz nagy magabiztossggal, amiben
nem vagy bizonyos.

Q: Therefore, I am here. K: ppen emiatt vagyok itt.

M: You are not yet here. I am here. Come in. But M: Mg nem vagy itt. n vagyok itt. Hvlak, gyere be.
you don't. You want me to live your life, feel your De te nem jssz. Tlem akarod, hogy az letedet
way, use your language. I cannot, and it will not help ljem, az utadat rezzem, a nyelvedet hasznljam.
you. You must come to me. Words are of the mind Nem tudom, s ez nem is segtene rajtad. Neked
and the mind obscures and distorts. Hence the kell hozzm jnnd. Szavaid az elme szavai, s az

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
absolute need to go beyond words and move over to elme sszezavar, s torzt. Ezrt kell az abszoltnak
my side. tllpnie a szavakon, s neked tjnnd az n

Q: Take me over. K: Vigyl t.

M: I am doing it, but you resist. You give reality to M: Csinlom, de te ellenllsz. Realitst adsz a
concepts, while concepts are distortions of reality. koncepciknak, mikzben a koncepcik a valsg
Abandon all conceptualisation and stay silent and torzulsai. Hagyj fel minden fogalomalkotssal, s
attentive. Be earnest about it and all will be well with maradj csendes, s figyelmes. llj hozz komolyan,
you. s minden jra fordul veled kapcsolatban.

36. Killing Hurts the Killer, not the Killed 36. Az ls a gyilkosnak rt, nem a
Questioner: A thousand years ago a man lived and Krdez: vezredekkel ezeltt lt egy ember, s
died. His identity (antahkarana) re-appeared in a meghalt. Identitsa (antahkarana) ismt megjelent,
new body. Why does he not remember his previous egy j testben. Mirt nem emlkszik elz letre?
life? And if he does, can the memory be brought into s ha igen, tudatoss tehet az emlkezet?
the conscious?

Maharaj: How do you know that the same person Maharaj: Honnan tudod, hogy ugyanaz a szemly
re-appeared in the new body? A new body may jelent meg jra, egy j testben? Egy j test jelenthet
mean a new person altogether. egy teljesen j szemlyt is.

Q: Imagine a pot of ghee. (Indian clarified butter). K: Kpzeljk el, hogy itt van egy bdn ghee. (Indiai
When the pot breaks, the Ghee remains and can be tiszttott vaj.) Ha a bdn eltrik, a ghee megmarad,
transferred to another pot. The old pot had its own s ttehet egy msik bdnbe. A rgi bdnnek is
scent, the new -- its own. The Ghee will carry the volt a sajt illata, az jnak is megvan a sajtja. A
scents from pot to pot. In the same way the personal ghee magn hordozza az illatokat, bdnrl
identity is transferred from body to body. bdnre. Ugyangy megy t szemlyes identits is
testbl testbe.

M: It is all right. When there is the body, its M: Rendben. Amikor teste van, akkor a szemlyt
peculiarities affect the person. Without the body we befolysoljk a test sajtossgai. Test nlkl a
have the pure identity in the sense of 'I am'. But szntiszta identitsunk az n vagyok rzetben van.
when you are reborn in a new body, where is the De amikor egy j testben j letre bredsz, hol
world formerly experienced? vannak a rgebben tapasztaltak?

Q: Every body experiences its own world. K: Minden test a sajt vilgt tapasztalja.

M: In the present body the old body -- is it merely an M: A jelenlegi testben a rgi test ez puszta idea,
idea, or is it a memory? vagy emlk?

Q: An idea, of course. How can a brain remember K: Termszetesen idea. Hogy emlkezhetne az agy
what it has not experienced? arra emlkezni, amit nem tapasztalt?

M: You have answered your own question. Why play M: Megvlaszoltad a sajt krdsedet. Mirt jtszol
with ideas? Be content with what you are sure of. idekkal? Elgedj meg azzal, amiben biztos vagy.
And the only thing you can be sure of is 'I am'. Stay s az egyetlen dolog, amiben biztos lehetsz az n
with it, and reject everything else. This is Yoga. vagyok. Maradj benne, s utasts el minden mst.
Ez a Yoga.

Q: I can reject only verbally. At best I remember to K: Csupn verblisan tudom elutastani. A legjobb
repeat the formula: 'This is not me, this is not mine. I esetben is csak emlkezetbl ismtelgetem a
am beyond all this'. formult: ez nem n vagyok, ez nem az enym. n
tl vagyok mindezen.

M: Good enough. First verbally, then mentally and M: Rendben. Elbb verblisan, majd mentlisan s

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
emotionally, then in action. Give attention to the emocionlisan, majd cselekvsben. Irnytsd
reality within you and it will come to light. It is like figyelmedet a bensdben lv valsgra, s az
churning the cream for butter. Do it correctly and napvilgra fog kerlni. Ez olyan, mint amikor a
assiduously and the result is sure to come. tejsznbl vajat kplsz. Ha helyesen s kitartan
csinlod, az eredmnynek biztosan be kell

Q: How can the absolute be the result of a process? K: Hogy lehet abszolt eredmnye egy

M: You are right, the relative cannot result in the M: Igazad van, a relatv nem vgzdhet az
absolute. But the relative can block the absolute, just abszoltban. De a relatv korltozhatja az
as the non-churning of the cream may prevent the abszoltot, mint ahogy a tejszn nem-kplse is
butter from separating. It is the real that creates the akadlyozhatja a vaj kivlst. A valsg hozza ltre
urge; the inner prompts the outer and the outer az sztnzst; a bels sarkallja a klst, s a kls
responds in interest and effort. But ultimately there is vlasza az rdeklds s erfeszts. De vgs
no inner, nor outer; the light of consciousness is soron nincs sem bels, sem kls; a teremt, a
both the creator and the creature, the experiencer teremtett, a tapasztal s a tapasztalat, a test s a
and the experience, the body and the embodied. testet lttt mindegyike a tudatossg fnyvel
Take care of the power that projects all this and your azonos. Ragadd meg az ert, amely mindezt kivetti,
problems will come to an end. s problmid vget fognak rni.

Q: Which is the projecting power? K: Mi ez a kivett er?

M: It is imagination prompted by desire. M: A vgy ltal sztnztt kpzelet.

Q: I know all this, but have no power over it. K: Tudom, de nincs hatalmam fltte.

M: This is another illusion of yours, born from M: Ez egy msik olyan illzid, amely a knz vgy
craving for results. eredmnyeknt szletett.

Q: What is wrong with purposeful action? K: Mi a problma a cltudatos cselekvssel?

M: It does not apply. In these matters there is no M: Ez nem erre vonatkozik. Ebben a vonatkozsban
question of purpose, nor of action. All you need is to nem jtszik szerepet sem szndk, sem cselekedet.
listen, remember, ponder. It is like taking food. All A tennivald mindssze hallgatni, szben tartani,
you can do is to bite off, chew and swallow. All else elmlkedni. Hasonlan az evshez. Mindssze
is unconscious and automatic. Listen, remember harapni, rgni s nyelni van lehetsged. Minden
and understand -- the mind is both the actor and the ms tudattalan s automatikus. Hallgass, emlkezz,
stage. All is of the mind and you are not the mind. rts az elme cselekv, s llapot is egyttal. Az
The mind is born and reborn, not you. The mind elme szletik, s szletik jj, nem te. Minden az
creates the world and all the wonderful variety of it. elmben van, s te nem az elme vagy. Az elme
Just like in a good play you have all sorts of teremti a vilgot s csodlatos vltozatossgnak
characters and situations, so you need a little of sszessgt. Mint egy j jtkban, ahol mindenfle
everything to make a world. karakterek s szitucik llnak rendelkezsedre,
ppen gy van szksged egy kicsire mindenbl,
hogy csinlj egy vilgot.

Q: Nobody suffers in a play. K: Senki nem szenved, mikor jtszik.

M: Unless one identifies himself with it. Don't identify M: Hacsak nem azonostja magt vele. Ne
yourself with the world and you will not suffer. azonostsd magad a vilggal, s nem fogsz

Q: Others will. K: Msok fognak.

M: Then make your world perfect, by all means. If M: Termszetesen, akkor tkletestsd a vilgodat.
you believe in God, work with Him. It you do not, Ha hiszel Istenben, dolgozz egytt Vele. Ha nem,
become one. Either see the world as a play or work akkor azonosulj vele. Vagy lsd a vilgot jtknak,
at it with all your might. Or both. vagy dolgozz rajta minden kpessgeddel. Vagy

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok

Q: What about the identify of the dying man? What K: Mit gondolsz a haldokl ember identitsrl? Mi
happens to it when he is dead? Do you agree that it trtnik vele, a halla utn? Egyetrtesz-e azzal,
continues in another body. hogy egy msik testben folytatja?

M: It continues and yet it does not. All depends how M: Folytatja is, s nem is. Teljesen attl fgg,
you look at it. What is identity, after all? Continuity in hogyan nzzk. Mi az identits, vgl is? Az
memory? Can you talk of identity without memory? emlkezet folytonossga? Tudsz identitsrl
beszlni emlkezet nlkl?

Q: Yes, I can. The child may not know its parents, K: Igen, tudok. Lehetsges, hogy a gyermek nem
yet the hereditary characteristics will be there. ismeri a szleit, az rkletes tulajdonsgok mgis
benne vannak.

M: Who identifies them? Somebody with a memory M: Ki azonostja azokat? Valaki az emlkezete
to register and compare. Don't you see that memory rvn megjegyzi s sszehasonltja. Nem ltod,
is the warp of your mental life. And identity is merely hogy mentlis letednek az emlkezet a
a pattern of events in time and space. Change the vontatktele? s az identits pusztn esemnyek
pattern and you have changed the man. idbeli s trbeli mintja. Vltoztasd meg a mintt,
s megvltoztattad az embert.

Q: The pattern is significant and important. It has its K: A minta lnyeges, s fontos. Sajt rtkkel br.
own value. By saying that a woven design is merely Ha azt mondod, hogy egy szvsi terv csupn
coloured threads you miss the most important -- the sznes fonalakbl ll, azt veszted el, ami a
beauty of it. Or by describing a book as paper with legfontosabb a szpsgt. Vagy, ha egy knyvet
ink stains on it, you miss the meaning. Identity is gy rsz le, hogy azok csak paprok, amelyeken
valuable because it is the basis of individuality; that tintafoltok vannak, elveszted a jelentst. Az
which makes us unique and irreplaceable. 'I am', is identits rtkes, mert ez az egynisgnek az
the intuition of uniqueness. alapja; az tesz bennnket egyediv, s
ptolhatatlann. Az n vagyok egyedisget sugall.

M: Yes and no. Identity, individuality, uniqueness -- M: Igen, s nem. Identits, individualits, egyedisg
they are the most valuable aspects of the mind, yet ezek az elme legrtkesebb aspektusai, de csak
of the mind only. 'I am all there is' too is an az elm. Az n vagyok minden egy olyan
experience equally valid. The particular and the tapasztalat, ami szintn rvnyes. Az egyedi s az
universal are inseparable. They are the two aspects univerzlis elvlaszthatatlanok. Ezek a nvtelen kt
of the nameless, as seen from without and from aspektusa, kvlrl s bellrl nzve. Sajnos, a
within. Unfortunately, words only mention, but don't szavak csak utalsok valamire, de nem hordozzk
convey. Try to go beyond the words. azt. Prbld meghaladni a szavakat.

Q: What dies with death? K: Mi hal meg a halllal?

M: The idea 'I am this body' dies; the witness does M: Az n vagyok a test idea meghal, a tansg
not. nem.

Q: The Jains believe in a multiplicity of witnesses, K: A Jaink a tank sokflesgben hisznek,

forever separate. amelyek rkre elklnltek.

M: That is their tradition based on the experience of M: Az hagyomnyuk sok kimagasl ember
some great people. The one witness reflects itself in tapasztalatain alapulnak. Az egyetlen tan
the countless bodies as 'I am'. As long as the szmtalan testben tkrzi magt n vagyok-knt.
bodies, however subtle, last, the 'I am' appears as Amg a testek, jllehet szubtilis llapotban,
many. Beyond the body there is only the One. fnnmaradnak, az n vagyok sokknt jelenik meg.
A testen tl csak az Egyetlen van.

Q: God? K: Isten?

M: The Creator is a person whose body is the world. M: A teremt egy szemly, akinek a teste a vilg. A
The Nameless one is beyond all gods. Nvtelen minden istenek fltt ll.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok

Q: Sri Ramana Maharshi died. What difference did it K: Sri Ramana Maharshi meghalt. Milyen
make to him? klnbsget jelent ez szmra?

M: None. What he was, he is -- the Absolute Reality. M: Semmilyent. Ami volt, most is az az Abszolt

Q: But to the common man death makes a K: De egy kznsges ember halla klnbsggel
difference. jr.

M: What he thinks himself to be before death he M: Amit magrl gondol, hogy mi a halla eltt, az
continues to be after death. His self-image survives. folytatdik a halla utn. Az nkpe tovbb l.

Q: The other day there was a talk about the use by K: A minap sz volt rla, hogy a gnani mirt hasznl
the gnani of animal skins for meditation etc. I was llatbrket a meditcija sorn, stb. Engem nem
not convinced. It is easy to justify everything by sikerlt meggyzni. Mindent knnyen lehet igazolni
referring to custom and tradition. Customs may be a szoksokra s hagyomnyokra hivatkozva.
cruel and tradition corrupt. They explain, but do not Elfordul, hogy a szoksok kegyetlenek, s a
justify. hagyomnyok erklcstelenek. Megmagyarztad, de
nem bizonytottad be.

M: I never meant to say that lawlessness follows M: Sohasem llt szndkomban azt mondani, hogy
self-realisation. A liberated man is extremely law- a nmegvalstsbl trvnytelensg kvetkezik. A
abiding. But his laws are the laws of his real self, not megszabadult ember mdfelett trvnytisztel. De
of his society. These he observes, or breaks az trvnyei sajt valdi njnek, nem pedig a
according to circumstances and necessity. But he trsadalomnak a trvnyei. Utbbiakat betartja, vagy
will never be fanciful and disorderly. megszegi, megfelelen a krlmnyeknek s a
szksgszersgnek. De sohasem szeszlyes s

Q: What I cannot accept is justification by custom K: Nem tudom elfogadni a szoksra s habitusra
and habit. alapozott igazols.

M: The difficulty lies in our differing points of view. M: A nehzsg nzpontjaink klnbzsgben
You speak from the body-mind's. Mine is of the rejlik. Te a test-elme nzpontjbl beszlsz. n
witness. The difference is basic. viszont a tansgbl. Alapvet klnbsg.

Q: Still, cruelty is cruelty K: De a kegyetlensg akkor is kegyetlensg.

M: None compels you to be cruel. M: Senki nem knyszert kegyetlensgre.

Q: Taking advantage of other people's cruelty is K: A msik ember kegyetlensgnek a kihasznlsa

cruelty by proxy. megbzsbl elkvetett kegyetlensg.

M: If you look into living process closely, you will find M: Ha kzelrl megvizsglod az let folyamatt,
cruelty everywhere, for life feeds on life. This is a mindentt kegyetlensget tallsz, mert az let lettel
fact, but it does not make you feel guilty of being tpllkozik. Ez tnykrds, mgsem okoz benned
alive. You began a life of cruelty by giving your bntudatot az, hogy llny vagy. Megszlettl egy
mother endless trouble. To the last day of your life kegyetlen letre, amelyet desanyd vgtelen
you will compete for food, clothing, shelter, holding szenvedse rn kaptl. leted utols napjig
on to your body, fighting for its needs, wanting it to versenyzel telrt, ruhzatrt, fedlrt, tested
be secure, in a world of insecurity and death. From fenntartsrt, harcolsz annak szksgleteirt,
the animal's point of view being killed is not the biztonsgban akarod tudni, a bizonytalansg s
worst form of dying; surely preferable to sickness hall vilgban. llati nzpontbl nem a meglets
and senile decay. The cruelty lies in the motive, not a legrosszabb formja a hallnak; a betegsgnl s
in the fact. Killing hurts the killer, not the killed. aggkori szenilitsnl biztosan jobb. A kegyetlensg
a motivciban ll, nem a tnyben. Az ls a
gyilkosnak rt, nem a megltnek.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
Q: Agreed; then one must not accept the services of K: Egyetrtek; de akkor az embernek nem szabad
hunters and butchers. elfogadnia a vadszok s hentesek szolgltatsait.

M: Who wants you to accept? M: Ki akarja, hogy elfogadd?

Q: You accept. K: Te fogadod el.

M: That is how you see me. How quickly you M: Te vagy az, aki gy ltsz engem. Milyen gyors
accuse, condemn, sentence and execute. Why vagy a vdolsban, elmarasztalsban, tlkezsben
begin with me and not with yourself? s vgrehajtsban. Mirt velem kezded, s nem
sajt magaddal?

Q: A man like you should set an example. K: Egy olyan embernek, mint te, pldt kell

M: Are you ready to follow my example? I am dead M: Ksz vagy r, hogy kvesd a pldmat? n
to the world, I want nothing, not even to live. Be as I meghaltam a vilg szmra, nem akarok semmit,
am, do as I do. You are judging me by my clothes mg lni sem. Legyl, mint n, tegyl, mint n. Te az
and food; while I only look at your motives; if you ltzkem s az telem alapjn tlsz meg engem,
believe to be the body and the mind and act on it mg n csak indt okaidat tekintem; ha te a testnek,
you are guilty of the greatest cruelty -- cruelty to your s az elmnek hiszed magad, s ennek megfelelen
own real being. Compared to it all other cruelties do cselekszel, akkor vtkes vagy a legnagyobb
not count. kegyetlensgben kegyetlen vagy sajt valdi
lnyeddel szemben. Ehhez kpest a tbbi
kegyetlensg nem szmt.

Q: You are taking refuge in the claim that you are K: Te menedket talltl abban az lltsban, hogy
not the body. But you are in control of the body and te nem a test vagy. De ellenrzst gyakorolsz a test
responsible for all it does. To allow the body full felett, s felels vagy mindenrt, amit az csinl.
autonomy would be imbecility, madness. Ostobasg, rltsg azt lltani, hogy a test teljesen

M: Cool down. I am also against all killing of animals M: Htsd le magad. n is ellenzem, hogy llatokat
for flesh or fur, but I refuse to give it first place. ljenek a hsukrt vagy az irhjukrt, de elutastom,
Vegetarianism is a worthy cause, but not the most hogy ezt az els helyre soroljam. A vegetarianizmus
urgent; all causes are served best by the man who j gy, de nem a legsrgsebb; az sszes indtkot
has returned to his source. az az ember szolglja a legjobban, aki visszatr
sajt forrshoz.

Q: When I was at Sri Ramanashram, I felt Bhagwan K: Amikor Sri Ramanashramban voltam, gy
all over the place, all-pervading, all-perceiving. reztem, hogy Bhagawan mindentt ott volt, mindent
betlt, mindent szlel mdon.

M: You had the necessary faith. Those who have M: Rendelkeztl hozz a szksges hittel. Akik
true faith in him will see him everywhere and at all igazn hisznek benne, mindentt s llandan ltni
times. All happens according to your faith and your fogjk t. Minden a hited szerint trtnik, s hited
faith is the shape of your desire. formja a vgy.

Q: The faith you have in yourself, is not that too a K: Az a hit, amely tebenned van, nem ugyancsak
shape of a desire? formja a vgynak?

M: When I say: 'I am', I do not mean a separate M: Amikor azt mondom: n vagyok, nem egy
entity with a body as its nucleus. I mean the totality klnll entitsra gondolok, annak magjaknt egy
of being, the ocean of consciousness, the entire testtel. A lt totalitsra gondolok, a tudatossg
universe of all that is and knows. I have nothing to cenjra, a teljes univerzumra mindennek, ami
desire for I am complete forever. van s tud. Semmire sem kell vgynom, mert n
mindrkk teljes vagyok.

Q: Can you touch the inner life of other people? K: Meg tudod rintetni egy msik ember bels

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok

M: I am the people. M: n vagyok az ember.

Q: I do not mean identity of essence or substance, K: Nem lnyegi vagy szubsztancilis azonossgra
nor similarity of form. I mean the actual entering into gondolok, sem formabeli hasonlatossgra. Az
the minds and hearts of others and participating in elmbe s a szvbe, vagy ms rszbe val
their personal experiences. Can you suffer and tnyleges belpsre, s a szemlyes
rejoice with me, or you only infer what I feel from tapasztalataiban val rszeslsre gondolok. Tudsz
observation and analogy? velem szenvedni s rvendezni, vagy puszta
megfigyels s analgia alapjn kvetkeztetsz arra,
hogy mit rzek?

M: All beings are in me. But bringing down into the M: Minden ltez bennem van. De letlteni az agyba
brain the content of another brain requires special egy msik agy tartalmt, specilis kpzst ignyel.
training. There is nothing that cannot be achieved by Semmi olyan nincs, amit ne lehetne elrni
training. kpzssel.

Q: I am not your projection, nor are you mine. I am K: Nem vagyok a kivettsed, s te sem vagy az
on my own right, not merely as your creation. This enym. n sajt jogon ltezem, nem pusztn a te
crude philosophy of imagination and projection does teremtmnyedknt. Az imagincinak s
not appeal to me. You are depriving me of all reality. projekcinak ez a nyers filozfija nem vonz engem.
Who is the image of whom? You are my image or Megfosztasz engem minden realitstl. Ki a kpe
am I yours. Or am I an image in my own image. No, kinek? Te vagy az n kpem, vagy n a tied. Vagy
something is wrong somewhere. n egy kp vagyok a sajt kpemben. Nem, valami
hibdzik valahol.

M: Words betray their hollowness. The real cannot M: A szavak rulkodnak ressgkrl. A valdi nem
be described, it must be experienced. I cannot find rhat le, azt tapasztalni kell. Nem tallok jobb
better words for what I am now. What I say may szavakat arra, ami most vagyok. Amit mondok,
sound ridiculous. But what the words try to convey is kptelensgnek hangozhat. De amit a szavak
the highest truth. All is one, however much we megprblnak kzvetteni, az a legmagasabb
quibble. And all is done to please the one source igazsg. Minden egy, akrmennyire csrjk-
and goal of every desire. Whom we all know as the 'I csavarjuk. s minden azrt trtnt, hogy
am'. megrvendeztesse az egyetlen forrst, s minden
vgy cljt. Akit gy ismernk, hogy n vagyok.

Q: It is pain that is at the root of desire. The basic K: Fjdalom gykere a vgy. A fjdalomtl val
urge is to escape from pain. megszabaduls alapvet sztn.

M: What is the root of pain? Ignorance of yourself. M: Mi a fjdalomnak a gykere? A te tudatlansgod.

What is the root of desire? The urge to find yourself. Mi a vgynak a gykere? A bels sztn, hogy
All creation toils for its self and will not rest until it megtalld nmagad. Minden teremtmny nmagrt
returns to it. fradozik, s nem fog nyugodni, mg vissza nem tr

Q: When will it return? K: Mikor tr vissza?

M: It can return whenever you want it. M: Visszatrhet, amikor csak akarod.

Q: And the world? K: s a vilg?

M: You can take it with you. M: Magaddal viheted.

Q: Must I wait with helping the world until I reach K: Vrnom kell a vilg megsegtsvel, amg el nem
perfection? rem a tkletessget?

M: By all means help the world. You will not help M: Hogyne, segtsd a vilgot. Nem fog sokat rni a
much, but the effort will make you grow. There is segtsged, de az erfeszts a te nvekedsedet
nothing wrong in trying to help the world. segteni fogja. Nincs benne semmi helytelen, ha
segteni prblsz a vilgon.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok

Q: Surely there were people, common people, who K: Bizonyra voltak emberek, egyszer emberek,
helped greatly. akik nagymrtkben segtettk.

M: When the time comes for the world to be helped, M: Amikor eljn a vilg megsegtsnek az ideje,
some people are given the will, the wisdom and the lesznek, akik meg fogjk kapni az akaratot, a
power to cause great changes. blcsessget, s az ert, hogy elindtsk a nagy

37. Beyond Pain and Pleasure there is 37. A fjdalmon s lvezeten tl

Bliss boldogsg van
Maharaj: You must realise first of all that you are the Maharaj: Fel kell ismerned elbb, hogy te vagy a
proof of everything, including yourself. None can bizonytka mindennek, nmagadat is belertve.
prove your existence, because his existence must Senki nem tudja bizonytani a te ltezsedet, mert
be confirmed by you first. Your being and knowing elszr az ltezsnek kell hitelestdnie teltalad.
you owe nobody. Remember, you are entirely on Lted s nmagad ismerete senki msra nem
your own. You do not come from somewhere, you tartozik. Tartsd emlkezetedben, hogy teljesen
do not go anywhere. You are timeless being and egyedl vagy. Nem jssz valahonnan, s nem tartasz
awareness. valahov. Te az idtlen lt s ber-tudatossg vagy.

Questioner: There is a basic difference between us. Krdez: Van egy alapvet klnbsg kzttnk.
You know the real while I know only the workings of Te ismered a valsgot, mg n csak az elmm
my mind. Therefore what you say is one thing, what mkdst ismerem. Ezrt amit te mondasz az egy
I hear is another. What you say is true; what I dolog, amit n hallok, az egy msik. Amit te
understand is false, though the words are the same. mondasz, az igaz; amit n rtek, az hamis, br a
There is a gap between us. How to close the gap? szavak ugyanazok. Szakadk van kzttnk.
Hogyan kell thidalni a szakadkot?

M: Give up the idea of being what you think yourself M: Add fel az idet, hogy az vagy, aminek gondolod
to be and there will be no gap. By imagining yourself magad, s el fog tnni a szakadk. Azzal
as separate you have created the gap. You need not teremtetted meg a szakadkot, hogy nmagadat
cross it. Just don't create it. All is you and yours. elklnltnek kpzeled. Nem tkelned kell rajta.
There is nobody else. This is a fact. Csak ne hozd ltre. Mindez te vagy, s a tid. Senki
ms nincs. Ez tny.

Q: How strange. The very same words which to you K: Milyen klns. Ugyanazon szavak neked
are true, to me are false. 'There is nobody else'. How igazak, szmomra hamisak. Nincs senki ms.
obviously untrue. Milyen kzenfekv valtlansg.

M: Let them be true or untrue. Words don't matter. M: Legyenek igazak vagy valtlanok. A szavak nem
What matters is the idea you have of yourself, for it szmtanak. Ami szmt az a magaddal kapcsolatos
blocks you. Give it up. ided, mert az korltoz tged. Add fel.

Q: From early childhood I was taught to think that I K: Kora gyermekkoromtl azt tanultam, hogy gy
am limited to my name and shape. A mere gondoljak nmagamra, mint aki nevre s formjra
statement to the contrary will not erase the mental korltozdik. Egyetlen ezzel ellenkez kijelents
groove. A regular brain-washing is needed -- if at all nem fogja kitrlni a mentlis megszokst.
it can be done. Szablyos agymossra lenne szksg ha van
ilyen egyltaln.

M: You call it brain-washing, I call it Yoga -- levelling M: Nevezd agymossnak, n Yognak nevezem
up all the mental ruts. You must not be compelled to magasabb sznvonalra helyezve ezzel a mentlis
think the same thoughts again and again. Move on. bevsdseket. Nem vagy knytelen ugyanazokat a
gondolatokat gondolni, jra s jra. Lpj tovbb.

Q: Easier said than done. K: Knnyebb mondani, mint megtenni.

M: Don't be childish. Easier to change, than to M: Ne gyerekeskedj. Knnyebb vltozni, mint

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
suffer. Grow out of your childishness, that is all. szenvedni. Nj ki a gyerekessgbl, ez minden.

Q: Such things are not done. They happen. K: Az ilyen dolgokat nem megcsinljk. Ezek

M: Everything happens all the time, but you must be M: Minden trtnik, szakadatlanul, de neked kszen
ready for it. Readiness is ripeness. You do not see kell llnod r. A kszenlt rettsg. Nem ltod a
the real because your mind is not ready for it. valsgot, mert elmd nem ll kszen r.

Q: If reality is my real nature, how can I ever be K: Ha a valsg az n valdi termszetem, hogyan
unready? lehetek egyltaln kszletlen?

M: Unready means afraid. You are afraid of what M: A kszletlensg flelmet jelent. Flsz attl, ami
you are. Your destination is the whole. But you are vagy. A te sorsod az egsz. De te attl flsz, hogy
afraid that you will lose your identity. This is elveszted az identitsodat. Ez gyerekessg, ez a
childishness, clinging to the toys, to your desires and ragaszkods a jtkokhoz, a vgyaidhoz s
fears, opinions and ideas. Give it all up and be ready flelmeidhez, nzeteidhez s ideidhoz. Add fel
for the real to assert itself. This self-assertion is best mindet, s kszen fogsz llni arra, hogy a valsg
expressed in words: 'I am'. Nothing else has being. kijelentse nmagt. Ez az n-kijelents szavakkal
Of this you are absolutely certain. gy fejezhet ki legjobban, hogy: n vagyok.
Semmi ms nem ltezik. Ebben abszolt bizonyos

Q: I am', of course, but 'I know' also. And I know K: n vagyok, termszetesen, de n tudok is. s
that I am so and so, the owner of the body, in tudom, hogy n ez s ez vagyok, a testnek a
manifold relations with other owners. tulajdonosa, mindenfle kapcsolatban ms

M: It is all memory carried over into the now. M: Ezt mind az emlkezet hozta t a mostba.

Q: I can be certain only of what is now. Past and K: Csak abban lehetek biztos, ami most van. Mlt s
future, memory and imagination, these are mental jv, emlkezet s kpzelet mentlis llapotok, de
states, but they are all I know and they are now. You mindegyikket ismerem, s ezek most vannak. Azt
are telling me to abandon them. How does one mondod, hagyjam el ket. Hogyan hagyhatn el
abandon the now? brki a mostot?

M: You are moving into the future all the time M: Szakadatlanul a jv fel mozogsz, tetszik, vagy
whether you like it or not. sem.

Q: I am moving from now into now -- I do not move K: n a mostbl a mostba mozgok egyltaln nem
at all. Everything else moves -- not me. mozgok. Minden ms mozog n nem.

M: Granted. But your mind does move. In the now M: Nem bnom. De az elmd mozog. A mostban
you are both the movable and the immovable. So far mind a mozdthat, mind a nem mozdthatatlan te
you took yourself to be the movable and overlooked vagy. Eddig a mozdthatnak tekintetted magad, s
the immovable. Turn your mind inside out. Overlook nem vettl tudomst a nem mozdthatrl. Fordtsd
the movable and you will find yourself to be the ever- visszjra a gondolkodsodat. Hagyd figyelmen
present, changeless reality, inexpressible, but solid kvl a mozdthatt, s r fogsz bredni, hogy a
like a rock. mindig jelen lev, vltozatlan realits vagy,
kifejezhetetlenl, de tmren, akr a k.

Q: If it is now, why am I not aware of it? K: Ha ez most van, mirt nem vagyok tudatban?

M: Because you hold on to the idea that you are not M: Mert ragaszkodsz a gondolathoz, hogy nem vagy
aware of it. Let go the idea. tudatban. Ereszd el ezt a gondolatot.

Q: It does not make me aware. K: Ez nem tesz engem tudatoss.

M: Wait. You want to be on both sides of the wall at M: Vrj. Egyszerre akarsz lenni a fal mindkt
the same time. You can, but you must remove the oldaln. Megteheted, de el kell tvoltanod a falat.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
wall. Or realise that the wall and both sides of it are Vagy ismerd fel, hogy a fal, s annak mindkt oldala
one single space, to which no idea like 'here' or egyetlen tr, amelyre nzve nem alkalmazhatk
'there' applies. olyan idek, mint itt s ott.

Q: Similes prove nothing. My only complaint is this: K: A hasonlatok semmit nem bizonytanak. Egyetlen
why do I not see what you see, why your words do kifogsom a kvetkez: mirt nem ltom, amit te
not sound true in my mind. Let me know this much; ltsz, szavaid mirt nem hangoznak igaznak az
all else can wait. You are wise and I am stupid; you elmmben? Hadd tudjak ennyit, minden ms vrhat.
see, I don't. Where and how shall I find my wisdom? Te blcs vagy, n ostoba; te ltsz, n nem. Hol s
hogyan tallom meg a blcsessgemet?

M: If you know yourself to be stupid, you are not M: Ha butnak ismered magad, akkor egyltaln
stupid at all. nem vagy buta.

Q: Just as knowing myself sick does not make me K: Ahogy attl, hogy ismerem a betegsgemet, nem
well, so knowing myself foolish can not make me leszek jobban, ppgy attl, hogy ostobnak
wise. ismerem magam, nem vlok blccs.

M: To know that you are ill must you not be well M: Ahhoz, hogy betegsg tudatod legyen, nem kell-
initially? e elbb egszsgesnek lenned?

Q: Oh, no. I know by comparison. If I am blind from K: , nem. Mondok egy hasonlatot. Ha
birth and you tell me that you know things without szletsemtl vak vagyok, s te kzld, hogy
touching them, while I must touch to know, I am megrintsk nlkl is ismered a dolgokat, mg
aware that I am blind without knowing what does it nekem tapintanom kell a megismerskhz, akkor
mean to see. Similarly, I know that I am lacking tudatban vagyok a vaksgomnak anlkl is, hogy
something when you assert things which I cannot tudnm, mit jelent ltni. n hasonlkppen tudom,
grasp. You are telling me such wonderful things hogy hinyban vagyok valaminek, amikor
about myself; according to you I am eternal, kijelentesz dolgokat, amelyeket n felfogni sem
omnipresent, omniscient, supremely happy, creator, tudok. Te olyan csodlatos dolgokat mondasz
preserver and destroyer of all there is, the source of nekem nmagamrl; hogy hozzd hasonlan rk
all life, the heart of being, the lord and the beloved of vagyok, mindentt jelenval, mindentud, a
every creature. You equate me with the Ultimate legteljesebb mdon boldog, teremtje, megrzje s
Reality, the source and the goal of all existence. I puszttja mindennek, ami van, minden let forrsa,
just blink, for I know myself to be a tiny little bundle a lt kzpontja, minden teremtmny ura s
of desires and fears, a bubble of suffering, a szerelmese. Azonosnak tekintesz engem a Vgs
transient flash of consciousness in an ocean of Valsggal, minden ltez forrsval s cljval.
darkness. Csak pislogok, mert n a vgyak s flelmek egy
parnyi csomagjnak ismerem magam, egy
szenveds buborknak, a tudatossg egy ml
felvillansnak a sttsg cenjban.

M: Before pain was, you were. After pain had gone, M: Mieltt fjdalom volt, te voltl. Miutn a fjdalom
you remained. Pain is transient, you are not. eltvozott, te megmaradsz. A fjdalom muland, te
nem vagy az.

Q: I am sorry, but I do not see what you see. From K: Sajnlom, de n nem ltom, amit te ltsz. Attl a
the day I was born till the day I die, pain and naptl, hogy megszlettem, addig a napig, hogy
pleasure will weave the pattern of my life. Of being meghalok, fjdalom s rm szvik letem mintjt.
before birth and after death I know nothing. I neither Szletsem eltti s hallom utni ltrl semmit sem
accept nor deny you. I hear what you say, but I do tudok. Nem tudlak sem elfogadni, sem cfolni.
not know it. Hallom, amit mondasz, de nem tudom azt.

M: Now you are conscious, are you not? M: Most tudatos vagy, ugye?

Q: Please do not ask me about before and after. I K: Krlek, ne krdezz engem elttrl s utnrl.
just know only what is now. Csak azt tudom, hogy most mi van.

M: Good enough. You are conscious. Hold on to it. M: Nagyon j. Tudatos vagy. Ragaszkodj hozz.
There are states when you are not conscious. Call it Vannak llapotok, amikor nem vagy tudatos. Nevezd

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
unconscious being. azt tudattalan ltnek.

Q: Being unconscious? K: Tudattalan lt?

M: Consciousness and unconsciousness do not M: Tudatossg s tudattalansg itt nem

apply here. Existence is in consciousness, essence alkalmazhatk. Ltezs a tudatossgban van, a
is independent of consciousness. lnyeg fggetlen a tudatossgtl.

Q: It is void? Is it silence? K: res az? Nma?

M: Why elaborate? Being pervades and transcends M: Mirt kompliklod? A lt thatja s meghaladja a
consciousness. Objective consciousness is a part of tudatossgot. Az objektv tudatossg rsze a tiszta
pure consciousness, not beyond it. tudatossgnak, nem haladja meg azt.

Q: How do you come to know a state of pure being K: Hogy ismerted meg a tiszta lt llapott, amely
which is neither conscious nor unconscious? All sem nem tudatos, sem nem tudattalan? Mindenfle
knowledge is in consciousness only. There may be tudsrl csak tudatossg esetn lehet beszlni.
such a state as the abeyance of the mind. Does Lehetsges olyan llapot, amelyben az elme
consciousness then appear as the witness? felfggesztett. A tudatossg ekkor tanknt jelenik

M: The witness only registers events. In the M: A tan csak regisztrlja az esemnyeket. Az
abeyance of the mind even the sense 'I am' elme felfggesztsekor mg az n vagyok rzse
dissolves. There is no 'I am' without the mind. is szertefoszlik. Nincs n vagyok az elme nlkl.

Q: Without the mind means without thoughts. 'I am' K: Elme nlkl azt jelenti, gondolatok nlkl. n
as a thought subsides. 'I am' as the sense of being vagyok, mint a lecsndesed gondolat. n vagyok,
remains. mint a fennmarad ltezs rzs.

M: All experience subsides with the mind. Without M: Minden tapasztalat lecsndesedik az elmvel. Az
the mind there can be no experiencer nor elme nlkl nem lehet sem tapasztal, sem
experience. tapasztalat.

Q: Does not the witness remain? K: A tan nem marad fenn?

M: The witness merely registers the presence or M: A tan csupn regisztrlja a tapasztalat
absence of experience. It is not an experience by megjelenst vagy hinyt. Ez nem egy nmagtl
itself, but it becomes an experience when the val tapasztalat, de tapasztalatt vlik, amikor az n
thought: 'I am the witness' arises. vagyok a tan gondolat megjelenik.

Q: All I know is that sometimes the mind works and K: Csak azt tudom, hogy nmelykor mkdik az
sometimes it stops. The experience of mental elme, s nmelykor lell. n a mentlis csend
silence I call the abeyance of the mind. tapasztalatt az elme lenyugodott llapotnak

M: Call it silence, or void, or abeyance, the fact is M: Mindegy, minek nevezed csendnek, rnek, vagy
that the three -- experiencer, experiencing, lenyugodott llapotnak, nem vltoztat a tnyen, hogy
experience -- are not. In witnessing, in awareness, a hrmassg tapasztal, tapasztals, tapasztalat
self-consciousness, the sense of being this or that, nem ltezik. A tansgban, bersgben
is not. Unidentified being remains. ntudatossg, az ekknt vagy akknt val ltezs
rzse nem ltezik. Azonostatlan ltez marad.

Q: As a state of unconsciousness? K: Olyan, mint a tudattalansg llapota?

M: With reference to anything, it is the opposite. It is M: Minden olyannak, ami kapcsolatban van
also between and beyond all opposites. It is neither valamivel, az ellentte. De ott van minden ellenttek
consciousness nor unconsciousness, nor midway, kztt, s azokon tl is. Se nem tudatossg, se nem
nor beyond the two. It is by itself, not with reference tudatlansg, se nem a kett kztti, se nem a kettn
to anything which may be called experience or its tli. nmagtl val, nincs kapcsolatban semmivel,
absence. amelyet tapasztalatnak nevezhetnk, vagy annak

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok

Q: How strange. You speak of it as if it were an K: Milyen klns. gy beszlsz rla, mintha
experience. tapasztalat lenne.

M: When I think of it -- it becomes an experience. M: Amikor rgondolok tapasztalatt vlik.

Q: Like the invisible light, intercepted by a flower, K: Mint a lthatatlan fny, amely, ha tjba kerl egy
becoming colour? virg, sznn vlik?

M: Yes, you may say so. It is in the colour but not M: Igen, mondhatjuk gy. A sznben van, de nem a
the colour. szn.

Q: The same old four-fold negation of Nagarjuna: K: Ugyanaz a rgi Nagarjunai ngyszeres negci:
neither this nor that, nor both, nor either. My mind sem ez sem az, sem mindkett, sem egyik sem.
reels. Kvlyog az eszem.

M: Your difficulty stems from the idea that reality is a M: A zavarod abbl az idebl szrmazik, hogy a
state of consciousness, one among many. You tend valsg egy tudatossgi llapot, egy a sok kzl.
to say: "This is real. That is not real. And this is Hajlamos vagy azt mondani: Ez vals. Az nem
partly real, partly unreal", as if reality were an vals. s ez rszben vals, rszben nem vals,
attribute or quality to have in varying measures. mintha a valsg egy attribtum, vagy minsg
lenne, amelynek klnbz mrtkei vannak.

Q: Let me put it differently. After all, consciousness K: Hadd fogalmazzak mskpp. A tudatossg,
becomes a problem only when it is painful. An ever- tulajdonkppen, csak akkor vlik problmv, ha
blissful state does not give rise to questions. We find fjdalmas. Az llandan boldogsgteli llapot nem
all consciousness to be a mixture of the pleasant szolgltat r okot, hogy krdsek merljenek fel.
and the painful. Why? Minden tudatossgot lvezet s szenveds
keverknek tallunk. Mirt?

M: All consciousness is limited and therefore painful. M: Minden tudatossg korltozott, s ezrt
At the root of consciousness lies desire, the urge to fjdalomteli. A tudatossg gykere a vgy, az
experience. elenllhatatlan tapasztalni vgys.

Q: Do you mean to say that without desire there can K: Azt akarod mondani, hogy vgy nlkl nem
be no consciousness? And what is the advantage of ltezhetne tudatossg? s mi az elnye a tudattalan
being unconscious? If I have to forego pleasure for ltezsnek? Ha le kell mondanom az lvezetrl a
the freedom from pain, I better keep both. fjdalomtl val megszabaduls rdekben, jobb, ha
megtartom mindkettt.

M: Beyond pain and pleasure there is bliss. M: A fjdalmon s az lvezeten tl boldogsg van.

Q: Unconscious bliss, of what use is it? K: Mi haszna a tudattalan boldogsgnak?

M: Neither conscious nor unconscious. Real. M: Az se nem tudatos, se nem tudattalan. Valdi.

Q: What is your objection to consciousness? K: Mi kifogsod a tudatossggal szemben?

M: It is a burden. Body means burden. Sensations, M: Az, hogy teher. A test jelentse teher.
desires, thoughts -- these are all burdens. All Benyomsok, vgyak, gondolatok ezek mind
consciousness is of conflict. terhek. Minden tudatossg a konfliktus.

Q: Reality is described as true being, pure K: A valsgot tiszta ltknt, tiszta tudatossgknt,
consciousness, infinite bliss. What has pain to do vgtelen boldogsgknt jellemzed. Mi kze ennek a
with it? fjdalomhoz?

M: Pain and pleasure happen, but pain is the price M: A fjdalom s az lvezet trtnsek, de az
of pleasure, pleasure is the reward of pain. In life too lvezet ra fjdalom, a fjdalom jutalma lvezet. Az
you often please by hurting and hurt by pleasing. To letben is gyakran okoz lvezetet a fjdalom, s

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
know that pain and pleasure are one is peace. fjdalmat az lvezet. Annak tudsa, hogy a fjdalom
s az lvezet egyek, a bke.

Q: All this is very interesting, no doubt, but my goal K: Mindez ktsg kvl nagyon rdekes, de nekem
is more simple. I want more pleasure and less pain sokkal egyszerbb a clom. Tbb lvezetet akarok,
in life. What am I to do? s kevesebb fjdalmat az letemben. Mit kell

M: As long as there is consciousness, there must be M: Amg tudatossg van, addig lennie kell
pleasure and pain. It is in the nature of the 'I am', of lvezetnek s fjdalomnak is. Azn vagyok, a
consciousness, to identify itself with the opposites. tudatossg termszethez hozztartozik, hogy
azonostja magt az ellenttekkel.

Q: Then of what use is all this to me? It does not K: Akkor mi haszna szmomra mindennek? Ez nem
satisfy. kielgt szmomra.

M: Who are you, who is unsatisfied? M: Ki vagy te, ki kielgtetlen?

Q: I am, the pain-pleasure man. K: n vagyok, a szenved-lvez ember.

M: Pain and pleasure are both ananda (bliss). Here I M: Fjdalom s lvezet egyarnt ananda
am sitting in front of you and telling you -- from my (boldogsg). Itt lnk, egymssal szemben, s azt
own immediate and unchanging experience -- pain mondom neked az n sajt kzvetlen s
and pleasure are the crests and valleys of the waves vltozatlan tapasztalatom alapjn -, hogy fjdalom
in the ocean of bliss. Deep down there is utter s lvezet a boldogsg cenja hullmainak tarja
fullness. s vlgye. Lenn a mlysgben van az abszolt

Q: Is your experience constant? K: lland a tapasztalatod?

M: It is timeless and changeless. M: Idtlen s vltozatlan.

Q: All I know is desire for pleasure and fear of pain. K: n csak az lvezet irnti vgyat, s a fjdalomtl
val flelmet ismerem.

M: That is what you think about yourself. Stop it. If M: Ezt gondolod nmagadrl. Hagyd abba. Ha nem
you cannot break a habit all at once, consider the tudsz egyszerre mindenrl leszokni, vedd
familiar way of thinking and see its falseness. szemgyre a megszokott gondolkodsi mdot, s
Questioning the habitual is the duty of the mind. lsd annak hamissgt. Az elme dolga, hogy
What the mind created, the mind must destroy. Or ktsgbe vonja a megszokottat. Amit az elme
realise that there is no desire outside the mind and alkotott, azt az elmnek kell lerombolnia. Vagy
stay out. ismerd fel, hogy az elmn kvl nincsen vgy, s
maradj kvl.

Q: Honestly, I distrust this explaining everything as K: szintn szlva, nem hiszem, hogy mindennek
mind-made. The mind is only an instrument, as the ezt a magyarzatt az elme gyrtotta. Az elme
eye is an instrument. Can you say that perception is csupn egy eszkz, miknt a szem is egy eszkz.
creation? I see the world through the window, not in Mondhatjuk-e, hogy az szlels az teremts? A
the window. All you say holds well together because vilgot az ablakon keresztl ltom, nem pedig az
of the common foundation, but I do not know ablakban. Minden, amit mondasz, jl sszell, a
whether your foundation is in reality, or only in the kzs alapok miatt, de nem tudom, hogy az alapok a
mind. I can have only a mental picture of it. What it valsgban vannak, vagy az elmben csupn. n
means to you I do not know. csak mentlis kppel rendelkezem rla. Hogy mit
jelent az a te szmodra, azt nem tudom.

M: As long as you take your stand in the mind, you M: Amg az elmben tartzkodsz, addig az elmben
will see me in the mind. fogsz ltni engem.

Q: How inadequate are words for understanding. K: Mennyire alkalmatlanok a szavak a megrtshez.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
M: Without words, what is there to understand? The M: Szavakon kvl mit kellene rteni? A megrts
need for understanding arises from mis- irnti igny flrertsbl ered. Amit mondok az igaz,
understanding. What I say is true, but to you it is de neked csak egy teria. Honnan fogod tudni, hogy
only a theory. How will you come to know that it is ez az igazsg? Hallgass, emlkezz, mrlegelj,
true? Listen, remember, ponder, visualise, vizualizlj, tapasztalj. Alkalmazd is napi letedben.
experience. Also apply it in your daily life. Have Lgy trelmes velem, legfkppen lgy trelmes
patience with me and, above all have patience with nmagaddal, mert te vagy nmagad egyetlen
yourself, for you are your only obstacle. The way akadlya. Az t nmagadon keresztl vezet
leads through yourself beyond yourself. As long as nmagadon tlra. Amg abban hiszel, hogy csak az
you believe only the particular to be real, conscious egyn az, aki valdi, tudatos s boldog lehet, s
and happy and reject the non-dual reality as elutastod a nem-dulis valsgot, mint valamifle
something imagined, an abstract concept, you will elkpzelst, absztrakt koncepcit, addig gy fogod
find me doling out concepts and abstractions. But ltni, hogy szkmarkan koncepcikat s
once you have touched the real within your own absztrakcikat osztogatok. De amint megrintetted a
being, you will find me describing what for you is the sajt lteden belli valsgot, gy fogsz ltni
nearest and the dearest. engem, mint aki a szmodra legkzelebb llt s
legkedvesebbet rja le.

38. Spiritual Practice is Will Asserted 38. A spiritulis gyakorlat jra s jra
and Re-asserted kijelentsre kerl akarat
Questioner: The Westerners who occasionally Krdez: Azok a nyugatiak, akik nha ltogatba
come to see you are faced with a peculiar difficulty. jnnek hozzd, egy klnleges nehzsggel
The very notion of a liberated man, a realised man, szembeslnek. A megszabadult ember, a
a self-knower, a God-knower, a man beyond the megvalsult ember, az ntudatos, Istent ismer, a
world, is unknown to them. All they have in their vilgot meghaladott ember valdi fogalma
Christian culture is the idea of a saint: a pious man, ismeretlen szmukra. Az keresztny kultrjukban
law-abiding, God-fearing, fellow-loving, prayerful, szentek vannak: a vallsos ember trvnytisztel,
sometimes prone to ecstasies and confirmed by a Istenfl, emberszeret, imdsgos, nmelykor
few miracles. The very idea of a gnani is foreign to elragadtatva arcra borul, s nhny csoda ltal
Western culture, something exotic and rather megerstett. A gnani valdi fogalma idegen a
unbelievable. Even when his existence is accepted, nyugati kultra szmra, kicsit egzotikus, s
he is looked at with suspicion, as a case of self- meglehetsen hihetetlen. Mg ha el is fogadjk a
induced euphoria caused by strange physical ltezst, gyanakodva nznek r, mint az
postures and mental attitudes. The very idea of a ngerjesztett eufria esetre, amelyet klns
new dimension in consciousness seems to them pozitrk s mentlis attitdk keltenek. Szmukra a
implausible and improbable. tudatossg j dimenzijnak valdi fogalma
valszntlennek, s kevss hihetnek ltszik.

What will help them is the opportunity of hearing a Az a lehetsg jelent szmukra segtsget, hogy
gnani relate his own experience of realisation, its meghallgatjk a gnani elbeszlsben sajt
causes and beginnings, its progress and attainments megvalsulsi tapasztalatt, annak okait s
and its actual practice in daily life. Much of what he kezdeteit, elrehaladst s megvalsulst, s
says may remain strange, even meaningless, yet annak tnyleges gyakorlatt a napi letben. Lehet,
there will remain a feeling of reality, an atmosphere hogy amit elmond, annak tbbsge klns, st,
of actual experiencing, ineffable, yet very real, a rtelmetlen marad, mgis, meg fog maradni a
centre from which an exemplary life can be lived. realitsnak valamilyen rzse, az adott tapasztalat
egy atmoszfrja, amely szavakkal ki nem fejezhet,
mgis nagyon relis, egy kzppont, amelybl egy
plds let lhet.

Maharaj: The experience may be incommunicable. Maharaj: Lehet, hogy a tapasztalat kzlhetetlen.
Can one communicate an experience? Tudja valaki kommuniklni a tapasztalatt?

Q: Yes, if one is an artist. The essence of art is K: Igen, ha az illet mvsz. A mvszet lnyege az
communication of feeling, of experience. rzsek, a tapasztalatok kommuniklsa.

M: To receive communication, you must be M: A kommunikci fogadshoz befogadnak kell

receptive. lenned.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
Q: Of course. There must be a receiver. But if the K: Termszetesen. Kell, hogy legyen egy vev. De
transmitter does not transmit, of what use is the ha az ad nem sugroz, mi haszna van a vevnek?

M: The gnani belongs to all. He gives himself M: A gnani mindenkihez tartozik. Fradhatatlanul s
tirelessly and completely to whoever comes to him. hinytalanul adja nmagt brkinek, aki eljn hozz.
If he is not a giver, he is not a gnani. Whatever he Ha nem ad, akkor nem gnani. Brmije van,
has, he shares. megosztja.

Q: But can he share what he is? K: De meg tudja-e osztani azt, ami az lnyege?

M: You mean, can he make others into gnanis? Yes M: gy rted, msokat gnaniv tud-e tenni? Igen, s
and no. No, since gnanis are not made, they realise nem. Nem, mert a gnanikat nem csinljk, k
themselves as such, when they return to their felismerik magukat, mint olyant, amikor visszatrnek
source, their real nature. I cannot make you into a forrsukhoz, az valdi termszetkhz. n nem
what you already are. All I can tell you is the way I tudlak azz tenni, ami mr vagy. Mindssze annyit
travelled and invite you to take it. tehetek, hogy beszlek neked ltalam bejrt trl, s
arra sztnzlek, hogy te is tedd meg.

Q: This does not answer my question. I have in mind K: Ezzel nem kaptam vlaszt a krdsemre. n a
the critical and sceptical Westerner who denies the kritikus s szkeptikus nyugatira gondolok, akik a
very possibility of higher states of consciousness. magasabb tudatossgi llapotoknak mg a
Recently drugs have made a breach in his disbelief, lehetsgt is elutastja. Mostanban a drogok rst
without affecting his materialistic outlook. Drugs or tttek a hitetlensgn, de materialista
no drugs, the body remains the primary fact and the szemlletkre ez nincs hatssal. Akr drogokkal,
mind is secondary. Beyond the mind, they see akr drogok nlkl, a test marad az elsdleges
nothing. From Buddha onwards the state of self- tnyez, s az elme msodlagos. Az elmn tl
realisation was described in negative terms, as 'not semmit sem ltnak. Buddha ta az n-megvalsts
this, not that'. Is it inevitable? Is it not possible to llapott negatv kifejezsekkel rjk le, gy, mint
illustrate it, if not describe. I admit, no verbal nem ez, nem az. Szksges ez? Nincs lehetsges
description will do, when the state described is megvilgtani, ha mr nem lerhat? Elismerem,
beyond words. Yet it is also within words. Poetry is hogy a verblis lers nem mkdik olyan esetben,
the art of putting into words the inexpressible. mikor a lerand llapot szavakon tli. De ht, azrt,
szavakon belli is. A kltk mvszei a
kimondhatatlan szavakba ntsnek.

M: There is no lack of religious poets. Turn to them M: Nincs hiny vallsos kltkben. Fordulj hozzjuk
for what you want. As far as I am concerned, my a kvnsgoddal. Ami engem illet, az n tantsom
teaching is simple: trust me for a while and do what I egyszer: bzz bennem egy ideig, s csinld, amit
tell you. If you persevere, you will find that your trust mondok neked. Ha kitart vagy, gy fogod tallni,
was justified. hogy hited elnyerte jutalmt.

Q: And what to do with people who are interested, K: s mi legyen azokkal az emberekkel, akik
but cannot trust? rdekldnek, de nem tudnak hinni?

M: If they could stay with me, they would come to M: Ha el tudnnak jnni hozzm, el tudnnak jutni
trust me. Once they trust me, they will follow my odig, hogy higgyenek nekem. Amint hisznek
advice and discover for themselves. nekem, kvetik tancsomat, s felfedezik magukat.

Q: It is not for the training that I am asking just now, K: Ez nem a tantsra vonatkozik, amit pp most
but for its results. You had both. You are willing to krtem, hanem annak kvetkezmnyeire. Te
tell us all about the training, but when it comes to mindkettvel rendelkezel. Kszsgesen beszlsz
results, you refuse to share. Either you tell us that neknk a trningrl, de amikor az eredmnyekhez
your state is beyond words, or that there is no rsz, nem osztod meg velnk. Vagy azt mondod,
difference; that where we see a difference, you see hogy a te llapotod tl van a szavakon, vagy azt,
none. In both cases we are left without any insight hogy nincs klnbsg; ahol mi klnbsget ltunk,
into your state. ott te nem ltsz semmit. Egyik esetben sem nyernk
semmifle betekintst az llapotodba.

M: How can you have insight into my state when you M: Hogyan lthatnl bele az n llapotomba, amikor

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
are without insight into your own? When the very a te sajtodba val beleltsnak is hjn vagy? Ha a
instrument of insight is lacking, is it not important to hinyzik beltst szolgl tkletes eszkz, nem
find it first? It is like a blind man wanting to learn fontos, hogy elbb megtalljuk azt? Ez annak a vak
painting before he regains his eyesight. You want to embernek az esethez hasonl, aki festeni akar
know my state -- but do you know the state of your tanulni, mieltt visszanyern a ltst. Meg akarod
wife or servant? ismerni az llapotomat de ismered-e a felesged,
vagy a szolgd llapott?

Q: I am asking for some hints only. K: Csupn tancsot krek.

M: Well, I gave you a very significant clue -- where M: Nos, nyomra vezettelek egy nagyon fontos
you see differences, I don't. To me it is enough. If esetben amiben te ltsz klnbsget, n pedig
you think it is not enough, I can only repeat; it is nem. Rszemrl ez elegend. Ha te azt gondolod,
enough. Think it out deeply and you will come to see hogy nem elegend, csak ismtelni tudom; ennyi
what I see. You seem to want instant insight, elegend. Gondold t alaposan, s ltni fogod, amit
forgetting that the instant is always preceded by a n ltok. gy ltszik, te azonnali megltst akarsz,
long preparation. The fruit falls suddenly, but the elfelejtve, hogy az azonnalt mindig egy hossz
ripening takes time. After all, when I talk of trusting elkszts elzi meg. A gymlcs hirtelen pottyan
me, it is only for a short time, just enough time to le, de rse idt vesz ignybe. Tulajdonkppen,
start you moving. The more earnest you are, the amikor azt mondom, higgy nekem, az is csak rvid
less belief you need, for soon you will find your faith id, pp csak annyi, amennyi az elindulshoz kell.
in me justified. You want me to prove to you that I Minl komolyabb vagy, annl rvidebb ideig van
am trustworthy. How can I and why should l? After szksged a hitre, mert a belm vetett hited
all, what I am offering you is the operational hamarosan igazolst nyer. Azt akarod, hogy a
approach, so current in Western science. When a megbzhatsgomat bizonytsam. Hogyan tudnm,
scientist describes an experiment and its results, s mirt tennm? Vgl is, amit neked ajnlok, az a
usually you accept his statements on trust and nyugati tudomnyban ma oly idszer
repeat his experiment as he describes it. Once you megismtelhetsg megkzeltse. Amikor egy
get the same or similar results, you need not trust tuds ismertet egy ksrletet, s annak az
him any more; you trust your own experience. eredmnyt, tbbnyire hit alapon fogadod el az
Encouraged, you proceed and arrive in the end at lltsait, s megismtled a ksrletet, a lersnak
substantially identical results. megfelelen. Ha azonos, vagy hasonl eredmnyt
kapsz, nem kell hinned tbb; ettl kezdve a sajt
tapasztalatodnak hiszel. Ha btor vagy, cselekszel,
s a vgn lnyegben azonos eredmnyeket rsz

Q: The Indian mind was made ready for K: Az indiai elme kultrja s neveltetse folytn
metaphysical experiments by culture and nurture. To ksz a metafizikai tapasztalatokra. Egy indiai
the Indian words like 'direct perception of the szmra az olyan szavak, mint a Legfelsbb
Supreme Reality' make sense and bring out Valsg kzvetlen szlelse, rtelemmel brnak, s
responses from the very depths of his being. They lnye legmlyrl fakad reakcit vltanak ki.
mean little to a Westerner; even when brought up in Ugyanezek egy nyugatinak nem sokat jelentenek;
his own variety of Christianity, he does not think mg ha fel is idzi a sajt keresztny vltozatt, az
beyond conformity with God's commandments and Isten parancsolataival s Krisztus rendelkezseivel
Christ's injunctions. First-hand knowledge of reality val sszhangon tl nem gondolkozik. A valsg
is not only beyond ambition, but also beyond els kzbl val ismerete nemcsak ambciit haladja
conceiving. Some Indians tell me: 'Hopeless. The meg, hanem felfogst is. Azt mondtk nekem
Westerner will not, for he cannot. Tell him nothing indiaiak: Remnytelen. A nyugati nem fog, mert
about self-realisation; let him live a useful life and nem tud. Ne mondj nekik semmit nmegvalstsrl;
earn a rebirth in India. Then only will he have a hadd ljen hasznos letet, s rdemelje ki, hogy
chance'. Some say: 'Reality is for all equally, but not jraszlessen Indiban. Csak akkor lesz eslye.
all are equally endowed with the capacity to grasp it. Msok azt mondjk: A valsg mindenki szmra
The capacity will come with desire, which will grow ugyanaz, de nem mindenki van ugyangy megldva
into devotion and ultimately into total self-dedication. a kpessggel, hogy megragadja azt. A kpessg a
With integrity and earnestness and iron vggyal fog megjnni, ami belen az odaadsba, s
determination to overcome all obstacles, the vgl a totlis nfelajnlsba. Az akadlyokon
Westerner has the same chance as the Oriental becsletessggel, komolysggal s vas
man. All he needs is the rousing of interest'. To cltudatossggal val fellkerekedsre a nyugati
rouse his interest in self-knowledge he needs to be embernek ugyanolyan eslye van, mint a keletinek.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
convinced about its advantages. Mindssze az rdeklds felbredsre van
szksg. rdekldsnek felbresztshez meg
kell gyzdnie annak elnyeirl.

M: You believe it is possible to transmit a personal M: Azt hiszed, van lehetsg tadni szemlyes
experience? tapasztalatot?

Q: I do not know. You speak of unity, identity of the K: Nem tudom. Te beszlsz egysgrl, a lt s a
seer with the seen. When all is one, communication ltott azonossgrl. Ha minden egy, a
should be feasible. kommunikcinak megvalsthatnak kell lennie.

M: To have the direct experience of a country one M: Ahhoz, hogy kzvetlen tapasztalattal rendelkezz
must go and live there. Don't ask for the impossible. egy orszgrl, oda kell menned, s ott kell lned. Ne
A man's spiritual victory no doubt benefits mankind, krj lehetetlent. Egy ember spiritulis gyzelme
but to benefit another individual, a close personal ktsgtelenl elnys az emberisg szmra, de
relation is required. Such relation is not accidental ahhoz, hogy egy msik egyn szmra elnys
and not everybody can claim it. On the other hand, legyen, szoros szemlyes kapcsolat szksges. Egy
the scientific approach is for all. 'Trust-test-taste'. ilyen kapcsolat nem vletlen, s nem formlhat jogot
What more do you need? Why push the Truth down r mindenki. Msfell, a tudomnyos megkzelts
unwilling throats? It cannot be done, anyhow. mindenre alkalmas. Hidd el - prbld ki - lvezd az
Without a receiver what can the giver do? eredmnyt. Mi tbbre tartasz ignyt? Minek az
Igazsgot vonakod torkokon lenyomni? Nem tudom
megtenni, semmikpp. Vev nlkl mit tud csinlni
az ad?

Q: The essence of art is to use the outer form to K: A mvszet lnyege, hogy a kls formt a bels
convey an inner experience. Of course, one must be tapasztalat kzvettsre hasznlja. Termszetesen,
sensitive to the inner, before the outer can be az embernek rzkenynek kell vlnia a belsre,
meaningful. How does one grow in sensitivity? mieltt a kls jelentsgteljess vlhatna szmra.
Hogyan nvelhet az rzkenysg?

M: Whichever way you put it, it comes to the same. M: Akrmelyik mdszert prblod, ugyanoda vezet.
Givers there are many; where are the takers? Sokan vannak az adk; hol vannak a vevk?

Q: Can you not share your own sensitivity? K: Nem tudod megosztani a sajt fogkonysgodat?

M: Yes, I can, but sharing is a two-way street. Two M: De igen, meg tudom osztani, de a megoszts
are needed in sharing. Who is willing to take what I ktirny utca. Ketten kellenek a megosztshoz. Ki
am willing to give? ksz venni, amit n ksz vagyok adni?

Q: You say we are one. Is this not enough? K: Azt mondod, egyek vagyunk. Ez nem elg?

M: I am one with you. Are you one with me? If you M: n egy vagyok veled. Te egy vagy velem? Ha
are, you will not ask questions. If you are not, if you igen, nem lennnek krdseid. Ha nem, ha nem
do not see what I see, what can I do beyond ltod, amit n, mit tehetnk azon kvl, hogy
showing you the way to improve your vision? megmutatom a mdjt, hogy tkletestsd a

Q: What you cannot give is not your own. K: Amit nem tudsz adni, az nem a tulajdonod.

M: I claim nothing as my own. When the 'I' is not, M: Nem formlok tulajdonjogot semmire. Amikor
where is the 'mine'?. Two people look at a tree. One nincs n, akkor hol az enym? Ketten nznek egy
sees the fruit hidden among the leaves and the other ft. Egyikk ltja a levelek kztt rejtz gymlcst,
does not. Otherwise there is no difference between a msik pedig nem. Egybknt semmi klnbsg
the two. The one that sees knows that with a little nincs kettjk kztt. Aki lt, tudja, hogy egy kis
attention the other will also see, but the question of figyelemmel a msik is ltni fog, de a megoszts
sharing does not arise. Believe me, I am not close- krdse nem merl fel. Higgy nekem, nem vagyok
fisted, holding back your share of reality. On the szkmark, aki eltagadja elled a valsg
contrary, I am all yours, eat me and drink me. But megosztst. Ellenkezleg, teljesen a tid vagyok,
while you repeat verbally: 'give, give', you do nothing egyl engem s igyl engem. De, mikzben

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
to take what is offered. I am showing you a short verblisan ismtelgeted, hogy: adj, adj, semmit
and easy way to being able to see what I see, but nem fogadsz el, amit knlok. n egy rvid s
you cling to your old habits of thought, feeling and knny utat mutatok neked, hogy kpess vlj ltni,
action and put all the blame on me. I have nothing amit n ltok, de te belecsimpaszkodsz rgi
which you do not have. Self-knowledge is not a gondolkodsod, rzseid s cselekedeteid
piece of property to be offered and accepted. It is a megszoksaiba, s minden felelssget rm
new dimension altogether, where there is nothing to hrtasz. Nincs semmim, amivel te nem
give or take. rendelkeznl. Az nismeret nem egy felajnlhat s
* elfogadhat tulajdonsg. Ez egy teljesen j
dimenzi, ahol semmi nem adhat, vagy vehet.

Q: Give us at least some insight into the content of K: Legalbb arrl adj nmi betekintst szmunkra,
your mind while you live your daily life. To eat, to hogy mi az elmd tartalma, mikzben mindennapi
drink, to talk, to sleep -- how does it feel at your letedet led. Enni, inni, beszlni, aludni milyen
end? rzsek ezek szmodra?

M: The common things of life: I experience them just M: Az let kznsges dolgait ppen gy
as you do. The difference lies in what I do not tapasztalom, mint te. A klnbsg abban van, amit
experience. I do not experience fear or greed, hate nem tapasztalok. Nem tapasztalok flelmet vagy
or anger. I ask nothing, refuse nothing, keep kapzsisgot, gylletet vagy haragot. Nem krdezek
nothing. In these matters I do not compromise. semmit, nem utastok el semmit, nem tartok meg
Maybe this is the outstanding difference between us. semmit. Rszemrl e dolgokban nincs
I will not compromise, I am true to myself, while you kompromisszum. Lehet, hogy ez a szembetn
are afraid of reality. klnbsg kztnk. n kompromisszum nlkl, h
vagyok magamhoz, mg te flsz a valsgtl.

Q: From the Westerner's point of view there is K: Nyugati nzpontbl van valami zavar a
something disturbing in your ways. To sit in a corner mdszereidben. Teljesen egyedl lni egy sarokban,
all by oneself and keep on repeating: 'I am God, God s folyamatosan ismtelni: n vagyok Isten, Isten
I am', appears to be plain madness. How to vagyok, tiszta rltsgnek tnik. Hogyan gyzl
convince a Westerner that such practices lead to meg egy nyugatit, hogy az ilyen gyakorlatok a
supreme sanity? legfelsbb sszersghez vezetnek?

M: The man who claims to be God and the man who M: Az, aki ignyt tmaszt r, hogy Isten legyen, s
doubts it -- both are deluded. They talk in their az, aki ktelkedik benne mindketten rszedettek.
dream. lmukban beszlnek.

Q: If all is dreaming, what is waking? K: Ha minden lom, mi a felbreds?

M: How to describe the waking state in dreamland M: Hogyan lehetne az brenlt llapott
language? Words do not describe, they are only lomorszgi nyelven lerni? A szavak nem rnak le
symbols. semmit, azok csak szimblumok.

Q: Again the same excuse that words cannot K: Megint ugyanazon rgy, hogy a szavak nem
convey reality. tudjk kzvetteni a valsgot.

M: If you want words, I shall give you some of the M: Ha szavakat akarsz, adhatok nhny si szt,
ancient words of power. Repeat any of them amelyeknek ereje van. Ismteld brmelyiket
ceaselessly; they can work wonders. szakadatlanul; csodkat tudnak vghezvinni.

Q: Are you serious? Would you tell a Westerner to K: Komolyan beszlsz? Azt mondand egy
repeat 'Om' or 'Ram' or 'Hare Krishna' ceaselessly, nyugatinak, hogy ismtelgesse szntelen az Om,
though he lacks completely the faith and conviction Ram vagy 'Hare Krishna' szavakat, habr
born of the right cultural and religious background. tkletesen hjn van a megfelel kulturlis s
Without confidence and fervour, repeating vallsi httr alapjn szletett hitnek, s
mechanically the same sounds, will he ever achieve meggyzdsnek? Ugyanazon szavak
anything? meggyzds s odaads nlkli, mechanikus
ismtlse, el fog-e valaha rni brmit is?

M: Why not? It is the urge, the hidden motive that M: Mirt ne? Az sztnzs, a rejtett motivci az,

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
matters, not the shape it takes. Whatever he does, if ami szmt, nem a forma amit felvesz. Akrmit
he does it for the sake of finding his own real self, csinl, ha annak rdekben csinlja, hogy
will surely bring him to himself. megtallja sajt valdi njt, bizonyosan elvezeti t

Q: No need of faith in the efficacy of the means? K: Nincs szksg az eszkzk eredmnyessgbe
vetett hitre?

M: No need of faith which is but expectation of M: Semmi szksg olyan hitre, amely csak
results. Here the action only counts. Whatever you eredmnyeket vr el. Itt a cselekedet szmt
do for the sake of truth, will take you to truth. Only egyedl. Brmit teszel az igazsg rdekben, az
be earnest and honest. The shape it takes hardly igazsg fel visz. Csak lgy komoly, s becsletes.
matters. A forma, amit felvesz, nemigen lnyeges.

Q: Then where is the need of giving expression to K: Akkor mirt szksges kifejezst adni az egyn
one's longing? vgyakozsnak?

M: No need. Doing nothing is as good. Mere M: Nem szksges. Semmit nem tenni ugyanilyen
longing, undiluted by thought and action, pure, j. A gondolatoktl s cselekedetektl hgtatlan,
concentrated longing, will take you speedily to your puszta vgyakozs, a tiszta, koncentrlt
goal. It is the true motive that matters, not the vgyakozs, gyorsan clodba fog juttatni. Az igaz
manner. motvum a lnyeges, nem a mdszer.

Q: Unbelievable. How can dull repetition in boredom K: Hihetetlen. Hogyan lehet hatkony egy unalmas,
verging on despair, be effective? a ktsgbeess szlig sodr ismtelgets?

M: The very facts of repetition, of struggling on and M: Valjban az unalommal s ktsgbeesssel,

on and of endurance and perseverance, in spite of valamint a meggyzds teljes hinyval dacol
boredom and despair and complete lack of ismtls, vg nlkli kszkds, kitarts, s
conviction are really crucial. They are not important llhatatossg az igazn lnyegesek. Ezek nem
by themselves, but the sincerity behind them is all- nmagukban fontosak, hanem a mgttk lv
important. There must be a push from within and pull szintesg a ltfontossg. Szksg van egy
from without. bellrl jv nyomsra, s egy kvlrl jv hzsra.

Q: My questions are typical of the West. There K: Az n krdseim jellemzen nyugatiak. Ott az
people think in terms of cause and effect, means emberek ok s okozat kifejezseiben, eszkzkben
and goals. They do not see what causal connection s clokban gondolkodnak. Nem ltjk, hogy milyen
can there be between a particular word and the oksgi kapcsolat lehet egy klnleges sz, s az
Absolute Reality. Abszolt Valsg kztt.

M: None whatsoever. But there is a connection M: Semmilyen sincs. Van viszont kapcsolat a sz s
between the word and its meaning, between the annak jelentse kztt, a cselekedet s annak
action and its motive. Spiritual practice is will motivcija kztt. A spiritulis gyakorlat jra s jra
asserted and re-asserted. Who has not the daring kijelentsre kerl akarat. Akinek nincs meg hozz a
will not accept the real even when offered. btorsga, nem fogja elrni a valsgot, akkor sem,
Unwillingness born out of fear is the only obstacle. amikor az felknlkozik. A flelembl szletett
vonakods az egyetlen akadly.

Q: What is there to be afraid of? K: Mitl kellene flni?

M: The unknown. The not-being, not-knowing, not- M: Az ismeretlentl. A nem-lttl, a nem-tudstl, a

doing. The beyond. nem-cselekvstl. A tlnantl.

Q: You mean to say that while you can share the K: Azt akarod mondani, hogy mikzben meg tudod
manner of your achievement, you cannot share the osztani a megvalsts mdjt, nem tudod
fruits? megosztani a gymlcsket?

M: Of course I can share the fruits and I am doing so M: Termszetesen meg tudom osztani a
all the time. But mine is a silent language. Learn to gymlcsket, s ezt teszem egsz id alatt. De az
listen and understand. n nyelvem hangtalan nyelv. Tanulj meg hallgatni,

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
s megrted.

Q: I do not see how one can begin without K: Nem rtem, hogyan lehet elkezdeni
conviction. meggyzds nlkl.

M: Stay with me for some time, or give your mind to M: Maradj velem egy darabig, vagy add t az
what I say and do and conviction will dawn. elmdet annak, amit mondok s csinlok, s
meggyzdsre fogsz bredni.

Q: Not everybody has the chance of meeting you. K: Nem mindenkinek van meg a lehetsge a veled
val tallkozsra.

M: Meet your own self. Be with your own self, listen M: Tallkozz sajt neddel. Lgy egytt sajt
to it, obey it, cherish it, keep it in mind ceaselessly. neddel, hallgass r, engedelmeskedj neki,
You need no other guide. As long as your urge for gyngden szeresd, szntelenl tartsd szben.
truth affects your daily life, all is well with you. Live Nincs szksged ms vezetre. Amg az igazsg
your life without hurting anybody. Harmlessness is a irnti ellenllhatatlan vgyad thatja mindennapi
most powerful form of Yoga and it will take you letedet, minden rendben van veled. ld anlkl az
speedily to your goal. This is what I call nisarga letedet, hogy brkit bntanl. Az rtalmatlansg a
yoga, the Natural yoga. It is the art of living in peace legersebb Yoga forma, s gyorsan el fog vinni a
and harmony, in friendliness and love. The fruit of it clodhoz. Ez az, amit n nisarga yognak, a
is happiness, uncaused and endless. Termszetes yognak nevezek. Ez a bkben s
harmniban, bartsgossgban s szeretetben
ls mvszete. Aminek a gymlcse ok nlkli, s
vgtelen boldogsg.

Q: Still, all this presupposes some faith. K: De azrt, mindez elfelttelez valamennyi hitet.

M: Turn within and you will come to trust yourself. In M: Fordulj befel, s vissza fogod nyerni nmagad
everything else confidence comes with experience. hitt. Minden msban a bizalom a tapasztalattal jn.

Q: When a man tells me that he knows something I K: Amikor azt mondja valaki, hogy tud valamit, amit
do not know, I have the right to ask: 'what is if that n nem, jogomban ll megkrdezni: mit tudsz te,
you know, that I do not know?' amit n nem?

M: And if he tells you that it cannot be conveyed in M: s ha azt mondja neked, hogy nem lehet
words? szavakkal kzlni?

Q: Then I watch him closely and try to make out. K: Akkor gondosan megfigyelem t, s
megprblom kitallni.

M: And this is exactly what I want you to do. Be M: s pontosan ezt akarom, hogy tedd. rdekldj,
interested, give attention, until a current of mutual figyelj, mg a klcsns megrts meg nem valsul.
understanding is established. Then the sharing will Ezutn knny lesz a rszesls. Alapjban vve
be easy. As a matter of fact, all realisation is only minden megvalsuls csupn rszesls. Belpsz
sharing. You enter a wider consciousness and share egy tgabb tudatossgba, s rszeslsz belle. A
in it. Unwillingness to enter and to share is the only belpstl s a rszeslstl val vonakods az
hindrance. I never talk of differences, for to me there egyetlen akadly. Sosem beszlek klnbsgekrl,
are none. You do, so it is up to you to show them to mert szmomra ilyenek nem lteznek. Neked igen,
me. By all means, show me the differences. For this gy mdodban ll, hogy megmutasd azokat nekem.
you will have to understand me, but then you will no Mindenesetre, mutasd meg a klnbsgeket. Ehhez
longer talk of differences. Understand one thing well, meg kell, hogy rts engem, de azutn soha tbb
and you have arrived. What prevents you from nem fogsz klnbsgekrl beszlni. Egy dolgot rts
knowing is not the lack of opportunity, but the lack of meg jl, s akkor megrkeztl. Ami meggtol a
ability to focus in your mind what you want to megismersben, az nem a lehetsg hinya, hanem
understand. If you could but keep in mind what you annak a kpessgnek a hinya, hogy a megrtend
do not know, it would reveal to you its secrets. But if dologra fkuszld az elmdet. Ha csupn elmdben
you are shallow and impatient, not earnest enough tudnd tartani, amit nem tudsz, mr ez feltrn
to look and wait, you are like a child crying for the szmodra annak titkait. De ha felletes, s
moon. trelmetlen vagy, nem elg komoly, hogy figyelj s

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
vrj, akkor olyan vagy, mint a lehetetlent kvn

39. By Itself Nothing has Existence 39. Semmi nem nmagtl ltezik
Questioner: As I listen to you I find that it is useless Krdez: Tged hallgatva gy ltom, hogy nincs
to ask you questions. Whatever the question, you rtelme krdseket feltenni. Akrmi legyen a krds,
invariably turn it upon itself and bring me to the basic te mindig visszjra fordtod, s ahhoz az
fact that I am living in an illusion of my own making alapttelhez jutunk vissza, hogy a sajt magam
and that reality is inexpressible in words. Words gyrtotta illziban lek, s a valsg nem
merely add to the confusion and the only wise kifejezhet szavakkal. A szavak csak a zrzavart
course is the silent search within. fokozzk, s az egyetlen blcs t a csndes bels

Maharaj: After all, it is the mind that creates illusion Maharaj: Elvgre az elme hozza ltre az illzit, s
and it is the mind that gets free of it. Words may az elme szabadtja meg magt tle. A szavak
aggravate illusion, words may also help dispel it. slyosabb tehetik az illzit, a szavak segthetik az
There is nothing wrong in repeating the same truth eloszlatsukat is. Semmi baj nincs ugyanazon
again and again until it becomes reality. Mother's igazsg jra s jra ismtlsvel, mg az valsgg
work is not over with the birth of the child. She feeds nem vlik. Az anyk munkja nem r vget a
it day after day, year after year until it needs her no gyermek megszletsvel. Tpllja t nap nap utn,
longer. People need hearing words, until facts speak v v utn, amg szksges. Az embereknek
to them louder than words. mindaddig hallaniuk kell a szavakat, mg a szmukra
elmondott tnyek hangosabbakk nem vlnak, mint
a szavak.

Q: So we are children to be fed on words? K: Teht gyermekek vagyunk, akiket szavakkal kell

M: As long as you give importance to words, you are M: Amg jelentsget tulajdontasz a szavaknak,
children. addig gyermek vagy.

Q: All right, then be our mother. K: Rendben, akkor lgy az anym.

M: Where was the child before it was born? Was it M: Hol volt a gyermek, mieltt megszletett? Nem
not with the mother? Because it was already with the volt az anyjval? Azrt szlethetett meg, mert mr
mother it could be born. az anyjval volt.

Q: Surely, the mother did not carry the child when K: Az anya biztosan nem hordta a gyermekt, mikor
she was a child herself. mg maga is gyermek volt.

M: Potentially, she was the mother. Go beyond the M: Potencilis anya volt. Lpj tl az id illzijn.
illusion of time.

Q: Your answer is always the same. A kind of K: Mindig ugyanaz a vlasz. Mint egy ram, amely
clockwork which strikes the same hours again and ugyanazt az rt ti jra s jra.

M: It can not be helped. Just like the one sun is M: Ezen nem lehet segteni. Amint a nap a
reflected in a billion dew drops, so is the timeless millirdnyi harmatcseppben tkrzdik, gy
endlessly repeated. When l repeat: 'I am, I am', I ismtldik vg nlkl az idtlen. Amikor azt
merely assert and re-assert an ever-present fact. ismtelgetem, hogy n vagyok, n vagyok, akkor
You get tired of my words because you do not see csupn egy mindig jelenlv tnyt jelentek ki jra s
the living truth behind them. Contact it and you will jra. Unod a szavaimat, mert nem ltod mgttk az
find the full meaning of words and of silence -- both. l igazsgot. Teremts vele kapcsolatot, s meg
fogod tallni az rtelmt a szavaknak s a csndnek

Q: You say that the little girl is already the mother of K: Azt mondod, hogy mr a kislny anyja jvbeni
her future child. Potentially -- yes. Actually -- no. gyermeknek. Potencilisan igen. Tnylegesen

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok

M: The potential becomes actual by thinking. The M: A potencilisbl gondolkods rvn vlik
body and its affairs exist in the mind. tnyleges. A test s annak viszonyai az elmben

Q: And the mind is consciousness in motion and K: s az elme mozgsban lv tudatossg, s a

consciousness is the conditioned (saguna) aspect of tudatossg a kondicionlt (saguna) aspektusa az
the Self. The unconditioned (nirguna) is another nnek. A kondicionlatlan (nirguna) a msik
aspect and beyond lies the abyss of the absolute aspektus, s az abszolt (paramartha)
(paramartha). szakadknak a tloldaln fekszik.

M: Quite right -- you have put it beautifully. M: Ez tkletesen gy van szpen fogalmaztl.

Q: But these are mere words to me. Hearing and K: De ezek puszta szavak szmomra. Hallani s
repeating them is not enough, they must be ismtelni ket nem elg, tapasztalni kell ket.

M: Nothing stops you but preoccupation with the M: Semmi nem akadlyoz, a klsbe val
outer which prevents you from focussing the inner. It belefeledkezsed gtol csupn, hogy a belsre
cannot be helped, you cannot skip your sadhana. koncentrlj. Ezt nem lehet segteni, sadhandat nem
You have to turn away from the world and go within, ugorhatod t. El kell fordulnod a vilgtl, s befel
until the inner and the outer merge and you can go kell haladnod, amg a bels s a kls ssze nem
beyond the conditioned, whether inner or outer. olvad, s tl nem lphetsz a kondicionlton, legyen
az bels, vagy kls.

Q: Surely, the unconditioned is merely an idea in the K: A kondicionlatlan bizonyra a kondicionlt elme
conditioned mind. By itself it has no existence. egy ideja csupn. Nem nmagtl ltezik.

M: By itself nothing has existence. Everything needs M: nmagtl semmi nem ltezik. Minden felttelezi
its own absence. To be, is to be distinguishable, to nmaga hinyt. Lenni annyi, mint
be here and not there, to be now and not then, to be megklnbztethetnek lenni, itt lenni s nem ott,
thus and not otherwise. Like water is shaped by the most lenni s nem akkor, gy lenni s nem
container, so is everything determined by conditions mskppen. Mint ahogy a vz alakjt az edny
(gunas). As water remains water regardless of the hatrozza meg, gy determinlnak mindent a
vessels, as light remains itself regardless of the felttelek (gunk). Ahogy a vz vz marad, tekintet
colours it brings out, so does the real remain real, nlkl az ednyre, ahogy a fny nmagval azonos
regardless of conditions in which it is reflected. Why marad, fggetlenl a szntl, amit kifejez, gy marad
keep the reflection only in the focus of meg a vals valsnak, fggetlenl a felttelektl,
consciousness? Why not the real itself? amelyek kztt tkrzsre kerl. Mirt csupn a
tkrkpet tartod a tudatossg fkuszban? Mirt
nem a valsgot magt?

Q: Consciousness itself is a reflection. How can it K: A tudatossg nmaga is egy visszatkrzds.

hold the real? Hogyan hordozn a valsgot?

M: To know that consciousness and its content are M: Tudni, hogy a tudatossg s annak tartalma csak
but reflections, changeful and transient, is the visszatkrzdsek, amelyek vltozkonyak s
focussing of the real. The refusal to see the snake in mulandk, az a valsgra val fkuszls. Annak a
the rope is the necessary condition for seeing the szksges felttele, hogy lsd a ktelet, annak az
rope. elutastsa, hogy kgynak lsd a ktelet.

Q: Only necessary, or also sufficient? K: Csak szksges, vagy elgsges is?

M: One must also know that a rope exists and looks M: Az embernek tudnia is kell, hogy a ktl ltezik,
like a snake. Similarly, one must know that the real s kgyhoz hasonlt. Hasonlkppen, az embernek
exists and is of the nature of witness-consciousness. tudnia kell, hogy a valsg ltezik, s hogy tan-
Of course it is beyond the witness, but to enter it one tudatossg termszet. Termszetesen tl van a
must first realise the state of pure witnessing. The tansgon, de a belelpshez az embernek fel kell
awareness of conditions brings one to the ismernie elszr a tiszta tudatossg llapott. A

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
unconditioned. felttelekrl val tudoms indtja az embert a
kondicionlatlan fel.

Q: Can the unconditioned be experienced? K: Megtapasztalhat a kondicionlatlan?

M: To know the conditioned as conditioned is all that M: A kondicionltat kondicionltnak ismerni, ez

can be said about the unconditioned. Positive terms minden, ami a kondicionlatlannal kapcsolatban
are mere hints and misleading. mondhat. A pozitv kifejezsek utalsok, s
flrevezetsek csupn.

Q: Can we talk of witnessing the real? K: Beszlhetnk-e a valsg tansgrl?

M: How can we? We can talk only of the unreal, the M: Hogy tudnnk beszlni? Beszlni csak a
illusory, the transient, the conditioned. To go valtlanrl, az illuzrikusrl, a mulandrl, a
beyond, we must pass through total negation of kondicionltrl tudunk. A tllps fel csak a minden
everything as having independent existence. All fggetlen ltezssel br dolog totlis tagadsn
things depend. keresztl haladhatunk. Minden dolog fgg valamitl.

Q: On what do they depend? K: Mitl fggenek?

M: On consciousness. And consciousness depends M: A tudatossgtl. s a tudatossg a tantl fgg.

on the witness.

Q: And the witness depends on the real? K: s a tan a valsgtl fgg?

M: The witness is the reflection of the real in all its M: A tan a valsg visszatkrzdse, annak
purity. It depends on the condition of the mind. minden tisztasgban. Az elme felttelnek
Where clarity and detachment predominate, the fggvnye. Ahol tisztasg s elfogulatlansg
witness-consciousness comes into being. It is just uralkodik, ott ltrejn a tan-tudatossg. ppen gy,
like saying that where the water is clear and quiet, ahogy a tiszta s nyugodt vz felsznn megjelenik a
the image of the moon appears. Or like daylight that hold kpe. Vagy mint a napsugr, amely
appears as sparkle in the diamond. csillogsknt jelenik meg a gymnton.

Q: Can there be consciousness without the witness? K: Ltezhet tudatossg a tan nlkl?

M: Without the witness it becomes M: A tan nlkl tudattalansgg vlik, csak lv.
unconsciousness, just living. The witness is latent in A tan benne rejlik a tudatossg minden
every state of consciousness, just like light in every llapotban, mint ahogy a fny is az sszes
colour. There can be no knowledge without the sznben. Nem ltezhet tudoms tud nlkl, s nem
knower and no knower without his witness. Not only ltezhet tud az tanja nlkl. Nem csak tudsz,
you know, but you know that you know. hanem tudod is, hogy tudsz.

Q: If the unconditioned cannot be experienced, for K: Ha a kondicionlatlan nem tapasztalhat, mert

all experience is conditioned, then why talk of it at minden tapasztalat kondicionlt, akkor mirt
all? beszlnk rla egyltaln?

M: How can there be knowledge of the conditioned M: A kondicionlatlan nlkl hogyan lehetne
without the unconditioned? There must be a source tudomsod a kondicionltrl? Kell lennie egy
from which all this flows, a foundation on which all forrsnak, ahonnan mindkett ered, egy alapnak,
stands. Self-realisation is primarily the knowledge of amelyen mindkett ll. Az n-megvalsts
one's conditioning and the awareness that the elssorban azt jelenti, hogy az ember tudja magrl,
infinite variety of conditions depends on our infinite hogy kondicionlt, valamint tudomsa van arrl,
ability to be conditioned and to give rise to variety. hogy a kondcik azrt vgtelenl vltozatosak, mert
To the conditioned mind the unconditioned appears vgtelen a kpessgnk a kondicionltsgra, s a
as the totality as well as the absence of everything. vltozatossg elidzsre. A kondicionlt elme
Neither can be directly experienced, but this does szmra a kondicionlatlan gy jelenik meg, mint
not make it not-existent. totalits, ugyanakkor mint mindennek a hinya.
Egyik sem tapasztalhat kzvetlenl, de ez nem
teszi nem ltezv.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
Q: Is it not a feeling? K: Ez nem egy rzs?

M: A feeling too is a state of mind. Just like a healthy M: Az rzs is elmellapot. Ahogy az egszsges
body does not call for attention, so is the test sem hvja fel magra a figyelmet, gy a
unconditioned free from experience. Take the kondicionlatlan is mentes a tapasztalattl. Vegyk
experience of death. The ordinary man is afraid to a hall tapasztalatt. Az tlagember fl a halltl,
die, because he is afraid of change. The gnani is not mert fl a vltozstl. A gnani nem fl, mert az
afraid because his mind is dead already. He does elmje mr halott. Nem gondolja azt, hogy n lek.
not think: 'I live'. He knows: 'There is life'. There is no Tudja, hogy let van benne. Nincs benne vltozs,
change in it and no death. Death appears to be a s nincs benne hall. A hall mint id- s trbeli
change in time and space. Where there is neither vltozs jelenik meg. Ahol nincs sem id, sem tr,
time nor space, how can there be death? The gnani ott hogyan lehetne hall? A gnani mr halott a nevet
is already dead to name and shape. How can their s formt illeten. Hogyan rinthetn t ezek
loss affect him? The man in the train travels from elvesztse? Aki vonaton l, az vrosrl vrosra
place to place, but the man off the train goes utazik, de aki leszllt a vonatrl, az sehov sem
nowhere, for he is not bound for a destination. He megy, mert nem ktdik clhoz. Nem kell mennie
has nowhere to go, nothing to do, nothing to sehov, nem kell tennie semmit, nem kell vlnia
become. Those who make plans will be born to carry semmiv. Azok, akik terveket ksztenek, meg
them out. Those who make no plans need not be fognak szletni, hogy azokat vgrehajtsk. Akiknek
born. nincs terveik, azoknak nem kell megszletnik.

Q: What is the purpose of pain and pleasure? K: Mi a clja a fjdalomnak s az lvezetnek?

M: Do they exist by themselves, or only in the mind? M: nll ltezk ezek, vagy csak az elmben

Q: Still, they exist. Never mind the mind. K: Mindazonltal lteznek. Hagyjuk az elmt.

M: Pain and pleasure are merely symptoms, the M: A fjdalom s az lvezet krtnetek csupn,
results of wrong knowledge and wrong feeling. A rossz tuds s rossz rzs eredmnyei. Egy
result cannot have a purpose of its own. eredmny nem lehet nmaga clja.

Q: In God's economy everything must have a K: Isten gazdasgban mindennek kell legyen clja.

M: Do you know God that you talk of him so freely? M: Ismered Istent, hogy ilyen fesztelenl beszlsz
What is God to you? A sound, a word on paper, an rla? Mit jelent szmodra Isten? Egy hangot, egy
idea in the mind? paprra vetett szt, egy idet az elmben?

Q: By his power I am born and kept alive. K: Az hatalma ltal szlettem, s vagyok letben.

M: And suffer, and die. Are you glad? M: s szenvedsz, s meghalsz. Boldog vagy?

Q: It may be my own fault that I suffer and die. I was K: Lehet, hogy az n hibm, hogy szenvedek s
created unto life eternal. meghalok. rk letre lettem teremtve.

M: Why eternal in the future and not in the past. M: A jv fel mirt rk, s a mlt fel mirt nem
What has a beginning must have an end. Only the az? Aminek kezdete van, vge is kell, hogy legyen.
beginningless is endless. Egyedl a kezdet nlkli vgtelen.

Q: God may be a mere concept, a working theory. A K: Lehet, hogy Isten egy koncepci csupn, egy
very useful concept all the same. munka teria. mbr egy nagyon hasznos

M: For this it must be free of inner contradictions, M: Ehhez mentesnek kellene lennie a bels
which is not the case. Why not work on the theory ellentmondsoktl, de nem ez a helyzet. Mirt nem
that you are your own creation and creator. At least az a munka terid, hogy te vagy sajt
there will be no external God to battle with. teremtmnyed, s teremtd? Legalbb nem lenne
egy kls Isten, akivel harcolni kell.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
Q: This world is so rich and complex -- how could I K: Ez a vilg annyira gazdag s bonyolult hogyan
create it? tudtam volna n megteremteni?

M: Do you know yourself enough to know what you M: Ismered magad elgg, hogy mit tudsz, s mit
can do and what you cannot? You do not know your nem tudsz? Nem ismered a sajt hatalmadat.
own powers. You never investigated. Begin with Sohasem vizsgldtl. Kezdd most magaddal.
yourself now.

Q: Everybody believes in God. K: Mindenki hisz Istenben.

M: To me you are your own God. But if you think M: Szmomra te vagy sajt Istened. De ha te
otherwise, think to the end. If there be God, then all mskpp gondolod, gondold vgig. Ha van Isten,
is God's and all is for the best. Welcome all that akkor minden Isten, s minden a legjobban van.
comes with a glad and thankful heart. And love all Mindent, ami jn, dvzlj rmmel s hls szvvel.
creatures. This too will take you to your Self. s szeress minden teremtmnyt. Ez szintn
nedhez fog vezetni tged.

40. Only the Self is Real 40. Csak az n valsgos

Maharaj: The world is but a show, glittering and Maharaj: A vilg csupn egy show, csillog s res.
empty. It is, and yet is not. It is there as long as I Van, s mg sincs. Addig van, amg ltni akarom, s
want to see it and take part in it. When I cease rszt akarok venni benne. Amikor beszntetem a
caring, it dissolves. It has no cause and serves no vele val trdst, szertefoszlik. Nincs semmilyen
purpose. It just happens when we are absent- oka, s nem szolgl semmilyen clt. Csak
minded. It appears exactly as it looks, but there is no megtrtnik, amikor figyelmetlenek vagyunk.
depth in it, nor meaning. Only the onlooker is real. Pontosan olyannak mutatkozik, amilyennek kinz,
Call him Self or Atma. To the Self the world is but a de nincs sem mlysge, sem jelentse. Csak a
colourful show, which he enjoys as long as it lasts szemll valdi. Nevezzk t gy, hogy n, vagy
and forgets when it is over. Whatever happens on Atma. Az n szmra a vilg csak egy sznpomps
the stage makes him shudder in terror or roll with show, amit amg tart, addig lvezi, s amikor vget
laughter, yet all the time he is aware that it is but a r, elfelejti. Akrmi trtnik a sznpadon, ami miatt
show. Without desire or fear he enjoys it, as it reszkets fogja el a rmlettl, vagy gurul a
happens. nevetstl, mgis egsz id alatt tudatban van,
hogy az csak egy show. Vgy s flelem nlkl
lvezi azt, ahogyan megtrtnik.

Questioner: The person immersed in the world has Krdez: A vilgba belemerlt szemlynek sokszn
a life of many flavours. He weeps, he laughs, loves lete van. Sr, nevet, szeret s gyll, vgyakozik s
and hates, desires and fears, suffers and rejoices. fl, szenved, s rmet rez. A vgy- s flelem
The desireless and fearless gnani, what life has he? nlkli gnaninak milyen lete van? Nem
Is he not left high and dry in his aloofness? cserbenhagyottsg az kzmbssge?

M: His state is not so desolate. It tastes of the pure, M: Nem olyan magnyos az llapota. A tiszta,
uncaused, undiluted bliss. He is happy and fully nmagtl val, koncentrlt boldogsgot lvezi.
aware that happiness is his very nature and that he Boldog, s tkletesen tudatban van, hogy a
need not do anything, nor strive for anything to boldogsg az valdi termszete, s hogy nincs
secure it. It follows him, more real than the body, szksge semmire, s nem is trekszik semminek a
nearer than the mind itself. You imagine that without megszerzsre. A boldogsg kveti t, sokkal
cause there can be no happiness. To me valsgosabb, mint a test, kzelebb van, mint az
dependence on anything for happiness is utter elme maga. A te elkpzelsed szerint ok nlkl nem
misery. Pleasure and pain have causes, while my lehetsges boldogsg. Szmomra a boldogsg
state is my own, totally uncaused, independent, brmitl val fggv ttele a legteljesebb
unassailable. szenveds. Az lvezetnek s a fjdalomnak oka
van, mg az n sajt llapotom teljesen ok nlkli,
fggetlen, megtmadhatatlan.

Q: Like a play on the stage? K: Mint egy szndarab?

M: The play was written, planned and rehearsed. M: A darabot rtk, rendeztk s prbltk. A vilg
The world just spouts into being out of nothing and csak berad a ltbe a semmibl, s a semmibe tr

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
returns to nothing. vissza.

Q: Is there no creator? Was not the world in the K: Nincs teremt? Nem volt benne a vilg Brahma
mind of Brahma, before it was created? elmjben, mieltt megteremtette azt?

M: As long as you are outside my state, you will M: Mindaddig, amg nem vagy az n llapotomban,
have Creators, Preservers and Destroyers, but once lesznek Teremtid, Megrzid s Puszttid, de
with me you will know the Self only and see yourself amint elrsz hozzm, csak az nt fogod ismerni, s
in all. mindenben magadat fogod ltni.

Q: You function nevertheless. K: Mgiscsak funkcionlsz.

M: When you are giddy, you see the world running M: Amikor szdlsz, gy ltod, hogy forog krltted
circles round you. Obsessed with the idea of means a vilg. Szndkok s megvalstsok, cselekedetek
and end, of work and purpose, you see me s clok idejtl megszllott vagy, ezrt
apparently functioning. In reality I only look. ltszlagosan funkcionlnak ltsz engem.
Whatever is done, is done on the stage. Joy and Valjban pedig, csak szemlldk. Brmi trtnik,
sorrow life and death, they all are real to the man in a sznpadon trtnik. rm, szomorsg, let s
bondage; to me they are all in the show, as unreal hall, ezek mind valsgosak a ktttsgben lv
as the show itself. ember szmra; az n szmomra mindezek a show
rszei, ppgy valtlanok, mint a maga show.

I may perceive the world just like you, but you Ugyangy szlelni vagyok kpes a vilgot, mint te,
believe to be in it, while I see it as an iridescent drop de te benne lvnek hiszed magad, n ellenben gy
in the vast expanse of consciousness. ltom, mint egy szivrvnysznekben jtsz cseppet
a hatrtalan kiterjeds tudatossgban.

Q: We are all getting old. Old age is not pleasant -- K: Mindannyian megregsznk. Az regkor nem
all aches and pains, weakness and the approaching kellemes mindenfle sajgsok s fjdalmak,
end. How does a gnani feel as an old man? How gyengesg, s a kzelg vg. Hogyan rzi magt
does his inner self look at his own senility? egy gnani reg emberknt? Hogyan tekint bels
nje sajt szenilitsra?

M: As he gets older he grows more and more happy M: Ahogy regszik, gy lesz egyre jobban s jobban
and peaceful. After all, he is going home. Like a boldog s bks. Elvgre haza kszl. Mint egy
traveller nearing his destination and collecting his utaz, aki cljhoz kzeledve sszeszedi a
luggage, he leaves the train without regret. csomagokat, sajnlat nlkl elhagyja a vonatot.

Q: Surely there is a contradiction. We are told the K: Itt valamilyen ellentmonds van, bizonyra. Azt
gnani is beyond all change. His happiness neither hallottuk, hogy a gnani tl van minden vltozson.
grows nor wanes. How can he grow happier Boldogsga nem nvekszik, s nem cskken.
because older, and that in spite of physical Hogyan nhetne a boldogsga azrt mert regszik,
weakness and so on? dacra testi gyengesgnek, stb.?

M: There is no contradiction. The reel of destiny is M: Nincs semmifle ellentmonds. A sors

coming to its end -- the mind is happy. The mist of gombolyagja a vghez kzeledik az elme boldog.
bodily existence is lifting -- the burden of the body is A testi ltezs kde oszlban van a test terhe
growing less from day to day. naprl napra cskken.

Q: Let us say, the gnani is ill. He has caught some K: Tegyk fel, hogy a gnani megbetegszik. Elkapott
flu and every joint aches and burns. What is his valamilyen influenzt, sszes zlete fj, s lngol.
state of mind? Mi most az elmjnek az llapota?

M: Every sensation is contemplated in perfect M: Minden benyomst tkletes lelki nyugalommal

equanimity. There is no desire for it, nor refusal. It is szemll. Nincs benne irnta sem vgy, sem
as it is and then he looks at it with a smile of elutasts. Van, ahogy van, s a szeret
affectionate detachment. elklnltsg mosolyval szemlli.

Q: He may be detached from his own suffering, but K: Lehet, hogy elklnlt a sajt szenvedstl, de

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
still it is there. azrt az ott van.

M: It is there, but it does not matter. Whatever state I M: Ott van, de nem szmt. Brmilyen llapotban
am in, I see it as a state of mind to be accepted as it vagyok, azt gy tekintem, mint az elme egy
is. llapott, amit gy fogadok el, ahogy van.

Q: Pain is pain. You experience it all the same. K: A fjdalom az fjdalom. Mgiscsak tled.

M: He who experiences the body, experiences its M: Aki tapasztalja a testet, tapasztalja annak
pains and pleasures. I am neither the body, nor the fjdalmt s lvezett. n sem a test, sem a test
experiencer of the body. tapasztalja nem vagyok.

Q: Let us say you are twenty-five years old. Your K: Tegyk fel, hogy huszont ves vagy.
marriage is arranged and performed, and the Hzassgod rendezett s mkd, s hzastrsi
household duties crowd upon you. How would you ktelessgeidben akadlyoztatva vagy. Hogy
feel? reznd magad?

M: Just as I feel now. You keep on insisting that my M: pp ahogy most rzem magam. Te tovbbra is
inner state is moulded by outer events. It is just not azt bizonygatod, hogy a bels llapotomat kls
so. Whatever happens, I remain. At the root of my esemnyek formljk. Ez ppen, hogy nem gy van.
being is pure awareness, a speck of intense light. Brmi trtnik, n ugyanaz maradok. A ltem a
This speck, by its very nature, radiates and creates tiszta tudatossgbl gykerezik, az intenzv fny
pictures in space and events in time -- effortlessly szikrja. Ez a szikra, valdi termszetnl fogva,
and spontaneously. As long as it is merely aware kpeket hoz ltre s sugroz a trben, s
there are no problems. But when the discriminative esemnyeket az idben erfeszts nlkl, s
mind comes into being and creates distinctions, spontn. Amg az tudatossg csupn, addig
pleasure and pain arise. During sleep the mind is in nincsenek problmk. De amikor megszletik a
abeyance and so are pain and pleasure. The megklnbztet elme, s klnbsgeket hoz ltre,
process of creation continues, but no notice is taken. lvezet s fjdalom keletkezik. Alvskor az elme
The mind is a form of consciousness, and hatlyon kvl van, gy a fjdalom s az lvezet is. A
consciousness is an aspect of life. Life creates teremts folyamata folytatdik, de nem kerl
everything but the Supreme is beyond all. tudomsul vtelre. Az elme a tudatossgnak egy
formja, s a tudatossg az letnek egy aspektusa.
Az let hoz ltre mindent, de a Legfelsbb mindenek
felett ll.

Q: The Supreme is the master and consciousness -- K: A Legfelsbb a mester, s a tudatossg a

his servant. szolgja.

M: The master is in consciousness, not beyond it. In M: A mester a tudatossgban van, nem a felett. A
terms of consciousness the Supreme is both tudatossg kifejezsmdjval a Legfelsbb azonos
creation and dissolution, concretion and abstraction, mind a teremtssel, mind a felbomlssal, mind a
the focal and the universal. It is also neither. Words konkretzilssal, mind az absztrakcival, mind a
do not reach there, nor mind. foklissal, mind az univerzlissal. Ugyanakkor
egyikkel sem. A szavak nem rnek el odig, sem az

Q: The gnani seems to be a very lonely being, all by K: A gnani egy nagyon magnyos lnynek tnik,
himself. mint aki teljesen egyedl van.

M: He is alone, but he is all. He is not even a being. M: Egyedl van, de minden. Mg csak nem is
He is the beingness of all beings. Not even that. No lny. minden lny ltezse. De mg az sem. A
words apply. He is what he is, the ground from szavak itt alkalmatlanok. az ami, a talaj, amibl
which all grows. minden kin.

Q: Are you not afraid to die? K: Nem flsz a halltl?

M: I shall tell you how my Guru's Guru died. After M: Elmeslem, hogyan halt meg a Gurum Guruja. A
announcing that his end was nearing, he stopped bejelents utn, hogy lett hamarosan befejezi,
eating, without changing the routine of his daily life. abbahagyta az evst, anlkl, hogy napi letnek

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
On the eleventh day, at prayer time he was singing gyakorlatn vltoztatott volna. A tizenegyedik napon,
and clapping vigorously and suddenly died. Just like az imdkozs sorn erteljesen nekelt s tapsolt,
that, between two movements, like a blown out majd hirtelen meghalt. Csak gy, kt mozdulat
candle. Everybody dies as he lives. I am not afraid kztt, mint amikor elfjnak egy gyertyt. Mindenki
of death, because I am not afraid of life. I live a gy hal meg, ahogy l. Nem flek a halltl, mert
happy life and shall die a happy death. Misery is to nem flek az lettl. Boldog letet lek, s boldogan
be born, not to die. All depends how you look at it. fogok meghalni. A megszlets a szenveds, nem a
hall. Minden attl fgg, hogyan tekintesz r.

Q: There can be no evidence of your state. All I K: Semmi lthat jele az llapotodnak. Csak annyit
know about it is what you say. All I see is a very tudok rla, amennyit elmondasz. Csupn egy
interesting old man. nagyon rdekes reg embert ltok.

M: You are the interesting old man, not me. I was M: Te vagy az rdekes regember, nem n. n
never born. How can I grow old? What I appear to sohasem szlettem. Hogyan regedhetnk meg?
be to you exists only in your mind. I am not Az, aminek szmodra ltszom, csak a te elmdben
concerned with it. ltezik. Nekem nincs kzm hozz.

Q: Even as a dream you are a most unusual dream. K: Mg lomnak is nagyon szokatlan lom vagy.

M: I am a dream that can wake you up. You will M: n egy olyan lom vagyok, amely felbreszthet
have the proof of it in your very waking up. tged. Ltni fogod a bizonytkt, mikor felbredsz.

Q: Imagine, news reach you that I have died. K: Kpzeld el, hogy hrt kapsz a hallomrl. Valaki
Somebody tells you: 'You know so-and-so? He died'. kzli veled: ismered ezt-s-ezt? Meghalt. Mi lenne
What would be your reaction? a reakcid?

M: I would be very happy to have you back home. M: Nagyon boldog lennk, hogy hazarkeztl.
Really glad to see you out of this foolishness. Boldog vagyok, hogy ltlak ez utn az ostobasg

Q: Which foolishness? K: Milyen ostobasg utn?

M: Of thinking that you were born and will die, that M: Hogy azt gondolod, hogy szlettl, s meg fogsz
you are a body displaying a mind and all such halni, hogy te egy elmt megjelent test vagy, s
nonsense. In my world nobody is born and nobody hasonl ostobasgok. Az n vilgomban senki nem
dies. Some people go on a journey and come back, szletik s senki nem hal meg. Vannak, akik tnak
some never leave. What difference does it make indulnak, s visszajnnek, vannak, akik soha nem
since they travel in dream lands, each wrapped up in mennek el. Ami a klnbsg, hogy lom orszgokba
his own dream. Only the waking up is important. It is utaznak, mindegyik a sajt lmba merl. Csak a
enough to know the 'I am' as reality and also love. felbreds fontos. Elg csak az n vagyok-ot
realitsnak tudni, s a szeretetet.

Q: My approach is not so absolute, hence my K: Az n llspontom nem ennyire abszolt, ezrt

question. Throughout the West people are in search volt a krdsem. Nyugat szerte az emberek
of something real. They turn to science, which tells llandan valami valsgosat keresnek. A
them a lot about matter, a little about the mind and tudomnyhoz fordulnak, amely sokat mond nekik az
nothing about the nature and purpose of anyagrl, keveset az elmrl, s semmit sem a
consciousness. To them reality is objective, outside tudatossg termszetrl, s cljrl. Szmukra a
the observable and describable, directly or by valsg objektv, a kzvetlen, vagy kvetkeztets
inference; about the subjective aspect of reality they tjn trtn megfigyelhetsgen, s lerhatsgon
know nothing. It is extremely important to let them kvl ll; a valsg szubjektv aspektusrl semmit
know that there is reality and it is to be found in the sem tudnak. Rendkvl fontos lenne a tudomsukra
freedom of consciousness from matter and its hozni, hogy a valsg a tudatossgnak az anyagtl
limitations and distortions. Most of the people in the s annak korltaitl, torzulsaitl val
world just do not know that there is reality which can fggetlensgben keresend. A legtbb ember a
be found and experienced in consciousness. It vilgon alig tud arrl, hogy a valsg a
seems very important that they should hear the good tudatossgban tallhat, s ott tapasztalhat.
news from somebody who has actually experienced. Nagyon fontosnak tnik, hogy halljk a j hrt
Such witnesses have always existed and their valakitl, aki tnylegesen tapasztalattal br. Ilyen

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
testimony is precious. tank mindig lteztek, s az tansguk rendkvl

M: Of course. The gospel of self-realisation, once M: Termszetesen. Ha egyszer is hallottad az

heard, will never be forgotten. Like a seed left in the nmegvalsts evangliumt, soha nem felejted el.
ground, it will wait for the right season and sprout Miknt a fldbe kerlt mag, vrni fog a j vszakra,
and grow into a mighty tree. kicsrzik, s hatalmas fv nvekszik.

41. Develop the Witness Attitude 41. A tansg attitd kifejlesztse

Questioner: What is the daily and hourly state of Krdez: Mi a minden napi s -rbani llapota a
mind of a realised man? How does he see, hear, megvalsult embernek? Hogyan lt, hall, eszik, iszik,
eat, drink, wake and sleep, work and rest? What bred s alszik, dolgozik s pihen? Mi a bizonytk,
proof is there of his state as different from ours? hogy az llapota ms, mint a mienk? Az
Apart from the verbal testimony of the so-called gynevezett megvalsult emberek verblis
realised people, is there no way of verifying their tansgtteln kvl nincs mdszer az llapotuk
state objectively. Are there not some observable objektv mdon val ellenrzsre. Nincs semmilyen
differences in their physiological and nervous szlelhet klnbsg fiziolgiai s idegrendszeri
responses, in their metabolism, or brain waves, or in reakciikban, anyagcserjkben, vagy
their psychosomatic structure? pszichoszomatikus struktrjukban?

Maharaj: You may find differences, or you may not. Maharaj: Lehet, hogy tallsz klnbsgeket, lehet,
All depends on your capacity of observation. The hogy nem. Minden a megfigyelkpessgedtl fgg.
objective differences are however, the least Az objektv klnbsgek azonban kevsb fontosak.
important. What matters is their outlook, their Ami szmt, az a szemlletmdjuk, attitdjk, amely
attitude, which is that of total detachment, aloofness, a totlis elfogulatlansg, kzmbssg, tvol lls.
standing apart.

Q: Does not a gnani feel sorrow when his child dies, K: Nem rez egy gnani szomorsgot, amikor a
does he not suffer? gyermeke meghal, nem szenved ilyenkor?

M: He suffers with those who suffer. The event itself M: Egytt szenved a szenvedkkel. Az esemny
is of little importance, but he is full of compassion for maga kis jelentsggel br, de teljes rszvtet rez a
the suffering being, whether alive or dead, in the szenved lny irnt, legyen az l, vagy holt,
body or out of it. After all, love and compassion are testben lv, vagy azon kvli. Tulajdonkppen a
his very nature. He is one with all that lives and love szeretet s egyttrzs neki valsgos termszete.
is that oneness in action. Mindennel egy, ami l, s a szeretet azonos mdon
benne van minden cselekedetben.

Q: People are very much afraid of death. K: Az emberek nagyon flnek a halltl.

M: The gnani is afraid of nothing. But he pities the M: A gnani nem fl semmitl. De sznja azokat, akik
man who is afraid. After all to be born, to live and to flnek. Hiszen szletni, lni s meghalni
die is natural. To be afraid is not. To the event, of termszetes dolgok. Flni nem az. Az esemnyekre,
course, attention is given. termszetesen, oda kell figyelni.

Q: Imagine you are ill -- high fever, aches, shivers. K: Kpzeld el, hogy beteg vagy magas lz,
The doctor tells you the condition is serious, there fjdalmak, reszkets. Az orvos szerint az llapotod
are only a few days to live. What would be your first slyos, mr csak nhny napod van. Mi lenne az
reaction? els reakcid?

M: No reaction. As it is natural for the incense stick M: Nem lenne semmifle reakcim. Ahogy egy
to burn out, so it is natural for the body to die. fstl plcika esetben termszetes, hogy elg,
Really, it is a matter of very little importance. What gy egy test esetn is termszetes, hogy meghal.
matters is that I am neither the body nor the mind. I Valjban, ez a dolog nagyon kevss fontos. Ami
am. szmt az az, hogy sem a test, sem az elme nem n
vagyok. n vagyok.

Q: Your family will be desperate, of course. What K: A csaldod ktsgbeesett lenne, persze. Mit

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
would you tell them? mondanl nekik?

M: The usual stuff: fear not, life goes on, God will M: A szoksos szveget: nem kell flni, az let
protect you, we shall be soon together again and so megy tovbb, Isten megoltalmaz tged, hamarosan
on. But to me the entire commotion is meaningless, jra egytt lesznk, stb. De szmomra ez az egsz
for I am not the entity that imagines itself alive or hh rtelmetlen, mert n nem az az entits vagyok,
dead. I am neither born nor can I die. I have nothing amely lnek kpzeli magt, vagy halottnak. n nem
to remember or to forget. szlettem, s nem meghalni sem tudok. Nincs
emlkezni, vagy felejteni valm.

Q: What about the prayers for the dead? K: Mi a helyzet a haldoklrt mondott imdsggal?

M: By all means pray for the dead. It pleases them M: Imdkozz a halottrt, termszetesen. Nagy
very much. They are flattered. The gnani does not rmet okozol nekik vele. Hzelg szmukra. A
need your prayers. He is himself the answer to your gnani nem ignyli az imidat. maga a vlasz az
prayers. imidra.

Q: How does the gnani fare after death? K: Mi trtnik a gnanival a halla utn?

M: The gnani is dead already. Do you expect him to M: A gnani mr halott. Azt vrod, hogy ismt
die again? meghaljon?

Q: Surely, the dissolution of the body is an important K: Bizonyra, a test megsemmislse mg egy
event even to a gnani. gnaninak is fontos esemny.

M: There are no important events for a gnani, except M: Egy gnani szmra nincsenek fontos
when somebody reaches the highest goal. Then esemnyek, kivve, mikor elri valaki a
only his heart rejoices. All else is of no concern. The legmagasztosabb clt. Akkor csak a szve
entire universe is his body, all life is his life. As in a rvendezik. Minden ms tekintetben rintetlen
city of lights, when one bulb burns out, it does not marad. Az egsz univerzum az teste, minden let
affect the network, so the death of a body does not az lete. Ahogy a vrosi vilgts esetn, ha az
affect the whole. egyik g kig, az nincs hatssal az egsz
hlzatra, ugyangy egy testnek a halla sincs
hatssal az egszre.

Q: The particular may not matter to the whole, but it K: Az egyn nem szmt az egsznek, de az szmt
does matter to the particular. The whole is an az egynnek. Az egsz az egy absztrakci, az
abstraction, the particular, the concrete, is real. egyn, a konkrt pedig valsg.

M: That is what you say. To me it may be the other M: Ezt te mondod. Szmomra ez csak a msik
way -- the whole is real, the part comes and goes. mdon lehetsges az egsz a valsg, a rsz
The particular is born and reborn, changing name megjelenik, s eltnik. Az egyn szletik s
and shape, the gnani is the Changeless Reality, jraszletik, nevet s formt vltoztatva, a gnani a
which makes the changeful possible. But he cannot vltoz lehetsget teremt Vltozatlan Valsg. De
give you the conviction. It must come with your own nem adhatja meg szmodra a meggyzdst.
experience. With me all is one, all is equal. Annak a sajt tapasztalsod alapjn kell jnnie.
Velem minden egy, minden azonos.

Q: Are sin and virtue one and the same? K: Bn s erny ugyanazok?

M: These are all man-made values. What are they to M: Ezek mind ember alkotta rtkek. Mik jelentenek
me? What ends in happiness is virtue, what ends in szmomra? Aminek boldogsg a vge az erny,
sorrow is sin. Both are states of mind. Mine is not a aminek szomorsg az bn. Mindkett az elme
State of mind. llapota. Nekem nincs elme llapotom.

Q: We are like the blind people at a loss to K: Olyanok vagyunk, mint a vakok, akik kptelenek
understand what does it mean to see. megrteni, hogy mit jelent ltni.

M: You can put it as you like. M: Fogalmazhatsz, ahogy akarsz.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
Q: Is the practice of silence as a sadhana effective? K: A csend gyakorlata hatkony sadhana?

M: Anything you do for the sake of enlightenment M: Amit a megvilgosods rdekben teszel, legyen
takes you nearer. Anything you do without az brmi, kzelebb visz. Amit a megvilgosods
remembering enlightenment puts you off. But why emlkezete nlkl teszel, legyen az brmi, ksleltet.
complicate? Just know that you are above and De mirt kompliklod? Csak tudd, hogy fltte s tl
beyond all things and thoughts. What you want to vagy minden dolognak s gondolatnak. Ami lenni
be, you are it already. Just keep it in mind. akarsz, mr az vagy. Csak tartsd szben.

Q: I hear you saying it, but I cannot believe. K: Hallom, amit mondasz, de nem tudom elhinni.

M: I was in the same position myself. But I trusted M: Ugyanebben a helyzetben voltam n magam is.
my Guru and he proved right. Trust me, if you can. De megbztam Gurumban, s bebizonytotta az
Keep in mind what I tell you: desire nothing, for you igazsgot. Bzz bennem, ha tudsz. Tartsd szben,
lack nothing. The very seeking prevents you from amit mondok neked: ne vgyj semmire, mert nem
finding. szenvedsz hinyt semmiben. Valjban a keress
akadlyoz abban, hogy tallj.

Q: You seem to be so very indifferent to everything. K: Nagyon kzmbsnek ltszol mindennel


M: I am not indifferent, I am impartial. I give no M: Nem kzmbs, hanem prtatlan vagyok. Nem
preference to the me and the mine. A basket of rszestem elnyben az nt s az enymet. Egy
earth and a basket of jewels are both unwanted. Life kosr fld s egy kosr gymnt, egyarnt
and death are all the same to me. nemkvnatosak. Az let s a hall azonosak

Q: Impartiality makes you indifferent. K: A prtatlansg kzmbss tesz.

M: On the contrary, compassion and love are my M: Ellenkezleg, valdi lnyegem a rszvt s a
very core. Void of all predilections, I am free to love. szeretet. Minden rszrehajlstl mentesen, szabad
vagyok szeretni.

Q: Buddha said that the idea of enlightenment is K: Buddha mondta, hogy a megvilgosods ideja
extremely important. Most people go through their rendkvl fontos. A legtbb ember gy li le az
lives not even knowing that there is such a thing as lett, hogy mg csak nem is tudja, hogy ltezik
enlightenment, leave alone the striving for it. Once olyan, hogy megvilgosods, nemhogy az elrsre
they have heard of it, a seed was sown which trekedne. Mihelyst tudomst szereznek rla, egy
cannot die. Therefore, he would send his bhikhus to mag kerl elvetsre, amely halhatatlan. Ezrt
preach ceaselessly for eight months every year. klden bhikust, hogy nyolc hnapon t
szntelenl imdkozzon, minden vben.

M: 'One can give food, clothes, shelter, knowledge, M: Az ember kpes arra, hogy telt, ruht, fedelet,
affection, but the highest gift is the gospel of tudst, szeretet adjon, de a legnagyobb ajndk a
enlightenment', my Guru used to say. You are right, megvilgosods evangliuma, szokta volt mondani
enlightenment is the highest good. Once you have it, a Gurum. Igazad van, a megvilgosods a
nobody can take it away from you. legfelsbb j. Amint rendelkezel vele, senki nem
tudja azt elvenni tled.

Q: If you would talk like this in the West, people K: Ha nyugaton gy beszlnl, az emberek rltnek
would take you for mad. tartannak.

M: Of course, they would. To the ignorant all that M: Persze, azt tennk. A tudatlan szmra minden
they can not understand is madness. What of it? Let rltsg, amit nem rt. Ht aztn? Legyenek azok,
them be as they are. I am as I am, for no merit of amik. n vagyok, ami vagyok, mert nem az n
mine and they are as they are, for no fault of theirs. rdemem, s k azok amik, mert nem az hibjuk.
The Supreme Reality manifests itself in innumerable A Legfelsbb Valsg megszmllhatatlan mdon
ways. Infinite in number are its names and shapes. nyilvntja meg magt. Neveinek s forminak
All arise, all merge in the same ocean, the source of szma vgtelen. Ugyanabban az cenban
all is one. Looking for causes and results is but the keletkezik minden, merl el minden, mindennek a

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
pastime of the mind. What is, is lovable. Love is not forrsa egy. Az okok s a kvetkezmnyek keresse
a result, it is the very ground of being. Wherever you csak az elme idtltse. Ami van, szeretetremlt. A
go, you will find being, consciousness and love. Why szeretet nem eredmny, hanem a lt valdi alapja.
and what for make preferences? Brhov msz, ltet, tudatossgot s szeretet
tallsz. Mirt, s mi clbl kedveznk?

Q: When by natural causes thousands and millions K: Amikor ezrek, s millik lete termszeti okok
of lives are extinguished (as it happens in floods and miatt kerl kioltsra (ahogy rvz s fldrengs
earthquakes), I do not grieve. But when one man idejn), nem bnkdom. De amikor az egyik ember
dies at the hand of man, I grieve extremely. The a msiknak a keztl hal meg, az rendkvl
inevitable has its own majesty, but killing is elszomort. Az elkerlhetetlennek megvan a maga
avoidable and, therefore, ugly and altogether mltsga, de a gyilkossg elkerlhet, ezrt csf
horrible. s vgkpp borzalmas.

M: All happens as it happens. Calamities, whether M: Trtnik minden, ahogy trtnik. A csapsok,
natural or man-made, happen, and there is no need legyenek azok termszetiek, vagy mestersgesek,
to feel horrified. megtrtnnek, s nem kell rmletet rezni.

Q: How can anything be without cause? K: Hogyan ltezhetne brmi, anlkl, hogy oka

M: In every event the entire universe is reflected. M: Minden esemnyben az egsz univerzum
The ultimate cause is untraceable. The very idea of tkrzdik. A vgs ok kinyomozhatatlan. Az
causation is only a way of thinking and speaking. okozatisg valjban csak egyfajta gondolkodsi s
We cannot imagine, uncaused emergence. This, beszd md. Nem tudjuk elkpzelni, hogy valami
however, does not prove the existence of causation. nmagtl keletkezzk. Ez azonban nem bizonytja
az okozatisg fennllst.

Q: Nature is mindless, hence irresponsible. But man K: A termszet rtelem nlkli, ennl fogva
has a mind. Why is it so perverse? feleltlen. De az ember elmvel rendelkezik. Az
mirt olyan romlott?

M: The causes of perversity are also natural -- M: A romlottsg oka szintn termszetiek rkls,
heredity, environment and so on. You are too quick krnyezet, stb. Tl gyorsan tlsz. Ne aggdj msok
to condemn. Do not worry about others. Deal with miatt. Foglakozz sajt elmddel elszr. Amikor
your own mind first. When you realise that your mind felismered, hogy elmd szintn a termszet rsze, a
too is a part of nature, the duality will cease. dualits megsznik.

Q: There is some mystery in it which I cannot K: Valami olyan rejtly van ebben, aminek nem
fathom. How can the mind be a part of nature? tudok a mlyre hatolni. Hogyan lehetne az elme a
termszet rsze?

M: Because nature is in the mind; without the mind M: Mivelhogy a termszet az elmben van; az elme
where is nature? nlkl hogy lehetne termszet?

Q: If nature is in the mind and the mind is my own, I K: Ha a termszet az elmben van, s az elme az
should be able to control nature, which is not really n sajtom, akkor rendelkeznem kellene a
the case. Forces beyond my control determine my termszet ellenrzsnek kpessgvel, ami nem
behaviour. igazn fordul el. Ellenrzsemet meghalad erk
hatrozzk meg a viselkedsemet.

M: Develop the witness attitude and you will find in M: Fejleszd a tansg attitdjt, s ltni fogod sajt
your own experience that detachment brings control. tapasztalatod alapjn, hogy a prtatlansg elvezet
The state of witnessing is full of power, there is az ellenrzshez. A tansg llapota ervel teli, vele
nothing passive about it. kapcsolatban semmi nem passzv.

42. Reality can not be Expressed 42. A valsg nem fejezdhet ki

Questioner: I have noticed a new self emerging in Krdez: szre vettem, hogy egy j n keletkezik
me, independent of the old self. They somehow co- bennem, amely fggetlen a rgi ntl. s ezek

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
exist. The old self goes on its habitual ways; the new valahogy egyttmkdnek. A rgi n a maga
lets the old be, but does not identify itself with it. szoksos mdjn mkdik; az j engedi, hadd
legyen a rgi, de nem azonostja magt vele.

Maharaj: What is the main difference between the Maharaj: Mi a legfontosabb klnbsg a rgi s az
old self and the new? j n kztt?

Q: The old self wants everything defined and K: A rgi mindent definilni akar, s meg akar
explained. It wants things to fit each other verbally. magyarzni. Az dolgokat verblisan akarja
The new does not care for verbal explanations -- it megfeleltetni egymsnak. Az j nem trdik verblis
accepts things as they are and does not seek to magyarzatokkal elfogadja a dolgokat, ahogy azok
relate them to things remembered. vannak, s nem keres sszefggst az ismert

M: Are you fully and constantly aware of the M: Teljesen s llandan tudatban vagy a
difference between the habitual and the spiritual? szoksos s a spiritulis kztti klnbsgnek?
What is the attitude of the new self to the old? Hogy viselkedik az j n a rgivel?

Q: The new just looks at the old. It is neither friendly K: Az j csak szemlli a rgit. Se nem
nor inimical. It just accepts the old self along with bartsgosan, se nem ellensgesen. Csak elfogadja
everything else. It does not deny its being, but does a rgi nt, mint ahogy minden mst is. Nem tagadja
not accept its value and validity. ltt, de rtkt s rvnyessgt nem fogadja el.

M: The new is the total denial of the old. The M: Az j a totlis tagadsa a rginek. A megenged
permissive new is not really new. It is but a new j valjban nem j. Csak a rginek egy j attitdje.
attitude of the old. The really new obliterates the old A valban j teljesen kiirtja a rgit. A kett nem
completely. The two cannot be together. Is there a ltezhet egytt. nlept folyamatnak, a rgi idek
process of self-denudation, a constant refusal to s rtkek elfogadsa folytonos megtagadsnak
accept the old ideas and values, or is there just a tapasztalod, vagy csupn egy klcsns
mutual tolerance? What is their relation? tolerancirl van sz? Milyen a viszonyuk?

Q: There is no particular relation. They co-exist. K: Nincsenek semmilyen kapcsolatban. Egytt


M: When you talk of the old self and new, whom do M: Amikor rgi s j nrl beszlsz, kire gondolsz?
you have in mind? As there is continuity in memory Mivel a memriban kontinuits van a kett kztt,
between the two, each remembering the other, how mindegyik emlkszik a msikra, hogy beszlhetsz
can you speak of two selves? kt nrl?

Q: One is a slave to habits, the other is not. One K: Az egyik al van rendelve a szoksoknak, a
conceptualises, the other is free from all ideas. msik nem. Az egyik fogalmakat alkot, a msik
minden idetl mentes.

M: Why two selves? Between the bound and the M: Mirt beszlsz kt nrl? A kttt s a ktetlen
free there can be no relationship. The very fact of kztt nem ltezhet kapcsolat. Egyttmkdsknek
co-existence proves their basic unity. There is but a puszta tnye bizonytja alapvet egysgket. Csak
one self -- it is always now. What you call the other egy n van ami mindig most van. Amit a msik
self -- old or new -- is but a modality, another aspect rgi vagy j nnek nevezel, az az egyetlen nnek
of the one self. The self is single. You are that self egy msik aspektusa. Egyetlen n van. Te vagy az
and you have ideas of what you have been or will az n, s neked vannak arrl ideid, hogy mi voltl,
be. But an idea is not the self. Just now, as you are vagy leszel. De egy idea az nem az n. ppen most,
sitting in front of me, which self are you? The old or ahogy itt lsz elttem, melyik n vagy? A rgi vagy
the new? az j?

Q: The two are in conflict. K: Kzdenek egymssal.

M: How can there be conflict between what is and M: Hogyan lehetne kzdelem ltez s nem ltez
what is not? Conflict is the characteristic of the old. kztt? A kzdelem a rgi sajtossga. Amikor az j
When the new emerges the old is no longer. You megjelenik, a rgi nincs tbb. Nem beszlhetsz az
cannot speak of the new and the conflict in the same jrl, s ugyanakkor kzdelemrl. Mg az j nre

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
breath. Even the effort of striving for the new self is trekvs erfesztse is a rgi. Ahol kzdelem,
of the old. Wherever there is conflict, effort, struggle, erfeszts, harc, trekvs, vltozs utni vgyds
striving, longing for a change, the new is not. To van, ott nincs jelen az j. Mennyire vagy mentes a
what extent are you free from the habitual tendency konfliktusok ltrehozsnak s fenntartsnak
to create and perpetuate conflicts? szoksos tendencijtl?

Q: I cannot say that I am now a different man. But I K: Nem tudom azt mondani, hogy most ms ember
did discover new things about myself, states so vagyok. De j dolgokat fedeztem fel magamrl,
unlike what I knew before that I feel justified in llapotokat, amelyek nem hasonltanak az ezeltt
calling them new. ismertekre, teht rzsem szerint jogosan nevezem
ket jnak.

M: The old self is your own self. The state which M: A rgi n a te sajt ned. A hirtelen, s ok nlkl
sprouts suddenly and without cause, carries no stain kicsrz llapotot, amely nem viseli az n szennyt,
of self; you may call it 'god'. What is seedless and nevezheted istennek. Ami mag- s gykr nlkli,
rootless, what does not sprout and grow, flower and ami nem csrzik, s nem nvekszik, nem virgzik
fruit, what comes into being suddenly and in full s nincs gymlcse, ami hirtelen szletik s teljes
glory, mysteriously and marvellously, you may call ragyogsban, rejtelmes s csodlatos mdon, azt
that 'god'. It is entirely unexpected yet inevitable, nevezheted istennek. Ez teljesen vratlan, mgis
infinitely familiar yet most surprising, beyond all szksgszer, vgtelenl ismers, mgis a
hope yet absolutely certain. Because it is without legmeglepbb, minden remny fltt ll, mgis
cause, it is without hindrance. It obeys one law only; abszolt bizonyos. Mivel ok nlkli, ezrt
the law of freedom. Anything that implies a akadlyoztatstl mentes. Egyetlen trvnynek
continuity, a sequence, a passing from stage to engedelmeskedik csak, a szabadsg trvnynek.
stage cannot be the real. There is no progress in Semmi olyan, amelyet kontinuits, sorrendisg,
reality, it is final, perfect, unrelated. llapotok vltakozsa jellemez, nem lehet valdi. A
valsgban nincs fejlds, az vgleges, tkletes,

Q: How can I bring it about? K: Hogyan valsthatom meg?

M: You can do nothing to bring it about, but you can M: Semmit sem tehetsz a megvalstsrt, de el
avoid creating obstacles. Watch your mind, how it tudod kerlni, hogy akadlyokat hozz ltre. Figyeld
comes into being, how it operates. As you watch elmdet, a ltrejttnek, a mkdsnek a mdjt.
your mind, you discover your self as the watcher. Elmd figyelse sorn nedet ismered fel a
When you stand motionless, only watching, you figyelben. Amikor mozdulatlansgban tartzkodsz,
discover your self as the light behind the watcher. figyelve csupn, nedet a figyel mgtti fnyknt
The source of light is dark, unknown is the source of fedezed fel. A fnyforrs stt, ismeretlen a tuds
knowledge. That source alone is. Go back to that forrsa. Egyedl az a forrs. Menj vissza ahhoz a
source and abide there. It is not in the sky nor in the forrshoz, s idzz ott. A forrs nem a mennyben
all-pervading ether. God is all that is great and van, sem a mindent that terben. Isten minden,
wonderful; I am nothing, have nothing, can do ami hatalmas s csodlatos; n semmi nem vagyok,
nothing. Yet all comes out of me -- the source is me; nincs semmim, nem tudok tenni semmit. Mgis
the root, the origin is me. bellem ered minden n vagyok a forrs; n
vagyok az eredet, a kezdet.

When reality explodes in you, you may call it Azt, amikor a valsg felrobban benned, nevezheted
experience of God. Or, rather, it is God experiencing Isten megtapasztalsnak. Vagy mg inkbb, ez a
you. God knows you when you know yourself. tged tapasztal Isten. Isten akkor ismer tged,
Reality is not the result of a process; it is an amikor te ismered magadat. A valsg nem egy
explosion. It is definitely beyond the mind, but all you folyamat eredmnye, az egy robbans. Ktsgtelen,
can do is to know your mind well. Not that the mind hogy az elmn tl van, de te mindssze annyit
will help you, but by knowing your mind you may tehetsz, hogy elmdet jl megismered. Nem mintha
avoid your mind disabling you. You have to be very az elme segtsgedre lehetne, de megismersvel
alert, or else your mind will play false with you. It is elkerlheted, hogy megbntson tged. Nagyon
like watching a thief -- not that you expect anything bernek kell lenned, klnben elrul tged. Ez
from a thief, but you do not want to be robbed. In the olyan, mint tolvajt figyelni nem azrt, mert vrsz
same way you give a lot of attention to the mind valamit tle, hanem mert nem akarod, hogy
without expecting anything from it. kifosszon. Hasonl mdon szentelj teljes figyelmet
az elmnek, anlkl, hogy vrnl tle brmit.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok

Or, take another example. We wake and we sleep. Vagy, egy msik plda. bren vagyunk s alszunk.
After a day's work sleep comes. Now, do I go to A napi munka utn alvs jn. Na most elalszom,
sleep or does inadvertence -- characteristic of the vagy pedig az alv llapot jellemzjeknt elnyom
sleeping state -- come to me? In other words -- we a figyelmetlensg? Ms szval azrt brednk fel,
are awake because we are asleep. We do not wake mert alszunk. Nem egy valban felbredt llapotba
up into a really waking state. In the waking state the brednk fel. Az ber llapotban a vilg, a
world emerges due to ignorance and takes one into tudatlansg miatt megjelenik, s az embert ber-
a waking-dream state. Both sleep and waking are lom llapotba viszi. Mind az alvs, mind az brenlt
misnomers. We are only dreaming. True waking and tves elnevezs. Mi csak lmodunk. Az igazi
true sleeping only the gnani knows. We dream that brenltet, s az igazi alvst csak a gnani ismeri.
we are awake, we dream that we are asleep. The lmodjuk azt, hogy bren vagyunk, s lmodjuk azt,
three states are only varieties of the dream state. hogy alszunk. A hrom llapot csak az lom
Treating everything as a dream liberates. As long as llapotnak a vltozatai. Ha mindent lomknt fogsz
you give reality to dreams, you are their slave. By fel, az megszabadt. Amg valsgnak tekinted az
imagining that you are born as so-and-so, you lmokat, a rabszolgjuk vagy. Azon elkpzels ltal,
become a slave to the so-and-so. The essence of hogy X.Y.-knt szlettl, rabszolgja lettl az X.Y.-
slavery is to imagine yourself to be a process, to nak. A rabszolgasg lnyege, hogy nmagadat egy
have past and future, to have history. In fact, we mlttal s jvvel, trtnettel rendelkez
have no history, we are not a process, we do not folyamatnak kpzeled. Valjban nincs trtnetnk,
develop, nor decay; also see all as a dream and stay nem vagyunk folyamat, nem fejldnk, s nem is
out of it. hanyatlunk; mindezt szintn lsd lomnak, s
maradj rajta kvl.

Q: What benefit do I derive from listening to you? K: Mi elnym szrmazik abbl, hogy tged

M: I am calling you back to yourself. All I ask you is M: n visszahvlak magadhoz. Mindssze annyit
to look at yourself, towards yourself, into yourself. krek tled, hogy tekints magadra, magad fel,

Q: To what purpose? K: Milyen clbl?

M: You live, you feel, you think. By giving attention M: lsz, rzel, gondolkodsz. leted, rzseid,
to your living, feeling and thinking, you free yourself gondolkodsod figyelsvel megszabadtod magad
from them and go beyond them. Your personality tlk, s meghaladod azokat. Szemlyisged
dissolves and only the witness remains. Then you szertefoszlik, s csak a tan marad. Azutn haladd
go beyond the witness. Do not ask how it happens. meg a tant. Ne krdezd, hogyan trtnik. Csak
Just search within yourself. keress nmagadon bell.

Q: What makes the difference between the person K: Mi a klnbsg a szemly s a tan kztt?
and the witness?

M: Both are modes of consciousness. In one you M: Mindkett tudatossgi md. Az egyikben vgysz
desire and fear, in the other you are unaffected by s flsz, a msikban rzketlen vagy lvezet s
pleasure and pain and are not ruffled by events. You fjdalom irnt, s nem zavarnak esemnyek. Hagyd
let them come and go. ket megjelenni s eltnni.

Q: How does one get established in the higher state, K: Hogyan ri el az ember magasabb llapotot, a
the state of pure witnessing? tiszta tansg llapott?

M: Consciousness does not shine by itself. It shines M: A tudatossg nem nmagtl ragyog. A mgtte
by a light beyond it. Having seen the dreamlike lv fnytl ragyog. Ltvn a tudatossg lomszer
quality of consciousness, look for the light in which it minsgt, keresd a fnyt, amiben az megjelenik,
appears, which gives it being. There is the content of amely ltezst ad neki. Van a tudatossg tartalom,
consciousness as well as the awareness of it. valamint a rla val tudoms.

Q: I know and I know that I know. K: Tudom, s tudom, hogy tudom.

M: Quite so, provided the second knowledge is M: Helyes, azzal a felttellel, hogy a msodik tuds

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
unconditional and timeless. Forget the known, but kondicionlatlan s idtlen. Felejtsd el a tudst, de
remember that you are the knower. Don't be all the emlkezz r, hogy te a tud vagy. Ne lgy folyton a
time immersed in your experiences. Remember that tapasztalataidba merlve. Emlkezz, hogy te a
you are beyond the experience ever unborn and tapasztalat felett ll vagy, aki soha nem szletett,
deathless. In remembering it, the quality of pure s halhatatlan. Az erre val emlkezsben felsznre
knowledge will emerge, the light of unconditional fog emelkedni a tiszta tuds minsge, a
awareness. kondicionlatlan ber-tudatossg fnye.

Q: At what point does one experience reality? K: Melyik ponton ismeri meg az ember a valsgot?

M: Experience is of change, it comes and goes. M: A tapasztals vltozs jelleg dolog, amely jn
Reality is not an event, it cannot be experienced. It s eltvozik. A valsg nem valamifle esemny,
is not perceivable in the same way as an event is nem megtapasztalhat. Nem szlelhet ugyanolyan
perceivable. If you wait for an event to take place, mdon, ahogy egy esemny szlelhet. Ha arra
for the coming of reality, you will wait for ever, for vrsz, hogy majd egy esemny trtnik, hogy
reality neither comes nor goes. It is to be perceived, bekvetkezzk a valsg, akkor rkk vrni fogsz,
not expected. It is not to be prepared for and mert a valsg nem jn, s nem megy. Az egy
anticipated. But the very longing and search for szlelend, nem pedig elvrand dolog. Nem
reality is the movement, operation, action of reality. kszthet el, mint valami olyan, ami elre lthat.
All you can do is to grasp the central point, that Csak a valsg valdi vgya, s keresse jelenti a
reality is not an event and does not happen and valsg mozgst, mkdst, cselekvst.
whatever happens, whatever comes and goes, is not Mindssze annyit tehetsz, hogy megrted a kzponti
reality. See the event as event only, the transient as lnyeget, hogy a valsg nem esemny, s nem
transient, experience as mere experience and you trtns, s brmi, ami trtnik, brmi, ami jn s
have done all you can. Then you are vulnerable to megy, az nem valsg. Lsd az esemnyt puszta
reality, no longer armoured against it, as you were esemnynek, a mulandt mulandnak, a
when you gave reality to events and experiences. tapasztalatot puszta tapasztalatnak, s mindent
But as soon as there is some like or dislike, you megtettl, amit megtehetsz. Ekkor sebezhet vagy a
have drawn a screen. valsg ltal, nem leszel tbb pnclba bortva
vele szemben, mint amilyen akkor voltl, mikor a
valsgot mg esemnyeknek s tapasztatoknak
tartottad. De amint megjelenik valamicske vonzalom
vagy ellenszenv, a vettvszon azonnal beszippant.

Q: Would you say that reality expresses itself in K: Azt akarod mondani, hogy a valsg inkbb
action rather than in knowledge? Or, is it a feeling of cselekvsben fejezi ki magt, mint tudsban? Vagy
sorts? valamifle rzs?

M: Neither action, nor feeling, nor thought express M: Sem cselekvs, sem rzs, sem gondolat nem
reality. There is no such thing as an expression of fejezi ki a valsgot. Nem ltezik olyan dolog, ami a
reality. You are introducing a duality where there is valsgot kifejezn. Dualitst vezetsz be oda, ahol
none. Only reality is, there is nothing else. The three az nincs. Csak valsg van, semmi ms nincs. Az
states of waking, dreaming and sleeping are not me brenlt, lom s alvs hrom llapota nem vagyok
and I am not in them. When I die, the world will say - n, s nem vagyok bennk. Amikor meghalok, a
- 'Oh, Maharaj is dead.' But to me these are words vilg azt mondja majd , Maharaj halott. De
without content; they have no meaning. When the szmomra ezek tartalom nlkli szavak; nincs
worship is done before the image of the Guru, all jelentsk. A Guru kpe eltti imdkozskor minden
takes place as if he wakes and bathes and eats and gy zajlik, mintha felbredne, s megfrdene, s
rests, and goes for a stroll and returns, blesses all enne s pihenne, stlna kicsit, majd visszatrne,
and goes to sleep. All is attended to in minutest dicsten a mindensget, s aludni trne. Mindenre
details and yet there is a sense of unreality about it a legaprbb rszletekig kitr a figyelem, s mgis
all. So is the case with me. All happens as it needs, jelen van az rzs, hogy mindez valszertlen. Ez a
yet nothing happens. I do what seems to be helyzet velem. Csinlom, ami szksgesnek ltszik,
necessary, but at the same time I know that nothing de ugyanakkor tudom, hogy semmi nem szksges,
is necessary, that life itself is only a make-belief. hogy az let csak ltszat.

Q: Why then live at all? Why all this unnecessary K: Minek akkor lni egyltaln? Mire val ez az
coming and going, waking and sleeping, eating and egsz szksgtelen jvs-mens, felbreds s
digesting? elalvs, evs s emszts?

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
M: Nothing is done by me, everything just happens I M: Semmit nem n teszek, minden csak gy
do not expect, I do not plan, I just watch events megtrtnik, s nem vrok el, nem tervezek, n csak
happening, knowing them to be unreal. figyelem az esemnyek megtrtntt, tudvn, hogy
nem azok nem valdiak.

Q: Were you always like this from the first moment K: Mindig szeretted ezt, a megvilgosods els
of enlightenment? pillanattl?

M: The three states rotate as usual -- there is M: A hrom llapot a megszokott mdon vltakozik
waking and sleeping and waking again, but they do brenlt s alvs, s ismt brenlt, de ezek nem
not happen to me. They just happen. To me nothing velem trtnnek. Csak gy megtrtnnek. Velem
ever happens. There is something changeless, soha semmi nem trtnik. Ez valami vltozatlan,
motionless, immovable, rocklike, unassailable; a mozdulatlan, mozdthatatlan, kszer,
solid mass of pure being-consciousness-bliss. I am megtmadhatatlan; a tiszta lt-tudatossg-
never out of it. Nothing can take me out of it, no boldogsg tmr masszja. Soha nem jvk ki
torture, no calamity. belle. Semmi nem brhat r, hogy kijjjek belle,
sem szenveds, sem csaps.

Q: Yet, you are conscious. K: De mgis tudatos vagy.

M: Yes and no. There is peace -- deep, immense, M: Igen, s nem. Ez bke mly, mrhetetlen,
unshakeable. Events are registered in memory, but rendthetetlen. Az esemnyek feljegyzsre kerlnek
are of no importance. I am hardly aware of them. az emlkezetben, de nincs jelentsgk. Alig
vagyok a tudatukban.

Q: If I understand you rightly, this state did not come K: Ha jl rtelek, ez az llapot nem gyakorls ltal
by cultivation. alakult ki.

M: There was no coming. It was so -- always. There M: Nem alakult ki. gy volt mindig. Felfedezs volt,
was discovery and it was sudden. Just as at birth s az hirtelen trtnt. Mint amikor szletskor
you discover the world suddenly, as suddenly I hirtelen felfedezed a vilgot, olyan hirtelen fedeztem
discovered my real being. fel valdi ltemet.

Q: Was it clouded over and your sadhana dissolved K: Felhvel volt betakarva, s sadhand eloszlatta a
the mist? When your true state became clear to you, homlyt? Amikor igazi llapotod tiszta lett szmodra,
did it remain clear, or did it get obscured again? Is tiszta is maradt, vagy ismt elhomlyosodott?
your condition permanent or intermittent? llapotod tarts, vagy idszakos?

M: Absolutely steady. Whatever I may do, it stays M: Abszolte szilrd. Akrmit csinlhatok, gy
like a rock -- motionless. Once you have awakened marad, mint a szikla mozdulatlan. Amikor a
into reality, you stay in it. A child does not return to belebredtl a valsgba, benne is maradsz. A
the womb. It is a simple state, smaller than the gyermek nem tr vissza az anyamhbe. Ez
smallest, bigger than the biggest. It is self-evident egyszer llapot, kisebb, mint a legkisebb, nagyobb,
and yet beyond description. mint a legnagyobb. Magtl rtetd, s mgis

Q: Is there a way to it? K: Van odavezet t?

M: Everything can become a way, provided you are M: Minden vlhat tt, rdekldsed esetn. A
interested. Just puzzling over my words and trying to szavaim feletti puszta tprengs, s teljes jelentsk
grasp their full meaning is a sadhana quite sufficient megragadsra val trekvs is egy sadhana,
for breaking down the wall. Nothing troubles me. I amely teljesen elegend a fal ledntshez. Engem
offer no resistance to trouble -- therefore it does not semmi nem zavar. Javaslom, ne llj ellen a bajnak
stay with me. On your side there is so much trouble. akkor nem fog rd hatni. A te oldaladon oly sok gond
On mine there is no trouble at all. Come to my side. van. Az enymen egyltaln nincsenek gondok.
You are trouble-prone. I am immune. Anything may Gyere t az n oldalamra. Te hajlamos vagy a
happen -- what is needed is sincere interest. problmkra. n immunis vagyok. Akrmi
Earnestness does it. megtrtnhet ami szksges hozz, az szinte
rdeklds. A komolysg megcsinlja.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
Q: Can I do it? K: Meg tudom tenni?

M: Of course. You are quite capable of crossing M: Termszetesen. Minden kpessggel

over. Only be sincere. rendelkezel az tkelshez. Csak lgy szinte.

43. Ignorance can be Recognised, not 43. A tudatlansg felismerhet, a Gnana

Gnana nem
Questioner: From year to year your teaching Krdez: vrl vre ugyanazt tantod. Nem ltszik,
remains the same. There seems to be no progress fejlds abban, amit mondasz neknk.
in what you tell us.

Maharaj: In a hospital the sick are treated and get Maharaj: A krhzban a betegek kezelst kapnak,
well. The treatment is routine, with hardly any s meggygyulnak. A kezels rutinszer, alig valami
change, but there is nothing monotonous about vltozssal, mg sincs semmifle egyhangsg az
health. My teaching may be routine, but the fruit of it egszsggyben. Az n tantsom lehet, hogy
is new from man to man. rutinszer, de emberrl emberre j gymlcst hoz.

Q: What is realisation? Who is a realised man? By K: Mi a megvalsuls? Ki a megvalsult ember?

what is the gnani recognised? Mirl lehet a gnanit felismerni?

M: There are no distinctive marks of gnana. Only M: A gnannak nincsenek szrevehet jelei. Csak a
ignorance can be recognised, not gnana. Nor does a tudatlansg ismerhet fel, a gnana nem. A gnani
gnani claim to be something special. AII those who valamifle klnlegessgre sem tart ignyt.
proclaim their own greatness and uniqueness are Mindazok, akik sajt nagysgukat s egyedisgket
not gnanis. They are mistaking some unusual hirdetik, nem gnanik. k flrertik a megvalsuls
development for realisation. The gnani shows no fel val fejlds bizonyos szokatlan jeleit. A gnani
tendency to proclaim himself to be a gnani. He nem mutat hajlamot annak kinyilvntsra, hogy
considers himself to be perfectly normal, true to his gnani. teljesen normlisnak tekinti magt, igaz
real nature. Proclaiming oneself to be an termszetnek megfelelen. Ha valaki
omnipotent, omniscient and omnipotent deity is a mindenhatnak, mindentud s mindenhat
clear sign of ignorance. istensgnek nyilvntja ki magt, az a tudatlansg
nyilvnval jele.

Q: Can the gnani convey his experience to the K: A gnani t tudja adni a szemlyes tapasztalatait a
ignorant? Can gnana be transmitted from one man tudatlannak? Kzvetthet a gnana egyik embertl a
to another? msik fel?

M: Yes, it can. The words of a gnani have the power M: Igen, t tudja adni. A gnani szavai rendelkeznek
of dispelling ignorance and darkness in the mind. It az ervel, amely eloszlatja az elme tudatlansgt s
is not the words that matter, but the power behind sttsgt. Nem a szavak szmtanak, hanem a
them. mgttk lv er.

Q: What is that power? K: Mi az az er?

M: The power of conviction, based on personal M: A szemlyes megvalsulson, a sajt kzvetlen

realisation, on one's own direct experience. tapasztalaton alapul meggyzs ereje.

Q: Some realised people say that knowledge must K: Egyes megvalsult emberek azt mondjk, hogy a
be won, not got. Another can only teach, but the tudst elnyerni kell, nem megszerezni. Msok csak
learning is one's own. tantani tudnak, de a tuds az ember sajtja.

M: It comes to the same. M: Ez ugyanoda vezet.

Q: There are many who have practiced Yoga for K: Sokan vannak, akik veken t gyakoroltk a
years and years without any result. What may be the Yogt, minden eredmny nlkl. Mi lehet az oka a
cause of their failure? sikertelensgk?

M: Some are addicted to trances, with their M: Nmelyek eksztzis-fggkk vltak, amely

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
consciousness in abeyance. Without full tudatossguk felfggesztdsvel jr. Teljes
consciousness what progress can there be? tudatossg nlkl mifle halads lenne lehetsges?

Q: Many are practicing samadhis (states of K: Sokan vgeznek samadhikat (elragadtatott

rapturous absorption). In samadhis consciousness is szellemei elmlyeds llapotai). Samadhiban a
quite intense, yet they do not result in anything. tudatossg teljesen intenzv, mgsem rnek el
semmilyen eredmnyt.

M: What results do you expect? And why should M: Milyen eredmnyt remlsz? s mirt kellene,
gnana be the result of anything? One thing leads to hogy a gnana eredmnye legyen brminek? Egyik
another, but gnana is not a thing to be bound by dolog msikhoz vezet, de a gnana nem okok s
causes and results. It is beyond causality altogether. eredmnyek ltal megkttt dolog. Tl van az
It is abidance in the self. The Yogi comes to know oksgon, teljesen. A gnana az nben val idzs. A
many wonders, but of the self he remains ignorant. Yogi sok csodt megismer, de njvel kapcsolatban
The gnani may look and feel quite ordinary, but the tudatlan marad. A gnani lehet, hogy teljesen
self he knows well. szokvnyos megjelensnek ltszik, s rzi magt,
de njt jl ismeri.

Q: There are many who strive for self-knowledge K: Sokan vannak, akik komolyan trekszenek az
earnestly, but with scant results. What may be the nmegismersre, de csekly eredmnnyel. Mi lehet
cause of it? az oka?

M: They have not investigated the sources of M: Nem tanulmnyoztk elgg a tuds forrsait,
knowledge sufficiently, their sensations, feelings and rzeteiket, rzseiket s gondolataikat nem ismerik
thoughts they do not know well enough. This may be elg jl. Ez lehet az egyik oka a ksedelemnek. A
one cause of delay. The other: some desires may msik: mg elevenek lehetnek bizonyos vgyaik.
still be alive.

Q: Ups and downs in sadhana are inevitable. Yet K: A hullmzsok elkerlhetetlenek a sadhanban.
the earnest seeker plods on in spite of all. What can De a komoly keresk, mindennek ellenre, kitartan
the gnani do for such a seeker? folytatjk. Mit tud tenni a gnani egy ilyen keresrt?

M: If the seeker is earnest, the light can be given. M: Ha a keres komoly, a fnyt megkaphatja. A fny
The light is for all and always there, but the seekers mindig mindenkinek a rendelkezsre ll, de a
are few, and among those few, those who are ready keresk kevesen vannak, s ezen kevs kztt
are very rare. Ripeness of heart and mind is nagyon ritka, aki felkszlt. A szv s elme rettsge
indispensable. nlklzhetetlen.

Q: Did you get your own realisation through effort or K: Te a sajt megvalsulsodat erfeszts tjn,
by the grace of your Guru? vagy Gurud kegyelmbl kaptad?

M: His was the teaching and mine was the trust. My M: Az v a tants volt, az enym pedig a bizalom.
confidence in him made me accept his words as A bel vetett bizalmam eredmnyezte, hogy szavait
true, go deep into them, live them, and that is how I igaznak fogadjam el, elmlyedjek bennk, velk
came to realise what I am. The Guru's person and ljek, s gy jutottam el annak realizlshoz, ami
words made me trust him and my trust made them vagyok. A Guru szemlye s szavai hatottak rm,
fruitful. hogy bzzak benne, s hitem tettek azokat

Q: But can a Guru give realisation without words, K: De tud-e a Guru szavak nlkl, hit nlkl, csak
without trust, just like this, without any preparation? gy, minden felkszltsg nlkl megvalsulsban

M: Yes, one can, but where is the taker? You see, I M: Igen, tud, de hol van, aki fogadja? Tudod krlek,
was so attuned to my Guru, so completely trusting n olyannyira Gurumra voltam hangoldva, olyan
him, there was so little of resistance in me, that it all teljes mrtkben hittem neki, olyan kevs volt
happened easily and quickly. But not everybody is bennem az ellenlls, hogy minden knnyen s
so fortunate. Laziness and restlessness often stand gyorsan trtnt. De nem mindenki ilyen szerencss.
in the way and until they are seen and removed, the Lustasg s trelmetlensg llnak gyakran utadba,
progress is slow. All those who have realised on the s amg azokat meg nem ltod, s el nem tvoltod,

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
spot, by mere touch, look or thought, have been ripe a halads lass. Mindazok, akik egy villans alatt,
for it. But such are very few. The majority needs egy puszta rintsre, nzsre vagy gondolatra
some time for ripening. Sadhana is accelerated valsultak meg, azok rettek voltak r. De ilyenek
ripening. nagyon kevesen vannak. A tbbsgnek szksge
van bizonyos idre az rshez. A sadhana
meggyorstja az rst.

Q: What makes one ripe? What is the ripening K: Mi teszi az embert rett? Mi a megrlel
factor? tnyez?

M: Earnestness of course, one must be really M: Komolysg, termszetesen, az egyn legyen

anxious. After all, the realised man is the most valban igyekv. Tulajdonkppen, a megvalsult
earnest man. Whatever he does, he does it ember a legkomolyabb ember. Brmit csinl, azt
completely, without limitations and reservations. tkletesen csinlja, korltok s fenntartsok nlkl.
Integrity will take you to reality. Az integrits el fog vezetni tged a valsghoz.

Q: Do you love the world? K: Szereted a vilgot?

M: When you are hurt, you cry. Why? Because you M: Amikor megsrlsz, knnyezel. Mirt? Mert
love yourself. Don't bottle up your love by limiting it szereted magad. Ne zrd el a szeretetedet a
to the body, keep it open. It will be then the love for testedre korltozsval, tartsd nyitva. Akkor mindent
all. When all the false selfidentifications are thrown szeretni fogsz. Amikor minden hamis nazonosulst
away, what remains is all-embracing love. Get rid of elvetettl, a mindent tlel szeretet marad. Tvolts
all ideas about yourself, even of the idea that you el minden idet magadrl, mg a te vagy Isten
are God. No self-definition is valid. idejt is. Semmilyen nazonosuls nem tvnyes.

Q: I am tired of promises. I am tired of sadhanas, K: Belefradtam az gretekbe. Belefradtam a

which take all my time and energy and bring nothing. sadhankba, amelyek felemsztik minden idmet s
I want reality here and now. Can I have it? energimat, s nem vezetnek sehov. A valsgot
akarom, itt s most. Megszerezhetem?

M: Of course you can, provided you are really fed up M: Termszetesen, attl fggen, hogy valban
with everything, including your sadhanas. When you torkig vagy-e mindennel, belertve a sadhandat is.
demand nothing of the world, nor of God, when you Amikor nem krsz semmit sem a vilgtl, sem
want nothing, seek nothing, expect nothing then the Istentl, amikor nem akarsz semmit, nem keresel
Supreme State will come to you uninvited and semmit, nem vrsz el semmit, akkor jn el hozzd a
unexpected. Legfelsbb llapot, hvatlanul s vratlanul.

Q: If a man engrossed in family life and in the affairs K: Ha valakit lefoglal a csaldi lete, s a vilg
of the world does his sadhana strictly as prescribed gyei, pontosan, a szent knyvek elrsai szerint
by his scriptures, will he get results? vgzi a sadhanjt, eredmnyre fog jutni?

M: Results he will get, but he will be wrapped up in M: Fog elrni eredmnyeket, de teljesen beljk fog
them like in a cocoon. burkolzni, mint a selyemherny.

Q: So many saints say that when you are ripe and K: Nagyon sok szenttl hallani, hogy amikor
ready, you will realise. Their words may be true, but megrtl, s kszen llsz, meg fogsz valsulni.
they are of little use. There must be a way out, Lehet, hogy ezek a szavak igazak, de hasznuk nem
independent of ripening which needs time, of sok. Kell, hogy ltezzen idignyes rstl,
sadhana which needs effort. erfesztseket ignyl sadhantl fggetlen

M: Don't call it a way; it is more a kind of skill. It is M: Ne nevezd mdszernek; tbb az, valamifle
not even that. Stay open and quiet, that is all. What kszsgnl. Maradj nyitott s nyugodt, ez minden.
you seek is so near you, that there is no place for a Amit keresel, az olyan kzel van hozzd, hogy ott
way. nincs hely t szmra.

Q: There are so many ignorant people in the world K: Oly sok tudatlan ember van a vilgon, s oly
and so few gnanis. What may be the cause of it? kevs gnani. Mi lehet ennek az oka?

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
M: Don't concern yourself with others, take care of M: Ne trdj msokkal, magadra gyelj. Tudod,
yourself. You know that you are. Don't burden hogy vagy. Ne terheld magad nevekkel, csak legyl.
yourself with names, just be. Any name or shape Brmilyen nevet vagy formt adsz nmagadnak, az
you give yourself obscures your real nature. elhomlyostja valdi termszetedet.

Q: Why should seeking end before one can realise? K: Mirt kell a vgst keresni, mieltt az ember

M: The desire for truth is the highest of all desires, M: Az igazsg irnti vgy a legnagyobb minden
yet, it is still a desire. All desires must be given up to vgy kzl, mgis csak egy vgy. Minden vgyat fel
the real to be. Remember that you are. This is your kell adni ahhoz, hogy a valdi ltezzen. Tartsd az
working capital. Rotate it and there will be much eszedben, hogy vagy. Ez a te mkd tkd.
profit. Forgasd meg, s profitot fog eredmnyezni.

Q: Why should there be seeking at all. K: Mirt kell egyltaln keresni?

M: Life is seeking, one cannot help seeking. When M: Az let keress, az egyn nem tudja segteni a
all search ceases, it is the Supreme State. keresst. Amikor minden keress megsznik, az a
Legfelsbb llapot.

Q: Why does the Supreme State come and go? K: A Legfelsbb llapot mirt jn s megy?

M: It neither comes nor goes. It is. M: Se nem jn, se nem megy. Van.

Q: Do you speak from your own experience? K: Sajt tapasztalatod alapjn beszlsz?

M: Of course. It is a timeless state, ever present. M: Termszetesen. Ez egy idtlen llapot, rk


Q: With me it comes and goes, with you it does not. K: Az n esetemben jn s megy, a tidben nem.
Why this difference? Mirt ez a klnbsg?

M: Maybe because I have no desires. Or you do not M: Taln azrt, mert nekem nincsenek vgyaim.
desire the Supreme strongly enough. You must feel Vagy te nem vgysz a Legfelsbbre elg ersen.
desperate when your mind is out of touch. Ktsgbeesettsget kell rezned, amikor elmd
kvl kerl a kapcsolaton.

Q: All my life I was striving and achieved so little. I K: Egsz letemben trekedtem, s annyira keveset
was reading, I was listening -- all in vain. rtem el. Olvastam, hallgattam mindezt

M: Listening and reading became a habit with you. M: A hallgats s olvass szoksodd vlt.

Q: I gave it up too. I do not read nowadays. K: Ezt is feladtam. Nem olvasok mostanban.

M: What you gave up is of no importance now. What M: Amit feladtl, annak most nincs jelentsge. Mi
have you not given up? Find that out and give up az, amit nem adtl fel? Fedezd fel ezt, s add fel
that. Sadhana is a search for what to give up. Empty ezt. A sadhana annak a keresse, amit fel kell adni.
yourself completely. restsd ki magad teljesen.

Q: How can a fool desire wisdom? One needs to K: Hogyan vgyhat egy bolond a blcsessgre? Az
know the object of desire, to desire it. When the embernek ismernie kell vgya trgyt, hogy vgyjon
Supreme is not known, how can it be desired? r. Ha nem ismeri a Legfelsbbet, hogyan tudna r

M: Man naturally ripens and becomes ready for M: Az ember termszetes mdon rik, s ri el a
realisation. kszltsget a megvalsulsra.

Q: But what is the ripening factor? K: De mi az, ami megrleli?

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
M: Self-remembrance, awareness of 'l am' ripens M: Az n-emlkezs, az n vagyok tudatossga
him powerfully and speedily. Give up all ideas about rleli meg, erteljesen s gyorsan. Add fel minden
yourself and simply be. idedat nmagadrl, s egyszeren csak legyl.

Q: I am tired of all the ways and means and skills K: Elfradtam minden ttl, mdozattl, gyakorlattl
and tricks, of all these mental acrobatics. Is there a s fortlytl, mindez csupn mentlis akrobatika.
way to perceive reality directly and immediately? Van olyan mdszer, amellyel kzvetlenl s rgtn
szleljem a valsgot?

M: Stop making use of your mind and see what M: lltsd le az elmdet, s lsd, mi trtnik. Csinld
happens. Do this one thing thoroughly. That is all. ezt az egy dolgot lelkiismeretesen. Ez minden.

Q: When I was younger, I had strange experiences, K: Fiatalabb koromban voltak olyan klns, rvid,
short but memorable, of being nothing, just nothing, de emlkezetes lmnyeim, hogy semmi vagyok,
yet fully conscious. But the danger is that one has abszolte semmi, mgis teljesen tudatos voltam. De
the desire to recreate from memory the moments az a veszly, hogy az ember szeretn jrateremteni
that have passed. az emlkeibl a pillanatot, elmlt.

M: This is all imagination. In the light of M: Ez mind kpzelgs. A tudatossg fnyben

consciousness all sorts of things happen and one mindenfle dolgok trtnnek, s az embernek nem
need not give special importance to any. The sight kell klnsebb fontossgot tulajdontani nekik. Egy
of a flower is as marvellous as the vision of God. Let virgnak a ltvnya ugyanolyan csodlatos, mint
them be. Why remember them and then make Isten vzija. Hagyd ket lenni. Mirt tartod ket
memory into a problem? Be bland about them; do emlkezetedben, majd csinlsz az emlkbl
not divide them into high and low, inner and outer, problmt? Lgy j hozzjuk; ne oszd fel ket
lasting and transient. Go beyond, go back to the magasra s alacsonyra, belsre s klsre,
source, go to the self that is the same whatever maradandra s mulandra. Lpj tl, menj vissza a
happens. Your weakness is due to your conviction forrshoz, menj az nhez, ami ugyanaz, brmi is
that you were born into the world. In reality the world trtnjk. Gyarlsgod amiatti bntudatodbl ered,
is ever recreated in you and by you. See everything hogy beleszlettl a vilgba. Valjban a vilg
as emanating from the light which is the source of rkk jrateremtdik benned, s ltalad. Lss
your own being. You will find that in that light there is mindent annak a fnynek a kiradsaknt, amely
love and infinite energy. sajt lted forrsa. gy fogod tallni, hogy abban a
fnyben szeretet van, s vgtelen energia.

Q: If I am that light, why do I not know it? K: Ha n vagyok az a fny, mirt nem tudok rla?

M: To know, you need a knowing mind, a mind M: A tudshoz tud elmre van szksged, az elme
capable of knowing. But your mind is ever on the tud kpessgre. De a te elmd folyton nyargal,
run, never still, never fully reflecting. How can you sohasem nyugodt, soha nem tkrz teljesen.
see the moon in all her glory when the eye is Hogyan lthatnd a holdat teljes dicsfnyben,
clouded with disease? amikor a szemedet betegsg felhzi be?

Q: Can we say that while the sun is the cause of the K: Mondhatjuk gy is, hogy mg a nap elidzi az
shadow one cannot see the sun in the shadow. One rnykot, nem lthatjuk a napot az rnykban? Oda
must turn round. kell fordulni.

M: Again you have introduced the trinity of the sun, M: Megint behoztad a nap, a test s az rnyk
the body and shadow. There is no such division in hrmassgt. Valjban nincs ilyen elklnls.
reality. What I am talking about has nothing to do Amirl n beszlek, annak nincs kze dualitshoz,
with dualities and trinities. Don't mentalise and s hrmassgokhoz. Ne mentalizlj, s ne
verbalise. Just see and be. verbalizlj. Csak lss s legyl.

Q: Must I see, to be? K: Kell ltnom ahhoz, hogy legyek?

M: See what you are. Don't ask others, don't let M: Lsd, hogy mi vagy. Ne msokat krdezz, ne
others tell you about yourself. Look within and see. msok beszljenek neked nmagadrl. Nzz befel,
All the teacher can tell you is only this. There is no s lss. Mindegyik tant csak ezt mondhatja neked.
need of going from one to another. The same water Nincs szksg r, hogy egyiket a msik utn
is in all the wells. You just draw from the nearest. In felkeresd. Ugyanaz a vz van minden ktban. Csak a

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
my case the water is within me and I am the water. legkzelebbibl merts. Az n esetemben a vz a
bensmben van, s n vagyok a vz.

44. 'I am' is True, all else is Inference 44. Az n vagyok igazsg, minden ms
Maharaj: The perceiver of the world, is he prior to Maharaj: A vilg szlelje rgebbi a vilgnl, vagy a
the world, or does he come into being along with the vilggal egytt szletik?

Questioner: What a strange question. Why do you Krdez: Micsoda klns krds. Mirt teszel fel
ask such questions? ilyen krdseket?

M: Unless you know the correct answer, you will not M: Hacsak nem tudod a helyes vlaszt, nem fogod
find peace. megtallni a bkt.

Q: When I wake up in the morning, the world is K: Reggel mikor felbredek, a vilg mr jelen van,
already there, waiting for me. Surely the world s vr rem. Bizonyra a vilg szletik meg elbb.
comes into being first. I do, but much later, at the n is megszletek, de sokkal ksbb, legkorbban a
earliest at my birth. The body mediates between me megszletsemkor. A test kzvett kztem s a vilg
and the world. Without the body there would be kztt. Test nlkl nem lenne sem n, sem a vilg.
neither me nor the world.

M: The body appears in your mind, your mind is the M: A test az elmdben jelenik meg, elmd a
content of your consciousness; you are the tudatossgod tartalma; te vagy a mozdulatlan tanja
motionless witness of the river of consciousness a tudatossg folyjnak, amely rkk vltozik,
which changes eternally without changing you in any anlkl, hogy te brmilyen mdon vltoznl. A te
way. Your own changelessness is so obvious that sajt vltozatlansgod olyan nyilvnval, hogy nem
you do not notice it. Have a good look at yourself is veszed szre. Vizsgld meg jl nmagad, s
and all these misapprehensions and misconceptions mindezen tveds s flrerts el fog oszlani. Mint
will dissolve. Just as all the little watery lives are in ahogy a kis vzi lnyek csak vzben lhetnek, s
water and cannot be without water, so all the vzen kvl nem, gy az egsz univerzum is csak
universe is in you and cannot be without you. benned ltezhet, s rajtad kvl nem.

Q: We call it God. K: Ezt Istennek nevezzk.

M: God is only an idea in your mind. The fact is you. M: Isten csak egy elmdben lv idea. A tny te
The only thing you know for sure is: 'here and now I vagy. Az egyetlen dolog, amit biztosan tudsz: itt s
am'. Remove, the 'here and now' the 'I am' remains, most n vagyok. Hagyd el az itt s most-ot, s az
unassailable. The word exists in memory, memory n vagyok marad, megcfolhatatlanul. A vilg az
comes into consciousness; consciousness exists in emlkezetben van, az emlkezet a tudatossgban; a
awareness and awareness is the reflection of the tudatossg az bersgben van, s az bersg a
light on the waters of existence. fny tkrzdse a ltezs vizein.

Q: Still I do not see how can the world be in me K: Mg mindig nem ltom, hogy a vilg hogyan lehet
when the opposite 'I am in the world' is so obvious. bennem, miutn az ezzel ellenttes llts, az n a
vilgban vagyok, annyira nyilvnval.

M: Even to say 'I am the world, the world is me', is a M: Mg az is a tudatlansg jele, ha azt mondod,
sign of ignorance. But when I keep in mind and hogy n a vagyok a vilg, a vilg n vagyok. De
confirm in life my identity with the world, a power amikor elmmben tartom, s megszilrdtom az
arises in me which destroys the ignorance, burns it letben a vilggal val azonossgomat, egy er
up completely. bred bennem, amely lerombolja a tudatlansgot,
teljesen felgeti azt.

Q: Is the witness of ignorance separate from K: A tudatlansg tanja s a tudatlansg

ignorance? Is not to say: 'I am ignorant' a part of elklnlnek egymstl? Nem azt kell mondanunk
ignorance? inkbb, hogy: a tudatlan vagyok a tudatlansg

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok

M: Of course. All I can say truly is: 'I am', all else is M: Termszetesen. Az egyetlen megbzhat
inference. But the inference has become a habit. igazsg: n vagyok, minden ms kvetkeztets. De
Destroy all habits of thinking and seeing. The sense a kvetkeztets szokss vlt. Semmists meg
'I am' is the manifestation of a deeper cause, which minden gondolkodssal s keresssel kapcsolatos
you may call self, God, reality or by any other name. szokst. Az n vagyok rzse egy mlyebb ok
The 'I am' is in the world; but it is the key which can megnyilatkozsa, amit nevezhetsz gy, hogy n,
open the door out of the world. The moon dancing Isten, valsg, vagy lehet brmilyen ms neve. Az
on the water is seen in the water, but it is caused by n vagyok a vilgban van; de ez a kulcs, amely ki
the moon in the sky and not by the water. tudja nyitni a vilgbl kivezet ajtt. A vzen tncol
holdfny a vzen lthat, de az gen lv hold az
okozja, s nem a vz.

Q: Still the main point seems to escape me. l can K: Azt hiszem, mg mindig nem rtem a lnyeget. El
admit that the world in which I live and move and tudom fogadni, hogy a vilg, amelyben lek s
have my being is of my own creation, a projection of mozgok, s lem az letem, az n teremtmnyem, a
myself, of my imagination, on the unknown world, sajt kivettsem, a kpzeletem kivettse az
the world as it is, the world of 'absolute matter', ismeretlen vilgra, a valban ltez vilgra, az
whatever this matter may be. The world of my own abszolt anyag vilgra, brmi is ez az anyag. Az
creation may be quite unlike the ultimate, the real ltalam teremtett vilg teljesen eltrhet a vgs, a
world, just like the cinema screen is quite unlike the valdi vilgtl, mint ahogy egy mozivszon is
pictures projected onto it. Nevertheless, this teljesen eltr a rvettett kpektl. Mindazonltal, ez
absolute world exists, quite independent of myself. az abszolt vilg ltezik, tlem teljesen fggetlenl.

M: Quite so, the world of Absolute Reality, onto M: Igazad van, az Abszolt Valsg vilga, amelyre
which your mind has projected a world of relative az elmd rvettette a viszonylagos valtlansg
unreality is independent of yourself, for the very vilgt, nmagadtl fggetlen, azon egyszer oknl
simple reason that it is yourself. fogva, hogy az te nmagad vagy.

Q: Is there no contradiction in terms? How can K: Nincs itt valamilyen ellentmonds? A

independence prove identity? fggetlensg hogyan bizonythatn az azonossgot?

M: Examine the motion of change and you will see. M: A vltozsnak a motvumt vizsgld, s meg
What can change while you do not change, can be fogod rteni. Ami megvltozhat, mikzben te nem
said to be independent of you. But what is vltozol, az tled fggetlennek mondhat. De ami
changeless must be one with whatever else is vltozatlan, annak azonosnak kell lennie minden
changeless. For, duality implies interaction and egyb vltozatlannal. Teht a dualits klcsnhatst
interaction meats change. In other words, the implikl, s a klcsnhats vltozst jelent. Ms
absolutely material and the absolutely spiritual, the szavakkal, az abszolt materilis s az abszolt
totally objective and the totally subjective are spiritulis, a totlisan objektv s a totlisan
identical, both in substance and essence. szubjektv azonosak, mind tartalmukat, mind
lnyegket illeten.

Q: Like in a tri-dimensional picture, the light forms its K: Mint ahogy a hromdimenzis kpek esetben is,
own screen. a fny kialaktja sajt vettvsznt.

M: Any comparison will do. The main point to grasp M: Ahhoz hasonltod, amihez akarod. A lnyeg,
is that you have projected onto yourself a world of hogy magadra vettetted sajt kpzeleted vilgt, az
your own imagination, based on memories, on emlkezet alapjn, a vgyak s flelmek alapjn, s
desires and fears, and that you have imprisoned belbrtnzted magad. Trd meg a varzst, s
yourself in it. Break the spell and be free. lgy szabad.

Q: How does one break the spell? K: Hogy trik meg a varzs?

M: Assert your independence in thought and action. M: Erstsd gondolkozsod s cselekvsed

After all, all hangs on your faith in yourself, on the fggetlensgt. Vgl is, minden azon mlik, hogy
conviction that what you see and hear, think and feel hiszel nmagadnak, hogy meg vagy rla gyzdve,
is real. Why not question your faith? No doubt, this hogy amit ltsz s hallasz, gondolsz s rzel, az
world is painted by you on the screen of valsg. Mirt nem krdjelezed meg hitedet? Nem
consciousness and is entirely your own private ktsges, ezt a vilgot te festetted a tudatossg

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
world. Only your sense 'I am', though in the world, is vsznra, s teljes egszben a te sajt privt
not of the world. By no effort of logic or imagination vilgod. Egyedl az n vagyok rzsed az, amely
can you change the 'I am' into 'I am not'. In the very jllehet a vilgban van, nem a vilg. Semmilyen
denial of your being you assert it. Once you realise logikai vagy kpzeleti erfesztssel nem
that the world is your own projection, you are free of cserlheted fel az n vagyok-ot, n nem vagyok-
it. You need not free yourself of a world that does ra. A tagadssal valjban ltezsedet ersted.
not exist, except in your own imagination. However Amint felismered, hogy a vilg a te kivettsed,
is the picture, beautiful or ugly, you are painting it szabadd vlsz tle. Nem kell felszabadtanod
and you are not bound by it. Realise that there is nmagad egy olyan vilgtl, amely nem ltezik, csak
nobody to force it on you, that it is due to the habit of a te sajt kpzeletedben. Brmilyen is a kp, szp,
taking the imaginary to be real. See the imaginary as avagy csnya, te fested azt, s nem vagy ltala
imaginary and be free of fear. megktve. Ismerd fel, hogy senki sincs, aki rd
erszakoln, hogy az a kpzelet valsgnak
tartsnak szoksbl ered. Lsd a kpzeletbelit
kpzeletbelinek, s szabadulj meg a flelemtl.

Just as the colours in this carpet are brought out by Mint ahogy ennek a sznyegnek a sznei fnybl
light but light is not the colour, so is the world erednek, de a fny nem a szn, gy vagy a vilgnak
caused by you but you are not the world. te az okozja, de te nem vagy a vilg.

That which creates and sustains the world, you may Azt, ami teremti s fenntartja a vilgot, nevezheted
call it God or providence, but ultimately you are the Istennek, vagy gondviselsnek, de vgs soron te
proof that God exists, not the other way round. For, vagy a bizonytka, hogy Isten ltezik, nem lehet
before any question about God can be put, you must mskpp. Mert, mieltt brmilyen krds feltehetnl
be there to put it. Istenrl, neked ott kell lenned, hogy feltedd.

Q: God is an experience in time, but the experiencer K: Isten egy idbeni tapasztals, de a tapasztal
is timeless. idtlen.

M: Even the experiencer is secondary. Primary is M: Mg a tapasztal is msodlagos. Ami elsdleges,

the infinite expanse of consciousness, the eternal az a tudatossg vgtelen kiterjedse, az rk
possibility, the immeasurable potential of all that lehetsg, a mrhetetlen potencilja mindennek,
was, is, and will be. When you look at anything, it is ami volt, van s lesz. Amikor rnzel valamire, a
the ultimate you see, but you imagine that you see a vgs az, amit ltsz, de te azt kpzeled, hogy felht,
cloud or a tree. vagy ft ltsz.

Learn to look without imagination, to listen without Tanulj meg kpzelds nlkl nzni, torzts nlkl
distortion: that is all. Stop attributing names and hallani: ez minden. Hagyd abba a lnyegt tekintve
shapes to the essentially nameless and formless, nv- s formanlklinek nvvel s formval val
realise that every mode of perception is subjective, jellemzst, ismerd fel, hogy az szlels mindenfle
that what is seen or heard, touched or smelt, felt or mdja szubjektv, hogy amit ltsz, vagy hallasz,
thought, expected or imagined, is in the mind and tapintasz, vagy szagolsz, rzel, vagy gondolsz,
not in reality, and you will experience peace and elvrsz, vagy elkpzelsz, az az elmben van, s
freedom from fear. nem a valsgban, s meg fogod tapasztalni a
bkt s a flelem nlkli letet.

Even the sense of 'I am' is composed of the pure Mg az n vagyok rzst is a tiszta fny s a lt
light and the sense of being. The 'I' is there even rzse alkotjk. Az n mg a vagyok nlkl is van.
without the 'am'. So is the pure light there whether Ugyangy tiszta fny is van, akr mondod, hogy n,
you say 'I' or not. Become aware of that pure light akr nem. Vlj tudatoss erre a tiszta fnyre, s
and you will never lose it. The beingness in being, soha nem fogod azt elveszteni. A ltezsg a
the awareness in consciousness, the interest in ltben, az bersg a tudatossgban, az rdeklds
every experience -- that is not describable, yet a tapasztalatokban ami nem lerhat, mgis
perfectly accessible, for there is nothing else. tkletesen hozzfrhet, mert semmi ms nincs.

Q: You talk of reality directly -- as the all-pervading, K: Kzvetlen valsgrl beszlsz mint a mindent
ever-present, eternal, all-knowing, all-energizing first betlt, mindig jelenlv, mindentud, mindent
cause. There are other teachers, who refuse to gerjeszt els okrl. Ms tantk azt is elutastjk,
discuss reality at all. They say reality is beyond the hogy egyltaln beszljenek a valsgrl. Azt
mind while all discussions are within the realm of the mondjk, hogy a valsg az elmn tl van,

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
mind, which is the home of the unreal. Their mikzben minden beszd az elme birodalmn bell
approach is negative; they pinpoint the unreal and van, ami a nem valdi otthona. Az megkzeltsk
thus go beyond it into the real. negatv; a nem valdit tmadjk s gy jutnak azon
tl, a valsgba.

M: The difference lies in the words only. After all, M: Klnbsg csak a szavak tern van. Vgl is,
when l talk of the real, I describe it as not-unreal, amikor n a valsgrl beszlek, gy rom azt le,
space-less, time-less, cause-less, beginning-less mint ami nem valtlan, tr nlkli, idtlen, alaptalan,
and end-less. It comes to the same. As long as it kezdet nlkli s vg nlkli. Mindkett ugyanoda
leads to enlightenment, what does the wording vezet. Amg megvilgosodshoz vezet, mirt szmt
matter? Does it matter whether you pull the cart or a megfogalmazs? Szmt, hogy hzod a talicskt,
push it, as long as it is kept rolling? You may feel vagy tolod, amg az gurul? rezhetsz vonzdst a
attracted to reality at one time and repelled from the valsggal, s ugyanakkor elutastst a hamissal
false at another; these are only moods which kapcsolatban; ezek csak hangulatok, amelyek
alternate; both are needed for perfect freedom. You vltakoznak; mindegyikre szksg van a tkletes
may go one way or another -- but each time it will be megszabadulshoz. Haladhatsz egyik ton, vagy
the right way at the moment; just go whole- msikon de minden esetben az lesz a megfelel
heartedly, don't waste time on doubting or hesitating. t, az adott pillanatban; csak haladj teljes szvvel, ne
Many kinds of food are needed to make the child pazarold az idt ktkedsre s bizonytalankodsra.
grow, but the act of eating is the same. Theoretically A gyermek felnvekedshez sokfle telre van
-- all approaches are good. In practice, and at a szksg, de az evs aktusa ugyanaz. Elvileg
given moment, you proceed by one road only. minden megkzelts j. A gyakorlatban, s az adott
Sooner or later you are bound to discover that if you pillanatban, csak egyetlen ton haladsz. Elbb vagy
really want to find, you must dig at one place only -- utbb fl kell, hogy fedezd, hogy ha valban tallni
within. akarsz, egyetlen helyen kell sni csupn bell.

Neither your body nor mind can give you what you Sem a tested, sem az elmd nem tudja megadni,
seek -- the being and knowing your self and the amit keresel a ltet s nmagad ismerett, s a
great peace that comes with it. hatalmas bkt, ami vele jr.

Q: Surely there is something valid and valuable in K: Bizonyra mindegyik megkzelts rvnyes s
every approach. rtkes bizonyos fokig.

M: In each case the value lies in bringing you to the M: Mindegyiknek az esetben az az rtk, hogy
need of seeking within. Playing with various elvezet tged a bels keress ignyhez. Lehet,
approaches may be due to resistance to going hogy a befel val halads irnti ellenllsod miatt
within, to the fear of having to abandon the illusion of jtszol klnbz megkzeltsekkel, azrt, mert
being something or somebody in particular. To find flsz feladni az illzit, hogy valami vagy valaki
water you do not dig small pits all over the place, but egyedi vagy. Ahhoz, hogy vizet tallj, nem sok kis
drill deep in one place only. Similarly, to find your gdrt kell snod, hanem csak egyetlen helyen kell
self you have to explore yourself. When you realise lefrnod. Ugyangy kell ned megtallshoz
that you are the light of the world, you will also felfedezned nmagad. Amikor felismered, hogy te
realise that you are the love of it; that to know is to vagy a vilgnak a fnye, azt is fel fogod ismerni,
love and to love is to know. hogy te vagy annak szeretete is; hogy ismerni azt
jelenti szeretni, s szeretni azt jelenti, hogy ismerni.

Of all the affections the love of oneself comes first. Az sszes szeretet kzl az nszeretet az elssg.
Your love of the world is the reflection of your love of A vilg irnti szereteted nmagad szeretetnek a
yourself, for your world is of your own creation. Light tkrkpe, mert a vilg a te sajt teremtmnyed. A
and love are impersonal, but they are reflected in fny s a szeretet szemlytelenek, de elmdben
your mind as knowing and wishing oneself well. We ismeretknt, s nmagad irnti val jkvnsgknt
are always friendly towards ourselves. But not tkrzdnek. Mindig jakaratak vagyunk
always wise. A Yogi is a man whose goodwill is nmagunkkal szemben. De nem vagyunk mindig
allied to wisdom. blcsek. A Yogi az az ember, akinek jakarata s
blcsessge azonos mrtk.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok

45. What Comes and Goes has no Being 45. Ami jn s megy, annak nincs lte
Questioner: I have come to be with you, rather than Krdez: Inkbb azrt jttem, hogy a kzeledben
to listen. Little can be said in words, much more can legyek, mint hallgatni. Beszlgethetnk egy keveset,
be conveyed in silence. de csendben sokkal tbb tadhat.

Maharaj: First words, then silence. One must be Maharaj: Elszr szavak, aztn csend. Meg kell rni
ripe for silence. a csendre.

Q: Can I live in silence? K: Tudok csendben lni?

M: Unselfish work leads to silence, for when you M: Az nzetlen munka csendhez vezet, mert amikor
work selflessly, you don't need to ask for help. nzetlenl dolgozol, nincs szksged r, hogy krj.
Indifferent to results, you are willing to work with the Ha kzmbs vagy az eredmnyek irnt, ksz vagy
most inadequate means. You do not care to be a legalkalmatlanabb eszkzkkel is dolgozni. Nem
much gifted and well equipped. Nor do you ask for trdsz azzal, hogy nagyon rts hozz, s hogy j
recognition and assistance. You just do what needs felszerelsed legyen. Nem krsz sem elismerst, se
be done, leaving success and failure to the tmogatst. Csak teszed, amit tenned kell, a sikert
unknown. For everything is caused by innumerable s a kudarcot az ismeretlenre bzva. Mert
factors, of which your personal endeavour is but mindennek szmtalan oka van, amelyek kzl a te
one. Yet such is the magic of man's mind and heart szemlyes erfesztsed csak az egyik ok. Az
that the most improbable happens when human will emberi elme s szv mgis annyira csodlatos, hogy
and love pull together. amikor az emberi akarat s szeretet
egyttmkdnek, a legvalszntlenebb is

Q: What is wrong with asking for help when the work K: Mirt baj, hogy segtsget krek, amikor sok a
is worthy? munka?

M: Where is the need of asking? It merely shows M: Honnan a krs szksglete? Ami pusztn csak
weakness and anxiety. Work on, and the universe gyengesget, s aggodalmat jelez. Cselekedj, s az
will work with you. After all the very idea of doing the univerzum veled fog cselekedni. Tulajdonkppen a
right thing comes to you from the unknown. Leave it helyes cselekvs idejt az ismeretlenbl kapod.
to the unknown as far as the results go, just go Ami az eredmnyeket illeti, hagyd r az
through the necessary movements. You are merely ismeretlenre, te csak add t magad a szksges
one of the links in the long chain of causation. mozgsoknak. Te pusztn a lncszemek egyike
Fundamentally, all happens in the mind only. When vagy az oksg hossz lncban. Lnyegt tekintve
you work for something whole-heartedly and minden az elmben trtnik csupn. Amikor
steadily, it happens, for it is the function of the mind valamirt teljes szvvel, s komolyan dolgozol, akkor
to make things happen. In reality nothing is lacking az megtrtnik, mert az elmnek az a funkcija,
and nothing is needed, all work is on the surface hogy a dolgokat megtrtntt tegye. Valjban
only. In the depths there is perfect peace. All your semmi nem hinyzik, s semmire nincs szksg,
problems arise because you have defined and minden munka a felsznen zajlik csupn. A
therefore limited yourself. When you do not think mlysgekben tkletes bke honol. Minden
yourself to be this or that, all conflict ceases. Any problmd azrt merl fel, mert meghatroztad,
attempt to do something about your problems is ezltal korltoztad magad. Amikor nem ekknt vagy
bound to fail, for what is caused by desire can be akknt gondolsz nmagadra, minden konfliktus
undone only in freedom from desire. You have megsznik. Minden olyan ksrletnek meg kell
enclosed yourself in time and space, squeezed hisulnia, hogy csinlj valamit a problmiddal, mert
yourself into the span of a lifetime and the volume of amit vgy okozott, azt meg nem trtntt tenni csak
a body and thus created the innumerable conflicts of vgymentesen lehet. Idbe s trbe zrtad magad,
life and death, pleasure and pain, hope and fear. beleprselted magad egy lettartamba, s a test
You cannot be rid of problems without abandoning volumenbe, s ezzel megszmllhatatlan let s
illusions. hall, lvezet s fjdalom, remny s flelem
konfliktust teremtettl. Nem tudsz a problmktl
megszabadulni az illzik elhagysa nlkl.

Q: A person is naturally limited. K: A szemly termszetbl kifolylag korltozott.

M: There is no such thing as a person. There are M: Nincs olyan dolog, mint szemly. Csak
only restrictions and limitations. The sum total of megszortsok, s korltozsok vannak. Ezek

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
these defines the person. You think you know sszessge hatrozza meg a szemlyt. Azt
yourself when you know what you are. But you gondolod, akkor ismered nmagad, ha tudod, hogy
never know who you are. The person merely mi vagy. De soha nem tudod, hogy ki vagy. A
appears to be, like the space within the pot appears szemly csak ltszlag ltezik, az ednyben lv
to have the shape and volume and smell of the pot. trhez hasonlan, amely felveszi az edny formjt,
See that you are not what you believe yourself to be. volument s szagt. Lsd, hogy nem az vagy,
Fight with all the strength at your disposal against aminek lenni hiszed nmagad. Kzdj minden
the idea that you are nameable and describable. erddel, hogy megszabadulj az idetl, hogy
You are not. Refuse to think of yourself in terms of megnevezhet s lerhat vagy. Nem vagy az.
this or that. There is no other way out of misery, Utastsd el, hogy ekknt, vagy akknt gondolj
which you have created for yourself through blind nmagadra. Nincs ms kit a szenvedsbl,
acceptance without investigation. Suffering is a call amelyet te teremtettl nmagadnak vak elfogads
for enquiry, all pain needs investigation. Don't be too rvn, vizsglat nlkl. A szenveds a kutatsra
lazy to think. val felhvs, minden fjdalmat meg kell vizsglni.
Ne legyl tlsgosan lusta gondolkodni.

Q: Activity is the essence of reality. There is no K: Tevkenysg a valsg lnyege. Nem ernyes
virtue in not working. Along with thinking something dolog nem dolgozni. A gondolkods mellett tenni is
must be done. kell valamit.

M: To work in the world is hard, to refrain from all M: Munklkodni a vilgban nehz dolog, tartzkodni
unnecessary work is even harder. az sszes szksgtelen munktl mg nehezebb.

Q: For the person I am all this seems impossible. K: A szemly szmra, aki vagyok, mindez
lehetetlensgnek tnik.

M: What do you know about yourself? You can only M: Mit tudsz te nmagadrl? Csak az lehetsz, ami
be what you are in reality; you can only appear what valban vagy; annak csak annak ltszdhatsz, ami
you are not. You have never moved away from nem vagy. Soha nem tvolodtl el a tkletessgtl.
perfection. All idea of self-improvement is Az nfejleszts szoksszerek, s verblisak. Ahogy
conventional and verbal. As the sun knows not a nap nem ismeri a sttsget, gy az n sem ismeri
darkness, so does the self know not the non-self. It a nem-nt. Az elme az, amely a msikat
is the mind, which by knowing the other, becomes megismerve, a msikk vlik. Mgis, az elme semmi
the other. Yet the mind is nothing else but the self. It ms, mint az n. Az n az, ami a msikk vlik, a
is the self that becomes the other, the notself, and nem-nn, s mgis az n marad. Minden ms
yet remains the self. All else is an assumption. Just feltevs. Mint ahogy a felh sincs semmilyen
as a cloud obscures the sun without in any way hatssal a napra, amikor elrejti, gy a felttelezs is
affecting it, so does assumption obscure reality a nlkl rejti el a valsgot, hogy megsemmisten
without destroying it. The very idea of destruction of azt. A valsg megsemmistsnek az ideja
reality is ridiculous; the destroyer is always more valjban kptelensg; a pusztt mindig sokkal
real than the destroyed. Reality is the ultimate valdibb, mint az elpuszttott. A valsg a vgs
destroyer. All separation, every kind of pusztt. Minden elklnls, mindenfle
estrangement and alienation is false. All is one -- eltvolods s elidegeneds hamis. Minden egy
this is the ultimate solution of every conflict. ez a vgs megolds minden konfliktusra.

Q: How is it that in spite of so much instruction and K: Miknt van az, hogy olyan sok tants s
assistance we make no progress? segtsg ellenre egy helyben topogunk?

M: As long as we imagine ourselves to be separate M: Amg elklnlt, egymstl teljesen klnll

personalities, one quite apart from another, we szemlyeknek kpzeljk magunkat, addig nem
cannot grasp reality which is essentially impersonal. tudjuk megragadni a valsgot, amely lnyegben
First we must know ourselves as witnesses only, szemlytelen. Elszr nmagunkat csupn
dimensionless and timeless centres of observation, tanknt, a megfigyels kiterjeds nlkli, s idtlen
and then realise that immense ocean of pure centrumaknt kell ismernnk, s akkor felismerjk
awareness, which is both mind and matter and benne a tiszta ber-tudatossg roppant cenjt,
beyond both. amely azonos mind az elmvel, mind az anyaggal,
s mindkettn tli.

Q: Whatever I may be in reality, yet I feel myself to K: Akrmi vagyok valjban, mgis kicsinek s
be a small and separate person, one amongst many. elklnlt szemlynek rzem magam, egynek a sok

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok

M: Your being a person is due to the illusion of M: Lnyed a tr s id illzija miatt szemly; egy
space and time; you imagine yourself to be at a meghatrozott trfogatot elfoglal meghatrozott
certain point occupying a certain volume; your egysgnek kpzeled magad; szemlyisged a
personality is due to your self-identification with the testtel val nazonostsod kvetkezmnye. Sajt
body. Your thoughts and feelings exist in idkzkben sorjz gondolataid s rzseid,
succession, they have their span in time and make valamint emlkezeted miatt kpzeled nmagadat
you imagine yourself, because of memory, as having idtartammal rendelkeznek. Valjban az id s a
duration. In reality time and space exist in you; you tr benned vannak; nem te vagy bennk. szlelsi
do not exist in them. They are modes of perception, mdok, de nem az egyedliek. Id s tr olyanok,
but they are not the only ones. Time and space are mint a paprra vetett szavak; a papr a valsg, a
like words written on paper; the paper is real, the szavak pusztn konvenci. Hny ves vagy?
words merely a convention. How old are you?

Q: Forty-eight. K: Negyvennyolc.

M: What makes you say forty-eight? What makes M: Mi miatt mondod, hogy negyvennyolc? Mi miatt
you say: I am here? Verbal habits born from mondod: itt vagyok? A verblis szoksok
assumptions. The mind creates time and space and felttelezsekbl szlettek. Az elme idt s teret
takes its own creations for reality. All is here and teremt, majd sajt teremtmnyeit valsgnak tekinti.
now, but we do not see it. Truly, all is in me and by Minden itt s most van, de mi ezt nem ltjuk.
me. There is nothing else. The very idea of 'else' is a Valjban minden bennem, s ltalam van. Nincs
disaster and a calamity. semmi ms. A ms ideja igazi csaps s

Q: What is the cause of personification, of self- K: Mi okozza a megszemlyeslst, az id- s

limitation in time and space? trbeli nkorltozst?

M: That which does not exist cannot have a cause. M: Ami nem ltezik, nem lehet oka. Nem ltezik
There is no such thing as a separate person. Even olyan dolog, mint klnll szemly. Mg a
taking the empirical point of view, it is obvious that tapasztalati szempontokat tekintve is nyilvnval,
everything is the cause of everything, that everything hogy minden mindennek az oka, hogy minden olyan,
is as it is, because the entire universe is as it is. amilyen, mert az egsz univerzum olyan, amilyen.

Q: Yet personality must have a cause. K: A szemlyisgnek mgiscsak kell, hogy oka

M: How does personality, come into being? By M: Hogyan szletik a szemlyisg? Az emlkezet
memory. By identifying the present with the past and rvn. A jelennek a mlttal val azonostsval, s a
projecting it into the future. Think of yourself as jvbe val kivettsvel. Gondold magad
momentary, without past and future and your pillanatnyinak, mlt s jv nlklinek, s
personality dissolves. szemlyisged szertefoszlik.

Q: Does not 'I am' remain? K: Az n vagyok nem marad meg?

M: The word 'remain' does not apply. 'I am' is ever M: A megmarad sz hasznlata itt nem alkalmas.
afresh. You do not need to remember in order to be. Az n vagyok mindig j. Nincs szksged
As a matter of fact, before you can experience emlkezetre ahhoz, hogy legyl. Valjban, a
anything, there must be the sense of being. At tapasztalst meg kell, hogy elzze a lt rzse.
present your being is mixed up with experiencing. All Jelenleg a lted ssze van keveredve a
you need is to unravel being from the tangle of tapasztalssal. Mindssze annyit kell tenned, hogy
experiences. Once you have known pure being, kibogozod a ltet a tapasztalatok gubancbl. Amint
without being this or that, you will discern it among eljutsz a tiszta, ez vagy az nlkli lt ismeretig,
experiences and you will no longer be misled by meg fogod azt klnbztetni a tapasztalatoktl, s
names and forms. nem leszel tbb nevektl s formktl flrevezetve.

Self-limitation is the very essence of personality. Az n-korltozs a szemlyisg valdi lnyege.

Q: How can I become universal? K: Hogyan vlhatok egyetemess?

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok

M: But you are universal. You need not and you M: De hiszen egyetemes vagy. Nem kell, s nem
cannot become what you are already. Only cease tudsz azz vlni, ami mr vagy. Csak hagyd abba,
imagining yourself to be the particular. What comes hogy elklnltnek kpzeled nmagad. Ami jn s
and goes has no being. It owes its very appearance megy, annak nincs lte. Ez hozztartozik a valsg
to reality. You know that there is a world, but does igazi megjelenshez. Te tudod, hogy van vilg, de
the world know you? All knowledge flows from you, a vilg tud-e rlad? Minden tuds tled ered, mint
as all being and all joy. Realise that you are the ahogy minden lt s rm is. Ismerd fel, hogy te
eternal source and accept all as your own. Such vagy az rk forrs, s fogadj el mindent, mint a te
acceptance is true love. sajtodat. Az ilyen elfogads az igazi szeretet.

Q: All you say sounds very beautiful. But how has K: Mindaz, amit mondasz, nagyon szpen hangzik.
one to make it into a way of living? De hogyan lehet letmdd tenni?

M: Having never left the house you are asking for M: Soha el sem hagyva a hzat, azt krdezed, hogy
the way home. Get rid of wrong ideas, that is all. merre van hazafel. Tvoltsd el a rossz idekat, ez
Collecting right ideas also will take you nowhere. minden. A j idek gyjtse sem vezet sehov.
Just cease imagining. Csak hagyd abba a kpzeldst.

Q: It is not a matter of achievement, but of K: Ez nem vghezvitel, hanem megrts krdse.


M: Don't try to understand. Enough if you do not M: Ne prblkozz a megrtsvel. Elegend, ha

misunderstand. Don't rely on your mind for nem rted flre. Ne tmaszkodj az elmdre a
liberation. It is the mind that brought you into megszabaduls rdekben. pphogy az elme
bondage. Go beyond it altogether. okozta a ktelkeidet. Lpj rajta tl teljesen.

What is beginningless cannot have a cause. It is not Ami kezdet nlkli, annak nem lehet oka. Nem arrl
that you knew what you are and then you have van sz, hogy tudtad, ki vagy, aztn elfelejtetted. Ha
forgotten. Once you know, you cannot forget. egyszer tudsz rla, nem tudod elfelejteni. A
Ignorance has no beginning, but can have an end. tudatlansgnak nincs kezdete, de vget rhet.
Enquire: who is ignorant and ignorance will dissolve Kutasd: ki tudatlan, s tudatlansgod szertefoszlik,
like a dream. The world is full of contradictions, mint egy lom. A vilg tele van ellentmondsokkal,
hence your search for harmony and peace. These ebbl ereden keresed a harmnit s a bkt.
you cannot find in the world, for the world is the child Ezeket nem tallhatod meg a vilgban, mert a vilg
of chaos. To find order you must search within. The a kosz gyermeke. Ha r akarsz tallni a rendre,
world comes into being only when you are born in a akkor bell kell keresned. A vilg csak akkor szletik
body. No body -- no world. First enquire whether you meg, amikor megszlettl egy testben. Ha nincs test
are the body. The understanding of the world will nincs vilg. Elszr azt vizsgld, hogy te vagy-e a
come later. test. A vilg megrtse ksbb fog kvetkezni.

Q: What you say sounds convincing, but of what use K: Meggyznek hangzik, amit mondasz, de mi a
is it to the private person, who knows itself to be in haszna egy magnyszemly szmra, aki nmagt
the world and of the world? a vilgban lnek, s a vilgnak tudja?

M: Millions eat bread, but few know all about wheat. M: Millik esznek kenyeret, de kevesen vannak, akik
And only those who know can improve the bread. mindent tudnak a bzrl. s csak akik ismerik,
Similarly, only those who know the self, who have tudjk tkletesteni a kenyeret. Hasonlkppen,
seen beyond the world, can improve the world. Their csak akik ismerik az nt, akik belttak a vilg mg,
value to private persons is immense, for they are tudjk megjavtani a vilgot. Az rtkk
their only hope of salvation. What is in the world mrhetetlen a magnszemly szmra, mert k
cannot save the world; if you really care to help the csak az dvzlskben remnykednek. A vilgban
world you must step out of it. lv nem mentheti meg a vilgot; ha valban
trdsz a vilg megmentsvel, ki kell belle lpned.

Q: But can one step out of the world? K: De ki tud-e lpni az ember a vilgbl?

M: Who was born first, you or the world? As long as M: Ki szletett elbb, te, vagy a vilg? Amg a
you give first place to the world, you are bound by it; vilgot teszed az els helyre, addig meg vagy ktve
once you realise, beyond all trace of doubt that the ltala; amint felismered, hogy a vilg a ktsg

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
world is in you and not you in the world, you are out minden nyoma nlkl benned van, s nem te vagy a
of it. Of course your body remains in the world and vilgban, kvl kerltl rajta. Termszetesen a tested
of the world, but you are not deluded by it. All a vilgban, s a vilg marad, de ez nem tveszt
scriptures say that before the world was, the Creator meg tged. Minden szent knyvben az ll, hogy
was. Who knows the Creator? He alone who was mieltt a vilg lett volna, a Teremt volt. Ki ismeri a
before the Creator, your own real being, the source Teremtt? egyedl, aki mr a Teremt eltt volt, a
of all the worlds with their creators. te valdi lnyed, az egsz vilg forrsa, annak
teremtivel egytt.

Q: All you say is held together by your assumption K: Minden, amirl beszlsz azon felttelezsedre
that the world is your own projection. You admit that pl, hogy a vilg a te sajt kivettsed. Elismered,
you mean your personal, subjective world, the world hogy egy szemlyes, szubjektv vilgra gondolsz,
given you through your senses and your mind. In egy rzkszerveid s elmd ltal kzvettett vilgra.
that sense each one of us lives in a world of his own Ebben az rtelemben mindegyiknk a sajt kivettett
projection. These private worlds hardly touch each vilgban l. Ezek a privt vilgok alig rintkeznek
other and they arise from and merge into the 'I am' egymssal, s keletkezsk s n vagyok-ba
at their centre. But surely behind these private olvadsuk azok centrumban trtnik. De
worlds there must be a common objective world, of nyilvnval, hogy e privt vilgok mgtt lennie kell
which the private worlds are mere shadows. Do you egy kzs objektv vilgnak, amelynek a privt
deny the existence of such an objective world, vilgok csupn rnykai. Elutastod a ltezst egy
common to all? ilyen objektv vilgnak, amely mindenre nzve

M: Reality is neither subjective nor objective, neither M: A valsg se szubjektv, se objektv, sem elme,
mind nor matter, neither time nor space. These sem anyag, se id, se tr. Ilyen felosztsokra annak
divisions need somebody to whom to happen, a van szksge, aki szmra a tudatossg egy
conscious separate centre. But reality is all and klnll centrum. De a valsg minden s semmi,
nothing, the totality and the exclusion, the fullness a totalits s a kizrs, a teljessg s az ressg.
and the emptiness, fully consistent, absolutely Nem tudsz beszlni rla, csak nedet tudod
paradoxical. You cannot speak about it, you can elveszteni benne. Amikor tagadod valaminek a
only lose your self in it. When you deny reality to valsgt, a fennmarad rszt nem tudod
anything, you come to a residue which cannot be elutastani.
Minden beszd, ami a gnanrl szl, a tudatlansg
All talk of gnana is a sign of ignorance. It is the mind jele. Az elme azt kpzeli, hogy nem ismer, majd
that imagines that it does not know and then comes megismersre jut. A valsg semmit nem tud
to know. Reality knows nothing of these contortions. ezekrl a torzulsokrl. Mg az az idea is hamis,
Even the idea of God as the Creator is false. Do I miszerint Isten lenne a Teremt. Hozz tartozik-e az
owe my being to any other being? Because I am, all n ltem brmilyen ms lthez? Azrt van minden,
is. mert n vagyok.

Q: How can it be? A child is born into the world, not K: Ez hogy lehetsges? A gyermek szletik a
the world into the child. The world is old and the vilgba, nem a vilg a gyermekbe. A vilg rgi, s a
child is new. gyermek j.

M: The child is born into your world. Now, were you M: A gyermek beleszletik a te vilgodba. Na mr
born into your world, or did your world appear to most, te szlettl bele a te vilgodba, vagy a te
you? To be born means to create a world round vilgod jelent meg a te szmodra? Szletni annyit
yourself as the centre. But do you ever create jelent, mint teremteni egy vilgot nmagad, mint
yourself? Or did anyone create you? Everyone centrum kr. De teremted-e valaha is nmagad?
creates a world for himself and lives in it, imprisoned Vagy valaki megteremtett tged? Mindenki teremt
by one's ignorance. All we have to do is to deny nmagnak egy vilgot, s abban l, tudattalansga
reality to our prison. ltal bebrtnzve. Mindssze annyit kell tennnk,
hogy tagadjuk brtnnk valsgt.

Q: Just as the waking state exists in seed form K: Ahogy az alv llapotban benne van csra
during sleep, so does the world the child creates on formjban az brenlti llapot, ugyangy van
being born exist before its birth. With whom does the benne a vilgban a gyermek megszletsnek a
seed lie? lehetsge, a szlets eltt. Hol van a csra?

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
M: With him who is the witness of birth and death, M: Annl, aki tanja a szletsnek s hallnak, de
but is neither born nor dies. He alone is the seed of se nem szletik, se nem hal meg. Egyedl a
creation as well as its residue. Don't ask the mind to teremts csrja, valamint maradvnya. Ne az
confirm what is beyond the mind. Direct experience elmtl vrd annak megerstst, ami az elmn tl
is the only valid confirmation. van. A kzvetlen tapasztalat az egyetlen rvnyes

46. Awareness of Being is Bliss 46. A ltezs tudatossga boldogsg

Questioner: By profession I am a physician. I began Krdez: A foglalkozsom orvos. Sebszettel
with surgery, continued with psychiatry and also kezdtem, pszichitrival folytattam, rtam is nhny
wrote some books on mental health and healing by knyvet a mentlis egszsgrl, s a hit ltali
faith. I came to you to learn the laws of spiritual gygyulsrl. Eljttem el hozzd, hogy megtanuljam
health. a spiritulis egszsg trvnyeit.

Maharaj: When you are trying to cure a patient, Maharaj: Amikor egy beteg gygytsval fradozol,
what exactly are you trying to cure? What is cure? pontosan mi az, amit megprblsz meggygytani?
When can you say that a man is cured? Mi a gygyts? Mikor mondhatjuk hogy egy ember
meg van gygytva?

Q: I seek to cure the body as well as improve the K: A test meggygytsra trekszem, valamint meg
link between the body and the mind. I also seek to prblom kijavtani a kapcsolatot a test s az elme
set right the mind. kztt. Megprblom rendbe hozni az elmt is.

M: Did you investigate the connection between the M: Tanulmnyoztad az elme s a test kztti
mind and the body? At what point are they kapcsolatot? Mely ponton kapcsoldnak?

Q: Between the body and the indwelling K: A test s az immanens tudatossg kztt fekszik
consciousness lies the mind. az elme.

M: Is not the body made of food? And can there be M: A test nem a tpllkbl plt fel? s ltezhet az
a mind without food? elme tpllk nlkl?

Q: The body is built and maintained by food. Without K: A testet tpllk pti fel s tartja fenn. Tpllk
food the mind usually goes weak. But the mind is not nlkl az elme ltalban legyengl. De az elme nem
mere food. There is a transforming factor which pusztn tpllk. Van egy talakt tnyez, amely
creates a mind in the body. What is that az elmt ltrehozza a testben. Mi ez az talakt
transforming factor? tnyez?

M: Just like the wood produces fire which is not M: Mint ahogy a tzifa ltrehozza a tzet, amely
wood, so does the body produce the mind which is nem fa, gy hozza ltre a test az elmt, amely nem
not the body. But to whom does the mind appear? a test. De kinek a szmra jelenik meg az elme? Ki
Who is the perceiver of the thoughts and feelings szleli a gondolatokat s rzelmeket, amit elmnek
which you call the mind? There is wood, there is fire neveznk? Van a fa, s van a tz, s van az, aki a
and there is the enjoyer of the fire. Who enjoys the tzet lvezi. Ki lvezi az elmt? Az lvez is a
mind? Is the enjoyer also a result of food, or is it tpllk eredmnye, vagy pedig fggetlen?

Q: The perceiver is independent. K: Az szlel fggetlen.

M: How do you know? Speak from your own M: Honnan tudod? Beszlj sajt tapasztalatbl. Te
experience. You are not the body nor the mind. You nem vagy a test, sem az elme. gy mondod. Honnan
say so. How do you know? tudod?

Q: I really do not know. I guess so. K: Valjban nem tudom. gy felttelezem.

M: Truth is permanent. The real is changeless. What M: Az igazsg lland. A valsg vltozhatatlan.
changes is not real, what is real does not change. Ami vltozik, nem vals, ami vals, nem vltozik.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
Now, what is it in you that does not change? As long Nos, mi nem vltozik benned? Amg tpllk van,
as there is food, there is body and mind. When the addig test s elme is van. Amikor a tpllknak
food is stopped, the body dies and the mind vge, a test meghal, s az elme szertefoszlik. De
dissolves. But does the observer perish? elpusztul-e a figyel?

Q: I guess it does not. But I have no proof. K: gy vlem, nem. De nincs r bizonytkom.

M: You yourself are the proof. You have not, nor can M: Te magad vagy a bizonytk. Nincs, s nem is
you have any other proof. You are yourself, you lehet semmilyen ms bizonytkod. nmagad vagy,
know yourself, you love yourself. Whatever the mind ismered nmagad, szereted nmagad. Brmit tesz
does, it does for the love of its own self. The very az elme, azrt teszi, mert szereti sajt njt. Az n
nature of the self is love. It is loved, loving and igazi termszete a szeretet. szeretett, szeret s
lovable. It is the self that makes the body and the szeretetre mlt. Valjban a fel irnyul figyelem
mind so interesting, so very dear. The very attention az nbl jn.
given to them comes from the self.

Q: If the self is not the body nor the mind, can it exist K: Ha az n nem a test, s nem is az elme, akkor
without the body and the mind? test s elme nlkl is ltezhet?

M: Yes, it can. It is a matter of actual experience that M: Igen, ltezhet. Valsgos tapasztalatom alapjn
the self has being independent of mind and body. It az n lte fggetlen az elmtl s a testtl. Ez a lt
is being -- awareness -- bliss. Awareness of being is tudatossg dvssg. A lt tudatossga
bliss. dvssg.

Q: It may be a matter of actual experience to you, K: Lehet, hogy ez neked valsgos tapasztalatod,
but it is not my case. How can I come to the same de velem nem ez a helyzet. Hogyan szerezhetek
experience? What practices to follow, what ilyen tapasztalatot? Milyen prakszist kell kvetni,
exercises to take up? milyen gyakorlatokat kell vgezni?

M: To know that you are neither body nor mind, M: Hogy megtudd, hogy nem vagy test, s elme
watch yourself steadily and live unaffected by your sem, llhatatosan figyeld nmagadat, s lj testedtl
body and mind, completely aloof, as if you were s elmdtl rintetlenl, teljesen kzmbsen,
dead. It means you have no vested interests, either mintha halott lennl. Vagyis ne legyenek egyni
in the body or in the mind. rdekeltsgeid, se testeddel, se elmddel

Q: Dangerous. K: Ez letveszlyes.

M: I am not asking you to commit suicide. Nor can M: Nem azt krem, hogy legyl ngyilkos. Nem is
you. You can only kill the body, you cannot stop the tudnl. Csak a testet tudod meglni, sem a mentlis
mental process, nor can you put an end to the folyamatokat nem tudod meglltani, sem annak a
person you think you are. Just remain unaffected. szemlynek nem tudsz vget vetni, akinek gondolod
This complete aloofness, unconcern with mind and magad. Csak maradj rintetlen. Ez a teljes
body is the best proof that at the core of your being tartzkods, az elmvel s a testtel val nem
you are neither mind nor body. What happens to the trds a legjobb bizonytka, hogy ltednek sem az
body and the mind may not be within your power to elme, sem a test nem lnyege. A testeddel s
change, but you can always put an end to your elmddel kapcsolatos trtnseket nincs
imagining yourself to be body and mind. Whatever hatalmadban megvltoztatni, de annak brmikor
happens, remind yourself that only your body and vget vethetsz, hogy testnek s elmnek kpzeld
mind are affected, not yourself. The more earnest magad. Brmi trtnik, emlkeztesd magad, hogy az
you are at remembering what needs to be csak elmdet s testedet rintik, nmagadat nem.
remembered, the sooner will you be aware of Minl komolyabban emlkszel arra, amire
yourself as you are, for memory will become emlkezned kell, annl hamarabb leszel tudatban
experience. Earnestness reveals being. What is nmagadnak, aki valjban vagy, mert az emlkezet
imagined and willed becomes actuality -- here lies tapasztalatt vlik. Komolysg fedi fel a ltet. Amit
the danger as well as the way out. elkpzelsz s akarsz, valsgg vlik ebben rejlik
a veszly, valamint a kit.
Tell me, what steps have you taken to separate your
real self, that in you which is changeless, from your Mondd el nekem, milyen lpseket tettl, hogy
body and mind? elklntsd a benned lv vltozhatatlan, valdi nt

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
a testedtl s az elmdtl?

Q: I am a medical man, I have studied a lot, I K: Orvos vagyok, sokat tanultam, szigor fegyelmet
imposed on myself a strict discipline in the way of sajttottam el gyakorlatokkal s szigor bjtkkel,
exercises and periodical fasts and I am a vegetarian. s vegetrinus vagyok.

M: But in the depth of your heart what is it that you M: De mi az, amit a szved mlyn akarsz?

Q: I want to find reality. K: Meg akarom tallni a valsgot.

M: What price are you willing to pay for reality? Any M: Milyen rat vagy hajland megfizetni a
price? valsgrt? Brmilyen rat?

Q: While in theory I am ready to pay any price, in K: Mikzben ksz vagyok elmletben brmi rat
actual life again and again I am being prompted to megfizetni, tnylegesen az letem sorn jra s jra
behave in ways which come in between me and olyan utakra rzek ksztetst, amely kzm s a
reality. Desire carries me away. valsg kz furakszik. A vgy flre visz.

M: Increase and widen your desires till nothing but M: Addig gyaraptsd s szlestsd a vgyaidat, amg
reality can fulfil them. It is not desire that is wrong, semmi ms nem felel meg nekik, csak a valsg.
but its narrowness and smallness. Desire is Nem a vgy a rossz, hanem annak korltoltsga s
devotion. By all means be devoted to the real, the kicsinysge. A vgy odaads. Felttel nlkl lgy
infinite, the eternal heart of being. Transform desire odaad a valsg irnt, a lt vgtelen, rk szve
into love. All you want is to be happy. All your irnt. Alaktsd t a vgyat szeretett. Minden
desires, whatever they may be, are expressions of akaratod az, hogy boldog lgy. Minden vgyad,
your longing for happiness. Basically, you wish akrmik is azok, a boldogsg irnti vgyakozsod
yourself well. kifejezdse. Alapveten jt kvnsz nmagadnak.

Q: I know that I should not K: Tudom, de nem kellene

M: Wait. Who told you that you should not? What is M: Vrj. Kitl hallottad, hogy nem kellene? Mi rossz
wrong with wanting to be happy? van abban, hogy boldog akarsz lenni?

Q: The self must go, l know. K: Az nnek mennie kell, tudom.

M: But the self is there. Your desires are there. Your M: De az n jelen van. Vgyaid vannak. Boldogsg
longing to be happy is there. Why? Because you utni vgyad van. Mirt? Mert szereted magad.
love yourself. By all means love yourself -- wisely. Minden krlmnyek kztt szeresd magad
What is wrong is to love yourself stupidly, so as to blcsen. Akkor van baj, ha butn szereted magad,
make yourself suffer. Love yourself wisely. Both szenvedst okozva ezzel nmagadnak. Szeresd
indulgence and austerity have the same purpose in nmagad blcsen. Mind az lvezetnek, mind a
view -- to make you happy. Indulgence is the stupid mrtkletessgnek lthatlag ugyanaz a clja
way, austerity is the wise way. tged boldogg tenni. lvezet az ostoba t,
mrtkletessg a blcs t.

Q: What is austerity? K: Mi a mrtkletessg?

M: Once you have gone through an experience, not M: Nem menni keresztl ismtelten azon a
to go through it again is austerity. To eschew the tapasztalaton, amelyiken mr keresztlmentl
unnecessary is austerity. Not to anticipate pleasure mrtkletessg. Szksgtelentl tartzkodni
or pain is austerity. Having things under control at all mrskletessg. lvezetet vagy fjdalmat nem
times is austerity. Desire by itself is not wrong. It is siettetni mrskletessg. A dolgokat llandan
life itself, the urge to grow in knowledge and kontroll alatt tartani mrskletessg. A vgy mint
experience. olyan, nem helytelen. A vgy maga az let, a tuds-
s tapasztalatbeli nvekedsre val sztnzs.

It is the choices you make that are wrong. To A vlasztsaid a helytelenek. Azt kpzelni, hogy
imagine that some little thing food, sex, power, valamilyen csekly dolog tel, szex, hatalom,
fame -- will make you happy is to deceive yourself. hrnv boldogg tehet, nmagad becsapsa. Csak

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
Only something as vast and deep as your real self ami annyira hatalmas s mly, mint a te valdi ned,
can make you truly and lastingly happy. tehet tged igazn s tartsan boldogg.

Q: Since there is nothing basically wrong in desire K: Mivel a vgyban, mint az n szeretetnek a
as an expression of love of self, how should desire kifejezsben alapjban vve semmi rossz nincs,
be managed? mikppen kell a vgyakat kezelni?

M: Live your life intelligently, with the interests of M: ld az letedet intelligensen, elmdben a
your deepest self always in mind. After all, what do legmlyebb ned irnti rdekldssel. Elvgre mit
you really want? Not perfection; you are already akarsz valjban? Nem tkletessget; te mr
perfect. What you seek is to express in action what tkletes vagy. Amit keresel, az annak
you are. For this you have a body and a mind. Take cselekvsben val kifejezse, ami vagy. Ezrt van
them in hand and make them serve you. tested s elmd. Vedd ket kzbe, s tedd ket

Q: Who is the operator here? Who is to take the K: Ki mkdik itt? Ki az, akinek a test-elmt kzbe
body-mind in hand? kell vennie?

M: The purified mind is the faithful servant of the M: A megtisztult elme, az n hsges szolgja. Ez
self. It takes charge of the instruments, inner and veszi gondjaiba az eszkzket, a belsket s a
outer, and makes them serve their purpose. klsket egyarnt, s lltja ket cljainak

Q: And what is their purpose? K: s mik a clok?

M: The self is universal and its aims are universal. M: Az n univerzlis, s cljai univerzlisak. Semmi
There is nothing personal about the self. Live an nem szemlyes az nnel kapcsolatban. lj egy
orderly life, but don't make it a goal by itself. It rendes letet, de ne tzz ki nmagrt val clt. Ez
should be the starting point for high adventure. kell, hogy legyen a kiindulpontja a nagy kalandnak.

Q: Do you advise me to come to India repeatedly? K: Mi a tancsod, jjjek el tbbszr Indiba?

M: If you are earnest, you don't need moving about. M: Ha komoly vagy, e clbl meg se kell mozdulnod.
You are yourself wherever you are and you create nmagad vagy akrhol vagy, s te teremted sajt
your own climate. Locomotion and transportation will klmdat. Helyvltoztats s utazs rvn nem fogsz
not give you salvation. You are not the body and dvzlni. Te nem a test vagy, s a test helyrl
dragging the body from place to place will take you helyre vonszolsa nem fog eljuttatni sehov.
nowhere. Your mind is free to roam the three worlds Elmdnek szabadsgban ll a hrom vilg
-- make full use of it. bekalandozsa hasznld ki teljes mrtkben.

Q: If I am free, why am I in a body? K: Ha szabad vagyok, mirt vagyok testben?

M: You are not in the body, the body is in you. The M: Nem vagy a testben, a test van tebenned. Az
mind is in you. They happen to you. They are there elme is tebenned van. Ezek trtnnek veled. Azrt
because you find them interesting. Your very nature vannak itt, mert rdekesnek tartod ket. Valdi
has the infinite capacity to enjoy. It is full of zest and termszetednek vgtelen a kapacitsa az rmre.
affection. It sheds its radiance on all that comes Csupa letkedv s szeretet. Kirasztja ragyogst
within its focus of awareness and nothing is mindenre, ami tudatossga fkuszba kerl, s
excluded. It does not know evil nor ugliness, it ebbl semmi nincs kizrva. Nem ismer se gonoszt,
hopes, it trusts, it loves. You people do not know se rtsgot, remnykedik, bizakodik, szeret. Te
how much you miss by not knowing your own true ember, nem tudod, mekkort hibzol, ha nem
self. You are neither the body nor the mind, neither ismered meg sajt valdi nedet. Te nem vagy sem
the fuel nor the fire. They appear and disappear a test, sem az elme, sem a tzel, sem a tz.
according to their own laws. Mindezek sajt trvnyeik szerint jelennek meg s
tnnek el.
That which you are, your true self, you love it, and
whatever you do, you do for your own happiness. To Szereted azt, ami vagy, valdi nedet, s brmit
find it, to know it, to cherish it is your basic urge. teszel, sajt boldogsgod rdekben teszed.
Since time immemorial you loved yourself, but never Felfedezni azt, megismerni azt, gondjt viselni neki,
wisely. Use your body and mind wisely in the service ez alapvet ksztetsed. Emberemlkezet eltti id

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
of the self, that is all. Be true to your own self, love ta szeretted nmagadat, de sohasem blcsen.
your self absolutely. Do not pretend that you love Hasznld blcsen testedet s elmdet az n
others as yourself. Unless you have realised them szolglatban, ez minden. Lgy h sajt nedhez,
as one with yourself, you cannot love them. Don't szeresd nedet felttel nlkl. Ne sznleld, hogy
pretend to be what you are not, don't refuse to be nmagadknt szeretsz msokat. Hacsak fel nem
what you are. Your love of others is the result of self- ismerted, hogy k veled egyek, nem szeretheted
knowledge, not its cause. Without self-realisation, no ket. Ne tettesd magad annak, aki nem vagy, ne
virtue is genuine. When you know beyond all tagadd meg azt, aki vagy. Msok irnti szereteted az
doubting that the same life flows through all that is nismeretnek eredmnye, nem pedig oka.
and you are that life, you will love all naturally and nmegvalsts nlkl semmilyen erny nem
spontaneously. When you realise the depth and hiteles. Amikor tudod, minden ktsget kizran,
fullness of your love of yourself, you know that every hogy mindenen keresztl egyazon let ramlik, s
living being and the entire universe are included in hogy te vagy az az let, szeretni fogsz mindent,
your affection. But when you look at anything as termszetes s spontn mdon. Amikor felismered
separate from you, you cannot love it for you are nszereteted mlysgt s teljessgt, tudni fogod,
afraid of it. Alienation causes fear and fear deepens hogy minden llnyt s az egsz univerzumot
alienation. It is a vicious circle. Only self-realisation magban foglalja a szereteted. De mikor brmire
can break it. Go for it resolutely. tled klnllknt tekintesz, nem szeretheted, mert
flsz tle. Az elidegeneds flelmet okoz, s a
flelem fokozza az elidegenedst. Ez egy rdgi
kr. Csak az nmegvalsts trheti meg. Efel
trekedj, eltklten.

47. Watch Your Mind 47. Figyeld az elmdet

Questioner: In one's search for the essential, one Krdez: Mikzben a lnyeget keresi az ember,
soon realises one's inadequacy and the need for a hamarosan felismeri alkalmatlansgt, s egy
guide or a teacher. This implies a certain discipline vezet, vagy tant szksgessgt. Ez bizonyos
for you are expected to trust your guide and follow fegyelmet tesz szksgess, mert elvrs feld a
implicitly his advice and instruction. Yet the social vezetd irnti bizalom, s kvetkezskppen
urgencies and pressures are so great, personal tancsainak s instrukciinak kvetse. De a
desires and fears so powerful, that the simplicity of jelentkeny trsadalmi srgets s nyoms, a
mind and will, essential in obedience, are not szemly erteljes vgyai s flelmei miatt nem jn
forthcoming. How to strike a balance between the ltre az elme s az akarat gyermeki bizalma,
need for a Guru and the difficulty in obeying him elengedhetetlen engedelmessge. Hogy lehet
implicitly? kompromisszumot teremteni a Guru irnti igny, s
a neki val engedelmessg nehzsge kztt?

Maharaj: What is done under pressure of society Maharaj: A trsadalom s a krlmnyek knyszere
and circumstances does not matter much, for it is alatti cselekedetek nem nagyon fontosak, mert
mostly mechanical, mere reacting to impacts. It is javarszt gpies, pusztn behatsok ltal keltett
enough to watch oneself dispassionately to isolate reakcik. Elegend, ha az ember prtatlan mdon
oneself completely from what is going on. What has figyeli nmagt, hogy tkletesen elszigetelje magt
been done without minding, blindly, may add to attl, ami vgbemegy. Az sz nlkl, vakon
one's karma (destiny), otherwise it hardly matters. elkvetett cselekedetek hozzaddhatnak a
The Guru demands one thing only; clarity and karmhoz (sors), egybknt nemigen lnyegesek. A
intensity of purpose, a sense of responsibility for Guru egyet kr csupn, tiszta s intenzv
oneself. The very reality of the world must be cltudatossgot, nmagad irnti felelssgrzst. A
questioned. Who is the Guru, after all? He who vilg egsznek realitsa megkrdjelezend. Ki a
knows the state in which there is neither the world Guru, vgl is? Az, aki ismeri az llapotot, amelyben
nor the thought of it, he is the Supreme Teacher. To nem ltezik sem a vilg, sem annak gondolata, a
find him means to reach the state in which Legfelsbb Tant. Megtallni t azt jelenti, hogy
imagination is no longer taken for reality. Please, elrni az llapotot, amelyben a kpzeletet nem
understand that the Guru stands for reality, for truth, tartod tbb valsgnak. Krlek, rtsd meg, hogy a
for what is. He is a realist in the highest sense of the Guru a valsgot, az igazsgot kpviseli, azt, ami
term. He cannot and shall not come to terms with van. a sz legteljesebb rtelmben realista. Nem
the mind and its delusions. He comes to take you to tud, s nem fog kiegyezni az elmvel, s annak
the real; don't expect him to do anything else. illziival. Azrt jn, hogy eljuttasson tged a
valsgba; ne vrj tle semmi egyebet.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
The Guru you have in mind, one who gives you Az a fajta Guru, akire te gondolsz, aki informcikat
information and instructions, is not the real Guru. s instrukcikat ad neked, az nem a valdi Guru. A
The real Guru is he who knows the real, beyond the valdi Guru az, aki ismeri a ltszatok kprzatn tli
glamour of appearances. To him your questions valsgot. Szmra a te engedelmessgre s
about obedience and discipline do not make sense, fegyelemre vonatkoz krdseid nem brnak
for in his eyes the person you take yourself to be jelentssel, mert az szemben a szemly, akinek
does not exist, your questions are about a non- te tartod magad, nem ltezik, a krdseid egy nem
existing person. What exists for you does not exist ltez szemlyre vonatkoznak. Ami ltezik a te
for him. What you take for granted, he denies szmodra, az nem ltezik az szmra. Amit te
absolutely. He wants you to see yourself as he sees magtl rtetdnek tekintesz, azt abszolte
you. Then you will not need a Guru to obey and elutastja. Azt akarja, hogy gy lsd magad, mint
follow, for you will obey and follow your own reality. ahogy lt tged. Akkor nem fog kelleni a Gurunak
Realise that whatever you think yourself to be is just engedelmeskedned, s t kvetned, mert sajt
a stream of events; that while all happens, comes valsgodnak fogsz engedelmeskedni, s azt fogod
and goes, you alone are, the changeless among the kvetni. Ismerd fel, hogy akrminek gondolod
changeful, the self-evident among the inferred. magad, az csak esemnyek ramlsa; mikzben
Separate the observed from the observer and minden trtnik, megjelenik s eltvozik, egyedl te
abandon false identifications. vagy, a vltoztathatatlan a vltozkonyban, a
magtl rtetd a kvetkeztetettben. Vlaszd kln
a megfigyeltet a megfigyeltl, s hagyj fel a hamis

Q: In order to find the reality, one should discard all K: A valsg megtallsa rdekben el kell vetni
that stands in the way. On the other hand, the need mindent, ami az utat elllja. Msfell, az adott
to survive within a given society compels one to do trsadalmi knyszerek kztti tlls kvetelmnye
and endure many things. Does one need to abandon miatt sok mindennek a vghezvitelre, s
one's profession and one's social standing in order elszenvedsre szksg van. Fel kell adnia az
to find reality? embernek a foglalkozst s trsadalmi helyzett
annak rdekben, hogy megtallja a valsgot?

M: Do your work. When you have a moment free, M: Vgezd a munkd. Amikor van egy pillanatnyi
look within. What is important is not to miss the szabad idd, tekints befel. Fontos, hogy ne hagyd
opportunity when it presents itself. If you are earnest ki a szmodra add kedvez alkalmat. Ha komoly
you will use your leisure fully. That is enough. vagy, teljes egszben kihasznlod a szabad iddet.
Ez elegend.

Q: In my search for the essential and discarding the K: A lnyeges keresse s a lnyegtelen elhagysa
unessential, is there any scope for creative living? sorn van-e valamilyen szkpja a kreatv letnek?
For instance, I love painting. Will it help me if I give Pldul, szeretem a festszetet. Segtsget jelent,
my leisure hours to painting? ha szabad rimat a festszetre fordtom?

M: Whatever you may have to do, watch your mind. M: Akrmit csinlhatsz, kzben figyeld az elmdet.
Also you must have moments of complete inner Kell, hogy legyenek olyan pillanataid is, amikor teljes
peace and quiet, when your mind is absolutely still. If a bels bke s a csend, amikor elmd abszolt
you miss it, you miss the entire thing. If you do not, nyugalomban van. Ha ezt elmulasztod, mindent
the silence of the mind will dissolve and absorb all elmulasztasz. Ha ezt nem csinlod, elmd csendje
else. szertefoszlik, s mindenfle mst szv magba.

Your difficulty lies in your wanting reality and being Nehzsged abban rejlik, hogy akarod a valsgot,
afraid of it at the same time. You are afraid of it s fled is, ugyanakkor. Fled, mert nem ismered. A
because you do not know it. The familiar things are megszokott dolgok ismersek, biztonsgban rzed
known, you feel secure with them. The unknown is magad velk. Az ismeretlen bizonytalan, s ezrt
uncertain and therefore dangerous. But to know veszlyes. De a valsg megismershez
reality is to be in harmony with it. And in harmony harmniban kell lenni vele. s a harmniban
there is no place for fear. nincs helye flelemnek.

An infant knows its body, but not the body-based Egy gyermek ismeri a testt, de a test alap
distinctions. It is just conscious and happy. After all, megklnbztetseket nem. Csupn tudatos, s
that was the purpose for which it was born. The boldog. Vgl is, ez volt a cl, amirt megszletett.
pleasure to be is the simplest form of self-love, A lt lvezete az nszeretet legegyszerbb formja,

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
which later grows into love of the self. Be like an amely ksbb az n szeretetbe n bele. Lgy akr
infant with nothing standing between the body and egy gyermek, nem lltva semmit a test s az n
the self. The constant noise of the psychic life is kz. A pszichikai let lland zaja nla hinyzik. A
absent. In deep silence the self contemplates the mly csendben az n szemlli a testet. Az olyan,
body. It is like the white paper on which nothing is mint a fehr papr, amelyre semmi sincs rva mg.
written yet. Be like that infant, instead of trying to be Lgy akr a gyermek, ahelyett, hogy ez, vagy az
this or that, be happy to be. You will be a fully prblnl lenni, lgy boldog, hogy vagy. Teljesen
awakened witness of the field of consciousness. But felbredett tanja leszel a tudatossg ternek. De
there should be no feelings and ideas to stand ne legyenek rzsek s idek, kzted s a tr
between you and the field. kztt.

Q: To be content with mere being seems to be a K: A puszta ltezssel val megelgeds az

most selfish way of passing time. idtlts legnzbb mdjnak tnik.

M: A most worthy way of being selfish. By all means M: Az nzs legbecsletesebb mdja.
be selfish by foregoing everything but the Self. Termszetesen lgy nz, lemondva mindenrl, az
When you love the Self and nothing else, you go nt kivve. Amikor semmi mst nem szeretsz, csak
beyond the selfish and the unselfish. All distinctions az nt, mindenfle nzsget s nzetlensget
lose their meaning. Love of one and love of all meghaladsz. Mindenfle megklnbztets elveszti
merge together in love, pure and simple, addressed rtelmt. Az egy szeretete s a minden szeretete
to none, denied to none. Stay in that love, go deeper egybeolvadnak a szeretetben, a tisztasgban s
and deeper into it, investigate yourself and love the egyszersgben, nem cmkzve semmit, nem
investigation and you will solve not only your own elutastva semmit. Idzz ebben a szeretetben,
problems but also the problems of humanity. You merlj benne mlyebbre s mlyebbre, kutasd
will know what to do. Do not ask superficial magad, s szeresd e kutatst, s meg fogod oldani,
questions; apply yourself to fundamentals, to the nemcsak sajt problmdat, hanem az emberisg
very roots of your being. problmit is. Tudni fogod, hogy mit kell tenned. Ne
tgy fel felsznes krdseket; fordulj a sarkalatos
krdsek fel, lted igazi alapjai fel.

Q: Is there a way for me to speed up my self- K: Van olyan mdszer, amellyel felgyorsthatom az
realisation? nmegvalstsomat?

M: Of course there is. M: Termszetesen van.

Q: Who will do this speeding up? Will you do it for K: Ki fogja felgyorstani? Megtennd szmomra?

M: Neither you will do it, nor me. It will just happen. M: Nem te fogod megtenni, sem n. Csupn

Q: My very coming here has proved it. Is this K: Valjban idejvetelem igazolta. Ez a
speeding up due to holy company? When I left last felgyorsuls a szent trsasg miatt kvetkezik be?
time, I hoped to come back. And I did. Now I am Amikor elmentem legutbb, remnykedtem, hogy
desperate that so soon I have to leave for England. visszajvk. s megtrtnt. Most abban
remnykedem, hogy hamarosan Angliba megyek.

M: You are like a newly born child. It was there M: Olyan vagy, akr egy jszltt gyermek. Mr
before but not conscious of its being. At its birth a eltte is volt, de nem volt tudatos a ltre.
world arose in it, and with it the consciousness of Szletsekor megjelent benne egy vilg, s vele a
being. Now you have just to grow in consciousness, ltezs tudatossga. Most csupn bele kell nnd a
that is all. The child is the king of the world -- when it tudatossgba, ez minden. A gyermek a vilg kirlya
grows up, it takes charge of its kingdom. Imagine amikor feln, tveszi kirlysgnak irnytst.
that in its infancy it fell seriously ill and the physician Kpzeld el, hogy gyermekkorban slyos beteg lesz,
cured it. Does it mean that the young king owes his s orvosi kezelst kap. Ez azt jelenti, hogy a fiatal
kingdom to the physician? Only, perhaps as one of kirly az orvosnak ksznheti a kirlysgt? Ez
the contributing factors. There were so many others; taln csak egyike a kzremkd tnyezknek. Oly
all contributed. But the main factor, the most crucial, sok ms tnyez is volt, amelyek mindegyike
was the fact of being born the son of a king. kzremkdtt. De a legfbb, a legkritikusabb
Similarly, the Guru may help. But the main thing that tnyez az a tny, hogy kirly fiaknt szletett. A

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
helps is to have reality within. It will assert itself. Guru hasonlkppen segthet. De a legfbb, ami
Your coming here definitely helped you. It is not the segt, a valsg birtokban lenni bell. Az ki fogja
only thing that is going to help you. The main thing is magt jelenteni. Idejveteled ktsgtelen, hogy
your own being. Your very earnestness testifies to it. segtsget jelent szmodra. Nem ez az egyetlen,
ami segt. A legfbb a te sajt lted. ppen a
komolysgod az, ami ezt bizonytja.

Q: Does my pursuing a vocation deny my K: Hivatsom gyakorlsa cfolja komolysgomat?


M: I told you already. As long as you allow yourself M: Mr mondtam. Amg lehetv teszed magad
an abundance of moments of peace, you can safely szmra a bke pillanatainak a sokasgt, kockzat
practice your most honourable profession. These nlkl gyakorolhatod legnagyobb tiszteletet rdeml
moments of inner quiet will burn out all obstacles hivatsodat. A bels csend e pillanatai okvetlenl fel
without fail. Don't doubt its efficacy. Try it. fognak getni minden akadlyt. Ne ktelkedj
hatsossgban. Prbld ki.

Q: But, I did try. K: De ht prbltam.

M: Never faithfully, never steadily. Otherwise you M: Sosem hitelesen, sosem llhatatosan. Egybknt
would not be asking such questions. You are asking nem tennl fel ilyen krdseket. Azrt krdezel, mert
because you are not sure of yourself. And you are nem vagy biztos magadban. s azrt nem vagy
not sure of yourself because you never paid biztos magadban, mert sohasem figyeltl magadra,
attention to yourself, only to your experiences. Be csak a tapasztalataidra. Tansts nmagad irnt
interested in yourself beyond all experience, be with minden tapasztalat feletti rdekldst, lgy
yourself, love yourself; the ultimate security is found nmagaddal, szeresd nmagad; a vgs biztonsg
only in self-knowledge. The main thing is csak az nismeretben tallhat. A legfbb dolog a
earnestness. Be honest with yourself and nothing komolysg. Lgy becsletes nmagaddal, s semmi
will betray you. Virtues and powers are mere tokens sem fog elcsbtani. Erny s hatalom csupn
for children to play with. They are useful in the world, jtkpnzek, a gyermekek jtkszere. Hasznosak a
but do not take you out of it. To go beyond, you vilgban, de nem visznek tged ki belle. Hogy
need alert immobility, quiet attention. meghaladd, llhatatossgra, nyugodt figyelemre van

Q: What then becomes of one's physical being? K: Miv lesz akkor az ember fizikai lte?

M: As long as you are healthy, you live on. M: Amg egszsges vagy, tovbb lsz.

Q: This life of inner immobility, will it not affect one's K: Ez egy belsleg mozdulatlan let, nem lesz
health? hatssal az egszsgre?

M: Your body is food transformed. As your food, M: A tested egy tpllk talakt. Amilyen az
gross and subtle, so will be your health. teled, durva s finom, olyan lesz az egszsged.

Q: And what happens to the sex instinct? How can it K: s mi trtnik a nemi sztnnel? Hogyan lehet
be controlled? kontrolllni?

M: Sex is an acquired habit. Go beyond. As long as M: A szex tanult viselkedsmd. Lpj rajta tl. Amg
your focus is on the body, you will remain in the a testre fkuszlsz, addig az evs s a szex, a
clutches of food and sex, fear and death. Find flelem s a hall karmai kzt maradsz. Talld meg
yourself and be free. nmagad, s lgy szabad.

48. Awareness is Free 48. A tudat szabad

Questioner: I have just arrived from Sri Krdez: Most jvk Sri Ramanashrambl. Ht
Ramanashram. I have spent seven months there. hnapot tltttem ott.

Maharaj: What practice were you following at the Maharaj: Milyen gyakorlatot kvettl az
Ashram? Ashramban?

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok

Q: As far as I could, I concentrated on the 'Who am K: Amennyire csak tudtam, a Ki vagyok n?-re
l'? sszpontostottam..

M: Which way were you doing it? Verbally? M: Ezt milyen mdon tetted? Verblisan?

Q: In my free moments during the course of the day. K: A nap folyamn add szabad pillanataimban.
Sometimes I was murmuring to myself 'Who am l?' 'I Nha mormogtam magamban, hogy Ki vagyok n?,
am, but who am l?' Or, I did it mentally. Occasionally Vagyok, de ki vagyok n?, vagy mentlisan
I would have some nice feeling, or get into moods of csinltam ugyanezt. Idnknt kellemes rzsek
quiet happiness. On the whole I was trying to be tltttek el, vagy a teljes boldogsg lelkillapotba
quiet and receptive, rather than labouring for kerltem. Egszben vve nyugodt s elfogad
experiences. igyekeztem lenni, hogysem, a tapasztalatokrt val
megdolgozs helyett.

M: What were you actually experiencing when you M: Mi volt a tnyleges tapasztalatod, amikor a
were in the right mood? megfelel lelkillapotban voltl?

Q: A sense of inner stillness, peace and silence. K: Bels nyugalom rzse, bke s csend.

M: Did you notice yourself becoming unconscious? M: Megfigyelted-e nmagad, hogy tudatlann vlsz?

Q: Yes, occasionally and for a very short time. K: Igen, ritkn s nagyon rvid ideig. Egybknt
Otherwise I was just quiet, inwardly and outwardly. nagyon nyugodt voltam, belsleg s klsleg is.

M: What kind of quiet was it? Something akin to M: Milyen jelleg volt ez a nyugalom? Kicsit a mly
deep sleep, yet conscious all the same. A sort of alvssal rokon, mgis tudatos? brenlti alvs fle?
wakeful sleep?

Q: Yes. Alertly asleep. (jagrit-sushupti). K: Igen. ber alvs. (jagrit-sushupti).

M: The main thing is to be free of negative emotions M: A legfbb dolog megszabadulni a negatv
-- desire, fear etc., the 'six enemies' of the mind. emciktl vgytl, flelemtl, stb., az elme hat
Once the mind is free of them, the rest will come ellensgtl. Amint az elme megszabadul tlk, a
easily. Just as cloth kept in soap water will become tbbi knnyen fog menni. Ahogy a kelme megtisztul
clean, so will the mind get purified in the stream of szappanos vztl, gy tisztul meg az elme a tiszta
pure feeling. rzsek ramlatban.

When you sit quiet and watch yourself, all kinds of Mikor csendesen lsz, s befel figyelsz, mindenfle
things may come to the surface. Do nothing about dolgok kerlhetnek felsznre. Ne csinlj velk
them, don't react to them; as they have come so will semmit, ne reaglj rjuk; ahogy jnnek, gy el is
they go, by themselves. All that matters is mennek, nmaguktl. Csupn a figyelem szmt,
mindfulness, total awareness of oneself or rather, of nmaga teljes bersge, azaz inkbb elmjnek a
one's mind. teljes bersge.

Q: By 'oneself' do you mean the daily self? K: nmaga alatt a htkznapi nt rted?

M: Yes, the person, which alone is objectively M: Igen, a szemlyt, ez figyelhet meg egyedl
observable. The observer is beyond observation. objektve. A megfigyel tl van a megfigyelsen.
What is observable is not the real self. Ami megfigyelhet, az nem a valdi n.

Q: I can always observe the observer, in endless K: n mindig szlelni tudom a megfigyelt, vgtelen
recession. visszavonulsban.

M: You can observe the observation, but not the M: A megfigyelst tudod szlelni, nem pedig a
observer. You know you are the ultimate observer megfigyelt. Hogy a vgs megfigyel vagy, azt
by direct insight, not by a logical process based on kzvetlen szellemi meglts alapjn tudod, nem
observation. You are what you are, but you know megfigyelsen alapul logikai folyamat rvn. Ami
what you are not. The self is known as being, the vagy, az vagy, azt pedig, hogy mi nem vagy, tudod.
not-self is known as transient. But in reality all is in Az nt ltknt ismered, a nem-nt mulandknt. De

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
the mind. The observed, observation and observer valjban minden az elmben van. A megfigyelt, a
are mental constructs. The self alone is. megfigyels s a megfigyel mentlis konstrukcik.
Az n van egyedl.

Q: Why does the mind create all these divisions? K: Mirt teremti az elme ezeket a

M: To divide and particularise is in the mind's very M: A feloszts s megklnbztets az elme

nature. There is no harm in dividing. But separation valsgos termszetbl fakad. Nincs semmi rossz
goes against fact. Things and people are different, a felosztsban. De az elklnts ellenkezik a
but they are not separate. Nature is one, reality is tnyekkel. A dolgok s emberek klnbzk, de
one. There are opposites, but no opposition. nem elklnltek. A termszet egy, a valsg egy.
Vannak ellenttek, de nincs szembenlls.

Q: I find that by nature I am very active. Here I am K: n termszettl fogva nagyon aktvnak ismerem
advised to avoid activity. The more I try to remain magam. Itt kerlni javasoljk az aktivitst. Minl
inactive, the greater the urge to do something. This inkbb prblok inaktv maradni, annl nagyobb a
makes me not only active outwardly, but also ksztetsem, hogy csinljak valamit. Ez nemcsak
struggling inwardly to be what by nature I am not. Is klsleg aktivizl, de belsleg is kzdelemre ksztet,
there a remedy against longing for work? hogy az legyek, ami termszetemtl fogva nem
vagyok. Van gygyszer a tnykeds irnti svrgs

M: There is a difference between work and mere M: Klnbsg van munka, s puszta tevkenysg
activity. All nature works. Work is nature, nature is kztt. Az egsz termszet dolgozik. A munka
work. On the other hand, activity is based on desire termszet, a termszet munka. Msfell, a
and fear, on longing to possess and enjoy, on fear of tevkenysg vgyra s flelemre alapszik, birtokls
pain and annihilation. Work is by the whole for the s lvezet utni svrgsra, szenvedstl s
whole, activity is by oneself for oneself. megsemmislstl val flelemre. Az egsz
munkja az egszrt, az egyn tevkenysge az
egynrt trtnik.

Q: Is there a remedy against activity? K: Van gygyszer a tevkenysg ellen?

M: Watch it, and it shall cease. Use every M: Figyeld meg, s meg fog sznni. Hasznlj ki
opportunity to remind yourself that you are in minden alkalmat, hogy emlkeztesd magad,
bondage, that whatever happens to you is due to the ktelkek kztt vagy, hogy brmi trtnik veled, az
fact of your bodily existence. Desire, fear, trouble, fizikai ltezsed miatt van. Vgy, flelem, gond,
joy, they cannot appear unless you are there to rm, nem tudnak megjelenni, hacsak te ott nem
appear to. Yet, whatever happens, points to your vagy, hogy megjelenhessenek. De akrmi trtnik,
existence as a perceiving centre. Disregard the az ltezsedre, mint szlelsi kzpontra mutat.
pointers and be aware of what they are pointing to. It Hagyd figyelmen kvl a mutatkat, s azt
is quite simple, but it needs be done. What matters tudatostsd, amire azok mutatnak. Ez egy egszen
is the persistence with which you keep on returning egyszer dolog, de meg kell tenni. Ami szmt, az az
to yourself. llhatatossg, amellyel a magadhoz val
visszatrst folytatod.

Q: I do get into peculiar states of deep absorption K: Az nmagamba val mly feloldds klnleges
into myself, but unpredictably and momentarily. I do llapotba szoktam kerlni, de kiszmthatatlanul s
not feel myself to be in control of such states. pillanatokra. Nem rzem magam kontroll alatt ilyen

M: The body is a material thing and needs time to M: A test anyagi dolog, s idt ignyel a vltozsa.
change. The mind is but a set of mental habits, of Az elme mentlis szoksok, gondolkodsmdok s
ways of thinking and feeling, and to change they rzsek halmaza csupn, s megvltoztatsukhoz a
must be brought to the surface and examined. This felsznre kell ket hozni, s meg kell ket vizsglni.
also takes time. Just resolve and persevere, the rest Ez szintn idt vesz ignybe. Csak lgy elsznt, s
will take care of itself. tarts ki, a tbbi majd gondoskodik nmagrl.

Q: I seem to have a clear idea of what needs be K: Azt hiszem, tisztn ltom a teendket, de fradt

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
done, but I find myself getting tired and depressed vagyok s levert, s emberi trsasgot keresek, s
and seeking human company and thus wasting time gy elpazarolt id, amit magnyra s meditcira
that should be given to solitude and meditation. fordtok.

M: Do what you feel like doing. Don't bully yourself. M: Tedd, amihez kedved van. Ne tgy erszakot
Violence will make you hard and rigid. Do not fight magadon. Az erszak kemnny s ridegg tesz.
with what you take to be obstacles on your way. Just Ne harcolj azzal, amit utad akadlynak tekintesz.
be interested in them, watch them, observe, enquire. Csak rdekldj irnta, szemlld, figyeld meg,
Let anything happen -- good or bad. But don't let vizsgld. Hadd trtnjk akrmi j vagy rossz. De
yourself be submerged by what happens. ne engedd magad elmerlni a trtnsben.

Q: What is the purpose in reminding oneself all the K: Mi a clja annak, hogy az ember llandan
time that one is the watcher? emlkeztesse magt, hogy a megfigyel?

M: The mind must learn that beyond the moving M: Az elmnek meg kell tanulnia, hogy a mozg
mind there is the background of awareness, which elme mgtt, a httrben, ott van a nem vltoz
does not change. The mind must come to know the bersg. Az elme meg kell, hogy ismerje a valdi
true self and respect it and cease covering it up, like nt, s tisztelnie kell azt, s abba kell hagyja annak
the moon which obscures the sun during solar eltakarst, miknt a hold is takarja a napot
eclipse. Just realise that nothing observable, or napfogyatkozs idejn. Csupn ismerd fel, hogy
experienceable is you, or binds you. Take no notice semmilyen megfigyelhet, vagy tapasztalhat nem
of what is not yourself. te vagy, s nem kt meg tged. Hagyd figyelmen
kvl, ami nem nmagad.

Q: To do what you tell me I must be ceaselessly K: Ahhoz, hogy azt csinljam, amit mondasz,
aware. szakadatlanul bernek kell lennem.

M: To be aware is to be awake. Unaware means M: bernek lenni annyi, mint felbredettnek lenni. A
asleep. You are aware anyhow, you need not try to nem bersg alvst jelent. Mindenkppen ber
be. What you need is to be aware of being aware. vagy, nem kell erlkdnd, hogy legyl. Ami
Be aware deliberately and consciously, broaden and szksges, hogy tudatban legyl, az
deepen the field of awareness. You are always bersgednek. Legyl szndkosan s tudatosan
conscious of the mind, but you are not aware of ber, tgtva s mlytve az bersg tert. Mindig
yourself as being conscious. tudatban vagy az elmnek, de nem vagy tudatban
nmagadnak, mint ltez tudatossgnak.

Q: As I can make out, you give distinct meanings to K: Ahogy szreveszem, eltr jelentst tulajdontasz
the words 'mind', 'consciousness', and 'awareness'. az elme, tudatossg s bersg szavaknak.

M: Look at it this way. The mind produces thoughts M: Tekintsd gy. Az elme szntelenl gondolatokat
ceaselessly, even when you do not look at them. termel, mg ha nem figyelsz is rjuk. Amikor tudod,
When you know what is going on in your mind, you hogy mi zajlik az elmdben, annak neve tudatossg.
call it consciousness. This is your waking state -- Ez az brenlti llapotod tudatossgod rzkletrl
your consciousness shifts from sensation to rzkletre, szlelsrl szlelsre, iderl idera vlt,
sensation, from perception to perception, from idea vgtelen egymsutnban. Ezt kveti az bersg, a
to idea, in endless succession. Then comes tudatossg egszbe val kzvetlen belelts, Az
awareness, the direct insight into the whole of elme, folyhoz hasonlan, a test folymedrben
consciousness, the totality of the mind. The mind is ramlik szntelen; azonostod magad egy pillanatra
like a river, flowing ceaselessly in the bed of the egy konkrt hullmmal, s gy nevezed: az n
body; you identify yourself for a moment with some gondolatom. Minden, aminek tudatban vagy, az az
particular ripple and call it: 'my thought'. All you are elmd; az bersg a tudatossgrl, mint egszrl
conscious of is your mind; awareness is the val tudoms.
cognisance of consciousness as a whole.

Q: Everybody is conscious, but not everybody is K: Mindenki tudatos, de nem mindenki ber.

M: Don't say: 'everybody is conscious'. Say: 'there is M: Ne gy mondd, hogy: mindenki tudatos. gy
consciousness', in which everything appears and mondd, hogy: van tudatossg, amelyben minden
disappears. Our minds are just waves on the ocean megjelenik s eltnik. Gondolataink csak hullmok a

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
of consciousness. As waves they come and go. As tudatossg cenjn. Hullmokknt jnnek s
ocean they are infinite and eternal. Know yourself as mennek. Vgtelenek s rkk tartk, mint az
the ocean of being, the womb of all existence. These cen. Ismerd nmagad a lt cenjnak, minden
are all metaphors of course; the reality is beyond ltezs kiindulpontjnak. Mindezek persze
description. You can know it only by being it. metafork; a valsg meghaladja a lersokat. Akkor
ismered csak, ha megled.

Q: Is the search for it worth the trouble? K: Keresse megri a szenvedst?

M: Without it all is trouble. If you want to live sanely, M: Nlkle minden szenveds. Ha azt akarod, hogy
creatively and happily and have infinite riches to sszeren, kreatvan s boldogan lj, s vgtelen
share, search for what you are. gazdagsgban rszeslj, keresd azt, ami vagy.

While the mind is centred in the body and Mg az elme a testben koncentrldik, s a
consciousness is centred in the mind, awareness is tudatossg az elmben, addig az bersg szabad. A
free. The body has its urges and mind its pains and testnek ksztetsei, s az elmnek fjdalmai s
pleasures. Awareness is unattached and unshaken. rmei vannak. Az bersg szabad s rendletlen.
It is lucid, silent, peaceful, alert and unafraid, without Ragyog, csendes, bks, eleven s nem fl, hjn
desire and fear. Meditate on it as your true being van vgyaknak s flelmeknek. Meditlj rajta, mint
and try to be it in your daily life, and you shall realise igaz lteden, s prblj az lenni a mindennapok
it in its fullness. sorn, s fel fogod ismerni t, az teljessgben.

Mind is interested in what happens, while awareness Az elmt a trtns rdekli, mg az bersget maga
is interested in the mind itself. The child is after the az elme. A gyermek a jtkkal trdik, de az anya a
toy, but the mother watches the child, not the toy. gyermeket figyeli, nem a jtkot.

By looking tirelessly, I became quite empty and with Fradhatatlan figyelem rvn teljesen ress
that emptiness all came back to me except the mind. vltam, s ezzel az ressggel minden visszatrt
I find I have lost the mind irretrievably. hozzm, kivve az elmt. gy tallom, hogy
elvesztettem az elmt, visszavonhatatlanul.

Q: As you talk to us just now, are you unconscious? K: Mikzben hozznk beszlsz, tudatos vagy?

M: I am neither conscious nor unconscious, I am M: Nem vagyok sem tudatos, sem tudattalan, tl
beyond the mind and its various states and vagyok az elmn, s annak klnfle llapotain, s
conditions. Distinctions are created by the mind and felttelein. A megklnbztetseket az elme
apply to the mind only. I am pure Consciousness teremette, s csak az elmre rvnyesek. n maga
itself, unbroken awareness of all that is. I am in a a tiszta Tudatossg vagyok, tretlen bersge
more real state than yours. I am undistracted by the mindennek, ami van. llapotom sokkal
distinctions and separations which constitute a valsgosabb, mint a tid. Figyelmemet nem vonjk
person. As long as the body lasts, it has its needs el a szemlyt alkot klnbsgek s elvlasztsok.
like any other, but my mental process has come to Amg a test kitart, lesznek szksgletei, mint brki
an end. msnak, de mentlis folyamataim vget rtek.

Q: You behave like a person who thinks. K: Olyan a viselkedsed, mint egy gondolkod

M: Why not? But my thinking, like my digestion, is M: Mirt ne lenne? De a gondolkodsom, az

unconscious and purposeful. emsztsemhez hasonlan, tudattalan s

Q: If your thinking is unconscious, how do you know K: Ha gondolkodsod tudattalan, akkor honnan
that it is right? tudod, hogy helyes?

M: There is no desire, nor fear to thwart it. What can M: Se vgy, se flelem nincs, hogy akadlyozza. Mi
make it wrong? Once I know myself and what I tudn elrontani? Mivel ismerem magam, s amit
stand for, I do not need to check on myself all the kpviselek, nem kell szakadatlanul ellenriznem
time. When you know that your watch shows correct magam. Ha tudod, hogy rd pontos idt mutat,
time, you do not hesitate each time you consult it. soha nem habozol megnzni.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
Q: At this very moment who talks, if not the mind? K: E pillanatban ki beszl, ha nem az elme?

M: That which hears the question, answers it. M: Ami a krdst hallja, az vlaszol r.

Q: But who is it? K: De ki az?

M: Not who, but what. I'm not a person in your sense M: Nem ki, hanem mi. n nem a te vilgfelfogsod
of the word, though I may appear a person to you. I szerinti szemly vagyok, habr szemlynek tnhetek
am that infinite ocean of consciousness in which all szmodra. n a vgtelen tudatossg cen vagyok,
happens. I am also beyond all existence and amelyben minden trtnik. Minden ltezsen s
cognition, pure bliss of being. There is nothing I feel megismersen is tl, a lt tiszta dve vagyok.
separate from, hence I am all. No thing is me, so I Semmitl nem rzem magam elklnltnek, ezrt n
am nothing. vagyok minden. Semmilyen dolog nem n, gyhogy
semmi vagyok.

The same power that makes the fire burn and the Ugyanaz az er hozza ltre a vlaszomat is a
water flow, the seeds sprout and the trees grow, krdseidre, amely a tzet tpllja, s a vizet
makes me answer your questions. There is nothing ramoltatja, a magokat csrztatja, s a fkat
personal about me, though the language and the nveszti. Semmi nem szemlyes velem
style may appear personal. A person is a set pattern kapcsolatban, annak ellenre, hogy a nyelv s a
of desires and thoughts and resulting actions; there stlus szemlyesnek tnhet. A szemly vgy- s
is no such pattern in my case. There is nothing I gondolat mintk, s reagl cselekvsek halmaza;
desire or fear -- how can there be a pattern? az n esetemben nincsenek ilyen mintk. Semmi
nincs, amit vgyok, vagy flek hogyan lehetnnek

Q: Surely, you will die. K: Bizonyra, te is meghalsz egyszer.

M: Life will escape, the body will die, but it will not M: Az let el fog illanni, a test meg fog halni, de ez
affect me in the least. Beyond space and time I am, nem fog hatni rm, a legkevsb sem. Tl vagyok
uncaused, uncausing, yet the very matrix of tren s idn, semminek nem okaknt, semmi ltal
existence. nem okozottan, mgis tkletes ltezsi mtrixban.

Q: May I be permitted to ask how did you arrive at K: Megengeded a krdst, hogyan jutottl a
your present condition? jelenlegi llapotodba?

M: My teacher told me to hold on to the sense 'I am' M: Tantm arra krt, llhatatosan ragaszkodjak az
tenaciously and not to swerve from it even for a n vagyok rzshez, s ne trjek el tle mg egy
moment. I did my best to follow his advice and in a pillanatra se. Legjobb tudsom szerint kvettem
comparatively short time I realised within myself the tancst, s viszonylag rvid id mlva megvalsult
truth of his teaching. All I did was to remember his bennem tantsnak igazsga. Mindssze annyit
teaching, his face, his words constantly. This tettem, hogy llandan emlkezetemben tartottam
brought an end to the mind; in the stillness of the tantst, arct, szavait. Ez vget vetett az elmnek;
mind I saw myself as I am -- unbound. az elme csendjben olyannak lttam meg magam,
amilyen vagyok ktelkek nlklinek.

Q: Was your realisation sudden or gradual? K: A megvalsulsod hirtelen trtnt, vagy


M: Neither. One is what one is timelessly. It is the M: Egyik sem. Az ember idtlenl az ami. Az elme
mind that realises as and when it get cleared of ismeri fel ahogy s amikor megtisztul a vgyaktl s
desires and fears. flelmektl.

Q: Even the desire for realisation? K: Mg a megvalsuls irnti vgytl is?

M: The desire to put an end to all desires is a most M: Az a vgy a legklnsebb vgy, hogy vget
peculiar desire, just like the fear of being afraid is a rjen minden vgy, ppgy, mint ahogy a flelemtl
most peculiar fear. One stops you from grabbing and val flelem is a legklnsebb flelem. Az egyik a
the other from running. You may use the same megragadsban, a msik a futsban akadlyoz.
words, but the states are not the same. The man Hasznlhatod ugyanazon szavakat, de az llapotok

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
who seeks realisation is not addicted to desires; he nem ugyanazok. Aki a megvalsulst keresi, az nem
is a seeker who goes against desire, not with it. A vgy-fgg; egy olyan keres, aki a vgyak
general longing for liberation is only the beginning; ellenben halad, nem velk. A megszabaduls utni
to find the proper means and use them is the next egyetemes svrgs csupn kezdet; a tkletes
step. The seeker has only one goal in view: to find szndkok megtallsa, s azok alkalmazsa a
his own true being. Of all desires it is the most kvetkez lps. A keresnek csak egy cl lebeg a
ambitious, for nothing and nobody can satisfy it; the szeme eltt: felfedezni sajt igazi ltt. Minden vgy
seeker and the sought are one and the search alone kzl ez a legambicizusabb, mert semmi s senki
matters. nem teljestheti; a keres s a keresett egyek, s a
keress szmt egyedl.

Q: The search will come to an end. The seeker will K: A keress egyszer vget r. A keres megmarad.

M: No, the seeker will dissolve, the search will M: Nem, a keres fog megsznni, a keress marad
remain. The search is the ultimate and timeless meg. A keress a vgs s idtlen valsg.

Q: Search means lacking, wanting, incompleteness K: A keress hinyt, akarst, befejezetlensget s

and imperfection. tkletlensget jelent.

M: No, it means refusal and rejection of the M: Nem, a befejezetlen s a tkletlen elutastst,
incomplete and the imperfect. The search for reality s elvetst jelenti. A valsg keresse maga a
is itself the movement of reality. In a way all search valsg mozgsa. Bizonyos rtelemben minden
is for the real bliss, or the bliss of the real. But here keress a valdi boldogsgot, vagy a valsg
we mean by search the search for oneself as the boldogsgt clozza. De itt keress alatt nmagad,
root of being conscious, as the light beyond the mint a tudatos lt gykere, az elme mgtti fny
mind. This search will never end, while the restless keresst rtjk. Ez a keress soha nem r vget,
craving for all else must end, for real progress to mg a minden ms irnti nyugtalan vgyakozs
take place. vget kell rjen, mert a valdi elrehaladsnak kell a
helybe lpnie.

One has to understand that the search for reality, or Az embernek meg kell rtenie, hogy a valsg, vagy
God, or Guru and the search for the self are the Isten, vagy a Guru keresse, s az n keresse
same; when one is found, all are found. When 'I am' ugyanaz; amikor az egyiket megtallta, mindet
and 'God is' become in your mind indistinguishable, megtallta. Amikor az n vagyok s Isten az
then something will happen and you will know elmdben megklnbztethetetlenekk vlnak,
without a trace of doubt that God is because you akkor valami olyan fog trtnni, hogy a ktsg
are, you are because God is. The two are one. nyoma nlkl tudni fogod, hogy Isten van, mert te
vagy, s te vagy, mert Isten van. A kett egy.

Q: Since all is preordained, is our self-realisation K: Mivel minden eleve elrendelt, nmegvalstsunk
also preordained? Or are we free there at least? is az? Vagy legalbb e tekintetben szabadok

M: Destiny refers only to name and shape. Since M: Sorsa csak nvnek s formnak van. Mivel te
you are neither body nor mind, destiny has no nem vagy sem a test, sem az elme, a sorsnak nincs
control over you. You are completely free. The cup hatalma fltted. Te tkletesen szabad vagy. A
is conditioned by its shape, material, use and so on. csszt formja, anyaga, hasznlata stb. hatrozza
But the space within the cup is free. It happens to be meg. De a csszn belli tr szabad. Az csak akkor
in the cup only when viewed in connection with the van a csszben, ha a csszvel kapcsolatban
cup. Otherwise it is just space. As long as there is a llnak tekintjk. Egybknt csak tr. A test
body, you appear to be embodied. Without the body ltezsig testet ltttnek ltszol. A test nlkl nem
you are not disembodied -- you Just are. vagy testtl elvlt csak vagy.

Even destiny is but an idea. Words can be put Radsul a sors is csak egy idea. A szavak oly
together in so many ways. Statements can differ, but sokflekppen illeszthetk egymshoz. Az lltsok
do they make any change in the actual? There are klnbzhetnek, de okoznak-e brmilyen vltozst a
so many theories devised for explaining things -- all valsgon? Olyan sok terit kiagyaltak a dolgok
are plausible, none is true. When you drive a car, magyarzatra jl hangzik mindegyik, de nem igaz

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
you are subjected to the laws of mechanics and egyik sem. Aut vezets kzben a mechanika s a
chemistry: step out of the car and you are under the kmia trvnyeinek vagy alvetve: szllj ki az
laws of physiology and biochemistry. autbl, s a fiziolgia s a biokmia trvnyeinek
hatskrbe kerlsz.

Q: What is meditation and what are its uses? K: Mi a meditci, s mi a haszna?

M: As long as you are a beginner certain formalised M: Ameddig kezd vagy a formalizlt meditcik,
meditations, or prayers may be good for you. But for vagy imdsgok tern, j lehet szmodra. De a
a seeker for reality there is only one meditation -- the valsg keresje szmra csak egy meditci
rigorous refusal to harbour thoughts. To be free from ltezik a megbj gondolatok krlelhetetlen
thoughts is itself meditation. visszautastsa. A gondolatoktl val
megszabaduls maga meditci.

Q: How is it done? K: Hogyan kell csinlni?

M: You begin by letting thoughts flow and watching M: Kezdd a gondolatok ramlsnak a
them. The very observation slows down the mind till megengedsvel, megfigyelsvel. A tkletes
it stops altogether. Once the mind is quiet, keep it megfigyels lelasstja az elmt, mg az teljesen le
quiet. Don't get bored with peace, be in it, go deeper nem ll. Amint az elme lenyugodott, tartsd
into it. nyugalomban. Ne untasd magad a bkvel, legyl
benne, merlj bele mlyebben.

Q: I heard of holding on to one thought in order to K: Mondtad, tartsak ki egy gondolatnl, hogy a
keep other thoughts away. But how to keep all tbbit tvol tartsam. De hogyan kell a gondolatokat
thoughts away? The very idea is also a thought. tvol tartani? A tkletes idea szintn gondolat.

M: Experiment anew, don't go by past experience. M: Prblkozz mshogy, ne mltbli tapasztalatok

Watch your thoughts and watch yourself watching alapjn haladj. Figyeld a gondolataidat, s figyeld a
the thoughts. The state of freedom from all thoughts gondolatokat figyel nmagadat. A gondolatoktl
will happen suddenly and by the bliss of it you shall val szabadsg be fog kvetkezni egyszer csak, s
recognise it. az dvssgrl el fogod ismerni azt.

Q: Are you not at all concerned about the state of K: Egyltaln nem rint a vilg helyzete? Nzd azt
the world? Look at the horrors in East Pakistan az iszonyatot, ami szak Pakisztnban [most, 1971-
[1971, now Bangla Desh]. Do they not touch you at ben Bangla Desh] van. Nem rint meg egyltaln?

M: I am reading newspapers, I know what is going M: Olvasom az jsgokat, tudom mi zajlik. De az n

on. But my reaction is not like yours. You are looking reakciim nem olyanok, mint a tieid. Te gygyrt
for a cure, while I am concerned with prevention. As keresel, mg n a megelzssel trdm. Amg okok
long as there are causes, there must also be results. vannak, addig kvetkezmnyeknek is lenni kell.
As long as people are bent on dividing and Amg az emberek megosztsra s elklnlsre
separating, as long as they are selfish and hajlamosak, amg nzk s agresszvek, addig ilyen
aggressive, such things will happen. If you want dolgok fognak trtnni. Ha bkt s harmnit
peace and harmony in the world, you must have akarsz a vilgban, akkor bknek s harmninak
peace and harmony in your hearts and minds. Such kell lenni a szvedben s az elmdben. Ilyen
change cannot be imposed; it must come from vltozst nem lehet erltetni; annak bellrl kell
within. Those who abhor war must get war out of jnnie. Akik iszonyodnak a hbortl, azoknak el kell
their system. Without peaceful people how can you tvoltaniuk a hbort a rendszerkbl. Bks
have peace in the world? As long as people are as emberek nlkl hogyan lehetne bke a vilgban?
they are, the world must be as it is. I am doing my Amg az emberek olyanok amilyenek, a vilgnak
part in trying to help people to know themselves as olyannak kell lenni, amilyen. n kiveszem a rszem,
the only cause of their own misery. In that sense I megprblom segteni az embereket, hogy gy
am a useful man. But what I am in myself, what is ismerjk nmagukat, mint sajt szenvedsk
my normal state cannot be expressed in terms of egyetlen okt. Ebben az rtelemben hasznos ember
social consciousness and usefulness. vagyok. De ami valjban vagyok, ami a norml
llapotom, az nem fejezhet ki a trsadalmi
tudatossg s hasznossg terminolgijval.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
I may talk about it, use metaphors or parables, but I Beszlhetek rla, metafork vagy parabolk
am acutely aware that it is just not so. Not that it segtsgvel, de ersen tudatban vagyok annak,
cannot be experienced. It is experiencing itself. But it hogy nem sok eredmnnyel. Nem, mert az nem
cannot be described in the terms of a mind that must megtapasztalhat. Az nmagt tapasztalja meg. De
separate and oppose in order to know. nem rhat le az elme kifejezseivel, amely el kell
klntsen, s ellenttbe kell lltson ahhoz, hogy

The world is like a sheet of paper on which A vilg akr egy gpelt paprlap. Az olvasat s a
something is typed. The reading and the meaning jelents olvasnknt vltozik, de a paprt, amely
will vary with the reader, but the paper is the mindig jelen lv kzs tnyez, ritkn rzkelik. Ha
common factor, always present, rarely perceived. a szalagot eltvoltjuk, a gpels nem hagy nyomot
When the ribbon is removed, typing leaves no trace a papron. gy van az n elmm is folyamatosan
on the paper. So is my mind -- the impressions keep rik az impresszik, de nyomot nem hagynak rajta.
on coming, but no trace is left.

Q: Why do you sit here talking to people? What is K: Mirt lsz itt, s beszlgetsz az emberekkel? Mi a
your real motive? valdi motivcid?

M: No motive. You say I must have a motive. I am M: Nincs motivcim. Te mondod, hogy lenni kell
not sitting here, nor talking: no need to search for motivcimnak. n nem lk itt, s nem beszlek:
motives. Don't confuse me with the body. I have no nincs szksg motivci keressre. Ne tvessz
work to do, no duties to perform. That part of me ssze a testtel. Nem kell dolgoznom, nincsenek
which you may call God will look after the world. elltand ktelessgeim. Az a rszem, amelyet te
This world of yours, that so much needs looking Istennek lehet nevezni, gondot visel a vilgra. A te
after, lives and moves in your mind. Delve into it, vilgod, amely annyira ignyli gondoskodst, a te
you will find your answers there and there only. elmdben l s mozog. Hatolj a mlyre, ott tallod
Where else do you expect them to come from? a vlaszokat, s csak ott. Honnan mshonnan
Outside your consciousness does anything exist? remled ket? A tudatossgodon kvl ltezik

Q: It may exist without my ever knowing it. K: Anlkl ltezhet is, hogy valaha is tudnk rla.

M: What kind of existence would it be? Can being be M: Mifle ltezs lenne az? Elvlhat-e a lt a
divorced from knowing? All being, like all knowing, tudstl? Minden ltezs, mint ahogy minden tuds
relates to you. A thing is because you know it to be is, veled fgg ssze. Egy dolog azrt van, mert te
either in your experience or in your being. Your body tudsz rla, mert tapasztalod, illetve benne van az
and your mind exist as long as you believe so. letedben. Tested s elmd addig ltezik, amg gy
Cease to think that they are yours and they will just hiszed. Hagyd abba azt gondolni, hogy a tieid, s
dissolve. By all means let your body and mind azonnal szertefoszlanak. Termszetesen engedd
function, but do not let them limit you. If you notice meg, hogy tested s elmd funkcionljanak, de ne
imperfections, just keep on noticing: your very giving engedd meg nekik, hogy korltozzanak tged. Ha
attention to them will set your heart and mind and tkletlensgeket veszel szre, csak emlkezz:
body right. rjuk irnytott teljes figyelmed helyre igaztja
szvedet, elmdet s testedet.

Q: Can I cure myself of a serious illness by merely K: Meg tudom gygytani komoly betegsgemet
taking cognisance of it? pusztn azzal, hogy tudomsul veszem?

M: Take cognisance of the whole of it, not only of M: Irnytsd r teljes tudomsodat, de ne csak a
the outer symptoms. All illness begins in the mind. kls tnetekre. Minden betegsg az elmben
Take care of the mind first, by tracing and kezddik. Viseld gondjt elszr az elmnek, az
eliminating all wrong ideas and emotions. Then live sszes rossz idea s emci kvetsvel s
and work disregarding illness and think no more of it. kikszblsvel. Azutn lj s mkdj figyelmen
With the removal of causes the effect is bound to kvl hagyva a betegsget, s nem gondolva r
depart. tbb. Az okok eltvoltsval a hatsnak is
tvoznia kell.

Man becomes what he believes himself to be. Az ember azz vlik, aminek hiszi magt. Adj fel
Abandon all ideas about yourself and you will find minden idet magadrl, s gy fogod tallni

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
yourself to be the pure witness, beyond all that can nmagad, hogy a tiszta tan vagy, aki fltte ll
happen to the body or the mind. mindennek, ami a testtel s az elmvel trtnhet.

Q: If I become anything I think myself to be, and I K: Ha brminek gondolom magam azz vlok, s
start thinking that I am the Supreme Reality, will not elkezdem azt gondolni, hogy n vagyok a
my Supreme Reality remain a mere idea? Legfelsbb Valsg, akkor nem fog Legfelsbb
Valsgom puszta idev vlni?

M: First reach that state and then ask the question. M: Elszr rd el ezt az llapotot, majd azutn tedd
fel ezt a krdst.

49. Mind Causes Insecurity 49. Az elme veszlyeztettsget okoz

Questioner: People come to you for advice. How do Krdez: Az emberek tancsrt jnnek hozzd.
you know what to answer? Honnan tudod, mi a helyes vlasz?

Maharaj: As I hear the question, so do I hear the Maharaj: Ahogy a krdst hallom, gy a vlaszt is
answer. hallom.

Q: And how do you know that your answer is right? K: s honnan tudod, hogy a vlaszod helyes?

M: Once I know the true source of the answers, I M: Mivel ismerem a vlaszok igazi forrst, nem kell
need not doubt them. From a pure source only pure ktelkednem bennk. Tiszta forrsbl csak tiszta vz
water will flow. I am not concerned with people's folyik. Nem foglalkozom emberi vgyakkal s
desires and fears. I am in tune with facts, not with flelmekkel. Tnyekkel vagyok sszhangban, nem
opinions. Man takes his name and shape to be vlemnyekkel. Az emberek nevkkel s
himself, while I take nothing to be myself. Were I to formjukkal azonostjk magukat, mg n semminek
think myself to be a body known by its name, I would nem tartom magam. Ha a nevn ismert testnek
not have been able to answer your questions. Were gondolnm magam, nem lennk kpes a
I to take you to be a mere body, there would be no krdseidre vlaszolni. Ha puszta testnek
benefit to you from my answers. No true teacher tartanlak, nem lenne hasznod a vlaszaimbl. Egy
indulges in opinions. He sees things as they are and igazi tant sem ad vlemnyekre. gy ltja a
shows them as they are. If you take people to be dolgokat, ahogy azok vannak, s olyannak mutatja
what they think themselves to be, you will only hurt ket, ahogy azok vannak. Ha annak tartod az
them, as they hurt themselves so grievously all the embereket, aminek azok gondoljk magukat, akkor
time. But if you see them as they are in reality, it will csak megsebzed ket, csakgy, ahogy k is oly
do them enormous good. If they ask you what to do, fjdalmasan sebzik magukat, folyamatosan. De ha
what practices to adopt, which way of life to follow, olyannak ltod ket, mint amilyenek valjban,
answer: 'Do nothing, just be. In being all happens akkor mrhetetlen jt cselekszel velk. Ha
naturally.' megkrdik tled, hogy mit csinljanak, milyen
gyakorlatot vlasszanak, milyen letmdot
kvessenek, a felelet: Ne csinlj semmit, csak
legyl. A ltezsben minden termszetes mdon

Q: It seems to me that in your talks you use the K: gy vettem szre, hogy a beszlgetsek sorn
words 'naturally' and 'accidentally' indiscriminately. I sszekevered a termszetes s a vletlen
feel there is a deep difference in the meaning of the szavakat. gy rzem, mlysges klnbsg van a
two words. The natural is orderly, subject to law; one kt sz jelentse kztt. A termszet rendszeres,
can trust nature; the accidental is chaotic, trvnyeknek alvetett; az ember megbzhat a
unexpected, unpredictable. One could plead that termszetben; a vletlen kaotikus, vratlan,
everything is natural, subject to nature's laws; to megjsolhatatlan. Lehetne rvelni, hogy minden
maintain that everything is accidental, without any termszetes, termszeti trvnyeknek alvetett; azt
cause, is surely an exaggeration. lltani, hogy minden vletlenszer, mindenfle ok
nlkli, bizonyra tlzs.

M: Would you like it better if I use the word M: Jobban szeretnd, ha a spontn szt
'spontaneous' instead of 'accidental'? hasznlnm a vletlen helyett?

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
Q: You may use the word 'spontaneous' or 'natural' K: Hasznlhatod a spontn, vagy termszetes
as opposed to 'accidental'. In the accidental there is szavakat, a vletlen ellentteknt. A vletlen
the element of disorder, of chaos. An accident is magban foglalja a rendezetlensg, a kosz elemt.
always a breach of rules, an exception, a surprise. A vletlen mindig a szablyok valamifle
megsrtse, kivtel, vratlan dolog.

M: Is not life itself a stream of surprises? M: Nemde az let maga is vratlansgok sorozata?

Q: There is harmony in nature. The accidental is a K: A termszet harmniban van. A vletlen ennek
disturbance. a megzavarsa.

M: You speak as a person, limited in time and M: Te gy beszlsz, mint egy szemly, idben s
space, reduced to the contents of a body and a trben korltozottan, a test s az elme tartalmra
mind. What you like, you call 'natural' and what you reduklva. Amit kedvelsz, azt termszetesnek
dislike, you call 'accidental'. nevezed, s amit nem kedvelsz, azt vletlennek.

Q: I like the natural, and the law-abiding, the K: n a termszetest, a trvnytisztelt, s az elre
expected and I fear the law-breaking, the disorderly, lthatt szeretem, s flek a trvnysrttl, a
the unexpected, the meaningless. The accidental is rendbonttl, a vratlantl, s az rtelmetlentl. A
always monstrous. There may be so-called 'lucky vletlen mindig szrny. Lehetnek gynevezett
accidents', but they only prove the rule that in an szerencss vletlenek, de azok erstik a szablyt,
accident-prone universe life would be impossible. hogy egy vletlenre hajlamos univerzumban
lehetetlen lenne az let.

M: I feel there is a misunderstanding. By 'accidental' M: Azt hiszem, flrerted. Vletlen alatt n valami
I mean something to which no known law applies. olyat rtek, amire nem vonatkozik ismert trvny.
When I say everything is accidental, uncaused, I Amikor azt mondom, hogy minden vletlenszer,
only mean that the causes and the laws according to spontn, azalatt csak azt rtem, hogy az okok s
which they operate are beyond our knowing, or even mkdsi trvnyek meghaladjk tudsunkat, de
imagining. If you call what you take to be orderly, mg kpzeletnket is. Ha a szablyost, harmonikust,
harmonious, predictable, to be natural, then what megjsolhatt termszetesnek nevezed, akkor ami
obeys higher laws and is moved by higher powers felsbb trvnyeknek engedelmeskedik, s felsbb
may be called spontaneous. Thus, we shall have erk ltal mozgatott, spontnnak nevezheted. Ily
two natural orders: the personal and predictable and mdon kt termszetes rendszernk lesz: a
the impersonal, or super-personal, and szemlyes s megjsolhat, s a szemlytelen,
unpredictable. Call it lower nature and higher nature vagy szemly-feletti, ami megjsolhatatlan. Nevezd
and drop the word accidental. As you grow in alsbb termszetnek s felsbb termszetnek, s
knowledge and insight, the borderline between lower ejtsd azt a szt, hogy vletlen. Ahogy tudsod,
and higher nature keeps on receding, but the two szellemi megltsod gyarapodik, gy hzdik vissza
remain until they are seen as one. For, in fact, az alsbb s a felsbb termszet kztti hatrvonal,
everything is most wonderfully inexplicable. de a kett egszen addig megmarad, amg egynek
nem fognak ltszani. Mert valjban minden a
legcsodlatosabb mdon megmagyarzhatatlan.

Q: Science explains a lot. K: A tudomny sok mindent megmagyarz.

M: Science deals with names and shapes, quantities M: A tudomny nevekkel s formkkal,
and qualities, patterns and laws; it is all right in its mennyisgekkel s minsgekkel, mintkkal s
own place. But life is to be lived; there is no time for trvnyekkel foglalkozik; mindez helynval a maga
analysis. The response must be instantaneous -- terletn. De az letet lni kell; nincs id elemzsre.
hence the importance of the spontaneous, the A vlasznak azonnalinak kell lennie ebbl ered a
timeless. It is in the unknown that we live and move. spontn, az idtlen fontossga. Amit lnk s
The known is the past. alaktunk, az az ismeretlenben van. Ami ismert, az a

Q: I can take my stand on what I feel I am. I am an K: n azt tudom elfogadni, hogy amit rzek, az
individual, a person among persons. Some people vagyok n. Egy individuum vagyok, egy szemly a
are integrated and harmonised, and some are not. sok kzl. Egyes emberek integrltak s
Some live effortlessly, respond spontaneously to harmonikusak, msok nem azok. Vannak, akik

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
every situation correctly, doing full justice to the erfeszts mentesen lnek, reakcijuk minden
need of the moment, while others fumble, err and szituciban spontn mdon helyes, teljes
generally make a nuisance of themselves. The prtatlansggal viszonyulnak a pillanat
harmonised people may be called natural, ruled by szksglethez, mg msok gyetlenek, hibznak,
law, while the disintegrated are chaotic and subject s rendszerint knyelmetlensget okoznak
to accidents. msoknak. A harmonikus ember termszetesnek,
trvnyszernek nevezhet, mg a dezintegrlt
kaotikusnak s vletlenszernek.

M: The very idea of chaos presupposes the sense of M: A kosz ideja valjban a rendszeres, a
the orderly, the organic, the inter-related. Chaos and szervezett, az sszefgg rzett elfelttelezi.
cosmos: are they not two aspects of the same state? Kosz s kozmosz: nem egyazon llapot kt oldala?

Q: But you seem to say that all is chaos, accidental, K: De nekem gy tnik, hogy szerinted minden
unpredictable. kaotikus, vletlen, megjsolhatatlan.

M: Yes, in the sense that not all the laws of being M: Igen,abban az rtelemben, hogy a ltnek nem
are known and not all events are predictable. The minden trvnye ismert, s nem minden esemny
more you are able to understand, the more the megjsolhat. Minl tbbet vagy kpes megrteni,
universe becomes satisfactory, emotionally and az univerzum emocionlis s mentlis rtelemben
mentally. Reality is good and beautiful; we create annl megnyugtatbb vlik. A valsg j s szp;
the chaos. mi teremtjk a koszt.

Q: If you mean to say that it is the free will of man K: Ha azt akarod mondani, hogy az ember szabad
that causes accidents, I would agree. But we have akarata okozza a vletleneket, egyetrtek. De mg
not yet discussed free will. nem beszltnk szabad akaratrl.

M: Your order is what gives you pleasure and M: Nlad a rend az, ami neked rmt okoz, s a
disorder is what gives you pain. rendetlensg az, ami fjdalmat.

Q: You may put it that way, but do not tell me that K: Fogalmazhatsz gy, de olyat ne mondj, hogy a
the two are one. Talk to me in my own language -- kett egy. Hozzm a sajt nyelvemen beszlj a
the language of an individual in search of happiness. boldogsgot keres egyn nyelvn. Nem akarok
I do not want to be misled by non-dualistic talks. tvtra kerlni non-dualista beszdekkel.

M: What makes you believe that you are a separate M: Mirt hiszed azt, hogy klnll szemly vagy?

Q: I behave as an individual. I function on my own. I K: gy viselkedek, mint egy individuum. Magamtl

consider myself primarily, and others only in relation funkcionlok. nmagamat tekintem elsdlegesek,
to myself. In short, I am busy with myself. msokat pedig csak velem kapcsolatban llnak.
Rviden, nmagammal vagyok elfoglalva.

M: Well, go on being busy with yourself. On what M: Nos, lgy csak tovbbra is nmagaddal
business have you come here? elfoglalva. Milyen gyben jttl ide?

Q: On my old business of making myself safe and K: Rgi trekvsem, hogy biztonsgban s
happy. I confess I have not been too successful. I boldogsgban tudjam magam. Bevallom, nem tl
am neither safe nor happy. Therefore, you find me sikeresen. Nem rtem el sem a biztonsgot, sem a
here. This place is new to me, but my reason for boldogsgot. Ezrt ltsz most itt. Ez a hely j
coming here is old: the search for safe happiness, szmomra, de az ok, ami idehozott, a rgi: a
happy safety. So far I did not find it. Can you help biztonsgos boldogsg, a boldog biztonsg
me? keresse. Idig nem talltam meg. Tudsz nekem

M: What was never lost can never be found. Your M: Ami soha nem veszett el, azt soha nem lehet
very search for safety and joy keeps you away from megtallni. ppen biztonsg- s rmkeressed tart
them. Stop searching, cease losing. The disease is tvol tlk. Hagyd abba a keresst, fejezd be a
simple and the remedy equally simple. It is your vesztst. A betegsg egyszer, s a gygyszer
mind only that makes you insecure and unhappy. ugyanolyan egyszer. Elmd az, amely

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
Anticipation makes you insecure, memory -- bizonytalann s boldogtalann tesz. Az elvrs
unhappy. Stop misusing your mind and all will be bizonytalann tesz, az emlkezet boldogtalann.
well with you. You need not set it right -- it will set Vess vget elmd tves hasznlatnak, s jl fogod
itself right, as soon as you give up all concern with magad rezni. Nem kell rend behozni rend
the past and the future and live entirely in the now. behozza az magt, mihelyt minden kapcsolatot
feladsz a mlttal s a jvvel, s teljes egszben a
mostban lsz.

Q: But the now has no dimension. I shall become a K: De a mostnak nincs dimenzija. Senkiv s
nobody, a nothing. semmiv vlnk.

M: Exactly. As nothing and nobody you are safe and M: Pontosan. Semmiknt s senkiknt biztonsgban
happy. You can have the experience for the asking. s boldog vagy. Rendelkezhetsz a tapasztalattal,
Just try. hogy krdezz. Csak prblkozz.

But let us go back to what is accidental and what is De trjnk r vissza, hogy mi a vletlen s mi a
spontaneous, or natural. You said nature is orderly spontn, vagy termszetes. Azt mondtad, hogy a
while accident is a sign of chaos. I denied the termszet rendszeres, mg a vletlen a kosz jele.
difference and said that we call an event accidental n elutastottam a klnbsget, s azt mondtam,
when its causes are untraceable. There is no place hogy egy esemnyt akkor neveznk
for chaos in nature. Only in the mind of man there is vletlenszernek, amikor annak okai
chaos. The mind does not grasp the whole -- its kinyomozhatatlanok. A termszetben nincs helye
focus is very narrow. It sees fragments only and fails kosznak. Csak az ember elmjben van kosz. Az
to perceive the picture. Just as a man who hears elme nem az egszet ragadja meg fkusza
sounds, but does not understand the language, may nagyon szk. Csak tredkeket lt, s a kpet
accuse the speaker of meaningless jabbering, and gyengn szleli. Akr az az ember, aki hallja a
be altogether wrong. What to one is a chaotic hangokat, de a nyelvet nem ismervn a beszlt
stream of sounds is a beautiful poem to another. hibztatja az rtelmetlen fecsegsrt, s gy esik
vgs soron tvedsbe.

King Janaka once dreamt that he was a beggar. On Janaka kirly egyszer koldusnak lmodta magt.
waking up he asked his Guru -- Vasishta: Am I a Felbredsekor azt krdezte Gurujtl Vashista:
king dreaming of being a beggar, or a beggar kirly vagyok, aki koldusnak lmodja magt, vagy
dreaming of being a king? The Guru answered: You koldus vagyok, aki azt lmodja, hogy kirly? A Guru
are neither, you are both. You are, and yet you are gy vlaszolt: Egyik sem te vagy, mindkett te vagy.
not what you think yourself to be. You are because Az vagy, s mgsem vagy az, aminek gondolod
you behave accordingly; you are not because it does magad. Az vagy, mert a szerint viselkedsz; s nem
not last. Can you be a king or a beggar for ever? All vagy az, mert az nem marad fenn. Lehetsz-e kirly
must change. You are what does not change. What vagy koldus mindrkk? Mindennek vltoznia kell.
are you? Janaka said: Yes, I am neither king nor Te az vagy, ami nem vltozik. Mi vagy te? Janaka:
beggar, I am the dispassionate witness. The Guru igen, sem kirly, sem koldus nem vagyok, n a
said. This is your last illusion that you are a gnani, prtatlan tan vagyok. A Guru azt mondta. Ez az
that you are different from, and superior to, the utols illzid, hogy gnaninak hiszed magad, hogy
common man. Again you identify yourself with your az tlagemberhez kpest msnak, s
mind, in this case a well-behaved and in every way felsbbrendnek. Viszont azonostod nmagad az
an exemplary mind. As long as you see the least elmddel, ez esetben egy jl szitult, s minden
difference, you are a stranger to reality. You are on tekintetben mintaszer elmvel. Amg a
the level of the mind. When the 'I am myself' goes, legcseklyebb klnbsget is ltod, addig idegen
the 'I am all' comes. When the 'I am all' goes, 'I am' tled a valsg. Az elme szintjn vagy. Amikor az
comes. When even 'I am' goes, reality alone is and n nmagam vagyok tvozik, az n minden
in it every 'I am' is preserved and glorified. Diversity vagyok megrkezik. Az n vagyok tvozsakor
without separateness is the Ultimate that the mind egyedl a valsg van, s benne minden n
can touch. Beyond that all activity ceases, because vagyok megmarad s megdicsl. Az elklnls
in it all goals are reached and all purposes fulfilled. nlkli klnbzsg a Vgs, amit az elme meg tud
rinteni. Ezen tl minden tevkenysg megsznik,
mert benne minden cl elrsre kerlt s minden
szndk beteljeslt.

Q: Once the Supreme State is reached, can it be K: A Legfelsbb llapotot elrve, megoszthat-e az
shared with others? msokkal?

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok

M: The Supreme State is universal, here and now; M: A Legfelsbb llapot univerzlis, itt s most; mr
everybody already shares in it. It is the state of being mindenki rszese. Ez a ltezs llapota tuds s
-- knowing and liking. Who does not like to be, or szeretet. Ki ne szeretn, hogy ltezik, vagy hogy tud
does not know his own existence? But we take no sajt ltezsrl? De nem kovcsolunk elnyt a
advantage of this joy of being conscious, we do not tudatos lt ezen rmbl, nem merlnk bele s
go into it and purify it of all that is foreign to it. This nem tiszttjuk meg teljesen mindentl, ami idegen
work of mental self-purification, the cleansing of the tle. Ez a mentlis n-tisztt munka, pszich
psyche, is essential. Just as a speck in the eye, by tisztts, elsrend fontossg. Mint ahogy a
causing inflammation, may wipe out the world, so szembe kerl porszem is, gyulladst keltve,
the mistaken idea: 'I am the body-mind' causes the eltntetheti a vilgot, ugyangy okoz az n vagyok
self-concern, which obscures the universe. It is a test-elme flrertett ideja nrdekeltsget,
useless to fight the sense of being a limited and elhomlyostva az univerzumot. Haszontalan dolog
separate person unless the roots of it are laid bare. egy korltozott s elklnlt szemly ltnek az
Selfishness is rooted in the mistaken ideas of rzsrt harcolni, kivve, ha annak gykerei
oneself. Clarification of the mind is Yoga. feltrsra kerlnek. Az nzs az nmagam tves
ideiban gykerezik. Az elme tisztts a Yoga.

50. Self-awareness is the Witness 50. Az n-tudoms a tan

Questioner: You told me that I can be considered Krdez: Azt mondtad, n hrom szempont alapjn
under three aspects: the personal (vyakti), the vagyok szemllhet, ezek: a szemlyes (vyakti), a
super-personal (vyakta) and the impersonal szemly-fltti (vyakta), s a szemlytelen
(avyakta). The avyakta is the universal and real pure (avyakta). Az avyakta az univerzlis s valsgos
'I'; the vyakta is its reflection in consciousness as I tiszta n; a vyakta ennek a tudatossgban n-
am'; the vyakti is the totality of physical and vital vagyok-knt val tkrzdse; a vyakti a fizikai s
processes. Within the narrow confines of the present letfolyamatok sszessge. A jelen pillanat szk
moment, the super-personal is aware of the person, mezsgyjn a szemly-flttinek tudatban van a
both in space and time; not only one person, but the szemlynek, mind trben, mind idben; de nem csak
long series of persons strung together on the thread egyetlen szemlynek, hanem a karma fonalra
of karma. It is essentially the witness as well as the egytt feszl szemlyek hossz sorozatnak. Ez
residue of the accumulated experiences, the seat of lnyegben a tan, valamint a felgylemlett
memory, the connecting link (sutratma). It is man's tapasztalatok ledke, az emlkezet talapzata, az
character which life builds and shapes from birth to sszekt kapocs (sutratama). Az embert jellemzi,
birth. The universal is beyond all name and shape, hogy milyen lete pl fel, s alakul szletsrl
beyond consciousness and character, pure un- szletsre. Az univerzlis minden nven s formn
selfconscious being. Did I put down your views fell ll, tudatossgon s szemlyisgen tli, tisztn
rightly? ntudatossg nlkli ltezsen tli. Helyesen
fogalmaztam meg a nzeteidet?

Maharaj: On the level of the mind -- yes. Beyond the Maharaj: Az elme szintjn igen. A mentlis szinten
mental level not a word applies. tlira semmilyen sz nem alkalmazhat.

Q: I can understand that the person is a mental K: Azt rtem, hogy a szemly egy mentlis
construct, a collective noun for a set of memories konstrukci, emlkek s szoksok egy kszletnek a
and habits. But, he to whom the person happens, gyjtneve. De, aki szmra a szemly megjelenik,
the witnessing centre, is it mental too? a tansg kzpontja, az szintn mentlis?

M: The personal needs a base, a body to identify M: A szemlynek szksge van egy alapra, egy
oneself with, just as a colour needs a surface to testre, amivel azonostja magt, mint ahogy egy
appear on. The seeing of the colour is independent sznnek szksge van egy felletre, amelyen
of the colour -- it is the same whatever the colour. megjelenik. A szn ltsa fggetlen a szntl az
One needs an eye to see a colour. The colours are minden szn esetben ugyanaz. Az embernek
many, the eye is single. The personal is like the light szemre van szksge, hogy szneket lsson. A szn
in the colour and also in the eye, yet simple, single, sok, a szem egyedi. A szemly, a fnyhez
indivisible and unperceivable, except in its hasonlan, benne van a sznben s a szemben is,
manifestations. Not unknowable, but unperceivable, mgis egyszer, egyedi, lthatatlan s
un-objectival, inseparable. Neither material nor szlelhetetlen, kivve annak megnyilvnulsait.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
mental, neither objective nor subjective, it is the root Nem megismerhetetlen, de szlelhetetlen,
of matter and the source of consciousness. Beyond objektivlhatatlan, oszthatatlan. Se nem anyagi, se
mere living and dying, it is the all-inclusive, all- nem mentlis, se nem objektv, se nem szubjektv, a
exclusive Life, in which birth is death and death is dolog lnyege, s a tudatossg forrsa. A puszta
birth. leten s hallon tl a mindent magban foglal s
a mindent kizr let van, amelyben a szlets
hall, s a hall szlets.

Q: The Absolute or Life you talk about, is it real, or a K: Ez az Abszolt, vagy let, amirl beszlsz,
mere theory to cover up our ignorance? valsgos, vagy teria csupn, amelynek a clja,
hogy tudatlansgunkat palstolja?

M: Both. To the mind, a theory; in itself -- a reality. It M: Mindkett. Az elme szmra teria; nmagban
is reality in its spontaneous and total rejection of the vve valsg. Valsg az spontn s teljes
false. Just as light destroys darkness by its very elutastsban a hamisnak. Mint ahogy a fny a
presence, so does the absolute destroy imagination. jelenltvel megsemmisti a sttsget, gy
To see that all knowledge is a form of ignorance is semmisti meg az abszolt a kpzeldst. Lthat,
itself a movement of reality. The witness is not a hogy minden tuds a tudatlansg egy formja,
person. The person comes into being when there is nmagban a valsgnak a mozgsa. A tan nem
a basis for it, an organism, a body. In it the absolute szemly. A szemly akkor jn ltre, amikor megvan
is reflected as awareness. Pure awareness hozz az alap, egy organizmus, egy test. Amiben az
becomes self-awareness. When there is a self, self- abszolt tkrzdik, mint tudoms. A tiszta
awareness is the witness. When there is no self to tudatossg ntudomss vlik. Amikor van n, az
witness, there is no witnessing either. It is all very ntudoms a tan. Amikor nincs n, hogy tan
simple; it is the presence of the person that legyen, tansg sincs. Mindez nagyon egyszer; a
complicates. See that there is no such thing as a szemly jelenlte az, ami a dolgokat sszezavarja.
permanently separate person and all becomes clear. Lsd, hogy nincs olyan dolog, mint tartsan
Awareness -- mind -- matter -- they are one reality in elklnl szemly, s minden tiszta lesz. Tudoms
its two aspects as immovable and movable, and the elme anyag ezek egyazon valsg, a
three attributes of inertia, energy and harmony. mozdthatatlan s mozdthat kt aspektusval, s a
tehetetlensg, energia s harmnia hrom

Q: What comes first: consciousness or awareness? K: Melyik van elbb: a tudatossg, vagy a tudoms?

M: Awareness becomes consciousness when it has M: A tudoms vlik tudatossgg, amikor egy
an object. The object changes all the time. In objektummal br. Az objektum llandan vltozik. A
consciousness there is movement; awareness by tudatossgban mozgs van; a tudoms nmagban
itself is motionless and timeless, here and now. mozdulatlan s idtlen, itt- s mostbeli.

Q: There is suffering and bloodshed in East K: szak Pakisztnban e pillanatban csupa

Pakistan at the present moment. How do you look at szenveds, s vronts. Hogy ltod ezt? Hogyan
it? How does it appear to you, how do you react to jelenik meg szmodra, hogyan reaglsz r?

M: In pure consciousness nothing ever happens. M: A tiszta tudatossgban soha semmi nem trtnik.

Q: Please come down from these metaphysical K: Krlek, szllj al a metafizikai magassgokbl. Mi
heights. Of what use is it to a suffering man to be haszna egy szenved ember szmra, hogy senki
told that nobody is aware of his suffering but nincs tudatban az szenvedsnek, csak maga?
himself? To relegate everything to illusion is insult Mindent az illziba szmzni az igazsgtalansg
added to injury. The Bengali of East Pakistan is a tetzse. Az szak Pakisztnbeli Bengali valsg,
fact and his suffering is a fact. Please, do not s szenvedse valsg. Krlek, ne elemezd ezeket
analyse them out of existence. You are reading a ltezsen kvl. Olvasol jsgokat, hallasz rla
newspapers, you hear people talking about it. You embereket beszlni. Nem hivatkozhatsz
cannot plead ignorance. Now, what is your attitude tudatlansgra. Nos, mi az llsfoglalsod a
to what is happening? trtnsekkel kapcsolatban?

M: No attitude. Nothing is happening. M: Nincs llsfoglalsom. Semmi nem trtnik.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
Q: Any day there may be a riot right in front of you, K: Brmelyik nap elfordulhat, hogy ppen eltted
perhaps people killing each other. Surely you cannot zavargs tmad, amiben egymst lik az emberek.
say: nothing is happening and remain aloof. Biztos, hogy nem tudod azt mondani, hogy nem
trtnik semmi, aztn szenvtelen maradsz.

M: I never talked of remaining aloof. You could as M: Soha nem beszltem szenvtelennek maradsrl.
well see me jumping into the fray to save somebody Ugyangy azt is megfigyelhetnd, hogy beugrom az
and getting killed. Yet to me nothing happened. sszetzsbe megakadlyozni, hogy megljenek
valakit. Mgis, szmomra semmi nem trtnik.

Imagine a big building collapsing. Some rooms are Kpzeld el, hogy sszeomlik egy nagy plet. A
in ruins, some are intact. But can you speak of the szobk egy rsze romba dl, ms rsze srtetlen
space as ruined or intact? It is only the structure that marad. De mondhatod-e azt a trrl, hogy sszedlt,
suffered and the people who happened to live in it. vagy srtetlen? Csak a szerkezet az, ami
Nothing happened to space itself. Similarly, nothing krosodott, s azok az emberek esetleg, akik benne
happens to life when forms break down and names laktak. Magval a trrel semmi nem trtnt. Ehhez
are wiped out. The goldsmith melts down old hasonlan semmi sem trtnik az lettel, amikor a
ornaments to make new. Sometimes a good piece forma sztesik, s a neveket elfelejtik. Az
goes with the bad. He takes it in his stride, for he aranymves beolvasztja a rgi kszert, hogy jat
knows that no gold is lost. ksztsen. Nmelykor egy-egy j darab is egytt
megy a rosszal. tlp rajta, mert tudja, hogy nincs
elveszett arany.

Q: It is not death that I rebel against. It is the manner K: Nem a hall ellen lzadok. A hall mdja ellen.
of dying.

M: Death is natural, the manner of dying is man- M: A hall termszetes, a meghalsi md a

made. Separateness causes fear and aggression, mestersges. Az elklnls flelmet s agresszit
which again cause violence. Do away with man- von maga utn, ami megint csak erszakhoz vezet.
made separations and all this horror of people killing Vess vget a mestersges elklnlseknek, s az
each other will surely end. But in reality there is no emberek gyilkolszsnak a rettenete is biztosan
killing and no dying. The real does not die, the vge tr. De valjban nincs ls, s nincs hall. A
unreal never lived. Set your mind right and all will be valdi nem hal meg, a valtlan sosem lt. Hozd
right. When you know that the world is one, that rendbe az elmdet, s minden ms is rendben lesz.
humanity is one, you will act accordingly. But first of Amikor felismered, hogy a vilg egy, hogy az
all you must attend to the way you feel, think and emberisg egy, megfelelen fogsz cselekedni. De
live. Unless there is order in yourself, there can be elszr azt az utat kell kvetned, amelyet rzel,
no order in the world. gondolsz s lsz. Hacsak nincs benned rend, a
vilgban sem lehet rend.

In reality nothing happens. Onto the screen of the Valjban semmi nem trtnik. A sors folytonosan
mind destiny forever projects its pictures, memories rvetti kpeit, a korbbi projekcik emlkeit az elme
of former projections and thus illusion constantly vettvsznra, s gy az illzi folytonosan
renews itself. The pictures come and go -- light megjtja nmagt. Jnnek s mennek a kpek a
intercepted by ignorance. See the light and fnyt felfogja a tudatlansg. Nzd a fnyt, s hagyd
disregard the picture. figyelmen kvl a kpet.

Q: What a callous way of looking at things. People K: Milyen rzketlenl szemlled a dolgokat. Az
are killing and getting killed and here you talk of emberek lnek, s meglik ket, s te itt kpekrl
pictures. beszlsz.

M: By all means go and get killed yourself -- if that is M: Csak rajta, menj, s lesd meg magad ha gy
what you think you should do. Or even go and kill, if gondolod, akkor meg kell tenned. Vagy inkbb menj,
you take it to be your duty. But that is not the way to s lj te, ha ezt tartod feladatodnak. De nem ez a
end the evil. Evil is the stench of a mind that is mdja, hogy vget vess a gonosznak. A gonosz a
diseased. Heal your mind and it will cease to project beteg elme bze. Gygytsd meg az elmdet, s
distorted, ugly pictures. abba fogja hagyni a torz, csnya kpek kivettst.

Q: What you say I understand, but emotionally I K: Amit mondasz, azt rtem, de rzelmileg nem
cannot accept it. This merely idealistic view of life tudom elfogadni. Ez csupn egy idealisztikus kpe

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
repels me deeply. I just cannot think myself to be az letnek, amely engem mlysgesen taszt. n
permanently in a state of dream. csak nem tudom azt gondolni magamrl, hogy
folyamatosan lmodom.

M: How can anybody be permanently in a state M: Hogyan lehet valaki folyamatosan a mland test
caused by an impermanent body? The ltal meghatrozott llapotban? Flrertsednek
misunderstanding is based on your idea that you are azon elkpzelsed az alapja, hogy te a test vagy.
the body. Examine the idea, see its inherent Vizsgld fell ezt az elkpzelst, lsd bels
contradictions, realise that your present existence is ellentmondsait, ismerd fel, hogy jelen ltezsed
like a shower of sparks, each spark lasting a second szikrk zporhoz hasonl, minden szikra egy
and the shower itself -- a minute or two. Surely a msodpercig tart, s a zpor maga egy percig,
thing of which the beginning is the end, can have no vagy kettig. Nyilvnval, hogy amely dolognak a
middle. Respect your terms. Reality cannot be kezdete a vg, annak nem lehet kzepe. Vedd
momentary. It is timeless, but timelessness is not szmba terminusaidat. A valsg nem lehet
duration. pillanatnyi. A valsg idtlen, de az idtlensgnek
nincs idtartama.

Q: I admit that the world in which I live is not the real K: Elfogadom, hogy a vilg, amelyben lek, nem a
world. But there is a real world, of which I see a valdi vilg. De van egy valdi vilg, amelynek ltom
distorted picture. The distortion may be due to some a torzkpt. A torzuls a miatt lehet, hogy testemben
blemish in my body or mind. But when you say there vagy elmmben valamilyen hiba van. De mikor azt
is no real world, only a dream world in my mind, I mondod, hogy nincs valdi vilg, csak egy lomvilg
just cannot take it. I wish I could believe that all az elmmben, azt nem tudom elfogadni. Szeretnm
horrors of existence are due to my having a body. hinni, hogy a ltezs borzalmai azrt vannak, mert
Suicide would be the way out. testem van. Az ngyilkossg lehetne a kit.

M: As long as you pay attention to ideas, your own M: Amg ideknak szentelsz figyelmet, a
or of others, you will be in trouble. But if you sajtjaidnak, vagy a msoknak, bajban leszel. De
disregard all teachings, all books, anything out into ha figyelmen kvl hagysz minden tantst, minden
words and dive deeply within yourself and find knyvet, mindent, amit szavakba foglaltak, s
yourself, this alone will solve all your problems and mlyen magadba merlsz, s megtallod
leave you in full mastery of every situation, because nmagadat, nmagban ez meg fogja oldani minden
you will not be dominated by your ideas about the problmdat, s teljesen uralni fogsz minden
situation. Take an example. You are in the company helyzetet, mert nem leszel rabja a helyzettel
of an attractive woman. You get ideas about her and kapcsolatos ideknak. Vegynk egy pldt. Egy
this creates a sexual situation. A problem is created vonz n trsasgban vagy. Gondolataid
and you start looking for books on continence, or tmadnak rla, ami egy szexulis szitucit teremt.
enjoyment. Were you a baby, both of you could be Egy problma keletkezett, s elkezdesz
naked and together without any problem arising. nmegtartztatsrl, vagy lvezetekrl szl
Just stop thinking you are the bodies and the knyveket keresni. Ha csecsem lennl, lehetntek
problems of love and sex will lose their meaning. akr meztelenl is egytt, anlkl, hogy brmilyen
With all sense of limitation gone, fear, pain and the problma felmerlne. Csak hagyd abba azt
search for pleasure -- all cease. Only awareness gondolni, hogy te a test vagy, s a szerelemmel s a
remains. szexszel kapcsolatos problmk elvesztik
jelentsgket. A korltozottsg sszes rzsnek
eltvozsval a flelem, a kn s az rzki rmk
keresse mind megsznik. Csak a tudoms

51. Be Indifferent to Pain and Pleasure 51. Lgy kzmbs a fjdalommal s az

rmmel szemben
Questioner: I am a Frenchman by birth and Krdez: Franciaorszgban szlettem s lek, s
domicile and since about ten years I have been kzel tz ve gyakorlom a Yogt.
practicing Yoga.

Maharaj: After ten years of work are you anywhere Maharaj: Tz v munka utn valamivel kzelebb
nearer your goal? vagy a clodhoz?

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok

Q: A little nearer, maybe. It is hard work, you know. K: Egy kicsit, taln. Tudod, ez nehz dolog.

M: The Self is near and the way to it is easy. All you M: Kzel az n, s knny a hozz vezet t.
need doing is doing nothing. Mindssze annyit kell tenned, hogy nem csinlsz

Q: Yet I found my sadhana very difficult. K: De n gy rzem, hogy nagyon fraszt a


M: Your sadhana is to be. The doing happens. Just M: A te sadhand az, hogy legyl. A cselekvs
be watchful. Where is the difficulty in remembering trtnik. Csak lgy ber. Mirt nehz arra emlkezni,
that you are? Your are all the time. hogy ki vagy? Te folyamatosan vagy.

Q: The sense of being is there all the time -- no K: Ktsgtelen, hogy a lt rzse folyamatos. De a
doubt. But the field of attention is often overrun by all figyelem tere gyakran mindenfle mentlis
sorts of mental events -- emotions, images, ideas. esemnyekkel emcikkal, kpekkel, idekkal
The pure sense of being is usually crowded out. teltdik. A lt egyszer rzse rendszerint httrbe

M: What is your procedure for clearing the mind of M: Milyen mdon tiszttod meg az elmdet a
the unnecessary? What are your means, your tools felesleges dolgoktl? Milyen mdszereid, eszkzeid
for the purification of the mind? vannak az elme megtiszttsra?

Q: Basically, man is afraid. He is afraid of himself K: Alapesetben az ember fl. Sajt magtl fl a
most. I feel I am like a man who is carrying a bomb legjobban. gy rzem magam, mint aki egy
that is going to explode. He cannot defuse it, he felrobbanni kszl bombt cipel magval. Nem
cannot throw it away. He is terribly frightened and is tudja hatstalantani, nem tudja elhajtani.
searching frantically for a solution, which he cannot Iszonyatosan fl, s rjngve keresi a megoldst,
find. To me liberation is getting rid of this bomb. I do amit nem tall. Szmomra a megszabadulst ennek
not know much about the bomb. I only know that it a bombnak az eltvoltsa jelenti. Nem sokat tudok
comes from early childhood. I feel like the frightened a bombrl. Csak azt tudom, hogy kora
child protesting passionately against not being gyermekkoromtl fogva magammal cipelem. gy
loved. The child is craving for love and because he rzem magam, mint riadt gyermek, aki
does not get it, he is afraid and angry. Sometimes I szenvedlyesen tiltakozik, hogy nem szeretik t. A
feel like killing somebody or myself. This desire is so gyermek szeretetrt epekedik, s mivel nem kapja
strong that I am constantly afraid. And I do not know meg, ijedt s dhs. gy rzem olykor, mint aki l,
how to get free from fear. valakit, vagy sajt magt. Ez a vgy olyan ers,
hogy folyton flek. s nem tudom, hogyan
szabadulhatnk meg a flelemtl.

You see there is a difference between a Hindu mind Tudod, klnbsg van Hindu s eurpai elme kztt.
and a European mind. The Hindu mind is A Hindu elme viszonylag egyszer. Az eurpai
comparatively simple. The European is a much more lnyegesen sokkal inkbb bonyolult. A Hindu
complex being. The Hindu is basically sattvic. He alapveten szattvikus. Nem rti az eurpai
does not understand the Europeans restlessness, nyugtalansgt, a fradhatatlanul arra irnyul
his tireless pursuit of what he thinks needs be done; trekvst, amit megcsinlni szksgesnek gondol;
his greater general knowledge. nagyobb egyetemes tudssal rendelkezik.

M: His reasoning capacity is so great, that he will M: rvel kpessge oly kivl, hogy le fogja
reason himself out of all reason. His self- beszlni magt a jzan szrl. Magabiztossga a
assertiveness is due to his reliance on logic. logikjba vetett bizalmbl ered.

Q: But thinking, reasoning is the minds normal K: De a gondolkods, kvetkeztets az elme

state. The mind just cannot stop working. szoksos llapota. Az elme aligha tudja abbahagyni

M: It may be the habitual state, but it need not be M: Lehet, hogy ez a szoksos llapot, de neki a
the normal state. A normal state cannot be painful, normlis llapotra van szksge. A normlis llapot

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
while a habit often leads to chronic pain. nem lehet fjdalmas, mg e szoks gyakran vezet
krnikus fjdalomhoz.

Q: If it is not the natural, or normal state of mind, K: Ha nem ez a termszetes, vagy normlis llapot
then how to stop it? There must be a way to quieten az elmnek, akkor hogy lehet ezt lelltani? Kell,
the mind. How often I tell myself: enough, please hogy legyen valamilyen mdszer az elme
stop, enough of this endless chatter of sentences elhallgattatsra. Gyakran mondom magamnak:
repeated round and round. But my mind would not elg, llj le krlek, elegem van a vgtelen krkben
stop. I feel that one can stop it for a while, but not for ismtld mondatok vg nlkli locsogsbl. De
long. Even the so-called spiritual people use tricks elmm nem hajland lellni. gy rzem, az ember le
to keep their mind quiet. They repeat formulas, they tud llni egy idre, de sem sokig. Mg az
sing, pray, breathe forcibly or gently, shake, rotate, gynevezett spiritulis emberek is trkkket vetnek
concentrate, meditate, chase trances, cultivate be, hogy csendben tartsk elmjket. Formulkat
virtues -- working all the time, in order to cease ismtelgetnek, nekelnek, imdkoznak, erteljesen,
working, cease chasing, cease moving. Were it not vagy finoman llegeznek, rzkdnak, forognak,
so tragic, it would be ridiculous. koncentrlnak, meditlnak, transzba merlnek,
ernyeiket csiszolgatjk szakadatlanul annak
rdekben dolgoznak, hogy abbahagyjk a munkt,
abbahagyjk a keresst, abbahagyjk a mozgst.
Ha nem lenne olyan tragikus, akkor nevetsges

M: The mind exists in two states: as water and as M: Az elme ktfle llapotban ltezhet: mint a vz, s
honey. The water vibrates at the least disturbance, mint a mz. A vz a legkisebb zavar hatsra is
while the honey, however disturbed, returns quickly megremeg, mg a mz, akrmilyen behats is ri,
to immobility. gyorsan ismt mozdulatlann vlik.

Q: By its very nature the mind is restless. It can K: Valdi termszetnl fogva az elme nyugtalan.
perhaps be made quiet, but it is not quiet by itself. Elrheti taln a csend llapott, de nem teljesen

M: You may have a chronic fever and shiver all the M: Lehet, hogy krnikus lzad van, s llandan
time. It is desires and fears that make the mind reszketsz. A vgyak s a flelmek az elmt
restless. Free from all negative emotions it is quiet. nyugtalann teszik. Negatv emciktl mentesen

Q: You cannot protect the child from negative K: Nem tudod megvdeni a gyermeket a negatv
emotions. As soon as it is born it learns pain and emciktl. Amint megszletik, szenvedni s flni
fear. Hunger is a cruel master and teaches tanul. Az hsg kegyetlen tant, s fggsget s
dependence and hate. The child loves the mother gylletet tant. A gyermek szereti anyjt, mert enni
because she feeds it and hates her because she is ad neki, s gylli t, mert kslekedik az tellel.
late with food. Our unconscious mind is full of Tudattalan elmnk tele van konfliktusokkal, amelyek
conflicts, which overflow into the conscious. We live a tudatba tlcsordulnak. Vulkn tetejn lnk;
on a volcano; we are always in danger. I agree that llandan veszlyben vagyunk. Egyetrtek, hogy az
the company of people whose mind is peaceful has olyan emberek kzssge, akiknek az elmje bks,
a very soothing affect, but as soon as I am away nagyon csillapt hats, de amint eltvozom
from them, the old trouble starts. This is why I come krkbl, indul a rgi gond. Ezrt jvk idnknt
periodically to India to seek the company of my Indiba, s keresem Gurum trsasgt.

M: You think you are coming and going, passing M: Te gy gondolod, hogy jssz s msz, keresztl
through various states and moods. I see things as menve klnbz llapotokon s hangulatokon. n
they are, momentary events, presenting themselves annak ltom a dolgokat, amik, gyorsan egymsutn
to me in rapid succession, deriving their being from megjelen pillanatnyi esemnyek, amelyek bellem
me, yet definitely neither me nor mine. Among vezetik le ltket, mgis, amelyek hatrozottan nem
phenomena I am not one, nor subject to any. I am n vagyok, sem nem az enymek. n nem vagyok a
independent so simply and totally, that your mind, jelensgek egyike, sem egyiknek sem alvetett.
accustomed to opposition and denial, cannot grasp Olyan egyszeren s totlisan fggetlen vagyok,
it. I mean literally what I say; I do not need oppose, hogy azt a szembelltshoz s tagadshoz szokott
or deny, because it is clear to me that I cannot be elmd kptelen felfogni. Sz szerint rtem, amit

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
the opposite or denial of anything. I am just beyond, mondok; nincs szksgem szembelltsra, vagy
in a different dimension altogether. Do not look for tagadsra, mert vilgos szmomra, hogy nem
me in identification with, or opposition to something: lehetek ellenkezje, vagy tagadsa semminek: ahol
I am where desire, and fear are not. Now, what is n vagyok, ott nincs vgy s flelem. Na mr most,
your experience? Do you also feel that you stand mi is a te tapasztalatod? Te is gy rzed, hogy
totally aloof from all transient things? totlisan kzmbs vagy minden muland irnt?

Q: Yes, I do -- occasionally. But at once a sense of K: Igen, n is esetenknt. De amint veszlyt rzek,
danger sets in, I feel isolated, outside all relationship gy rzem elszigeteldk, kvl kerlk minden
with others. You see, here lies the difference in our msokkal val kapcsolaton. Tudod, ebben rejlik
mentalities. With the Hindu, the emotion follows the kzttnk a mentalitsbeli klnbsg. Egy hindunl
thought. Give a Hindu an idea and his emotions are az emci kveti a gondolatot. Ha egy hindunak
roused. With the Westerner it is the opposite: give idet adsz, rzelmei keletkeznek. A nyugati ennek
him an emotion and he will produce an idea. Your az ellenkezje: adj neki egy emcit, gyrtani fog
ideas are very attractive -- intellectually, but egy idet. A te ideid nagyon vonzak
emotionally I do not respond. intellektulisan, de emocionlis hatssal nincsenek

M: Set your intellect aside. Don't use it in these M: Intellektusodat mos tedd flre. Ne hasznld e
matters. vonatkozsban.

Q: Of what use is an advice which I cannot carry K: Mi haszna olyan tancsnak, amelyet nem tudok
out? These are all ideas and you want me to kvetni? Ezek mind idek, s te azt vrod, hogy
respond feelingly to ideas, for without feelings there rzelmekkel reagljak rjuk, mivelhogy rzelmek
can be no action. nlkl nem lehet cselekedni.

M: Why do you talk of action? Are you acting ever? M: Mirt beszlsz cselekvsrl? Te llandan
Some unknown power acts and you imagine that cselekszel? Bizonyos ismeretlen er cselekszik, s
you are acting. You are merely watching what te azt kpzeled, te cselekszel. Te pusztn figyeled,
happens, without being able to influence it in any ami trtnik, anlkl, hogy brmilyen mdon
way. hatssal lehetnl r.

Q: Why is there such a tremendous resistance in me K: Mirt van bennem ez az iszony ellenlls
against accepting that I just can do nothing? elfogadsa ellen, hogy nem tudok tenni semmit?

M: But what can you do? You are like a patient M: De mit tudsz tenni? Olyan vagy, akr egy
under anaesthetics on whom a surgeon performs an rzstelents alatt ll beteg, akit a sebsz operl.
operation. When you wake up you find the operation Amikor felbredsz felfedezed, hogy az operci
over; can you say you have done something? vget rt; mondhatod-e, hogy csinltl valamit?

Q: But it is me who has chosen to submit to an K: De az n vagyok, aki hozzjrulst adta a

operation. mtthez.

M: Certainly not. It is your illness on one side and M: Sz sincs rla. A betegsged egyrszrl, orvosod
the pressure of your physician and family on the s csaldod nyomsa a msik rszrl, aminek a
other that have made you decide. You have no hatsra meghoztad dntsedet. Nincs vlasztsod,
choice, only the illusion of it. csak annak az illzija.

Q: Yet I feel I am not as helpless as you make me K: n mgiscsak gy rzem, hogy nem vagyok
appear. I feel I can do everything I can think of, only olyan tehetetlen, mint amilyennek belltasz. gy
I do not know how. It is not the power I lack, but the gondolom, brmit megcsinlhatok, amit kitallok,
knowledge. csak azt nem tudom, hogyan. Nem az er hinyzik,
hanem a tuds.

M: Not knowing the means is admittedly as bad as M: Nem ismerni az eszkzket nyilvn ugyanolyan
not having the power. But let us drop the subject for rossz, mint nem rendelkezni az ervel. De hagyjuk a
the moment; after all it is not important why we feel tmt egy pillanatra; vgl is nem fontos, hogy mirt
helpless, as long as we see clearly that for the time rezzk a tehetetlensget, amg vilgosan ltjuk,
being we are helpless. hogy egyelre tehetetlenek vagyunk.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
I am now 74 years old. And yet I feel that I am an 74 ves vagyok. s mgis gyermeknek rzem
infant. I feel clearly that in spite of all the changes I magam. Vilgosan rzem, hogy minden vltozs
am a child. My Guru told me: that child, which is you ellenre gyermek vagyok. Gurum azt mondta
even now, is your real self (swarupa). Go back to nekem: a gyermek, aki mg e pillanatban is vagy, a
that state of pure being, where the 'I am' is still in its te valdi ned (swarupa). Menj vissza a tiszta lt
purity before it got contaminated with 'this I am' or azon llapotig, ahol az n vagyok mg tiszta volt,
'that I am'. Your burden is of false self-identifications mieltt mg beszennyezdtt volna az n ez
-- abandon them all. My Guru told me -- 'Trust me. I vagyok-, vagy n az vagyok-kal. A te terhed a
tell you; you are divine. Take it as the absolute truth. hamis nazonossgok terhe szabadulj meg
Your joy is divine, your suffering is divine too. All ezektl teljesen. Gurum azt mondta Bzz bennem.
comes from God. Remember it always. You are n mondom neked, isteni termszet vagy. Fogadd
God, your will alone is done'. I did believe him and el ezt abszolt igazsgknt. rmd isteni,
soon realised how wonderfully true and accurate szenvedsed szintn isteni. Minden Istentl ered.
were his words. I did not condition my mind by Ezt soha ne felejtsd el. Te vagy Isten, egyedl a te
thinking: 'I am God, I am wonderful, I am beyond'. I akaratod teljesl. Hittem neki, s hamarosan
simply followed his instruction which was to focus realizltam, milyen csodlatos mdon igazak s
the mind on pure being 'I am', and stay in it. I used pontosak voltak szavai. Nem kondicionltam
to sit for hours together, with, nothing but the 'I am' elmmet azt gondolva: n vagyok Isten, csodlatos
in my mind and soon peace and joy and a deep all- vagyok, mindenek felett ll vagyok. Egyszeren
embracing love became my normal state. In it all kvettem a tantst, miszerint fkuszljam az
disappeared -- myself, my Guru, the life I lived, the elmmet az n vagyok tiszta ltre, s maradjak
world around me. Only peace remained and benne. Rgebben rkon t ltem, elmmben
unfathomable silence. semmi mssal, csak az n vagyok-kal, s
hamarosan bke s rm, s egy mly, mindent
fellel szeretet vlt norml llapotomm. Minden
eltnt benne nmagam, Gurum, az let amit ltem,
a krlttem lv vilg. Csak bke maradt, s
mrhetetlenl mly csend.

Q: It all looks very simple and easy, but it is just not K: Mindez ltszlag nagyon egyszer s knny, de
so. Sometimes the wonderful state of joyful peace ppen hogy nem gy van. Olykor csodlatos rmteli
dawns on me and I look and wonder: how easily it bks llapot virrad rm, s n csak nzek s
comes and how intimate it seems, how totally my csodlkozom: milyen knnyen jn, s milyen
own. Where was the need to strive so hard for a meghittnek tnik, mennyire egszen az n sajtom.
state so near at hand? This time, surely, it has come Honnan az igny, hogy oly kemnyen trekedj egy
to stay. Yet how soon it all dissolves and leaves me egszen kzeli, a kezed gyben lv llapotra?
wondering -- was it a taste of reality or another Ezttal bizonyra llandsul. Mgis, mily gyorsan
aberration. If it was reality, why did it go? Maybe szertefoszlik s itt hagy engem mulva ez a
some unique experience is needed to fix me for valsg ze volt, vagy ms aberrci? Ha valsg
good in the new state and until the crucial volt, mirt mlt el? Taln valamilyen egyedi
experience comes, this game of hide and seek must tapasztalatnak kell vgleg helyrehozni engem az j
continue. llapotban, s amg a kritikus tapasztalat el nem
rkezik, ennek a bjcsknak folytatdnia kell.

M: Your expectation of something unique and M: A valamilyen egyedi s drmai, valamilyen

dramatic, of some wonderful explosion, is merely csodlatos robbans irnti elvrsod, csak
hindering and delaying your self-realisation. You are akadlyozza s kslelteti nmegvalstsodat. Nem
not to expect an explosion, for the explosion has kell robbansra vrnod, mert a robbans mr
already happened -- at the moment when you were megtrtnt abban a pillanatban, amikor
born, when you realised yourself as being-knowing- megszlettl, amikor lt-tudat-rzsknt ismerted fel
feeling. There is only one mistake you are making: magad. Csak egyetlen hibt kvetsz el: a belst
you take the inner for the outer and the outer for the klsnek, s a klst belsnek tartod. Ami benned
inner. What is in you, you take to be outside you and van, azt rajtad kvl lvnek tartod, s ami kls, azt
what is outside, you take to be in you. The mind and benned lvnek tartod. Az elme s az rzsek kls
feelings are external, but you take them to be dolgok, de te belsnek tartod ket. Azt hiszed, hogy
intimate. You believe the world to be objective, while a vilg objektv, mikzben teljes egszben
it is entirely a projection of your psyche. That is the pszichd kivettse. Ez az alapvet tveds, s ezt
basic confusion and no new explosion will set it semmilyen j robbans nem fogja helyrehozni.
right. You have to think yourself out of it. There is no Neked kell ebbl a kiutat tallnod. Nincs ms md.
other way.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok

Q: How am I to think myself out when my thoughts K: Hogyan talljak kiutat, amikor gondolataim
come and go as they like. Their endless chatter tetszsk szerint jnnek s mennek? Vgtelen
distracts and exhausts me. locsogsuktl megzavarodok s kimerlk.

M: Watch your thoughts as you watch the street M: Figyeld a gondolataidat, mintha kzti forgalmat
traffic. People come and go; you register without figyelnl. Jnnek-mennek az emberek; amit te
response. It may not be easy in the beginning, but reagls nlkl szemllsz. Kezdetben nem biztos,
with some practice you will find that your mind can hogy ez knny, de idvel gy tallod majd, hogy
function on many levels at the same time and you elmd egyszerre tbb szinten kpes funkcionlni, s
can be aware of them all. It is only when you have a te mindegyiknek tudatban leszel. Amikor figyelmed
vested interest in any particular level, that your ott ragad valamelyik szinten, valamilyen egyedi
attention gets caught in it and you black out on otherrdekeltsg miatt, akkor ms szinteken kialszik. A
levels. Even then the work on the blacked out levels kialudt szintek mkdse mg ekkor is folytatdik, a
goes on, outside the field of consciousness. Do not tudatossg tern kvl. Ne harcolj emlkeiddel s
struggle with your memories and thoughts; try only gondolataiddal; prbld csak a sokkal fontosabb
to include in your field of attention the other, more krdseket figyelmed terben tartani, olyanokat,
important questions, like 'Who am l?' 'How did I mint Ki vagyok n?, Hogyan szlettem?, Mirt van
happen to be born?' 'Whence this universe around ez az univerzum krlttem?, Mi valdi, s mi
me?'. 'What is real and what is momentary?' No pillanatnyi? Semmilyen gondolat nem marad fenn,
ha elveszted irnta az rdekldsedet, az
memory will persist, if you lose interest in it, it is the
emotional link that perpetuates the bondage. You emocionlis kapocs tartja fenn a ktelket.
are always seeking pleasure, avoiding pain, always llandan lvezetet keresel, a fjdalmat kerlsz,
after happiness and peace. Don't you see that it is llandan boldogsg s bke utn kutakodsz. Nem
your very search for happiness that makes you feel ltod, hogy valjban boldogsg keressed miatt
miserable? Try the other way: indifferent to pain and rzed magad boldogtalannak? Prbld ki a msik
pleasure, neither asking, nor refusing, give all your utat: lgy kzmbs a fjdalommal s az lvezettel
attention to the level on which 'I am' is timelessly szemben, se nem krve, se nem visszautastva,
present. Soon you will realise that peace and fordtsd teljes figyelmed arra a szintre, amelyen az
happiness are in your very nature and it is only n vagyok idtlenl jelen van. Hamarosan
seeking them through some particular channels, that felismered, hogy valsgos termszeted a bke s
disturbs. Avoid the disturbance, that is all. To seek boldogsg, s csak ezeknek a mindenfle klns
there is no need; you would not seek what you csatornkon val keresse az, ami zavar. Kerld a
already have. You yourself are God, the Supreme zavart, ez minden. Nincs szksg keressre; nem
kell azt keresned, ami mr eleve vagy. Te magad
Reality. To begin with, trust me, trust the Teacher. It
enables you to make the first step -- and then your vagy Isten, a Legfelsbb Realits. Elszr is, bzz
trust is justified by your own experience. In every bennem, bzz a Tantban. Ez lehetv teszi, hogy
megtedd az els lpst azutn bizalmad majd
walk of life initial trust is essential; without it little can
be done. Every undertaking is an act of faith. Even sajt tapasztalatod ltal nyer igazolst. Minden
your daily bread you eat on trust. By remembering letplyn elengedhetetlen a kezdeti bizalom; e
what I told you you will achieve everything. I am nlkl keveset lehet tenni. Minden vllalkozs
telling you again: You are the all-pervading, all bizalombl fakad cselekvs. Mg mindennapi
transcending reality. Behave accordingly: think, feel kenyered is bizalomra pl. Ha szben tartod, amit
and act in harmony with the whole and the actual mondtam, mindent meg fogsz valstani.
experience of what I say will dawn upon you in no Megismtlem: te vagy a mindent betlt, mindent
time. No effort is needed. Have faith and act on it. meghalad valsg. Viselkedj ennek megfelelen:
Please see that I want nothing from you. It is in yourgondolkodj, rezz s cselekedj az egsszel val
own interest that l speak, because above all you harmniban, s valdi rtelme, annak amit mondok
love yourself, you want yourself secure and happy. igen rvid id alatt megvilgosodik. Nincs szksg
erfesztsre. Higgy, s cselekedj ennek
Don't be ashamed of it, don't deny it. It is natural and
good to love oneself. Only you should know what megfelelen. Lsd be, krlek, hogy semmit nem
exactly do you love. It is not the body that you love,akarok tled. A sajt rdekedben beszlek, mert te
szereted mindenekfelett nmagadat, te akarsz
it is Life --perceiving, feeling, thinking, doing, loving,
striving, creating. It is that Life you love, which isnmagadnak biztonsgot s boldogsgot. Ne
szgyelld, ne is utastsd el ezt. Termszetes s j
you, which is all. Realise it in its totality, beyond all
divisions and limitations, and all your desires will dolog szeretni nmagad. Csak azt kell tudnod, hogy
merge in it, for the greater contains the smaller. mit is szeretsz pontosan. Nem a test az, amit
szeretsz, hanem az let szlels, rzs,
Therefore find yourself, for in finding that you find all.
gondolkods, cselekvs, szeretet, trekvs,
Everybody is glad to be. But few know the fullness of teremts. Azt a letet szereted, amely te vagy,

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
it. You come to know by dwelling in your mind on 'I amely minden. Ismerd ezt fel a maga teljessgben,
am', 'I know', 'I love' -- with the will of reaching the minden megosztson s korltozson tli voltban,
deepest meaning of these words. s minden vgyad sszeolvad vele, hogy a nagyobb
magba foglalja a kisebbet. Keresd teht nmagad,
mert a keressve mindent megtallsz.

Mindenki rl a ltnek. De kevesen ismerik annak

teljessgt. Megismersig az n vagyok, az n
tudok, az n szeretek elmdben tartsval jutsz el
azltal, hogy el akarod rni ezen szavak
legmlyebb rtelmt.

Q: Can I think 'I am God'? K: Gondolhatom azt, hogy n vagyok Isten?

M: Don't identify yourself with an idea. If you mean M: Ne azonostsd magad egy ideval. Ha Isten alatt
by God the Unknown, then you merely say: 'I do not az Ismeretlent rted, akkor egyedl azt mondhatod:
know what I am'. If you know God as you know your nem tudom, ki vagyok. Ha Istent sajt nedknt
self, you need not say it. Best is the simple feeling 'I ismered, akkor nem kell mondanod. Legjobb az
am'. Dwell on it patiently. Here patience is wisdom; egyszer n vagyok rzs. Idzz benne
don't think of failure. There can be no failure in this trelmesen. A trelem blcsessg; ne kalkulld be a
undertaking. sikertelensget. Ez a vllalkozs nem lehet

Q: My thoughts will not let me. K: A gondolataim nem fognak elhagyni.

M: Pay no attention. Don't fight them. Just do M: Ne figyelj rjuk. Ne harcolj velk. Csak ne tgy
nothing about them, let them be, whatever they are. velk semmit, engedd ket lenni, brmik is azok.
Your very fighting them gives them life. Just Valjban a velk val kzdelem lteti ket. Csak
disregard. Look through. Remember to remember: hagyd ket figyelmen kvl. Nzz t rajtuk.
'whatever happens -- happens because I am'. All Emlkezz, hogy emlkezz: brmi trtnik azrt
reminds you that you are. Take full advantage of the trtnik, mert n vagyok. Minden arra emlkeztet,
fact that to experience you must be. You need not hogy vagy. Ragadj meg minden alkalmat annak
stop thinking. Just cease being interested. It is megtapasztalsra, hogy vagy. Nem kell
disinterestedness that liberates. Don't hold on, that abbahagyni a gondolkodst. Csak az irnta val
is all. The world is made of rings. The hooks are all rdekldst hagyd abba. Ez az rdektelensg
yours. Make straight your hooks and nothing can szabadt meg. Ne ragaszkodj, ez minden. A vilg
hold you. Give up your addictions. There is nothing tele van gyrkkel. Te tele vagy horgokkal.
else to give up. Stop your routine of acquisitiveness, Egyenestsd ki a horgaidat, s semmi nem tud
your habit of looking for results and the freedom of maghoz ragadni. Add fel fggsgeidet. Semmi
the universe is yours. Be effortless. ms nincs, amit fel kell adni. lltsd le a szerzs
gyakorlatt, az eredmny szemllet szokst, s
tid az univerzum szabadsga. Lgy erfeszts

Q: Life is effort. There are so many things to do. K: Az let erfeszts. Olyan sok a tennival.

M: What needs doing, do it. Don't resist. Your M: Amit csinlni kell, csinld. Ne llj ellen. Lgy
balance must be dynamic, based on doing just the dinamikus egyenslyban, azon alapon, hogy csak j
right thing, from moment to moment. Don't be a child dolgokat csinlsz, minden pillanatban. Ne lgy
unwilling to grow up. Stereotyped gestures and felnni nem akar gyermek. Sztereotip viselkeds
postures will not help you. Rely entirely on your s magatarts nem segt rajtad. Bzd magad
clarity of thought, purity of motive and integrity of teljesen gondolkodsod vilgossgra, motivcid
action. You cannot possibly go wrong. Go beyond tisztasgra, s cselekvsed integritsra. Nem
and leave all behind. tudod elrontani. Lpj tl, s hagyj mindent magad

Q: But can anything be left for good? K: De maradhat-e brmi is j?

M: You want something like a round-the-clock M: Te valamilyen lland rmmmort akarsz.

ecstasy. Ecstasies come and go, necessarily, for the rmk jnnek s mennek, ami szksgszer, mert

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
human brain cannot stand the tension for a long az emberi agy nem brja a feszltsget hossz ideig.
time. A prolonged ecstasy will burn out your brain, A hosszan tart elragadtats kigeti az agyadat,
unless it is extremely pure and subtle. In nature hacsak nem rendkvli mdon tiszta s kifinomult. A
nothing is at stand-still, everything pulsates, appears termszetben semmi nem szakadatlan, minden
and disappears. Heart, breath, digestion, sleep and lktet, megjelenik s eltnik. Szv, llegzet,
waking -- birth and death everything comes and emszts, alvs s brenlt szlets s hall,
goes in waves. Rhythm, periodicity, harmonious mind hullmszeren jnnek s mennek. Ritmus,
alternation of extremes is the rule. No use rebelling periodicits, szls rtkek kztti harmonikus
against the very pattern of life. If you seek the vltakozs a szably. Ne lzadj az let valsgos
Immutable, go beyond experience. When I say: mintja ellen. Ha az llandt keresed, lpj tl a
remember 'I am' all the time, I mean: 'come back to it tapasztalaton. Ha azt mondom: szakadatlanul tartsd
repeatedly'. No particular thought can be mind's szben az n vagyok-ot, gy rtem: trj vissza
natural state, only silence. Not the idea of silence, hozz jra meg jra. Semmilyen konkrt gondolat
but silence itself. When the mind is in its natural nem lehet az elme termszetes llapota, csak a
state, it reverts to silence spontaneously after every csend. Nem a csend ideja, hanem maga a csend.
experience or, rather, every experience happens Amikor az elme a termszetes llapotban van,
against the background of silence. minden tapasztals utn spontn mdon visszatr a
csendhez, azaz inkbb, minden tapasztals a csend
Now, what you have learnt here becomes the seed. httere eltt trtnik.
You may forget it -- apparently. But it will live and in
due season sprout and grow and bring forth flowers Nos, amit itt tanultl, az magg vlik. Lehet, hogy
and fruits. All will happen by itself. You need not do elfelejted ltszlag. De lni fog, s kell idben
anything, only don't prevent it. kicsrzik, nvekedsnek indul, virgot hoz, s
gymlcst terem. Minden magtl fog trtnni.
Neked nem kell csinlni semmit, csak ne gtold.

I AM THAT part2 N AZ VAGYOK 2. rsz

52. Being Happy, Making Happy is the 52. Boldognak lenni, boldogg tenni az
Rhythm of Life let harmnija
Questioner: I came from Europe a few months ago Krdez: Nhny hnapja rkeztem Eurpbl,
on one of my periodical visits to my Guru near Kalkutta mellett l Gurumnl szoktam rendszeres
Calcutta. Now I am on my way back home. I was ltogatst tenni. Most hazafel tartok. Egy bartom
invited by a friend to meet you and I am glad I came. invitlt, hogy ltogassalak meg, s rlk, hogy

Maharaj: What did you learn from your Guru and Maharaj: Mit tanultl a Gurudtl, s milyen
what practice did you follow? gyakorlatot kvetsz?

Q: He is a venerable old man of about eighty. K: egy tiszteletre mlt, ids, nyolcvan krli
Philosophically he is a Vedantin and the practice he ember. Filozfijt tekintve Vedantin, s az ltala
teaches has much to do with rousing the tantott prakszis lnyege az elme tudatalatti
unconscious energies of the mind and bringing the energiinak a felbresztse, s a rejtett akadlyok
hidden obstacles and blockages into the conscious. s gtlsok tudatostsa. Az n szemlyes
My personal sadhana was related to my peculiar sadhanm a korai gyermekveimhez s
problem of early infancy and childhood. My mother gyermekkoromhoz ktd sajtsgos
could not give me the feeling of being secure and problmimmal kapcsolatos. Anym nem tudta
loved, so important to the child's normal megadni nekem a biztonsg s a szeretet rzst,
development. She was a woman not fit to be a ami oly fontos egy gyermek normlis fejldshez.
mother; ridden with anxieties and neuroses, unsure egy olyan asszony volt, aki nem volt alkalmas
of herself, she felt me to be a responsibility and a anynak; aggodalom s idegessg ltal
burden beyond her capacity to bear. She never megnyomortottan, sajt magban bizonytalanul
wanted me to be born. She did not want me to grow engem tett felelss, s a r nehezed terhek
and to develop, she wanted me back in her womb, meghaladtk trkpessgt. Soha nem akart
unborn, nonexistent. Any movement of life in me she engem vilgra hozni. Nem akarta, hogy nvekedjek
resisted, any attempt to go beyond the narrow circle s fejldjek, azt akarta, hogy trjek vissza az
of her habitual existence she fought fiercely. As a anyamhbe, vljak meg nem szletett, nem
child I was both sensitive and affectionate. I craved ltezv. Az letemben bekvetkez minden

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
for love above everything else and love, the simple, vltozsnak ellenllt, szenvedlyesen harcolt
instinctive love of a mother for her child was denied minden ellen, ami megksrelt tllpni az
me. The child's search for its mother became the megszokott ltezsnek szk krn. Gyermekknt
leading motive of my life and I never grew out of it. A rzkeny voltam s gyengd. Minden msnl jobban
happy child, a happy childhood became an ignyeltem a szeretetet, s a szeretet, a gyermeke
obsession with me. Pregnancy, birth, infancy irnt sztns anyai szeretet, tlem megtagadtatott.
interested me passionately. I became an obstetrician A gyermek anya-keresse vlt letem vezr
of some renown and contributed to the development motvumv, amit soha nem tudtam kinni. A boldog
of the method of painless childbirth. A happy child of gyermek, a boldog gyermekkor rgeszmmm vlt.
a happy mother -- that was my ideal all my life. But Szenvedlyes rdeklds alakult ki bennem a
my mother was always there -- unhappy herself, terhessg, szlets, csecsemkor irnt. Szlszknt
unwilling and incapable to see me happy. It bizonyos hrnvre tettem szert, s kzremkdtem a
manifested itself in strange ways. Whenever I was fjdalommentes gyermekszls mdszernek a
unwell, she felt better; when I was in good shape, kifejlesztsben. Boldog anya boldog gyermeke ez
she was down again, cursing herself and me too. As volt egsz letem eszmnykpe. De anym mindig
if she never forgave me my crime of having been ott volt a maga boldogtalansgval,
born, she made me feel guilty of being alive. 'You vonakodsval s az irnti kptelensgvel, hogy
live because you hate me. If you love me -- die', was engem boldognak lsson. Ez klns mdokon
her constant, though silent message. And so I spent nyilvnult meg. Valahnyszor n gyenglkedtem,
my life, being offered death instead of love. jl volt; amikor n j egszsgben voltam, ismt
Imprisoned, as I was, in my mother, the perennial maga al kerlt, tkozva sajt magt s engem is.
infant, I could not develop a meaningful relation with Mintha sohasem tudn megbocstani a bnmet,
a woman; the image of the mother would stand hogy megszlettem, azt akarta, hogy bntudatot
between, unforgiving, unforgiven. I sought solace in rezzek azrt, hogy lek. Te azrt lsz, mert
my work and found much; but I could not move from gyllsz engem. Ha szeretsz meghalsz, ez volt az
the pit of infancy. Finally, I turned to spiritual search lland, habr nma zenete. s gy telt az
and I am on this line steadily for many years. But, in letem, a szeretet helyetti hall ajnlatval. Anym,
a way it is the same old search for mother's love, call az rk gyermeksg rabjaknt, nem tudtam nvel
it God or Atma or Supreme Reality. Basically I want rtelmes kapcsolatot kialaktani; anym kpe mindig
to love and be loved; unfortunately the so-called kznk llt, knyrtelenl, meg nem bocstan. A
religious people are against life and all for the mind. munkmban kerestem vigaszt, s sokat talltam; de
When faced with life's needs and urges, they begin nem tudtam meneklni a gyermeksg csapdjbl.
by classifying, abstracting and conceptualising and Vgl a spiritulis keress fel fordultam, s
then make the classification more important than life kitartan, mr sok ve ezt a vonalat kvetem. De a
itself. They ask to concentrate on and impersonate a maga nemben ez ugyanaz a rgi, anyai szeretet
concept. Instead of the spontaneous integration keress, nevezd azt Istennek, Atmnak, vagy
through love they recommend a deliberate and Legfelsbb Valsgnak. Tulajdonkppen szeretni s
laborious concentration on a formula. Whether it is szeretve lenni akarok; sajnlatra mlt mdon az
God or Atma, the me or the other, it comes to the gynevezett vallsos emberek letellenesek, s
same. Something to think about, not somebody to mind elme vezrelt. Az let szksgleteivel s
love. It is not theories and systems that I need; there sztnzseivel szembeslve osztlyozni,
are many equally attractive or plausible. I need a absztrahlni s konceptualizlni kezdenek, majd az
stirring of the heart, a renewal of life, and not a new osztlyozst sokkal fontosabb teszik, mint magt
way of thinking. There are no new ways of thinking, az letet. Arra krnek, hogy sszpontostsak egy
but feelings can be ever fresh. When I love fogalomra, s szemlyestsem meg azt. A szeretet
somebody, I meditate on him spontaneously and ltali spontn teljess vls helyett egy fogalomra
powerfully, with warmth and vigour, which my mind val kigondolt s mesterklt koncentrcit
cannot command. javasolnak. Akr Isten, vagy Atma, az n vagy a
msik, mind ugyanoda vezet. Gondolni rla valamit,
nem pedig szeretni t. Nem elmletekre s
rendszerekre van szksgem; ezekbl sok
egyformn vonz vagy hihet ltezik. Nekem a szv
bredsre van szksgem, az let megjulsra,
s nem egy j gondolkodsmdra. Nincsenek j
mdjai a gondolkodsnak, de az rzsek rkk
frissek lehetnek. Amikor szeretek valakit, akkor
nkntelenl s erteljesen meditlok rajta,
melegsggel s letervel telve, amit az elmm nem
tud uralni.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
Words are good for shaping feelings; words without A szavak alkalmasak az rzsek alaktsra; az
feeling are like clothes with no body inside -- cold rzsek nlkli szavak akr a test nlkli ruhk
and limp. This mother of mine -- she drained me of hidegek s ertlenek. Ez az n anym lecsapolta
all feelings -- my sources have run dry. Can I find sszes rzsemet forrsaim kiszradtak.
here the richness and abundance of emotions, Rtallhatok itt az emcik gazdagsgra s
which I needed in such ample measure as a child? bsgre, amelyekre oly bsgesen szksgem lett
volna gyermekknt?

M: Where is your childhood now? And what is your M: Hol van a gyermekkorod most? s mi a jvd?

Q: I was born, I have grown, I shall die. K: Megszlettem, felntt lettem, meghalok.

M: You mean your body, of course. And your mind. I M: Te most a testedre gondolsz, termszetesen. s
am not talking of your physiology and psychology. elmdre. Most nem fiziolgidrl s pszicholgidrl
They are a part of nature and are governed by van sz. Ezek a termszet rsze, s termszeti
nature's laws. I am talking of your search for love. trvnyek ltal irnytottak. A te szeretet irnti
Had it a beginning? Will it have an end? keressedrl beszlek. Volt ennek kezdete? Lesz
neki vge?

Q: I really cannot say. It is there -- from the earliest K: Valjban nem tudom megmondani. Jelen van
to the last moment of my life. This yearning for love - letem legkorbbi pillanata ta a legutolsig. Ez a
- how constant and how hopeless. szeretet utni svrgs mily lland s mily

M: In your search for love what exactly are you M: Szeretet irnti keressed sorn mi az pontosan,
searching for? amit keresel?

Q: Simply this: to love and to be loved. K: Egyszeren: szeretni s szeretve lenni.

M: You mean a woman? M: Most ezt nre vonatkozan rted?

Q: Not necessarily. A friend, a teacher, a guide -- as K: Nem szksgszeren. Bartra, tanrra, vezetre
long as the feeling is bright and clear. Of course, a amg az rzs vilgos s tiszta. Persze, a n a
woman is the usual answer. But it need not be the szokvnyos vlasz. De ez csak az egyik lehetsg.
only one.

M: Of the two what would you prefer, to love or to be M: A kett kzl melyiket rszested elnyben,
loved? szeretni vagy szeretve lenni?

Q: I would rather have both. But I can see that to K: Inkbb mindkettt. De gy ltom, szeretni
love is greater, nobler, deeper. To be loved is sweet, nagyszerbb, nemesebb, mlyebb. Szeretve lenni
but it does not make one grow. kellemes dolog, de ettl az ember nem fog felnni.

M: Can you love on your own, or must you be made M: Tudsz magadtl szeretni, vagy erltetned kell a
to love? szeretetet?

Q: One must meet somebody lovable, of course. My K: Termszetesen tallkoznia kell az embernek
mother was not only not loving, she was also not valaki olyannal, aki szeretetre mlt. Az anym nem
lovable. csak nem szeretett, szeretetre mlt sem volt.

M: What makes a person lovable? Is it not the being M: Mi tesz valakit szeretetre mltv? Nem a lnyt
loved? First you love and then you look for reasons. kell szeretni? Elszr szeress, majd azutn keress

Q: It can be the other way round. You love what K: Ez lehet a msik t. Szereted, ami boldogg tesz
makes you happy. tged.

M: But what makes you happy? M: De mi tesz tged boldogg?

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
Q: There is no rule about it. The entire subject is K: Erre vonatkozan nincs szably. Ez az egsz
highly individual and unpredictable. nagyon egyni, s megjsolhatatlan.

M: Right. Whichever way you put it, unless you love M: Rendben. Brmilyen utat vlasztasz, ha nem
there is no happiness. But, does love make you szeretsz, nem lehetsz boldog. De, a szeretet minden
always happy? Is not the association of love with esetben boldogg tesz? Nem trstod a szeretetet a
happiness a rather early, infantile stage? When the boldogsg egy meglehetsen korai, infantilis
beloved suffers, don't you suffer too? And do you llapotval? Amikor a szeretett szenved, nem
cease to love, because you suffer? Must love and szenvedsz-e te is? s megsznsz-e szeretni, mert
happiness come and go together? Is love merely the szenvedsz? A szeretetnek s a boldogsgnak egytt
expectation of pleasure? kell-e megjelennie s tvoznia? Lehet-e a szeretet
az rm elvrsa csupn?

Q: Of course not. There can be much suffering in K: Termszetesen nem. Sok szenveds lehet a
love. szeretetben.

M: Then what is love? Is it not a state of being rather M: Akkor ht mi a szeretet? Nem ltllapot inkbb,
than a state of mind? Must you know that you love in mint elmellapot? Kell-e tudnod, hogy szeretsz,
order to love? Did you not love your mother annak rdekben, hogy szeress? Nem szeretted-e
unknowingly? Your craving for her love, for an anydat tudatlanul is? Vgyakozsod a szeretetre,
opportunity to love her, is it not the movement of a lehetsgre, hogy szerethesd t, nem a szeretet
love? Is not love as much a part of you, as mkdse-e? Nem ugyanannyira rszed-e neked a
consciousness of being? You sought the love of szeretet is, mint a lt tudatossga? Azrt kerested
your mother, because you loved her. anyd szeretett, mert szeretted t.

Q: But she would not let me. K: De nem hagyta.

M: She could not stop you. M: Nem tudott volna meglltani.

Q: Then, why was I unhappy all my life? K: Akkor mirt volt boldogtalan az egsz letem?

M: Because you did not go down to the very roots of M: Mert nem merltl al lted valdi gykereihez.
your being. It is your complete ignorance of yourself, nmagad teljes tudatlansga elfedte szeretetedet
that covered up your love and happiness and made s boldogsgodat, s a keressre ksztetett
you seek for what you had never lost. Love is will, annak, amit soha nem vesztettl el. A szeretet
the will to share your happiness with all. Being vlaszts, annak vlasztsa, hogy boldogsgodat
happy -- making happy -- this is the rhythm of love. megosztod mindennel. Boldognak lenni boldogg
tenni ez a szeretet harmnija.

53. Desires Fulfilled, Breed More Desires 53. A beteljeslt vgyak tovbbi
vgyakat keltenek
Questioner: I must confess I came today in a Krdez: Be kell vallanom, nagyon lzong
rebellious mood. I got a raw deal at the airlines lelkillapotban jttem ma ide. A lgiforgalmi trsasg
office. When faced with such situations everything irodjban kmletlenl bntak velem. Amikor ilyen
seems doubtful, everything seems useless. szituciba kerlk, minden ktsgesnek ltszik,
minden rossznak tnik.

Maharaj: This is a very useful mood. Doubting all, Maharaj: Ez egy nagyon hasznos lelkillapot.
refusing all, unwilling to learn through another. It is Mindenben ktelkedni, mindent elutastani,
the fruit of your long sadhana. After all one does not vonakodni attl, hogy msok ltal tanulj. Ez a te
study for ever. hossz sadhandnak a gymlcse. Vgl is az
ember nem tanul rkk.

Q: Enough of it. It took me nowhere. K: Elegem van belle. Nem vitt engem sehov.

M: Don't say 'nowhere'. It took you where you are -- M: Ne mondd, hogy sehov. Ez vezetett tged oda,
now. ahol vagy most.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
Q: It is again the child and its tantrums. I have not K: Ez megint a gyermek s szeszlyei. Egy centit
moved an inch from where I was. sem mozdultam onnan, ahol voltam.

M: You began as a child and you will end as a child. M: Gyermekknt kezdted, s gyermekknt fogod
Whatever you have acquired in the meantime you vgezni. Akrmit szereztl kzben, el kell, hogy
must lose and start at the beginning. vesztsd, s az elejn kell, hogy kezdd.

Q: But the child kicks. When it is unhappy or denied K: De a gyermek rugdos. Amikor boldogtalan, vagy
anything it kicks. elutastjk, brmibe belerg.

M: Let it kick. Just look at the kicking. And if you are M: Hadd rgjon. Csak figyeld a rgst. s ha
too afraid of the society to kick convincingly look at tlsgosan flsz a trsadalomtl ahhoz, hogy
that too. I know it is a painful business. But there is meggyz mdon belergj, akkor azt is figyeld.
no remedy -- except one -- the search for remedies Tudom, hogy ez fjdalmas gy. De nincs r
must cease. gygyszer egyet kivve a gygyszerek
keressnek az abba hagyst.

If you are angry or in pain, separate yourself from Ha dhs vagy, vagy szenvedsz, vlj kln a dhtl
anger and pain and watch them. Externalisation is s a szenvedstl, s figyeld ket. Az externalizci
the first step to liberation. Step away and look. The az els lps a megszabaduls fel. Lpj tvolabb,
physical events will go on happening, but by s figyelj. A fizikai esemnyek tovbb fognak zajlani,
themselves they have no importance. It is the mind de egyedl mr nem lesz jelentsgk. Kizrlag az
alone that matters. Whatever happens, you cannot elme, csinl gyet a dologbl. Brmi trtnik, nem
kick and scream in an airline office or in a Bank. rugdoshatsz s ordthatsz egy irodban, vagy egy
Society does not allow it. If you do not like their bankban. A trsadalom ezt nem engedi meg. Ha
ways, or are not prepared to endure them, don't fly nem tetszenek a mdszereik, vagy nem vagy elg
or carry money. Walk, and if you cannot walk, don't felkszlt, hogy elviseld ket, akkor ne replj, illetve
travel. If you deal with society you must accept its ne legyenek pnzgyeid. Gyalogolj, s ha nem
ways, for its ways are your ways. Your needs and tudsz gyalogolni, akkor ne kzlekedj. Ha gyeid
demands have created them. Your desires are so vannak a trsadalommal, akkor el kell fogadnod az
complex and contradictory -- no wonder the society mdszereit, mert az mdszerei a te mdszereid.
you create is also complex and contradictory. Szksgleteid s ignyeid teremtettk ket. Vgyaid
annyira sokrtek s ellentmondsosak ne
csodlkozz, hogy a trsadalom, amit ltrehoztl
szintn sokrt s ellentmondsos.

Q: I do see and admit that the outer chaos is merely K: Ltom, s el is ismerem, hogy a kls kosz
a reflection of my own inner disharmony. But what is pusztn az n sajt bels diszharmnim
the remedy? visszatkrzdse. De mi az orvossg?

M: Don't seek remedies. M: Ne keress orvossgokat.

Q: Sometimes one is in a 'state of grace' and life is K: Idnknt az emberkegyelmi llapotban van, s
happy and harmonious. But such a state does not az let boldog s harmonikus. De az ilyen llapot
last. The mood changes and all goes wrong. nem tarts. A lelkillapot megvltozik, s minden

M: If you could only keep quiet, clear of memories M: Ha csendben tudnl maradni, emlkektl s
and expectations, you would be able to discern the elvrsoktl tisztn, kpes lennl szrevenni az
beautiful pattern of events. It is your restlessness esemnyek gynyr mintzatt. A nyugtalansgod
that causes chaos. a kosz okozja.

Q: For full three hours that I spent in the airline office K: A lgiforgalmi trsasg irodjban tlttt hrom
I was practising patience and forbearance. It did not ra alatt trelmet s elnzst gyakoroltam. s nem
speed up matters. gyorsultak fel a dolgok.

M: At least it did not slow them down, as your M: De legalbb le se lasstotta, amit rugdosssal
kicking would have surely done. You want biztos elidztl volna. Azonnali eredmnyeket
immediate results. We do not dispense magic here. akarsz. Itt nem szolglunk varzslattal. Mindenki
Everybody does the same mistake: refusing the ugyanazt a hibt kveti el: az eszkzket elutastjk,

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
means, but wanting the ends. You want peace and de a clokhoz ragaszkodnak. Bkt s harmnit
harmony in the world, but refuse to have them in akarsz a vilgban, de elutastod, hogy rendelkezz
yourself. Follow my advice implicitly and you will not vele nmagadban. Tancsom rtelemszer
be disappointed. I cannot solve your problem by kvetse esetn nem fogsz csaldni. Nem tudom
mere words. You have to act on what I told you and megoldani a problmdat puszta szavakkal. Neked
persevere. It is not the right advice that liberates, but kell dolgoznod az ltalam elmondottakon, s
the action based on it. Just like a doctor, after giving llhatatosan. Nem a helyes tancs szabadt meg,
the patient an injection, tells him: 'Now, keep quiet. hanem az arra alapozott cselekvs. Ahogy a doktor
Do nothing more, just keep quiet,' I am telling you: a pciensnek beadott injekci utn azt mondja:
you have got your 'injection', now keep quiet, just Most pedig maradjon nyugalomban. Semmit ne
keep quiet. You have nothing else to do. My Guru csinljon, csak maradjon nyugalomban., n is gy
did the same. He would tell me something and then mondom neked: megkaptad az injekcidat, most
said: 'Now keep quiet. Don't go on ruminating all the maradj nyugalomban, csak maradj nyugalomban.
time. Stop. Be silent'. Semmi mst nem kell tenned. Gurum ugyanezt
csinlta velem. Miutn elmondta amit akart, azt
mondta: Most maradj nyugalomban. Ne elmlkedj
llandan. llj. Lgy csendben.

Q: I can keep quiet for an hour in the morning. But K: Reggel egy rnyi nyugalomban tudok maradni.
the day is long and many things happen that throw De hossz a nap, s sok olyan dolog trtnik,
me out of balance. It is easy to say 'be silent', but to amelyek kibillentenek az egyenslyombl. Knny
be silent when all is screaming in me and round me - azt mondani, hogy maradj csendben, de csendben
- please tell me how it is done. maradni, mikor bennem s krlttem minden
zajong krlek, mondd el, hogyan kell ezt tenni.

M: All that needs doing can be done in peace and M: Minden szksges teendt el lehet vgezni
silence. There is no need to get upset. csendben s bkben. Nem kell zaklatott vlni.

Q: It is all theory which does not fit the facts. I am K: Ez mind elmlet, ami nem felel meg a tnyeknek.
returning to Europe with nothing to do there. My life gy trek vissza Eurpba, hogy nincs ott semmi
is completely empty. tennivalm. Az letem teljesen res.

M: If you just try to keep quiet, all will come -- the M: Ha csupn nyugalomban prblsz maradni,
work, the strength for work, the right motive. Must minden jnni fog a munka, a munkhoz szksges
you know everything beforehand? Don't be anxious er, a kell motivci. Kell neked mindent elre
about your future -- be quiet now and all will fall in tudnod? Ne aggdj a jvd miatt lgy nyugodt
place. The unexpected is bound to happen, while most, s minden a helyre fog kerlni. A nem vrt
the anticipated may never come. Don't tell me you hatatlanul bekvetkezik, mg a remlt taln soha
cannot control your nature. You need not control it. nem jn el. Ne mondd nekem, hogy nem tudsz
Throw it overboard. Have no nature to fight, or to uralkodni a termszeteden. Nem kell rajta
submit to. No experience will hurt you, provided you uralkodnod. Dobd ki a hajbl. Nincs semmilyen
don't make it into a habit. Of the entire universe you termszet, amivel harcolni kell, vagy aminek engedni
are the subtle cause. All is because you are. Grasp kell. Semmilyen tapasztalat nem fog megsebezni,
this point firmly and deeply and dwell on it feltve, hogy ha nem teszed szoksodd. Te vagy
repeatedly. To realise this as absolutely true, is az egsz univerzum titokzatos oka. Minden azrt
liberation. van, mert te vagy. Igyekezz ezt szilrdan, s mlyen
megrteni, s gondolkodj el rajta jra s jra. Ennek
felismerse abszolt igazsgknt a megszabaduls.

Q: If I am the seed of my universe, then a rotten K: Ha n vagyok a magva a vilgomnak, akkor

seed I am. By the fruit the seed is known. romlott mag vagyok. Gymlcsrl ismerszik meg a

M: What is wrong with your world that you swear at M: Mi baj a vilgoddal, hogy gy tkozod?

Q: It is full of pain. K: Tele van fjdalommal.

M: Nature is neither pleasant nor painful. It is all M: A termszet se nem lvezetes, se nem
intelligence and beauty. Pain and pleasure are in the fjdalmas. Intelligencival s szpsggel van tele.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
mind. Change your scale of values and all will Fjdalom s rm az elmben vannak. Vltoztass
change. Pleasure and pain are mere disturbances of rtkrendet, s minden megvltozik. lvezet s
the senses; treat them equally and there will be only fjdalom pusztn zavarai az rzkeknek; bnj velk
bliss. And the world is, what you make it; by all egyformn, s csak boldogsg lesz. s a vilg az,
means make it happy. Only contentment can make amiv teszed; mindenkppen tedd boldogg.
you happy -- desires fulfilled breed more desires. Boldogsg csak megelgedettsg esetn lehetges
Keeping away from all desires and contentment in a kielgtett vgyak tovbbi vgyakat
what comes by itself is a very fruitful state -- a eredmnyeznek. A minden vgytl val tartzkods,
precondition to the state of fullness. Don't distrust its s a megelgeds azzal, ami magtl jn, nagyon
apparent sterility and emptiness. Believe me, it is the gymlcsz llapot a teljessg llapotnak
satisfaction of desires that breeds misery. Freedom elfelttele. Ne lgy bizalmatlan annak ltszlagos
from desires is bliss. sterilitsa s ressge irnt. Higgy nekem, a vgyak
kielgtse az, ami a szenvedst okozza. A
vgymentessg boldogsg.

Q: There are things we need. K: Szksgem van dolgokra.

M: What you need will come to you, if you do not M: Amire szksged van, az eljn hozzd, ha nem
ask for what you do not need. Yet only few people krsz olyat, amire nincs szksged. Mg csak
reach this state of complete dispassion and nhny ember rte el a teljes szenvtelensgnek s
detachment. It is a very high state, the very elfogulatlansgnak ezt az llapott. Ez egy nagyon
threshold of liberation. emelkedett llapot, a megszabaduls valdi

Q: I have been barren for the last two years, K: Az elmlt kt vben sivr, magnyos s res volt
desolate and empty and often was I praying for az letem, gyakran imdkoztam, hogy jjjn a hall.
death to come.

M: Well, with your coming here events have started M: Nos, idejveteled beindtotta az esemnyeket.
rolling. Let things happen as they happen -- they will Hagyd, hogy a dolgok trtnjenek, ahogy trtnnek
sort themselves out nicely in the end. You need not a vgn szpen elrendezik magukat. Nem kell
strain towards the future -- the future will come to erlkdnd, hogy elrd a jvt a jv eljn hozzd
you on its own. For some time longer you will remain magtl. Egy ideig mg tovbbra is alvajr leszel,
sleep-walking, as you do now, bereft of meaning and cltl s bizonyossgtl megfosztottan; de ez a
assurance; but this period will end and you will find peridus vget fog rni, s mkdsedet
your work both fruitful and easy. There are always gymlcsznek s knnynek fogod tallni. Mindig
moments when one feels empty and estranged. vannak pillanatok, amikor az ember resnek s
Such moments are most desirable for it means the elhidegltnek rzi magt. Az ilyen pillanatok a
soul had cast its moorings and is sailing for distant legkvnatosabbak, mert azt jelentik, hogy a llek
places. This is detachment -- when the old is over leveti horgonyait, s tvoli helyre vitorlzik. Ez a
and the new has not yet come. If you are afraid, the levls idszaka amikor a rginek vge, s az j
state may be distressing; but there is really nothing mg nem rkezett meg. Ha fls vagy, aggaszt
to be afraid of. Remember the instruction: whatever lehet szmodra ez az llapot; de valjban semmi
you come across -- go beyond. flnivald. Jegyezd meg a tantst: brmi is az,amin
keresztl msz lpj tovbb.

Q: The Buddhas rule: to remember what needs to K: A Buddha szablya: emlkezzen az, aminek
be remembered. But I find it so difficult to remember emlkezsre van szksge. De olyan nehz
the right thing at the right moment. With me szmomra, hogy a j gondolatra emlkezzek a
forgetting seems to be the rule. megfelel pillanatban. Nekem gy tnik, hogy a
felejts szably.

M: It is not easy to remember when every situation M: Nem knny emlkezni, mikor minden szituci
brings up a storm of desires and fears. Craving born vgyak, s flelmek vihart hozza fel. Az emlkezet
of memory is also the destroyer of memory. ltal szlt vgyakoz az emlkezet elpuszttja is

Q: How am I to fight desire? There is nothing K: Hogyn szlljak szembe a vgyakkal? Semmi
stronger. nincs, ami ersebb.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
M: The waters of life are thundering over the rocks M: Az let vizei a kvnatos, vagy gylletes
of objects -- desirable or hateful. Remove the rocks dolgok kvei fltt mennydrgve zdulnak.
by insight and detachment and the same waters will Tvoltsd el a kveket belts s prtatlansg rvn,
flow deep and silent and swift, in greater volume and s ugyanezen vizek mlyen, csendesen, sebesen,
with greater power. Don't be theoretical about it, give nagyobb mennyisgben s nagyobb ervel fog
time to thought and consideration; if you desire to be ramlani. Ne elmletieskedd agyon, adj idt a
free, neglect not the nearest step to freedom. It is meggondolsra s megfontolsra; ha
like climbing a mountain: not a step can be missed. szabadsgra vgysz, ne hanyagold el a
One step less -- and the summit is not reached. szabadsghoz vezet legkzelebbi lpst. A
hegymszshoz hasonlan: egyetlen lpst sem
hibzhatsz el. Egy lpssel kevesebb s a
hegycscsot nem red el.

54. Body and Mind are Symptoms of 54. A test s az elme a tudatlansg
Ignorance krtnetei
Questioner: We were discussing one day the Krdez: Valamelyik nap a szemlytanabszolt
person -- the witness -- the absolute (vyakti-vyakta- (vyakti-vyakta-avyakta) tmjrl beszltnk. Ha jl
avyakta). As far as I remember, you said that the emlkszem azt mondtad, hogy egyedl az abszolt
absolute alone is real and the witness is absolute valsgos, s csak a tan abszolt, a tr s id egy
only at a given point of space and time. The person adott helyn. A szemly a durva s finom
is the organism, gross and subtle, illumined by the organizmus, a tan jelenlte ltal megvilgtott. Nem
presence of the witness. I do not seem to grasp the hiszem, hogy vilgosan rtem a problmt; el
matter clearly; could we discuss it again? You also tudnd magyarzni mg egyszer? A mahadakash,
use the terms mahadakash, chidakash and chidakash s paramakash kifejezseket is
paramakash. How are they related to person, hasznltad. Hogyan viszonyulnak ezek a
witness, and the absolute? szemlyhez, a tanhoz, s az abszolthoz?

Maharaj: Mahadakash is nature, the ocean of Maharaj: A mahadakash a termszet, a ltezsek

existences, the physical space with all that can be cenja, a fizikai tr, mindennel, ami az rzkeken
contacted through the senses. Chidakash is the keresztl kapcsoldhat. A chidakash a tudatossg
expanse of awareness, the mental space of time, kiterjedse, az id, szlels s megismers mentlis
perception and cognition. Paramakash is the tere. A paramakash az idtlen s hatrtalan, elme
timeless and spaceless reality, mindless, nlkli, differencilatlan valsg, a vgtelen
undifferentiated, the infinite potentiality, the source lehetsg, a forrs s az eredet, a szubsztancia s
and origin, the substance and the essence, both az eszencia, amely anyag s tudat is mgis
matter and consciousness -- yet beyond both. It mindkettn tli. Nem szlelhet, de tapasztalhat, a
cannot be perceived, but can be experienced as tan rk tansgaknt, az szlel rk
ever witnessing the witness, perceiving the szlelseknt, minden megnyilvnult kezdete s
perceiver, the origin and the end of all manifestation, vgeknt, id s tr forrsaknt, minden oksgi
the root of time and space, the prime cause in every lncolat elsdleges okaknt.
chain of causation.

Q: What is the difference between vyakta and K: Mi a klnbsg vyakta s avyakta kztt?

M: There is no difference. It is like light and daylight. M: Nincs kztk klnbsg. Olyanok, mint a fny s
The universe is full of light which you do not see; but a napfny. Az univerzum tele van szmodra nem
the same light you see as daylight. And what the lthat fnnyel, de ugyanezt a fnyt ltod, mint
daylight reveals is the vyakti. The person is always napfnyt. s amit a napfny felfed, a vyakti. Mindig
the object, the witness is the subject and their a szemly az objektum, a tan a szubjektum, s
relation of mutual dependence is the reflection of klcsnsen fgg kapcsolatuk az abszolt
their absolute identity. You imagine that they are azonossguk tkrkpe. Eltr s elklnl
distinct and separate states. They are not. They are llapotoknak kpzeled ket. Nem azok. k egyazon,
the same consciousness at rest and in movement, nyugalmi s mozgsi llapotban lv tudatossg,
each state conscious of the other. In chit man knows mindegyik tudatban van a msiknak. A chit-ben az

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
God and God knows man. In chit the man shapes ember ismeri Istent, s Isten ismeri az embert. A
the world and the world shapes man. Chit is the link, chit-ben az ember alaktja a vilgot, s a vilg
the bridge between extremes, the balancing and alaktja az embert. A chit a kapocs, a szlssgek
uniting factor in every experience. The totality of the kztti hd, minden tapasztalat kiegyenslyoz s
perceived is what you call matter. The totality of all egyest tnyezje. Az szleletek sszessge az,
perceivers is what you call the universal mind. The amit anyagnak nevezel. Az szlelk sszessge az,
identity of the two, manifesting itself as perceptibility amit univerzlis elmnek nevezel. A kett
and perceiving, harmony and intelligence, loveliness azonossga nmagt szlelhetsgknt s
and loving, reasserts itself eternally. szlelsknt, harmniaknt s intelligenciaknt,
szeretetre mltsgknt s szeretetknt nyilvntja
meg, ismtli nmagt rkk.

Q: The three gunas, sattva--rajas--tamas, are they K: A hrom guna, a sattva--rajas--tamas, csak az
only in matter, or also in the mind? anyagban van benne, vagy az elmben is?

M: In both, of course, because the two are not M: Termszetesen mindkettben, mivel nem
separate. It is only the absolute that is beyond klnllak. Csak az abszolt haladja meg a
gunas. In fact, these are but points of view, ways of gunkat. Valjban ezek csak nzpontok,
looking. They exist only in the mind. Beyond the ltsmdok. Csupn az elmben lteznek. Az elmn
mind all distinctions cease. tl minden klnbsg megsznik.

Q: Is the universe a product of the senses? K: Ez az univerzum az rzkek termke?

M: Just as you recreate your world on waking up, so M: Ahogy bredskor jrateremted a vilgodat, gy
is the universe unrolled. The mind with its five bontakozik ki az univerzum is. Az elme az t
organs of perception, five organs of action, and five rzkszervvel, t cselekv szervvel, s t
vehicles of consciousness appears as memory, tudatossg kzvett kzegvel emlkezsnek,
thought, reason and selfhood. gondolkodsnak, kvetkeztetsnek s
szemlyisgnek ltszik.

Q: The sciences have made much progress. We K: A tudomnyok nagy fejldsen mentek keresztl.
know the body and the mind much better than our Sokkal jobban ismerjk a testet s az elmt, mint
ancestors. Your traditional way, describing and eldeink. A te elmt s anyagot ler s elemz
analysing mind and matter, is no longer valid. hagyomnyos mdszered nem rvnyes tbb.

M: But where are your scientists with their sciences? M: De hol vannak a te tudsaid az
Are they not again images in your own mind? tudomnyukkal? Nemde k is kpek az elmdben?

Q: Here lies the basic difference. To me they are not K: Itt van az alapvet klnbsg. Szmomra k nem
my own projections. They were before I was born az n kivettseim. Megvoltak mr megszletsem
and shall be there when I am dead. eltt is, s akkor is lesznek, amikor n mr

M: Of course. Once you accept time and space as M: Termszetesen. Mihelyt a teret s idt
real, you will consider yourself minute and short- valsgosnak fogadod el, nmagadat parnyinak s
lived. But are they real? Do they depend on you, or rvid letnek fogod tartani. De valsgosak-e?
you on them? As body, you are in space. As mind, Azok fggenek tled, vagy te fggesz azoktl?
you are in time. But are you mere body with a mind Testknt a trben vagy. Elmeknt az idben. De test
in it? Have you ever investigated? vagy-e csupn, benne az elmvel? Megvizsgltad
ezt valaha is?

Q: I had neither the motive nor the method. K: Se motivcim, se mdszerem.

M: I am suggesting both. But the actual work of M: n felajnlom mindkettt. De a tnyleges bels
insight and detachment (viveka-vairagya) is yours. munka, s az elfogulatlansg (viveka-vairagya) a te

Q: The only motive I can perceive is my own K: Az egyetlen motivci, amit el tudok fogadni, az
causeless and timeless happiness. And what is the n sajt ok nlkli, s idtlen boldogsgom. s mi a
method? mdszer?

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok

M: Happiness is incidental. The true and effective M: A boldogsg mellkes. Az igazi s hatkony
motive is love. You see people suffer and you seek motivci a szeretet. Ltod, hogy az emberek
the best way of helping them. The answer is obvious szenvednek, s keresed a megsegtsk legjobb
-- first put yourself beyond the need of help. Be sure mdjt a. A vlasz nyilvnval elszr lpj tl a
your attitude is of pure goodwill, free of expectation segts szksgn. Lgy benne bizonyos, hogy
of any kind. hozzllsod a tiszta, mindenfle elvrstl mentes

Those who seek mere happiness may end up in Akik csupn boldogsgot keresnek, teljes
sublime indifference, while love will never rest. kzmbssgben vgezhetik, mg a szeretet
sohasem pihen.

As to method, there is only one -- you must come to Ami a mdszert illeti, csak egy van meg kell
know yourself -- both what you appear to be and ismerned nmagad azt is, aminek ltszol, s azt is,
what you are. Clarity and charity go together -- each ami vagy. Tisztasg s jindulat egytt jrnak
needs and strengthens the other. mindegyik megkveteli s ersti a msikat.

Q: Compassion implies the existence of an objective K: A rszvt egy elkerlhet szomorsggal teli,
world, full of avoidable sorrow. objektv vilg ltezst jelenti.

M: The world is not objective and the sorrow of it is M: A vilg nem objektv, s a szomorsga nem
not avoidable. Compassion is but another word for elkerlhet. A rszvt csak egy tovbbi sz a
the refusal to suffer for imaginary reasons. kpzelt okok miatti szenveds elutastsra.

Q: If the reasons are imaginary, why should the K: Ha az okok kpzeltek, akkor mirt kell a
suffering be inevitable? szenvedsnek elkerlhetetlennek lennie?

M: It is always the false that makes you suffer, the M: Mindig a hamis miatt szenvedsz, a hamis vgyak
false desires and fears, the false values and ideas, s flelmek, a hamis rtkek s idek, a hamis
the false relationships between people. Abandon the emberi kapcsolatok miatt. Add fel a hamisat, s
false and you are free of pain; truth makes happy -- megszabadulsz a fjdalomtl; az igazsg boldogg
truth liberates. tesz az igazsg megszabadt.

Q: The truth is that I am a mind imprisoned in a body K: Az igazsg az, hogy egy testbe brtnztt elme
and this is a very unhappy truth. vagyok, s ez egy nagyon sajnlatos igazsg.

M: You are neither the body nor in the body -- there M: Te se test nem vagy, se testben lv nem vagy
is no such thing as body. You have grievously nincs olyan dolog, hogy test. Szomor flrerts
misunderstood yourself; to understand rightly -- ldozata vagy; a helyes megrtshez kutatnod
investigate. kell.

Q: But I was born as a body, in a body and shall die K: De n testknt, testben szlettem, s a testtel
with the body, as a body. egytt fogok meghalni, mint test.

M: This is your misconception. Enquire, investigate, M: E nzeted flrerts. Tanulmnyoz, kutass, vond
doubt yourself and others. To find truth, you must ktsgbe magad s minden egyebet. Az igazsg
not cling to your convictions; if you are sure of the megtallshoz nem szabad meggyzdseidbe
immediate, you will never reach the ultimate. Your kapaszkodnod; ha biztos vagy a kzvetlenben, soha
idea that you were born and that you will die is nem fogod elrni a vgst. Ided, hogy szlettl, s
absurd: both logic and experience contradict it. meg fogsz halni, abszurd: mind a logika, mind a
tapasztalat ellentmondanak neki.

Q: All right, I shall not insist that I am the body. You K: Rendben, nem fogok erskdni, hogy n a test
have a point here. But here and now, as I talk to vagyok. Egy pont neked. De itt s most, ahogy
you, I am in my body -- obviously. The body may not hozzd beszlek, a testben vagyok nyilvnvalan.
be me, but it is mine. A test lehet, hogy nem n vagyok, viszont az enym.

M: The entire universe contributes incessantly to M: Az egsz univerzum szakadatlanul hozzjrul a

your existence. Hence the entire universe is your ltezsedhez. Ennl fogva az egsz univerzum a

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
body. In that sense -- I agree. tested. Ebben az rtelemben egyetrtek.

Q: My body influences me deeply. In more than one K: A testem mly hatssal van rm. A testem a
way my body is my destiny. My character, my sorsom, tbb mdon is. Jellemem, hangulataim,
moods, the nature of my reactions, my desires and reakciim termszete, vgyaim s flelmeim (velem
fears -- inborn or acquired -- they are all based on szletett vagy szerzett) mind a testen alapulnak.
the body. A little alcohol, some drug or other and all Egy kevs alkohol, nmi drog vagy valami ms, s
changes. Until the drug wears off I become another minden megvltozik. Amg a drog hatsa el nem
man. mlik, ms ember vagyok.

M: All this happens because you think yourself to be M: Mindezek azrt trtnnek, mert a testnek
the body. Realise your real self and even drugs will gondolod magad. Ismerd fel valdi nedet, s mg a
have no power over you. drogoknak sem lesz hatalma feletted.

Q: You smoke? K: Dohnyzol?

M: My body kept a few habits which may as well M: A testem megtartott nhny szokst, amelyek
continue till it dies. There is no harm in them. hallig megmaradhatnak. Nincs enben semmi

Q: You eat meat? K: Eszel hst?

M: I was born among meat-eating people and my M: Hsev emberek kztt szlettem, s
children are eating meat. I eat very little -- and make gyermekeim is esznek hst. n nagyon keveset
no fuss. eszem s nem tulajdontok neki fontossgot.

Q: Meat-eating implies killing. K: A hsevs lssel jr.

M: Obviously. I make no claims of consistency. You M: Nyilvnvalan. Nem tartok ignyt a

think absolute consistency is possible; prove it by kvetkezetessgre. Te gy gondolod, hogy
example. Don't preach what you do not practise. lehetsges az abszolt kvetkezetessg; igazold ezt
pldval. Ne prdikld, amit nem gyakorolsz.

Coming back to the idea of having been born. You Trjnk vissza szletsed idejhoz. Nem tudsz tle
are stuck with what your parents told you: all about szabadulni, amit szleid mesltek: fogantatsrl,
conception, pregnancy and birth, infant, child, terhessgrl s szletsrl, csecsemkorrl,
youngster, teenager, and so on. Now, divest yourself gyermekkorrl, fiatalkorrl, tzes vekrl, stb. No
of the idea that you are the body with the help of the most, szabadulj meg attl az idetl, hogy a test
contrary idea that you are not the body. It is also an vagy, annak az ellenttes idenak a segtsgvel,
idea, no doubt; treat it like something to be hogy nem a test vagy. Ez ktsg kvl csak egy
abandoned when its work is done. The idea that I idea; bnj vele valamilyen munka elkszlte utni
am not the body gives reality to the body, when in eldobandknt. Az idea, hogy n nem a test vagyok,
fact, there is no such thing as body, it is but a state realitst ad a testnek, mikor valjban nincs olyan
of mind. You can have as many bodies and as dolog, hogy test, az csak egy elme llapot. Lehet
diverse as you like; just remember steadily what you annyi, s annyifle tested, amennyi tetszik; csak
want and reject the incompatibles. kvetkezetesen emlkezz r, hogy mit akarsz, s
utastsd el, ami ezzel sszeegyeztethetetlen.

Q: I am like a box within a box, within another box. K: Olyan vagyok, mint egy dobozban, egy msik
The outer box acting as the body and the one next dobozban lv doboz. A kls doboz test gyannt
to it -- as the indwelling soul. Abstract the outer box szolgl, s a msik a benne rejl llekknt.
and the next becomes the body and the one next to Vonatkoztass el a kls doboztl, s a kvetkez
it the soul. It is an infinite series, an endless opening vlik a testt, s az azt kvet a llek. Ez egy
of boxes, is the last one the ultimate soul? vgtelen sorozat, vg nlkli doboz nyitogats, az
utols a vgs llek?

M: If you have a body, you must have a soul; here M: Ha tested van, lelked is kell, hogy legyen; a te
your simile of a nest of boxes applies. But here and egymsban lv doboz hasonlatod erre vonatkozik.
now, through all your bodies and souls shines De itt s most, minden testeden s lelkeden
awareness, the pure light of chit. Hold on to it keresztl a tudat, a chit tiszta fnye ragyog.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
unswervingly. Without awareness, the body would Ragaszkodj ehhez, tnotrthatatlanul. Tudat nlkl a
not last a second. There is in the body a current of test egy pillanatig sem nem maradna fenn. A testben
energy, affection and intelligence, which guides, raml energia, szeretet s intelligencia irnytja,
maintains and energises the body. Discover that tartja fenn, s energizlja a testet. Fedezd fel ezt az
current and stay with it. ramlst, s idzz benne.

Of course, all these are manners of speaking. Words Termszetesen, ezek csak hasonlatok. A szavak
are as much a barrier, as a bridge. Find the spark of ppen annyira gtak, mint amennyire hidak. Talld
life that weaves the tissues of your body and be with meg a tested szvedkt szv let tzt, s maradj
it. It is the only reality the body has. vele. Ez az egyetlen valsg, amellyel a test br.

Q: What happens to that spark of life after death? K: Mi trtnik ezzel a tzzel a hall utn?

M: It is beyond time. Birth and death are but points M: Az idn kvl ll. A szlets s a hall csupn
in time. Life weaves eternally its many webs. The idpontok. Az let szakadatlanul szvi szmtalan
weaving is in time, but life itself is timeless. hljt. A szvs idbeli, de az let maga idtlen.
Whatever name and shape you give to its Akrmilyen nevet s formt tulajdontasz a
expressions, it is like the ocean -- never changing, megnyilvnulsainak, olyan, mint az cen
ever changing. sohasem vltozik, rkk vltozik.

Q: All you say sounds beautifully convincing. Yet my K: Mindez meggyzen hangzik. Mgis gy rzem,
feeling of being just a person in a world strange and hogy a lt csupn egy klns s idegen, gyakran
alien, often inimical and dangerous, does not cease. ellensges s veszedelmes, soha meg nem szn
Being a person, limited in space and time, how can I vilgban l szemly. Trben s idben korltozott
possibly realise myself as the opposite; a de- szemly lvn, hogyan realizlhatnm nmagamat
personalised, universalised awareness of nothing in ennek ellentteknt; a semmi megszemlyestetlen,
particular? ltalnostott tudataknt?

M: You assert yourself to be what you are not and M: Annak jelented ki nmagad, ami nem vagy, s
deny yourself to be what you are. You omit the megtadadod annak lenni nmagad, ami vagy.
element of pure cognition, of awareness free from all Kihagyod a tiszta szlels, a minden szemlyes
personal distortions. Unless you admit the reality of torztstl tudat mentes elemt. Hacsak el nem
chit, you will never know yourself. fogadod a chit valsgt, soha nem fogod nmagad

Q: What am I to do? I do not see myself as you see K: Mit kell tennem? n nem gy ltom nmagam,
me. Maybe you are right and I am wrong, but how mint ahogy te ltsz engem. Lehet, hogy igazad van,
can I cease to be what I feel I am? s n tvedek, de hogyan hagyhatnm abba, hogy
az legyek, aminek rzem magam?

M: A prince who believes himself to be a beggar can M: A herceg, aki koldusnak hiszi nmagt, egy
be convinced conclusively in one way only: he must mdon szerezhet perdnt bizonytkot: hercegknt
behave as a prince and see what happens. Behave kell viselkednie, s megfigyelni, hogy mi trtnik.
as if what I say is true and judge by what actually Viselkedj gy, mintha amit mondok igaz lenne, s
happens. All I ask is the little faith needed for making tld meg, ami igazbl trtnik. Mindssze egy
the first step. With experience will come confidence kervs hitet krek, ami az els lps megttelhez
and you will not need me any more. I know what you szksges. A tapasztalattal a bizonyossg is meg
are and I am telling you. Trust me for a while. fog jnni, s nem lesz szksged rm soha tbb.
n tudom, hogy mi vagy, s elmondom neked. Bzz
bennem egy ideig.

Q: To be here and now, I need my body and its K: Az itt s most lthez testre s rzkekre van
senses. To understand, I need a mind. szksgem. A megrtshez elmre.

M: The body and the mind are only symptoms of M: A test s az elme csupn a tudatlansg,
ignorance, of misapprehension. Behave as if you flrerts krtnetei. Viselkedj gy, mintha testetlen
were pure awareness, bodiless and mindless, s elmtlen, tr s id nlkli, hol-on, mikor- on s
spaceless and timeless, beyond 'where' and 'when' hogyan-on tli tiszta tudat lennl. Idzz benne,
and 'how'. Dwell on it, think of it, learn to accept its gondolj r, tanuld meg elfogadni a valsgt. Ne
reality. Don't oppose it and deny it all the time. Keep szeglj ellene, s ne utastsd el rkk. Leaglbbis

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
an open mind at least. Yoga is bending the outer to ne foglalj llst. A Yoga a klst a belshz hajltja.
the inner. Make your mind and body express the real Elmddel s testeddel a valsgot nyilvntsd ki,
which is all and beyond all. By doing you succeed, amely minden, s mindenek fltt ll. Cselekvssel
not by arguing. red el a sikert, nem vitatkozssal.

Q: Kindly allow me to come back to my first K: Lgy szves, engedd meg, hogy visszatrjek az
question. How does the error of being a person els krdsemhez. Mikppen szrmazik a szemly a
originate? ltezs hibjbl?

M: The absolute precedes time. Awareness comes M: Az abszolt elbb van, mint az id. Elszr van a
first. A bundle of memories and mental habits tudat. Egy emlkbl s mentlis szoksokbl ll
attracts attention, awareness gets focalised and a csomag irnytja magra a figyelmet, a tudat
person suddenly appears. Remove the light of fkuszldik, s egyszer csak egy szemly jelenik
awareness, go to sleep or swoon away -- and the meg. Tvoltsd el a tudat fnyt, aludj, vagy julj el
person disappears. The person (vyakti) flickers, s a szemly eltnik. A szemly (vyakti) megvillan, a
awareness (vyakta) contains all space and time, the tudat (vyakta) magban foglal minden teret s idt,
absolute (avyakta) is. az abszolt (avyakta) van.

55. Give up All and You Gain All 55. Adj fel mindent, s mindent elnyersz
Questioner: What is your state at the present Krdez: Mi az llapotod e pillanatban?

Maharaj: A state of non-experiencing. In it all Maharaj: A nem tapasztals llapota. Minden

experience is included. tapasztals benne foglaltatik.

Q: Can you enter into the mind and heart of another K: Be tudsz lpni az elmjbe s a szvbe egy
man and share his experience? msik embernek, s rszeslni tudsz a

M: No. Such things require special training. I am like M: Nem. Az ilyen dolgok specilis kpzst
a dealer in wheat. I know little about breads and ignyelnek. n olyan vagyok, mint a bzakeresked.
cakes. Even the taste of a wheat-gruel I may not Keveset tudok kenyerekrl, s stemnyekrl. Mg
know. But about the wheat grain I know all and well. a bzaksa zt sem ismerem. De a bzrl
I know the source of all experience. But the mindent, s jl tudok. Ismerem minden tapasztalatok
innumerable particular forms experience can take I forrst. De a megszmllhatatlan konkrt formt,
do not know. Nor do I need to know. From moment ami a tapasztalat trgya lehet, nem ismerem. Nincs
to moment, the little I need to know to live my life, I is r szksgem. Azt a keveset, amire az letemhez
somehow happen to know. pillanatrl pillanatra szksges, valahogy vletlenl

Q: Your particular existence and my particular K: A te konkrt ltezsed s az n konkrt

existence, do they both exist in the mind of Brahma? ltezsem mindkett Brahma elmjben ltezik?

M: The universal is not aware of the particular. The M: Az egyetemes nem trdik a konkrttal. A
existence as a person is a personal matter. A person szemlyknt val ltezs a szemly gye. A
exists in time and space, has name and shape, szemly idben s trben ltezik, neve van s
beginning and end; the universal includes all formja, kezdete s vge; az egyetemes magban
persons and the absolute is at the root of and foglal minden szemlyt, s az abszolt ennek a
beyond all. gykernl van, s minden fltt ll.

Q: I am not concerned with the totality. My personal K: Engem nem a teljessg rdekel. Az n
consciousness and your personal consciousness -- szemlyes tudatossgom, s a te szemlyes
what is the link between the two? tudatossgod milyen kapcsolat van a kett kztt?

M: Between two dreamers what can be the link? M: Kt lmod kztt milyen kapcsolat lehet?

Q: They may dream of each other. K: Lehet, hogy egymst lmodjk.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok

M: That is what people are doing. Everyone M: Ezt csinljk az emberek. Mindenki elkpzeli a
imagines 'others' and seeks a link with them. The tbbieket, s kapcsolatot keres velk. A keres a
seeker is the link, there is none other. kapcsolat, nincs semmi ms.

Q: Surely there must be something in common K: Biztos kell lennie valamilyen kzsnek a
between the many points of consciousness we are. tudatossg sok pontja kztt, akik vagyunk.

M: Where are the many points? In your mind. You M: Hol van az a sok pont? Az elmdben. Azt
insist that your world is independent of your mind. bizonygatod, hogy a vilgod fggetlen az elmdtl.
How can it be? Your desire to know other people's Hogy lehetne gy? A vgyad, hogy ismerd a ms
minds is due to your not knowing your own mind. emberek elmjt, amiatt van, mert nem ismered a
First know your own mind and you will find that the sajt elmdet. Elszr ismerd meg sajt elmdet, s
question of other minds does not arise at all, for gy fogod tallni, hogy msok elmjnek krdse
there are no other people. You are the common egyltaln nem merl fel, mert nincsenek ms
factor, the only link between the minds. Being is emberek. Te vagy a kzs tnyez, az egyetlen
consciousness; 'I am' applies to all. kapocs az elmk kztt. A lt tudatossg; az n
vagyok mindenre rvnyes.

Q: The Supreme Reality (Parabrahman) may be K: A Legfelsbb Valsg (Parabrahman) lehet, hogy
present in all of us. But of what use is it to us? mindannyiunkban jelen van. De milyen haszna van
ennek szmunkra?

M: You are like a man who says: 'I need a place M: Te olyan vagy, akr az az ember, aki azt mondja:
where to keep my things, but of what use is space to Szksgem van egy helyre, ahol a dolgaimat
me?' or 'I need milk, tea, coffee or soda, but for tartom, de milyen haszonnal jr szmomra a tr?,
water I have no use'. Don't you see that the vagy azt, hogy: A tej, ter, kv vagy a szda
Supreme Reality is what makes everything szksgesek szmomra, de a vizet nem sokra
possible? But if you ask of what use is it to you, I becslm. Nem ltod, hogy a Legfelsbb Valsg
must answer: 'None'. In matters of daily life the tesz mindent lehetv? De ha azt krdezed, hogy mi
knower of the real has no advantage: he may be at a haszna szmodra, akkor azt kell vlaszolnom:
disadvantage rather: being free from greed and fear, semmi. A mindennapok gyei sorn a valsg
he does not protect himself. The very idea of profit is ismerje nem lvez elnyt: st, inkbb htrnyt
foreign to him; he abhors accretions; his life is szenvedhet: svrgstl s flelemtl mentesen
constant divesting oneself, sharing, giving. nem tudja megvdeni nmagt. A nyeresg
gondolata valjban idegen tle; irtzik a
gyarapodstl; lete nmaga lland megfosztsa,
megoszts, ads.

Q: If there is no advantage in gaining the Supreme, K: Ha nem szrmazik elny a Legfelsbb

then why take the trouble? elrsbl, akkor mirt vennm magamra a gondot?

M: There is trouble only when you cling to M: Gond csak akkor van, amikor kapaszkodsz
something. When you hold on to nothing, no trouble valamibe. Ha semmihez nem ragaszkodsz,
arises. The relinquishing of the lesser is the gaining semmilyen nehzsg nem merl fel. A kevesebbrl
of the greater. Give up all and you gain all. Then life val lemonds a nagyobbnak a megnyerse. Adj fel
becomes what it was meant to be: pure radiation mindent, s mindent elnyersz. Akkor az let azz
from an inexhaustible source. In that light the world vlik, ami lenni szndkozott: egy kiapadhatatlan
appears dimly like a dream. forrs tiszta kisugrzsv. Abban a fnyben a vilg
olyan homlyosnak mutatkozik, mint egy lom.

Q: If my world is merely a dream and you are a part K: Ha az n vilgom egy lom csupn, s te rsze
of it, what can you do for me? If the dream is not vagy neki, akkor mit tehetsz rtem? Ha az lom nem
real, having no being, how can reality affect it? valdi, lt nlkli, hogyan tud hatni r a valsg?

M: While it lasts, the dream has temporary being. It M: Amg tart, addig az lom ideiglenesen ltezik. A
is your desire to hold on to it, that creates the problmt az lom folytatsra irnyul vgyad
problem. Let go. Stop imagining that the dream is okozza. Engedd el. Fejezd be, hogy azt kpzeled, ,
yours. hogy az lom a tid.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
Q: You seem to take for granted that there can be a K: gy ltszik, szmodra magtl rtetdik, hogy
dream without a dreamer and that I identify myself lom ltezhet lmod nlkl, s, hogy n az n sajt
with the dream of my own sweet will. But I am the des kvnsgom szerinti lommal azonostom
dreamer and the dream too. Who is to stop magam. De n vagyok az lmod, s az lom is.
dreaming? Kinek kell lelltania az lmot?

M: Let the dream unroll itself to its very end. You M: Hagyd az lmot magtl bontakozni, s eljutni a
cannot help it. But you can look at the dream as a vgig. Te nem segthetsz ebben. De tekinthetsz az
dream, refuse it the stamp of reality. lomra lomknt, megtagadva tle a valsg

Q: Here am I, sitting before you. I am dreaming and K: Itt vagyok, eltted lk. lmodom, s te nzel
you are watching me talking in my dream. What is engem, ahogy lmomban beszlek. Mi a kapcsolat
the link between us? kzttnk?

M: My intention to wake you up is the link. My heart M: Az n felbresztsedre irnyul szndkom a

wants you awake. I see you suffer in your dream kapcsolat. A szvem akarja, hogy felbredj. Ltom,
and I know that you must wake up to end your woes. szenvedsz lmodban, s tudom, hogy fel kell
When you see your dream as dream, you wake up. bredned, hogy megprbltatsaid vget rjenek.
But in your dream itself I am not interested. Enough Amikor lmodat lomnak ltod, felbredsz. De az
for me to know that you must wake up. You need not lmod nem rdekel. Nekem elg, ha azt tudom,
bring your dream to a definite conclusion, or make it hogy fel kell, hogy bredj. Nem szksges, hogy az
noble, or happy, or beautiful; all you need is to lmodat meghatrozott eredmnyre juttasd, vagy
realise that you are dreaming. Stop imagining, stop hogy nagyszerv, vagy boldogg, vagy szpp
believing. See the contradictions, the incongruities, tedd; mindssze arra van szksg, hogy felismerd,
the falsehood and the sorrow of the human state, hogy lmodsz. llj le a kpzelgssel, llj le az
the need to go beyond. Within the immensity of nhitegetssel. Lsd meg az emberi llapot
space floats a tiny atom of consciousness and in it ellentmondsait, sszhangnlklisgeit, hamissgt
the entire universe is contained. s szomorsgt, meghaladsnak
szksgessgt. A tr vgtelensgn bell szik a
tudatossg piciny atomja, amely az egsz
univerzumot tartalmazza.

Q: There are affections in the dream which seem K: Vannak az lomban olyan benyomsok, amelyek
real and everlasting. Do they disappear on waking valdinak, s rkk tartnak tnnek. Eltnnek ezek
up? a felbredskor?

M: In dream you love some and not others. On M: lomban nmelyeket szeretsz, s msokat nem.
waking up you find you are love itself, embracing all. Felbredskor gy tallod, hogy te vagy maga a
Personal love, however intense and genuine, mindent tlel szeretet. Jllehet a szemlyes
invariably binds; love in freedom is love of all. szeretet ers s szinte, megvltoztathatatlanul
megktz; a szabadsg irnti szeretet minden irnti

Q: People come and go. One loves whom one K: Az emberek jnnek, s mennek. Valaki szereti,
meets, one cannot love all. akit megismer, ms egyltaln nem tud szeretni.

M: When you are love itself, you are beyond time M: Amikor te vagy maga a szeretet, akkor fltte
and numbers. In loving one you love all, in loving all, llsz idnek, s szmoknak. Egy szeretetvel mind
you love each. One and all are not exclusive. szereted, mind szeretetvel mindegyiket szereted.
Egy mind nem zrjk ki egymst.

Q: You say you are in a timeless state. Does it mean K: Azt mondod, idtlen llapotban vagy. Ez azt
that past and future are open to you? Did you meet jelenti, hogy mlt s jv nyitva llnak eltted?
Vashishta Muni, Rama's Guru? Tallkoztl Rama Gurujval, Vashishta Munival?

M: The question is in time and about time. Again you M: A krds idbeli, s idrl szl. Ismt az lom
are asking me about the contents of a dream. tartalmairl krdezel. Az idtlensg meghaladja az
Timelessness is beyond the illusion of time, it is not id illzijt, nem idbeli meghosszabbts. Aki
an extension in time. He who called himself nmagt Vashishtnak nevezte, az ismerte

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
Vashishta knew Vashishta. I am beyond all names Vashishtt. n minden nven s formn tl vagyok.
and shapes. Vashishta is a dream in your dream. Vashishta lom az lmodban. Hogy ismerhetnm t
How can I know him? You are too much concerned most? Tl sokat trdsz a mlttal s a jvvel.
with past and future. It is all due to your longing to Mindez amiatt van, mert vgydsz a folytonossgra,
continue, to protect yourself against extinction. And nmagad megsemmislssel szembeni vdelmre.
as you want to continue, you want others to keep s mivel folytonossgra vgysz, meg akarsz tartani
you company, hence your concern with their msokat a trsasgodban, ennlfogva rdekelt vagy
survival. But what you call survival is but the survival a tllskben. De amit te tllsnek nevezel, az
of a dream. Death is preferable to it . There is a csak az lom tllse. A hallnak kvnatosabb
chance of waking up. nla. Lehetsget knl a felbredsre.

Q: You are aware of eternity, therefore you are not K: Tudatban vagy az rkkvalsgnak, ennl
concerned with survival. fogva nem trdsz a tllssel.

M: It is the other way round. Freedom from all desire M: Fordtva. A minden vgytl val szabadsg az
is eternity. All attachment implies fear, for all things rkkvalsg. Minden ktds flelmet
are transient. And fear makes one a slave. This eredmnyez, mert minden dolog muland. s a
freedom from attachment does not come with flelem szolgv teszi az embert. Ez a ktdstl
practice; it is natural, when one knows one's true val mentessg nem gyakorlatok ltal keletkezik;
being. Love does not cling; clinging is not love. termszetes velejrja az ember sajt lte
ismeretnek. A szeretet nem ragaszkodik; a
ragaszkods nem szeretet.

Q: So there is no way to gain detachment? K: Nem lehet teht semmilyen mdszerrel elrni a

M: There is nothing to gain. Abandon all imaginings M: Semmi sincs, amit el kellene rni. Hagyj fel
and know yourself as you are. Self-knowledge is mindenfle kpzeldssel, s ismerd magad annak,
detachment. All craving is due to a sense of ami vagy. Az nismeret prtatlansg. Minden knz
insufficiency. When you know that you lack nothing, vgy az elgtelensg rzse miatt van. Mikor tudod,
that all there is, is you and yours, desire ceases. hogy semminek nem vagy hjn, hogy minden ami
van, te vagy, s a tid, a vgy megsznik.

Q: To know myself must I practise awareness? K: nmagam megismershez gyakorolnom kell a


M: There is nothing to practise. To know yourself, be M: Semmit nem kell gyakorolni. nmagad
yourself. To be yourself, stop imagining yourself to megismershez lgy nmagad. Csak akkor lehetsz
be this or that. Just be. Let your true nature emerge. nmagad, ha abbahagyod, hogy ennek, vagy annak
Don't disturb your mind with seeking. kpzeled magad. Csupn legyl. Hagyd igazi
termszetedet megjelenni. Ne zavard elmdet

Q: It will take much time if I just wait for self- K: Sokig tartana, ha vrnk csupn az
realisation. nmegvalstsra.

M: What have you to wait for when it is already here M: Mire kell vrnod, amikor az mr itt s most van?
and now? You have only to look and see. Look at Csak nzned kell, s ltnod. Nzz nmagadra, sajt
your self, at your own being. You know that you are ltedre. Tudod, hogy vagy, s szereted ezt. Hagyj
and you like it. Abandon all imagining, that is all. Do abba minden kpzeldst, ez minden. Ne pts az
not rely on time. Time is death. Who waits -- dies. idre. Az id halott. Aki vr meghal. Az let csak
Life is now only. Do not talk to me about past and most van. Ne beszlj nekem mltrl s jvrl
future -- they exist only in your mind. azok csak a te elmdben lteznek.

Q: You too will die. K: Te is meg fogsz halni.

M: I am dead already. Physical death will make no M: n mr halott vagyok. A fizikai hall nem fog
difference in my case. I am timeless being. I am free klnbsget jrni az n esetemben. Vgy s flelem
of desire or fear, because I do not remember the mentes vagyok, mert nem emlkszem a mltra, s
past, or imagine the future. Where there are no nem kpzelem a jvt. Ahol nincsenek nevek s

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
names and shapes, how can there be desire and formk, hogy lehetne ott vgy s flelem? Vgy
fear? With desirelessness comes timelessness. I am nlklisggel idtlensg jr. Biztonsgban vagyok,
safe, because what is not, cannot touch what is. You mert ami nincs, nem rintheti meg azt, ami van. Te
feel unsafe, because you imagine danger. Of veszlyben rzed magad, mert bekpzeled a
course, your body as such is complex and veszlyt. Termszetesen, a tested, mint olyan,
vulnerable and needs protection. But not you. Once bonyolult, s sebezhet, s vdelmet ignyel. De te
you realise your own unassailable being, you will be nem. Amikor felismered sajt megtmadhatatlan
at peace. lnyedet, bkben leszel.

Q: How can I find peace when the world suffers? K: Hogyan tallhatnk bkt, mikor a vilg szenved?

M: The world suffers for very valid reasons. If you M: A vilg nagyon alapos okok miatt szenved. Ha
want to help the world, you must be beyond the segteni akarsz a vilgon, tl kell lpned a segtsg
need of help. Then all your doing as well as not szksgessgn. Akkor minden cselekvsed,
doing will help the world most effectively. valamint nem cselekvsed, a leghatkonyabban
fogja segteni a vilgot.

Q: How can non-action be of use where action is K: Hogyan tudna a nem cselekvs hasznos lenni,
needed? amikor cselekvsre van szksg?

M: Where action is needed, action happens. Man is M: Ahol cselekvsre van szksg, ott cselekvs
not the actor. His is to be aware of what is going on. trtnik. Nem az ember a cselekv. Az szerepe az,
His very presence is action. The window is the hogy tudatban legyen annak, ami vgbemegy.
absence of the wall and it gives air and light Valjban a jelenlte a cselekvs. Az ablak a fal
because it is empty. Be empty of all mental content, hinya, s azrt bocsjtja be levegt s fnyt, mert
of all imagination and effort, and the very absence of res. rts ki minden mentlis tartalmat, minden
obstacles will cause reality to rush in. If you really elkpzelst s erfesztst, s az akadlyok teljes
want to help a person, keep away. If you are hinya a valsg beradst fogja elidzni. Ha
emotionally committed to helping, you will fail to valakinek valban segteni akarsz, maradj tle tvol.
help. You may be very busy and be very pleased Ha elktelezett vagy rzelmileg, hogy segts, akkor
with your charitable nature, but not much will be segtsged sikertelen lesz. Lehetsz nagyon elfoglalt,
done. A man is really helped when he is no longer in s nagyon elgedett a jtkonykodssal, de nem
need of help. All else is just futility. rsz el vele sokat. Akkor kap valdi segtsget az
ember, ha tbb nincs szksge segtsgre. Minden
egyb hibavalsg csupn.

Q: There is not enough time to sit and wait for help K: Nem elegend az id lni, s vrni, hogy
to happen. One must do something. segtsg rkezzen. Az embernek csinlnia kell

M: By all means -- do. But what you can do is M: Termszetesen csinlj. De amit tenni tudsz, az
limited; the self alone is unlimited. Give limitlessly -- korltozott; egyedl az n korltlan. Add korltlanul
of yourself. All else you can give in small measures nmagadat. Minden mst, csak kis mrtkben
only. You alone are immeasurable. To help is your adhatsz. Egyedl te vagy mrhetetlen. Segteni, a te
very nature. Even when you eat and drink you help valdi termszeted. Mg amikor eszel s iszol, akkor
your body. For yourself you need nothing. You are is segted a testedet. nmagadnak semmire nincs
pure giving, beginning-less, endless, inexhaustible. szksged. Te szntiszta ads vagy, kezdet nlkl,
When you see sorrow and suffering, be with it. Do vg nlkl, kiapadhatatlanul. Sem tanuls, sem
not rush into activity. Neither learning nor action can cselekvs nem tud igazn segteni. Lgy a
really help. Be with sorrow and lay bare its roots -- fjdalommal, s fedd fel gykereit a megrtst
helping to understand is real help. segteni, az igazi segtsg.

Q: My death is nearing. K: Kzeleg a hallom.

M: Your body is short of time, not you. Time and M: A testednek van kevs ideje, nem neked. Id s
space are in the mind only. You are not bound. Just tr az elmben vannak csupn. Te ktelkek nlkli
understand yourself -- that itself is eternity. vagy. Csak rtsd nmagadat ez maga az

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok

56. Consciousness Arising, World 56. Tudatossg megjelensvel a vilg is

Arises megjelenik
Questioner: When an ordinary man dies, what Krdez: Amikor meghal egy tlagember, mi
happens to him? trtnik vele?

Maharaj: According to his belief it happens. As life Maharaj: A hite szerint trtnik. Ahogy a hall eltti
before death is but imagination, so is life after. The let csak kpzelds, gy az utna lv let is. Az
dream continues. lom folytatdik.

Q: And what about the gnani? K: s mi a helyzet a gnanival?

M: The gnani does not die because he was never M: A gnani nem hal meg, mivel soha nem szletett.

Q: He appears so to others. K: Olyannak tnik, mint msok.

M: But not to himself. In himself he is free of things - M: De nmagnak nem. nmagn bell
- physical and mental. megszabadult a dolgoktl fizikailag s mentlisan.

Q: Still you must know the state of the man who K: Neked mgiscsak ismerned kell a meghalt ember
died. At least from your own past lives. llapott. Legalbbis elz leteidbl.

M: Until I met my Guru I knew so many things. Now I M: Amg nem tallkoztam Gurummal, sok dolgot
know nothing, for all knowledge is in dream only and tudtam. Most semmit sem tudok, mert minden tuds
not valid. I know myself and I find no life nor death in lombeli csupn, s nem valdi. Ismerem nmagam,
me, only pure being -- not being this or that, but just s nem tallok magamban sem letet, sem hallt,
being. But the moment the mind, drawing on its csak tiszta ltezst nem ekknt, vagy akknt val
stock of memories, begins to imagine, it fills the ltezst, hanem csupn ltezst. De a pillanatban,
space with objects and time with events. As I do not ahogy az elme ignybe veszi emlkei trhzt,
know even this birth, how can I know past births? It elkezd kpzeldni, betlti a teret objektumokkal, s
is the mind that, itself in movement, sees everything az idt esemnyekkel. Minthogy mg errl a
moving, and having created time, worries about the szletsrl sem tudok, hogy ismerhetnm az elmlt
past and future. All the universe is cradled in szletseket? Az elme az, mely maga mozgsban
consciousness (maha tattva), which arises where lvn mindent mozogni lt, s idt teremtve mlt s
there is perfect order and harmony (maha sattva). jv miatt aggdik. Az egsz univerzum be van
As all waves are in the ocean, so are all things gyazva a tudatossgba (maha tattva), amely ott
physical and mental in awareness. Hence jelenik meg, ahol tkletes rend, s harmnia (maha
awareness itself is all important, not the content of it. sattva) van. Mint az cenban a hullmok, olyanok a
Deepen and broaden your awareness of yourself fizikai s mentlis dolgok a tudatban. Ebbl ered
and all the blessings will flow. You need not seek magnak a tudatnak minden fontossga, nem pedig
anything, all will come to you most naturally and annak a tartalmbl. Mlytsd s bvtsd nmagad
effortlessly. The five senses and the four functions of tudatt, s az sszes isteni lds feld fog folyni.
the mind -- memory, thought, understanding and Nem kell keresned semmit, minden oda fog jnni
selfhood; the five elements -- earth, water, fire, air hozzd, a legtermszetesebb mdon, s erfeszts
and ether; the two aspects of creation -- matter and nlkl. Az t rzk s az elme ngy funkcija
spirit, all are contained in awareness. emlkezs, gondolkods, megrts s szemlyisg;
az t elem fld, vz, tz, leveg s ter; a teremts
kt aspektusa anyag s szellem, mind benne
foglaltatnak a tudatban.

Q: Yet, you must believe in having lived before. K: De mgiscsak el kell hinned, hogy volt elz

M: The scriptures say so, but I know nothing about M: A szent knyvek gy mondjk, de n errl semmit
it. I know myself as I am; as I appeared or will sem tudok. n n vagyokknt ismerem magam;
appear is not within my experience. It is not that I do ahogy megjelentem, vagy meg fogok jelenni, arrl
not remember. In fact there is nothing to remember. nincs tapasztalatom. Nem az a helyzet, hogy nem
Reincarnation implies a reincarnating self. There is emlkszem. Tnyleg nincs semmi, amire

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
no such thing. The bundle of memories and hopes, emlkeznem kellene. A reinkarnci egy
called the 'I', imagines itself existing everlastingly reinkarnld nre utal. Nem ltezik ilyesmi. Az az
and creates time to accommodate its false eternity: emlkekbl s remnyekbl ll csomag, amit n-
To be, I need no past or future. All experience is nek neveznk, vget nem ren lteznek kpzeli
born of imagination; I do not imagine, so no birth or magt, idt teremt, hogy frhelyet nyjtson hamis
death happens to me. Only those who think rkkvalsga szmra: lenni nincs szksgem
themselves born can think themselves re-born. You mltra s jvre. Minden tapasztalat kpzelds
are accusing me of having been born -- I plead not szlemnye; n nem kpzeldk, teht szlets
guilty. vagy hall sem trtnnek velem. Csak azok tudjk
azt gondolni, hogy jraszletettek, akik szletettnek
gondoljk magukat. Azzal vdolsz, hogy szlettem
nem rzem magam bnsnek.

All exists in awareness and awareness neither dies Minden a tudatban ltezik, s a tudat sem nem
nor is reborn. It is the changeless reality itself. szletik, sem nem hal meg. Az a megvltozhatatlan
valsg maga.

All the universe of experience is born with the body Az egsz tapasztalati vilg a testtel szletik, s a
and dies with the body; it has its beginning and end testtel hal meg; kezdete s vge a tudatban van, de
in awareness, but awareness knows no beginning, a tudat nem ismer sem kezdetet, sem vget. Ha
nor end. If you think it out carefully and brood over it alaposan tgondolod, s sokat tprengsz rajta, a
for a long time, you will come to see the light of tudat fnyt egyre tisztbban fogod ltni, a vilg
awareness in all its clarity and the world will fade out vzija pedig fokozatosan elhalvnyodik. Ez ahhoz
of your vision. It is like looking at a burning incense hasonlt, mint amikor egy meggyjtott fstl plcika
stick, you see the stick and the smoke first; when figyelse sorn elbb a plcikt s a fstt ltod;
you notice the fiery point, you realise that it has the majd amikor figyelmedet az izz rszre irnytod
power to consume mountains of sticks and fill the felismered, hogy a benne lv er plcika hegyeket
universe with smoke. Timelessly the self actualises hamvaszt el, s fsttel tlti meg az univerzumot. Az
itself, without exhausting its infinite possibilities. In n idtlen mdon aktualizlja magt, vgtelen
the incense stick simile the stick is the body and the lehetsgei kimerlse nlkl. A fstl plca
smoke is the mind. As long as the mind is busy with hasonlatban a plca a test, s a fst az elme. Amg
its contortions, it does not perceive its own source. az elme a maga torzulsai ltal elfoglalt, nem szleli
The Guru comes and turns your attention to the sajt forrst. Aztn jn a Guru, s figyelmedet a
spark within. By its very nature the mind is outward bels szikrra irnytja. Valdi termszetnl fogva
turned; it always tends to seek for the source of az elme kifel fordult; a dolgok forrst mindig
things among the things themselves; to be told to maguk a dolgok kztt igyekszik megtallni; annak
look for the source within, is, in a way, the beginning meghallst, hogy a forrst bell keresse,
of a new life. Awareness takes the place of tekinhetjk egy j let kezdetnek. A tudatossgot
consciousness; in consciousness there is the 'I', who felvltja a tudat; a tudatossgban jelen van az n,
is conscious while awareness is undivided; aki tudatos, mg a tudat osztatlan; a tudat tudatban
awareness is aware of itself. The 'I am' is a thought, van nmagnak. Az n vagyok egy gondolat, mg a
while awareness is not a thought, there is no 'I am tudat nem gondolat, a tudatban n tudat vagyok
aware' in awareness. Consciousness is an attribute nem ltezik. A tudatossg egy attribtum, mg az
while awareness is not; one can be aware of being tudat nem az; az ember tudatban lehet a
conscious, but not conscious of awareness. God is tudatossgnak, de nincs tudatban a tudatnak.
the totality of consciousness, but awareness is Isten a tudatossg totalitsa, de a tudat mindenek
beyond all -- being as well as not-being. fltt ll ltezs, ugyanakkor nem ltezs.

Q: I had started with the question about the K: A krdsem eredetileg az ember hall utni
condition of a man after death. When his body is llapotra vontakozott. A test megsemmislse utn
destroyed, what happens to his consciousness? mi trtnik a tudatossggal? Megmaradnak a lts,
Does he carry his senses of seeing, hearing etc. halls, stb. rzkelsnek a kpessgei, vagy ezek
along with him or does he leave them behind? And, elmaradnak? s az rzkelsi kpessgeit elveszti,
if he loses his senses, what becomes to his mi lesz a tudatossgval?

M: Senses are mere modes of perception. As the M: A rzkel kpessgek szlelsi mdok csupn.
grosser modes disappear, finer states of A durvbb mdok eltnsvel, finomabb tudatossgi
consciousness emerge. llapotok jelennek meg.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
Q: Is there no transition to awareness after death? K: A hallt nem valamilyen tudatba vezet tmenet

M: There can be no transition from consciousness to M: Nem lehetsges semmifle tudatossgbl a

awareness, for awareness is not a form of tudatba vezet tmenet, mert a tudat nem egy
consciousness. Consciousness can only become tudatossg forma. A tudatossg csak szubtilisabb
more subtle and refined and that is what happens s finomabb vlhat, s ez az, ami a hall utn
after death. As the various vehicles of man die off, trtnik. Ahogy az ember eszkzei soban
the modes of consciousness induced by them also elpusztulnak, az ltaluk elidzett tudatossgi
fade away. mdok szintn eltnnek.

Q: Until only unconsciousness remains? K: Amg egyedl a tudattalansg marad?

M: Look at yourself talking of unconsciousness as M: Vizsgld meg tudattalansgrl beszl

something that comes and goes. Who is there to be nmagadat, aki valami olyannak tekinti azt, ami jn
conscious of unconsciousness? As long as the s megy. Ki van tudatban a tudattalansgnak?
window is open, there is sunlight in the room. With Amg az ablak nyitva van, addig a szoba tele van
the windows shut, the sun remains, but does it see napfnnyel. Az ablak bezrsakor a nap fennmarad,
the darkness in the room? Is there anything like de ltod-e a sttsget a szobban? Ltezik-e a
darkness to the sun? There is no such thing as napon olyasmi, mint sttsg? Nincs olyan, hogy
unconsciousness, for unconsciousness is not tudattalansg, mert a tudattalansg nem
experienceable. We infer unconsciousness when tapasztalhat. Azt rtjk tudattalansg alatt, ha
there is a lapse in memory or communication. If I emlkezet kiess, vagy kommunikcis hiba
stop reacting, you will say that I am unconscious. In kvetkezik be. Ha nem reaglok, akkor azt mondod,
reality I may be most acutely conscious, only unable tudattalan vagyok. Valjban lehet, hogy sokkal
to communicate or remember. intenzvebben vagyok tudatos, csak kptelen vagyok
kommuniklni, vagy emlkezni.

Q: I am asking a simple question: there are about K: Lenne egy egyszer krdsem: a fldn l
four billion people in the world and they are all krlbell ngy millird ember mindegyike meghal
bound to die. What will be their condition after death egyszer. Milyen llapotba fognak kerlni halluk
-- not physically, but psychologically? Will their utn nem fizikai, hanem llektani szempontbl?
consciousness continue? And if it does, in what Folytatdni fog-e a tudatossguk? s ha igen,
form? Do not tell me that I am not asking the right milyen formban? Ne mondd, hogy nem a megfelel
question, or that you do not know the answer, or that krdst teszem fel, vagy, hogy nem tudsz vlaszolni,
in your world my question is meaningless; the vagy, hogy a te vilgodban a krdsem rtelmetlen;
moment you start talking about your world and my a pillanatban, hogy arrl kezdesz beszlni, hogy a te
world as different and incompatible, you build a wall vilgod s az n vilgom klnbz s nem
between us. Either we live in one world or your sszeegyeztethet, falat ptesz kznk. Vagy egy
experience is of no use to us. vilgban lnk, vagy tapasztalataidnak nincs haszna

M: Of course we live in one world. Only I see it as it M: Termszetesen egy vilgban lnk. Csakhogy n
is, while you don't. You see yourself in the world, olyannak ltom, amilyen, te pedig nem. Te gy
while I see the world in myself. To you, you get born ltod, hogy te vagy a vilgban, mg n g ltom,
and die, while to me, the world appears and hogy a vilg van nbennem. Te szerinted te szletsz
disappears. Our world is real, but your view of it is s meghalsz, mg az n szmomra a vilg az, ami
not. There is no wall between us, except the one megjelenik s eltnik. A vilgunk valdi, de a te
built by you. There is nothing wrong with the senses, nzeted rla, nem az. Nincs kzttnk fal, kivve azt
it is your imagination that misleads you. It covers up az egyet, amit te ptettl. Semmi baj az rzkekkel,
the world as it is, with what you imagine it to be -- a kpzeleted az, amely flrevezet tged. Elfedi a
something existing independently of you and yet ltez vilgot azzal, aminek azt kpzeled
closely following your inherited, or acquired patterns. valamivel, ami tled fggetlenl ltezik, s mgis
There is a deep contradiction in your attitude, which teljesen a te rkltt, vagy szerzett mintidat kveti.
you do not see and which is the cause of sorrow. Hozzllsodban mly ellentmonds rejlik, amit nem
You cling to the idea that you were born into a world ltsz, s ami a fjdalom forrsa. Ragaszkodsz az
of pain and sorrow; I know that the world is a child of idehoz, hogy beleszlettl egy fjdalmas s
love, having its beginning, growth and fulfilment in szomor vilgba; n pedig tudom, hogy a vilg a
love. But I am beyond love even. szeretet gyermeke, amely szeretetben szletik,
nvekszik, s teljesedik be. De n a szereteten is tl

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok

Q: If you have created the world out of love, why is it K: Ha vilgot a szeretetbl teremtetted, mirt olyan
so full of pain? szenvedssel teli?

M: You are right -- from the body's point of view. But M: Igazad van a test nzpontjbl. De te nem a
you are not the body. You are the immensity and test vagy. Te a tudatossg roppan terjedelme, s
infinity of consciousness. Don't assume what is not vgtelensge vagy. Ne felttelezz olyat, ami nem
true and you will see things as I see them. Pain and igaz, s gy fogod ltni a dolgokat, ahogy n ltom
pleasure, good and bad, right and wrong: these are azokat. Szenveds s rm, j s rossz, helyes s
relative terms and must not be taken absolutely. helytelen: ezek viszonylagos kifejezsek, s nem
They are limited and temporary. szabad abszoltnak tekinteni. Korltozottak s

Q: In the Buddhist tradition it is stated that a Nirvani, K: A Buddhista hagyomny szerint a Nirvani, a
an enlightened Buddha, has the freedom of the megvilgosodott Buddha, az univerzum
universe. He can know and experience for himself szabadsgval br. nmagtl ismerni s
all that exists. He can command, interfere with tapasztalni kpes mindent, ami ltezik. Uralni tudja a
nature, with the chain of causation, change the termszetet, bele tud avatkozni annak oksgi
sequence of events, even undo the past. The world lncolatba, meg tudja vltoztatni az esemnyek
is still with him but he is free in it. rendjt, akr mg a mltat is meg nem trtntt
tudja tenni. A vilggal egytt van ugyan, de
szabad benne.

M: What you describe is God. Of course, where M: Amit lertl, az Isten. Termszetesen, ha lenne
there is a universe, there will also be its counterpart, vilg, akkor megfelelje is lenne, amely Isten. De n
which is God. But I am beyond both. There was a mindegyiken tl vagyok. Volt egyszer egy kirlysg,
kingdom in search of a king. They found the right amely kirlyt keresett. Megkerestk a megfelel
man and made him king. In no way had he changed. embert, s megtettk kirlynak. Semmi nem
He was merely given the title, the rights and the vltozott benne. Csupn cmet, jogokat, s kirlyi
duties of a king. His nature was not affected, only his ktelessgeket kapott. Termszett ez nem
actions. Similarly, with the enlightened man; the rintette, csupn cselekedeteit. Hasonlkppen van
content of his consciousness undergoes a radical a megvilgosodott emberrel; tudatossgnak a
transformation. But he is not misled. He knows the tartalma radiklisan talakul. De ez t nem tveszti
changeless. meg. Ismeri a megvltozhatatlant.

Q: The changeless cannot be conscious. K: A megvltozhatatlan nem lehet tudatos. A

Consciousness is always of change. The tudatossg mindig vltozssal kapcsolatos. A
changeless leaves no trace in consciousness. megvltozhatatlan nem hagy nyomot a

M: Yes and no. The paper is not the writing, yet it M: Igen, s nem. Nem a papr az rs, mgis
carries the writing. The ink is not the message, nor is hordozza azt. Nem a tinta az zenet, s az olvas
the reader's mind the message -- but they all make elmje sem az de ezek teszik lehetv az
the message possible. zenetet.

Q: Does consciousness come down from reality or is K: A tudatossg a valsgbl szrmazik, vagy az
it an attribute of matter? anyagnak egy sajtossga?

M: Consciousness as such is the subtle counterpart M: A tudatossg, mint olyan, az anyagnak a finom
of matter. Just as inertia (tamas) and energy (rajas) megfelelje. Mikppen a tehetetlensg (tamas) s a
are attributes of matter, so does harmony (sattva) tetter (rajas) az anyagnak a sajtossgai, gy
manifest itself as consciousness. You may consider manifesztlja magt tudatossgknt a harmnia
it in a way as a form of very subtle energy. Wherever (sattva). Tekintheted, bizonyos mdon, egy nagyon
matter organises itself into a stable organism, szubtilis energia fomnak is. Az anyag akrhol is
consciousness appears spontaneously. With the megszervezi magt, mint stabil organizmus, ott
destruction of the organism consciousness spontn megjelenik a tudatossg. Az organizmus
disappears. pusztulsval a tudatossg is eltnik.

Q: Then what survives? K: Akkor mi az, ami fennmarad?

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok

M: That, of which matter and consciousness are but M: Az, aminek anyag s tudatossg csak
aspects, which is neither born nor dies. aspektusai, ami sem nem szletik, sem nem hal.

Q: If it is beyond matter and consciousness, how K: Ha ez anyagon s tudatossgon tli, akkor

can it be experienced? hogyan tapasztalhat?

M: It can be known by its effects on both; look for it M: Hatsai alapjn ismerhet fel; a szpsgben s a
in beauty and in bliss. But you will understand boldogsgban keresd. De sem a testet, sem a
neither body nor consciousness, unless you go tudatossgot nem fogod megrteni, hacsak nem
beyond both. haladod meg mindkettt.

Q: Please tell us squarely: are you conscious or K: Mondd meg, szintn: te tudatos vagy, vagy
unconscious? tudattalan?

M: The enlightened (gnani) is neither. But in his M: A megvilgosodott (gnani) egyik sem. De
enlightenment (gnana) all is contained. Awareness megvilgosodsa (gnana) mindkettt magban
contains every experience. But he who is aware is foglalja. A tudat tartalmaz minden tapasztalatot. De
beyond every experience. He is beyond awareness aki tudatos, az minden tapasztalson tl van.
itself. magn a tudaton is tl van.

Q: There is the background of experience, call it K: A tapasztals alapjt nevezzk anyagnak. A

matter. There is the experiencer, call it mind. What tapasztalt nevezzk elmnek. Mi alkotja a hidat
makes the bridge between the two? kettejk kztt?

M: The very gap between is the bridge. That, which M: Valjban a kettjk kztti szakadk a hd. Ami
at one end looks like matter and at the other as egyszer anyagnak ltszik, msszor elmnek, az
mind, is in itself the bridge. Don't separate reality maga a hd. Ne vlaszd szt a valsgot testre s
into mind and body and there will be no need of elmre, s nem lesz szksged hidakra.
Ha tudatossg jelenik meg, a vilg is megjelenik.
Consciousness arising, the world arises. When you Amikor a vilg blcsessgt s szpsgt tekinted,
consider the wisdom and the beauty of the world, akkor azt Istennek nevezed. Ismerd meg a forrst
you call it God. Know the source of it all, which is in teljesen, amely nmagadban van, s minden
yourself, and you will find all your questions krdsedre vlaszt fogsz tallni.

Q: The seer and the seen: are they one or two? K: A lt, s a ltott: egyek ezek, vagy kt
klnbz dolog?

M: There is only seeing; both the seer and the seen M: Egyedl csak lts van; mind a lt, mind a ltott
are contained in it. Don't create differences where benne foglaltatik. Ne teremts klnbsgeket, ahol
there are none. nincs.

Q: I began with the question about the man who K: A meghalt emberrl szl krdssel kezdtem. Azt
died. You said that his experiences will shape mondtad, hogy az tapasztalatai aszerint fognak
themselves according to his expectations and alakulni, hogy mik az elvrsai, s a hite.

M: Before you were born you expected to live M: Szletsed eltt elvrtad, hogy egy tervnek
according to a plan, which you yourself had laid megfelelen lj, amit te magad hatroztl meg. A te
down. Your own will was the backbone of your sajt akaratod volt sorsod gerince.

Q: Surely, karma interfered. K: A karma bizonyra kzrehatott.

M: Karma shapes the circumstances: the attitudes M: A karma a krlmnyeket alaktja: a hozzlls a
are your own. Ultimately your character shapes your te sajtod. Vgl is a jellemed alaktja az leted, s
life and you alone can shape your character. egyedl te alakthatod a jellemedet.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
Q: How does one shape one's character? K: Hogyan alaktja az ember a jellemt?

M: By seeing it as it is, and being sincerely sorry. M: Olyannak ltva azt, amilyen, s szinte
This integral seeing-feeling can work miracles. It is megbocstssal. Ez az integrlis lts-rzs
like casting a bronze image; metal alone, or fire csodkra kpes. Ez ahhoz hasonl, minz amikor egy
alone will not do; nor will the mould be of any use; bronz arckpet ntesz; csak fmmel, vagy csak
you have to melt down the metal in the heat of the tzzel a dolog nem fog menni; az ntformnak
fire and cast it in the mould. sincs nmagban semmi haszna; a fmet fel kell
olvasztanod a tz hevnl, s bele kell ntened a

57. Beyond Mind there is no Suffering 57. Az elmn tl nincs szenveds

Questioner: I see you sitting in your son's house Krdez: Ltom, fiad hzban lsz, vrod, hogy
waiting for lunch to be served. And I wonder whether felszolgljk az ebdet. s kvncsi lennk, hogy
the content of your consciousness is similar to mine, vajon tudatossgod tartalma az enymhez hasonl,
or partly different, or totally different. Are you hungry vagy rszben klnbz, esetleg teljesen ms?
and thirsty as I am, waiting rather impatiently for the hsged s szomjsgod az enymhez hasonl,
meals to be served, or are you in an altogether trelmetlenl vrod, hogyfelszolgljk az telt, vagy
different state of mind? teljesen ms az elmellapotod?

Maharaj: There is not much difference on the Maharaj: A felsznen nem sok a klnbsg, de a
surface, but very much of it in depth. You know mlyben nagyon sok van. Te csak az rzkek s az
yourself only through the senses and the mind. You elme kzvettse rvn ismered nmagad. Annak
take yourself to be what they suggest; having no tartod magad, amit k sugallnak; nem lvn
direct knowledge of yourself, you have mere ideas; kzvetlen tudsod nmagadrl, ideid vannak
all mediocre, second-hand, by hearsay. Whatever csupn; amely mind silny, msodkzbl val,
you think you are you take it to be true; the habit of szbeszd. Brmit gondolsz arrl, ami vagy, azt
imagining yourself perceivable and describable is igaznak tartod; a szoks, hogy nmagadat
very strong with you. szlehetnek s lerhatnak kpzeled, nagyon ers

I see as you see, hear as you hear, taste as you Ltok, ahogy te, hallok, ahogy te, zlelek, ahogy te,
taste, eat as you eat. I also feel thirst and hunger eszem, ahogy te. Szomjsgot, s hsget is rzek,
and expect my food to be served on time. When s remlem, hogy az telemet idben szolgljk fel.
starved or sick, my body and mind go weak. All this I Amikor kihezem, vagy megbetegszem, testem s
perceive quite clearly, but somehow I am not in it, I elmm legyengl. Mindezt nagyon vilgosan
feel myself as if floating over it, aloof and detached. szlelem, de valahogy nem vagyok benne, gy
Even not aloof and detached. There is aloofness rzem magam, mintha fltte lebegnk,
and detachment as there is thirst and hunger; there kzmbsen, s klnllan. De mg csak
is also the awareness of it all and a sense of kzmbsen, s klnllan sem. A kzmbssg
immense distance, as if the body and the mind and s klnllsg olyan, mint a szomjsg s hsg;
all that happens to them were somewhere far out on mindegyikben benne van a tudatossg is, valamint
the horizon. I am like a cinema screen -- clear and egy vgtelen tvolsg rzs, mintha a testem s az
empty -- the pictures pass over it and disappear, elmm, s minden, ami trtnik velk, valahol
leaving it as clear and empty as before. In no way is messze a horizonton tl lenne. Olyan vagyok, akr
the screen affected by the pictures, nor are the egy mozi vett vszna tiszta s res , amelyrl,
pictures affected by the screen. The screen ha a kpek eltnnek, olyan tiszta s res marad,
intercepts and reflects the pictures, it does not mint eltte volt. A kpek semmilyen mdon nem
shape them. It has nothing to do with the rolls of befolysoljk a vsznat, s a vszon sincs hatssal
films. These are as they are, lumps of destiny a kpekre. A vszon a kpeket felfogja s
(prarabdha), but not my destiny; the destinies of the visszaveri, nem alaktja azokat. Semmi kze a
people on the screen. filmtekercsekhez. Azok olyanok, amilyenek, a sors
egy-egy darabja (prarabdha), de nem az n
sorsom; a vsznon lv emberek sors.

Q: You do not mean to say that the people in a K: Nem mondod komolyan, hogy a filmben szerepl
picture have destinies. They belong to the story, the embereknek sorsuk van. k a filmbeli trtnet

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
story is not theirs. szerepli, amely nem az trtnetk.

M: And what about you? Do you shape your life or M: s mi a helyzet veled? Te alaktod az letedet,
are you shaped by it? vagy az alakt tged?

Q: Yes, you are right. A life story unrolls itself of K: Igen, igazad van. A magtl kibontakoz
which I am one of the actors. I have no being lettrtnetnek n az egyik szereplje vagyok. Nincs
outside it, as it has no being without me. I am merely ltem azon kvl, mint ahogy annak sincs lte
a character, not a person. nlklem. Szerepl vagyok csupn, nem szemly.

M: The character will become a person, when he M: A szerepl szemlly vlik, ha alaktani kezdi az
begins to shape his life instead of accepting it as it lett, ahelyett, hogy gy fogadn el, ahogy jn, s
comes, and identifying himself with it. azonostan magt vele.

Q: When I ask a question and you answer, what K: Amikor felteszek egy krdst, te pedig vlaszolsz,
exactly happens? mi trtnik pontosan?

M: The question and the answer -- both appear on M: A krds s a vlasz egyarnt a vsznon
the screen. The lips move, the body speaks -- and jelennek meg. Az ajkak mozognak, a test beszl
again the screen is clear and empty. s a kperny jra tiszta s res.

Q: When you say: clear and empty, what do you K: Amikor azt mondod: tiszta s res, mit rtesz
mean? alatta?

M: I mean free of all contents. To myself I am M: Minden tartalomtl mentessget rtek ez alatt.
neither perceivable nor conceivable; there is nothing nmagam szmra n nem vagyok sem szlelhet,
I can point out and say: 'this I am'. You identify sem elkpzelhet; semmi sincs, amire rmutathatok,
yourself with everything so easily, I find it s azt mondhatom: ez n vagyok. Te oly knnyen
impossible. The feeling: 'I am not this or that, nor is azonostod magad mindennel, n ezt lehetetlennek
anything mine' is so strong in me that as soon as a tallom. Az rzs: n nem vagyok ez, vagy az, s
thing or a thought appears, there comes at once the semmi sem az enym olyan ers bennem, hogy
sense 'this I am not'. amint egy dolog vagy egy gondolat felmerl, azonnal
megjelenik az ez nem n vagyok rzs is.

Q: Do you mean to say that you spend your time K: Azt akarod mondani, hogy azzal tltd az iddet,
repeating 'this I am not, that I am not'? hogy azt ismtelgeted, ez nem n vagyok, az nem
n vagyok?

M: Of course not. I am merely verbalizing for your M: Termszetesen nem. Csupn a te kedvedrt
sake. By the grace of my Guru I have realised once foglalom szavakba. Gurum kegyelmbl egyszer s
and for good that I am neither object nor subject and mindenkorra felismertem, hogy nem vagyok sem
I do not need to remind myself all the time. objektum, sem szubjektum, s nem kell llandan
emlkeztetnem magam.

Q: I find it hard to grasp what exactly do you mean K: Nehz megrtenem, hogy rted pontosan, hogy
by saying that you are neither the object nor the nem vagy se objektum, se szubjektum. E
subject. At this very moment, as we talk, am I not pillanatban, mikzben beszlgetnk, nem a
the object of your experience, and you the subject? tapasztalsod objektuma vagyok, s te nem a
szubjektum vagy?

M: Look, my thumb touches my forefinger. Both M: Nzd, a hvelykujjamat megrinti a mutatujjam.

touch and are touched. When my attention is on the Mindkett rint, s rintett. Mikor figyelmem a
thumb, the thumb is the feeler and the forefinger -- hvelykujjamra irnyul, a hvelykujj a tapint, s a
the self. Shift the focus of attention and the mutatujj az n. helyezd t a figyelem fkuszt, s
relationship is reversed. I find that somehow, by a kapcsolat megfordul. gy tallom, hogy valami
shifting the focus of attention, I become the very mdon a figyelem fkusznak thelyezsvel az
thing I look at and experience the kind of ltalam figyelt dologg vlok, s tapasztalom azt a
consciousness it has; I become the inner witness of fajta tudatossgot, ami neki van; az illet dolog
the thing. I call this capacity of entering other focal bels tanjv vlok. A msik tudatossgi
points of consciousness -- love; you may give it any fkuszpontba val lpsnek ezt a kpessgt gy

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
name you like. Love says: 'I am everything'. Wisdom hvom szeretet; te olyan nevet adsz neki, amilyet
says: 'I am nothing' Between the two my life flows. akarsz. A szeretet azt mondja: n vagyok minden.
Since at any point of time and space I can be both A blcsessg azt mondja: semmi nem vagyok. A
the subject and the object of experience, I express it kett kztt ramlik az letem. Mivel az id s tr
by saying that I am both, and neither, and beyond brmelyik pontjn lehetek akr a szubjektumaknt,
both. akr az objektumaknt a tapasztalsnak, ezt gy
fejezem ki, hogy azt, mondom, minden vagyok, s
semmi, s mindkettn tli.

Q: You make all these extraordinary statements K: Rendkvli dolgokat lltasz nmagadrl. Mirt
about yourself. What makes you say those things? mondasz ilyeneket? Hogyan rted, mikor azt
What do you mean by saying that you are beyond mondod, tl vagy tren s idn?
space and time?

M: You ask and the answer comes. I watch myself -- M: Krdezel, s megrkezik a vlasz. Figyelem
I watch the answer and see no contradiction. It is nmagam figyelem a vlaszt, s nem ltok
clear to me that I am telling you the truth. It is all ellentmondst. Vilgos szmomra, hogy az
very simple. Only you must trust me that I mean igazsgot mondom neked. Mindez nagyon
what I say, that I am quite serious. As I told you egyszer. Hidd csak el, hogy gy rtem, ahogy
already, my Guru showed me my true nature -- and mondom, hogy teljesen komoly vagyok. Ahogy azt
the true nature of the world. Having realised that I mondtam mr neked, Gurum megmutatta nekem
am one with, and yet beyond the world, I became valdi termszetemet s a vilg valdi
free from all desire and fear. I did not reason out that termszett. Felismervn, hogy egy vagyok a
I should be free -- I found myself free -- vilggal, s mgis azon tl vagyok, minden vgytl
unexpectedly, without the least effort. This freedom s flelemtl megszabadultam. Nem kvetkeztets,
from desire and fear remained with me since then. hogy szabad kell, hogy legyek szabadnak lttam
Another thing I noticed was that I do not need to magam vratlanul, a legkisebb erfeszts nlkl.
make an effort; the deed follows the thought, without Ez a vgytl s a flelemtl val szabadsg velem
delay and friction. I have also found that thoughts maradt azta is. A msik, amit szrevettem, hogy
become self-fulfilling; things would fall in place nem kell erfesztst tennem; a tett kslekeds, s
smoothly and rightly. The main change was in the ellenlls nlkl kveti a gondolatot. Azt is
mind; it became motionless and silent, responding felfedeztem, hogy gondolataim nbeteljestkk
quickly, but not perpetuating the response. vltak; a dolgok simn, s a megfelel mdon a
Spontaneity became a way of life, the real became helykre kerltek. A legfontosabb vltozs az
natural and the natural became real. And above all, elmben kvetkezett be; mozdulatlan s csendes
infinite affection, love, dark and quiet, radiating in all lett, gyorsan reagl, de nem llandstja a reaglst.
directions, embracing all, making all interesting and A spontaneits letforma lett, a valsg
beautiful, significant and auspicious. termszetess, s a termszetes valsgg vlt. s
legfkpp, vgtelen gyengdsg, amely szeret,
stt s csendes, amely minden irnyba sugrzik,
mindent tlel, mindent rdekess, szpp,
kifejezsteljess s gretess tesz.

Q: We are told that various Yogic powers arise K: gy hallottuk, hogy abban az emberben, aki
spontaneously in a man who has realised his own felismerte sajt valdi ltt klnfle, spontn
true being. What is your experience in these mdon Yoga erk tmadnak. Mi a te tapasztalatod
matters? ezekben a krdsekben?

M: Man's fivefold body (physical etc.) has potential M: Az ember t rszbl (fizikai, stb.) ll teste olyan
powers beyond our wildest dreams. Not only is the potencilis erkkel rendelkezik, amely legvadabb
entire universe reflected in man, but also the power lmainkat is fellmlja. Nem csak a teljes univerzum
to control the universe is waiting to be used by him. tkrzdik az emberben, hanem az univerzumot
The wise man is not anxious to use such powers, irnyt er is arra vr, hogy ltala hasznltasson. A
except when the situation calls for them. He finds tuds ember nem svrog az ilyen erk hasznlata
the abilities and skills of the human personality quite utn, kivve, amikor a szituci rtk kilt. az
adequate for the business of daily living. Some of emberi szemlyisg kpessgeit s kszsgeit
the powers can be developed by specialised teljesen elegendnek tartja a mindennapok
training, but the man who flaunts such powers is still dolgaihoz. Kifejleszthetk bizonyos erk specilis
in bondage. The wise man counts nothing as his trningekkel, de aki ilyen erkkel krkedik, mg
own. When at some time and place some miracle is ktelkek rabja. A tuds ember semmit nem tekint

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
attributed to some person, he will not establish any sajtjnak. Amikor valamilyen csods kpessg
causal link between events and people, nor will he ember tnik fel, idnknt s helyenknt, nem fog
allow any conclusions to be drawn. All happened as ltesteni semmilyen esemnyek s emberek kztti
it happened because it had to happen everything oksgi kapcsolatot, s semmilyen kvetkeztets
happens as it does, because the universe is as it is. levonshoz sem fog hozzjrulni. Mindennek gy
kell trtnnie, ahogy trtnik, mert az univerzum az,

Q: The universe does not seem a happy place to K: Az univerzum nem tnik olyan helynek, ahol
live in. Why is there so much suffering? boldogan lehet lni. Mirt van benne olyan sok

M: Pain is physical; suffering is mental. Beyond the M: A fjdalom fizikai; a szenveds mentlis. Az
mind there is no suffering. Pain is merely a signal elmn tl nincs szenveds. A fjdalom csupn egy
that the body is in danger and requires attention. jel, hogy a test veszlyben van, s figyelmet kvetel.
Similarly, suffering warns us that the structure of Hasonlkppen, szenveds figyelmeztet bennnket,
memories and habits, which we call the person hogy az emlkek s szoksok struktrjt, amit
(vyakti), is threatened by loss or change. Pain is szemlynek neveznk (vyakti), vesztesg vagy
essential for the survival of the body, but none vltozs fenyegeti. A fjdalom a test tllshez
compels you to suffer. Suffering is due entirely to nlklzhetetlen, de tged egyltaln nem
clinging or resisting; it is a sign of our unwillingness knyszert szenvedsre. Szenveds kizrlag
to move on, to flow with life. ragaszkods vagy ellenlls miatt kvetkezik be;
annak jele, hogy hzdozunk a tovbb haladstl,
az lettel val egytt ramlstl.

As a sane life is free of pain, so is a saintly life free Ahogy az egszsges let fjdalomtl mentes, gy a
from suffering. jmbor let szenvedstl mentes.

Q: Nobody has suffered more than saints. K: Senki nem szenvedett tbbet a szenteknl.

M: Did they tell you, or do you say so on your own? M: Ezt k mondtk neked, vagy a sajt
The essence of saintliness is total acceptance of the vlemnyedet hangoztatod? A szentsg lnyege a
present moment, harmony with things as they jelen pillanat totlis elfogadsa, a harmnia a
happen. A saint does not want things to be different dolgokkal, ahogyan azok megtrtnnek. Egy szent
from what they are; he knows that, considering all nem akarja, hogy a dolgok msok legyenek, mint
factors, they are unavoidable. He is friendly with the amik; tudja, hogy minden tnyezt tekintetbe vve,
inevitable and, therefore, does not suffer. Pain he azok elkerlhetetlenek. Megbartkozott az
may know, but it does not shatter him. If he can, he elkerlhetetlennel, s, kvetkezskppen, nem
does the needful to restore the lost balance -- or he szenved. A fjdalmat lehet, hogy ismerik, de az nem
lets things take their course. tri ket ssze. Ha tudja, megteszi, ami elvesztett
egyenslya visszanyershez szksges vagy
szabad folyst enged a dolgoknak.

Q: He may die. K: Lehet, hogy meghal.

M: So what? What does he gain by living on and M: s akkor mi van? Mit nyer, ha letben marad, s
what does he lose by dying? What was born, must mit veszt, ha meghal? Ami megszletett, annak
die; what was never born cannot die. It all depends meghalnia is kell; ami soha nem szletett, nem tud
on what he takes himself to be. meghalni. Ez azon mlik, hogy mit tart nmaga

Q: Imagine you fall mortally ill. Would you not regret K: Kpzeld el, hogy hallosan beteg lettl. Nem
and resent? lennel szomor s srtdtt?

M: But I am dead already, or, rather, neither alive M: De n mr halott vagyok, vagy inkbb se eleven,
nor dead. You see my body behaving the habitual se holt. Te olyannak ltod a testemet, mint amely a
way and draw your own conclusions. You will not szoksos mdon viselkedik, s levonod a magad
admit that your conclusions bind nobody but you. Do kvetkeztseit. Nem ltod be, hogy kvetkeztetseid
see that the image you have of me may be senki mshoz nem ktdnek, csak hozzd. Vedd
altogether wrong. Your image of yourself is wrong szre, hogy a rlam alkotott kped lehet, hogy

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
too, but that is your problem. But you need not teljesen rossz. Az nmagadrl alkotott kp szintn
create problems for me and then ask me to solve rossz, de ez a te problmd. De nincs r szksg,
them. I am neither creating problems nor solving hogy problmkat teremts a szmomra, hogy utna
them. arra krj, oldjam meg ket. n problmkat sem
teremtek, s nem is oldom meg ket.

58. Perfection, Destiny of All 58. Tkleteseds a sorsa mindennek

Questioner: When asked about the means for self- Krdez: Amikor az nmegvalsts eszkzeirl
realisation, you invariably stress the importance of krdeznek, mindig az elme n vagyok rzsben
the mind dwelling on the sense 'I am'. Where is the val idzsnek fontossgt hangslyozod. Mi az
causal factor? Why should this particular thought okozati tnyz? Mirt kell ennek a szokatlan
result in self-realisation? How does the gondolatnak nmegvalstst eredmnyeznie?
contemplation of 'I am' affect me? Hogyan hat rm az n vagyok feletti kontemplci?

Maharaj: The very fact of observation alters the Maharaj: A megfigyelsnek pusztn a tnye
observer and the observed. After all, what prevents megvltoztatja a megfigyelt s a megfigyels
the insight into one's true nature is the weakness trgyt. Vgs soron az ember valdi termszetbe
and obtuseness of the mind and its tendency to skip val bepillantst az elme gyengesge, tompasga,
the subtle and focus on the gross only. When you s arra val hajlamossga akadlyozza, hogy a
follow my advice and try to keep your mind on the finom mellzsvel csak a durvra fkuszljon. Ha a
notion of 'I am' only, you become fully aware of your tancsomat kvetve megprblod elmdet kizrlag
mind and its vagaries. Awareness, being lucid az n vagyok kpzetn tartani, teljesen tudatoss
harmony (sattva) in action, dissolves dullness and teszed elmdet, s annak kalandozst. A
quietens the restlessness of the mind and gently, but tudatossg a cselekvs ragyog harmnija (sattva)
steadily changes its very substance. This change lvn, eloszlatja elme tompasgt, lecsendesti
need not be spectacular; it may be hardly nyugtalansgt, s szelden, de biztosan talaktja
noticeable; yet it is a deep and fundamental shift annak teljes szubsztancijt. Az talakulsnak nem
from darkness to light, from inadvertence to kell ltvnyosnak lennie; lehet alig szrevehet, s
awareness. mgis mly, s alapvet elmozduls a sttsgtl a
fny fel, a tvedstl a tudatossg fel.

Q: Must it be the 'I am' formula? Will not any other K: Muszly, hogy ez az n vagyok formula legyen?
sentence do? If I concentrate on 'there is a table', Nem mkdne ugyangy brmilyen ms mondat?
will it not serve the same purpose? Ha arra koncentrlok, hogy ez egy tbla, az nem
ugyanazt a clt szolglja?

M: As an exercise in concentration -- yes. But it will M: Koncentrcis gyakorlatknt igen. De ltala

not take you beyond the idea of a table. You are not nem fogsz tovbb jutni a tbla idejn. Tged nem a
interested in tables, you want to know yourself. For tblk irnt rdekldsz, te nmagadat akarod
this keep steadily in the focus of consciousness the megismerni. Ezrt tartsd llhatatosan a tudatossg
only clue you have: your certainty of being. Be with fkuszban az egyetlen kulcsot, amivel rendelkezel:
it, play with it, ponder over it, delve deeply into it, till a ltben val bizonyossgodat. Lgy vele, jtssz
the shell of ignorance breaks open and you emerge vele, elmlkedj rajta, ss le a mlyre, amg a
into the realm of reality. tudatlansg kagylhja fel nem trik, s te be nem
lpsz a valsg birodalmba.

Q: Is there any causal link between my focussing K: Van valamilyen oksgi kapcsolat az n vagyok-
the 'I am' and the breaking of the shell? ra fkuszls, s a kagylhj feltrse kztt?

M: The urge to find oneself is a sign that you are M: nmagad megtallsnak a ksztetse a jel,
getting ready. The impulse always comes from hogy kszen llsz. Az impulzus mindig bellrl jn.
within. Unless your time has come, you will have Hacsak el nem jtt az ideje, soha nem lesz sem
neither the desire nor the strength to go for self- vgyad, sem erd, hogy az nkutatst teljes
enquiry whole-heartedly. odaadssal vgezd.

Q: Is not the grace of the Guru responsible for the K: Nem a Guru kegyelme felels a vgyrt s annak
desire and its fulfilment? Is not the Guru's radiant beteljestsrt? Nem a Guru sugrz arca a

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
face the bait on which we are caught and pulled out csbts, amely megragad bennnket, s kihz a
of this mire of sorrow? szomorsg mocsarbl?

M: It is the Inner Guru (sadguru) who takes you to M: A Bels Guru (sadguru) az, aki elvisz tged a
the Outer Guru, as a mother takes her child to a Kls Guruhoz, mint ahogy az anya viszi gyermekt
teacher. Trust and obey your Guru, for he is the a tanthoz. Higgy s engedelmeskedj Gurudnak,
messenger of your Real Self. mert a hrnke a te Valdi nednek.

Q: How do I find a Guru whom I can trust? K: Hogyan tallok olyan Gurut, akinek hihetek?

M: Your own heart will tell you. There is no difficulty M: A sajt szved fogja megmondani. Nem nehz
in finding a Guru, because the Guru is in search of rtallni a Gurura, mivel a Guru is keres tged. A
you. The Guru is always ready; you are not ready. Guru llandan kszen ll, te nem vagy kszen.
You have to be ready to learn; or you may meet your Kszen kell llnod a tanulsra; vagy elfordulhat,
Guru and waste your chance by sheer hogy tallkozol a Guruddal, s figyelmetlensgbl,
inattentiveness and obstinacy. Take my example; s mer nfejsgbl elvesztegeted az eslyedet.
there was nothing in me of much promise, but when Vegyk a sajt pldmat; nem volt bennem semmi
I met my Guru, I listened, trusted and obeyed. gretes, de mikor tallkoztam a Gurummal
hallgattam r, bztam benne, s kvettem

Q: Must I not examine the teacher before I put K: Nem kell leellenriznem a tantt, mieltt teljesen
myself entirely into his hands? a kezbe tennm magam?

M: By all means examine. But what can you find M: Persze, vizsgld meg. De min tudod rajtacspni?
out? Only as he appears to you on your own level. Csak ahogy megjelenik neked a te sajt szinteden.

Q: I shall watch whether he is consistent, whether K: Megvizsglnm, hogy vajon konzisztens-e, vajon
there is harmony between his life and his teaching. harmnia van-e lete s tantsa kztt?

M: You may find plenty of disharmony -- so what? It M: Lehet, hogy megfelelnek tallod a harmnit
proves nothing. Only motives matter. How will you s akkor mi van? Nem bizonyt semmit. Csak az
know his motives? idtkok szmtanak. Honnan ismerhetnd az

Q: I should at least expect him to be a man of self- K: Legalbb annyit elvrnk tle, hogy nuralommal
control who lives a righteous life. rendelkez, ernyes letet l ember legyen.

M: Such you will find many -- and of no use to you. M: Sok ilyet tallsz s semmi hasznuk szmodra.
A Guru can show the way back home, to your real A Guru meg tudja mutatni a hazafel, a valdi
self. What has this to do with the character, or nedbe vezet utat. Mi kze ennek a jellemhez,
temperament of the person he appears to be? Does vagy temperamentumhoz azon szemlynek,
he not clearly tell you that he is not the person? The akiknt megjelenik. Nem kzlte veled vilgosan,
only way you can judge is by the change in yourself hogy nem a szemly? Az egyetlen md, amely
when you are in his company. If you feel more at alapjn megtlheted, a benned bekvetkez
peace and happy, if you understand yourself with vltozs, mikzben a trsasgban tartzkodsz. Ha
more than usual clarity and depth, it means you tbb bkt s boldogsgot rzel, ha a szoksosnl
have met the right man. Take your time, but once vilgosabban s mlyebben rted magad, azt jelenti,
you have made up your mind to trust him, trust him hogy a megfelel emberrel tallkoztl. Ne siesd el,
absolutely and follow every instruction fully and de mikor gy dntttl, hogy hiszel benne, higgy
faithfully. It does not matter much if you do not benne felttlenl, s kvesd minden utastst teljes
accept him as your Guru and are satisfied with his mrtkben, s hsgesen. Nem szmt sokat, ha
company only. Satsang alone can also take you to nem fogadod el t Gurudknt, s megelgszel a
your goal, provided it is unmixed and undisturbed. puszta trsasgval. A satsang nmagban is
But once you accept somebody as your Guru, listen, elvezethet clodhoz, feltve, hogy az fenntarts
remember and obey. Half-heartedness is a serious nlkli, s nyugodt. De mihelyt valakit Gurudknt
drawback and the cause of much self-created fogadsz el, hallgass, emlkezz, s engedelmeskedj.
sorrow. The mistake is never the Guru's; it is always A flszv slyos htrny, s sok nmagad teremtette
the obtuseness and cussedness of the discipline szomorsg oka. A hiba soha nem a Guru, hanem
that is at fault. mindig a tantvny korltoltsgnak s

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
megtalkodottsgnak rhat fel, mivel eltveszti a

Q: Does the Guru then dismiss, or disqualify a K: A Guru elbocsjtja, vagy diszkvalifiklja a
disciple? tantvnyt?

M: He would not be a Guru if he did. He bides his M: Nem Guru lenne, ha megtenn. Kivrja az idejt,
time and waits till the disciple, chastened and s vr, amg a tantvny megszeldl, s
sobered, comes back to him in a more receptive kijzanodik, s egy sokkal fogkonyabb
mood. lelkillapotban tr vissza hozz.

Q: What is the motive? Why does the Guru take so K: Mi az idtka? Mirt vesz magra a Guru olyan
much trouble? sok gondot?

M: Sorrow and the ending of sorrow. He sees M: A szomorsg, s a szomorsg befejezse.

people suffering in their dreams and he wants them Ltja az lmukban szenved embereket, s fel
to wake up. Love is intolerant of pain and suffering. akarja ket breszteni. A szeretet kptelen elviselni
The patience of a Guru has no limits and, therefore, a fjdalmat s a szenvedst. A Guru trelmnek
it cannot be defeated. The Guru never fails. nincs hatra, ezrt nem tud kudarcot vallani. A Guru
sohasem bukik el.

Q: Is my first Guru also my last, or do I have to pass K: Az els Gurum az utols is, vagy Gurutl Guruig
from Guru to Guru? kell vndorolnom?

M: The entire universe is your Guru. You learn from M: Az egsz univerzum a Gurud. Mindenbl tanulsz,
everything, if you are alert and intelligent. Were your ha ber, s intelligens vagy. Ha elmd vilgos, s
mind clear and your heart clean, you would learn szved tiszta lenne, akkor minden jrkeltl
from every passer-by. It is because you are indolent tanulhatnl. De mivel hanyag vagy, illetve nyugtalan,
or restless, that your inner Self manifests as the bels ned kls Guruknt manifesztldik, s arra
outer Guru and makes you trust him and obey. ksztet, hogy higgy benne, s engedelmeskedj neki.

Q: Is a Guru inevitable? K: Szksgszer a Guru?

M: It is like asking 'Is a mother inevitable?' To rise in M: Ez ppen olyan, mintha azt krdeznd, hogy
consciousness from one dimension to another, you szksgszer-e az anya? A tudatossg egyik
need help. The help may not always be in the shape dimenzijbl a msikba emelkedshez segtsgre
of a human person, it may be a subtle presence, or van szksged. A segtsg nem felttlenl mindig
a spark of intuition, but help must come. The inner emberi szemly alakjban rkezik, lehet egy finom
Self is watching and waiting for the son to return to jelenlt, vagy az intuci egy szikrja, de jnnie kell
his father. At the right time he arranges everything segtsgnek. A bels n figyel, s vr a fira, hogy
affectionately and effectively. Where a messenger is visszatrjen atyjhoz. A megfelel idben mindent
needed, or a guide, he sends the Guru to do the szeretetteljesen, s eredmnyesen elrendez. Ahol
needful. hrnkre, vagy kalauzra van szksg, elkldi a
Gurut, hogy megtegye, ami szksges.

Q: There is one thing I cannot grasp. You speak of K: Van egy dolog, amit nem tudok felfogni. gy
the inner self as wise and good and beautiful and in beszlsz a bels nrl, mint ami blcs, j, szp, s
every way perfect, and of the person as mere mindenfle mdon tkletes, s a szemlyrl gy,
reflection without a being of its own. On the other mint egy sajt lt nlkli, puszta tkrkprl.
hand you take so much trouble in helping the person Msfell oly sokat fradozol, hogy segts a
to realise itself. If the person is so unimportant, why szemlynek, hogy realizlja nmagt. Ha a szemly
be so concerned with its welfare? Who cares for a annyira jelentktelen, mirt foglalkozol annyit a
shadow? jltvel? Ki trdik egy rnykkal?

M: You have brought in duality where there is none. M: Ott vezetted be a dualitst, ahol az nincs. Van a
There is the body and there is the Self. Between test, s van az n. Kzttk ott van az elme,
them is the mind, in which the Self is reflected as 'I amelyben az n, mint n vagyok tkrzdik. Az
am'. Because of the imperfections of the mind, its elme tkletlensge, retlensge, nyugtalansga,
crudity and restlessness, lack of discernment and tlkpessg- s intucibeli hinya arra vezette,
insight, it takes itself to be the body, not the Self. All hogy a test legyen, s ne az n. Mindssze az elme

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
that is needed is to purify the mind so that it can megtiszttsra van szksg, hogy az fel tudja
realise its identity with the Self. When the mind ismerni az nnel val azonossgt. Amikor az elme
merges in the Self, the body presents no problems. belemerl az nbe, a test nem jelent problmt. A
It remains what it is, an instrument of cognition and test az marad, ami, egy eszkze a megismersnek
action, the tool and the expression of the creative s a cselekvsnek, a bels tz szerszma s
fire within: The ultimate value of the body is that it kifejezse: a test vgs rtke az, hogy a kozmikus
serves to discover the cosmic body, which is the test felfedezst szolglja, ami nem ms, mint az
universe in its entirety. As you realise yourself in univerzum, a maga teljes egszben. Amint
manifestation, you keep on discovering that you are felismered magad a megnyilvnulsban, felfedezed,
ever more than what you have imagined. hogy mindig is tbb voltl, mint amit valaha is

Q: Is there no end to self-discovery? K: Sosincs vge az n-felfedezsnek?

M: As there is no beginning, there is no end. But M: Ahogyan nincs kezdete, gy vge sincs. De amit
what I have discovered by the grace of my Guru is: I Gurum kegyelmbl felfedeztem: semmi olyan nem
am nothing that can be pointed at. I am neither a vagyok, amire r lehet mutatni. Nem vagyok sem
'this' nor a 'that'. This holds absolutely. ez, sem az. Ez abszolt rvnyes igazsg.

Q: Then, where comes in the never-ending K: Hol vlik akkor a soha vget nem r felfedezs
discovery, the endless transcending oneself into az ember j dimenzikba val vgtelen
new dimensions? transzcendlsv?

M: All this belongs to the realm of manifestation; it is M: Mindez a megnyilvnult birodalmra tartozik; az
in the very structure of the universe, that the higher univerzum valsgos struktrjban benne van,
can be had only through the freedom from the lower. hogy a magasabb csak az alacsonyabbtl kapott
szabadsg rvn ltezhet.

Q: What is lower and what is higher? K: Mi alacsonyabb, s mi magasabb?

M: Look at it in terms of awareness. Wider and M: Tekintsd erre a tudatossg szempontjbl. A

deeper consciousness is higher. All that lives, works tgabb s mlyebb tudatossg a magasabb.
for protecting, perpetuating and expanding Minden, ami l, a tudatossg vdelmezse,
consciousness. This is the world's sole meaning and fenntartsa s fejlesztse rdekben dolgozik. Ez a
purpose. It is the very essence of Yoga -- ever vilg egyetlen rtelme s clja. A Yoga valsgos
raising the level of consciousness, discovery of new lnyege a tudatossg szintjnek lland emelse,
dimensions, with their properties, qualities and j dimenzik, s azok tulajdonsgai, minsgei s
powers. In that sense the entire universe becomes a kpessgei felfedezse. Ebben az rtelemben az
school of Yoga (yogakshetra). egsz univerzum a Yoga iskoljv vlik

Q: Is perfection the destiny of all human beings? K: Tkleteseds a sorsa minden emberi lnynek?

M: Of all living beings -- ultimately. The possibility M: Minden llnynek vgs soron. A lehetsg
becomes a certainty when the notion of akkor vlik bizonyossgg, mikor a megvilgosods
enlightenment appears in the mind. Once a living fogalma megjelenik az elmben. Amint egy llny
being has heard and understood that deliverance is meghallja s megrti, hogy a megszabaduls
within his reach, he will never forget, for it is the first elrhet szmra, soha el nem felejti, mert ez az
message from within. It will take roots and grow and els bellrl jv zenet. Az zenet ezutn gykeret
in due course take the blessed shape of the Guru. ereszt, nvekszik, s a kell idben fellti a Guru
ldott alakjt.

Q: So all we are concerned with is the redemption of K: Teht mindannyiunkra vonatkozik az elme
the mind? megvltsa?

M: What else? The mind goes astray, the mind M: Mi ms? Az elme esik bnbe, az elme tr haza.
returns home. Even the word 'astray' is not proper. De mg a bn sem helyes kifejezs. Az elmnek
The mind must know itself in every mood. Nothing is minden lelkillapotban fel kell ismernie nmagt.
a mistake unless repeated. Semmi nem hiba, feltve, hogy nem ismtldik meg.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok

59. Desire and Fear: Self-centred States 59. Vgyakozs s flelem: n-kzpont
Questioner: I would like to go again into the Krdez: Szeretnk visszatrni az rm s
question of pleasure and pain, desire and fear. I szenveds, vgy s flelem krdsre. Megrtem a
understand fear which is memory and anticipation of flelmet, amely fjdalomra val emlkezs, illetve
pain. It is essential for the preservation of the annak elreltsa. Ez elengedhetetlen az
organism and its living pattern. Needs, when felt, are organizmus s letfenntartsi rendszernek a
painful and their anticipation is full of fear; we are megvdshez. A nlklzs, ha megrint,
rightly afraid of not being able to meet our basic fjdalmas dolog, s vrhat bekvetkezse is
needs. The relief experienced when a need is met, flelmetes; jogos a flelmnk, ha nem vagyunk
or an anxiety allayed is entirely due to the ending of kpesek kielgteni alapvet szksgleteinket. A
pain. We may give it positive names like pleasure, or megnyugvst akkor tapasztaljuk, amikor a
joy, or happiness, but essentially it is relief from szksglet kielgl, vagy a a fjdalom megszntvel
pain. It is this fear of pain that holds together our szorongs teljesen eloszlik. Nevezhetjk pozitv
social, economic and political institutions. neveken, gymint rm, lvezet, vagy boldogsg, de
lnyegben a fjdalomtl val megszabadulsrl
What puzzles me is that we derive pleasure from van sz. A fjdalomtl val flelem az, ami
things and states of mind, which have nothing to do sszetartja a trsadalmi, gazdasgi s politikai
with survival. On the contrary, our pleasures are intzmnyeket.
usually destructive. They damage or destroy the
object, the instrument and also the subject of Ami elgondolkoztat az, hogy rmnket leljk az
pleasure. Otherwise, pleasure and pursuit of elme olyan dolgaiban s llapotaiban, amelyeknek
pleasure would be no problem. This brings me to the semmi kze a tllshez. Visszs dolog, hogy
core of my question: why is pleasure destructive? lvezeteink tbbnyire destruktvak. Krostjk, vagy
Why, in spite of its destructiveness, is it wanted? elpuszttjk az lvezet objektumt, eszkzt, de mg
szubjektumt is. Klnben az lvezet, s az
lvezetre val trekvs nem lenne problma. Ez
I may add, I do not have in mind the pleasure-pain
vezet el a krdsem lnyeghez: mirt destruktv az
pattern by which nature compels us to go her way. I
think of the man-made pleasures, both sensory and rm? Rombol hatsa ellenre mirt kvnjuk azt?
subtle, ranging from the grossest, like overeating, to
the most refined. Addiction to pleasure, at whatever Hozztehetem, elmm nem tartalmaz olyan rm-
fjdalom mintt, amely rvn a termszet az tjra
cost, is so universal that there must be something
knyszert bennnket. A mestersges rmkre
significant at the root of it.
gondolok, amelyek mindegyike rzki s ravasz,
kezdve a legdurvbbtl, mint a tlevs, a
Of course, not every activity of man must be legkifinomultabbig. A brmi ron val fggsg az
utilitarian, designed to meet a need. Play, for lvezet irnt olyan ltalnos, hogy muszj, hogy
example, is natural and man is the most playful valamilyen jelents oka legyen.
animal in existence. Play fulfils the need for self-
discovery and self-development. But even on his Termszetesen, nem minden emberi cselekedetnek
play man becomes destructive of nature, others and kell hasznosnak, szksgletet kielgt mdon
himself. tervezettnek lennie. Jtszani pldul termszetes
dolog, s az ember a legjtkosabb llat a vilgon.
A jtk az nfelfedezs s az nfejleszts
szksglett elgti ki. De mg a jtkos ember is
vlhat a termszet, msok, s sajt maga rtalmra.

Maharaj: In short, you do not object to pleasure, but Maharaj: Egyszval, az lvezetnek te nem
only to its price in pain and sorrow. objektuma vagy, hanem fjdalomban s
szomorsgban mrhet ra csupn.

Q: If reality itself is bliss, then pleasure in some way K: Ha a valsg maga a boldogsg, akkor az
must be related to it. rmnek bizonyos szempontbl hozz kell

M: Let us not proceed by verbal logic. The bliss of M: Hagyjuk a verblis logikt. A valsg boldogsga
reality does not exclude suffering. Besides, you nem zrja ki a szenvedst. Ezenkvl, te csak az
know only pleasure, not the bliss of pure being. So rmt ismered, nem a tiszta lt boldogsgt.
let us examine pleasure at its own level. gyhogy vizsgljuk az rmt a sajt szintjn.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok

If you look at yourself in your moments of pleasure Ha az rm vagy fjdalom pillanataidban vizsglod
or pain, you will invariably find that it is not the thing magad, mindig gy fogod tallni, hogy nem
in itself that is pleasant or painful, but the situation of nmagban a dolog lvezetes, vagy fjdalmas,
which it is a part. Pleasure lies in the relationship hanem a szituci, amelynek az rsze. Az rm az
between the enjoyer and the enjoyed. And the lvez s az lvezett kztti relciban ll. s a
essence of it is acceptance. Whatever may be the lnyege az elfogads. Brmilyen szitucirl legyen
situation, if it is acceptable, it is pleasant. If it is not sz, ha elfogadhat, akkor lvezetes. Ha nem
acceptable, it is painful. What makes it acceptable is elfogadhat, akkor fjdalmas. Hogy mi teszi
not important; the cause may be physical, or elfogadhatv, az nem fontos; lehet az oka fizikai,
psychological, or untraceable; acceptance is the vagy pszicholgiai, vagy kinyomozhatatlan; az
decisive factor. Obversely, suffering is due to non- elfogads a dnt tnyez. Ezzel szemben
acceptance. szenveds a nem-elfogads miatt van.

Q: Pain is not acceptable. K: A fjdalom nem elfogadhat.

M: Why not? Did you ever try? Do try and you will M: Mirt nem? Megprbltad valaha is elfogadni?
find in pain a joy which pleasure cannot yield, for the Prbld meg, s a fjdalomban olyan rmt fogsz
simple reason that acceptance of pain takes you tallni, amelyet az lvezet nem kpes nyjtani, azon
much deeper than pleasure does. The personal self egyszer oknl fogva, hogy a fjdalom elfogadsa
by its very nature is constantly pursuing pleasure sokkal mlyebbre visz tged, mint az lvezet. A
and avoiding pain. The ending of this pattern is the szemlyes n, valsgos termszettl vezrelve,
ending of the self. The ending of the self with its llandan hajszolja az lvezetet, s kerli a
desires and fears enables you to return to your real fjdalmat. Ha ez a minta vgetr, az n r vget. Ha
nature, the source of all happiness and peace. The az n, vele egytt sszes vgya s flelme vget r,
perennial desire for pleasure is the reflection of the lehetv vlik valdi termszetedhez, a boldogsg
timeless harmony within. It is an observable fact that s bke forrshoz val visszatrsed. Az lvezet
one becomes self-conscious only when caught in irnti lland vgy a bels idtlen harmnia
the conflict between pleasure and pain, which visszatkrzdse. Megfigyelhet tny, hogy az
demands choice and decision. It is this clash ember csak akkor vlik ntudatoss, mikor lvezet
between desire and fear that causes anger, which is s fjdalom kzti vlasztst s dntst ignyl
the great destroyer of sanity in life. When pain is konfliktusba bonyoldik. Ez a vgy s flelem kztti
accepted for what it is, a lesson and a warning, and ellentt okozza a haragot, ami az let
deeply looked into and heeded, the separation sszersgnek a nagy puszttja. Mikor elfogadod
between pain and pleasure breaks down, both a fjdalmat elfogadsra kerl, minthogy lecke s
become experience -- painful when resisted, joyful figyelmeztets, s mlyen megvizsglod s
when accepted. megfigyeled, a fjdalom s az lvezet elklnlse
megsznik, mindkett tapasztalatt vlik
fjdalmass, mikor ellenllsz, lvezetess, mikor

Q: Do you advise shunning pleasure and pursuing K: Az a javaslatod, hogy kerljem az lvezetet, s
pain? trekedjek a fjdalomra?

M: No, nor pursuing pleasure and shunning pain. M: Nem, az lvezetek hajszolst, s a fjdalom
Accept both as they come, enjoy both while they kerlst sem. Fogadd el mindkettt, ha jnnek,
last, let them go, as they must. lvezd mindkettt, amg tartanak, s engedd el ket,
amikor kell.

Q: How can I possibly enjoy pain? Physical pain K: Hogyan lehetsges a fjdalmat lveznem? A
calls for action. fizikai fjdalom cselekvsre sarkall.

M: Of course. And so does Mental. The bliss is in M: Termszetesen. s a mentlis fjdalom is. A
the awareness of it, in not shrinking, or in any way boldogsg a tudatostsban van, nem a
turning away from it. All happiness comes from meghtrlsban, vagy hogy brmilyen mdon
awareness. The more we are conscious, the deeper elfordulsz tle. Minden boldogsg a tudatossgbl
the joy. Acceptance of pain, non-resistance, courage ered. Minl tudatosabbak vagyunk, annl mlyebb
and endurance -- these open deep and perennial az lvezet. A fjdalom elfogadsa, nem-ellenlls,
sources of real happiness, true bliss. btorsg s kitarts ezek a valdi boldogsg, az
igazi dvssg nylt, mly, s lland forrsai.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok

Q: Why should pain be more effective than K: Mirt kell a fjdalomnak sokkal hatkonyabbnak
pleasure? lennie, mint az lvezetnek?

M: Pleasure is readily accepted, while all the powers M: Az lvezet azonnal elfogadsra kerl, mg az
of the self reject pain. As the acceptance of pain is elme minden erejvel visszautastja a fjdalmat.
the denial of the self, and the self stands in the way Mivel a fjdalom elfogadsa az nnek a
of true happiness, the wholehearted acceptance of visszautastsa, s az n az igazi boldogsgnak az
pain releases the springs of happiness. tjban ll, a fjdalom szinte elfogadsa kioldozza
a boldogsg kteleit.

Q: Does the acceptance of suffering act the same K: A szenveds elfogadsa ugyanilyen mdon
way? mkdik?

M: The fact of pain is easily brought within the focus M: A fjdalom tnye knnyen a tudatossg
of awareness. With suffering it is not that simple. To fkuszba visz. Szenvedssel ez nem olyan
focus suffering is not enough, for mental life, as we egyszer. A szenvedsre fkuszls azrt nem
know it, is one continuous stream of suffering. To elegend, mert a mentlis let, ahogy az ismeretes,
reach the deeper layers of suffering you must go to egy szakadatlan szenveds folyam. A szenveds
its roots and uncover their vast underground mlyebb rtegeinek az elrshez le kell hatolni a
network, where fear and desire are closely gykerig, s fel kell fedni hatalmas fldalatti
interwoven and the currents of life's energy oppose, hlzatt, ahol flelem s vgy szorosan egymsba
obstruct and destroy each other. fondnak, s az egymssal szemben ll
letenergia ramok elzrjk, s megsemmistik

Q: How can I set right a tangle which is entirely K: Hogyan elrendezni igaztani egy olyan gubancot,
below the level of my consciousness? amely teljes egszben tudatossgom szintje alatt

M: By being with yourself, the 'I am'; by watching M: Azltal, hogy nmagad, az n vagyok vagy;
yourself in your daily life with alert interest, with the azltal, hogy napi leted sorn nmagadat ber
intention to understand rather than to judge, in full rdekldssel figyeled, megrtse, mintsem a
acceptance of whatever may emerge, because it is megtlse szndkval, teljes elfogadsval
there, you encourage the deep to come to the brminek, ami felbukkanhat, mivel van, btortod a
surface and enrich your life and consciousness with mlysget, hogy jjjn a felsznre, s gazdagtsa
its captive energies. This is the great work of letedet s tudatossgodat bebrtnztt energiival.
awareness; it removes obstacles and releases Ez a tudatossg hatalmas munkja; az let s az
energies by understanding the nature of life and elme termszetnek a megrtsvel eltvoltja az
mind. Intelligence is the door to freedom and alert akadlyokat, s felszabadtja az energikat. A
attention is the mother of intelligence. megrts az ajt a szabadsgba, s az ber
figyelem a megrts szlanyja.

Q: One more question. Why does pleasure end in K: Mg egy krds. Az lvezet mirt fjdalom a
pain? vge?

M: Everything has a beginning and an end and so M: Mindennek van kezdete, s vge, s ez gy van
does pleasure. Don't anticipate and don't regret, and az lvezettel is. Ne vrj el, s ne bnj meg semmit,
there will be no pain. It is memory and imagination s nem lesz fjdalom. Az emlkezet s a kpzelet
that cause suffering. az, ami a szenvedst okozza.

Of course pain after pleasure may be due to the Termszetesen, az lvezetet kvet fjdalomnak
misuse of the body or the mind. The body knows its oka lehet a testtel, vagy az elmvel val visszals
measure, but the mind does not. Its appetites are is. A test ismeri a hatrait, de az elme nem. tvgya
numberless and limitless. Watch your mind with mrtktelen, s korltlan. Nagyon gondosan figyeld
great diligence, for there lies your bondage and also az elmdet, mert benne rejlik rabsgod, ugyanakkor
the key to freedom. szabadsgod kulcsa is.

Q: My question is not yet fully answered: Why are K: Mg nem adtl kimert vlaszt a krdsemre:
man's pleasures destructive? Why does he find so mirt destruktvak az emberi lvezetek? Mirt tall

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
much pleasure in destruction? Life's concern lies in oly sok lvezetet a rombolsban? Az let nmaga a
protection, perpetuation and expansion of itself. In vdelmben, fennmaradsban, s kiterjesztsben
this it is guided by pain and pleasure. At what point rdekelt. Ebben a fjdalom s az lvezet segtik t.
do they become destructive? Mely ponton vlnak ezek destruktvv?

M: When the mind takes over, remembers and M: Amikor az elme az emlkezs s elre lts
anticipates, it exaggerates, it distorts, it overlooks. rvn tveszi a hatalmat, akkor szerept tljtsza,
The past is projected into future and the future eltorztja, eluralja. A mltat a jvbe vetti, a jv
betrays the expectations. The organs of sensation pedig alulmlja az elvrsokat. Az rzkels s
and action are stimulated beyond capacity and they cselekvs szervei az ingerek ltal tlterheldnek, s
inevitably break down. The objects of pleasure szksgszeren krosodnak. Az lvezet objektumai
cannot yield what is expected of them and get worn nem tudjk megadni a tlk elvrtakat, s
out, or destroyed, by misuse. It results in excess of elhasznldnak, tnkremennek a visszals
pain where pleasure was looked for. kvetkeztben. Az lvezet keress mrtktelen
fjdalmat eredmnyez.

Q: We destroy not only ourselves, but others too. K: Nemcsak nmagunkat puszttjuk, hanem
msokat is.

M: Naturally, selfishness is always destructive. M: Termszetesen, az nzs mindig rombol

Desire and fear, both are self-centred states. hats. Vgy s flelem, mind a kett egocentrikus
Between desire and fear anger arises, with anger llapot. Vgy s flelem kzepette harag keletkezik,
hatred, with hatred passion for destruction. War is a haraggal gyllet, a gyllettel pusztts irnti
hatred in action, organised and equipped with all the szenvedly. A hbor cselekv gyllet, a hall
instruments of death. minden eszkzvel felszerelve.

Q: Is there a way to end these horrors? K: Van md vget vetni e borzalmaknak?

M: When more people come to know their real M: Amikor sokan eljutnak igazi termszetk
nature, their influence, however subtle, will prevail ismeretig, az hatsuk, brmennyire finom,
and the world's emotional atmosphere will sweeten uralkodni fog, s a vilg emocionlis atmoszfrja
up. People follow their leaders and when among the megtisztul. Az emberek vezetiket kvetik, s
leaders appear some, great in heart and mind, and amikor a vezetk kztt elg sok lesz a szvben s
absolutely free from self-seeking, their impact will be elmjben nagy, teljesen nzetlen ember, az
enough to make the crudities and crimes of the hatsuk elg lesz, hogy a jelen kor retlensgeit s
present age impossible. A new golden age may bnteit lehetetlenn tegyk. Jhet egy j aranykor,
come and last for a time and succumb to its own s tart egy ideig, majd elbukik sajt tkletessgtl.
perfection. For, ebb begins when the tide is at its Mert az apads akkor kezddik, amikor az r a
highest. legmagasabban ll.

Q: Is there no such thing as permanent perfection? K: Semmi nincs, ami llandan tkletes?

M: Yes, there is, but it includes all imperfection. It is M: De igen, van, de az az sszes tkletlensget
the perfection of our self-nature which makes magban foglalja. Ez a mi n-termszetnk, amely
everything possible, perceivable, interesting. It mindent lehetsgess, szlelhetv, rdekess
knows no suffering, for it neither likes nor dislikes; tesz. Nem ismeri a szenvedst, mert nem ismer
neither accepts nor rejects. Creation and destruction szeretet, sem annak ellenkezjt; nem ismeri sem
are the two poles between which it weaves its ever- az elfogadst, sem a visszautastst. A teremts s
changing pattern. Be free from predilections and pusztts kt plusa kztt leng az llandan vltoz
preferences and the mind with its burden of sorrow rend. Lgy rszrehajlstl s kedvezstl mentes,
will be no more. s az elme megsznik, szomorsg-terhvel

Q: But I am not alone to suffer. There are others. K: De nem n szenvedek egyedl. Ott vannak a

M: When you go to them with your desires and M: Ha vgyaiddal s flelmeiddel kzeledsz
fears, you merely add to their sorrows. First be free hozzjuk, akkor csak szomorsgukat nveled.
of suffering yourself and then only hope of helping Elbb nmagadat szabadtsd meg a szenvedstl,
others. You do not even need to hope -- your very s csak azutn kvnd a msok megsegtst. Mg

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
existence will be the greatest help a man can give csak kvnnod sem kell puszta ltezsed lesz a
his fellowmen. legnagyobb segtsg, amit egy ember az
embertrsnak nyjthat.

60. Live Facts, not Fancies 60. Tnyeket lj, ne kpzelt dolgokat
Questioner: You say that whatever you see is Krdez: Azt mondod, akrmit ltsz, az nmagad.
yourself. You also admit that you see the world as Azt is elismered, hogy gy ltod a vilgot, ahogyan
we see it. Here is today's newspaper with all the mi. Itt a mai jsg, tele az aktulis szrnysgekkel.
horrors going on. Since the world is yourself, how Minthogy a vilg te magad vagy, hogy tudod
can you explain such misbehaviour? megmagyarzni az ilyenfajta helytelen magatartst?

Maharaj: Which world do you have in mind? Maharaj: Melyik vilgra gondolsz?

Q: Our common world, in which we live. K: Kzs vilgunkra, amelyben lnk.

M: Are you sure we live in the same world? I do not M: Biztos vagy benne, hogy ugyanabban a vilgban
mean nature, the sea and the land, plants and lnk? Nem a termszetre, a tengerre, a fldre, a
animals. They are not the problem, nor the endless nvnyekre s az llatokra clzok. Nem ezek
space, the infinite time, the inexhaustible power. Do jelentik a problmt, s nem is a vgtelen tr, a
not be misled by my eating and smoking, reading hatrtalan id, a kiapadhatatlan er. Ne hagyd, hogy
and talking. My mind is not here, my life is not here. az evs, dohnyzs, olvass s beszlgets
Your world, of desires and their fulfilments, of fears flrevezessenek. Az n elmm nincs itt, az letem
and their escapes, is definitely not my world. I do not nem itt van. A vilgod, a vgyaidnak s azok
even perceive it, except through what you tell me teljeslsnek, flelmeidnek s az azoktl val
about it. It is your private dream world and my only meneklsnek a vilga, hatrozottan nem az n
reaction to it is to ask you to stop dreaming. vilgom. n mg csak nem is szlelem azt, kivve,
amit elmondasz nekem rla. Ez a te privt lmod,
amire az n egyetlen vlaszom az, hogy hagyd abba
az lmodst.

Q: Surely, wars and revolutions are not dreams. K: A hbork s a forradalmak biztos, hogy nem
Sick mothers and starving children are not dreams. lmok. A beteg anyk s az hez gyermekek, nem
Wealth, ill-gotten and misused, is not a dream. lmok. Az ebl szerzett, s helytelenl hasznlt
vagyon nem lom.

M: What else? M: Mi egyb?

Q: A dream cannot be shared. K: Az lom nem lehet megosztott.

M: Nor can the waking state. All the three states -- of M: Az brenlti llapot sem lehet az. Mind a hrom
waking, dreaming and sleeping -- are subjective, llapot brenlt, lmods s mlyalvs
personal, intimate. They all happen to and are szubjektv, szemlyes, intim. Mindezek trtnsek,
contained within the little bubble in consciousness, s a tudatossg n-nek nevezett kis buborkja
called 'I'. The real world lies beyond the self. foglalja magban. A valdi vilg az nen tl van.

Q: Self or no self, facts are real. K: n vagy nem n, a tnyek valdiak.

M: Of course facts are real. I live among them. But M: Termszetesen, a tnyek valdiak. De te kpzelt
you live with fancies, not with facts. Facts never dolgokkal lsz, nem tnyekkel. A tnyek sohasem
clash, while your life and world are full of ellentmondak, mg a te leted s vilgod
contradictions. Contradiction is the mark of the false; ellentmondsokkal teli. Az ellentmondsok a
the real never contradicts itself. hamissg jelei; a valsg sohasem mond ellent
For instance, you complain that people are abjectly
poor. Yet you do not share your riches with them. Sirnkozol pldul, hogy az emberek
You mind the war next door, but you hardly give it a nyomorsgosan szegnyek. Mgsem osztod meg

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
thought when it is in some far off country. The velk a vagyonodat. A szomszdos hbor miatt
shifting fortunes of your ego determine your values; nyugtalankodsz, de alig mltatod figyelemre, ha az
'I think', 'I want', 'I must' are made into absolutes. valamely tvoli orszgot sjtja. Egd vltoz
szerencsje hatrozza meg rtkeidet; az n
gondolom, n akarom, nekem kell kizrlagoss

Q: Nevertheless, the evil is real. K: Azonban, a gonosz valdi.

M: Not more real than you are. Evil is in the wrong M: Nem valdibb, mint amilyen te vagy. A gonosz a
approach to problems created by misunderstanding flrerts s visszals kvetkeztben ltrejtt
and misuse. It is a vicious circle. problmk rossz megkzeltse. Ez egy rdgi kr.

Q: Can the circle be broken? K: Megszakthat ez a kr?

M: A false circle need not be broken. It is enough to M: Egy hamis krt nem szksges megszaktani.
see it as it is -- non-existent. Elegend annak ltni, ami nem lteznek.

Q: But, real enough to make us submit to and inflict K: De ez valjban ahhoz elegend, hogy
indignities and atrocities. engedelmeskedjnk, s gonoszsgokat s
kegyetlensgeket kvessnk el.

M: Insanity is universal. Sanity is rare. Yet there is M: ltalnos az esztelensg. Nagyon ritka a jzan
hope, because the moment we perceive our gondolkods. Mgis van remny, mert a pillanatban,
insanity, we are on the way to sanity. This is the ahogy szleljk esztelensgnket, az pelmjsg
function of the Guru -- to make us see the madness tjra lptnk. Ez a funkcija a Gurunak
of our daily living. Life makes you conscious, but the meglttatni velnk mindennapi letnk rlett. Az
teacher makes you aware. let tudatoss tesz, de a tant krltekintv.

Q: Sir, you are neither the first nor the last. Since K: Uram, n se nem az els, se nem az utols. si
immemorial times people were breaking into reality. idktl fogva hatoltak be emberek a valsgba. Mily
Yet how little it affected our lives. The Ramas and kevs hatst gyakorolt ez mgis, a mi letnkre. A
the Krishnas, the Buddhas and the Christs have Rmk s a Krisnk, a Buddhk s a Krisztusok
come and gone and we are as we were; wallowing jttek, s mentek, s mi vagyunk, akik voltunk;
in sweat and tears. What have the great ones done, verejtkben s knnyekben gzolva. Mit rtek el a
whose lives we witnessed? What have you done, legnagyobbak, akik lete tansgul szolglt? Mit tett
Sir, to alleviate the world's thrall? n, Uram, a vilg szolgasgnak az enyhtse

M: You alone can undo the evil you have created. M: Egyedl te tudod rvnytelenteni a gonoszt, amit
Your own callous selfishness is at the root of it. Put teremtettl. Ennek a gykere a te sajt rzketlen
first your own house in order and you will see that egoizmusod. Elsknt a sajt hzadat tedd rendbe,
your work is done. s ltni fogod, hogy dolgodat elvgezted.

Q: The men of wisdom and of love, who came K: A blcsessg s szeretet emberei, akik elttnk
before us, did set themselves right, often at a jrtak, gyakran szrny ron tettk rendbe magukat.
tremendous cost. What was the outcome? A Mi eredmnye volt? Egy hullcsillag, brmennyire
shooting star, however bright, does not make the fnyes, nem teszi az jjelt kevsb sttt.
night less dark.

M: To judge them and their work you must become M: Ahhoz, hogy ket s munkjukat megtlhesd,
one of them. A frog in a well knows nothing about elbb egyikkk kell vlnod. A kti bka semmit sem
the birds in the sky. tud az g madarrl.

Q: Do you mean to say that between good and evil K: Azt akarod mondani, hogy nincs fal j s gonosz
there is no wall? kztt?

M: There is no wall, because there is no good and M: Nincs fal, mert j s gonosz nincsenek. Minden
no evil. In every concrete situation there is only the konkrt szituciban szksges s felesleges van
necessary and the unnecessary. The needful is csupn. A szksges j, a szksgtelen rossz.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
right, the needless is wrong.

Q: Who decides? K: Ki dnt?

M: The situation decides. Every situation is a M: A szituci dnt. Minden szituci egy feladat,
challenge which demands the right response. When amely megkveteli a helyes vlaszt. Amikor a vlasz
the response is right, the challenge is met and the helyes, a feladat megoldsra kerlt, s a problma
problem ceases. If the response is wrong, the megsznik. Ha a vlasz rossz, a feladat nem
challenge is not met and the problem remains teljesl, s a problma megoldatlan marad. A te
unsolved. Your unsolved problems -- that is what megoldatlan problmid amelyek a te karmdat
constitutes your karma. Solve them rightly and be alkotjk. Oldd meg ket hibtlanul, s szabadd
free. vlsz.

Q: You seem to drive me always back into myself. Is K: gy ltom, mindig nmagamhoz vezetsz vissza.
there no objective solution to the world's problems? Nincs objektv megolds a vilg problmira?

M: The world problems were created by numberless M: A vilg problmit szmtalan tehozzd hasonl
people like you, each full of his own desires and ember okozta, mindegyik tele van a sajt vgyaival
fears. Who can free you of your past, personal and s flelmeivel. Ki tud megszabadtani a mltadtl,
social, except yourself? And how will you do it legyen az szemlyes, vagy trsadalmi, ha te nem?
unless you see the urgent need of your being first s hogy fogod ezt vghezvinni, ha nem rzed annak
free of cravings born of illusion? How can you truly a srget szksgt, hogy megszabadulj elbb
help, as long as you need help yourself? szletsed illzijnak gytrelmeitl? Hogyan tudnl
addig igazn segteni, amg neked magadnak van
szksged segtsgre?

Q: In what way did the ancient sages help? In what K: Az si blcsek hogyan segtettek? Te milyen
way do you help? A few individuals profit, no doubt; mdon segtesz? Pr ember ktsgtelenl
your guidance and example may mean a lot to them; hasznostja; segtsged s pldd sokat jelenthet
but in what way do you affect humanity, the totality szmukra; de milyen hatssal vagy az emberisgre,
of life and consciousness? You say that you are the az let s a tudatossg teljessgre? Azt mondod,
world and the world is you; what impact have you hogy te vagy a vilg, s a vilg te vagy; milyen
made on it? mdon hatottl r?

M: What kind of Impact do you expect? M: Milyen hatsra gondolsz?

Q: Man is stupid, selfish, cruel. K: Az ember ostoba, nz, kegyetlen.

M: Man is also wise, affectionate and kind. M: Az ember ugyanakkor blcs, szeretetteljes s

Q: Why does not goodness prevail? K: Mirt a jsg uralkodik?

M: It does -- in my real world. In my world even what M: Az uralkodik az n vilgomban. Az n

you call evil is the servant of the good and therefore vilgomban mg az ltalad gonosznak nevezett is a
necessary. It is like boils and fevers that clear the jt szolglja, s ezrt nlklzhetetlen. Ez a
body of impurities. Disease is painful, even kelsekhez s a lzhoz hasonlan megtiszttja a
dangerous, but if dealt with rightly, it heals. testet szennyezdsektl. A betegsg fjdalmas, st
veszedelmes, de ha helyesen bnsz vele,

Q: Or kills. K: Vagy megl.

M: In some cases death is the best cure. A life may M: Vannak esetek, amikor a hall a legjobb
be worse than death, which is but rarely an gygymd. Van, amikor az let rosszabb, mint a
unpleasant experience, whatever the appearances. hall, amely csupn egy kivtelesen kellemetlen
Therefore, pity the living, never the dead. This tapasztalat, brmilyen mdon jelenjen a meg. Ezrt
problem of things, good and evil in themselves, does ht, az lt sajnld, sohase a holtat. Ez a dolgokkal
not exist in my world. The needful is good and the kapcsolatos problma, hogy nmagukban jk s
needless is evil. In your world the pleasant is good rosszak, nem ltezik az n vilgomban. A

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
and the painful is evil. szksgszer j, s a szksgtelen rossz. A te
vilgodban a kellemes j, s a fjdalmas rossz.

Q: What is necessary? K: Mi szksges?

M: To grow is necessary. To outgrow is necessary. M: A nvekeds szksges. Tlnni szksgtelen.

To leave behind the good for the sake of the better A j elhagysa a jobb kedvrt szksges.
is necessary.

Q: Mivgre? K: Mi ennek a vge?

M: The end is in the beginning. You end where you M: A vg a kezdetben van. Ott van a vged, ahol a
start -- in the Absolute. kezdeted az Abszoltban.

Q: Why all this trouble then? To come back to where K: Mirt akkor mindez a szenveds? Visszatrni
I started? oda, ahol kezdtem?

M: Whose trouble? Which trouble? Do you pity the M: Kinek a szenvedse? Milyen szenveds?
seed that is to grow and multiply till it becomes a Sajnlod a magot, amely addig n, s szaporodik,
mighty forest? Do you kill an infant to save him from mg hatalmas erdv nem vlik? Meglnl egy
the bother of living? What is wrong with life, ever csecsemt, hogy megmentsd t a vilg terhtl? Mi
more life? Remove the obstacles to growing and all bajod az lettel, az llandan szaporod lettel?
your personal, social, economic and political Tvoltsd el a nvekeds akadlyait, s minden
problems will just dissolve. The universe is perfect szemlyes, trsadalmi, gazdasgi s politikai
as a whole and the part's striving for perfection is a problmd egybl szertefoszlik. Az univerzum teljes
way of joy. Willingly sacrifice the imperfect to the egszben tkletes, s rszeinek tkletessgre
perfect and there will be no more talk about good val trekvse, az rm tja. ldozd fel nknt a
and evil. tkletlent a tkletesrt, s nem fogsz tbb jrl
s rosszrl beszlni.

Q: Yet we are afraid of the better and cling to the K: Mgis rettegnk a jobbtl, s kapaszkodunk a
worse. rosszba.

M: This is our stupidity, verging on insanity. M: Ez a mi elmebajjal hatros ostobasgunk.

61. Matter is Consciousness Itself 61. Az anyag a tudatossg maga

Questioner: I was lucky to have holy company all Krdez: Szerencss vagyok, hogy egsz letemet
my life. Is it enough for self-realisation? szentek trsasgban tlthettem. Elegend ez az

Maharaj: It depends what you make of it. Maharaj: Attl fgg, mihez kezdesz vele.

Q: I was told that the liberating action of satsang is K: gy hallottam, hogy a satsang megszabadt
automatic. Just like a river carries one to the hatsa automatikus. Mint ahogy a foly a torkolatig
estuary, so the subtle and silent influence of good szllt, ugyangy juttat el a j emberek titokzatos s
people will take me to reality. csendes hatsa a valsghoz.

M: It will take you to the river, but the crossing is M: El fog juttatni tged a folyig, de tkelni rajta
your own. Freedom cannot be gained nor kept neked kell. A szabadsg nem nyerhet el, vagy
without will-to-freedom. You must strive for kaphat meg a szabadsg vgya nlkl.
liberation; the least you can do is uncover and Trekedned kell a szabadsgra; a legkevesebb,
remove the obstacles diligently. If you want peace amit tehetsz, hogy szorgalmasan feltrod s
you must strive for it. You will not get peace just by eltvoltod az akadlyokat. Ha bkt akarsz, akkor
keeping quiet. erre kell trekedned. Nem fogod elnyerni a bkt
csupn azltal, hogy csendben maradsz.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
Q: A child just grows. He does not make plans for K: A gyermek nmagtl nvekszik. Nem kszt
growth, nor has he a pattern; nor does he grow by terveket a nvekedshez, s minti sincsenek
fragments, a hand here a leg there; he grows hozz; s nvekedse nem is rszletekben trtnik, a
integrally and unconsciously. kz itt, a lb ott; egysgesen s ntudatlanul

M: Because he is free of imagination. You can also M: Mivel mentes a kpzeldstl. Te is

grow like this, but you must not indulge in forecasts nvekedhetsz gy, de nem szabad megengedned
and plans, born of memory and anticipation. It is one magadnak emlkezetbl s elvrsbl szlet
of the peculiarities of a gnani that he is not sejtseket s terveket. A gnani egyik jellemzje,
concerned with the future. Your concern with future hogy nem trdik a jvvel. Te a fjdalomtl val
is due to fear of pain and desire for pleasure, to the flelmed, s az lvezet irnti vgyad miatt trdsz a
gnani all is bliss: he is happy with whatever comes. jvvel, a gnani szmra minden boldogsg: minden
boldogsggal tlti el, ami jn.

Q: Surely, there are many things that would make K: Van biztosan sok olyan dolog, ami mg egy
even a gnani miserable. gnanit is boldogtalann tenne.

M: A gnani may meet with difficulties, but they do M: Elfordulhat, hogy a gnani nehzsgekkel
not make him suffer. Bringing up a child from birth to szembesl, de azok nem okoznak szenvedst a
maturity may seem a hard task, but to a mother the szmra. Egy gyermeknek a szltstl az
memories of hardships are a joy. There is nothing rettsgig tart felnevelse kemny feladatnak
wrong with the world. What is wrong is in the way tnhet, de egy anya szmra a nehzsgek emlkei
you look at it. It is your own imagination that rmt jelentenek. Nincs semmi baj a vilggal. Azzal
misleads you. Without imagination there is no world. van baj, ahogyan szemlled azt. Tged a sajt
Your conviction that you are conscious of a world is kpzeldsed vezet flre. Kpzelds nlkl nincs
the world. The world you perceive is made of vilg. Neked meggyzdsed, hogy tudod, a vilg a
consciousness; what you call matter is vilg. Az ltalad szlelt vilg tudatossgbl ll; amit
consciousness itself. You are the space (akash) in te anyagnak nevezel, az a tudatossg maga. Te
which it moves, the time in which it lasts, the love vagy a tr (akash), amelyben az mozog, az id,
that gives it life. Cut off imagination and attachment amelyben az fennmarad, a szeretet, amely az lett
and what remains? adja. Vgd el a kpzeldst s a ragaszkodst, s
mi marad?

Q: The world remains. I remain. K: A vilg marad. n maradok.

M: Yes. But how different it is when you can see it M: Igen. De mennyire ms, mikor gy ltod, ahogy
as it is, not through the screen of desire and fear. van, nem pedig a vgy s a flelem ftyln

Q: What for are all these distinctions -- reality and K: Mirt kell klnbsget tenni valsg s illzi,
illusion, wisdom and ignorance, saint and sinner? blcsessg s tudatlansg, szent s bns kztt?
Everyone is in search of happiness, everyone strives Mindenki boldogsg keres, mindenki elszntan
desperately; everyone is a Yogi and his life a school trekszik; mindenki Yogi, akinek az lete a
of wisdom. Each learns his own way the lessons he blcsessg iskolja. Mindenki a maga mdjn
needs. Society approves of some, disapproves of tanulja meg a szmra szksges leckt. A
others; there are no rules that apply everywhere and trsadalom nmelyeket helyesel, msokat
for all time. helytelent; nincsenek olyan mindenhol s
mindenkor alkalmazhat szablyok.

M: In my world love is the only law. I do not ask for M: Az n vilgomban a szeretet az egyedli trvny.
love, I give it. Such is my nature. Nem krem a szeretetet, hanem adom. Ilyen a

Q: I see you living your life according to a pattern. K: gy ltom, hogy letedet egy kialakult rendnek
You run a meditation class in the morning, lecture megfelelen led. Reggelente egy ra meditci,
and have discussions regularly; twice daily there is majd elads s beszlgets; naponta ktszer
worship (puja) and religious singing (bhajan) in the istentisztelet (puja) s este vallsos nekls
evening. You seem to adhere to the routine (bhajan). gy ltszik, mintha agglyos mdon
scrupulously. ragaszkodnl a megszokott rutinhoz.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok

M: The worship and the singing are as I found them M: Az imdkozs s az nekls bevett szoks, s
and I saw no reason to interfere. The general routine nem lttam okt, hogy vltoztassak. Az ltalnos
is according to the wishes of the people with whom I gyakorlat azon emberek kvnalmainak felel meg,
happen to live or who come to listen. They are akikkel egytt lek, illetve akik eljnnek, hogy
working people, with many obligations and the meghallgassanak. k dolgoz emberek, sok
timings are for their convenience. Some repetitive ktelezettsggel, s az idrend az knyelmket
routine is inevitable. Even animals and plants have szolglja. Az ismtld szoksok elkerlhetetlenek.
their time-tables. Mg az llatoknak s a nvnyeknek is megvan a
maguk idbeosztsa.

Q: Yes, we see a regular sequence in all life. Who K: Igen, az egsz letben szablyos szekvencikat
maintains the order? Is there an inner ruler, who lays ltunk. Ki az, aki a rendet fenntartja? Ltezik egy
down laws and enforces order? bels uralkod, aki a trvnyeket lefekteti, s a
rendet rvnyre juttatja?

M: Everything moves according to its nature. Where M: Minden a maga termszete szerint mozog. Mirt
is the need of a policeman? Every action creates a lenne szksg rendrre? Minden akci reakcit von
reaction, which balances and neutralises the action. maga utn, amely kiegyenlti s semlegesti az
Everything happens, but there is a continuous akcit. Minden zajlik, de folyamatosan kioltjk
cancelling out, and in the end it is as if nothing egymst, s a vgn mintha semmi nem trtnt
happened. volna.

Q: Do not console me with final harmonies. The K: Ne vigasztalj engem vgs harmnikkal. A
accounts tally, but the loss is mine. szmla kiegyenltve, de a vesztesg az enym.

M: Wait and see. You may end up with a profit good M: Vrj, s nzz. Nyeresggel vgezheted, ami
enough to justify the outlays. elegend a kiadsok igazolsra.

Q: There is a long life behind me and I often wonder K: Egy hossz let van mgttem, s kvncsi
whether its many events took place by accident, or vagyok nem egyszer, hogy vajon az a sok meglt
there was a plan. Was there a pattern laid down esemny vletlenszer volt, vagy terv szerinti? Volt
before I was born by which I had to live my life? If esetleg egy szletsem eltt lefektetett sma, amely
yes, who made the plans and who enforced them? szerint lnem kellett az letemet? Ha igen, ki
Could there be deviations and mistakes? Some say csinlta a terveket, s ki juttatta rvnyre azokat?
destiny is immutable and every second of life is Elfordulhattak eltrsek s hibk? Egyesek azt
predetermined; others say that pure accident mondjk, hogy a sors megvltoztathatatlan, s az
decides everything. let minden pillanata elre meghatrozott; msok
azt mondjk, hogy tisztn a vletlen intz mindent.

M: You can have it as you like. You can distinguish M: Ahogy tetszik. Felismerhetsz mintkat az
in your life a pattern or see merely a chain of letedben, vagy lthatod vletlenek lncolatnak
accidents. Explanations are meant to please the csupn. A magyarzatok rtelme, hogy elmdet
mind. They need not be true. Reality is indefinable kielgtsk. Nem kell, hogy igazak legyenek. A
and indescribable. valsg meghatrozhatatlan, s lerhatatlan.

Q: Sir, you are escaping my question. I want to K: Tisztelt Uram, ez a krdsem elkerlse. n azt
know how you look at it. Wherever we look we find szeretnm tudni, hogy te hogy ltod ezt. Brhova
structure of unbelievable intelligence and beauty. nznk, hihetetlen intelligencia s szpsg
How can I believe that the universe is formless and struktrit talljuk. Hogyan hihetnm, hogy az
chaotic? Your world, the world in which you live, univerzum forma- s rendszer nlkli? A te vilgod,
may be formless, but it need not be chaotic. az a vilg, amelyben te lsz, lehet, hogy forma
nlkli, de nem lehet kaotkius.

M: The objective universe has structure, is orderly M: Az objektv univerzumnak rendezett s szp
and beautiful. Nobody can deny it. But structure and szerkezete van. Ezt senki nem cfolhatja. De a
pattern, imply constraint and compulsion. My world struktra s minta jelentse korltozs s knyszer.
is absolutely free; everything in it is self-determined. Az n vilgom abszolte szabad; minden, ami
Therefore I keep on saying that all happens by itself. benne van nmeghatrozott. Ezrt amit mondtam,
There is order in my world too, but it is not imposed fenntartom, minden nmagtl trtnik. Az n

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
from outside. It comes spontaneously and vilgomban is rend van, de az nem kvlrl van
immediately, because of its timelessness. Perfection rknyszertve. Idtlensge miatt spontn s
is not in the future. It is now. kzvetlen. A tkletessg nem a jvben van,
hanem most.

Q: Does your world affect mine? K: A te vilgod hatssal van az enymre?

M: At one point only -- at the point of the now. It M: Csupn egyetlen ponton a most pontjn
gives it momentary being, a fleeting sense of reality. keresztl. Az ad neki pillanatnyi ltet, fut valsg
In full awareness the contact is established. It needs rzetet. A teljes tudatossgban valsul meg a
effortless, un-self-conscious attention. kapcsolat. Ez erfesztsmentes, nem tudatos
figyelmet kvn.

Q: Is not attention an attitude of mind? K: Nem elme attitd a figyels?

M: Yes, when the mind is eager for reality, it gives M: De igen, mikor az elme valsgra htozik, akkor
attention. There is nothing wrong with your world, it rirnytja a figyelmt. Semmi baj nincs a vilgoddal,
is your thinking yourself to be separate from it that a gondolkodsod az, ami miatt elklnlsz tle,
creates disorder. Selfishness is the source of all evil. amely zrzavart teremt. Az nzs minden rossz

Q: I am coming back to my question. Before I was K: Visszatrek a krdsemre. Mieltt megszlettem

born, did my inner self decide the details of my life, volna, bels nem dnttte el letemnek a rszleteit,
or was it entirely accidental and at the mercy of vagy pedig teljesen vletlenszeren alakult, az
heredity and circumstances? rkls s a krlmnyek knye-kedve szerint?

M: Those who claim to have selected their father M: Akik azt lltjk, hogy megvlasztottk apjukat s
and mother and decided how they are going to live anyjukat, s eldntttk, hogyan kvnjk lni
their next life may know for themselves. I know for kvetkez letket, ismerhetnk nmagukat. n
myself. I was never born. ismerem nmagam. n sohasem szlettem.

Q: I see you sitting in front of me and replying my K: n viszont ltom, hogy itt lsz elttem, s
questions. vlaszolsz a krdseimre.

M: You see the body only which, of course, was M: Csak a testet ltod, amely termszetesen
born and will die. megszletett, s meg fog halni.

Q: It is the life-story of thus body-mind that I am K: Ilyenformn engem a test-elme lettrtnete

interested in. Was it laid down by you or somebody rdekel. Te hatroztad meg azt, vagy valaki ms,
else, or did it happen accidentally? vagy vletlensgbl trtnt?

M: There is a catch in your very question. I make no M: Ebben a krdsben valjban egy kelepce rejlik.
distinction between the body and the universe. Each n nem teszek klnbsget a test s az univerzum
is the cause of the other; each is the other, in truth. kztt. Igazbl mindegyik a msik oka, mindegyik
But I am out of it all. When I am telling you that I was ms-ms. De n mindkettn kvl llok. Mikor azt
never born, why go on asking me what were my mondom neked, hogy soha nem szlettem, mirt
preparations for the next birth? The moment you krded tovbbra is, hogyan kszltem fel a
allow your imagination to spin, it at once spins out a kvetkez szletsre? A pillanatban, hogy
universe. It is not at all as you imagine and I am not megengeded kpzeletednek, hogy tallgasson,
bound by your imaginings. azonnal kitall egy univerzumot. Egyltaln nem gy
van, ahogy elkpzeled, s engem nem ktnek a

Q: It requires intelligence and energy to build and K: Egy l test felptshez s fenntartshoz
maintain a living body. Where do they come from? intelligencira s energira van szksg. Honnan
szrmaznak ezek?

M: There is only imagination. The intelligence and M: Ez csak kpzelds. Az intelligencia s er a

power are all used up in your imagination. It has kpzeletedben kerlnek felhasznlsra. Annyira
absorbed you so completely that you just cannot tkletesen magba szvott tged, hogy fel se tudod

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
grasp how far from reality you have wandered. No fogni, milyen messze elkalandoztl a valsgtl.
doubt imagination is richly creative. Universe within Nem ktsges, a kpzelet nagyon kreatv. Egy
universe are built on it. Yet they are all in space and univerzumon belli univerzum pl r. Radsul
time, past and future, which just do not exist. mindez trben s idben, s mltban s jvben,
amelyek ugyancsak nem lteznek.

Q: I have read recently a report about a little girl who K: Nemrg olvastam egy tudstst egy olyan
was very cruelly handled in her early childhood. She kislnyrl, akivel egszen kicsi korban kegyetlenl
was badly mutilated and disfigured and grew up in bntak. Slyosan megcsonktottk s elcsftottk,
an orphanage, completely estranged from its s egy rvahzban ntt fel, teljesen eltvolodva a
surroundings. This little girl was quiet and obedient, krnyezettl. Ez a kislny csendes volt s
but completely indifferent. One of the nuns who were szfogad, de teljesen kzmbs. Az egyik nvr,
looking after the children, was convinced that the girl aki a gyermekeket gondozta, meg volt rla
was not mentally retarded, but merely withdrawn, gyzdve, hogy a lny nem volt szellemileg
irresponsive. A psychoanalyst was asked to take up visszamaradott, csupn zrkzott, kznys. Egy
the case and for full two years he would see the pszichoanalitikus, akit felkrtek, hogy foglalkozzon
child once a week and try to break the wall of vele, kt ven keresztl, heti egy alkalommal
isolation. She was docile and well-behaved, but prblkozott, hogy ttrje az elszigeteltsg falt. A
would give no attention to her doctor. He brought her kislny fogkony volt, s illedelmes, de nem fordtott
a toy house, with rooms and movable furniture and figyelmet orvosra. Az orvos hozott a kislnynak egy
dolls representing father, mother and their children. babahzat, szobkkal s mozgathat btorokkal,
It brought out a response, the girl got interested. apt, anyt s azok gyermekeit reprezentl
One day the old hurts revived and came to the babkkal. Egy nap a rgi bntalmak felledtek, s
surface. Gradually she recovered, a number of felsznre jttek. A kislny fokozatosan felplt, s
operations brought back her face and body to miutn arct s testt tbb mtttel helyrelltottk,
normal and she grew into an efficient and attractive j kpessg s vonz fiatal n lett belle. Tbb,
young woman. It took the doctor more than five mint t vbe kerlt a doktornak, de a feladatot
years, but the work was done. He was a real Guru. teljestette. egy igazi Guru volt. Nem tmasztott
He did not put down conditions nor talk about feltteleket, s jindulatrl, s alkalmassgrl sem
readiness and eligibility. Without faith, without hope, beszlt. Hit nlkl, remnyvesztetten, csupn
out of love only he tried and tried again. szeretetbl prblkozott, jra s jra.

M: Yes, that is the nature of a Guru. He will never M: Igen, a Guru termszete ilyen. Soha nem adja
give up. But, to succeed, he must not be met with fel. De a siker rdekben nem szabad tl sok
too much resistance. Doubt and disobedience ellenllssal tallkoznia. A ktely s engedetlensg
necessarily delay. Given confidence and pliability, szksgkppen ksleltet hatsak. Kell bizalom
he can bring about a radical change in the disciple s alkalmazkods esetn a tantvnyban gyors, s
speedily. Deep insight in the Guru and earnestness radiklis vltozst tud elidzni. A Guru mly
in the disciple, both are needed. Whatever was her lesltsa, s a tantvny komolysga, mindkett
condition, the girl in your story suffered for lack of szkges. Brmi volt a trtnetbeli kislny
earnestness in people. The most difficult are the kondcija, az emberek komolysgnak a hinytl
intellectuals. They talk a lot, but are not serious. szenvedett. A legtbb problma az rtelmisggel
van. Sokat beszlnek, de nem komolyak.
What you call realisation is a natural thing. When
you are ready, your Guru will be waiting. Sadhana is Amit megvalstsnak nevezel, az egy termszetes
effortless. When the relationship with your teacher is dolog. Mikor kszen llsz, Gurud vrni fog. A
right you grow. Above all, trust him. He cannot sadhana nem ignyel erfesztst. Amikor rendben
mislead you. van a kapcsolatod a tantval, akkor nvekszel.
Mindenekeltt, higgy neki. Nem vihet rossz tra.

Q: Even when he asks me to do something patently K: Mg akkor is, ha valamilyen nyilvnvalan rossz
wrong? dolog megttelre kr?

M: Do it. A Sanyasi had been asked by his Guru to M: Tedd meg. Egy Sanyasit arra krt a Guruja, hogy
marry. He obeyed and suffered bitterly. But his four hzasodjon meg. Engedelmeskedett, s kegyetlenl
children were all saints and seers, the greatest in szenvedett. De ngy gyermeke szentek s prftk
Maharashtra. Be happy with whatever comes from lettek, a legnagyobbak Maharashtrban. Fogadj
your Guru and you will grow to perfection without minden olyat elgedetten, ami Gurudtl jn, s
striving. tkletessged erfeszts nlkl fog gyarapodni.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
Q: Sir, have you any wants or wishes. Can I do K: Tisztelt Uram, van valamilyen haja, vagy
anything for you? kvnsga? Tehetek valamit nrt?

M: What can you give me that I do not have? M: Mit adhatsz nekem, amim nincs? Az
Material things are needed for contentment. But I am elgedettsghez anyagi dolgok szksgesek. De n
contented with myself. What else do I need? elgedett vagyok magammal. Mire egybre lenne

Q: Surely, when you are hungry you need food and K: Ha hes vagy, nyilvn telre van szksged,
when sick you need medicine. betegsged esetn pedig orvossgra.

M: Hunger brings the food and illness brings the M: hsg hozza az telt, betegsg hozza a
medicine. It is all nature's work. gygyszert. Mindez a termszet munkja.

Q: lf I bring something I believe you need, will you K: Ha hozok valamit, amirl gy gondolom,
accept it? szksged van, elfogadod?

M: The love that made you offer will make me M: A szeretet, amely miatt felajnlod, arra ksztet,
accept. hogy elfogadjam.

Q: If somebody offers to build you a beautiful K: Ha felajnlan valaki, hogy pt neked egy szp
Ashram? Ashramot?

M: Let him, by all means. Let him spend a fortune, M: Persze, tegye meg. Hadd kltsn vagyonokat,
employ hundreds, feed thousands. alkalmazzon szzakat, etessen ezreket.

Q: Is it not a desire? K: Nem vgysz r?

M: Not at all. I am only asking him to do it properly, M: Egyltaln nem. Csak azt krem tle, hogy
not stingily, half-heartedly. He is fulfilling his own tkletesen csinlja, ne fsvny mdon, flszvvel. A
desire, not mine. Let him do it well and be famous sajt vgyt teljesti, nem az enymet. Csinlja jl,
among men and gods. s vljon hress emberek s istenek kztt.

Q: But do you want it? K: De te akarod?

M: I do not want it. M: Nem akarom.

Q: Will you accept it? K: Elfogadnd?

M: I don't need it. M: Nincs szksgem r.

Q: Will you stay in it? K: Laknl benne?

M: If I am compelled. M: Ha rknyszertenek.

Q: What can compel you? K: Mi tud rknyszerteni?

M: Love of those who are in search of light. M: Azoknak a szeretete, akik a fnyt keresik.

Q: Yes, I see your point. Now, how am I to go into K: Igen, rtem az llspontodat. Nos, hogyan
samadhi? rhetem el a samadhit?

M: If you are in the right state, whatever you see will M: Ha a megfelel llapotban vagy, brmit ltsz, a
put you into samadhi. After all, samadhi is nothing samadhiba visz. Vgl is, a samadhiban nincs
unusual. When the mind is intensely interested, it semmi klns. Amikor az elme intenzven
becomes one with the object of interest -- the seer rdekldik, akkor eggy vlik rdekldsnek
and the seen become one in seeing, the hearer and trgyval a lt s a ltott eggy vlik a ltsban,
the heard become one in hearing, the lover and the a hall s a hallott eggy vlik a hallsban, a
loved become one in loving. Every experience can szeret s a szeretett eggy vlik a szeretetben.
be the ground for samadhi. Minden tapasztalat lehet alapja a samadhinak.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok

Q: Are you always in a state of samadhi? K: Te mindig a samadhi llapotban vagy?

M: Of course not samadhi is a state of mind, after M: Termszetesen nem, a samadhi egy elmellapot,
all. I am beyond all experience, even of samadhi. I vgl is. n minden tapasztalson tl vagyok, mg a
am the great devourer and destroyer: whatever I samadhin is. n vagyok a nagy pusztt s rombol:
touch dissolves into void (akash). brmit megrintek, beleolvad az ressgbe (akash).

Q: I need samadhis for self-realisation. K: Nekem samadhikra van szksgem az


M: You have all the self-realisation you need, but M: Rendelkezel mindazon nmegvalstssal, amire
you do not trust it. Have courage, trust yourself, go, szksged van, de nem hiszed el. Lgy btor, higgy
talk, act; give it a chance to prove itself. With some, magadban, menj, jrj, cselekedj; adj neki
realisation comes imperceptibly, but somehow they lehetsget, hogy megnyilvntsa magt.
need convincing. They have changed, but they do Nmelyeknl a megvalsuls szrevehetetlenl
not notice it. Such non-spectacular cases are often rkezik, de valahogy meg kell gyzdnik.
the most reliable. Megvltoztak, de nem veszik szre. Az ilyen
kevss ltvnyos esetek gyakran a

Q: Can one believe himself to be realised and be K: Lehet olyan, hogy valaki azt hiszi magrl, hogy
mistaken? megvalsult, s tved?

M: Of course. The very idea 'I am self-realised' is a M: Termszetesen. Az n megvalsult vagyok

mistake. There is no 'I am this'. 'I am that' in the ideja valjban tveds. Nem ltezik n ez
Natural State. vagyok. n az vagyok a Termszetes llapotban.

62. In the Supreme the Witness Appears 62. A Legfelsbben jelenik meg a tan
Questioner: Some forty years ago J. Krishnamurti Krdez: J. Krishnamurti mondta gy negyven ve,
said that there is life only and all talk of personalities hogy let ltezik csupn, s a szemlyisgekrl s
and individualities has no foundation in reality. He egynisgekrl szl beszdeknek nincs semmifle
did not attempt to describe life -- he merely said that valsg alapja. Nem prblta lerni az letet
while life need not and cannot be described, it can csupn annyit mondott, hogy mg az letet nem
be fully experienced, if the obstacles to its being szksges, s nem lehetsges lerni, teljesen meg
experienced are removed. The main hindrance lies lehet tapasztalni, ha meglsnek akadlyai
in our idea of, and addiction to, time, in our habit of megismersre s eltvoltsra kerlnek. A legfbb
anticipating a future in the light of the past. The sum akadlyt idvel kapcsolatos ideink s fggsgeink
total of the past becomes the 'I was', the hoped for jelentik, abbli szoksunk, hogy elrebocstjuk a
future becomes the 'I shall be' and life is a constant jvt a mlt fnyben. A mlt sszessge az n
effort of crossing over from what 'I was' to what I voltam-m vlik, a jvvel szembeni vrakozs az
shall be'. The present moment, the 'now' is lost sight n leszek'-k vlik, s az let az n voltam-bl az
of. Maharaj speaks of 'I am'. Is it an illusion, like 'I n leszek-be val tmenet folyamatos erfesztse.
was' and 'I shall be', or is there something real about A jelen pillanat, a most szem ell veszett. Maharaj
it? And if the I am' too is an illusion, how does one az n vagyok'-rl beszl. Ez ugyanolyan illzi, mint
free oneself from it? The very notion of I am free of 'I az n voltam, s az n leszek, vagy valdi
am' is an absurdity. Is there something real, valamilyen mdon? s ha az n vagyok is illzi,
something lasting about the 'I am' in distinction from hogyan szabulhat meg tle az ember? Valjban az
the 'I was', or I shall be', which change with time, as n vagyok'-tl val megszabaduls elkpzelse is
added memories create new expectations? abszurdits. Valdi, vagy tarts valamikppen az n
vagyok', eltren az n voltam'-tl, vagy az n
leszek'-tl, amelyek vltoznak az idvel, ahogy a
ltrejv emlkek j elvrsokat teremtenek?

Maharaj: The present 'I am' is as false as the 'I was' Maharaj: A jelenlv n vagyok ugyan olyan
and 'I shall be'. It is merely an idea in the mind, an hamis, mint az n voltam s az n leszek. Egy

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
impression left by memory, and the separate identity idea csupn az elmben, egy emlkezetben
it creates is false. This habit of referring to a false megmaradt benyoms, s az ltala ltrehozott
centre must be done away with, the notion 'I see', 'I klnll nazonossg is hamis. A hamis kzpontra
feel', 'I think', 'I do', must disappear from the field of hivatkozsnak ezt a szokst el kell tvoltani, az n
consciousness; what remains when the false is no ltom, n rzem, n csinlom kpzetet el kell
more, is real. tntetni a tudatossg terbl; ami akkor marad,
amikor a hamis mr nincs tbb, az a valdi.

Q: What is this big talk about elimination of the self? K: Mi ez a nagy elads az n megszntetsrl?
How can the self eliminate itself? What kind of Hogyan szntethetn meg az n nmagt? Mifle
metaphysical acrobatics can lead to the metafizikai akrobatika vezethet az akrobata
disappearance of the acrobat? In the end he will eltnshez? A vgn mg jra megjelenik, olyan
reappear, mightily proud of his disappearing. nagyon bszke az eltnsre.

M: You need not chase the 'I am' to kill it. You M: Nem szksges hajtvadszatot folytatnod az
cannot. All you need is a sincere longing for reality. n vagyok meglsre. gysem tudod. Mindssze
We call it atma-bhakti, the love of the Supreme: or arra van szksg, hogy szintn vgydj a valsg
moksha-sankalpa, the determination to be free from utn. Ennek a neve atma-bhakti, a Legfelsbb
the false. Without love, and will inspired by love, szeretete: vagy moksha-sankalpa, ami a hamistl
nothing can be done. Merely talking about Reality val megszabaduls meghatrozsa. Szeretet
without doing anything about it is self-defeating. nlkl, s szeretet ltal ihletett akarat nlkl semmit
There must be love in the relation between the nem tehetsz. Ha beszlsz csupn a Valsgrl,
person who says 'I am' and the observer of that 'I anlkl hogy brmit is tennl rte, sajt rdeked
am'. As long as the observer, the inner self, the ellenben dolgozol. Az n vagyok-ot mond
'higher' self, considers himself apart from the szemly, s ennek az n vagyok-nak a
observed, the 'lower' self, despises it and condemns megfigyelje viszonya a szeretetnek kell, hogy
it, the situation is hopeless. It is only when the legyen. Amg a megfigyel, a bels n, a
observer (vyakta) accepts the person (vyakti) as a magasabb n, a megfigyelttl klnllnak tekinti
projection or manifestation of himself, and, so to say, magt, az alsbb n pedig semmibe veszi, s
takes the self into the Self, the duality of 'I' and 'this' elutastja azt, addig a helyzet remnytelen. Csak
goes and in the identity of the outer and the inner amikor a megfigyel (vyakta) a szemlyt (vyakti)
the Supreme Reality manifests itself. nmaga kivettseknt, vagy megnyilvnulsaknt
fogadja el, s gy az nt, gyszlvn, az nbe
This union of the seer and the seen happens when helyezi, az n s ez kettssge eltnik, s a kls
the seer becomes conscious of himself as the seer, s a bels azonossgban a Legfelsbb Valsg
he is not merely interested in the seen, which he is nyilvntja meg magt.
anyhow, but also interested in being interested,
giving attention to attention, aware of being aware. A lt s a ltott ezen egysge akkor jn ltre,
Affectionate awareness is the crucial factor that amikor a lt tudatra bred nmagnak, mint a
brings Reality into focus. ltnak, t nem csupn a ltott rdekli, amely amgy
is maga, hanem rdekli a ltez rdekld is,
figyelmvel tnteti ki a figyelmet, tudatban van a
ltez tudatnak. A szeretetteljes tudatossg az a
kulcsfontossg tnyez, amely a Realitst
fkuszba helyezi.

Q: According to the Theosophists and allied K: Teozfusok s hasonl okkultistk szerint az

occultists, man consists of three aspects: ember hrom aspektusbl ll: szemlyisg,
personality, individuality and spirituality. Beyond individualits, s spiritualits. A spiritualitson tl az
spirituality lies divinity. The personality is strictly istenisg van. A szemlyisg hatrozottan tmeneti
temporary and valid for one birth only. It begins with jelleg, s csak egy szletsre rvnyes. A test
the birth of the body and ends with the birth of the szletsvel kezddik, s a kvetkez test
next body. Once over, it is over for good; nothing szletsvel r vget. Amikor vge, egyszer s
remains of it except a few sweet or bitter lessons. mindenkorra vge; semmi nem marad belle,
nhny kellemes, vagy keserves tapasztalat
The individuality begins with the animal-man and kivtelvel.
ends with the fully human. The split between the
personality and individuality is characteristic of our Az individualits az llat-emberrel kezddik, s a
present-day humanity. On one side the individuality kiteljesesedett emberrel r vget. Napjaink
with its longing for the true, the good and the emberisgt a szemlyisg s az individualits

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
beautiful; on the other side an ugly struggle between kettszakadsa jellemzi. Egyik oldalon az
habit and ambition, fear and greed, passivity and individulits az igazsg, a j, s szp irnti
violence. vgyakozsval; a msik oldalon egy csnya
kzdelem szoks s nagyravgys, flelem s
The spirituality aspect is still in abeyance. It cannot kapzsisg, passzivits s erszak kztt.
manifest itself in an atmosphere of duality. Only
when the personality is reunited with the individuality A spiritulis aspektus mg nyugv llapotban van. A
and becomes a limited, perhaps, but true expression dualits atmoszfrjban nem kpes nmagt
of it, that the light and love and beauty of the megnyilvntani, csak ha a szemlyisg jraegyesl
spiritual come into their own. az individualitssal, s annak egy taln korltozott,
de valsgh kifejezsv vlik, hogy a spiritulis
You teach of the vyakti, vyakta, avyakta (observer, fnye, szeretete s szpsge sajt birtokba lpjen.
observed and ground of observation). Does it tally
with the other view? A te tantsod a vyakti, vyakta, avyakta (megfigyel,
megfigyelt s megfigyels). Megfelel ez a msik

M: Yes, when the vyakti realises its non-existence in M: Igen, amikor a vyakti nnn nem-ltt a vyakta-
separation from the vyakta, and the vyakta sees the tl val elklnltsgben realizlja, s a vyakta a
vyakti as his own expression, then the peace and vyakti-t a sajt kifejezdsnek ltja, megszletik az
silence of the avyakta state come into being. In avyakta bkjnek s csendjnek az llapota.
reality, the three are one: the vyakta and the avyakta Valjban a hrom egy: a vyakta s az avyakta
are inseparable, while the vyakti is the sensing- elvlaszthatatlanok, mg a vyakti az rzkel-rz-
feeling-thinking process, based on the body made of gondolkod folyamat, ami testi alapon keletkezik, s
and fed by the five elements. az t elem tpllja.

Q: What is the relation between the vyakta and the K: Milyen kapcsolatban van a vyakta s az avyakta?

M: How can there be relation when they are one? All M: Hogy lehetne kapcsolatrl beszlni, mikor ezek
talk of separation and relation is due to the distorting egyek? Minden szbeszd elklnlsrl s
and corrupting influence of 'I-am-the-body' idea. The kapcsolatrl az n-vagyok-a-test idea miatt
outer self (vyakti) is merely a projection on the body- bekvetkez torzuls s romls miatt keletkezett. A
mind of the inner self (vyakta), which again is only kls n (vyakti) csupn a bels n (vyakta)
an expression of the Supreme Self (avyakta) which kivettse a test-elmre, amely viszont csak egy
is all and none. kifejezdse a Legfelsbb nnek (avyakta), amely
minden, s semmi.

Q: There are teachers who will not talk of the higher K: Egyes tantk nem beszlnek felsbb s alsbb
self and lower self. They address the man as if only nrl. k gy szlnak az emberhez, mintha annak
the lower self existed. Neither Buddha nor Christ csak alsbb nje ltezne. Se Buddha, se Krisztus
ever mentioned a higher self. J. Krishnamurti too nem emltette sosem a felsbb nt. J. Krishnamurti
fights shy of any mention of the higher self. Why is it szintn vakodik a felsbb n brmilyen emltstl.
so? Mirt van ez?

M: How can there be two selves in one body? The 'I M: Hogy lehetne kt n egy testben? Az n vagyok
am' is one. There is no higher I-am' and lower I- egy. Nincs felsbb n-vagyok s alsbb n-
am'. All kinds of states of mind are presented to vagyok. Mindenfle elme llapot tudatossgknt
awareness and there is self-identification with them. jelenik meg, s fennll a velk val n-azonossg. A
The objects of observation are not what they appear megfigyels objektumai nem azok, aminek lenni
to be and the attitudes they are met with are not ltszanak, s a velk kapcsolatos magatarts nem
what they need be. If you think that Buddha, Christ az, amire azoknak szksge van. Ha te gy
or Krishnamurti speak to the person, you are gondolod, hogy Buddha, Krisztus vagy Krishnamurti
mistaken. They know well that the vyakti, the outer a szemlyhez szl, akkor tvedsz. k jl tudjk,
self, is but a shadow of the vyakta, the inner self, hogy a vyakti, a kls n, csupn rnyka a vyakta-
and they address and admonish the vyakta only. nak, a bels nnek, s k a vyakta-t szltjk meg,
They tell him to give attention to the outer self, to s ltjk el csak j tanccsal. Azt mondjk neki,
guide and help it, to feel responsible for it; in short, fordtsa figyelmt a kls nre, vezesse s segtse,
to be fully aware of it. Awareness comes from the rezzen rte felelssget; rviden, legyen neki teljes
Supreme and pervades the inner self; the so-called tudatban. A tudatossg a Legfelsbbtl jn, s

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
outer self is only that part of one's being of which thatja a bels nt; az gynevezett kls n csak
one is not aware. One may be conscious, for every azon rsze az ember ltnek, amelynek az ember
being is conscious, but one is not aware. What is nincs tudatban. Az ember tudatos lehet, mivel
included in awareness becomes the inner and minden lny tudatos, de az ember nem tudat. Ami a
partakes of the inner. You may put it differently: the tudatossgban foglaltatik, a belsv vlik, s
body defines the outer self, consciousness the inner, rszv vlik a belsnek. Lehet, hogy te mskpp
and in pure awareness the Supreme is contacted. fejezed ki: a test meghatrozza a kls, a
tudatossg a bels nt, s a tiszta tudatossg a
Legfelsbbel ll kapcsolatban.

Q: You said the body defines the outer self. Since K: Azt mondtad, a test hatrozza meg a kls nt.
you have a body, do you have also an outer self? Ha tested van, akkor kls ned is van?

M: I would, were I attached to the body and take it to M: Ha lenne, akkor a testhez ktdnk, s azt
be myself. nmagamnak tartanm.

Q: But you are aware of it and attend to its needs. K: De tudatban vagy, s gondoskodsz

M: The contrary is nearer to truth -- the body knows M: Az ellenkezje ll kzelebb az igazsghoz a
me and is aware of my needs. But neither is really testnek van tudomsa rlam, s van tudatban a
so. This body appears in your mind; in my mind szksgleteimnek. De valjban egyik sem igaz. Ez
nothing is. a test a te elmdben megjelenik; az n elmmben
semmi sincs.

Q: Do you mean to say you are quite unconscious of K: Azt akarod mondani, hogy egyltaln nem vagy
having a body? tudatban, hogy tested van?

M: On the contrary, I am conscious of not having a M: Ellenkezleg, tudatban vagyok, hogy nincs
body. testem.

Q: I see you smoking. K: Ltom, dohnyzol.

M: Exactly so. You see me smoking. Find out for M: Pontosan fogalmazol. Ltod, hogy dohnyzom.
yourself how did you come to see me smoking, and Dertsd ki, hogy jutottl el addig, hogy dohnyozni
you will easily realise that it is your 'I-am-the-body' ltsz, s knnyedn fel fogod ismerni, hogy a te n-
state of mind that is responsible for this 'I-see-you- vagyok-a-test elmellapotod az, amely ezrt a
smoking' idea. ltlak-tged-dohnyozni idert felels.

Q: There is the body and there is myself. I know the K: Van a test, s van az nmagam. Tudomsom van
body. Apart from it, what am l? a testrl. Ezen kvl, mi vagyok n?

M: There is no 'I' apart from the body, nor the world. M: Nincs a testtl, sem a vilgtl fggetlenn.
The three appear and disappear together. At the Mindhrman egytt jelennek meg, s egytt tnnek
root is the sense 'I am'. Go beyond it. The idea: 'I- el. A gykerknl az n vagyok rzse. Lpj tl
am-not-the-body' is merely an antidote to the idea 'I- rajta. Az n-nem-a-test-vagyok idea pusztn
am-the-body' which is false. What is that 'I am? ellenmrge az n-a-test-vagyok-nak, amely hamis.
Unless you know yourself, what else can you know? Mi az n vagyok? nmagad ismerete kivtelvel,
mi egyebet ismerhetnl?

Q: From what you say I conclude that without the K: Amit mondasz, abbl azt a kvetkeztetst tudom
body there can be no liberation. If the idea: 'I-am- levonni, hogy a test nlkl nem lehetsges a
not-the-body' leads to liberation, the presence of the megszabaduls. Ha az n-nem-a-test-vagyok idea
body is essential. megszabadulshoz vezet, akkor a test jelenlte

M: Quite right. Without the body, how can the idea: M: Nagyszer. A test nlkl hogy szlethetne meg
I-am-not-the-body' come into being? The idea I-am- az n-nem-a-test-vagyok idea? Az n-szabad-
free' is as false as the idea 'I-am-in-bondage'. Find vagyok idea ugyangy hamis, mint az n-rab-
out the I am' common to both and go beyond. vagyok idea. Fedezd fel a mindkettben kzs n

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
vagyok-ot, s lpj tl rajta.

Q: All is a dream only. K: Mindez lom csupn.

M: All are mere words, of what use are they to you? M: Mindezek szavak csupn, mi hasznuk bellk?
You are entangled in the web of verbal definitions Bele vagy gabalyodva a verblis defincik s
and formulations. Go beyond your concepts and szablyok hljba. Lpj tl fogalmaidon s
ideas; in the silence of desire and thought the truth ideidon; az igazsg a vgy s a gondolat
is found. csendjben tallhat.

Q: One has to remember not to remember. What a K: Az embernek emlkeznie kell r, hogy ne
task. emlkezzen. Micsoda feladat.

M: It cannot be done, of course. It must happen. But M: Termszetesen, ezt nem lehet csinlni. Ennek
it does happen when you truly see the need of it. trtnnie kell. De mihelyst valban ltod, hogy
Again, earnestness is the golden key. szksg van r, megtrtnik. Ismtlem, a komolysg
az aranykulcs.

Q: At the back of my mind there is a hum going on K: Az elmm htterben folyamatos a zsongs. A
all the time. Numerous weak thoughts swarm and szmtalan ertlen, hemzseg s fecseg gondolat
buzz and this shapeless cloud is always with me. Is egy alaktalan felht alkotva llandan velem van.
it the same with you? What is at the back of your Veled is ugyanez a helyzet? Mi van az elmd
mind? mlyn?

M: Where there is no mind, there is no back to it. I M: Ha nincs elme, akkor httere sincs. n teljesen
am all front, no back. The void speaks, the void ell vagyok, nem htul. Az ressg beszl, az
remains. ressg fennmarad.

Q: Is there no memory left? K: Semmilyen emlked sem maradt?

M: No memory of past pleasure or pain is left. Each M: rmnek vagy fjdalomnak semmilyen mltbeli
moment is newly born. emlke nem maradt. Minden pillanat frissen

Q: Without memory you cannot be conscious. K: Emlkezet nlkl nem lehetsz tudatos.

M: Of course I am conscious, and fully aware of it. I M: Termszetesen tudatos vagyok, s ennek
am not a block of wood. Compare consciousness tkletesen tudatban vagyok. Nem vagyok
and its content to a cloud. You are inside the cloud, fakocka. A tudatossg s annak tartalma egy
while I look at. You are lost in it, hardly able to see felhhz hasonlthat. Te a belsejben vagy a
the tips of your fingers, while I see the cloud and felhnek, mg n kvlrl szemllem azt. Te
many other clouds and the blue sky too and the sun, belevesztl, alig vagy kpes elltni az ujjad hegyig,
the moon, the stars. Reality is one for both of us, but mg n ltom a felht, s sok ms felht, s a kk
for you it is a prison and for me it is a home. eget is, s a napot, a holdat, a csillagokat. A valsg
mindkettnk szmra ugyanaz, de a te szmodra
brtn, az n szmomra pedig otthon.

Q: You spoke of the person (vyakti), the witness K: Beszltl a szemlyrl (vyakti), a tanrl (vyakta),
(vyakta) and the Supreme (avyakta). Which comes s a Legfelsbbrl (avyakta). Melyik van elbb?

M: In the Supreme the witness appears. The witness M: A Legfelsbben jelenik meg a tan. A tan
creates the person and thinks itself as separate from teremti meg a szemlyt, s nmagt attl
it. The witness sees that the person appears in klnbznek gondolja. A tan ltja, amint a
consciousness which again appears in the witness. szemly megjelenik tudatossgban, amely ismt
This realisation of the basic unity is the working of megjelenik a tanban. A Legfelsbb ennek az
the Supreme. It is the power behind the witness, the alapvet egysgnek a megvalstsn munklkodik.
source from which all flows. It cannot be contacted, Ez a tan mgtt lv er, a forrs, amelybl
unless there is unity and love and mutual help minden ered. Nem kerlhetsz vele kapcsolatba,
between the person and the witness, unless the csak ha egysg, szeretet, s klcsns segtsg van

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
doing is in harmony with the being and the knowing. a szemly s a tan kztt, csak, ha harmonikus
The Supreme is both the source and the fruit of such egyttmkds van a lt s a tuds kztt. A
harmony. As I talk to you, I am in the state of Legfelsbb forrsa, s ugyanakkor gymlcse is
detached but affectionate awareness (turiya). When ennek a harmninak. Mikzben itt egymssal
this awareness turns upon itself, you may call it the beszlnk a szevtelensg, ugyanakkor a
Supreme State, (turiyatita). But the fundamental szeretetteljes tudatossg (turiya) llapotban
reality is beyond awareness, beyond the three states vagyok. Ha ez a tudatossg nmagra irnyul, akkor
of becoming, being and not-being. azt a Legfelsbb llapotnak (turiyatita) nevezheted.
De az alapvet realits tl van a tudatossgon, tl
van a valamiv vls, lt, nemlt hrom llapotn.

Q: How is it that here my mind is engaged in high K: Hogy lehet, hogy elmm itt elmerl a magasztos
topics and finds dwelling on them easy and tmkban, s a bennk val idzst knnynek s
pleasant. When I return home I find myself forgetting lvezetesnek tallja? Mikor hazatrek, gy rzem,
all l have learnt here, worrying and fretting, unable to mindent elfelejtettem, amit itt tanultam, idegeskedek
remember my real nature even for a moment. What s emsztem magam, nem vagyok kpes emlkezni
may be the cause? valdi termszetemre mg egy pillanatra sem. Mi
lehet ennek az oka?

M: It is your childishness you are returning to. You M: A gyerekessged visszatrse. Nem nttl mg
are not fully grown up; there are levels left fel teljesen; egyes szintjeid kifejletlenl maradtak,
undeveloped because unattended. Just give full mivel elhanyagoltad azokat. Annyit kell tenned
attention to what in you is crude and primitive, csupn, hogy teljes figyelmet arra irnytod, ami
unreasonable and unkind, altogether childish, and benned nyers s kezdetleges, oktalan s kegyetlen,
you will ripen. It is the maturity of heart and mind mindent egybe vetve gyermeteg, s meg fogsz rni.
that is essential. It comes effortlessly when the main Ennek bekvetkezse minden erfeszts nlkli, a
obstacle is removed -- inattention, unawareness. In f akadly a figyelmetlensg, tudatlansg
awareness you grow. eltvoltsa utn. A tudatossgban vlsz felntt.

63. Notion of Doership is Bondage 63. A cselekvsg kpzete ktelk

Questioner: We have been staying at the Satya Sai Krdez: Voltunk a Satya Sai Baba Ashramban. Kt
Baba Ashram for some time. We have also spent hnapot Tiruvannamalaiban, a Sri
two months at Sri Ramanashram at Tiruvannamalai. Ramanashramban is eltltttnk. Most megynk
Now we are on our way back to the United States. hazafel, az Egyeslt llamokba.

Maharaj: Did India cause any change in you? Maharaj: India okozott benned valamilyen

Q: We feel we have shed our burden. Sri Satya Sai K: gy rezzk, hogy megszabadultunk a
Baba told us to leave everything to him and just live terheinktl. Sri Satya Sai Baba azt mondta, hagyjunk
from day to day as righteously as possible. 'Be good r minden terhet, s csak ljnk naprl napra olyan
and leave the rest to me', he used to tell us. ernyesen, amennyire az lehetsges. Lgy j, s a
tbbit hagyd rm, szokta volt mondani.

M: What were you doing at the Sri Ramanashram? M: Mit csinltatok a Sri Ramanashramban?

Q: We were going on with the mantra given to us by K: A Guru ltal neknk adott mantrt gyakoroltuk.
the Guru. We also did some meditation. There was Meditltunk is. Nem sokat gondolkodtunk, vagy
not much of thinking or study; we were just trying to tanultunk; csupn arra trekedtnk, hogy csendben
keep quiet. We are on the bhakti path and rather legynk. Mi a bhakti tjn haladunk, s a filozfia
poor in philosophy. We have not much to think about tern meglehetsen gyengk vagyunk. Nem kell,
-- just trust our Guru and live our lives. hogy sokat gondolkodjunk csak hinnnk a
Gurunknak, s lnnk az letnket.

M: Most of the bhaktas trust their Guru only as long M: A legtbb bhakta csak addig hisz Gurujnak,
as all is well with them. When troubles come, they amg minden rendben van vele. Amikor valamilyen

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
feel let down and go out in search of another Guru. baj ri ket, becsapottnak rzik magukat, s
elindulnak msik Gurut keresni.

Q: Yes, we were warned against this danger. We K: Igen, figyelmeztettek minket e veszlyre.
are trying to take the hard along with the soft. The Igyeksznk a kemnyet a lggyal egytt vinni. A
feeling: 'All is Grace' must be very strong. A sadhu Minden Kegyelem rzsnek nagyon ersnek kell
was walking eastwards, from where a strong wind lennie. Egy sadhu kelet fel gyalogolt, ahonnan ers
started blowing. The sadhu just turned round and szl kezdett fjni. A sadhu csak megfordult, s
walked west. We hope to live just like that -- nyugat fel ment tovbb. Mi is ppen gy szeretnnk
adjusting ourselves to circumstances as sent us by lni krlmnyekhez igaztva magunkat, ahogy
our Guru. Gurunk elbocstott bennnket.

M: There is only life. There is nobody who lives a M: Csak let van. Nincs senki, aki li az letet.

Q: That we understand, yet constantly we make K: rtjk mi ezt, mgis llandan a sajt letnket
attempts to live our lives instead of just living. prbljuk lni, ahelyett, hogy lnnk csupn. A
Making plans for the future seems to be an jvre vonatkoz tervek ksztse megrgztt
inveterate habit with us. szoksunknak ltszik.

M: Whether you plan or don't, life goes on. But in life M: Akr ksztesz tervet, akr nem, az let zajlik
itself a little whorl arises in the mind, which indulges tovbb. Az letben magban azonban az elmben
in fantasies and imagines itself dominating and egy apr rvny keletkezik, amely a fantzijt
controlling life. Life itself is desireless. But the false tpllja, s nmagt uralkodnak, s az letet
self wants to continue -- pleasantly. Therefore it is ellenrzse alatt tartnak kpzeli. Maga az let vgy
always engaged in ensuring one's continuity. Life is nlkli. De a hamis n folytatni akarja kellemesen.
unafraid and free. As long as you have the idea of Ezrt rkk az ember folyamatossga mellett
influencing events, liberation is not for you: The very elktelezett. Az let flelem nlkli s szabad. Amg
notion of doership, of being a cause, is bondage. azt kpzeled, hogy befolysolod az esemnyeket,
addig nem vagy szabad: a cselekvsgnek, a
ltezs oknak a fogalma valjban ktttsg.

Q: How can we overcome the duality of the doer and K: Hogyan tudunk gyzedelmeskedni a cselekv s
the done? a cselekvs kettssge felett?

M: Contemplate life as infinite, undivided, ever M: Tekintsd az letet vgtelen, osztatlan, rkk
present, ever active, until you realise yourself as one jelen lv, rkk aktv valaminek, mg fel nem
with it. It is not even very difficult, for you will be ismered, hogy egy vagy vele. Radsul ez nem is
returning only to your own natural condition. nagyon nehz, mert csupn termszetes
llapotodba fogsz visszatrni.
Once you realise that all comes from within, that the
world in which you live has not been projected onto Amint felismered, hogy minden bellrl ered, hogy a
you but by you, your fear comes to an end. Without vilg, amelyben lsz, nem rd kerl vettsre, hanem
this realisation you identify yourself with the ltalad, flelmeid vget rnek. E felismers
externals, like the body, mind, society, nation, hinyban a klssgekkel azonostod magad,
humanity, even God or the Absolute. But these are olyanokkal, mint test, elme, trsadalom, llam,
all escapes from fear. It is only when you fully accept emberisg, st Isten, vagy az Abszolt. De mindez
your responsibility for the little world in which you nem ms, mint a flelem elli menekls. Csak, ha
live and watch the process of its creation, teljesen felelssget vllalsz azrt a kis vilgrt,
preservation and destruction, that you may be free amiben lsz, s megfigyeled annak teremtsi,
from your imaginary bondage. megtartsi s puszttsi folyamatt, csak akkor fogsz
megszabadulni kpzeletbeli ktelkeidtl.

Q: Why should I imagine myself so wretched? K: Mirt kell, hogy olyan sznalmasnak kpzeljem

M: You do it by habit only. Change your ways of M: Csupn megszoksbl. Vltoztasd meg
feeling and thinking, take stock of them and examine rzkelsed s gondolkodsod mdjt, vedd
them closely. You are in bondage by inadvertence. szemgyre, vizsgld meg ket kzelrl. Ktelkeid

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
Attention liberates. You are taking so many things oka a figyelmetlensg. A figyelem felszabadt. Oly
for granted. Begin to question. The most obvious sok dolgot tekintesz magtl rtetdnek. Kezdj el
things are the most doubtful. Ask yourself such krdezni. A legnyilvnvalbb dolgok a
questions as: Was I really born?' 'Am I really so- legbizonytalanabbak. Tgy fel magadnak olyan
and-so? 'How do I know that I exist? 'Who are my krdseket, mint: Valban szlettem?, Valban
parents? 'Have they created me, or have I created ilyen-s-ilyen vagyok?, Honnan tudom, hogy
them?' 'Must I believe all I am told about myself?' ltezem?, Kik a szleim?, k hoztak ltre engem,
Who am I, anyhow?'. You have put so much energy vagy n ket?, El kell hinnem mindent, amit rlam
into building a prison for yourself. Now spend as mondtak?, Ki vagyok n, klnben is?. Oly sok
much on demolishing it. In fact, demolition is easy, energit fektettl bele, hogy brtnt pts nmagad
for the false dissolves when it is discovered. All szmra. Fordts most ugyanennyit a lerombolsra.
hangs on the idea 'I am'. Examine it very thoroughly. Valjban knny lerombolni, mert amint felfeded, a
It lies at the root of every trouble. It is a sort of skin hamis szertefoszlik. Minden az n vagyok idea
that separates you from the reality. The real is both fggvnye. Vizsgld meg azt nagyon alaposan.
within and without the skin, but the skin itself is not Minden baj gykern ott hzdik. Olyan, mint egy
real. This 'I am' idea was not born with you. You hrtyafle, amely elvlaszt tged a valsgtl. Mind
could have lived very well without it. It came later a hrtyn bell, mind kvl a valsg van, de maga a
due to your self-identification with the body. It hrtya nem valsgos. Ez az n vagyok idea nem
created an illusion of separation where there was veled szletett. Nagyon jl tudtl volna lni nlkle.
none. It made you a stranger in your own world and Ksbb alakult ki, a testtel val nazonostsod
made the world alien and inimical. Without the sense miatt. Elklnltsgi illzit hozott ltre ott, ahol az
of 'I am' life goes on. There are moments when we nem volt. Idegenn tett a sajt vilgodban, s a
are without the sense of 'I am', at peace and happy. vilgot idegenszerv s ellensgess tette. Az n
With the return of the 'I am' trouble starts. vagyok rzs nlkl az let megy tovbb. Az n
vagyok rzse nlkli pillanatokban bkben s
boldogsgban vagyunk. Az n vagyok
visszatrsvel elkezddik a szenveds.

Q: How is one to be free from the 'I'-sense? K: Hogy kell megszabadulni az n-rzstl?

M: You must deal with the 'I'-sense if you want to be M: Ha meg akarsz szabadulni az n-rzstl,
free of it. Watch it in operation and at peace, how it foglalkoznod kell vele. Figyeld amikor mkdik, s
starts and when it ceases, what it wants and how it amikor nyugalomban van, ahogyan kezddik, s
gets it, till you see clearly and understand fully. Afterahogyan megsznik, amit akar, s ahogyan elri azt,
all, all the Yogas, whatever their source and mindaddig, amg tisztn nem ltod, s teljesen nem
character, have only one aim: to save you from the rted. Vgl is minden Yognak, brmilyen eredet
calamity of separate existence, of being a s jelleg is az, egyetlen clja van, hogy
meaningless dot in a vast and beautiful picture. kimenektsen tged az elklnlt ltezs
szerencstlen helyzetbl, hogy ne egy hatalmas s
You suffer because you have alienated yourself from gynyr kp egy jelentktelen pontja legyl.
reality and now you seek an escape from this
alienation. You cannot escape from your own Azrt szenvedsz, mert elidegentetted magad a
obsessions. You can only cease nursing them. valsgtl, s most kiutat keresel ebbl az
elidegenlsbl. Nem szkhetsz el sajt
It is because the I am' is false that it wants to knyszerkpzeteid ell. Csak azok tpllst tudod
continue. Reality need not continue -- knowing itself abbahagyni.
indestructible, it is indifferent to the destruction of
forms and expressions. To strengthen, and stabilise Ennek oka, hogy az n vagyok hamis, hogy az fenn
the 'I am' we do all sorts of things -- all in vain, for akar maradni. A valsg nincs szksge a
the 'I am' is being rebuilt from moment to moment. It fennmaradsra elpusztthatatlannak tudvn magt
is unceasing work and the only radical solution is to kzmbs a formk s megnyilvnulsok pusztulsa
dissolve the separative sense of 'I am such-and- irnt. Az n vagyok megersts s stabilizlsa
such person' once and for good. Being remains, but rdekben mindenfle dolgot csinlunk mindet
not self-being. szksgtelenl, mert az n vagyok pillanatrl
pillanatra jrapl. Ez egy szakadatlan mkds, s
az egyetlen radiklis megolds az n ilyen s ilyen
szemly vagyok rzetnek egyszer s mindenkorra
val feloszlatsa. Ami marad a lt, de nem az n-lt.

Q: I have definite spiritual ambitions. Must I not work K: Nekem pontosan meghatrozott spiritulis cljaim

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
for their fulfilment? vannak. Nem kell, hogy azok beteljestsrt

M: No ambition is spiritual. All ambitions are for the M: Semmifle cl nem spiritulis. Minden cl az n
sake of the 'I am'. If you want to make real progress vagyok rdekt szolglja. Ha valdi haladst
you must give up all idea of personal attainment. kvnsz elrni, fel kell adnod a szemlyes
The ambitions of the so-called Yogis are megvalstssal kapcsolatos minden idet. Az
preposterous. A man's desire for a woman is gynevezett Yogik cljai ostobk. A frfi n irnti
innocence itself compared to the lusting for an vgya maga az rtatlansg, az rkk tart
everlasting personal bliss. The mind is a cheat. The szemlyes boldogsg irnti szenvedlyes
more pious it seems, the worse the betrayal. vgyakozshoz kpest. Az elme egy csal. Minl
jmborabbnak ltszik, annl inkbb elrul.

Q: People come to you very often with their worldly K: Az emberek nagyon gyakran fordulnak hozzd
troubles and ask for help. How do you know what to vilgi gondjaikkal, s a segtsgedet krik. Honnan
tell them? tudod, hogy mit mondj nekik?

M: I just tell them what comes to my mind at the M: n csak azt mondom nekik, ami abban a
moment. I have no standardised procedure in pillanatban az eszembe jut. Nem rendelkezem
dealing with people. semmifle szabvnyos eljrssal az emberekkel
val foglalkozssal kapcsolatban.

Q: You are sure of yourself. But when people come K: Biztos vagy nmagadban. De amikor az emberek
to me for advice, how am I to be sure that my advice tancsrt jnnek hozzm, honnan lehetek biztos,
is right? hogy a tancsaim helyesek?

M: Watch in what state you are, from what level you M: Figyeld meg, milyen llapotban vagy, milyen
talk. If you talk from the mind, you may be wrong. If szintrl beszlsz. Ha elmbl beszlsz, akkor
you talk from full insight into the situation, with your hibzhatsz. Ha a szituciba val tkletes intuitv
own mental habits in abeyance your advice may be belts alapjn beszlsz, sajt mentlis habitusod
a true response. The main point is to be fully aware felfggesztse mellett adsz tancsot, vlaszod igaz
that neither you nor the man in front of you are mere lehet. A leglnyegesebb pont az, hogy teljes
bodies; If your awareness is clear and full, a mistake tudatban lgy annak, hogy sem te, sem az eltted
is less probable. ll ember nem puszta test vagytok; ha
tudatossgod tiszta s teljes, sokkal kisebb a hiba
bekvetkezsnek a valsznsge.

64. Whatever pleases you, Keeps you 64. Brmi, ami a kedvedre van, az
Back visszatart
Questioner: I am a retired chartered accountant Krdez: n nyugalmazott knyvszakrt vagyok,
and my wife is engaged in social work for poor felesgem szegny asszonyokrl gondoskod
women. Our son is leaving for the United States and szocilis munks. Fiunk az Egyeslt llamokban l,
we came to see him off. We are Panjabis but we live t ltogattuk. Panjabiak vagyunk, de Delhiben lnk.
in Delhi. We have a Guru of the Radha-Soami faith Radha-Soami hit Gurunk van, s a satsangot
and we value satsang highly. We feel very fortunate nagyra rtkeljk. gy rezzk, nagyon
to be brought here. We have met many holy people szerencssek vagyunk, hogy eljutottunk ide. Sok
and we are glad to meet one more. szent embert lttunk, s boldogok vagyunk, hogy
mg egyel tallkozhatunk.

Maharaj: You have met many anchorites and Maharaj: Lthattatok sok remett s aszktt, de
ascetics, but a fully realised man conscious of his teljesen megvalsult, a sajt istenisgnek
divinity (swarupa) is hard to find. The saints and (swarupa) tudatban lv embert nehezen tallni. A
Yogis, by immense efforts and sacrifices, acquire szentek s Yogik mrhetetlen erfeszts s
many miraculous powers and can do much good in lemonds rn sokfle csodlatos erre tesznek
the way of helping people and inspiring faith, yet it szert, s sok jt tudnak tenni azltal, hogy segtenek
does not make them perfect. It is not a way to az embereknek, s inspirljk a hitet, de ez mgsem
reality, but merely an enrichment of the false. All teszi ket tkletess. Ez az t nem a valsghoz

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
effort leads to more effort; whatever was built up vezet, csupn a valtlansg gyaraptsa. Minden
must be maintained, whatever was acquired must be erfeszts tovbbi erfesztshez vezet; brmi is
protected against decay or loss. Whatever can be kerljn felptsre, azt fenn kell tartani, brmi is
lost is not really one's own; and what is not your own kerljn megszerzsre, azt vdeni kell a romls
of what use can it be to you? In my world nothing is vagy az rtkveszs ellenben. Brmi, ami
pushed about, all happens by itself. All existence is elveszthet, az valjban nem a sajtod; s ami
in space and time, limited and temporary. He who nem a sajtod, annak mi haszna lehet szmodra?
experiences existence is also limited and temporary. Az n vilgomban semmit nem kell erltetni, minden
I am not concerned either with 'what exists' or with magtl trtnik. Minden ltezs id- s trbeli,
'who exists'. I take my stand beyond, where I am korltozott s ideiglenes. A ltezs tapasztalja
both and neither. szintn korltozott s ideiglenes. Rm nem
vonatkozik sem a mi ltezik, sem a ki ltezik. n
The persons who, after much effort and penance, ezeken tl vagyok, ahol mindegyik vagyok s egyik
have fulfilled their ambitions and secured higher sem.
levels of experience and action, are usually acutely
conscious of their standing; they grade people into Akik ambcija sok erfeszts s nsanyargats
hierarchies, ranging from the lowest non-achiever to utn beteljeslt, s a tapasztalat s a cselekvs
the highest achiever. To me all are equal. tern magasabb szintre kerltek, rendszerint ersen
Differences in appearance and expression are there, tudatban vannak ennek a helyzetnek; k az
but they do not matter. Just as the shape of a gold embereket hierarchikba osztjk, a legalacsonyabb
ornament does not affect the gold, so does man's fokon ll nem-megvalsultaktl a legmagasabb
essence remain unaffected. Where this sense of fokozat megvalsultakig. Az n szmomra mind
equality is lacking it means that reality had not been egyforma. Klnbsgek vannak a megjelensben s
touched. a megnyilvnulsban, de ezek nem szmtanak.
Mikppen az arany dsztrgy alakja sincs hatssal
Mere knowledge is not enough; the knower must be az aranyra, gy az ember lnyege is rintetlen
known. The Pandits and the Yogis may know many marad. Akinl az egyenlsgnek ez az rzete
things, but of what use is mere knowledge when the hinyzik, ez azt jelenti, hogy a valsgot nem
self is not known? It will be certainly misused. rintette meg.
Without the knowledge of the knower there can be
no peace. A puszta tuds nem elegend; a tudt kell ismerni. A
Panditok s a Yogik lehet, hogy sok dolgot tudnak,
de mi haszna a puszta tudsnak, amikor nmagt
nem ismeri? Bizotos, hogy tvesen fogja hasznlni
azt. A tud ismerete nlkl nem lehetsges bke.

Q: How does one come to know the knower? K: Hogyan lehet megismerni a tudt?

M: I can only tell you what I know from my own M: Csak arrl beszlhetek, amit sajt tapasztalatbl
experience. When I met my Guru, he told me: 'You tudok. Els tallkozsunk alkalmval a Gurum azt
are not what you take yourself to be. Find out what mondta nekem: Te nem az vagy, aminek tartod
you are. Watch the sense 'I am', find your real self'. I magad. Fedezd fel, mi vagy. Figyeld az n vagyok
obeyed him, because I trusted him. I did as he told rzst, fedezd fel valdi nmagad. Szt fogadtam
me. All my spare time I would spend looking at neki, mert bztam benne. gy tettem, ahogy mondta.
myself in silence. And what a difference it made, and Minden szabad idmet csendes nvizsglattal
how soon. It took me only three years to realise my tltttem. s micsoda vltozs kvetkezett be, s
true nature. My Guru died soon after I met him, but it mily hamar. Kt vig tartott csupn, hogy
made no difference. I remembered what he told me felismerjem igazi termszetemet. Gurum meghalt,
and persevered. The fruit of it is here, with me. rviddel tallkozsunkat kveten, de ez nem
jelentett vltozst. Megjegyeztem, amit mondott
nekem, s rendletlenl kitartottam mellette. A
gymlcse itt van, velem.

Q: What is it? K: Mi az?

M: I know myself as I am in reality. I am neither the M: Annak ismerem nmagam, ami valjban
body, nor the mind, nor the mental faculties. I am vagyok. Sem a test, sem az elme, sem a szellemi
beyond all these. kpessgek nem n vagyok. Mindezeket

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
Q: Are you just nothing? K: Semmi vagy csupn?

M: Come on, be reasonable. Of course I am, most M: Ugyan mr, gondolkodj sszeren.
tangibly. Only I am not what you may think me to be. Termszetesen vagyok, a legkzzelfoghatbb
This tells you all. mdon. Csak nem az vagyok, aminek gondolsz.
Ezzel mindent elmondtam.

Q: It tells me nothing. K: Nekem semmit sem mond.

M: Because it cannot be told. You must gain your M: Mert nem mondhat. Meg kell szerezned a sajt
own experience. You are accustomed to deal with tapasztalataidat. Ahhot szoktl, hogy fizikai s
things, physical and mental. I am not a thing, nor are mentlis dolgokkal bnj. n nem vagyok dolog, s te
you. We are neither matter nor energy, neither body sem. Nem vagyunk sem anyag, sem energia, sem
nor mind. Once you have a glimpse of your own test, sem elme. Ha vetnl egy pillantst sajt
being, you will not find me difficult to understand. ltezsedre, nem tallnd nehznek, hogy megrts
We believe in so many things on hearsay. We
believe in distant lands and people, in heavens and Elhisznk oly sok szbeszdet. Hisznk tvoli
hells, in gods and goddesses, because we were orszgokban s emberekben, mennyorszgokban
told. Similarly, we were told about ourselves, our s poklokban, istenekben s istennkben, mert
parents, name, position, duties and so on. We never hallottunk rluk. Hasonlkppen, hallottunk sajt
cared to verify. The way to truth lies through the magunkrl, szleinkrl, nvrl, pozcirl,
destruction of the false. To destroy the false, you ktelessgekrl s gy tovbb. Soha nem
must question your most inveterate beliefs. Of these foglalkoztunk azzal, hogy ellenrizzk. Az
the idea that you are the body is the worst. With the igazsghoz a hamis lerombolsnak tjn juthatunk.
body comes the world, with the world -- God, who is Ahhoz, hogy leromobold a hamisat, meg kell
supposed to have created the world and thus it krdjelezned legmegcsontosodottabb hiteidet.
starts -- fears, religions, prayers, sacrifices, all sorts Ezek kztt a legrosszabb idea, hogy te a test vagy.
of systems -- all to protect and support the child- A testtel jn a vilg, a vilggal Isten, aki
man, frightened out of his wits by monsters of his felttezetten a vilgot teremtette, s ezzel
own making. Realise that what you are cannot be beindulnak a flelmek, vallsok, imdsgok,
born nor die and with the fear gone all suffering ldozatok, mindenfle rendszerek mindegyik a
ends. gyerek-embert vdelmezi s tmogatja, hallra
rmisztve t a sajt maga ltal ksztett szrnyekkel.
What the mind invents, the mind destroys. But the Ismerd fel, hogy ami vagy, nem tud megszletni,
real is not invented and cannot be destroyed. Hold sem meghalni, s a flelem megsznsvel minden
on to that over which the mind has no power. What I szenveds vget r.
am telling you about is neither in the past nor in the
future. Nor is it in the daily life as it flows in the now. Amit az elme kitall, azt az elme semmisti meg. De
It is timeless and the total timelessness of it is a valsg nem kitallt, s nem lehet
beyond the mind. My Guru and his words: 'You are megsemmisteni. Ragaszkodj ahhoz, ami fltt az
myself' are timelessly with me. In the beginning I had elmnek nincs hatalma. Amirl beszlek, az nem a
to fix my mind on them, but now it has become mltban van, sem a jvben. Sem a mostban foly
natural and easy. The point when the mind accepts napi letben. Idtlen, s totlis idtlensge
the words of the Guru as true and lives by them meghaladja az elmt. Gurum, s szavai: te sajt
spontaneously and in every detail of daily life is the magam vagy, idtlenl velem vannak. Kezdetben
threshold of realisation. In a way it is salvation by rgzteni kellett az elmmet ezekre, de mostanra
faith, but the faith must be intense and lasting. knnyv, s termszetess vlt. A pont, amikor az
elme igaznak fogadja el a Guru szavait, s a szerint
However, you must not think that faith itself is l, spontn mdon, s a napi let minden rszlett
enough. Faith expressed in action is a sure means tekintve, a valsg kszbe. Bizonyos mdon ez hit
to realisation. Of all the means it is the most ltal val dvzts, de a hit ers s tarts kell, hogy
effective. There are teachers who deny faith and legyen.
trust reason only. Actually it is not faith they deny,
but blind beliefs. Faith is not blind. It is the Nem szabad, hogy azt hidd azonban, hogy
willingness to try. magban a hit elegend. A cselekvsben
kifejezd hit a biztos eszkze a megvalsulsnak.
Minden eszkz kzl ez a leghatkonyabb. Vannak
tantk, akik tagadjk, hogy hit s bizalom egyedl
eredmnyre vezethet. k nem a hitet utastjk el

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
valjban, hanem a vakhitet. A hit nem vak. A hit a
megtapasztalsra val hajlandsg.

Q: We were told that of all forms of spiritual K: Azt hallottuk, hogy a spiritulis gyakorlatok kztt
practices the practice of the attitude of a mere a puszta tanknt val viselkeds gyakorlata a
witness is the most efficacious. How does it legeredmnyesebb. Hogyan vethet ez ssze a
compare with faith? hittel?

M: The witness attitude is also faith; it is faith in M: A tanknt viselkeds is hit, hit nmagadban.
oneself. You believe that you are not what you Hiszed, hogy nem az vagy, amit tapasztalsz, s
experience and you look at everything as from a mindent egy bizonyos tvolsgbl szemllsz. A
distance. There is no effort in witnessing. You tansgban nincs erfeszts. Megrted, hogy te
understand that you are the witness only and the csak a tan vagy, s a cselekvsek megrtje.
understanding acts. You need nothing more, just Nincs szksged semmi tbbre, csak arra, hogy
remember that you are the witness only. If in the emlkezz, te csak tan vagy. Ha a tansg
state of witnessing you ask yourself: 'Who am I?', llapotban megkrdezed magadtl: Ki vagyok
the answer comes at once, though it is wordless and n?, a vlasz azonnal megrkezik, mbr az
silent. Cease to be the object and become the szavakba nem nthet, s hangtalan. Hagyd abba,
subject of all that happens; once having turned hogy az objektum lgy, s vlj a szubjektumv
within, you will find yourself beyond the subject. mindennek, ami trtnik; mihelyt befel fordulsz,
When you have found yourself, you will find that you meg fogod nmagadat tallni a szubjektum mgtt.
are also beyond the object, that both the subject and Amikor megtalltad nmagad, gy fogod tallni,
the object exist in you, but you are neither. hogy az objektumon tl is vagy, hogy mind a
szubjektum, mind az objektum benned vannak, de te
egyik sem vagy.

Q: You speak of the mind, of the witnessing K: Beszlsz az elmrl, az elmt meghalad tan
consciousness beyond the mind and of the tudatossgrl, s a tudatossgot meghalad
Supreme, which is beyond awareness. Do you mean Legfelsbbrl. gy rted, hogy mg a tudatossg
to say that even awareness is not real? sem valdi?

M: As long as you deal in terms: real -- unreal; M: Mikzben a valdivaltlan terminusaiban

awareness is the only reality that can be. But the gondolkozol, a tudatossg az egyetlen valsg, ami
Supreme is beyond all distinctions and to it the term ltezhet. De a Legfelsbb meghalad minden
'real' does not apply, for in it all is real and, therefore, megklnbztetst, s r a valdi kifejezs nem
need not be labelled as such. It is the very source of alkalmazhat, mert benne minden valdi, s ezrt
reality, it imparts reality to whatever it touches. It just nem megcmkzhet, mint olyan. Valjban az
cannot be understood through words. Even a direct igazi forrsa a valdinak, amely mindent valsgban
experience, however sublime, merely bears rszest, amit megrint. Csakhogy nem rthet meg
testimony, nothing more. szavakon keresztl. Mg a kzvetlen tapasztalat is,
legyen az brmilyen magasztos, bizonysgot hordoz
csupn, semmi tbbet.

Q: But who creates the world? K: De ki teremti a vilgot?

M: The Universal Mind (chidakash) makes and M: Az Univerzlis Elme (chidakash) a teremtje s
unmakes everything. The Supreme (paramakash) puszttja mindennek. A Legfelsbb (paramakash)
imparts reality to whatever comes into being. To say rszest valsgban mindent, ami ltrejn. Azt
that it is the universal love may be the nearest we mondhatni, az univerzlis szeretethez llhat
can come to it in words. Just like love it makes legkzelebb, amelyet szavakba nthetnk. pp, mint
everything real, beautiful, desirable. a szeretet, mindent valdiv, szpp, kvnatoss

Q: Why desirable? K: Mirt pont kvnatoss?

M: Why not? Wherefrom come all the powerful M: Mirt ne? Azok az erteljes vonzsok, amelyek
attractions that make all created things respond to miatt a teremtett dolgok egymsra hatssal vannak,
each other, that bring people together, if not from the amelyek sszehozzk az embereket, honnan
Supreme? Shun not desire; see only that it flows into szrmaznak ha nem a Legfelsbbtl? Ne kerld a
the right channels. Without desire you are dead. But vgyakat, csak arra figyelj, hogy azok a helyes

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
with low desires you are a ghost. csatornkban ramoljanak. Vgyak nlkl halott
vagy. De alacsony intenzits vgyakkal ksrtet

Q: What is the experience which comes nearest to K: Mi az a tapasztalat, amely a legjobban hasonlt a
the Supreme? Legfelsbbhz?

M: Immense peace and boundless love. Realise that M: A mrhetetlen bke, s hatrtalan szeretet.
whatever there is true, noble and beautiful in the Ismerd fel, hogy brmi igaz, nemes s szp a
universe, it all comes from you, that you yourself are vilgban, az mind belled szrmazik, mert te magad
at the source of it. The gods and goddesses that vagy azok forrsa. Lehet, hogy a vilgot felgyel
supervise the world may be most wonderful and istenek s istennk a legcsodlatosabb s
glorious beings; yet they are like the gorgeously legdicssgesebb lnyek, mgis, olyanok, mint a
dressed servants who proclaim the power and the pazar ltzk szolgk, akik kinyilatkoztatjk
riches of their master. mesterk hatalmt, s gazdagsgt.

Q: How does one reach the Supreme State? K: Hogyan lehet elrni a Legfelsbb llapotot?

M: By renouncing all lesser desires. As long as you M: A kisebb vgyakrl val lemondssal. Amg
are pleased with the lesser, you cannot have the megelgszel a kisebbel, nem lehet a tid a nagyobb.
highest. Whatever pleases you, keeps you back. Brmi, ami kedvedre val, visszatart tged. Amg
Until you realise the unsatisfactoriness of everything, nem bredsz r hogy semmi nem kielgt, minden
its transiency and limitation, and collect your mlkony s korltozott, s nem gyjtd ssze az
energies in one great longing, even the first step is energiidat egyetlen nagy vgydsban, addig mg
not made. On the other hand, the integrity of the csak az els lpst sem tetted meg. Msfell,
desire for the Supreme is by itself a call from the nmagban vve a Legfelsbbre irnyul vgy
Supreme. Nothing, physical or mental, can give you teljessge, a Legfelsbbtl ered hvs. Semmilyen
freedom. You are free once you understand that fizikai vagy mentlis dolog nem tudja megadni
your bondage is of your own making and you cease szmodra a szabadsgot. Szabad vagy, amint
forging the chains that bind you. megrted, hogy ktelkeidet sajt magad kszted,
s felhagysz a lncok kovcsolsval, amelyek

Q: How does one find the faith in a Guru? K: Hogyan lehet elrni, hogy higgyek egy Guruban?

M: To find the Guru and also the trust in him is rare M: Megtallni a Gurut, ugyanakkor a bel vetett hitet
luck. It does not happen often. is, ritka szerencse. Nem tl gyakori.

Q: Is it destiny that ordains? K: A sors rendelse?

M: Calling it destiny explains little. When it happens M: Sorsnak nevezni ezt, gyenge magyarzat.
you cannot say why it happens and you merely Amikor megtrtnik, nem tudod megmondani, mirt
cover up your ignorance by calling it karma or trtnik, s csupn tudatlansgodat palstolod, ha
Grace, or the Will of God. karmnak, Kegyelemnek, vagy Isten Akaratnak

Q: Krishnamurti says that Guru is not needed. K: Krishnamurti azt mondja, nincs szksg Gurura.

M: Somebody must tell you about the Supreme M: Valaki kell, hogy beszljen neked a Legfelsbb
Reality and the way that leads to it. Krishnamurti is Valsgrl s a hozzvezet trl. Krishnamurti
doing nothing else. In a way he is right -- most of the mst sem csinl. Bizonyos tekintetben igazat mond
so-called disciples do not trust their Gurus; they a legtbb gynevezett tantvny nem hisz a
disobey them and finally abandon them. For such Gurujban, nem engedelmeskedik neki, s vgl
disciples it would have been infinitely better if they elhagyja t. Az ilyen tantvnyoknak sokkal jobb
had no Guru at all and just looked within for lenne, ha egyltaln nem lenne Gurujuk, s csak az
guidance. To find a living Guru is a rare opportunity tmutatst tanulmnyoznk. l Gurut tallni ritka
and a great responsibility. One should not treat lehetsg, s nagy ktelezettsggel jr. Az ember
these matters lightly. You people are out to buy ezeket a dolgokat nem tudja knnyen kezelni. Ti azt
yourself the heaven and you imagine that the Guru hiszitek, hogy a mennyorszg megvsrolhat, s
will supply it for a price. You seek to strike a bargain azt kpzelitek, hogy a Guru leszlltja azt egy

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
by offering little but asking much. You cheat nobody bizonyos sszegrt. J zletre trekedve keveset
except yourselves. knltok, de sokat krtek. Senkit nem csaptok be,
magatokat kivve.

Q: You were told by your Guru that you are the K: Elmondsod szerint Gurud azt mondta neked, te
Supreme and you trusted him and acted on it. What vagy a Legfelsbb, s te hittl neki, s e szerint
gave you this trust? cselekedtl. Mit adott neked ez a hit?

M: Say, I was just reasonable. It would have been M: Nzd, n csupn sszeren cselekedtem.
foolish to distrust him. What interest could he rltsg lett volna nem hinni neki. Mi rdeke
possibly have in misleading me? fzdtt volna hozz, hogy flrevezessen?

Q: You told a questioner that we are the same, that K: Az egyik krdeznek azt mondtad, hogy
we are equals. I cannot believe it. Since I do not azonosak vagyunk, hogy egyenlek vagyunk. n
believe it, of what use is your statement to me? nem tudok hinni ebben. s mivel nem hiszek benne,
mi haszna szmomra a kijelentsednek?

M: Your disbelief does not matter. My words are true M: A hitetlensged lnyegtelen. A szavaim igazak,
and they will do their work. This is the beauty of s meg fogjk tenni a maguk dolgt. Ez a szpsge
noble company (satsang). a nemes trsasgnak (satsang).

Q: Just sitting near you can it be considered spiritual K: Csak a kzeledben ls is spiritulis gyakorlatnak
practice? tekinthet?

M: Of course. The river of life is flowing. Some of its M: Termszetesen. Az let folyja folyik. Viznek
water is here, but so much of it has already reached egyik rsze itt van, de elg sok mr clba rt. Te
its goal. You know only the present. I see much csak a jelent ismered. n sokkal messzebb ltok a
further into the past and future, into what you are mltba s a jvbe, abba, ami vagy, s ami lehetsz.
and what you can be. I cannot but see you as n nem tudlak msknt ltni, csak nmagamknt. A
myself. It is in the very nature of love to see no szeretet valdi termszete, hogy nem lt
difference. klnbsget.

Q: How can I come to see myself as you see me? K: Mi kell ahhoz, hogy gy lssam magam, ahogy te
ltsz engem?

M: It is enough if you do not imagine yourself to be M: Elg, ha nem kpzeled magad a testnek. A sok
the body. It is the 'I-am-the-body' idea that is so szerencstlensget az n-vagyok-a-test idea
calamitous. It blinds you completely to your real okozza. Mg egy pillanatra se gondold, hogy a test
nature. Even for a moment do not think that you are vagy. Ne adj magadnak se nevet, se formt. A
the body. Give yourself no name, no shape. In the sttsgben s a csendben tallhat a valsg.
darkness and the silence reality is found.

Q: Must not I think with some conviction that I am K: Nem kell bizonytanom valamikppen, hogy nem
not the body? Where am I to find such conviction? a test vagyok? Hol kell ilyen bizonytkot keresnem?

M: Behave as if you were fully convinced and the M: Viselkedj gy, mintha tkletesen meg lennl
confidence will come. What is the use of mere gyzdve, s a bizonytk jnni fog. Mi haszna
words? A formula, a mental pattern will not help you. puszta szavaknak? Formulk, mentlis mintk nem
But unselfish action, free from all concern with the segtenek rajtad. De a testtel val minden trdstl,
body and its interests will carry you into the very s annak fontossgtl mentes nzetlen cselekedet
heart of Reality. el fog juttatni a Valsg legkzepbe.

Q: Where am I to get the courage to act without K: Honnan vegyem a btorsgot, hogy bizonytk
conviction? nlkl cselekedjek?

M: Love will give you the courage. When you meet M: A szeretet fog neked btorsgot adni. Amikor
somebody wholly admirable, love-worthy, sublime, tallkozol valakivel, aki teljes mrtkben csodlatra
your love and admiration will give you the urge to act s szeretetre mlt, fensges, akkor szereteted s
nobly. csodlatod ad sztnzst szmodra a nemes

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok

Q: Not everybody knows to admire the admirable. K: Nem mindenki tudja csodlni a csodlatra mltt.
Most of the people are totally insensitive. Az emberek tbbsge teljesen rzketlen.

M: Life will make them appreciate. The very weight M: Az let majd rzkelv teszi ket. Valjban a
of accumulated experience will give them eyes to felgylemlett tapasztalat slya fogja kinyitni a
see. When you meet a worthy man, you will love and szemket. Amikor egy arra rdemes emberrel
trust him and follow his advice. This is the role of the tallkozol, szeretni fogod, hinni fogsz neki, s
realised people -- to set an example of perfection for kvetni fogod a tancsait. Ez a szerepe a
others to admire and love. Beauty of life and megvalsult embereknek a tkletessg pldjt
character is a tremendous contribution to the nyjtani a tbbieknek, hogy csodljk s szeressk.
common good. Az let s a karakter szpsge hatalmas
hozzjruls a kzjhoz.

Q: Must we not suffer to grow? K: Nem kell szenvedni a nvekedshez?

M: It is enough to know that there is suffering, that M: Elg azt tudni, hogy van szenveds, hogy a vilg
the world suffers. By themselves neither pleasure szenved. nmagban sem az lvezet, sem a
nor pain enlighten. Only understanding does. Once fjdalom nem vilgost meg. Csak a megrts. Amint
you have grasped the truth that the world is full of megragadtad az igazsgot, hogy a vilg
suffering, that to be born is a calamity, you will find szenvedssel teli, hogy megszletni
the urge and the energy to go beyond it. Pleasure szerencstlensg, meg fogod tallni az sztnzst
puts you to sleep and pain wakes you up. If you do s az energit, hogy tllpj rajta. Az lvezet elaltat,
not want to suffer, don't go to sleep. You cannot s a fjdalom felbreszt. Ha nem akarsz szenvedni,
know yourself through bliss alone, for bliss is your ne aludj el. Nem tudod magad egyedl boldogsgon
very nature. You must face the opposite, what you keresztl megismerni, mert a boldogsg a valdi
are not, to find enlightenment. termszeted. Szembeslnd kell az ellenttvel,
azzal, ami nem te vagy, hogy megtalld a

65. A Quiet Mind is All You Need 65. Csendes elmre van szksged
Questioner: I am not well. I feel rather weak. What Krdez: Nem rzem jl magam. Vagy inkbb
am I to do? gyenge vagyok. Mit kell tennem?

Maharaj: Who is unwell, you or the body? Maharaj: Ki rzi rosszul magt, te, vagy a test?

Q: My body, of course. K: A testem, termszetesen.

M: Yesterday you felt well. What felt well? M: Tegnap jl rezted magad. Mi rezte jl magt?

Q: The body. K: A test.

M: You were glad when the body was well and you M: rvendtl, mikor a test jl volt, s szomorkodsz,
are sad when the body is unwell. Who is glad one amikor a test nincs jl. Ki az aki, az egyik nap rl,
day and sad the next? s a msikon szomor?

Q: The mind. K: Az elme.

M: And who knows the variable mind? M: s ki ismeri a vltoz elmt?

Q: The mind. K: Az elme.

M: The mind is the knower. Who knows the knower? M: Az elme az ismer. Ki ismeri az ismert?

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
Q: Does not the knower know itself? K: Nem az ismer ismeri nmagt?

M: The mind is discontinuous. Again and again it M: Az elme szakaszos mkds. jra s jra
blanks out, like in sleep or swoon, or distraction. ress vlik, mint pldul az alvs, az juls, vagy
There must be something continuous to register az elmezavar llapotaiban. Kell, hogy legyen valami,
discontinuity. ami folyamatos, ami regisztrlja a folyamatossg

Q: The mind remembers. This stands for continuity. K: Az elme emlkezik. Ez folyamatossgot jelent.

M: Memory is always partial, unreliable and M: Az emlkezet mindig rszleges, megbzhatatlan

evanescent. It does not explain the strong sense of s mlkony. Nem magyarzza a tudatossggal
identity pervading consciousness, the sense 'I am'. titatott azonossg ers rzst, az n vagyok
Find out what is at the root of it. rzst. Fedezd fel, hogy ez miben gykerezik.

Q: However deeply I look, I find only the mind. Your K: Akrmilyen mlyre nzek, csak az elmt tallom.
words 'beyond the mind' give me no clue. Szavaid az elmn tl, nem nyomra vezetek

M: While looking with the mind, you cannot go M: Amg az elmvel nzel, nem tudsz mgje
beyond it. To go beyond, you must look away from tekinteni. A mg tekintshez el kell fordulnod az
the mind and its contents. elmtl, s annak tartalmtl.

Q: In what direction am I to look? K: Milyen irnyba nzzek?

M: All directions are within the mind. I am not asking M: Minden irny az elmn bell van. Nem azt krem,
you to look in any particular direction. Just look away hogy valamilyen konkrt irnyba nzz. Csak fordulj
from all that happens in your mind and bring it to the el mindentl, ami az elmdben trtnik, s brd r,
feeling 'I am'. The 'I am' is not a direction. It is the hogy az n vagyok-ot rezze. Az n vagyok nem
negation of all direction. Ultimately even the 'I am' irny. Tagadsa minden irnynak. Vgl, mg az n
will have to go, for you need not keep on asserting vagyok-nak is tvoznia kell, mert nem kell llandan
what is obvious. Bringing the mind to the feeling 'I bizonygatnod, ami nyilvnval. Az elme n vagyok
am' merely helps in turning the mind away from rzsre brsa pusztn az elmnek a minden mstl
everything else. val elfordtst segti.

Q: Where does it all lead me? K: Hov vezet mindez?

M: When the mind is kept away from its M: Az elme az elfoglaltsgaitl eltvolodva
preoccupations, it becomes quiet. If you do not csendess vlik. Ha ezt a csendet nem zavarod
disturb this quiet and stay in it, you find that it is meg s benne maradsz, gy tallod, hogy olyan
permeated with a light and a love you have never fny s szeretet jrja t, amelyet br sohasem
known; and yet you recognise it at once as your own ismertl, mgis azonnal sajt valdi
nature. Once you have passed through this termszetedknt ismered fel. Amint
experience, you will never be the same man again; megtapasztaltad, mr soha tbb nem leszel
the unruly mind may break its peace and obliterate ugyanaz az ember, a fktelen elme sszetrheti
its vision; but it is bound to return, provided the effort bkjt, s elmoshatja ltomst, de vissza kell
is sustained; until the day when all bonds are trnie, ha az alkalmazott erfesztst kitart; addig a
broken, delusions and attachments end and life napig, mikor minden bilincs szttrik, az illzik s
becomes supremely concentrated in the present. ktelkek vget rnek, s az let a legteljesebb
mdon a jelenben koncentrldik.

Q: What difference does it make? K: Ez milyen klnbsget jelent?

M: The mind is no more. There is only love in action. M: Az elme megsznik. Csak cselekv szeretet van.

Q: How shall I recognise this state when I reach it? K: Hogy fogom felismerni az llapotot, mikor

M: There will be no fear. M: Nem lesz flelem.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
Q: Surrounded by a world full of mysteries and K: Rejtlyekkel s veszlyekkel teli vilggal
dangers, how can I remain unafraid? krlzrva, hogyan tudnk flelem nlkli maradni?

M: Your own little body too is full of mysteries and M: A te sajt apr tested is tele van rejtlyekkel s
dangers, yet you are not afraid of it, for you take it as veszlyekkel, mgsem flsz tlk, mert sajtodnak
your own. What you do not know is that the entire tartod azokat. Amit nem tudsz, hogy az egsz
universe is your body and you need not be afraid of univerzum a te tested, s nem kell flned tle.
it. You may say you have two bodies; the personal Mondhatni kt tested van, a szemlyes s az
and the universal. The personal comes and goes, univerzlis. A szemlyes jn s megy, az univerzlis
the universal is always with you. The entire creation mindig veled van. Az egsz teremts a te univerzlis
is your universal body. You are so blinded by what is tested. Annyira elvakt a szemlyes, hogy nem ltod
personal, that you do not see the universal. This az univerzlisat. Ez a vaksg nem fog magtl vget
blindness will not end by itself -- it must be undone rni meg kell semmisteni, felkszlten s
skilfully and deliberately. When all illusions are szndkosan. Amikor minden illzit megrtettl s
understood and abandoned, you reach the error-free elhagytl, elred a hibtlan s tkletes llapotot,
and perfect state in which all distinctions between amelyben a szemlyes s az univerzlis kztt
the personal and the universal are no more. minden klnbsg megsznik.

Q: I am a person and therefore limited in space and K: Szemly vagyok, s ezrt trben s idben
time. I occupy little space and last but a few korltozott. Kis helyet foglalok el, s csak pr
moments; I cannot even conceive myself to be pillanatig maradok fenn, mg csak elkpzelni sem
eternal and all-pervading. tudom magam rkkvalnak s mindenre

M: Nevertheless you are. As you dive deep into M: Mindazonltal, te vagy. Amint mlyen almerlsz
yourself in search of your true nature, you will magadba, igaz termszetedet keresve, felfedezed,
discover that only your body is small and only your hogy csak tested kicsi, s csak emlkezeted rvid;
memory is short; while the vast ocean of life is mikzben tid az let hatrtalan cenja.

Q: The very words 'I' and 'universal' are K: Az n s az univerzlis szavak valjban
contradictory. One excludes the other. ellentmondsosak. Az egyik kizrja a msikat.

M: They don't. The sense of identity pervades the M: Nem teszik. Az azonossg rzse tjrja az
universal. Search and you shall discover the univerzlist. Keresd, s meg fogod tallni az
Universal Person, who is yourself and infinitely Univerzlis Szemlyt, aki te magad vagy, s
more. vgtelenl tbb.

Anyhow, begin by realising that the world is in you, Akrhogyan, kezdd a felismerssel, hogy a vilg
not you in the world. benned van, nem te vagy a vilgban.

Q: How can it be? I am only a part of the world. How K: Hogy lehet ez? n csak rsze vagyok a vilgnak.
can the whole world be contained in the part, except Hogy tudn magban foglalni az egsz vilgot a
by reflection, mirror like? rsz, hacsak nem visszatkrzds ltal keletkezett

M: What you say is true. Your personal body is a M: Igazat mondasz. Szemlyes tested egy rsz,
part in which the whole is wonderfully reflected. But amelyben az egsz csodlatos mdon tkrzdik.
you have also a universal body. You cannot even De van egy univerzlis tested is. Mg csak azt sem
say that you do not know it, because you see and mondhatod, hogy nem tudsz rla, mert ltod, s
experience it all the time. Only you call it 'the world' tapasztalod, folyamatosan. Csak gy hvod azt,
and are afraid of it. hogy a vilg, s flsz tle.

Q: I feel I know my little body, while the other I do K: gy gondolom, kis testemet ismerem, mg a
not know, except through science. msikat nem ismerem, hacsak nem a tudomnyok

M: Your little body is full of mysteries and wonders M: Kis tested tele van ltalad nem ismert rejtlyekkel
which you do not know. There also science is your s csodkkal. A tudomnyok szintn csak segtid.
only guide. Both anatomy and astronomy describe Mind az anatmia, mind az asztronmia tged rnak

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
you. le.

Q: Even If I accept your doctrine of the universal K: Mg ha munka teriaknt el is fogadom, az

body as a working theory, in what way can I test it univerzlis testrl szl elmletedet, mi mdon
and of what use is it to me? tudom azt tesztelni, s mi haszna van szmomra?

M: Knowing yourself as the dweller in both the M: Kt test lakjnak ismerve magad, nem fogsz
bodies you will disown nothing. All the universe will tagadni semmit. Az egsz univerzum a te gyedd
be your concern; every living thing you will love and vlik; minden l dolgot gyngden, s okosan
help most tenderly and wisely. There will be no clash szeretni, s segteni fogsz. Nem lesznek rdek
of interests between you and others. All exploitation sszetkzsek kzted s msok kztt. Minden
will cease absolutely. Your every action will be kizskmnyols teljesen vget fog rni. Minden
beneficial, every movement will be a blessing. cselekedeted hasznos, minden lpsed ldsos

Q: It is all very tempting, but how am I to proceed to K: Mindez nagyon csbt, de hogyan bredjek r
realise my universal being? univerzlis ltemre?

M: You have two ways: you can give your heart and M: Kt utad lehet: szved s elmd az n-
mind to self-discovery, or you accept my words on felfedezsnek szenteled, vagy hitelt adsz
trust and act accordingly. In other words, either you szavaimnak, s annak megfelelen cselekszel. Ms
become totally self-concerned, or totally un-self- szval, teljesen n-rdekeltt vlsz, vagy pedig
concerned. It is the word 'totally' that is important. teljesen n-rdektelenn. Itt a teljesen sz a fontos.
You must be extreme to reach the Supreme. Szlssgess kell vlnod, hogy elrd a

Q: How can I aspire to such heights, small and K: Hogyan vgyakozhatok ilyen magassgokba,
limited as I am? ilyen kicsi s korltoltknt, amilyen vagyok?

M: Realise yourself as the ocean of consciousness M: bredj nmagadra a tudatossg cenjaknt,

in which all happens. This is not difficult. A little of amelyben minden megtrtnhet. Ez nem bonyolult.
attentiveness, of close observation of oneself, and Egy kis figyelem, nmagad gondos megfigyelse, s
you will see that no event is outside your ltni fogod, hogy semmi nem trtnik a te
consciousness. tudatossgodon kvl.

Q: The world is full of events which do not appear in K: A vilg tele van olyan esemnyekkel, amelyek
my consciousness. nem jelennek meg a tudatossgomban.

M: Even your body is full of events which do not M: Mg a tested is tele van olyan esemnyekkel,
appear in your consciousness. This does not amelyek nem jelennek meg a tudatossgodban. Ez
prevent you from claiming your body to be your own. nem gtol meg abban, hogy a testedet a sajtodnak
You know the world exactly as you know your body - tartsad. Pontosan gy ismered a vilgot, ahogy a
- through your senses. It is your mind that has testedet az rzkszerveken keresztl. Az elmd
separated the world outside your skin from the world az, amely elklntette a brdn kvli vilgot a
inside and put them in opposition. This created fear bels vilgtl, s ellenttbe lltotta azokat. Ez
and hatred and all the miseries of living. teremtette a flelmet s a gylletet, s az let
minden gytrelmt.

Q: What I do not follow is what you say about going K: Nem tudom kvetni, amit a tudatossgon val
beyond consciousness. I understand the words, but I tllpsrl mondasz. rtem a szavakat, de nem
cannot visualise the experience. After all, you tudom vizualizlni a tapasztalatot. Vgl is, te
yourself have said that all experience is in magad mondtad, hogy minden tapasztalat a
consciousness. tudatossgban van.

M: You are right, there can be no experience M: Igazad van, tudatossgon tli tapasztalat nem
beyond consciousness. Yet there is the experience lehetsges. Mgis, ltezik a puszta ltezs
of just being. There is a state beyond tapasztalata. Ez egy tudatossgon tli llapot, amely
consciousness, which is not unconscious. Some call nem tudattalan. Sokan ezt szuper-tudatossgnak,
it super-consciousness, or pure consciousness, or tiszta tudatossgnak, vagy legfelsbb
supreme consciousness. It is pure awareness free tudatossgnak nevezik. Ez a tiszta tudatossg

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
from the subject object nexus. mentes a szubjektum-objektum kapcsolattl.

Q: I have studied Theosophy and I find nothing K: Teozfit tanultam, s nem tallom ismersnek
familiar in what you say. I admit Theosophy deals egyltaln, amirl beszlsz. Elismerem, hogy a
with manifestation only. It describes the universe teozfia csak megnyilvnulsokkal foglalkozik. Az
and its inhabitants in great details. It admits many univerzumot, s lakit nagyon rszletesen lerja.
levels of matter and corresponding levels of Elismeri az anyag sok szintjt, s az ezeknek
experience, but it does not seem to go beyond. megfelel tapasztalati szinteket, de ezeken tl nem
What you say goes beyond all experience. If it is not megy. Amirl te beszlsz, az minden tapasztalatot
experienceable, why at all talk about it? meghalad. Ha nem tapasztalhat, minek egyltaln
beszlni rluk?

M: Consciousness is intermittent, full of gaps. Yet M: A tudatossg szakaszos, hzagokkal teli. Az

there is the continuity of identity. What is this sense nazonossgot mgis kontinuits jellemzi. Mitl van
of identity due to, if not to something beyond ez az nazonossg rzet, ha nem valami olyantl,
consciousness? ami tl van a tudatossgon?

Q: If I am beyond the mind, how can I change K: Ha meghaladtam az elmt, hogyan tudom
myself? megvltoztatni nmagam?

M: Where is the need of changing anything? The M: Mirt lenne szksg megvltoztatni brmit is? Az
mind is changing anyhow all the time. Look at your elme valamilyen mdon folyton vltozik. Tekints az
mind dispassionately; this is enough to calm it. elmdre elfogultsg nlkl; ez elg ahhoz, hogy
When it is quiet, you can go beyond it. Do not keep it lecsillaptsd. Amikor csendes, akkor tl tudsz lpni
busy all the time. Stop it -- and just be. If you give it rajta. Ne foglalkoztasd llandan. lltsd le s csak
rest, it will settle down and recover its purity and legyl. Ha pihent adsz neki, le fog telepedni, s
strength. Constant thinking makes it decay. visszanyeri tisztasgt s erejt. Az lland
gondolkods meggyngti.

Q: If my true being is always with me, how is it that I K: Ha igazi ltem mindig velem van, hogy lehet,
am ignorant of it? hogy nem vagyok tudatban?

M: Because it is very subtle and your mind is gross, M: Mert nagyon finom, elmd pedig durva, tele van
full of gross thoughts and feelings. Calm and clarify durva gondolatokkal s rzsekkel. Csillaptsd le, s
your mind and you will know yourself as you are. tiszttsd meg elmdet, s annak fogod ismerni
nmagad, ami vagy.

Q: Do I need the mind to know myself? K: Szksgem van az elmre, hogy ismerjem

M: You are beyond the mind, but you know with your M: Te az elmn tl vagy, de az elmddel ismersz.
mind. It is obvious that the extent, depth and Nyilvnval, hogy a tuds mrtke, mlysge s
character of knowledge depend on what instrument sajtossga attl fgg, hogy milyen eszkzt
you use. Improve your instrument and your hasznlsz. Tedd jobb az eszkzdet, s javulni fog
knowledge will improve. a tudsod.

Q: To know perfectly I need a perfect mind. K: Tkletes tudshoz tkletes elmre van

M: A quiet mind is all you need. All else will happen M: Mindssze csendes elmre van szksged.
rightly, once your mind is quiet. As the sun on rising Minden ms hibtlanul megtrtnik, amint elmd
makes the world active, so does self-awareness elcsendesl. Ahogy a kel nap mkdsbe hozza a
affect changes in the mind. In the light of calm and termszetet, gy hat az n-tudatossg az elme
steady self-awareness inner energies wake up and vltozsnak irnyban. A nyugalom s a szilrd
work miracles without any effort on your part. n-tudatossg fnyben a bels energik
flbrednek, s csodkat mvelnek, anlkl, hogy te
a magad rszrl brmilyen erfesztst tennl.

Q: You mean to say that the greatest work is done K: Azt akarod mondani, hogy a legnagyobb munka
by not working? nem-dolgozssal vgezhet el?

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok

M: Exactly. Do understand that you are destined for M: Pontosan. rtsd meg, hogy a megvilgosods
enlightenment. Co-operate with your destiny, don't sorsod. Mkdj egytt a sorsoddal, ne llj ellen, ne
go against it, dont thwart it. Allow it to fulfil itself. All akadlyozd. Engedd, hogy beteljestse nmagt.
you have to do is to give attention to the obstacles Mindssze annyit kell tenned, hogy figyelmeddel
created by the foolish mind. tnteted ki a bolond elmd ltal ltrehozott

66. All Search for Happiness is Misery 66. Minden boldogsg keress
Questioner: I have come from England and I am on Krdez: Anglibl jvk, Madrasba utazom. Ott
my way to Madras. There I shall meet my father and majd tallkozom apmmal, s kocsival megynk a
we shall go by car overland to London. I am to study kontinensen t, Londonig. Pszicholgit tanulok, de
psychology, but I do not yet know what I shall do mg nem tudom, hogy mit fogok csinlni, miutn
when I get my degree. I may try industrial lediplomzom. Taln munkapszicholgival, vagy
psychology, or psychotherapy. My father is a pszichoterpival prblkozom. Apm ltalnos
general physician, I may follow the same line. orvos, kvethetem ugyanezt a vonalat is.

But this does not exhaust my interests. There are De ez nem elgti ki az rdekldsemet. Vannak
certain questions which do not change with time. I krdsek, amelyek nem vltoznak az idvel. Tudom,
understand you have some answers to such hogy vannak vlaszaid az ilyen krdsekre, ez
questions and this made me come to see you. ksztetett arra, hogy eljjjek hozzd.

Maharaj: I wonder whether I am the right man to Maharaj: Csodlkozom, hogy n vagyok a
answer your questions. I know little about things and megfelel ember, aki megvlaszolja a krdseidet.
people. I know only that I am, and that much you Keveset tudok dolgokrl s emberekrl. n csak azt
also know. We are equals. tudom, hogy n vagyok, s ennyit te is tudsz.
Egyenlk vagyunk.

Q: Of course I know that I am. But I do not know K: Termszetesen, tudom, hogy n vagyok. De nem
what it means. tudom, hogy ez mit jelent.

M: What you take to be the 'I' in the 'I am' is not you. M: Amit az n vagyok n-jnek gondolsz, az nem
To know that you are is natural, to know what you te vagy. Tudni, hogy vagy, termszetes, azt tudni,
are is the result of much investigation. You will have hogy mi vagy, sok kutats eredmnye. Fel kell
to explore the entire field of consciousness and go fedezned a tudatossg teljes terlett, s tl kell
beyond it. For this you must find the right teacher lpned rajta. Ehhez meg kell tallnod a megfelel
and create the conditions needed for discovery. tantt, s meg kell teremtened a felfedezshez
Generally speaking, there are two ways: external szksges feltteleket. Nagy ltalnossgban kt t
and internal. Either you live with somebody who van: kls s bels. Vagy olyan valakivel egytt
knows the Truth and submit yourself entirely to his lsz, aki ismeri az Igazsgot, s teljesen alveted
guiding and moulding influence, or you seek the magad az irnyt, s alakt befolysnak, vagy
inner guide and follow the inner light wherever it megkeresed a bels vezett, s kveted a bels
takes you. In both cases your personal desires and fnyt, brhov is vezessen tged. Mindkt esetben
fears must be disregarded. You learn either by semmibe kell venned szemlyes vgyaidat s
proximity or by investigation, the passive or the flelmeidet. Tanulsz mind az egytt ls, mind a
active way. You either let yourself be carried by the kutats rvn, vagyis a passzv, vagy az aktv
river of life and love represented by your Guru, or mdon. Akr az let folyja, s a Gurud ltal
you make your own efforts, guided by your inner megszemlyestett szeretet ltal viteted magad, akr
star. In both cases you must move on, you must be te magad teszel erfesztseket, bels csillagod
earnest. Rare are the people who are lucky to find vezet. Mindkt esetben haladnod kell, komolynak
somebody worthy of trust and love. Most of them kell lenned. Ritka szerencss az az ember, aki tall
must take the hard way, the way of intelligence and valakit, aki mlt a bizalmra, s szeretetre. A
understanding, of discrimination and detachment legtbbjknek a nehz ton kell haladnia, a belts
(viveka-vairagya). This is the way open to all. s megrts, a megklnbztets, s prtatlansg
(viveka-vairagya) tjn.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok

Q: I am lucky to have come here: though I am K: Boldog vagyok, hogy eljttem: habr holnap mr
leaving tomorrow, one talk with you may affect my tvozom, egy veled val beszlgets az egsz
entire life. letemet befolysolhatja.

M: Yes, once you say 'I want to find Truth', all your M: Igen, amint kijelented, hogy meg akarom tallni
life will be deeply affected by it. All your mental and az Igazsgot, egsz leted ennek mlysges
physical habits, feelings and emotions, desires and hatsa al kerl. Egsz mentlis s fizikai
fears, plans and decisions will undergo a most habitusod, rzseid s rzelmeid, vgyaid s
radical transformation. flelmeid, terveid s dntseid, a legradiklisabb
vltozson mennek keresztl.

Q: Once I have made up my mind to find The K: Miutn felksztettem elmmet A Valsg
Reality, what do I do next? felfedezsre, mi a kvetkez teend?

M: It depends on your temperament. If you are M: Ez a vrmrskletedtl fgg. Ha komoly vagy,

earnest, whatever way you choose will take you to brmilyen utat vlassz, el fog juttatni clodhoz. A
your goal. It is the earnestness that is the decisive komolysg a dnt tnyez.

Q: What is the source of earnestness? K: Mi a forrsa a komolysgnak?

M: It is the homing instinct, which makes the bird M: A hazavezet sztn az, ami visszatrsre
return to its nest and the fish to the mountain stream kszteti a madarat a fszkre, s a halat a hegyi
where it was born. The seed returns to the earth, patakba, ahol szletett. A mag visszatr a fldbe,
when the fruit is ripe. Ripeness is all. amikor a gymlcs megrett. rettsg krdse

Q: And what will ripen me? Do I need experience? K: s mi fog engem megrlelni? Tapasztalatokra
van szksgem?

M: You already have all the experience you need, M: Mr minden tapasztalattal rendelkezel, amire
otherwise you would not have come here. You need szksged van, msklnben nem jttl volna ide.
not gather any more, rather you must go beyond Nem kell tbbet gyjtened, inkbb tl kell lpned a
experience. Whatever effort you make, whatever tapasztalaton. Brmilyen erfesztst teszel,
method (sadhana) you follow, will merely generate brmilyen mdszert (sadhana) kvetsz, az csupn
more experience, but will not take you beyond. Nor mg tbb tapasztalatot eredmnyez, de nem fogsz
will reading books help you. They will enrich your ltala tovbblpni. Knyvek olvassa sem segt.
mind, but the person you are will remain intact. If Gazdagtani fogjk elmdet, de a szemly, aki vagy,
you expect any benefits from your search, material, rintetlen marad. Ha valamilyen elnyt vrsz a
mental or spiritual, you have missed the point. Truth keresstl, legyen az anyagi, mentlis vagy
gives no advantage. It gives you no higher status, no spiritulis, akkor nem rted a lnyeget. Az igazsg
power over others; all you get is truth and the nem biztost elnnyket. Nem biztost sem
freedom from the false. magasabb sttuszt, sem msok feletti hatalmat,
mindssze az igazsgot nyered el, s a hamistl
val megszabadulst.

Q: Surely truth gives you the power to help others. K: Bizonyra az igazsgbl nyered a hatalamat,
hogy segteni tudsz msokon.

M: This is mere imagination, however noble. In truth M: Ez mer fantzils, brmennyire nemes.
you do not help others, because there are no others. Valjban nem segtesz msokon, mert nincsenek
You divide people into noble and ignoble and you msok. Nemesekre s alantasokra osztod az
ask the noble to help the ignoble. You separate, you embereket, s megkred a nemeseket, hogy
evaluate, you judge and condemn -- in the name of segtsenek az alantasokon. Elklntesz, rtkelsz,
truth you destroy it. Your very desire to formulate tlkezel, s rosszallsz elpuszttod az igazsgot a
truth denies it, because it cannot be contained in sajt nevben. Valjban az igazsg szablyokba
words. Truth can be expressed only by the denial of foglalsnak a vgya tagadja azt, mert az nem
the false -- in action. For this you must see the false szavakba nthet. Az igazsg csak a hamis
as false (viveka) and reject it (vairagya). tagadsval fejezhet ki tettekben. Ehhez a

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
Renunciation of the false is liberating and hamisat hamisnak (viveka) kell ltnod, s vissza kell
energizing. It lays open the road to perfection. azt utastanod (vairagya). A hamis elvetse
felszabadt, s energizl. Ez nyitja meg az utat a
tkleteseds fel.

Q: When do I know that I have discovered truth? K: Honnan tudom, hogy felfedeztem az igazsgot?

M: When the idea 'this is true', 'that is true' does not M: Amikor az ez igaz, az igaz gondolata nem merl
arise. Truth does not assert itself, it is in the seeing fel. Az igazsg nem kijelenti nmagt, hanem abban
of the false as false and rejecting it. It is useless to ll, hogy a hamisat hamisnak ltod, s elutastod.
search for truth, when the mind is blind to the false. Haszontalan dolog keresni az igazsgot, amg az
It must be purged of the false completely before elme vak a hamisra. El kell tvoltani a hamisat
truth can dawn on It. teljesen, mieltt az igazsgra megvirradhatna.

Q: But what is false? K: De mi hamis?

M: Surely, what has no being is false. M: Ami nem ltezik, az bizonyosan hamis.

Q: What do you mean by having no being? The K: Hogy rted, hogy nem ltezik? A hamis jelen van,
false is there, hard as a nail. kkemnyen.

M: What contradicts itself, has no being. Or it has M: Ami ellentmond nmagnak, az nem ltezik.
only momentary being, which comes to the same. Vagy csak pillanatnyilag ltezik, ami ugyanaz. Mert,
For, what has a beginning and an end has no aminek van egy kezdete, s egy vge, annak nincs
middle. It is hollow. It has only the name and shape kzepe. Tartalmatlan. Csak az elme ltal adott neve
given to it by the mind, but it has neither substance s formja van, de nincs sem anyaga, sem lnyege.
nor essence.

Q: If all that passes has no being, then the universe K: Ha semmi nem ltezik, ami elmlik, akkor az
has no being either. univerzum sem ltezik.

M: Who ever denies it? Of course the universe has M: Ki tagadta ezt valaha? Termszetesen, az
no being. univerzum sem ltezik.

Q: What has? K: Mi ltezik?

M: That which does not depend for its existence, M: Az, ami nem fgg a ltezstl, ami nem jelenik
which does not arise with the universe arising, nor meg az univerzum megjelensvel, s nem tnik el
set with the universe setting, which does not need az univerzum eltnsvel, aminek nincs szksge
any proof, but imparts reality to all it touches. It is the semmilyen bizonytkra, de valsgban rszest
nature of the false that it appears real for a moment. mindent, amit megrint. A hamisnak az a
One could say that the true becomes the father of termszete, hogy egy pillanatra valsgnak
the false. But the false is limited in time and space mutatkozik. Azt lehetne mondani, hogy az igazsg
and is produced by circumstances. szljv vlik a hamisnak. De a hamis idben s
trben korltozott, s a krlmnyek hozzk ltre.

Q: How am I to get rid of the false and secure the K: Hogyan tvoltsam el a hamisat, s vjam meg a
real? valdit?

M: To what purpose? M: Mi clbl?

Q: In order to live a better, a more satisfactory life, K: Egy jobb, sokkal kielgtbb, teljes, s boldog
integrated and happy. let rdekben.

M: Whatever is conceived by the mind must be M: Az elme akrmit felfog, annak hamisnak kell
false, for it is bound to be relative and limited. The lennie, mert csak viszonylagoshoz, s korltozotthoz
real is inconceivable and cannot be harnessed to a ktdhet. A valdi felfoghatatlan, s nem clhoz
purpose. It must be wanted for its own sake. kthet. Azt a sajt kedvrt kell kvnni.

Q: How can I want the inconceivable? K: Hogy kvnhatnm a felfoghatatlant?

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok

M: What else is there worth wanting? Granted, the M: Milyen ms rtk van, amit kvnni lehet?
real cannot be wanted, as a thing is wanted. But you Elismerem, a valdit nem lehet gy kvnni, ahogy
can see the unreal as unreal and discard it. It is the egy dolgot kvnunk. De lthatod valtlannak a
discarding the false that opens the way to the true. valtlant, s elvetheted. A hamis elvetse az, ami
megnyitja az utat az igaz eltt.

Q: I understand, but how does it look in actual daily K: rtem, de ez hogy nz ez ki az adott, mindennapi
life? letben?

M: Self-interest and self-concern are the focal points M: Az nrdek s az ntrds a hamis
of the false. Your daily life vibrates between desire fkuszpontjai. Mindennapi leted vgy s flelem
and fear. Watch it intently and you will see how the kztt leng. Figyeld elszntan, s ltni fogod, hogy
mind assumes innumerable names and shapes, like az elme, sziklk kzt habz folyknt, hogyan lt
a river foaming between the boulders. Trace every magra megszmllhatatlan nevet s formt.
action to its selfish motive and look at the motive Kvess nyomon minden ns indtkot, s figyeld
intently till it dissolves. elszntan az indtkot, amg szerte nem foszlik.

Q: To live, one must look after oneself, one must K: A meglhetshez az embernek gondoskodnia
earn money for oneself. kell magrl, pnzt kell keresnie.

M: You need not earn for yourself, but you may have M: Nem szksges, hogy nmagadrt pnzt keress,
to -- for a woman and a child. You may have to keep de megteheted felesgedrt s gyermekeidrt.
on working for the sake of others. Even just to keep Folytathatsz munklkodst msok rdekben. Mg
alive can be a sacrifice. There is no need a puszta letben marads is lehet ldozat. Akrhogy
whatsoever to be selfish. Discard every self-seeking legyen is, nem szksges, hogy nz lgy. Vess el
motive as soon as it is seen and you need not minden nz motvumot, amint szreveszed, s nem
search for truth; truth will find you. kell az igazsgot keresned, az igazsg meg fog
tallni tged.

Q: There is a minimum of needs. K: Vannak minimlis szksgletek.

M: Were they not supplied since you were M: Nem voltak ezek kielgtve szletsedtl
conceived? Give up the bondage of self-concern kezdve? Add fel az ntrds igjt, s lgy, ami
and be what you are -- intelligence and love in vagy cselekv megrts, s szeretet.

Q: But one must survive. K: De az embernek letben kell maradnia.

M: You can't help surviving. The real you is timeless M: Nem tudod segteni a tllst. A valdi nmagad
and beyond birth and death. And the body will idtlen, s szlets s hall felett ll. s a test akar
survive as long as it is needed. It is not important letben maradni, amg csak lehet. Nem fontos, hogy
that it should live long. A full life is better than a long sokig fog-e lni. A teljes let jobb, mint a hossz
life. let.

Q: Who is to say what is a full life? It depends on my K: Ki tudja megmondani, hogy mi a teljes let? Ez
cultural background. az n kulturlis htteremtl fgg.

M: If you seek reality you must set yourself free of all M: Ha valsgot keresel, meg kell szabadulnod
backgrounds, of all cultures, of all patterns of mindenfle httrtl, mindenfle kultrtl,
thinking and feeling. Even the idea of being man or mindenfle gondolkodsi s rzelmi minttl. Mg
woman, or even human, should be discarded. The azt az idet is el kell vetned, hogy mi vagy, frfi,
ocean of life contains all, not only humans. So, first vagy n, de mg azt is, hogy ember. Az let cenja
of all abandon all self-identification, stop thinking of mindent magban foglal, nem csak az embereket.
yourself as such-and-such, so-and-so, this or that. Teht, elszr is hagyj fel minden nazonosulssal,
Abandon all self-concern, worry not about your hagyd abba, hogy nmagadra gy gondolsz, mint
welfare, material or spiritual, abandon every desire, ami ilyen s ilyen, ez s ez, ez vagy az. Hagyj fel
gross or subtle, stop thinking of achievement of any minden ntrdssel, ne aggdj a jlted miatt,
kind. You are complete here and now, you need legyen az anyagi vagy spiritulis, hagyj fel minden
absolutely nothing. vggyal, legyen az durva vagy finom, hagyd abba,

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
hogy brmi mdon teljestmnyekben gondolkodj.
It does not mean that you must be brainless and Te itt s most teljes vagy, abszolt semmire nincs
foolhardy, improvident or indifferent; only the basic szksged.
anxiety for oneself must go. You need some food,
clothing and shelter for you and yours, but this will Ez azt nem jelenti, hogy ostobnak,
not create problems as long as greed is not taken for meggondolatlannak, knnyelmnek vagy
a need. Live in tune with things as they are and not kznysnek kell lenned, alapveten csak az
as they are imagined. nmagadrt val aggdst kell elhagyni. Szksg
van nmi telre, ltzkre s fedlre neked, s
tieidnek, de ez nem fog problmkat tmasztani,
amg a kapzsisg miatt nem visz r a szksg. lj
sszhangban a dolgokkal, ahogy azok vannak, s
ne gy, ahogy azokat elkpzeled.

Q: What am I if not human? K: Mi vagyok, ha nem ember?

M: That which makes you think that you are a M: Az, ami azt gondoltatja veled, hogy ember vagy,
human is not human. It is but a dimensionless point nem ember. Csak egy kiterjeds nlkli pont a
of consciousness, a conscious nothing; all you can tudatossgban, egy tudatos semmi, mindssze
say about yourself is: 'I am.' You are pure being -- annyit tudsz magadrl mondani, hogy n vagyok.
awareness -- bliss. To realise that is the end of all Te a tiszta lt tudat dv vagy. Ennek
seeking. You come to it when you see all you think felismersekor minden keress vget r. Akkor red
yourself to be as mere imagination and stand aloof el, amikor ltod, hogy minden, aminek gondolod
in pure awareness of the transient as transient, magad, puszta kpzelds, s tvol esik annak
imaginary as imaginary, unreal as unreal. It is not at tiszta tudattl, hogy az tmeneti az tmeneti, az
all difficult, but detachment is needed. It is the elkpzelt az elkpzelt, a valtlan az valtlan. Ez
clinging to the false that makes the true so difficult to egyltaln nem bonyolult, de elfogulatlansg
see. Once you understand that the false needs time szksges hozz. A hamishoz val tapads az, ami
and what needs time is false, you are nearer the az igazsg megltst oly nehzz teszi. Amikor
Reality, which is timeless, ever in the now. Eternity megrted, hogy a hamishoz id kell, s amihez id
in time is mere repetitiveness, like the movement of kell, az hamis, akkor kzelebb vagy a Valsghoz,
a clock. It flows from the past into the future amely idtlen, rkk mostbeli. Az idbeli
endlessly, an empty perpetuity. Reality is what rkkvalsg puszta ismtlds, olyan, mint az ra
makes the present so vital, so different from the past mozgsa. A mltbl a jvbe ramlik vg nlkl,
and future, which are merely mental. If you need res rkkvalsgban. A valsg az, ami a jelent
time to achieve something, it must be false. The real oly elevenn teszi, oly eltrv a mlttl s a jvtl,
is always with you; you need not wait to be what you amelyek pusztn mentlisak. Ha idre van
are. Only you must not allow your mind to go out of szksged, hogy elrj valamit, az hamis kell legyen.
yourself in search. When you want something, ask A valdi mindig veled van, nem kell vrnod, hogy az
yourself: do I really need it? And if the answer is no, lgy, ami vagy. Csak nem szabad engedned, hogy
then just drop it. elmd nmagadon kvl keressen. Amikor kvnsz
valamit, krdezd meg nmagad: valban szksgem
van r? s ha a vlasz nem, akkor csak ereszd el.

Q: Must I not be happy? I may not need a thing, yet K: Nem lehetek boldog? Nem lehet szksgem egy
if it can make me happy, should I not grasp it? dologra, ha az boldogg tenne, nem szerezhetem

M: Nothing can make you happier than you are. All M: Semmi nem tehet boldogabb, mint ami vagy. A
search for happiness is misery and leads to more boldogsg mindenfle keresse szenvedssel jr,
misery. The only happiness worth the name is the s mg tbb szenvedshez vezet. Az egyetlen, ami,
natural happiness of conscious being. ami kirdemli a boldogsg nevet, a tudatos lt
termszetes boldogsga.

Q: Don't I need a lot of experience before I can K: Nem szksges sokat tapasztalnom, mieltt
reach such a high level of awareness? elrhetem a tudat ilyen magas szintjt?

M: Experience leaves only memories behind and M: A tapasztalatok a memria aljra lepednek
adds to the burden which is heavy enough. You csupn, s hozzaddnak teherhez, ami mr
need no more experiences. The past ones are meglehetsen nehz. Nincs szksged tbb

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
sufficient. And if you feel you need more, look into tapasztalatra. Az emberi mlt elegend. s ha gy
the hearts of people around you. You will find a rzed, tbbre van szksged, nzz a krltted lv
variety of experiences which you would not be able emberek szvbe. A tapasztalatok nagy vlasztkt
to go through in a thousand years. Learn from the fogod tallni, amin vezredek alatt sem lennl kpes
sorrows of others and save yourself your own. It is tmenni. Tanulj msok szomorsgbl, s kmld
not experience that you need, but the freedom from meg tlk sajt magad. Nem tapasztalat az, amire
all experience. Don't be greedy for experience; you szksged van, hanem a minden tapasztalattl val
need none. szabadsg. Ne vgyakozz tapasztalatra, egyre sincs

Q: Don't you pass through experiences yourself? K: Nem msz-e t tapasztalatokon te magad is?

M: Things happen round me, but I take no part in M: Dolgok trtnnek krlttem, de n nem veszek
them. An event becomes an experience only when I rszt bennk. Egy esemny csak akkor vlik
am emotionally involved. I am in a state which is tapasztalatt, ha rzelmileg megrint. n olyan
complete, which seeks not to improve on itself. Of llapotban vagyok, amely teljes, amely nem
what use is experience to me? trekszik nmaga javtsra. Mi a haszna lenne
szmomra a tapasztalatnak?

Q: One needs knowledge, education. K: Az embernek tudsra, mveltsgre van


M: To deal with things knowledge of things is M: Dolgokkal val bnshoz dolgokkal kapcsolatos
needed. To deal with people, you need insight, tudsra van szksg. Emberekkel val bnshoz
sympathy. To deal with yourself you need nothing. intucira, egyttrzsre van szksg. A magaddal
Be what you are: conscious being and don't stray val bnshoz semmire nincs szksged. Lgy, ami
away from yourself. vagy: tudatos lt, s ne tvelyegj el nmagadtl.

Q: University education is most useful. K: Az egyetemi oktats nagyon hasznos.

M: No doubt, It helps you to earn a living. But it does M: Nem ktsges, segt, hogy megkeresd, ami a
not teach you how to live. You are a student of meglhetshez szksges. De nem tantja meg,
psychology. It may help you in certain situations. But hogy kell lni. Te pszicholgia szakos hallgat vagy.
can you live by psychology? Life is worthy of the Ez segtsgedre lehet bizonyos szitucikban. De
name only when it reflects Reality in action. No meg tudsz-e lni pszicholgibl? Az let csak
university will teach you how to live so that when the akkor mlt a nevre, ha a Valsgot tettekben
time of dying comes, you can say: I lived well I do tkrzi. Semmilyen egyetem nem fog megtantani,
not need to live again. Most of us die wishing we hogyan kell gy lni, hogy amikor kzeleg a hall
could live again. So many mistakes committed, so pillanata, azt mondhasd: helyesen ltem, nem kell
much left undone. Most of the people vegetate, but lnem ismt. Legtbbnk a hallakor azt kvnja,
do not live. They merely gather experience and brcsak lehetne egy j lete. Oly sok hibt
enrich their memory. But experience is the denial of elkvettnk, oly sok mindent befejezetlenl
Reality, which is neither sensory nor conceptual, hagytunk. A legtbb ember nem l, csak vegetl. k
neither of the body, nor of the mind, though it tapasztalatokat gyjtenek csupn, a memrijukat
includes and transcends both. gazdagtjk. De a tapasztals tagadsa a
Valsgnak, amely sem nem rzki, sem nem
fogalmi, sem nem a test, sem nem az elm, noha
mindegyiket magban foglalja, s meghaladja.

Q: But experience is most useful. By experience you K: De a tapasztalat nagyon hasznos. Tapasztalat
learn not to touch a flame. ltal tanulod meg, hogy ne nylj a tzbe.

M: I have told you already that knowledge is most M: Beszltem mr rla, hogy a tuds nagyon
useful in dealing with things. But it does not tell you hasznos, ha dolgokkal bnsz. De abban nem segt,
how to deal with people and yourself, how to live a hogyan kell bnni az emberekkel s nmagaddal,
life. We are not talking of driving a car, or earning hogyan kell lni az letet. Nem gpkocsivezetsrl,
money. For this you need experience. But for being vagy pnzkeressrl beszlnk. Ehhez tapasztalatra
a light unto yourself material knowledge will not help van szksged. De minthogy fny vagy, a materilis
you. You need something much more intimate and tuds nem segt rajtad. Kzvettett tudsnl valami
deeper than mediate knowledge, to be your self in sokkal meghittebb s mlyebb dologra van

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
the true sense of the word. Your outer life is szksged ahhoz, hogy a sz igazi rtelmben
unimportant. You can become a night watchman nmagad lgy. Klsdleges leted nem fontos.
and live happily. It is what you are inwardly that jjelir is lehetsz, s mgis lehet boldog az leted.
matters. Your inner peace and joy you have to earn. Ami belsleg vagy, az a lnyeg. Bels bkdet s
It is much more difficult than earning money. No rmdet neked kell megszerezned. Ez sokkal
university can teach you to be yourself. The only nehezebb, mint a pnz keress. Arra semmilyen
way to learn is by practice. Right away begin to be egyetem nem tud megtantani, hogy nmagad lgy.
yourself. Discard all you are not and go ever deeper. A tanuls egyetlen mdja a a gyakorls. Most
Just as a man digging a well discards what is not azonnal kezdj el nmagad lenni. Vess el mindent,
water, until he reaches the water-bearing strata, so ami nem te vagy, s menj egyre mlyebbre. pp
must you discard what is not your own, till nothing is gy, ahogy a kutat s elvet mindent, ami nem vz,
left which you can disown. You will find that what is mindaddig, amg vztart rteghez nem r, gy kell
left is nothing which the mind can hook on to. You neked elvetned mindazt, ami nem a te sajtod,
are not even a human being. You just are -- a point mindaddig, amg semmi nem marad, amit meg tudsz
of awareness, co-extensive with time and space and tagadni. Ltni fogod, hogy semmi olyan nem marad,
beyond both, the ultimate cause, itself uncaused. If amibe az elme bele tud kapaszkodni. Mg emberi
you ask me: 'Who are you?' My answer would be: lny sem vagy. Te csak gy vagy a tudatnak egy
'Nothing in particular. Yet, I am.' pontja, azonos terjedelm idvel s trrel, s
mindkettn tl van, a vgs ok, maga az nmagtl
val. Ha krdend tlem: Ki vagy te?, a vlaszom
az lenne: Semmifle egyedi. Mgis vagyok.

Q: If you are nothing in particular, then you must be K: Ha nem egyedi vagy, akkor univerzlisnak kell
the universal. lenned.

M: What is to be universal -- not as a concept, but M: Aminek univerzlisnak kell lennie nem fogalom,
as a way of life? Not to separate, not to oppose, but hanem letmd? Nem elklnlni, nem szemben
to understand and love whatever contacts you, is llni, hanem megrteni s szeretni brmi olyat, ami
living universally. To be able to say truly: I am the kapcsolatba kerl veled, ez az univerzlis let.
world, the world is me, I am at home in the world, Kpesnek lenni, hogy szintn azt mondd: n
the world is my own. Every existence is my vagyok a vilg, a vilg azonos velem, otthon vagyok
existence, every consciousness is my a vilgban, a vilg az n sajtom. Minden ltezs az
consciousness, every sorrow is my sorrow and n ltezsem, minden tudatossg az n
every joy is my joy -- this is universal life. Yet, my tudatossgom, minden szomorsg az n
real being, and yours too, is beyond the universe szomorsgom, s minden rm az n rmem ez
and, therefore, beyond the categories of the az univerzlis let. Az n valdi ltem, s a tid is,
particular and the universal. It is what it is, totally mgis meghaladja az univerzumot, s ezrt
self-contained and independent. meghaladja az egyedi s az univerzlis kategriit.
Az ami, teljesen nmagban zrt, s fggetlen.

Q: I find it hard to understand. K: Ezt nehz megrtenem.

M: You must give yourself time to brood over these M: Adj idt magadnak, hogy eltndj e dolgok felett.
things. The old grooves must be erased in your A rgi barzdknak trldnik kell az agyadbl, jak
brain, without forming new ones. You must realise kialakulsa nlkl. A megmozdthatatlanknt kell
yourself as the immovable, behind and beyond the felismerned nmagad, ami a mozdthat mgtt s
movable, the silent witness of all that happens. tl van, csendes tanjaknt mindennek, ami trtnik.

Q: Does it mean that I must give up all idea of an K: Ez azt jelenti, hogy fel kell adnom az aktv letrl
active life? minden elkpzelst?

M: Not at all. There will be marriage, there will be M: Egyltaln nem. Hzas leszel, gyermekeid
children, there will be earning money to maintain a lesznek, pnzt fogsz keresni, hogy eltartsd a
family; all this will happen in the natural course of csaldod; mindezek az esemnyek termszetes
events, for destiny must fulfil itself; you will go folyamatban trtnnek, mert a sorsnak be kell
through it without resistance, facing tasks as they tejestenie nmagt; ellenllsmentesen tmsz
come, attentive and thorough, both in small things ezeken, szembeslve a dolgokkal, ahogy azok
and big. But the general attitude will be of jnnek, figyelmesen s alaposan, mind a kis, mind a
affectionate detachment, enormous goodwill, without nagy dolgokban. De ltalnos hozzllsod
expectation of return, constant giving without asking. szeretetteljes prtatlansg, viszonzs elvrsa

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
In marriage you are neither the husband nor the nlkli mrhetetlen jindulat, krs nlkli lland
wife; you are the love between the two. You are the ads lesz. A hzassgban nem vagy sem a frj,
clarity and kindness that makes everything orderly sem a felesg, a kett kztti szeretet vagy. Te vagy
and happy. It may seem vague to you, but if you a vilgossg s a jsg, ami mindent rendbe hoz, s
think a little, you will find that the mystical is most boldogg tesz. Ez homlyosnak tnhet szmodra,
practical, for it makes your life creatively happy. de ha gondolkozol kicsit, r fogsz jnni, hogy a
Your consciousness is raised to a higher dimension, titokzatos a legcldzerbb, mert az teszi letedet
from which you see everything much clearer and pt mdon boldogg. Tudatossgod magasabb
with greater intensity. You realise that the person dimenziba emelkedik, ahonnan mindent sokkal
you became at birth and will cease to be at death is tisztbban, s nagyobb intenzitssal ltsz.
temporary and false. You are not the sensual, Felismered, hogy a szemly, aki szletseddel lettl,
emotional and intellectual person, gripped by desires s akinek halloddal meg kell sznnie, tmeneti, s
and fears. Find out your real being. What am l? is hamis. Te nem az rzki, rzelmi s intellektulis
the fundamental question of all philosophy and szemly vagy, akit vgyak s flelmek ragadnak
psychology. Go into it deeply. magukkal. Fedezd fel valdi ltedet. Mi vagyok n?
Ez az alapkrdse minden filozfinak s
pszicholginak. Merlj bele mlyen.

67. Experience is not the Real Thing 67. A tapasztalat nem a valsgos dolog
Maharaj: The seeker is he who is in search of Maharaj: A keres az, aki nmagt kutatja.
himself. Soon he discovers that his own body he Hamarosan felfedezi, hogy nem lehet a sajt teste.
cannot be. Once the conviction: 'I am not the body' Mihelyt az n nem a test vagyok meggyzds
becomes so well grounded that he can no longer annyira megalapozott, hogy tbb nem a test
feel, think and act for and on behalf of the body, he rdekben rez, gondolkodik s cselekszik,
will easily discover that he is the universal being, knnyszerrel fel fogja fedezni, hogy az
knowing, acting, that in him and through him the univerzlis lt, tuds, cselekvs, hogy benne s
entire universe is real, conscious and active. This is ltala az egsz univerzum valsgos, tudatos, s
the heart of the problem. Either you are body- tevkeny. Ez a problma veleje. Vagy test-tudatos
conscious and a slave of circumstances, or you are vagy, s a krlmnyeknek alrendelt, vagy pedig te
the universal consciousness itself -- and in full vagy maga az univerzlis tudatossg s totlisan
control of every event. ellenrzl minden esemnyt.

Yet consciousness, individual or universal, is not my De mg a tudatossg individulis vagy univerzlis

true abode; I am not in it, it is not mine, there is no sem az n igazi tartzkodsi helyem; nem vagyok
'me' in it. I am beyond, though it is not easy to benne, az nem az enym, nincs benne n. Felette
explain how one can be neither conscious, nor llok, noha nem knny elmagyarzni, hogyan lehet
unconscious, but just beyond. I cannot say that I am valaki sem tudatos, sem tudattalan, hanem ppen,
in God or I am God; God is the universal light and hogy ezeken tli. Nem tudom azt mondani, hogy
love, the universal witness: I am beyond the Istenben vagyok, vagy Isten vagyok; Isten az
universal even. univerzlis fny, s szeretet, az univerzlis tan: n
mg az univerzlisnak is felette llok.

Questioner: In that case you are without name and Krdez: Ez esetben nv s forma nlkli vagy.
shape. What kind of being have you? Milyen jellemzi a ltedet?

M: I am what I am, neither with form nor formless, M: Vagyok, ami vagyok, sem formval rendelkez,
neither conscious nor unconscious. I am outside all sem forma nlkli, sem tudatos, sem tudattalan. n
these categories. kvl vagyok mindezen kategrikon.

Q: You are taking the neti-neti (not this, not this) K: Te a neti-neti (nem ez, nem ez) felfogst vallod.

M: You cannot find me by mere denial. I am as well M: Nem vagyok felfedezhet puszta tagads rvn.
everything, as nothing. Nor both, nor either. These n ugyangy vagyok minden, mint ahogy semmi.
definitions apply to the Lord of the Universe, not to Sem mindkett, sem valamelyik. Ezek a
me. meghatrozsok az Univerzum Urra rvnyesek,

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
nem nrm.

Q: Do you intend to convey that you are just nothing. K: Azt akarod kifejezni, hogy te csupn semmi vagy.

M: Oh, no. I am complete and perfect. I am the M: , nem. Teljes vagyok, s tkletes. n a lt
beingness of being, the knowingness of knowing, ltezsge, a megrts megrtssge, a boldogsg
the fullness of happiness. You cannot reduce me to teljessge vagyok. Nem reduklhatsz le engem az
emptiness. ressgre.

Q: If you are beyond words, what shall we talk K: Ha szavakon tli vagy, mirl fogunk beszlni? A
about? Metaphysically speaking, what you say holds metafizikai eladsod egysges, nem tartalmaz
together; there is no inner contradiction. But there is bels ellentmondst. De amit mondasz, abban nem
no food for me in what you say. It is so completely tallok a magam szmra tpllkot. Srgs
beyond my urgent needs. When I ask for bread, you szksgleteimet teljesen meghalad dolgok. Ha
are giving jewels. They are beautiful, no doubt, but I kenyeret krek, drgakveket adsz. Szpek ezek,
am hungry. nem ktsges, de n hes vagyok.

M: It is not so. I am offering you exactly what you M: Ez nem gy van. n pontosan azt ajnlom fel
need -- awakening. You are not hungry and you szmodra, amire szksged van felbredst. Te
need no bread. You need cessation, relinquishing, nem hes vagy, s nincs szksged kenyrre.
disentanglement. What you believe you need is not Megsznsre, feladsra, kiszabadulsra van
what you need. Your real need I know, not you. You szksged. Amit szksgletednek hiszel, nem arra
need to return to the state in which I am -- your van szksged. Valdi szksgletedet n ismerem,
natural state. Anything else you may think of is an nem te. Vissza kell trned abba az llapotba,
illusion and an obstacle. Believe me, you need amelyben n vagyok a te termszetes
nothing except to be what you are. You imagine you llapotodba. Brmi mst gondolsz, az illzi, s
will increase your value by acquisition. It is like gold akadly. Higgy nekem, semmi msra nincs
imagining that an addition of copper will improve it. szksged, kivve, hogy az lgy, ami vagy. Azt
Elimination and purification, renunciation of all that is kpzeled, hogy szerzssel nvekedni fog az
foreign to your nature is enough. All else is vanity. rtked. Ez olyan, mint amikor az arany azt kpzeli,
hogy a vrsrz hozzadsa feljavtja. Elegend, ha
eltvoltod, kitiszttod magadbl, feladod a
termszetedtl idegen dolgokat. Minden ms

Q: It is easier said than done. A man comes to you K: Knnyebb mondani, mint csinlni. Jn valaki,
with stomach-ache and you advise him to disgorge hogy fj a gyomra, s te azt a tancsot adod neki,
his stomach. Of course, without the mind there will hogy hnyja ki, ami a gyomrban van. Termszetes,
be no problems. But the mind is there -- most hogy elme nlkl semmifle problma nem lesz. De
tangibly. az elme ltezik a legkzzelfoghatbb mdon.

M: It is the mind that tells you that the mind is there. M: Azt, hogy az elme ltezik, az elme mondja neked.
Don't be deceived. All the endless arguments about Ne hagyd magad becsapni. Az elmrl szl vg
the mind are produced by the mind itself, for its own nlkli rveket maga az elme produklja, sajt
protection, continuation and expansion. It is the vdelme, fennmaradsa, s terjeszkedse
blank refusal to consider the convolutions and rdekben. Az elmn az segthet tl, ha egyszeren
convulsions of the mind that can take you beyond it. elutastod, hogy trdj a szvevnyeivel s

Q: Sir, I am an humble seeker, while you are the K: Tisztelt Uram, n egy alzatos keres vagyok,
Supreme Reality itself. Now the seeker approaches mg te maga a Legfelsbb Valsg vagy. Most a
the Supreme in order to be enlightened. What does keres folyamodik a Legfelsbbhz, hogy
the Supreme do? megvilgosodhasson. Mit csinl a Legfelsbb?

M: Listen to what I keep on telling you and do not M: Hallgasd, amit mondok, s ne tgts tle. Mindig
move away from it. Think of it all the time and of arra gondolj, s semmi msra. Ha eljutottl idig,
nothing else. Having reached that far, abandon all hagyj el minden gondolatot, nem csak a vilgra, de
thoughts, not only of the world, but of yourself also. az nmagadra vonatkozkat is. Maradj minden
Stay beyond all thoughts, in silent being-awareness. gondolat feletti, csendes lt-tudatban. Ez nem
It is not progress, for what you come to is already fejldst jelent, mert amiv vlsz, az mr benned

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
there in you, waiting for you. van, rd vrakozva.

Q: So you say I should try to stop thinking and stay K: Azt mondod, teht, hogy trekedjek a
steady in the idea: 'I am'. gondolkods meglltsra, s szilrdan maradjak
az n vagyok gondolatban?

M: Yes, and whatever thoughts come to you in M: Igen, s brmilyen gondolat keletkezik benned az
connection with the 'I am', empty them of all n vagyok-kal kapcsolatosan, tedd jelents
meaning, pay them no attention. nlkliv, ne figyelj r.

Q: I happen to meet many young people coming K: Trtnetesen sok nyugati fiatallal tallkozom, s
from the West and I find that there is a basic gy ltom, alapveten msok, mint az indiaiak. gy
difference when I compare them to the Indians. It ltom, mint hogyha az szellemk (antahkarana)
looks as if their psyche (antahkarana) is different. msmilyen lenne. Az n, Valsg, tiszta elme,
Concepts like Self, Reality, pure mind, universal univerzlis tudatossg fogalmak az indiai elme
consciousness the Indian mind grasps easily. They szmra knnyen rthetek. Ismers csengsek,
ring familiar, they taste sweet. The Western mind kellemesen hangzanak. A nyugati elmre viszont
does not respond, or just rejects them. It concretises nincsenek ilyen hatssal, vagy ppen hogy
and wants to utilise at once in the service of elutastsba tkznek, konkretizlva azokat, azonnal
accepted values. These values are often personal: az elfogadott rtkek szolglatba akarja lltani.
health, well-being, prosperity; sometimes they are Ezek az rtkek gyakran szemlyesek: egszsg,
social -- a better society, a happier life for all; all are jlt, boldoguls; nha trsadalmiak jobb
connected with worldly problems, personal or trsadalom, boldogabb let mindenki szmra;
impersonal. Another difficulty one comes across mindezek, szemlyes vagy szemlytelen mdon,
quite often in talking with the Westerners is that to evilgi problmkhoz kapcsoldnak. Egy msik
them everything is experience -- as they want to nehzsggel is gyakran tallkozni, ha nyugatiakkal
experience food, drink and women, art and travels, beszlsz, hogy szmukra minden tapasztalat
so do they want to experience Yoga, realisation and ahogy az teleket, italokat, nket, a mvszetet s
liberation. To them it is just another experience, to az utazst tapasztaljk, ugyangy akarjk
be had for a price. They imagine such experience tapasztalni a Yogt, a megvalsulst s a
can be purchased and they bargain about the cost. megszabadulst is. Szmukra ez csupn egy jabb
When one Guru quotes too high, in terms of time tapasztalat, amelynek ra van. gy kpzelik, hogy
and effort, they go to another, who offers instalment az effle tapasztalat megvsrolhat, s alkudoznak
terms, apparently very easy, but beset with az rrl. Amikor az egyik Guru idben s
unfulfillable conditions. It is the old story of not erfesztsben mrve tl magas rat kr, akkor
thinking of the grey monkey when taking the tmennek egy msikhoz, aki rszletfizetsi
medicine. In this case it is not thinking of the world, lehetsget knl, ltszlag nagyon knny, de
'abandoning all self-hood', 'extinguishing every teljesthetetlen felttelekkel knozza ket. Ez a ne
desire', 'becoming perfect celibates' etc. Naturally gondolj a szrke majomra, mikzben beveszed a
there is vast cheating going on all levels and the gygyszert rgi trtnete. Ez esetben nem gondolsz
results are nil. Some Gurus in sheer desperation a vilgra, elvetsz minden nzst, kioltasz minden
abandon all discipline, prescribe no conditions, vgyat, teljes clibtust valstasz meg, stb.
advise effortlessness, naturalness, simply living in Termszetesen risi csalsok minden szinten, s
passive awareness, without any pattern of 'must' and az eredmny nulla. Egyes Guruk vgs
'must not'. And there are many disciples whose past elszntsgukban elvetnek minden diszciplint,
experiences brought them to dislike themselves so elrst, vagy felttelt. Erfeszts-mentessget,
badly that they just do not want to look at termszetessget rnak el, vagyis passzv tudattal,
themselves. If they are not disgusted, they are mindenfle kell snem szabad minta mellzsvel
bored. They have surfeit of self-knowledge, they folytatott egyszer letet. s sok tantvny a mltbeli
want something else. tapasztalataik miatt odig jutott, hogy olyan nagy
ellenszenvet reznek ezek irnt, hogy mr rjuk sem
akarnak nzni. Ha pedig nem undorodtak meg,
akkor megunjk. Megcsmrlenek az nismerettl,
valami mst akarnak.

M: Let them not think of themselves, if they do not M: Ne gondoljanak nmagukra, ha nem az a kedvk
like it. Let them stay with a Guru, watch him, think of ellen val. Menjenek el a Guruhoz, figyeljenek r,
him. Soon they will experience a kind of bliss, quite gondoljanak r. Hamarosan egy olyan boldogsgot
new, never experienced before, except, maybe, in fognak tapasztalni, ami egszen j, amit eddig soha
childhood. The experience is so unmistakably new, nem tapasztaltak, taln a gyermekkorukat kivve. A

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
that it will attract their attention and create interest; tapasztalat annyira nyilvnvalan j, hogy magra
once the interest is roused, orderly application will fogja vonni a figyelmket, s fel fogja tmasztani az
follow. rdekldsket; ha egyszer az rdeklds feltmad,
azt rendszerint alkalmazs kveti.

Q: These people are very critical and suspicious. K: Ezek az emberek nagyon kritikusak s
They cannot be otherwise, having passed through gyanakvak. Nem is lehet mskpp, olyan sok
much learning and much disappointment. On one tanulson s csaldson mentek keresztl. Egyfell
hand they want experience, on the other they tapasztalatokat akarnak szerezni, msfell
mistrust it. How to reach them, God alone knows. ktelkedssel fogadjk azokat. Hogy lehet elrni
ket, csak Isten tudja.

M: True insight and love will reach them. M: Az igaz intuci s szeretet el fogja ket rni.

Q: When they have some spiritual experience, K: Ha szert tesznek valamilyen spiritulis
another difficulty arises. They complain that the tapasztalatra, akkor egy msik problma merl fel.
experience does not last, that it comes and goes in a Arrl panaszkodnak, hogy a tapasztalat nem tarts,
haphazard way. Having got hold of the lollipop, they hogy vletlenszeren megjelenik s eltvozik.
want to suck it all the time. Mintha nyalka lenne, llandan azt szopogatnk.

M: Experience, however sublime, is not the real M: A tapasztalat, legyen az brmi fensges, nem
thing. By its very nature it comes and goes. Self- valsgos dolog. Valdi termszetnek megfelelen
realisation is not an acquisition. It is more of the megjelenik, s eltnik. Az nmegvalsts nem
nature of understanding. Once arrived at, it cannot valaminek a megszerzse. Termszett tekintve
be lost. On the other hand, consciousness is tbb, mint megrts. Amikor elrted, tbb nem
changeful, flowing, undergoing transformation from vesztheted el. Msfell, a tudatossg vltozkony,
moment to moment. Do not hold on to folykony, talakulsokon megy keresztl, pillanatrl
consciousness and its contents. Consciousness pillanatra. Ne ragaszkodj a tudatossghoz, se annak
held, ceases. To try to perpetuate a flash of insight, tartalmhoz. A tudatossg bekvetkezik, megsznik.
or a burst of happiness is destructive of what it Ha megprblod llandstani az intuci egy
wants to preserve. What comes must go. The felvillanst, vagy a kirobban boldogsgot, azzal
permanent is beyond all comings and goings. Go to azt rombolod, amit megrizni akarsz. Az lland
the root of all experience, to the sense of being. minden jvs-mens fltt ll. Merlj al minden
Beyond being and not-being lies the immensity of tapasztalat gykerhez, a lt rzshez. A lten s
the real. Try and try again. nemlten tl terl el a valsg vgtelensge.
Prblkozz jra s jra.

Q: To try one needs faith. K: A prblkozshoz hit kell.

M: There must be the desire first. When the desire is M: Elbb meg kell lennie a vgynak. Ha ers a vgy,
strong, the willingness to try will come. You do not a prblkozsra val hajlandsg is megjn. Ers
need assurance of success, when the desire is vgy esetn nem ignyelsz garancit a sikerre. Ksz
strong. You are ready to gamble. vagy kockztatni.

Q: Strong desire, strong faith -- it comes to the K: Ers vgy, ers hit ugyanoda vezetnek. Ezek
same. These people do not trust either their parents az emberek nem hisznek sem a szleiknek, sem a
or the society, or even themselves. All they touched trsadalomnak, de mg sajt maguknak sem.
turned to ashes. Give them one experience Brmihez rtek, hamvba holt. Adj nekik egy
absolutely genuine, indubitable, beyond the abszolt valdi, ktsgbevonhatatlan, az elme
argumentations of the mind and they will follow you rvelst meghalad tapasztalatot, s kvetni
to the world's end. fognak a vilg vgre is.

M: But I am doing nothing else. Tirelessly I draw M: De n semmi mst se csinlok. Fradhatatlanul
their attention to the one incontrovertible factor -- az egyetlen ktsgbevonhatatlan tnyezre
that of being. Being needs no proofs -- it proves all irnytom a figyelmket a ltre. A ltnek nincs
else. If only they go deeply into the fact of being and szksge bizonytkokra az a bizonytka minden
discover the vastness and the glory to which the 'I msnak. Ha csak elmlyednek a lt tnybe, s
am' is the door, and cross the door and go beyond, felfedezik a vgtelensget s a dicssget, amihez
their life will be full of happiness and light. Believe az n vagyok az tjr, s tmennek az tjrn, s
me, the effort needed is as nothing when compared tovbb mennek, akkor az letk tele lesz

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
with the discoveries arrived at. boldogsggal s fnnyel. Higgy nekem, az
erfeszts, ami ehhez szksges, semmisg a
megrkezs felfedezseihez mrten.

Q: What you say is right. But these people have K: Igazat szlsz. De ezeknek az embereknek se
neither confidence nor patience. Even a short effort bizalmuk, se trelmk. Mg egy kurta erfeszts is
tires them. It is really pathetic to see them groping kifrasztja ket. Valban nagyon megrendt ltni,
blindly and yet unable to hold on to the helping ahogy vakon tapogatznak, s mgsem kpesek
hand. They are such nice people fundamentally but elrni a segt kzig. Nagyon kedves emberek,
totally bewildered. I tell them: you cannot have truth alapveten, de teljesen ssze vannak zavarodva.
on your own terms. You must accept the conditions. Mondom nekik: nem tudod elrni a te
To this they answer: Some will accept the conditions kifejezsmdod szerinti igazsgot. El kell fogadnod
and some will not. Acceptance or non-acceptance a krlmnyeket. Erre azt vlaszoljk: bizonyos
are superficial and accidental; reality is in all; there krlmnyeket elfogadunk, bizonyosakat pedig nem.
must be a way for all to tread -- with no conditions Az elfogads, vagy el nem fogads felletiek s
attached. esetlegesek; a valsg mindegyikben benne van;
kell, hogy legyen olyan t, amelyen mindenki
haladhat amely semmilyen krlmnytl nem fgg.

M: There is such a way, open to all, on every level, M: Van ilyen t, amely mindenki szmra, minden
in every walk of life. Everybody is aware of himself. szinten, az let minden terletn nyitott. Mindenki
The deepening and broadening of self-awareness is tudatban van nmagnak. Az n-tudat mlytse
the royal way. Call it mindfulness, or witnessing, or s szlestse a kirlyi t. Figyelemteljessgnek,
just attention -- it is for all. None is unripe for it and tansgnak, vagy csupn figyelemnek is
none can fail. nevezhezeted egyre megy. Senki nem retlen r,
s senki nem tud kudarcot vallani.
But, of course, your must not be merely alert. Your
mindfulness must include the mind also. Witnessing De nem elg, termszetesen, bernek lenned
is primarily awareness of consciousness and its csupn. Figyelemteljessged az elmt is magba
movements. kell, hogy foglalnja. A tansg elsdlegesen a
tudatossg, s mozgsainak tudata.

68. Seek the Source of Consciousness 68. Keresd a tudatossg forrst

Questioner: We were talking the other day about Krdez: A minap a Nyugat modern gondolkodsi
the ways of the modern Western mind and the irnyzatairl, s a Vedanta morlis s intellektulis
difficulty it finds in submitting to the moral and felfogsa elfogadsnak nehzsgeirl
intellectual discipline of the Vedanta. One of the beszlgettnk. A gtat jelent tnyezk egyike, hogy
obstacles lies in the young European's or American's az eurpai s amerikai fiatalok belefeledkeznek a
preoccupation with the disastrous condition of the katasztroflis llapotban lv, srgsen jobbtsra
world and the urgent need of setting it right. szorul vilgba.

They have no patience with people like you who Nincs olyan trelmesek az emberekkel, mint te, aki a
preach personal improvement as a pre-condition for a vilg javtsnak elfeltteleknt a szemlyes
the betterment of the world. They say it is neither tkletesedst hirdeted. k azt mondjk, hogy ez
possible nor necessary. Humanity is ready for a nem lehetsges, s nem is szksges. Az
change of systems -- social, economic, political. A emberisg kszen ll a rendszerek
world-government, world-police, world-planning and megvltoztatsra legyenek azok trsadalmiak,
the abolition of all physical and ideological barriers: gazdasgiak, politikaiak. Vilgkormny,
this is enough, no personal transformation is vilgrendrsg, vilgtervezs, s minden fizikai s
needed. No doubt, people shape society, but society minden ideolgia korlt megszntetse: ez
shapes people too. In a humane society people will elegend, nincs szksg szemlyes talakulsra.
be humane; besides, science provides the answer to Ktsgtelen, hogy az emberek alaktjk
many questions which formerly were in the domain kzssgeket, de a kzssgek is alaktjk az
of religion. embereket. Embersges kzssgekben az
emberek embersgesek lesznek; ezen fell a
tudomny vlasszal szolgl sok olyan krdsre,

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
amely rgebben a valls terletn felmerlt.

Maharaj: No doubt, striving for the improvement of Maharaj: Semmi ktsg, a vilg megjavtsra val
the world is a most praiseworthy occupation. Done trekvs a legdcsretremltbb foglalatossg.
selflessly, it clarifies the mind and purifies the heart. nzetlen vgzse megvilgostja az elmt, s
But soon man will realise that he pursues a mirage. megtiszttja a szvet. De az ember hamarosan fel
Local and temporary improvement is always fogja ismerni, hogy trekvsei brndkpek.
possible and was achieved again and again under Helyileg s idben korltozott jobbtsok mindig
the influence of a great king or teacher; but it would lehetsgesek, s ez jra meg jra megvalsthat,
soon come to an end, leaving humanity in a new egy nagy kirly vagy tant befolysa alatt; de ennek
cycle of misery. It is in the nature of all manifestation csakhamar vge kell legyen, s az emberisg egy
that the good and the bad follow each other and in jabb szenvedsi ciklusba kerl. A valdi menedk
equal measure. The true refuge is only in the csak a megnyilvnulatlanban lehetsges.

Q: Are you not advising escape? K: Nem meneklst javasolsz?

M: On the contrary. The only way to renewal lies M: Pont az ellenkezjt. Az egyetlen md a
through destruction. You must melt down the old megjulsra a pusztulson t vezet. A rgi kszert
jewellery into formless gold before you can mould a forma nlkli aranny kell beolvasztanod, mieltt
new one. Only the people who have gone beyond jat formlhatnl. Soha nem trtnhet mskpp.
the world can change the world. It never happened Azon kevesek, akik hatsa hosszan tart volt,
otherwise. The few whose impact was long lasting mindannyian ismertk a valsgot. rd el az
were all knowers of reality. Reach their level and szintjket, majd csak azutn beszlj a vilg
then only talk of helping the world. megsegtsrl.

Q: It is not the rivers and mountains that we want to K: Nem a folykon s a hegyeken akarunk segteni,
help, but the people. hanem az emberek.

M: There is nothing wrong with the world, but for the M: Semi baj a vilggal, az emberek nlkl, akik
people who make it bad. Go and ask them to elrontjk. Menj, s krd meg ket, hogy
behave. viselkedjenek.

Q: Desire and fear make them behave as they do. K: Vgy s flelem okozza a viselkedsket.

M: Exactly. As long as human behaviour is M: Pontosan. Amg az emberi viselkedst vgy s

dominated by desire and fear, there is not much flelem uralja, addig a legkevsb sincs remny. s
hope. And to know how to approach the people az emberek hatkony megkzeltsnek tudshoz,
effectively, you must yourself be free of all desire minden vgytl s flelemtl meg kell szabadulnod.
and fear.

Q: Certain basic desires and fears are inevitable, K: Elkerlhetetlen, hogy legyenek bizonyos alapvet
such as are connected with food, sex and death. vgyaink s flelmeink, mint pldul az lelemmel,
szexszel, s halllal kapcsolatosak.

M: These are needs and, as needs, they are easy to M: Ezek szksgletek, s a szksgleteket knny
meet. kielgteni.

Q: Even death is a need? K: Mg a hall is szksglet?

M: Having lived a long and fruitful life you feel the M: Egy hossz s gymlcsz let lelse utn
need to die. Only when wrongly applied, desire and szksgesnek fogod rezni a hallt. Csak amikor
fear are destructive. By all means desire the right rosszul hasznlod, destruktv a vgy s a flelem.
and fear the wrong. But when people desire what is Mindenflekppen, a vgy s a flelem a hiba. De
wrong and fear what is right, they create chaos and mikor az ember vgyja, ami helytelen, s fli, ami
despair. helyes, akkor ezek koszt s ktsgbeesst

Q: What is right and what is wrong? K: Mi helyes, s mi helytelen?

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
M: Relatively, what causes suffering is wrong, what M: Viszonylagos rtelemben, ami szenvedst okoz
alleviates it is right. Absolutely, what brings you back az helytelen, ami enyhti azt az helyes. Abszolt
to reality is right and what dims reality is wrong. rtelemben, ami visszavisz tged a valsgba, az
helyes, s ami elhalvnytja a valsgot, az

Q: When we talk of helping humanity, we mean a K: Amikor az emberisg segtsrl beszlnk,

struggle against disorder and suffering. akkor zrzavar s szenveds elleni harcra

M: You merely talk of helping. Have you ever M: Te csupn beszlsz a segtsrl. Segtettl-e
helped, really helped, a single man? Have you ever valaha is, segtettl-e valban, akr egyetlen
put one soul beyond the need of further help? Can emberen is? Megtetted-e valaha, hogy akr egyetlen
you give a man character, based on full realisation llek is tl jusson azon, hogy szksge legyen
of his duties and opportunities at least, if not on the tovbbi segtsgre? Tudsz-e valakinek legalbb
insight into his true being? When you do not know ktelessgei s lehetsgei teljes megvalstst
what is good for yourself, how can you know what is megalapoz ers jellemet adni, ha valdi ltbe val
good for others? pillantst nem is? Ha nem tudod, mi j nmagadnak,
honnan tudhatnd, mi j msoknak?

Q: The adequate supply of means of livelihood is K: A ltfenntartst alkalmas mdon szolgl eszkz
good for all. You may be God himself, but you need mindenkinek j. Lehetsz maga az risten, de
a well-fed body to talk to us. szksged van egy jl tpllt testre, hogy
beszlgess velnk.

M: It is you that need my body to talk to you. I am M: Te vagy, akinek szksge van a testemre, hogy
not my body, nor do I need it. I am the witness only. beszlgessen veled. n nem a testem vagyok, s
I have no shape of my own. You are so accustomed nincs is r szksgem. n a tan vagyok csupn.
to think of yourselves as bodies having Nekem nincs sajt formm. gy megszokttok
consciousness that you just cannot imagine tudatossggal rendelkez testnek gondolni
consciousness as having bodies. Once you realise magatokat, hogy mg elkpzelni sem tudjtok
that bodily existence is but a state of mind, a testekkel rendelkez tudatossgnak. A fizikai ltezs
movement in consciousness, that the ocean of csak az elme llapota, mozgs a tudatossgban, a
consciousness is infinite and eternal, and that, when tudatossg cenja hatrtalan s rk, s te a
in touch with consciousness, you are the witness tudatossgnak a tanja vagy csupn. Amint ezt
only, you will be able to withdraw beyond felismered, kpes leszel r, hogy teljesen
consciousness altogether. visszahzdj a tudatossg mg.

Q: We are told there are many levels of existences. K: Mondtad, hogy a ltezseknek sok szintje van.
Do you exit and function on all the levels? While you Te mindezeken szinteken ltezel s funkcionlsz?
are on earth, are you also in heaven (swarga)? Mikzben a Fldn vagy, ugyanakkor a
mennyorszgban (swarga) is vagy?

M: I am nowhere to be found. I am not a thing to be M: n nem vagyok sehol sem tallhat. n nem
given a place among other things. All things are in vagyok a tbbi dolog kztt, adott helyen lv dolog.
me, but I am not among things. You are telling me Minden dolog nbennem van, de n nem vagyok a
about the superstructure while I am concerned with dolgok kztt. Te a felptmnyrl beszlsz, mg rm
the foundations. The superstructures rise and fall, az alapok vonatkoznak. A felptmnyek
but the foundations last. I am not interested in the keletkeznek s elmlnak, de az alapok
transient, while you talk of nothing else. fennmaradnak. Engem nem rdekel a mland, mg
te semmi msrl sem beszlsz.

Q: Forgive me a strange question. If somebody with K: Ha megbocstasz, feltennk egy klns

a razor sharp sword would suddenly severe your krdst. Ha egy borotva les karddal hirtelen
head, what difference would it make to you? lecsapn valaki a fejedet, ez milyen klnbsget
jelentene szmodra?

M: None whatsoever. The body will lose its head, M: Egyltaln semmit. A test elveszten a fejt,
certain lines of communication will be cut, that is all. bizonyos kommunikcis vonalak megszakadnnak,
Two people talk to each other on the phone and the ez minden. Kt ember telefonbeszlgetst folytat

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
wire is cut. Nothing happens to the people, only they egymssal, s a kbelt elvgjk. Semmi sem
must look for some other means of communication. trtnik az emberekkel, csak ms eszkzket kell
The Bhagavad Gita says: "the sword does not cut it". keresnik a kommunikcihoz. A Bhagavad Gita azt
It is literally so. It is in the nature of consciousness to mondja: a kard nem fogja azt. Ez sz szerint gy
survive its vehicles. It is like fire. It burns up the fuel, van. A tudatossg termszethez hozztartozik,
but not itself. Just like a fire can outlast a mountain hogy tlli hordoz eszkzeit. Akr a tz. Felemszti
of fuel, so does consciousness survive innumerable a tzelanyagot, de nmagt nem. Akrcsak a tz
bodies. kpes fennmaradni tzelanyag hegyeken,
ugyangy marad fenn a tudatossg szmtalan

Q: The fuel affects the flame. K: A tzelanyag befolyssal van a tzre.

M: As long as it lasts. Change the nature of the fuel M: Amg az tart. Vltoztass a tzelanyag
and the colour and appearance of the flame will termszetn, s a lng szne s megjelense is
change. megvltozik.

Now we are talking to each other. For this presence Most egymssal beszlgetnk. Ehhez jelenlt
is needed; unless we are present, we cannot talk. szksges; hacsak nem vagyunk jelen, nem tudunk
But presence by itself is not enough. There must beszlgetni. De jelenlt egyedl nem elegend. A
also he the desire to talk. beszlgets vgya is szksges.

Above all, we want to remain conscious. We shall Tudatosak akarunk maradni, mindenek felett.
bear every suffering and humiliation, but we shall Minden szenvedst s megalzst elviselnnk, csak
rather remain conscious. Unless we revolt against hogy mg egy kicsit tudatosak maradjunk. Hacsak
this craving for experience and let go the manifested fel nem lzadunk e tapasztalat irnti knz vgy
altogether, there can be no relief. We shall remain ellen, s el nem engedjk vgkpp a
trapped. megnyilvnultat, nem nyugodhatunk. Csapdban
fogunk maradni.

Q: You say you are the silent witness and also you K: Azt mondod, te a csendes tan vagy, s
are beyond consciousness. Is there no contradiction ugyanakkor a tudatossg felett is llsz. Nincs itt
in it? If you are beyond consciousness, what are you valami ellentmonds? Ha a tudatossg felett llsz,
witnessing to? akkor minek vagy a tanja?

M: I am conscious and unconscious, both conscious M: Tudatos vagyok, s tudattalan, egyarnt tudatos
and unconscious, neither conscious nor s tudattalan, ugyanakkor se tudatos, se tudattalan
unconscious -- to all this I am witness -- but really mindennek a tanja vagyok , de valjban nincs
there is no witness, because there is nothing to be a tansg, mert semmi nincs, aminek a tanja lehetne
witness to. I am perfectly empty of all mental lenni. Tkletesen mentes vagyok mindenfle
formations, void of mind -- yet fully aware. This I try mentlis kpzdmnytl, elmm res mgis
to express my saying that I am beyond the mind. teljesen tudatos vagyok. Ezt akarom kifejezni, mikor
azt mondom, hogy meghaladtam az elmt.

Q: How can I reach you then? K: Hogy rhetlek el akkor?

M: Be aware of being conscious and seek the M: Lgy tudatban, hogy tudatos vagy, s keresd a
source of consciousness. That is all. Very little can tudatossg forrst. Ez minden. Nagyon kevs
be conveyed in words. It is the doing as I tell you kzlhet szavakkal. A feld irnyul beszd
that will bring light, not my telling you. The means do cselekvse fogja meggyjtani a fnyt, nem a hozzd
not matter much; it is the desire, the urge, the intzett beszdem. A jelents nem igazn lnyeges;
earnestness that count. a vgy, a knyszer, a komolysg az, ami szmt.

69. Transiency is Proof of Unreality 69. A mlkonysg a valtlansgnak a

Questioner: My friend is a German and I was born Krdez: A bartom nmet, n Angliban

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
in England from French parents. I am in India since szlettem, szleim francik. Egy ve vndorlok
over a year wandering from Ashram to Ashram. Indiban, Ashramrl Ashramra.

Maharaj: Any spiritual practices (sadhanas)? Maharaj: Valamilyen spiritulis gyakorlatok


Q: Studies and meditation. K: Tanulmnyok s meditci.

M: What did you meditate on? M: Min meditltl?

Q: On what I read. K: Azon, amit olvasok.

M: Good. M: J.

Q: What are you doing, sir? K: Te mit csinlsz, Uram?

M: Sitting. M: lk.

Q: And what else? K: s mg mi egyebet?

M: Talking. M: Beszlek.

Q: What are you talking about? K: Mirl beszlsz?

M: Do you want a lecture? Better ask something that M: Eladst akarsz? Jobb, ha megkrdezed, ami
really touches you, so that you feel strongly about it. valban rdekel, ami nagyon fontos szmodra.
Unless you are emotionally involved, you may argue Hacsak nem terhel rzelmileg, vitzhatsz velem,
with me, but there will be no real understanding egybknt nem fogjuk igazn megrteni egymst.
between us. If you say: 'nothing worries me, I have Ha azt mondod: semmi miatt nem aggdom,
no problems', it is all right with me, we can keep nincsenek problmim, rszemrl rendben,
quiet. But if something really touches you, then there maradhatunk csendben is. De ha valami igazn
is purpose in talking. rdekel, akkor clszer, hogy beszlgessnk.

Shall I ask you? What is the purpose of your moving Megkrdezhetlek? Milyen cllal utazol ide-oda?
from place to place?

Q: To meet people, to try to understand them. K: Hogy emberekkel tallkozzak, hogy

megprbljam ket megrteni.

M: What people are you trying to understand? What M: Milyen embereket prblsz megrteni? Pontosan
exactly are you after? mit keresel?

Q: Integration. K: Egysget.

M: If you want integration, you must know whom you M: Ha egysget akarsz, tudnod kell, hogy kivel
want to integrate. akarsz egyeslni.

Q: By meeting people and watching them, one K: Azzal, hogy emberekkel val tallkozom, s
comes to know oneself also. It goes together. megfigyelem ket, nmagamat is megismerem.
Ezek egymssal jr dolgok.

M: It does not necessarily go together. M: Nem szksgszeren egymssal jrak.

Q: One improves the other. K: Az egyik fejleszti a msikat.

M: It does not work that way. The mirror reflects the M: Ez nem gy mkdik. A tkr visszatkrzi a
image, but the image does not improve the mirror. kpet, de a kp nem fejleszti a tkrt. Te nem vagy
You are neither the mirror nor the image in the sem a tkr, sem a tkrbeli kp. Lehet egy
mirror. Having perfected the mirror so that it reflects olyannyira tkletestett tkrd, hogy a tkrzds
correctly, truly, you can turn the mirror round and pontos, kifogstalan, elforgathatod a tkrt, s ltod

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
see in it a true reflection of yourself -- true as far as benne nmagad h tkrkpt annyira hen,
the mirror can reflect. But the reflection is not amilyen a tkr tkrz kpessge. De a tkrkp
yourself -- you are the seer of the reflection. Do nem te magad vagy te a tkrkp nzje vagy.
understand it clearly -- whatever you may perceive Vilgosan meg kell rtened akrmit is szlelsz, te
you are not what you perceive. nem az vagy, mit szlelsz.

Q: I am the mirror and the world is the image? K: n vagyok a tkr, s a vilg a kp?

M: You can see both the image and the mirror. You M: Te ltod mindkettt, a kpet, s a tkrt is. Te
are neither. Who are you? Don't go by formulas. The egyik sem vagy. Ki vagy te? Ne formulkbl tlj. A
answer is not in words. The nearest you can say in vlasz nem a szavakban van. A legkzelebbi, amit
words is: I am what makes perception possible, the szavakban mondhatsz: n az vagyok, ami az
life beyond the experiencer and his experience. szlelst lehetv teszi, a tapasztaln s a
tapasztalaton tli let.
Now, can you separate yourself both from the mirror
and the image in the mirror and stand completely Na most, el tudod klnteni nmagad mind a
alone, all by yourself? tkrtl, mind a tkrbeli kptl, s teljesen egyedl
llni, teljesen nmagadknt?

Q: No, I cannot. K: Nem, nem tudok.

M: How do you know that you cannot? There are so M: Honnan tudod, hogy nem tudsz? Oly sok dolgot
many things you are doing without knowing how to csinlsz, annak tudsa nlkl, hogyan kell azt
do it. You digest, you circulate your blood and csinlni. Emsztesz, keringeted a vredet s
lymph, you move your muscles -- all without knowing nyiroknedveidet, mozgatod az izmaidat mindezt
how. In the same way, you perceive, you feel, you anlkl, hogy tudnd, hogyan. Ugyanilyen mdon
think without knowing the why and how of it. rzkelsz, rzel, gondolkodsz, anlkl, hogy tudnd
Similarly you are yourself without knowing it. There a mirtjt s hogyanjt. Ugyangy vagy nmagad is,
is nothing wrong with you as the Self. It is what it is anlkl, hogy tudnd. Semmi baj veled, mint nnel.
to perfection. It is the mirror that is not clear and true Az maga a tkly. A tkr ami nem tiszta, s igaz,
and, therefore, gives you false images. You need s ezrt hamis kpet mutat szmodra. Nem
not correct yourself -- only set right your idea of nmagadat kell korriglnod csak az nmagaddal
yourself. Learn to separate yourself from the image kapcsolatos fogalmakat kell helyre igaztanod.
and the mirror, keep on remembering: I am neither Tanuld meg elklnteni nmagadat a kptl, s a
the mind nor its ideas: do it patiently and with tkrtl, tartsd emlkezetedben: n sem a tkr,
convictions and you will surely come to the direct sem annak idei nem vagyok: tedd ezt trelmesen,
vision of yourself as the source of being -- knowing - s meggyzdssel, s biztos, hogy eljutsz
- loving, eternal, all-embracing all-pervading. You nmagadnak, mint a lt tud-szeret, rkkval,
are the infinite focussed in a body. Now you see the mindent magba foglal, mindent betlt
body only. Try earnestly and you will come to see forrsnak a kzvetlen ltsig. Te vagy a testben
the infinite only. koncentrlt vgtelen. Most csak a testet ltod.
Trekedj komolyan, s el fogsz oda rkezni, hogy
csak a vgtelent lsd.

Q: The experience of reality, when it comes, does it K: Ha megrkezik a valsg tapasztalata, utna
last? megmarad?

M: All experience is necessarily transient. But the M: Minden tapasztalat szksgszeren mland. De
ground of all experience is immovable. Nothing that az alap, amely minden tapasztalat alatt ott van,
may be called an event will last. But some events megvltoztathatatlan. Semmi, amit esemnynek
purify the mind and some stain it. Moments of deep nevezhetnk, nem maradand. De bizonyos
insight and all-embracing love purify the mind, while esemnyek tiszttjk az elmt, s bizonyosak
desires and fears, envies and anger, blind beliefs beszennyezik. A mly szellemi meglts s
and intellectual arrogance pollute and dull the mindenre kiterjed szeretet pillanatai tiszttjk az
psyche. elmt, mg a vgyak s flelmek, irigysg s harag,
vakhit s intellektulis nteltsg beszennyezik, s
eltomptjk a pszicht.

Q: Is self-realisation so important? K: Olyan fontos az n-megvalsts?

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
M: Without it you will be consumed by desires and M: Nlkle elpusztulsz a vgyak s flelmek miatt,
fears, repeating themselves meaninglessly in rtelmetlenl ismtelve azokat, vgetlen
endless suffering. Most of the people do not know szenvedsben. A legtbb ember nem tudja, hogy
that there can be an end to pain. But once they have vget lehet vetni a fjdalomnak. De amikor
heard the good news, obviously going beyond all meghalljk az rvendetes hrt, nyilvnvalv vlik
strife and struggle is the most urgent task that can szmukra, hogy a minden viszlyon s harcon val
be. You know that you can be free and now it is up fellemelkeds a lehet legsrgsebb feladatuk.
to you. Either you remain forever hungry and thirsty, Tudod, hogy megszabadulhatsz, s hogy ez most
longing, searching, grabbing, holding, ever losing elrhet szmodra. Vagy rkre hes s szomjas,
and sorrowing, or go out whole-heartedly in search vgyd, keres, harcsol, birtokl, rk vesztes
of the state of timeless perfection to which nothing s szerencstlen maradsz, vagy teljes szvvel
can be added, from which nothing -- taken away. In nekiltsz keresni az idtlen tkletessg llapott,
it all desires and fears are absent, not because they amihez semmi hozz nem adhat, amibl semmi el
were given up, but because they have lost their nem vehet. Amibl minden vgy s flelem
meaning. hinyzik, nem azrt, mert feladtad azokat, hanem
mert rtelmket vesztettk.

Q: So far I have been following you. Now, what am I K: Eddig tudtalak kvetni. Most, mit kell tennem?
expected to do?

M: There is nothing to do. Just be. Do nothing. Be. M: Semmit nem kell tenni. Csak legyl. Ne tgy
No climbing mountains and sitting in caves. I do not semmit. Legyl. Se hegyekre mszs, se
even say: 'be yourself', since you do not know barlangokban ls. Mg azt sem mondom: lgy
yourself. Just be. Having seen that you are neither nmagad, mivel nem ismered nmagad. Csak
the 'outer' world of perceivables, nor the 'inner' world legyl. Tekintve, hogy sem az szlelhetk kls
of thinkables, that you are neither body nor mind -- vilga, sem az elgondolhatk bels vilga nem
just be. vagy, hogy sem test, sem elme nem vagy csak

Q: Surely, there are degrees of realisation. K: Bizonyra vannak fokozatai a megvalsulsnak.

M: There are no steps to self-realisation. There is M: Nincsenek nmegvalstshoz vezet lpsek.

nothing gradual about it. It happens suddenly and is Ez egyltaln nem fokozatos. Hirtelen trtnik, s
irreversible. You rotate into a new dimension, seen visszafordthatatlan. tfordulsz egy j dimenziba,
from which the previous ones are mere abstractions. amelybl az elzket puszta absztrakciknak ltod.
Just like on sunrise you see things as they are, so Ahogy napfelkeltekor gy ltod a dolgokat, ahogyan
on self-realisation you see everything as it is. The azok vannak, pontosan gy ltsz az
world of illusions is left behind. nmegvalsulskor mindent gy, ahogyan van.
Elhagytad az illzik vilgt.

Q: In the state of realisation do things change? They K: Megvltoznak a dolgok a megvalsuls

become colourful and full of meaning? llapotban? Sznpompsakk s
jelentsgteljesekk vlnak?

M: The experience is quite right, but it is not the M: Nagyszer tapasztalat, de az nem a valsg
experience of reality (sadanubhav), but of harmony (sadanubhav), hanem az univerzum harmnijnak
(satvanubhav) of the universe. (satvanubhav) a tapasztalata.

Q: Nevertheless, there is progress. K: Minazonltal, fejlds van.

M: There can be progress only in the preparation M: Fejlds csak az elkszlet (sadhana) sorn
(sadhana). Realisation is sudden. The fruit ripens lehetsges. A megvalsuls hirtelen trtnik. A
slowly, but falls suddenly and without return. gymlcs lassan rik, de hirtelen pottyan le, s
visszatrs nlkl.

Q: I am physically and mentally at peace. What K: Fizikai s mentlis bkben vagyok. Mi tbbre
more do I need? lenne szksgem?

M: Yours may not be the ultimate state. You will M: Nem lehetsz a vgs llapotban. A termszetes
recognise that you have returned to your natural llapotodba val visszatrst a vgyak s flelmek a

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
state by a complete absence of all desire and fear. teljes hinyrl fogod felismerni. Vgl is, az sszes
After all, at the root of all desire and fear is the vgy s flelem gykere az az rzs, hogy nem
feeling of not being what you are. Just as a akknt ltezel, ami vagy. Ahogy egy ujj ficam is csak
dislocated joint pains only as long as it is out of addig fj, ameddig el van formtlanodva, s rgtn
shape, and is forgotten as soon as it is set right, so megfeledkezel rla, amint a helyre kerlt, pp gy
is all self-concern a symptom of mental distortion minden nmagaddal val trds is egy mentlis
which disappears as soon as one is in the normal torzulsi tnet, amely azonnal eltnik, mihelyt az
state. ember a normlis llapotban van.

Q: Yes, but what is the sadhana for achieving the K: Igen, de mi a termszetes llapot elrsnek a
natural state? sadhanja?

M: Hold on to the sense 'I am' to the exclusion of M: Tartsd fenn az n vagyok rzst, hogy kizrj
everything else. When thus the mind becomes minden mst. Amikor ily mdon az elme teljesen
completely silent, it shines with a new light and csendess vlik, j fnnyel ragyog, s j tudstl
vibrates with new knowledge. It all comes vibrl. Mindez spontn mdon kvetkezik be, a te
spontaneously, you need only hold on to the 'I am'. rszedrl csak az n vagyok fenntartsra van
Just like emerging from sleep or a state of rapture szksg. Mint amikor lombl vagy extzisbl
you feel rested and yet you cannot explain why and kilpve kipihentnek rzed magad, s nem tudod
how you come to feel so well, in the same way on megmagyarzni mirt, s mitl rzed olyan jl
realisation you feel complete, fulfilled, free from the magad, ugyangy rzed magad megvalsulskor
pleasure-pain complex, and yet not always able to teljesnek, befejezettnek, lvezet-fjdalom
explain what happened, why and how. You can put it komplexustl mentesnek, s nem mindig tudod
only in negative terms: 'Nothing is wrong with me megmagyarzni, hogy mi trtnt, mirt, s hogyan.
any longer.' It is only by comparison with the past Csak negatv kifejezsekkel tudod lerni: minden
that you know that you are out of it. Otherwise -- you bajom megsznt. Csak a mlttal val
are just yourself. Don't try to convey it to others. If sszehasonlts miatt tudod, hogy tl vagy rajta.
you can, it is not the real thing. Be silent and watch it Egybknt egyszeren csak nmagad vagy. Ne
expressing itself in action. prbld tolmcsolni msok fel. Ha sikerlne, akkor
az nem lenne valsgos dolog. Lgy csendben, s
figyeld, ahogy az mkdsben kifejezi magt.

Q: If you could tell me what I shall become, it may K: Ha meg tudnd mondani, hogy miv fogok vlni,
help me to watch over my development. az segtsget jelenthetne szmomra, a fejldsemet

M: How can anybody tell you what you shall become M: Hogyan tudn brki elmondani, hogy miv vlsz,
when there is no becoming? You merely discover amikor nem ltezik valamiv vls? Fedezd fel
what you are. All moulding oneself to a pattern is a csupn, hogy mi vagy. Mindenfle minthoz
grievous waste of time. Think neither of the past nor idomuls fjdalmas idpazarls. Ne gondolj se a
of the future, just be. mltra, se a jvre, csak legyl.

Q: How can I just be? Changes are inevitable. K: Hogyan tudnk csak lenni? A vltozsok

M: Changes are inevitable in the changeful, but you M: A vltozkony vltozsai elkerlhetetlenek, de te
are not subject to them. You are the changeless nem vagy vltozsoknak alvetett. Te vagy a
background, against which changes are perceived. vltozatlan httr, amely eltt a vltozsok

Q: Everything changes, the background also K: Minden vltozik, a httr is vltozik. Nincs
changes. There is no need of a changeless szksg vltozatlan httrre a vltozsok
background to notice changes. The self is megfigyelshez. Az n pillanatnyi csupn egy
momentary -- it is merely the point where the past pont, amelyben a mlt rintkezik a jvvel.
meets the future.

M: Of course the self based on memory is M: Termszetesen az emlkezet alap n

momentary. But such self demands unbroken pillanatnyi. De az ilyen n megszakts nlkli
continuity behind it. You know from experience that folytonossgot kvn maga mgtt. Tapasztalatbl

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
there are gaps when your self is forgotten. What tudod, hogy az emlkezetben kiessek vannak,
brings it back to life? What wakes you up in the amikor az n a feleds homlyba merl. Mi az,
morning? There must be some constant factor amitl visszatr az letbe? Mi az, ami reggel
bridging the gaps in consciousness. If you watch felbreszt tged? Kell lennie valamilyen lland
carefully you will find that even your daily tnyeznek, ami thidalja a tudatossg hzagait. Ha
consciousness is in flashes, with gaps intervening all gondosan figyelsz, szre fogod venni, hogy mg
the time. What is in the gaps? What can there be but mindennapos tudatossgod is villog, szakadatlanul
your real being, that is timeless; mind and hzagok lpnek fel benne. Mi van a hzagokban?
mindlessness are one to it. Ami ott van, az csak a te valdi lted lehet, amely
idtlen; elme s elmenlklisg egyek a szmra.

Q: Is there any particular place you would advise me K: Ajnlanl-e szmomra valamilyen klnleges
to go to for spiritual attainment? helyet, ahov elmehetnk, hogy spiritulisan
megvalstsam nmagam?

M: The only proper place is within. The outer world M: Az egyetlen alkalmas hely bell van. A kls
neither can help nor hinder. No system, no pattern vilg nem tud sem segteni, sem akadlyozni.
of action will take you to your goal. Give up all Semmilyen rendszer, semmilyen cselekvsi minta
working for a future, concentrate totally on the now, nem fog tged a clodhoz elvinni. Hagyj fel minden
be concerned only with your response to every jvrt val tnykedssel, koncentrlj teljesen a
movement of life as it happens. mostra, trdj csupn az leted mozzanataira adott

Q: What is the cause of the urge to roam about? K: Mi idzi el a kalandozsra val sztnzst?

M: There is no cause. You merely dream that you M: Nincs semmifle oka. Pusztn csak lmodod,
roam about. In a few years your stay in India will hogy kalandozol. Nhny ven bell az indiai
appear as a dream to you. You will dream some tartzkodsod lomnak fog tnni szmodra. Sok
other dream at that time. Do realise that it is not you ms lmot fogsz lmodni ugyanakkor. Ismerd fel,
who moves from dream to dream, but the dreams hogy nem te mozogsz lomrl lomra, hanem az
flow before you and you are the immutable witness. lom az, ami elhmplyg eltted, s te a
No happening affects your real being -- this is the vltozhatatlan tan vagy. Semmilyen esemny nincs
absolute truth. hatssal valdi ltedre ez az abszolt igazsg.

Q: Cannot I move about physically and keep steady K: Nem tudok fizikailag mozogni, s belsleg
inwardly? llandnak maradni?

M: You can, but what purpose does it serve? If you M: Tudsz, de mi clt szolglna? Ha komoly vagy, r
are earnest, you will find that in the end you will get fogsz jnni vgl, hogy torkig lettl a kalandozssal,
fed up with roaming and regret the waste of energy s sajnlni fogod az elpazarolt energit s idt.
and time. To find your self you need not take a ned megtallshoz egy lpst sem kell tenned.
single step.

Q: Is there any difference between the experience of K: Van valamilyen klnbsg az n (atman) s az
the Self (atman) and of the Absolute (brahman)? Abszolt (brahman) tapasztalata kztt?

M: There can be no experience of the Absolute as it M: Az Abszolt nem tapasztalhat, mert minden
is beyond all experience. On the other hand, the self tapasztals fltt ll. Msfell, az n a tapasztal
is the experiencing factor in every experience and elem minden tapasztalatban, gy bizonyos mdon,
thus, in a way, validates the multiplicity of igazolja a tapasztalatok sokflesgt. A vilg tele
experiences. The world may be full of things of great lehet nagyon rtkes dolgokkal, de ha senki nincs,
value, but if there is nobody to buy them, they have aki megvegye azokat, nincs ruk. Az Abszolt
no price. The Absolute contains everything tartalmazza az sszes tapasztalhatt, de a
experienceable, but without the experience they are tapasztalat hjn ezek mintha semmik se lennnek.
as nothing. That which makes the experience Ami a tapasztalatot lehetv teszi, az Abszolt. Ami
possible is the Absolute. That which makes it actual valban ltezv teszi, az n.
is the Self.

Q: Don't we reach the Absolute through a gradation K: Az Abszoltat nem tapasztalatok fokozatain
of experiences? Beginning with the grossest, we end keresztl rjk el? Kezdetben a durvbbakkal, s a

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
with the most sublime. vgn a legfinomabbakkal.

M: There can be no experience without desire for it. M: Nem lehetsges tapasztalat arra irnyul vgy
There can be gradation between desires, but nlkl. Lehet fokozatossg a vgyak kztt, de a
between the most sublime desire and the freedom legfinomabb vgy s a minden vgytl val
from all desire there is an abyss which must be szabadsg kztt szakadk van, amit t kell hidalni.
crossed. The unreal may look real, but it is transient. A valtlan ltszhat valdinak, de mland. A valdin
The real is not afraid of time. nem fog az id.

Q: Is not the unreal the expression of the real? K: A valtlan nem a valdi megnyilvnulsa?

M: How can it be? It is like saying that truth M: Hogy lehetne az? Ez olyan, mint azt mondani,
expresses itself in dreams. To the real the unreal is hogy az igazsg lmokban nyilvntan ki nmagt.
not. It appears to be real only because you believe Valjban az nem valdi. Csak azrt ltszik
in it. Doubt it, and it ceases. When you are in love valdinak, mert hiszel benne. Vond ktsgbe, s
with somebody, you give it reality -- you imagine megsznik. Amikor szerelmes vagy valakibe, azt
your love to be all-powerful and everlasting. When it valsgnak tartod szerelmedet korltlannak, s
comes to an end, you say: 'I thought it was real, but rkk tartnak kpzeled. Amikor vget r, azt
it wasn't'. Transiency is the best proof of unreality. mondod: azt hittem, igazi volt, de nem volt az. A
What is limited in time and space, and applicable to mlandsg a valszertlensg legjobb bizonytka.
one person only, is not real. The real is for all and Ami idben s trben korltos, s csak egy szemly
forever. esetn alkalmazhat, az nem valdi. A valdi
mindenki szmra az, s mindrkk.
Above everything else you cherish yourself. You
would accept nothing in exchange for your Minden egyebet fellmlan szereted nmagad.
existence. The desire to be is the strongest of all Nem fogadnl el semmit a ltezsedrt cserbe. A
desires and will go only on the realisation of your lenni irnti vgy minden vgy kztt a legersebb,
true nature. s csak valdi termszeted megvalstsa utn fog

Q: Even in the unreal there is a touch of reality. K: Mg a valtlanban is ott van a valsg rintse.

M: Yes, the reality you impart to it by taking it to be M: Igen, azltal rszested a valsgban, hogy
real. Having convinced yourself, you are bound by valdinak tartod. Meggyzdsed ltal meggyzvn
your conviction. When the sun shines, colours nmagad, megkttt vlsz ltala. Amikor st a nap,
appear. When it sets, they disappear. Where are the megjelennek a sznek. Amikor lemegy, eltnnek. A
colours without the light? fny hinyban hol vannak a sznek?

Q: This is thinking in terms of duality. K: Ez a dualits kifejezseiben trtn gondolkods.

M: All thinking is in duality. In identity no thought M: Minden gondolkods a dualitsban trtnik. A

survives. teljes megegyezsgben egy gondolat sem marad

70. God is the End of All Desire and 70. Isten a vge minden vgynak s
Knowledge tudsnak
Maharaj: Where are you coming from? What have Maharaj: Honnan jssz? Mi hozott ide?
you come for?

Questioner: I come from America and my friend is Krdez: Amerikbl jttem, a bartom pedig az r
from the Republic of Ireland. I came about six Kztrsasgbl. Krlbell hat hnapja vagyok itt,
months ago and I was travelling from Ashram to Ashramrl Ashramra utazgatok. A bartom egyedl
Ashram. My friend came on his own. jtt.

M: What have you seen? M: Mit lttl?

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
Q: I have been at Sri Ramanashram and also I have K: Voltam a Sri Ramanashramban, s elltogattam
visited Rishikesh. Can I ask you what is your opinion Rishikeshbe is. Megkrdezhetem, hogy mi a
of Sri Ramana Maharshi? vlemnyed Sri Ramana Maharshirl?

M: We are both in the same ancient state. But what M: Mindketten ugyanazon si llapotban vagyunk.
do you know of Maharshi? You take yourself to be a De mit tudsz Maharsirl? nmagadat nvnek s
name and a body, so all you perceive are names testnek tartod, gy te csupn neveket s testeket
and bodies. rzkelsz.

Q: Were you to meet the Maharshi, what would K: Mi lett volna, ha tallkoztok Maharsival?

M: Probably we would feel quite happy. We may M: Biztos nagyon rltnk volna egymsnak.
even exchange a few words. Vlthattunk volna pr szt.

Q: But would he recognise you as a liberated man? K: De megszabadult embernek ismert volna fel

M: Of course. As a man recognises a man, so a M: Termszetesen. Ahogy az egyik ember felismeri

gnani recognises a gnani. You cannot appreciate a msik embert, ugyangy az egyik gnani is felismeri
what you have not experienced. You are what you a msik gnanit. Nem rtkelheted azt, amit nem
think yourself to be, but you cannot think yourself to tapasztaltl. Az vagy, aminek gondolod magad, de
be what you have not experienced. nem gondolhatod magad annak, amit nem

Q: To become an engineer I must learn engineering. K: A mrnkk vlshoz mrnki tudomnyokat kell
To become God, what must I learn? tanulnom. Az Istenn vlshoz mit kell tanulnom?

M: You must unlearn everything. God is the end of M: El kell felejtened mindent. Isten minden vgynak
all desire and knowledge. s tudsnak a vge.

Q: You mean to say that I become God merely by K: Azt akarod mondani, hogy Istenn vlok pusztn
giving up the desire to become God? az Istenn vls vgynak a feladsval?

M: All desires must be given up, because by M: Minden vgyat fel kell adni, mert vgyakozssal
desiring you take the shape of your desires. When adod meg a formjt a vgyaidnak. Amikor
no desires remain, you revert to your natural state. semmilyen vgy nem marad, visszatrsz
termszetes llapotodba.

Q: How do I come to know that I have achieved K: Honnan fogom tudni, hogy elrtem a
perfection? tkletessget?

M: You can not know perfection, you can know only M: Nem tudhatod a tkletessgrl, csak a
imperfection. For knowledge to be, there must be tkletlensgrl tudhatsz. A lt ismerethez
separation and disharmony. You can know what you elklnls, s diszharmnia szksges. Te azt
are not, but you can not know your real being. You ismerheted, hogy mi nem vagy, de valdi ltedet
can be only what you are. The entire approach is nem ismerheted. Lehetsz csak, ami vagy. Az egsz
through understanding, which is in the seeing of the megkzelts megrtst felttelez, ami nem ms,
false as false. But to understand, you must observe mint a hamisat hamisnak ltni. De a megrtshez
from outside. kvlrl kell figyelned.

Q: The Vedantic concept of Maya, illusion, applies to K: A megnyilvnultra a Maya,az illzi vdantikus
the manifested. Therefore our knowledge of the elve vonatkozik. Emiatt a megnyilvnulttal
manifested is unreliable. But we should be able to kapcsolatos tudsunk megbzhatatlan. De kpesnek
trust our knowledge of the unmanifested. kell lennnk megbzni a megnyilvnulatlanra
vonatkoz tudsunkban.

M: There can be no knowledge of the unmanifested. M: Nem lehetsges ismerni a megnyilvnulatlant. A

The potential is unknowable. Only the actual can be lehetsges megismerhetetlen. Csak a valsgosan
known. ltez ismerhet.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok

Q: Why should the knower remain unknown? K: Mirt kell, hogy az ismer ismeretlen maradjon?

M: The knower knows the known. Do you know the M: Az ismer az ismertet ismeri. Ismered az
knower? Who is the knower of the knower? You ismert? Ki az ismer ismerje? A
want to know the unmanifested. Can you say you megnyilvnulatlant akarod ismerni. Mondhatod azt,
know the manifested? hogy ismered a megnyilvnulatlant?

Q: I know things and ideas and their relations. It is K: Ismerek dolgokat s idekat, s azok viszonyait.
the sum total of all my experiences. Ez az sszes tapasztalatom teljessge.

M: All? M: Az sszes?

Q: Well, all actual experiences. I admit I cannot K: Nos, minden valsgos tapasztalatomnak.
know what did not happen. Beismerem, ami nem trtnt meg, arrl nem tudok.

M: If the manifested is the sum total of all actual M: Ha a megnyilvnult a valsgos tapasztalatok
experiences, including their experiencers, how much sszessge, tapasztalikat is belertve, mennyi
of the total do you know? A very small part indeed. ismereted van sszesen? Valjban nagyon kevs.
And what is the little you know? s mi az a kevs, amit ismersz?

Q: Some sensory experiences as related to myself. K: Nhny velem kapcsolatos rzki tapasztalat.

M: Not even that. You only know that you react. M: Mg ezt se. Csak azt tudod, hogy reaglsz. Hogy
Who reacts and to what, you do not know. You know ki reagl, s mire, azt nem tudod. Tudod az
on contact that you exist -- 'I am'. The 'I am this', 'I rintkezsben, hogy ltezel n vagyok. Az n ez
am that' are imaginary. vagyok, n az vagyok kpzelet szlte dolgok.

Q: I know the manifested because I participate in it. I K: Azrt ismerem a megnyilvnultat, mert rszese
admit, my part in it is very small, yet it is as real as vagyok. Elismerem, a rszesedsem nagyon kicsi,
the totality of it. And what is more important, I give it mgis, annyira valdi, mint amennyire teljes. s ami
meaning. Without me the world is dark and silent. mg fontosabb, n hatrozom meg a jelentst.
Nlklem a vilg stt s csendes.

M: A firefly illumining the world. You don't give M: A szentjnosbogr is megvilgtja a vilgot. Nem
meaning to the world, you find it. Dive deep into hatrozod meg a vilg jelentst, felfedezed azt.
yourself and find the source from where all meaning Merlj el mlyen nmagadba, s fedezd fel a forrst,
flows. Surely it is not the superficial mind that can ahonnan minden jelents ered. Biztos, hogy nem a
give meaning. felsznes elme szolgltatja a jelentst.

Q: What makes me limited and superficial? K: Mi tesz engem korltozott s felszness?

M: The total is open and available, but you will not M: A teljessg nyitott s elrhet, de te nem viseled
take it. You are attached to the little person you think el. Te ahhoz a kis szemlyhez ktdsz, akinek
yourself to be. Your desires are narrow, your gondolod magad. Vgyaid kicsinyesek, ambciid
ambitions -- petty. After all, without a centre of kisszerek. Vgl is, az szlelsi kzponton kvl
perception where would be the manifested? hol lehetne a megnyilvnult? s te vagy az szlel
Unperceived, the manifested is as good as the pont, az sszes dimenzi dimenzi nlkli forrsa.
unmanifested. And you are the perceiving point, the Ismerd magad a teljessgknt.
non-dimensional source of all dimensions. Know
yourself as the total.

Q: How can a point contain a universe? K: Hogy tudn egy pont magban foglalni az

M: There is enough space in a point for an infinity of M: Egy pontban vgtelen sok univerzum szmra
universes. There is no lack of capacity. Self- van hely. Nincs hjn befogadkpessgnek. Az
limitation is the only problem. But you cannot run nkorltozs az egyetlen problma. De nem
away from yourself. However far you go, you come meneklhetsz el nmagad ell. Akrmilyen messze
back to yourself and to the need of understanding msz, nmagadhoz trsz vissza, s e pont

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
this point, which is as nothing and yet the source of megrtsnek a szksgessghez, amely
everything. brmennyire semmi, mgis mindennek a forrsa.

Q: I came to India in search of a Yoga teacher. I am K: Indiba jttem, hogy Yoga tanrt talljak. Mg
still in search. mindig keresem.

M: What kind of Yoga do you want to practice, the M: Milyen Yogt akarsz gyakorolni, a szerzs
Yoga of getting, or the Yoga of giving up? Yogjt, vagy a lemonds Yogjt?

Q: Don't they come to the same in the end? K: Nem ugyanoda vezetnek vgl?

M: How can they? One enslaves, the other liberates. M: Hogy vezethetnnek mr? Az egyik rabszolgv
The motive matters supremely. Freedom comes tesz, a msik megszabadt. Az indtk az, ami
through renunciation. All possession is bondage. leginkbb szmt. A szabadsg lemondson
keresztl jn el. Minden birtokls rabsg.

Q: What I have the strength and the courage to hold K: Amg erm s btorsgom nem hagynak el, mirt
on to, why should I give up? And if I have not the kellene feladnom? s ha nem az enym az er,
strength, how can I give up? I do not understand this hogy adhatnm fel? Nem rtem ennek a feladsnak
need of giving up. When I want something, why a szksgessgt. Ha akarok valamit, mirt ne
should I not pursue it? Renunciation is for the weak. prblhatnm megszerezni? A lemonds a
gyengnek val.

M: If you do not have the wisdom and the strength to M: Ha nincs meg a blcsessged s az erd a
give up, just look at your possessions. Your mere feladshoz, csak szemlld a javaidat. A puszta
looking will burn them up. If you can stand outside szemllseddel el fogod ket emszteni. Ha kvl
your mind, you will soon find that total renunciation tudsz maradni az elmden, hamarosan fel fogod
of possessions and desires is the most obviously fedezni, hogy a javakrl s vgyakrl val teljes
reasonable thing to do. You create the world and lemonds a leg magtl rtetdbb dolog, amit
then worry about it. Becoming selfish makes you tenned kell. Ltrehozod a vilgot, majd gytrdsz
weak. If you think you have the strength and miatta. Az nzv vls gyengv tesz. Ha azt
courage to desire, it is because you are young and gondolod, hogy megvan az erd s a btorsgod a
inexperienced. Invariably the object of desire vgyakozshoz, ez amiatt fiatalsgod s
destroys the means of acquiring it and then itself tapasztalatlansgod miatt van. A vgy trgya mindig
withers away. It is all for the best, because it teaches lerombolja a szerzs eszkzeit, s aztn maga is
you to shun desire like poison. elsorvad. Jl van ez gy, mert megtanulod, hogy gy
kerld a vgyat, mint a mrget.

Q: How am I to practice desirelessness? K: Hogyan kell gyakorolnom a vgytalansgot?

M: No need of practice. No need of any acts of M: Semmifle gyakorlsra nincs szksg.

renunciation. Just turn your mind away, that is all. Semmifle lemondsi intzkedsekre nincs szksg.
Desire is merely the fixation of the mind on an idea. Csak fordtsd flre az elmdet, ez minden. A vgy
Get it out of its groove by denying it attention. pusztn az elmnek egy idera val rgztse.
Tvoltsd el ennek a szokst a figyelem

Q: That is all? K: Ez minden?

M: Yes, that is all. Whatever may be the desire or M: Igen, ez minden. Brmilyen vgy vagy flelem
fear, don't dwell upon it. Try and see for yourself. rdtr, ne idzz azokon. Trekedj erre, s figyeld
Here and there you may forget, it does not matter. magad. Megfeledkezhetsz rla hbe-hba, ez nem
Go back to your attempts till the brushing away of problma. Trj vissza a trekvshez mindaddig,
every desire and fear, of every reaction becomes amg minden vgy s flelem, minden reakci
automatic. lefricskzsa automatikuss nem vlik.

Q: How can one live without emotions? K: Hogy lehet lni rzelmek nlkl?

M: You can have all the emotions you want, but M: Mindenfle rzelmeid lehetnek, amilyet csak
beware of reactions, of induced emotions. Be akarsz, de rizkedj a reakciktl, a gerjesztett

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
entirely self-determined and ruled from within, not rzelmektl. Teljesen nmagad hatrozzon meg, s
from without. Merely giving up a thing to secure a a bels uraljon, ne a kls. Ha azrt mondasz le
better one is not true relinquishment. Give it up csupn egy dologrl, hogy egy jobbat biztosts
because you see its valuelessness. As you keep on magadnak, az nem igazi felads. Azrt add fel, mert
giving up, you will find that you grow spontaneously ltod az rtktelensgt. Ha kitartasz a felads
in intelligence and power and inexhaustible love and mellett, gy fogod tallni, hogy intelligencid, erd,
joy. kimerthetetlen szereteted s rmed spontn
mdon nvekszik.

Q: Why so much insistence on relinquishing all K: Mirt hangslyozod annyira a minden vgyrl s
desires and fears? Are they not natural? flelemrl val lemondst? Ezek nem termszetes

M: They are not. They are entirely mind-made. You M: Nem azok. Kizrlag elme-gyrtotta dolgok. Fel
have to give up everything to know that you need kell adnod mindent ahhoz, hogy megtudd, nincs
nothing, not even your body. Your needs are unreal szksged semmire, mg a testedre sem.
and your efforts are meaningless. You imagine that Szksgleteid nem valsgosak, s trekvseid
your possessions protect you. In reality they make rtelmetlenek. Azt kpzeled, hogy javaid
you vulnerable. Realise yourself as away from all megvdenek. Valjban sebezhetv tesznek.
that can be pointed at as 'this' or 'that'. You are Ismerd nmagad minden olyantl tvol llnak,
unreachable by any sensory experience or verbal amire gy lehet rmutatni, mint ez, vagy az.
construction. Turn away from them. Refuse to Elrhetetlen vagy mindenfle rzki tapasztals,
impersonate. vagy verblis konstrukci szmra. Fordulj el tlk.
Utastsd el a megszemlyestst.

Q: After I have heard you, what am I to do? K: Miutn vgighallgattalak, mit kell tennem?

M: Only hearing will not help you much. You must M: A puszta meghallgatsa nem tl sokat segt.
keep it in mind and ponder over it and try to szben kell tartanod, s elmlkedned kell felette, s
understand the state of mind which makes me say trekedned kell az elme azon llapotnak a
what I say. I speak from truth; stretch your hand and megrtsre, amely azt mondatja velem, amit
take it. You are not what you think yourself to be, I mondok. n a valsgbl beszlek; nyjtsd ki a
assure you. The image you have of yourself is made kezed, s ragadd meg. Biztostalak, te nem az vagy,
up from memories and is purely accidental. aminek nmagadat gondolod. A kp, amellyel
nmagadrl rendelkezel emlkekbl ll, s csupn

Q: What I am is the result of my karma. K: Ami vagyok, az a karmm eredmnye.

M: What you appear to be, you are not. Karma is M: Aminek lenni ltszol, az nem te vagy. A karma
only a word you have learnt to repeat. You have csak egy sz, amely megtanultl, s ismtelgeted.
never been, nor shall ever be a person. Refuse to Soha nem voltl, s soha nem leszel szemly.
consider yourself as one. But as long as you do not Utastsd el, hogy annak tekintsd magad. De amg
even doubt yourself to be a Mr. So-and-so, there is ktsge sem merl fel benned azirnt, hogy Mr. Ez-
little hope. When you refuse to open your eyes, what s-ez vagy, kevs a remny. Ha nem akarod kinyitni
can you be shown? a szemed, mit lthatnl?

Q: I imagine karma to be a mysterious power that K: A karmt egy olyan misztikus ernek kpzelem,
urges me towards perfection. amely engem a tkleteseds fel knyszert.

M: That's what people told you. You are already M: Ez az, amit az emberektl hallottl. Te mr
perfect, here and now. The perfectible is not you. tkletes vagy, itt, s most. A tkletesedsre kpes
You imagine yourself to be what you are not -- stop nem te vagy. Annak kpzeled nmagad, ami nem
it. It is the cessation that is important, not what you vagy hagyd abba. A megszns a fontos, nem
are going to stop. amit lelltani kszlsz.

Q: Did not karma compel me to become what I am? K: Nem a karma knyszert r, hogy az legyek, aki

M: Nothing compels. You are as you believe M: Semmi nem knyszert. Az vagy, aminek hiszed

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
yourself to be. Stop believing. magad. Ne higgy tovbb.

Q: Here you are sitting on your seat and talking to K: A szkeden lsz, s beszlgetsz velem. Ami erre
me. What compels you is your karma. knyszert tged, az a karmd.

M: Nothing compels me. I do what needs doing. But M: Semmi nem knyszert engem. Teszem, amit
you do so many unnecessary things. It is your tennem szksges. A vizsglds irnti elutastsod
refusal to examine that creates karma. It is the hozza ltre a karmt. A sajt szenvedsed irnti
indifference to your own suffering that perpetuates it. nemtrdmsged pedig fenntartja azt.

Q: Yes, it is true. What can put an end to this K: Igen, ez igaz. Mi vethet vget ennek a
indifference? nemtrdmsgnek?

M: The urge must come from within as a wave of M: A ksztetsnek bellrl, a prtatlansg, vagy a
detachment, or compassion. rszvt hullmaknt kell jnnie.

Q: Could I meet this urge half way? K: Tallkozhatnk flton ezzel a ksztetssel?

M: Of course. See your own condition, see the M: Termszetesen. Lsd sajt feltteleidet, s ltod
condition of the world. a feltteleit a vilgnak.

Q: We were told about karma and reincarnation, K: Karmrl, reinkarncirl, evolcirl, Yogrl,
evolution and Yoga, masters and disciples. What are mesterekrl s tantvnyokrl hallottunk tled. Mit
we to do with all this knowledge? kezdjnk mindezzel a tudssal?

M: Leave it all behind you. Forget it. Go forth, M: Hagyd az egszet magad mgtt. Felejtsd el.
unburdened with ideas and beliefs. Abandon all Menj tovbb, az idek s hitel terhtl
verbal structures, all relative truth, all tangible megszabadultan. Vess el minden verblis struktrt,
objectives. The Absolute can be reached by minden relatv igazsgot, minden nyilvnval clt.
absolute devotion only. Don't be half-hearted. Az Abszolt csak teljes nfelldozssal rhet el.
Ne lgy kishit.

Q: I must begin with some absolute truth. Is there K: Valamilyen rk rvny igazsggal kell
any? kezdenem. Van ilyen?

M: Yes, there is, the feeling: 'I am'. Begin with that. M: Igen van, az n vagyok rzs. Kezdd ezzel.

Q: Nothing else is true? K: Semmi ms nem igaz?

M: All else is neither true nor false. It seems real M: Az sszes tbbi se nem igaz, se nem hamis.
when it appears, it disappears when it is denied. A Igaznak ltszik, mikor megjelenik, s eltnik, mikor
transient thing is a mystery. hamisnak bizonyul. A mland dolog rejtlyes.

Q: I thought the real is the mystery. K: n gy gondolom, hogy a valsg a rejtlyes.

M: How can it be? The real is simple, open, clear M: Hogy lehetne az? A valsg egyszer, nyitott,
and kind, beautiful and joyous. It is completely free tiszta s jsgos, szp s rmteli. Teljessggel
of contradictions. It is ever new, ever fresh, ellentmondsmentes. rkk j, rkk friss,
endlessly creative. Being and non-being, life and vgtelenl kreatv. Lt s nemlt, let s hall,
death, all distinctions merge in it. minden klnbsg beleolvad.

Q: I can admit that all is false. But, does it make my K: El tudom fogadni, hogy minden hamis. De ez
mind nonexistent? nem ltezv teszi az elmmet?

M: The mind is what it thinks. To make it true, think M: Az elme az, amit gondol. Hogy igazz tedd,
true. gondolj igazat.

Q: If the shape of things is mere appearance, what K: Ha a dolgok formja ltszat csupn, akkor mik
are they in reality? valjban a dolgok?

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
M: In reality there is only perception. The perceiver M: A dolgok valjban csak szleletek. Az szlel
and the perceived are conceptual, the fact of s az szlelt fogalmiak, az szlels tnye valsgos.
perceiving is actual.

Q: Where does the Absolute come in? K: Honnan jn be az Abszolt?

M: The Absolute is the birthplace of Perceiving. It M: Az Abszolt az szlelsnek a szletsi helye.

makes perception possible. teszi lehetv az szlelst.

But too much analysis leads you nowhere. There is De tlsgosan sok elemzs sehov nem vezet.
in you the core of being which is beyond analysis, Benned van a lt kzpontja, amely meghaladja az
beyond the mind. You can know it in action only. elemzst, meghaladja az elmt. Amit csak
Express it in daily life and its light will grow ever mkdsben ismerhetsz. Fejezd ki a napi letben,
brighter. s fnynek ragyogsa egyre nvekedni fog.

The legitimate function of the mind is to tell you what Az elmnek szablyszeren az a funkcija, hogy
is not. But if you want positive knowledge, you must arrl beszl neked, ami nincs. De ha tnyleges
go beyond the mind. tudst akarsz, meg kell haladnod az elmt.

Q: In all the universe is there one single thing of K: Az egsz univerzumban csak egyetlen egy
value? dolognak van rtke?

M: Yes, the power of love. M: Igen, a szeretet erejnek.

71. In Self-awareness you Learn about 71. Az n-figyels sorn nmagadrl

Yourself tanulsz
Questioner: It is our repeated experience that the Krdez: A tantvnyok rendszerint sok bajt
disciples do much harm to their Gurus. They make okoznak Guruiknak. Guruik kvnsgait figyelmen
plans and carry them out, without considering the kvl hagyva dolgozzk ki s hajtjk vgre terveiket.
Guru's wishes. In the end there is only endless worry Ennek eredmnye vgtelen aggds a Guru, s
for the Guru and bitterness for his disciples. kesersg a tantvnya rszrl.

Maharaj: Yes, it does happen. Maharaj: Igen, ez trtnik.

Q: Who compels the Guru to submit to these K: Ki az, aki a Gurut e mltatlansgok elfogadsra
indignities? knyszerti?

M: The Guru is basically without desire. He sees M: A Guru alapjban vve vgyak nlkli. Ltja,
what happens, but feels no urge to interfere. He hogy mi trtnik, de nem rez ksztetst, hogy
makes no choices, takes no decisions. As pure kzbeavatkozzon. Nincsenek vlasztsai, nem hoz
witness, he watches what is going on and remains dntseket. Tiszta tanknt szemlli a trtnst, ami
unaffected. t nem rinti.

Q: But his work suffers. K: De a munkja elszenvedi.

M: Victory is always his -- in the end. He knows that M: A gyzelem mindig az v a vgn. Tudja, ha a
if the disciples do not learn from his words, they will tantvny nem tanul az szavaibl, majd tanul a
learn from their own mistakes. Inwardly he remains sajt hibibl. Belsleg nyugodt s csendes marad.
quiet and silent. He has no sense of being a Nincs olyan rzse, hogy elklnl szemlyknt
separate person. The entire universe is his own, ltezne. Az egsz univerzum benne van, belertve
including his disciples with their petty plans. Nothing tantvnyait is, azok jelentktelen terveivel
in particular affects him, or, which comes to the egyetemben. Semmi nem hat r klnsebben,
same, the entire universe affects him in equal vagy, ami ugyanaz, az egsz univerzum egyenl
measure. mrtkben hat r.

Q: Is there no such thing as the Guru's grace? K: Nem ltezik olyasmi, mint a Guru kegyelme?

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok

M: His grace is constant and universal. It is not M: Az kegyelme lland s egyetemes. Nem tesz
given to one and denied to another. olyat, hogy megadja az egyiknek, s megtagadja a

Q: How does it affect me personally? K: Hogy rint ez engem szemlyesen?

M: It is by The Guru's grace that your mind is M: Az elmd a Guru kegyelme rvn jegyzi el magt
engaged in search for truth and it is by his grace that az igazsggal, s az kegyelme rvn fogod azt
you will find it. It works unwaveringly towards your megtallni. Belsleg mkdik, megingathatatlanul, a
ultimate good. And it is for all. te vgs javad irnyban. s ez minden clja.

Q: Some disciples are ready, mature, and some are K: Egyes tantvnyok felkszltek, rettek, msok
not. Must not the Guru exercise choice and make pedig nem. Nem a Gurunak kell vlasztania, s
decisions? dntenie?

M: The Guru knows the Ultimate and relentlessly M: A Guru ismeri a Legvgst, s a tantvnyt
propels the disciple towards it. The disciple is full of folytonosan afel sarkallja. A tantvny tele van
obstacles, which he himself must overcome. The akadlyokkal, amelyek fltt maga kell, hogy
Guru is not very much concerned with the gyzedelmeskedjen. A Guru nem sokat trdik a
superficialities of the disciple's life. It is like tantvny letnek a felsznessgeivel. Ez olyan,
gravitation. The fruit must fall -- when no longer held mint a gravitci. A gymlcsnek le kell pottyannia
back. amikor tbb mr semmi nem tartja vissza.

Q: If the disciple does not know the goal, how can K: Ha a tantvny nem ismeri a clt, hogy boldogul
he make out the obstacles? az akadlyokkal?

M: The goal is shown by the Guru, obstacles are M: A Guru megmutatja a clt, a tantvny felfedezi
discovered by the disciple. The Guru has no az akadlyokat. A Guru nem kedvez senkinek, de
preferences, but those who have obstacles to akinek az akadlyai legyzsvel kell foglalkoznia,
overcome seem to be lagging behind. gy tnik, annak htrbb kell maradnia.

In reality the disciple is not different from the Guru. Valjban a tantvny nem klnbzik a Gurutl.
He is the same dimensionless centre of perception az szlels s a cselekv szeretet ugyanazon
and love in action. It is only his imagination and self- dimenzi nlkli kzpontja. Csak kpzelete, s az
identification with the imagined, that encloses him elkpzelttel val n-azonosulsa, ami t krlzrja,
and converts him into a person. The Guru is s szemlly vltoztatja. A Guru nem sokat trdik a
concerned little with the person. His attention is on szemllyel. Az figyelme a bels figyelre irnyul. A
the inner watcher. It is the task of the watcher to figyelnek az a feladata, hogy megrtse, s ily
understand and thereby eliminate the person. While mdon megsemmistse a szemlyt. Mikzben
there is grace on one side, there must be dedication kegyelem van az egyik oldalon, a feladat irnti
to the task on the other. elszntsg kell, hogy legyen a msikon.

Q: But the person does not want to be eliminated. K: De a szemly nem akarja, hogy megsemmistsk.

M: The person is merely the result of a M: A szemly csupn egy flrerts eredmnye.
misunderstanding. In reality, there is no such thing. rzsek, gondolatok s cselekvsek szguldanak
Feelings, thoughts and actions race before the vgtelen egymsutnban a figyel eltt, amelyek
watcher in endless succession, leaving traces in the nyomokat hagynak az agyban, s ltrehozzk a
brain and creating an illusion of continuity. A folytonossg illzijt. A figyel visszatkrzdse
reflection of the watcher in the mind creates the ltrehozza az elmben az n rzst, s a szemly
sense of 'I' and the person acquires an apparently ltszlagosan fggetlen ltezst nyer. Valjban
independent existence. In reality there is no person, nincs semmifle szemly, csak a figyel azonostja
only the watcher identifying himself with the 'I' and nmagt az n-nel s az enym-mel. A tant kzli
the 'mine'. The teacher tells the watcher: you are not a figyelvel: te nem ez vagy, ebben az egszben
this, there is nothing of yours in this, except the little semmi nem a tid, kivve az n vagyok pici pontjt,
point of 'I am', which is the bridge between the amely a figyel, s az lma kztt hd szerept
watcher and his dream. I am this, I am that' is tlti be. Az n ez vagyok, n az vagyok semmi ms,
dream, while pure 'I am' has the stamp of reality on csak lom, mg a tiszta n vagyok a valsg ltal
it. You have tasted so many things -- all came to rttt blyeg. Oly sok dolgot kiprbltl, s mind

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
naught. Only the sense 'I am' persisted -- semmiv vlt. Csak az n vagyok rzse el nem
unchanged. Stay with the changeless among the ml vltozatlan. Maradj a vltozatlannal a
changeful, until you are able to go beyond. vltozkony kzepette, mg kpes nem leszel
tllpni rajta.

Q: When will it happen? K: Mikor fog ez megtrtnni?

M: It will happen as soon as you remove the M: Meg fog trtnni, amint eltvoltod az
obstacles. akadlyokat.

Q: Which obstacles? K: Milyen akadlyokat?

M: Desire for the false and fear of the true. You, as M: A hamis irnyul vgyat, s az igazsg irnti
the person, imagine that the Guru is interested in flelmet. Te, mint a szemly gy kpzeled, hogy a
you as a person. Not at all. To him you are a Gurut a szemlyed rdekli. Egyltaln nem gy van.
nuisance and a hindrance to be done away with. He Szmra te nyg, s eltvoltand akadly vagy. Az
actually aims at your elimination as a factor in clja igazbl a te tudatossg tnyezjeknt val
consciousness. megsemmistsed.

Q: If I am eliminated, what will remain? K: Ha megsemmistsre kerlk, mi marad?

M: Nothing will remain, all will remain. The sense of M: Semmi sem marad, s minden megmarad. Az
identity will remain, but no longer identification with a nazonossg rzse megmarad, de tbb nem
particular body. Being -- awareness -- love will shine azonostod magad egy konkrt testtel. Lt tudat
in full splendour. Liberation is never of the person, it szeretet fog tndklni teljes ragyogssal. Soha
is always from the person. nem a szemly szmra kvetkezik be a
megszabaduls, hanem mindig a szemlytl.

Q: And no trace remains of the person? K: s semmilyen nyoma nem marad a szemlynek?

M: A vague memory remains, like the memory of a M: Maradni fog valamilyen lomhoz, vagy korai
dream, or early childhood. After all, what is there to gyermekkori emlkhez hasonl, homlyos emlk.
remember? A flow of events, mostly accidental and Vgl is, mi az, amire emlkezni kellene?
meaningless. A sequence of desires and fears and Esemnyek radata, amelyek legnagyobb rsze
inane blunders. Is there anything worth vletlenszer, s rtelmetlen. Vgya, flelmek, s
remembering? The person is but a shell imprisoning ostoba baklvsek sorozata. Van valamilyen rtke
you. Break the shell. az emlkezetnek? A szemly csupn egy tged a
brtnbe zr hj. Trd ssze a hjat.

Q: Whom are you asking to break the shell? Who is K: Ki az, akit arra krsz, hogy trje fel a hjat? Ki az,
to break the shell? aki sszetri a hjat?

M: Break the bonds of memory and self- M: Trd ssze az emlkezet s nazonosuls
identification and the shell will break by itself. There bilincseit, s a hj magtl sszetrik. A kzpont ad
is a centre that imparts reality to whatever it valsgot ad akrminek, amit szlel. sszesen azt
perceives. All you need is to understand that you are kell megrtened, hogy te vagy a valsg forrsa,
the source of reality, that you give reality instead of hogy te adsz valsgot, ahelyett, hogy kapnd azt,
getting it, that you need no support and no hogy nincs szksged sem tmogatsra, sem
confirmation. Things are as they are, because you megerstsre. A dolgok azrt azok, amik, mert te
accept them as they are. Stop accepting them and elfogadod ket. Hagyd abba az elfogadsukat, s
they will dissolve. Whatever you think about with szertefoszlanak. Brmi, amire vggyal vagy
desire or fear appears before you as real. Look at it flelemmel gondolsz, az valsgknt jelenik meg
without desire or fear and it does lose substance. eltted. Nzz r vgy s flelem nlkl, s elveszti
Pleasure and pain are momentary. It is simpler and lnyegt. rm s fjdalom pillanatnyi dolgok.
easier to disregard them than to act on them. Egyszerbb s knnyebb figyelmen kvl hagyni
ket, mint nekik megfelelen cselekedni.

Q: If all things come to an end, why did they appear K: Ha minden dolog vget r egyszer, akkor mirt
at all? kell egyltaln megjelennie?

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
M: Creation is in the very nature of consciousness. M: A tudatossg igazi termszete a teremts. A
Consciousness causes appearances. Reality is ltszatokat a tudatossg eredmnyezi. A valsg tl
beyond consciousness. van a tudatossgon.

Q: While we are conscious of appearances, how is it K: Mikzben tudatban vagyunk a ltszatoknak,

that we are not conscious that these are mere hogy-hogy nem vagyunk tudatban annak, hogy
appearances? ezek pusztn ltszatok?

M: The mind covers up reality, without knowing it. To M: Az elme anlkl palstolja el a valsgot, hogy
know the nature of the mind, you need intelligence, tudnnk rla. Az elme termszetnek a ismerethez
the capacity to look at the mind in silent and beltsra van szksged, arra a kpessgre, hogy
dispassionate awareness. az elmre csendben, s szenvedly nlkli tudattal

Q: If I am of the nature of all-pervading K: Ha n a mindent betlt tudatossg

consciousness, how could ignorance and illusion termszetbl vagyok, hogyan eshettem
happen to me? tudatlansgba s illziba?

M: Neither ignorance nor illusion ever happened to M: Se tudatlansgba, se illziba nem estl soha.
you. Find the self to which you ascribe ignorance Fedezd fel az nt, amelynek a tudatlansgot s az
and illusion and your question will be answered. You illzit tulajdontod, s a krdsed megvlaszolsra
talk as if you know the self and see it to be under the kerl. gy beszlsz, mintha ismernd az nt, s
sway of ignorance and illusion. But, in fact, you do ltnd, hogy azon tudatlansg s illzi uralkodik.
not know the self, nor are you aware of ignorance. De valjban nem ismered az nt, s a
By all means become aware -- this will bring you to tudatlansgnak sem vagy tudatban. Mindenekeltt
the self and you will realise that there is neither vlj tudatoss ez el fog tged vezetni az nhez, s
ignorance nor delusion in it. It is like saying: if there fel fogod ismerni, hogy nincs benne se tudatlansg,
is sun, how can darkness be? As under a stone sem illzi. A monds szerint: ha st a nap, hogy
there will be darkness, however strong the sunlight, lehetne stt? Ahogy a k alatt stt van, brmily
so in the shadow of the 'I-am-the-body' ersen st a nap, gy az n-vagyok-a-test
consciousness there must be ignorance and illusion. tudatossg rnykban is tudatlansgnak s
illzinak kell lennie.

Q: But why did the body consciousness come into K: De mirt keletkezett a testtudatossg?

M: Don't ask 'why', ask 'how'. It is in the nature of M: Ne azt krdezd, hogy mirt, hanem azt,hogyan.
creative imagination to identify itself with its A teremt kpzelet, a termszetnek megfelelen, a
creations. You can stop it any moment by switching teremtmnyeivel azonostja magt. Ezt brmely
off attention. Or through investigation. pillanatban lellthatod, a figyelem kikapcsolsval.
Vagy vizsglds rvn.

Q: Does creation come before investigation? K: A teremts megelzi vizsgldst?

M: First you create a world, then the 'I am' becomes M: Elbb teremtesz egy vilgot, majd az n vagyok
a person, who is not happy for various reasons. He egy sok oknl fogva boldogtalan szemlly vlik.
goes out in search of happiness, meets a Guru who Elkezdi keresni a boldogsgot, tallkozik a Guruval,
tells him: 'You are not a person, find who you are'. aki kzli vele: te nem vagy szemly, fedezd fel,
He does it and goes beyond. hogy ki vagy. Megteszi, s tllp.

Q: Why did he not do it at the very start? K: Mirt nem tette meg ezt a legelejn?

M: It did not occur to him. He needed somebody to M: Nem jutott eszbe. Szksge volt valakire, hogy
tell him. szljon neki.

Q: Was that enough? K: Ez elegend volt?

M: It was enough. M: Elegend.

Q: Why does it not work in my case? K: Mirt nem mkdik ez az n esetemben?

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok

M: You do not trust me. M: Nem bzol bennem.

Q: Why is my faith weak? K: Mirt gyenge a bizalmam?

M: Desires and fears have dulled your mind. It M: Vgyak s flelmek tomptottk el az elmd. Meg
needs some scrubbing. kell tiszttani.

Q: How can I clear my mind? K: Hogyan tisztthatom meg az elmmet?

M: By watching it relentlessly. Inattention obscures, M: gy, hogy llandan figyeled. A figyelmetlensg

attention clarifies. elhomlyostja, a figyelem megtiszttja.

Q: Why do the Indian teachers advocate inactivity? K: Az indiai tantk mirt javasolnak ttlensget?

M: Most of people's activities are valueless, if not M: A legtbb emberi tevkenysg rtktelen, ha
outright destructive. Dominated by desire and fear, nem egyenesen rombol. Vgy s flelem ltal
they can do nothing good. Ceasing to do evil uraltan semmi jt nem tudnak csinlni. Mieltt a j
precedes beginning to do good. Hence the need for cselekedetek megkezddhetnnek, abba kell, hogy
stopping all activities for a time, to investigate one's maradjanak a gonosz cselekedetek. Ebbl ered
urges and their motives, see all that is false in one's szksglet, hogy egy idre lellts minden
life, purge the mind of all evil and then only restart tevkenysget, hogy tanulmnyozd az ember
work, beginning with one's obvious duties. Of ksztetseit, s azok motivciit, megfigyelj
course, if you have a chance to help somebody, by mindent, ami hamis az ember letben, megtiszttsd
all means do it and promptly too, don't keep him az elmt minden gonosztl, majd csak azutn kezdd
waiting till you are perfect. But do not become a el jra a munkt, kezdve az ember nyilvnval
professional do-gooder. ktelessgeivel. Termszetesen, ha lehetsged
van segteni valakin, felttlenl s haladktalanul
tedd meg, ne vrj addig, amg tkletes nem leszel.
De ne vljon belled hivatsos jtev.

Q: I do not feel there are too many do-gooders K: Nem rzem gy, hogy tl sok jtev lenne a
among disciples. Most of those I met are too tantvnyok kztt. A legtbb, akivel tallkoztam
absorbed in their own petty conflicts. They have no kzlk, tlsgosan sajt kicsinyes konfliktusaiba
heart for others. volt elmerlve. Nem jut a szvkbl msok szmra.

M: Such self-centeredness is temporary. Be patient M: Az ilyen n-kzpontsg tmeneti. Lgy trelmes

with such people. For so many years they gave az ilyen emberekkel. Mert oly sok ven keresztl
attention to everything but themselves. Let them turn fordtottak figyelmet minden msra, nmaguk
to themselves for a change. helyett. Hadd forduljanak nmaguk fel a
vltozatossg kedvrt.

Q: What are the fruits of self-awareness? K: Mik a gymlcsei az n-figyelemnek?

M: You grow more intelligent. In awareness you M: Sokkal intelligensebb vlsz. A figyelem sorn
learn. In self-awareness you learn about yourself. Of tanulsz. Az n-figyelem sorn nmagadrl tanulsz.
course, you can only learn what you are not. To Termszetesen, csak azt tanulhatod meg, hogy mi
know what you are, you must go beyond the mind. nem vagy. Annak tudshoz, hogy ki vagy, meg kell
haladnod az elmt.

Q: Is not awareness beyond the mind? K: A figyelem meghaladja az elmt?

M: Awareness is the point at which the mind M: A figyelem az a pont, amelynl az elme nmagn
reaches out beyond itself into reality. In awareness tlnylva elri a valsgot. A figyelemben nem azt
you seek not what pleases, but what is true. keresed, ami rmet okoz, hanem ami igaz.

Q: I find that awareness brings about a state of inner K: gy gondolom, hogy a figyelem hozza ltre a
silence, a state of psychic void. bels csend, a pszichikai ressg llapott.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
M: It is all right as it goes, but it is not enough. Have M: gy van, gy mkdik, de ez nem elg. rezted
you felt the all-embracing emptiness in which the mr a mindent magban foglal ressget,
universe swims like a cloud in the blue sky? amelyben az univerzum gy szik, mint felh a kk

Q: Sir, let me first come to know well my own inner K: Tisztelt Uram, hadd ismerjem meg jl elbb a
space. sajt bels teremet.

M: Destroy the wall that separates, the 'I-am-the- M: Dntsd le a falat, amely elvlaszt, az n-vagyok-
body' idea and the inner and the outer will become a-test idet, s a bels s a kls eggy fog vlni.

Q: Am I to die? K: Meg kell, hogy haljak?

M: Physical destruction is meaningless. It is the M: A fizikai megsemmislsnek nincs rtelme. Az

clinging to sensate life that binds you. If you could rzki vilgba val kapaszkodsod az, ami
experience the inner void fully, the explosion into the megktz. Ha a bels ressget teljes mrtkben
totality would be near. tapasztalnd, a teljessgbe val robbans mr kzel

Q: My own spiritual experience has its seasons. K: A spiritulis tapasztalsomnak idszakai vannak.
Sometimes I feel glorious, then again I am down. I Nha nagyszeren rzem magam, majd ismt levert
am like a little boy -- going up, going down, going up, vagyok. Olyan vagyok, mint egy kisfi egyszer
going down. fent, egyszer lent, egyszer fent, egyszer lent.

M: All changes in consciousness are due to the 'I- M: A tudatossgban minden vltozs az n-vagyok-
am-the-body' idea. Divested of this idea the mind a-test idea jn ltre. Ezen idetl megfosztottan az
becomes steady. There is pure being, free of elme llhatatoss vlik. A tiszta lt minden
experiencing anything in particular. But to realise it klnleges tapasztalattl mentes. De ennek
you must do what your teacher tells you. Mere felismershez tenned is kell, amit tantd mond
listening, even memorizing, is not enough. If you do neked. Puszta meghallgatsa, de mg megtanulsa
not struggle hard to apply every word of it in your sem elegend. Ha nem harcolsz kemnyen, hogy
daily life, don't complain that you made no progress. minden szavt rvnyestsd mindennapi leted
All real progress is irreversible. Ups and downs sorn, akkor ne panaszkodj, hogy egy helyben
merely show that the teaching has not been taken to topogsz. Minden valdi halads visszafordthatatlan.
heart and translated into action fully. A kedvez s kedveztlen vltozsok pusztn arra
vallanak, hogy a tantsok nem fogantak meg a
szvedben, s nem fordultak teljesen t tettekk.

Q: The other day you told us that there is no such K: Azt mondtad neknk a minap, hogy a karma, mint
thing as karma. Yet we see that every thing has a olyan, nem ltezik. Mi mgis gy ltjuk, hogy minden
cause and the sum total of all the causes may be dolognak oka van, s az okok vgsszegt
called karma. karmnak hvhatjuk.

M: As long as you believe yourself to be a body, you M: Amg nmagadat testnek hiszed, okokat fogsz
will ascribe causes to everything. I do not say things tulajdontani mindennek. n nem mondom, hogy a
have no causes. Each thing has innumerable dolgoknak nincsenek okai. Minden dolognak
causes. It is as it is, because the world is as it is. megszmllhatatlan oka van. Azrt van gy, ahogy
Every cause in its ramifications covers the universe. van, mert a vilg olyan, amilyen. Minden ok
kvetkezmnyei szertegaznak a vilgban.
When you realise that you are absolutely free to be
what you consent to be, that you are what you Amikor felismered, hogy teljes szabadsgodban ll
appear to be because of ignorance or indifference, annak lenni, amihez beleegyezsed adod, hogy
you are free to revolt and change. You allow yourself tudatlansg illetve kzmbssg miatt vagy az,
to be what you are not. You are looking for the aminek megjelensz, akkor elnyerted a szabadsgot,
causes of being what you are not. It is a futile hogy felkelj, s vltoztass. Te magad teszed
search. There are no causes, but your ignorance of lehetv, hogy az lgy, ami nem vagy. Egy olyan
your real being, which is perfect and beyond all ltezsnek az okait keresed, ami nem vagy. Ez
causation. For whatever happens, all the universe is hibaval keress. Nincsenek okok, hanem csak a
responsible and you are the source of the universe. tkletes, s minden oksgon tli valdi lted nem

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
ismerse. Mert brmi trtnjk, az egsz univerzum
felels rte, s te vagy az univerzum forrsa.

Q: I know nothing about being the cause of the K: Semmit nem tudok az univerzum oknak a
universe. ltezsrl.

M: Because you do not investigate. Enquire, search M: Mert nem kutatod. Tanulmnyozd, keresd a
within and you will know. szved mlyn, s meg fogod ismerni.

Q: How can a speck like me create the vast K: Hogyan tudn egy olyan porszem, mint n,
universe? megteremteni a vgtelen univerzumot?

M: When you are infected with the 'I-am-the-body' M: Amikor megfertzdtl az n-vagyok-a-test
virus; a whole universe springs into being. But when vrussal, az egsz univerzum ltbe szkkent. De
you have had enough of it, you cherish some fanciful amint eleged van belle, elkezdesz meglehetsen
ideas about liberation and pursue lines of action romantikus elkpzelseket tpllni a szabadsgrl,
totally futile. You concentrate, you meditate, you s egy sor teljesen hibaval tnykedst folytatni.
torture your mind and body, you do all sorts of Koncentrlsz, meditlsz, sanyargatod a testedet s
unnecessary things, but you miss the essential az elmdet, mindenfle szksgtelen dolgokat
which is the elimination of the person. mvelsz, csak ppen lnyeget hibzod el, a szemly

Q: In the beginning we may have to pray and K: Az elejn lehet imdkozni s meditlni egy ideig,
meditate for some time before we are ready for self- mg felkszlnk az nkutatsra.

M: If you believe so, go on. To me, all delay is a M: Ha ebben hiszel, csak rajta. Szerintem minden
waste of time. You can skip all the preparation and halogats idpocskols. tugorhatsz minden
go directly for the ultimate search within. Of all the elkszletet, s kzvetlenl belevghatsz a vgs,
Yogas it is the simplest and the shortest. befel irnyul keressbe. Az sszes Yogk kztt
ez a legegyszerbb, s legrvidebb.

72. What is Pure, Unalloyed, Unattached 72. Ami szntiszta, elegytetlen,

is Real fggetlen, az vals
Maharaj: You are back in India. Where have you Maharaj: Visszajttl ht Indiba. Merre jrtl, mit
been, what have you seen? lttl?

Questioner: I come from Switzerland. I stayed there Krdez: Svjcbl jvk. Egy rendkvli embernl
with a remarkable man who claims to have realised. jrtam, aki lltsa szerint megvalsult. Rgebben
He has done many Yogas in his past and had many sokat Yogzott, s sok meglt tapasztalata elhagyta.
experiences that passed away. Now he claims no lltsa szerint most nincs se specilis kpessge,
special abilities, nor knowledge; the only unusual se tudsa; az egyetlen szokatlan dolog az
thing about him is connected with sensations; he is rzkelssel kapcsolatosan jelentkezik nla, nem
unable to separate the seer from the seen. For kpes elklnteni a ltt s a ltottat. Pldul,
instance, when he sees a car rushing at him, he amikor egy felje szguld autt lt, nem tudja, hogy
does not know whether the car is rushing at him, or az aut fel szguld, vagy az autban van.
he at a car. He seems to be both at the same time, Egyidejleg mindkettnek, a ltnak s a ltottnak is
the seer and the seen. They become one. Whatever ltja magt. Eggy vltak. Brmit lt, nmagt ltja.
he sees, he sees himself. When I asked him some Amikor feltettem neki egy vdkkal kapcsolatos
Vedantic questions he said: 'I really cannot answer. I krdst, azt vlaszolta: Valban nem tudom a
do not know. All I know is this strange identity with vlaszt. Nem tudom. Mindssze ezt a minden
whatever I perceive. You know, I expected anything szlelsemmel egytt jr klns nazonossgot
but this.' ismerem. Tudod, mindent vrtam, csak ezt nem.

He is on the whole a humble man; he makes no Egszben vve egy alzatos ember; nem fogad
disciples and in no way puts himself on a pedestal. tantvnyokat, s semmilyen mdon magasztalja

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
He is willing to talk about his strange condition, but magt. Hajland beszlni az klns llapotrl,
that is all. de ez minden.

M: Now he knows what he knows. All else is over. At M: Nos, tudja, amit tud. Minden ms elmlik.
least he still talks. Soon he may cease talking. Legalbb mg beszl. Lehet, hogy hamarosan
abbahagyja a beszdet.

Q: What will he do then? K: Mit fog csinlni azutn?

M: Immobility and silence are not inactive. The M: A mozdulatlansg s csend nem ttlenek. A virg
flower fills the space with perfume, the candle -- with betlti a teret illattal, a gyertya fnnyel. Semmit
light. They do nothing yet they change everything by sem csinlnak, mgis minden megvltoztatnak,
their mere presence. You can photograph the puszta jelenltk ltal. Lefnykpezheted a gyertyt,
candle, but not its light. You can know the man, his de fnyt nem. Ismerheted az embert, nevt s
name and appearance, but not his influence. His megjelenst, de hatst nem. Az valdi jelenlte
very presence is action. a cselekvs.

Q: Is it not natural to be active? K: Nem termszetes dolog tevkenynek lenni?

M: Everybody wants to be active, but where do his M: Mindenki tevkeny akar lenni, de tetteik honnan
actions originate? There is no central point each szrmaznak? Kzpont nlkl minden tett msikat
action begets another, meaninglessly and painfully, szl, rtelmetlenl s fjdalmasan, vgtelen
in endless succession. The alternation of work and egymsutnban. A munka nem vltakozik a
pause is not there. First find the immutable centre sznettel. Elbb fedezd fel az lland kzpontot,
where all movement takes birth. Just like a wheel ahol minden mozgs szletik. Ahogy a tengely krl
turns round an axle, so must you be always at the forg kerk esetben, gy kell mindig a tengelynl
axle in the centre and not whirling at the periphery. lenned, a kzpontban, s nem a perifrin keringeni.

Q: How do I go about it in practice? K: Hogyan fogjak hozz ehhez a gyakorlatban?

M: Whenever a thought or emotion of desire or fear M: Valahnyszor vgy vagy flelem gondolata vagy
comes to your mind, just turn away from it. emcija jelentkezik az elmdben, csupn fordulj el

Q: By suppressing my thoughts and feelings I shall K: Gondolataim s rzseim elnyomsval reakcit

provoke a reaction. fogok kivltani.

M: I am not talking of suppression. Just refuse M: Nem elnyomsrl beszlek. Csupn a figyelem
attention. megtagadsrl.

Q: Must I not use effort to arrest the movements of K: Ne tegyek erfesztst, hogy meglltsam az
the mind? elme mozgsait?

M: It has nothing to do with effort. Just turn away, M: Nincs kze erfesztshez. Fordulj el csupn,
look between the thoughts, rather than at the inkbb a gondolatok kz nzz, mint a gondolatokra.
thoughts. When you happen to walk in a crowd, you Amikor gy addik, hogy egy tmegben stlsz,
do not fight every man you meet -- you just find your nem harcolsz minden emberrel, akivel tallkozol
way between. csupn megkeresed az utadat kzttk.

Q: If I use my will to control the mind, it only K: Ha az akaratommal kontrolllom az elmt, akkor
strengthens the ego. csak erstem az egt.

M: Of course. When you fight, you invite a fight. But M: Termszetesen. Amikor harcolsz, harcra hvsz.
when you do not resist, you meet with no resistance. De ha nem llsz ellen, nem tallsz ellenllsra. Ha
When you refuse to play the game, you are out of it. visszautastod a jtkot, kimaradsz belle.

Q: How long will it take me to get free of the mind? K: Meddig fog tartani, hogy megszabaduljak az

M: It may take a thousand years, but really no time M: vezredekig is eltarthat, de valjban semmifle

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
is required. All you need is to be in dead earnest. idt nem ignyel. Mindssze hallosan komolynak
Here the will is the deed. If you are sincere, you kell lenned. Itt az akarat a cselekvs. Ha szinte
have it. After all, it is a matter of attitude. Nothing vagy, rendelkezel vele. Vgl is, ez hozzlls
stops you from being a gnani here and now, except krdse. Semmi nem tarthat vissza, hogy itt s most
fear. You are afraid of being impersonal, of gnani lgy, kivve a flelmet. Flsz a szemlytelen
impersonal being. It is all quite simple. Turn away ltezstl, a szemlytelenn vlstl. Ez teljesen
from your desires and fears and from the thoughts egyszer. Fordulj el vgyaidtl s flelmeidtl, s a
they create and you are at once in your natural gondolatoktl, amiket azok teremtenek, s
state. egyszerre termszetes llapotodba kerlsz.

Q: No question of reconditioning, changing, or K: Nem az elme megjtsa, megvltoztatsa, vagy

eliminating the mind? kikszblse a krds?

M: Absolutely none. Leave your mind alone, that is M: Abszolte nem. Hagyd elmd magra, ez
all. Don't go along with it. After all, there is no such minden. Ne menj vele. Vgl is, nem ltezik olyan
thing as mind apart from thoughts which come and dolog, mint elme, eltekintve a gondolatoktl,
go obeying their own laws, not yours. They dominate amelyek nem a te, hanem sajt trvnyeiknek
you only because you are interested in them. It is engedelmeskedve jnnek s mennek. Csak azrt
exactly as Christ said 'Resist not evil'. By resisting uralnak tged, mert rdekeldsz irntuk. Pontosan,
evil you merely strengthen it. ahogy Krisztus mondta,ne llj ellene a gonosznak.
Ha ellene llsz a gonosznak, csupn ersted azt.

Q: Yes, I see now. All I have to do is to deny K: Igen, most mr rtem. Mindssze azt kell
existence to evil. Then it fades away. But does it not tennem, hogy megtagadom a ltet a gonosztl.
boil down to some kind of auto-suggestion? Ekkor az kereket old. De ez nem sszefoglalsa egy
bizonyos fajta nszuggesztinak?

M: The auto-suggestion is in full swing now, when M: Az nszuggeszti ppen most dolgozik
you think yourself to be a person, caught between gzervel, amikor szemlynek gondolod magad,
good and evil. What I am asking you to do is to put megragadva j s gonosz kztt. Arra krlek, vess
an end to it, to wake up and see things as they are. vget ennek, bredj fel, s lsd a dolgokat, ahogy
azok vannak.
About your stay in Switzerland with that strange
friend of yours: what did you gain in his company? Svjci tartzkodsod sorn szerzett klns
bartodrl: mit nyertl a trsasgbl?

Q: Nothing absolutely. His experience did not affect K: Abszolte semmit. Az tapasztalatai egyltaln
me at all. One thing I have understood: there is nem hatottak rm. Egy dolgot megrtettem: nincs ott
nothing to search for. Wherever I may go, nothing semmi keresnivalm. Brhov mehetek, semmi nem
waits for me at the end of the journey. Discovery is vr rm az t vgn. A felfedezs nem az utazs
not the result of transportation. eredmnye.

M: Yes, you are quite apart from anything that can M: Igen, kivve, amit nyerhetsz, vagy veszthetsz.
be gained or lost.

Q: Do you call it vairagya, relinquishment, K: Ezt gy nevezed, hogy vairagya, felads,

renunciation? lemonds?

M: There is nothing to renounce. Enough if you stop M: Semmirl nem kell lemondani. Elg, ha lelltod a
acquiring. To give you must have, and to have you szerzst. Adshoz birtokolnod kell, s birtoklshoz
must take. Better don't take. It is simpler than to cipekedned. Jobb nem cipelni. Ez egyszerbb, mint
practice renunciation, which leads to a dangerous lemondst gyakorolni, amely a spiritulis gg
form of 'spiritual' pride. veszlyes formjhoz vezet.

All this weighing, selecting, choosing, exchanging -- Mindez mrlegels, vlogats, kivlaszts, csere
it is all shopping in some 'spiritual' market. What is ez mind spiritulis piaci bevsrls. Mi dolgod ott?
your business there? What deal are you out to Mirt alkudozol? Ha nem akarsz zletelni, mi haszna
strike? When you are not out for business, what is e vg nlkli aggodalmas vlogatsnak? Sehov
the use of this endless anxiety of choice? nem vezet a nyugtalansg. Valami megakadlyozza,
Restlessness takes you nowhere. Something hogy lsd, semmire nincs szksged. Fedezd fel, s

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
prevents you from seeing that there is nothing you lsd annak hamissgt. Ez olyan, mint mrget
need. Find it out and see its falseness. It is like nyelni, s vz irnti csillapthatatlan vgytl
having swallowed some poison and suffering from szenvedni. A mrtktelen ivs helyett mirt nem
unquenchable craving for water. Instead of drinking tvoltod el a mrget, s vlsz szabadd ettl az g
beyond all measure, why not eliminate the poison szomjsgtl?
and be free of this burning thirst?

Q: I shall have to eliminate the ego. K: Fel kell szmolnom az egt.

M: The sense 'I am a person in time and space' is M: A szemly vagyok idben s trben rzs a
the poison. In a way, time itself is the poison. In time mreg. Valamikppen maga az id a mreg. Idvel
all things come to an end and new are born, to be minden dolog vget r, s jak szletnek, hogy
devoured in their turn. Do not identify yourself with elnyeldjenek krforgsukban. Ne azonosulj az
time, do not ask anxiously: 'what next, what next?' idvel, ne krdezskdj nyugtalanul: mi a
Step out of time and see it devour the world. Say: kvetkez, mi a kvetkez? Lpj ki az idbl, s
'Well, it is in the nature of time to put an end to lsd, amint az felfalja a vilgot. Mondd: Nos, az id
everything. Let it be. It does not concern me. I am olyan termszet, hogy vget vet mindennek.
not combustible, nor do I need to collect fuel'. Legyen. Ez engem nem rint. Nem vagyok ghet,
s tzelt gyjtenem sem szksges.

Q: Can the witness be without the things to witness? K: Ltezhet-e a tan a tanstand dolgok nlkl?

M: There is always something to witness. If not a M: Mindig van valami, aminek tanja lehetsz. Ha
thing, then its absence. Witnessing is natural and no nem egy dolog, akkor annak hinya. Tannak lenni
problem. The problem is excessive interest, leading termszetes, s nem problma. A problma az n-
to self-identification. Whatever you are engrossed in azonostshoz vezet tlzott rdeklds. Brmi, ami
you take to be real. lefoglalja a figyelmedet, az valsgg vlik benned.

Q: Is the 'I am' real or unreal? Is the 'I am' the K: Valdi az n vagyok, vagy valtlan? Az n
witness? Is the witness real or unreal? vagyok a tan? Valdi a tan, vagy valtlan?

M: What is pure, unalloyed, unattached, is real. M: Ami szntiszta, vegytetlen, fggetlen, az valdi.
What is tainted, mixed up, dependent and transient Ami szennyezett, kevert, fgg s ml, az valtlan.
is unreal. Do not be misled by words -- one word Ne hagyd, hogy a szavak flrevezessenek egy sz
may convey several and even contradictory klnbz, radsul ellentmond jelentseket is
meanings. The 'I am that pursues the pleasant and hordozhat. Az lvezetet hajszol, s a kellemetlent
shuns the unpleasant is false; the 'I am' that sees kerl n vagyok az hamis; az lvezetet s a
pleasure and pain as inseparable sees rightly. The fjdalmat elvlaszthatatlannak lt n vagyok
witness that is enmeshed in what he perceives is the helyesen lt. Az szlelete csapdjba es tan a
person; the witness who stands aloof, unmoved and szemly; az a tan, aki kzmbs, mozdulatlan s
untouched, is the watch-tower of the real, the point rintetlen marad, a valsg megfigyeltornya, a
at which awareness, inherent in the unmanifested, megnyilvnulatlanban lakoz tudat s a
contacts the manifested. There can be no universe megnyilvnult rintkezsi pontja. Nem ltezhet
without the witness, there can be no witness without univerzum a tan nlkl, nem ltezhet tan az
the universe. univerzum nlkl.

Q: Time consumes the world. Who is the witness of K: Az id elemszti a vilgot. Ki a tanja az idnek?

M: He who is beyond time -- the Un-nameable. A M: , aki id felett ll a Megnevezhetetlen. Az izz

glowing ember, moved round and round quickly parzs, ha elg gyorsan krbe-krbe mozgatjk, egy
enough, appears as a glowing circle. When the izz krnek tnik. Amikor a mozgs megsznik, a
movement ceases, the ember remains. Similarly, the zsartnok marad. Hasonlkppen hozza ltre az n
'I am' in movement creates the world. The 'I am' at vagyok mozgsa a vilgot. A nyugalomban lv n
peace becomes the Absolute. You are like a man vagyok az Abszoltt vlik. Te olyan vagy, mint az
with an electric torch walking through a gallery. You az ember, aki egy zseblmpval megy t a galrin.
can see only what is within the beam. The rest is in Csak azt ltod, ami a fnykvn bell esik. A tbbi
darkness. sttben van.

Q: If I project the world, I should be able to change K: Ha n vettem ki a vilgot, akkor kpes kell, hogy

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
it. legyek meg is vltoztatni azt.

M: Of course, you can. But you must cease M: Termszetesen kpes vagy r. De abba kell
identifying yourself with it and go beyond. Then you hagynod a vele val azonosulst, s meg kell
have the power to destroy and re-create. haladnod azt. Akkor hatalmad van lerombolni, s

Q: All I want is to be free. K: Csupn szabad akarok lenni.

M: You must know two things: What are you to be M: Kt dolgot kell tudnod: mitl akarsz
free from and what keeps you bound. megszabadulni, s mi tart tged megktzve.

Q: Why do you want to annihilate the universe? K: Mirt akarod megsemmisteni az univerzumot?

M: I am not concerned with the universe. Let it be or M: Engem nem rdekel az univerzum. Nekem
not be. It is enough if I know myself. mindegy, hogy ltezik, vagy nem ltezik. Elegend,
ha ismerem nmagam.

Q: If you are beyond the world, then you are of no K: Ha meghaladtad a vilgot, akkor szmodra nincs
use to the world. haszna a vilgnak.

M: Pity the self that is, not the world that is not. M: Az elmt sznd, ami van, ne a vilgot, ami nincs.
Engrossed in a dream you have forgotten your true Annyira lekt az lom, hogy elfelejtetted valdi
self. nedet.

Q: Without the world there is no place for love. K: A vilg nlkl nem lenne hely a szeretetnek.

M: Quite so. All these attributes; being, M: gy van. Lt, tudatossg, szeretet s szpsg
consciousness, love and beauty are reflections of mindezen attribtumok a valsg vilgban val
the real in the world. No real -- no reflection. tkrzdsei. Ha nincs valsg nincs tkrzds.

Q: The world is full of desirable things and people. K: A vilg tele van kvnatos dolgokkal s
How can I imagine it non-existent? emberekkel. Hogyan kpzelhetnm ket nem

M: Leave the desirable to those who desire. Change M: Hagyd a kvnatost azokra, akik vgyakoznak.
the current of your desire from taking to giving. The Vltoztasd vgyakozsod irnyt kapsrl adsra.
passion for giving, for sharing, will naturally wash the Az ads, megoszts irnti szenvedly termszetes
idea of an external world out of your mind, and of mdon fogja kimosni a kls vilg idejt az
giving as well. Only the pure radiance of love will elmdbl, s az adst ugyangy. Csak a szeretet
remain, beyond giving and receiving. tiszta ragyogsa marad meg, adst s kapst

Q: In love there must be duality, the lover and the K: A szeretetben kettssg kell, hogy legyen, a
beloved. szeret s a szeretett.

M: In love there is not the one even, how can there M: Ha a szeretetben mg az egy sincs benne,
be two? Love is the refusal to separate, to make hogyan lehetne ott a kett? A szeretet elutastja az
distinctions. Before you can think of unity, you must elklnlst, a klnbsge ttelt. Mieltt az
first create duality. When you truly love, you do not egysgre gondolhatnl, ltre kell hoznod elszr a
say: 'I love you'; where there is mentation, there is kettssget. Amikor valban szeretsz, nem mondod,
duality. hogy szeretlek; ahol lelki tevkenysg van, ott
kettssg van.

Q: What is it that brings me again and again to K: Mi hoz engem vissza Indiba jra meg jra? Nem
India? It cannot be only the comparative cheapness lehetsges, hogy csupn az itteni viszonylag
of life here? Nor the colourfulness and variety of olcsbb let? A sznpomps s vltozatos
impressions. There must be some more important impresszik sem. Kell, hogy legyen valamilyen
factor. fontosabb tnyez.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
M: There is also the spiritual aspect. The division M: Van spiritulis szempont is. A kls s a bels
between the outer and the inner is less in India. It is Indiban kevsb vlik szt. Itt knnyebben kifejezni
easier here to express the inner in the outer. a belst a klsben. Knnyebb az egysgesls. A
Integration is easier. Society is not so oppressive. trsadalom nem igz le annyira.

Q: Yes, in the West it is all tamas and rajas. In India K: Igen, Nyugaton minden tamas s rajas. Indiban
there is more of sattva, of harmony and balance. tbb van sattvbl, harmnibl s egyenslybl.

M: Can't you go beyond the gunas? Why choose the M: Nem tudsz tllpni a gunkon? Mirt vlasztod a
sattva? Be what you are, wherever you are and sattvt? Lgy, ami vagy, akrhol vagy, s ne aggdj
worry not about gunas. gunk miatt.

Q: I have not the strength. K: Nincs meg hozz az erm.

M: It merely shows that you have gained little in M: Ez csupn azt mutatja, hogy kevs hasznodra
India. What you truly have you cannot lose. Were volt India. Ami igazn a tid, azt nem vesztheted el.
you well-grounded in your self, change of place Ha ned szilrd alapokon nyugodna, a
would not affect it. helyvltoztats nem hatna r.

Q: In India spiritual life is easy. It is not so in the K: Indiban knnyen lehet spiritulis letet lni.
West. One has to conform to environment to a much Nyugaton ez mskpp van. Sokkal nagyobb
greater extent. mrtkben kell alkalmazkodni a krnyezethez.

M: Why don't you create your own environment? M: Mirt nem teremtesz sajt krnyezetet? A
The world has only as much power over you as you vilgnak csak annyi hatalma van feletted, amennyit
give it. Rebel. Go beyond duality, make no adsz neki. Lpj tl a kettssgen, ne tgy
difference between east and west. klnbsget kelet s nyugat kztt.

Q: What can one do when one finds oneself in a K: Mit tehet az ember, mikor nagyon fldhzragadt
very unspiritual environment? krnyezetben tallja magt?

M: Do nothing. Be yourself. Stay out. Look beyond. M: Ne tgy semmit. Lgy nmagad. Maradj kvl.
Nzz mg.

Q: There may be clashes at home. Parents rarely K: Elfordulhatnak otthoni nzeteltrsek. A szlk
understand. ritkn megrtk.

M: When you know your true being, you have no M: Amikor ismered valdi ltedet, nincsenek
problems. You may please your parents or not, problmid. rmet szerzel szleidnek, vagy sem,
marry or not, make a lot of money or not; it is all the meghzasodsz, vagy sem, sok pnzt keresel, vagy
same to you. Just act according to circumstances, sem, szmodra mindez egyre megy. Cselekedj csak
yet in close touch with the facts, with the reality in a krlmnyektl fggen, st, a tnyekhez, a
every situation. mindenkori szitucihoz szorosan kapcsoldva.

Q: Is it not a very high state? K: Nem tl emelkedett llapot ez?

M: Oh no, it is the normal state. You call it high M: , nem, ez a normlis llapot. Azrt nevezed
because you are afraid of it. First be free from fear. emelkedettnek, mert flsz tle. Elszr szabadulj
See that there is nothing to be afraid of. meg a flelemtl. Vedd szre, hogy nincs mitl flni.
Fearlessness is the door to the Supreme. A flelemnlklisg az ajt, amely a Legfelsbbhz

Q: No amount of effort can make me fearless. K: Semekkora erfeszts rvn nem mlhat el a

M: Fearlessness comes by itself, when you see that M: A flelem nlklisg nmagtl jn, amikor ltod,
there is nothing to be afraid of. When you walk in a hogy nincs mitl flni. Amikor egy zsfolt utcn
crowded street, you just bypass people. Some you stlsz, akkor csak gy kikerld az embereket.
see, some you just glance at, but you do not stop. It Egyeseket megnzel, msokra csak egy pillantst
is the stopping that creates the bottleneck. Keep vetsz, de nem llsz meg. A meglls az, ami

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
moving. Disregard names and shapes, don't be tszkletet csinl. Maradj mozgsban. Hagyd
attached to them; your attachment is your bondage. figyelmen kvl a neveket s formkat, ne ktdj
hozzjuk, a ktdsed az, ami gzsba kt.

Q: What should I do when a man slaps me on my K: Mit kell tennem, mikor arcon tnek?

M: You will react according to your character, inborn M: Annak megfelelen reaglsz, hogy milyen a
or acquired. karaktered, legyen az veled szletett, vagy szerzett.

Q: Is it inevitable? Am I, is the world, condemned to K: Szksgszer ez? n, a vilg, arra tltetnk,

remain as we are? hogy azok maradjunk, amik vagyunk?

M: A jeweller who wants to refashion an ornament, M: Amikor az kszersz t akar alaktani egy
first melts it down to shapeless gold. Similarly, one aranykszert, elszr beolvasztja, miltal az
must return to one's original state before a new formtlan aranny vlik. Hasonlkppen van az
name and form can emerge. Death is essential for emberrel is, vissza kell trnie eredeti llapotba,
renewal. mieltt j nven s alakban jelenhetne meg. A hall
nlklzhetetlen a megjulshoz.

Q: You are always stressing the need of going K: Mindig a meghalads, kzmbssg,
beyond, of aloofness, of solitude. You hardly ever magnyossg szksgessgt hangslyozod.
use the words 'right' and 'wrong'. Why is it so? Szinte sohasem hasznlod a j s rossz szavakat.

M: It is right to be oneself, it is wrong not to be. All M: J az, ha nmagad vagy, rossz, ha nem vagy.
else is conditional. You are eager to separate right Minden ms feltteles. Azrt gsz a vgytl, hogy
from wrong, because you need some basis for elvlaszd a jt a rossztl, mert bizonyos
action. You are always after doing something or kiindulpontra van szksged a cselekvshez.
other. But, personally motivated action, based on Mindig valamilyen tennivalt keresel. De az
some scale of values, aiming at some result is worse rtkrend alap, szemlyesen motivlt cselekvs,
than inaction, for its fruits are always bitter. amely meghatrozott eredmnyt vesz clba,
rosszabb, mint a nem cselekvs, mert gymlcsei
mindig keserek.

Q: Are awareness and love one and the same? K: Tudat s szeretet egy s ugyanazok?

M: Of course. Awareness is dynamic, love is being. M: Termszetesen. A tudat mozgat er, a szeretet
Awareness is love in action. By itself the mind can ltezs. A tudat cselekv szeretet. Az elme nmaga
actualise any number of possibilities, but unless they is kpes brmifle lehetsget megvalstani, de ha
are prompted by love, they are valueless. Love nem a szeretet ksztette r, akkor rtktelenek. A
precedes creation. Without it there is only chaos. szeretet a teremts eltt jr. Nlkle kosz van

Q: Where is the action in awareness? K: Hol a cselekvs a tudatban?

M: You are so incurably operational. Unless there is M: Megrgztt mdon ragaszkodsz a mkdshez.
movement, restlessness, turmoil, you do not call it Ha nincs mozgs, nyugtalansg, kavarods, akkor
action. Chaos is movement for movement's sake. azt nem nevezed cselekvsnek. A kosz mozgs a
True action does not displace; it transforms. A mozgs kedvrt. A valdi cselekvs nem mozdt,
change of place is mere transportation; a change of talakt. A hely megvltoztatsa szllts csupn; a
heart is action. Just remember, nothing perceivable szv vltozsa a cselekvs. Csak arra gondolj, hogy
is real. Activity is not action. Action is hidden, semmilyen szlelhet nem vals. A tevkenysg
unknown, unknowable. You can only know the fruit. nem cselekvs. A cselekvs rejtett, ismeretlen,
megismerhetetlen. Csak a gymlcst ismerheted.

Q: Is not God the all-doer? K: Nem Isten az, aki mindent cselekszik?

M: Why do you bring in an outer doer? The world M: Mirt vezetsz be egy kls cselekvt? A vilg
recreates itself out of itself. It is an endless process, nmagbl teremti jra nmagt. Ez egy vgtelen

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
the transitory begetting the transitory. It is your ego folyamat, amely sorn a mland ltrehozza a
that makes you think that there must be a doer. You mlandt. Az egd gondoltatja veled azt, hogy
create a God to your own Image, however dismal lennie kell cselekvnek. Alkotsz egy Istent a sajt
the image. Through the film of your mind you project Kpedre, a kp azonban lehangol. Elmd filmjn
a world and also a God to give it cause and purpose. keresztl kivettesz egy vilgot, s egy Istent is,
It is all imagination -- step out of it. hogy okot s clt adjon neki. Mindez kpzelds
lpj ki belle.

Q: How difficult it is to see the world as purely K: Milyen nehz a vilgot tisztn mentlisnak ltni.
mental. The tangible reality of it seems so very Tapinthat valsga annyira meggyznek ltszik.

M: This is the mystery of imagination, that it seems M: Ez a kpzeletmisztriuma, hogy olyan valdinak
to be so real. You may be celibate or married, a ltszik. Lehetsz akr egyedlll, hzas, szerzetes,
monk or a family man; that is not the point. Are you vagy csaldos ember; nem ez a lnyeg. Szolgja
a slave of your imagination, or are you not? vagy kpzeletednek, vagy sem? Brmilyen dntst
Whatever decision you take, whatever work you do, hozol, brmilyen munkt vgzel, az mindig
it will be invariably based on imagination, on kpzeleten, tnyekknt pardz feltevseken fog
assumptions parading as facts. alapulni.

Q: Here I am sitting in front of you. What part of it is K: Itt lk, eltted. Ennek melyik rsze kpzelet?

M: The whole of it. Even space and time are M: Az egsz. Mg a tr s id is elkpzelt dolgok.

Q: Does it mean that I don't exist? K: Ez azt jelenti, hogy n nem ltezem?

M: I too do not exist. All existence is imaginary. M: n sem ltezem. Minden ltezs elkpzelt.

Q: Is being too imaginary? K: A ltezs is elkpzelt?

M: Pure being, filling all and beyond all, is not M: A tiszta lt, amely mindent betlt, s mindenek
existence which is limited. All limitation is imaginary, felett ll, nem olyan ltezs, amely korltolt. Minden
only the unlimited is real. korltozs elkpzelt, csak a korltlan valdi.

Q: When you look at me, what do you see? K: Ha rm nzel, mit ltsz?

M: I see you imagining yourself to be. M: Azt ltom, hogy lteznek kpzeled magad.

Q: There are many like me. Yet each is different. K: Sokan olyanok, mint n. Mgis mind klnbzk.

M: The totality of all projections is what is called M: Az sszes kivetts sszessge, amit gy hvunk,
maha-maya, the Great Illusion. maha-maya, a Nagy Illzi.

Q: But when you look at yourself, what do you see? K: De amikor nmagadra nzel, mit ltsz?

M: It depends how I look. When I look through the M: Attl fgg, hogyan nzek. Amikor az elmn
mind, I see numberless people. When I look beyond keresztl nzek, megszmllhatatlan embert ltok.
the mind, I see the witness. Beyond the witness Amikor az elmn tlra nzek, a tant ltom. A tann
there is the infinite intensity of emptiness and tl a vgtelen intenzits ressg, s csend van.

Q: How to deal with people? K: Hogyan kell bnni az emberekkel?

M: Why make plans and what for? Such questions M: Mirt ksztesz terveket, s mi clbl? Az ilyen
show anxiety. Relationship is a living thing. Be at krdsek nyugtalansgot jeleznek. A kapcsolat l
peace with your inner self and you will be at peace dolog. Lgy bkben bels neddel, s bkben
with everybody. leszel mindenkivel.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
Realise that you are not the master of what bredj r, hogy nem te vagy az ura a trtnseknek,
happens, you cannot control the future except in nem tudod kontrolllni a jvt, a tisztn technikai
purely technical matters. Human relationship cannot problmk kivtelvel. Az emberi kapcsolat nem
be planned, it is too rich and varied. Just be tervezhet, mivel tl gazdag s vltozatos. Csak
understanding and compassionate, free of all self legyl megrt s egyttrz, minden nrdektl
seeking. mentes.

Q: Surely, I am not the master of what happens. Its K: Valban, nem vagyok ura annak, ami trtnik.
slave rather. Inkbb a szolgja.

M: Be neither master, nor slave. Stand aloof. M: Ne legyl se r, se szolga. Maradj kzmbs.

Q: Does it imply avoidance of action? K: Ez a cselekvs elkerlst jelenti?

M: You cannot avoid action. It happens, like M: Nem tudod elkerlni cselekvst. Megtrtnik,
everything else. mint minden ms.

Q: My actions, surely, I can control. K: n a cselekedeteimet minden ktsgen fell

kontrolllni tudom.

M: Try. You will soon see that you do what you M: Prblod. Nemsokra ltni fogod, hogy azt
must. csinlod, amit csinlnod kell.

Q: I can act according to my will. K: Az akaratomnak megfelelen tudok cselekedni.

M: You know your will only after you have acted. M: Az akaratodat csak az utn ismered, miutn

Q: I remember my desires, the choices made, the K: Emlkszem a vgyaimra, a vlasztsaimra, a

decisions taken and act accordingly. velk sszhangban meghozott dntsekre, s

M: Then your memory decides, not you. M: Akkor az emlkezeted dnt, s nem te.

Q: Where do I come in? K: Mi az n szerepem?

M: You make it possible by giving it attention. M: Te teremted meg a lehetsgt, azzal, hogy
figyelmet adsz neki.

Q: Is there no such thing as free will? Am I not free K: Olyan, mint szabad akarat nem ltezik? Nem
to desire? szabadok a vgyaim?

M: Oh no, you are compelled to desire. In Hinduism M: , nem, te knyszerlsz a vgyakozsra. A

the very idea of free will is non-existent, so there is hinduizmusban valjban nem ltezik a szabad
no word for it. Will is commitment, fixation, bondage. akarat fogalma, gy sz sincs r.

Q: I am free to choose my limitations. K: Szabad vagyok a korltaim megvlasztsban.

M: You must be free first. To be free in the world you M: Elbb szabadnak kell lenned. Ahhoz, hogy
must be free of the world. Otherwise your past szabad lgy a vilgban, elszr a vilgtl kell
decides for you and your future. Between what had szabadnak lenned. Egybknt mltad hoz dntst
happened and what must happen you are caught. szmodra, s jvd szmra. Ami megtrtnt, s
Call it destiny or karma, but never -- freedom. First aminek trtnnie kell kztt vagy elakadva. Nevezd
return to your true being and then act from the heart ezt sorsnak, vagy karmnak, de sose
of love. szabadsgnak. Elbb trj vissza igaz ltedhez, majd
cselekedj a szeretet lelkillapotbl.

Q: Within the manifested what is the stamp of the K: A megnyilvnulton bell mi a jele
unmanifested? megnyilvnulatlannak?

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
M: There is none. The moment you begin to look for M: Nincs ilyen. Abban a pillanatban, hogy keresni
the stamp of the unmanifested, the manifested kezded a megnyilvnulatlan jelt, a megnyilvnult
dissolves. If you try to understand the unmanifested szertefoszlik. Ha megprblod elmvel megrteni a
with the mind, you at once go beyond the mind, like megnyilvnulatlant, azonnal tllpsz az elmn, mint
when you stir the fire with a wooden stick, you burn amikor egy fa plcikval piszklva a tzet, elgeted
the stick. Use the mind to investigate the a plct. Hasznld az elmt a megnyilvnult
manifested. Be like the chick that pecks at the shell. tanulmnyozsra. Olyan lgy, mint a tojshjat a
Speculating about life outside the shell would have csrvel bkds kiscsibe. Az letrl val
been of little use to it, but pecking at the shell breaks spekulci a hjon kvl nem sok haszonnal jrna,
the shell from within and liberates the chick. de a hjon belli bkdss kitri a tojshjat, s
Similarly, break the mind from within by investigation szabadd teszi a csibt. Hasonlkppen trd ssze
and exposure of its contradictions and absurdities. bellrl az elmt ellentmondsainak s
kptelensgeinek kutatsval s feltrsval.

Q: The longing to break the shell, where does it K: A tojshj sszetrsnek a vgya honnan jn?
come from?

M: From the unmanifested. M: A megnyilvnulatlanbl.

73. Death of the Mind is Birth of Wisdom 73. Az elme halla a blcsessg
Questioner: Before one can realise one's true Krdez: Mieltt felismeri valaki igaz termszett,
nature need not one be a person? Does not the ego nem szksges, hogy szemly legyen? Az egnak
have its value? nincs rtke?

Maharaj: The person is of little use. It is deeply Maharaj: A szemlynek nem sok haszna van.
involved in its own affairs and is completely ignorant Mlyen sajt gyeibe van bonyoldva, s egyltaln
of its true being. Unless the witnessing nincs tudatban valdi ltnek. Hacsak a tanskod
consciousness begins to play on the person and it tudatossg el nem kezd dolgozni szemlyen, s az
becomes the object of observation rather than the a megfigyelsnek szubjektum helyett objektumv
subject, realisation is not feasible. It is the witness nem vlik, a megvalsuls nem elkpzelhet. A
that makes realisation desirable and attainable. megvalsulst a tan teszi kvnatoss s

Q: There comes a point in a person's life when it K: Jnni fog egy pont a szemly letben, amikor a
becomes the witness. tanv vlik.

M: Oh, no. The person by itself will not become the M: , nem. A szemly nem vlik magtl a tanv.
witness. It is like expecting a cold candle to start Ez olyan, mint elvrni egy hideg gyertytl, hogy
burning in the course of time. The person can stay in idvel gni kezdjen. A szemly rkk a tudatlansg
the darkness of ignorance forever, unless the flame sttjben maradhat, hacsak a tudat lngja meg
of awareness touches it. nem rinti.

Q: Who lights the candle? K: Ki gyjtja meg a gyertyt?

M: The Guru. His words, his presence. In India it is M: A Guru. A szavai, a jelenlte. Indiban nagyon
very often the mantra. Once the candle is lighted, gyakran a mantra. Amint a gyertya meggyulladt, a
the flame will consume the candle. lng el fogja hamvasztani a gyertyt.

Q: Why is the mantra so effective? K: Mirt olyan hatsos a mantra?

M: Constant repetition of the mantra is something M: A mantra lland ismtlse olyasmi, amit a
the person does not do for one's own sake. The szemly nem a sajt rdekben csinl. A
beneficiary is not the person. Just like the candle haszonlvez nem a szemly. A gyertyhoz
which does not increase by burning. hasonlan, amely nem nvekszik az gssel.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
Q: Can the person become aware of itself by itself? K: A szemly nmagra tud eszmlni nmagtl?

M: Yes, it happens sometimes as a result of much M: Igen, megtrtnik nha, sok szenveds
suffering. The Guru wants to save you the endless eredmnyeknt. A Guru meg akar tged kmlni a
pain. Such is his grace. Even when there is no vgtelen szenvedstl. Mg ha a kls Guru nem is
discoverable outer Guru, there is always the lthat, mindig ott van a sadguru, a bels Guru, aki
sadguru, the inner Guru, who directs and helps from bellrl irnyt s segt. A kls s bels szavak a
within. The words 'outer' and 'inner' are relative to testre vonatkoznak csupn; a valsgban minden
the body only; in reality all is one, the outer being egy, a kls lt pusztn a bels kivettse. A tudat
merely a projection of the inner. Awareness comes mintha egy magasabb dimenzibl jnne.
as if from a higher dimension.

Q: Before the spark is lit and after, what is the K: A szikra fellobbansa eltt, vagy utn, mi a
difference? klnbsg?

M: Before the spark is lit there is no witness to M: A szikra fellobbansa eltt nincs tan, hogy
perceive the difference. The person may be szlelje az eltrst. Lehet, hogy a szemly tudatos,
conscious, but is not aware of being conscious. It is de nincs tudatban a tudatossgnak. Teljesen
completely identified with what it thinks and feels azonosult azzal, amit gondol, rez, s tapasztal. A
and experiences. The darkness that is in it is of its benne lv sttsg a sajt teremtmnye. Amikor a
own creation. When the darkness is questioned, it sttsget kutats al veszi, az szertefoszlik. A
dissolves. The desire to question is planted by the kutats vgyt a Guru ltette el. Msszval, a
Guru. In other words, the difference between the szemly s a tan kztti klnbsg akkora, mint az
person and the witness is as between not knowing nmaga nem ismerse, s ismerse kztti
and knowing oneself. The world seen in klnbsg. Harmnia (sattva) rvnyeslse esetn
consciousness is to be of the nature of a tudatossgban ltott vilg a tudatossg
consciousness, when there is harmony (sattva); but termszete kell legyen; de aktivits s passzivits
when activity and passivity (rajas and tamas) (rajas s tamas) esetn ezek elhomlyostanak s
appear, they obscure and distort and you see the torztanak, s a hamisat ltod valdiknt.
false as real.

Q: What can the person do to prepare itself for the K: Mit tehet a szemly, hogy elksztse nmagt a
coming of the Guru? Guru jvetelre?

M: The very desire to be ready means that the Guru M: Valjban a vgy az irnt, hogy bevgeztessen
had come and the flame is lighted. It may be a stray azt jelenti, hogy a Guru megrkezett, s a lng
word, or a page in a book; the Guru's grace works meggyulladt. Ez lehet egy elejtett sz, vagy egy
mysteriously. oldal egy knyvben; a Guru kegyelmnek mkdse

Q: Is there no such thing as self-preparation? We K: Nem ltezik olyan dolog, hogy n-elkszts?
hear so much about yoga sadhana? Olyan sokat hallunk yoga sadhanrl.

M: It is not the person that is doing sadhana. The M: Nem a szemly az, aki sadhant vgez. A
person is in unrest and resistance to the very end. It szemly nyugtalan, s a vgskig ellenll. A tan
is the witness that works on the person, on the az, aki dolgozik a szemlyen, illziinak, mltjnak,
totality of its illusions, past, present and future. jelennek s jvjnek teljessgn.

Q: How can we know that what you say is true? K: Honnan tudhatjuk, hogy igazat mondasz? Amg
While it is self contained and free from inner nmagban zrt, s bels ellentmondsoktl
contradictions, how can we know that it is not a mentes, honnan tudhatjuk, hogy nem lland
product of fertile imagination, nurtured and enriched ismtls tpllta, s erstette, lnk kpzelet
by constant repetition? termke?

M: The proof of the truth lies in its effect on the M: Az igazsg bizonytka a hallgatra gyakorolt
listener. hatsban nyugszik.

Q: Words can have a most powerful effect. By K: A szavak hatsa nagyon erteljes lehet. Szavak
hearing, or repeating words, one can experience hallgatsval, vagy ismtlsvel az ember klnfle
various kinds of trances. The listener's experiences eksztatikus llapotokat tapasztalhat. A hallgat

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
may be induced and cannot be considered as a tapasztalatai gerjesztettek is lehetnek, s nem
proof. tekinthetk bizonytknak.

M: The effect need not necessarily be an M: Nem szksgszer, hogy a hatsnak

experience. It can be a change in character, in tapasztalsnak kell lennie. Lehet, hogy a
motivation, in relationship to people and one's self. jellemben, motivciiban, az emberekkel, s
Trances and visions induced by words, or drugs, or nmagval val kapcsolatban fog vltozs
any other sensory or mental means are temporary bekvetkezni. A szavakkal, drogokkal, vagy ms
and inconclusive. The truth of what is said here is rzkszervi vagy mentlis eszkzzel elidzett
immovable and everlasting. And the proof of it is in eksztzisok s vzik ideiglenesek, s nem
the listener, in the deep and permanent changes in meggyzek. Az igazsg, ami itt elhangzott
his entire being. It is not something he can doubt, megdnthetetlen, s rkkval. s bizonytka a
unless he doubts his own existence, which is hallgatban van, az egsz ltezsnek mly s
unthinkable. When my experience becomes your maradand vltozsaiban. Ez nem olyasvalami, amit
own experience also, what better proof do you ktsgbe vonhat, hacsak nem vonja ktsgbe sajt
want? ltezst, ami elkpzelhetetlen. Ha az n
tapasztalsom a te sajt tapasztalsodd is vlik,
mifle jobb bizonytkot akarsz?

Q: The experiencer is the proof of his experience. K: A tapasztal a bizonytk sajt tapasztalsra.

M: Quite, but the experiencer needs no proof. 'I am, M: gy van, de a tapasztalnak nincs szksge
and I know I am'. You cannot ask for further proofs. bizonytkra. n vagyok, s tudom, hogy vagyok.
Nem tudsz tovbbi bizonytkokat krni.

Q: Can there be true knowledge of things? K: Lehetsges a dolgokat valban ismerni?

M: Relatively -- yes. Absolutely -- there are no M: Viszonylagos rtelemben igen. Abszolt

things. To know that nothing is is true knowledge. rtelemben dolgok nem lteznek. Tudni, hogy
semmi nincs, ez a valdi tuds.

Q: What is the link between the relative and the K: Mi a kapcsolat a viszonylagos s az abszolt
absolute? kztt?

M: They are identical. M: Azonosak.

Q: From which point of view are they identical? K: Mely nzpontbl azonosak?

M: When the words are spoken, there is silence. M: A szavak elhangzsa utn csend lesz. A
When the relative is over, the absolute remains. The viszonylagos vgvel az abszolt marad. A szavakat
silence before the words were spoken, is it different megelz csend klnbzik az utna kvetkeztl?
from the silence that comes after? The silence is A csend egy, s nlkle a szavakat nem lehetne
one and without it the words could not have been hallani. Mindig jelen van a szavak mgtt.
heard. It is always there -- at the back of the words. Figyelmedet helyezd t a szavakrl a csendre, s
Shift your attention from words to silence and you hallani fogod. Az elmnek tapasztalatra van
will hear it. The mind craves for experience, the szksge, amelynek az emlkt tudsnak tartjuk. A
memory of which it takes for knowledge. The gnani gnani minden tapasztalat fltt ll, s memrija
is beyond all experience and his memory is empty of res a mlttl. Semmifle kapcsolata nincs
the past. He is entirely unrelated to anything in semmivel. De az elme szablyokat, s defincikat
particular. But the mind craves for formulations and kvetel, rkk a valsg verblis formba
definitions, always eager to squeeze reality into a prselstl buzog. Mindenre fogalmat akar,
verbal shape. Of everything it wants an idea, for fogalmak nlkl nincs elme. Alapjban vve a
without ideas the mind is not. Reality is essentially valsg kizrlagos, de az elme nem fogja
alone, but the mind will not leave it alone -- and kizrlagosnak engedni s helyette a nem
deals instead with the unreal. And yet it is all the valdival foglalkozik. s mgis, az elme mindssze
mind can do -- discover the unreal as unreal. egyet tehet felfedezi, hogy a nem valdi nem

Q: And seeing the real as real? K: s a valdi valdiknt ltsa?

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
M: There is no such state as seeing the real. Who is M: Olyan llapot, hogy valdiknt lts, nem ltezik.
to see what? You can only be the real -- which you Kinek kellene ltni, s mit? Te csak a valdi lehetsz
are, anyhow. The problem is only mental. Abandon ami vagy, mindenkppen. A problma csupn
false ideas, that is all. There is no need of true mentlis. Hagyj fel el a hamis idekkal, ez minden.
ideas. There aren't any. Nincs szksg valdi idekra. Ilyenek nem lteznek.

Q: Why then are we encouraged to seek the real? K: Akkor mi ksztet bennnket a valsg

M: The mind must have a purpose. To encourage it M: Az elmnek cl kell. A valtlantl val
to free itself from the unreal it is promised something megszabadulsra sztnzni annyi, mint grni
in return. In reality, there is no need of purpose. valamit viszonzsul. Valjban nincs szksg clra.
Being free from the false is good in itself, it wants no A hamistl val megszabaduls nmagban vve j,
reward. It is just like being clean -- which is its own nem kvn jutalmat. Olyan, mint megtisztlkodni
reward. nmagban hordozza a jutalmat.

Q: Is not self-knowledge the reward? K: Nem az nismeret a jutalom?

M: The reward of self-knowledge is freedom from M: Az nismeret jutalma a szemlyes ntl val
the personal self. You cannot know the knower, for megszabaduls. Nem ismerheted a megismert,
you are the knower. The fact of knowing proves the mert te vagy a megismer. Az ismeret tnye az
knower. You need no other proof. The knower of the ismer bizonytka. Nincs szksged semmilyen
known is not knowable. Just like the light is known in ms bizonytkra. Az ismert ismerje nem
colours only, so is the knower known in knowledge. megismerhet. Mint ahogy a fny csupn a sznek
rvn ismert, gy ismert a megismer az ismeret

Q: Is the knower an inference only? K: Az ismer kvetkeztets csupn?

M: You know your body, mind and feelings. Are you M: Ismered a testedet, elmdet s rzseidet. Te
an inference only? kvetkeztets vagy csupn?

Q: I am an inference to others. But not to myself. K: n msok szmra kvetkeztets vagyok. De a

magam szmra nem.

M: So am I. An inference to you, but not to myself. I M: n szintgy. Kvetkeztets a te szmodra, de

know myself by being myself. As you know yourself nem a magam szmra. n gy ismerem magam,
to be a man by being one. You do not keep on mint aki nmaga. Ahogy te egy embernek ismered
reminding yourself that you are a man. It is only magad, mint aki valaki. Nem emlkezteted magad
when your humanity is questioned that you assert it. folyton, hogy ember vagy. Csak emberi mivoltod
Similarly, I know that I am all. I do not need to keep megkrdjelezse esetn jelented ki azt. n ppen
on repeating: 'I am all, I am all'. Only when you take gy tudom, hogy n vagyok minden. Nem kell folyton
me to be a particular, a person, I protest. As you are azt ismtelgetnem, hogy n vagyok minden, n
a man all the time, so I am what I am -- all the time. vagyok minden. Csak akkor tiltakozom amikor te
Whatever you are changelessly, that you are beyond egyninek, szemlynek tekintesz engem. Ahogy te
all doubt. llandan ember vagy, gy vagyok n llandan az,
ami vagyok. Brmi, ami megvltozhatatlanul vagy,
minden ktsgen fell az vagy.

Q: When I ask how do you know that you are a K: Amikor azt krdezem, honnan tudod hogy gnani
gnani, you answer: 'I find no desire in me. Is this not vagy, azt vlaszolod, hogy Nincs bennem vgy. Ez
a proof?' nem bizonytk?

M: Were I full of desires, I would have still been what M: Ha lennk vgyakkal tele, akkor is az lennk, ami
I am. vagyok.

Q: Myself, full of desires and you, full of desires; K: n tele vgyakkal, te tele vgyakkal; mi lenne a
what difference would there be? klnbsg?

M: You identify yourself with your desires and M: Te azonostod nmagad a vgyaiddal, s a

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
become their slave. To me desires are things among szolgjukk vlsz. Szmomra a vgyak ugyanolyan
other things, mere clouds in the mental sky, and I do dolgok, mint a tbbi, felhk csupn a mentlis gen,
not feel compelled to act on them. s nem rzek knyszert, hogy nekik megfelelen

Q: The knower and his knowledge, are they one or K: Az ismer s ismerete, egyek, vagy klnbzk?

M: They are both. The knower is the unmanifested, M: Mindkett. Az ismer a megnyilvnulatlan, az
the known is the manifested. The known is always ismert a megnyilvnult. Az ismert mindig mozgsban
on the move, it changes, it has no shape of its own, van, vltozik, nincs sajt formja, nincs lakhelye.
no dwelling place. The knower is the immutable Az ismer minden ismeret megvltozhatatlan
support of all knowledge. Each needs the other, but fenntartja. Mindkettnek szksge van a msikra,
reality lies beyond. The gnani cannot be known, de a valsg mindezt meghaladja. A gnani nem
because there is nobody to be known. When there is lehet ismert, mert senki nincs, aki ismerhetn t. Ha
a person, you can tell something about it, but when van egy szemly, tudsz mondani valamit rla, de
there is no self-identification with the particular, what mikor nincs az egynivel val nazonosuls, mit
can be said? You may tell a gnani anything; his lehet mondani? Mondhatsz a gnaninak akrmit, a
question will always be: 'about whom are you krdse mindig ez lesz: Kirl beszlsz? Nincs ilyen
talking? There is no such person'. Just as you szemly. Ahogy nem tudsz semmit mondani az
cannot say anything about the universe because it univerzumrl, mert az magban foglal mindent, gy
includes everything, so nothing can be said about a a gnanirl sem tudsz mondani semmit, mert
gnani, for he is all and yet nothing in particular. You minden, s mgis semmi emltsre mlt. A kped
need a hook to hang your picture on; when there is felakasztshoz egy kampra van szksged, ha
no hook, on what will the picture hang? To locate a nincs kamp, min fog fggeni a kp? Egy dolog
thing you need space, to place an event you need elhelyezshez trre van szksged, egy esemny
time; but the timeless and spaceless defies all elhelyezshez idre, de az id- s tr nlkli
handling. It makes everything perceivable, yet itself minden vele val bnst meghist. tesz mindent
it is beyond perception. The mind cannot know what szlelhetv, nmaga mgis szlelsen tli. Az
is beyond the mind, but the mind is known by what is elme nem tudja, mi van az elmn tl, de az elme az
beyond it. The gnani knows neither birth nor death; ltal ismert, ami rajta tl van. A gnani tudja, hogy
existence and non-existence are the same to him. semmi nem szletik, s nem is hal meg, ltezs s
nem ltezs egyformk szmra.

Q: When your body dies, you remain. K: Amikor a tested meghal, te fennmaradsz.

M: Nothing dies. The body is just imagined. There is M: Semmi nem hal meg. A test elkpzels csupn.
no such thing. Nincs ilyen dolog.

Q: Before another century will pass, you will be dead K: Mieltt a kvetkez vszzad bekvetkezne,
to all around you. Your body will be covered with meghalsz a krltted lvk szmra. A testedet
flowers, then burnt and the ashes scattered. That virgokkal fogjk betakarni, majd elgetnek, s a
will be our experience. What will be yours? hamvaikat sztszrjk. Ez lesz a mi tapasztalatunk.
Mi lesz a tid?

M: Time will come to an end. This is called the Great M: Az id a vghez fog rkezni. Ezt hvjk a Nagy
Death (mahamrityu), the death of time. Hallnak (mahamrityu), a hall idejnek.

Q: Does it mean that the universe and its contents K: Ez azt jelenti, hogy az univerzum s annak
will come to an end? tartalma vget r?

M: The universe is your personal experience. How M: Az univerzum a te szemlyes tapasztalatod.

can it be affected? You might have been delivering a Hogyan lehetne rintett? Tartasz egy kt rs
lecture for two hours; where has it gone when it is eladst, hov lett, amikor vge van? Beleolvadt a
over? It has merged into silence in which the csendbe, amelyben benne van az elads kezdete,
beginning, middle and end of the lecture are all kzepe s vge egyarnt. Az id elrkezett a
together. Time has come to a stop, it was, but is no vghez, volt, de nincs tbb. Az let beszdt
more. The silence after a life of talking and the kvet csend, s az let csendjt kvet csend,
silence after a life of silence is the same silence. ugyanaz a csend. A halhatatlansg nem ms, mint
Immortality is freedom from the feeling: 'I am'. Yet it az n vagyok rzstl val szabadsg. De

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
is not extinction. On the contrary, it is a state mgsem megszns. Ellenkezleg, olyan llapot,
infinitely more real, aware and happy than you can amely vgtelenl valsabb, berebb, s boldogabb,
possibly think of. Only self-consciousness is no mint amit valsznleg el tudsz kpzelni. Csak az
more. n-tudatossg sznik meg.

Q: Why does the Great Death of the mind coincide K: Mirt esik egybe a Nagy Hall a test kis
with the 'small death' of the body? hallval?

M: It does not. You may die a hundred deaths M: Nem esik egybe. Szz hallod is lehet anlkl,
without a break in the mental turmoil. Or, you may hogy a mentlis nyugtalansg sznetelne. Vagy,
keep your body and die only in the mind. The death fenntarthatod a testedet, s meghalhatsz az
of the mind is the birth of wisdom. elmben csupn. Az elme halla a blcsessg

Q: The person goes and only the witness remains. K: A szemly eltvozik, s csak a tan marad.

M: Who remains to say: 'I am the witness'. When M: Ki marad itt, azt mondani: n vagyok a tan?
there is no 'I am', where is the witness? In the Amikor nincs n vagyok, hol a tan? Az idtlen
timeless state there is no self to take refuge in. llapotban nincs n, hogy menedket talljon.

The man who carries a parcel is anxious not to lose A csomagot cipel ember azon igyekszik, nehogy
it -- he is parcel-conscious. The man who cherishes azt elvesztse csomag-tudatos. Aki az n
the feeling 'I am' is self-conscious. The gnani holds vagyok rzst fenntartja, az n-tudatos. A gnani
on to nothing and cannot be said to be conscious. nem cipel semmit, s nem mondhat tudatosnak. s
And yet he is not unconscious. He is the very heart mgsem tudattalan. valjban a tudat szve. gy
of awareness. We call him digambara clothed in nevezzk t, hogy digambara, a semmibe ltztt, a
space, the Naked One, beyond all appearance. Meztelen Egy, aki minden megjelenst meghalad.
There is no name and shape under which he may be Nincs neve s formja, ami szerint lteznek lenne
said to exist, yet he is the only one that truly is. mondhat, mgis, az egyetlen, aki igazn van.

Q: I cannot grasp it. K: Nem rtem.

M: Who can? The mind has its limits. It is enough to M: Ki tudn? Az elmnek korltai vannak. Elegend,
bring you to the very frontiers of knowledge and ha elvezet tged a tuds hatraihoz, s szembest
make you face the immensity of the unknown. To tged az ismeretlen vgtelensgvel. Amelyben
dive in it is up to you. aztn nmagadig merlsz al.

Q: What about the witness? Is it real or unreal? K: Mi a vlemnyed a tanrl? Vals, vagy nem

M: It is both. The last remnant of illusion, the first M: Mindkett. Az illzi utols maradka, a
touch of the real. To say: I am only the witness is valsgos els rintse. Azt mondani: n csupn a
both false and true: false because of the 'I am', true tan vagyok, egyarnt hamis s igaz: hamis az n
because of the witness. It is better to say: 'there is vagyok miatt, s igaz a tan miatt. Jobb azt
witnessing'. The moment you say: 'I am', the entire mondani: ltezik tansg. Abban a pillanatban,
universe comes into being along with its creator. hogy azt mondod: n vagyok, az egsz univerzum
megszletik, teremtjvel egytt.

Q: Another question: can we visualise the person K: Msik krds: gondolhatunk gy a szemlyre s
and the self as two brothers small and big? The little az nre, mint kt testvrre, egy kis s egy nagy
brother is mischievous and selfish, rude and testvrre? A kisebbik testvr rosszindulat, nz,
restless, while the big brother is intelligent and kind, durva s nyugtalan, mg a nagy testvr intelligens,
reasonable and considerate, free from body jindulat, rtelmes s megfontolt, mentes a
consciousness with its desires and fears. The big testtudatossgtl, s annak vgyaitl s flelmeitl.
brother knows the little one. But the small one is A nagy testvr ismeri a kicsit. De a kicsi nem tud a
ignorant of the big one and thinks itself to be entirely nagyrl, s teljesen nllnak gondolja magt. Jn a
on its own. The Guru comes and tells the smaller Guru, s kzli a kisebbikkel: Nem vagy egyedl,
one: 'You are not alone, you come from a very good nagyon j csaldbl szrmazol, a testvred nagyon
family, your brother is a very remarkable man, wise jelents ember, blcs s jszv, s nagyon szeret
and kind, and he loves you very much. Remember tged. Emlkezz r, gondolj r, keresd t, szolgld

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
him, think of him, find him, serve him, and you will t, s eggy vlsz vele. Most az a krds, hogy
become one with him'. Now, the question is are kett van bennnk, a szemlyes, s a klnleges, a
there two in us, the personal and the individual, the hamis s a valdi n, vagy ez egy hasonlat csupn?
false self and the true self, or is it only a simile?

M: It is both. They appear to be two, but on M: Mindkett. Kettnek mutatkoznak, de ha kutatod,

investigation they are found to be one. Duality lasts egynek tallod ket. A kettssg csak addig tart,
only as long as it is not questioned. The trinity: mind, amg ktsgbe nem vonod. A hromsg: elme, n,
self and spirit (vyakti, vyakta, avyakta), when looked s szellem (vyakti, vyakta, avyakta), a
into, becomes unity. These are only modes of tanulmnyozsuk sorn egy vlik. Ezek mdjai csak
experiencing: of attachment, of detachment, of a tapasztalsnak: az sszekapcsolsnak,
transcendence. sztvlasztsnak, meghaladsnak.

Q: Your assumption that we are in a dream state K: Feltevsed, miszerint lom llapotban vagyunk,
makes your position unassailable. Whatever llspontodat vitra alkalmatlann teszi. Brmilyen
objection we raise, you just deny its validity. One ellenvetssel lnk, te egyszeren elutastod annak
cannot discuss with you. rvnyessgt. Az ember nem tud veled vitatkozni.

M: The desire to discuss is also mere desire. The M: A vitatkozs vgya is puszta vgy csupn. A
desire to know, to have the power, even the desire vgy az irnt, hogy tudj, hogy hatalmad legyen, de
to exist are desires only. Everybody desires to be, to mg a ltezs irnti vgy is, vgyak csupn.
survive, to continue, for no one is sure of himself. Mindenki lenni, tllni, megmaradni vgyik, mert
But everybody is immortal. You make yourself senki nem biztos nmagban. Azonban mindenki
mortal by taking yourself to be the body. halhatatlan. Te teszed magad halandv azltal,
hogy nmagadat a testnek tartod.

Q: Since you have found your freedom, will you not K: Minthogy te megtalltad a sajt szabadsgodat,
give me a little of it? nem adnl nekem egy kicsit belle?

M: Why little? Take the whole. Take it, it is there for M: Mirt kicsit? Vedd az egszet. Vedd el, azrt van,
the taking. But you are afraid of freedom. hogy elvedd. De te flsz a szabadsgtl.

Q: Swami Ramdas had to deal with a similar K: Swami Ramdasnak egy hasonl krssel volt
request. Some devotees collected round him one dolga. Nhny rajong kr gylt egy nap, s krni
day and began to ask for liberation. Ramdas listened kezdtk tle a megszabadulst. Ramdas
smilingly and then suddenly he became serious and mosolyogva hallgatott, majd hirtelen elkomolyodott,
said: You can have it, here and now, freedom s azt mondta: megkaphatod, itt s most, az
absolute and permanent. Who wants it, come abszolt, s maradand szabadsgot. Aki akarja,
forward. Nobody moved. Thrice he repeated the lpjen elre. Senki nem moccant. Hromszor
offer. None accepted. Then he said: 'The offer is ismtelte meg az ajnlatot. Senki nem fogadta el.
withdrawn'. Aztn azt mondta: Az ajnlat visszavonva.

M: Attachment destroys courage. The giver is M: A ktttsg elpuszttja a btorsgot. Az ad

always ready to give. The taker is absent. Freedom mindig ksz az adsra. A fogad hinyzik. A
means letting go. People just do not care to let go szabadsg elengedst jelent. Az emberek nem
everything. They do not know that the finite is the igazn hajlandk arra, hogy mindent elengedjenek.
price of the infinite, as death is the price of Nem tudjk, hogy a vges az ra a vgtelennek,
immortality. Spiritual maturity lies in the readiness to mint ahogy a hall az ra a halhatatlansgnak. A
let go everything. The giving up is the first step. But spiritulis rettsg abban ll, hogy ksz vagy
the real giving up is in realising that there is nothing elengedni mindent. A felads az els lps. De a
to give up, for nothing is your own. It is like deep valdi felads annak a felismerse, hogy nincs mit
sleep -- you do not give up your bed when you fall feladni, mert semmi nem a tied. Olyan ez, mint a
sleep -- you just forget it. mly alvs nem adod fel az gyadat, mikor lomba
zuhansz csak elfelejted azt.

74. Truth is Here and Now 74. Az igazsg itt s most van

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
Questioner: My question is: What is the proof of Krdez: A krdsem a kvetkez: Mi az igazsg
truth? Followers of every religion, metaphysical or bizonytka? Mindegyik valls, metafizika, politika,
political, philosophical or ethical, are convinced that filozfia vagy etika kveti meg vannak rla
theirs is the only truth, that all else is false and they gyzdve, hogy vk az egyetlen igazsg, hogy
take their own unshakable conviction for the proof of minden ms hamis, s egyedl k birtokoljk az
truth. 'I am convinced, so it must be true', they say. It igazsg rendthetetlen bizonytkt.
seems to me, that no philosophy or religion, no Meggyzdsem, ezrt igaznak kell lennie.,
doctrine or ideology, however complete, free from mondjk. Nekem gy tnik, hogy nem filozfia vagy
inner contradictions and emotionally appealing, can valls, nem doktrna vagy ideolgia, hanem a bels
be the proof of its own truth. They are like clothes ellentmondsoktl, s rzelmi megindulstl val
men put on, which vary with times and teljes mentessg lehet igazunknak a bizonytka.
circumstances and follow the fashion trends. Ezek ppen olyanok, mint az ember ruhi, amelyek
az idvel s a krlmnyekkel vltoznak, s
Now, can there be a religion or philosophy which is divatirnyzatokat kvetnek.
true and which does not depend on somebody's
conviction? Nor on scriptures, because they again Na mr most, lehetsges-e olyan valls vagy
depend on somebody's faith in them? Is there a truth filozfia, amely igaz, s amely nem fgg senkinek a
which does not depend on trusting, which is not hittl? Szent knyvektl sem, mert azok megint
subjective? csak az emberek beljk vetett hittl fggenek.
Van-e olyan igazsg, amely nem hiten alapszik,
amely nem szubjektv?

Maharaj: What about science? Maharaj: Mi a vlemnyed a tudomnyrl?

Q: Science is circular, it ends where it starts, with K: A tudomny krben forog, ott vgzdik, ahol
the senses. It deals with experience, and experience kezddik, az rzkelsnl. Tapasztalatokkal
is subjective. No two persons can have the same foglalkozik, s a tapasztalat szubjektv. Nincs kt
experience, though they may express it in the same olyan ember, akiknek ugyanaz lenne a tapasztalata,
words. jllehet, azonos szavakkal fejezik ki magukat.

M: You must look for truth beyond the mind. M: Az igazsgot az elmn tl kell keresned.

Q: Sir, I have had enough of trances. Any drug can K: Uram, elegem lett az eksztzisokbl. Ezeket
induce them cheaply and quickly. Even the classical brmelyik drog olcsn s gyorsan elidzheti. Mg a
samadhis, caused by breathing or mental exercises, lgz vagy mentlis gyakorlatokkal elidzett
are not much different. There are oxygen samadhis klasszikus samadhik sem nagyon klnbznek.
and carbon dioxide samadhis and self induced Vannak oxign samadhik, szndioxid samadhik, s
samadhis, caused by repetition of a formula or a ninduklt samadhik, amelyeket formulk, s
chain of thoughts. Monotony is soporific. I cannot gondolat lncok ismtelgetse idz el. A monotnia
accept samadhi, however glorious, as a proof of altat hats. Nem tudom elfogadni a samadhit,
truth. brmilyen nagyszer, az igazsg bizonytkaknt.

M: Samadhi is beyond experience. It is a qualityless M: A samadhi meghaladja a tapasztalst. Egy

state. minsg nlkli llapot.

Q: The absence of experience is due to inattention. K: A tapasztalat hinya a figyelmetlensg miatt van.
It reappears with attention. Closing one's eyes does A figyelemmel jra megjelenik. A szemek becsuksa
not disprove light. Attributing reality to negative nem cfolja a fnyt. A negatv llapotok valsgknt
states will not take us far. The very negation elknyvelsvel nem jutunk messzire. A tagads
contains an affirmation. valjban lltst foglal magban.

M: In a way you are right. But don't you see, you are M: Bizonyos rtelemben igazad van. De nem ltod,
asking for the proof of truth, without explaining what hogy anlkl kred az igazsg bizonytkt, hogy
is the truth you have in mind and what proof will kifejtend, mi az elmdben lv igazsg, s hogy
satisfy you? You can prove anything, provided you milyen bizonytkkal lennl megelgedve? Be tudsz
trust your proof. But what will prove that your proof is bizonytani brmit, hiszel a bizonytsodban. De mi
true? I can easily drive you into an admission that bizonytja a bizonytsod helyessgt? n knnyen
you know only that you exist -- that you are the only r tudlak vezetni annak elfogadsra, hogy annyit
proof you can have of anything. But I do not identify tudsz csak, hogy ltezel hogy te vagy az egyetlen
mere existence with reality. Existence is momentary, bizonytk, amivel brmire vonatkozan rendelkezel.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
always in time and space, while reality is changeless De n nem azonostom a puszta ltezst a
and all-pervading. valsggal. A ltezs pillanatnyi, mindig id- s
trbeli, mg a valsg vltozatlan, s mindent that.

Q: Sir, I do not know what is truth and what can K: Uram, n nem tudom, hogy mi az igazsg, s
prove it. Do not throw me on my own resources. I hogy mi bizonythatja azt. Ne bzz engem sajt
have none. Here you are the truth-knower, not me. erforrsaimra. Nekem nincsenek. Itt te vagy az
igazsg ismerje, nem n.

M: You refuse testimony as the proof of truth: the M: Nem fogadod el a tansgot az igazsg
experience of others is of no use to you, you reject bizonytkaknt: a msok tapasztalatnak semmi
all inference from the concurring statements of a haszna szmodra, elutastasz minden olyan
vast number of independent witnesses; so it is for kvetkeztetst, amely nagyszm, fggetlen tan
you to tell me what is the proof that will satisfy you, egybehangz beszmoljbl szrmazik; gy rd
what is your test of a valid proof? marad, hogy megmondd, milyen bizonytk fog
tged kielgteni, s hogy mi az rvnyes bizonytk

Q: Honestly, I do not know what makes a proof. K: Becsletszavamra, nem tudom, mi teszi a

M: Not even your own experience? M: Mg sajt tapasztalatod sem?

Q: Neither my experience, nor even existence. They K: Sem sajt tapasztalatom, de mg a ltezs sem.
depend on my being conscious. Ezek lt-tudatossgomtl fggenek.

M: And your being conscious depends on what? M: s lt-tudatossgod mitl fgg?

Q: I do not know. Formerly, I would have said: on K: Nem tudom. Azeltt azt mondtam volna: a
my body; now I can see that the body is secondary, testemtl; most mr ltom, hogy a test msodlagos,
not primary, and cannot be considered as an nem elsdleges, s nem tekinthet a ltezs
evidence of existence. bizonyossgnak.

M: I am glad you have abandoned the l-am-the-body M: rlk, hogy feladtad az n-vagyok-a-test idet,
idea, the main source of error and suffering. ami a tveds s szenveds f forrsa.

Q: I have abandoned it intellectually, but the sense K: Intellektulisan feladtam, de az rzs, hogy
of being the particular, a person, is still with me. I egyedi ltez, egy szemly vagyok, mg bennem
can say: 'I am', but what I am I cannot say. I know I van. Tudom: n vagyok, de hogy mi vagyok, azt
exist, but I do not know what exists. Whichever way I nem tudom megmondani. Tudom, hogy ltezem, de
put it, I face the unknown. nem tudom, hogy mi ltezik. Akrmelyik ton
kzeltem, az ismeretlennel szembeslk.

M: Your very being is the real. M: Pontosan a lted a valsg.

Q: Surely, we are not talking of the same thing. I am K: Bizonyra nem ugyanarrl a dologrl beszlnk.
not some abstract being. I am a person, limited and n nem valamilyen absztrakt lny vagyok. Szemly
aware of its limitations. I am a fact, but a most vagyok, korltozott, s korltainak tudatban lv.
unsubstantial fact I am. There is nothing I can build Egy tny vagyok, de a legalaptalanabb tny. Nincs
on my momentary existence as a person. semmi, amire szemlyknt tmeneti ltemet

M: Your words are wiser than you are. As a person, M: Szavaid blcsebbek, mint te magad.
your existence is momentary. But are you a person Szemlyknt val ltezsed tmenti. De szemly
only? Are you a person at all? vagy-e csupn? Szemly vagy-e egyltaln?

Q: How am I to answer? My sense of being proves K: Hogy vlaszoljak? Lt rzsem annyit bizonyt
only that I am; it does not prove anything which is csupn, hogy vagyok, nem bizonyt semmi olyat, ami
independent of me. I am relative, both creature and tlem fggetlen. Relatv vagyok, a relatvnak
creator of the relative. The absolute proof of the csakgy a teremtmnye, mint teremtje. Az abszolt

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
absolute truth -- what is it, where is it? Can the mere igazsg abszolt bizonytka mi ez, hol tallhat?
feeling 'I am' be the proof of reality? Lehet-e az n vagyok puszta rzse a bizonytka
a valsgnak?

M: Of course not. 'I am' and 'the world is' are related M: Termszetesen nem. Az n vagyok s a vilg
and conditional. They are due to the tendency of the van egymssal sszefggsben lvk s
mind to project names and shapes. felttelesek. Az elme hajlamnak ksznheten
kerlnek nvknt s formaknt kivettsre.

Q: Names and shapes and ideas and convictions, K: Nevek, formk, idek s meggyzdsek, de
but not truth. But for you, I would have accepted the nem igazsg. De a kedvedrt elfogadnm
relativity of everything, including truth, and learnt to mindennek a viszonylagossgt, belertve az
live by assumptions. But then I meet you and hear igazsgot, s megtanulnk felttelezsek alapjn
you talking of the Absolute as within my reach and lni. De aztn tallkozom veled, s hallom, hogy az
also as supremely desirable. Words like peace, Abszoltrl beszlsz, mint szmomra elrhetrl, s
bliss, eternity, immortality, catch my attention, as egyben a legkvnatosabbrl. Olyan szavak
offering freedom from pain and fear. My inborn ragadjk meg a figyelmemet, mint bke, boldogsg,
instincts: pleasure seeking and curiosity are roused rkkvalsg, halhatatlansg, mivel ezek
and I begin to explore the realm you have opened. fjdalomtl s flelemtl val szabadsgot grnek.
All seems most attractive and naturally I ask. Is it Termszet adta hajlamaim: az rmkeress s a
attainable? Is it real? kvncsisg feltmadnak, s elkezdem felkutatni a
birodalmat, amelyet kinyitottl. Minden a
legvonzbbnak ltszik, s termszetesen addik a
krds. Elrhet ez? Valsg ez?

M: You are like a child that says: Prove that the M: Olyan vagy, mint egy gyerek, aki azt mondja:
sugar is sweet then only I shall have it. The proof of bizonytsd be, hogy a cukor des, csak akkor veszek
the sweetness is in the mouth not in the sugar. To belle. Az dessg bizonytka a szjban van, nem
know it is sweet, you must taste it, there is no other a cukorban. Akkor tudod, hogy des, ha
way. Of course, you begin by asking: Is it sugar? Is it megkstolod, nincs ms mdja. Termszetesen,
sweet? and you accept my assurance until you taste elkezdhetsz krdezskdni: ez cukor? des? s
it. Then only all doubts dissolve and your knowledge amg meg nem kstolod, elfogadod az lltsomat.
becomes first hand and unshakable. I do not ask Minden ktsged majd csak akkor oszlik el, s
you to believe me. Just trust me enough to begin tudsod majd csak akkor vlik kzvetlenn, s
with. Every step proves or disproves itself. You rendthetetlenn. Nem krem, hogy higgy nekem.
seem to want the proof of truth to precede truth. And Csak elszr bzz meg bennem. Minden lps
what will be the proof of the proof? You see, you are nmagt bizonytja, vagy cfolja. gy tnik azt
falling into a regress. To cut it you must put a stop to akarod, hogy az igazsg bizonytka jrjon az
asking for proofs and accept, for a moment only, igazsg eltt. s mi lesz a bizonytknak a
something as true. It does not really matter what it bizonytka? Ltod, ez visszafel mozgs.
is. It may be God, or me, or your own self. In each Elvgshoz le kell llnod a bizonytkok krsvel,
case you accept something, or somebody, unknown s el kell fogadnod, egy pillanatra csak, igaznak
as true. Now, if you act on the truth you have valamit. Nem igazn szmt, hogy mi az. Lehet az
accepted, even for a moment, very soon you will be Isten, vagy n, vagy a te sajt ned. Mindegyik
brought to the next step. It is like climbing a tree in esetben valami, vagy valaki ismeretlent fogadsz el
the dark -- you can get hold of the next branch only igaznak. Most, ha az elfogadott igazsg szerint
when you are perched on the previous one. In cselekszel, mg ha egy pillanatra is, nagyon hamar
science it is called the experimental approach. To el fogsz jutni a kvetkez lpsig. Olyan ez, mint
prove a theory you carry out an experiment sttben fra mszni csak akkor kaparinthatod
according to the operational instructions, left by meg a kvetkez gat, amikor felkapaszkodtl az
those who have made the experiment before you. In elzre. A tudomnyban ezt tapasztalati
spiritual search the chain of experiments one has to megkzeltsnek nevezik. A teria igazolshoz
make is called Yoga. vgre kell hajtanod egy ksrletet a vonatkoz
instrukciknak megfelelen, amit azok hagytak meg,
akik a ksrletet eltted mr elvgeztk. A spiritulis
keress esetben a ksrleteknek azt a lnct, amit
az embernek vgre kell hajtani, Yognak hvjk.

Q: There are so many Yogas, which to choose? K: Olyan sok Yoga ltezik, melyiket vlasszam?

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
M: Of course, every gnani will suggest the path of M: Termszetesen minden gnani azt az utat fogja
his own attainment as the one he knows most javasolni, amelyet sajt maga megvalstott, mivel
intimately. But most of them are very liberal and azt ismeri a legkzvetlenebbl. De legtbbjk
adapt their advice to the needs of the enquirer. All nagyon szabad szellem, s tancsait a keres
the paths take you to the purification of the mind. szksgleteihez teszi alkalmass. Mindegyik t az
The impure mind is opaque to truth; the pure mind is elme megtisztulshoz vezet. A tiszttalan elme
transparent. Truth can be seen through it easily and tltszatlan az igazsg szmra, a tiszta elme
clearly. tltsz. Rajta keresztl knnyen s tisztn lthat
az igazsg.

Q: I am sorry, but I seem unable to convey my K: Sajnlom, gy ltszik, kptelen vagyok a

difficulty. I am asking about the proof of truth and am nehzsgem tolmcsolsra. Az igazsg
being given the methods of attaining it. Assuming I bizonytkt keresem, s megvalstsnak a
follow the methods and attain some most wonderful mdszereit. Tegyk fel, hogy kvetem a
and desirable state, how do I come to know that my mdszereket, s elrek valamilyen nagyon
state is true? Every religion begins with faith and csodlatos, s kvnatos llapotot, honnan tudom,
promises some ecstasy. Is the ecstasy of the real, or hogy llapotom valdi? Minden valls hittel
the product of faith? For, if it is an induced state, I kezddik, s az grete valamifle elragadtats. Az
shall have nothing to do with it. Take Christianity that elragadtats a valsg, vagy a hit kvetkezmnye?
says: Jesus is your Saviour, believe and be saved Mert ha ez egy induklt llapot, akkor nem tudok mit
from sin. When I ask a sinning Christian how is it kezdeni vele. Vegyk a keresztnysget, ami azt
that he has not been saved from sin in spite of his mondja: Jzus a te Megmentd, higgy, s
faith in Christ, he answers: My faith is not perfect. megmentetsz a bntl. Amikor egy vtkes
Again we are in the vicious circle -- without perfect keresztnyt krdezek, mirt nem meneklt meg a
faith -- no salvation, without salvation -- no perfect bntl, Krisztusba vetett hite ellenre, azt feleli: nem
faith, hence no salvation. Conditions are imposed tkletes a hitem. Ismt benne vagyunk az rdgi
which are unfulfillable and then we are blamed for krben tkletes hit nlkl nincs megvlts,
not fulfilling them. megvlts nlkl nincs tkletes hit, ezrt nincs
megvlts. Olyanok a fellltott felttelek, hogy nem
lehet ket teljesteni, s aztn mg mi kapjuk a
szemrehnyst, mert nem teljestjk azokat.

M: You do not realise that your present waking state M: Nem ismered fel, hogy jelen brenlti llapotod a
is one of ignorance. Your question about the proof of tudatlansg egy llapota. Az igazsg bizonytkra
truth is born from ignorance of reality. You are vonatkoz krdsed a valsg nem ismersbl
contacting your sensory and mental states in szletett. Tudatossgbeli rzkelsi s mentlis
consciousness, at the point of 'I am', while reality is llapotaiddal az n vagyok pontjban rintkezel,
not mediated, not contacted, not experienced. You mg a valsggal nincs kapcsolatod, nem rintkezel
are taking duality so much for granted, that you do vele, nem tapasztalod. A kettssget annyira
not even notice it, while to me variety and diversity biztosnak tekinted, hogy soha mg csak szre sem
do not create separation. You imagine reality to veszed, mg az n szmomra a vltozatossg s
stand apart from names and forms, while to me klnbzsg nem hoz ltre elklnlst. Te a
names and forms are the ever changing expressions valsgot a nevektl s formktl klnllnak
of reality and not apart from it. You ask for the proof kpzeled, mg szmomra a nevek s formk a
of truth while to me all existence is the proof. You valsg rkk vltoz kifejezsei, s nem tle
separate existence from being and being from klnll dolgok. Te ignyled a bizonytkt az
reality, while to me it is all one. However much you igazsgnak, mg szmomra az sszes ltezs a
are convinced of the truth of your waking state, you bizonytk. Te elklnted a ltezst a lttl, s a
do not claim it to be permanent and changeless, as I ltet a valsgtl, mg szmomra minden egy.
do when I talk of mine. Yet I see no difference Annak ellenre, hogy meg vagy gyzdve brenlti
between us, except that you are imagining things, llapotod valsgrl, nem lpsz fel azzal ignnyel,
while I do not. hogy lland s vltozatlan legyen, ahogy azt n
teszem, mikor az llapotomrl beszlek. Mgsem
ltok klnbsget kzttnk, attl eltekintve, hogy te
mindenfle dolgokat kpzelsz, mg n nem.

Q: First you disqualify me from asking about truth, K: Elbb abban akadlyozol, hogy az igazsgrl
then you accuse me of imagination. What is krdezzek, majd kpzeldssel vdolsz. Ami neked
imagination to you is reality to me. kpzelds, az nekem valsg.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
M: Until you investigate. I am not accusing you of M: Amg ki nem kutatod. n nem vdollak tged
anything. I am only asking you to question wisely. semmivel. n csupn arra krlek, hogy krdezz
Instead of searching for the proof of truth, which you blcsen. Ahelyett, hogy egy olyan igazsg
do not know, go through the proofs you have of what bizonytkt keresed, amelyet nem ismersz, haladj
you believe to know. You will find you know nothing olyan bizonytkokon keresztl, amelyeket ismerni
for sure -- you trust on hearsay. To know the truth, vlsz. R fogsz jnni, hogy semmit nem tudsz
you must pass through your own experience. biztosan mendemondkban hiszel. Az igazsg
ismerethez az t a sajt tapasztalataidon keresztl

Q: I am mortally afraid of samadhis and other K: A samadik, s ms nkvleti llapotok hallosan

trances, whatever their cause. A drink, a smoke, a ijesztek szmomra, brmi okbl is kvetkezzenek
fever, a drug, breathing, singing, shaking, dancing, be. Ital, cigaretta, izgalom, drog, lgzs, nekls,
whirling, praying, sex or fasting, mantras or some rzkds, tncols, prgs, imdkozs, szex, bjt,
vertiginous abstraction can dislodge me from my mantrk s mindenfle szdlssel jr absztrakcik
waking state and give me some experience, kimozdthatnak ber llapotombl, s szolglhatnak
extraordinary because unfamiliar. But when the bizonyos lmnyekkel, amelyek azrt rendkvliek,
cause ceases, the effect dissolves and only a mert szokatlanok. De az okok megsznsekor a
memory remains, haunting but fading. hats szertefoszlik, s csak egy visszatr, de egyre
halvnyul emlk marad,.
Let us give up all means and their results, for the
results are bound by the means; let us put the Mondjunk le minden eszkzrl, s eredmnyeikrl,
question anew; can truth be found? mert az eredmnyek az eszkzkhz ktttek,
tegyk fel a krdst jbl, megtallhat-e az

M: Where is the dwelling place of truth where you M: Hol az igazsg lakhelye, ahov elmehetnl
could go in search of it? And how will you know that felkutatni azt? s honnan fogod tudni, hogy
you have found it? What touchstone do you bring megtalltad? Milyen prbakvet fogsz magaddal,
with you to test it? You are back at your initial vinni, hogy leellenrizd? Visszatrtl a kezdeti
question: What is the proof of truth? There must be krdsedhez: mi a az igazsg bizonytka? Valami
something wrong with the question itself, for you bajnak magval a krdssel kell lennie, ha jra s
tend to repeat it again and again. Why do you ask jra hajlamos vagy megismtelni. Mirt krded, hogy
what are the proofs of truth? Is it not because you do mi a bizonytka az igazsgnak? Nem azrt, mert az
not know truth first hand and you are afraid that you igazsgot nem els kzbl ismered, s flsz a
may be deceived? You imagine that truth is a thing tvedstl? Azt kpzeled, hogy az igazsg egy
which carries the name 'truth' and that it is igazsg nevet visel dolog, s hogy a birtoklsa
advantageous to have it, provided it is genuine. hasznot hajt, feltve, hogy hiteles. A becsapstl
Hence your fear of being cheated. You are shopping val flelmed innen ered. Igazsgot vsrolsz, de a
for truth, but you do not trust the merchants. You are kereskednek nem hiszel. Flsz a hamistvnyoktl,
afraid of forgeries and imitations. s utnzatoktl.

Q: I am not afraid of being cheated. I am afraid of K: Nem attl flek, hogy becsapnak. Az
cheating myself. nbecsapstl flek.

M: But you are cheating yourself in your ignorance M: De nmagadat valdi motvumaid nem
of your true motives. You are asking for truth, but in ismersvel csapod be. Igazsgot krsz, de
fact you merely seek comfort, which you want to last valjban te csupn knyelmet keresel, amelyet
for ever. Now, nothing, no state of mind, can last for meg akarsz tartani rkre. Mrpedig semmi,
ever. In time and space there is always a limit, semmilyen elmellapot nem tarthat rkk. Az id-
because time and space themselves are limited. s trbeli dolgok mindig korltosak, mivel id s tr
And in the timeless the words 'for ever' have no nmaga is korltos. s az idtlenben az rkk
meaning. The same with the 'proof of truth'. In the sznak nincs jelentse. Ugyanez a helyzet az
realm of non-duality everything is complete, its own valsg bizonytka szavakkal. A nem-kettssg
proof, meaning and purpose. Where all is one, no birodalmban minden teljes, nmaga bizonytka,
supports are needed. You imagine that permanence jelentse s clja. Ahol minden egy, ott semmilyen
is the proof of truth, that what lasts longer is igazolsra nincs szksg. Azt kpzeled, hogy az
somehow more true. Time becomes the measure of llandsg a valsg bizonytka, hogy ami tovbb
truth. And since time is in the mind, the mind tart, az valahogy sokkal valdibb. Az id a valsg
becomes the arbiter and searches within itself for mrtkv vlik. s mivel az id az elmben van, az

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
the proof of truth -- a task altogether impossible and elme vlik a dntbrv, s nmagban keresi a
hopeless. valsg bizonytkt ami egy teljesen lehetetlen,
s remnytelen feladat.

Q: Sir, were you to say: Nothing is true, all is K: Uram, azt mondtad: semmi sem valdi, minden
relative, I would agree with you. But you maintain viszonylagos, s szeretnk veled egyetrteni. De te
there is truth, reality, perfect knowledge, therefore I fenntartod, hogy ltezik igazsg, valsg, tkletes
ask: What is it and how do you know? And what will tuds, ezrt megkrdezem: mi az, s honnan tudod?
make me say: Yes, Maharaj was right? s mi fogja azt mondatni velem: igen, Maharajnak
igaza volt?

M: You are holding on to the need for a proof, a M: Abba kapaszkodsz, hogy szksg van a
testimony, an authority. You still imagine that truth bizonytkra, tansgra, tekintlyre. Mg mindig azt
needs pointing at and telling you: 'Look, here is kpzeled, hogy az igazsgnak szksge van a
truth'. It is not so. Truth is not the result of an effort, rmutatsra, s, hogy azt mondjk: nzd, itt van a
the end of a road. It is here and now, in the very igazsg. Ez nem gy van. Az igazsg nem
longing and the search for it. It is nearer than the erfeszts eredmnye, ami az t vgn vr. Itt s
mind and the body, nearer than the sense 'I am'. most van, valjban az irnta val vgyakozsban,
You do not see it because you look too far away s a keressben. Kzelebb van, mint az elme s a
from yourself, outside your innermost being. You test, kzelebb, mint az n vagyok rzs. Nem ltod,
have objectified truth and insist on your standard mert nmagadtl tlsgosan tvol keresed, legbels
proofs and tests, which apply only to things and lteden kvl. Trgyiastottad az igazsgot, s
thoughts. ragaszkodsz azon hagyomnyos bizonytkokhoz s
ellenrzsekhez, amelyek csak dolgok, s
gondolatok esetn alkalmazhatk.

Q: All I can make out from what you say is that truth K: Mindssze annyit rtek abbl, amit mondasz,
is beyond me and I am not qualified to talk about it. hogy az igazsg rajtam tl van, s n nem vagyok
felkszlt, hogy rla beszljek.

M: You are not only qualified, but you are truth itself. M: Nem csupn alkalmas vagy, de te vagy az
Only you mistake the false for the true. igazsg maga. Csak az igazat sszetveszted a

Q: You seem to say: Don't ask for proofs of truth. K: gy tnik, mintha azt mondand: Ne krj
Concern yourself with untruth only. bizonytkot az igazsgra. A valtlannal trdj

M: The discovery of truth is in the discernment of the M: Az igazsgot a hamis elklntsvel fedezheted
false. You can know what is not. What is -- you can fel. Azt tudhatod, hogy mi nincs. Ami van az
only be. Knowledge is relative to the known. In a lehetsz csupn. A tuds a tudottra vonatkozik.
way it is the counterpart of ignorance. Where Bizonyos mdon a tudatlansg megfelelje. Ha
ignorance is not, where is the need of knowledge? nincs tudatlansg, hol van szksg tudsra?
By themselves neither ignorance nor knowledge nmagban sem tudatlansg, sem tuds nem
have being. They are only states of mind, which ltezik. Ezek csak elmellapotok, amelyek viszont a
again is but an appearance of movement in lnyegben lland tudatossg mozgsainak a
consciousness which is in its essence immutable. jelensgei csupn.

Q: Is truth within the realm of the mind or beyond? K: Az igazsg az elme birodalmn bell, vagy azon
kvl van?

M: It is neither, it is both. It cannot be put into words. M: Egyik helyen sem, s mindkettn. Ez szavakkal
nem kifejezhet.

Q: This is what I hear all the time -- inexpressible K: Ez az, amit llandan hallok kifejezhetetlen
(anirvachaniya). It does not make me wiser. (anirvachaniya). Ettl nem leszek okosabb.

M: It is true that it often covers sheer ignorance. The M: Igaz, hogy ezt gyakran teljes tudatlansg fedi. Az
mind can operate with terms of its own making, it elme a sajt maga gyrtotta kifejezsekkel operlhat
just cannot go beyond itself. That which is neither csupn, nem tud lphet tl nmagn. Azt, ami sem

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
sensory nor mental, and yet without which neither nem rzki, sem nem mentlis, de ami nlkl
sensory nor the mental can exist, cannot be mgsem ltezhet sem az rzki, sem a mentlis, azt
contained in them. Do understand that the mind has nem tartalmazhatja. rtsd meg, hogy az elmnek
its limits; to go beyond, you must consent to silence. meg vannak a korltai; a rajta val tllpshez el
kell fogadnod a csendet.

Q: Can we say that action is the proof of truth? It K: Azt mondhatjuk, hogy a tett az igazsg
may not be verbalised, but it may be demonstrated. bizonytka? Verbalizlni nem lehet, de
demonstrlni igen.

M: Neither action nor inaction. It is beyond both. M: Sem a tett, sem a ttlensg. Mindkettt

Q: Can a man ever say: 'Yes, this is true'? Or is he K: Kijelenthet-e valaha: Igen, ez igaz? Vagy
limited to the denial of the false? In other words, is lehetsgnk a hamis tagadsra korltozdik
truth pure negation? Or, does a moment come when csupn a? Msszval, az igazsg tiszta tagads?
it becomes assertion? Vagy eljn egyszer a pillanat, amikor lltss vlik?

M: Truth cannot be described, but it can be M: Az igazsg nem lerhat, hanem tapasztalhat
experienced. valami.

Q: Experience is subjective, it cannot be shared. K: A tapasztalat szubjektv, nem lehet megosztani. A

Your experiences leaves me where I am. te tapasztalataid rm nincsenek hatssal.

M: Truth can be experienced, but it is not mere M: Az igazsg tapasztalhat, de nem puszta
experience. I know it and I can convey it, but only if tapasztalat. n ismerem, s t tudom adni, de csak
you are open to it. To be open means to want akkor, ha te nyitott vagy r. Nyitottnak lenni azt
nothing else. jelenti, hogy semmi mst nem akarni.

Q: I am full of desires and fears. Does it mean that I K: Tele vagyok vgyakkal, s flelmekkel. Azt jelenti
am not eligible for truth? ez, hogy nem vagyok alkalmas az igazsgra?

M: Truth is not a reward for good behaviour, nor a M: Az igazsg nem j viselkeds, s nem is
prize for passing some tests. It cannot be brought bizonyos teszteknek val megfelels jutalma. Nem
about. It is the primary, the unborn, the ancient egy elidzhet valami. Ez az elsdleges, a meg
source of all that is. You are eligible because you nem szletett, az si forrsa mindennek, ami van.
are. You need not merit truth. It is your own. Just Alkalmas vagy, mert vagy. Nem kell az igazsgot
stop running away by running after. Stand still, be kirdemelned. Az a te sajtod. Csak fejezd be, hogy
quiet. azltal, hogy szaladsz utna, meneklsz elle.
Maradj nyugodt, lgy csendes.

Q: Sir, if you want the body to be still and the mind -- K: Uram, ha azt kvnod, hogy a test nyugodt, s az
quiet, tell me how it is done. In self-awareness I see elme csendes maradjon, avass be, hogy kell azt
the body and the mind moved by causes beyond my csinlni. n gy ltom, az n-tudatossgban a testet
control. Heredity and environment dominate me s az elmt ellenrzsemen kvli okok mozgatjk.
absolutely. The mighty 'I am', the creator of the Abszolt uralommal brnak felettem az rklds s
universe, can be wiped out by a drug temporarily, or a krnyezet. Az univerzum hatalmas teremtje, az
a drop of poison -- permanently. n vagyok megsemmisthet, idlegesen
valamilyen droggal, maradandan egy csepp

M: Again, you take yourself to be the body. M: jfent a testnek tartod nmagad.

Q: Even if I dismiss this body of bones, flesh and K: Mg ha ezt a csont, hs s vr alkotta testet, mint
blood as not-me, still I remain with the subtle body nem-nt elvetem is, mg mindig ott marad a
made up of thoughts and feelings, memories and gondolatokbl s rzsekbl, emlkekbl s
imaginations. If I dismiss these also as not-me, I still kpzeletekbl ll finom test. Ha ezt is elvetem, mint
remain with consciousness, which also is a kind of nem-nt, mg mindig ott marad a tudatossg, amely
body. szintn egyfle test.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
M: You are quite right, but you need not stop there. M: Teljesen igazad van, de nem kell itt megllnod.
Go beyond. Neither consciousness, nor the 'I am' at Lpj tovbb. Te nem vagy sem tudatossg, sem az
the centre of it are you. Your true being is entirely kzpontjban lv n vagyok. Valdi lted
un-self-conscious, completely free from all self- teljessggel n-tudattalan, tkletesen mentes
identification with whatever it may be, gross, subtle brmi olyannal val minden nazonoststl, ami
or transcendental. durva, finom, vagy transzcendentlis.

Q: I can imagine myself to be beyond. But what K: El tudom kpzelni magamrl, hogy mindezt
proof have l? To be, I must be somebody. meghaladom. De milyen bizonytkom van r?
Ahhoz, hogy legyek, lennem kell valakinek.

M: It is the other way round. To be, you must be M: Fordtva. Ahhoz, hogy legyl, senkinek kell
nobody. To think yourself to be something, or lenned. Valaminek, vagy valakinek gondolni magad,
somebody, is death and hell. az hall s pokol.

Q: I have read that in ancient Egypt people were K: Azt olvastam, hogy az si Egyiptomban bizonyos
admitted to some mysteries where, under the misztriumok sorn drogok s igzetek hatsra az
influence of drugs or incantations, they would be emberek elhagytk a testket, s valsgos
expelled from their bodies and could actually kvlllknt tapasztaltk, s lttk sajt, fldn
experience standing outside and looking at their own fekv formikat. gy akartak meggyzdni a hall
prostrate forms. This was intended to convince them utni let valsgrl, s ltrehozni egy mly
of the reality of the after-death existence and create kapcsolatot vgs rendeltetskkel, amely nagy
in them a deep concern with their ultimate destiny, hasznra volt az llamnak s a templomnak. A
so profitable to the state and temple. The self- szemlyt birtokl testtel val nazonosulsuk
identification with the person owning the body megmaradt.

M: The body is made of food, as the mind is made of M: A test tpanyagokbl ll, mint ahogy az elme
thoughts. See them as they are. Non-identification, gondolatokbl. Lsd ket annak, amik. A
when natural and spontaneous, is liberation. You termszetes s spontn nem-nazonosuls
need not know what you are. Enough to know what megszabadulst jelent. Nem kell tudnod, hogy mi
you are not. What you are you will never know, for vagy. Elg azt tudod, hogy mi nem vagy. Soha nem
every discovery reveals new dimensions to conquer. fogod megtudni, hogy mi vagy, mert minden
The unknown has no limits. felfedezs jabb meghdtott dimenzit tr fel. Az
ismeretlennek nincsenek hatrai.

Q: Does it imply ignorance for ever? K: Ez rks tudatlansgot jelent?

M: It means that ignorance never was. Truth is in the M: Azt jelenti, hogy sosem volt tudatlansg. Az
discovery not in the discovered. And to discovery igazsg a felfedezsben van, nem a felfedezettben.
there is no beginning and no end. Question the s a felfedezsnek nincs kezdete, s nincs vge.
limits, go beyond, set yourself tasks apparently Kutasd a hatrokat, lpj tl rajtuk, jellj ki magad
impossible -- this is the way. szmra ltszlag lehetetlen feladatokat ez az t.

75. In Peace and Silence you Grow 75. Bkben s csendben nvekszel
Questioner: The Indian tradition tells us that the Krdez: Az indiai hagyomny azt mondja, hogy a
Guru is indispensable. What is he indispensable for? Guru nlklzhetetlen. Mihez nlklzhetetlen? Az
A mother is indispensable for giving the child a body. anya nlklzhetetlen, hogy a gyermeknek testet
But the soul she does not give. Her role is limited. adjon. De a lelket nem adja. Szerepe korltozott.
How is it with the Guru? Is his role also limited, and Hogyan van ez a Guru esetben? Az szerepe is
if so, to what? Or is he indispensable generally, korltozott, s ha igen, miben? Vagy ltalnos
even absolutely? rtelemben nlklzhetetlen, st, abszolt mdon?

Maharaj: The innermost light, shining peacefully and Maharaj: A legbels fny, amely csendesen s
timelessly in the heart, is the real Guru. All others idtlenl ragyog a szvben, a valdi Guru. Minden

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
merely show the way. ms pusztn az utat mutatja.

Q: I am not concerned with the inner Guru. Only with K: Nem vagyok kapcsolatban a bels Guruval. Csak
the one that shows the way. There are people who azzal, aki az utat mutatja. Vannak, akik azt hiszik,
believe that without a Guru Yoga is inaccessible. hogy Guru nlkl a Yoga elrhetetlen. k folyvst a
They are ever in search of the right Guru, changing megfelel Gurut keresik, egyiket a msikra cserlve.
one for another. Of what value are such Gurus? Mi az ilyen Guruknak rtke?

M: They are temporary, time-bound Gurus. You find M: Ezek ideiglenes, id-korltozott Guruk.
them in every walk of life. You need them for Megtallod ket az let minden terletn. Azrt van
acquiring any knowledge or skill. szksged rjuk, hogy valamilyen tudst, vagy
kszsget megszerezz.

Q: A mother is only for a lifetime, she begins at birth K: Az anya is csak egy lethosszig az, a szletstl,
and ends at death. She is not for ever. a hallig. Nem rkk.

M: Similarly, the time-bound Guru is not for ever. He M: Hasonlkppen, az idkorltozott Guru sem
fulfils his purpose and yields his place to the next. It rkk az. Bevgzi rendeltetst, s tadja helyt a
is quite natural and there is no blame attached to it. kvetkeznek. Ez teljesen termszetes, s nem kell
hibztatni rte.

Q: For every kind of knowledge, or skill, do I need a K: A tuds, vagy kszsg minden fajtjhoz, ms
separate Guru? Gurura van szksgem?

M: There can be no rule in these matters, except M: Erre vonatkozan nincs szably, egyet kivve,
one 'the outer is transient, the innermost -- hogy a kls mland, a legbels lland, s
permanent and changeless', though ever new in vltozatlan, mbr megjelensben s
appearance and action. tevkenysgben mindig j.

Q: What is the relation between the inner and the K: Mi az sszefggs a bels s a kls Guruk
outer Gurus? kztt?

M: The outer represent the inner, the inner accepts M: A kls kpviseli a belst, a bels alveti magt
the outer -- for a time. a klsnek egy ideig.

Q: Whose is the effort? K: Ki az erfeszts?

M: The disciple's, of course. The outer Guru gives M: A tantvny, termszetesen. A kls Guru adja
the instructions, the inner sends the strength; the az instrukcikat, a bels kldi az ert, az
alert application is the disciple's. Without will, elvigyzatos alkalmazs a tantvny. A tantvny
intelligence and energy on the part of the disciple akarata, intelligencija s energija nlkl, a kls
the outer Guru is helpless. The inner Guru bids his Guru tehetetlen. A bels Guru rendeli el vgzett.
chance. Obtuseness and wrong pursuits bring about Butasg s helytelen trekvsek vlsgba
a crisis and the disciple wakes up to his own plight. torkollanak, s a tantvny rbred sajt llapotra.
Wise is he who does not wait for a shock, which can Blcs, aki nem vr a sokkra, amely meglehetsen
be quite rude. durva tud lenni.

Q: Is it a threat? K: Ez fenyegets?

M: Not a threat, a warning. The inner Guru is not M: Nem fenyegets, figyelmeztets. A bels Guru
committed to non-violence. He can be quite violent nem elktelezett az erszakmentessg irnt. Olykor
at times, to the point of destroying the obtuse or egszen erszakos is lehet, akr addig a pontig is
perverted personality. Suffering and death, as life elmehet, hogy elpuszttja a korltolt vagy elferdlt
and happiness, are his tools of work. It is only in szemlyisget. Szenveds s hall, csakgy, mint
duality that non-violence becomes the unifying law. let s boldogsg, munkjnak eszkzei. Csak a
kettssg az, amelyben az erszakmentessg
egyest trvnny vlik.

Q: Has one to be afraid of his own self? K: Az embernek flnie kell a sajt njtl?

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
M: Not afraid, for the self means well. But it must be M: Ne flj, mert az n jt akar. De komolyan kell t
taken seriously. It calls for attention and obedience; venni. Figyelmet s tiszteletet kvetel; mikor nem
when it is not listened to, it turns from persuasion to hallgatsz r, a meggyzst knyszerre cserli, amg
compulsion, for while it can wait, it shall not be vrni tud, addig nem lesz elutast. A baj nem a
denied. The difficulty lies not with the Guru, inner or Guruval van, a belsvel, vagy a klsvel. A Guru
outer. The Guru is always available. It is the ripe mindig rendelkezsre ll. Az rett tantvny az, aki
disciple that is lacking. When a person is not ready, hinyzik. Amikor az ember nem ll kszen, mit lehet
what can be done? tenni?

Q: Ready or willing? K: Nem ksz, vagy nem hajland?

M: Both. It comes to the same. In India we call it M: Mindkett. Egyre megy. Indiban ezt gy hvjk,
adhikari. It means both capable and entitled. adhikari. Ez alkalmassgot s jogosultsgot
egyarnt jelent.

Q: Can the outer Guru grant initiation (diksha)? K: Tud a kls Guru tud beavatsban (diksha)

M: He can give all kinds of initiations, but the M: Mindenfle beavatst tud adni, de a Valsgba
initiation into Reality must come from within. val beavats bellrl kell, hogy jjjn.

Q: Who gives the ultimate initiation? K: Ki az, aki a vgs beavatst adja?

M: It is self-given. M: nmagad.

Q: I feel we are running in circles. After all, I know K: gy rzem, krben jrunk. Ugyanis n csak egy
one self only, the present, empirical self. The inner nt ismerek, a jelenlegi, tapasztalati nt. A bels,
or higher self is but an idea conceived to explain and vagy magasabb n csak egy idea, ami a megrtst,
encourage. We talk of it as having independent s a btortst szolglja. gy beszlnk rla, mintha
existence. It hasn't. nll lte lenne. Nincs neki.

M: The outer self and the inner both are imagined. M: A kls s bels n egyarnt a kpzelet termke.
The obsession of being an 'I' needs another Az n ltezsnek knyszerkpzete egy msik
obsession with a 'super-l' to get cured, as one needs knyszerkpzetet tesz szksgess a gygyuls
another thorn to remove a thorn, or another poison rdekben, egy szuper n-nel, mint amikor egy
to neutralise a poison. All assertion calls for a denial, msik tskre van szksgnk a tske
but this is the first step only. The next is to go eltvoltshoz, vagy egy msik mregre a mreg
beyond both. semlegestshez. Minden llts tagadsrt kilt,
de ez csak az els lps. A kvetkez a mindkettn
val tllps.

Q: I do understand that the outer Guru is needed to K: Azt rtem, hogy a kls Gurunak kell
call my attention to myself and to the urgent need of felbresztenie az nmagam irnti figyelmet, s
doing something about myself. I also understand annak a srget ignyt, hogy csinljak valamit
how helpless he is when it comes to any deep nmagammal. Azt is rtem, hogy milyen tehetetlen
change in me. But here you bring in the sadguru, the , amikor jn, hogy valamilyen mly vltozst
inner Guru, beginningless, changeless, the root of idzzen el bennem. De akkor jssz a sadguruval, a
being, the standing promise, the certain goal. Is he a bels Guruval, aki kezdet nlkli,
concept or a reality? megvltoztathatatlan, a lt gykere, az lland
gret, a biztos cl. Fogalom , vagy valsg?

M: He is the only reality. All else is shadow, cast by M: az egyetlen valsg. Minden ms a test elme
the body mind (deha-buddhi) on the face of time. Of (deha-buddhi) ltal az id felletn vetett rnykp.
course, even a shadow is related to reality, but by Termszetesen mg az rnykp is valsghoz
itself it is not real. kapcsoldik, de nmagban nem vals.

Q: I am the only reality I know. The sadguru is there K: n vagyok az egyetlen valsg, amit ismerek. A
as long as I think of him. What do I gain by shifting sadguru addig ltezik, amg r gondolok. Mit nyerek
reality to him? vele, ha a valsgnak tekintem t?

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
M: Your loss is your gain. When the shadow is seen M: A vesztesgedet nyered. Amikor az rnykpet
to be a shadow only, you stop following it. You turn rnykpnek ltod csupn, abbahagyod a kvetst.
round and discover the sun which was there all the Fordulj htra, s fedezd fel a napot, amely egsz id
time -- behind your back. alatt ott volt a htad mgtt.

Q: Does the inner Guru also teach? K: A bels Guru szintn tant?

M: He grants the conviction that you are the eternal, M: rszest abban a meggyzdsben, hogy te az
changeless, reality-consciousness-love, within and rk, megvltozhatatlan, valsg-tudatossg-
beyond all appearances. szeretet vagy, minden megjelensen bell, s tl.

Q: A conviction is not enough. There must be K: A meggyzds nem elegend. Bizonyossg

certainty. kell.

M: Quite right. But in this case certainty takes the M: Nagyon helyes. De ez esetben a bizonyossg a
shape of courage. Fear ceases absolutely. This btorsg alakjt lti fel. A flelem abszolt
state of fearlessness is so unmistakably new, yet felt megsznik. A flelemmentessgnek ez az llapota
deeply as one's own, that it cannot be denied. It is olyan nyilvnvalan j, s mgis mlysgesen a
like loving one's own child. Who can doubt it? sajt tulajdonodnak rzed, hogy nem tagadhatod
meg. Olyan, mint mikor az ember a sajt gyermekt
szereti. Ki ktelkedhetne benne?

Q: We hear of progress in our spiritual endeavours. K: Hallottunk a spiritulis trekvseink tern trtn
What kind of progress do you have in mind? elrehaladsunkrl. Milyen haladsra gondolsz?

M: When you go beyond progress, you will know M: Amikor tlmsz a haladson, tudni fogod, hogy
what is progress. mi a halads.

Q: What makes us progress? K: Mi ksztet bennnket a haladsra?

M: Silence is the main factor. In peace and silence M: A csend a f tnyez. Bkben s csendben
you grow. nvekszel.

Q: The mind is so absolutely restless. For quieting it K: Az elme abszolt nyugtalan. Mi a mdja az
what is the way? lecsillaptsnak?

M: Trust the teacher. Take my own case. My Guru M: Bzz a tantban. Vegyk az n pldmat.
ordered me to attend to the sense 'I am' and to give Nekem az n Gurum utastsba adta, hogy figyeljem
attention to nothing else. I just obeyed. I did not az n vagyok rzst, s ne figyeljek semmi msra.
follow any particular course of breathing, or n csak szt fogadtam. Nem folytattam semmilyen
meditation, or study of scriptures. Whatever lgz gyakorlatot, vagy meditcit, nem
happened, I would turn away my attention from it tanulmnyoztam szent knyveket. Az, hogy brmi
and remain with the sense I am', it may look too trtnjk is, fordtsam el rla a figyelmemet, s
simple, even crude. My only reason for doing it was maradjak az n vagyok rzsben, tl
that my Guru told me so. Yet it worked. Obedience egyszernek, st kezdetlegesnek tnhet. Egyetlen
is a powerful solvent of all desires and fears. okom a megttelre az volt, hogy Gurum ezt mondta
nekem. Mgis mkdtt. Az engedelmessg
Just turn away from all that occupies the mind; do erteljes oldszere minden vgynak s flelemnek.
whatever work you have to complete, but avoid new
obligations; keep empty, keep available, resist not Csak fordulj el mindentl, ami foglalkoztatja az
what comes uninvited. elmt; brmi legyen a munkd, vgezd el
hinytalanul, de kerld az j ktelezettsgeket;
In the end you reach a state of non-grasping, of maradj res, llj kszen, ne llj ellene annak, ami
joyful non-attachment, of inner ease and freedom hvatlanul jn.
indescribable, yet wonderfully real.
Vgl elrsz egy olyan llapotot, amelyre a nem
kapaszkods, az rmteljes nem ktds, a bels
knnyedsg, s a lerhatatlan szabadsg jellemz,
amely mgis csodlatos mdon valsgos.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
Q: When a truth-seeker earnestly practices his K: Amikor az igazsg keresje komolyan gyakorolja
Yogas, does his inner Guru guide and help him or Yogjt, bels Guruja kalauzolja, s segti t, vagy
does he leave him to his own resources, just waiting pedig rhagyja sajt eszkzeire, az eredmnyt vrva
for the outcome? csupn?

M: All happens by itself. Neither the seeker, nor the M: Minden nmagtl trtnik. Sem a keres, sem a
Guru do anything. Things happen as they happen; Guru nem csinl semmit. A dolgok trtnnek, ahogy
blame or praise are apportioned later, after the trtnnek; szemrehnys, vagy dicsret ksbb
sense of doership appearing. kerlnek megosztsra, a cselekvsg rzse
megjelense utn.

Q: How strange. Surely the doer comes before the K: Milyen klns. A cselekv meg kellene, hogy
deed. elzze a cselekvst.

M: It is the other way round; the deed is a fact, the M: Ez nem gy van; a cselekvs egy tny, a
doer a mere concept. Your very language shows cselekv fogalom csupn. A kifejezsmdod is
that while the deed is certain, the doer is dubious; mutatja, hogy mg a cselekvs bizonyossg, a
shifting responsibility is a game peculiarly human. cselekv bizonytalan; a felelssg ttolsa egy
Considering the endless list of factors required for klns emberi jtk. Tekintve, hogy mindenfle
anything to happen, one can only admit that trtns a tnyezk vgtelen sort kvnja meg, az
everything is responsible for everything, however ember csak annyit fogadhat el, hogy minden felels
remote. Doership is a myth born from the illusion of mindenrt, brmilyen tvol is legyenek. A
'me' and 'the mine'. cselekvsg az n s az enym illzija szlte

Q: How powerful the illusion? K: Milyen hatalmas az illzi?

M: No doubt, because based on reality. M: Ktsgtelenl az, mert a valsgon alapszik.

Q: What is real in it? K: Mi a valsgos benne?

M: Find out, by discerning and rejecting all that is M: Fedezd fel, minden olyan felismersvel s
unreal. elutastsval, ami nem valdi.

Q: I have not understood well the role of the inner K: Nem teljesen rtem a bels n spiritulis
self in spiritual endeavour. Who makes the effort? Is trekvsben jtszott szerept. Ki teszi az
it the outer self, or the inner? erfesztst? A kls n, vagy a bels?

M: You have invented words like effort, inner, outer, M: Kieszelsz olyan szavakat, mint az erfeszts,
self, etc. and seek to impose them on reality. Things bels, kls, n stb., s megksrled rhzni ket a
just happen to be as they are, but we want to build valsgra. A dolgok csupn vannak, ahogy vannak,
them into a pattern, laid down by the structure of our de mi a nyelvnk szerkezete ltal meghatrozott
language. So strong is this habit, that we tend to mintkba akarjuk ket knyszerteni. Ez a szoks
deny reality to what cannot be verbalised. We just annyira ers, hogy hajlamosak vagyunk r, hogy
refuse to see that words are mere symbols, related megtagadjuk a realitst attl, ami nem nthet
by convention and habit to repeated experiences. szavakba. Vonakodunk attl, hogy szrevegyk, a
szavak puszta szimblumok, amelyeket a
megllapods s szoks alapjn az ismtld
lmnyekhez kapcsolunk.

Q: What is the value of spiritual books? K: Mi a spiritulis knyvek haszna?

M: They help in dispelling ignorance. They are M: Segtenek a tudatlansg eloszlatsban.

useful in the beginning, but become a hindrance in Kezdetben hasznosak, de a vgn akadlly vlnak.
the end. One must know when to discard them. Az ember meg kell, hogy tudjon szabadulni tlk.

Q: What is the link between atma and sattva, K: Mi a kapcsolat az atma, s a sattva, az n, s az
between the self and the universal harmony? univerzlis harmnia kztt?

M: As between the sun and its rays. Harmony and M: Mint a nap s annak sugarai kztt. Harmnia s

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
beauty, understanding and affection are all szpsg, megrts s szeretet, mind a valsgnak a
expressions of reality. It is reality in action, the megnyilvnulsai. Cselekv valsg ez, a szellem
impact of the spirit on matter. Tamas obscures, rajas hatsa az anyagra. A tamas elsttt, a rajas eltorzt,
distorts, sattva harmonises. With the maturing of the a sattva harmonizl. A sattva rett vlsval
sattva all desires and fears come to an end. The real minden vgy s flelem vget r. Az elmben
being is reflected in the mind undistorted. Matter is tkrzd valdi lt torztatlan. Az anyag
redeemed, spirit -- revealed. The two are seen as megvltdik, a szellem kijelentsre kerl. A kett
one. They were always one, but the imperfect mind egynek ltszdik. Mindig is egyek voltak, de a
saw them as two. Perfection of the mind is the tkletlen elme kettnek ltta ket. Az elme
human task, for matter and spirit meet in the mind. tkletestse emberi feladat, mivel anyag s
szellem az elmben tallkoznak.

Q: I feel like a man before a door. I know the door is K: gy rzem magam, mintha egy ajt eltt llnk.
open but it is guarded by the dogs of desire and Tudom, hogy az ajt nyitva ll, de a vgy s flelem
fear. What am I to do? kutyi ltal rztten. Mi a teendm?

M: Obey the teacher and brave the dogs. Behave as M: Fogadj szt a tantnak, s dacolj a kutykkal.
if they were not there. Again, obedience is the Viselkedj gy, mintha nem lennnek ott. Ismtlem,
golden rule. Freedom is won by obedience. To az aranyszably a szfogads. A szabadsgot a
escape from prison one must unquestioningly obey szfogads rvn nyerhet el. Brtnbl val
instructions sent by those who work for one's szabadulshoz, az embernek habozs nlkl
release. engedelmeskednie kell azon utastsoknak,
amelyeket attl kap, aki a megszabadulsrt

Q: The words of the Guru, when merely heard, have K: A Guru szavainak, ha hallgatod csupn, kicsi az
little power. One must have faith to obey them. What ereje. Az emberben hitnek kell lennie, hogy
creates such faith? hallgasson rjuk. Mi hoz ltre ilyen hitet?

M: When the time comes, faith comes. Everything M: Mikor eljn az id, megjn a bizalom. Minden
comes in time. The Guru is always ready to share, idben megrkezik. A Guru mindig ksz az adsra,
but there are no takers. de nincsenek fogadk.

Q: Yes, Sri Ramana Maharshi used to say: Gurus K: Igen, Sri Ramana Maharshi szokta volt mondani:
there are many, but where are the disciples? sok a Guruk, de hol vannak a tantvnyok?

M: Well, in the course of time everything happens. M: Nos, az idvel minden megtrtnik. Mind fel fog
All will come through, not a single soul (jiva) shall be bredni, egyetlen llek (jiva) sem fog elveszni.

Q: I am very much afraid of taking intellectual K: Nagyon fle, hogy a megvalsulst intellektulis
understanding for realisation. I may talk of truth mdon val megrtstl. Beszlhetek az
without knowing it, and may know it without a single igazsgrl, anlkl, hogy ismernm, s ismerhetem
word said. azt, anlkl, hogy egyetlen szt is ejtenk.

I understand these conversations are going to be Tudom, hogy e beszlgetsek kiadsra kerlnek.
published. What will be their effect on the reader? Hogyan fognak hatni az olvaskra?

M: In the attentive and thoughtful reader they will M: A figyelmes s meggondolt olvasban meg
ripen and bring out flowers and fruits. Words based fognak rni, majd virgot, s gymlcsket hoznak.
on truth, if fully tested, have their own power. Az igazsgon alapul szavak, teljes prbnak
alvetve, sajt ervel brnak.

76. To Know that You do not Know, is 76. Tudni, hogy nem tudsz, az igazi
True Knowledge tuds
Maharaj: There is the body. Inside the body appears Maharaj: Itt a test. A testen bell ltszik megjelenni

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
to be an observer and outside -- a world under a megfigyel, s kvl a megfigyelt vilg. A
observation. The observer and his observation as megfigyel, a megfigyels, valamint a megfigyelt
well as the world observed all appear and disappear vilg egytt jelennek meg, s tnnek el. Mindezeken
together. Beyond it all, there is void. This void is one tl ressg van. Ez az ressg minden szmra
for all. egy.

Questioner: What you say appears simple, but not Krdez: Amit mondasz, az egyszernek tnik, de
everyone would say it. It is you, and you alone, who nem mindenki ezt mondan. Te, s egyedl te vagy
talks of the three and the void beyond. I see the az, aki a hromrl beszlsz, s a rajtuk tl lv
world only, which includes all. ressgrl. n csak a vilgot ltom, amely mindent
magban foglal.

M: Even the 'I am'? M: Mg az n vagyok-ot is?

Q: Even the 'I am'. The 'I am' is there because the K: Mg az n vagyokot is. Azrt van az n vagyok,
world is there. mert a vilg van.

M: And the world is there because the 'I am' is there. M: s azrt van a vilg, mert az n vagyok van.

Q: Yes, it goes both ways. I cannot separate the K: Igen, mindkett vltozat rvnyes. Nem tudom a
two, nor go beyond, I cannot say something is, kettt sztvlasztani, sem meghaladni, nem tudom
unless I experience it, as I cannot say something is azt mondani valamirl, hogy van, csak akkor, ha
not, because I do not experience it. What is it that tapasztalom, s nem tudom azt mondani valamirl,
you experience that makes you speak with such hogy nincs, mert nem tapasztalom. Milyen
assurance? tapasztalod mondatja ezt veled, ekkora

M: I know myself as I am -- timeless, spaceless, M: n gy ismerem magam, mint ami idtlen,

causeless. You happen not to know, being hatrtalan, oktalan. Te nem ismered magad, mert
engrossed as you are in other things. ms dolgok ktnek le.

Q: Why am I so engrossed? K: Mirt ktnek le ennyire?

M: Because you are interested. M: Mert rdekldst tanstasz irntuk.

Q: What makes me interested? K: Mi miatt vagyok rdekld?

M: Fear of pain, desire for pleasure. Pleasant is the M: A fjdalomtl val flelem, az rm irnti vgy
ending of pain and painful the end of pleasure. They miatt. Az rm a fjdalom befejezdse, s a
just rotate in endless succession. Investigate the fjdalom az rm vge. Ezek csak vltogatjk
vicious circle till you find yourself beyond it. egymst, vgtelen egymsutnban. Tanulmnyozd
az rdgi krt, amg tl nem lpsz rajta.

Q: Don't I need your grace to take me beyond? K: Nincs szksg a kegyelmedre, hogy a
tllpsemben segtsen?

M: The grace of your Inner Reality is timelessly with M: Bels Valsgod kegyelme idtlen mdon veled
you. Your very asking for grace is a sign of it. Do not van. Valjban a kegyelem irnti krsed jele
worry about my grace, but do what you are told. The ennek. Ne a kegyelmem miatt aggdj, csak tedd,
doing is the proof of earnestness, not the expecting amit mondtam. A komolysgnak a cselekvs a
of grace. bizonytka, nem a kegyelem bekvetkezsre val

Q: What am I to be earnest about? K: Mivel kapcsolatban kell komolynak lennem?

M: Assiduously investigate everything that crosses M: Kitartan tanulmnyozz minden olyat, ami
your field of attention. With practice the field will figyelmed terbe kerl. Gyakorls rvn a mez
broaden and investigation deepen, until they tgulni, s a kutats mlylni fog, mg azok
become spontaneous and limitless. spontnn s korltlann nem vlnak.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
Q: Are you not making realisation the result of K: Nem a gyakorls eredmnyeknt viszed vgbe a
practice? Practice operates within the limitations of megvalsulst? A gyakorlsnak csak a fizikai
physical existence. How can it give birth to the ltezs hatrain bell van hatsa. Hogyan tehetn
unlimited? lehetv a hatrtalan szletst?

M: Of course, there can be no causal connection M: Termszetesen, a gyakorls s a blcsessg

between practice and wisdom. But the obstacles to kztt nem ltezhet ok okozati kapcsolat. De a
wisdom are deeply affected by practice. gyakorls mly hatssal lehet a blcsessg

Q: What are the obstacles? K: Mik ezek az akadlyok?

M: Wrong ideas and desires leading to wrong M: A rossz cselekedetekhez vezet rossz idek s
actions, causing dissipation and weakness of mind vgyak, amelyek az elme s test sztforgcsolst
and body. The discovery and abandonment of the s gyengesgt okozzk. A hamis leleplezse, s
false remove what prevents the real entering the feladsa tvoltja el azt, ami tjt llja, hogy a valdi
mind. belpjen az elmbe.

Q: I can distinguish two states of mind: 'I am' and K: Kt llapott tudom megklnbztetni az
'the world is; they arise and subside together. elmnek: n vagyok, s a vilg van; ezek egytt
People say: 'I am, because the world is'. You seem keletkeznek s hagynak albb. Az emberek azt
to say: 'The world is, because I am'. Which is true? mondjk: n vagyok, mert a vilg van. gy tnik, te
azt mondod: a vilg van, mert n vagyok. Melyik

M: Neither. The two are one and the same state, in M: Egyik sem. A kett egy, s ugyanazon llapot,
space and time. Beyond, there is the timeless. trben s idben. Ezen tl az idtlen van.

Q: What is the connection between time and the K: Mi a kapcsolat az id s az idtlen kztt?

M: The timeless knows the time, the time does not M: Az idtlen ismeri az idt, az id nem ismeri az
know the timeless. All consciousness is in time and idtlent. Minden tudatossg idbeli, s szmra az
to it the timeless appears unconscious. Yet, it is idtlen tudattalannak mutatkozik. Igen, ez az, ami a
what makes consciousness possible. Light shines in tudatossgot lehetv teszi. A fny a sttsgben
darkness. In light darkness is not visible. Or, you can ragyog. A fnyben a sttsg nem lthat. Vagy
put it the other way -- in the endless ocean of light, mskppen kifejezve a fny vgtelen cenjban
clouds of consciousness appear -- dark and limited, megjelen tudatossg felhi sttek s
perceivable by contrast. These are mere attempts to korltozottak, az ellenttek miatt szlelhetk. Ezek
express in words something very simple, yet puszta prblkozsok, hogy a szavakkal fejezznk
altogether inexpressible. ki valami olyat, ami nagyon egyszer, mgis
teljessggel kifejezhetetlen.

Q: Words should serve as a bridge to cross over. K: A szavaknak sszekt hdknt kellene

M: Word refers to a state of mind, not to reality. The M: A szavak az elme llapotra vonatkoznak, nem a
river, the two banks, the bridge across -- these are valsgra. A foly, a kt part, a kzttk vel hd
all in the mind. Words alone cannot take you beyond ezek mind az elmben vannak. A szavak
the mind. There must be the immense longing for nmagukban nem tudnak tged az elmn tlvinni.
truth, or absolute faith in the Guru. Believe me, there Szksg van az igazsg irnti mrhetetlen
is no goal, nor a way to reach it. You are the way svrgsra, vagy a Guru irnti abszolt hitre. Higgy
and the goal, there is nothing else to reach except nekem, nem ltezik cl, sem t, amelyen azt
yourself. All you need is to understand and elrhetnd. Te vagy az t s a cl, semmi ms
understanding is the flowering of the mind. The tree nincs, amit el kell elrned, kivve nmagadat. Csak
is perennial, but the flowering and the fruit bearing megrtsre van szksged, s a megrts az elme
come in season. The seasons change, but not the virgba borulsa. A fa lland, de a megfelel
tree. You are the tree. You have grown numberless vszakban virgzik, s gymlcst terem. Az
branches and leaves in the past and you may grow vszakok vltoznak, de a fa nem. Te vagy a fa.
them also in the future -- yet you remain. Not what Megszmllhatatlan gat, s levelet nvesztettl a

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
was, or shall be, must you know, but what is. Yours mltban, s nveszthetsz a jvben is mgis te
is the desire that creates the universe. Know the maradsz. Nem azt kell ismerned, ami volt, vagy lesz,
world as your own creation and be free. hanem ami van. A te vgyad az, ami ltrehozza az
univerzumot. Ismerd a vilgot sajt
teremtmnyedknt, s lgy szabad.

Q: You say the world is the child of love. When I K: Azt mondod, a vilg a szeretet gyermeke. Amikor
know the horrors the world is full of, the wars, the tudok a borzalmakrl, amikkel a vilg tele van, a
concentration camps, the inhuman exploitations, hborkrl, a koncentrcis tborokrl, az
how can I own it as my own creation? However embertelen kizskmnyolsrl, hogyan tarthatnm
limited I am, I could not have created so cruel a azt az n sajt teremtmnyemnek? Brmennyire is
world. vagyok korltozott, nem tudnk ilyen kegyetlen
vilgot teremteni.

M: Find to whom this cruel world appears and you M: Fedezd fel, hogy ez a kegyetlen vilg kinek a
will know why it appears so cruel. Your questions szmra jelenik meg, s tudni fogod, hogy mirt
are perfectly legitimate, but just cannot be answered jelenik meg olyan kegyetlennek. Krdseid teljesen
unless you know whose is the world. To find out the indokoltak, csakhogy nem megvlaszolhatk,
meaning of a thing you must ask its maker. I am kivve, ha tudod, hogy ki a vilg. Valamely dolog
telling you: You are the maker of the world in which rtelmnek a megismershez meg kell, hogy
you live -- you alone can change it, or unmake it. krdezd annak ksztjt. n azt mondom neked: te
vagy a ltrehozja a vilgnak, amelyben lsz
egyedl te tudod azt megvltoztatni, vagy

Q: How can you say I have made the world? I hardly K: Hogy mondhatsz olyat, hogy n hoztam ltre a
know it. vilgot? Alig tudok rla valamit.

M: There is nothing in the world that you cannot M: Semmi olyan nincs a vilgban, amit ne ismernl,
know, when you know yourself. Thinking yourself to ha ismered nmagad. Mert nmagadat testnek
be the body you know the world as a collection of gondolod, azrt ismered a vilgot anyagi dolgok
material things. When you know yourself as a centre sszessgnek. Amikor nmagadat a tudatossg
of consciousness, the world appears as the ocean of kzpontjnak tudod, a vilg gy jelenik meg, mint az
the mind. When you know yourself as you are in elme cenja. Amikor akknt ismered magad, ami
reality, you know the world as yourself. valjban vagy, akkor a vilgot nmagadknt

Q: It all sounds very beautiful, but does not answer K: Ez nagyon szpen hangzik, de nem ad vlaszt a
my question. Why is there so much suffering in the krdsemre. Mirt van olyan sok szenveds a
world? vilgon?

M: If you stand aloof as observer only, you will not M: Ha megmaradsz puszta megfigyelknt, nem
suffer. You will see the world as a show, a most fogsz szenvedni. gy fogod ltni a vilgot, mint egy
entertaining show indeed. ltvnyossgot, st, egy nagyon szrakoztat

Q: Oh, no. This lila theory I shall not have. The K: h, nem. Ezt a lila elmletet nem fogadom el. A
suffering is too acute and all-pervading. What a szenveds tlsgosan intenzv, s mindent betlt.
perversion to be entertained by a spectacle of Micsoda perverzits gy szrakozni a szenvedsen,
suffering. What a cruel God are you offering me. mint egy ltvnyossgon. Micsoda kegyetlen Istent
ajnlasz nekem.

M: The cause of suffering is in the identification of M: A szenveds oka az szlelnek az szlelttel val
the perceiver with the perceived. Out of it desire is azonosulsban van. Ebbl szletik a vgy, s a
born and with desire blind action, unmindful of vggyal egytt a vak, az eredmnyekrl
results. Look round and you will see -- suffering is a megfeledkez cselekvs. Nzz krl, s ltni fogod
man-made thing. a szenveds egy ember alkotta dolog.

Q: Were a man to create his own sorrow only, I K: Ha az ember csupn sajt magnak teremtene
would agree with you. But in his folly he makes szomorsgot, egyetrtenk veled. De

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
others suffer. A dreamer has his own private ostobasgban msoknak okoz szenvedst. Az
nightmare and none suffers but himself. But what lmod rmlma kizrlag az v, s senki ms
kind of dream is it that plays havoc in the lives of nem szenved, csak . De mifle lom az, amely
others? pusztt szerepet jtszik msok letben?

M: Descriptions are many and contradictory. Reality M: A lers sok fle, s ellentmondsos. A valsg
is simple -- all is one, harmony is the eternal law, egyszer minden egy, a harmnia az rk trvny,
none compels to suffer. It is only when you try to semmi nem knyszert szenvedsre. Csak amikor
describe and explain, that the words fail you. megksrled, hogy lerd, s elmagyarzd, cserben
hagynak a szavak.

Q: I remember Gandhiji telling me once that the Self K: Emlkszem, egyszer azt mondta nekem Gandhiji,
is not bound by the law of non-violence (ahimsa). hogy az nt nem kti az erszakmentessg
The Self has the freedom to impose suffering on its (ahimsa) trvnye. Az nnek szabadsgban ll,
expressions in order to set them right. hogy szenvedst rakjon megnyilvnulsaira, azrt,
hogy rendbe hozza ket.

M: On the level of duality it may be so, but in reality M: Lehet, hogy ez gy van, a kettssg szintjn.
there is only the source, dark in itself, making valjban csak a forrs van, nmagban stt,
everything shine. Unperceived, it causes perception. minden, amit ltrehoz, ragyog. szlelhetetlen, ami
Unfelt, it causes feeling. Unthinkable, it causes lehetv teszi az szlelst. Elgondolhatatlan, ami
thought. Non-being, it gives birth to being. It is the lehetv teszi a gondolkodst. Nem-ltez, ami
immovable background of motion. Once you are letet ad a lteznek. Mozdthatatlan alapja a
there you are at home everywhere. mozgsnak. Amint vagy, otthon vagy mindentt.

Q: If I am that, then what causes me to be born? K: Ha n az vagyok, akkor mi ksztet r, hogy


M: The memory of the past unfulfilled desires traps M: A mlt beteljesletlen vgyainak emlke
energy, which manifests itself as a person. When its csapdba ejtett energia, amely nmagt
charge gets exhausted, the person dies. Unfulfilled szemlyknt nyilvntja meg. Amikor tltse kimerl,
desires are carried over into the next birth. Self- a szemly meghal. A beteljesletlen vgyak tovbb
identification with the body creates ever fresh kerlnek a kvetkez szletsbe. A testtel val
desires and there is no end to them, unless this nazonosuls folyvst friss vgyakat hoz ltre, s
mechanism of bondage is clearly seen. It is clarity ennek addig nincs vge, amg a ktttsg ezen
that is liberating, for you cannot abandon desire, mechanizmusa vilgosan megrtsre nem kerl. A
unless its causes and effects are clearly seen. I do vilgossg fog megszabadtani, mert addig nem
not say that the same person is reborn. It dies and tudsz lemondani a vgyrl, amg annak okait, s
dies for good. But its memories remain and their hatsait vilgosan meg nem rted. Nem azt
desires and fears. They supply the energy for a new mondom, hogy ugyanaz a szemly szletik jj. Az
person. The real takes no part in it, but makes it meghal, egyszer s mindenkorra meghal. De
possible by giving it, the light. emlkei, vgyai s flelmei megmaradnak. Azok
ltjk el energival az j szemlyt. A valsgnak
nincs rsze benne, de lehetv teszi azt, azltal,
hogy megajndkozza a fnnyel.

Q: My difficulty is this. As I can see, every K: Az n gondom a kvetkez. Ahogy n ltom,

experience is its own reality. It is there -- minden tapasztalsnak megvan a sajt valsga. Itt
experienced. The moment I question it and ask to van tapasztalhat. Abban a pillanatban, ahogy azt
whom it happens, who is the observer and so on, ktsgbe vonom, s megkrdezem, hogy kinek a
the experience is over and all I can investigate is szmra trtnik, ki a megfigyel, stb., a tapasztals
only the memory of it. I just cannot investigate the vget r, s mr csak annyit tehetek, hogy az
living moment -- the now. My awareness is of the emlkeit tanulmnyozom. ppen csak az l
past, not of the present. When I am aware, I do not pillanatot nem tudom tanulmnyozni a mostot. A
really live in the now, but only in the past. Can there tudomsom a mlt, nem a jelen. Amikor ber
really be an awareness of the present? vagyok, valjban nem a mostban lek, hanem csak
a mltban. Ltezhet valjban tudatossg a

M: What you are describing is not awareness at all, M: Amirl beszlsz, az egyltaln nem tudatossg,

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
but only thinking about the experience. True hanem csak a tapasztalatrl val gondolkods. Az
awareness (samvid) is a state of pure witnessing, igazi tudatossg (samvid) a tiszta tansg llapota,
without the least attempt to do anything about the a legcseklyebb ksrlete nlkl brmilyen
event witnessed. Your thoughts and feelings, words cselekvsnek, mg a tansgnak is. Lehet, hogy
and actions may also be a part of the event; you gondolataid, rzseid, szavaid s cselekedeteid is
watch all unconcerned in the full light of clarity and rszei az esemnynek; szemllj mindent prtatlanul,
understanding. You understand precisely what is a vilgossg s megrts teljes fnyben. Pontosan
going on, because it does not affect you. It may rtsd meg azt, ami folyik, mivel az nincs rd
seem to be an attitude of cold aloofness, but it is not hatssal. Ez hvs tartzkodsnak tnhet, de
really so. Once you are in it, you will find that you valjban nem az. Amint benne vagy, gy fogod
love what you see, whatever may be its nature. This tallni, hogy szereted, amit ltsz, brmi legyen
choiceless love is the touchstone of awareness. If it annak a termszete. Ez a vlogats nlkli szeretet
is not there, you are merely interested -- for some a prbakve a tudatossgnak. Ha ez nincs meg,
personal reasons. akkor pusztn csak rdekelt vagy valamilyen
szemlyes eredmnyben.

Q: As long as there are pain and pleasure, one is K: Amg van fjdalom s rm, addig az ember
bound to be interested. ktdik az rdekeihez.

M: And as long as one is conscious, there will be M: s amg az ember tudatos, addig fjdalom s
pain and pleasure. You cannot fight pain and rm is lesz. A fjdalommal s rmmel a
pleasure on the level of consciousness. To go tudatossg szintjn nem tudsz megkzdeni. A rajtuk
beyond them you must go beyond consciousness, val tllpshez tl kell lpned a tudatossgon, ami
which is possible only when you look at csak akkor lehetsges, ha a tudatossgot valami
consciousness as something that happens to you olyannak ltod, ami szmodra, s nem benned,
and not in you, as something external, alien, valami olyanknt trtnik, ami kls, idegen, rd
superimposed. Then, suddenly you are free of vettett. Akkor, hirtelen megszabadulsz a
consciousness, really alone, with nothing to intrude. tudatossgtl, valban egyedl maradsz, minden
And that is your true state. Consciousness is an rd erszakolt dologtl mentesen. s ez a te valdi
itching rash that makes you scratch. Of course, you llapotod. A tudatossg egy viszket kits, amely
cannot step out of consciousness for the very idea of vakarzsra ksztet. Termszetesen, nem tudsz
stepping out is in consciousness. But if you learn to kilpni a tudatossgbl, mert a kilps ideja
look at your consciousness as a sort of fever, valjban a tudatossgban van. De ha megtanulod,
personal and private, in which you are enclosed like hogy gy nzz a tudatossgodra, mint egyfajta
a chick in its shell, out of this very attitude will come lzra, amely szemlyes, s egyni, amelybe bele
the crisis which will break the shell. vagy zrva, mint csirke a tojshjba, valjban
ekkor kerlsz ezen az attitdn kvlre, s ekkor fog
eljnni a vlsg, ami szt fogja trni a tojshjat.

Q: Buddha said that life is suffering. K: Buddha azt mondta, az let szenveds.

M: He must have meant that all consciousness is M: gy kellett, hogy rtse, hogy minden tudatossg
painful, which is obvious. fjdalmas, ami szembetn.

Q: And does death offer delivery? K: s a hall knlja a megszabadulst?

M: One who believes himself as having been born is M: Aki nmagt megszletettnek hiszi, nagyon fl a
very much afraid of death. On the other hand, to him halltl. Msfell, aki valban ismeri nmagt,
who knows himself truly, death is a happy event. annak szmra a hall egy boldog esemny.

Q: The Hindu tradition says that suffering is brought K: A hindu hagyomny azt mondja, hogy a sors
by destiny and destiny is merited. Look at the okozza a szenvedst, a sors pedig megrdemelt.
immense calamities, natural or man-made, floods Tekints a tmrdek csapsra, legyen az termszeti,
and earthquakes, wars and revolutions. Can we vagy ember ltal okozott, az rvizekre, s
dare to think that each suffers for his own sins, of fldrengsekre, hborkra s forradalmakra.
which he can have no idea? The billions who suffer, Merszelhetjk-e azt gondolni, hogy ki-ki az sajt
are they all criminals justly punished? bnei miatt szenved, amelyekrl neki sejtse sincs?
A szenved billik mind bnsk, akik igazsgosan

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
M: Must one suffer only for one's own sins? Are we M: Muszj, hogy az ember csak sajt bne miatt
really separate? In this vast ocean of life we suffer szenvedjen? Valjban elklnltek vagyunk? Az
for the sins of others, and make others suffer for our letnek e roppant cenjban msok bneirt
sins. Of course, the law of balance rules Supreme szenvednk, msokat pedig arra ksztetnk, hogy a
and accounts are squared in the end. But while life mi bneinkrt szenvedjenek. Termszetesen, a
lasts, we affect each other deeply. Legfelsbb egyenslyi trvnyek uralkodnak, s a
vgn a szmlk kiegyenltsre kerlnek. De amg
az let fennll, addig mlysges hatssal vagyunk

Q: Yes, as the poet says: 'No man is an island'. K: Igen, ahogy a klt mondja: Senki nem sziget.

M: At the back of every experience is the Self and its M: Minden tapasztalat htterben az n van, s
interest in the experience. Call it desire, call it love -- annak a tapasztalat irnti rdekldse. Nevezheted
words do not matter. vgynak, nevezheted szeretetnek nem szavakon

Q: Can I desire suffering? Can I deliberately ask for K: Vgyhatom a szenvedst? Kereshetem
pain? Am I not like a man who made for himself a szndkosan a fjdalmat? Nem ahhoz az emberhez
downy bed hoping for a good night of sleep and then hasonltok, aki puha gyat vetett magnak egy j
he is visited by a nightmare and he tosses and jszakai alvs remnyben, majd rmlom lepte
screams in his dream? Surely, it is not the love that meg, s hnykoldik s sikoltozik lmban?
produces nightmares. Bizonyra nem a szeretet az, ami a rmlmokat

M: All suffering is caused by selfish isolation, by M: Mindenfle szenveds oka nz elklnls,

insularity and greed. When the cause of suffering is elszigetelds s kapzsisg. Amikor a szenveds
seen and removed, suffering ceases. oka megrtsre s eltvoltsra kerl, a szenveds

Q: I may remove my causes of sorrow, but others K: n lehet, hogy eltvoltom a fjdalom okt, de a
will be left to suffer. tbbiek tovbb fognak szenvednek.

M: To understand suffering, you must go beyond M: Ahhoz, hogy megrtsd a szenvedst, tl kell
pain and pleasure. Your own desires and fears lpned a fjdalmon s rmn. A sajt vgyaid s
prevent you from understanding and thereby helping flelmeid akadlyoznak a megrtsben, s ezltal a
others. In reality there are no others, and by helping msoknak val segtsben. Valjban nincsenek
yourself you help everybody else. If you are serious msok, s a magadon val segtssel mindenki
about the sufferings of mankind, you must perfect mst is segtesz. Ha komolyan veszed az emberisg
the only means of help you have -- Yourself. segtst, akkor a rendelkezsedre ll egyetlen
eszkzt kell tkletestened nmagadat.

Q: You keep on saying that I am the creator, K: lltsod szerint n vagyok e vilg teremtje,
preserver and destroyer of this world, omnipresent, megtartja s puszttja, aki mindentt jelenval,
omniscient, omnipotent. When I ponder over what mindentud, mindenhat. Mikzben szavaidon
you say, I ask myself: 'How is it that there is so much tndm, azt krdem magamtl: hogy van az, hogy
evil in my world'. oly sok gonoszsg van a vilgomban?

M: There is no evil, there is no suffering; the joy of M: Nincs gonoszsg, nincs szenveds; az letrm
living is paramount. Look, how everything clings to kimagasl. Nzd, hogy kapaszkodik minden az
life, how dear the existence is. letbe, milyen rtkes a ltezs.

Q: On the screen of my mind images follow each K: Elmm kpernyjn egymst kvetik a kpek,
other in endless succession. There is nothing vgtelen sorban. Semmi nem maradand, ami
permanent about me. velem kapcsolatos.

M: Have a better look at yourself. The screen is M: Vizsgld meg magad jobban. A kperny nem
there -- it does not change. The light shines steadily. vltozik. A fny folyamatosan vilgt. Csak a
Only the film in between keeps moving and causes kzttk lv film mozog kpek megjelenst idzve
pictures to appear. You may call the film -- destiny el ezltal. Nevezheted a filmet sorsnak

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
(prarabdha). (prarabdha).

Q: What creates destiny? K: Mi hozza ltre a sorsot?

M: Ignorance is the cause of inevitability. M: Az elkerlhetetlensg oka a tudatlansg tuds.

Q: Ignorance of what? K: A mivel kapcsolatos tudatlansg?

M: Ignorance of yourself primarily. Also, ignorance M: Az nmagaddal kapcsolatos tudatlansg,

of the true nature of things, of their causes and elssorban. Aztn a dolgok igazi termszetvel,
effects. You look round without understanding and okaival, s hatsaival kapcsolatos tudatlansg.
take appearances for reality. You believe you know Megrts nlkl tekintesz krl, s anlkl, hogy
the world and yourself -- but it is only your ignorance megragadnd a valsg megjelenst. Azt hiszed,
that makes you say: I know. Begin with the ismered a vilgot, s nmagadat de a tudatlansg
admission that you do not know and start from there. mondatja veled csupn: ismerem. Kezdd annak az
elfogadsval, hogy nem tudsz, s indulj innen.
There is nothing that can help the world more than
your putting an end to ignorance. Then, you need Semmi nincs, ami a vilgot jobban segtheti, mint ha
not do anything in particular to help the world. Your vget vetsz a tudatlansgnak. Akkor majd semmi
very being is a help, action or no action. klnset nem kell tenned, hogy segts a vilgon.
Valjban a lted a segtsg, akr cselekszel, akr

Q: How can ignorance be known? To know K: Hogy lehet a tudatlansg ismert? A tudatlansg
ignorance presupposes knowledge. ismerete tudst elfelttelez.

M: Quite right. The very admission: 'I am ignorant' is M: gy van. A tudatlan vagyok teljes elfogadsa
the dawn of knowledge. An ignorant man is ignorant tuds kezdete. Egy tudatlan ember nem tudja, hogy
of his ignorance. You can say that ignorance does tudatlan. Mondhatod, hogy nem ltezik tudatlansg,
not exist, for the moment it is seen it is no more. akkor abban a pillanatban gy ltszik, hogy nincs is.
Therefore, you may call it unconsciousness or Ezrt tudattalansgnak, vagy vaksgnak is
blindness. All you see around and within you is what nevezheted. Semmit nem ismersz, s nem rtesz,
you do not know and do not understand, without brmit ltsz magad krl, s magadban, st, mg
even knowing that you do not know and do not azt sem tudod, hogy nem ismered, s nem rted. Az
understand. To know that you do not know and do igazi tuds, az alzatos szv tudsa az, ha tudod,
not understand is true knowledge, the knowledge of hogy nem tudsz, s nem rtesz.
an humble heart.

Q: Yes, Christ said: Blessed are the poor in spirit... K: Igen, ahogy Krisztus mondta: Boldogok a lelki

M: Put it as you like; the fact is that knowledge is of M: Fogalmazz, ahogy tetszik; a tny az, hogy tudsa
ignorance only. You know that you do not know. csak tudatlansgnak lehet. Tudod, hogy nem tudsz.

Q: Will ignorance ever end? K: Vget r a tudatlansg valaha?

M: What is wrong with not knowing? You need not M: Mi bajod a tudatlansggal? Nem kell mindent
know all. Enough to know what you need to know. tudnod. Elegend azt tudni, amit tudnod szksges.
The rest can look after itself, without your knowing A tbbi tud nmagrl gondoskodni anlkl is, hogy
how it does it. What is important is that your tudnd, hogy csinlja. Ami lnyeges, hogy
unconscious does not work against the conscious, tudattalansgod ne dolgozzon a tudatos ellen, hogy
that there is integration on all levels. To know is not egysg legyen minden szinten. Tudni nem olyan
so very important. nagyon fontos.

Q: What you say is correct psychologically. But K: Amit mondasz hibtlan, pszicholgiai rtelemben.
when it comes to knowing others, knowing the world, De mikor az egyb dolgok ismeretrl, a vilg
my knowing that I do not know does not help much. ismeretrl van sz, akkor tudni, hogy nem tudok,
nem sokat segt.

M: Once you are inwardly integrated, outer M: Ha belsleg teljes vagy, a kls tuds spontn

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
knowledge comes to you spontaneously. At every mdon eljn hozzd. leted minden pillanatban
moment of your life you know what you need to tudod, amit tudnod szksges. Az univerzlis elme
know. In the ocean of the universal mind all cenjban minden tuds benne foglaltatik; a tid,
knowledge is contained; it is yours on demand. Most igny szerint. Legnagyobb rszt soha nem kell
of it you may never need to know -- but it is yours all tudnod de ennek ellenre a tid.
the same.
Ahogy a tudssal, gy van a hatalommal is.
As with knowledge, so it is with power.
Brmirl rzed gy, hogy meg kell trtnnie, az
Whatever you feel needs be done happens biztosan megtrtnik. Ktsgtelen, hogy Isten
unfailingly. No doubt, God attends to this business of felgyeli az univerzum vezetsvel kapcsolatos
managing the universe; but He is glad to have some ezen gyet; de boldog, ha kap valamilyen
help. When the helper is selfless and intelligent, all segtsget. Amikor a segt nzetlen s intelligens,
the powers of the universe are for him to command. az univerzum minden hatalma a rendelkezsre ll.

Q: Even the blind powers of nature? K: Mg a termszet vak eri is?

M: There are no blind powers. Consciousness is M: Nincsenek vak erk. A tudatossg az er. Ismerd
power. Be aware of what needs be done and it will fel, hogy mi a tennival, s az meg fog trtnni.
be done. Only keep alert -- and quiet. Once you Csak maradj ber s csendes. Amint clodba rsz,
reach your destination and know your real nature, s ismered sajt valdi termszetedet, ltezsed
your existence becomes a blessing to all. You may ldss vlik mindenek szmra. Nem ismerheted,
not know, nor will the world know, yet the help a vilg sem fogja ismerni, mgis, a segtsg kirad.
radiates. There are people in the world who do more lnek a vilgon olyan emberek, akik tbb jt
good than all the statesmen and philanthropists put tesznek, mint az sszes llamfrfi, s emberbart
together. They radiate light and peace with no egyttvve. Fnyt, s bkt sugroznak, a tuds
intention or knowledge. When others tell them about mindenfle szndka nlkl. Amikor msok
the miracles they worked, they also are wonder elmondjk nekik, milyen csodkat mveltek, maguk
struck. Yet, taking nothing as their own, they are is elcsodlkoznak. Mgsem tulajdontanak semmit
neither proud, nor do they crave for reputation. They maguknak, nem bszkk, s hrnvre sem tartanak
are just unable to desire anything for themselves, ignyt. ppensggel kptelenek r, hogy nmaguk
not even the joy of helping others knowing that God rdekben brmire vgyakozzanak, mg arra az
is good they are at peace. rmre sem vgynak, hogy segtsenek msok
szmra, hogy megismerjk, hogy Isten j, hogy
bkessgben vannak.

77. 'I' and 'Mine' are False Ideas 77. Az n s az enym tves idek
Questioner: I am very much attached to my family Krdez: n nagyon ktdm a csaldomhoz, s a
and possessions. How can I conquer this tulajdonaimhoz. Hogyan kzdhetem le ezt a
attachment? ktdst?

Maharaj: This attachment is born along with the Maharaj: Ez a ktds az n s az enym
sense of 'me' and 'mine'. Find the true meaning of rzetvel egytt szletett. Talld meg e szavak igazi
these words and you will be free of all bondage. You jelentst, s meg fogsz szabadulni minden
have a mind which is spread in time. One after ktttsgtl. Elmd van, amely idbeli kiterjeds.
another all things happen to you and the memory Szmodra egyik dolog a msik utn trtnik, s az
remains. There is nothing wrong in it. The problem emlkezetben fennmarad. Semmi baj ezzel. A
arises only when the memory of past pains and problma csak akkor merl fel, amikor a mltbeli
pleasures -- which are essential to all organic life -- emlke a fjdalomnak s rmnek amelyek
remains as a reflex, dominating behaviour. This minden szerves let szmra nlklzhetetlenek
reflex takes the shape of 'I' and uses the body and fennmarad, mint reflex, uralva a viselkedst. Ez a
the mind for its purposes, which are invariably in reflex n formt vesz fel, s a testet s elmt sajt
search for pleasure or flight from pain. When you cljaira hasznlja, amelyek llandan az rm
recognise the 'I' as it is, a bundle of desires and keresse, vagy a fjdalom ell val menekls.
fears, and the sense of 'mine', as embracing all Amikor az nt akknt ismered fel ami, vgyak s
things and people needed for the purpose of flelmek csomagjaknt, s az enym rzett

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
avoiding pain and securing pleasure, you will see akknt, ami minden dolgot s embert azrt foglal
that the 'I' and the 'mine' are false ideas, having no magban, mert azok a fjdalom elkerlsre, s az
foundation in reality. Created by the mind, they rule rm biztostsa cljbl szksgesek, ltni fogod,
their creator as long as it takes them to be true; hogy az n s enym hamis idek, amelyeknek
when questioned, they dissolve. semmi alapjuk a valsgban. Miutn az elme
ltrehozta ket addig uraljk ltrehozjukat, amg az
The 'I' and 'mine', having no existence in igaznak tartja ket; amikor ktsgbe vonatnak,
themselves, need a support which they find in the szertefoszlanak.
body. The body becomes their point of reference.
When you talk of 'my' husband and 'my' children, Az n s az enym nmagukban nem ltezhetvn
you mean the body's husband and the body's tmogatst ignyelnek, amelyet a testben tallnak
children. Give up the idea of being the body and meg. A test vlik az vonatkozsi pontjukk. Amikor
face the question: Who am l? At once a process will azt mondod, az n frjem s az n gyermekeim,
be set in motion which will bring back reality, or, akkor gy rted, hogy a test frje s a test
rather, will take the mind to reality. Only, you must gyermekei. Add fel a testtel val azonossg idejt,
not be afraid. s nzz szembe a krdssel: ki vagyok n? Azonnal
egy folyamat fog mozgsba lendlni, amely
visszahoz a valsgba, jobban mondva, visszaviszi
az elmt a valsgba. Csak nem szabad flned.

Q: What am I to be afraid of? K: Mirt kellene flnem?

M: For reality to be, the ideas of 'me' and 'mine' must M: Mert ahhoz, hogy a valsg lgy az nnek s az
go. They will go if you let them. Then your normal enymnek tvozniuk kell. Menni fognak, ha hagyod
natural state reappears, in which you are neither the ket. Akkor norml termszetes llapotod jra
body nor the mind, neither the 'me nor the 'mine', megjelenik, amelyben nem vagy sem a test, sem az
but in a different state of being altogether. It is pure elme, sem az n, sem az enym, hanem a lt
awareness of being, without being this or that, klnbz llapotainak egsze. Ez a lt tiszta
without any self-identification with anything in tudata, anlkl, hogy ez vagy az lennl, anlkl,
particular, or in general. In that pure light of hogy brmivel azonostand magad egyedileg, vagy
consciousness there is nothing, not even the idea of ltalnossgban. A tudatossgnak abban a tiszta
nothing. There is only light. fnyben semmi nincs, mg a semmi ideja sincs.
Ott csak fny van.

Q: There are people whom I love. Must I give them K: Vannak szeretteim. Meg kell tlk vlnom?

M: You only let go your hold on them. The rest is up M: Te csak hagyd, hogy jrjk a sajt tjukat. A
to them. They may lose interest in you, or may not. tbbi rajtuk mlik. Vagy elvesztik az rdekldsket
irntad, vagy nem.

Q: How could they? Are they not my own? K: Hogy tehetnnek ilyet? k nem az enyim?

M: They are your body's, not your own. Or, better, M: k a testedi, nem a tieid. Jobban mondva, senki
there is none who is not your own. nincs, aki nem a tid.

Q: And what about my possessions? K: s mi van a javaimmal?

M: When the 'mine' is no more, where are your M: Amikor nincs tbb enym, hol vannak neked
possessions? javaid?

Q: Please tell me, must I lose all by losing the 'I'? K: Mondd, krlek, mindent el kell vesztenem az n

M: You may or you may not. It will be all the same to M: Lehet, hogy igen, lehet, hogy nem. Minden
you. Your loss will be somebody's gain. You will not azonos lesz szmodra. A te vesztesged valakinek
mind. a nyeresge lesz. Nem fogsz vele trdni.

Q: If I do not mind, I shall lose all. K: Ha nem trdm vele, mindent el fogok veszteni.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
M: Once you have nothing you have no problems. M: Ha semmid sincs, nincsenek problmid.

Q: I am left with the problem of survival. K: A tlls problmja megmarad.

M: It is the body's problem and it will solve it by M: Az a test problmja, amit evssel, ivssal s
eating, drinking and sleeping. There is enough for alvssal meg fog oldani. Van elegend mindenki
all, provided all share. szmra, feltve, hogy osztoznak rajta.

Q: Our society is based on grabbing, not on sharing. K: A mi trsadalmunk a szerzsen, nem az

osztozson alapul.

M: By sharing you will change it. M: Megosztssal meg fogod vltoztatni.

Q: I do not feel like sharing. Anyhow, I am being K: Nem tudok rla, hogy lenne megoszts. n
taxed out of my possessions. mindenesetre, adzom a javaim utn.

M: This is not the same as voluntary sharing. M: Ez nem azonos az nkntes megosztssal. A
Society will not change by compulsion. It requires a trsadalom nem fog megvltozni knyszer hatsra.
change of heart. Understand that nothing is your A szv megvltozst ignyli. rtsd meg, hogy
own, that all belongs to all. Then only society will semmi nem a te sajtod, hogy minden mindenhez
change. hozztartozik. Csak ekkor vltozik meg a

Q: One man's understanding will not take the world K: Egy ember megrtse nem fogja a vilgot
far. elrbb vinni.

M: The world in which you live will be affected M: A vilg, amelyben lsz, mlyen meg fog vltozni.
deeply. It will be a healthy and happy world, which Egszsges s boldog vilg lesz, amely sugrz,
will radiate and communicate, increase and spread. egyttrz, gyarapod, s terjeszked. Az igaz szv
The power of a true heart is immense. ereje mrhetetlen.

Q: Please tell us more. K: Krlek, meslj mg neknk.

M: Talking is not my hobby. Sometimes I talk, M: A mesls nem a kedvenc idtltsem. Nha
sometimes I do not. My talking, or not talking, is a meslek, nha nem. A meslsem, vagy a nem
part of a given situation and does not depend on me. meslsem az adott szituci rsze, s nem tlem
When there is a situation in which I have to talk, I fgg. Amikor olyan a szituci, amelyben meslnem
hear myself talking. In some other situation I may kell, akkor meslni hallom magam. Ms
not hear myself talking. It is all the same to me. szitucikban nem hallom magam meslni.
Whether I talk or not, the light and love of being what Szmomra egyre megy. Meslek, vagy sem, az a lt
I am are not affected, nor are they under my control. fnyre s szeretetre, ami vagyok, nincs hatssal,
They are, and I know they are. There is a glad s nem is az n ellenrzsem alatt ll. Ezek vannak,
awareness, but nobody who is glad. Of course, there s n tudom, hogy vannak. Van boldogsg tudat, de
is a sense of identity, but it is the identity of a nincs senki, aki boldog. Termszetesen, jelen van
memory track, like the identity of a sequence of az nazonossg rzse, de ez az emlknyomok
pictures on the ever-present screen. Without the nazonossga, olyan, mint egy kpsor a mindig
light and the screen there can be no picture. To jelenlv kpernyn. A fny s a kperny nlkl
know the picture as the play of light on the screen, nem lehetnnek kpek. Tudni, hogy a kp a fny
gives freedom from the idea that the picture is real. jtka a kpernyn, megszabadt attl az idetl,
All you have to do is to understand that you love the hogy a kp valdi. Nem kell mst tenned, mint
self and the self loves you and that the sense 'I am' megrteni, hogy te szereted az nt, s az n szeret
is the link between you both, a token of identity in tged, s hogy a ketttk kztti kapcsolat az n
spite of apparent diversity. Look at the 'I am' as a vagyok rzse, ami az azonossg jele, a
sign of love between the inner and the outer, the real ltszlagos klnbzsg ellenre. Tekints az n
and the appearance. Just like in a dream all is vagyok-ra mint a bels s a kls, a valdi s a
different, except the sense of 'I', which enables you ltszat kztti szeretet jelre. Miknt egy lomban
to say 'I dreamt', so does the sense of 'I am' enable minden ms, kivve az n rzst, amely lehetv
you to say 'I am my real Self again. I do nothing, nor teszi, hogy azt mondd, n lmodtam, ppen gy
is anything done to me. I am what I am and nothing teszi lehetv az n vagyok rzse, hogy azt
can affect me. I appear to depend on everything, but mondd, ismt n vagyok a valdi n. Nem csinlok

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
in fact all depends on me. semmit, s ms sem csinl velem semmit. Vagyok,
ami vagyok, s semmi nincs rm hatssal. Ltszat
szerint n fggk mindentl, de valjban tlem
fgg minden.

Q: How can you say you do nothing? Are you not K: Hogy mondhatod, hogy nem csinlsz semmit?
talking to me? Nem beszlsz velem?

M: I do not have the feeling that I am talking. There M: Nincs olyan rzsem, hogy beszlek. Beszd
is talking going on, that is all. zajlik, ez minden.

Q: I talk. K: n beszlek.

M: Do you? You hear yourself talking and you say: I M: Valban? Hallod magad beszlni, s azt
talk. mondod: n beszlek.

Q: Everybody says: 'I work, I come, I go'. K: Mindenki gy beszl: n dolgozom, n jvk, n

M: I have no objection to the conventions of your M: Semmi ellenvetsem a nyelvi szoksaiddal

language, but they distort and destroy reality. A kapcsolatban, de torztanak, s romboljk a
more accurate way of saying would have been: valsgot. A kvetkez megfogalmazs sokkal
'There is talking, working, coming, going'. For szabatosabb lenne: beszd, munka, jvs, mens
anything to happen, the entire universe must trtnik. Mert akrmi trtnjk, az csak a teljes
coincide. It is wrong to believe that anything in univerzum egyetrtsvel lehetsges. Hiba azt
particular can cause an event. Every cause is hinni, hogy valamifle egyedi oka lehet egy
universal. Your very body would not exist without the esemnynek. Minden ok egyetemes. Valjban a
entire universe contributing to its creation and tested sem ltezne anlkl, hogy a teljes univerzum
survival. I am fully aware that things happen as they ne mkdne kzre ltrehozsban, s letben
happen because the world is as it is. To affect the maradsban. n teljes tudatban vagyok, hogy a
course of events I must bring a new factor into the dolgok azrt trtnnek gy, ahogy trtnnek, mert a
world and such factor can only be myself, the power vilg olyan, amilyen. Az esemnyek menett
of love and understanding focussed in me. befolysoland egy j tnyezt kell behoznom a
vilgba, s ez a tnyez csak n magam lehetek, a
When the body is born, all kinds of things happen to bennem sszpontosul szeretet s megrts ereje.
it and you take part in them, because you take
yourself to be the body. You are like the man in the Megszletse utn a testtel mindenfle dolgok
cinema house, laughing and crying with the picture, trtnnek, s te rsztvevje vagy ezeknek, mert a
though knowing fully well that he is all the time in his testnek tartod magad. Olyan vagy, mint a mozi nz,
seat and the picture is but the play of light. It is a filmmel nevet s sr, jllehet teljesen tisztban van
enough to shift attention from the screen to oneself vele, hogy egsz id alatt a szkben l, s a film
to break the spell. When the body dies, the kind of csak a fny jtka. Elegend, ha thelyezi a
life you live now -- succession of physical and figyelmt a kpernyrl nmagra, hogy megtrje a
mental events -- comes to an end. It can end even varzst. Amikor a test meghal, akkor az a fajta let,
now -- without waiting for the death of the body -- it amit most lsz fizikai s mentlis esemnyek sora
is enough to shift attention to the Self and keep it vget r. Vget rhet akr most is anlkl, hogy
there. All happens as if there is a mysterious power vrnd a test hallt elg thelyezni a figyelmedet
that creates and moves everything. Realise that you az nre, s ott tartani. Minden gy trtnik, mintha
are not the mover, only the observer, and you will be ltezne egy misztikus er, amely mindent ltrehoz,
at peace. s mozgat. Ismerd fel, hogy nem te vagy a mozgat,
csak a megfigyel, s bkben leszel.

Q: Is that power separate from me? K: Ez az er fggetlen tlem?

M: Of course not. But you must begin by being the M: Termszetesen nem. De azzal kell kezdened,
dispassionate observer. Then only will you realise hogy a prtatlan megfigyel vagy. Csak akkor fogod
your full being as the universal lover and actor. As teljes lnyedet az univerzlis szeretetknt, s
long as you are enmeshed in the tribulations of a cselekvknt felismerni. Amg egy konkrt szemly
particular personality, you can see nothing beyond it. gytrelmeinek a kelepcjben vagy, nem vagy
But ultimately you will come to see that you are kpes semmit ltni azon tl. De vgl el fogsz jutni

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
neither the particular nor the universal, you are annak ltsig, hogy nem vagy sem az egyedi, sem
beyond both. As the tiny point of a pencil can draw az univerzlis, mindegyiken tl vagy. Mint ahogy a
innumerable pictures, so does the dimensionless ceruza parnyi hegye szmtalan rajzot kpes
point of awareness draw the contents of the vast megrajzolni, gy rajzolja meg a tudat dimenzi
universe. Find that point and be free. nlkli pontja a hatalmas univerzum tartalmt. Talld
meg ezt a pontot, s lgy szabad.

Q: Out of what do I create this world? K: Mibl hozom ltre ezt a vilgot?

M: Out of your own memories. As long as you are M: Sajt emlkeidbl. Amg nem vagy tudatban
ignorant of yourself as the creator, your world is nmagadnak, mint teremtnek, vilgod korltozott,
limited and repetitive. Once you go beyond your self- s ismtld. Amint tllpsz nmagad mlttal val
identification with your past, you are free to create a azonostsn, szabadsgodban ll a harmnia s
new world of harmony and beauty. Or you just szpsg egy j vilgnak a megteremtse. Vagy
remain -- beyond being and non-being. csak megmaradni lten s nemlten tl.

Q: What will remain with me if I let go my memories? K: Mi fog velem maradni, ha elengedek minden

M: Nothing will remain. M: Semmi nem fog maradni.

Q: I am afraid. K: Flek.

M: You will be afraid until you experience freedom M: Flni fogsz egszen addig, amg meg nem
and its blessings. Of course, some memories are tapasztalod a szabadsgot, s annak ldsait.
needed to identify and guide the body and such Termszetesen, bizonyos emlkek szksgesek a
memories do remain, but there is no attachment left test felismershez, s irnytshoz, s az ilyen
to the body as such; it is no longer the ground for emlkek megmaradnak, de a testhez val
desire or fear. All this is not very difficult to ragaszkods nem marad meg; nincs tbb alapja
understand and practice, but you must be interested. vgynak s flelemnek. Nem tl bonyolult dolog
Without interest nothing can be done. megrteni, s gyakorolni mindezt, de muszj, hogy
rdekeljen. rdek nlkl semmi nem vihet vgbe.
Having seen that you are a bundle of memories held
together by attachment, step out and look from the Megltvn, hogy egy ktttsgek ltal sszetartott
outside. You may perceive for the first time emlkcsomag vagy, lpj ki, s nzd kvlrl. Mr
something which is not memory. You cease to be a elszrre is szrevehetsz valamit, ami nem emlk.
Mr-so-and-so, busy about his own affairs. You are at Abbahagyod, hogy ez-s-ez-r legyl, aki sajt
last at peace. You realise that nothing was ever gyeivel van elfoglalva. Vgre bkben vagy.
wrong with the world -- you alone were wrong and Felismered, hogy soha semmi baj nem volt a
now it is all over. Never again will you be caught in vilggal egyedl veled volt baj, s ennek most
the meshes of desire born of ignorance. vge van. Soha tbb nem fogsz belekerlni a
tudatlansg szlte vgy hljba.

78. All Knowledge is Ignorance 78. Minden tuds tudatlansg

Questioner: Are we permitted to request you to tell Krdez: Megengeded, hogy arra krjnk, mesld
us the manner of your realisation? el neknk, hogyan trtnt a megvalsulsod?

Maharaj: Somehow it was very simple and easy in Maharaj: Az n esetemben ez valahogy ez nagyon
my case. My Guru, before he died, told me: Believe egyszer s knny volt. Halla eltt Gurum azt
me, you are the Supreme Reality. Don't doubt my mondta: Higgy nekem, te vagy a Legfelsbb
words, don't disbelieve me. I am telling you the truth Valsg. Ne vond ktsgbe a szavaimat, ne
-- act on it. I could not forget his words and by not ktelkedj bennem. n az igazsgot mondom neked
forgetting -- I have realised. cselekedj annak megfelelen. Szavait nem tudtam
feledni, s mivel nem felejtettem megvalsultam.

Q: But what were you actually doing? K: De mit csinltl tulajdonkppen?

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok

M: Nothing special. I lived my life, plied my trade, M: Semmi klnset. ltem az letem, gyakoroltam
looked after my family, and every free moment I a mestersgem, gondoskodtam a csaldomrl, s
would spend just remembering my Guru and his minden szabad pillanatomat arra fordtottam, hogy
words. He died soon after and I had only the Gurumra emlkezzem, s az szavaira. nem
memory to fall back on. It was enough. sokkal ezutn meghalt, s n csak az emlkre

Q: It must have been the grace and power of your K: Ez Gurud kegyelme s hatalma kellett, hogy
Guru. legyen.

M: His words were true and so they came true. True M: Az szavai igazak voltak, s gy igaznak
words always come true. My Guru did nothing; his bizonyultak. Az igaz szavak mindig igaznak
words acted because they were true. Whatever I did, bizonyulnak. Gurum nem csinlt semmit; szavai
came from within, un-asked and unexpected. mkdtek, mivel igazak voltak. Brmit csinltam n,
az bellrl jtt, kretlenl, s vratlanul.

Q: The Guru started a process without taking any K: A Guru elindtott egy folyamatot anlkl, hogy
part in it? rszt vett volna benne?

M: Put it as you like. Things happen as they happen M: Fogalmazz, ahogy tetszik. A dolgok trtnnek,
-- who can tell why and how? I did nothing ahogy trtnnek ki tudn megmondani mirt, s
deliberately. All came by itself -- the desire to let go, hogyan? Semmit nem szndkosan tettem. Minden
to be alone, to go within. jtt magtl az elengeds, az egyedllt, a befel
forduls vgya.

Q: You made no efforts whatsoever? K: Egyltaln semmilyen erfesztst nem tettl?

M: None. Believe it or not, I was not even anxious to M: Nem. Hiszed, vagy sem, mg csak nem is vrtam
realise. He only told me that I am the Supreme and a megvalsulst. csak annyit mondott nekem,
then died. I just could not disbelieve him. The rest hogy n vagyok a Legfelsbb, s azutn meghalt.
happened by itself. I found myself changing -- that is n csupn nem tudtam nem hinni neki. A tbbi
all. As a matter of fact, I was astonished. But a magtl trtnt. gy talltam, hogy vltozom ez
desire arose in me to verify his words. I was so sure minden. Tulajdonkppen meglepdtem. De vgy
that he, could not possibly have told a lie, that I felt I bredt bennem, hogy szavait beteljestsem. Oly
shall either realise the full meaning of his words or biztos voltam benne, hogy lehetetlen hazudnia, hogy
die. I was feeling quite determined, but did not know gy reztem, vagy hinytalanul beteljestem, amit
what to do. I would spend hours thinking of him and szavai jelentenek, vagy meghalok. Teljesen
his assurance, not arguing, but just remembering hatrozottan reztem, de nem tudtam, mit kell tenni.
what he told me. rkat tltttem azzal, hogy r gondoltam, s az
lltsra, nem vitatkozva vele, hanem csak
emlkezve arra, amit mondott nekem.

Q: What happened to you then? How did you know K: Mi trtnt veled azutn? Hogy tudtad meg, hogy
that you are the Supreme? te vagy a Legfelsbb?

M: Nobody came to tell me. Nor was I told so M: Senki nem jtt, hogy elmondja nekem. Bellrl
inwardly. In fact, it was only in the beginning when I sem hallottam. Valjban, csak kezdetben fordult
was making efforts, that I was passing through some el, amikor erfesztseket tettem, hogy klns
strange experiences; seeing lights, hearing voices, tapasztalsokon mentem keresztl; fnyeket lttam,
meeting gods and goddesses and conversing with hangokat hallottam, istenekkel s istennkkel
them. Once the Guru told me: 'You are the Supreme tallkoztam, s beszlgettem. Amikor a Guru azt
Reality', I ceased having visions and trances and mondta nekem: te vagy a Legfelsbb Valsg,
became very quiet and simple. I found myself vziim s rvleteim megszntek, s nagyon
desiring and knowing less and less, until I could say csendes s egyszer lettem. gy talltam, vgyam
in utter astonishment: 'I know nothing, I want s tudsom egyre kevesebb s kevesebb, mgnem
nothing.' elmondhattam, legteljesebb megdbbensemre:
nem tudok semmit, nem akarok semmit.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
Q: Were you genuinely free of desire and K: Termszetes mdon szabadultl meg a vgytl,
knowledge, or did you impersonate a gnani s tudstl, vagy a gnani szerept szemlyestetted
according to the image given to you by your Guru? meg, a Gurud ltal adott kppel sszhangban?

M: I was not given any image, nor did I have one. M: Nem kaptam semmilyen kpet, s nem is volt
My Guru never told me what to expect. semmi ilyenem. Gurum soha nem beszlt arrl, mire

Q: More things may happen to you. Are you at the K: Tovbbi dolgok trtnhetnek veled. Utad vgn
end of your journey? vagy?

M: There was never any journey. I am, as I always M: Soha nem volt semmifle t. n vagyok, ami
was. mindig is voltam.

Q: What was the Supreme Reality you were K: Mi a Legfelsbb Valsg, amit el kvntl rni?
supposed to reach?

M: I was undeceived, that is all. I used to create a M: Felnylt a szemem, ez minden. Egy vilgot
world and populate it -- now I don't do it any more. teremtettem, s benpestettem azt most mr
tbb semmit nem teszek.

Q: Where do you live, then? K: Hol lsz akkor?

M: In the void beyond being and non-being, beyond M: A lten s nemlten tli ressgben, tl a
consciousness. This void is also fullness; do not pity tudatossgon. Ez az ressg teljessg is; ne sajnlj
me. It is like a man saying: 'I have done my work, engem. Ez olyan, mint amikor azt mondja az ember:
there is nothing left to do'. megcsinltam a munkmat, semmi teendm nem

Q: You are giving a certain date to your realisation. K: Megvalsulsodat egy konkrt dtummal jelld.
It means something did happen to you at that date. Ez azt jelenti, hogy trtnt valami azon a napon. Mi
What happened? trtnt?

M: The mind ceased producing events. The ancient M: Az elme abbahagyta az esemnyek ltrehozst.
and ceaseless search stopped -- l wanted nothing, A rgi szakadatlan keress lellt nem akartam
expected nothing -- accepted nothing as my own. semmit, nem vrtam semmit nem fogadtam el
There was no 'me' left to strive for. Even the bare 'Isemmit nmagamknt. Nem volt n, hogy
am' faded away. The other thing that I noticed was trekedjen. Mg a meztelen n vagyok is eltnt. A
that I lost all my habitual certainties. Earlier I wasmsik dolog amit szrevettem az volt, hogy
sure of so many things, now I am sure of nothing. elvesztettem minden megrgztt bizonyossgomat.
But I feel that I have lost nothing by not knowing, Korbban oly sok dologban biztos voltam, most nem
because all my knowledge was false. My not voltam biztos semmiben. De gy rzem, nem
knowing was in itself knowledge of the fact that all vesztettem semmit a nem tudssal, mert minden
knowledge is ignorance, that 'I do not know' is the ismeretem hamis volt. Nem tudsom nmagban
only true statement the mind can make. Take the annak a tnynek a tudsa volt, hogy minden tuds
tudatlansg, hogy a nem tudom az elme egyetlen
idea 'I was born'. You may take it to be true. It is not.
You were never born, nor will you ever die. It is the igaz kijelentse. Vegyk az n szlettem idet.
idea that was born and shall die, not you. By Lehet, hogy te ezt igaznak tartod. Nem az. Te soha
identifying yourself with it you became mortal. Just nem szlettl, s soha nem is fogsz meghalni. Az
like in a cinema all is light, so does consciousness idea, hogy szlettl, s meg fogsz halni, nem a tid.
become the vast world. Look closely, and you will A vele val azonosulsoddal vltl halandv. Mint
see that all names and forms are but transitory ahogy a moziban minden fny, pp gy vlik a
waves on the ocean of consciousness, that only tudatossg a vgtelen vilgg. Vizsgld meg
consciousness can be said to be, not its gondosan, s ltni fogod, hogy a nevek s formk
transformations. csak ml hullmok a tudatossg cenjn, hogy
csak a tudatossgrl mondhat el, hogy van, annak
In the immensity of consciousness a light appears, a talakulsairl nem.
tiny point that moves rapidly and traces shapes,
thoughts and feelings, concepts and ideas, like the A tudatossg vgtelensgben megjelenik egy
pen writing on paper. And the ink that leaves a trace fnysugr, egy gyorsan mozg, apr pont, amely

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
is memory. You are that tiny point and by your formk, gondolatok, rzsek, fogalmak s eszmk
movement the world is ever re-created. Stop nyomt hagyja, ahogy a toll nyomot hagy a papron.
moving, and there will be no world. Look within and s a tinta az, amely az emlkezetben a nyomot
you will find that the point of light is the reflection of hagyja. Te vagy ez az apr pont, s mozgsoddal
the immensity of light in the body, as the sense 'I rkk jrateremted a vilgot. lltsd le a mozgst,
am'. There is only light, all else appears. s nem lesz vilg. Tekints befel, s gy fogod
tallni, hogy a fnypont a fny vgtelensgnek a
testben val tkrzdse, mint n vagyok rzs.

Q: Do you know that light? Have you seen it? K: Ismered azt a fnyt? Lttad mr?

M: To the mind it appears as darkness. It can be M: Az elme szmra sttsgnek tnik. Ismerni azt
known only through its reflections. All is seen in csak visszatkrzdsein keresztl lehet. Minden a
daylight -- except daylight. napfnyben lthat a napfnyt kivve.

Q: Have I to understand that our minds are similar? K: gy rtsem, hogy elmink hasonlk?

M: How can it be? You have your own private mind, M: Hogy lehetnnek azok? Neked sajt egyedi
woven with memories, held together by desires and elmd van, emlkekkel tszve, vgyaktl s
fears. I have no mind of my own; what I need to flelmekkel sszetartva. Nekem nincs sajt elmm;
know the universe brings before me, as it supplies amit tudnom kell, azt az univerzum hozza
the food I eat. tudomsomra, mint ahogy az tellel is ellt, amit

Q: Do you know all you want to know? K: Mindent tudsz, amit tudni akarsz?

M: There is nothing I want to know. But what I need M: Semmit nem akarok tudni. De amit tudnom kell,
to know, I come to know. azt megtudom.

Q: Does this knowledge come to you from within or K: Ez a tuds bellrl, vagy kvlrl rkezik hozzd?
from outside?

M: It does not apply. My inner is outside and my M: Nem szmt, honnan. Belsm kvl van, s
outer is inside. I may get from you the knowledge klsm bell. Lehet, hogy tled kapom a tudst,
needed at the moment, but you are not apart from amelyre e pillanatban szksgem van, de te nem
me. rajtam kvl vagy.

Q: What is turiya, the fourth state we hear about? K: Mi a turiya, vagy ahogy mi ismerjk, a negyedik

M: To be the point of light tracing the world is turiya. M: A turiya azt jelenti, a vilgot rajzol fnypontnak
To be the light itself is turiyatita. But of what use are lenni. A turiyatita azt jelenti, magnak a fnynek
names when reality is so near? lenni. De mi haszna a neveknek, amikor a valsg
oly kzel van?

Q: Is there any progress in your condition? When K: Van fejlds az llapotodban? Amikor tegnapi
you compare yourself yesterday with yourself today, magadat mai magaddal hasonltod, vltoznak
do you find yourself changing, making progress? tallod-e magad, mutatsz-e haladst?
Does your vision of reality grow in width and depth? Valsgltsod szlesedik, s mlyl?

M: Reality is immovable and yet in constant M: A valsg megmozdthatatlan, s mgis lland

movement. It is like a mighty river -- it flows and yet mozgsban van. Akr egy hatalmas foly folyik, s
it is there -- eternally. What flows is not the river with mgis helyben van rkrvny. Ami folyik, az
its bed and banks, but its water, so does the sattva nem a foly, annak gyval, s partjaival, hanem a
guna, the universal harmony, play its games against vize, ugyangy tesz a sattva guna is, az univerzlis
tamas and rajas, the forces of darkness and despair. harmnia eljtssza a jtkait a tamassal s a
In sattva there is always change and progress, in rajassal, a sttsg s remnytelensg erivel
rajas there is change and regress, while tamas szemben. A sattvban mindig vltozs s halads, a
stands for chaos. The three Gunas play eternally rajasban vltozs s hanyatls van, mg a tamas a
against each other -- it is a fact and there can be no koszt jelenti. A hrom Guna rkk egyms ellen

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
quarrel with a fact. jtszik ez tny, s tnyekkel nem lehet vitzni.

Q: Must I always go dull with tamas and desperate K: A tamassal mindig eltompultsg, s a rajassal
with rajas? What about sattva? remnytelensg jr egytt? Mi a vlemnyed a

M: Sattva is the radiance of your real nature. You M: A sattva valdi termszeted sugrzsa. Mindig
can always find it beyond the mind and its many megtallhatod az elmn tl, s annak szmtalan
worlds. But if you want a world, you must accept the vilgban. De ha egy vilgot akarsz, a hrom gunt
three gunas as inseparable -- matter -- energy -- life el kell, hogy fogadd, mint lnyegket tekintve egy,
-- one in essence, distinct in appearance. They mix megjelenskben klnbz, elvlaszthatatlan
and flow -- in consciousness. In time and space anyagenergialetet. Ezek a tudatossgban
there is eternal flow, birth and death again, advance, keverednek s ramlanak. Idben s trben rk
retreat, another advance, again retreat -- apparently folyamat, szlets s hall, halads, htrls,
without a beginning and without end; reality being megint halads, megint htrls ltszlag kezdet,
timeless, changeless, bodyless, mindless s vg nlkl; a valsg idtlen, vltozhatatlan, test
awareness is bliss. nlkli, elme nlkli tudat lvn boldogsg.

Q: I understand that, according to you, everything is K: Megrtettem, hogy szerinted minden a

a state of consciousness. The world is full of things - tudatossg llapota. A vilg dolgokkal van tele
- a grain of sand is a thing, a planet is a thing. How dolog a porszem, s dolog a bolyg is. Hogyan
are they related to consciousness? viszonyulnak ezek a tudatossghoz?

M: Where consciousness does not reach, matter M: Ahov tudatossg nem r el, az az anyag
begins. A thing is a form of being which we have not kezdete. Az anyag a ltezs egy olyan formja,
understood. It does not change -- it is always the amelyet nem rtettnk meg. Nem vltozik mindig
same -- it appears to be there on its own -- ugyanaz ltszlag sajt jogn ltezik valami
something strange and alien. Of course it is in the klns, s idegen. Termszetesen, a csiten, a
chit, consciousness, but appears to be outside tudatossgon bell van, de rajta kvl lvnek
because of its apparent changelessness. The ltszik, ltszlagos vltozatlansga miatt. A dolgok
foundation of things is in memory -- without memory alapja az emlkezetben van emlkezet nlkl nem
there would be no recognition. Creation -- reflection - volna lehetsges a megismers. Teremts
- rejection: Brahma -- Vishnu -- Shiva: this is the tkrzs elvets: Brahma Vishnu Shiva: ez az
eternal process. All things are governed by it. rkrvny folyamat. Minden dolog felet ez

Q: Is there no escape? K: Nincs menekls?

M: I am doing nothing else, but showing the escape. M: Semmi mst sem teszek, mint a menekls tjt
Understand that the One includes the Three and that mutatom. rtsd meg, hogy az Egy magban foglalja
you are the One, and you shall be free of the world a Hrmat, s hogy te vagy az Egy, s szabadd
process. vlsz a vilg folyamattl.

Q: What happens then to my consciousness? K: Mi fog trtnni a tudatossgommal?

M: After the stage of creation, comes the stage of M: A teremts fzisa utn jn a fellvizsglat s
examination and reflection and, finally, the stage of tkrzs fzisa, s vgl a lemonds s felejts
abandonment and forgetting. The consciousness fzisa. A tudatossg megmarad, de egy ltens,
remains, but in a latent, quiet state. csendes llapotban.

Q: Does the state of identity remain? K: Az nazonossg llapota megmarad?

M: The state of identity is inherent in reality and M: Az nazonossg llapota elvlaszthatatlan a

never fades. But identity is neither the transient valsgtl, s soha veszti erejt. De az
personality (vyakti), nor the karma-bound nazonossg nem azonos sem a tnkeny
individuality (vyakta). It is what remains when all szemlyisggel (vyakti), sem a karma-kttt
self-identification is given up as false -- pure szemlyisggel (vyakta). Ha minden nazonossg
consciousness, the sense of being all there is, or hamisknt feladsra kerl, utna a tiszta tudatossg,
could be. Consciousness is pure in the beginning a minden ltez, vagy lehetsges ltnek az rzse
and pure in the end; in between it gets contaminated marad. A tudatossg tiszta a kezdetkor, s tiszta a

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
by imagination which is at the root of creation. At all vgn; a kett kztt szennyezett vlik kpzeler
times consciousness remains the same. To know it ltal, amely a teremts gykern van. A tudatossg
as it is, is realisation and timeless peace. egsz id alatt ugyanaz marad. Annak ismerni ami,
ez a megvalsuls s az idtlen bke.

Q: Is the sense 'I am' real or unreal? K: Az n vagyok rzse valdi, vagy valtlan?

M: Both. It is unreal when we say: 'I am this, I am M: Mind a kett. Valtlan, amikor az mondjuk: n ez
that'. It is real when we mean 'I am not this, nor that'. vagyok, n az vagyok. Vals, amikor komolyan azt
gondoljuk: n nem vagyok ez, sem az.
The knower comes and goes with the known, and is
transient; but that which knows that it does not Az ismer az ismerttel egytt jelenik meg, s tnik
know, which is free of memory and anticipation, is el, s mland; de ami tudja, hogy nem tud, amely
timeless. emlktl s vrakozstl mentes, az idtlen.

Q: Is 'I am' itself the witness, or are they separate? K: Az n vagyok a tan, vagy ezek klnbznek

M: Without one the other cannot be. Yet they are not M: Egyik a msik nlkl nem ltezhet. De azrt nem
one. It is like the flower and its colour. Without flower azonosak. Ez olyan, mint a virg, s a szne. Virg
-- no colours; without colour -- the flower remains nlkl nincsenek sznek; szn nlkl a virg
unseen. Beyond is the light which on contact with ltatlan marad. Felette ott a fny, amely a virggal
the flower creates the colour. Realise that your true rintkezve megteremti a sznt. Ismerd fel, hogy igaz
nature is that of pure light only, and both the termszeted a tiszta fnyvel azonos, s mind az
perceived and the perceiver come and go together. szlelet, mind az szlel egytt jelennek meg, s
That which makes both possible, and yet is neither, tnnek el. Ami mindkettt lehetv teszi, de
is your real being, which means not being a 'this' or mgsem azonos egyikkel sem, az a te valdi
'that', but pure awareness of being and not-being. termszeted, amely nem az ez, vagy az vagysgot
When awareness is turned on itself, the feeling is of jelenti, hanem a lt s nemlt tiszta tudatt. Amikor
not knowing. When it is turned outward, the a tudat nmagra irnyul, az rzs a nem
knowables come into being. To say: 'I know myself' megismers. Amikor kifel fordul, megszletnek a
is a contradiction in terms for what is 'known' cannot megismerhetk. Azt mondani: n ismerem magam
be 'myself'. nellentmonds, mert ami ismert, az nem lehet

Q: If the self is for ever the unknown, what then is K: Ha az n soha nem lehet ismert, akkor mi
realised in self-realisation? valsthat meg az nmegvalsts sorn?

M: To know that the known cannot be me nor mine, M: Tudni, hogy az ismert nem lehet n, sem az
is liberation enough. Freedom from self-identification enym, mr elegend megszabaduls. Egy emlk-
with a set of memories and habits, the state of s szoks csomaggal val nazonoststl
wonder at the infinite reaches of the being, its mentessg a csoda llapota, amelyben a vgtelen
inexhaustible creativity and total transcendence, the elri a ltet, annak kimerthetetlen kreativitst, s
absolute fearlessness born from the realisation of totlis transzcendencijt, a tudatossg minden
the illusoriness and transiency of every mode of mdja illuzrikussgnak s tmenetisgnek a
consciousness -- flow from a deep and inexhaustible felismersbl megszletett abszolt
source. To know the source as source and flelemnlklisget amely egy mly s
appearance as appearance, and oneself as the kimerthetetlen forrsbl ered folyam. A forrst
source only is self-realisation. forrsknt, a jelensget jelensgknt, s nmagadat
a forrsknt ismerni, az egyetlen megvalsuls.

Q: On what side is the witness? Is it real or unreal? K: Melyik oldalon van a tan? Valdi , vagy nem

M: Nobody can say: I am the witness'. The I am' is M: Senki nem tudja azt mondani: n vagyok a tan.
always witnessed. The state of detached awareness Az n vagyok mindig tanstott. A prtatlan tudat
is the witness-consciousness, the 'mirror-mind'. It llapota a tan-tudatossg, a tkr-elme.
rises and sets with its object and thus it is not quite Objektumaival egytt kel s nyugszik, s gy nem
the real. Whatever its object, it remains the same, egszen valdi. Brmi is legyen az objektuma,
hence it is also real. It partakes of both the real and vltozatlan marad, ennl fogva valdi is. Rszese

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
the unreal and is therefore a bridge between the mind a valdinak, mind a nem valdinak, s ezrt a
two. kett kztti hd szerept tlti be.

Q: If all happens only to the 'I am', if the 'I am' is the K: Ha minden csupn az n vagyok szmra
known and the knower and the knowledge itself, trtnik, ha az n vagyok azonos az ismerttel, a
what does the witness do? Of what use is it? megismervel, s az ismerettel, akkor mit csinl a
tan? Mi haszna neki?

M: It does nothing and is of no use whatsoever. M: Semmit nem csinl, s semmilyen haszna nincs.

Q: Then why do we talk of it? K: Akkor mirt beszlnk rla?

M: Because it is there. The bridge serves one M: Mert ltezik. A hd egyetlen clt szolgl csupn
purpose only -- to cross over. You don't build houses hogy tmenjenek rajta. Ne pts hzakat a hdra. Az
on a bridge. The 'I am' looks at things, the witness n vagyok nzi a dolgokat, a tan beljk lt. gy
sees through them. It sees them as they are -- ltja azokat, ahogyan vannak valtlannak, s
unreal and transient. To say 'not me, not mine' is the mulandnak. Azt mondani, hogy nem n, nem az
task of the witness. enym, a tan feladata.

Q: Is it the manifested (saguna) by which the K: A megnyilvnult (saguna) az, ami ltal a
unmanifested (nirguna) is represented? megnyilvnulatlan (nirguna) megjelentsre kerl?

M: The unmanifested is not represented. Nothing M: A megnyilvnulatlan nem kerl megjelentsre.

manifested can represent the unmanifested. Semmilyen megnyilvnult nem tudja megjelenteni a

Q: Then why do you talk of it? K: Akkor mirt beszlnk rla?

M: Because it is my birthplace. M: Mert az az n szletsi helyem.

79. Person, Witness and the Supreme 79. Szemly, tan s a Legfelsbb
Questioner: We have a long history of drug-taking Krdez: Rgta drogozunk, tbbnyire klnfle
behind us, mostly drugs of the consciousness- tudat tgt szereket szedtnk. Ezek a drogok ms
expanding variety. They gave us the experience of tudatllapotok lmnyt nyjtottk, amelyek hol
other states of consciousness, high and low, and felemelk, hol alantasok, s azt a meggyzdst is,
also the conviction, that drugs are unreliable and, at hogy a drogok megbzhatatlanok, s legjobb
best, transitory and, at worst, destructive of esetben tmeneti hatsak, a legrosszabb esetben
organism and personality. We are in search of better krostjk a szervezetet, s a szemlyisget. Jobb
means for developing consciousness and eszkzket szeretnnk tallni a tudatossg
transcendence. We want the fruits of our search to fejlesztsre, s meghaladsra. Azt akarjuk, hogy
stay with us and enrich our lives, instead of turning keressnk gymlcsei velnk maradjanak, s
to pale memories and helpless regrets. If by the gazdagtsk letnket, az emlkezet eltompulsa s
spiritual we mean self-investigation and gymoltalan sajnlkozsok helyett. Ha a
development, our purpose in coming to India is spiritualitson n-kutatst s n-fejlesztst rtnk,
definitely spiritual. The happy hippy stage is behind akkor Indiba jvetelnk clja hatrozottan
us; we are serious now and on the move. We know spiritulis. A boldog hippi llapot mr mgttnk;
there is reality to be found, but we do not know how megkomolyodtunk, s az tra lptnk. Tudjuk, a
to find and hold on to it. We need no convincing, valsgot kell, hogy megtalljuk, de nem tudjuk,
only guidance. Can you help us? hogyan keressk, s tartsuk meg azt. Nem
meggyzsre van szksgnk, csak tmutatsra.
Tudnl neknk segteni?

Maharaj: You do not need help, only advice. What Maharaj: Nem segtsgre van szksgetek, csupn
you seek is already in you. Take my own case. I did tancsra. Amit kerestek, az mr bennetek van.
nothing for my realisation. My teacher told me that Vegyk az n esetemet. n semmit sem tettem a
the reality is within me; I looked within and found it megvalsulsomrt. Tantm azt mondta, a valsg

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
there, exactly as my teacher told me. To see reality bennem van; befel tekintettem, s megtalltam ott,
is as simple as to see one's face in a mirror. Only pontosan gy, ahogy a tantm nekem elmondta. A
the mirror must be clear and true. A quiet mind, valsgot megltni olyan knny, mint az arcodat a
undistorted by desires and fears, free from ideas tkrben megltni. Csak a tkr tiszta s igazi
and opinions, clear on all the levels, is needed to legyen. Vgyaktl s flelmektl torztatlan, idektl
reflect the reality. Be clear and quiet -- alert and s vlemnyektl mentes, minden szinten tiszta,
detached, all else will happen by itself. csendes elme szksges a valsg tkrzsre.
Lgy tiszta s csendes ber s prtatlan, s
minden ms meg fog trtnni nmagtl.

Q: You had to make your mind clear and quiet K: Elmdet meg kellett tiszttanod, s csendess
before you could realise the truth. How did you do it? kellett tenned, mieltt megvalsthattad volna az
valsgot. Hogyan csinltad?

M: I did nothing. It just happened. I lived my life, M: Nem csinltam semmit. Csak gy megtrtnt.
attending to my family's needs. Nor did my Guru do ltem az letemet, csaldom szksgleteirl
it. It just happened, as he said it will. gondoskodva. Gurum sem csinlta. ppen gy
trtnt, ahogy megmondta.

Q: Things do not just happen. There must be a K: A dolgok nem trtnnek csak gy. Muszj, hogy
cause for everything. oka legyen mindennek.

M: All that happens is the cause of all that happens. M: Minden, ami trtnik az oka mindennek, ami
Causes are numberless; the idea of a sole cause is trtnik. Az okok megszmllhatatlanok; az egyedli
an illusion. ok ideja illzi.

Q: You must have been doing something specific -- K: Kellett, hogy valami klnlegeset csinlj
some meditation or Yoga. How can you say that valamilyen meditcit, vagy Yogt. Hogy mondhatsz
realisation will happen on its own? olyat, hogy a megvalsuls magtl fog

M: Nothing specific. I just lived my life. M: Semmi klnleges. Csak ltem az letem.

Q: I am amazed. K: Meg vagyok lepdve,

M: So was I. But what was there to be amazed at? M: n is meg voltam. De min kellett lepdjek?
My teacher's words came true. So what? He knew Tantm szavai beigazoldtak. Na s? jobban
me better than I knew myself, that is all. Why search ismert engem, mint ahogy n ismertem nmagam,
for causes? In the very beginning I was giving some ez minden. Minek okokat keresni? A legelejn
attention and time to the sense 'I am', but only in the fordtottam bizonyos figyelmet s idt az n vagyok
beginning. Soon after my Guru died, I lived on. His rzsre, de csak az elejn. Rviddel Gurum halla
words proved to be true. That is all. It is all one utn megltem. Szavai beigazoldtak. Ez minden.
process. You tend to separate things in time and Mindez egy folyamat. Hajlamos vagy r, hogy
then look for causes. idben elklntsd a dolgokat, hogy azutn okokat

Q: What is your work now? What are you doing? K: Most mi a munkd? Mit csinlsz?

M: You imagine being and doing as identical. It is M: Azt kpzeled, hogy a lt s a tevkenysg
not so. The mind and the body move and change azonosak. Nem gy van. Az elme s a test
and cause other minds and bodies to move and mozognak, s vltoznak, s okai ms elmk
change and that is called doing, action. I see that it mozgsnak s vltozsnak, s ezt nevezik
is in the nature of action to create further action like cselekvsnek, akcinak. gy ltom, hogy az
fire that continues by burning. I neither act nor cause akcinak az a termszete, hogy tovbbi akcikat
others to act; I am timelessly aware of what is going hoz ltre, hasonlan a tzhz, amely izzsban
on. folytatdik. n nem cselekszem, s nem ksztetek
mst sem cselekvsre; n idtlenl tudatban
vagyok annak, ami zajlik.

Q: In your mind, or also in other minds? K: A te elmdben, vagy ms elmkben is?

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok

M: There is only one mind, which swarms with M: Csupn egy elme van, ami hemzseg az idektl;
ideas; 'I am this, I am that, this is mine, that is mine'. n ez vagyok, n az vagyok, ez az enym, az az
I am not the mind, never was, nor shall be. enym. n nem az elme vagyok, nem voltam az, s
nem is leszek soha.

Q: How did the mind come into being? K: Hogyan szletett az elme?

M: The world consists of matter, energy and M: A vilg anyagbl, energibl s intelligencibl
intelligence. They manifest themselves in many ll. Ezek sokfle mdon nyilvntjk meg magukat. A
ways. Desire and imagination create the world and vgy s a kpzelet ltrehozzk a vilgot, s az
intelligence reconciles the two and causes a sense intelligencia kibkti a kettt, s elidzi a harmnia
of harmony and peace. To me it all happens; I am s a bke rzst. Szmomra ez mind megtrtnik;
aware, yet unaffected. n tudatos vagyok, mgis rzketlen.

Q: You cannot be aware, yet unaffected. There is a K: Nem lehetsz tudatos, mgis rzketlen. Ezek
contradiction in terms. Perception is change. Once ellenttes kifejezsek. Az szlels, vltozs. Amikor
you have experienced a sensation, memory will not tapasztalsz egy rzetet, az emlkezet nem fogja
allow you to return to the former state. engedni, hogy visszatrj a korbbi llapotodba.

M: Yes, what is added to memory cannot be erased M: Igen, ami az emlkezethez hozzaddott, az
easily. But it can surely be done and, in fact, I am nem knnyen trlhet. De biztos, hogy megtehet,
doing it all the time. Like a bird on its wings, I leave ami azt illeti, n ezt csinlom szakadatlanul. Akr a
no footprints. szrnyal madr, n sem hagyok htra

Q: Has the witness name and form, or is it beyond K: Rendelkezik a tan nvvel s formval, vagy tl
these? van ezeken?

M: The witness is merely a point in awareness. It M: A tan egy pont csupn a tudatossgban. Nincs
has no name and form. It is like the reflection of the neve s formja. Ez a napfny harmatcseppben val
sun in a drop of dew. The drop of dew has name tkrzdshez hasonlt. A harmatcseppnek neve
and form, but the little point of light is caused by the s formja van, de a kis fnypontot a nap idzi el.
sun. The clearness and smoothness of the drop is a A csepp tisztasga s sima fellete szksges
necessary condition but not sufficient by itself. felttel, de nmagban nem elg. Hasonlkppen,
Similarly clarity and silence of the mind are az elme vilgossgra s csendjre van szksg,
necessary for the reflection of reality to appear in the hogy a valsg tkrzse megjelenjen az elmben,
mind, but by themselves they are not sufficient. de nmagukban nem elegendk. Azokon tl ott kell,
There must be reality beyond it. Because reality is hogy legyen a valsg. Mivel a valsg idtlenl
timelessly present, the stress is on the necessary jelen van, a nehzsg a szksges felttelekben
conditions. van.

Q: Can it happen that the mind is clear and quiet K: Elfordulhat, hogy az elme tiszta s csendes, s
and yet no reflection appears? mgsem jelenik meg tkrzds?

M: There is destiny to consider. The unconscious is M: Tekintetbe kell venni a sorsot. A tudattalan a
in the grip of destiny, it is destiny, in fact. One may vgzet szortsban van, ez a sors, alapjban vve.
have to wait. But however heavy may be the hand of Lehet, hogy az embernek vrnia kell. De brmilyen
destiny, it can be lifted by patience and self-control. slyos is a sors keze, trelemmel, s nkontrollal
Integrity and purity remove the obstacles and the flemelhet. A teljessg s a tisztasg eltvoltjk az
vision of reality appears in the mind. akadlyokat, s a valsg ltvnya megjelenik az

Q: How does one gain self-control? I am so weak- K: Hogy tesz szert az ember nkontrollra? n olyan
minded. erlytelen vagyok.

M: Understand first that you are not the person you M: Azt rtsd meg elbb, hogy te nem a szemly
believe yourself to be. What you think yourself to be vagy, akinek hiszed magad. Aminek hiszed
is mere suggestion or imagination. You have no magadat, az puszta szuggeszti, kpzelds.
parents, you were not born, nor will you die. Either Nincsenek szleid, nem szlettl, meghalni sem

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
trust me when I tell you so, or arrive to it by study fogsz. Vagy elhiszed nekem, amit mondok, vagy
and investigation. The way of total faith is quick, the tanulssal, s kutatssal jutsz el odig. A teljes hit
other is slow but steady. Both must be tested in tja gyors, a msik lass, de tarts. Mindkettt
action. Act on what you think is true -- this is the way cselekvs sorn kell ellenrizni. Cselekedj aszerint,
to truth. amit igaznak hiszel ez az igazsghoz vezet t.

Q: Are deserving the truth and destiny one and the K: Az igazsg s a sors kirdemlse egy s
same? ugyanaz?

M: Yes, both are in the unconscious. Conscious M: Igen, mindkett a tudattalanban van. A tudatos
merit is mere vanity. Consciousness is always of rdem puszta hisg. A tudattalan mindig az
obstacles; when there are no obstacles, one goes akadlyok; amikor nincsenek akadlyok, az ember
beyond it. tllp rajtuk ezeket.

Q: Will the understanding that I am not the body give K: A megrts, hogy nem a test vagyok, meg fogja
me the strength of character needed for self-control? adni az nkontrollhoz szksges jellem ert?

M: When you know that you are neither body nor M: Amikor tudod, hogy sem a test, sem az elme nem
mind, you will not be swayed by them. You will vagy, azoknak nem lesz hatalma fltted. Kvetni
follow truth, wherever it takes you, and do what fogod az igazsgot, akrhov vezet, s csinlni
needs be done, whatever the price to pay. fogod, amit kell, brmilyen rat kell fizetni.

Q: Is action essential for self-realisation? K: Nlklzhetetlen cselekedni az


M: For realisation, understanding is essential. Action M: A megvalsulshoz megrts nlklzhetetlen. A

is only incidental. A man of steady understanding cselekvs velejrja csupn. A szilrd megrts
will not refrain from action. Action is the test of truth. embere nem fog a cselekvstl tartzkodni. A
cselekvs az igazsg ellenrzse.

Q: Are tests needed? K: Szksg van ellenrzsekre?

M: If you do not test yourself all the time, you will not M: Ha nem ellenrzd magad szakadatlanul, nem
be able to distinguish between reality and fancy. fogsz tudni klnbsget tenni valsg s kpzelet
Observation and close reasoning help to some kztt. Megfigyels s logikus rvels segtenek
extent, but reality is paradoxical. How do you know bizonyos mrtkig, de a valsg paradox. Honnan
that you have realised unless you watch your tudod, hogy megvalsultl, hacsak onnan nem, hogy
thoughts and feelings, words and actions and szemlled gondolataidat, rzseidet, szavaidat s
wonder at the changes occurring in you without your cselekedeteidet, s eltndsz a vltozsokon,
knowing why and how? It is exactly because they amelyek vgbemennek benned, anlkl, hogy
are so surprising that you know that they are real. tudnd a mirtet, s a hogyant? Pontosan azrt
The foreseen and expected is rarely true. olyan meglepek, mert tudod, hogy valdiak. Az
elre ltott, s elvrt ritkn valdi.

Q: How does the person come into being? K: Hogyan szletik a szemly?

M: Exactly as a shadow appears when light is M: Ahogy a fny tjban ll testnek rnyka
intercepted by the body, so does the person arise keletkezik, pontosan gy keletkezik a szemly,
when pure self-awareness is obstructed by the 'I- amikor a tiszta n-tudatossgot elzrja az n-
am-the-body' idea. And as the shadow changes vagyok-a-test idea. s ahogy az rnyk az alakjt
shape and position according to the lay of the land, s helyzett a terepviszonyoknak megfelelen
so does the person appear to rejoice and suffer, rest vltoztatja, gy mutatkozik a szemly rvendeznek
and toil, find and lose according to the pattern of s szenvednek, nyugvnak s fradoznak,
destiny. When the body is no more, the person tallnak s vesztnek, a sors mintzatnak
disappears completely without return, only the megfelelen. Amikor a test megsznik ltezni, a
witness remains and the Great Unknown. szemly teljesen eltnik, a visszatrs lehetsge
nlkl, a tan marad csupn, s a Nagy Ismeretlen.
The witness is that which says 'I know'. The person

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
says 'I do'. Now, to say 'I know' is not untrue -- it is A tan az, ami azt mondja tudom. A szemly azt
merely limited. But to say 'I do' is altogether false, mondja cselekszem'. Na mr most, azt mondani,
because there is nobody who does; all happens by hogy tudom nem valtlan csupn korltozott. De
itself, including the idea of being a doer. azt mondani, hogy cselekszem teljes tveds, mert
senki nincs, aki cselekszik; minden magtl trtnik,
belertve a cselekv idejt is.

Q: Then what is action? K: Akkor mi a cselekvs?

M: The universe is full of action, but there is no M: Az univerzum tele van cselekvssel, de nincs
actor. There are numberless persons small and big cselekv. Szmtalan kicsi, nagy, s nagyon nagy
and very big, who, through identification, imagine szemly van, akik azonosuls rvn, cselekvnek
themselves as acting, but it does not change the fact kpzelik magukat, de ez nem vltoztatja meg a
that the world of action (mahadakash) is one single tnyt, hogy a cselekvs vilga (mahadakash)
whole in which all depends on, and affects all. The egyetlen egsz, amelyben minden fgg mindentl,
stars affect us deeply and we affect the stars. Step s hat mindenre. A csillagok mlysges hatssal
back from action to consciousness, leave action to vannak rnk, s mi hatunk a csillagokra. Lpj vissza
the body and the mind; it is their domain. Remain as a cselekvsbl a tudatossgba, hagyd a cselekvst
pure witness, till even witnessing dissolves in the a testre, s az elmre; ez az hatkrk. Maradj a
Supreme. tiszta tan, mgnem a tan is felolvad a
Imagine a thick jungle full of heavy timber. A plank is
shaped out of the timber and a small pencil to write Kpzelj el egy sr dzsungelt, hatalmas fkkal tele.
on it. The witness reads the writing and knows that A fbl lehet kialaktani palnkot is, s ceruzt is,
while the pencil and the plank are distantly related to amivel rni lehet r. A tan olvassa az rst, s tudja,
the jungle, the writing has nothing to do with it. It is hogy mg a ceruza s a palnk tvoli rokonai a
totally super-imposed and its disappearance just dzsungelnek, az rsnak semmi kze hozz. Ez egy
does not matter. The dissolution of personality is teljesen rhelyezett dolog, s eltnse mg csak
followed always by a sense of great relief, as if a nem is problma. A szemly megsemmislst
heavy burden has fallen off. mindig egy nagy megknnyebbls rzse kveti,
mintha egy nagy tehertl szabadulnl meg.

Q: When you say, I am in the state beyond the K: Amikor azt mondod, n a tann tli llapotban
witness, what is the experience that makes you say vagyok, akkor ezt milyen tapasztalat alapjn
so? In what way does it differ from the stage of mondod? Miben klnbzik az a tan llapottl?
being a witness only?

M: It is like washing printed cloth. First the design M: Ez ahhoz hasonlt, mint amikor mints szvetet
fades, then the background and in the end the cloth mosol. Elszr a minta halvnyodik el, majd az
is plain white. The personality gives place to the alapszn, s a vgn a szvet tiszta fehr lesz. A
witness, then the witness goes and pure awareness szemlyisg tadja a helyt a tannak, majd a tan
remains. The cloth was white in the beginning and is tvozik, s csak a tiszta tudatossg marad. A szvet
white in the end; the patterns and colours just elszr fehr volt, s a vgn is fehr; a mintk s
happened -- for a time. sznek csak megtrtntek egy idre.

Q: Can there be awareness without an object of K: Ltezhet tudatossg a tudatossg objektuma

awareness? nlkl?

M: Awareness with an object we called witnessing. M: A tudatossgot az objektummal nevezzk

When there is also self-identification with the object, tannak. Amikor ltrejn az objektummal az
caused by desire or fear, such a state is called a nazonosuls is, amelyet rm s fjdalom okoz, az
person. In reality there is only one state; when ilyen llapotot nevezzk szemlynek. Valjban
distorted by self-identification it is called a person, csak egyetlen llapot van; amikor ez az n-
when coloured with the sense of being, it is the azonosuls ltal eltorztsra kerl, szemlynek
witness; when colourless and limitless, it is called nevezzk, amikor besznezi a lt rzse, akkor a
the Supreme. tan; amikor szntelen s korltlan, akkor hvjuk a

Q: I find that I am always restless, longing, hoping, K: gy ltom, ismt lland nyugtalansg,
seeking, finding, enjoying, abandoning, searching remnykeds, keress, talls, lvezs, elvets,

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
again. What is it that keeps me on the boil? majd keress jellemez. Mi az, ami forrsban tart

M: You are really in search of yourself, without M: Valjban nmagadat keresed, anlkl, hogy
knowing it. You are love-longing for the love-worthy, tudnl rla. Epedve vgysz a szeretetre mltra, a
the perfectly lovable. Due to ignorance you are tkletes kedvesre. A tudatlansg miatt keresed az
looking for it in the world of opposites and ellenttek s ellentmondsok vilgban. Amikor
contradictions. When you find it within, your search megtallod bell, keressed vget r.
will be over.

Q: There will be always this sorrowful world to K: Mindig itt lesz ez a szomor vilg, amellyel
contend with. harcolni kell.

M: Don't anticipate. You do not know. It is true that M: Ne vrd el. Nem tudod. Az az igazsg, hogy
all manifestation is in the opposites. Pleasure and minden megnyilvnuls az ellenttekben ll. rm
pain, good and bad, high and low, progress and s fjdalom, j s rossz, magas s alacsony,
regress, rest and strife they all come and go halads s visszaess, nyugalom s trekvs, mind
together -- and as long as there is a world, its egytt jelenik meg s tvozik s amg a vilg
contradictions will be there. There may also be ltezik, addig ellentmondsai is lesznek neki.
periods of perfect harmony, of bliss and beauty, but Lehetnek olyan peridusok, amelyekre a tkletes
only for a time. What is perfect, returns to the source harmnia, mennyei boldogsg s szpsg a
of all perfection and the opposites play on. jellemz, de csak egy ideig. Ami tkletes, visszatr
a minden tkletessg forrsba, s az ellenttek
jtka folytatdik.

Q: How am I to reach perfection? K: Hogyan rhetem el a tkletessget?

M: Keep quiet. Do your work in the world, but M: Maradj csendes. Vgezd a munkdat a vilgban,
inwardly keep quiet. Then all will come to you. Do de belsleg maradj csendes. Akkor minden el fog
not rely on your work for realisation. It may profit jnni hozzd. Ne a megvalsulsrt vgzett
others, but not you. Your hope lies in keeping silent munkdban bzz. Msok szmra nyeresget
in your mind and quiet in your heart. Realised jelenthet, de szmodra nem. A te remnyed abban
people are very quiet. ll, hogy elmdben csendes, s szvedben nyugodt
maradsz. A megvalsult emberek nagyon

80. Awareness 80. Tudat

Questioner: Does it take time to realise the Self, or Krdez: Az n megvalstshoz id kell, vagy az
time cannot help to realise? Is self-realisation a id nem tudja segteni a megvalsulst? Az n-
matter of time only, or does it depend on factors megvalsts csupn id krdse, vagy az idn kvl
other than time? ms tnyezktl is fgg?

Maharaj: All waiting is futile. To depend on time to Maharaj: Mindenfle vrakozs haszontalan.
solve our problems is self-delusion. The future, left Problmink megoldst idtl fggnek tekinteni
to itself merely repeats the past. Change can only nmts. A jv csupn a mltat ismtli. Vltozs
happen now, never in the future. csak most trtnhet, soha nem a jvben.

Q: What brings about a change? K: Mi idz el vltozst?

M: With crystal clarity see the need of change. This M: Kristly tisztasggal lsd a vltozs
is all. szksgessgt. Ez minden.

Q: Does self-realisation happen in matter, or K: Az n-megvalsuls az anyagban trtnik, vagy

beyond? Is it not an experience depending on the azon tl? Nem a testtel s elmvel trtntek
body and the mind for its occurrence? megtapasztalsa?

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
M: All experience is illusory, limited and temporal. M: Minden tapasztals illuzrikus, korltozott, s
Expect nothing from experience. Realisation by itself idleges. Ne remlj semmit a tapasztalstl. A
is not an experience, though it may lead to a new megvalsuls nmagban nem egy megtapasztals,
dimension of experiences. Yet the new experiences, habr a tapasztalsoknak egy j dimenzijhoz
however interesting, are not more real than the old. vezethet. Mgis, az j tapasztalsok, brmennyire is
Definitely realisation is not a new experience. It is rdekesek, nem valsgosabbak, mint a rgiek.
the discovery of the timeless factor in every Ktsgtelen, hogy a megvalsuls nem egy j
experience. It is awareness, which makes tapasztals. Felfedezse a minden tapasztalsban
experience possible. Just like in all the colours light benne rejl idtlen elemnek. Ez a tudat, amely a
is the colourless factor, so in every experience tapasztalst lehetv teszi. Akrcsak az sszes
awareness is present, yet it is not an experience. sznben a fny a szntelen elem, gy van minden
tapasztalsban jelen a tudat, s az mgsem

Q: If awareness is not an experience, how can it be K: Ha a tudat nem tapasztals, akkor hogyan
realised? realizlhat?

M: Awareness is ever there. It need not be realised. M: A tudat rkk jelen van. Nyisd ki a spalettit, s
Open the shutter of the mind, and it will be flooded az elmt el fogja rasztani a fny.
with light.

Q: What is matter? K: Mi az anyag?

M: What you do not understand is matter. M: Amit nem rtesz, az anyag.

Q: Science understands matter. K: A tudomny rti az anyagot.

M: Science merely pushes back the frontiers of our M: A tudomny csupn kijjebb tolja tudatlansgunk
ignorance. hatrait.

Q: And what is nature? K: s mi a termszet?

M: The totality of conscious experiences is nature. M: A tudatos tapasztalsok sszessge a termszet.

As a conscious self you are a part of nature. As Mint tudatos n, te a termszet rsze vagy. Mint
awareness, you are beyond. Seeing nature as mere tudat, azon tl vagy. A termszetet puszta
consciousness is awareness. tudatossgknt ltni, tudat.

Q: Are there levels of awareness? K: Vannak szintjei a tudatnak?

M: There are levels in consciousness, but not in M: A tudatossgnak vannak szintjei, de a tudatnak
awareness. It is of one block, homogeneous. Its nincsenek. A tudat egyetlen homogn tmb.
reflection in the mind is love and understanding. Elmebeli tkrkpe szeretet s rtelem. Az rtelem
There are levels of clarity in understanding and vilgossgnak, s a szeretet erssgnek vannak
intensity in love, but not in their source. The source szintjei, de forrsuknak nincsenek. A forrs
is simple and single, but its gifts are infinite. Only do egyszer, s egyetlen, de ajndkai vgtelenek. A
not take the gifts for the source. Realise yourself as forrsknt ismerd fel magad, s ne a folyknt; ez
the source and not as the river; that is all. minden.

Q: I am the river too. K: A foly is n vagyok.

M: Of course, you are. As an 'I am' you are the river, M: Termszetesen, te vagy. n vagyok-knt te
flowing between the banks of the body. But you are vagy a foly, amely a test partjai kztt folyik. De te
also the source and the ocean and the clouds in the vagy a forrs is, s az cen, s a felhk az gen.
sky. Wherever there is life and consciousness, you Brhol, ahol let s tudatossg van, az te vagy. A
are. Smaller than the smallest, bigger than the legkisebbnl kisebb, a legnagyobbnl nagyobb, az
biggest, you are, while all else appears. te vagy, mg minden ms csak jelensg.

Q: The sense of being and the sense of living -- are K: A lt rzse, s az let rzse ugyanazok, vagy
they one and the same, or different? klnbzk?

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
M: The identity in space creates one, the continuity M: A trbeli azonossg teremti az egyiket, s az
in time creates the other. idbeli folytonossg a msikat.

Q: You said once that the seer, seeing and the seen K: Mondtad egy zben, hogy a lt, a lts s a
are one single thing, not three. To me the three are ltott egyetlen dolog, nem hrom. Szmomra hrom
separate. I do not doubt your words, only I do not klnll dolog. Nem vonom ktsgbe a szavaidat,
understand. csak nem rtem.

M: Look closely and you will see that the seer and M: Ha gondosan megvizsglod rjssz, hogy a lt
the seen appear only when there is seeing. They are s a ltott csak lts esetn jelennek meg.
attributes of seeing. When you say 'I am seeing this', Tulajdonsgai a ltsnak. Amikor azt mondod, n
'I am' and 'this' come with seeing, not before. You ezt ltom, akkor az n s az ez a ltssal jnnek
cannot have an unseen 'this' nor an unseeing 'I am'. ltre, nem eltte. Nem lehet sem egy nem ltott ez-
ed, sem egy nem lt n-ed.

Q: I can say: 'I do not see'. K: Azt is mondhatom: n nem ltom.

M: The 'I am seeing this' has become 'l am seeing M: Az n ltom ezt-bl n ltom a nem ltsomat,
my not seeing', or 'I am seeing darkness'. The vagy n ltom a sttsget vlik. A lts
seeing remains. In the triplicity: the known, knowing megmarad. A tudott, a tuds s a tud
and the knower, only the knowing is a fact. The 'I hrmassgban csak a tuds ltezik tnyszeren.
am' and 'this' are doubtful. Who knows? What is Az n s az ez bizonytalan dolgok. Ki tud? Mi a
known? There is no certainty, except that there is tudott? Ezek nem biztos tnyek, csak akkor, ha ott
knowing. van a tuds.

Q: Why am I sure of knowing, but not of the knower? K: Mirt legyek biztos a tudsban, azonban a
tudban nem?

M: Knowing is a reflection of your true nature along M: A tuds a te igaz termszeted tkrzdse, a
with being and loving. The knower and the known lten s a szereteten kvl. A tud s a tudott az
are added by the mind. It is in the nature of the mind elme ltal kerl hozzadsra. Az elmnek az a
to create a subject-object duality, where there is termszete, hogy szubjektum-orientlt dualitst hoz
none. ltre, ahol az nincs.

Q: What is the cause of desire and fear? K: Mi az oka a vgynak s a flelemnek?

M: Obviously, the memory of past pains and M: Nyilvnvalan a mlt emlke fjdalmat, s
pleasures. There is no great mystery about it. rmet okoz. Nem olyan nagy a rejtly ezzel
Conflict arises only when desire and fear refer to the kapcsolatban. Konfliktus akkor merl fel csak, ha az
same object. rm s fjdalom trgya ugyanaz.

Q: How to put an end to memory? K: Hogyan lehet vget vetni az emlkeknek?

M: It is neither necessary, nor possible. Realise that M: Ez nem szksges, s nem is lehetsges. Ismerd
all happens in consciousness and you are the root, fel, hogy minden a tudatossgban trtnik, s te
the source, the foundation of consciousness. The vagy a gykere, a forrsa, a tudatossg alapja. A
world is but a succession of experiences and you vilg csak tapasztalatok egymsutnisga, s te az
are what makes them conscious, and yet remain vagy, ami azokat tudatoss teszi, s mgis minden
beyond all experience. It is like the heat, the flame tapasztalaton tl marad. Olyan ez, mint a h, a lng,
and the burning wood. The heat maintains the flame, s az g fa. A h fenntartja a lngot, a lng
the flame consumes the wood. Without heat there felemszti a ft. H nlkl nem lenne se lng, se
would be neither flame nor fuel. Similarly, without tzelanyag. Hasonlkppen, tudat nlkl nem
awareness there would be no consciousness, nor lenne se tudatossg, se let, amely az anyagot a
life, which transforms matter into a vehicle of tudatossg hordozjv alaktja.

Q: You maintain that without me there would be no K: Te azt kpviseled, hogy nlklem nem lenne
world, and that the world and my knowledge of the vilg, s, hogy a vilg s a vilgrl val ismeretem
world are identical. Science has come to a quite tudsom azonosak. A tudomny teljesen eltr
different conclusion: the world exists as something kvetkeztetsre jutott: a vilg konkrt s folytonos

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
concrete and continuous, while I am a by-product of valamiknt ltezik, mg n az idegrendszer biolgiai
biological evolution of the nervous system, which is evolcijnak a mellktermke vagyok, amely
primarily not so much a seat of consciousness, as a elssorban nem annyira a tudatossg szkhelye,
mechanism of survival as individual and species. mint inkbb az egyn s a faj tllsnek a
Yours is altogether a subjective view, while science mechanizmusa. A te nzeted teljesen szubjektv,
tries to describe everything in objective terms. Is this mg a tudomny mindent objektv mdon prbl meg
contradiction inevitable? lerni. Ez egy szksgszer elkerlhetetlen?

M: The confusion is apparent and purely verbal. M: Az ellentt ltszlagos, s verblis csupn. Ami
What is, is. It is neither subjective nor objective. van, az van. Sem nem szubjektv, sem nem objektv.
Matter and mind are not separate, they are aspects Anyag s elme nem nllak, aspektusai csupn
of one energy. Look at the mind as a function of egyazon energinak. Tekints az elmt, mint az
matter and you have science; look at matter as the anyag egy funkcijt, s tudomnyod van; tekintsd
product of the mind and you have religion. az anyagot, mint az elme termkt, s vallsod van.

Q: But what is true? What comes first, mind or K: De mi az igazsg? Melyik az elsdleges, az elme,
matter? vagy anyag?

M: Neither comes first. For neither appears alone. M: Egyik sem elsdleges. Mert egyik sem jelenik
Matter is the shape, mind is the name. Together meg nmagban. Az anyag a forma, az elme a nv.
they make the world. Pervading and transcending is Egytt alkotjk a vilgot. A mindent betlt s
Reality, pure being -- awareness -- bliss, your very meghalad Valsg, a tiszta lt tudat dv a
essence. valdi lnyeged.

Q: All I know is the stream of consciousness, an K: Nekem csak a tudatfolyamrl, s az esemnyek

endless succession of events. The river of time vgtelen egymsutnisgrl van tudomsom. Az
flows, bringing and carrying away relentlessly. id folyja knyrtelen ramlssal hozza s hordja
Transformation of the future into past is going on all el a dolgokat. A jv mltt alakulsa zajlik
the time. szakadatlanul.

M: Are you not the victim of your language? You M: Nem vagy te a szavak ldozata? gy beszlsz
speak about the flow of time, as if you were az id folysrl, mintha te lland lennl. De az
stationary. But the events you have witnessed esemnyeket, aminek tegnap tanja voltl, holnap
yesterday somebody else may see tomorrow. It is valaki ms lthatja. Te vagy az, ami mozgsban
you who are in movement and not time. Stop moving van, s nem az id. lltsd le a mozgst, s az id
and time will cease. megsznik.

Q: What does it mean -- time will cease? K: Mit jelent az, hogy az id meg fog sznni?

M: Past and future will merge in the eternal now. M: Mlt s jv ssze fog olvadni az rk mostban.

Q: But what does it mean in actual experience? How K: De mit jelent ez a valsgos tapasztalat szerint?
do you know that for you time has ceased? Honnan tudod, hogy szmodra az id megsznt?

M: It may mean that past and future do not matter M: Jelentheti, hogy mlt s jv nem szmtanak
any more. It may also mean that all that happened tbb. Azt is jelentheti, hogy minden, ami trtnt, s
and will happen becomes an open book to be read trtnni fog, tetszs szerint olvashat, nyitott
at will. knyvv vlik.

Q: I can imagine a sort of cosmic memory, K: El tudok kpzelni egyfajta kozmikus memrit,
accessible with some training. But how can the amely elrhet valamilyen trninggel. De hogyan
future be known? The unexpected is inevitable. ismerhet meg a jv? A vratlan elkerlhetetlen.

M: What is unexpected on one level may be certain M: Ami az egyik szinten vratlan, lehet, hogy egy
to happen, when seen from a higher level. After all, magasabb szintrl nzve biztosan megtrtnik.
we are within the limits of the mind. In reality nothing Vgl is, az elme korltai kztt vagyunk. Valjban
happens, there is no past nor future; all appears and nem trtnik semmi, nincs mlt s jv; minden
nothing is. megjelenik, s semmi nincs.

Q: What does it mean, nothing is? Do you turn K: Mit jelent az, hogy semmi nincs? ress vlsz,

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
blank, or go to sleep? Or do you dissolve the world vagy elalszol? Vagy feloldod a vilgot, s hatlyon
and keep us all in abeyance, until we are brought kvl helyezel bennnket, amg gondolkodsod
back to life at the next flicker of your thought? kvetkez rezzensekor vissza nem hozol az

M: Oh, no, it is not that bad. The world of mind and M: , nem, a helyzet nem ilyen rossz. Az elme,
matter, of names and shapes, continues, but it does anyag, nevek, s formk vilga folytatdik, de az
not matter to me at all. It is like having a shadow. It egyltaln nem lnyeges szmomra. Ez olyan, mint
is there -- following me wherever I go, but not az rnyk. Ott van kvet engem, akrhov
hindering me in any way. It remains a world of megyek, de semmilyen mdon nem gtol. A
experiences, but not of names and forms related to tapasztalatok vilga megmarad, de a vgyak s
me by desires and fears. The experiences are flelmek ltal hozzm kapcsold nevek s formk
qualityless, pure experiences, if I may say so. I call vilga nem. A tapasztalatok minsg nlkli, tiszta
them experiences for the lack of a better word. They tapasztalatok, ha lehet gy mondani. Jobb sz hjn
are like the waves on the surface of the ocean, the nevezem ket tapasztalatoknak. Olyanok, mint
ever-present, but not affecting its peaceful power. hullmok az cen felsznn, amelyek mindig jelen
vannak, de nincsenek hatssal az cen nyugodt

Q: You mean to say an experience can be K: Azt akarod mondani, hogy a tapasztalat lehet
nameless, formless, undefined? nvtelen, forma nlkli, meghatrozatlan?

M: In the beginning all experience is such. It is only M: Kezdetben minden tapasztalat ilyen. Csak a vgy
desire and fear, born of memory, that give it name s a flelem, az emlkezet szli azok, amelyek
and form and separate it from other experiences. It neki nevet s formt adnak, s ms tapasztalatoktl
is not a conscious experience, for it is not in elklntik. Nem tudatos tapasztalat, mert nincs
opposition to other experiences, yet it is an ellenttben ms tapasztalatokkal, mgis tapasztalat,
experience all the same. ennek ellenre.

Q: If it is not conscious, why talk about it? K: Ha nem tudatos, mirt beszlnk rla?

M: Most of your experiences are unconscious. The M: A legtbb tapasztalatod tudattalan. A tudatos
conscious ones are very few. You are unaware of tapasztalat nagyon ritka. Nem vagy e tny
the fact because to you only the conscious ones tudatban, mert csak a tudatos tapasztalatokat
count. Become aware of the unconscious. tartod szmon. Lgy tudatban a tudattalannak.

Q: Can one be aware of the unconscious? How is it K: Tudatban lehet lenni a tudattalannak? Hogy kell
done? ezt csinlni?

M: Desire and fear are the obscuring and distorting M: A vgy s flelem a zavar s torzt tnyezk.
factors. When mind is free of them the unconscious Amikor az elme mentes ezektl, a tudattalan
becomes accessible. hozzfrhetv vlik.

Q: Does it mean that the unconscious becomes K: Ez a tudattalan tudatoss vlst jelenti?

M: It is rather the other way round. The conscious M: Inkbb az ellenkezje. A tudatos eggy vlik a
becomes one with the unconscious. The distinction tudattalannal. A klnbsg megsznik, akrhogy is
ceases, whichever way you look at it. nzed.

Q: I am puzzled. How can one be aware and yet K: ssze vagyok zavarodva. Hogy lehet tudatos
unconscious? valaki, s mgis tudattalan?

M: Awareness is not limited to consciousness. It is M: A tudat nem korltozdik a tudatossgra.

of all that is. Consciousness is of duality. There is no Mindenre ltezre kiterjed. A tudatossg a dualits
duality in awareness. It is one single block of pure sajtja. A tudatban nincs dualits. Az a tiszta
cognition. In the same way one can talk of the pure szlels egyetlen tmbje. Ugyanilyen mdon
being and pure creation -- nameless, formless, silent beszlhetnk tiszta ltrl, s tiszta teremtsrl nv
and yet absolutely real, powerful, effective. Their nlkliek, forma nlkliek, csendesek, s mgis
being indescribable does not affect them in the least. abszolt valsak, erteljesek, hatkonyak. Ltk

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
While they are unconscious, they are essential. The lerhatatlan mdon a legkevsb sincs hatssal
conscious cannot change fundamentally, it can only rjuk. Amg tudattalanok, addig lnyegesek. A
modify. Any thing, to change, must pass through tudatos nem tud megvltozni alapveten, csak
death, through obscuration and dissolution. Gold mdosulni tud. Brmilyen dolog, ami vltozik,
jewellery must be melted down before it is cast into keresztl kell, hogy menjen a hallon, az
another shape. What refuses to die cannot be elsttlsen s a felolddson. Az arany kszert
reborn. be kell, hogy olvaszd, mieltt msik formba
ntend. Ami elutastja a hallt, nem tud jjszletni.

Q: Barring the death of the body, how does one die? K: Nem szmtva a test hallt, hogy lehet

M: Withdrawal, aloofness, letting go is death. To live M: A hall visszavonulst, tartzkodst, elengedst

fully, death is essential; every ending makes a new jelent. A teljes lethez nlklzhetetlen a hall;
beginning. On the other hand, do understand, that minden befejezds egy j kezdst teremt. Msfell,
only the dead can die, not the living. That which is rtsd meg, hogy csak a halott tud meghalni, az l
alive in you, is immortal. nem. Ami l benned, az halhatatlan.

Q: From where does desire draw its energy? K: A vgy honnan veszi az energijt?

M: Its name and shape it draws from memory. The M: Nevt s formjt az emlkezetbl nyeri. Az
energy flows from the source. energia a forrsbl szrmazik.

Q: Some desires are altogether wrong. How can K: Egyes vgyak teljesen rosszak. Magasztos
wrong desires flow from a sublime source? forrsbl hogy szrmazhatnak rossz vgyak?

M: The source is neither right nor wrong. Nor is M: A forrs se nem j, se nem rossz. nmagban a
desire by itself right or wrong. It is nothing but vgy sem j, vagy rossz. A vgy semmi ms, mint
striving for happiness. Having identified yourself with boldogsgra val trekvs. Azonostod nmagad a
a speck of a body you feel lost and search test egy rszecskjvel, amit gy rzed elvesztettl,
desperately for the sense of fullness and s remnytelenl keresed, hogy teljesnek
completeness you call happiness. hinytalannak rezd magad ezt nevezed

Q: When did I lose it? I never had it. K: Mikor vesztettem el? Sosem volt az enym.

M: You had it before you woke up this morning. Go M: Tied volt, mieltt felbredtl ma reggel. Lpj tl a
beyond your consciousness and you will find it. tudatossgodon, s megtallod.

Q: How am I to go beyond? K: Hogyan kell tllpnem?

M: You know it already; do it. M: Mr tudod; csinld.

Q: That's what you say. I know nothing about it. K: Ezt te mondod. n semmit nem tudok rla.

M: Yet I repeat -- you know it. Do it. Go beyond, M: Mg egyszer megismtlem tudod. Csinld. Lpj
back to your normal, natural, supreme state. tl, vissza, a normlis, termszetes, mindenek fltt
val llapotodba.

Q: I'm puzzled. K: ssze vagyok zavarodva.

M: A speck in the eye makes you think you are M: A szemedbe kerlt folt miatt hiszed, hogy vak
blind. Wash it out and look. vagy. Mosd ki, s lss.

Q: I do look. I see only darkness. K: Nzek. De csak sttsget ltok.

M: Remove the speck and your eyes will be flooded M: Tvoltsd el a foltot, s a szemedet elrasztja a
with light. The light is there -- waiting. The eyes are fny. A fny ott van vrakozik. A szemed ott van
there -- ready. The darkness you see is but the kszen. A sttsg, amit ltsz, csak annak a kis
shadow of the tiny speck. Get rid of it and come foltnak az rnyka. Tntesd el, s nyerd vissza

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
back to your natural state. termszetes llapotodat.

81. Root Cause of Fear 81. A flelem eredend oka

Maharaj: Where do you come from? Maharaj: Honnan jssz?

Questioner: I am from the United States, but I live Krdez: Amerikai vagyok, de tbbnyire Eurpban
mostly in Europe. To India I came recently. I was in lek. Indiba nemrg rkeztem. Kt rishikeshi
Rishikesh, in two Ashrams. I was taught meditation ashramban voltam. Meditcit, s lgz gyakorlatot
and breathing. tanultam.

M: How long were you there? M: Meddig voltl ott?

Q: Eight days in one, six days in another. I was not K: Nyolc napig az egyik, hat napig a msik
happy there and I left. Then for three weeks I was ashramban. Onnan eljttem, mert ott nem jl
with the Tibetan Lamas. But they were all wrapped reztem magam. Azutn hrom hetet tltttem a
up in formulas and rituals. tibeti lmknl. De ott minden formulkba s
ritulkba van csomagolva.

M: And what was the net result of it all? M: s mi volt ennek az egsznek az eredmnye?

Q: Definitely there was an increase of energy. But K: Az energim hatrozottan nvekedett. De mieltt
before I left for Rishikesh, I did some fasting and Rishikesbl eljttem volna, nmi bjtt s ditt
dieting at a Nature Cure Sanatorium at Pudukkotai tartottam a dl indiai Pudukkotaiban a Nature Cure
in South India. It has done me enormous good. Sanatoriumban. Ez roppant j hatssal volt rm.

M: Maybe the access of energy was due to better M: Energid taln megjavult egszsged miatt
health. nvekedett.

Q: I cannot say. But as a result of all these attempts K: Nem tudom. De mindezen prblkozsok
some fires started burning in various places in my eredmnyekppen testem klnbz helyein
body and I heard chants and voices where there valamifle gyulladsok keletkeztek, valamint
were none. kntlsokat s hangokat hallottam olyan helyeken,
ahol senki se volt.

M: And what are you after now? M: s mi vagy ezutn?

Q: Well, what are we all after? Some truth, some K: Nos, mik vagyunk mindezek utn? Valamilyen
inner certainty, some real happiness. In the various igazsg, valamilyen bels bizonyossg, valamilyen
schools of self-realisation there is so much talk of valdi boldogsg. Az n-megvalsts klnbz
awareness, that one ends with the impression that iskoliban annyit beszlnek a tudatrl, hogy az
awareness itself is the supreme reality. Is it so? The egyn azzal az impresszival r vget, hogy a tudat
body is looked after by the brain, the brain is maga a legfelsbb valsg. Ez gy van? A testnek
illumined by consciousness; awareness watches gondjt viseli az agy, az agyat megvilgostja
over consciousness; is there anything beyond tudatossg; a tudat a tudatossgon tlra figyel; van
awareness? valami a tudaton tl?

M: How do you know that you are aware? M: Honnan tudod, hogy tudatos vagy?

Q: I feel that I am. I cannot express it otherwise. K: rzem, hogy vagyok. Nem tudom msknt

M: When you follow it up carefully from brain M: Ha a dualits rzst figyelmesen kveted az
through consciousness to awareness, you find that agytl a tudatossgon keresztl a tudatig, gy
the sense of duality persists. When you go beyond tallod, hogy vgig megmarad. Amikor tllpsz a
awareness, there is a state of non-duality, in which tudaton, akkor a nem-kettssg llapota kvetkezik,
there is no cognition, only pure being, which may be amelyben nincs szlels, csak tiszta lt, amely

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
as well called non-being, if by being you mean being ugyangy nevezhet nemltnek is, ha lt alatt
something in particular. valami egynit rtesz.

Q: What you call pure being is it universal being, K: Amit te tiszta ltnek nevezel, az az univerzlis lt,
being everything? a mindenknt val lt?

M: Everything implies a collection of particulars. In M: A minden az egyedi dolgok sszessgt jelenti.

pure being the very idea of the particular is absent. A tiszta ltbl valjban az egyedi ideja hinyzik.

Q: Is there any relationship between pure being and K: Van valamilyen kapcsolat a tiszta lt s az egyedi
particular being? lt kztt?

M: What relationship can there be between what is M: Milyen kapcsolat lehet akztt, ami van, s ami
and what merely appears to be? Is there any csak lenni ltszik? Van valamilyen kapcsolat az
relationship between the ocean and its waves? The cen s hullmai kztt? A valdi lehetv teszi a
real enables the unreal to appear and causes it to valtlan megjelenst, s oka az eltnsnek. A
disappear. The succession of transient moments ml pillanatok egymsra kvetkezse teremti meg
creates the illusion of time, but the timeless reality of az id illzijt, de a tiszta lt idtlen valsga nem
pure being is not in movement, for all movement a mozgsban van, mert minden mozgs egy
requires a motionless background. It is itself the mozdulatlan htteret kvetel meg. Az maga a httr.
background. Once you have found it in yourself, you Amikor megtalltad nmagadban, tudod, hogy soha
know that you had never lost that independent nem vesztetted el ezt a fggetlen ltet, amely
being, independent of all divisions and separations. minden elklnlstl, s elvlasztstl fggetlen.
But don't look for it in consciousness, you will not De azt ne a tudatossgban keresd, ott nem fogod
find it there. Don't look for it anywhere, for nothing megtallni. Sehol ne keresd, mert semmi nem
contains it. On the contrary, it contains everything foglalja magban. Ellenkezleg, az foglal magban
and manifests everything. It is like the daylight that mindent, s nyilvnt meg mindent. Olyan, mint a
makes everything visible while itself remaining napfny, amely mindent lthatv tesz, mg nmaga
invisible. lthatatlan marad.

Q: Sir, of what use to me is your telling me that K: Uram, mi a haszna, ha arrl beszlsz nekem,
reality cannot be found in consciousness? Where hogy a valsg nem lehet a tudatossgban? Hol
else am I to look for it? How do you apprehend it? egyebtt keressem azt? Hogy rzkeled azt?

M: It is quite simple. If I ask you what is the taste of M: Ez teljesen egyszer. Ha azt krdezem tled,
your mouth all you can do is to say: it is neither milyen z a szd, akkor csak azt tudod mondani: se
sweet nor bitter, nor sour nor astringent; it is what nem des, se nem keser, se nem savany, se nem
remains when all these tastes are not. Similarly, csps; ami akkor marad, amikor mindezen zeket
when all distinctions and reactions are no more, kizrtuk. Hasonlkppen, mikor semmilyen
what remains is reality, simple and solid. megklnbztets s reakci nincs tbb, ami
marad, az a valsg, ami egyszer, s szilrd.

Q: All that I understand is that I am in the grip of a K: Csupn annyit rtek, hogy a kezdetnlklisg
beginningless illusion. And I do not see how it can illzijnak markban vagyok. s nem ltom,
come to an end. If it could, it would -- long ago. I hogyan rhetne vget. Ha tudott volna, vget rt
must have had as many opportunities in the past as volna mr rgen. Annyi lehetsgem a mltban is
I shall have in the future. What could not happen kellett, hogy legyen, mint amennyi a jvben lesz.
cannot happen. Or, if it did, it could not last. Our very Ami nem trtnhetett meg, az nem tud megtrtnni.
deplorable state after all these untold millions of Vagy ha megtrtnt, nem tudtam megtartani. A mi
years carries, at best, the promise of ultimate nagyon siralmas helyzetnk, amit eme szmtalan
extinction, or, which is worse, the threat of an vmillik eredmnyeztek, legjobb esetben a vgs
endless and meaningless repetition. megsemmisls grete, vagy rosszabb esetben, a
vgtelen, s rtelmetlen ismtls fenyegetse.

M: What proof have you that your present state is M: Milyen bizonytkod van arra, hogy jelen
beginningless and endless? How were you before llapotod kezdet s vg nlkli? Mi voltl, mieltt
you were born? How will you be after death? And of megszlettl? Mi leszel hallod utn? s jelen
your present state -- how much do you know? You llapotod mennyire ismered? Mg azt sem tudod,
do not know even what was your condition before mi volt az llapotod, mieltt ma reggel felkeltl?
you woke up this morning? You only know a little of Csak jelen llapotodat ismered egy kicsit, s abbl

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
your present state and from it you draw conclusions vonsz le minden idre s helyre vonatkoz
for all times and places. You may be just dreaming kvetkeztetseket. Lehet, hogy lmodsz csupn, s
and imagining your dream to be eternal. lmodat rkrvnynek kpzeled.

Q: Calling it a dream does not change the situation. I K: Azzal nem vltozik a helyzet, hogy lomnak
repeat my question: what hope is left which the nevezed. Ismt felteszem a krdst: milyen remny
eternity behind me could not fulfil? Why should my marad, amelyet a mgttem lv rkkvalsg
future be different from my past? nem tud beteljesteni be? Mirt kellene a jvmnek
klnbznie a mltamtl?

M: In your fevered state, you project a past and a M: Lzas llapotodban mltat, s jvt vettesz ki,
future and take them to be real. In fact, you know s azokat valdinak tartod. Valjban, neked csak a
only your present moment. Why not investigate what jelen pillanatrl van tudomsod. Mirt nem azt
is now, instead of questioning the imaginary past tanulmnyozod, hogy mi a most, az elkpzelt mlt,
and future? Your present state is neither s jv kutatsa helyett? Jelen llapotod sem
beginningless nor endless. It is over in a flash. kezdet, sem vg nlkli. Egy pillanaton t tart.
Watch carefully from where it comes and where it Vizsgld meg figyelmesen, honnan jn, s hov tart.
goes. You will soon discover the timeless reality Hamarosan fel fogod fedezni a mgtte lv idtlen
behind it. valsgot.

Q: Why have I not done it before? K: Mirt nem tettem meg ezt azeltt?

M: Just as every wave subsides into the ocean, so M: Mint ahogy minden hullm alszll az cenba,
does every moment return to its source. Realisation gy tr vissza minden pillanat az forrshoz. A
consists in discovering the source and abiding there. megvalsuls a forrs felfedezsben, s a benne
maradsban ll.

Q: Who discovers? K: Ki a felfedez?

M: The mind discovers. M: Az elme.

Q: Does it find the answers? K: Megtallja a vlaszokat?

M: It finds that it is left without questions, that no M: Felfedezi, hogy ktsgtelen, hogy nincs szksg
answers are needed. vlaszokra.

Q: Being born is a fact. Dying is another fact. How K: A szlets tny. A hall szintn tny. Hogy
do they appear to the witness? mutatkoznak ezek a tan szmra?

M: A child was born; a man has died -- just events in M: Fiknt szletett; frfi halt meg ezek pusztn
the course of time. idbeli esemnyek.

Q: Is there any progress in the witness? Does K: Van fejlds a tansgban? Fejldik a tudat?
awareness evolve?

M: What is seen may undergo many changes when M: Ami lthat sok vltozson mehet keresztl, mg
the light of awareness is focussed on it, but it is the a tudat fnye r sszpontosul, de az objektum az,
object that changes, not the light. Plants grow in ami vltozik, nem a fny. A nvnyek gyarapszanak
sunlight, but the sun does not grow. By themselves a napfnyben, de a napfny nem gyarapszik.
both the body and the witness are motionless, but nmagban mind a test, mind a tan mozdulatlan,
when brought together in the mind, both appear to de amikor sszejnnek az elmben, akkor mindkett
move. mozogni ltszik.

Q: Yes, I can see that what moves and changes is K: Igen, tudom, hogy ami mozog s vltozik, az az
the 'I am' only. Is the 'I am' needed at all? n vagyok csupn. Szksges az n vagyok

M: Who needs it? It is there -- now. It had a M: Kinek van szksge r? Ltezik most. Volt egy
beginning it will have an end. kezdete, s lesz egy vge.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
Q: What remains when the I am goes? K: Mi marad, amikor az n vagyok eltnik?

M: What does not come and go -- remains. It is the M: Ami nem jn s megy megmarad. Az rkk
ever greedy mind that creates ideas of progress and svrg elme az, ami a halads, s a tkletessg
evolution towards perfection. It disturbs and talks of fel val fejlds ideit teremti. Az zavar ssze, s
order, destroys and seeks security. beszl rendrl, rombol, s keres biztonsgot.

Q: Is there progress in destiny, in karma? K: Van a sorsban, a karmban fejlds?

M: Karma is only a store of unspent energies, of M: A karma egy raktra csupn a fel nem hasznlt
unfulfilled desires and fears not understood. The energiknak, beteljestetlen vgyaknak, s meg nem
store is being constantly replenished by new desires rtett flelmeknek. A raktr folytonosan utntltsre
and fears. It need not be so for ever. Understand the kerl j vgyakkal s flelmekkel. Ennek nem kell
root cause of your fears -- estrangement from rkk gy lennie. rtsd meg flelmeid eredend
yourself: and of desires -- the longing for the self, okt az rzelmi eltvolodst nmagadtl s
and your karma will dissolve like a dream. Between vgyaidtl az n utni svrgstl, s karmd
earth and heaven life goes on. Nothing is affected, szertefoszlik, mint egy lom. Fld s menny kztt
only bodies grow and decay. az let tovbb zajlik. Semmi nem rintett, csak
testek fejldnek, s pusztulnak.

Q: Between the person and the witness, what is the K: A szemly s a tan kztt mi a kapcsolat?

M: There can be no relation between them because M: Nem lehet kzttk kapcsolat, mert egyek. Ne
they are one. Don't separate and don't look for vlaszd szt ket, s ne keress kapcsolatot.

Q: If the seer and the seen are one, how did the K: Ha a lt s a ltott egyek, hogyan kvetkezett
separation occur? be az elklnls?

M: Fascinated by names and forms, which are by M: A valjban termszetknl fogva klnbz, s
their very nature distinct and diverse, you distinguish sokfle nevektl s formktl megbvlten
what is natural and separate what is one. The world megklnbzteted, ami termszetes, s elklnted,
is rich in diversity, but your feeling strange and ami egy. A vilg vltozatossgban gazdag, de te
frightened is due to misapprehension. It is the body furcsn s rmlten rzed magad, ami flrertsnek
that is in danger, not you. ksznhet. A test van veszlyben, nem te.

Q: I can see that the basic biological anxiety, the K: Tudom, hogy az alapvet biolgiai vgyakozs, a
flight instinct, takes many shapes and distorts my meneklsi sztn sokfle formt lt, s eltorztja
thoughts and feelings. But how did this anxiety come gondolataimat s rzseimet. De hogyan szletett
into being? ez a vgyakozs?

M: It is a mental state caused by the 'I-am-the-body' M: Ez egy mentlis llapot, amelynek az oka az n-
idea. It can be removed by the contrary idea: 'I-am- a-test-vagyok idea. Ez eltvolthat az ellenttes,
not-the-body'. Both the ideas are false, but one n-nem-a-test-vagyok ideval. Mindkt idea tves,
removes the other. Realise that no ideas are your de az egyik trli a msikat. Ismerd fel, hogy
own, they all come to you from outside. You must semmilyen idea sem a sajtod, azok mind kvlrl
think it all out for yourself, become yourself the jnnek. Mindegyiket nmagadon kvlinek kell
object of your meditation. The effort to understand gondolnod, vlj nmagad a meditcid trgyv. A
yourself is Yoga. Be a Yogi, give your life to it, trekvs, hogy megrtsd nmagad, a Yoga. Lgy
brood, wonder, search, till you come to the root of Yogi, add t neki az letedet, merengj el, tndj el
error and to the truth beyond the error. rajta, addig kutasd, amg el nem jutsz a tveds
gykerig, s a tvedsen tli igazsgig.

Q: In meditation, who meditates, the person or the K: Meditciban ki meditl, a szemly, vagy a tan?

M: Meditation is a deliberate attempt to pierce into M: A meditci egy szndkos ksrlet a magasabb
the higher states of consciousness and finally go tudatossgi llapotba val hatolsra, s vgl, az
beyond it. The art of meditation is the art of shifting azon val tllpsre. A meditci mvszete a

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
the focus of attention to ever subtler levels, without figyelem fkusza egyre finomabb szintekre val
losing one's grip on the levels left behind. In a way it thelyezsnek a mvszete, anlkl, hogy az
is like having death under control. One begins with elhagyott szinteken elakadnl. Bizonyos fokig a
the lowest levels: social circumstances, customs and kontrolllt meghalshoz hasonlt. A legalacsonyabb
habits; physical surroundings, the posture and the szinten kezded: trsas viszonyok, szoksok s
breathing of the body, the senses, their sensations viselkedsmd; fizikai krnyezet, testtartsok s
and perceptions; the mind, its thoughts and feelings; lgz gyakorlatok, rzkek, benyomsok s
until the entire mechanism of personality is grasped szleletek; az elme, annak gondolatai s rzsei;
and firmly held. The final stage of meditation is amg a szemlyisg egsz mechanizmusa
reached when the sense of identity goes beyond the hatrozott uralsra nem kerl. A meditci vgs
'I-am-so-and-so', beyond 'so-l-am', beyond 'I-am-the- llapott akkor red el, amikor az nazonossg
witness-only', beyond 'there-is', beyond all ideas into rzse tllp az n-ez-s-ez-vagyok-on, tl az ez-
the impersonally personal pure being. But you must vagyok-on, tl az n-csak-a-tan-vagyok-on, tl a
be energetic when you take to meditation. It is ltezik-en, tl minden iden a szemlytelenl
definitely not a part-time occupation. Limit your szemlyes tiszta ltbe. Elhatrozottnak kell azonban
interests and activities to what is needed for you and lenned, ha meditlni kezdesz. Kifejezetten nem
your dependents' barest needs. Save all your rszids elfoglaltsg. rdekldsedet s
energies and time for breaking the wall your mind tevkenysgeidet korltozd a szksgleteidre, s a
had built around you. Believe me, you will not regret. tled fggk legszkebb ignyeire. Tartogasd
minden energidat s iddet fal ttrsre, amit
elmd ptett krd. Higgy nekem, nem fogod

Q: How do I come to know that my experience is K: Honnan fogom tudni, hogy a tapasztalatom
universal? univerzlis?

M: At the end of your meditation all is known M: Meditcid vgn mindent kzvetlenl fogsz
directly, no proofs whatsoever are required. Just as ismerni, semmifle bizonytkra nem lesz
every drop of the ocean carries the taste of the szksged. Mikppen az cen minden cseppje
ocean, so does every moment carry the taste of hordozza az cen zt, gy hordozza minden
eternity. Definitions and descriptions have their pillanat az rkkvalsg zt. A definciknak s a
place as useful incentives for further search, but you lersoknak a tovbb keress hasznos serkentiknt
must go beyond them into what is undefinable and megvan a maguk szerepe, de neked tl kell lpned
indescribable, except in negative terms. rajtuk abba, ami csak negatv meghatrozsokkal
meghatrozhat s kifejezhet.
After all, even universality and eternity are mere
concepts, the opposites of being place and time- Vgl is, mg az egyetemessg s rkkvalsg is
bound. Reality is not a concept, nor the puszta fogalmak, a lt ellenttei helyhez, s idhz
manifestation of a concept. It has nothing to do with ktttek. A valsg nem egy fogalom, s nem is egy
concepts. Concern yourself with your mind, remove fogalom megnyilvnulsa. Fogalmakkal nem lehet
its distortions and impurities. Once you had the taste mit kezdeni. Trdj az elmddel, tvoltsd el
of your own self, you will find it everywhere and at all torzulsait, s szennyezdseit. Amikor megrezted
times. Therefore, it is so important that you should sajt ned zt, meg fogod tallni azt mindenhol, s
come to it. Once you know it, you will never lose it. minden idben. Ezrt olyan fontos, eljuss odig. Ha
egyszer megismered, soha nem fogod elveszteni.
But you must give yourself the opportunity through
intensive, even arduous meditation. De a lehetsget intenzv, st, fradsgos
meditcival kell megadnod nmagadnak.

Q: What exactly do you want me to do? K: Mit akarsz pontosan, hogy csinljak?

M: Give your heart and mind to brooding over the 'I M: Add t szvedet s elmdet az n vagyok feletti
am', what is it, how is it, what is its source, its life, its tndsnek, annak, hogy mi az, mi a forrsa, lete,
meaning. It is very much like digging a well. You jelentse. Ez nagyon hasonlt a ktsshoz. Utasts
reject all that is not water, till you reach the life- el mindent, ami nem vz, amg el nem red az
giving spring. letad forrst.

Q: How shall I know that I am moving in the right K: Honnan fogom tudni, hogy a helyes irnyba
direction? megyek?

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
M: By your progress in intentness, in clarity and M: A feladat irnti figyelem, vilgossg s odaads
devotion to the task. tern val elrehaladsodbl.

Q: We, Europeans, find it very difficult to keep quiet. K: Mi eurpai emberek nagyon nehznek talljuk,
The world is too much with us. hogy csendben maradjunk. A vilg tlsgosan
velnk van.

M: Oh, no, you are dreamers too. We differ only in M: , nem, ti szintn lmodk vagytok. lmainknak
the contents of our dreams. You are after perfection csak a tartalma tekintetben klnbznk. Ti a
-- in the future. We are intent on finding it -- in the tkletesedst keresitek a jvben. Mi fel akarjuk
now. The limited only is perfectible. The unlimited is azt fedezni a mostban. Csak a korltozott
already perfect. You are perfect, only you don't know tkletesthet. A korltlan mr tkletes.
it. Learn to know yourself and you will discover Tkletesek vagytok, csak nem tudjtok. Tanuld
wonders. meg nmagad ismerett, s csodkat fogsz
All you need is already within you, only you must
approach your self with reverence and love. Self- Amire szksged van, az mr mind megvan bell,
condemnation and self-distrust are grievous errors. csak tisztelettel s szeretettel kell kzeledned
Your constant flight from pain and search for nedhez. Az nhibztats s az nbizalom hinya
pleasure is a sign of love you bear for your self, all I slyos hibk. lland fjdalomtl meneklsed val
plead with you is this: make love of your self perfect. s rm keressed az ned irnt rzett szeretet jele,
Deny yourself nothing -- glue your self infinity and mindssze arra krlek: tkletestsd ned irnti
eternity and discover that you do not need them; you szeretetet. Ne gyakorolj nmegtagadst ragaszd
are beyond. nedet a vgtelensghez s rkkvalsghoz, s
fedezd fel, hogy nincs szksged rjuk; te ezeken
tl vagy.

82. Absolute Perfection is Here and Now 82. Abszolt tkletessg itt s most
Questioner: The war is on. What is your attitude to Krdez: Hbor van. Mi az llspontod ezzel
it? kapcsolatban?

Maharaj: In some place or other, in some form or Maharaj: Valahol vagy msutt, ilyen vagy olyan
other, the war is always on. Was there a time when formban, mindig hbor van. Volt olyan idszak,
there was no war? Some say it is the will of God. amikor nem volt hbor? Nmelyek azt mondjk, ez
Some say it is God's play. It is another way of saying Isten akarata. Nmelyek azt, hogy Isten jtka. Ez
that wars are inevitable and nobody is responsible. egy ms kifejezsmd arra, hogy a hbork
hatatlanul bekvetkeznek, s senki nem felels.

Q: But what is your own attitude? K: De mi a te llspontod?

M: Why impose attitudes on me? I have no attitude M: Mirt tulajdontasz nekem llspontokat? Nekem
to call my own. nincs llspontom, amit a sajtomnak lehet nevezni.

Q: Surely somebody is responsible for this horrible K: Biztosan felels valaki ezrt a szrny, s
and senseless carnage. Why do people kill each rtelmetlen vrontsrt. Mirt oly hajlamosak az
other so readily? emberek arra, hogy egymst ljk?

M: Search for the culprit within. The ideas of 'me' M: Bell keresd a bnst. Az n s enym idek
and 'mine' are at the root of all conflict. Be free of vannak minden konfliktus gykern. Szabadulj meg
them and you will be out of conflict. tlk, s nem lesz konfliktus.

Q: What of it that I am out of conflict? It will not K: Mi van, ha megszabadulok a konfliktustl? Az

affect the war. If I am the cause of war, I am ready to nem lesz hatssal a hborra. Ha n vagyok a
be destroyed. Yet, it stands to reason that the hbor oka, ksz vagyok meghalni. De nyilvnval,
disappearance of a thousand like me will not stop hogy a hozzm hasonl ezrek eltnse nem fogja
wars. They did not start with my birth nor will end meglltani a hborkat. Nem az n szletsemmel

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
with my death. I am not Responsible. Who is? kezddnek, s nem fognak vget rni a hallommal.
Nem n vagyok a Felels. Ki az?

M: Strife and struggle are a part of existence. Why M: A kzdelem s a harc rsze a ltezsnek. Mirt
don't you enquire who is responsible for existence? nem azt kutatod, ki a felels a ltezsrt?

Q: Why do you say that existence and conflict are K: Mirt mondod, hogy a ltezs s a konfliktus
inseparable? Can there be no existence without elvlaszthatatlanok? Nem lehet ltezs kzdelem
strife? I need not fight others to be myself. nlkl? Nekem nem kell msokkal harcolnom, hogy
nmagam legyek.

M: You fight others all the time for your survival as a M: Szakadatlanul msokkal harcolsz a tllsedrt,
separate body-mind, a particular name and form. To gy mint elklnlt test-elme, konkrt nv s forma.
live you must destroy. From the moment you were Az lethez puszttanod kell. Attl a pillanattl, hogy
conceived you started a war with your environment - ezt felfogtad, hbort kezdtl a krnyezeteddel a
- a merciless war of mutual extermination, until klcsns megsemmists knyrtelen hborjt,
death sets you free. amely megszabadt hallodig tart.

Q: My question remains unanswered. You are K: Nem vlaszoltl a krdsemre. Te azt ecseteled
merely describing what I know -- life and its sorrows. csupn, amit magam is ismerek az letet, s
But who is responsible, you do not say. When I annak csapsait. De hogy ki a felels, arrl nem
press you, you throw the blame on God, or karma, beszlsz. Ha presszionllak, ttolod a felelssget
or on my own greed and fear -- which merely invites Istenre, vagy a karmra, vagy az n kapzsisgomra
further questions. Give me the final answer. s flelmemre ami tovbbi krdsekre sztnz
csupn. Add meg szmomra a vgs vlaszt.

M: The final answer is this: nothing is. All is a M: A vgs vlasz ez: semmi nincs. Minden egy
momentary appearance in the field of the universal pillanatnyi jelensg az univerzlis tudatossg
consciousness; continuity as name and form is a terben; a nv- s formaknti folytonossg egy
mental formation only, easy to dispel. mentlis formci csupn, knny eloszlatni.

Q: I am asking about the immediate, the transitory, K: n a kzvetlenrl, a mlrl, a jelensgrl

the appearance. Here is a picture of a child killed by krdezlek. Itt egy kp egy gyermekrl, akit katonk
soldiers. It is a fact -- staring at you. You cannot ltek meg. Ez tny rd mered. Nem tagadhatod.
deny it. Now, who is responsible for the death of the Nos, ki a felels a gyermek hallrt?

M: Nobody and everybody. The world is what it M: Senki, s mindenki. A vilg az, amely magban
contains and each thing affects all others. We all kill foglalja, s minden dolog minden msikra hat. Mi
the child and we all die with it. Every event has mindannyian ljk a gyermeket, s mi mindannyian
innumerable causes and produces numberless meghalunk vele egytt. Minden esemny oka
effects. It is useless to keep accounts, nothing is megszmllhatatlan, s megszmllhatatlan hatst
traceable. hoz ltre. Haszontalan dolog a szmvets, semmi
nem mutathat ki.

Q: Your people speak of karma and retribution. K: A te nped karmrl s bntetsrl beszl.

M: It is merely a gross approximation: in reality we M: Ez egy merben durva megkzelts: valjban

are all creators and creatures of each other, causing valamennyien teremti s teremtettjei vagyunk
and bearing each other's burden. egymsnak, okozva s cipelve egyms terheit.

Q: So, the innocent suffers for the guilty? K: Teht az rtatlan szenved a bns helyett?

M: In our ignorance we are innocent; in our actions M: Tudatlansgunkban rtatlanok vagyunk;

we are guilty. We sin without knowing and suffer cselekedeteinkben bnsk. Vtkeznk, anlkl,
without understanding. Our only hope: to stop, to hogy tudnnk, s szenvednk, anlkl, hogy
look, to understand and to get out of the traps of megrtennk. Egyetlen remnynk: megllni, nzni,
memory. For memory feeds imagination and megrteni, s eltvoltani az emlkezet kelepcit.
imagination generates desire and fear. Mert az emlkezet tpllja a kpzeletet, s a
kpzelet hozza ltre a vgyat s a flelmet.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok

Q: Why do I imagine at all? K: Mirt kpzeldm egyltaln?

M: The light of consciousness passes through the M: A tudatossg fnye az emlkezet filmjn
film of memory and throws pictures on your brain. keresztlhaladva kpeket vett az agyadra. Agyad
Because of the deficient and disordered state of hinyos s zavaros llapota miatt szlelsed torzult,
your brain, what you perceive is distorted and s tetszik nem tetszik rzsek ltal sznezett. Tedd
coloured by feelings of like and dislike. Make your rendbe a gondolkodsodat, szabadtsd meg az
thinking orderly and free from emotional overtones, rzelmi felhangoktl, s gy fogod ltni az
and you will see people and things as they are, with embereket s dolgokat, ahogyan azok vannak,
clarity and charity. tisztasggal s knyrletessggel.

The witness of birth, life and death is one and the A szlets, let s hall tanja egy s ugyanaz. a
same. It is the witness of pain and of love. For while fjdalom s szeretet tanja. Szeretjk az egy ideig
the existence in limitation and separation is korltozottsgban s elklnltsgben szomorkod
sorrowful, we love it. We love it and hate it at the ltet. Szeretjk, s ugyanakkor gylljk. Harcolunk,
same time. We fight, we kill, we destroy life and lnk, letet s tulajdont puszttunk, s mgis
property and yet we are affectionate and self- szeretetteljesek s nfelldozk vagyunk.
sacrificing. We nurse the child tenderly and orphan it Szeretetben neveljk a gyermeket, ugyanakkor
too. Our life is full of contradictions. Yet we cling to rvasgra juttatjuk. letnk ellentmondsokkal van
it. This clinging is at the root of everything. Still, it is tele. Mgis kapaszkodunk bel. Ez a kapaszkods a
entirely superficial. We hold on to something or gykere mindennek. Mindazonltal, teljesen
somebody, with all our might and next moment we felsznes. Minden ernkkel ragaszkodunk
forget it; like a child that shapes its mud-pies and valamihez, vagy valakihez, s a kvetkez
abandons them light-heartedly. Touch them -- it will pillanatban elfelejtjk; mint a gyermek, aki
scream with anger, divert the child and he forgets homoktortkat formzik, majd knny szvvel
them. For our life is now, and the love of it is now. sorsra hagyja ket. rj hozzjuk dhsen
We love variety, the play of pain and pleasure, we vistanak, tereld el a figyelmt, s elfelejti ket. Mert
are fascinated by contrasts. For this we need the most lnk, s azt most szeretjk. Szeretjk a
opposites and their apparent separation. We enjoy vltozatossgot, a szenveds s rm jtkt,
them for a time and then get tired and crave for the megigznek bennnket az ellenttkkel. Ezrt van
peace and silence of pure being. The cosmic heart szksgnk az ellenttekre, s ltszlagos
beats ceaselessly. I am the witness and the heart elklnlskre. lvezzk ket egy darabig, majd
too. kifradunk, s kveteljk a bkt, s a tiszta lt
csendjt. A kozmikus szv szntelenl dobog. n
vagyok a tan, s a szv egyarnt.

Q: I can see the picture, but who is the painter? Who K: Ltom a kpet, de ki a fest? Ki felels ezrt a
is responsible for this terrible and yet adorable rettenetes, s mgis elragad tapasztalatrt?

M: The painter is in the picture. You separate the M: A fest a kpben van. Elklnted a festt a
painter from the picture and look for him. Don't kptl, majd keresed t. Ne klntsd el, s ne tgy
separate and don't put false questions. Things are fel helytelen krdseket. A dolgok vannak, ahogy
as they are and nobody in particular is responsible. vannak, s senki nem egynileg felels. A szemlyi
The idea of personal responsibility comes from the felelssg ideja a tevkenysg illzijbl
illusion of agency. 'Somebody must have done it, szrmazik. Valakinek meg kellett tennie, valaki
somebody is responsible'. Society as it is now, with felels. Jelen trsadalom, a maga trvnyi
its framework of laws and customs, is based on the kereteivel s szoksaival, a szemlyi fggetlensg
idea of a separate and responsible personality, but s felelssg eszmjre pl, de nem ez az
this is not the only form a society can take. There egyetlen forma, amit a trsadalom magra lthet.
may be other forms, where the sense of separation Ltezhetnek ms formk, ahol az elklnltsg
is weak and responsibility diffused. rzse gyenge, s a felelssg elszrt.

Q: An individual with a weak sense of personality -- K: A szemlyisg gyenge rzsvel rendelkez

is he nearer self-realisation? egyn kzelebb ll az n-megvalsulshoz?

M: Take the case of a young child. The sense of 'I- M: Vegyk egy fiatal gyermek esett. Az n-vagyok
am' is not yet formed, the personality is rudimentary. rzse mg nem kialakult, a szemlyisg fejletlen.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
The obstacles to self knowledge are few, but the Az nismeretnek mg kevs az akadlya, de a tudat
power and the clarity of awareness, its width and ereje s vilgossga, szlessge s mlysge
depth are lacking. In the course of years awareness hinyzik. Az vek sorn a tudat ersdik, de a
will grow stronger, but also the latent personality will lappang szemlyisg is felbukkan, s zavar, s
emerge and obscure and complicate. Just as the komplikl. Mint ahogy minl kemnyebb a fa, annl
harder the wood, the hotter the flame, so the melegebb a tz, gy minl ersebb a szemlyisg,
stronger the personality, brighter the light generated annl ragyogbb a fny, amit annak lerombolsa
from its destruction. generl.

Q: Have you no problems? K: Nincsenek problmid?

M: I do have problems. I told you already. To be, to M: Vannak problmim. Mr beszltem rluk. Lenni,
exist with a name and form is painful, yet I love it. nvvel s formval ltezni fjdalmas dolog, mgis

Q: But you love everything. K: De te mindent szeretsz.

M: In existence everything is contained. My very M: A ltezs mindent magban foglal. Az n valdi

nature is to love; even the painful is lovable. termszetem a szeretet; mg a fjdalom is
szeretetre mlt.

Q: It does not make it less painful. Why not remain K: Az nem teszi kevsb fjdalmass. Mirt nem
in the unlimited? maradsz a korltok nlkliben?

M: It is the instinct of exploration, the love of the M: A felfedezs hajlama, az ismeretlen szeretete
unknown, that brings me into existence. It is in the vesz r a ltezsre. Benne van a lt termszetben,
nature of being to see adventure in becoming, as it hogy kalandot lt a valamiv vlsban, mivel a
is in the very nature of becoming to seek peace in valamiv vls valdi termszetben benne van a
being. This alteration of being and becoming is bke keresse a ltben. A ltnek s a valamiv
inevitable; but my home is beyond. vlsnak ez a vltakozsa elkerlhetetlen; de az n
otthonom ezen tl van.

Q: Is your home in God? K: A te otthonod Istenben van?

M: To love and worship a god is also ignorance. My M: Istent szeretni s imdni szintn tudatlansg. Az
home is beyond all notions, however sublime. n otthonom tl van minden fogalmon, legyen az
brmennyire magasztos.

Q: But God is not a notion. It is the reality beyond K: De Isten nem egy fogalom. a ltezsen tli
existence. realits.

M: You may use any word you like. Whatever you M: Fogalmazhatsz tetszsed szerint. Gondolhatsz
may think of am beyond it. akrmire, n azon tl vagyok.

Q: Once you know your home, why not stay in it? K: Ha egyszer ismered az otthonodat, mirt nem
What takes you out of it? maradsz ott? Mi vesz r, hogy elhagyd?

M: Out of love for corporate existence one is born M: A testi ltezs szeretetn kvl az egyn azrt
and once born, one gets involved in destiny. Destiny szletik meg jra s jra, mert bele keveredett a
is inseparable from becoming. The desire to be the sorsba. A sors elvlaszthatatlan a valamiv
particular makes you into a person with all its vlstl. Az egyniv vls vgya tesz szemlly,
personal past and future. Look at some great man, annak minden szemlyes mltjval s jvjvel.
what a wonderful man he was. And yet how troubled Tekints nhny nagy embert, micsoda csodlatos
was his life and limited its fruits. How utterly emberek voltak. s letk mgis milyen zavaros, s
dependent is the personality of man and how gymlcseikben korltozott volt. Mily vgletesen
indifferent is its world. And yet we love it and protect fgg az ember szemlyisge, s mily jelentktelen
it for its very insignificance. a vilga. s mgis, szeretjk s vdjk, annak
ellenre, hogy nagyon jelentktelen.

Q: The war is on and there is chaos and you are K: Hbor s zrzavar van, s felkrst kapsz, hogy

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
being asked to take charge of a feeding centre. You vedd t egy lelmezsi kzpont irnytst. Mindent
are given what is needed, it is only a question of szksgeset megkapsz, egyetlen krds, vllalod-e
getting through the job. Will you refuse it? a feladatot. Visszautastand?

M: To work, or not to work, is one and the same to M: Dolgozni, vagy nem dolgozni, egy s ugyanaz
me. I may take charge, or may not. There may be szmomra. Lehet, hogy tveszem az irnytst,
others, better endowed for such tasks, than I am -- lehet, hogy nem. Lehet, hogy msok alkalmasabbak
professional caterers for instance. But my attitude is az ilyen feladatokra, mint n lelmezsi szakrtk,
different. I do not look at death as a calamity as I do pldul. De az n attitdm ms. n nem tekintem a
not rejoice at the birth of a child. The child is out for hallt csapsnak, mint ahogy nem rvendezek egy
trouble while the dead is out of it. Attachment to life gyermek szletsnek sem. A gyermek a szenveds
is attachment to sorrow. We love what gives us pain. sorsra jut, mg a halllal kikerl abbl. Az lethez
Such is our nature. val ragaszkods a szomorsghoz val
ragaszkods. Szeretjk, amit a fjdalom nyjt
For me the moment of death will be a moment of szmunkra. Ilyen a termszetnk.
jubilation, not of fear. I cried when I was born and I
shall die laughing. Szmomra a hall pillanata az rm pillanata lesz,
nem a flelem. Srtam mikor megszlettem, s
nevetve fogok meghalni.

Q: What is the change in consciousness at the K: Hogyan vltozik meg a tudatossg a hall
moment of death? pillanatban?

M: What change do you expect? When the film M: Milyen vltozsra gondolsz? A filmvetts vgn
projection ends all remains the same as when it minden ugyanaz marad, mint kezdetben. A
started. The state before you were born was also the megszletsed eltti llapot a hallod utni
state after death, if you remember. llapotoddal azonos, ha emlkszel.

Q: I remember nothing. K: Nem emlkszem semmire.

M: Because you never tried. It is only a question of M: Mert sohasem prbltad. Ez csak az elme
tuning in the mind. It requires training, of course. hangolsnak a krdse. Gyakorlst ignyel,

Q: Why don't you take part in social work? K: Mirt nem vgzel emberbarti munkt?

M: But I am doing nothing else all the time. And M: De ht semmi mst sem csinlok, egsz id alatt.
what is the social work you want me to do? s milyen emberbarti munkt szeretnl, hogy
Patchwork is not for me. My stand is clear: produce vgezzek? A foltozs nem nekem val. Az n
to distribute, feed before you eat, give before you llspontom vilgos: termelj, hogy elossz, etess
take, think of others, before you think of yourself. mieltt ennl, adj, mieltt elvennl, gondolj msokra,
Only a selfless society based on sharing can be mieltt nmagadra gondolnl. Csak egy megoszts
stable and happy. This is the only practical solution. alap, nzetlen trsadalom lehet stabil s boldog.
If you do not want it -- fight. Ez az egyetlen praktikus megolds. Ha nem ezt
akarod harcolj.

Q: It is all a matter of gunas. Where tamas and rajas K: Mindez a gunk problmja. Ahol a tamas s a
predominate, there must be war. Where sattva rules, rajas van tlslyban, ott hbornak kell lennie. Ahol
there will be peace. a sattva uralkodik, ott bknek kell lennie.

M: Put it whichever way you like, it comes to the M: Fogalmazz tetszsed szerint, ugyanoda vezet. A
same. Society is built on motives. Put goodwill into trsadalom hajterkre pl. Tedd bele a jakaratot
the foundations and you will not need specialised az alapokba, s nem lesz szksged szakkpzett
social workers. szocilis munksokra.

Q: The world is getting better. K: A vilg jobb vlna.

M: The world had all the time to get better, yet it did M: A vilgnak folyton jobb kellett volna vlnia,
not. What hope is there for the future? Of course, mgsem tette. Mi a remny a jvre nzve?
there have been and will be periods of harmony and Termszetesen, voltak, s lesznek harmonikus s

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
peace, when sattva was in ascendance, but things bks peridusok, amikor a sattva uralkodott, de a
get destroyed by their own perfection. A perfect dolgok sajt tkletessgk ltal mennek tnkre.
society is necessarily static and, therefore, it Egy tkletes trsadalom szksgszeren statikus,
stagnates and decays. From the summit all roads ennlfogva stagnl, s hanyatlik. A cscsrl minden
lead downwards. Societies are like people -- they t lefel vezet. A trsadalmak olyanok, mint az
are born, they grow to some point of relative emberek megszletnek, fejldnek a viszonylagos
perfection and then decay and die. tkletessg egy pontjig, majd hanyatlanak, s

Q: Is there not a state of absolute perfection which K: Nincs egy abszolt tkletes llapot, ahonnan
does not decay? nincs visszaess?

M: Whatever has a beginning must have an end. In M: Ha valaminek kezdete van, akkor vge is kell,
the timeless all is perfect, here and now. hogy legyen. Az idtlenben minden tkletes, itt s

Q: But shall we reach the timeless in due course? K: De el fogjuk-e rni az idtlensget kell idben?

M: In due course we shall come back to the starting M: Kell idben vissza fogunk rni a kezdpontra.
point. Time cannot take us out of time, as space Az id nem tud bennnket kivezetni az idbl, ahogy
cannot take us out of space. All you get by waiting is a tr sem tud kivezetni bennnket a trbl.
more waiting. Absolute perfection is here and now, Vrakozs ltal csak mg tbb vrakozst kapsz. Az
not in some future, near or far. The secret is in abszolt tkletessg itt s most van, nem valahol a
action -- here and now. It is your behaviour that jvben, a kzelben, vagy a tvolban. A titok
blinds you to yourself. Disregard whatever you think mkdsben van itt s most. Hagyd figyelmen
yourself to be and act as if you were absolutely kvl, brmit is gondolsz magadrl, s cselekedj gy,
perfect -- whatever your idea of perfection may be. mintha abszolt tkletes lennl brmilyen eszmt
All you need is courage. alkoss a tkletessgrl, az lehetsges. Csupn
btorsgra van szksged.

Q: Where do I find such courage? K: Honnan vegyek ekkora btorsgot?

M: In yourself, of course. Look within. M: Magadbl, termszetesen. Nzz magadba.

Q: Your grace will help. K: A kegyelmed segteni fog.

M: My grace is telling you now: look within. All you M: Az n kegyelmem most azt mondja neked: nzz
need you have. Use it. Behave as best you know, do magadba. Mindened megvan, amire szksged van.
what you think you should. Don't be afraid of Hasznld. Mkdj a legjobb tudsod szerint, tgy,
mistakes; you can always correct them, only ahogy gondolod, hogy kell. Ne flj a tvedsektl;
intentions matter. The shape things take is not within mindig helyesbteni tudod azokat, csak a szndkok
your power; the motives of your actions are. szmtanak. A formai dolgok megragadsa nem ll
hatalmadban; a cselekedeteid indtkai, igen.

Q: How can action born from imperfection lead to K: Hogyan vezethet egy tkletlensgbl szlet
perfection? cselekedet tkletessghez?

M: Action does not lead to perfection; perfection is M: Nem a cselekvs nem vezet tkletessghez; a
expressed in action. As long as you judge yourself tkletessg fejezdik ki a cselekvsben. Amg
by your expressions give them utmost attention; megnyilvnulsaid alapjn tled meg nmagad,
when you realise your own being your behaviour will biztosts szmukra a lehet legnagyobb figyelmet;
be perfect -- spontaneously. amikor megvalstod tulajdon ltedet, magatartsod
tkletes lesz teljesen spontn mdon.

Q: If I am timelessly perfect, then why was I born at K: Ha idtlenl tkletes vagyok, akkor minek
all? What is the purpose of this life? szlettem egyltaln? Mi a clja ennek az letnek?

M: It is like asking: what does it profit gold to be M: Ez olyan, mint azt krdezni: mit nyer belle az
made into an ornament? The ornament gets the arany, ha kszert ksztenek belle? Az kszer
colour and the beauty of gold; gold is not enriched. elnyeri az arany sznt s szpsgt; az arany nem

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
Similarly, reality expressed in action makes the gyarapszik semmivel. Hasonlkppen teszi a
action meaningful and beautiful. cselekvsben kifejezd valsg a cselekvst
jelentsgteljess s szpp.

Q: What does the real gain through its expressions? K: Mit nyer a valsg a kifejezdsei rvn?

M: What can it gain? Nothing whatsoever. But it is in M: Mit tudna nyerni? Egyltaln semmit. De benne
the nature of love to express itself, to affirm itself, to van a szeretet termszetben, hogy kifejezze
overcome difficulties. Once you have understood magt, hogy megerstse magt, hogy legyzze a
that the world is love in action, you will look at it nehzsgeket. Amint megrtetted, hogy a vilg
quite differently. But first your attitude to suffering cselekv szeretet, egszen mskpp fogsz rnzni.
must change. Suffering is primarily a call for De elszr a szenvedssel kapcsolatos
attention, which itself is a movement of love. More hozzllsodat kell megvltoztatnod. A szenveds
than happiness, love wants growth, the widening eredetileg kilts a figyelemrt, amely maga a
and deepening of consciousness and being. szeretet mozgsa. Tbb, mint boldogsg, a szeretet
Whatever prevents becomes a cause of pain, and nvekedst akar, a tudatossg s a lt szlesedst
love does not shirk from pain. Sattva, the energy s mlylst. Akrmi gtolja, a fjdalom okv
that works for righteousness and orderly vlik, s a szeretet nem bjik el a fjdalom ell. A
development, must not be thwarted. When sattvt, az igazsgossg, s a szablyos fejlds
obstructed it turns against itself and becomes rdekben mkd energit, nem szabad
destructive. Whenever love is withheld and suffering akadlyozni. Amikor eltorlaszoldik szembefordul
allowed to spread, war becomes inevitable. Our nmagval, s rombol hatsv vlik.
indifference to our neighbours sorrow brings Valahnyszor a szeretet elfojtsra kerl, s a
suffering to our door. szenvedsnek lehetsge van, hogy sztterjedjen,
elkerlhetetlen a hbor. Szomszdunk
szomorsga irnti kznynk a szenvedst az
ajtnkhoz ksri.

83. The True Guru 83. A valdi Guru

Questioner: You were saying the other day that at Krdez: Mondtad minap, hogy megvalsulsod a
the root of your realisation was the trust in your Gurudba vetett hitedben gykerezett. Biztostott rla,
Guru. He assured you that you were already the hogy te mr az Abszolt Valsg vagy, s hogy
Absolute Reality and there was nothing more to be semmi tbbet nem kell tenned. Hittl neki, s
done. You trusted him and left it at that, without rhagyatkoztl, erltets nlkl, kzdelem nlkl. Na
straining, without striving. Now, my question is: mr most, krdsem a kvetkez: Gurudba vetett
without trust in your Guru would you have realised? hited nlkl megvalsultl volna? Vgl is, az vagy
After all, what you are, you are, whether your mind ami vagy, akr elhiszi az elmd, akr nem; ha
trusts or not; would doubt obstruct the action of the ktelkedsz, az gtolta volna a Guru szavainak
Guru's words and make them inoperative? befolyst, s hatstalantotta volna azokat?

Maharaj: You have said it -- they would have been Maharaj: Ahogy mondod hatstalann vltak
made inoperative -- for a time. volna egy idre.

Q: And what would happen to the energy, or power K: s mi trtnt volna a Guru szavainak
in the Guru's words? energijval, vagy erejvel?

M: It would remain latent, unmanifested. But the M: Rejtve maradt volna, megnyilvnulatlanul. De az
entire question is based on a misunderstanding. The egsz krds flrertsen alapul. A mester, a
master, the disciple, the love and trust between tantvny, a kzttk lv szeretet s bizalom, ezek
them, these are one fact, not so many independent mind egy dolog, nem pedig ahny annyifle, tbb
facts. Each is a part of the other. Without love and fggetlen dolog. Mindegyik rsze a msiknak.
trust there would have been no Guru nor disciple, Szeretet s hit nlkl nem lenne Guru, sem
and no relationship between them. It is like pressing tantvny, s kapcsolat sem lenne kzttk. Ez
a switch to light an electric lamp. It is because the olyan, mint felkapcsolni egy villanylmpt a
lamp, the wiring, the switch, the transformer, the kapcsolval, hogy vilgtson. Mivel a lmpa, a
transmission lines and the power house form a vezetk, a kapcsol, a transzformtor, a villamos

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
single whole, that you get the light. Any one factor tvvezetkek, s az ermtelep egysges egszet
missing and there would be no light. You must not alkotnak, ezrt gyullad fel a fny. Brmelyik elem
separate the inseparable. Words do not create facts; hinyozzon, s a fny nem fog felgyulladni. Nem kell
they either describe them or distort. The fact is elvlasztanod az elvlaszthatatlant. A szavak nem
always non-verbal. teremtenek tnyeket; lerjk, vagy eltorztjk azokat.
A tnyek soha nem rhatk le szavakkal.

Q: I still do not understand; can the Guru's word K: Mg mindig nem rtem; lehetsges, hogy a Guru
remain unfulfilled or will it invariably prove true? szavai beteljesletlenek maradnak, vagy mindig
igaznak bizonyulnak?

M: Words of a realised man never miss their M: A megvalsult ember szavai soha nem tvesztik
purpose. They wait for the right conditions to arise el a cljukat. Vrnak a megfelel felttelekre, ami
which may take some time, and this is natural, for eltarthat bizonyos ideig, s ez termszetes, mert
there is a season for sowing and a season for ideje van a vetsnek, s ideje van az aratsnak. De
harvesting. But the word of a Guru is a seed that a Guru szava olyan mag, amely nem tud elenyszni.
cannot perish. Of course, the Guru must be a real Termszetesen, a Gurunak valdinak kell lennie, aki
one, who is beyond the body and the mind, beyond tl van a testen s az elmn, tl van a tudatossgon
consciousness itself, beyond space and time, magn, tl tren s idn, tl kettssgen s
beyond duality and unity, beyond understanding and egysgen, tl megrtsen s lerson. A tndrek,
description. The good people who have read a lot akik sokat olvastak, s sokat beszlnek, sok
and have a lot to say, may teach you many useful hasznos dologra megtanthatnak, de nem k a
things, but they are not the real Gurus whose words valdi Guruk, akik szava megvltozhatatlanul
invariably come true. They also may tell you that you megvalsul. k szintn kzlhetik veled, hogy te
are the ultimate reality itself, but what of it? vagy a vgs valsg maga, de mire msz vele?

Q: Nevertheless, if for some reason I happen to trust K: Mindamellett, ha hiszek s engedelmeskedem

them and obey, shall I be the loser? nekik bizonyos okokbl, vesztes kell, hogy legyek?

M: If you are able to trust and obey, you will soon M: Ha kpes vagy hinni, s engedelmeskedni,
find your real Guru, or rather, he will find you. hamarosan megtallod igazi Gurudat, azaz inkbb,
tall meg tged.

Q: Does every knower of the Self become a Guru, or K: Az n minden ismerje Guruv vlik, vagy lehet
can one be a knower of Reality without being able to ismerje valaki anlkl a Valsgnak, hogy kpes
take others to it? lenne msokat elvezetni hozz?

M: If you know what you teach, you can teach what M: Ha tudod amit tantasz, akkor tantani tudod amit
you know. Here seership and teachership are one. tudsz. Itt a ltnoksg s a tantsg egyek. De az
But the Absolute Reality is beyond both. The self- Abszolt Valsg mindkettn tl van. A magukat
styled Gurus talk of ripeness and effort, of merits Gurunak kiadk rettsgrl s erfesztsrl,
and achievements, of destiny and grace; all these rdemrl s teljestmnyrl, sorsrl s kegyelemrl
are mere mental formations, projections of an beszlnek; mindezek puszta mentlis
addicted mind. Instead of helping, they obstruct. kpzdmnyek, egy fgg elme kivettsei. Segtsg
helyett akadlyoznak.

Q: How can I make out whom to follow and whom to K: Hogy tudom felismerni, kit kvessek, s kiben
mistrust? ktelkedjek?

M: Mistrust all, until you are convinced. The true M: Ktelkedj mindenben, amg meggyzdsre nem
Guru will never humiliate you, nor will he estrange jutsz. A valdi Guru soha nem alz meg tged, s
you from yourself. He will constantly bring you back nem fog elidegenteni nmagadtl. llhatatosan
to the fact of your inherent perfection and encourage bels tkletessged tnyhez vezet vissza, s
you to seek within. He knows you need nothing, not bels keressre buzdt. Tudja, hogy semmire nincs
even him, and is never tired of reminding you. But szksged, mg r sem, s soha nem lankad,
the self appointed Guru is more concerned with hogy erre emlkeztessen tged. De az njellt Guru
himself than with his disciples. tbbet foglalkozik nmagval, mint tantvnyaival.

Q: You said that reality is beyond the knowledge K: Azt mondtad, a valsg tl van a tudson, s a
and the teaching of the real. Is not the knowledge of valsg tantsn. Nem a valsg ismerete a

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
reality the supreme itself and teaching the proof of legfelsbb maga, s nem a tants az
its attainment? elnyersnek a bizonytka?

M: The knowledge of the real, or the self, is a state M: A valsg, vagy az n ismerete, elme llapot. A
of mind. Teaching another is a movement in duality. tants egy tovbbi mozgs a kettssgben. Ezek
They concern the mind only; sattva is a Guna all the csak az elmt rintik; a sattva azrt mgis egy
same. Guna.

Q: What is real then? K: Mi valdi akkor?

M: He who knows the mind as non-realised and M: Az a valsg, aki az elmt nem-megvalsultknt
realised, who knows ignorance and knowledge as s megvalsultknt ismeri, aki a tudatlansgot s a
states of mind, he is the real. When you are given tudst az elme llapotaiknt ismeri. Amikor hajlamos
diamonds mixed with gravel, you may either miss vagy r, hogy a gymntokat sszetveszd a
the diamonds or find them. It is the seeing that kavicsokkal, vagy megtallod ket, vagy nem. A
matters. Where is the greyness of the gravel and the lts a lnyeg. Hol van a kavics szrkesge, s a
beauty of the diamond, without the power to see? gymnt szpsge, a lts ereje nlkl? Az ismert
The known is but a shape and knowledge is but a csupn egy forma, s az ismeret csupn egy nv.
name. The knower is but a state of mind. The real is Az ismer csak egy elmellapot. A valsg ezeken
beyond. tl van.

Q: Surely, objective knowledge and ideas of things K: Az objektv tuds, a dolgok idei, s az nismeret
and self knowledge are not one and the same thing. bizonyra nem azonos dolgok. Az egyikhez
One needs a brain, the other does not. szksges az agy, a msikhoz nem.

M: For the purpose of discussion you can arrange M: Ha vitatkozni akarsz egymshoz fzheted a
words and give them meaning, but the fact remains szavakat, s jelentst adhatsz nekik, de a tny
that all knowledge is a form of ignorance. The most vltozatlan marad, hogy minden tuds a tudatlansg
accurate map is yet only paper. All knowledge is in egy formja. A legpontosabb trkp is csak papr
memory; it is only recognition, while reality is beyond csupn. Minden tuds az emlkezetben van,
the duality of the knower and the known. megismers csupn, mg a valsg tl van az
ismer s az ismert kettssgn.

Q: Then by what is reality known? K: Akkor hogyan ismerhet meg a valsg?

M: How misleading is your language. You assume, M: Milyen flrevezet ez a kifejezsmd. Tudat alatt
unconsciously, that reality also is approachable felttelezed, hogy a valsg is megkzelthet tuds
through knowledge. And then you will bring in a rvn. s aztn bevezeted a valsgon tli valsg
knower of reality beyond reality. Do understand that ismerjt. rtsd meg, ahhoz, hogy legyl nem
to be, reality need not be known. Ignorance and szksges ismerni a valsgot. Tudatlansg s
knowledge are in the mind, not in the real. tuds az elmben vannak, nem a valsgban.

Q: If there is no such thing as the knowledge of the K: Ha nem ltezik olyan dolog, mint a valsg
real, then how do I reach it? ismerete, akkor hogy rjem el azt?

M: You need not reach out for what is already with M: Nem szksges elrned, ami mr veled van.
you. Your very reaching out makes you miss it. Give Valjban ezzel a te elrseddel hibzod el a
up the idea that you have not found it and just let it dolgot. Add fel az idet, hogy mg nem talltad meg,
come into the focus of direct perception, here and s csak hagyd, hogy a kzvetlen rzkels
now, by removing all that is of the mind. fkuszba kerljn, itt s most, mindent eltvoltva,
ami az elmbl ered.

Q: When all that can go, goes, what remains? K: Amikor minden ami eltvozhat eltvozik, mi

M: Emptiness remains, awareness remains, pure M: ressg marad, tudat marad, a tudatos lt tiszta
light of the conscious being remains. It is like asking fnye marad. Ez olyan, mint azt krdezni, mi marad
what remains of a room when all the furniture is a szobban, miutn a btorokat eltvoltottam? Egy
removed? A most serviceable room remains. And sokkal hasznlhatbb szoba marad. s amikor mg
when even the walls are pulled down, space a falak is lebontsra kerlnek, a tr marad. A tren

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
remains. Beyond space and time is the here and the s idn tl a valsgnak az ittje, s a mostja.
now of reality.

Q: Does the witness remain? K: A tan megmarad?

M: As long as there is consciousness, its witness is M: Amg tudatossg van, tanja is marad. A kett
also there. The two appear and disappear together. egytt jelenik meg, s tnik el.

Q: If the witness too is transient, why is he given so K: Ha a tan szintn muland, mirt tulajdontunk
much importance? neki olyan nagy fontossgot?

M: Just to break the spell of the known, the illusion M: Csak azrt, hogy megtrjk a kzismert illzi
that only the perceivable is real. varzslatt, hogy csak az szlelhet valsgos.

Q: Perception is primary, the witness -- secondary. K: Az szlelet az elsdleges, a tan msodlagos.

M: This is the heart of the matter. As long as you M: Ez a problma lnyege. Amg azt hiszed, hogy
believe that only the outer world is real, you remain csak a kls vilg valsgos, addig szolgja
its slave. To become free, your attention must be maradsz neki. A megszabaduls rdekben
drawn to the 'I am', the witness. Of course, the figyelmedet az n vagyokra, a tanra kell
knower and the known are one not two, but to break fordtanod. Termszetesen az ismer s az ismert
the spell of the known the knower must be brought nem kett, hanem egyek, de az ismert varzsnak a
to the forefront. Neither is primary, both are megtrsre eltrbe kell hozni az ismert. Egyik
reflections in memory of the ineffable experience, sem elsdleges, mindkett a szavakkal ki nem
ever new and ever now, untranslatable, quicker than fejezhet tapasztalat emlkezetben val
the mind. visszatkrzdse, mindig friss s mindig mostbeli,
lefordthatatlan, gyorsabb, mint az elme.

Q: Sir, I am an humble seeker, wandering from Guru K: Uram, n egy egyszer keres vagyok, aki a
to Guru in search of release. My mind is sick, valsgot keresve Gurutl Guruig vndorol. Elmm
burning with desire, frozen with fear. My days flit by, beteg, vgytl g, flelemtl fagyott. Napjaim
red with pain, grey with boredom. My age is elrplnek, fjdalomtl vrsek, unalomtl szrkk.
advancing, my health decaying, my future dark and letkorom elrehalad, egszsgem hanyatlik, jvm
frightening. At this rate I shall live in sorrow and die stt, s ijeszt. Ha ez gy megy tovbb,
in despair. Is there any hope for me? Or have I szomorsgban fogok lni, s ktsgbeessben
come too late? fogok meghalni. Van szmomra remny? Vagy tl
ksn jttem?

M: Nothing is wrong with you, but the ideas you M: Semmi bajod sincs, csak az nmagadrl alkotott
have of yourself are altogether wrong. It is not you elkpzelseid teljesen rosszak. Nem te vagy az, aki
who desires, fears and suffers, it is the person built vgyik, fl s szenved, a szemly az, aki a
on the foundation of your body by circumstances krlmnyek s hatsok szerint megformlt alapra
and influences. You are not that person. This must pl. Te nem a szemly vagy. Ezt vilgosan meg
be clearly established in your mind and never lost kell llaptanod, s soha nem szabad szem ell
sight of. Normally, it needs a prolonged sadhana, tvesztened. Rendes krlmnyek kztt
years of austerities and meditation. hosszadalmas sadhanra, vekig tart
nmegtartztatsra s meditcira van szksg.

Q: My mind is weak and vacillating. I have neither K: Elmm gyenge s ttova. Nincs sem erm, sem
the strength nor the tenacity for sadhana. My case, kitartsom a sadhanhoz. Remnytelen eset
is hopeless. vagyok.

M: In a way yours is a most hopeful case. There is M: Bizonyos mdon te vagy a legremnyteljesebb
an alternative to sadhana, which is trust. If you eset. Van alternatvja a sadhannak, ami a hit. Ha
cannot have the conviction born from fruitful search, meggyzdsed nem tud gymlcsz keress
then take advantage of my discovery, which I am so alapjn megszletni, akkor hasznld fel az n
eager to share with you. I can see with the utmost felfedezsemet, amit oly lelkesen meg akarok
clarity that you have never been, nor are, nor will be osztani veled. A lehet legtisztbban ltom, hogy
estranged from realty, that you are the fullness of soha nem voltl, nem vagy, s nem is leszel
perfection here and now and that nothing can eltvolodva a valsgtl, hogy a tkletessg

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
deprive you of your heritage, of what you are. You teljessge vagy, itt s most, s hogy semmi nem tud
are in no way different from me, only you do not megfosztani tged az rksgedtl, attl, ami vagy.
know it. You do not know what you are and therefore A legkevsb sem klnbzl tlem, csak nem
you imagine your self to be what you are not. Hence tudod. Nem tudod, mi vagy, ezrt annak kpzeled
desires and fear and overwhelming despair. And magad, ami nem vagy. Ebbl erednek vgyaid s
meaningless activity in order to escape. flelmeid, s nyomaszt ktsgbeessed. s
rtelmetlen cselekedetek a menekls rdekben.
Just trust me and live by trusting me. I shall not
mislead you. You are the Supreme Reality beyond Csak higgy nekem, s lj a belm vetett hitedbl.
the world and its creator, beyond consciousness and Nem csaplak be. Te vagy a Legfelsbb Valsg, tl
its witness, beyond all assertions and denials. a vilgon s annak teremtjn, tl a tudatossgon
Remember it, think of it, act on it. Abandon all sense s annak tanjn, tl minden lltson s tagadson.
of separation, see yourself in all and act accordingly. Emlkezz erre, gondolj erre, cselekedj eszerint.
With action bliss will come and, with bliss, Hagyj fel az elklnltsg minden rzsvel, lsd
conviction. After all, you doubt yourself because you magad mindenben, s cselekedj ennek megfelelen.
are in sorrow. Happiness, natural, spontaneous and A cselekvssel el fog jnni a boldogsg, s a
lasting cannot be imagined. Either it is there, or it is boldogsggal a meggyzds. Vgl is azrt
not. Once you begin to experience the peace, love ktelkedsz nmagadban, mert szomor vagy. A
and happiness which need no outer causes, all your termszetes, spontn s maradand boldogsgot
doubts will dissolve. Just catch hold of what I told nem tudod elkpzelni. Az vagy van, vagy nincs.
you and live by it. Amint elkezded tapasztalni a bkt, szeretetet s a
kls okok nlkli boldogsgot, minden ktsged
szertefoszlik. Csak rtsd meg, amit elmondtam
neked, s lj vele.

Q: You are telling me to live by memory? K: Azt mondod, hogy emlkeim alapjn ljek?

M: You are living by memory anyhow. I am merely M: Klnben is emlkeid alapjn lsz. n pusztn
asking you to replace the old memories by the arra krlek, a rgi emlkeket vltsd fel azokkal az
memory of what I told you. As you were acting on emlkekkel, amelyeket n mondtam neked. Ahogy a
your old memories, act on the new one. Don't be rgi emlkek alapjn cselekedtl, gy cselekedj az
afraid. For some time there is bound to be a conflict jak szerint. Ne flj. Egy ideig konfliktusok lehetnek
between the old and the new, but if you put yourself a rgi s az j kztt, de ha elszntan az j oldalra
resolutely on the side of the new, the strife will soon llsz, a kzdelem hamarosan vget r, s
come to an end and you will realise the effortless tapasztalni fogod az nmagadknt val lt, az
state of being oneself, of not being deceived by illzik szlte vgyak, s flelmek becsapstl
desires and fears born of illusion. mentes lt erfeszts mentes llapott.

Q: Many Gurus have the habit of giving tokens of K: Sok Gurunak szoksa, hogy tadja kegyelmnek
their grace -- their head cloth, or their sticks, or a jelt fejfedjt, botjt, vagy koldul ednyt,
begging bowl, or robe, thus transmitting or vagy kntst, gy adja tovbb, vagy ersti meg a
confirming the self-realisation of their disciples. I can tantvny n-megvalstst. n nem ltom hasznt
see no value in such practices. It is not self- az ilyen praktikknak. Ez nem az n-megvalsts
realisation that is transmitted, but self-importance. tovbb adsa, hanem fontoskods. Mi az evilgi
Of what earthly use is being told something very haszna, ha mond valamilyen hzelgt, s az nem
flattering, but not true? On one hand you are igaz? Egyfell figyelmeztetsz, hogy sok az njellt
warning me against the many self-styled Gurus, on Guru, msfell azt szeretnd, ha hinnk neked.
the other you want me to trust you. Why do you Mirt lpsz fel azzal az ignnyel, hogy te vagy a
claim to be an exception? kivtel?

M: I do not ask you to trust me. Trust my words and M: Nem krlek, hogy bennem higgy. Azt hidd el,
remember them, I want your happiness, not mine. amit mondok, s arra emlkezz, neked akarok
Distrust those who put a distance between you and boldogsgot, nem magamnak. Azokkal szemben
your true being and offer themselves as a go- lgy bizalmatlan, akik klnbsget tesznek kzted
between. I do nothing of the kind. I do not even s az igaz lt kztt, s a ketttk kztti
make any promises. I merely say: if you trust my kzvettnek ajnlkoznak. n nem csinlok semmi
words and put them to test, you will for yourself ilyesmit. n mg csak nem is grek semmit. n
discover how absolutely true they are. If you ask for csupn azt mondom: ha elhiszed amit mondok, s
a proof before you venture, I can only say: I am the prbnak veted al, te magad fogod felfedezni, hogy
proof. I did trust my teacher's words and kept them azok milyen abszolt igazak. Ha bizonytkot krsz,

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
in my mind and I did find that he was right, that I mieltt kockztatnl, csak azt tudom mondani: n
was, am and shall be the Infinite Reality, embracing vagyok a bizonytk. n hittem tantm szavainak,
all, transcending all. s emlkezetemben tartottam azokat, s gy
talltam, hogy igaza van, hogy n voltam, vagyok,
As you say, you have neither the time nor the s leszek a mindent tlel, mindent meghalad
energy for lengthy practices. I offer you an Vgtelen Valsg.
alternative. Accept my words on trust and live anew,
or live and die in sorrow. Ahogyan mondod, neked sem idd, sem energid
hosszadalmas gyakorlatokra. n alternatvt knlok
neked. Fogadd szavaimat bizalommal, s lj jbl,
vagy lj, s halj meg szomorsgban.

Q: It seems too good to be true. K: Ez tl szp ahhoz, hogy igaz lehessen.

M: Don't be misled by the simplicity of the advice. M: Ne tvesszen meg a tancs egyszersge.
Very few are those who have the courage to trust Nagyon kevesek azok, akik rendelkeznek a
the innocent and the simple. To know that you are a btorsggal, hogy elhiggyk, ami termszetes s
prisoner of your mind, that you live in an imaginary egyszer. Tudni, hogy elmd foglya vagy, hogy egy
world of your own creation is the dawn of wisdom. ltalad teremtett, kpzelet alkotta vilgban lsz a
To want nothing of it, to be ready to abandon it blcsessg kezdete. Semmit nem akarni tle,
entirely, is earnestness. Only such earnestness, kszen llni teljesen elhagyni azt komolysg. Csak
born of true despair, will make you trust me. az ilyen, valdi ktsgbeess szlte komolysg
rvn fogsz hinni nekem.

Q: Have l not suffered enough? K: Nem szenvedtem mg eleget?

M: Suffering has made you dull, unable to see its M: A szenveds tompv tett, kptelen vagy
enormity. Your first task is to see the sorrow in you szrevenni annak szrnysgt. Els feladatod,
and around you; your next to long intensely for szrevenni a szomorsgot magadban, s
liberation. The very intensity of longing will guide krltted; a msodik, mrhetetlenl vgydni a
you; you need no other guide. szabadsg irnt. A teljes intenzits vgyds
vezetni fog tged; nincs szksged ms vezetre.

Q: Suffering has made me dull, indifferent even to K: Engem tompv tett a szenveds, mg sajt
itself. magval szemben is kznyss tett.

M: Maybe it is not sorrow but pleasure that made M: Lehet, hogy nem a szomorsg, hanem az rm
you dull. Investigate. az, ami tompv tett. Vizsgld meg.

Q: Whatever may be the cause; I am dull. I have K: Brmi is az oka, eltompultam. Sem akaratom,
neither the will nor the energy. sem energim.

M: Oh, no. You have enough for the first step. And M: , nem. Elegend van benned, hogy megtedd az
each step will generate enough energy for the next. els lpst. s minden lps elegend energit fog
Energy comes with confidence and confidence termelni a kvetkezhz. Az energia az
comes with experience. nbizalommal jn, s az nbizalom a tapasztalattal.

Q: Is it right to change Gurus? K: Helyes dolog, ha Gurut vltoztatok?

M: Why not change? Gurus are like milestones. It is M: Mirt ne vltoztatnl? A Guruk akr a
natural to move on from one to another. Each tells mrfldkvek. Termszetes dolog, hogy egyiktl a
you the direction and the distance, while the msikhoz msz. Mindegyik megmondja neked az
sadguru, the eternal Guru, is the road itself. Once irnyt s a tvolsgot, mg a sadguru, az rkkval
you realise that the road is the goal and that you are Guru, az t maga. Amint felismered, hogy az t a
always on the road, not to reach a goal, but to enjoy cl, s hogy mindig az ton vagy, nem clt kell
its beauty and its wisdom, life ceases to be a task elrni, hanem lvezni annak szpsgt, s
and becomes natural and simple, in itself an blcsessgt, az let megsznik feladatnak lenni, s
ecstasy. termszetess, s egyszerv vlik, nmagtl val

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
Q: So, there is no need to worship, to pray, to K: Teht nincs szksg istenimdsra,
practice Yoga? imdkozsra, Yoga gyakorlsra?

M: A little of daily sweeping, washing and bathing M: Egy kevs napi sprgets, moss, s lemoss
can do no harm. Self-awareness tells you at every nem okozhat krt. Az n-tudat megsg minden
step what needs be done. When all is done, the lpst, amit meg kell lpned. Amikor minden ksz,
mind remains quiet. az elme csendes marad.

Now you are in the waking state, a person with Most az brenlti llapotban egy szemly vagy
name and shape, joys and sorrows. The person was nvvel s formval, rmkkel s szomorsgokkal.
not there before you were born, nor will be there A szemly nem ltezett a szletsed eltt, s a
after you die. Instead of struggling with the person to hallod utn sem fog ltezni. Ahelyett, hogy a
make it become what it is not, why not go beyond szemllyel kzdesz, hogy talaktsd, mirt nem
the waking state and leave the personal life lpsz tl az brenlti llapoton, s hagyod el
altogether? It does not mean the extinction of the teljesen a szemlyes letet? Ez nem a szemly
person; it means only seeing it in right perspective. megszntetst jelenti, csak annak megfelel
perspektvbl val szemllst.

Q: One more question. You said that before I was K: Mg egy krds. Azt mondtad, mieltt
born I was one with the pure being of reality; if so, megszlettem egy voltam a valsg tiszta ltvel; ha
who decided that I should be born? gy van, ki dnttt gy, hogy meg kell szletnem?

M: In reality you were never born and never shall M: A valsgban soha nem szlettl, s soha nem
die. But now you imagine that you are, or have a fogsz meghalni. De most azt kpzeled, hogy vagy,
body and you ask what has brought about this state. illetve, hogy tested van, s azt krdezed, hogy mi
Within the limits of illusion the answer is: desire born idzte el ezt az llapotot. Az illzi korltai kztt a
from memory attracts you to a body and makes you vlasz ez: az emlkekbl szletett vgy egy testhez
think as one with it. But this is true only from the vonz tged, s azt gondolod, hogy egy vagy vele.
relative point of view. In fact, there is no body, nor a De ez csak egy viszonylagos nzpontbl igaz.
world to contain it; there is only a mental condition, a Valjban nincs test, sem a vilg, amely azt
dream-like state, easy to dispel by questioning its magban foglalja; csak mentlis kondci van, egy
reality. lomszer llapot, amelyet valsgnak kutatsval
knny eloszlatni.

Q: After you die, will you come again? If I live long K: Miutn meghalsz, vissza fogsz jnni jra? Ha
enough, will I meet you again? elg hossz ideig lek, fogok veled ismt tallkozni?

M: To you the body is real, to me there is none. I, as M: Szmodra a test valsgos, szmomra nem
you see me, exist in your imagination only. Surely, ltezik. n, ahogy te engem ltsz, csak a
you will see me again, if and when you need me. It kpzeletedben ltezem. Bizonyra ltni fogsz
does not affect me, as the Sun is not affected by megint, ha s amikor szksged van rm. Ez rm
sunrises and sunsets. Because it is not affected, it is nincs hatssal, mint ahogy a Napra sincsenek
certain to be there when needed. hatssal a napfelkeltk s a naplementk. Mivel
nincs hatssal, biztosan leszek, mikor szksg lesz
You are bent on knowledge, I am not. I do not have r.
that sense of insecurity that makes you crave to
know. I am curious, like a child is curious. But there Te hajlasz a tudsra, n nem. Bennem nincs meg az
is no anxiety to make me seek refuge in knowledge. a bizonytalansg rzs, ami a te szmodra a tudst
Therefore, I am not concerned whether I shall be szksgess teszi. n is kvncsi vagyok, mint
reborn, or how long will the world last. These are ahogyan egy gyermek kvncsi. De nincs bennem
questions born of fear. vgyakozs, hogy menedket keressek a tudsban.
Ezrt engem nem rdekel, hogy jjszletek-e, vagy
hogy mennyi ideig tart a vilg. Ezek flelembl
szlet krdsek.

84. Your Goal is Your Guru 84. Clod a Gurud

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
Questioner: You were telling us that there are many Krdez: Azt meslted neknk, hogy sok az njellt
self-styled Gurus, but a real Guru is very rare. There Guru, de a valdi Guru nagyon ritka. Sok olyan
are many gnani who imagine themselves realised, gnani van, aki csak kpzeli magt megvalsultnak,
but all they have is book knowledge and a high de mindegyik csak knyvbl szerezte a tudst, s
opinion of themselves. Sometimes they impress, igen nagyra vannak magukkal. Idnknt nagy
even fascinate, attract disciples and make them hatssal vannak a magukhoz vonzott tantvnyokra,
waste their time in useless practices. After some st, megigzik ket, akiknek az idejt haszontalan
years, when the disciple takes stock of himself, he gyakorlatokkal vesztegetik. Amikor a tantvny
finds no change. When he complains to his teacher, nhny v utn szemgyre veszi magt, semmilyen
he gets the usual rebuke that he did not try hard vltozst nem tall. Mikor ezt szv teszi, tantja
enough. The blame is on the lack of faith and love in rendszerint rendreutastja, hogy nem gyakorolt elg
the heart of the disciple, while in reality the blame is kemnyen. A tantvny szvbl hinyz hitet s
on the Guru, who had no business in accepting szeretetet okolja, mikzben a hiba valjban a
disciples and raising their hopes. How to protect Guruban van, akinek nem az a szerepe, hogy
oneself from such Gurus? tantvnyokat fogadjon, s remnyt tmasszon
bennk. Hogyan kell vdekezni az ilyen Guruk

Maharaj: Why be so concerned with others? Maharaj: Mirt rintenek ennyire msok? Akrki
Whoever may be the Guru, if he is pure of heart and lehet a Guru, ha tiszta szv, s jhiszemen
acts in good faith, he will do his disciples no harm. If cselekszik, nem fog rtani a tantvnyainak. Ha nem
there is no progress, the fault lies with the disciples, halad, a tantvnyban van a hiba, mivel lusta, s
their laziness and lack of self-control. On the other hinyzik az nuralma. Msfell, ha a tantvny
hand, if the disciple is earnest and applies himself komoly, s intelligens mdon s lvezettel
intelligently and with zest to his sadhana, he is alkalmazza sadhanjt, akkor kszen ll egy sokkal
bound to meet a more qualified teacher, who will alkalmasabb tantval val tallkozsra, aki tovbb
take him further. Your question flows from three fogja vezetni t. Krdsed hrom tves feltevsbl
false assumptions: that one needs concern oneself ered: hogy az embereknek trdnik kell egymssal,
with others; that one can evaluate another and that hogy az ember rtkelni tudja a msikat, s hogy a
the progress of the disciple is the task and tantvnynak a haladsa a Guru feladata s
responsibility of his Guru. In reality, the Guru's role is felelssge. Valjban a Guru szerepe csak annyi,
only to instruct and encourage; the disciple is totally hogy tba igaztson s btortson; a tantvny teljes
responsible for himself. felelssggel tartozik nmagrt.

Q: We are told that total surrender to the Guru is K: gy hallottuk, hogy elegend a Gurunak val
enough, that the Guru will do the rest. teljes ntads, s hogy a tbbi a Guru dolga.

M: Of course, when there is total surrender, M: Termszetesen, teljes ntads esetn az ember
complete relinquishment of all concern with one's mltjnak, jelennek s jvjnek, fizikai s
past, presents and future, with one's physical and spiritulis biztonsgnak s llapotnak tkletes
spiritual security and standing, a new life dawns, full feladsval egy j, szeretettel s szpsggel teli let
of love and beauty; then the Guru is not important, kezddik; ezutn a Guru nem fontos, mert a
for the disciple has broken the shell of self-defence. tantvny feltrte az nvdelem burkt. A teljes
Complete self-surrender by itself is liberation. akarat feladsa maga a szabadsg.

Q: When both the disciple and his teacher are K: Amikor mind a tantvny, mind a tant
inadequate, what will happen? alkalmatlan, mi trtnik?

M: In the long run all will be well. After all, the real M: Hossz tvon minden j lesz. Elvgre egyikk
Self of both is not affected by the comedy they play valdi njre sincs hatssal a sznjtk, amit egy
for a time. They will sober up and ripen and shift to a jtszottak egy ideig. Meg fognak komolyodni, meg
higher level of relationship. fognak rni, s a kapcsolat magasabb szintjre
fognak kerlni.

Q: Or, they may separate. K: Vagy esetleg klnvlnak.

M: Yes, they may separate. After all, no relationship M: Igen, klnvlhatnak. Vgl is egyetlen kapcsolat
is forever. Duality is a temporary state. sem tart rkk. A kettssg ideiglenes llapot.

Q: Is it by accident that I met you and by another K: Vletlen lenne, hogy tallkoztam veled, s egy

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
accident shall we separate never to meet again? Or msik vletlen rvn el fogunk vlni, hogy soha
is my meeting you a part of some cosmic pattern, a tbb ne tallkozzunk? Vagy tallkozsunk
fragment in the great drama of our lives? valamilyen kozmikus minta rsze, letnk nagy
szndarabjnak a rszlete?

M: The real is meaningful and the meaningful relates M: A valsg jelentsgteljes, s a jelentsgteljes
to reality. If our relationship is meaningful to you and a valsgra utal. Ha kapcsolatunk jelentsgteljes a
me, it cannot be accidental. The future affects the te szmodra s az n szmomra, az nem lehet
present as much, as the past. vletlen. A jv ugyanannyira hat a jelenre, mint a

Q: How can I make out who is a real saint and who K: Hogyan tudom eldnteni, hogy ki valdi szent, s
is not? ki nem az?

M: You cannot, unless you have a clear insight into M: Nem tudod, kivve, ha tiszta bepillantsod van
the heart of man. Appearances are deceptive. To az emberi szvbe. A ltszat megtveszt. Hogy,
see clearly, your mind must be pure and unattached. tisztn lss, elmdnek szntisztnak, s szabadnak
Unless you know yourself well, how can you know kell lennie. Ha nmagadat nem jl ismered, hogy
another? And when you know yourself -- you are the ismerhetnd a msikat? s amikor ismered
other. nmagadat te vagy a msik.

Leave others alone for some time and examine Hagyd magukra a tbbieket egy ideig, s vizsgld
yourself. There are so many things you do not know meg nmagad. Oly sok dolog van, amit nem tudsz
about yourself -- what are you, who are you, how did nmagadrl mi vagy, ki vagy, hogyan szlettl
you come to be born, what are you doing now and meg, mit csinlsz most, s mirt, hov msz, mi a
why, where are you going, what is the meaning and jelentse s a clja letednek, hallodnak,
purpose of your life, your death, your future? Have jvdnek? Van-e mltad, van-e jvd? Hogyan
you a past, have you a future? How did you come to felfordult fel az leted s vlt szomorsgg, noha
live in turmoil and sorrow, while your entire being egsz letedben boldogsgra s bkre trekedtl?
strives for happiness and peace? These are weighty Ezek slyos problmk, s elszr ezeknek kell
matters and have to be attended to first. You have figyelmet szentelned. Sem szksged, sem idd
no need, nor time for finding who is a gnani and who arra, hogy felismerd, ki gnani, s ki nem az.
is not?

Q: I must select my guru rightly. K: Alkalmas Gurut kell vlasztanom magamnak.

M: Be the right man and the right Guru will surely M: Lgy az alkalmas ember, s az alkalmas Guru
find you. biztosan rd tall.

Q: You are not answering my question: how to find K: Nem vlaszoltl a krdsemre: hogyan talljam
the right Guru? meg az alkalmas Gurut?

M: But I did answer your question. Do not look for a M: De vlaszoltam a krdsedre. Ne keress Gurut,
Guru, do not even think of one. Make your goal your mg csak ne is gondolj r. Tedd a clodat a
Guru. After all, the Guru is but a means to an end, Gurudd. Vgl is a Guru a cl elrsnek az
not the end in itself. He is not important, it is what eszkze csupn, nem ncl. Nem a fontos, hanem
you expect of him that matters to you. Now, what do amit tle vrsz, az a lnyeges szmodra. Nos, mi az,
you expect? amit vrsz?

Q: By his grace I shall be made happy, powerful and K: Az kegyelme ltal boldogg, hatalmass, s
peaceful. bkss fogok vlni.

M: What ambitions. How can a person limited in time M: Micsoda ambcik. Hogy lehetne boldog egy
and space, a mere body-mind, a gasp of pain idben s trben korltozott, puszta test-elme, egy
between birth and death, be happy? The very szlets s hall kztt a fjdalomtl fulladoz
conditions of its arising make happiness impossible. szemly? Valjban keletkezsnek a felttelei
Peace, power, happiness, these are never personal teszik lehetetlenn a boldogsgot. Bke, hatalom,
states, nobody can say my peace, my power -- boldogsg, ezek soha nem szemlyes llapotok,
because mine implies exclusivity, which is fragile senki nem mondhatja, hogy az n bkm, az n
and insecure. hatalmam mivel az enym kizrlagossgot von

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
maga utn, amely trkeny, s bizonytalan.

Q: I know only my conditioned existence; there is K: Csak az n kondicionlt ltezsemet ismerem,

nothing else. semmi mst.

M: Surely, you cannot say so. In deep sleep you are M: Biztos, hogy nem mondhatod ezt. Mly alvsban
not conditioned. How ready and willing you are to go nem vagy kondicionlt. Milyen kszsggel, s
to sleep, how peaceful, free and happy you are hajlandsggal hajtod lomra a fejed, milyen bks,
when asleep. szabad, s boldog vagy, amikor alszol.

Q: I know nothing of it. K: Nem tudok errl.

M: Put it negatively. When you sleep, you are not in M: Fejezd ki tagadlagosan. Amikor alszol, nem
pain, nor bound, nor restless. szenvedsz, sem korltozott, sem nyugtalan nem

Q: I see your point. While awake, I know that I am, K: rtem, hogy mire utalsz. Amg bren vagyok,
but am not happy; in sleep I am, I am happy, but I tudom, hogy n vagyok, de nem vagyok boldog;
dont know it. All I need is to know that I am free and alvs kzben vagyok, boldog vagyok, de nem tudok
happy. rla. Mindssze arra van szksgem, hogy tudjam,
szabad vagyok, s boldog.

M: Quite so. Now, go within, into a state which you M: gy van. Most menj befel, abba az llapotba,
may compare to a state of waking sleep, in which amelyben hasonlthatod az ber alvs llapothoz,
you are aware of yourself, but not of the world. In amelyben tudatban vagy nmagadnak, a vilgnak
that state you will know, without the least trace of viszont nem. Abban az llapotban a ktsg
doubt, that at the root of your being you are free and legcseklyebb nyoma nlkl tudni fogod, hogy lted
happy. The only trouble is that you are addicted to gykern szabad vagy, s boldog. Az egyetlen
experience and you cherish your memories. In nehzsg, hogy rabja vagy a tapasztalsnak, s
reality it is the other way round; what is remembered csggesz az emlkeiden. A valsgban az egy
is never real; the real is now. egszen ms t; amire emlkszel, az soha nem a
valsg; a valsg most van.

Q: All this I grasp verbally, but it does not become a K: A szavak szintjn felfogom mindezt, de nem vlik
part of myself. It remains as a picture in my mind to nnn rszemm. Mintegy kpknt megmarad az
be looked at. Is it not the task of the Guru to give life elmmben, ami megnzhet. Nem a Guru feladata,
to the picture? hogy letre keltse a kpet?

M: Again, it is the other way round. The picture is M: Ismtlem, ms az t. A kp l, az elme halott.
alive; dead is the mind. As the mind is made of Mivel az elme szavakbl s kpekbl ll, gy minden
words and images, so is every reflection in the mind. visszatkrzs az elmben van. A valsgot
It covers up reality with verbalisation and then verbalizcival leplezi el, s utna sirnkozik. Azt
complains. You say a Guru is needed, to do mondod, Gurura van szksged, hogy csodkat
miracles with you. You are playing with words only. tegyen veled. Csak a szavakkal jtszol. A Guru s a
The Guru and the disciple are one single thing, like tantvny egyetlen egysges dolog, mint gyertya, s
the candle and its flame. Unless the disciple is fnye. Hacsak a tantvny nem komoly, nem
earnest, he cannot be called a disciple. Unless a nevezhet tantvnynak. Hacsak a Guru nem szeret
Guru is all love and self-giving, he cannot be called teljesen, s nem odaad, nem nevezhet Gurunak.
a Guru. Only reality begets reality, not the false. Csak valsg hoz ltre valsgot, a valtlan nem.

Q: I can see that I am false. Who will make me true? K: Ltom, hogy valtlan vagyok. Ki fog engem
igazz tenni?

M: The very words you said will do it. The sentence: M: Az ltalad kimondott szavak fogjk azt megtenni.
I can see that I am false contains all you need for A mondat: Ltom, hogy valtlan vagyok, mindent
liberation. Ponder over it, go into it deeply, go to the magban foglal, ami a megszabadulsodhoz kell.
root of it; it will operate. The power is in the word, Elmlkedj el rajta, merlj bele mlyen, hatolj a
not in the person. gykerig; mkdni fog. Az er a szban van, nem a

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
Q: I do not grasp you fully. On one hand you say a K: Nem teljesen rtelek. Egyfell azt mondod, q
Guru is needed; on the other -- the Guru can only Guru szksges; msfell a Guru csak tancsot
give advice, bit the effort is mine. Please state ad, az erfeszts az enym. Krlek, jelentsd ki
clearly -- can one realise the Self without a Guru, or vilgosan az n megvalsulhat Guru nlkl, vagy
is the finding of a true Guru essential? pedig fontos, hogy megtalljam az igazi Gurut?

M: More essential is the finding of a true disciple. M: Sokkal fontosabb, hogy megtalld az igaz
Believe me, a true disciple is very rare, for in no time tantvnyt. Higgy nekem, az igaz tantvny nagyon
he goes beyond the need for a Guru, by finding his ritka, mert pillanatok alatt tllp a Guru szksgn,
own self. Dont waste your time on trying to make megtallva sajt njt. Ne arra fecsreld az iddet,
out whether the advice you get flows from hogy megprblod megrteni, a kapott tancs
knowledge only, or from valid experience. Just follow pusztn tanult tudsbl ered, vagy valdi
it faithfully. Life will bring you another Guru, if tapasztalatbl. Csak kvesd azt odaadan. Az let
another one is needed. Or deprive you of all outer el fog vinni egy msik Guruhoz, ha msikra van
guidance and leave you to your own lights. It is very szksged. Vagy mellzd az sszes kls
important to understand that it is the teaching that tmutatst, s hagyatkozz a sajt vilgossgodra.
matters, not the person or the Guru. You get a letter Nagyon fontos megrtened, hogy a tants a lnyeg,
that makes you laugh or cry. It is not the postman nem a szemly, vagy a Guru. Kapsz egy levelet,
who does it. The Guru only tells you the good news amely megnevettet, vagy megrkat. Ezt nem a
about your real Self and shows you the way back to posts tette. A Guru csupn elmondja neked a
it. In a way the Guru is its messenger. There will be valdi neddel kapcsolatos j hrt, s megmutatja a
many messengers, but the message is one: be what visszavezet utat hozz. Bizonyos rtelemben a
you are. Or, you can put it differently: Until you Guru az hrvivje. Sokan lehetnek hrvivk, de az
realise yourself, you cannot know who is your real zenet ugyanaz: lgy, ami vagy. Vagy mskppen is
Guru. When you realise, you find that all the Gurus fogalmazhatunk: amg nem valstod meg nmagad,
you had have contributed to your awakening. Your addig nem tudhatod, ki a valdi Gurud. Amikor
realisation is the proof that your Guru was real. megvalsulsz, gy tallod, hogy Guruid mindegyike
Therefore, take him as he is, do what he tells you, hozzjrult a felbredsedhez. A megvalsulsod a
with earnestness and zeal and trust your heart to bizonytk, hogy Gurud igazi volt. Ezrt fogadd el t,
warn you if anything goes wrong. If doubt sets in, ahogy van, tedd, amit mond neked, komolyan, s
dont fight it. Cling to what is doubtless and leave the lelkesen, s bzz a szvedben, hogy figyelmeztetni
doubtful alone. fog, brmi baj rjen. Ha ktelkedni kezdesz, ne
harcolj vele. Ragaszkodj ahhoz, ami ktsgtelen, s
hagyd bkn a ktsgest.

Q: I have a Guru and I love him very much. But K: Nekem van Gurum, s nagyon szeretem t. De
whether he is my true Guru I do not know. hogy -e vajon az n igazi Gurum, nem tudom.

M: Watch yourself. If you see yourself changing, M: Figyeld magad. Ha vltozni, nvekedni ltod
growing, it means you have found the right man. He magad, akkor a megfelel embert talltad meg.
may be beautiful or ugly, pleasant or unpleasant, Lehet szp, vagy csnya, kellemes, vagy
flattering you or scolding; nothing matters except the kellemetlen, hzelg vagy korhol; semmi nem
one crucial fact of inward growth. If you dont, well, szmt, egy kritikus tny kivtelvel, ez a bels
he may be your friend, but not your Guru. nvekeds. Ha nem nvekszel, nos, akkor lehet j
bartod, de Gurud nem.

Q: When I meet a European with some education K: Tallkoztam egyszer egy mvelt eurpaival, s
and talk to him about a Guru and his teachings, his mesltem neki a Gururl s tantsairl, a reakcija
reaction is: the man must be mad to teach such ez volt: rltnek kell lenni ahhoz, hogy az ember
nonsense. What am I to tell him? ilyen rtelmetlensget tanuljon. Mit mondjak neki?

M: Take him to himself. Show him, how little he M: Vezesd el t nmaghoz. Mutasd meg neki,
knows himself, how he takes the most absurd milyen kevss ismeri nmagt, hogyan tartja az
statements about himself for holy truth. He is told nmagrl szl legkptelenebb kijelentseket a
that he is the body, was born, will die, has parents, legszentebb igazsgnak. Azt mondtk neki, hogy a
duties, learns to like what others like and fear what test, megszletett, meg fog halni, szlei vannak,
others fear. Totally a creature of heredity and ktelessgei, megtanulta szeretni, amit msok
society, he lives by memory and acts by habits. szeretnek, s flni, amit msok flnek. Teljesen az
Ignorant of himself and his true interests, he pursues rkls s a trsadalom teremtmnye, emlkezetbl
false aims and is always frustrated. His life and l, s megszoksbl tnykedik. Nincs tudatban

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
death are meaningless and painful, and there seems nmagnak, s igazi jelentsgnek, hamis clokat
to be no way out. Then tell him, there is a way out hajszol, s mindig frusztrlt. lete s halla
within his easy reach, not a conversion to another rtelmetlen, s fjdalmas, s nem ltszik semmifle
set of ideas, but a liberation from all ideas and kit. Majd mondd el neki, hogy ltezik kit, amely
patterns of living. Dont tell him about Gurus and knnyen hozzfrhet a szmra, amely nem
disciples -- this way of thinking is not for him. His is valamifle ttrs az idek egy msik halmazra,
an inner path, he is moved by an inner urge and hanem megszabaduls az sszes idetl, s
guided by an inner light. Invite him to rebel and he letminttl. Ne beszlj neki Gurukrl, s
will respond. Do not try to impress on him that so- tantvnyokrl ez a gondolkodsmd nem neki
and-so is a realised man and can be accepted as a val. Az tja bels t, t bels ksztets hajtja, s
Guru. As long as he does not trust himself, he bels fny vezrli. Hvd fel t a lzadsra, ez
cannot trust another. And confidence will come with hatssal lesz r. Ne olyan mdon prblj hatst
experience. gyakorolni r, hogy ez-s-ez megvalsult ember, s
elfogadhat Gurunak. Amg nem hisz nmagnak,
addig msnak sem tud hinni. s a bizalom meg fog
rkezni a tapasztalattal.

Q: How strange. I cannot imagine life without a K: Milyen klns. n el sem tudom elkpzelni az
Guru. letet Guru nlkl.

M: It is a matter of temperament. You too are right. M: Ez alkat krdse. Neked is igazad van. Mivel
For you, singing the praises of God is enough. You szmodra az Istent magasztal nekek neklse
need not desire realisation or take up a sadhana. elegend. Neked nincs szksged r, hogy
Gods name is all the food you need. Live on it. megvalsulsra, vagy sadhana kvetsre vgyj.
Isten neve elegend tpllk szmodra. lj ezzel.

Q: This constant repetition of a few words, is it not a K: Ez a nhny szbl ll lland ismtelgets
kind of madness? nem valamifle rlet?

M: It is madness, but it is a deliberate madness. All M: rlet, de szndkos rlet. Minden ismtlds
repetitiveness is tamas, but repeating the name of tamas, de Isten nevnek ismtlse sattva-tamas,
God is sattva-tamas due to its high purpose. annak emelkedett clja miatt. A sattva jelenlte miatt
Because of the presence of sattva, the tamas will a tamas el fog kopni, s helyt t fogja adni a teljes
wear out and will take the shape of complete szenvedlytelensgnek, prtatlansgnak,
dispassion, detachment, relinquishment, aloofness, nfeladsnak, kzmbssgnek,
immutability. Tamas becomes the firm foundation on megvltozhatatlansgnak. A tamas vlik azon
which an integrated life can be lived. szilrd alapp, amelyen egy integrlt let lhet.

Q: The immutable -- does it die? K: A megvltozhatatlan meghal?

M: It is changing that dies. The immutable neither M: A vltozs az, amely meghal. A
lives nor dies; it is the timeless witness of life and megvltozhatatlan sem nem l, sem nem hal,
death. You cannot call it dead, for it is aware. Nor hanem let s hall idtlen tanja. Nem nevezheted
can you call it alive, for it does not change. It is just halottnak, mert tudatos. lnek sem nevezheted,
like your tape-recorder. It records, it reproduces -- all mert nem vltozik. ppen olyan, mint a
by itself. You only listen. Similarly, I watch all that magnetofonod. Felvesz, lejtszik mindezt magtl.
happens, including my talking to you. It is not me Te csupn hallgatod. Hasonlkppen figyelek n
who talks, the words appear in my mind and then I minden trtnst, belertve a veled val
hear them said. beszlgetsemet. Nem n vagyok, aki beszl, a
szavak megjelennek az elmmben, majd hallom
ket, hogy kimondsra kerlnek.

Q: Is it not the case with everybody? K: Nem mindenkivel ez a helyzet?

M: Who said no? But you insist that you think, you M: Ki mondta, hogy nem? De te bizonygatod, hogy
speak, while to me there is thinking, there is te gondolkodsz, te beszlsz, mg szmomra
speaking. gondolkods trtnik, beszd trtnik.

Q: There are two cases to consider. Either I have K: Kt eseten kell elgondolkozni. Vagy talltam
found a Guru, or I have not. In each case what is the Gurut, vagy nem. Mi a helyes teend ezen

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
right thing to do? esetekben?

M: You are never without a Guru, for he is timelessly M: Soha nem vagy Guru nlkl, mert idtlenl
present in your heart. Sometimes he externalises jelen van a szvedben. Nmelykor klsleg is
himself and comes to you as an uplifting and megnyilvntja magt, s eljn hozzd, leted
reforming factor in your life, a mother, a wife, a felemel s megjt tnyezjeknt, anyaknt,
teacher; or he remains as an inner urge toward felesgkn, tantknt; vagy megmarad az
righteousness and perfection. All you have to do is igazsgossg s tkletessg fel mutat bels
obey him and do what he tells you. What he wants sztnzknt. Mindssze annyi a teendd, hogy
you to do is simple, learn self-awareness, self- engedelmeskedsz neki, s csinlod, amit mond
control, self-surrender. It may seem arduous, but it is neked. Azt kvnj tled, az egyszer, tanulj
easy if you are earnest. And quite impossible if you ntudatossgot, nuralmat, ntadst. A komolysg
are not. Earnestness is both necessary and szksges, egyszersmind elgsges. A
sufficient. Everything yields to earnestness. komolysgnak minden behdol.

Q: What makes one earnest? K: Mi teszi az embert komolly?

M: Compassion is the foundation of earnestness. M: A knyrlet a komolysg alapja. Az nmagad,

Compassion for yourself and others, born of s msok irnti knyrlet a sajt, vagy msok
suffering, your own and others. szenvedsbl szletnek.

Q: Must I suffer to be earnest? K: Szenvednem kell, hogy komoly legyek?

M: You need not, if you are sensitive and respond to M: Nem kell, ha rzkeny vagy, s hat rd msok
the suffering of others, as Buddha did. But if you are szenvedse, ahogy Buddhra is. De ha rzketlen
callous and without pity, your own suffering will vagy, s nincs benned sznalom, a sajt
make you ask the inevitable questions. szenvedsed fogja elrni, hogy feltedd az
elkerlhetetlen krdseket.

Q: I find myself suffering, but not enough. Life is K: gy ltom, hogy szenvedek, de nem elgg. Az
unpleasant, but bearable. My little pleasures let nem kellemes, de elviselhet. Apr rmeim
compensate me for my small pains and on the whole krptolnak a kis fjdalmaimrt, s mindent
I am better off than most of the people I know. I egybevetve jobban vagyok, mint a legtbb ember,
know that my condition is precarious, that a calamity akit ismerek. Tudom, hogy helyzetem bizonytalan,
can overtake me any moment. Must I wait for a crisis hogy brmely pillanatban rhet szerencstlensg.
to put me on my way to truth? Muszj egy krzisre vrnom, amely elindt az igazsg
fel vezet ton?

M: The moment you have seen how fragile is your M: A pillanatban, hogy meglttad, milyen trkeny
condition, you are already alert. Now, keep alert, az llapotod, mr felkszltl. Na mr most, maradj
give attention, enquire, investigate, discover your kszenltben, figyeld, kutasd, tanulmnyozd, fedezd
mistakes of mind and body and abandon them. fel elmd s tested hibit, s hagyd figyelmen kvl

Q: Where is the energy to come from? I am like a K: Honnan jn az energia? Olyan vagyok, mint bna
paralysed man in a burning house. ember egy g hzban.

M: Even paralysed people sometimes find their legs M: Mg a bna ember is megtallja nha a lbait, a
in a moment of danger. But you are not paralysed, veszly pillanatban. De te nem vagy bna, csupn
you merely imagine so. Make the first step and you kpzeled azt. Tedd meg az els lpst, s utadon
will be on your way. leszel.

Q: I feel my hold on the body is so strong that I just K: Olyan ersnek rzem a testhez val
cannot give up the idea that I am the body. It will ragaszkodsomat, hogy alig tudok lemondani arrl
cling to me as long as the body lasts. There are az iderl, hogy n a test vagyok. Ez hozzm fog
people who maintain that no realisation is possible tapadni, amg a test fennmarad. Vannak, akik szerint
while alive and I feel inclined to agree with them. nem lehetsges megvalsulni amg lsz, s n
hajlamos vagyok egyetrteni velk.

M: Before you agree or disagree, why not M: Az egyetrts vagy egyet nem rts eltt mirt

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
investigate the very idea of a body? Does the mind nem tanulmnyozod a test valsgos idejt? Az
appear in the body or the body in the mind? Surely elme jelenik meg a testben, vagy a test az elmben?
there must be a mind to conceive the I-am-the-body Ktsgtelen, hogy lennie kell elmnek, amely
idea. A body without a mind cannot be my body. elgondolja az n-vagyok-a-test idet. Egy elme
My body is invariably absent when the mind is in nlkli test nem lehet az n testem. Az n testem
abeyance. It is also absent when the mind is deeply akkor is ugyangy hinyzik, amikor az elme hatlyon
engaged in thoughts and feelings. Once you realise kvl van. Amint felismered, hogy a test fgg az
that the body depends on the mind, and the mind on elmtl, s az elme a tudatossgtl, s a tudatossg
consciousness, and consciousness on awareness a tudattl, s nem valami msrl van sz, akkor a
and not the other way round, your question about krdsed, hogy a hallodig kell-e vrnod az
waiting for self-realisation till you die is answered. It nmegvalstsra, megvlaszolsra kerlt. Nem
is not that you must be free from I-am-the-body arrl van sz, hogy elbb meg kell szabadulnod az
idea first, and then realise the self. It is definitely the n-vagyok-a-test idetl, s aztn realizlni az nt.
other way round -- you cling to the false, because Egszen msrl van sz a hamisba kapaszkodsz,
you do not know the true. Earnestness, not mert nem ismered az igazat. A komolysg, nem
perfection, is a precondition to self-realisation. pedig a tkletessg az nmegvalstsnak az
Virtues and powers come with realisation, not elfelttele. Az ernyek s erk a megvalsulssal
before. jnnek, nem eltte.

85. I am: The Foundation of all 85. n vagyok: minden tapasztalat

Experience alapja
Questioner: I hear you making statements about Krdez: Hallom, olyanokat lltasz magadrl, mint
yourself like: I am timeless, immutable beyond hogy: idtlen vagyok, tulajdonsgok feletti
attributes, etc. How do you know these things? And vltozhatatlan, s gy tovbb. Honnan tudsz e
what makes you say them? dolgokrl? s mi mondatja veled?

Maharaj: I am only trying to describe the state Maharaj: Csupn azt az llapotot prblom lerni,
before the I am arose, but the state itself, being amely az n vagyok eltt felmerl, de az llapot
beyond the mind and language, is indescribable. maga elme s nyelv fltt ll, elmondhatatlan.

Q: The I am is the foundation of all experience. K: Az n vagyok az alapja minden tapasztalatnak.

What you are trying to describe must also be an Amit lerni prblsz, szintn tapasztalatnak kell,
experience, limited and transitory. You speak of hogy legyen, amely korltok kz szortott,
yourself as immutable. I hear the sound of the word, mlkony. Te nmagadrl mint megvltozhatatlanrl
I remember its dictionary meaning, but the beszlsz. Hallom a sz hangzst, ismerem sztri
experience of being immutable I do not have. How jelentst, de a vltozhatatlan lt tapasztalatval
can I break through the barrier and know personally, nem rendelkezem. Hogyan trhetem t a korltot, s
intimately, what it means to be immutable? ismerhetem meg szemlyesen, kzvetlenl, hogy
mit jelent megvltozhatatlannak lenni?

M: The word itself is the bridge. Remember it, think M: A sz maga a hd. Tartsd szben, gondolj r,
of it, explore it, go round it, look at it from all fedezd fel, jrd krl, nzd meg minden irnybl,
directions, dive into it with earnest perseverance: merlj bele komoly llhatatossggal: viselj el minden
endure all delays and disappointments till suddenly kslekedst s csaldst, mg az elme hirtelen el
the mind turns round, away from the word, towards nem fordul a vilgtl, a szavakon tli valsg fel.
the reality beyond the word. It is like trying to find a Ez egy csak nvrl ismert szemly megkeresshez
person knowing his name only. A day comes when hasonl. Eljn a nap, amikor kutatsaid elvezetnek
your enquiries bring you to him and the name hozz, s a nv valsgg vlik. A szavak
becomes reality. Words are valuable, for between rtkesek, mert a szavak s azok jelentse kztt
the word and its meaning there is a link and if one kapcsolat van, s ha valaki kitartan tanulmnyozza
investigates the word assiduously, one crosses a szavakat, a fogalmon keresztl a valsgba lp,
beyond the concept into the experience at the root of annak gykerhez. A szavak mg tekintsnek az
it. As a matter of fact, such repeated attempts to go ilyen ismtld ksrleteit nevezik tulajdonkppen
beyond the words is called meditation. Sadhana is meditcinak. A sadhana csak a verblisbl a
but a persistent attempt to cross over from the nonverblisba val tlpsnek egy llhatatos

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
verbal to the non-verbal. The task seems hopeless ksrlete. A feladat mindaddig remnytelennek
until suddenly all becomes clear and simple and so ltszik, amg minden hirtelen tisztv s egyszer,
wonderfully easy. But, as long as you are interested s oly csodlatosan knnyv nem vlik. De amg
in your present way of living, you will shirk from the rdekldst tanstasz a jelenlegi letmdod irnt,
final leap into the unknown. addig hzdozni fogsz attl, hogy vgleg belevesd
magad az ismeretlenbe.

Q: Why should the unknown interest me? Of what K: Mirt kellene ismeretlennek rdekelnie? Mifle
use is the unknown? haszna van az ismeretlennek?

M: Of no use whatsoever. But it is worthwhile to M: Semmifle haszna nincs. De rdemes tudni, mi

know what keeps you within the narrow confines of tart az ismert szk korltai kztt. Az ismert teljes s
the known. It is the full and correct knowledge of the kifogstalan ismerete vezet el az ismeretlenhez.
known that takes you to the unknown. You cannot Nem gondolkodhatsz rla a hasznossg s elny
think of it in terms of uses and advantages; to be kategriiban; a teljes elfogulatlansg, a minden
quite detached, beyond the reach of all self-concern, nvonatkozson, a minden nz megfontols
all selfish consideration, is an inescapable condition hatkrn val tllps elkerlhetetlen felttele a
of liberation. You may call it death; to me it is living megszabadulsnak. Lehet, hogy te hallnak
at its most meaningful and intense, for I am one with nevezed; szmomra let, annak legsokatmondbb
life in its totality and fullness -- intensity, s legmlyebb rtelmben, mert egy vagyok az
meaningfulness, harmony; what more do you want? lettel, annak teljessgben s gazdagsgban
intenzitsban, jelentsgteljessgben,
harmnijban; mi tbbet akarsz?

Q: Nothing more is needed, of course. But you are K: Semmi tbbre nincs szksg, termszetesen. De
talking of the knowable. te a megismerhetrl beszlsz.

M: Of the unknowable only silence talks. The mind M: A megismerhetetlenrl csak a csend beszl. Az
can talk only of what it knows. If you diligently elme csak arrl tud beszlni, amit ismer. Ha
investigate the knowable, it dissolves and only the gondosan tanulmnyozod a megismerhett, az
unknowable remains. But with the first flicker of szertefoszlik, s csak a megismerhetetlen marad.
imagination and interest the unknowable is obscured De a kpzelet s rdeklds els felvillansval a
and the known comes to the fore-front. The known, megismerhetetlen elhomlyosul, s az ismert kerl
the changeable, is what you live with -- the az eltrbe. Az ismert, a vltozkony, amivel egytt
unchangeable is of no use to you. It is only when lsz a megvltozhatatlannak nincs haszna
you are satiated with the changeable and long for szmodra. Csak, amikor elteltl a vltozkonnyal, s
the unchangeable, that you are ready for the turning vgydsz a megvltozhatatlanra, csak akkor llsz
round and stepping into what can be described, kszen, hogy megfordulj, s belpj abba, ami az
when seen from the level of the mind, as emptiness elme szintjrl nzve gy rhat le, mint ressg s
and darkness. For the mind craves for content and sttsg. Ugyanis az elme tartalmat s
variety, while reality is, to the mind, contentless and vltozatossgot kvetel, mg a valsg az elme
invariable. szmra tartalom nlkli, s vltozatlan.

Q: It looks like death to me. K: Ez hallnak ltszik szmomra.

M: It is. It is also all-pervading, all-conquering, M: Az. Ugyanakkor mindent betlt, mindenen

intense beyond words. No ordinary brain can stand it gyzedelmesked, mrhetetlen szavakon tli.
without being shattered; hence the absolute need for Kznsges agy nem tudja elviselni anlkl, hogy
sadhana. Purity of body and clarity of mind, non- ssze ne trne; innen ered a sadhana igazi
violence and selflessness in life are essential for szksgessge. A test tisztasga, s az elme
survival as an intelligent and spiritual entity. vilgossga, az erszakmentessg s nzetlensg
az letben, lnyeges dolgok az intelligens s
spiritulis entitsknt val letben maradshoz.

Q: Are there entities in reality? K: Vannak entitsok a valsgban?

M: Identity is Reality, Reality is identity. Reality is not M: Az nazonossg Valsg, a Valsg

shapeless mass, a wordless chaos. It is powerful, nazonossg. A Valsg nem formtlan massza,
aware, blissful; compared to it your life is like a sztlan kosz. Ers, tudatos, dvzlt; hozz kpest
candle to the sun. az leted olyan, mint gyertya a naphoz kpest.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok

Q: By the grace of God and your teachers you lost K: Isten s tantd kegyelmbl elvesztetted
all desire and fear and reached the immovable state. minden vgyadat s flelmedet, s elrted a
My question is simple -- how do you know that your megvltozhatatlan llapotot. Krdsem egyszer
state is immovable? honnan tudod, hogy llapotod megvltozhatatlan?

M: Only the changeable can be thought of and M: Csak a vltoztathatnak lehetnek gondolatai, s
talked about. The unchangeable can only be csak az tud beszlni rla. A megvltozhatatlan csak
realised in silence. Once realised, it will deeply affect csendben tud megvalsult lenni. Amint megvalsult,
the changeable, itself remaining unaffected. mly hatssal van a vltoztatatra, mg nmaga
rintetlen marad.

Q: How do you know that you are the witness? K: Honnan tudod, hogy te a tan vagy?

M: I do not know, I am. I am, because to be M: Nem tudom, vagyok. Vagyok, mert ahhoz, hogy
everything must be witnessed. legyek, mindennek a tanjnak kell lenni.

Q: Existence can also be accepted on hearsay. K: A ltezs halloms alapjn is elfogadhat.

M: Still, finally you come to the need of a direct M: Mgis a vgn te jssz a kzvetlen tansg
witness. Witnessing, if not personal and actual, must ignyvel. A tansg, ha nem szemlyes s
at least be possible and feasible. Direct experience valsgos, legyen legalbb lehetsges, s
is the final proof. megvalsthat. A kzvetlen tapasztalat a vgs

Q: Experience may be faulty and misleading. K: A tapasztalat lehet hibs, s flrevezet is.

M: Quite, but not the fact of an experience. M: Igaz, de ez nem vonatkozik a tapasztalat
Whatever may be the experience, true or false, the tnyre. Akrmi is a tapasztalat, igaz, vagy hamis, a
fact of an experience taking place cannot be denied. tapasztalat megtrtntnek a tnye nem tagadhat.
It is its own proof. Watch yourself closely and you nmaga bizonytka. Figyeld meg gondosan
will see that whatever be the content of nmagadat, s ltni fogod, hogy brmi lett lgyen a
consciousness, the witnessing of it does not depend tudatossg tartalma, annak tansga nem fgg a
on the content. Awareness is itself and does not tartalomtl. A tudat nmaga, s nem vltozik az
change with the event. The event may be pleasant esemnnyel. Az esemny lehet kellemes, vagy
or unpleasant, minor or important, awareness is the kellemetlen, jelentktelen, vagy fontos, a tudat
same. Take note of the peculiar nature of pure ugyanaz. Vedd tudomsul a tiszta tudat klnleges
awareness, its natural self-identity, without the least termszett, az ntudatossg legkisebb nyoma
trace of self-consciousness, and go to the root of it nlkli termszetes nazonossgt, s ss le a
and you will soon realise that awareness is your true gykerig, s hamarosan fel fogod ismerni, hogy a
nature and nothing you may be aware of, you can tudat a te igaz termszeted, s semmi olyannak
call your own. nem lehetsz tudatban, amit a te sajtodnak

Q: Is not consciousness and its content one and the K: A tudatossg, s annak tartalma nem egy s
same? ugyanazok?

M: Consciousness is like a cloud in the sky and the M: A tudatossg olyan, mint felh az gen, s a
water drops are the content. The cloud needs the vzcseppek a tartalom. A felhnek szksge van a
sun to become visible, and consciousness needs napra, hogy lthatv vljon, s a tudatossgnak
being focussed in awareness. ltre van szksge, lvn, hogy a tudatban

Q: Is not awareness a form of consciousness? K: A tudat a tudatossg egy formja?

M: When the content is viewed without likes and M: Amikor a tartalom szemllse rokon- s
dislikes, the consciousness of it is awareness. But ellenszenv nlkli, akkor annak tudatossga a tudat.
still there is a difference between awareness as Mindazonltal klnbsg van a tudatossgban
reflected in consciousness and pure awareness tkrztt tudat s a tudatossgon tli tiszta tudat
beyond consciousness. Reflected awareness, the kztt. A tkrztt tudat, az n tudatos vagyok

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
sense I am aware is the witness, while pure rzse a tansg, mg a tiszta tudat a valsg
awareness is the essence of reality. Reflection of the eszencija. A napnak a vzcseppen val
sun in a drop of water is the reflection of the sun, no tkrzdse ktsgtelenl a nap tkrkpe, de nem
doubt, but not the sun itself. Between awareness a nap maga. A tudatossgban tanknt tkrzd
reflected in consciousness as the witness and pure tudat s a tiszta tudat kztt szakadk van, amelyet
awareness there is a gap, which the mind cannot az elme kptelen thidalni.

Q: Does it not depend on the way you look at it? The K: Ez nem a megfigyelsnek mdjtl fgg? Az
mind says there is a difference. The heart says there elme azt mondja, van klnbsg. A szv azt mondja,
is none. nincs.

M: Of course there is no difference. The real sees M: Termszetesen, nincs klnbsg. A valdi az ,
the real in the unreal. It is the mind that creates the ami ltja a valdit a nem valdiban. Az elme az,
unreal and it is the mind that sees the false as false. amely ltrehozza a nem valdit, s az elme az,
amely a hamisat hamisnak ltja.

Q: I understood that the experience of the real K: gy tudom, hogy a valdi tapasztalata a hamis
follows seeing the false as false. hamisnak ltsa utn kvetkezik.

M: There is no such thing as the experience of the M: Nem ltezik ilyesmi, hogy a valdi tapasztalata. A
real. The real is beyond experience. All experience valdi tapasztalaton tli. Minden tapasztals az
is in the mind. You know the real by being real. elmben zajlik. A valdi csak gy ismerhet, hogy
valdiknt ltezel.

Q: If the real is beyond words and mind, why do we K: Ha a valdi tl van a szavakon s az elmn,
talk so much about it? akkor mirt beszlsz rla olyan sokat?

M: For the joy of it, of course. The real is bliss M: Annak lvezete miatt, termszetesen. A valdi a
supreme. Even to talk of it is happiness. legfbb dvssg. Mg beszlni rla is boldogsg.

Q: I hear you talking of the unshakable and blissful. K: Hallgatom, amint a rendthetetlenrl s az
What is in your mind when you use these words? dvzltrl beszlsz. Mi van az elmdben, mikor
ezeket a szavakat hasznlod?

M: There is nothing in my mind. As you hear the M: Semmi nincs az elmmben. Ahogy te hallod a
words, so do I hear them. The power that makes szavakat, gy hallom n is. Az er, amely mindent
everything happen makes them also happen. megtrtntt tesz, teszi ezeket is megtrtntt.

Q: But you are speaking, not me. K: De te vagy, aki beszlsz, nem n.

M: That is how it appears to you. As I see it, two M: Ez szmodra jelenik meg gy. Ahogy n ltom,
body-minds exchange symbolic noises. In reality kt test-elme szimbolikus zajokat cserl. A
nothing happens. valsgban semmi nem trtnik.

Q: Listen Sir. I am coming to you because I am in K: Hallgass meg, Uram. Azrt fordulok hozzd, mert
trouble. I am a poor soul lost in a world I do not bajban vagyok. n egy szegny llek vagyok, aki
understand. I am afraid of Mother Nature who wants elveszett egy vilgban, amit nem rt. Tartok az
me to grow, procreate and die. When I ask for the Anyatermszettl, aki azt kvnja tlem, hogy
meaning and purpose of all this, she does not nvekedjek, nemzzek, s meghaljak. Amikor krdre
answer. I have come to you because I was told that vonom, hogy mi rtelme s clja mindennek, nem
you are kind and wise. You talk about the vlaszol. Eljttem hozzd, mert gy hallottam,
changeable as false and transient and this I can jsgos, s blcs vagy. A vltoztathatrl, mint
understand. But when you talk of the immutable, I hamisrl, s mlandrl beszlsz, s ezt rtem. De
feel lost. Not this, not that, beyond knowledge, of no amikor a vltozhatatlanrl beszlsz, elveszettnek
use -- why talk of it all? Does it exist, or is it a rzem magam. Nem ez, nem az, tudatossgon tli,
concept only, a verbal opposite to the changeable? haszontalan mirt mondod mindezeket? Ltez
dolog ez, vagy fogalom csupn, a vltoztathatnak a
verblis ellentte?

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
M: It is, it alone is. But in your present state it is of M: Van, egyedl az van. De jelenlegi llapotodban
no use to you. Just like the glass of water near your nincs haszna szmodra. Mint ahogy az gyad
bed if of no use to you, when you dream that you are melletti veg vznek nincs haszna szmodra, amikor
dying of thirst in a desert. I am trying to wake you azt lmodod, hogy szomjsgtl haldokolsz a
up, whatever your dream. sivatagban. n megprbllak felbreszteni, akrmit

Q: Please dont tell me that I am dreaming and that I K: Ne mondd, krlek, hogy lmodom, s hogy
will soon wake up. I wish it were so. But I am awake hamarosan felbredek. Azt kvnom, brcsak gy
and in pain. You talk of a painless state, but you add lenne. De bren vagyok, s szenvedek.
that I cannot have it in my present condition. I feel Fjdalommentes llapotrl beszlsz, de
lost. hozzteszed, hogy a jelenlegi llapotomban nem
birtokolhatom. Elveszettnek rzem magam.

M: Dont feel lost. I only say that to find the M: Ne rezd magad elveszettnek. n csak azt
immutable and blissful you must give up your hold mondom, hogy a vltozhatatlan s dvteljes
on the mutable and painful. You are concerned with megtallshoz fel kell adnod a vltozhoz s
your own happiness and I am telling you that there is fjdalmashoz val ragaszkodsodat. Te sajt
no such thing. Happiness is never your own, it is boldogsgod miatt nyugtalankodsz, s n azt
where the I is not. I do not say it is beyond your mondom neked, hogy nincs ilyen dolog. A
reach; you have only to reach out beyond yourself, boldogsg soha nem a te sajtod, ez olyan, amiben
and you will find it. nincs benne az n. Nem mondom, hogy tl van az
elrhetsgeden; csak ki kell nylnod nmagadon
tlra, s meg fogod tallni.

Q: If I have to go beyond myself, why did I get the I K: Ha nmagamon tlra kell mennem, akkor
am idea in the first instance? mindenekeltt, mirt kaptam az n vagyok idet?

M: The mind needs a centre to draw a circle. The M: Az elmnek kzppontra van szksge, hogy
circle may grow bigger and with every increase there krt rajzoljon. A kr nvekedhet, s minden
will be a change in the sense I am. A man who took nvekedssel vltozs kvetkezik be az n vagyok
himself in hand, a Yogi, will draw a spiral, yet the rzsben. Az nmagt kzben tart ember, a Yogi,
centre will remain, however vast the spiral. A day egy spirlt fog rajzolni, a kzppont mgis meg fog
comes when the entire enterprise is seen as false maradni, akrmilyen hatalmas a spirl. Eljn a nap,
and given up. The central point is no more and the amikor az egsz vllalkozsrl kiderl, hogy hamis,
universe becomes the centre. s feladsra kerl. A kzppont megsznik, s az
univerzum vlik a kzppontt.

Q: Yes, maybe. But what am I to do now? K: Igen, lehetsges. De mit kell tennem most?

M: Assiduously watch your ever-changing life, probe M: Kitartan figyeld llandan vltoz letedet,
deeply into the motives beyond your actions and you hatolj a cselekedeteid mgtti motvumok mlyre,
will soon prick the bubble in which you are enclosed. s hamarosan ki fogod szrni a buborkot, amelybe
A chic needs the shell to grow, but a day comes be vagy zrva. A csirknek szksge van a
when the shell must be broken. If it is not, there will tojshjra, hogy nvekedjen, de eljn a nap, amikor
be suffering and death. a hjat fel kell trni. Ha ez nem kvetkezik be,
szenveds lesz, s hall.

Q: Do you mean to say that if I do not take to Yoga, I K: Azt akarod mondani, hogy ha nem kezdek
am doomed to extinction? Yogzni, pusztulsra vagyok tlve?

M: There is the Guru who will come to your rescue. M: Jnni fog a Guru, hogy megmentsen. Addig
In the meantime be satisfied with watching the flow elgedj meg leted folyamnak a figyelsvel; ha
of your life; if your watchfulness is deep and steady, bersged mly s lland, folyvst a forrs fel
ever turned towards the source, it will gradually fordul, akkor fokonknt halad r ellen, mg egyszer
move upstream till suddenly it becomes the source. csak a forrss nem vlik. Igyekezz a tudatoddal
Put your awareness to work, not your mind. The dolgozni, ne az elmddel. Az elme nem a megfelel
mind is not the right instrument for this task. The eszkz ehhez a feladathoz. Az idtlen csak az
timeless can be reached only by the timeless. Your idtlennel rhet el. Tested s elmd egyarnt
body and your mind are both subject to time; only alvetettek az idnek; csak a tudat idtlen, st, a

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
awareness is timeless, even in the now. In mostban lv. A tudatban szembenzel a tnyekkel,
awareness you are facing facts and reality is fond of s a tnyek forrsa a valsg.

Q: You rely entirely on my awareness to take me K: Egszen a tudatomra bzod, hogy hatalmba
over and not on the Guru and God. kertsen, s nem a Gurura, vagy Istenre.

M: God gives the body and the mind and the Guru M: Isten a testet, s az elmt adja, s a Guru a
shows the way to use them. But returning to the mdot mutatja, ahogyan hasznld azokat. De a
source is your own task. forrshoz val visszatrs a te sajt feladatod.

Q: God has created me, he will look after me. K: Isten teremtett, fog rlam gondoskodni.

M: There are innumerable gods, each in his own M: Szmtalan isten van, mindegyik a sajt
universe. They create and re-create eternally. Are univerzumban. Teremtenek s jrateremtenek,
you going to wait for them to save you? What you szntelen. rjuk vrsz, hogy megmentsenek? Ami
need for salvation is already within your reach. Use dvzlsedhez szksges, az mr kezed gyben
it. Investigate what you know to its very end and you van. Hasznld. Tanulmnyozd a vgskig, amit
will reach the unknown layers of your being. Go ismersz, s el fogod rni az ismeretlen rtegeit a
further and the unexpected will explode in you and ltednek. Menj tovbb, s fel fog robbanni benned a
shatter all. vratlan, s mindent sszetr.

Q: Does it mean death? K: Ez hallt jelent?

M: It means life -- at last. M: letet jelent vgre valahra.

86. The Unknown is the Home of the 86. Az ismeretlen a valdi otthona
Questioner: Who is the Guru and who is the Krdez: Ki a Guru, s ki a legfelsbb Guru?
supreme Guru?

Maharaj: All that happens in your consciousness is Maharaj: Minden, ami a tudatossgodban trtnik a
your Guru. And pure awareness beyond te Gurud. s a tudatossgon tli tiszta tudat a
consciousness is the supreme Guru. legfelsbb Guru.

Q: My Guru is Sri Babaji. What is your opinion of K: Nekem Sri Babaji a Gurum. Mi a vlemnyed
him? rla?

M: What a question to ask. The space in Bombay is M: Micsoda krdseket teszel fel. Megkrdezik a
asked what is its opinion of the space in Poona. The Bombayban lv teret, hogy mi a vlemnye a
names differ, but not the space. The word Babaji is Poonban lv trrl. A nevek klnbznek, de a tr
merely as address. Who lives under the address? nem. A Babaji sz egy cm csupn. Ki lakik ezen a
You ask questions when you are in trouble. Enquire cmen? Akkor teszel fel krdseket, mikor gondban
who is giving trouble and to whom. vagy. Kutasd fel, ki okozta a gondot, s kinek.

Q: I understand everybody is under the obligation to K: Megrtem, hogy mindenki a megvalsuls

realise. Is it his duty, or his destiny? elktelezettje. Ktelessg ez, vagy sors?

M: Realisation is of the fact that you are not a M: A megvalsuls annak a tnye, hogy te nem
person. Therefore, it cannot be the duty of the szemly vagy. Kvetkezskppen nem lehet a
person whose destiny is to disappear. Its destiny is szemly ktelessge, akinek az eltns a sorsa. Ez
the duty of him who imagines himself to be the a sors annak a ktelessge, aki kpzeli magt a
person. Find out who he is and the imagined person szemlynek. Fedezd fel, ki , s a kpzelt szemly
will dissolve. Freedom is from something. What are szertefoszlik. Szabadsg csak valamitl lehetsges.
you to be free from? Obviously, you must be free Mitl kell megszabadulnod? Nyilvnval, hogy a
from the person, you take yourself to be, for it is the szemlytl kell szabadd vlnod, nmagadd kell

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
idea you have of yourself that keeps you in vlnod, mert ez az ided tart tged megktzve.

Q: How is the person removed? K: Hogyan tvoltjk el a szemly?

M: By determination. Understand that it must go and M: Eltkltsg rvn. rtsd meg, hogy tvoznia kell,
wish it to go -- it shall go if you are earnest about it. s kvnd, hogy eltvozzon el fog tvozni, ha
Somebody, anybody, will tell you that you are pure komolyan veszed. Valaki, akrki, azt fogja neked
consciousness, not a body-mind. Accept it as a mondani, hogy te a tiszta tudatossg vagy, nem
possibility and investigate earnestly. You may test-elme. Fogadd el lehetsgknt, s vedd
discover that it is not so, that you are not a person komolyan fontolra. Lehet, hogy felfedezed, hogy
bound in space and time. Think of the difference it mskpp van, hogy te nem egy tr s id ltal
would make. meghatrozott szemly vagy. Gondolkodj a
klnbsgen, amit ez teremtene.

Q: If I am not a person, then what am I? K: Ha nem szemly vagyok, akkor mi vagyok?

M: Wet cloth looks, feels, smells differently as long M: A nedves ruhnak ms a megjelense, rintse,
as it is wet. When dry it is again the normal cloth. szaga, amg nedves. Amikor megszrad, ismt a
Water has left it and who can make out that it was normlis ruha. A vz eltvozott belle, s ki
wet? Your real nature is not like what you appear to mondan meg, hogy nedves volt? Valdi
be. Give up the idea of being a person, that is all. termszeted nem az, aminek lenni ltszol. Add fel a
You need not become what you are anyhow. There szemlyknt val ltezs idejt, ez minden. Nem
is the identity of what you are and there is the kell azz vlnod, ami mindenkppen te vagy. Van
person superimposed on it. All you know is the annak az identitsa, ami vagy, s van a szemly,
person, the identity -- which is not a person -- you do ami r van helyezve. Te csak a szemlyt ismered,
not know, for you never doubted, never asked az identitst amely nem szemly nem ismered,
yourself the crucial question -- Who am I. The mert soha nem ktelkedtl, soha nem tetted fel
identity is the witness of the person and sadhana magadnak a dnt krdst ki vagyok n. Az
consists in shifting the emphasis from the superficial identits a szemly tanja, s a sadhana a felletes
and changeful person to the immutable and ever- s szeszlyes szemly fell a vltozhatatlan s
present witness. mindig jelenlv tan fel val hangsly eltoldst

Q: How is it that the question Who am I attracts me K: Hogy van az, hogy a ki vagyok n krds rm
little? I prefer to spend my time in the sweet csekly vonzst gyakorol? Jobb szeretem az idmet
company of saints. a szentek kellemes trsasgban tlteni.

M: Abiding in your own being is also holy company. M: A sajt ltedben val tartzkods szintn szent
If you have no problem of suffering and release from trsasg. Ha nem problma szmodra a szenveds,
suffering, you will not find the energy and s lemondasz a szenvedsrl, nem fogod megtallni
persistence needed for self-enquiry. You cannot az nkutatshoz szksges energit, s kitartst.
manufacture a crisis. It must be genuine. Krzist nem lehet kiagyalni. Annak valdinak kell

Q: How does a genuine crisis happen? K: Hogyan fordul el valdi krzis?

M: It happens every moment, but you are not alert M: Minden pillanatban elfordul, de nem vagy elg
enough. A shadow on your neighbours face, the ber. A szomszdod arcn tsuhan rnyk, a
immense and all-pervading sorrow of existence is a ltezs mrhetetlen s mindenre kiterjed
constant factor in your life, but you refuse to take szomorsga lland tnyezje letednek, de te
notice. You suffer and see others suffer, but you megtagadod tle a figyelmet. Szenvedsz, s ltod
dont respond. msok szenvedst, de te nem vagy r rzkeny.

Q: What you say is true, but what can I do about it? K: Amit mondasz igaz, de mit tudok vele kezdeni?
Such indeed is the situation. My helplessness and Valban ez a helyzet. Ktsgbeesettsgem s
dullness are a part of it. tompasgom is rsze mindennek.

M: Good enough. Look at yourself steadily -- it is M: Ez elegend. Szemlld magad folyamatosan

enough. The door that locks you in, is also the door ez elegend. Az ajt, ami bezr tged, ugyanaz az

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
that lets you out. The I am is the door. Stay at it ajt, ami kienged. Az n vagyok az ajt. Tartzkodj
until it opens. As a matter of fact, it is open, only you benne, amg ki nem nylik. Ami azt illeti, nyitva is
are not at it. You are waiting at the non-existent van, csak te nem benne tartzkodsz. Egy nem
painted doors, which will never open. ltez, hamis ajtnl vrakozol, amely soha nem fog

Q: Many of us were taking drugs at some time, and K: Egy idben sokan szedtnk drogokat, valamilyen
to some extent. People told us to take drugs in order mrtkben. Azt mondtk egyesek, drogokat kell
to break through into higher levels of consciousness. szednnk annak rdekben, hogy a tudatossg
Others advised us to have abundant sex for the magasabb szintjre kerljnk. Msok azt
same purpose. What is your opinion in the matter? tancsoltk, szexeljnk gyakran, ugyanezen cl
rdekben. Mi a vlemnyed ezzel kapcsolatban?

M: No doubt, a drug that can affect your brain can M: Az agyadra hat drog elmdre is ktsgtelenl
also affect your mind, and give you all the strange hatssal lehet, s megad szmodra mindenfle
experiences promised. But what are all the drugs klnleges lmnyt, amit gr. De mit szmt az
compared to the drug that gave you this most sszes drog ahhoz a droghoz kpest, amit a
unusual experience of being born and living in megszlets, s a szomorsgban s flelemben
sorrow and fear, in search of happiness, which does eltlttt let jelent, a boldogsg keresse kzepette,
not come, or does not last. You should enquire into ami nem jn, illetve nem tarts. Tanulmnyoznod
the nature of this drug and find an antidote. kell ennek a drognak a termszett, s meg kell
tallnod az ellenmrget.
Birth, life, death -- they are one. Find out what had
caused them. Before you were born, you were Szlets, let, hall ezek egyek. Fedezd fel, mi
already drugged. What kind of drug was it? You may idzte el ket. Mieltt megszlettl volna, mr
cure yourself of all diseases, but if you are still under drogoztl. Mifle drog volt az? Krlhatod magad
the influence of the primordial drug, of what use are mindenfle betegsgek ellen, de ha mg mindig az
the superficial cures? eredeti drog hatsa alatt vagy, mi haszna a felleti

Q: Is it not karma that causes rebirth? K: Nem a karma okozza az jraszletst?

M: You may change the name, but the fact remains. M: Megvltoztathatod a nevet, de tny megmarad.
What is the drug which you call karma or destiny? It Mifle drog az, amit karmnak, vagy sorsnak
made you believe yourself to be what you are not. nevezel? Rvett, hogy annak hidd magad, ami nem
What is it, and can you be free of it? Before you go vagy. Mi ez, s meg tudsz-e tle szabadulni? Mieltt
further you must accept, at least as a working tovbblpnl, el kell fogadnod, legalbb munka
theory, that you are not what you appear to be, that teriaknt, hogy nem az vagy, aminek ltszol, hogy
you are under the influence of a drug. Then only will kbtszer hatsa alatt llsz. Csak akkor lesz meg a
you have the urge and the patience to examine the ksztetsed s a trelmed, hogy megvizsgld a
symptoms and search for their common cause. All tneteket, s keresd azok kzs okt. A Guru csak
that a Guru can tell you is: My dear Sir, you are ennyit tud neked mondani: Kedves Uram, teljes
quite mistaken about yourself. You are not the tvedsben vagy nmagaddal kapcsolatban. Te
person you think yourself to be. Trust nobody, not nem az a szemly vagy, akinek gondolod magad.
even yourself. Search, find out, remove and reject Ne higgy senkinek, mg nmagadnak sem. Keress,
every assumption till you reach the living waters and tallj meg, tvolts el, s utasts el minden feltevst,
the rock of truth. Until you are free of the drug, all mg el nem red az l vizeket, s az igazsg kvt.
your religions and sciences, prayers and Yogas are Amg meg nem szabadulsz a drogtl, addig az
of no use to you, for based on a mistake, they sszes valls s tudomny, imdsg s Yoga
strengthen it. But if you stay with the idea that you haszontalan szmodra, mert olyan hibn alapulnak,
are not the body nor the mind, not even their amit tovbb erstenek. De ha elfogadod az idet,
witness, but altogether beyond, your mind will grow hogy te sem a test, sem az elme, sem azok tanja
in clarity, your desires -- in purity, your actions -- in nem vagy, hanem mindezeken tli, akkor meg fog
charity and that inner distillation will take you to nvekedni elmd vilgossga, vgyaid tisztasga,
another world, a world of truth and fearless love. cselekedeteid knyrletessge, s ez a bels
Resist your old habits of feeling and thinking; keep desztillci tvisz egy msik vilgba, az igazsgnak,
on telling yourself: No, not so, it cannot be so; I am s a flelemmentes szeretetnek a vilgba. llj ellen
not like this, I do not need it, I do not want it, and a rzseid s gondolkodsod rgi szoksainak;
day will surely come when the entire structure of folytasd, hogy azt mondod magadnak: Nem, nem
error and despair will collapse and the ground will be gy van, nem lehet gy; nem vagyok olyan, mint ez,

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
free for a new life. After all, you must remember, that nincs szksgem erre, nem akarom ezt, s egy nap
all your preoccupations with yourself are only in your biztosan bekvetkezik a tveds s ktsgbeess
waking hours and partly in your dreams; in sleep all egsz struktrjnak sszeomlsa, s a terep
is put aside and forgotten. It shows how little megtisztul, hogy j let keletkezzk. Mindent
important is your waking life, even to yourself, that egybevetve, emlkezned kell, hogy minden
merely lying down and closing the eyes can end it. nmagadba feledkezsed csak brenlti ridra, s
Each time you go to sleep you do so without the rszben lmaidra jellemz; alvskor mindez
least certainty of waking up and yet you accept the mellzsre, s elfelejtsre kerl. Az mutatja, hogy
risk. brenlti llapotod mily kevss fontos, mg
nmagad szmra is, hogy mr az is vget vethet
neki, hogy lefekszel, s becsukod a szemed.
Mindahnyszor aludni msz, azt a felbreds
legcseklyebb bizonyossga nlkl teszed, s te
mgis elfogadod ezt a kockzatot.

Q: When you sleep, are you conscious or K: Alvs kzben tudatos, vagy tudattalan vagy?

M: I remain conscious, but not conscious of being a M: Tudatos maradok, de konkrt szemlyknt val
particular person. ltezsnek nem vagyok tudatban.

Q: Can you give us the taste of the experience of K: Tudsz kstolt adni neknk az nmegvalsuls
self-realisation? tapasztalatbl?

M: Take the whole of it. It is here for the asking. But M: Vedd az egszet. Arra van sznva, hogy krd.
you do not ask. Even when you ask, you do not De nem kred. De mikor kred, sem veszed el.
take. Find out what prevents you from taking. Fedezd fel, mi akadlyoz abban, hogy elvedd.

Q: I know what prevents -- my ego. K: Tudom, mi akadlyoz az egm.

M: Then get busy with your ego -- leave me alone. M: Akkor foglalkozz az egddal engem hagyj
As long as you are locked up within your mind, my magamra. Amg elmdbe vagy bezrva, addig az n
state is beyond your grasp. llapotom is meghaladja a megrtsedet.

Q: I find I have no more questions to ask. K: gy tallom, elfogytak a krdseim.

M: Were you really at war with your ego, you would M: Ha tnyleg hborban llnl az egddal, sokkal
have put many more questions. You are short of tbb krdst tennl fel. Azrt nincsenek krdseid,
questions because you are not really interested. At mert nem vagy igazn rdekelt. Tged jelenleg az
present you are moved by the pleasure-pain rm-fjdalom elv mozgat, ami az eg. Az egddal
principle which is the ego. You are going along with egytt fogsz elmenni, mert nem harcolsz vele. Mg
the ego, you are not fighting it. You are not even annak sem vagy tudatban, hogy milyen totlisan
aware how totally you are swayed by personal uralkodnak feletted a szemlyes megfontolsok. Az
considerations. A man should always revolt against embernek mindig lzadnia kell nmaga ellen, mert
himself, for the ego, like a crooked mirror, narrows az eg grbe tkrknt korltoz s torzt. Minden
down and distorts. It is the worst of all the tyrants, it zsarnokok legrosszabbika, aki abszolt uralmat
dominates you absolutely. gyakorol feletted.

Q: When there is no I who is free? K: Amikor nincs n, ki az, aki szabad?

M: The world is free of a mighty nuisance. Good M: A vilg a szabad egy hatalmas nygtl. Mr j.

Q: Good for whom? K: Kinek j?

M: Good for everybody. It is like a rope stretched M: Mindenkinek j. Olyan ez, mint az ton
across the street, it snarls up the traffic. Roll up, it is keresztben kifesztett ktl, zavarja a kzlekedst.
there, as mere identity, useful when needed. Gombolytsd fel, legyen ott, szemlyazonossgknt
Freedom from the ego-self is the fruit of self-enquiry. pusztn, amely szksg esetn hasznavehet. Az
egs ntl val szabadsg az nkutats gymlcse.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok

Q: There was a time when I was most displeased K: Volt id, mikor sokkal elgedetlenebb voltam
with myself. Now I have met my Guru and I am at nmagammal. Tallkoztam Gurummal, s bkben
peace, after having surrendered myself to him lek, miutn teljesen tadtam magamat neki.

M: If you watch your daily life you will see that you M: Ha megfigyeled mindennapi letedet, ltni fogod,
have surrendered nothing. You have merely added hogy nem adtad t magad semminek. Pusztn az
the word surrender to your vocabulary and made tads szval bvtetted a sztradat, s a
your Guru into a peg to hang your problems on. Real Gurudbl fogast csinltl, hogy felaggasd r a
surrender means doing nothing, unless prompted by problmidat. A valdi ntads azt jelenti, hogy
your Guru. You step, so to say, aside and let your nem csinlsz semmit, hacsak a Gurud meg nem kr
Guru live your life. You merely watch and wonder r. Te gyszlvn flrellsz, s hagyod, hogy a Guru
how easily he solves the problems which to you lje az leted. Te pusztn figyeled, s csodlod,
seemed insoluble. hogy milyen knnyen oldja meg a problmkat,
amelyek szmodra megoldhatatlannak ltszanak.

Q: As I sit here, I see the room, the people. I see K: Ahogy itt lk, ltom a szobt, az embereket.
you too. How does it look at your end? What do you Hogyan ltszik ez a te oldaladrl? Mit ltsz?

M: Nothing. I look, but I do not see in the sense of M: Semmit. Nzek, de nem ltok abban az
creating images clothed with judgements. I do not rtelemben, hogy tletekbe ltztetett kpeket
describe nor evaluate. I look, I see you, but neither hoznk ltre. Nem rok le, s nem rtkelek semmit.
attitude nor opinion cloud my vision. And when I turn Nzek, ltlak tged, de sem attitd, sem vlemny
my eyes away, my mind does not allow memory to nem homlyostja ltsomat. s amikor tekintetemet
linger; it is at once free and fresh for the next elfordtom, elmm nem engedi, hogy emlkezetem a
impression. ltottakon idzzn; azonnal szabadd s friss vlik
a kvetkez benyomsra.

Q: As I am here, looking at you, I cannot locate the K: Ahogy itt lk, s tged nzlek, nem tudom az
event in space and time. There is something eternal esemnyt trbe s idbe helyezni. Valami
and universal about the transmission of wisdom that rkkval s egyetemes van a blcsessg
is taking place. Ten thousand years earlier, or later, tadsban, ami vgbemegy. Tzezer vvel
make no difference -- the event itself is timeless. korbban, vagy ksbb, nem vltoztat a lnyegen
az esemny maga idtlen.

M: Man does not change much over the ages. M: Az ember nem sokat vltozik a genercik sorn.
Human problems remain the same and call for the Az emberi problmk ugyanazok maradnak, s
same answers. Your being conscious of what you ugyanazokrt a vlaszokrt kiltanak. Az, hogy
call transmission of wisdom shows that wisdom has tudatban vagy annak, amit a blcsessg
not yet been transmitted. When you have it, you are tadsnak nevezel, azt mutatja, hogy a blcsessg
no longer conscious of it. What is really your own, mg nem kerlt tadsra. Amint megkaptad, nem
you are not conscious of. What you are conscious of leszel tbb tudatban. Ami valban a sajtod,
is neither you nor yours. Yours is the power of annak nem vagy tudatban. Aminek tudatban vagy,
perception, not what you perceive. It is a mistake to arrl nem mondhat sem az, hogy te vagy, sem az,
take the conscious to be the whole of man. Man is hogy a tid. Tid az szlels hatalma, amit szlelsz,
the unconscious, conscious and the super- az nem. Hiba azt felttelezni, hogy az ember egsze
conscious, but you are not the man. Yours is the tudatos. Ember a tudattalan, a tudatos, s a tudat
cinema screen, the light as well as the seeing feletti, de te nem az ember vagy. Tid a mozivszon,
power, but the picture is not you. a fny, valamint a lts kpessge, de a kp nem te

Q: Must I search for the Guru, or shall I stay with K: Keressem tovbb a Gurut, vagy annl maradjak,
whomever I have found? akit megtalltam?

M: The very question shows that you have not yet M: Valjban mr a krds elrulja, hogy mg nem
found one. As long as you have not realised, you will talltl egyet sem. Amg nem valsultl meg, addig
move from Guru to Guru, but when you have found Gurutl Guruig fogsz vndorolni, de mikor
yourself, the search will end. A Guru is a milestone. megtalltad nmagadat, a keress vget r. A Guru

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
When you are on the move, you pass so many mrfldk. Utazs kzben nagyon sok mrfldk
milestones. When you have reached your mellett elhaladsz. Amikor elred a clodat, az utols
destination, it is the last alone that mattered. In mrfldk az, ami szmt. Valjban minden a maga
reality all mattered at their own time and none idejben, s semmi nem most szmt.
matters now.

Q: You seem to give no importance to the Guru. He K: gy tnik, nem tulajdontasz fontossgot a
is merely an incident among others. Gurunak. egy mozzanat csupn, egyebek kztt.

M: All incidents contribute, but none is crucial. On M: Minden mozzanatnak szerepe van, de semelyik
the road each step helps you reach your destination, sem kritikus fontossg. Az ton minden lps a
and each is as crucial as the other, for each step clod elrst segti, s mindegyik annyira kritikus,
must be made, you cannot skip it. If you refuse to mint a msik, mert minden lpst meg kell tenni,
make it, you are stuck. nem tudod tugrani. Ha megtagadod a megttelt,

Q: Everybody sings the glories of the Guru, while K: Mindenki a Guru dicssgrl nekel, mikzben
you compare him to a milestone. Dont we need a te mrfldkhz hasonltod. Nincs szksgnk
Guru? Gurura?

M: Dont we need a milestone? Yes and no. Yes, if M: Nincs-e szksgnk mrfldkre? Van, s nincs.
we are uncertain, no if we know our way. Once we Van, ha bizonytalanok vagyunk, nincs, ha ismerjk
are certain in ourselves, the Guru is no longer az utat. Amint biztoss vlunk magunkban, nincs
needed, except in a technical sense. Your mind is tbb szksg Gurura, hacsak nem technikai
an instrument, after all, and you should know how to rtelemben. Az elmd egy mszer, vgs soron, s
use it. As you are taught the uses of your body, so tudnod kell, hogyan kell hasznlni. Ahogy
you should know how to use your mind. megtanultad hasznlni a tested, ugyan gy tudnod
kell, hogyan kell az elmdet hasznlni.

Q: What do I gain by learning to use my mind? K: Mit nyerek azzal, ha megtanulom hasznlni az

M: You gain freedom from desire and fear, which M: Szabadsgot nyersz vgytl s flelemtl, amely
are entirely due to wrong uses of the mind. Mere kizrlag elmd rossz hasznlata miatt van. Puszta
mental knowledge is not enough. The known is mentlis tuds nem elegend. Az ismert esetleges,
accidental, the unknown is the home of the real. To a nem ismert a valsg otthona. Az ismertben lni
live in the known is bondage, to live in the unknown ktttsg, a nem ismertben lni megszabaduls.
is liberation.

Q: I have understood that all spiritual practice K: Tudom, hogy minden spiritulis gyakorlat a
consists in the elimination of the personal self. Such szemlyes n kikszblsben ll. Az ilyen
practice demands iron determination and relentless gyakorlatok kkemny elhatrozst, s hajlthatatlan
application. Where to find the integrity and energy szorgalmat kvetelnek meg. Hol tallhat az
for such work? integrits s energia, amely az ilyen munkhoz

M: You find it in the company of the wise? M: Kerested a blcs trsasgban?

Q: How do I know who is wise and who is merely K: Honnan tudhatom, ki a blcs, s ki az, aki okos
clever? csupn?

M: If your motives are pure, if you seek truth and M: Ha indtkaid tisztk, ha az igazsgot keresed,
nothing else, you will find the right people. Finding s semmi mst, meg fogod tallni a megfelel
them is easy, what is difficult is to trust them and embert. Keresni ket knny, ami nehz, hinni
take full advantage of their advice and guidance. nekik, s teljes mrtkben lni a tancsaik, s
tmutatsaik nyjtotta lehetsggel.

Q: Is the waking state more important for spiritual K: Az brenlti llapot sokkal fontosabb a spiritulis
practice than sleep? gyakorlat szempontjbl, mint az alvs?

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok

M: On the whole we attach too much importance, to M: Egszben vve tl nagy fontossgot
the waking state. Without sleep the waking state tulajdontunk az brenlti llapotnak. Alvs nlkl az
would be impossible; without sleep one goes mad or brenlti llapot lehetetlen lenne; alvs nlkl az
dies; why attach so much importance to waking ember megrl, vagy meghal; mirt tulajdontasz
consciousness, which is obviously dependent on the olyan nagy fontossgot az brenlti tudatossgnak,
unconscious? Not only the conscious but the amely nyilvnvalan a tudattalantl fgg? Nem csak
unconscious as well should be taken care of in our a tudatosnak, a ugyangy gondjt kell viselni,
spiritual practice. spiritulis gyakorlsunk sorn.

Q: How does one attend to the unconscious? K: Hogyan tud az ember polni a tudattalant?

M: Keep the I am in the focus of awareness, M: Tartsd az n vagyokot a tudat fkuszban,

remember that you are, watch yourself ceaselessly tartsd emlkezetedben, hogy vagy, figyeld nmagad
and the unconscious will flow into the conscious szakadatlan, s a tudattalan be fog radni a
without any special effort on your part. Wrong tudatosba, a rszedrl trtn minden klnsebb
desires and fears, false ideas, social inhibitions are erfeszts nlkl. Rossz vgyak s flelmek, hamis
blocking and preventing its free interplay with the idek, trsadalmi tiltsok blokkoljk s akadlyozzk
conscious. Once free to mingle, the two become one a tudatossal val szabad klcsnhatst. Amint
and the one becomes all. The person merges into szabadon vegylhetnek, a kett eggy vlik, s az
the witness, the witness into awareness, awareness egy mindenn vlik. A szemly beleolvad a tanba,
into pure being, yet identity is not lost, only its a tan a tudatba, a tudat a tiszta ltbe, mg az
limitations are lost. It is transfigured, and becomes identits sem vsz el, csak korltai vesznek el.
the real Self, the sadguru, the eternal friend and talakul, s a valdi nn, a sadguruv, az rk
guide. You cannot approach it in worship. No bart, s vezet vlik. Nem tudod megkzelteni
external activity can reach the inner self; worship imdsban. Semmilyen kls tevkenysg nem
and prayers remain on the surface only; to go tudja elrni a bels nt; istenimds s imdsgok
deeper meditation is essential, the striving to go csak a felsznen maradnak; a mlyebbre hatolshoz
beyond the states of sleep, dream and waking. In nlklzhetetlen a meditci, az alvs, lom s
the beginning the attempts are irregular, then they brenlt llapotain val tllps rdekben folytatott
recur more often, become regular, then continuous kzdelem. Az erfesztsek elszr szablytalanok,
and intense, until all obstacles are conquered. majd egyre gyakrabban visszatrek, szablyoss
vlnak, majd folyamatoss, s intenzvv, mg
minden akadly lekzdsre nem kerl.

Q: Obstacles to what? K: Minek az akadlyai?

M: To self-forgetting. M: Az nelfelejts.

Q: If worship and prayers are ineffectual why do you K: Ha az istenimdsok s imdsgok hatstalanok,
worship daily, with songs and music, the image of mirt vgzel naponta istenimdst, nekekkel s
your Guru. zenvel, Gurud kpe eltt?

M: Those who want it, do it. I see no purpose in M: Azok akik akarjk, csinljk. Nem ltom
interfering. clszernek megakadlyozni.

Q: But you take part in it. K: De te is rszt veszel benne.

M: Yes, it appears so. But why be so concerned with M: Igen, gy ltszik. De mirt aggdsz rtem
me? Give all your attention to the question: What is annyira? Fordtsd teljes figyelmedet a krdsre: Mi
it that makes me conscious?, until your mind az, ami engem tudatoss tesz?, mgnem elmd
becomes the question itself and cannot think of magv a krdss nem vlik, s nem tud semmi
anything else. msra gondolni.

Q: All and sundry are urging me to meditate. I find K: Boldog boldogtalan meditcira buzdt. Nem
no zest in meditation, but I am interested in many tallok semmi lvezetet a meditciban, viszont sok
other things; some I want very much and my mind ms dolog irnt rdekldm; nmelyiket nagyon
goes to them; my attempts at meditation are so half- akarom, s gondolataim mindig krlttk jrnak;
hearted. What am I to do? meditcis ksrleteim elg lagymatagok. Mit

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok

M: Ask yourself: To whom it all happens? Use M: Tedd fel magadnak a krdst: Kivel trtnik
everything as an opportunity to go within. Light your mindez? Hasznlj mindent lehetsgknt, hogy
way by burning up obstacles in the intensity of belemenj. Vilgtsd meg utadat az akadlyoknak a
awareness. When you happen to desire or fear, it is tudat intenzitsban val felgetsvel. Ha gy
not the desire or fear that are wrong and must go, addik, hogy vgysz, vagy flsz, akkor nem a vgy
but the person who desires and fears. There is no vagy flelem az, ami rossz, s elvetend, hanem a
point in fighting desires and fears which may be szemly, aki vgyakozik, s fl. Nincs olyan pont a
perfectly natural and justified; It is the person, who is vgyak s flelmek kzdelmben, amely tkletesen
swayed by them, that is the cause of mistakes, past termszetes, s igazolt lehetne; a szemly az, aki az
and future. The person should be carefully examined uralmuk alatt ll, az oka a hibknak, mltban s
and its falseness seen; then its power over you will jvben. A szemlyt gondosan meg kell vizsglni, s
end. After all, it subsides each time you go to sleep. hamissgt szemgyre kell venni; ekkor fltted
In deep sleep you are not a self-conscious person, val hatalma vget r. Vgl is, a szemly minden
yet you are alive. When you are alive and conscious, esetben elnyugszik, amikor elalszol. Mly alvsban
but no longer self-conscious, you are not a person nem vagy ntudattal rendelkez szemly, mgis l
anymore. During the waking hours you are, as if, on vagy. Amikor l s tudatos vagy, de mr nem
the stage, playing a role, but what are you when the rendelkezel ntudattal, akkor nem vagy szemly
play is over? You are what you are; what you were tbb. brenlti ridban mintha csak sznpadon
before the play began you remain when it is over. lennl, aki szerepet jtszik, de mi vagy, amikor vge
Look at yourself as performing on the stage of life. a jtknak? Vagy, ami vagy; ami voltl a jtk
The performance may be splendid or clumsy, but kezdete eltt, az maradsz, amikor vge van is.
you are not in it, you merely watch it; with interest Tekints nmagadra, mint aki eladja lete szerept.
and sympathy, of course, but keeping in mind all the Az elads lehet ragyog, vagy lehet gyetlen, de te
time that you are only watching while the play -- life - nem vagy benne, te azt szemlled csupn;
- is going on. rdekldssel, s szimptival termszetesen, de
egsz id alatt eszedben tartva, hogy csak szemll
vagy, amg a jtk az let zajlik.

Q: You are always stressing the cognition aspect of K: Mindig a valsg ismereti aspektust emeled ki.
reality. You hardly ever mention affection, and will -- Szinte sohasem emlted a szeretetet, s nem is
never? fogod soha?

M: Will, affection, bliss, striving and enjoying are so M: Akarat, szeretet, boldogsg, kzdelem s rm,
deeply tainted with the personal, that they cannot be olyan mlyen szennyezettek a szemllyel, hogy nem
trusted. The clarification and purification needed at lehetnek bizalomra rdemesek. Szrsre s
the very start of the journey, only awareness can tiszttsra van szksg mr az t legelejn, amit
give. Love and will shall have their turn, but the csak a tudat adhat meg. Szeretetnek s akaratnak
ground must be prepared. The sun of awareness meg lesz a maguk irnya, de az alapot el kell
must rise first -- all else will follow. kszteni. A tudat napjnak fel kell elbb kelnie
minden ms ezutn fog kvetkezni.

87. Keep the Mind Silent and You shall 87. Tartsd elmdet csendesen, s fel
Discover fogod fedezni
Questioner: Once I had a strange experience. I was Krdez: Volt egyszer egy klns lmnyem. Nem
not, nor was the world, there was only light -- within voltam n, a vilg sem volt, fny volt csak kvl s
and without -- and immense peace. This lasted for bell , s mrhetetlen bke. Ngy napon keresztl
four days and then I returned to the every-day tartott ez az lmny, aztn visszatrt a htkznapi
consciousness. tudatossgom.

Now I have a feeling that all I know is merely a Most gy rzem, mintha csak egy plflben lv
scaffolding, covering and hiding the building under hzat bort, s elrejt llvnyzat lenne minden. Az
construction. The architect, the design, the plans, ptszt, a tervezst, a tervrajzokat, a clt egyiket
the purpose -- nothing I know; some activity is going sem ismerem; valamilyen tevkenysg zajlik, dolgok
on, things are happening; that is all I can say. I am trtnnek; ez minden, amit mondani tudok. n
that scaffolding, some thing very flimsy and short- vagyok ez az llvnyzat, valami olyasmi, ami

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
lived; when the building is ready, the scaffolding will gyenge, s rvid let; amikor az plet ksz, az
be dismantled and removed. The I am and the llvnyzat lebontsra, s eltvoltsra fog kerlni. Az
What am I are of no importance, because once the n vagyok s a mi vagyok n nem fontosak, mert
building is ready, the I will go as a matter of course, amint az plet elkszl, az n magtl rtetden
leaving no questions about itself to answer. eltvozik, nem hagyva maga utn megvlaszoland

Maharaj: Are you not aware of all this? Is not the Maharaj: Nem vagy tudatban mindennek? Nem a
fact of awareness the constant factor? tudat tnye az lland elem?

Q: My sense of permanency and identity is due to K: llandsg s nazonossg rzsem az

memory, which is so evanescent and unreliable. emlkezet miatt van, amely oly tnkeny, s
How little I remember, even of the recent past. I megbzhatatlan. Mily kevs az emlkem, mg a
have lived a life-time, and now what is left with me? legkzelebbi mltbl is. Leltem egy egsz letet, s
A bundle of events, at best a short story. most mi maradt szmomra? Esemnyek egy ktege,
legfeljebb egy trtnetke.

M: All this takes place within your consciousness. M: Mindez a tudatossgodon bell van.

Q: Within and without. In daytime -- within; in the K: Bell, s kvl. Nap kzben bell; jszaka
night -- without. Consciousness is not all. So many kvl. A tudatossg nem minden. Oly sok dolog
things happen beyond its reach. To say that what I trtnik a hatskrn tl. Azt mondani, hogy aminek
am not conscious of does not exist, is altogether nem vagyok tudatban nem ltezik, abszolt hiba.

M: What you say is logical, but actually you know M: Logikus, amit mondasz, de valjban csak azt
only what is in your consciousness. What you claim tudod, ami benne van a tudatossgodban. Amit a
exists outside conscious experience is inferred. tudatossgon kvlinek tartasz, az kvetkezets.

Q: It may be inferred and yet it is more real than the K: Lehet, hogy kvetkeztets, mgis sokkal
sensory. valsgosabb, mint az rzki tapasztalat.

M: Be careful. The moment you start talking you M: Vigyzat. Amint elkezdesz beszlni, ltrehozol
create a verbal universe, a universe of words, ideas, egy verblis univerzumot, szavak, idek, fogalmak
concepts and abstractions, interwoven and inter- s absztrakcik univerzumt, amelyek egymsba
dependent, most wonderfully generating, supporting fondnak, s klcsnsen egymstl fggenek, a
and explaining each other and yet all without legbmulatosabb mdon tmogatjk, s
essence or substance, mere creations of the mind. magyarzzk egymst, s mgis lnyeg vagy
Words create words, reality is silent. tartalom nlkliek, az elme teremtmnyei csupn.
Szavak teremtenek szavakat, a valsg csendes.

Q: When you talk, I hear you. Is it not a fact? K: Amikor beszlsz, n hallak tged. Ez nem tny?

M: That you hear is a fact. What you hear -- is not. M: Az tny, hogy hallasz,. Amit hallasz nem az. A
The fact can be experienced, and in that sense the tny tapasztalhat, s ebben az rtelemben a sz
sound of the word and the mental ripples it causes hangzata, s az ltala okozott szellemi hullmok
are experienced. There is no other reality behind it. kerlnek tapasztalsra. Nincs msik valsg
Its meaning is purely conventional, to be mgtte. Jelentse pusztn megllapodson alapul,
remembered; a language can be easily forgotten, meg kell jegyezni; a nyelv knnyen elfelejthet, ha
unless practiced. nem gyakoroljk.

Q: If words have no reality in them why talk at all? K: Ha a szavaknak nincs nmagukban vett
realitsuk, mirt van egyltaln beszd?

M: They serve their limited purpose of inter-personal M: A szemlyek kztti kommunikciban tlt be
communication. Words do not convey facts, they korltozott szerepet. A szavak nem kzvettenek
signal them. Once you are beyond the person, you tnyeket, jelzik azokat. A szemly meghaladst
need no words. kveten nincs szksged szavakra.

Q: What can take me beyond the person? How to go K: Mi vihet engem tl a szemlyen? Hogyan kell

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
beyond consciousness? meghaladni a tudatossgot?

M: Words and questions come from the mind and M: A szavak s a krdsek az elmbl jnnek, s
hold you there. To go beyond the mind, you must be tged ahhoz ktnek. Az elme meghaladshoz
silent and quiet. Peace and silence, silence and csendesnek s nyugodtnak kell lenned. Bke s
peace -- this is the way beyond. Stop asking csend, csend s bke ez a meghalads mdja.
questions. lltsd le a krdezskdst.

Q: Once I give up asking questions, what am I to K: Miutn lemondtam a krdezskdsrl, mit kell
do? tennem?

M: What can you do but wait and watch? M: Mi egyebet tehetnl, mint vrsz, s figyelsz?

Q: What am I to wait for? K: Mire kell vrnom?

M: For the centre of your being to emerge into M: Arra, hogy lted kzppontja megjelenjen a
consciousness. The three states -- sleeping, tudatossgodban. A hrom llapot alvs, lom, s
dreaming and waking are all in consciousness, the brenlt idbeli; a megnyilvnulatlan teljes
manifested; what you call unconsciousness will also egszben a tudatossgon tl llomsozik. s a lt
be manifested -- in time; beyond consciousness mindent meghalad, s mindent betlt szve sznet
altogether lies the unmanifested. And beyond all, nlkl dobogja megnyilvnult-megnyilvnulatlan;
and pervading all, is the heart of being which beats megnyilvnult-megnyilvnulatlan (saguna-nirguna).
steadily -- manifested-unmanifested; manifested-
unmanifested (saguna-nirguna).

Q: On the verbal level it sounds all right. I can K: A szavak szintjn nagyszeren hangzik. El tudom
visualise myself as the seed of being, a point in magamat kpzelni a lt magjaknt, a tudatossg egy
consciousness, with my sense I am pulsating, pontjaknt, amely az n vagyok rzsemmel val
appearing and disappearing alternately. But what egytt lktetsben vltakozva megjelenik, s eltnik.
am I to do to realise it as a fact, to go beyond into De mit kell tennem azon tny realizlshoz, hogy
the changeless, wordless Reality? tl kell lpjek a megvltozhatatlanba, a szavakkal ki
nem fejezhet Valsgba?

M: You can do nothing. What time has brought M: Nem tudsz tenni semmit. Amit az id idzett el,
about, time will take away. az id is fogja elvinni.

Q: Why then all these exhortations to practice Yoga K: Akkor mire j mindeme buzdts a Yoga
and seek reality? They make me feel empowered gyakorlsra, s a valsg keressre? Ezek
and responsible, while in fact it is time that does all. engem hatalmaznak meg, s tesznek felelss,
mikzben valjban az id az, ami mindent elvgez.

M: This is the end of Yoga -- to realise M: Ez a Yoga vge a fggetlensg felismerse.

independence. All that happens, happens in and to Ami trtnik, minden az elmben, s az elmvel
the mind, not to the source of the I am. Once you trtnik, nem az n vagyok forrsval. Amint
realise that all happens by itself, (call it destiny, or felismered, hogy minden magtl trtnik, (nevezd
the will of God or mere accident), you remain as sorsnak, Isten akaratnak, vagy puszta vletlennek),
witness only, understanding and enjoying, but not te a puszta tan maradsz, aki megrt s lvez, de
perturbed. nem megzavart.

Q: If I cease trusting words altogether, what will be K: Ha vgkpp megsznk hinni a szavakban,
my condition? milyen llapotba fogok kerlni?

M: There is a season for trusting and for distrusting. M: Ideje van a hvsnek, s a nem hvsnek. Hagyd,
Let the seasons do their work, why worry? hogy az idk vgezzk a munkjukat, mirt

Q: Somehow I feel responsible for what happens K: Valamikppen felelssget rzek a krlttem
around me. trtntekrt.

M: You are responsible only for what you can M: Te csak azrt vagy felels, amin vltoztatni

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
change. All you can change is only your attitude. tudsz. Mindssze hozzllsodat tudod
There lies your responsibility. megvltoztatni. Ebben nyugszik a felelssged.

Q: You are advising me to remain indifferent to the K: Azt a tancsod szmomra, hogy maradjak
sorrows of others. rzketlen msok szomorsga irnt.

M: It is not that you are indifferent. All the sufferings M: Ez nem jelenti, hogy rzketlen vagy. Az
of mankind do not prevent you from enjoying your emberisg sszes szenvedse se tartson vissza a
next meal. The witness is not indifferent. He is the kvetkez tkezs lvezettl. A tan az, amely
fullness of understanding and compassion. Only as nem rzketlen. a megrts, s knyrlet
the witness you can help another. teljessge. Csak a tanknt tudsz segteni msokon.

Q: All my life I was fed on words. The number of K: Egsz letemben szavakon ltem. Az ltalam
words I have heard and read go into the billions. Did hallott s olvasott szavak szma millirdokra rg.
it benefit me? Not at all. Volt belle hasznom? Egyltaln nem.

M: The mind shapes the language and the language M: Az elme formlja a nyelvet, s a nyelv formlja az
shapes the mind. Both are tools, use them but dont elmt. Mindketten eszkzk, hasznld ket, de ne
misuse them. Words can bring you only unto their lj vissza velk. A szavak csak az sajt hatraikig
own limit; to go beyond, you must abandon them. vihetnek tged; a tllpshez el kell hagynod ket.
Remain as the silent witness only. Maradj csupn a csendes tan.

Q: How can I? The world disturbs me greatly. K: Hogy tudnk? A vilg jelents mrtkben zavar.

M: It is because you think yourself big enough to be M: Ez azrt van, mert azt hiszed, elg nagy vagy
affected by the world. It is not so. You are so small ahhoz, hasson rd a vilg. Nem gy van. Olyan kicsi
that nothing can pin you down. It is your mind that vagy, hogy semmi nem tud odaszegezni. Csak
gets caught, not you. Know yourself as you are -- a elmd akadt bele, nem te. Ismerd nmagad annak,
mere point in consciousness, dimensionless and ami vagy egy kiterjeds nlkli, s idtlen pontnak
timeless. You are like the point of the pencil -- by csupn a tudatossgban. Olyan vagy, akr a ceruza
mere contact with you the mind draws its picture of hegye puszta rintsedre az elme lerajzolja kpt
the world. You are single and simple -- the picture is a vilgrl. Te egyetlen, s egyszer vagy a kp
complex and extensive. Dont be misled by the sszetett, s terjedelmes. Ne vezessen flre a kp
picture -- remain aware of the tiny point -- which is maradj tudatban az apr pontnak amely
everywhere in the picture. mindentt ott van a kpen.

What is, can cease to be; what is not, can come to Ami van, megsznhet ltezni; ami nincs, belphet a
be; but what neither is nor is not, but on which being ltbe; de ami se nem van, se nem nincs, hanem
and non-being depend, is unassailable; know amitl a lt s nemlt fgg, az megtmadhatatlan;
yourself to be the cause of desire and fear, itself free ismerd nmagadat gy, mint a vgy s flelem okt,
from both. de amely nmaga mindketttl szabad.

Q: How am I the cause of fear? K: Mi mdon vagyok n a flelem oka?

M: All depends on you. It is by your consent that the M: Minden tled fgg. A te jvhagysoddal ltezik
world exists. Withdraw your belief in its reality and it a vilg. Vond meg a valsgba vetett hitedet, s
will dissolve like a dream. Time can bring down szerte fog foszlani, mint egy lom. Az id hegyeket
mountains; much more you, who are the timeless tud lednteni; te, aki idtlen forrsa az idnek,
source of time. For without memory and expectation sokkal tbbet. Mert emlkezet s elvrs nlkl nem
there can be no time. lehet id.

Q: Is the I am the Ultimate? K: Az n vagyok a Vgs?

M: Before you can say: I am, you must be there to M: Mieltt azt tudnd mondani: n vagyok, lenned
say it. Being need not be self-conscious. You need kell, hogy mondhasd. A ltezshez nem kell
not know to be, but you must be to know. ntudatosnak lenni. A ltezshez nem kell tudnod,
de ltezned kell ahhoz, hogy tudj.

Q: Sir, I am getting drowned in a sea of words. I can K: Uram, belefulladok a szavak tengerbe. Ltom,
see that all depends on how the words are out minden attl fgg, a szavak hogyan kerlnek

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
together, but there must be somebody to put them egymshoz fzsre, de kell, hogy legyen valaki, aki
together -- meaningfully. By drawing words at sszerakja ket rtelmesen. A szavak
random the Ramayana, Mahabharata and vletlenszer sszeraksval a Ramayana, a
Bhagavata could never be produced. The theory of Mahabharata s a Bhagavata soha nem jhettek
accidental emergence is not tenable. The origin of volna ltre. A vletlenszer felbukkans nem
the meaningful must be beyond it. What is the power megvdhet. Mgtte ott kell lennie az rtelemmel
that creates order out of chaos? Living is more than br forrsnak. Milyen hatalom tesz rendet a
being, and consciousness is more than living. Who koszban? Az let tbb, mint ltezs, s a
is the conscious living being? tudatossg tbb, mint let. Ki a tudatos llny?

M: Your question contains the answer: a conscious M: Krdsed magban foglalja a vlaszt: a tudatos
living being is a conscious living being. The words llny a tudatos llny. Az imnti szavak a
are most appropriate, but you do not grasp their full leghelynvalbbak, de te nem fogod fel azokat a
import. Go deep into the meaning of the words: teljes jelentsgkben. Mlyedj el a szavak
being, living, conscious, and you will stop running in jelentsben: lt, l, tudatos, s abba fognak
circles, asking questions, but missing answers. Do maradni a krben jrs, a vlasz nlkli krdsek.
understand that you cannot ask a valid question rtsd meg, hogy nem tudsz megalapozott krdst
about yourself, because you do not know whom you feltenni nmagadrl, mert nem tudod, kirl krdezel.
are asking about. In the question Who am I? the I A ki vagyok n krdsben az n nem ismert, s a
is not known and the question can be worded as: I krdsbl add krds: nem tudom, mit rtsek az
do not know what I mean by I What you are, you n alatt. R kell jnnd, hogy mi vagyok te. n
must find out. I can only tell you what you are not. csak azt tudom neked elmondani, hogy mi nem
You are not of the world, you are not even in the vagy. Te nem vagy a vilg, mg csak nem is vagy
world. The world is not, you alone are. You create a vilgban. A vilg nem ltezik, egyedl te vagy. Te
the world in your imagination like a dream. As you teremted a vilgot a kpzeletedben, mint lmot.
cannot separate the dream from yourself, so you Ahogy az lmot sem tudod elvlasztani nmagadtl,
cannot have an outer world independent of yourself. gy a kls vilg sem lehet fggetlen nmagadtl.
You are independent, not the world. Dont be afraid Te vagy fggetlen, nem a vilg. Ne flj a vilgtl,
of a world you yourself have created. Cease from amit te magad teremtettl. Fejezd be, hogy
looking for happiness and reality in a dream and you boldogsgot, s valsgot keress az lomban, s fl
will wake up. You need not know why and how, fogsz bredni. Nem kell tudnod mirt, s hogyan,
there is no end to questions. Abandon all desires, ezek vg nlkli krdsek. Vess el minden vgyat,
keep your mind silent and you shall discover. tartsd elmdet csendesen, s fel fogod fedezni.

88. Knowledge by the Mind, is not True 88. Az elme ltali tuds nem valdi tuds
Questioner: Do you experience the three states of Krdez: Ugyangy tapasztalod az brenlt,
waking, dreaming and sleeping just as we do, or lmods, s alvs hrom llapott, ahogy mi, vagy
otherwise? mskppen?

Maharaj: All the three states are sleep to me. My Maharaj: Mind a hrom llapot bennem alszik. Az
waking state is beyond them. As I look at you, you n brenlti llapotom felettk ll. gy ltlak
all seem asleep, dreaming up words of your own. I benneteket, mint akik alszanak, s lmodjk sajt
am aware, for I imagine nothing. It is not samadhi szavaikat. n tudatos vagyok, mert nem kpzelek
which is but a kind of sleep. It is just a state semmit. Ez nem samadhi, amely csak az alvs egy
unaffected by the mind, free from the past and fajtja. Ez csupn egy llapot, amelyre nincs
future. In your case it is distorted by desire and fear, hatssal az elme, mentes a mlttl s jvtl. A te
by memories and hopes; in mine it is as it is -- esetedben vgytl, flelemtl, emlkektl s
normal. To be a person is to be asleep. remnyektl torztott; az enym olyan, amilyen
normlis. Szemlynek lenni azt jelenti, aludni.

Q: Between the body and pure awareness stands K: A test s a tiszta tudat kztt van a bels szerv,
the inner organ, antahkarana, the subtle body, the az antahkarana, a finom test, a mentlis test,
mental body, whatever the name. Just as a whirling mindegy, hogy nevezzk. Mint ahogy egy forg
mirror converts sunlight into a manifold pattern of tkr cskok, s sznek mindenfle mintzatv
streaks and colours, so does the subtle body convert konvertlja t a napfnyt, gy konvertlja t a finom

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
the simple light of the shining Self into a diversified test a ragyog n egyszer fnyt vltozatos
world. Thus I have understood your teaching. What I vilgg. Ily mdon rtettem a tantsodat. Elszr is
cannot grasp is how did this subtle body arise in the azt nem tudom megrteni, hogyan tudott ez a finom
first instance? test megjelenni,?

M: It is created with the emergence of the I am M: Az n vagyok idea megjelensekor jtt ltre. A
idea. The two are one. kett egy.

Q: How did the I am appear? K: Hogyan jelent meg az n vagyok?

M: In your world everything must have a beginning M: A te vilgodban mindennek kell legyen kezdete
and an end. If it does not, you call it eternal. In my s vge. Ha nincs, akkor rkkvalnak nevezed.
view there is no such thing as beginning or end -- Az n nzetemben nincs olyan dolog, mint kezdet,
these are all related to time. Timeless being is vagy vg ezek mind az idvel kapcsolatosak. Az
entirely in the now. idtlen lt teljesen a mostban van.

Q: The antahkarana, or the subtle body, is it real or K: Az antahkarana, vagy finom test, valdi, vagy
unreal? nem valdi?

M: It is momentary. Real when present, unreal when M: Pillanatnyi. A jelenben valdi, azon tl valtlan.

Q: What kind of reality? Is it momentary? K: Milyen a valdi? Pillanatnyi?

M: Call it empirical, or actual, or factual. It is the M: Hvhatod tapasztalatinak, vagy aktulisnak, vagy
reality of immediate experience, here and now, tnylegesnek. A kzvetlen tapasztalat valsga, itt
which cannot be denied. You can question the s most, ami nem cfolhat. A lerst, s a jelentst
description and the meaning, but not the event itself. vitathatod, de az esemnyt magt nem. Ltez s
Being and non-being alternate and their reality is nem ltez vltakoznak, s valsguk pillanatnyi. A
momentary. The Immutable Reality lies beyond Megvltozhatatlan Valsg tren s idn tli.
space and time. Realise the momentariness of being Fedezd fel a lt s nemlt pillanatnyisgt, s
and non-being and be free from both. mindketttl szabad leszel.

Q: Things may be transient, yet they are very much K: Lehet, hogy a dolgok mulandk, mgis nagyon
with us, in endless repetition. sokat velnk vannak, vgtelen sokszor ismtldve.

M: Desires are strong. It is desire that causes M: A vgyak ersek. A vgy az, ami az ismtldst
repetition. There is no recurrence where desire is okozza. Ahol nincs vgy, ott nincs jbli megjelens.

Q: What about fear? K: Mi a vlemnyed a flelemrl?

M: Desire is of the past, fear is of the future. The M: A vgy a mlt, a flelem a jv. A mltbeli
memory of past suffering and the fear of its szenveds emlkei, s visszatrstl val flelem
recurrence make one anxious about the future. teszi az embert gondterheltt a jvvel

Q: There is also fear of the unknown. K: Az ismeretlentl val flelem is ltezik.

M: Who has not suffered is not afraid. M: Aki nem szenvedett, nem fl.

Q: We are condemned to fear? K: Utastsuk el a flelmet?

M: Until we can look at fear and accept it as the M: Amg gy ltjuk a flelmet, s gy fogadjuk el,
shadow of personal existence, as persons we are mint az egyni ltezs rnykt, addig szemlyknt
bound to be afraid. Abandon all personal equations hozz vagyunk ktve a flelemhez. Adj fel minden
and you shall be free from fear. It is not difficult. szemlyes szemlletmdot, s megszabadulsz a
Desirelessness comes on its own when desire is flelemtl. Nem nehz. A vgytalansg magtl
recognised as false. You need not struggle with bekvetkezik, amikor a vgyat hamisnak ismered fel.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
desire. Ultimately, it is an urge to happiness, which Nem kell harcolnod a vggyal. Vgtre is, ez egy
is natural as long as there is sorrow. Only see that boldogsgra trekvs, amely termszetes, amg
there is no happiness in what you desire. szomorsg van. Csak lsd, hogy nincs boldogsg
abban, amire vgysz.

Q: We settle for pleasure. K: rjk be az rmmel.

M: Each pleasure is wrapped in pain. You soon M: Minden rm fjdalomba van csomagolva.
discover that you cannot have one without the other. Hamarosan felfedezed, hogy az egyik nem lehet a
tid a msik nlkl.

Q: There is the experiencer and there is his K: Van a tapasztal, s van a tapasztalat. Mi hozta
experience. What created the link between the two? ltre a kapcsolatot kettjk kztt?

M: Nothing created it. It is. The two are one. M: Semmi nem hozta ltre. A kett egy.

Q: I feel there is a catch somewhere, but I do not K: gy rzem, csapda van valahol, de nem tudom,
know where. hol.

M: The catch is in your mind, which insists on seeing M: A csapda az elmdben van, amely ragaszkodik
duality where there is none. hozz, hogy a dualitst lsson, ahol az nincs.

Q: As I listen to you, my mind is all in the now and I K: Mikzben hallgatlak, elmm teljesen a mostban
am astonished to find myself without questions. van, s meg vagyok dbbenve, hogy nincsenek

M: You can know reality only when you are M: Csak akkor ismerheted a valsgot, ha meg vagy
astonished. dbbenve.

Q: I can make out that the cause of anxiety and fear K: Kibogoztam, hogy az aggds s flelem oka az
is memory. What are the means for putting an end to emlkezet. Milyen eszkzkkel lehet vget vetni az
memory? emlkezetnek?

M: Dont talk of means, there are no means. What M: Ne beszlj eszkzkrl, nincsenek eszkzk.
you see as false, dissolves. It is the very nature of Amit hamisnak ltsz, az szertefoszlik. Az illzinak
illusion to dissolve on investigation. Investigate -- valsgos termszete, hogy vizsglds hatsra
that is all. You cannot destroy the false, for you are szertefoszlik. Vizsgldj ez minden. Nem tudod
creating it all the time. Withdraw from it, ignore it, go megsemmisteni a hamisat, mert szakadatlanul
beyond, and it will cease to be. teremted azt. Tvolodj el tle, ne vgy rla
tudomst, lpj tl rajta, s megsznik ltezni.

Q: Christ also speaks of ignoring evil and being K: Krisztus szintn beszl gonosz elutastsrl, s
child-like. gyermekknt val ltezsrl.

M: Reality is common to all. Only the false is M: A valsg ltalnos, mindenki szmra. Csak a
personal. hamis szemlyes.

Q: As I watch the sadhakas and enquire into the K: Ahogy a sadhakkat ltom, s tanulmnyozom a
theories by which they live, I find they have merely nzeteiket, amelyek szerint lnek, gy ltom, anyagi
replaced material cravings by spiritual ambitions. vgyaikat egsz egyszeren spiritulis ambcikra
From what you tell us it looks as if the words: cserltk. Abbl amit elmondasz neknk gy ltszik,
spiritual and ambition are incompatible. If mintha a spiritulis s ambci szavak
spirituality implies freedom from ambition, what will sszeegyeztethetetlenek lennnek. Ha a spiritulis
urge the seeker on? The Yogis speak of the desire ambcimentessget jelent, mi fogja sztnzni a
for liberation as essential. Is it not the highest form keresst? A Yogik a szabadsg irnti vgyat
of ambition? lnyegesnek tekintik. Ez nem az ambci
legemelkedettebb formja?

M: Ambition is personal, liberation is from the M: Az ambci szemlyes, a szemlyestl val

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
personal. In liberation both the subject and the megszabaduls. A megszabadulsban mind a
object of ambition are no longer. Earnestness is not szubjektv, mind az objektv ambcik megsznnek.
a yearning for the fruits of ones endeavours. It is an A komolysg nem az erfesztsek gymlcseirt
expression of an inner shift of interest away from the val epekedst jelenti. Az rdekldsnek a hamisrl,
false, unessential, the personal. lnyegtelenrl, a szemlyesrl val bels
elmozdulst fejezi ki.

Q: You told us the other day that we cannot even K: Azt mondtad minap, hogy tkletessgrl mg
dream of perfection before realisation, for the Self is csak nem is lmodhatunk a megvalsuls eltt, mert
the source of all perfection and not the mind. If it is az n a forrsa minden tkletessgnek, s nem az
not excellence in virtue that is essential for elme. Ha nem ernyekben val tkletessg az,
liberation, then what is? amely a megszabadulshoz nlklzhetetlen, akkor
mi az?

M: Liberation is not the result of some means M: A megszabadulst nem bizonyos eszkzk
skilfully applied, nor of circumstances. It is beyond szakavatott alkalmazsa eredmnyezi, sem a
the causal process. Nothing can compel it, nothing krlmnyek. Meghaladja az oksgi folyamatokat.
can prevent it. Semmi nem tudja kiknyszerteni, semmi nem tudja

Q: Then why are we not free here and now? K: Akkor mirt nem vagyunk szabadok itt, s most?

M: But we are free here and now. It is only the mind M: De szabadok vagyunk, itt s most. Csak az
that imagines bondage. elme az, amely a ktelket kpzeli.

Q: What will put an end to imagination? K: Mi fog a kpzeldsnek vget vetni?

M: Why should you want to put an end to it? Once M: Mirt akarnl vget neki vetni? Ha megismered
you know your mind and its miraculous powers, and elmdet, s annak csodlatos erejt, s eltvoltod
remove what poisoned it -- the idea of a separate belle azt, ami mrgezi az klnll s elszigetelt
and isolated person -- you just leave it alone to do its szemly idejt -, akkor csak hagyd magra,
work among things to which it is well suited. To keep dolgozzon azon dolgok kztt, amelyekre alkalmas.
the mind in its own place and on its own work is the Az elme sajt helyn, s munkjnl tartsa jelenti
liberation of the mind. az elme megszabadulst.

Q: What is the work of the mind? K: Mi az elme munkja?

M: The mind is the wife of the heart and the world M: Az elme a szv asszonya, s a vilg az otthonuk
their home -- to be kept bright and happy. tisztasgt s boldogsgt fenn kell tartania.

Q: I have not yet understood why, if nothing stands K: Mg mindig nem rtem, ha senki nem ll a
in the way of liberation, it does not happen here and megszabaduls tjban, akkor mirt nem trtnik
now. meg itt s most?

M: Nothing stands in the way of your liberation and it M: Semmi nem ll megszabadulsod tjban, s az
can happen here and now, but for your being more itt s most megtrtnhet, de lnyed sokkal jobban
interested in other things. And you cannot fight with rdekldik egyb dolgok irnt. s nem tudsz
your interests. You must go with them, see through harcolni rdekldseiddel. Jrj velk egytt, lss
them and watch them reveal themselves as mere keresztl rajtuk, s figyeld meg ket amint puszta
errors of judgement and appreciation. tlkezsi s rzkelsi hibkknt felfedik magukat.

Q: Will it not help me if I go and stay with some K: Nem jelentene szmomra segtsget, ha nagy s
great and holy man? szent emberek trsasgban tartzkodnk?

M: Great and holy people are always within your M: Nagy s szent emberek mindig vannak az
reach, but you do not recognise them. How will you elrhetsgeden bell, de nem ismered fel ket.
know who is great and holy? By hearsay? Can you Hogyan szeretnd megtudni, ki a nagy s szent?
trust others in these matters, or even yourself? To Szbeszd alapjn? Msoknak hiszel ezekben a
convince you beyond the shadow of doubt you need krdsekben, vagy inkbb magadnak? A minden
more than a commendation, more even than a ktsgen kvli meggyzdttsghez tbbre van

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
momentary rapture. You may come across a great szksged ajnlsnl, pillanatnyi elragadtatsnl.
and holy man or women and not even know for a Lehet, hogy tallkozol vletlenl egy nagy s szent
long time your good fortune. The infant son of a frfival vagy nvel, de mgsem ismered fel sokig j
great man for many years will not know the szerencsdet. A nagy ember kisfia vekig nem
greatness of his father. You must mature to ismeri desapja nagysgt. A nagysg
recognise greatness and purify your heart for felismershez rettnek, a szentsg felismershez
holiness. Or you will spend your time and money in tiszta szvnek kell lenned. Vagy haszontalanul
vain and also miss what life offers you. There are fogod fecsrelni iddet s pnzedet, s azt is
good people among your friends -- you can learn elhibzod, amit az let tlcn knl szmodra. A j
much from them. Running after saints is merely emberek ott vannak a bartaid kztt sokat
another game to play. Remember yourself instead tanulhatsz tlk. Szentek utn futni egyel tbb jtk
and watch your daily life relentlessly. Be earnest, csupn. Ehelyett inkbb tartsd szben nmagadat,
and you shall not fail to break the bonds of s folytonosan figyeld mindennapi letedet. Lgy
inattention and imagination. komoly, s ne flj szttrni a figyelmetlensg s
kpzelet bilincseit.

Q: Do you want me to struggle all alone? K: Azt akarod, hogy egyedl kzdjek?

M: You are never alone. There are powers and M: Soha nem vagy egyedl. Erk s jelenval
presences who serve you all the time most faithfully. lnyek szolglnak tged, a legodaadbb mdon.
You may or may not perceive them, nevertheless szleled ket, vagy sem, mindazonltal k valdiak,
they are real and active. When you realise that all is s tevkenyek. Amikor felismered, hogy minden az
in your mind and that you are beyond the mind, that elmdben van, s hogy te az elmden tl vagy, hogy
you are truly alone; then all is you. valjban egyedl vagy; akkor minden te vagy.

Q: What is omniscience? Is God omniscient? Are K: Mi a mindentuds? Isten mindentud? Te

you omniscient? We hear the expression -- universal mindentud vagy? Hallunk olyan kifejezst, hogy
witness. What does it mean? Does self-realisation egyetemes tan. Mit jelent ez? Az nmegvalsts
imply omniscience? Or is it a matter of specialised mindentudst von maga utn? Vagy ez specilis
training? gyakorls krdse?

M: To lose entirely all interest in knowledge results M: A mindentuds a tuds irnti minden rdeklds
in omniscience. It is but the gift of knowing what teljes elvesztsnek az eredmnye. Csak a tuds
needs to be known, at the right moment, for error- ajndkt kell ismerned a kell pillanatban, hogy
free action. After all, knowledge is needed for action cselekedeted hibtlan legyen. Vgl is, tudsra a
and if you act rightly, spontaneously, without cselekvsnek van szksge, s ha helyesen,
bringing in the conscious, so much the better. spontn mdon cselekszel, anlkl, hogy tudatban
lennl, gy a legjobb.

Q: Can one know the mind of another person? K: Megismerheti-e valaki egy msik szemly

M: Know you own mind first. It contains the entire M: Sajt elmdet ismerd meg elszr. Tartalmazza
universe and with space to spare. az egsz univerzumot, s mg helytakarkos is.

Q: Your working theory seems to be that the waking K: gy ltszik az a munka terid, hogy az brenlt
state is not basically different from dream and the llapota nem klnbzik alapveten az lomtl, s
dreamless sleep. The three states are essentially a az lomtalan alvstl. A hrom llapot lnyegben
case of mistaken self-identification with the body. a testtel val tves nazonosts esete. Lehet, hogy
Maybe it is true, but, I feel, it is not the whole truth. gy van, de gy rzem, ez nem a teljes igazsg.

M: Do not try to know the truth, for knowledge by the M: Ne trekedj az igazsg megismersre, mert az
mind is not true knowledge. But you can know what elme ltali tuds nem valdi tuds. De azt
is not true -- which is enough to liberate you from the megismerheted, hogy mi nem igaz ami elegend a
false. The idea that you know what is true is hamistl val megszabadulshoz. Veszlyes idea,
dangerous, for it keeps you imprisoned in the mind. hogy ismered az igazsgot, mert elmd brtnben
It is when you do not know, that you are free to tart. Ez akkor van, amikor nem tudod, hogy
investigate. And there can be no salvation, without szabadsgodban ll kutatni. s a megvlts nem
investigation, because non-investigation is the main lehetsges kutats nlkl, mert a nem-kutats a
cause of bondage. ktttsg f oka.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok

Q: You say that the illusion of the world begins with K: Azt mondod, hogy a vilg illzija az n vagyok
the sense I am, but when I ask about the origin of rzssel kezddik, de amikor az n vagyok rzs
the sense I am, you answer that it has no origin, for eredetrl krdezek, azt vlaszolod, hogy nincs
on investigation it dissolves. What is solid enough to eredete, mert a kutats nyomn szertefoszlik. Ami
build the world on cannot be mere illusion. The I am elg szilrd, hogy felptsd r vilgot, nem lehet
is the only changeless factor I am conscious of; how puszta illzi. Az n vagyok az egyetlen
can it be false? vltozhatatlan tnyez, aminek tudatban vagyok;
hogy lehetne hamis?

M: It is not the I am that is false, but what you take M: Nem az n vagyok a hamis, hanem aminek
yourself to be. I can see, beyond the least shadow of tartod magad. Minden ktsgen fell tudom, hogy te
doubt, that you are not what you believe yourself to nem az vagy, akinek hiszed magad. Logikus vagy
be. Logic or no logic, you cannot deny the obvious. sem, nem utasthatod el a nyilvnvalt. Semmi olyan
You are nothing that you are conscious of. Apply nem vagy, aminek tudatban vagy. Igyekezz
yourself diligently to pulling apart the structure you sztszaktani a struktrt, amit elmdben felptettl.
have built in your mind. What the mind has done the Amit az elme csinlt, az elmnek kell
mind must undo. visszacsinlnia.

Q: You cannot deny the present moment, mind or no K: Nem tagadhatod a jelen pillanatot, akr elme,
mind. What is now, is. You may question the akr nem elme. Ami most van, az van. A
appearance, but not the fact. What is at the root of megjelenst ktsgbe vonhatod, de a tnyt nem. Mi
the fact? a tny eredete?

M: The I am is at the root of all appearance and the M: Az n vagyok minden megjelens gykere, s
permanent link in the succession of events that we az lland kapcsolat az esemnyek sorozatban,
call life; but I am beyond the I am. amit letnek neveznk; de n meghaladtam az n

Q: I have found that the realised people usually K: Rjttem, hogy a megvalsult emberek ltalban
describe their state in terms borrowed from their a vallsuktl klcsnztt kifejezsekkel rjk le
religion. You happen to be a Hindu, so you talk of llapotukat. Te trtnetesen hindu vagy, ezrt
Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva and use Hindu Brahmrl, Vishnurl s Shivrl beszlsz, valamint
approaches and imagery. Kindly tell us, what is the Hindu szemlletmdot s kpeket alkalmazol. Lgy
experience behind your words? What reality do they szves, mondd el neknk, milyen tapasztalatok
refer to? vannak a szavaid mgtt. Azok milyen tnyekre

M: It is my way of talking, a language I was taught to M: Ez az n beszdstlusom, ezt a nyelvet tanultam

use. meg hasznlni.

Q: But what is behind the language? K: De mi van a nyelv mgtt?

M: How can I put it into words, except in negating M: Hogy nthetnm szavakba, hacsak nem
them? Therefore, I use words like timeless, tagadlag? Ezrt hasznlok olyan szavakat, mint
spaceless, causeless. These too are words, but as idtlen, korltlan, ok nlkli. Ezek is szavak, de
they are empty of meaning, they suit my purpose. mivel rtelmetlenek, szolgljk clomat.

Q: If they are meaningless, why use them? K: Ha rtelmetlenek, mirt hasznlod ket?

M: Because you want words where no words apply. M: Mert szavakat akarsz, ahol nem hasznlhatk

Q: I can see your point. Again, you have robbed me K: rtem, mi az llspontod. Ismt megfosztottl a
of my question. krdsemtl.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok

89. Progress in Spiritual Life 89. A spiritulis let fejldse

Questioner: We are two girls from England, visiting Krdez: Mi ketten angol lnyok vagyunk, Anglibl
India. We know little about Yoga and we are here jttnk, hogy megnzzk Indit. Nem sokat tudunk a
because we were told that spiritual teachers play an Yogrl, s ide azrt jttnk, mert hallottuk, hogy a
important role in Indian life. spiritulis tantk fontos szerepet jtszanak India

Maharaj: You are welcome. There is nothing new Maharaj: Legyetek dvzlve. Itt semmi jat nem
you will find here. The work we are doing is timeless. fogtok tallni. A mi munknk idtlen. Tzezer vvel
It was the same ten thousand years ago. Centuries ezeltt is ugyanez volt. Az vszzadok telnek, de az
roll on, but the human problem does not change -- emberi problmk nem vltoznak a szenvedsnek,
the problem of suffering and the ending of suffering. s a szenveds megszntetsnek a problmja.

Q: The other day seven young foreigners have K: A minap belltott ht klfldi fiatal, helyet krtek,
turned up asking for a place to sleep for a few ahol eltlthetnnek nhny jszakt. Gurujukat
nights. They came to see their Guru who was jttek megltogatni, aki Bombayben tant.
lecturing in Bombay. I met him -- a very pleasant Tallkoztam vele nagyon kellemes megjelens
looking young man is he -- apparently very matter- fiatalember , aki lthatlag nagyon gyakorlatias, s
of-fact and efficient, but with an atmosphere of hatkony, de a bke s a csend atmoszfrja lengi
peace and silence about him. His teaching is krl. Tantsa a hagyomnyt kvetve a karma
traditional with stress on karma Yoga, selfless work, Yoga fontossgrl, az nzetlen munkrl, a Guru
service of the Guru etc. Like the Gita, he says that szolglatrl, stb. szl. A Gitval egybehangzan
selfless work will result in salvation. He is full of azt mondja, hogy az nzetlen munknak megvlts
ambitious plans: training workers who will start a kvetkezmnye. Tele van ambicizus tervekkel:
spiritual centres in many countries. It seems he munksokat akar kikpezni, akik majd sok
gives them not only the authority, but also the power orszgban spiritulis kzpontokat fognak indtani.
to do the work in his name. gy tnik, nem csak megbzst ad nekik, hanem
hatalmat is, hogy az nevben mkdjenek.

M: Yes, there is such a thing as transmission of M: Igen, ltezik olyan, hogy hatalom tads.

Q: When I was with them I had a strange feeling of K: Furcsn rzem magam a trsasgukban, mintha
becoming invisible. The devotees, in their surrender lthatatlan lennk. A rajongk a Gurujuk irnti
to their Guru surrendered me also. Whatever I did nfeladsukban rlam is lemondtak. Akrmit tettem
for them was their Gurus doing and I was not rtk, azt Gurujuk tette, s engem nem tekintettek
considered, except as a mere instrument. I was msnak, mint puszta szerszmnak. Egy jobbra-balra
merely a tap to turn left or right. There was no fordthat csap voltam csupn. Nem volt velk
personal relationship whatsoever. They tried a little semmilyen szemlyes kapcsolatom. Prblkoztak
to convert me to their faith; as soon as they felt kicsit, hogy hitkre trtsenek; de amint ellenllst
resistance, they just dropped me from the field of reztek, kiestem a figyelmk hatkrbl. Mg k
their attention. Even between themselves they did maguk kztt sem ltszott gy, hogy nagyon sok
not appear very much related; it is their common kapcsolat lenne; a Gurujuk fel irnyul kzs
interest in their Guru that kept them together. I found rdekldsk tartotta ssze ket. Ezt nagyon
it rather cold, almost inhuman. To consider oneself ridegnek, majdnem embertelennek talltam. Isten
an instrument in Gods hands is one thing; to be kezben lv eszkznek tekinteni valakit, egy dolog;
denied all attention and consideration because all is minden figyelmet s tekintetbe vtelt megtagadni,
God may lead to indifference verging on cruelty. mivel minden Isten, kegyetlensggel hatros
After all, all wars are made in the name of God. The kznyhz vezethet. Vgl is, minden hbort Isten
entire history of mankind is a succession of holy nevben vvtak. Az emberisg egsz trtnete
wars. One is never so impersonal as in war. szent hbork sorozata. Az ember soha nem olyan
szemlytelen, mint hborban.

M: To insist, to resist, are contained in the will to be. M: A ragaszkods s az ellenlls egyarnt benne
Remove the will to be and what remains? Existence foglaltatnak a lenni akarsban. Tvoltsd el a lenni
and non-existence relate to something in space and akarst, s mi marad? Lt s nemlt valami trben
time; here and now, there and then, which again are s idben lvre vonatkozik, itt s most, ott s
in the mind. The mind plays a guessing game; it is akkor, amelyek ismt az elmben vannak. Az elme
ever uncertain; anxiety-ridden and restless. You kitallsdit jtszik; folyton bizonytalan; aggdssal
resent being treated as a mere instrument of some megnyomortott s nyugtalan. Megorroltl, hogy egy

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
god, or Guru, and insist on being treated as a isten, vagy Guru puszta eszkznek tekintettek, s
person, because you are not sure of your own ragaszkodsz hozz, hogy embernek tekintsenek,
existence and do not want to give up the comfort mert nem vagy biztos sajt ltedben, s nem akarod
and assurance of a personality. You may not be feladni a szemlyisg knyelmt s biztonsgt.
what you believe yourself to be, but it gives you Nem lehetsz az, aminek hiszed magad, de az ad
continuity, your future flows into the present and neked kontinuitst, jvd beleramlik a jelenbe, s
becomes the past without jolts. To be denied zkkenmentesen mltt vlik. A szemlyes lt
personal existence is frightening, but you must face elutastsa flelmet kelt, de szembe kell nzned
it and find your identity with the totality of life. Then vele, s fel kell, hogy fedezd az let teljessgvel
the problem of who is used by whom is no more. val azonossgodat. Akkor majd a ki kicsodt
hasznlt problmja nem fog tbb ltezni.

Q: All the attention I got was an attempt to convert K: Mindssze annyi figyelemben rszestettek, hogy
me to their faith. When I resisted they lost all interest megprbltak a hitkre trteni. Amikor ellenlltam,
in me. elvesztettk irntam minden rdekldsket.

M: One does not become a disciple by conversion, M: Az ember nem trts rvn vlik tantvnny,
or by accident. There is usually an ancient link, vagy vletlenl. Ltezik ltalban egy si ktelk,
maintained through many lives and flowering as love amely sok leten keresztl fennmarad, s akkor is
and trust, without which there is no discipleship. szeretetknt s bizalomknt virgzik, amikor sz
sincs tantvnysgrl.

Q: What made you decide to become a teacher? K: Mirt dntttl gy, hogy tant leszel?

M: I was made into one by being called so. Who am M: gy lettem az, hogy elkezdtek gy nevezni. Ki
I to teach and whom? What I am, you are, and what vagyok n, hogy tantsak, s kit? Ami n vagyok, te
you are -- I am. The I am is common to us all; vagy, s ami te vagy n vagyok. Az n vagyok
beyond the I am there is the immensity of light and mindegyiknk szmra kzs; az n vagyokon tl
love. We do not see it because we look elsewhere; I pedig a mrhetetlen fny s szeretet van. Nem
can only point at the sky; seeing of the star is your ltjuk, mert msfel nznk; n csak az gre tudok
own work. Some take more time before they see the mutatni; a csillag ltsa a te dolgod. Egyeseknek
star, some take less; it depends on the clarity of their tbb idbe telik, hogy meglssk a csillagot,
vision and their earnestness in search. These two msoknak kevesebbe; attl fgg, milyen vilgos a
must be their own -- I can only encourage. ltsuk, s hogy milyen komolyan keresnek. E
kettvel rendelkezned kell n csak btortani

Q: What am I expected to do when I become a K: Mi vrhat el tlem, mit csinljak, hogy

disciple? tantvnny vljak?

M: Each teacher has his own method, usually M: Mindegyik tantnak sajt, rendszerint Guruja
patterned on his Gurus teachings and on the way tantsait mintz mdszere van, amit az ton
he himself has realised, and his own terminology as maga megvalstott, tovbb sajt terminolgija. E
well. Within that framework adjustments to the kereten bell igaztja hozz a tantsait a tantvny
personality of the disciple are made. The disciple is szemlyisghez. A tantvny teljes szabadsgot
given full freedom of thought and enquiry and kap, hogy gondolkodjon s kutasson, s btortst,
encouraged to question to his hearts content. He hogy szvnek tartalmval kapcsolatos krdseket
must be absolutely certain of the standing and feltegye. Felttlenl bizonyosnak kell lennie
competence of his Guru, otherwise his faith will not Gurujnak tekintlye s alkalmassga fell,
be absolute nor his action complete. It is the msklnben sem hite nem lesz felttlen, sem
absolute in you that takes you to the absolute cselekedete nem lesz teljes. A benned lv abszolt
beyond you -- absolute truth, love selflessness are vezet el tged a rajtad tli abszolthoz az abszolt
the decisive factors in self-realisation. With igazsg, a szeret nzetlensg az nmegvalsts
earnestness these can be reached. bizonyt erej tnyezihez. Komolysggal ezek

Q: I understand one must give up ones family and K: gy tudom, az embernek fel kell, hogy adja
possessions to become a disciple. csaldjt, s vagyont, hogy tantvnny vlhasson.

M: It varies with the Guru. Some expect their mature M: Ez a Gurutl fgg. Egyesek aszktizmust vrnak

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
disciples to become ascetics and recluses; some el rett tantvnyaiktl, s hogy elforduljanak a
encourage family life and duties. Most of them vilgtl; msok tmogatjk a csaldi letet s
consider a model family life more difficult than ktelessgeket. Java rszk a lemondsnl sokkal
renunciation, suitable for a personality more mature nehezebben kezelhetnek tartja a csaldi
and better balanced. At the early stages the letmodellt az rettebb, s kiegyenslyozottabb
discipline of monastic life may be advisable. szemlyisg szmra. A fegyelmezs korai
Therefore, in the Hindu culture students up to the szakaszaiban hasznos lehet a kolostori let. Ezrt
age of 25 are expected to live like monks -- in elvrs a Hindu kultrban, hogy a tanul 25 ves
poverty, chastity and obedience -- to give them a korig szerzetesknt szegnysg,
chance to build a character able to meet the nmegtartztats, s szerzetesi engedelmessg
hardships and temptations of married life. kzepette ljen, ezltal lehetsget kap egy olyan
jellem felptsre, amely kpes megfelelni a
hzaslet megprbltatsainak, s ksrtseinek.

Q: Who are the people in this room? Are they your K: Kik ezek az emberek, ebben a szobban? A
disciples? tantvnyaid?

M: Ask them. It is not on the verbal level that one M: ket krdezd. A tantvnny vls nem verblis
becomes a disciple, but in the silent depths of ones szinten trtnik, hanem az emberi lt csendes
being. You do not become a disciple by choice; it is mlysgeiben. Nem vlaszts alapjn vlsz
more a matter of destiny than self-will. It does not tantvnny; sokkal inkbb sors, mint sajt
matter much who is the teacher -- they all wish you elhatrozs krdse. Nem sokat szmt, ki a tant
well. It is the disciple that matters -- his honesty and mind jt akarnak neked. A tantvny az, aki szmt
earnestness. The right disciple will always find the a becsletessge, a komolysga. Az alkalmas
right teacher. tantvny mindig meg fogja tallni az alkalmas

Q: I can see the beauty and feel the blessedness of K: Ltom az igazsg keressnek szentelt,
a life devoted to search for truth under a competent hozzrt, s szeret tant alatti let szpsgt, s
and loving teacher. Unfortunately, we have to return rzem a boldogsgt. Sajnlom, hogy vissza kell
to England. trnem Angliba.

M: Distance does not matter. If your desires are M: A tvolsg nem szmt. Ha vgyaid ersek s
strong and true, they will mould your life for their igazak, t fogjk formlni letedet, hogy
fulfilment. Sow you seed and leave it to the seasons. beteljesedjenek. Vesd el a magot, a tbbit hagyd a

Q: What are the signs of progress in spiritual life? K: Mik a spiritulis let fejldsnek a jelei?

M: Freedom from anxiety; a sense of ease and joy; M: Aggodalom mentessg; knnysg- s rm
deep peace within and abundant energy without. rzs; mly bels bke, s bsges kls energia.

Q: How did you get it? K: Hogyan rted el?

M: I found it all in the holy presence of my Guru -- I M: Mindennek a megtallsa teljesen Gurum szent
did nothing on my own. He told me to be quiet -- and jelenltnek ksznhet semmit nem sajt
I did it -- as much as I could. magamtl csinltam. Azt mondta, legyek csendes
s n gy tettem ahogy csak tudtam.

Q: Is your presence as powerful as his? K: A te jelenlted is olyan erteljes, mint az v?

M: How am I to know? For me -- his is the only M: Honnan tudhatnm? Szmomra az jelenlte
presence. If you are with me, you are with him. az egyetlen. Ha velem vagy, akkor vele vagy.

Q: Each Guru will refer me to his own Guru. Where K: Minden Guru a sajt Gurujra hivatkozik. Hol a
is the starting point? kiindulpont?

M: There is a power in the universe working for M: Ltezik egy er az univerzumban, amely a
enlightenment -- and liberation. We call it Sadashiva, megvilgosodsrt s a megszabadulsrt
who is ever present in the hearts of men. It is the dolgozik. gy hvjuk Sadashiva, aki rkk jelen van

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
unifying factor. Unity -- liberates. Freedom -- unites. az emberek szvben. az egyest hater. Az
Ultimately nothing is mine or yours -- everything is egysg megszabadt. A szabadsg egyest.
ours. Just be one with yourself and you will be one Vgs soron semmi nem enym, vagy tid minden
with all, at home in the entire universe. a mink. Csak lgy egy nmagaddal, s egy leszel
mindennel, otthon leszel az egsz univerzumban.

Q: You mean to say that all these glories will come K: Azt akarod mondani, hogy mindeme dicssg
with the mere dwelling on the feeling I am? pusztn az n vagyok-ban idzssel jn?

M: It is the simple that is certain, not the M: Az egyszer a biztos, nem a bonyolult. Valamirt
complicated. Somehow, people do not trust the az emberek nem hiszik az egyszert, a knnyt, a
simple, the easy, the always available. Why not give mindig rendelkezsre llt. Mirt nem veted al amit
an honest trial to what I say? It may look very small mondok egy jhiszem prbnak? Ltszlag
and insignificant, but it is like a seed that grows into nagyon kicsi s jelentktelen, de olyan, mint a mag,
a mighty tree. Give yourself a chance. amely hatalmas fv n. Adj magadnak egy eslyt.

Q: I see so many people sitting here -- quietly. What K: Sok embert ltok itt lni csendesen. Mirt jttek
for have they come? ide?

M: To meet themselves. At home the world is too M: Hogy egymssal tallkozzanak. Otthon tl sok a
much with them. Here nothing disturbs them; they vilg szmukra. Itt nem zavarja ket semmi; eslyk
have a chance to take leave of their daily worries van bcst venni napi gondjaiktl, s kapcsolatba
and contact the essential in themselves. kerlni azzal, ami nmagukban lnyeges.

Q: What is the course of training in self-awareness? K: Milyen tanfolyami gyakorlat szolgl az n-

tudatossg elrsre?

M: There is no need of training. Awareness is M: Nincs szksg gyakorlsra. A tudat mindig veled
always with you. The same attention that you give to van. Ugyanazt a figyelmet fordtod kifel, mint amit
the outer, you turn to the inner. No new, or special befel. Nincs szksg sem j, sem valamilyen
kind of awareness is needed. specilis tudatra.

Q: Do you help people personally? K: Segtesz az embereknek szemlyesen?

M: People come to discuss their problems. M: Az emberek a problmikat jnnek ide

Apparently they derive some help, or they would not megbeszlni. gy ltszik, hogy kapnak valamifle
come. segtsget, klnben nem jnnnek.

Q: Are the talks with people always in public, or will K: Az emberekkel val beszlgets mindig
you talk to them privately also? nyilvnosan zajlik, vagy bizalmasan is beszlsz

M: It is according to their wish. Personally, I make M: Ahogyan k akarjk. Ami engem illet, szmomra
no distinction between public and private. nincs klnbsg nyilvnos s bizalmas kztt.

Q: Are you always available, or have you other work K: Mindig rendelkezsre llsz, vagy ms dolgod is
to do? van?

M: I am always available, but the hours in the M: Mindig rendelkezsre llok, De a reggeli s a
morning and late afternoon are the most convenient. ks dlutni rk a legalkalmasabbak.

Q: I understand that no work ranks higher than the K: gy gondolom, nincs nagyra becsltebb munka,
work of a spiritual teacher. mint a spiritulis tant.

M: The motive matters supremely. M: A motivci mindenek fltt lnyeges.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok

90. Surrender to Your Own Self 90. Add t nmagad sajt nednek
Questioner: I was born in the United States, and Krdez: Az Egyeslt llamokban szlettem, s az
the last fourteen months I have spent in Sri utbbi tizenngy hnapot Sri Ramanashramban
Ramanashram; now I am on my way back to the tltttem; most visszamegyek az llamokba, ahol
States where my mother is expecting me. anym vr.

Maharaj: What are your plans? Maharaj: Mik a terveid?

Q: I may qualify as a nurse, or just marry and have K: Lehet, hogy nvri kpestst szerzek, de lehet,
babies. hogy csak frjhez megyek, s gyerekeim lesznek.

M: What makes you want to marry? M: Mirt akarsz frjhez menni?

Q: Providing a spiritual home is the highest form of K: Egy spiritulis otthonrl val gondoskods a
social service I can think of. But, of course, life may szocilis szolglat azon legmagasabb formja,
shape otherwise. I am ready for whatever comes. amire csak gondolni tudok. De az let,
termszetesen, mskpp is alakulhat. Kszen llok
r, akrmi is kvetkezzk.

M: These fourteen months at Sri Ramanashram, M: Ez a Sri Ramanashramban tlttt tizenngy

what did they give you? In what way are you hnap mit adott neked? Mi vltozott benned, mita
different from what you were when you arrived megrkeztl?

Q: I am no longer afraid. I have found some peace. K: Nem flek tbb. Bkre leltem.

M: What kind of peace is it? The peace of having M: Mifle bkre? Annak bkjre, hogy birtoklod,
what you want, or not wanting what you do not amit kvnsz, vagy azra, hogy nem kvnod, amid
have? nincs?

Q: A little of both, I believe. It was not easy at all. K: Azt hiszem, hogy egy kicsit mindkettre.
While the Ashram is a very peaceful place, inwardly Egyltaln nem volt knny. Mikzben az Ashram
I was in agonies. egy nagyon bks hely, bels gytrelmeim voltak.

M: When you realise that the distinction between M: Amikor felismered, hogy a bels s kls kztti
inner and outer is in the mind only, you are no longer klnbsg csak az elmben van, flelmeid
afraid. megsznnek.

Q: Such realisation comes and goes with me. I have K: Az ilyenfajta felismers velem egytt jn, s
not yet reached the immutability of absolute megy. Mg nem rtem el az abszolt teljessg
completeness. vltozhatatlansgt.

M: Well, as long as you believe so, you must go on M: Nos, amg gy hiszed, addig tovbb kell
with your sadhana, to disperse the false idea of not folytatnod Sadhandat, hogy eloszlasd a nem
being complete. Sadhana removes the super- teljessg hamis idejt. A sadhana eltvoltja a
impositions. When you realise yourself as less than rrakdsokat. Amikor annak ismered fel magad,
a point in space and time, something too small to be ami egy tr- s idbeli pontnl kisebb, valaminek,
cut and too short-lived to be killed, then, and then ami tl kicsi ahhoz, hogy elvghat legyen, tl rvid
only, all fear goes. When you are smaller than the let ahhoz, hogy lett elveszthetn, akkor, s
point of a needle, then the needle cannot pierce you csak akkor fog minden flelem megsznni. Amikor
-- you pierce the needle. kisebb vagy, mint a t hegye, akkor a t nem tud
megszrni te szrod meg a tt.

Q: Yes, that is how I feel sometimes -- indomitable. I K: Igen, gy rzem magamat olykor
am more than fearless -- I am fearlessness itself. megfkezhetetlennek. Tbb vagyok, mint flelem
nlkli n vagyok maga a flelem nlklisg.

M: What made you go to the Ashram? M: Mi ksztetett r, hogy az Ashramba menj?

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
Q: I had an unhappy love affair and suffered hell. K: Egy boldogtalan szerelmi kapcsolat utn voltam,
Neither drink nor drugs could help me. I was groping s pokoli mdon szenvedtem. Se ital, se drog nem
and came across some books on Yoga. From book segtett. Keresgltem, s vletlenl rakadtam
to book, from clue to clue -- I came to nhny Yoga knyvre. Knyvtl knyvig, kulcstl
Ramanashram. kulcsig haladtam s eljttem a Ramanashramba.

M: Were the same tragedy to happen to you again, M: Ha ismt hasonl tragdia trtnne veled,
would you suffer as much, considering your present szenvednl-e ugyanennyit, ha tekintetbe vesszk
state of mind? elmd jelenlegi llapott?

Q: Oh no, I would not let myself suffer again. I would K: , nem, nem engednm magam t a jbl
kill myself. szenvedsnek. Meglnm magam.

M: So you are not afraid to die. M: Teht nem flsz a halltl.

Q: I am afraid of dying, not of death itself. I imagine K: Szmomra a haldokls a flelmetes, nem a hall
the dying process to be painful and ugly. maga. gy kpzelem, hogy a hall folyamata
fjdalmas s csnya.

M: How do you know? It need not be so. It may be M: Honnan tudod? Nem kell gy lennie. Lehet szp,
beautiful and peaceful. Once you know that death s bks is. Amint tudatban vagy, hogy a halllal
happens to the body and not to you, you just watch csak a test hal meg, s nem te, akkor csak figyeled
your body falling off like a discarded garment. ahogy a tested lehullik, mint egy kidobott ruha.

Q: I am fully aware that my fear of death is due to K: Tkletesen tudatban vagyok, hogy a halltl a
apprehension and not knowledge. felfogsom, s nem a tudsom miatt flek.

M: Human beings die every second, the fear and the M: Minden msodpercben emberi lnyek halnak
agony of dying hangs over the world like a cloud. No meg, a flelem s a halltusa felhknt terpeszkedik
wonder you too are afraid. But once you know that a vilg fl. Ne csodlkozz, hogy te is flsz. De
the body alone dies and not the continuity of mihelyt tudatban vagy, hogy egyedl a test hal
memory and the sense of I am reflected in it, you meg, az emlkezet folytonossga, s az abban
are afraid no longer. tkrzd n vagyok rzs pedig nem, soha tbb
nem flsz.

Q: Well, let us die and see. K: Nos, haljunk meg, s megltjuk.

M: Give attention and you will find that birth and M: Figyelj, s felfedezed, hogy szlets s hall
death are one, that life pulsates between being and egyek, hogy az let lt s nemlt kztt lktet, s
non-being, and that each needs the other for hogy mindegyiknek szksge van a msikra a
completeness. You are born to die and you die to be teljessghez. Szletned kell, hogy meghalj, s
reborn. halnod kell, hogy jra szless.

Q: Does not detachment stop the process? K: A szenvtelensg nem lltja meg a folyamatot?

M: With detachment the fear goes, but not the fact. M: Szenvtelensg rvn a flelem sznik meg, de
maga a tny nem.

Q: Shall I be compelled to be reborn? How dreadful. K: Knytelen leszek jra szletni? Milyen szrny.

M: There is no compulsion. You get what you want. M: Nincs sz knyszerrl. Azt kapod, amit akarsz.
You make your own plans and you carry them out. Te kszted sajt terveidet, s te hajtod vgre

Q: Do we condemn ourselves to suffer? K: Szenvedsre tljk magunkat?

M: We grow through investigation, and to investigate M: Fejldnk a kutats rvn, s a kutatshoz

we need experience. We tend to repeat what we tapasztalatra van szksg. Hajlunk r, hogy amit
have not understood. If we are sensitive and nem rtettnk meg, azt megismteljk. Ha
intelligent, we need not suffer. Pain is a call for rzkenyek, s intelligensek vagyunk, nem

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
attention and the penalty of carelessness. Intelligent szksges szenvednnk. A fjdalom figyelem
and compassionate action is the only remedy. felhvs, s az elvigyzatlansg szankcionlsa.
Az intelligens s egytt rz cselekvs az egyetlen

Q: It is because I have grown in intelligence that I K: Csak azrt, mert gyarapodott az intelligencim,
would not tolerate my suffering again. What is wrong nem brnm ki jra a szenvedst. Mi a problma az
with suicide? ngyilkossggal?

M: Nothing wrong, if it solves the problem. What, if it M: Nincs semmi problma vele, ha megoldja a
does not? Suffering caused by extraneous factors -- problmt. De mi van, ha nem? Kls krlmnyek
some painful and incurable disease, or unbearable okozta szenveds fjdalmas s gygythatatlan
calamity -- may provide some justification, but where betegsg, vagy elviselhetetlen csaps nyjthat
wisdom and compassion are lacking, suicide cannot valamifle igazolst, de ahol hinyzik a blcsessg
help. A foolish death means foolishness reborn. s a rszvt, ott az ngyilkossg nem segthet.
Besides there is the question of karma to consider. Ostoba hall ostoba jjszletst jelent. Ezenkvl a
Endurance is usually the wisest course. karma krdst is tekintetbe kell venni. ltalban a
kitarts a legblcsebb kezels.

Q: Must one endure suffering, however acute and K: Az embernek trnie kell a szenvedst,
hopeless? brmennyire slyos s remnytelen?

M: Endurance is one thing and helpless agony is M: A kitarts egy dolog, s a remnytelen gytrds
another. Endurance is meaningful and fruitful, while egy msik. A kitarts rtelmes s gymlcsz, mg
agony is useless. a gytrds haszontalan.

Q: Why worry about karma? It takes care of itself K: Mirt kell a karma miatt aggdni? Klnben is
anyhow. gondot visel az magra.

M: Most of our karma is collective. We suffer for the M: Legtbb karmnk kollektv. Szenvednk msok
sins of others, as others suffer for ours. Humanity is bnei miatt, mint ahogy msok is szenvednek a
one. Ignorance of this fact does not change it. We mieink miatt. Az emberisg egy. E tny nem tudsa
could have been much happier people ourselves, nem vltoztatja meg azt. Mi magunk is sokkal
but for our indifference to the sufferings of others. boldogabb emberek lehetnnk, ha nem lennnk
kznysek msok szenvedse irnt.

Q: I find I have grown much more responsive. K: gy gondolom, n sokkal rzkenyebb vltam.

M: Good. When you say it, what do you have in M: rvendetes. Amikor ezt mondod, mi van az
mind? Yourself, as a responsive person within a elmdben? nmagad, mint rzkeny szemly egy
female body? ni testben?

Q: There is a body and there is compassion and K: A test, a knyrlet, az emlkezet, valamint
there is memory and a number of things and szmtalan dolog, s attitd; ezek egyttesen
attitudes; collectively they may be called a person. szemlynek nevezhetk.

M: Including the I am idea? M: Az n vagyok idet is belertve?

Q: The I am is like a basket that holds the many K: Az n vagyok olyan, akr egy kosr, amely a
things that make a person. szemlyt alkot sok dolgot tartalmazza.

M: Or, rather, it is the willow of which the basket is M: Vagy inkbb, ahhoz a fzfhoz hasonl,
woven. When you think of yourself as a women, do amelybl a kosarat fontk. Amikor nknt gondolsz
you mean that you are a women, or that your body is nmagadra, gy rted, hogy te n vagy, vagy gy,
described as female? hogy a tested nnemknt rhat le?

Q: It depends on my mood. Sometimes I feel myself K: Ez a hangulatomtl fgg. Nha gy rzem, hogy
to be a mere centre of awareness. a tudatossg kzpontja vagyok csupn.

M: Or, an ocean of awareness. But are there M: Vagy a tudat cenja. De vannak-e pillanatok,

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
moments when you are neither man nor women, not mikor nem vagy se frfi, se n, sem a vletlen, a
the accidental, occasioned by circumstances and krlmnyek s felttelek ltal elidzett?

Q: Yes, there are, but I feel shy to talk about it. K: Igen, vannak, de flek beszlni rla.

M: A hint is all that one can expect. You need not M: Egy clzs tbb, mint amit el lehet vrni. Nem
say more. kell tbbet mondanod.

Q: Am I allowed to smoke in your presence? I know K: Megengeded, hogy rgyjtsak a jelenltedben?

that it is not the custom to smoke before a sage and Tudom, hogy nem szoks egy blcs eltt
more so for a women. dohnyozni, s egy nnek sokkal inkbb nem.

M: By all means, smoke, nobody will mind. We M: Hogyne, dohnyozz, senkit nem zavar.
understand. Megrtjk.

Q: I feel the need of cooling down. K: Szksgem van r, hogy megnyugodjak.

M: It is very often so with Americans and M: Ez nagyon gyakori az amerikaiak s eurpaiak

Europeans. After a stretch of sadhana they become esetben. Egy bizonyos idej sadhana utn fel
charged with energy and frantically seek an outlet. vannak tltdve energival, s ktsgbeesetten
They organise communities, become teachers of keresik a levezetst. Kzssgeket szerveznek,
Yoga, marry, write books -- anything except keeping Yoga tanrok lesznek, hzasodnak, knyvet rnak
quiet and turning their energies within, to find the mindent megtesznek, a csendben marads, s
source of the inexhaustible power and learn the art energiik befel fordtsa kivtelvel, hogy
of keeping it under control. megtalljk a kimerthetetlen er forrst, s
megtanuljk annak mvszett, hogyan tartsk azt
kontroll alatt.

Q: I admit that now I want to go back and live a very K: Bevallom, most vissza akarok menni, s egy
active life, because I feel full of energy. nagyon aktv letet akarok lni, mert gy rzem, tele
vagyok energival.

M: You can do what you like, as long as you do not M: Tehetsz, amit akarsz, amg nem tartod nmagad
take yourself to be the body and the mind. It is not a testnek, s az elmnek. Nem annyira az a krds,
so much a question of actual giving up the body and hogy feladd a testet, s mindent, ami ezzel jr, mint
all that goes with it, as a clear understanding that annak vilgos megrtse, hogy te nem a test vagy.
you are not the body. A sense of aloofness, of A tartzkods az rzelmi be nem avatkozs rzse.
emotional non-involvement.

Q: I know what you mean. Some four years ago I K: Tudom, hogy rted. Mintegy ngy vvel ezeltt
passed through a period of rejection of the physical; testem a fizikai elutasts egy peridusn; nem
I would not buy myself clothes, would eat the akartam magamnak ruhkat venni, a legegyszerbb
simplest foods, sleep on bare planks. It is the teleket akartam enni, csupasz deszkn akartam
acceptance of the privations that matters, not the aludni. A nlklzs elfogadsa, ami szmt
actual discomfort. Now I have realised that valjban, nem a knyelmetlensg. Mostanra
welcoming life as it comes and loving all it offers, is felismertem, hogy legjobb az letet gy elfogadni,
best of it. I shall accept with glad heart whatever ahogy jn, s mindent szeretni, amit felknl.
comes and make the best of it. If I can do nothing rvendez szvvel elfogadok brmit, ami jn, s
more than give life and true culture to a few children berem vele. Ha nem tudok semmi tbbet tenni,
-- good enough; though my heart goes out to every mint hogy nhny gyermeknek letet, s j nevelst
child, I cannot reach all. adok mr elg j; noha majd meghal a szvem
minden gyermekrt, nem rhetem el mindet.

M: You are married and a mother only when you are M: Csak akkor vagy hzas s anya, ha frfi-n
man-women conscious. When you do not take tudatossgod van. Amikor nem tartod magad a
yourself to be the body, then the family life of the testtel azonosnak, akkor a test csaldi lete, legyen
body, however intense and interesting, is seen only az brmilyen intenzv s rdekes, csak az egyetlen
as a play on the screen of the mind, with the light of valsg, a tudat fnynek az elme kpernyjre
awareness as the only reality. vetl jtknak ltszik.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok

Q: Why do you insist on awareness as the only real? K: Mirt hangslyozod, hogy a tudatossg az
Is not the object of awareness as real, while it lasts? egyetlen valsg? Nem ugyangy valsgos a tudat
valamely objektuma, mg fennmarad?

M: But it does not last. Momentary reality is M: De nem marad fenn. A pillanatnyi valsg
secondary; it depends on the timeless. msodlagos; az idtlentl fgg.

Q: Do you mean continuous, or permanent? K: Ezen folytonossgot rtesz, vagy llandsgot?

M: There can be no continuity in existence. M: A ltezsben nem lehet folytonossg. A

Continuity implies identity in past, present and folytonossg mlt-, jelen- s jvbeli azonossgot
future. No such identity is possible, for the very jelent. Ilyen nazonossg nem lehetsges, mert az
means of identification fluctuate and change. nazonossg ismertetjelei ingadoznak s
Continuity, permanency, these are illusions created vltoznak. Folytonossg, llandsg, ezek az
by memory, mere mental projections of a pattern emlkezet ltal ltrehozott illzik, egy minta
where no pattern can be; abandon all ideas of pusztn mentlis kivettsei, ott, ahol nem lehet
temporary or permanent, body or mind, man or minta; vess el minden mlra vagy llandra, testre
women; what remains? What is the state of your vagy elmre, frfira vagy nre vonatkoz idet; mi
mind when all separation is given up? I am not marad? Mi az llapota elmdnek, amikor minden
talking of giving up distinctions, for without them elklnlst feladtl? Nem a klnbsgek
there is no manifestation. feladsrl beszlek, mert azok nlkl nincs

Q: When I do not separate, I am happily at peace. K: Amikor nem vagyok elklnlve, a boldog bke
But somehow I lose my bearings again and again llapotban vagyok. De valahogy jra s jra
and begin to seek happiness in outer things. Why is eltvesztem az irnyt, s a boldogsgot elkezdem
my inner peace not steady, I cannot understand. kls dolgokban keresni. Hogy mirt nem elg
szilrd a bels bkm, nem rtem.

M: Peace, after all, is also a condition of the mind. M: Vgs soron a bke is az elme llapota.

Q: Beyond the mind is silence. There is nothing to K: Az elmn tl csend van. Ott semmi nincs, amirl
be said about it. beszlni lehetne.

M: Yes, all talk about silence is mere noise. M: Igen, minden beszd, amely a csendrl szl, zaj

Q: Why do we seek worldly happiness, even after K: Mirt keressk mg az ember sajt termszetes
having tasted ones own natural spontaneous spontn boldogsgnak megzlelse utn is az
happiness? evilgi boldogsgot?

M: When the mind is engaged in serving the body, M: Amikor az elme elktelezi magt a test
happiness is lost. To regain it, it seeks pleasure. The szolglatnak, a boldogsg elvsz. Hogy azt
urge to be happy is right, but the means of securing visszanyerje, rmt keres. A boldogsgra
it are misleading, unreliable and destructive of true ksztetettsg rendben van, de bebiztostsnak
happiness. szndka flrevezet, megbzhatatlan, s az igaz
boldogsgra nzve rombol hats.

Q: Is pleasure always wrong? K: Az rm mindig helytelen?

M: The right state and use of the body and the mind M: A helyes llapot, s a test s elme hasznlata
are intensely pleasant. It is the search for pleasure rendkvl kellemes. Az rm keress, ami helytelen.
that is wrong. Do not try to make yourself happy, Ne trekedj, hogy boldogg tedd magad, inkbb
rather question your very search for happiness. It is krdjelezd meg egsz boldogsg keressedet.
because you are not happy that you want to be Azrt nem vagy boldog, mert boldog akarsz lenni.
happy. Find out why you are unhappy. Because you Fedezd fel, mirt vagy boldogtalan. Mivel nem vagy
are not happy you seek happiness in pleasure; boldog, boldogsgot keresel az rmben; az rm
pleasure brings in pain and therefore you call it fjdalomhoz vezet, s emiatt elnevezed azt
worldly; you then long for some other pleasure, evilginak; ezutn kezdesz svrogni ms, fjdalom

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
without pain, which you call divine. In reality, nlkli rmk utn, amelyeket elnevezel isteninek.
pleasure is but a respite from pain. Happiness is Valjban az rm csupn haladk a fjdalomtl. A
both worldly and unworldly, within and beyond all boldogsg mind vilgi, mind nem vilgi, a
that happens. Make no distinction, dont separate trtnseken belli s tli. Ne tgy
the inseparable and do not alienate yourself from megklnbztetst, ne vlaszd el, ami nem
life. elvlaszthat, s ne idegentsd el nmagad az

Q: How well I understand you now. Before my stay K: Most micsoda jl megrtelek. Ramanashrambeli
at Ramanashram I was tyrannised by conscience, ltogatsom eltt a lelkiismeret zsarnokoskodott
always sitting in judgement of myself. Now I am felettem, llandan eltltem nmagam. Most
completely relaxed, fully accepting myself as I am. teljesen laza vagyok, teljesen elfogadva nmagam,
When I return to the States, I shall take life as it ahogy vagyok. Mikor visszatrek az llamokba, gy
comes, as Bhagavans grace, and enjoy the bitter fogom venni az letet, ahogy az jn, Bhagavn
along with the sweet. This is one of the things I have kegyelmbl, s a kesert egytt fogom lvezni az
learnt in the Ashram -- to trust Bhagavan. I was not dessel. Ez az egyik dolog, amit az Ashramban
like this before. I could not trust. megtanultam hinni Bhagavnban. Nem ilyen
voltam eltte. Nem tudtam hinni.

M: Trusting Bhagavan is trusting yourself. Be aware M: Bhagavnban hinni azt jelenti, nmagadban
that whatever happens, happens to you, by you, hinni. Tudd, hogy brmi trtnjk neked, veled,
through you, that you are the creator, enjoyer and ltalad, hogy te vagy a teremtje, lvezje s
destroyer of all you perceive and you will not be puszttja mindennek, amit szlelsz, s akkor nem
afraid. Unafraid, you will not be unhappy, nor will fogsz flni. Flelem nlkl nem leszel boldogtalan,
you seek happiness. s boldogsgot sem fogsz keresni.

In the mirror of your mind all kinds of pictures appear Elmd tkrben mindenfle kpek jelennek meg, s
and disappear. Knowing that they are entirely your tnnek el. Tudvn, hogy azok teljesen a te sajt
own creations, watch them silently come and go, be teremtmnyeid, figyeld ket csendesen, ahogy
alert, but not perturbed. This attitude of silent jnnek-mennek, lgy ber, de ne izgatott. A csendes
observation is the very foundation of Yoga. You see megfigyelsnek ez az attitdje a Yoga igazi alapja.
the picture, but you are not the picture. Ltod a kpet, de nem te vagy a kp.

Q: I find that the thought of death frightens me K: gy gondolom, hogy a hall gondolatai azrt
because I do not want to be reborn. I know that none rmisztek szmomra, mert nem akarok jra
compels, yet the pressure of unsatisfied desires is szletni. Tudom, hogy semmi nem knyszert,
overwhelming and I may not be able to resist. mgis, a kielgtetlen vgyak nyomsa
megsemmist erej, s lehet, hogy nem leszek
kpes ellenllni.

M: The question of resistance does not arise. What M: Sz sincs ellenllsrl. Ami megszletett, s
is born and reborn is not you. Let it happen, watch it jraszletett, az nem te vagy. Engedd megtrtnni,
happen. figyeld a trtnst.

Q: Why then be at all concerned? K: Minek akkor foglalkozni vele egyltaln?

M: But you are concerned. And you will be M: De ht te foglalkozol vele. s egsz addig
concerned as long as the picture clashes with your foglalkozni fogsz vele, amg a kp ellentmondsba
own sense of truth, love and beauty. The desire for nem kerl igazsg-, szeretet- s szprzkeddel. A
harmony and peace is ineradicable. But once it is harmnia s bke irnti vgy mlyen gykerezik. De
fulfilled, the concern ceases and physical life beteljeslsvel az rdeklds megsznik, a testi
becomes effortless and below the level of attention. let passzvv vlik, s a figyelem szintje al merl.
Then, even in the body you are not born. To be Azutn, habr mg testben vagy, nem szletett
embodied or bodyless is the same to you. You reach vagy. Testtel, vagy testetlenl, egyre megy
a point when nothing can happen to you. Without szmodra. Elrsz egy pontra, amikor semmi nem
body, you cannot be killed; without possessions you trtnhet veled. Test nlkl nem vagy meglhet;
cannot be robbed; without mind, you cannot be vagyon nlkl nem vagy kifoszthat; elme nlkl
deceived. There is no point where a desire or fear nem tvedhetsz. Nincs olyan pont, amibe a vgy,
can hook on. As long as no change can happen to vagy a flelem belekapaszkodhat. Amg nem
you, what else matters? trtnhet veled vltozs, mi egyb szmt?

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok

Q: Somehow I do not like the idea of dying. K: Valahogy nem szeretem a hall idejt.

M: It is because you are so young. The more you M: Azrt, mert oly fiatal vagy. Minl jobban ismered
know yourself the less you are afraid. Of course, the nmagad, annl kevsb flsz. Egy haldokol
agony of dying is never pleasant to look at, but the halltusjt ltni, termszetesen, sosem kellemes,
dying man is rarely conscious. de a haldokl ember ritkn tudatos.

Q: Does he return to consciousness? K: Vissza fog trni a tudatossghoz?

M: It is very much like sleep. For a time the person M: Ez nagyon hasonlt az alvshoz. A szemly egy
is out of focus and then it returns. idre kikerl a fkuszbl, majd visszatr.

Q: The same person? K: Ugyanaz a szemly?

M: The person, being a creature of circumstances, M: A szemly, lvn a krlmnyek teremtmnye,

necessarily changes along with them, like the flame szksgszeren vele egytt vltozik, a lnghoz
that changes with the fuel. Only the process goes on hasonlan, amely egytt vltozik a tzelanyaggal.
and on, creating time and space.

Q: Well, God will look after me. I can leave K: Nos, Isten gondoskodni fog rlam. n mindenben
everything to Him. r hagyatkozom.

M: Even faith in God is only a stage on the way. M: Mg Istenhited is csak egy lloms az utadon.
Ultimately you abandon all, for you come to Vgl mindennel felhagysz, mert valami oly
something so simple that there are no words to egyszerv vlsz, hogy azt szavakkal nem lehet
express it. kifejezni.

Q: I am just beginning. At the start I had no faith, no K: Mg csak az elejn vagyok. Kezdetben nem volt
trust; I was afraid to let things happen. The world se hitem, se bizalmam; fltem hagyni megtrtnni a
seemed to be a very dangerous and inimical place. dolgokat. A vilg nagyon veszlyes, s ellensges
Now, at least I can talk of trusting the Guru or God. helynek ltszott. Most legalbb el tudom mondani,
Let me grow. Dont drive me on. Let me proceed at hogy hiszek a Guruban, vagy Istenben. Hadd
my own pace. fejldjek. Ne srgess. Hadd haladjak a magam

M: By all means proceed. But you dont. You are still M: Persze, haladj csak. De nem fogsz. Bele fogsz
stuck in the ideas of man and women, old and csak ragadni a frfi s n, reg s fiatal, let s hall
young, life and death. Go on, go beyond. A thing ideiba. Menj tovbb, haladd meg. A felismert dolog
recognised is a thing transcended. meghaladott dolog.

Q: Sir, wherever I go people take it to be their duty K: Uram, brmerre jrok, mindenki ktelessgnek
to find faults with me and goad me on. I am fed up rzi, hogy kritizljon, s sztkljen engem. Torkig
with this spiritual fortune making. What is wrong with vagyok ezzel a spiritulis sorscsinlssal. Mi baj a
my present that it should be sacrificed to a future, jelenemmel, hogy fel kell azt ldoznom a jvnek,
however glorious? You say reality is in the now. I legyen az brmilyen dicssges? Te azt mondod,
want it. I do not want to be eternally anxious about hogy a valsg most van. n azt akarom. Nem
my stature and its future. I do not want to chase the akarok rksen szellemi kpessgeim, s annak
more and the better. Let me love what I have. jvje miatt nyugtalankodni. Nem akarok tbbre s
jobbra trni. Hadd szeressem, amim van.

M: You are quite right; do it. Only be honest -- just M: Teljesen igazad van; csinld. Csak lgy
love what you love -- dont strive and strain. becsletes csak szeresd, amit szeretsz ne kzdj,
ne erlkdj.

Q: This is what I call surrender to the Guru. K: Ezt nevezem n a Gurunak val nmegadsnak.

M: Why exteriorise? Surrender to your own self, of M: Mirt vettesz kifel? Add meg magad sajt
which everything is an expression. nednek, amely szmra minden az

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok

91. Pleasure and Happiness 91. rm s boldogsg

Questioner: A friend of mine, a young man about Krdez: Egyik bartom, egy huszont v krli
twenty-five, was told that he is suffering from an fiatalember azt mondta, gygythatatlan
incurable heart disease. He wrote to me that instead szvbetegsgben szenved. Azt rta nekem, hogy a
of slow death he preferred suicide. I replied to him lass hall helyett az ngyilkossgot rszesti
that a disease incurable by Western medicine may elnyben. Azt vlaszoltam neki, hogy a nyugati
be cured in some other way. There are yogic powers medicina ltal nem gygythat betegsg lehet, hogy
that can bring almost instantaneous changes in the meggygythat valamilyen ms mdon. Bizonyos
human body. Effects of repeated fasting also verge jgikus erk majdnem azonnali vltozst tudnak
on the miraculous. I wrote to him not to be in a hurry vgbevinni az emberi testben. Az ismtelt bjtkkel
to die; rather to give a trial to other approaches. elrhet hats csodval hatros. Azt rtam neki, ne
srgesse a hallt; inkbb prblkozzon ms
There is a Yogi living not far from Bombay who megkzeltsekkel is.
possesses some miraculous powers. He has
specialised in the control of the vital forces Van egy Bombaytl nem messze l Yogi, aki
governing the body. I met some of his disciples and csodlatos kpessgekkel br. A testet irnyt
sent through to the Yogi my friends letter and photo. leterk irnytsra specializlta magt.
Let us see what happens. Tallkoztam nhny tantvnyval, s elkldtem
ltaluk a Yoginak bartom levelt s fotjt.
Megltjuk, mi trtnik.

Maharaj: Yes, miracles often take place. But there Maharaj: Igen, csodk gyakran trtnnek. De
must be the will to live. Without it the miracles will szksg van az lni akarsra. A nlkl a csodk
not happen. nem trtnnek meg.

Q: Can such a desire be instilled? K: Lehet sugallni ilyen vgyat?

M: Superficial desire, yes. But it will wear out. M: Felsznes vgyat, igen. De az ilyen ki fog merlni.
Fundamentally, nobody can compel another to live. Alapjban vve, senki nem knyszertheti lni a
Besides, there were cultures in which suicide had its msikat. Egybknt, voltak kultrk, amelyekben az
acknowledged and respected place. ngyilkossgnak elismertsge, s elismert helye

Q: Is it not obligatory to live out ones natural span of K: Nem ktelez az embernek vgig lnie
life? termszetes lettartamt?

M: Natural -- spontaneously -- easy -- yes. But M: Termszetesen kls knyszer nlkl

disease and suffering are not natural. There is noble knnyen igen. De a betegsg s szenveds nem
virtue in unshakable endurance of whatever comes, termszetesek. A brmit elvisel rendthetetlen
but there is also dignity in the refusal of meaningless kitarts nemes erny, de az rtelmetlen knzs s
torture and humiliation. megalzs visszautastsban is mltsg van.

Q: I was given a book written by a siddha. He K: Kaptam egy siddha ltal rt knyvet. Sok klns,
describes in it many of his strange, even amazing st hihetetlen tapasztalatt rja le benne. Szerinte az
experiences. According to him the way of a true igazi sadhaka tja Gurujval val tallkozssal, s
sadhaka ends with his meeting his Guru and testnek, elmjnek s szvnek szmra val
surrendering to him body, mind and heart. tadsval r vget. Attl fogva a Guru vllalja
Henceforth the Guru takes over and becomes magra, s vlik felelss a tantvny letnek mg
responsible for even the least event in the disciples a legkisebb esemnyrt is, mgnem a kett eggy
life, until the two become one. One may call it vlik. Ezt nazonosuls rvn trtn
realisation through identification. The disciple is megvalsulsnak nevezhetjk. A tantvnyt tveszi
taken over by a power he cannot control, nor resist, egy hatalom, amelyet sem kontrolllni, sem
and feels as helpless as a leaf in the storm. The only visszautastani nem tud, s olyan gymoltalannak
thing that keeps him safe from madness and death rzi magt, mint a vihar sodorta levl. Az egyetlen
is his faith in the love and power of his Guru. dolog, ami megvja t az rlettl, s a halltl,

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
szeretetbe vetett hite, s Gurujnak hatalma.

M: Every teacher teaches according to his own M: Minden tant a sajt tapasztalata szerint tant. A
experience. Experience is shaped by belief and tapasztalatot alaktja a hit, s a hitet alaktja a
belief is shaped by experience. Even the Guru is tapasztalat. Mg a Guru is alaktsra kerl a
shaped by the disciple to his own image. It is the tantvny ltal, annak sajt kpre. A tantvny az,
disciple that makes the Guru great. Once the Guru is ami a Gurut naggy teszi. Amint a Gurut a
seen to be the agent of a liberating power, which megszabadt er kzvettjnek ltjuk, amely
works both from within and without, whole-hearted bellrl, s kvlrl egyarnt dolgozik, az szinte
surrender becomes natural and easy. Just as a man ntads termszetess, s knnyv vlik. Ahogy
gripped by pain puts himself completely in the hands egy fjdalom gytrte ember adja t magt teljesen
of a surgeon, so does the disciple entrust himself a sebsz kezbe, gy bzza r a tantvny magt
without reservation to his Guru. It is quite natural to fenntarts nlkl a Gurujra. Teljesen termszetes
seek help when its need is felt acutely. But, however segtsget keresni, amikor annak szksge knzv
powerful the Guru may be, he should not impose his vlik. De lehet a Guru brmennyire hatalmas, nem
will on the disciple. On the other hand, a disciple that tudja akaratt rerltetni a tantvnyra. Msfell a
distrusts and hesitates is bound to remain unfulfilled tantvny, aki nem hisz s ttovzik, a meg nem
for no fault of his Guru. valsultnak maradshoz kttt, ami nem Gurujnak
a hibja.

Q: What happens then? K: Mi trtnik azutn?

M: Life teaches, where all else fails. But the lessons M: Az let tant, ahol minden ms meghisul. De az
of life take a long time to come. Much delay and let lecki sokra jnnek. Sok kslekeds s
trouble is saved by trusting and obeying. But such nehzsg megtakarthat bizalom s
trust comes only when indifference and restlessness engedelmessg rvn. De ilyen bizalom csak akkor
give place to clarity and peace. A man who keeps alakul ki, amikor a nemtrdmsg s a
himself in low esteem, will not be able to trust nyugtalansg utat engednek a vilgossgnak s a
himself, nor anybody else. Therefore, in the bknek. Akinek alacsony az nbecslse, nem lesz
beginning the teacher tries his best to reassure the kpes bzni sem nmagban, sem senki msban.
disciple as to his high origin, noble nature and Emiatt a tant kezdetben mindent megksrel, hogy
glorious destiny. He relates to him the experiences jra feltltse nbizalommal a tantvnyt, az
of some saints as well as his own, instilling magasztos eredetvel, nemes termszetvel s
confidence in himself and in his infinite possibilities. dics sorsval kapcsolatban. Utal bizonyos szentek,
When self-confidence and trust in the teacher come valamint sajt tapasztalataira, bizalmat teremtve
together, rapid and far-going changes in the ezzel nmagval, s az vgtelen lehetsgeivel
disciples character and life can take place. kapcsolatosan. Amikor az nbizalom, s a tant
irnti bizalom sszetallkoznak, gyors, s messze
hat vltozsok kvetkeznek be a tantvny
jellemben, s letben.

Q: I may not want to change. My life is good enough K: n nem szeretnk vltozni. Az letem elg j
as it is. gy, ahogy van.

M: You say so because you have not seen how M: Azrt beszlsz gy, mert mg nem lttad, milyen
painful is the life you live. You are like a child fjdalmas az let, amit lsz. Olyan vagy, mint egy
sleeping with a lollypop in its mouth. You may feel alv gyermek, nyalkval a szjban. rezheted
happy for a moment by being totally self-centred, but magadat boldognak egy pillanatra, lvn teljesen n
it is enough to have a good look at human faces to kzpont, de elg, ha jl megnzed az emberi
perceive the universality of suffering. Even your own arcokat, hogy rzkeld a szenveds
happiness is so vulnerable and short-lived, at the egyetemessgt. Mg sajt boldogsgod is oly
mercy of a bank-crash, or a stomach ulcer. It is just sebezhet s muland, egy banki csd, vagy egy
a moment of respite, a mere gap between two gyomorfekly irgalmban. Csak egy pillanatnyi
sorrows. Real happiness is not vulnerable, because pihens, egy hzag csupn kt szomorsg kztt.
it does not depend on circumstances. A valdi boldogsg sebezhetetlen, mert fggetlen a

Q: Are you talking from your own experience? Are K: Sajt tapasztalatodbl beszlsz? Te is
you too unhappy? boldogtalan vagy?

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
M: I have no personal problems. But the world is full M: Nekem nincsenek szemlyes problmim. De a
of living beings whose lives are squeezed between vilg tele van olyan llnyekkel, akiknek az lete
fear and craving. They are like cattle driven to the flelem s knz vgyakozs kz prseldtt.
slaughter house, jumping and frisking, carefree and Olyanok, akr a vghdra hajtott jszg,
happy, yet dead and skinned within an hour. ugrndoznak s szkdcselnek, gondtalanok s
boldogok, mgis meglik, s megnyzzk ket egy
You say you are happy. Are you really happy, or are rn bell.
you merely trying to convince yourself. Look at
yourself fearlessly and you will at once realise that Azt mondod, boldog vagy. Valban boldog vagy,
your happiness depends on conditions and vagy csupn igyekszel meggyzni magad rla?
circumstances, hence it is momentary, not real. Real Nzz nmagadba btran, s azonnal fel fogod
happiness flows from within. ismerni, hogy boldogsgod felttelektl, s
krlmnyektl fgg, ennl fogva pillanatnyi, nem
vals. A valdi boldogsg bellrl ered.

Q: Of what use is your happiness to me? It does not K: Mi haszna szmomra a te boldogsgodnak? Az
make me happy. nem tesz engem boldogg.

M: You can have the whole of it and more for the M: Tid lehet az egsz, s mg tbb, pusztn csak
mere asking. But you do not ask; you dont seem to krned kell. De nem kred; gy ltszik, nem akarod.

Q: Why do you say so? I do want to be happy. K: Mirt beszlsz gy? n boldog akarok lenni.

M: You are quite satisfied with pleasures. There is M: Teljesen megelgszel az rmkkel. Nincs hely a
no place for happiness. Empty your cup and clean it. boldogsg szmra. rtsd ki poharad, s tiszttsd
It cannot be filled otherwise. Others can give you meg. Nem tlthet tele mskppen. Msok tudnak
pleasure, but never happiness. neked rmet adni, de boldogsgot soha.

Q: A chain of pleasurable events is good enough. K: rmteli esemnyek egy sorozata elg j.

M: Soon it ends in pain, if not in disaster. What is M: Hamarosan fjdalom a vge, ha nem katasztrfa.
Yoga after all, but seeking lasting happiness within? Mi a Yoga vgl is, ha nem a bels, lland
boldogsg keresse?

Q: You can speak only for the East. In the West the K: Te csak a Kelet szempontjbl tudsz beszlni.
conditions are different and what you say does not Nyugaton msok a felttelek, s amirl beszlsz, az
apply. ott nem rvnyes.

M: There is no East and West in sorrow and fear. M: A szomorsgban s flelemben nincs Kelet s
The problem is universal -- suffering and the ending Nyugat. A problma egyetemes a szenveds, s a
of suffering. The cause of suffering is dependence szenveds befejezse. A szenveds oka a
and independence is the remedy. Yoga is the fggsg, s a gygyszer a fggetlensg. A Yoga
science and the art of self-liberation through self- az nmegrtsen keresztl trtn
understanding. nmegszabadts tudomnya, s mvszete.

Q: I do not think I am fit for Yoga. K: Nem hiszem, hogy kszen llnk a Yogra.

M: What else are you fit for? All your going and M: Mi msra llnl kszen? Egsz jvs-mensed,
coming, seeking pleasure, loving and hating -- all rm, szeretet s gyllet keressed minden azt
this shows that you struggle against limitations, self- mutatja, hogy kzdesz a korltozsok ellen, akr rd
imposed or accepted. In your ignorance you make terheltek, akr elfogadottak. Tudatlansgod miatt
mistakes and cause pain to yourself and others, but hibkat kvetsz el, s fjdalmat okozol magadnak s
the urge is there and shall not be denied. The same msoknak, de a ksztets benned van, nem
urge that seeks birth, happiness and death shall tagadhatod. Ugyanaz a megszletst, boldogsgot,
seek understanding and liberation. It is like a spark s hallt keres ksztets fogja keresni a megrtst
of fire in a cargo of cotton. You may not know about s a megszabadulst. Hasonlan, mint mikor egy
it, but sooner or later the ship will burst in flames. rakomny gyapjba szikra pattan. Lehet, hogy nem
Liberation is a natural process and in the long run, tudsz rla, de a haj elbb-utbb lngokban fog
inevitable. But it is within your power to bring it into llni. A megszabaduls termszetes folyamat, s

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
the now. hossz tvon elkerlhetetlen. De hatalmadban ll a
mostba hozni azt.

Q: Then why are so few liberated people in the K: Akkor mirt van oly kevs megszabadult ember a
world? vilgon?

M: In a forest only some of the trees are in full bloom M: Adott pillanatban az erdben is csak nhny fa
at a given moment, yet every one will have its turn. van virgzsa teljben, mgis mindegyik sorra kerl.

Sooner or later your physical and mental resources A fizikai s mentlis erforrsok elbb-utbb
will come to an end. What will you do then? vgkhz rnek. Mit fogsz majd akkor csinlni?
Despair? All right, despair. You will get tired of Ktsgbeesel? Rendben, ess ktsgbe. Ki fogsz
despairing and begin to question. At that moment fradni a ktsgbeesstl, s el fogsz kezdeni
you will be fit for conscious Yoga. krdezni. Abban a pillanatban alkalmas kszen
fogsz llni a Yoga tudatossgra.

Q: I find all this seeking and brooding most K: gy rzem, ez az egsz keress s merengs
unnatural. nagyon termszetellenes.

M: Yours is the naturalness of a born cripple. You M: A te termszetessged szletett nyomork.

may be unaware but it does not make you normal. Lehetsz te naiv, de az nem tesz normliss. Nem
What it means to be natural or normal you do not tudod, mit jelent termszetesnek, vagy normlisnak
know, nor do you know that you do not know. lenni, s azt sem tudod, hogy nem tudod.

At present you are drifting and therefore in danger, Jelenleg sodrdsz, s ezrt veszlyben vagy, mert a
for to a drifter any moment anything may happen. It sodrdval brmely pillanatban brmi megtrtnhet.
would be better to wake up and see your situation. Jobb lenne felbredni, s szembenzni a helyzettel.
That you are -- you know. What you are -- you don't Azt, hogy vagy tudod. Hogy mi vagy nem tudod.
know. Find out what you are. Fedezd fel, mi vagy.

Q: Why is there so much suffering in the world? K: Mirt oly sok a szenveds a vilgban?

M: Selfishness is the cause of suffering. There is no M: Az nzs a szenveds oka. Nincsen ms ok.
other cause.

Q: I understood that suffering is inherent in K: Megrtettem, hogy a szenveds egytt jr a

limitation. korltozssal.

M: Differences and distinctions are not the causes of M: Nem a klnbsgek s megklnbztetsek a
sorrow. Unity in diversity is natural and good. It is szomorsg okai. Az egysg a sokflesgben
only with separateness and self-seeking that real termszetes, s j. Csak az elklnls s az nzs
suffering appears in the world. az, ami miatt a valdi szenveds a vilgban

92. Go Beyond the l-am-the-body Idea 92. Haladd meg az n-vagyok-a-test

Questioner: We are like animals, running about in Krdez: llatokknt szaladglunk, cltalanul
vain pursuits and there seems to be no end to it. Is keresglnk, s nem ltszik a vge. Van belle kit?
there a way out?

Maharaj: Many ways will be offered to you which will Maharaj: Sok olyan utat knlnak fel szmodra,
but take you round and bring you back to your amelyeken csak krbe-krbe jrsz, s visszakerlsz
starting point. First realise that your problem exists a kezdpontodba. Elszr ismerd fel, hogy a
in your waking state only, that however painful it is, problmd csak brenlti llapotodban ltezik, hogy
you are able to forget it altogether when you go to akrmilyen fjdalmas, kpes vagy azt teljesen
sleep. When you are awake you are conscious; elfelejteni, amikor elalszol. Amikor bren vagy,

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
when you are asleep, you are only alive. tudatos vagy; amikor alszol, akkor csak l.
Consciousness and life -- both you may call God; Tudatossg, s let mindkettt nevezheted
but you are beyond both, beyond God, beyond being Istennek; de te mindkettn tl vagy, tl Istenen, tl
and not-being. What prevents you from knowing lten, s nemlten. Ami meggtol abban, hogy
yourself as all and beyond all, is the mind based on nmagadat mindenknt, s mindenen tliknt
memory. It has power over you as long as you trust ismerd, az az emlkezet alap elme. Hatalma van
it; don't struggle with it; just disregard it. Deprived of fltted, amg hiszel benne; ne harcolj vele; csupn
attention, it will slow down and reveal the hagyd figyelmen kvl. Ha megfosztod figyelmedtl
mechanism of its working. Once you know its nature lelassul, s felfedi mkdsnek mechanizmust.
and purpose, you will not allow it to create imaginary Amint megismerted termszett, s cljt, nem
problems. fogod hagyni, hogy kpzelt problmkat teremtsen.

Q: Surely, not all problems are imaginary. There are K: Bizonyra nem minden problma elkpzelt.
real problems. Vannak valdi problmk.

M: What problems can there be which the mind did M: Milyen problmk lehetnek, amiket nem elme
not create? Life and death do not create problems; teremt? let s hall nem teremtenek problmkat;
pains and pleasures come and go, experienced and a fjdalmak s rmk jnnek s mennek, tled,
forgotten. It is memory and anticipation that create majd elfelejted ket. Az emlkezet s az elvrs az,
problems of attainment or avoidance, coloured by ami ltrehozza a megszerzs vagy elkerls
like and dislike. Truth and love are man's real nature rokonszenvekkel s ellenszenvekkel sznezett
and mind and heart are the means of its expression. problmit. Az igazsg s a szeretet az ember
valdi termszete, s az elme s a szv azok
kifejezsnek eszkze.

Q: How to bring the mind under control? And the K: Hogyan kell az elmt ellenrzs al vonni? s a
heart, which does not know what it wants? szvet, amely nem tudja, mit akar?

M: They cannot work in darkness. They need the M: k nem mkdhetnek sttben. Szksges
light of pure awareness to function rightly. All effort szmukra a tiszta tudat fnye, hogy helyesen
at control will merely subject them to the dictates of funkcionljanak. Minden ellenrzsre val trekvs
memory. Memory is a good servant, but a bad csak az emlkezet parancsai al rendeli ket. Az
master. It effectively prevents discovery. There is no emlkezet j szolga, de rossz mester. Hatkonyan
place for effort in reality. It is selfishness, due to a gtolja a megoldst. Nincs helye trekvsnek a
self-identification with the body, that is the main valsgban. Az nem ms, mint nzs,
problem and the cause of all other problems. And ksznheten a testtel val nazonostsnak, ami a
selfishness cannot be removed by effort, only by f problma, s minden ms problma oka. s az
clear insight into its causes and effects. Effort is a nzs nem tvolthat el erfesztssel, csak
sign of conflict between incompatible desires. They okainak s hatsainak tiszta megltsval. Az
should be seen as they are -- then only they erkifejts az sszeegyeztethetetlen vgyak kztti
dissolve. konfliktus jele. gy kell ket ltni, ahogyan vannak
csak akkor fognak szertefoszlani.

Q: And what remains? K: s mi marad?

M: That which cannot change, remains. The great M: Az, ami nem tud vltozni, megmarad. A
peace, the deep silence, the hidden beauty of reality magasztos bke, a mly csend, a valsg rejtett
remain. While it can not be conveyed through words, szpsge maradnak. Jllehet szavak rvn nem
it is waiting for you to experience for yourself. kzvetthet, rd vr, hogy magad tapasztald meg.

Q: Must not one be fit and eligible for realisation? K: Nem kell az embernek kszen llnia s
Our nature is animal to the core. Unless it is alkalmasnak lennie a megvalsulsra?
conquered, how can we hope for reality to dawn? Termszetnk a zig-vrig llati jelleg. Hacsak le
nem gyzzk, hogyan remlhetnnk, hogy
felvirradjon a valsg?

M: Leave the animal alone. Let it be. Just remember M: Hagyd az llatot bkn. Hagyd lenni. Csak
what you are. Use every incident of the day to emlkezz, mi vagy. Hasznld a nap minden vratlan
remind you that without you as the witness there esemnyt, hogy emlkeztessen, hogy nlkled,
would be neither animal nor God. Understand that mint tan nlkl mg llat, s Isten sem lenne. rtsd

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
you are both, the essence and the substance of all meg, hogy te vagy minden, lnyege s
there is. And remain firm in your understanding. szubsztancija mindennek, ami van. s maradj
szilrdan megrtsedben.

Q: Is understanding enough? Don't I need more K: A megrts elegend? Nem kellenek sokkal
tangible proofs? kzzelfoghatbb bizonytkok?

M: It is your understanding that will decide about the M: A megrtsed az, ami dnteni fog a bizonytkok
validity of proofs. But what more tangible proof do rvnyessgrl. De milyen kzzelfoghatbb
you need than your own existence? Wherever you bizonytkra van szksged a sajt ltezsednl?
go you find yourself. However far you reach out in Akrhov msz, nmagadat tallod. Akrmilyen
time, you are there. messzire eljutsz idben, te vagy ott.

Q: Obviously, I am not all-pervading and eternal. I K: Nyilvnval, hogy nem vagyok mindent betlt,
am only here and now. s rkkval. Csak itt, s most vagyok.

M: Good enough. The 'here' is everywhere and the M: ppen megfelel. Az itt az mindenhol, s a
now -- always. Go beyond the 'I-am-the-body' idea most, az mindig. Haladd meg az n-vagyok-a-test
and you will find that space and time are in you and idet, s gy felfedezed, hogy a tr s id benned
not you in space and time. Once you have vannak, s nem te vagy a trben s idben. Amint
understood this, the main obstacle to realisation is ezt megrtetted, a megvalsuls f akadlya
removed. elhrult.

Q: What is the realisation which is beyond K: Mifle megvalsuls az, amely meghaladja a
understanding? megrtst?

M: Imagine a dense forest full of tigers and you in a M: Kpzelj el egy sr erdt, tele tigrisekkel, s
strong steel cage. Knowing that you are well magadat egy ers acl ketrecben. Tudvn, hogy a
protected by the cage, you watch the tigers ketrec jl vdelmet nyjt szmodra, flelem nlkl
fearlessly. Next you find the tigers in the cage and nzel a tigrisekre. Majd felfedezed, hogy a tigrisek
yourself roaming about in the jungle. Last -- the cage vannak a ketrecben, s te magad a dzsungelben
disappears and you ride the tigers. kszlsz. Vgl a ketrec eltnik, s te uralkodsz a

Q: I attended one of the group meditation sessions, K: Rszt vettem egy csoportos meditcis
held recently in Bombay, and witnessed the frenzy tanfolyamon, amit nemrg tartottak Bombayben, s
and self-abandon of the participants. Why do people tanja voltam, hogyan rjngtek s vetkztek ki
go for such things? magukbl a rszvevk. Mirt tesznek az embereket
ilyen dolgokat?

M: These are all inventions of a restless mind M: Ezek mind a nyugtalan elme koholmnya, amely
pampering to people in search of sensations. Some a szenzcikat keres emberek kedvben jr.
of them help the unconscious to disgorge Nhnyuknak segt, hogy a tudattalan kihnyja a
suppressed memories and longings and to that visszafojtott emlkeket, s vgyakat, s bizonyos
extent they provide relief. But ultimately they leave mrtkig enyhlst talljanak. De vgs soron ott
the practitioner where he was -- or worse. hagyjk a gyakorlt ahol az volt vagy mg
rosszabb helyen.

Q: I have read recently a book by a Yogi on his K: Nemrg olvastam egy Yogi meditcis
experiences in meditation. It is full of visions and tapasztalatairl szl knyvet. Tele van vzikkal,
sounds, colours and melodies; quite a display and a hangokkal, sznekkel s meldikkal; egsz
most gorgeous entertainment. In the end they all rzkletes lers, s a legnagyszerbb szrakozs.
faded out and only the feeling of utter fearlessness A vgn mind elhalvnyul, s csak a legteljesebb
remained. No wonder -- a man who passed through flelemnlklisg rzse marad. Nem csoda az,
all these experiences unscathed need not be afraid aki mindezeken a tapasztalatokon srtetlenl
of anything. Yet I was wondering of what use is such keresztlment, nem szabad, hogy fljen semmitl.
book to me? Mgis, szeretnm tudni, hogy mi haszna van az
ilyen knyveknek szmomra?

M: Of no use, probably, since it does not attract you. M: Valsznleg semmi haszna, mivel az nem

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
Others may be impressed. People differ. But all are gyakorol rd vonzert. Msokra hatssal lehet. Az
faced with the fact of their own existence. 'I am' is emberek klnbzk. De mindenki szembesl sajt
the ultimate fact; 'Who am l?' is the ultimate question ltezsnek a tnyvel. Az n vagyok a vgs
to which everybody must find an answer. tny; a ki vagyok n? a vgs krds, amelyre
mindenkinek meg kell tallnia a vlaszt.

Q: The same answer? K: Ugyanaz a vlasz?

M: The same in essence, varied in expression. M: Lnyegben ugyanaz, megnyilvnulsban

Each seeker accepts, or invents, a method which
suits him, applies it to himself with some Minden keres tvesz, vagy kitall egy szmra
earnestness and effort, obtains results according to alkalmas mdszert, alkalmazza azt magra
his temperament and expectations, casts them into valamilyen komolysggal s erkifejtssel,
the mound of words, builds them into a system, alkatnak s elvrsainak megfelel eredmnyekre
establishes a tradition and begins to admit others jut, szkupacba osztja ket, rendszert pt bellk,
into his 'school of Yoga'. It is all built on memory and tradcit alapt, s elkezd msokat befogadni Yoga
imagination. No such school is valueless, nor iskoljba. Mindez emlkezetre, s kpzeletre pl.
indispensable; in each one can progress up to the Nincs olyan iskola, amely rtktelen, sem olyan,
point, when all desire for progress must be amely nlklzhetetlen lenne; mindegyikben eljuthat
abandoned to make further progress possible. Then az ember addig a pontig, ahol minden haladsra
all schools are given up, all effort ceases; in solitude vonatkoz vgynak el kell maradnia, hogy a tovbbi
and darkness the vast step is made which ends elrehalads lehetv vljk. Azutn minden iskola
ignorance and fear forever. feladsra kerl, minden erfeszts megsznik; a
magnyban, s sttsgben megttelre kerl a
The true teacher, however, will not imprison his hatalmas lps, amely vget vet a tudatlansgnak,
disciple in a prescribed set of ideas, feelings and s a flelemnek rkre.
actions; on the contrary, he will show him patiently
the need to be free from all ideas and set patterns of Az igazi tant azonban nem fogja tantvnyt elre
behaviour, to be vigilant and earnest and go with life lert idek, rzsek s cselekedetek sszessgnek
wherever it takes him, not to enjoy or suffer, but to brtnbe zrni; ellenkezleg, trelmesen meg fogja
understand and learn. neki mutatni, hogy arra van, szksg, hogy
megszabaduljon minden idetl, s viselkedsi
Under the right teacher the disciple learns to learn, minttl, vljon berr, s komolly, s haladjon az
not to remember and obey. Satsang, the company of lettel, brhov vesse is az t, nem az lvezet, vagy
the noble, does not mould, it liberates. Beware of all szenveds, hanem a megrts, s a tanuls miatt.
that makes you dependent. Most of the so-called
'surrenders to the Guru' end in disappointment, if not A megfelel tant alatt a tantvny tanulni tanul,
in tragedy. Fortunately, an earnest seeker will nem pedig emlkezni s engedelmeskedni. A
disentangle himself in time, the wiser for the satsang, a nemes trsasg, nem tforml, szabadd
experience. tesz. vakodj mindentl, ami fggv tesz. A
legtbb gynevezett Gurunak val nfelads-nak
kibrnduls, ha nem tragdia a vge. Szerencsre,
a komoly keres annl hamarabb ki fog szabadulni,
minl blcsebb a tapasztalatra.

Q: Surely, self-surrender has its value. K: Bizonyra az nfeladsnak is meg van az rtke.

M: Self-surrender is the surrender of all self- M: Az nfelads az sszes nvonatkozs feladst

concern. It cannot be done, it happens when you jelenti. Az nfeladst nem lehet megcsinlni, meg
realise your true nature. Verbal self-surrender, even fog trtnni, mikor rbredsz valdi termszetedre.
when accompanied by feeling, is of little value and A verblis nfelads, mg ha rzsek ksrik is,
breaks down under stress. At the best it shows an kevs rtkkel br, s stressz hatsra sszeomlik.
aspiration, not an actual fact. Legjobb esetben trekvst mutat, nem fennll

Q: In the Rigveda there is the mention of the adhi K: A Rigvedban emltsre kerl az adhi yoga, az
yoga, the Primordial Yoga, consisting of the s Yoga, amely a pragnnak a Pranval val
marriage of pragna with Prana, which, as I egyeslst jelenti, amelynek a jelentse
understand, means the bringing together of wisdom rtelmezsem szerint a blcsessg s az let

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
and life. Would you say it means also the union of sszehozsa. Lehet azt mondani, hogy a Dharma s
Dharma and Karma, righteousness and action? a Karma, az egyenessg s a cselekvs
egyeslst is jelenti egyttal?

M: Yes, provided by righteousness you mean M: Igen, az igazsgnak megfelelen te a harmnit

harmony with one's true nature and by action -- only az ember igaz termszetvel egytt jrnak, s a
unselfish and desireless action. cselekvst csupn nzetlen s vgytalan
cselekvsnek tekinted.
In adhi yoga life itself is the Guru and the mind -- the
disciple. The mind attends to life, it does not dictate. Az adhi yogban az let maga a Guru, s az elme
Life flows naturally and effortlessly and the mind a tantvny. Az elme szolglja az letet, nem diktl.
removes the obstacles to its even flow. Az let termszetes mdon, s erfeszts nlkl
ramlik, s az elme eltvoltja az egyenletes
ramlst gtl akadlyokat.

Q: Is not life by its very nature repetitive? Will not K: Az let valdi termszetnl fogva nem ismtld
following life lead to stagnation? jelleg? Az let kvetse nem fog stagnlshoz

M: By itself life is immensely creative. A seed, in M: Az let nmagban mrhetetlenl kreatv. Egy
course of time, becomes a forest. The mind is like a mag, az idk folyamn erdsgg vlik. Az elme
forester -- protecting and regulating the immense olyan, mint az erdsz vdi, s szablyozza a
vital urge of existence. ltezs mrhetetlen letad sztnt.

Q: Seen as the service of life by the mind, the adhi K: Ha az elmt az let szolgljnak ltja, az adhi
yoga is a perfect democracy. Everyone is engaged yoga egy tkletes demokrcia. Mindenki
in living a life to his best capacity and knowledge, elktelezett, hogy az letet legjobb kpessge s
everyone is a disciple of the same Guru. tudsa szerint lje, mindenki ugyanannak a Gurunak
a tantvnya.

M: You may say so. It may be so -- potentially. But M: Mondhatod gy. Lehet gy potencilisan. De
unless life is loved and trusted, followed with hacsak nem vagy szeretettel s bizalommal az let
eagerness and zest, it would be fanciful to talk of irnt, nem lelkesedssel s lvezettel kveted,
Yoga, which is a movement in consciousness, klns lenne Yogrl beszlni, amely egy mozgsa
awareness in action. tudatossgban, cselekv tudat.

Q: Once I watched a mountain-stream flowing K: Egyszer egy hegyi patakot figyeltem, amint a
between the boulders. At each boulder the sziklk kztt csrgedezett. A vz mindegyik knl
commotion was different, according to the shape mskpp rvnylett, a k formjnak s mretnek
and size of the boulder. Is not every person a mere megfelelen. Nem lehetsges, hogy minden
commotion over a body, while life is one and szemly egy test keltette rvny csupn, mg az let
eternal? egy s rkkval?

M: The commotion and the water are not separate. It M: Az rvny s a vz nem egymstl elvlaszthat
is the disturbance that makes you aware of water. dolgok. Az rvny miatt vagy tudatban a vznek.
Consciousness is always of movement, of change. Tudatossga mindig a mozgnak, vltoznak van.
There can be no such thing as changeless Vltozatlannak nem lehet tudatossga. A
consciousness. Changelessness wipes out vltozatlansgot a tudatossg azonnal megsznteti.
consciousness immediately. A man deprived of A kls s bels benyomsoktl megfosztott ember
outer or inner sensations blanks out, or goes beyond ress vlik, vagyis tllp a tudatossgon s
consciousness and unconsciousness into the tudattalansgon, egy szlets s hall nlkli
birthless and deathless state. Only when spirit and llapotba. Csak a szellem s az anyag
matter come together consciousness is born. tallkozsakor szletik tudatossg.

Q: Are they one or two? K: Egyek k, vagy kett?

M: It depends on the words you use: they are one, M: Az ltalad hasznlt szavaktl fgg, hogy egyek,
or two, or three. On investigation three become two kett, vagy hrom. A kutats sorn a hrom kettv,
and two become one. Take the simile of face -- a kett eggy vlik. Vegyk az arc tkr kp
mirror -- image. Any two of them presuppose the hasonlatot. Kzlk brmelyik kett felttelezi a

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
third which unites the two. In sadhana you see the harmadikat, ami egyesti a kettt. A sadhana sorn a
three as two, until you realise the two as one. hrmat egszen addig kettnek ltod, amg a kettt
egynek nem ismered fel.
As long as you are engrossed in the world, you are
unable to know yourself: to know yourself, turn away Amg a vilg lekti a figyelmedet, kptelen vagy
your attention from the world and turn it within. megismerni nmagadat: nmagad megismershez
el kell fordtanod figyelmedet a vilgtl, s befel kell

Q: I cannot destroy the world. K: Nem tudom megsemmisteni a vilgot.

M: There is no need. Just understand that what you M: Nincs is r szksg. Csak rtsd meg, hogy amit
see is not what is. Appearances will dissolve on ltsz, az nem az, ami van. A ltszatok szerte fognak
investigation and the underlying reality will come to foszlani a kutats sorn, s az alatta lv valsg a
the surface. You need not burn the house to get out felsznre kerl. Ahhoz, hogy kijjj a hzbl, nem kell
of it. You just walk out. It is only when you cannot azt felgyjtanod. Csupn stlj ki. A hz csak akkor
come and go freely that the house becomes a jail. I vlik brtnn, ha nem tudsz szabadon jnni-menni.
move in and out of consciousness easily and n knnyedn, s termszetesen jrok ki-be a
naturally and therefore to me the world is a home, tudatossgban, s ezrt szmomra a vilg otthon,
not a prison. nem brtn.

Q: But ultimately is there a world, or is there none? K: Vgtre is, ltezik vilg, vagy pedig nem ltezik

M: What you see is nothing but your self. Call it what M: Amit ltsz, az nem ms, mint nmagad. Nevezd,
you like, it does not change the fact. Through the aminek akarod, az nem vltoztat a tnyen. A sors
film of destiny your own light depicts pictures on the filmjn keresztl a te sajt fnyed rajzolja a kpeket
screen. You are the viewer, the light, the picture and a vszonra. Te vagy a nz, a fny, a kp, s a
the screen. Even the film of destiny (prarabdha) is vszon. Mg a sors filmjt (prarabdha) is magad
self-selected and self-imposed. The spirit is a sport vlasztottad, s nknt vllaltad. A szellem egy
and enjoys to overcome obstacles. The harder the sportol, s lvezi az akadlyok legyzst. Minl
task the deeper and wider his self-realisation. nehezebb a feladat, nmegvalstsa annl
mlyebb s szlesebb.

93. Man is not the Doer 93. Nem az ember a cselekv

Questioner: From the beginning of my life I am Krdez: Mita lek, azta ldz a befejezetlensg
pursued by a sense of incompleteness. From school rzse. Iskoltl egyetemig, munkig, hzassgig,
to college, to work, to marriage, to affluence, I gazdagsgig gy kpzeltem, hogy a kvetkez
imagined that the next thing will surely give me dolog biztos meg adja nekem a bkt, de nem jtt el
peace, but there was no peace. This sense of a bke. Ez a beteljesletlensg rzs csak
unfulfillment keeps on growing as years pass by. nvekszik, ahogy mlnak az vek.

Maharaj: As long as there is the body and the sense Maharaj: Amg a test s a testtel val azonossg
of identity with the body, frustration is inevitable. rzse fennllnak, a kielgtetlensg rzse
Only when you know yourself as entirely alien to and elkerlhetetlen. Csak akkor fogsz nyugalmat tallni
different from the body, will you find respite from the az n-vagyok-a-test idetl elvlaszthatatlan
mixture of fear and craving inseparable from the 'I- flelemtl, s kielgthetetlen vgytl, mikor a testtl
am-the-body' idea. Merely assuaging fears and teljesen idegennek, s klnbznek fogod ismerni
satisfying desires will not remove this sense of nmagadat. A flelem lecsillaptsa s a vgyak
emptiness you are trying to escape from; only self- kielgtse nmagban nem tvoltja el az ressg
knowledge can help you. By self-knowledge I mean rzst, amitl meneklni prblsz; csak az
full knowledge of what you are not. Such knowledge nismeret segthet rajtad. nismereten annak teljes
is attainable and final; but to the discovery of what ismerett rtem, hogy mi nem vagy. Az ilyen az
you are there can be no end. The more you elrhet, s vgs ismeret; de annak felfedezst,
discover, the more there remains to discover. hogy mi vagy, soha nem lehet befejezni. Minl
tbbet felfedezel, annl tbb felfedezend marad.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok

Q: For this we must have different parents and K: Ehhez ms szlkre, s iskolkra van
schools, live in a different society. szksgnk, egy msik trsadalomban kell lnnk.

M: You; cannot change your circumstances, but M: A krlmnyeket nem tudod megvltoztatni, de
your attitudes you can change. You need not be hozzllsodon vltoztathatsz. Nem szabad
attached to the non-essentials. Only the necessary ktdnd a lnyegtelenhez. Csak a szksges dolog
is good. There is peace only in the essential. j. Csak a lnyegesben van bkessg.

Q: It is truth I seek, not peace. K: Igazsgot keresek, nem bkt.

M: You cannot see the true unless you are at peace. M: Nem lthatod meg az igazsgot, hacsak bkben
A quiet mind is essential for right perception, which nem vagy. A csendes elme nem nlklzhet a
again is required for self-realisation. helyes szlelshez, amely viszont az
nmegvalstshoz szksges.

Q: I have so much to do. I just cannot afford to keep K: Olyan sok a tennivalm. Nem engedhetem meg
my mind quiet. magamnak, hogy elmmet csendesen tartsam.

M: It is because of your illusion that you are the M: Ez azrt van, mert az az illzid, hogy te vagy a
doer. In reality things are done to you, not by you. cselekv. A valsgban a dolgok szmodra
trtnnek, nem ltalad.

Q: If I just let things happen, how can I be sure that K: Ha hagyom, hogy a dolgok csak gy trtnjenek,
they will happen my way? Surely I must bend them hogy lehetek biztos benne, hogy azok az n kedvem
to my desire. szerint fognak trtnni? Biztos, hogy vgyaimhoz
kell igaztanom ket.

M: Your desire just happens to you along with its M: Vgyad csupn megtrtnik szmodra, annak
fulfilment, or non-fulfilment. You can change neither. teljeslsvel, vagy be nem teljeslsvel
You may believe that you exert yourself, strive and egyetemben. Nem tudsz vltoztatni egyiken sem.
struggle. Again, it all merely happens, including the Hiheted, hogy te magad fradozol, trekszel s
fruits of the work. Nothing is by you and for you. All kzdesz. Ismtlem, minden pusztn megtrtnik,
is in the picture exposed on the cinema screen, beleszmtva a munka gymlcseit is. Semmi nem
nothing in the light, including what you take yourself ltalad, s rted van. Minden a mozi vszonra
to be, the person. You are the light only. vettett kpben van, semmi nem a fnyben,
belertve a szemlyt is, aminek tartod magad. Te
csak a fny vagy.

Q: If I am light only, how did I come to forget it? K: Ha n csak a fny vagyok, mirt felejtettem el?

M: You have not forgotten. It is in the picture on the M: Nem felejtetted el. A vsznon lv kp az, amit
screen that you forget and then remember. You elfelejtesz, s azutn eszedbe jut. Sose sznsz meg
never cease to be a man because you dream to be embernek lenni, csak mert tigrisnek lmodod
a tiger. Similarly you are pure light appearing as a magad. Hasonlkppen, te vagy a kpernyn
picture on the screen and also becoming one with it. kpknt megjelen tiszta fny, s a vele val eggy
vls is.

Q: Since all happens, why should I worry? K: Miutn minden trtnik, mirt kellene aggdnom?

M: Exactly. Freedom is freedom from worry. Having M: Pontosan. A szabadsg aggodalomtl val
realised that you cannot influence the results, pay no szabadsg. Felismervn, hogy nem befolysolhatod
attention to your desires and fears. Let them come az eredmnyeket, ne figyelj vgyaidra s
and go. Don't give them the nourishment of interest flelmeidre. Hagyd, hogy megjelenjenek, s
and attention. eltnjenek. Ne tplld ket rdekldseddel, s

Q: If I turn my attention from what happens, what am K: Ha figyelmemet elfordtom attl, hogy mi trtnik,
I to live by? akkor mibl ljek meg?

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
M: Again it is like asking: 'What shall I do, if I stop M: Ez megint olyan, mint azt krdezni: Mit fogok
dreaming?' Stop and see. You need not be anxious: csinlni, ha abbahagyom az lmodst? Nem kell
'What next?' There is always the next. Life does not amiatt aggdnod, hogy mi kvetkezik? Mindig
begin nor end: immovable -- it moves, momentary -- kvetkezik valami. Az let se nem kezddik, se nem
it lasts. Light can not be exhausted even if vgzdik: a mozdthatatlan mozog, a pillanatnyi
innumerable pictures are projected by it. So does life fennmarad. A fny nem tud elfogyni, mg ha
fill every shape to the brim and return to its source, megszmllhatatlan kp kerl is ltala kivettsre.
when the shape breaks down. Ugyangy tlt fel sznltig minden formt az let, s
tr vissza forrshoz, mikor a forma felbomlik.

Q: If life is so wonderful, how could ignorance K: Az let oly csodlatos, hogyan fordulhat el
happen? tudatlansg?

M: You want to treat the disease without having M: Anlkl akarod kezelni a betegsget, hogy ltnd
seen the patient. Before you ask about ignorance, a beteget. Mieltt tudatlansgrl krdezel, mirt nem
why don't you enquire first, who is the ignorant? kutatod elszr, ki a tudatlan? Amikor azt mondod,
When you say you are ignorant, you do not know tudatlan vagy, nem tudod, hogy rraktad a
that you have imposed the concept of ignorance tudatlansg fogalmt, gondolataid s rzseid valdi
over the actual state of your thoughts and feelings. llapotra. Vizsgld meg azokat, amint felmerlnek,
Examine them as they occur, give them your full fordtsd feljk teljes figyelmedet, s gy fogod
attention and you will find that there is nothing like tallni, hogy olyan, mint tudatlansg nem ltezik,
ignorance, only inattention. Give attention to what csak figyelmetlensg van. Tntesd ki figyelmeddel, a
worries you, that is all. After all, worry is mental pain tged aggaszt dolgot, ez minden. Vgl is, az
and pain is invariably a call for attention. The aggds mentlis fjdalom, s a fjdalom mindig
moment you give attention, the call for it ceases and figyelmet kvetel. A pillanatban, hogy figyelmedben
the question of ignorance dissolves. Instead of rszested, az irnta val igny megsznik, s a
waiting for an answer to your question, find out who tudatlansg krdse szerte foszlik. Ahelyett, hogy a
is asking the question and what makes him ask it. vlaszt vrnd a krdsedre, fedezd fel, ki krdez,
You will soon find that it is the mind, goaded by fear s mirt. Hamarosan rjssz, hogy a fjdalomtl
of pain, that asks the question. And in fear there is val flelem ltal krdezsre sztklt elme az. s a
memory and anticipation, past and future. Attention flelemben emlkezet s elvrs, mlt s jv van.
brings you back to the present, the now, and the A figyelem vissza hoz tged a jelenbe, a mostba, s
presence in the now is a state ever at hand, but a mostban val jelenlt egy mindig kznl lv
rarely noticed. llapot, csak ritkn kap figyelmet.

Q: You are reducing sadhana to simple attention. K: A sadhant egyszer figyelemre reduklod. Hogy
How is it that other teachers teach complete, difficult van az, hogy ms tantk teljes, fradsgos, s
and time-consuming courses? idignyes kurzusokat tartanak?

M: The Gurus usually teach the sadhanas by which M: A Guruk rendszerint azt a sadhant tantjk,
they themselves have reached their goal, whatever amely rvn k maguk elrtk a sajt cljukat, brmi
their goal may be. This is but natural, for their own is legyen az. Ez azonban termszetes, mert sajt
sadhana they know intimately. I was taught to give sadhanjukat k ismerik legkzvetlenebbl. n
attention to my sense of 'I am and I found it megtanultam figyelmemet n vagyok rzsemnek
supremely effective. Therefore, I can speak of it with szentelni, s azt a legteljesebb mdon hatkonynak
full confidence. But often people come with their talltam. Emiatt tudok rla beszlni teljes
bodies, brain and minds so mishandled, perverted meggyzdssel. De az emberek gyakran olyan
and weak, that the state of formless attention is helytelenl kezelt, romlott, s gyenge testtel, aggyal,
beyond them. In such cases, some simpler token of s elmvel jnnek el, hogy a formanlkli figyelem
earnestness is appropriate. The repetition of a llapota felettk ll. Ilyen esetekben a komolysg
mantra, or gazing at a picture will prepare their body bizonyos egyszerbb szimbluma helynval.
and mind for a deeper and more direct search. After Mantra ismtlse, vagy egy kp bmulsa fogja
all, it is earnestness that is indispensable, the crucial felkszteni testket s lelkket egy mlyebb s
factor. Sadhana is only a vessel and it must be filled sokkal kzvetlenebb keressre. Elvgre a
to the brim with earnestness, which is but love in komolysg a nlklzhetetlen, kritikus tnyez. A
action. For nothing can be done without love. sadhana egy edny csupn, amelyet csordultig kell
tlteni komolysggal, ami azonban cselekv
szeretet. Mert semmit nem lehet tenni szeretet

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
Q: We love only ourselves. K: Mi csak nmagunkat szeretjk.

M: Were it so, it would be splendid. Love your self M: Ha gy lenne, az nagyszer lenne. Szeresd
wisely and you will reach the summit of perfection. magad blcsen, s el fogod rni a tkletessg
Everybody loves his body, but few love their real cscst. Mindenki szereti a testt, de kevesen
being. szeretik valdi ltket.

Q: Does my real being need my love? K: Valdi ltemnek szksge van a szeretetemre?

M: Your real being is love itself and your many loves M: Valdi lted a szeretet maga, s a te nagyfok
are its reflections according to the situation at the szereteted annak tkrzdse, a pillanatnyi
moment. helyzetnek megfelelen.

Q: We are selfish, we know only self-love. K: nzk vagyunk, csak nszeretet ismernk.

M: Good enough for a start. By all means wish M: Indulsnak elg j. Felttlenl kvnj jt
yourself well. Think over, feel out deeply what is nmagadnak Gondold t, dertsd fel alaposan, hogy
really good for you and strive for it earnestly. Very valjban mi j szmodra, trekedj komolyan annak
soon you will find that the real is your only good. elrsre. Nagyon hamar fel fogod fedezni, hogy a
valsg a te egyetlen javad.

Q: Yet I do not understand why the various Gurus K: n mgsem rtem, hogy klnbz Guruk mirt
insist on prescribing complicated and difficult ragaszkodnak bonyolult, s nehz sadhank
sadhanas. Don't they know better? elrshoz. Nem tudnak jobbat?

M: It is not what you do, but what you stop doing M: Nem az szmt, mit csinlsz, hanem az, hogy mit
that matters. The people who begin their sadhana nem csinlsz tovbb. Azok az emberek, akik
are so feverish and restless, that they have to be elkezdik sadhanjukat, olyan izgatottak, s
very busy to keep themselves on the track. An nyugtalanok, hogy nagyon el kell foglaljk magukat,
absorbing routine is good for them. After some time nehogy letrjenek az trl. Egy figyelmet lekt
they quieten down and turn away from effort. In gyakorlat j hatssal van rjuk. Bizonyos id utn
peace and silence the skin of the 'I' dissolves and lecsendesednek, s elfordulnak az erfesztstl.
the inner and the outer become one. The real Bkben s csendben az n krge szertefoszlik, s
sadhana is effortless. a kls s a bels eggy vlik. A valdi sadhana

Q: I have sometimes the feeling that space itself is K: Nha gy rzem, hogy maga a tr a testem.
my body.

M: When you are bound by the illusion: 'I am this M: Amikor az n ez a test vagyok illzi ltal kttt
body', you are merely a point in space and a vagy, akkor a tr egy pontja, s az id egy pillanata
moment in time. When the self-identification with the vagy csupn. Amikor a testtel val nazonossg
body is no more, all space and time are in your megsznik, az egsz tr s id az elmdben van,
mind, which is a mere ripple in consciousness, amely egy fodra csupn a tudatossgnak, amely a
which is awareness reflected in nature. Awareness mindensgben tkrzd tudat. Tudat s anyag
and matter are the active and the passive aspects of aktv s passzv aspektusai a tiszta ltnek, amely
pure being, which is in both and beyond both. Space benne van mindkettben, s tl van mindkettn. Tr
and time are the body and the mind of the universal s id a test, az elme viszont az univerzlis
existence. My feeling is that all that happens in ltezs. Az n rzsem szerint minden, ami trben
space and time happens to me, that every s idben trtnik, szmomra trtnik, minden
experience is my experience every form is my form. tapasztalat az n tapasztalatom, minden forma az
What I take myself to be, becomes my body and all n formm. Aminek n magamat tartom, az vlik a
that happens to that body becomes my mind. But at testemm, s minden, ami ezzel a testtel trtnik, az
the root of the universe there is pure awareness, elmmm vlik. De az univerzum gykern tren s
beyond space and time, here and now. Know it to be idn, itten s moston tli tiszta tudat van. Ismerd azt
your real being and act accordingly. valdi ltedknt, s cselekedj aszerint.

Q: What difference will it make in action what I take K: Milyen klnbsg fogja cselekvv tenni azt,
myself to be. Actions just happen according to amirl n azt tartom, hogy nmagam vagyok? A
circumstances. cselekvsek csak a krlmnyeknek megfelelen

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok

M: Circumstances and conditions rule the ignorant. M: A tudatlant krlmnyek s felttelek uraljk. A
The knower of reality is not compelled. The only law valsg ismerje nincs knyszer alatt. Az egyetlen
he obeys is that of love. trvny, aminek engedelmeskedik, a szeretet.

94. You are Beyond Space and Time 94. Tren s idn tli vagy
Questioner: You keep on saying that I was never Krdez: Azt lltod, hogy sohasem szlettem, s
born and will never die. If so, how is it that I see the soha nem fogok meghalni. Ha gy van, hogy lehet,
world as one which has been born and will surely hogy gy ltom a vilgot, mint ami megszletett, s
die? minden ktsgen fell meg fog halni?

Maharaj: You believe so because you have never Maharaj: Azrt hiszed ezt, mert soha nem
questioned your belief that you are the body which, krdjelezted meg a hitedet, hogy te a test vagy,
obviously, is born and dies. While alive, it attracts amely nyilvnvalan szletik, s meghal. Amg lsz
attention and fascinates so completely that rarely magra irnytja a figyelmet, s olyan tkletesen
does one perceive one's real nature. It is like seeing megigz, hogy az ember ritkn szleli valdi
the surface of the ocean and completely forgetting termszett. Ez olyan, mint amikor nzed az cen
the immensity beneath. The world is but the surface felsznt, s teljesen elfelejtkezel az alatta lv
of the mind and the mind is infinite. What we call vgtelen mlysgrl. A vilg csak felszne az
thoughts are just ripples in the mind. When the mind elmnek, s az elme vgtelen. Amit mi
is quiet it reflects reality. When it is motionless gondolatoknak neveznk, csak fodrok az elmben.
through and through, it dissolves and only reality Amikor az elme csendes, a valsgot tkrzi.
remains. This reality is so concrete, so actual, so Amikor zig-vrig mozdulatlan szertefoszlik, s csak
much more tangible than mind and matter, that a valsg marad. Ez a valsg olyan kzzelfoghat,
compared to it even diamond is soft like butter. This olyan valdi, annyival inkbb tapinthat, mint az
overwhelming actuality makes the world dreamlike, elme s az anyag, hogy hozz kpest a gymnt
misty, irrelevant. olyan, mint a lgy vaj. Ez a megsemmist valsg a
vilgot lomszerv, kdss, lnyegtelenn teszi.

Q: This world, with so much suffering in it, how can K: Ezt a vilgot, amelyben oly sok szenveds van,
you see it as irrelevant. What callousness. hogyan lthatod lnyegtelennek? Micsoda

M: It is you who is callous, not me. If your world is so M: Te vagy rzketlen, nem n. Ha a te vilgod oly
full of suffering, do something about it; don't add to it szenveds teli, tegyl valamit vele kapcsolatban; ne
through greed or indolence. I am not bound by your jrulj hozz kapzsisg s hanyagsg rvn. Engem
dreamlike world. In my world the seeds of suffering, nem ktz meg a te lomszer vilgod. Az n
desire and fear are not sown and suffering does not vilgom nincs bevetve a szenveds, vgy s flelem
grow. My world is free from opposites, of mutually magvaival, s nem terem szenvedst. Az n vilgom
distinctive discrepancies; harmony pervades; its mentes az ellenttektl, a klcsnsen
peace is rocklike; this peace and silence are my megklnbztet klnbzsgektl; harmnia jrja
body. t; bkje mint a szikla; ez a bke s csend az n

Q: What you say reminds me of the dharmakaya of K: Amit mondasz, Buddha dharmakayjra
the Buddha. emlkeztet.

M: Maybe. We need not run off with terminology. M: Lehet. De ne kanyarodjunk el terminolgiai
Just see the person you imagine yourself to be as a mellkvgnyra. A szemlyt, aminek kpzeled
part of the world you perceive within your mind and nmagadat, lsd az elmden bell szlelt vilg
look at the mind from the outside, for you are not the rsznek, s nzd az elmdet kvlrl, mert te nem
mind. After all, your only problem is the eager self- az elme vagy. Tulajdonkppen egyetlen problmd
identification with whatever you perceive. Give up a moh nazonosuls mindennel, amit szlelsz. Add
this habit, remember that you are not what you fel ezt a szokst, tartsd szben, hogy nem az vagy,
perceive, use your power of alert aloofness. See amit szlelsz, hasznld ber tartzkodsod erejt.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
yourself in all that lives and your behaviour will Lsd meg nmagad mindenben, ami l, s
express your vision. Once you realise that there is viselkedsed ki fogja fejezni vzidat. Amint
nothing in this world, which you can call your own, felismered, hogy ebben a vilgban semmi nincs,
you look at it from the outside as you look at a play amit sajtodnak nevezhetnl, kvlrl nzed azt,
on the stage, or a picture on the screen, admiring mint egy sznpadi jtkot, vagy vsznon jtszd
and enjoying, but really unmoved. As long as you filmet, csodlattal s lvezettel, de valjban
imagine yourself to be something tangible and solid, szenvtelenl. Ameddig valamilyen tapinthatnak s
a thing among things, actually existing in time and szilrdnak kpzeled magad, a dolgok egyiknek,
space, short-lived and vulnerable, naturally you will idben s trben valsgos lteznek, rvid
be anxious to survive and increase. But when you letnek s sebezhetnek, addig termszetesen
know yourself as beyond space and time -- in aggdni fogsz a tllsed s a gyarapodsod miatt.
contact with them only at the point of here and now, De amikor gy ismered magad, mint ami tl van
otherwise all-pervading and all-containing, tren s idn ezekkel csak az itt s most
unapproachable, unassailable, invulnerable -- you pontjban rintkezik, egybknt pedig mindent
will be afraid no longer. Know yourself as you are -- betlt, s mindent tartalmaz, megkzelthetetlen,
against fear there is no other remedy. megtmadhatatlan, sebezhetetlen soha tbb nem
fogsz flni. Ismerd magad annak, ami vagy a
You have to learn to think and feel on these lines, or flelem ellen nincs ms orvossg.
you will remain indefinitely on the personal level of
desire and fear, gaining and losing, growing and Meg kell tanulnod ezeken a vonalakon gondolkodni,
decaying. A personal problem cannot be solved on s rezni, vagy a vgtelensgig megmaradsz a vgy
its own level. The very desire to live is the s flelem, nyers s veszts, nvekeds s
messenger of death, as the longing to be happy is hanyatls szemlyes szintjn. Egy szemlyes
the outline of sorrow. The world is an ocean of pain problma nem oldhat meg a sajt szintjn. Az lni
and fear, of anxiety and despair. Pleasures are like vgys valjban a hall zenete, ahogyan a
the fishes, few and swift, rarely come, quickly gone. boldogsg utni vgy a bnat krvonala. A vilg a
A man of low intelligence believes, against all fjdalom s flelem, aggds s ktsgbeess
evidence, that he is an exception and that the world cenja. Az rmk akr a halak, kevesen vannak
owes him happiness. But the world cannot give what s gyorsak, ritkn jnnek, gyorsan mennek. Az
it does not have; unreal to the core, it is of no use foralacsony intelligencij ember azt hiszi, minden
real happiness. It cannot be otherwise. We seek the bizonysg ellenre, hogy kivtel, s hogy a vilg
real because we are unhappy with the unreal. boldogsggal tartozik neki. De a vilg nem tud olyat
Happiness is our real nature and we shall never rest adni, amivel nem rendelkezik; a velejig valtlan, a
until we find it. But rarely we know where to seek it. valdi boldogsg szmra haszontalan. Nem lehet
Once you have understood that the world is but a mskpp. Azrt keressk a valsgot, mert nem
mistaken view of reality, and is not what it appears vagyunk boldogok a valtlannal. A boldogsg a
to be, you are free of its obsessions. Only what is valdi termszetnk, s addig nem pihenhetnk,
compatible with your real being can make you happy mg meg nem talljuk. De ritkn tudjuk, hogy merre
and the world, as you perceive it, is its outright kell keresni. Amint megrted, hogy a vilg a
denial. valsgnak csak egy tves nzete, s nem az,
aminek ltszik, megszabadulsz a
Keep very quiet and watch what comes to the knyszerkpzeteitl. Csak ami valdi lteddel
surface of the mind. Reject the known, welcome the sszeegyeztethet, csak az tud tged boldogg
so far unknown and reject it in its turn. Thus you tenni, s a vilg, ahogyan azt szleled, ennek
come to a state in which there is no knowledge, only egyenes tagadsa.
being, in which being itself is knowledge. To know
by being is direct knowledge. It is based on the Maradj tkletesen csendben, s figyeld, hogy mi
identity of the seer and the seen. Indirect knowledge jn fel az elme felsznre. Utastsd el az ismertet,
is based on sensation and memory, on proximity of dvzld az eddig ismeretlent, s utastsd el,
the perceiver and his percept, confined with the msfell. Ily mdon egy olyan llapotba kerlsz,
contrast between the two. The same with happiness. amelyben nincs tuds, csak lt, amelyben a lt
Usually you have to be sad to know gladness and maga a tuds. A ltezs ltali tuds kzvetlen tuds.
glad to know sadness. True happiness is uncaused A lt s a ltott azonossgn alapul. Az indirekt
and this cannot disappear for lack of stimulation. It is tuds a benyomson s az emlken, az szlel s
not the opposite of sorrow, it includes all sorrow and szlelsnek kzelsgn alapul, amit kett ellentte
suffering. korltoz. Ugyanez van a boldogsggal. Az rm
ismerethez ltalban szomornak kell lenned, s
rvendened kell, hogy ismered a szomorsgot. A
valdi boldogsg ok nlkli, s nem tnhet el
stimulci hinyban. Nem a szomorsg ellentte,

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
magban foglal minden szomorsgot, s

Q: How can one remain happy among so much K: Hogy tud az ember boldog maradni, ilyen sok
suffering? szenveds kzepette?

M: One cannot help it -- the inner happiness is M: Ezt az ember nem tudja elsegteni a bels
overwhelmingly real. Like the sun in the sky, its boldogsg valdisga megsemmist erej. Akr a
expressions may be clouded, but it is never absent. nap az gen, megnyilvnulsait felhk takarhatjk,
de soha nincs tvol.

Q: When we are in trouble, we are bound to be K: Mikor bajban vagyunk, boldogtalanok vagyunk.

M: Fear is the only trouble. Know yourself as M: A flelem az egyetlen baj. Ismerd magad
independent and you will be free from fear and its szabadnak, s meg fogsz szabadulni a flelemtl s
shadows. annak rnyaitl.

Q: What is the difference between happiness and K: Mi a klnbsg boldogsg s rm kztt?


M: Pleasure depends on things, happiness does not. M: Az rmt dolgok okozzk, a boldogsgot nem.

Q: If happiness is independent, why are we not K: Ha a boldogsg fggetlen, mirt nem vagyunk
always happy? llandan boldogok?

M: As long as we believe that we need things to M: Amg azt hisszk, hogy dolgokra van szksgnk
make us happy, we shall also believe that in their a boldogsghoz, addig azt is hinni fogjuk, hogy
absence we must be miserable. Mind always shapes hinyuk boldogtalann kell, hogy tegyen. Az elme
itself according to its beliefs. Hence the importance mindig hiedelmeinek megfelelen alaktja nmagt.
of convincing oneself that one need not be prodded Ebbl kvetkezik a meggyzds fontossga, hogy
into happiness; that, on the contrary, pleasure is a az embernek nem szabad boldogsgra sarkallni
distraction and a nuisance, for it merely increases magt; ellenkezleg, az rm zavar tnyez, s
the false conviction that one needs to have and do nyg, mert csupn ersti a tvhitet, hogy az
things to be happy when in reality it is just the embernek dolgokat kell birtokolnia, s csinlnia
opposite. ahhoz, hogy boldog legyen, mikor a valsgban
ennek pp az ellenkezje igaz.
But why talk of happiness at all? You do not think of
happiness except when you are unhappy. A man De mirt beszlnk boldogsgrl egyltaln? Nem
who says: 'Now I am happy', is between two sorrows gondolsz boldogsgra, kivve, mikor boldogtalan
-- past and future. This happiness is mere vagy. Aki azt mondja, most boldog vagyok, kt
excitement caused by relief from pain. Real egy mlt- s egy jvbeli szomorsg kztt van.
happiness is utterly unselfconscious. It is best Ez a boldogsg csupn a fjdalom enyhlse ltal
expressed negatively as: 'there is nothing wrong with okozott izgalmi llapot. A valdi boldogsg teljesen
me. I have nothing to worry about'. After all, the ntudatlan. Legjobban tagadlagosan lehet kifejezni:
ultimate purpose of all sadhana is to reach a point, Semmi baj velem. Semmi nincs, ami miatt
when this conviction, instead of being only verbal, is aggdnom kellene. Vgl is, minden sadhana
based on the actual and ever-present experience. vgs clja egy olyan pont elrse, ahol a
meggyzds nem pusztn verblis kifejezs,
hanem valsgon alapul, s mindig jelenlev

Q: Which experience? K: Milyen tapasztalat?

M: The experience of being empty, uncluttered by M: Az ressg, az emlkektl s elvrsoktl val

memories and expectations; it is like the happiness mentessg tapasztalata; olyan ez, mint a szabad
of open spaces, of being young, of having all the terek, az ifjonti lt s annak boldogsga, hogy mind
time and energy for doing things, for discovery, for id, mind energia rendelkezsre ll a dolgok
adventure. vghezvitelhez, a felfedezshez, a kalandhoz.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
Q: What remains to discover? K: Milyen felfedeznival marad?

M: The universe without and the immensity within as M: A kls univerzum, s a bels mrhetetlensg,
they are in reality, in the great mind and heart of ahogy azok valjban vannak, Isten hatalmas
God. The meaning and purpose of existence, the elmjben, s szvben. A ltezs rtelme s clja,
secret of suffering, life's redemption from ignorance. a szenveds titka, az let tudatlansgtl val

Q: If being happy is the same as being free from K: Ha boldognak lenni ugyanaz, mint flelemtl s
fear and worry, cannot it be said that absence of aggdstl szabadnak lenni, akkor nem lehet azt
trouble is the cause of happiness? mondani, hogy a baj hinya a boldogsgnak az oka?

M: A state of absence, of non-existence cannot be a M: A hiny, a nemltezs llapota nem lehet ok; az
cause; the pre-existence of a cause is implied in the ok elbb ltezse benne foglaltatik a fogalomban.
notion. Your natural state, in which nothing exists, Termszetes llapotod, amelyben semmi nem
cannot be a cause of becoming; the causes are ltezik, nem lehet oka a valamiv vlsnak; az okok
hidden in the great and mysterious power of az emlkezet nagy, s titokzatos hatalmban
memory. But your true home is in nothingness, in rejtznek. De a te valdi otthonod a nemltezsben,
emptiness of all content. a minden tartalomtl mentes ressgben van.

Q: Emptiness and nothingness -- how dreadful. K: ressg, s nemltezs milyen flelmetes.

M: You face it most cheerfully, when you go to M: Arcod alvskor a legdersebb. Fedezd fel
sleep. Find out for yourself the state of wakeful sleep magadnak az bren alvs llapott, s teljes
and you will find it quite in harmony with your real harmniban lvnek fogod azt tallni a te valdi
nature. Words can only give you the idea and the termszeteddel. A szavak csak az idet adhatjk
idea is not the experience. All I can say is that true neked, s az idea nem a tapasztalat. Csak azt
happiness has no cause and what has no cause is mondhatom, hogy az igaz boldogsgnak nincs oka,
immovable. Which does not mean it is perceivable, s aminek nincs oka, az megvltozhatatlan. Ami
as pleasure. What is perceivable is pain and nem jelenti, hogy rmknt szlelhet. Ami
pleasure; the state of freedom from sorrow can be szlelhet, az a fjdalom, s az rm; a
described only negatively. To know it directly you szomorsgtl val mentessg llapota csak
must go beyond the mind addicted to causality and tagadlagosan rhat le. Kzvetlen ismerethez meg
the tyranny of time. kell haladni a kauzalits-fgg elmt, s az id

Q: If happiness is not conscious and consciousness K: Ha a boldogsg nem tudatos, s a tudatossg

-- not happy, what is the link between the two? nem boldog, mi a kapcsolat a kett kztt?

M: Consciousness being a product of conditions and M: A tudatossg, lvn a felttelek s krlmnyek

circumstances, depends on them and changes termke, azoktl fgg, s azokkal egytt vltozik.
along with them. What is independent, uncreated, Ami fggetlen, nem teremtetett, idtlen, s
timeless and changeless, and yet ever new and megvltozhatatlan, s mgis rkk j, s friss, az
fresh, is beyond the mind. When the mind thinks of tl van az elmn. Az elme amikor arra gondol
it, the mind dissolves and only happiness remains. szertefoszlik, s csak boldogsg marad.

Q: When all goes, nothingness remains. K: Mikor minden eltnik, semmi nem marad.

M: How can there be nothing without something? M: Hogy lehetne semmi valami nlkl? A semmi
Nothing is only an idea, it depends on the memory of csak egy idea, ami a semmi emlktl fgg. A tiszta
something. Pure being is quite independent of lt teljesen fggetlen a ltezstl, amely
existence, which is definable and describable. meghatrozhat, s lerhat.

Q: Please tell us; beyond the mind does K: Krlek, mondd el neknk, hogy az elmn tl
consciousness continue, or does it end with the folytatdik-e a tudatossg, vagy az elmvel egytt
mind? vge tr?

M: Consciousness comes and goes, awareness M: A tudatossg jn s megy, a tudat llandan

shines immutably. ragyog.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
Q: Who is aware in awareness? K: Ki az, aki a tudatban tudatos?

M: When there is a person, there is also M: Amikor szemly ltezik, tudatossg is ltezik. n
consciousness. 'I am' mind, consciousness denote vagyok, elme, tudatossg, ugyanazt az llapotot
the same state. If you say 'I am aware', it only jellik. Ha azt mondod tudatos vagyok, csak annyit
means: 'I am conscious of thinking about being jelent: tudatban vagyok a tudatos ltrl val
aware'. There is no 'I am' in awareness. gondolkodsnak. A tudatban nincs n vagyok.

Q: What about witnessing? K: Mi a vlemnyed a tansgrl?

M: Witnessing is of the mind. The witness goes with M: Az elm a tansg. A tan s a tanstott egytt
the witnessed. In the state of non-duality all jrnak. A nem-kettssg llapotban minden
separation ceases. elklnls megsznik.

Q: What about you? Do you continue in awareness? K: Mi van a te esetedben? Folytatdsz a tudatban?

M: The person, the 'I am this body, this mind, this M: A szemly, amely nem ms, mint az n vagyok
chain of memories, this bundle of desires and fears' ez a test, ez az elme, az emlkeknek ez a lncolata,
disappears, but something you may call identity, a vgyaknak s flelmeknek ez a ktege eltnik,
remains. It enables me to become a person when de valami, amit identitsnak lehet nevezni,
required. Love creates its own necessities, even of megmarad. Ez teszi lehetv szmomra, hogy
becoming a person. szemlly vljak, mikor szksges. A szeretet
megteremti sajt szksgleteit, mg a szemlly
vlst is.

Q: It is said that Reality manifests itself as existence K: Azt mondjk, hogy a Valsg ltezsknt
-- consciousness -- bliss. Are they absolute or tudatossgknt boldogsgknt nyilvntja meg
relative? magt. Ezek abszolt, vagy viszonylagos dolgok?

M: They are relative to each other and depend on M: Egymshoz kpest viszonylagosak, s fggenek
each other. Reality is independent of its egymstl. A valsg fggetlen a
expressions. megnyilvnulsaitl.

Q: What is the relation between reality and its K: Mi az sszefggs a valsg, s annak
expressions? megnyilvnulsai kztt?

M: No relation. In reality all is real and identical. As M: Nincs sszefggs. A valsgban minden vals,
we put it, saguna and nirguna are one in s identikus. Ahogy megfogalmaztuk, a saguna s a
Parabrahman. There is only the Supreme. In nirguna egyek a Parabrahmanban. Csak a
movement, it is saguna. Motionless, it is nirguna. But Legfelsbb ltezik. Mozgsban saguna.
it is only the mind that moves or does not move. The Mozdulatlanul nirguna. De csak az elme mozog,
real is beyond, you are beyond. Once you have vagy nem mozog. A valsg azon tl van, te azon
understood that nothing perceivable, or conceivable tl vagy. Amint megrtetted, hogy te nem lehetsz
can be yourself, you are free of your imaginations. semmilyen szlelhet vagy elkpzelhet, szabad
To see everything as imagination, born of desire, is vagy a kpzeldseidtl. Az nmegvalsulshoz
necessary for self-realisation. We miss the real by arra van szksg, hogy mindent kpzeldsnek,
lack of attention and create the unreal by excess of vgy ltal szletettnek lss. A valsgot
imagination. elszalasztjuk a figyelem hinya miatt, s a szertelen
kpzelds ltal megteremtjk a valtlant.
You have to give your heart and mind to these
things and brood over them repeatedly. It is like Szvedet s elmdet t kell adnod ezeknek a
cooking food. You must keep it on the fire for some dolgoknak, s jra meg jra el kell tndnd felettk.
time before it is ready. Olyan ez, mint a fzs. A tzn kell tartanod egy
ideig az telt, mieltt elkszlne.

Q: Am I not under the sway of destiny, of my karma? K: Nem vagyok-e a sors, karmm uralma alatt? Mit
What can I do against it? What I am and what I do is tudnk tenni ellene? Ami vagyok, s amit csinlok,
pre-determined. Even my so-called free choice is az eleve meghatrozott. Mg az gynevezett
predetermined; only I am not aware of it and imagine szabad vlaszts is eleve meghatrozott; csak nem
myself to be free. vagyok tudatban, s szabadnak kpzelem magam.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok

M: Again, it all depends how you look at it. M: Ismtlem, minden azon mlik, hogyan tekintesz
Ignorance is like a fever -- it makes you see things r. A tudatlansg olyan, mint a lz olyanokat lttat
which are not there. Karma is the divinely prescribed veled, amik nem lteznek. A karma az isteni ltal
treatment. Welcome it and follow the instructions elrt gygykezels. dvzld, kvesd utastsait
faithfully and you will get well. A patient will leave the odaadan, s helyre fogsz jnni. A beteg el fogja
hospital after he recovers. To insist on immediate hagyni a krhzat, miutn felpl. A vlaszts s
freedom of choice and action will merely postpone cselekvs kzvetlen szabadsghoz val
recovery. Accept your destiny and fulfil it -- this is the ragaszkods csak kslelteti a felplst. Fogadd el
shortest way to freedom from destiny, though not sorsod, s teljestsd be azt ez a legrvidebb t a
from love and its compulsions. To act from desire sorstl val megszabadulshoz, jllehet a
and fear is bondage, to act from love is freedom. szeretettl, s annak knyszereitl nem. Vgytl s
flelemtl indttatva cselekedni ktelk, szeretetbl
cselekedni szabadsg.

95. Accept Life as it Comes 95. Fogadd az letet, ahogy az jn

Questioner: I was here last year. Now I am again Krdez: Mlt vben is itt voltam. Most megint
before you. What makes me come I really do not eljttem hozzd. Igazbl nem tudom, mi ksztet r,
know, but somehow I cannot forget you. hogy ide jjjek, de valahogy nem tudok rlad

Maharaj: Some forget, some do not, according to Maharaj: Van, aki felejt, van, aki nem, sorsa szerint,
their destinies, which you may call chance, if you amit eslynek is nevezhetsz, ha tetszik.

Q: Between chance and destiny there is a basic K: Esly s sors kztt alapvet klnbsg van.

M: Only in your mind. In fact, you do not know what M: Csak az elmdben. Valjban nem tudod, hogy
causes what? Destiny is only a blanket word to mi okoz mit. A sors csak egy fedsz, amivel
cover up your ignorance. Chance is another word. tudatlansgodat palstolod. Az esly egy msik sz.

Q: Without knowledge of causes and their results K: Az okok, s azok kvetkezmnyeinek ismerete
can there be freedom? nlkl szabadd lehet vlni?

M: Causes and results are infinite in number and M: Az okoknak s kvetkezmnyeknek vgtelen
variety. Everything affects everything. In this szma s vltozata van. Minden hat mindenre. Az
universe, when one thing changes, everything univerzumban, amikor egy dolog vltozik, minden
changes. Hence the great power of man in changing vltozik. Innen szrmazik az embernek az a
the world by changing himself. nagyszer hatalma, hogy nmagt megvltoztatva
megvltoztatja a vilgot.

Q: According to your own words, you have, by the K: Elmondsod szerint, Gurud kegyelme ltal,
grace of your Guru, changed radically some forty mintegy negyven vvel ezeltt, alapjban
years ago. Yet the world remains as it had been megvltoztl. A vilg mgis ugyanolyan maradt, mint
before. annak eltte.

M: My world has changed completely. Yours M: Az n vilgom teljesen megvltozott. A tied

remains the same, for you have not changed. ugyanolyan maradt, mert te nem vltoztl.

Q: How is it that your change has not affected me? K: A te vltozsod mirt nem hatott rm?

M: Because there was no communion between us. M: Mert nem volt kommunikci kzttnk. Ne gy
Do not consider yourself as separate from me and tekintsd magad, mint tlem klnllt, s azonnal
we shall at once share in the common state. kzs lesz az llapotunk.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
Q: I have some property in the United States which I K: Van nmi vagyonom az Egyeslt llamokban,
intend to sell and buy some land in the Himalayas. I amit el akarok adni, hogy fldet vegyek a
shall build a house, lay out a garden, get two or Himaljban. Terveim szerint ptek egy hzat,
three cows and live quietly. People tell me that kialaktok egy kertet, szerzek kt, vagy hrom
property and quiet are not compatible, that I shall at tehenet, s nyugalomban lek. Mondjk, hogy a
once get into trouble with officials, neighbours and vagyon s a nyugalom nem sszefrhetk, s hogy
thieves. Is it inevitable? azonnal hivatalokkal, szomszdokkal, s tolvajokkal
fogok sszetkzsbe kerlni. Ez elkerlhetetlen?

M: The least you can expect is an endless M: A legkevesebb, amire szmthatsz, a ltogatk
succession of visitors who will make your abode into vgtelen sora, akik lakhelyedet szabad, s nyitott
a free and open guesthouse. Better accept your life vendghzz fogjk tenni. Jobban teszed, ha gy
as it shapes, go home and look after your wife with fogadod el az letedet, ahogy alakul, menj haza,
love and care. Nobody else needs you. Your dreams gondoskodj prodrl szeretettel s trdssel. Senki
of glory will land you in more trouble. msra nincs szksged. Dicssgrl szl lmaid
csak gondjaidat nvelik.

Q: It is not glory that I seek. I seek Reality. K: Nem dicssget keresek. A Valsgot keresem.

M: For this you need a well-ordered and quiet life, M: Ehhez szksged van egy jl szablyozott, s
peace of mind and immense earnestness. At every nyugodt letre, az elme bkjre, s mrhetetlen
moment whatever comes to you unasked, comes komolysgra. Minden pillanatban, akrmi kretlen
from God and will surely help you, if you make the addik, az Istentl jn, s biztosan segt tged, ha a
fullest use of it. It is only what you strive for, out of legteljesebb mrtkben kihasznlod. Csak arra
your own imagination and desire, that gives you trekedj, hogy kvl maradj sajt kpzeldseiden
trouble. s vgyaidon, amelyek bajt hoznak rd.

Q: Is destiny the same as grace? K: Sors s kegyelem ugyanazok?

M: Absolutely. Accept life as it comes and you will M: Abszolte. Fogadd el az letet, ahogy jn, s
find it a blessing. ldsnak fogod azt tallni.

Q: I can accept my own life. How can I accept the K: A sajt letemet el tudom fogadni. Hogyan tudom
sort of life others are compelled to live? elfogadni azt az lett, amelyet a tbbieknek
knyszerlnek lni?

M: You are accepting it anyhow. The sorrows of M: Elfogadod valahogyan. Msok szomorsga nem
others do not interfere with your pleasures. If you zavarjk az rmdet. Ha valban egyttrz lennl,
were really compassionate, you would have mr rgen feladtl volna minden nvonatkozst, s
abandoned long ago all self-concern and entered belptl volna abba az llapotba, amelyben valban
the state from which alone you can really help. segthetsz.

Q: If I have a big house and enough land, I may K: Ha lenne egy nagy hzam, s elegend fldem,
create an Ashram, with individual rooms; common ltrehozhatnk egy Ashramot, lakszobkkal, kzs
meditation hall, canteen, library, office etc. meditcis teremmel, tkezdvel, knyvtrral,
irodval, stb.

M: Ashrams are not made, they happen. You cannot M: Az Ashramok nem kszlnek, hanem trtnnek.
start nor prevent them, as you cannot start or stop a Nem tudod ket sem elkezdeni, sem meggtolni,
river. Too many factors are involved in the creation ahogy a folyt sem tudod meglltani. Tl sok
of a successful Ashram and your inner maturity is tnyez jtszik szerepet egy sikeres Ashram
only one of them. Of course, if you are ignorant of ltrejttben, s a te bels rettsged ezeknek csak
your real being, whatever you do must turn to ashes. egyike. Termszetesen, ha nem vagy tudatban
You cannot imitate a Guru and get away with it. All valdi ltednek, brmit teszel, csaldnod kell. Nem
hypocrisy will end in disaster. tudsz gy Gurut utnozni, hogy azt szrazon
megszd. Minden kpmutats katasztrfban

Q: What is the harm in behaving like a saint even K: Mi rossz van abban, ha valaki szentknt
before being one? viselkedik, mieltt azz vlna?

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok

M: Rehearsing saintliness is a sadhana. It is M: Mr tbbszr mondtam, a szentsg sadhana.

perfectly all right, provided no merit is claimed. Tkletesen rendben van, feltve hogy nem akarjk
rdemnek tekinteni.

Q: How can I know whether I am able to start an K: Honnan tudhatnm, hogy kpes vagyok-e egy
Ashram unless I try? Ashram elindtsra, ha nem prblom ki?

M: As long as you take yourself to be a person, a M: Amg szemlynek tartod magad, amely test s
body and a mind, separate from the stream of life, elme, elklnlt az let folyamtl, sajt akarattal
having a will of its own, pursuing its own aims, you rendelkezik, sajt cljait kergeti, addig csupn
are living merely on the surface and whatever you ltszlag lsz, s brmi amit csinlsz, rvid let, s
do will be short-lived and of little value, mere straw csekly rtk lesz, csupn hisgod lngjait tpll
to feed the flames of vanity. You must put in true szalma. Igazi rtket kell felmutatnod, mieltt valami
worth before you can expect something real. What is valdira szmthatnl. Mi a te rtked?
your worth?

Q: By what measure shall I measure it? K: Milyen mrcvel mrve?

M: Look at the content of your mind. You are what M: Tekintsd elmd tartalmt. Az vagy, amit gondolsz
you think about. Are you not most of the time busy magadrl. Nemde idd legnagyobb rszt sajt
with your own little person and its daily needs? csekly szemlyedre, s annak napi szksgleteire
The value of regular meditation is that it takes you
away from the humdrum of daily routine and reminds A rendszeres meditci rtke, hogy eltvolt a napi
you that you are not what you believe yourself to be. rutin egyhangsgtl, s emlkeztet, hogy nem az
But even remembering is not enough -- action must vagy, akinek hiszed magad. De mg emlkezni sem
follow conviction. Don't be like the rich man who has elg tettnek kell kvetnie a meggyzdst. Ne
made a detailed will, but refuses to die. olyan lgy, mint a gazdag ember, aki rszletes
vgrendeletet r, de visszautastja a hallt.

Q: Is not gradualness the law of life? K: Nincs fokozatossg az let trvnyben?

M: Oh, no. The preparation alone is gradual, the M: , nincs. Egyedl az elkszlet fokozatos, a
change itself is sudden and complete. Gradual vltozs maga hirtelen, s teljes. Fokozatos vltozs
change does not take you to a new level of nem visz a tudatos lt j szintjre. Btorsg kell az
conscious being. You need courage to let go. elengedshez.

Q: I admit it is courage that I lack. K: Bevallom, hjn vagyok a btorsgnak.

M: It is because you are not fully convinced. M: Mert nem teljes a meggyzdttsged. A
Complete conviction generates both desire and tkletes meggyzds eredmnyezi mind a vgyat,
courage. And meditation is the art of achieving faith mind a btorsgot. s a meditci a hit megrtsen
through understanding. In meditation you consider keresztl trtn megvalstsnak a mvszete. A
the teaching received, in all its aspects and meditciban elmlkedsz a kapott tantson, annak
repeatedly, until out of clarity confidence is born and, minden aspektusn, jra meg jra, mg a
with confidence, action. Conviction and action are vilgossgbl bizalom, s a bizalommal cselekvs
inseparable. If action does not follow conviction, szletik. Bizalom s cselekvs elvlaszthatatlanok.
examine your convictions, don't accuse yourself of Ha a bizalmat nem kveti cselekvs, vizsgld fell
lack of courage. Self-depreciation will take you meggyzdseidet, ne vdold nmagad btorsg
nowhere. Without clarity and emotional assent of hinyval. A tlzottan negatv nrtkels nem
what use is will? vezet sehov. Tisztasg s rzelmi hozzjruls
nlkl mi haszna az akaratnak?

Q: What do you mean by emotional assent? Am I K: Mit rtesz rzelmi hozzjruls alatt? Ne
not to act against my desires? cselekedjek vgyaim ellenben?

M: You will not act against your desires. Clarity is M: Nem fogsz vgyaid ellenben cselekedni.
not enough. Energy comes from love -- you must Vilgossg nem elg. Energia a szeretetbl jn
love to act -- whatever the shape and object of your szeretned kell a cselekvst brmi is szereteted

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
love. Without clarity and charity courage is formja s trgya. Tisztasg s knyrletessg
destructive. People at war are often wonderfully nlkl a btorsg rombol. Hborban az emberek
courageous, but what of it? gyakran rendkvl btrak, s aztn?

Q: I see quite clearly that all I want is a house in a K: Teljesen vilgosan ltom, hogy minden vgyam
garden where I shall live in peace. Why should I not egy kertes hz, ahol bkben lhetek. Mirt ne
act on my desire? cselekedhetnk a vgyam szerint?

M: By all means, act. But do not forget the M: Hogyne, cselekedj. Csak ne feledd a
inevitable, unexpected. Without rain your garden will kikerlhetetlent, a vratlant. Es nlkl a kerted nem
not flourish. You need courage for adventure. fog virgozni. Btorsg kell a vllalakozshoz.

Q: I need time to collect my courage, don't hustle K: Idre van szksgem, hogy sszeszedjem a
me. Let me ripen for action. btorsgomat, ne siettess. Meg kell rjek a

M: The entire approach is wrong. Action delayed is M: Az egsz megkzeltsed rossz. A ksleltetett
action abandoned. There may be other chances for cselekvs elmaradt cselekvs. Lehetnek ms
other actions, but the present moment is lost -- alkalmak, ms cselekvsekre, de a jelen pillanat
irretrievably lost. All preparation is for the future -- elveszett jvtehetetlenl elveszett. Minden
you cannot prepare for the present. elkszlet a jvrt van nem tudsz elkszlni a

Q: What is wrong with preparing for the future? K: Mi a baj a jvre val felkszlssel?

M: Acting in the now is not much helped by your M: A jelenben val cselekvst nem nagyon segtik
preparations. Clarity is now, action is now. Thinking az elkszleteid. Vilgossg most van, cselekvs
of being ready impedes action. And action is the most van. A felkszls gondolata gtolja a
touchstone of reality. cselekvst. s a cselekvs a valsg prbakve.

Q: Even when we act without conviction? K: Mg ha meggyzds nlkl cseleksznk is?

M: You cannot live without action, and behind each M: Nem tudsz cselekvs nlkl lni, s minden
action there is some fear or desire. Ultimately, all cselekvs mgtt van bizonyos flelem s vgy.
you do is based on your conviction that the world is Vgs soron, minden, amit teszel, azon a
real and independent of yourself. Were you meggyzdseden nyugszik, hogy a vilg valdi, s
convinced of the contrary, your behaviour would tled fggetlen. Ha az ellenkezjrl lennl
have been quite different. meggyzdve, viselkedsed teljesen ms lenne.

Q: There is nothing wrong with my convictions; my K: Nincs semmi baj a meggyzdseimmel;

actions are shaped by circumstances. tetteimet a krlmnyek alaktjk.

M: In other words, you are convinced of the reality of M: Msszval, meggyzdsed szerint a valsg
your circumstances, of the world in which you live. azonos a krlmnyeiddel, a vilggal, amelyben
Trace the world to its source and you will find that lsz. Kvesd nyomon a vilgot, annak forrsig, s
before the world was, you were and when the world gy fogod tallni, mieltt a vilg volt, te voltl, s
is no longer, you remain. Find your timeless being amikor a vilg megsznik, te fennmaradsz. Fedezd
and your action will bear it testimony. Did you find it? fel idtlen ltedet, s cselekvsed hordozni fogja
annak bizonysgt. Felfedezted?

Q: No, I did not. K: Nem, nem fedeztem fel.

M: Then what else have you to do? Surely, this is M: Akkor mi ms tennivald van? Ktsg kvl ez a
the most urgent task. You cannot see yourself as legsrgsebb feladatod. Nem tudod magad
independent of everything unless you drop mindentl fggetlennek ltni, kivve, ha elvetsz
everything and remain unsupported and undefined. mindent, s tmogatatlan s meghatrozatlan
Once you know yourself, it is immaterial what you maradsz. Amint ismered nmagad, mellkes, mit
do, but to realise your independence, you must test csinlsz, de fggetlensged realizlst azzal kell
it by letting go all you were dependent on. The tesztelned, hogy egyltaln nem veszel rla
realised man lives on the level of the absolutes; his tudomst, hogy fggenl. A megvalsult ember az

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
wisdom, love and courage are complete, there is abszolt szintjn l; blcsessge, szeretete, s
nothing relative about him. Therefore he must prove btorsga teljes, semmi nem viszonylagos vele
himself by tests more stringent, undergo trials more kapcsolatban. Ezrt neki sokkal szigorbb tesztekkel
demanding. The tester, the tested and the set up for kell prbra tenni nmagt, sokkal ignyesebb
testing are all within; it is an inner drama to which vizsglatokon kell keresztlmennie. A tesztel, a
none can be a party. tesztelt, s a tesztels, mind bell van; ez egy bels
drma, amelynek senki nem lehet rszese.

Q: Crucifixion, death and resurrection -- we are on K: Keresztre feszts, hall, s feltmads a jl

familiar grounds. I have read, heard and talked ismert terepen vagyunk. Olvastam, hallottam s
about it endlessly, but to do it I find myself beszlgettem rla vg nlkl, de megcsinlni azt,
incapable. szerintem kptelen vagyok.

M: Keep quiet, undisturbed, and the wisdom and the M: Maradj csendes, nyugodt, s a blcsessg s a
power will come on their own. You need not hanker. hatalom sajt maguktl jnni fognak. Nem kell
Wait in silence of the heart and mind. It is very easy svrognod. Vrakozz szved s elmd csendjben.
to be quiet, but willingness is rare. You people want Nagyon knny csendben lenni, csak a hajlandsg
to become supermen overnight. Stay without ritka. Te olyan ember vagy, aki mrl holnapra akar
ambition, without the least desire, exposed, szupermen lenni. Legyl becsvgy nlkli, a
vulnerable, unprotected, uncertain and alone, legcseklyebb vgy nlkl, kitett, sebezhet,
completely open to and welcoming life as it vdtelen, bizonytalan s egyedlll, az letre
happens, without the selfish conviction that all must teljesen nyitott, s trtnseit teljesen elfogad,
yield you pleasure or profit, material or so-called azon nz meggyzdstl mentes, hogy
spiritual. mindennek a te rmdet vagy hasznodat kell
szolglnia, legyen az anyagi, vagy gynevezett

Q: I respond to what you say, but I just do not see K: Amit mondasz, az hatssal van rm, csak ppen
how it is done. nem tudom, hogyan kell megcsinlni.

M: If you know how to do it, you will not do it. M: Ha tudod, hogyan kell csinlni, akkor nem fogod
Abandon every attempt, just be; don't strive, don't csinlni. Hagyj fel minden prblkozssal, csak
struggle, let go every support, hold on to the blind legyl; ne trekedj, engedj el minden tmogatst,
sense of being, brushing off all else. This is enough. ragaszkodj a lt vak rzshez, elzve minden
mst. Ez elg.

Q: How is this brushing done? The more I brush off, K: Hogyan kell ezt az elzst csinlni? Minl tbbet
the more it comes to the surface. elzk, annl tbb jn a felsznre.

M: Refuse attention, let things come and go. Desires M: Utastsd el a figyelmet, hagyd a dolgokat jnni s
and thoughts are also things. Disregard them. Since menni. A vgyak s gondolatok is dolgok. Hagyd
immemorial time the dust of events was covering the ket figyelmen kvl. Az esemnyek pora idtlen
clear mirror of your mind, so that only memories you idk ta lepi elmd tiszta tkrt, gy csak az
could see. Brush off the dust before it has time to emlkezetet lthatod. Sprd le a port, mieltt ideje
settle; this will lay bare the old layers until the true lenne lelepedni; ez fel fogja fedni a rgi rtegeket,
nature of your mind is discovered. It is all very mgnem elmd igaz termszete felfedsre kerl.
simple and comparatively easy; be earnest and Mindez nagyon egyszer, s arnylag knny; lgy
patient, that is all. Dispassion, detachment, freedom komoly, s trelmes, ez minden. Szenvtelensg,
from desire and fear, from all self-concern, mere prtatlansg, mentessg vgytl s flelemtl,
awareness -- free from memory and expectation -- minden nvonatkozstl, tiszta tudat emlktl s
this is the state of mind to which discovery can elvrstl val mentessg ez az elme azon
happen. After all, liberation is but the freedom to llapota, amelyben a megtalls megtrtnhet.
discover. Vgs soron, a megszabaduls nem ms, mint a
megtallni kvnt szabadsg.

96. Abandon Memories and 96. Hagyj fel az emlkekkel s az

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok

Expectations elvrsokkal
Questioner: I am an American by birth and for the Krdez: Amerikai szlets vagyok, s az utbbi
last one year I was staying in an Ashram in Madhya egy vet Ashramban tltttem Madhya Pradeshben,
Pradesh, studying Yoga in its many aspects. We ahol Yogt tanulmnyoztam, annak sokfle
had a teacher, whose Guru, a disciple of the great aspektusban. Volt egy tanrunk, akinek a Guruja a
Sivananda Saraswati, stays in Monghyr. I stayed at nagy Sivananda Saraswati volt tantvnya,
Ramanashram also. While in Bombay I went through Monghyrbl. A Ramanashramban is voltam.
an intensive course of Burmese meditation managed Bombayi tartzkodsom sorn elvgeztem egy
by one Goenka. Yet I have not found peace. There burmai intenzv meditcis tanfolyamot, amit maga
is an improvement in self-control and day-to-day Goenka vezetett. Mgsem talltam meg a bkt.
discipline, but that is all. I cannot say exactly what Javuls kvetkezett be nuralmam, s mindennapi
caused what. I visited many holy places. How each fegyelmem tern, de ez minden. Nem tudom
acted on me, I cannot say. pontosan megmondani, mi idzett el mit. Sok szent
helyet megltogattam. Mi mdon hatottak rm, nem
tudom megmondani.

Maharaj: Good results will come, sooner or later. At Maharaj: A j eredmnyek elbb-utbb be fognak
Sri Ramanashram did you get some instructions? kvetkezni. A Sri Ramanashramban kaptl
valamilyen instrukcikat?

Q: Yes, some English people were teaching me and K: Igen, volt ott nhny angol ember, akik tantottak
also an Indian follower of gnana yoga, residing there engem, s egy llandan ott tartzkod indiai gnana
permanently, was giving me lessons. yoga kvettl is kaptam leckket.

M: What are your plans? M: Mik a terveid?

Q: I have to return to the States because of visa K: Vissza kell trnem az llamokba, vzum
difficulties. I intend to complete my B.Sc., study problmk miatt. Meg akarom szerezni a B. Sc.
Nature Cure and make it my profession. fokozatot, termszet gygyszatot tanulok, s ez
lesz a foglalkozsom.

M: A good profession, no doubt. M: J foglalkozs, nem fr hozz ktsg.

Q: Is there any danger in pursuing the path of Yoga K: Jr valamilyen veszllyel a Yoga minden ron
at all cost? val gyakorlsa?

M: Is a match-stick dangerous when the house is on M: Veszlyes-e a gyufaszl, mikor a hz lngokban

fire? The search for reality is the most dangerous of ll? A valsg keresse minden vllalkozsok
all undertakings for it will destroy the world in which legveszlyesebbike, mert le fogja rombolni a vilgot,
you live. But if your motive is love of truth and life, amelyben lsz. De ha az igazsg s az let
you need not be afraid. szeretete motivl, nem kell flned.

Q: I am afraid of my own mind. It is so unsteady. K: A sajt elmmet fltem. Olyan llhatatlan.

M: In the mirror of your mind images appear and M: Elmd tkrben a kpek jelennek meg, s tnnek
disappear. The mirror remains. Learn to distinguish el. A tkr fennmarad. Tanuld megklnbztetni a
the immovable in the movable, the unchanging in vltozhatatlant a mozdthatban, a vltozatlant a
the changing, till you realise that all differences are vltozban, mg fel nem ismered, hogy minden
in appearance only and oneness is a fact. This basic klnbsg ltszat csupn, s az egysg tny. Ez az
identity -- you may call God, or Brahman, or the alap identits nevezheted Istennek, vagy
matrix (Prakriti), the words matters little -- is only the Brahmannak, vagy a mtrixnak (Prakriti), a szavak
realisation that all is one. Once you can say with kevss szmtanak csak annak felismerse, hogy
confidence born from direct experience: 'I am the minden egy. Amint kzvetlen tapasztalatbl szlet
world, the world is myself', you are free from desire bizonyossggal azt tudod mondani: n vagyok a
and fear on one hand and become totally vilg, a vilg nmagam, mentes leszel vgytl s
responsible for the world on the other. The flelemtl, egyfell, s teljesen felelss vlsz a
senseless sorrow of mankind becomes your sole vilgrt, msfell. Az emberisg rtelmetlen
concern. szomorsga vlik egyedli gondodd.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
Q: So even a gnani has his problems. K: Ht, mg a gnaninak is megvannak a maga

M: Yes, but they are no longer of his own creation. M: Igen, de azok nem az sajt teremtmnyei
His suffering is not poisoned by a sense of guilt. tbb. Szenvedst nem mrgezi a bntudat
There is nothing wrong with suffering for the sins of rzse. Semmi baj nincs a msok bnrt val
others. Your Christianity is based on this. szenvedssel. A te keresztnysged ezen alapul.

Q: Is not all suffering self-created? K: Nem minden szenveds n-teremt?

M: Yes, as long as there is a separate self to create M: De igen, amg ltezik a klnll n, amely azt
it. In the end you know that there is no sin, no guilt, megteremti. A vgn tudod, hogy nem ltezik bn,
no retribution, only life in its endless transformations. nincs bnssg, nincs bntets, csak let van, a
With the dissolution of the personal 'I' personal maga vgtelen vltozatossgban. A szemlyes n
suffering disappears. What remains is the great felolddsval a szemlyes szenveds eltnik. Ami
sadness of compassion, the horror of the marad, az nagy szomorsg irnti sznalom, a
unnecessary pain. felesleges fjdalomtl val irtzs.

Q: Is there anything unnecessary in the scheme of K: Van valami, ami szksgtelen a dolgok
things? rendjben?

M: Nothing is necessary, nothing is inevitable. Habit M: Semmi nem szksges, semmi nem
and passion blind and mislead. Compassionate elkerlhetetlen. A szoks s a szenvedly vakk
awareness heals and redeems. There is nothing we tesz, s flrevezet. Az egytt rz tudat gygyt, s
can do, we can only let things happen according to megvlt. Semmit nem tudunk tenni, csak azt, hogy
their nature. hagyjuk a dolgokat megtrtnni, a sajt
termszetknek megfelelen.

Q: Do you advocate complete passivity? K: Helyesled a teljes passzivitst?

M: Clarity and charity is action. Love is not lazy and M: A tisztasg s knyrletessg cselekvs. A
clarity directs. You need not worry about action, look szeretet nem lustlkodik, s a tisztasg vezrel.
after your mind and heart. Stupidity and selfishness Nem a cselekvs miatt kell aggdnod, elmddel, s
are the only evil. szveddel trdj. Az ostobasg, s az nzs az
egyetlen gonosz.

Q: What is better -- repetition of God's name, or K: Mi jobb Isten nevnek ismtelgetse, vagy a
meditation? meditci?

M: Repetition will stabilise your breath. With deep M: Az ismtelgets stabilizlni fogja a lgzsedet. A
and quiet breathing vitality will improve, which will mly s nyugodt lgzs rvn javulni fog vitalitsod,
influence the brain and help the mind to grow pure mely hatssal lesz agyadra, s segti elmdet, hogy
and stable and fit for meditation. Without vitality little nvelje tisztasgt, s stabilitst, s elkszljn a
can be done, hence the importance of its protection meditcira. Vitalits nlkl keveset tehetsz, ebbl
and increase. Posture and breathing are a part of kvetkezik vdelmnek s erstsnek fontossga.
Yoga, for the body must be healthy and well under A pozitra s a lgz gyakorlat azrt rszei a
control, but too much concentration on the body Yognak, mert a testnek egszsgesnek s jl
defeats its own purpose, for it is the mind that is kontrollltnak kell lennie, de a testre irnyul tl sok
primary in the beginning. When the mind has been koncentrci hatlytalantja sajt cljt, mert az
put to rest and disturbs no longer the inner space elme az, amely elsdleges, az elejn. Amikor az
(chidakash), the body acquires a new meaning and elme megnyugodott, s tbb nem hborgatja a
its transformation becomes both necessary and bels bkt (chidakash), a test j jelentst nyer, s
possible. talaktsa egyarnt szksgess, s lehetsgess

Q: I have been wandering all over India, meeting K: Beutaztam egsz Indit, tallkoztam sok Guruval,
many Gurus and learning in driblets several Yogas. s minden Yogbl tanultam egy keveset. Rendben
Is it all right to have a taste of everything? lv dolog mindenbe belekstolni?

M: No, this is but an introduction. You will meet a M: Nem, ez csak bevezets. Tallkozni fogsz majd

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
man who will help you find your own way. egy emberrel, aki segteni fog megtallni a sajt

Q: I feel that the Guru of my own choice can not be K: gy rzem, hogy magam vlasztotta Guru nem
my real Guru. To be real he must come unexpected lehet a valdi Gurum. Ahhoz, hogy valdi legyen,
and be irresistible. vratlanul kell jnnie, s ellenllhatatlannak kell

M: Not to anticipate is best. The way you respond is M: Legjobb nem szmtani r. A reaglsod
decisive. mikntje, ami bizonyt erej.

Q: Am I the master of my responses? K: n vagyok az ura a reaglsomnak?

M: Discrimination and dispassion practised now will M: A most gyakorolt megklnbztets, s

yield their fruits at the proper time. If the roots are szenvedly nlklisg a kell idben meg fogja
healthy and well-watered, the fruits are sure to be hozni gymlcseit. Ha a gykerek egszsgesek s
sweet. Be pure, be alert, keep ready. jl ntzttek, a gymlcsk biztos, hogy desek
kell legyenek. Lgy tiszta, lgy ber, llj kszen.

Q: Are austerities and penances of any use? K: Van valamilyen haszna az nmegtartztatsnak
s vezeklsnek?

M: To meet all the vicissitudes of life is penance M: Elegend vezekls, ha szembenzel az let
enough. You need not invent trouble. To meet sszes viszontagsgval. Nem kell nehzsget
cheerfully whatever life brings is all the austerity you kitallnod. Dersen fogadni, brmit hoz az let,
need. mindssze erre az nmegtartztatsra van

Q: What about sacrifice? K: Mi a vlemnyed a lemondsrl?

M: Share willingly and gladly all you have with M: Ossz meg mindent, amivel rendelkezel
whoever needs -- don't invent self-inflicted cruelties. kszsgesen s rmmel azzal, akinek szksge
van r ne tallj ki nmagadra mrt lemondsokat.

Q: What is self-surrender? K: Mi a vlemnyed az nfeladsrl?

M: Accept what comes. M: Fogadd el, ami jn.

Q: I feel I am too weak to stand on my own legs. I K: gy rzem, tl gyenge vagyok, hogy sajt
need the holy company of a Guru and of good lbamon lljak. Szksgem van egy Guru, valamint
people. Equanimity is beyond me. To accept what j emberek szent trsasgra. Az egykedvsg
comes as it comes, frightens me. I think of my meghaladja az ermet. Hogy gy fogadjam el ami
returning to the States with horror. jn ahogy jn, megijeszt. Rmlettel gondolok r,
hogy visszatrek az llamokba.

M: Go back and make the best use of your M: Menj vissza, s hasznld ki lehetsgeidet a
opportunities. Get your B.Sc. degree first. You can lehet legjobban. Szerezd meg elszr a B. Sc.-t.
always return to India for your Nature Cure studies. Brmikor visszatrhetsz Indiba, hogy termszet
gygyszatot tanulj.

Q: I am quite aware of the opportunities in the K: Teljesen tisztban vagyok, milyen lehetsgeim
States. It is the loneliness that frightens me. vannak az llamokban. A magnyossg az, ami

M: You have always the company of your own self -- M: Mindig ott lesz sajt ned trsasga nem kell
you need not feel alone. Estranged from it even in magad egyedl rezned. Tle elidegenedve mg
India you will feel lonely. All happiness comes from Indiban is magnyosnak rzed magad. Minden
pleasing the self. Please it, after return to the States, boldogsg abbl szrmazik, ha az nnek rmet
do nothing that may be unworthy of the glorious szerzel. Jrj a kedvben, miutn visszatrsz az
reality within your heart and you shall be happy and llamokba, ne tgy semmi olyat, ami mltatlan lehet

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
remain happy. But you must seek the self and, a szved dics valsghoz, s boldogg vlsz, s
having found it, stay with it. boldog is maradsz. De keresned kell az nt, s ha
megtalltad, maradj vele.

Q: Will compete solitude be of any benefit? K: Jr a magnyos let valamilyen elnnyel?

M: It depends on your temperament. You may work M: Ez vrmrskletedtl fgg. Lehet, hogy msokkal
with others and for others, alert and friendly, and s msokrt, beren s bartsgosan dolgozol, s
grow more fully than in solitude, which may make sokkal teljesebben fejldsz, mint magnyosan, mely
you dull or leave you at the mercy of your mind's taln eltompt, vagy kiszolgltat elmd rks
endless chatter. Do not imagine that you can change fecsegsnek. Ne kpzeld, hogy erfeszts rvn
through effort. Violence, even turned against meg tudod vltoztatni. Az erszak, mg ha magad
yourself, as in austerities and penance, will remain ellen fordtod is, mint szigorsg, s vezekls,
fruitless. eredmnytelen marad.

Q: Is there no way of making out who is realised and K: Nincs olyan mdszer, amellyel kitallhat, hogy ki
who is not? megvalsult, s ki nem az?

M: Your only proof is in yourself. If you find that you M: Egyetlen bizonytkod sajt magadban van. Ha
turn to gold, it will be a sign that you have touched megtallod a mdjt, hogy aranyra vltsd, az annak
the philosopher's stone. Stay with the person and a jele lesz, hogy megtalltad a blcsek kvt.
watch what happens to you. Don't ask others. Their Maradj a szemllyel, s figyeld, mi trtnik veled. Ne
man may not be your Guru. A Guru may be krdezz msokat. Az emberk nem lehet a te
universal in his essence, but not in his expressions. Gurud. A Guru lehet univerzlis az lnyegt
He may appear to be angry or greedy or over- tekintve, de megnyilvnulsban nem. Ltszhat
anxious about his Ashram or his family, and you dhsnek, vagy kapzsinak, Ashramja, vagy csaldja
may be misled by appearances, while others are miatt aggodalmaskodnak, s lehet, hogy tged
not. megtveszt klssgekkel, mg msokat nem.

Q: Have I not the right to expect all-round perfection, K: Nincs igazam, ha mindenre kiterjed
both inner and outer? tkletessget vrok el, mind bels, mind kls

M: Inner --- yes. But outer perfection depends on M: A belsben igen. De a kls tkletessg fgg
circumstances, on the state of the body, personal a krlmnyektl, a test llapottl, szemlyes,
and social, and other innumerable factors. szocilis, s szmtalan egyb tnyeztl.

Q: I was told to find a gnani so that I may learn from K: Azt hallottam, keresnem kell egy gnanit, akitl
him the art of achieving gnana and now I am told megtanulhatom a gnana elrsnek a mvszett,
that the entire approach is false, that I cannot make most pedig azt hallom, hogy az egsz megkzelts
out a gnani, nor can gnana be conquered by hamis, mert nem tudom felismerni a gnanit, s a
appropriate means. It is all so confusing. gnant sem tudom alkalmas eszkzkkel
meghdtani. Olyan zavaros mindez.

M: It is all due to your complete misunderstanding of M: Ez amiatt van, hogy teljesen flrerted a
reality. Your mind is steeped in the habits of valsgot. Elmdet a kirtkels s szerzs
evaluation and acquisition and will not admit that the szoksai itatjk t, s nem fogadja el, hogy a
incomparable and unobtainable are waiting pratlan, s elrhetetlen idtlen idk ta a
timelessly within your own heart for recognition. All szvedben vr a felismersre. Mindssze annyit kell
you have to do is to abandon all memories and tenned, hogy feladod minden emlkedet s
expectations. Just keep yourself ready in utter elvrsodat. Csak lgy kszen a legteljesebb
nakedness and nothingness. meztelensgben, s jelentktelensgben.

Q: Who is to do the abandoning? K: Kinek kell feladnia?

M: God will do it. Just see the need of being M: Isten fogja azt megtenni. Csak lsd a felads
abandoned. Don't resist, don't hold on to the person szksgessgt. Ne llj ellen, ne ragaszkodj a
you take yourself to be. Because you imagine szemlyhez, akinek tartod magad. Mivel szemlynek
yourself to be a person you take the gnani to be a kpzeled magad, a gnanit is szemlynek kpzeled,
person too, only somewhat different, better informed csak valamikppen msnak, aki jobban tjkozott,

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
and more powerful. You may say that he is eternally s sokkal hatkonyabb. Mondogatod, hogy rkk
conscious and happy, but it is far from expressing tudatos, s boldog, de ez messze ll a teljes igazsg
the whole truth. Don't trust definitions and kifejezstl. Ne definciknak, s lersoknak higgy
descriptions -- they are grossly misleading. azok durvn flrevezetek.

Q: Unless I am told what to do and how to do it, I K: Ha nem mondod el, mit kell tenni, s hogyan kell
feel lost. azt tenni, elveszettnek rzem magam.

M: By all means do feel lost. As long as you feel M: Felttlenl, rezd magad elveszettnek. Amg gy
competent and confident, reality is beyond your rzed, hogy hozzrt, s magabiztos vagy, a
reach. Unless you accept inner adventure as a way valsg meghaladja megrtsedet. Hacsak el nem
of life, discovery will not come to you. fogadod letmdknt a bels kalandot, a felfedezst
nem fogod megtenni.

Q: Discovery of what? K: Minek a felfedezst?

M: Of the centre of your being, which is free of all M: Lted kzpontjt, amely mentes minden
directions, all means and ends. irnytstl, minden szndktl, s clkitzstl.

Q: Be all, know all, have all? K: Lgy minden, tudj mindent, birtokolj mindent?

M: Be nothing, know nothing, have nothing. This is M: Lgy semmi, ne tudj semmit, ne birtokolj semmit.
the only life worth living, the only happiness worth Ez az egyetlen let, amit rtelme van lni, az
having. egyetlen boldogsg, amit rdemes birtokolni.

Q: I may admit that the goal is beyond my K: Beltom, a cl meghaladja felfogkpessgemet.

comprehension. Let me know the way at least. Hagy ismerjem az utat, legalbb.

M: You must find your own way. Unless you find it M: Neked kell megtallnod sajt utadat. Hacsak
yourself it will not be your own way and will take you nem te magad tallod meg azt, nem lesz a te sajt
nowhere. Earnestly live your truth as you have found utad, s nem fog vezetni tged sehov. Komolyan
it -- act on the little you have understood. It is ld meg igazsgodat, ahogy azt megtalltad
earnestness that will take you through, not cselekedj azon kevs szerint, amit megrtettl. A
cleverness -- your own or another's. komolysg az, ami ennek sorn segteni fog, nem az
okossg sem a te sajtod, sem a msok.

Q: I am afraid of mistakes. So many things I tried -- K: Flek a tvedsektl. Oly sok dolgot prbltam
nothing came out of them. sehov nem vezettek.

M: You gave too little of yourself, you were merely M: Tl keveset adtl nmagadbl, kvncsi voltl
curious, not earnest. csupn, nem komoly.

Q: I don't know any better. K: Nem tudom jobban.

M: At least that much you know. Knowing them to be M: Legalbb ennyit tudsz. Felsznesnek ismervn
superficial, give no value to your experiences, forget azokat, ne rszestsd figyelmedben tapasztalataidat,
them as soon as they are over. Live a clean, selfless felejtsd el ket, amint elmlnak. lj egy tiszta,
life, that is all. ntelen letet, ez minden.

Q: Is morality so important? K: Olyan fontos az erklcsisg?

M: Don't cheat, don't hurt -- is it not important? M: Ne csalj, ne okozz fjdalmat ez nem fontos?
Above all you need inner peace -- which demands Mindenek fltt lelki bkre van szksged ami
harmony between the inner and the outer. Do what harmnit kvn a bels s a kls kztt. Tedd,
you believe in and believe in what you do. All else is amiben hiszel, s higgy abban, amit teszel. Minden
a waste of energy and time. ms energia- s id pazarls.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok

97. Mind and the World are not Separate 97. Az elme s a vilg nem klnllk
Questioner: I see here pictures of several saints Krdez: Kpeket ltok itt klnbz szentekrl, s
and I am told that they are your spiritual ancestors. gy hallottam, hogy k a te spiritulis eldeid. Kik
Who are they and how did it all begin? k, s hogyan kezddtt mindez?

Maharaj: We are called collectively the 'Nine Maharaj: Kzs nevk a Kilenc Mester. gy szl a
Masters'. The legend says that our first teacher was legenda, hogy els tantnk Rishi Dattatreya volt,
Rishi Dattatreya, the great incarnation of the Trinity Brahma, Vishnu s Shiva szenthromsgnak nagy
of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. Even the 'Nine inkarncija. A Kilenc Mester (Navnath) mitolgiai
Masters' (Navnath) are mythological. alakok is egyben.

Q: What is the peculiarity of their teaching? K: Mi jellemzi tantsukat?

M: Its simplicity, both in theory and practice. M: Egyszersg, mind elmletben, mind

Q: How does one become a Navnath? By initiation K: Hogyan vlhat valakibl Navnath? Beavats,
or by succession? vagy utdls rvn?

M: Neither. The Nine Masters' tradition, Navnath M: Sehogy. A Kilenc Mester hagyomny, a Navnath
Parampara, is like a river -- it flows into the ocean of Parampara akr egy foly a valsg cenjba
reality and whoever enters it is carried along. folyik, brki bele lp, azt magval ragadja.

Q: Does it imply acceptance by a living master K: Magban foglal egy ugyanezen hagyomnyhoz
belonging to the same tradition? tartoz, l mester ltali elfogadst?

M: Those who practise the sadhana of focussing M: Akik elmjk n vagyok-ra fkuszlsnak a
their minds on I am' may feel related to others who sadhanjt gyakoroljk, azok rokonnak rezhetik
have followed the same sadhana and succeeded. magukat, akik ugyanezen sadhant kvettk, s
They may decide to verbalise their sense of kinship sikerrel jrtak. Dnthetnek gy, hogy szavakba
by calling themselves Navnaths. It gives them the ntve rokonsg rzsket, Navnathnak nevezik
pleasure of belonging to an established tradition. magukat. rmet okoz nekik egy elfogadott
hagyomnyhoz val tartozs.

Q: Do they in any way benefit by joining? K: Jr valamilyen elnnyel a csatlakozs?

M: The circle of satsang, the 'company of saints', M: A satsang krnek, a szentek kzssg-nek, a
expands in numbers as time passes. ltszma nvekszik, az id mlsval.

Q: Do they get hold thereby of a source of power K: Befolysuk alatt tartjk ez ltal az er, s a
and grace from which they would have been barred kegyelem forrst, amelytl elzrhatnak msokat?

M: Power and grace are for all and for the asking. M: Az er s kegyelem mindenki, csak krni kell.
Giving oneself a particular name does not help. Call Ha egy klnleges nevet adsz nmagadnak, az nem
yourself by any name -- as long as you are intensely segt. Hvd magad brmilyen nven amg ers
mindful of yourself, the accumulated obstacles to figyelemmel vagy nmagad irnt, az nismeret
self-knowledge are bound to be swept away. felhalmozott akadlyainak a flresprse kt le.

Q: If I like your teaching and accept your guidance, K: Ha kedvelem tantsodat, s elfogadom
can I call myself a Navnath? vezetsedet, nevezhetem-e magam Navnathnak?

M: Please your word-addicted mind. The name will M: Szerezz rmet sz-fgg elmdnek. A nv nem
not change you. At best it may remind you to fog tged megvltoztatni. Legjobb esetben
behave. There is a succession of Gurus and their emlkeztetni tud, hogyan viselkedj. Van egyfajta
disciples, who in turn train more disciples and thus egymsra kvetkezs Guruk s tantvnyaik kztt,
the line is maintained. But the continuity of tradition akik pedig tbb tantvnyt nevelnek, s gy a
is informal and voluntary. It is like a family name, but tantvnyi lncot fenntartjk. De a hagyomny
here the family is spiritual. folytonossga bizalmas, s szndkos. Olyan ez,
mint egy csaldi nv, de itt a csald spiritulis.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok

Q: Do you have to realise to join the Sampradaya? K: Megvalsultnak kell lenned, hogy csatlakozz a

M: The Navnath Sampradaya is only a tradition, a M: A Navnath Sampradaya hagyomny csupn, egy
way of teaching and practice. It does not denote a tantsi s gyakorlsi md. Nem jelent tudatossgi
level of consciousness. If you accept a Navnath szintet. Ha egy Navnath Sampradaya tantt
Sampradaya teacher as your Guru, you join his Gurudknt fogadsz el, akkor csatlakozol az
Sampradaya. Usually you receive a token of his Sampradayajhoz. Rendszerint rszeslsz
grace -- a look, a touch, or a word, sometimes a kegyelmnek egy jelkpben amely egy nzs,
vivid dream or a strong remembrance. Sometimes egy rints, egy sz, nha egy sznes lom, vagy
the only sign of grace is a significant and rapid egy ers emlkezet. Nha a kegyelem egyetlen jele,
change in character and behaviour. hogy a jellemben, s viselkedsben jelents s
gyors vltozs kvetkezik be.

Q: I know you now for some years and I meet you K: Ismerlek mr nhny ve, s rendszeresen
regularly. The thought of you is never far from my ltogatlak. Gondolataid soha nem lltak messze
mind. Does it make me belong to your Sampradaya? nzeteimtl. Ez azt jelenti, hogy n a Te
Sampradaydhoz tartozom?

M: Your belonging is a matter of your own feeling M: A hovatartozsod a te sajt rzseidtl s

and conviction. After all, it is all verbal and formal. In meggyzdsedtl fgg. Mindent egybevetve,
reality there is neither Guru nor disciple, neither mindez verblis, s formlis. A valsgban nincs
theory nor practice, neither ignorance nor sem Guru, sem tantvny, sem elmlet, sem
realisation. It all depends on what you take yourself gyakorlat, sem tudatlansg, sem megvalsuls.
to be. Know yourself correctly. There is no substitute Minden azon mlik, hogy te minek tartod magad.
to self-knowledge. Ismerd nmagad helyesen. Semmi nem helyettesti
az nismeretet.

Q: What proof will I have that I know myself K: Milyen bizonytkot fogok kapni, ha helyesen
correctly? ismerem nmagam?

M: You need no proofs. The experience is unique M: Nincs szksged bizonytkokra. A tapasztalat
and unmistakable. It will dawn on you suddenly, egyedi, s flrerthetetlen. Hirtelen fog rd virradni,
when the obstacles are removed to some extent. It mikor az akadlyok bizonyos fokig eltvoltsra
is like a frayed rope snapping. Yours is to work at kerlnek. Ez a kopott ktl elpattanshoz hasonl.
the strands. The break is bound to happen. It can be Neked a szlakkal van munkd. A szakadsnak be
delayed, but not prevented. kell kvetkeznie. Ksleltethet, de meg nem

Q: I am confused by your denial of causality. Does it K: ssze vagyok zavarodva, hogy ktsgbe vonod
mean that none is responsible for the world as it is? az oksgot. Ez azt jelenti, hogy senki nem felels
azrt, hogy a vilg olyan, amilyen?

M: The idea of responsibility is in your mind. You M: A felelssg ideja a te elmdben van. Te
think there must be something or somebody solely gondolod, kell, hogy legyen valami, vagy valaki, aki
responsible for all that happens. There is a teljes mrtkben felels mindenrt, ami trtnik.
contradiction between a multiple universe and a Ellentmonds van az sszetett univerzum, s az
single cause. Either one or the other must be false. egyetlen ok kztt. Vagy az egyiknek, vagy a
Or both. As I see it, it is all day-dreaming. There is msiknak hamisnak kell lennie. Vagy mindkettnek.
no reality in ideas. The fact is that without you, Megltsom szerint mindez lmodozs. Nincs
neither the universe nor its cause could have come realitsa az ideknak. A tny az, hogy nlkled sem
into being. az univerzum, sem annak az oka nem tudna

Q: I cannot make out whether I am the creature or K: Nem tudom kibogozni, vajon teremtmnye, vagy
the creator of the universe. teremtje vagyok-e az univerzumnak.

M: 'I am' is an ever-present fact, while 'I am created' M: Az n vagyok mindig jelenlev tny, mg az n
is an idea. Neither God nor the universe have come teremtmny vagyok egy idea. Sem Isten, sem az

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
to tell you that they have created you. The mind univerzum nem jn ide, hogy azt mondja neked, k
obsessed by the idea of causality invents creation teremtettek tged. Az oksg idejval rgeszms
and then wonders 'who is the creator?' The mind elme kiagyalja a teremtst, majd azon tndik, hogy
itself is the creator. Even this is not quite true, for the ki a teremt? Maga az elme a teremt. De mg ez
created and its creator are one. The mind and the sem teljesen igaz, mert a teremtett s a teremt
world are not separate. Do understand that what you egyek. Az elme s a vilg nem klnllak. rtsd
think to be the world is your own mind. meg, hogy amit a vilgnak gondolsz, az a te sajt

Q: Is there a world beyond, or outside the mind? K: Van vilg az elmn tl, vagy azon kvl?

M: All space and time are in the mind. Where will M: Minden tr s id az elmben van. Hov
you locate a supramental world? There are many helyeznl egy elme-fltti vilgot? Az elmnek sok
levels of the mind and each projects its own version, szintje van, s mindegyik a sajt vltozatt vetti ki,
yet all are in the mind and created by the mind. mgis mindegyik az elmben van, s mindegyiket az
elme hozta ltre.

Q: What is your attitude to sin? How do you look at a K: Mi a hozzllsod a bnhz? Hogyan tekintesz a
sinner, somebody who breaks the law, inner or bnsre, aki megsrti a trvnyt, legyen az kls,
outer? Do you want him to change or you just pity vagy bels? Meg akarod t vltoztatni, vagy csak
him? Or, are you indifferent to him because of his sznalommal vagy irnta? Vagy kzmbs vagy
sins? irnta, az bnei miatt?

M: I know no sin, nor sinner. Your distinction and M: Nem ismerek sem bnt, sem bnst. A te
valuation do not bind me. Everybody behaves megklnbztetsed, s rtkelsed nem ktelez
according to his nature. It cannot be helped, nor rm nzve. Mindenki a sajt termszetnek
need it be regretted. megfelelen viselkedik. Nem lehet segteni, s
sajnlni sem kell.

Q: Others suffer. K: Msok szenvednek.

M: Life lives on life. In nature the process is M: Az let leten l. A termszetben szksgszer a
compulsory, in society it should be voluntary. There folyamat, a trsadalomban nkntesnek kell, lennie.
can be no life without sacrifice. A sinner refuses to Nem lehet let ldozat nlkl. A bns visszautastja
sacrifice and invites death. This is as it is, and gives az ldozatot, s hallt provokl. Ez gy van, ahogy
no cause for condemnation or pity. van, s nem ad okot rosszallsra, vagy sajnlatra.

Q: Surely you feel at least compassion when you K: Bizonyra rzel sznalmat legalbb, amikor ltsz
see a man steeped in sin. valakit a bnbe belemerlni.

M: Yes, I feel I am that man and his sins are my M: Igen, gy rzem, hogy n vagyok az az ember,
sins. s az bne az n bnm.

Q: Right, and what next? K: Rendben, s aztn mi lesz?

M: By my becoming one with him he becomes one M: Azzal, hogy n eggy vlok vele, eggy vlik
with me. It is not a conscious process, it happens nvelem. Ez nem tudatos folyamat, teljesen magtl
entirely by itself. None of us can help it. What needs trtnik. Egyiknk sem tudja segteni. Aminek
changing shall change anyhow; enough to know vltoznia kell, az vltozni fog, valamikppen; elg,
oneself as one is, here and now. Intense and ha az ember annak ismeri nmagt ami, itt s most.
methodical investigation into one's mind is Yoga. Az ember elmjnek intenzv s mdszeres kutatsa
a Yoga.

Q: What about the chains of destiny forged by sin? K: Mi a vlemnyed sors lncairl, amit a bn

M: When ignorance, the mother of sin, dissolves, M: Amikor a tudatlansg, a bn szlanyja,

destiny, the compulsion to sin again, ceases. szertefoszlik, a sors, a bnre val knyszer, szintn

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
Q: There are retributions to make. K: Vannak bntetsek, amiket alkalmazni lehet.

M: With ignorance coming to an end all comes to an M: Amikor a tudatlansg vget r, minden vget r.
end. Things are then seen as they are and they are A dolgok akkor annak ltszanak, amik, s azok jk.

Q: If a sinner, a breaker of the law, comes before K: Ha egy bns, egy trvnysrt eld jrul, s a
you and asks for your grace, what will be your kegyelmedet kri, mit fogsz vlaszolni?

M: He will get what he asks for. M: Meg fogja kapni, amit kr.

Q: In spite of being a very bad man? K: Annak ellenre, hogy nagyon rossz ember?

M: I know no bad people, I only know myself. I see M: n nem ismerek rossz embereket, n csak
no saints nor sinners, only living beings. I do not nmagamat ismerem. Nem ltok sem szenteket,
hand out grace. There is nothing I can give, or deny, sem bnsket, csak llnyeket. Nem osztok
which you do not have already in equal measure. kegyelmet. Semmi olyat nem tudok adni, vagy
Just be aware of your riches and make full use of megtagadni, amivel ne rendelkeznl mr, azonos
them. As long as you imagine that you need my mrtkben. Csak lgy tudatban gazdagsgodnak,
grace, you will be at my door begging for it. s hasznld azt ki teljesen. Amg azt kpzeled, hogy
szksged van a kegyelmemre, az ajtmhoz fogsz
My begging for grace from you would make as little jrulni, hogy koldulj rte.
sense. We are not separate, the real is common.
Ha n koldulnk kegyelmet tled, annak ugyan
olyan kevss ltnd rtelmt. Nem vagyunk
elklnltek, a valsg kzs.

Q: A mother comes to you with a tale of woe. Her K: Eljn hozzd egy anya, aki csapsok sort
only son has taken to drugs and sex and is going szenvedte el. Egyetlen fia rszokott a kbtszerre,
from bad to worse. She is asking for your grace. s a szexre, s a helyzet egyre rosszabb. A
What shall be your response? kegyelmedet kri. Mit fogsz vlaszolni?

M: Probably I shall hear myself telling her that all will M: Valsznleg hallani fogom magamat azt
be well. mondani neki, hogy minden jra fordul.

Q: That's all? K: Ennyi az egsz?

M: That's all. What more do you expect? M: Ennyi az egsz. Mi mst vrnl?

Q: But will the son of the woman change? K: De az asszonynak a fia meg fog-e vltozni?

M: He may or he may not. M: Lehet hogy igen, lehet, hogy nem.

Q: The people who collect round you, and who know K: Azok az emberek, akik krd gyltek, s akik mr
you for many years, maintain that when you say 'it vek ta ismernek tanstjk, hogy amikor azt
will be all right' it invariably happens as you say. mondod minden jra fordul, akkor az mindig gy
trtnik, ahogyan mondod.

M: You may as well say that it is the mother's heart M: Azt is mondhatod tovbb, hogy az anya szve
that saved the child. For everything there are megmentette a gyermeket. Mert mindennek
innumerable causes. megszmllhatatlan oka van.

Q: I am told that the man who wants nothing for K: Azt hallottam, hogy az az ember, aki semmit nem
himself is all-powerful. The entire universe is at his akar nmaga szmra, az korltlan hatalm. Az
disposal. egsz univerzum az rendelkezsre ll.

M: If you believe so, act on it. Abandon every M: Ha gy hiszed, cselekedj ennek megfelelen.
personal desire and use the power thus saved for Vess el minden szemlyes vgyat, s az gy
changing the world. megtakartott energidat hasznld a vilg

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok

Q: All the Buddhas and Rishis have not succeeded K: Egyetlen Buddhnak s Rishinek sem sikerlt
in changing the world. megvltoztatnia a vilgot.

M: The world does not yield to changing. By its very M: A vilg nem engedi, hogy megvltoztassk.
nature it is painful and transient. See it as it is and Valdi termszetnl fogva fjdalmas, s mland.
divest yourself of all desire and fear. When the world Lsd annak, ami, s foszd meg nmagad minden
does not hold and bind you, it becomes an abode of vgytl s flelemtl. Amikor a vilg nem gtol s
joy and beauty. You can be happy in the world only nem kt tged, akkor az rm s szpsg
when you are free of it. tartzkodsi helyv vlik. Csak akkor lehetsz
boldog a vilgban, ha szabad vagy tle.

Q: What is right and what is wrong? K: Mi helyes, s mi helytelen?

M: Generally, what causes suffering is wrong and M: ltalban ami szenvedst okoz, az helytelen, s
what removes it, is right. The body and the mind are ami megsznteti azt, az helyes. A test s az elme
limited and therefore vulnerable; they need korltozottak, s ezrt sebezhetk; vdelemre van
protection which gives rise to fear. As long as you szksgk, ami flelmet idz el. Amg velk
identify yourself with them you are bound to suffer; azonostod nmagad, addig szenveds kttt vagy;
realise your independence and remain happy. I tell realizld a fggetlensgedet, s maradj boldog. n
you, this is the secret of happiness. To believe that mondom neked, hogy ez boldogsg titka. Valdi
you depend on things and people for happiness is termszeteddel kapcsolatos tudatlansgod miatt
due to ignorance of your true nature; to know that hiszed, hogy boldogsgod dolgoktl s emberektl
you need nothing to be happy, except self- fgg; tudni, hogy nincs szksged semmire, hogy
knowledge, is wisdom. boldog lgy, az nismeretet kivve blcsessg.

Q: What comes first, being or desire? K: Mi van elbb, a ltezs vagy a vgy?

M: With being arising in consciousness, the ideas of M: A ltezs tudatossgban val megjelensvel a
what you are arise in your mind as well as what you mi vagy idei is megjelennek az elmdben, valamint,
should be. This brings forth desire and action and hogy minek kell lenned. Ez szli a vgyat, s beindul
the process of becoming begins. Becoming has, a cselekvs s a valamiv vls folyamata. A
apparently, no beginning and no end, for it restarts valamiv vlsnak ltszlag nincs se kezdete, se
every moment. With the cessation of imagination vge, mert minden pillanatban jra indul. A
and desire, becoming ceases and the being this or kpzelds s a vgy megszntetsvel megsznik
that merges into pure being, which is not a valamiv vls, s az ekknt, vagy akknt val
describable, only experienceable. ltezs beleolvad a tiszta ltezsbe, amely nem
lerhat, csak tapasztalhat.
The world appears to you so overwhelmingly real,
because you think of it all the time; cease thinking of A vilg elspr erej valsgnak tnik szmodra,
it and it will dissolve into thin mist. You need not mert llandan r gondolsz; szntesd be a
forget; when desire and fear end, bondage also rgondolst, s ritka kdknt szerte fog foszlani.
ends. It is the emotional involvement, the pattern of Nem kell elfelejtened, amikor a vgy s a flelem
likes and dislikes which we call character and vget r, a ktelknek is vge. Az rzelmi
temperament, that create the bondage. belegabalyods, a tetszsek s nem tetszsek
mintja, amit karakternek s temperamentumnak
neveznk, az hozza ltre a ktelket.

Q: Without desire and fear what motive is there for K: Vgy s flelem nlkl mi motivl cselekvsre?

M: None, unless you consider love of life, of M: Semmi, hacsak az let, az egyenessg, a
righteousness, of beauty, motive enough. Do not be szpsg szeretett nem tekinted, ami elegend
afraid of freedom from desire and fear. It enables motvum. Ne flj a vgytl s a flelemtl val
you to live a life so different from all you know, so szabadsgtl. Az tesz lehetv szmodra egy olyan
much more intense and interesting, that, truly, by letet, amely annyira klnbzik minden ismerttl,
losing all you gain all. olyannyira intenzv, s rdekes, hogy, ha ltszlag
minden elvesztesz is, valjban mindent

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok

Q: Since you count your spiritual ancestry from Rishi K: Miutn spiritulisan Rishi Dattatreytl
Dattatreya, are we right in believing that you and all szrmaztatod magad, igazunk van, ha azt hisszk,
your predecessors are reincarnations of the Rishi? hogy te, s minden eldd a Rishi reinkarncija?

M: You may believe in whatever you like and if you M: Hihettek, amit akartok, s ha hitetek szerint
act on your belief, you will get the fruits of it; but to cselekszetek, le fogjtok aratni annak gymlcseit;
me it has no importance. I am what I am and this is de szmomra ennek nincs jelentsge. Vagyok, aki
enough for me. I have no desire to identify myself vagyok, s ez elegend szmomra. Nem vgyom
with anybody, however illustrious. Nor do I feel the azonosulni senkivel, legyen az brmilyen illusztris
need to take myths for reality. I am only interested in szemly. Annak sem rzem szksgt, hogy
ignorance and the freedom from ignorance. The mtosznak tekintstek a valsg. Engem csak a
proper role of a Guru is to dispel ignorance in the tudatlansg rdekel, s a tudatlansgtl val
hearts and minds of his disciples. Once the disciple megszabaduls. A Guru valdi szerepe, hogy
has understood, the confirming action is up to him. eloszlassa a tudatlansgot a tantvnyok szvben,
Nobody can act for another. And if he does not act s elmjben. Amint a tantvny ezt megrtette, a
rightly, it only means that he has not understood and megerst cselekvs rajta mlik. Senki nem tud
that the Guru's work is not over. ms helyett cselekedni. s ha nem cselekszik
helyesen, az csak annyit jelent, hogy mg nem jutott
el a megrtsig, s hogy a Guru munkja mg nem
rt vget.

Q: There must be some hopeless cases too? K: Remnytelen eseteknek is kell lennik?

M: None is hopeless. Obstacles can be overcome. M: Senki nem remnytelen. Az akadlyokon fell
What life cannot mend, death will end, but the Guru lehet kerekedni. Amit az let nem tud helyre hozni,
cannot fail. azt a hall fogja befejezni, de a Guru nem tud

Q: What gives you the assurance? K: Mi adja neked a bizonyossgot?

M: The Guru and man's inner reality are really one M: A Guru, s az ember bels valsga valjban
and work together towards the same goal -- the egyek, s egytt, ugyanazon clrt dolgoznak az
redemption and salvation of the mind. They cannot elme kijavtsrt s megvltsrt. Nem tudnak
fail. Out of the very boulders that obstruct them they hibzni. Valjban az ket elrekeszt kvekbl
build their bridges. Consciousness is not the whole ptik meg hdjaikat. A tudatossg nem a teljes
of being -- there are other levels on which man is ltezs vannak tovbbi szintek, amelyeken az
much more co-operative. The Guru is at home on all ember sokkal egyttmkdbb. A Guru minden
levels and his energy and patience are szinten otthon van, s energija, trelme
inexhaustible. kimerthetetlen.

Q: You keep on telling me that I am dreaming and K: Folyton azt mondod, hogy lmodok, s hogy
that it is high time I should wake up. How does it legfbb ideje felbredni. Hogy lehet, hogy a
happen that the Maharaj, who has come to me in my Maharaj, aki lmaimban megltogatott, nem jrt
dreams, has not succeeded in waking me up? He sikerrel felbresztsem tern? Folyton sztkl s
keeps on urging and reminding, but the dream emlkeztet, de az lom folytatdik.

M: It is because you have not really understood that M: Ez azrt van, mert valjban nem rtetted meg,
you are dreaming. This is the essence of bondage -- hogy lmodsz. Ez a ktttsg lnyege a
the mixing of the real with unreal. In your present valsgnak a valtlannal val sszekeveredse.
state only the sense 'I am' refers to reality; the 'what' Jelen llapotodban csak az n vagyok rzse
and the 'how I am' are illusions imposed by destiny, vonatkozik a valsgra; a mi vagyok, s a mi
or accident. mdon vagyok, a sors, vagy a vletlen ltal rrakott

Q: When did the dream begin? K: Mikor kezddtt az lom?

M: It appears to be beginningless, but in fact it is M: Kezdetnlklinek ltszik, de tnylegesen csak

only now. From moment to moment you are most van. Pillanatrl pillanatra jrakezded. Amint

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
renewing it. Once you have seen that you are megrtetted, hogy alszol, fel fogsz bredni. De nem
dreaming, you shall wake up. But you do not see, rted meg, mert tovbb akarsz lmodni. Egy nap
because you want the dream to continue. A day will teljes szveddel s elmddel svrogni fogsz az
come when you will long for the ending of the lom befejezsre, s ksz leszel brmi rat
dream, with all your heart and mind, and be willing to megfizetni; az r prtatlansg, s elfogulatlansg
pay any price; the price will be dispassion and lesz, az rdeklds elvesztse magval az lommal
detachment, the loss of interest in the dream itself. szemben.

Q: How helpless I am. As long as the dream of K: Milyen gymoltalan vagyok. Amg a ltezs lma
existence lasts, I want it to continue. As long as I fennmarad, folytatni akarom azt. Amg folytatni
want it to continue, it will last. akarom, addig fennmarad.

M: Wanting it to continue is not inevitable. See M: Nem szksgszer, hogy folytatni akard.
clearly your condition, your very clarity will release Vilgosan rtsd meg az llapotodat, valjban a
you. vilgossg fog megszabadtani.

Q: As long as I am with you, all you say seems K: Amg itt vagyok, minden nagyon nyilvnvalnak
pretty obvious; but as soon as I am away from you I ltszik; de amint tvolra kerlk tled, nyugtalanul,
run about restless and anxious. s gondterhelten ltok-futok.

M: You need not keep away from me, in your mind M: Nem kell tvolra kerlnd tlem, legalbbis
at least. But your mind is after the world's welfare. elmdben. De a te elmd a vilg jltvel

Q: The world is full of troubles, no wonder my mind K: A vilg tele van gondokkal, nem csoda, hogy
too is full of them. elmm is tele van velk.

M: Was there ever a world without troubles? Your M: Volt-e nehzsgek hjn a vilg valaha is?
being as a person depends on violence to others. Szemlyknt val ltezsed msok erszakjnak
Your very body is a battlefield, full of the dead and van alrendelve. Tested valjban holtakkal, s
dying. Existence implies violence. haldoklssal teli csatatr. A ltezs erszakot jelent.

Q: As a body -- yes. As a human being -- definitely K: Ha a testet tekintjk igen. Ha az emberi lnyt
no. For humanity non-violence is the law of life and hatrozottan nem. Az emberisg szempontjbl az
violence of death. erszakmentessg az let, s az erszak a hall

M: There is little of non-violence in nature. M: A termszetben nem sok erszakmentessg van.

Q: God and nature are not human and need not be K: Isten s termszet nem emberek, s nem kell
humane. I am concerned with man alone. To be embersgesnek lennik. n egyedl az emberrel
human I must be compassionate absolutely. trdm. Ahhoz, hogy ember legyek, felttlen egytt
rznek kell lennem.

M: Do you realise that as long as you have a self to M: Tudatban vagy, hogy amg meg kell vdened
defend, you must be violent? nmagad, addig erszakosnak kell lenned?

Q: I do. To be truly human I must be self-less. As K: Igen. Hogy igaz ember legyek, nzetlennek kell
long as I am selfish, I am sub-human, a humanoid lennem. Amg nz vagyok, addig emberi alatti,
only. emberszabs vagyok csupn.

M: So, we are all sub-human and only a few are M: Valban, mind ember alattiak vagyunk, s csak
human. Few or many, it is again 'clarity and charity' nhnyan vagyunk emberek. Kevs, vagy sok, ismt
that make us human. The sub-human -- the a tisztasg s knyrletessg az, ami emberr
'humanoids' -- are dominated by tamas and rajas tesz bennnket. Az ember alattiakat az
and the humans by sattva. Clarity and charity is emberszabsakat a tamas s rajas uralja, az
sattva as it affects mind and action. But the real is embereket pedig a sattva. Tisztasg s
beyond sattva. Since I have known you, you seem to knyrletessg sattvaknt hat az elmre s a
be always after helping the world. How much did you cselekvsre. De a valsg meghaladja a sattvt.
help? Mita ismerlek, gy ltom, mindig a vilg segtsre

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
vgyakoztl. Mennyire tudtad segteni?

Q: Not a bit. Neither the world has changed, nor K: Egyltalban nem. Sem a vilg nem vltozott,
have I. But the world suffers and I suffer along with sem n. De a vilg szenved, s n vele egytt
it. To struggle against suffering is a natural reaction. szenvedek. A szenveds elleni kzdelem
And what is civilization and culture, philosophy and termszetes reakci. s mi a civilizci, a kultra, a
religion, but a revolt against suffering. Evil and the filozfia, s a valls, ha nem lzads a szenveds
ending of evil -- is it not your own main ellen? A gonosz, s vget vetni a gonosznak nem
preoccupation? You may call it ignorance -- it comes ez a f elfoglaltsgod? Nevezheted tudatlansgnak
to the same. ugyanoda vezet.

M: Well, words do not matter, nor does it matter in M: Nos, a szavak nem szmtanak, az sem szmt,
what shape you are just now. Names and shapes hogy pp most mi a formd. Nevek s formk
change incessantly. Know yourself to be the szakadatlanul vltoznak. Ismerd nmagad a
changeless witness of the changeful mind. That is vltozkony elme vltozhatatlan tanjnak. Ez elg.

98. Freedom from Self-identification 98. nazonoststl val mentessg

Maharaj: Can you sit on the floor? Do you need a Maharaj: Tudsz a padln lni? Kell egy prna? Van
pillow? Have you any questions to ask? Not that you krdsed? Nem muszj krdezned, maradhatsz
need to ask, you can as well be quiet. To be, just be, csendben is. Lenni, csak lenni fontos. Nem kell
is important. You need not ask anything, nor do krdezned semmit, csinlnod sem kell semmit. Az
anything. Such apparently lazy way of spending time ilyen ltszlag semmittev idtltst roppantul
is highly regarded in India. It means that for the time tisztelik Indiban. Ez azt jelenti, hogy ez id alatt
being you are free from the obsession with 'what mentes vagy a mi kvetkezik zaklatottsgtl.
next'. When you are not in a hurry and the mind is Amikor nem sietsz, s az elme nyugtalansgtl
free from anxieties, it becomes quiet and in the mentes, akkor az elme elcsendesedik, s a
silence something may be heard which is ordinarily csendben meg lehet hallani valamit, ami egybknt
too fine and subtle for perception. The mind must be tl finom, s szubtilis ahhoz, hogy szlelni lehessen.
open and quiet to see. What we are trying to do here Az elmnek nyitottnak, s csendesnek kell lennie,
is to bring our minds into the right state for hogy lss. Mi itt arra treksznk, hogy elmnket a
understanding what is real. megfelel llapotba hozzuk a valsg

Questioner: How do we learn to cut out worries? Krdez: Hogyan tanuljuk meg kiiktatni a

M: You need not worry about your worries. Just be. M: Nem kell gondot csinlnod a nyugtalankodsbl.
Do not try to be quiet; do not make 'being quiet' into Csak legyl. Ne trekedj arra, hogy csendes legyl;
a task to be performed. Don't be restless about ne tedd vgrehajtand feladatt a csendben levst.
'being quiet', miserable about 'being happy'. Just be Ne legyl nyugtalan a csendben levs miatt,
aware that you are and remain aware -- don't say: szerencstlen a boldogsgban lt miatt. Csak lgy
'yes, I am; what next?' There is no 'next' in 'I am'. It tudatban, hogy vagy, s maradj tudatos ne
is a timeless state. mondd: igen, n vagyok; mi kvetkezik?. Nincs
kvetkezik az n vagyok-ban. Mert ez egy idtlen

Q: If it is a timeless state, it will assert itself anyhow. K: Ha idtlen llapot, akkor ki fogja jelenteni
nmagt valamikppen.

M: You are what you are, timelessly, but of what use M: Az vagy, ami vagy, idtlenl, de mi a haszna,
is it to you unless you know it and act on it? Your hacsak nem ismered, s hatssal vagy r? Lehet,
begging bowl may be of pure gold, but as long as hogy a koldul tlad sznaranybl van, de amg nem
you do not know it, you are a pauper. You must tudsz errl, koldus vagy. Meg kell ismerned bels
know your inner worth and trust it and express it in rtkedet, s hinned kell benne, s vgyrl s
the daily sacrifice of desire and fear. flelemrl val mindennapi lemondsban kell azt

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok

Q: If I know myself, shall I not desire and fear? K: Ha ismerem nmagam, nem fogok vgyni s

M: For some time the mental habits may linger in M: Az ismert mlt irnti vgyds, s az ismeretlen
spite of the new vision, the habit of longing for the jv irnti flelem mentlis szoksai az j vzi
known past and fearing the unknown future. When ellenre egy ideig mg megmaradhatnak. Ha tudod,
you know these are of the mind only, you can go hogy ezek csak az elmben lteznek, tl tudsz lpni
beyond them. As long as you have all sorts of ideas rajtuk. Amg mindenfle ideid vannak nmagadrl,
about yourself, you know yourself through the mist addig ezen idek ftyln keresztl ismered
of these ideas; to know yourself as you are, give up nmagad; ahhoz, hogy annak ismerd magad, ami
all ideas. You cannot imagine the taste of pure vagy, adj fel minden idet. Nem tudod elkpzelni,
water, you can only discover it by abandoning all hogy milyen a tiszta vz ze, csak felfedezni tudod
flavourings. azt, ha az sszes zestt elhagyod.

As long as you are interested in your present way of Amg rdekelt vagy leted jelenlegi mdjban, nem
living, you will not abandon it. Discovery cannot fogod feladni azt. A felfedezs nem jhet addig,
come as long as you cling to the familiar. It is only amg kapaszkodsz a jl ismertbe. Csak akkor
when you realise fully the immense sorrow of your tallhatod meg a kiutat, mikor teljesen tudatban
life and revolt against it, that a way out can be found. vagy leted mrhetetlen szomorsgnak, s
fellzadsz ellene.

Q: I can now see that the secret of India's eternal life K: Ltom mr, hogy India rk letnek titka a lt
lies in these dimensions of existence, of which India ezen dimenziiban rejlik, amelyeket India mindig is
was always the custodian. gondozott.

M: It is an open secret and there were always M: Ez egy nylt titok, s mindig voltak, akik hajlandk
people willing and ready to share it. Teachers -- s kszek voltak megosztani azt. Tantbl sok
there are many, fearless disciples -- very few. van, flelmet nem ismer tantvnybl nagyon

Q: I am quite willing to learn. K: Bennem ers hajlam van a tanulsra.

M: Learning words is not enough. You may know the M: Nem elg megtanulni szavakat. Ismerheted az
theory, but without the actual experience of yourself elmletet, de nmagadnak, mint a lt, szeretet, s
as the impersonal and unqualified centre of being, boldogsg szemlytelen s korltlan kzpontjnak a
love and bliss, mere verbal knowledge is sterile. valsgos megtapasztalsa nlkl a puszta szbeli
tuds haszontalan.

Q: Then, what am I to do? K: Mit kell ht tennem?

M: Try to be, only to be. The all-important word is M: Lenni trekedj, csupn lenni. A legfontosabb sz
'try'. Allot enough time daily for sitting quietly and a trekvs. Minden nap szakts elegend idt arra,
trying, just trying, to go beyond the personality, with hogy csendesen lsz, s trekszel, arra trekszel
its addictions and obsessions. Don't ask how, it csupn, hogy tllpj a szemlyisgen, annak
cannot be explained. You just keep on trying until fggsgeivel, s knyszerkpzeteivel egytt. Ne
you succeed. If you persevere, there can be no krdezd hogyan, ez nem elmagyarzhat. Csak
failure. What matters supremely is sincerity, tartsd fenn a trekvst, amg sikerrel nem jrsz. Ha
earnestness; you must really have had surfeit of rendletlenl kitartasz, nem vallhatsz kudarcot.
being the person you are, now see the urgent need Leginkbb az szintesg, a komolysg szmt;
of being free of this unnecessary self-identification valban ltezstl megcsmrlttnek kell lenned,
with a bundle of memories and habits. This steady hogy szrevedd annak a srget szksgt, hogy
resistance against the unnecessary is the secret of megszabadulj egy raks emlkkel s szokssal val
success. felesleges nazonoststl. Ez a szksgtelen elleni
kitart ellenlls a titka a sikernek.
After all, you are what you are every moment of your
life, but you are never conscious of it, except, Vgl is, az vagy ami vagy, leted minden
maybe, at the point of awakening from sleep. All you pillanatban, de sohasem vagy tudatban, kivve
need is to be aware of being, not as a verbal taln az alvsbl val felbreds pillanatt.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
statement, but as an ever-present fact. The a Mindssze az szksges, hogy tudatban lgy a
awareness that you are will open your eyes to what ltnek, nem mint verblis kijelentsnek, hanem mint
you are. It is all very simple. First of all, establish a rkk jelenlv tnynek. A tudat, hogy vagy, ki
constant contact with your self, be with yourself all fogja nyitni a szemedet arra, ami vagy. Mindez
the time. Into self-awareness all blessings flow. nagyon egyszer. Elszr is, teremts lland
Begin as a centre of observation, deliberate kapcsolatot neddel, lgy nmagaddal
cognisance, and grow into a centre of love in action. szakadatlanul. Az n-tudatba rad be minden lds.
'I am' is a tiny seed which will grow into a mighty tree Kezdd gy, mint az szlels kzpontja, a szndkos
-- quite naturally, without a trace of effort. szlels, s nj bele a cselekv szeretet
kzpontjba. Az n vagyok egy apr mag, amelybl
hatalmas fa fog kinni egszen termszetesen, az
erfeszts nyoma nlkl.

Q: I see so much evil in myself. Must I not change K: Annyi gonoszt ltok nmagamban. Nem kell ezen
it? vltoztatnom?

M: Evil is the shadow of inattention. In the light of M: A gonosz a figyelmetlensg rnyka. Az n-tudat
self-awareness it will wither and fall off. fnyben majd elszrad, s leesik.

All dependence on another is futile, for what others Minden mssal kapcsolatos fggs haszontalan,
can give others will take away. Only what is your mert amit msok adni tudnak, azt msok el is fogjk
own at the start will remain your own in the end. venni. Csak az marad a tid a vgn is, ami
Accept no guidance but from within, and even then kezdettl a tid. Ne fogadj el irnytst mshonnan,
sift out all memories for they will mislead you. Even csak bellrl, s mg ekkor is rostlj ki minden
if you are quite ignorant of the ways and the means, emlket, mert megtvesztenek. Mg ha teljesen
keep quiet and look within; guidance is sure to tudatlan is vagy az utakat s mdokat illeten,
come. You are never left without knowing what your maradj csendben, s nzz befel; az irnytsnak
next step should be. The trouble is that you may biztosan jnnie kell. Soha nem maradsz annak
shirk it. The Guru is there for giving you courage ismerete nlkl, hogy mi legyen a kvetkez
because of his experience and success. But only lpsed. A baj az, hogy kivonhatod magad alla. A
what you discover through your own awareness, Guru ott van, hogy tapasztalatai s sikere alapjn
your own effort, will be of permanent use to you. btorsgot adjon neked. De csak az jr majd tarts
haszonnal szmodra, amit sajt tudatossgod, sajt
Remember, nothing you perceive is your own. erfesztsed rvn fedezel fel.
Nothing of value can come to you from outside; it is
only your own feeling and understanding that are Jegyezd meg, hogy semmi nem a tied, amit szlelsz.
relevant and revealing. Words, heard or read, will Semmilyen rtkes nem rkezhet hozzd kvlrl;
only create images in your mind, but you are not a csak rzsed, s megrtsed lehet trgyhoz tartoz
mental image. You are the power of perception and s feltr. A hallott vagy olvasott szavak csak
action behind and beyond the image. kpeket hoznak ltre elmdben, de te nem egy
mentlis kp vagy. Te a kp mgtti, s azon tli
szlels s cselekvs hatalma vagy.

Q: You seem to advise me to be self-centred to the K: gy tnik, az a javaslatod, hogy az egoizmus

point of egoism. Must I not yield even to my interest hatrig legyek n kzpont. Mg a ms emberek
in other people? irnti rdekldst sem engedhetem meg

M: Your interest in others is egoistic, self-concerned, M: A te msok irnti rdekldsed n kzpont,

self-oriented. You are not interested in others as nvonatkoztatott, nirnyult. Msok nem
persons, but only as far as they enrich, or ennoble szemlyekknt rdekelnek, csak amennyiben
your own image of yourself. And the ultimate in nkpedet gazdagtjk, vagy nemestik. s a
selfishness is to care only for the protection, legutols nzs, ha valaki csak sajt testnek a
preservation and multiplication of one's own body. vdelmvel, megvsval, s sokszorostsval
By body I mean all that is related to your name and foglalkozik. Test alatt mindazokat dolgokat rtem,
shape -- your family, tribe, country, race, etc. To be amelyek nevedhez s formdhoz kapcsoldnak
attached to one's name and shape is selfishness. A csaldod, trzsed, orszgod, rasszod, stb. Valakinek
man who knows that he is neither body nor mind a nevhez s formjhoz ktdni egoizmus. Aki
cannot be selfish, for he has nothing to be selfish tudja, hogy sem testtel, sem az elmvel nem
for. Or, you may say, he is equally 'selfish' on behalf azonos, nem lehet nz, mert nincs semmije, amire

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
of everybody he meets; everybody's welfare is his nz lehetne. Vagy, mondhatni, egyformn nz
own. The feeling 'I am the world, the world is myself' mindenki nevben, akivel tallkozik; mindenki jlte
becomes quite natural; once it is established, there az sajtja. Az n a vilg vagyok, a vilg
is just no way of being selfish. To be selfish means nmagam rzse teljesen termszetess vlik;
to covet, acquire, accumulate on behalf of the part amint elfogadtad, egyszeren lehetsg sincs r,
against the whole. hogy nz lgy. nznek lenni azt jelenti, svrogni
utna, megszerezni, felhalmozni a rsz kedvrt, az
egsz rdeke ellenben.

Q: One may be rich with many possessions, by K: Az ember gy lehet gazdag, ha nagy a vagyona,
inheritance, or marriage, or just good luck. rkl, behzasodik, vagy csupn nagy a

M: If you do not hold on to, it will be taken away from M: Ha nem ragaszkodsz hozz, el fog tled
you. tvolodni.

Q: In your present state can you love another K: Jelen llapotodban tudnl szeretni szemlyknt
person as a person? egy msik szemlyt?

M: I am the other person, the other person is myself; M: n vagyok a msik szemly, a msik szemly
in name and shape we are different, but there is no nmagam; nevnk s formnk klnbzik, de nem
separation. At the root of our being we are one. vagyunk elklnltek. Ltezsnk gykernl egyek

Q: Is it not so whenever there is love between K: Nem ez van, valahnyszor szeretet van az
people? emberek kztt?

M: It is, but they are not conscious of it. They feel M: Ez van, de ennek nincsenek tudatban. rzik a
the attraction, but do not know the reason. vonzst, de nem ismerik az okot.

Q: Why is love selective? K: A szeretet mirt megklnbztet?

M: Love is not selective, desire is selective. In love M: A szeretet nem megklnbztet, a vgy a
there are no strangers. When the centre of megklnbztet. A szeretetben nincsenek
selfishness is no longer, all desires for pleasure and idegenek. Amikor az nzs kzpontja megsznik,
fear of pain cease; one is no longer interested in akkor az rm irnti minden vgy s a fjdalomtl
being happy; beyond happiness there is pure val minden flelem is megsznik; az embert nem
intensity, inexhaustible energy, the ecstasy of giving rdekli tbb, hogy boldog legyen; a boldogsgon
from a perennial source. tl ott van a halhatatlan forrs tiszta erssge,
kimerthetetlen energija, elragadtatsa.

Q: Mustn't I begin by solving for myself the problem K: Nem azzal kell kezdenem, hogy megoldom
of right and wrong? nmagam szmra a j s rossz problmjt?

M: What is pleasant people take it to be good and M: Ami kellemes, azt az emberek jnak tartjk, s
what is painful they take it to be bad. ami fjdalmas, azt rossznak tartjk.

Q: Yes, that is how it is with us, ordinary people. But K: Igen, gy van ez velnk, kznsges emberekkel.
how is it with you, at the level of oneness? For you De hogy van a te esetedben, az egysg szintjn?
what is good and what is bad? Szmodra mi j, s mi rossz?

M: What increases suffering is bad and what M: Ami nveli a szenvedst, az rossz, ami
removes it is good. megsznteti, az j.

Q: So you deny goodness to suffering itself. There K: gy ht elutastod a szenvedsnek magnak a

are religions in which suffering is considered good jsgt. Vannak vallsok, amelyek a szenvedst
and noble. jnak, s nemesnek tekintik.

M: Karma, or destiny, is an expression of a M: A karma, vagy a sors egy dvs szeretet

beneficial law: the universal trend towards balance, kifejezse: az univerzlis tendencia egyensly,

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
harmony and unity. At every moment, whatever harmnia, s egysg fel mutat. Minden pillanatban,
happens now, is for the best. It may appear painful akrmi trtnik most, a legjobb cl rdekben
and ugly, a suffering bitter and meaningless, yet trtnik. Lehet, hogy fjdalmasnak s csnynak,
considering the past and the future it is for the best, keser s rtelmetlen szenvedsnek tnik, mgis, a
as the only way out of a disastrous situation. mlt s a jv mrlegelsvel egyetemben a legjobb
cl rdekben trtnik, egy vgzetes szituci
egyetlen kimeneteleknt.

Q: Does one suffer only for one's own sins? K: Az ember csupn sajt bnei miatt szenved?

M: One suffers along with what one thinks oneself to M: Az ember annak megfelelen szenved, hogy
be. If you feel one with humanity, you suffer with kinek gondolja magt. Ha egynek rzed magad az
humanity. emberisggel, akkor egytt szenvedsz az

Q: And since you claim to be one with the sufferers, K: s mivel az az ignyed, hogy egy legyl a
there is no limit in time or space to your suffering. szenvedkkel, szenvedsednek nincs id- vagy
trbeli korltja.

M: To be is to suffer. The narrower the circle of my M: Ltezni annyi, mint szenvedni. nazonossgom
self-identification, the more acute the suffering kre minl szkebb, annl knzbb a vgy s
caused by desire and fear. flelem okozta szenveds.

Q: Christianity accepts suffering as purifying and K: A keresztnysg gy fogadja el a szenvedst,

ennobling, while Hinduism looks at it with distaste. mint ami tisztt, s nemest, mg a hinduizmus gy
tekint r, mint utlatos dologra.

M: Christianity is one way of putting words together M: A keresztnysg gy, a hinduizmus pedig gy fzi
and Hinduism is another. The real is, behind and a szavakat. A valsg a szavak mgtt s tl van,
beyond words, incommunicable, directly elmondhatatlan, kzvetlen tapasztalat, az elmre
experienced, explosive in its effect on the mind. It is nzve explozv hats. Knnyen lpre megy, ha
easily had when nothing else is wanted. The innards semmi mst nem akar. A belsk kpzelet rvn
created by imagination and perpetuated by desire. keletkeztek, s vgy ltal llandsultak.

Q: Can there be no suffering that is necessary and K: Nem lehetsges olyan szenveds, amely
good? szksges, s j?

M: Accidental or incidental pain is inevitable and M: A vletlen, vagy elre nem lthat fjdalom
transitory; deliberate pain, inflicted with even the elkerlhetetlen, s ml; a szndkos fjdalom
best of intentions, is meaningless and cruel. rtelmetlen, s kegyetlen, okozd azt akr a legjobb

Q: You would not punish crime? K: Te nem bntetnd a bncselekmnyt?

M: Punishment is but legalised crime. In a society M: A bntets legalizlt bncselekmny csupn.

built on prevention, rather than retaliation, there Egy megelzsre ptett trsadalomban, a retorzi
would be very little crime. The few exceptions will be hinya ellenre, nagyon alacsony lenne a bnzs.
treated medically, as of unsound mind and body. A nhny kivtelt gy tekintenk, mint beteg elmt
s testet, s orvosilag kezelnk.

Q: You seem to have little use for religion. K: gy ltom, a vallsnak kevs haszna van

M: What is religion? A cloud in the sky. I live in the M: Mi a valls? Felh az gen. n az gben lek,
sky, not in the clouds, which are so many words held nem a sok szval egyben tartotta felhkben.
together. Remove the verbiage and what remains? Tvoltsd el a locsogst, s mi marad? Az igazsg
Truth remains. My home is in the unchangeable, marad. Az n otthonom a vltozhatatlanban van,
which appears to be a state of constant amely az ellenttek vltozatlan sszebklt s
reconciliation and integration of opposites. People integrlt llapotaknt jelenik meg. Az emberek azrt
come here to learn about the actual existence of jnnek ide, hogy az ilyen llapotok mibenltrl,

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
such a state, the obstacles to its emergence, and, kialakulsuk akadlyairl, s a megrts utn a
once perceived, the art of stabilising it in tudatossgban val stabilizlsnak a mvszetrl
consciousness, so that there is no clash between tanuljanak, elkerlend a megrts s az let kztti
understanding and living. The state itself is beyond ellentmondst. Az llapot maga meghaladja az
the mind and need not be learnt. The mind can only elmt, s nem tanulhat. Az elme csak a hibkra tud
focus the obstacles; seeing an obstacle as an fkuszlni; hatkony dolog a hibt hibnak ltni,
obstacle is effective, because it is the mind acting on mivel az elme hat az elmre. Kezdd az elejn:
the mind. Begin from the beginning: give attention to szenteld figyelmedet a tnynek, hogy vagy. Soha
the fact that you are. At no time can you say 'I was nem jelentheted ki, hogy nem voltam, mindssze
not' all you can say: 'I do not remember'. You know annyit mondhatsz, nem emlkszem. Tudod, milyen
how unreliable is memory. Accept that, engrossed in megbzhatatlan az emlkezet. Fogadd el, hogy
petty personal affairs you have forgotten what you jelentktelen szemlyes gyeiddel elfoglaltan
are; try to bring back the lost memory through the elfelejted, hogy mi vagy; prbld az ismert
elimination of the known. You cannot be told what kikszblsvel visszahozni az elveszett emlket.
will happen, nor is it desirable; anticipation will Nem tudjuk megmondani, mi fog trtnni, sem azt,
create illusions. In the inner search the unexpected hogy kvnatos-e; az elvrs fogja megteremteni az
is inevitable; the discovery is invariably beyond all illzikat. A bels keressben a vratlan
imagination. Just as an unborn child cannot know elkerlhetetlen; a felfedezs mindig minden
life after birth, for it has nothing in its mind with kpzeletet fellml. Ahogy a megszlets eltt lv
which to form a valid picture, so is the mind unable gyermek sem ismerheti a szletst kvet letet,
to think of the real in terms of the unreal, except by mert elmjben nincs semmi olyan, amivel vals
negation: Not this, not that'. The acceptance of the kpet alakthatna ki, az elme ugyangy kptelen a
unreal as real is the obstacle; to see the false as valsgra a nem valdi kifejezseivel gondolni, a
false and abandon the false brings reality into being. tagad mdot kivve: nem ez, nem az. Ha a
The states of utter clarity, immense love, utter valtlant valdinak fogadod el, az akadly; ha a
fearlessness; these are mere words at the present, hamist hamisnak ltod, s elveted a hamist,
outlines without colour, hints at what can be. You megszletik a valsg. A legteljesebb tisztasg, a
are like a blind man expecting to see as a result of mrhetetlen szeretet, a teljes flelemmentessg
an operation -- provided you do not shirk the llapota; ezek a jelenben puszta szavak, sznek
operation. The state I am in words do not matter at nlkli krvonalak, arra vonatkoz tippek, hogy mi
all. Nor is there any addiction to words. Only facts lehet. A vak emberhez vagy hasonl, aki ltst egy
matter. mtttl remli visszanyerni feltve, hogy nem
bjsz ki a mtt all. Az n vagyok llapota szavak
csupn, melyeknek nincs jelentsgk. Ugyangy a
szavak irnti brmilyen fggsgnek sincs. Csak a
tnyek szmtanak.

Q: There can be no religion without words. K: Nem ltezhetnek vallsok szavak nlkl.

M: Recorded religions are mere heaps of verbiage. M: A feljegyzett vallsok locsogsok puszta
Religions show their true face in action, in silent halmaza. A vallsok valdi arcukat cselekvs sorn
action. To know what man believes, watch how he mutatjk meg, csendes cselekvsben. Ha meg
acts. For most of the people service of their bodies akarod tudni valakirl, hogy miben hisz, figyeld meg,
and their minds is their religion. They may have hogyan cselekszik. Mert a legtbben a testket
religious ideas, but they do not act on them. They szolgljk, s vallsuk az elmjk. Lehetnek
play with them, they are often very fond of them, but vallsos eszmik, de nem azok szerint
they will not act on them. cselekszenek. Jtszanak velk, gyakran nagyon
szeretik ket, de nem azok alapjn cselekszenek.

Q: Words are needed for communication. K: Szksg van szavakra a kommunikcihoz.

M: For exchange of information -- yes. But real M: Informcicserhez igen. De az emberek

communication between people is not verbal. For kztti valdi kommunikci nem verblis. A
establishing and maintaining relationship kapcsolatok kiptshez s polshoz a szeret
affectionate awareness expressed in direct action is figyelem kzvetlen cselekvsben val kifejezse
required. Not what you say, but what you do is that szksges. Nem az a lnyeg, mit mondasz, hanem
matters. Words are made by the mind and are az, mit csinlsz. A szavakat az elme lltja el, s
meaningful only on the level of the mind. The word csak az elme szintjn brnak rtelemmel. A kenyr
bread: neither can you eat nor live by it; it merely szt nem lehet sem megenni, sem lni ltala;
conveys an idea. It acquires meaning only with the pusztn egy idea hordozja. Jelentst csak a

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
actual eating. In the same sense am I telling you that tnyleges evssel nyeri el. Ugyanezen rtelemben
the Normal State is not verbal. I may say it is wise mondom, hogy a Normlis llapot nem verblis.
love expressed in action, but these words convey Elmondhatom rla, hogy cselekvsben kifejezett
little, unless you experience them in their fullness blcs szeretet, de e szavak keveset kzvettenek,
and beauty. hacsak meg nem tapasztalod ket, azok
teljessgben s szpsgben.
Words have their limited usefulness, but we put no
limits to them and bring ourselves to the brink of A szavaknak hasznlhatsga korltozott, de mi azt
disaster. Our noble ideas are finely balanced by felttelezzk, hogy korltlan, s ezzel a katasztrfa
ignoble actions. We talk of God, Truth and Love, but szlre sodorjuk magunkat. Nemes ideinkat vgl
instead of direct experience we have definitions. alantas cselekedetek ellenttelezik. Istenrl,
Instead of enlarging and deepening action we chisel Igazsgrl, s Szeretetrl beszlnk, de kzvetlen
our definitions. And we imagine that we know what tapasztalat helyett definciink vannak. Ahelyett,
we can define. hogy a tapasztalatainkat szlestennk s
mlytennk, definciinkat cizellljuk. s azt
kpzeljk, ismerjk, amit definilni tudunk.

Q: How can one convey experience except through K: Hogyan tudn az ember a tapasztalatait
words? kzvetteni mskpp, mint szavakkal?

M: Experience cannot be conveyed through words. M: Tapasztalat nem kzvetthet szavakkal. Az

It comes with action. A man who is intense in his cselekvssel jn. Az elmlylt tapasztalatokkal
experience will radiate confidence and courage. rendelkez ember magabiztossgot, s btorsgot
Others too will act and gain experience born out of sugroz. Msok szintn cselekedni fognak, s
action. Verbal teaching has its use, it prepares the cselekvs rvn szletett tapasztalatokat fognak
mind for voiding itself of its accumulations. szerezni. A verblis tantsnak az a haszna, hogy
elkszti az elmt nmaga sszehordott
A level of mental maturity is reached when nothing ismeretektl val kirestsre.
external is of any value and the heart is ready to
relinquish all. Then the real has a chance and it A mentlis rettsg szintjt akkor red el, amikor
grasps it. Delays, if any, are caused by the mind semmilyen klsnek nincs semmilyen rtke, s a
being unwilling to see or to discard. szv kszen ll, hogy mindent eleresszen. Ezutn
kap eslyt a valsg, amit megragad. A kslekedst
az elme okozza, mert vonakodik, hogy lsson,
illetve, hogy kidobja a kidobandt.

Q: Are we so totally alone? K: Teljesen egyedl vagyunk?

M: Oh, no, we are not. Those who have, can give. M: , nem, nem vagyunk egyedl. Akiknek van,
And such givers are many. The world itself is a adni tudnak. s ilyen adk sokan vannak. Maga a
supreme gift, maintained by loving sacrifice. But the vilg is egy pratlan ajndk, amit a szeret ldozat
right receivers, wise and humble, are so few. 'Ask tart fenn. De akik helyesen fogadnak, a blcsek, s
and you shall be given' is the eternal law. alzatosak, nagyon kevesen vannak. Krj, s
adatik, ez az rk trvny.
So many words you have learnt, so many you have
spoken. You know everything, but you do not know Oly sok szt megtanultl, oly sok szt kimondtl.
yourself. For the self is not known through words -- Tudsz mindent, de nem ismered nmagad. Mert az
only direct insight will reveal it. Look within, search n nem ismerhet meg szavakon keresztl csak
within. kzvetlen megltsban fog megmutatkozni. Nzz
befel, keress bell.

Q: It is very difficult to abandon words. Our mental K: Nagyon nehz feladni a szavakat. Mentlis
life is one continuous stream of words. letnk szavak egyetlen szakadatlan folyama.

M: It is not a matter of easy, or difficult. You have no M: Lnyegtelen, hogy knny, vagy bonyolult. Nincs
alternative. Either you try or you don't. It is up to you. alternatvd. Vagy prblkozol, vagy nem. Rajtad ll.

Q: I have tried many times and failed. K: Sokszor prblkoztam, s nem jrtam sikerrel.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
M: Try again. If you keep on trying, something may M: Prbld jra. Ha folyamatosan prblkozol,
happen. But if you don't, you are stuck. You may trtnhet valami. De ha nem, megragadsz.
know all the right words, quote the scriptures, be Ismerhetsz minden helyes szt, idzhetsz szent
brilliant in your discussions and yet remain a bag of knyveket, brillrozhatsz vitk sorn, s mgis egy
bones. Or you may be inconspicuous and humble, zsk csont maradsz. Vagy lehetsz olyan, aki alig
an insignificant person altogether, yet glowing with szrevehet s alzatos, sszessgben
loving kindness and deep wisdom. jelentktelen szemly, mgis, aki szeret jsgtl,
s mly blcsessgtl ragyog.

99. The Perceived can not be the 99. Az szlelt nem lehet azonos az
Perceiver szlelvel
Questioner: I have been moving from place to place Krdez: Egyik helyrl a msikra utazom,
investigating the various Yogas available for practice klnbz gyakorlsra alkalmas Yogkat
and I could not decide which will suit me best. I tanulmnyozok, s nem tudok dnteni, melyik lenne
should be thankful for some competent advice. At szmomra a legjobb. Hls lennk nhny alkalmas
present, as a result of all this searching, I am just tancsrt. E pillanatban, ksznheten ennek az
tired of the idea of finding truth. It seems to me, both egsz keressnek, belefradtam az igazsg keress
unnecessary and troublesome. Life is enjoyable as it idejba. gy tnik szmomra, hogy mindkett
is and I see no purpose in improving on it. felesleges, s fradsgos. Az let gy lvezetes,
ahogy van, s nincs szndkom javtani rajta.

Maharaj: You are welcome to stay in your Maharaj: Megelgedettsgedet rmmel hallom, de
contentment, but can you? Youth, vigour, money -- meg tudod tartani? Fiatalsg, leter, pnz mind
all will pass away sooner than you expect. Sorrow, elmlnak, hamarabb, mint vrnd. A szomorsg,
shunned so far, will pursue you. If you want to be ami eddig elkerlt, a nyomodban fog jrni. Ha tl
beyond suffering, you must meet it half way and akarsz lpni a szenvedsen, akkor tallkoznod kell
embrace it. Relinquish your habits and addictions, vele flton, s t kell lelned. Add fel szoksaidat
live a simple and sober life, don't hurt a living being; s fggsgeidet, lj egyszer s jzan letet, ne
this is the foundation of Yoga. To find reality you bnts llnyt; ez a Yoga alapja. A valsg
must be real in the smallest daily action; there can megtallshoz mindennapi legaprbb
be no deceit in the search for truth. You say you find tnykedseidben is valsgosnak kell lenned; nem
your life enjoyable. Maybe it is -- at present. But who lehet hamissg az igazsg keressben. Azt
enjoys it? mondod, hogy lvezetesnek tallod az letedet.
Lehet, hogy az jelen pillanatban. De ki lvezi azt?

Q: I confess I do not know the enjoyer nor the K: Bevallom, nem ismerem sem az lvezt, sem az
enjoyed. I only know the enjoyment. vezettet. Csak az lvezetet ismerem.

M: Quite right. But enjoyment is a state of mind -- it M: Kitn. De az lvezet az elme egy llapota jn
comes and goes. Its very impermanence makes it s megy. Valjban ml volta teszi azt
perceivable. You cannot be conscious of what does szlelhetv. Annak nem lehetsz tudatban, ami
not change. All consciousness is consciousness of nem vltozik. Minden tudatossg a vltozs
change. But the very perception of change -- does it tudatossga. De pontosan a vltozs szlelse
not necessitate a changeless background? nem tesz szksgess egy vltozatlan htteret?

Q: Not at all. The memory of the last state -- K: Egyltaln nem. A vltozs lmnyt az utols
compared to the actuality of the present state gives llapot emlknek s az aktulis llapotnak az
the experience of change. sszehasonltsa adja.

M: Between the remembered and the actual there is M: Az emlk, s az aktulis llapot kztt egy
a basic difference which can be observed from alapvet klnbsg van, amely pillanatrl pillanatra
moment to moment. At no point of time is the actual megfigyelhet. Az aktulis s az emlk egyetlen
the remembered. Between the two there is a idpontban sem azonos. A kett kztt nem csak
difference in kind, not merely in intensity. The actual intenzitsbeli, hanem minsgi klnbsg is van. Az
is unmistakably so. By no effort of will or imagination aktulis flre nem rthet mdon az. Semmilyen
can you interchange the two. Now, what is it that akarati erfesztssel, vagy kpzelettel nem

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
gives this unique quality to the actual? cserlheted fel a kettt. Na mr most, mi az, ami az
aktulis egyedi minsgt adja?

Q: The actual is real, while there is a good deal of K: Az aktulis valdi, mg az emlkkel kapcsolatban
uncertainty about the remembered. jval nagyobb a bizonytalansg.

M: Quite so, but why? A moment back the M: Igazad van, de mirt van gy? Egy pillanattal
remembered was actual, in a moment the actual will elbb, az emlk volt aktulis, egy pillanat mlva az
be the remembered. What makes the actual unique? aktulis lesz az emlk. Mi teszi az aktulisat
Obviously, it is your sense of being present. In egyediv? Nyilvnval, hogy jelenlvsg rzsed.
memory and anticipation there is a clear feeling that Emlked s elvrsod azt a tiszta rzst foglalja
it is a mental state under observation, while in the magban, hogy az egy megfigyelt mentlis llapot,
actual the feeling is primarily of being present and mg az aktulisban elsdlegesen a jelen s a tudat
aware. rzse van.

Q: Yes I can see. It is awareness that makes the K: Igen, rtem. A tudat az, ami miatt klnbsg van
difference between the actual and the remembered. az aktulis s az emlk kztt. Az ember gondolja a
One thinks of the past or the future, but one is mltat, vagy a jvt, de a jelen a mostban van.
present in the now.

M: Wherever you go, the sense of here and now you M: Brhov msz, az itt s most rzse llandan
carry with you all the time. It means that you are veled van. Ez azt jelenti, hogy trtl s idtl
independent of space and time, that space and time fggetlen vagy, hogy a tr s id benned vannak, s
are in you, not you in them. It is your self- nem te vagy azokban. Testtel val nazonossgod,
identification with the body, which, of course, is ami trben, s idben termszetesen korltozott
limited in space and time, that gives you the feeling ez adja a vgessg rzst. Valjban vgtelen, s
of finiteness. In reality you are infinite and eternal. rkkval vagy.

Q: This infinite and eternal self of mine, how am I to K: Hogyan ismerhetem meg ezt a vgtelen, s
know it? rkkval nemet?

M: The self you want to know, is it some second M: Az n, amit meg akarsz ismerni, valamifle
self? Are you made of several selves? Surely, there msodik n? Klnbz neket teremtettl? Biztos,
is only one self and you are that self. The self you hogy csak egy n van, s hogy te vagy az az n. Az
are is the only self there is. Remove and abandon n, ami vagy, az egyetlen n, ami van. Tvoltsd el,
your wrong ideas about yourself and there it is, in all s add fel nmagadrl alkotott rossz ideidat, s azt
its glory. It is only your mind that prevents self- ott tallod, teljes dicssgben. Egyedl elmd vet
knowledge. gtat nismeretednek.

Q: How am I to be rid of the mind? And is life without K: Hogyan szabaduljak meg az elmtl? s az let
mind at all possible on the human level? lehetsges egyltaln elme nlkl, az emberi

M: There is no such thing as mind. There are ideas M: Nincs olyan dolog, hogy elme. Vannak idek, s
and some of them are wrong. Abandon the wrong nmelyikk rossz. Hagyj fel a rossz idekkal, mert
ideas, for they are false and obstruct your vision of hamisak, s elzrnak attl, hogy lsd nmagadat.

Q: Which ideas are wrong and which are true? K: Mely idek rosszak, s melyek igazak?

M: Assertions are usually wrong and denials -- right. M: Az lltsok ltalban rosszak, s a tagadsok

Q: One cannot live by denying everything. K: Nem lhetek gy, hogy mindent tagadok.

M: Only by denying can one live. Assertion is M: Csak tagadssal lhetsz. Az llts ktttsg.
bondage. To question and deny is necessary. It is Krdezni, s tagadni szksgszer. Ez a lnyege a
the essence of revolt and without revolt there can be lzadsnak, s lzads nlkl nem ltezhet
no freedom. szabadsg.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
There is no second, or higher self to search for. You Nincs msodik, vagy magasabb n, amit keresned
are the highest self, only give up the false ideas you kne. Te vagy a legfelsbb n, csak add fel az
have about your self. Both faith and reason tell you nedrl szl hamis idekat. Hit s rtelem egyarnt
that you are neither the body, nor its desires and azt mondjk, nem vagy sem a test, sem annak
fears, nor are you the mind with its fanciful ideas, vgyai s flelmei, sem az elme, annak kpzelet
nor the role society compels you to play, the person szlte ideival, sem a trsadalmi szerep, amely arra
you are supposed to be. Give up the false and the knyszert, hogy eljtszd a szemlyt, aki felttelezs
true will come into its own. szerint vagy. Add fel a hamist, s az igaz az sajt
rkbe lp.
You say you want to know your self. You are your
self -- you cannot be anything but what you are. Is Azt mondod, meg akarod ismerni nedet. Te vagy
knowing separate from being? Whatever you can az ned nem lehetsz semmi, csak ami vagy. Az
know with your mind is of the mind, not you; about ismeret elklnl a lttl? Brmi, amit elmddel
yourself you can only say: 'I am, I am aware, I like It'. ismerni tudsz, az elm, nem te vagy; nmagadrl
csak azt mondhatod: n vagyok, tudatos vagyok,

Q: I find being alive a painful state. K: gy tallom, letben lenni fjdalmas llapot.

M: You cannot be alive for you are life itself. It is the M: Nem lehetsz letben, mert te maga az let vagy.
person you imagine yourself to be that suffers, not A szemly szenved, akinek kpzeled magad, nem
you. Dissolve it in awareness. It is merely a bundle te. Oldd fel a tudatossgban. Egy halom emlk s
of memories and habits. From the awareness of the szoks csupn. A valtlan tudatossga s igaz
unreal to the awareness of your real nature there is termszeted tudatossga kztt szakadk van,
a chasm which you will easily cross, once you have amelyet knnyedn t fogsz hidalni, amint
mastered the art of pure awareness. mesterv vltl a tiszta tudatossg mvszetnek.

Q: All I know is that I do not know myself. K: Mindssze annyit tudok, hogy nem ismerem

M: How do you know, that you do not know your M: Honnan tudod, hogy nem ismered nmagad?
self? Your direct insight tells you that yourself you Kzvetlen megltsod azt sgja, hogy nmagadat
know first, for nothing exists to you without your ismered elszr, mert semmi nem ltezik szmodra
being there to experience its existence. You imagine anlkl, hogy te ott lennl, hogy tapasztald annak
you do not know your self, because you cannot ltezst. Azrt kpzeled, hogy nem ismered
describe your self. You can always say: 'I know that I nmagad, mert nem tudod lerni nmagad. Mindig
am' and you will refuse as untrue the statement: 'I kijelentheted, hogy tudom, hogy vagyok, s vissza
am not'. But whatever can be described cannot be fogod utastani, mint hamis lltst, hogy nem
your self, and what you are cannot be described. vagyok. De brmi is legyen amit le tudsz rni, az
You can only know your self by being yourself nem lehet az nmagad, s ami vagy, azt nem tudod
without any attempt at self-definition and self- lerni. Csak azltal ismerheted magad, hogy
description. Once you have understood that you are nmagad vagy, az nmeghatrozs, s nlers
nothing perceivable or conceivable, that whatever mindenfle ksrlete nlkl. Amint megrtetted, hogy
appears in the field of consciousness cannot be your te semmi olyan nem vagy, ami szlelhet, vagy
self, you will apply yourself to the eradication of all elkpzelhet, hogy brmi jelenjk is meg a
self-identification, as the only way that can take you tudatossg mezejben, az nem lehetsz te magad, t
to a deeper realisation of your self. You literally fogod adni magad minden nmeghatrozs
progress by rejection -- a veritable rocket. To know kiirtsnak, mint egyetlen mdnak, amellyel
that you are neither in the body nor in the mind, nmagad mlyebb megvalstsig eljuthatsz.
though aware of both, is already self-knowledge. Elvetssel a sz szoros rtelmben gy haladsz,
akr egy igazi rakta. Tudni, hogy sem a testben,
sem az elmben nem vagy, noha tudatban vagy
mindkettnek, mr nismeret.

Q: If I am neither the body nor mind, how am I K: Ha sem a test, sem az elme nem vagyok, mirt
aware of them? How can I perceive something quite vagyok ezek tudatban? Hogyan szlelhetek
foreign to myself? valamit, ami teljesen idegen tlem?

M: 'Nothing is me,' is the first step. 'Everything is me' M: A semmi nem n vagyok az els lps. A
is the next. Both hang on the idea: 'there is a world'. minden n vagyok a kvetkez. Mindkett a ltezik

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
When this too is given up, you remain what you are - a vilg ideba kapaszkodik. Amikor ez is feladsra
- the non-dual Self. You are it here and now, but kerl, az maradsz, ami vagy a nem ketts n. Te
your vision is obstructed by your false ideas about az vagy itt s most, de ltsodat eltorztjk az
your self. neddel kapcsolatos hamis idek.

Q: Well, I admit that I am, I was, I shall be; at least K: Nos, elfogadom, hogy vagyok, voltam, leszek;
from birth to death. I have no doubts of my being, legalbbis szletstl a hallig. Nem ktelkedem a
here and now. But I find that it is not enough. My life ltemben, itt s most. De gy gondolom, hogy ez
lacks joy, born of harmony between the inner and nem elg. Az letembl hinyzik az rm, ami a
the outer. If I alone am and the world is merely a bels s a kls kztti harmnibl szletik. Ha
protection, then why is there disharmony? egyedl n vagyok, s a vilg pusta kivetts, akkor
mirt a diszharmnia?

M: You create disharmony and then complain. When M: Te teremtesz diszharmnit, utna pedig
you desire and fear, and identify yourself with your panaszkodsz. Amikor vgysz s flsz, s
feelings, you create sorrow and bondage. When you rzseiddel azonostod nmagad, akkor
create, with love and wisdom, and remain szomorsgot, s ktttsget teremtesz. Amikor
unattached to your creations, the result is harmony szeretettel s blcsessggel teremtesz, s fggetlen
and peace. But whatever be the condition of your maradsz teremtmnyeidtl, annak eredmnye
mind, in what way does it reflect on you? It is only harmnia, s bke. De akrmi is legyen elmd
your self-identification with your mind that makes llapota, mi mdon fejezdik ki rajtad? Csak
you happy or unhappy. Rebel against your slavery to elmddel val nazonosulsod tesz boldogg, vagy
your mind, see your bonds as self-created and break boldogtalann. Lzadj fel ellene, hogy elmd
the chains of attachment and revulsion. Keep in rabszolgja lgy, lsd, hogy bilincseidet magad
mind your goal of freedom, until it dawns on you that teremtetted, s trd szt a ragaszkods s az undor
you are already free, that freedom is not something lncait. Tartsd elmdben szabadsgod cljt, mg r
in the distant future to be earned with painful efforts, nem bredsz, hogy mr szabad vagy, hogy a
but perennially one's own, to be used. Liberation is szabadsg nem valami tvoli jvben bekvetkez
not an acquisition but a matter of courage, the dolog, amit fjdalmas erfesztsekkel kell
courage to believe that you are free already and to kirdemelni, hanem rkrvny mdon a te
act on it. sajtod, a szolglatodban ll. A szabadsg nem
megszerzs, hanem btorsg dolga, btor vagy
elhinni, hogy mr szabad vagy, s a szerint

Q: If I do as I like, I shall have to suffer. K: Ha gy cselekszem, ahogy szeretnk,

szenvednem kell.

M: Nevertheless, you are free. The consequences of M: Mindazonltal, szabad vagy. Cselekedeted
your action will depend on the society in which you kvetkezmnyei a trsadalomtl fognak fggeni,
live and its conventions. amelyben lsz, s annak konvenciitl.

Q: I may act recklessly. K: Lehet, hogy meggondolatlanul cselekszem.

M: Along with courage will emerge wisdom and M: A btorsggal egytt fog nvekedni blcsessg,
compassion and skill in action. You will know what to a knyrlet, s a cselekvsbeli gyessg. Tudni
do and whatever you do will be good for all. fogod, mit kell tenned, s brmit teszel, az
mindenkpp j lesz.

Q: I find that the various aspects of myself are at K: gy ltom, nmagam klnbz aspektusai
war between themselves and there is no peace in hborban llnak egymssal, s nincs bennem
me. Where are freedom and courage, wisdom and bke. Hol a szabadsg, a btorsg, a blcsessg s
compassion? My actions merely increase the chasm a knyrlet? Cselekedeteim csupn a koszt
in which I exist. nvelik, amelyben lek.

M: It is all so, because you take yourself to be M: Ez teljesen gy van, mert a testnek tartod magad,
somebody, or something. Stop, look, investigate, vagy valaminek. llj meg, nzz, vizsgldj, tedd fel a
ask the right questions, come to the right helyes krdseket, juss el a helyes
conclusions and have the courage to act on them kvetkeztetsekre, s legyen meg a btorsgod a
and see what happens. The first steps may bring the szerint cselekedni, s megltod, mi trtnik. Lehet,

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
roof down on your head, but soon the commotion hogy az els lpsek a fejedre omlasztjk a tett, de
will clear and there will be peace and joy. You know a zrzavar hamarosan ki fog tisztulni, s bke s
so many things about yourself, but the knower you rm lesz. Annyi mindent tudsz nmagadrl, de az
do not know. Find out who you are, the knower of ismert nem ismered. Fedezd fel ki vagy, az ismert
the known. Look within diligently, remember to ismerjt. Nzz befel szorgalmasan, ne felejts
remember that the perceived cannot be the emlkezni r, hogy az szlelt nem lehet azonos az
perceiver. Whatever you see, hear or think of, szlelvel. Akrmit ltsz, hallasz, vagy gondolsz,
remember -- you are not what happens, you are he emlkezz te nem az vagy, ami trtnik, te az vagy,
to whom it happens. Delve deeply into the sense 'I akinek a szmra az trtnik. ss le mlyen az n
am' and you will surely discover that the perceiving vagyok rzsbe, s biztosan fel fogod fedezni,
centre is universal, as universal as the light that hogy az szlelsi kzpont univerzlis, olyan
illumines the world. All that happens in the universe univerzlis, mint a fny, amely megvilgtja a vilgot.
happens to you, the silent witness. On the other Minden, ami az univerzumban trtnik, az neked, a
hand, whatever is done, is done by you, the csendes tannak trtnik. Msfell, brmi trtnik,
universal and inexhaustible energy. ltalad, az univerzlis, s kiapadhatatlan energia
ltal trtnik.

Q: It is, no doubt, very gratifying to hear that one is K: Ktsgtelenl nagy rm hallani, hogy az ember
the silent witness as well as the universal energy. a csendes tan, s az univerzlis energia. De hogy
But how is one to cross over from a verbal statement tudom a verblis kijelentst kzvetlen tudsra
to direct knowledge? Hearing is not knowing. vltani? A halls nem tuds.

M: Before you can know anything directly, non- M: Mieltt brmit is kzvetlenl, nonverblisan
verbally, you must know the knower. So far, you tudhatnl, tudnod kell, ki az ismer. Ez ideig az
took the mind for the knower, but it is just not so. elmt tartottad az ismernek, de ez ppen, hogy
The mind clogs you up with images and ideas, which nem gy van. Az elme kpekkel s idekkal terhel,
leave scars in memory. You take remembering to be amelyek nyomokat hagynak az emlkezetben. Az
knowledge. True knowledge is ever fresh, new, emlkezst tartod tudsnak. Az igazi tuds rkk
unexpected. It wells up from within. When you know friss, j, vratlan. Bellrl fakad. Amikor tudod, hogy
what you are, you also are what you know. Between mi vagy, akkor az is vagy, amit tudsz. A tuds s a
knowing and being there is no gap. lt kztt nincsen szakadk.

Q: I can only investigate the mind with the mind. K: Csak az elmvel tudom tanulmnyozni az elmt.

M: By all means use your mind to know your mind. It M: Persze, hasznld az elmdet, hogy megismerd
is perfectly legitimate and also the best preparation az elmdet. Ez tkletesen rendben van, s ahhoz
for going beyond the mind. Being, knowing and is a legjobb elkszlet, hogy meghaladd az elmt.
enjoying is your own. First realise your own being. Lt, tuds s rm a te sajtjaid. Elszr realizld
This is easy because the sense 'I am' is always with sajt ltedet. Ez knny, mert az n vagyok rzse
you. Then meet yourself as the knower, apart from mindig veled van. Azutn fogadd el nmagad, mint
the known. Once you know yourself as pure being, az ismerttl klnvl ismert. Amint tiszta ltknt
the ecstasy of freedom is your own. ismered nmagad, a szabadsg elragadtatsa a te

Q: Which Yoga is this? K: Melyik Yoga ez?

M: Why worry? What makes you come here is your M: Mi a gond? Az ksztetett r, hogy ide gyere,
being displeased with your life as you know it, the hogy nem tetszik az leted, ahogy azt ismered, a
life of your body and mind. You may try to improve tested, s elmd lete. Kontrolllsuk, s az idelis
them, through controlling and bending them to an fel kzeltsk rvn megprblhatsz javtani
ideal, or you may cut the knot of self-identification rajtuk, vagy tvghatod az nazonossg gordiuszi
altogether and look at your body and mind as csomjt, s tekintheted testedet s elmdet
something that happens without committing you in olyasvalaminek, ami nincs rd bzva, semmilyen
any way. mdon.

Q: Shall I call the way of control and discipline raja K: Nevezhetem a kontrollls tjt s tudomnyt
yoga and the way of detachment -- gnana yoga? raja yognak, s a prtatlansg tjt gnana
And the worship of an ideal -- bhakti yoga? yognak? s az idelis imdst bhakti yognak?

M: If it pleases you. Words indicate, but do not M: Ha ez neked rmet okoz. A szavak rmutatnak,

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
explain. What I teach is the ancient and simple way de nem adnak magyarzatot. n a megrtsen
of liberation through understanding. Understand keresztl trtn megszabaduls si s egyszer
your own mind and its hold on you will snap. The mdszert tantom. rtsd meg sajt elmdet, s ha
mind misunderstands, misunderstanding is its very kitart vagy, elred. Az elme flrert, valjban a
nature. Right understanding is the only remedy, flrerts a termszete. A helyes megrts az
whatever name you give it. It is the earliest and also egyetlen gygyszer, brmilyen nven nevezed. Ez a
the latest, for it deals with the mind as it is. legkorbbi, s a legjabb is, mert gy foglalkozik az
elmvel, ahogyan az van.
Nothing you do will change you, for you need no
change. You may change your mind or your body, Semmit nem fogsz megvltoztatni, mert nincs
but it is always something external to you that has szksged vltozsra. Megvltoztathatod elmdet,
changed, not yourself. Why bother at all to change? vagy testedet, de ami vltozik, az mindig valamilyen
Realise once for all that neither your body nor your hozzd kpest kls dolog, nem te. Egyltaln mirt
mind, nor even your consciousness is yourself and veszdsz a vltozssal? Realizld egyszer s
stand alone in your true nature beyond mindenkorra, hogy sem tested, sem elmd, de mg
consciousness and unconsciousness. No effort can tudatossgod sem te vagy, s hogy igaz
take you there, only the clarity of understanding. termszetedben egyedl llsz tudatossgon s
Trace your misunderstandings and abandon them, tudattalansgon tl. Semmilyen erfeszts ltal
that is all. There is nothing to seek and find, for there nem juthatsz oda, csak a megrts vilgossga
is nothing lost. Relax and watch the 'I am'. Reality is ltal. Nyomozd ki flrertseidet, s hagyd el ket,
just behind it. Keep quiet, keep silent; it will emerge, ez minden. Semmi nincs, amit keresni, s tallni
or, rather, it will take you in. kellene, mert semmit nem vesztettl el. Lazts, s
figyeld az n vagyok-ot. A valsg kzvetlenl
mgtte van. Lgy csendben, lgy csendes; meg
fog jelenni, vagyis inkbb magba fog fogadni.

Q: Must I not get rid of my body and mind first? K: Nem kell, hogy testemtl s elmmtl
megszabaduljak elbb?

M: You cannot, for the very idea binds you to them. M: Nem tudsz, mert ppen az idea kt hozzjuk.
Just understand and disregard. Csak rtsd meg, s hagyd figyelmen kvl.

Q: I am unable to disregard, for I am not integrated. K: Kptelen vagyok figyelmen kvl hagyni, mert
nem vagyok integrlt.

M: Imagine you are completely integrated, your M: Kpzeld el, hogy teljesen integrlt vagy, hogy
thought and action fully co-ordinated. How will it help gondolataid s cselekedeteid teljesen sszhangban
you? It will not free you from mistaking yourself to be vannak. Milyen segtsget fog ez szmodra
the body or the mind. See them correctly as 'not jelenteni? Nem fog megszabadtani nmagad
you', that is all. flreismerstl, attl, hogy a test, illetve az elme
vagy. Lsd ezeket pontosan annak, ami nem te
vagy, ez minden.

Q: You want me to remember to forget. K: Arra krsz, hogy emlkezzek felejteni.

M: Yes, it looks so. Yet, it is not hopeless. You can M: Igen, gy valahogy. De azrt ez nem
do it. Just set about it in earnest. Your blind groping remnytelen. Meg tudod csinlni. Csak llj hozz
is full of promise. Your very searching is the finding. komolyan. Vak tapogatzsod tele van grettel.
You cannot fail. Valjban keressed a talls. Nem tudsz hibzni.

Q: Because we are disintegrated, we suffer. K: Dezintegrltsgunk miatt szenvednk.

M: We shall suffer as long as our thoughts and M: Amg gondolatainkat s cselekedeteinket

actions are prompted by desires and fears. See their vgyaink s flelmeink sarkalljk, szenvedni fogunk.
futility and the danger and chaos they create will Lsd a haszontalansgukat, s a veszly s kosz
subside. Don't try to reform yourself, just see the amit teremtenek, albb fog hagyni. Ne prbld
futility of all change. The changeful keeps on talaktani nmagad, csak lsd minden vltozs
changing while the changeless is waiting. Do not hasztalansgt. A vltozkony llandan vltozik,
expect the changeful, to take you to the changeless mg a vltozatlan vrakozik. Ne vrd el, hogy a
-- it can never happen. Only when the very idea of vltozkony vigyen el tged a vltozhatatlanhoz ez

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
changing is seen as false and abandoned, the soha nem trtnhet meg. Csak miutn a vltozs
changeless can come into its own. idejt teljesen hamisnak ltod, s elveted, akkor
fog a vltozhatatlan az rkbe lpni.

Q: Everywhere I go, l am told that I must change K: Brmerre jrok, azt hallom, hogy mlyrehatan
profoundly before I can see the real. This process of meg kell vltoznom, mieltt meglthatnm a
deliberate, self-imposed change is called Yoga. valsgot. Ezt az tgondolt, nknt vllalt vltozsi
folyamatot nevezik Yognak.

M: All change affects the mind only. To be what you M: Minden vltozs az elmre hat csupn. Ahhoz,
are, you must go beyond the mind, into your own hogy az lgy, ami vagy, tl kell lpned az elmn,
being. It is immaterial what is the mind that you bele sajt ltedbe. Lnyegtelen, hogy mi az elme,
leave behind, provided you leave it behind for good. amit magad mgtt hagysz, feltve, hogy egyszer s
This again is not possible without self-realisation. mindenkorra magad mgtt hagyod. Ez megint csak
nem lehetsges nmegvalsts nlkl.

Q: What comes first -- the abandoning of the mind or K: Mi jn elszr az elme feladsa, vagy az
self-realisation? nmegvalsts?

M: Self-realisation definitely comes first. The mind M: Az nmegvalsts felttlenl elszr jn. Az
cannot go beyond itself by itself. It must explode. elme nem tud nmagtl tllpni nmagn. Fel kell,
hogy robbannjon.

Q: No exploration before explosion? K: Nincs felderts a robbans eltt?

M: The explosive power comes from the real. But M: A robbant er a valsgbl szrmazik. De te jl
you are well advised to have your mind ready for it. megfontoltan felkszted r az elmdet. A flelem
Fear can always delay it, until another opportunity mindig ksleltetni tudja, mg msik lehetsg nem
arises. addik.

Q: I thought there is always a chance. K: Gondoltam, mindig van egy esly.

M: In theory -- yes. In practice a situation must arise, M: Elmletben igen. Gyakorlatban egy olyan
when all the factors necessary for self-realisation are helyzetnek kell addnia, amikor az nmegvalsts
present. This need not I discourage you. Your sszes szksges sszetevje jelen van. Ez nem
dwelling on the fact of 'I am' will soon create another szabad, hogy elcsggesszen. Az n vagyok tnyn
chance. For, attitude attracts opportunity. All you val idzsed hamarosan msik eslyt fog
know is second-hand. Only I am' is first-hand and teremteni. Mert a hozzlls lehetsget vonz. Csak
needs no proofs. Stay with it. az n vagyok val els kzbl, s nem ignyel
bizonytkot. Tartzkodj benne.

100. Understanding leads to Freedom 100. A megrts szabadsghoz vezet

Questioner: In many countries of the world Krdez: A vilg sok orszgban alkalmaznak
investigating officers follow certain practices aimed vizsgl tisztek olyan gyakorlatokat, melyek clja
at extracting confessions from their victim and also ldozataik vallomsra brsa, valamint
changing his personality, if needed. By a judicious szemlyisgk megvltoztatsa, ha szksges.
choice of physical and moral deprivations and by Fizikai s morlis szksgletek megvonsnak
persuasions the old personality is broken down and megfontolt megvlasztsval s meggyzssel a
a new personality established in its place. The man rgi szemlyisg sszeomlik, s egy j szemlyisg
under investigation hears so many times repeated lp a helybe. A vizsglat alatt ll embernek olyan
that he is an enemy of the State and a traitor to his sokszor elismtlik, hogy az llam ellensge, s
country, that a day comes when something breaks orszgnak rulja, hogy eljn a nap, amikor valami
down in him and he begins to feel with full conviction sszetrik benne, s teljes meggyzdssel azt
that he is a traitor, a rebel, altogether despicable and kezdi rezni, hogy egy rul, egy lzad, teljesen
deserving the direst punishment. This process is megvetsre mlt, s rszolglt a legszrnybb
known as brain-washing. bntetsre. Ezt a folyamatot ismerik agymossknt.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok

It struck me that the religious and Yogic practices Szerintem a vallsos ember, s a Yoga gyakorlja
are very similar to 'brain-washing'. The same nagyon hasonl, mint egy agymosott. Ugyanaz a
physical and mental deprivation, solitary fizikai s mentlis nlklzs, magnzrka, a bn
confinement, a powerful sense of sin, despair and a intenzv rzse, ktsgbeess, s a vgy, hogy
desire to escape through expiation and conversion, vezeklsen keresztl menekljn, s megtrjen,
adoption of a new image of oneself and elfogadjon egy j nkpet, s megszemlyestse ezt
impersonating that image. The same repetition of set a kpet. Ugyangy az ismtld formulk halmaza:
formulas: 'God is good; the Guru (party) knows; faith Isten j; a Guru (gylekezet) tudja; a hit megment
will save me.' In the so-called Yogic or religious engem. Az gynevezett Yoga, illetve a vallsos
practices the same mechanism operates. The mind gyakorlatok ugyanazon elven mkdnek. Az elmt
is made to concentrate on some particular idea to arra knyszertik, hogy valamilyen konkrt idera
the exclusion of all other ideas and concentration is koncentrljon, hogy minden ms idet kizrjon, s
powerfully reinforced by rigid discipline and painful szigor fegyelemmel, fjdalmas nsanyargatssal
austerities. A high price in life and happiness is paid erstse a koncentrcit. Nagy rat fizetnek let s
and what one gets in return appears therefore, to be boldogsg tern, s az ezrt remlhet jutalomnak
of great importance. This prearranged conversion, nagyon fontosnak kell lennie. Ez az elre
obvious or hidden, religious or political, ethical or elrendezett, szembetn vagy rejtett, vallsos vagy
social, may look genuine and lasting, yet there is a politikai, etikai vagy trsadalmi talakuls, lehet,
feeling of artificiality about it. hogy hitelesnek s tartsnak ltszik, mgis egy
mesterkltsg rzs merl fel vele kapcsolatban.

Maharaj: You are quite right. By undergoing so Maharaj: Teljesen igazad van. Ha az elme oly sok
many hardships the mind gets dislocated and viszontagsgon megy keresztl, sszezavarodik s
immobilised. Its condition becomes precarious; megbnul. llapota bizonytalann vlik; akrmibe
whatever it undertakes, ends in a deeper bondage. belefog, annak a vge mg mlyebb ktelk.

Q: Then why are sadhanas prescribed? K: Akkor mirt vannak elrendelt sadhank?

M: Unless you make tremendous efforts, you will not M: Hacsak nem teszel iszony erfesztseket, nem
be convinced that effort will take you nowhere. The leszel rla meggyzdve, hogy az erfeszts nem
self is so self confident, that unless it is totally vezet sehov. Az n annyira nhitt, hogy hacsak
discouraged, it will not give up. Mere verbal teljesen el nem btortalanodik, nem fogja feladni.
conviction is not enough. Hard facts alone can show Puszta verblis meggyzs nem elegend. Szigor
the absolute nothingness of the self-image. tnyek tudjk csak megmutatni az nkp abszolt

Q: The brain-washer drives me mad, and the Guru K: Az agymoss az rltsgemhez, a Guru pedig az
drives me sane. The driving is similar. Yet the pelmjsgemhez vezet. A vezets a hasonlsg.
motive and the purpose are totally different. The De a motvum s a cl teljesen ms. A
similarities are, perhaps merely verbal. hasonlsgok valsznleg pusztn verblisak.

M: Inviting, or compelling to suffer contains in it M: A szenvedsre val sztnzs, vagy

violence and the fruit of violence cannot be sweet. knyszerts erszakot foglal magban, s az
erszak gymlcse nem lehet des.
There are certain life situations, inevitably painful,
and you have to take them in your stride. There are Bizonyos szitucik szksgszeren fjdalmasak,
also certain situations which you have created, s ezt el kell fogadnod. Ms szitucikat te hoztl
either deliberately or by neglect. And from these you ltre, akr szndkosan, akr hanyagsgbl. s
have to learn a lesson so that they are not repeated ezekbl gy kell megtanulnod a leckt, hogy az ne
again. ismtldjn ismt.

Q: It seems that we must suffer, so that we learn to K: gy tnik, azrt kell szenvednnk, hogy
overcome pain. megtanuljunk uralkodni a fjdalom felett.

M: Pain has to be endured. There is no such thing M: A fjdalmat el kell viselni. Olyan, mint fjdalom
as overcoming the pain and no training is needed. uralsa, nem ltezik, s edzsre sincs szksg. A
Training for the future, developing attitudes is a sign jvre val elkszlet, attitdk fejlesztse, a
of fear. flelem jele.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
Q: Once I know how to face pain, I am free of it, not K: Amint a fjdalommal szembeslni tudok,
afraid of it, and therefore happy. This is what szabadd vltam vele szemben, nem flek tle, s
happens to a prisoner. He accepts his punishment ezrt boldog vagyok. Ez trtnik a bebrtnztt
as just and proper and is at peace with the prison rabbal is. Bntetst jogos s helyes dolognak
authorities and the State. All religions do nothing fogadja el, s bkben van a brtnhatsggal, s
else but preach acceptance and surrender. We are az llammal. A vallsok egyebet sem csinlnak,
being encouraged to plead guilty, to feel responsible csak elfogadsrl, s megadsrl prdiklnak. Arra
for all the evils in the world and point at ourselves as sztnznek, hogy bnsnek valljuk magunkat,
their only cause. My problem is: I cannot see much hogy felelsnek rezzk magunkat a vilg minden
difference between brain-washing and sadhana, gonoszsgrt, s magunkra mutogassunk, mint
except that in the case of sadhana one is not azok egyetlen okra. A problmm: nem ltok sok
physically constrained. The element of compulsive klnbsget az agymoss, s a sadhana kztt,
suggestion is present in both. kivve, hogy a sadhana nem korltozza az embert
fizikailag. A knyszert szuggeszti mindkettben
jelen van.

M: As you have said, the similarities are superficial. M: Ahogy mondtad, a hasonlsgok felszniek. Ne
You need not harp on them. lovagolj ezeken.

Q: Sir, the similarities are not superficial. Man is a K: Uram, a hasonlsgok nem felszniek. Az ember
complex being and can be at the same time the egy sszetett lny, s egy idben lehet a vdl, s a
accuser and the accused, the judge, the warden and vdlott, a br, a brtnigazgat, s a hhr. Nincs
the executioner. There is not much that is voluntary ilyen sok nkntes egy nkntes sadhanban. Az
in a 'voluntary' sadhana. One is moved by forces embert erszakkal mozgatjk ltkrn s
beyond one's ken and control. I can change my ellenrzsn tlra. Mentlis anyagcsermet legalbb
mental metabolism as little as the physical, except olyan kevss tudom megvltoztatni, mint a fizikait,
by painful and protracted efforts -- which is Yoga. All hacsak nem olyan fjdalmas s hosszadalmas
I am asking is: does Maharaj agree with me that erfesztsekkel mint a Yoga. Mindssze azt
Yoga implies violence? krdezem: egyetrt-e velem Maharaj, hogy a Yoga
erszakot foglal magban?

M: I agree that Yoga, as presented by you, means M: Egyetrtek, hogy a Yoga, ahogyan bemutattad,
violence and I never advocate any form of violence. erszakot jelent, s n soha nem tmogatom az
My path is totally non-violent. I mean exactly what I erszak semmilyen formjt. Az n utam teljesen
say: non-violent. Find out for yourself what it is. I erszakmentes. Pontosan gy rtem, ahogy
merely say: it is non-violent. mondom: erszakmentes. Fejtsd meg magad, hogy
mi ez. n azt mondom csupn: erszakmentes.

Q: I am not misusing words. When a Guru asks me K: Nem beszlek flre. Amikor egy Guru arra kr,
to meditate sixteen hours a day for the rest of my hogy letem htralv rszben napi tizenhat rt
life, I cannot do it without extreme violence to meditljak, nem tudom megcsinlni nmagammal
myself. Is such a Guru right or wrong? szembeni szlssges erszak nlkl. Az ilyen Guru
j, vagy rossz?

M: None compels you to meditate sixteen hours a M: Senki nem knyszert, hogy napi tizenhat rt
day, unless you feel like doing so. It is only a way of meditlj, ha neked nincs hozz kedved. Ez csak egy
telling you: 'remain with yourself, don't get lost mdja, hogy kzljk veled: maradj nmagaddal, ne
among others'. The teacher will wait, but the mind is vessz el a tbbi kztt. A tant vrni fog, csak az
impatient. elme trelmetlen.

It is not the teacher, it is the mind that is violent and Nem a tanr, hanem az elme erszakos, s fl is
also afraid of its own violence. What is of the mind is sajt erszaktl. Az elme dolgai viszonylagosak,
relative, it is a mistake to make it into an absolute. tveds azokat abszoltt tenni.

Q: If I remain passive, nothing will change. If I am K: Ha passzv maradok, semmi nem vltozik. Ha
active, I must be violent. What is it I can do which is aktv vagyok, erszakosnak kell lennem. Mi olyat
neither sterile nor violent? tehetek, ami se nem termketlen, se nem

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
M: Of course, there is a way which is neither violent M: Termszetesen van mdszer, mely se nem
nor sterile and yet supremely effective. Just look at erszakos, se nem termketlen, s mgis pratlanul
yourself as you are, see yourself as you are, accept hatkony. Csak nzz nmagadra, amint vagy, lsd
yourself as you are and go ever deeper into what nmagadat, ahogy vagy, fogadd el nmagadat,
you are. Violence and non-violence describe your ahogy vagy, s hatolj egyre mlyebbre abba, ami
attitude to others; the self in relation to itself is vagy. Erszak s erszakmentessg a msok irnti
neither violent nor non-violent, it is either aware or attitddet rja le; az n nmagval kapcsolatban se
unaware of itself. If it knows itself, all it does will be nem erszakos, se nem erszakmentes, vagy
right; if it does not, all it does will be wrong. tudatban van, vagy nincs tudatban nmagnak.
Ha ismeri nmagt, minden cselekedete helyes, ha
nem, minden cselekedete rossz lesz.

Q: What do you mean by saying: I know myself as I K: Hogy rted, mikor azt mondod: n vagyokknt
am? ismerem magamat?

M: Before the mind -- I am. 'I am' is not a thought in M: Mieltt az elme lett n vagyok. Az n vagyok
the mind; the mind happens to me, I do not happen nem egy gondolat az elmben; az elme trtnik az
to the mind. And since time and space are in the n szmomra, nem n trtnek az elme szmra.
mind, I am beyond time and space, eternal and s mivel tr s id az elmben vannak, n idn s
omnipresent. tren tli, rk, s mindentt jelenval vagyok.

Q: Are you serious? Do you really mean that you K: Komolyan beszlsz? Komolyan gy gondolod,
exist everywhere and at all times? hogy te mindenhol, s minden idben ltezel?

M: Yes, I do. To me it is as obvious, as the freedom M: Igen, komolyan. Szmomra ez olyan nyilvnval,
of movement is to you. Imagine a tree asking a mint szmodra a mozgs szabadsga. Kpzeld el,
monkey: 'Do you seriously mean that you can move amint egy fa megkrdezi egy majomtl: Komolyan
from place to place?' And the monkey saying: 'Yes. I gy gondolod, hogy egyik helyrl a msikra tudsz
do.' mozogni? s a majom azt mondja: Igen, komolyan.

Q: Are you also free from causality? Can you K: Kauzalitstl mentes is vagy? Kpes vagy
produce miracles? csodkra?

M: The world itself is a miracle. I am beyond M: A vilg nmaga csoda. n tl vagyok a csodkon
miracles -- I am absolutely normal. With me n abszolte normlis vagyok. Szmomra minden
everything happens as it must. I do not interfere with gy trtnik, ahogy kell. Nem avatkozom a teremts
creation. Of what use are small miracles to me when dolgaiba. Mi haszna kis csodknak szmomra,
the greatest of miracles is happening all the time? amikor a legnagyobb csoda zajlik szakadatlanul?
Whatever you see it is always your own being that Brmit is lss, mindig a te sajt lnyed az, amit ltsz.
you see. Go ever deeper into yourself, seek within, Merlj egyre mlyebbre nmagadban, keress bell,
there is neither violence nor non-violence in self- sem erszakot, sem erszakmentessget nem
discovery. The destruction of the false is not tallsz az nfelfedezs sorn. A hamis
violence. megsemmistse nem erszak.

Q: When I practice self-enquiry, or go within with the K: Amikor gyakorlom az nkutatst, vagy azzal az
idea that it will profit me in some way or other, I am ideval haladok befel, hogy az hasznos lesz
still escaping from what I am. szmomra ilyen-olyan mdon, mg mindig az ell
meneklk, ami vagyok.

M: Quite right. True enquiry is always into M: gy van. A valdi nkutats mindig valamibe
something, not out of something. When I enquire befel, nem valamibl kifel irnyul. Amikor azt
how to get, or avoid something, I am not really kutatom, hogyan szerezzek meg, vagy kerljek el
inquiring. To know anything I must accept it -- totally. valamit, valjban nem kutatok. Ahhoz, hogy
ismerjek valamit, el kell fogadnom azt teljesen.

Q: Yes, to know God I must accept God -- how K: Igen, Isten megismershez el kell fogadnom
frightening. Istent milyen ijeszt.

M: Before you can accept God, you must accept M: Mieltt Istent el tudnd fogadni, nmagadat kell
yourself, which is even more frightening. The first elfogadnod, ami mg ijesztbb. Az nelfogads els

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
steps in self acceptance are not at all pleasant, for lpsei egyltaln nem kellemesek, mert amit ltsz,
what one sees is not a happy sight. One needs all az nem egy boldog ltvny. Szksged van minden
the courage to go further. What helps is silence. btorsgodra, hogy tovbb menj. Ami segt, az a
Look at yourself in total silence, do not describe csend. Nzz nmagadra teljes csndben, ne rd le
yourself. Look at the being you believe you are and nmagad. Nzz arra a lnyre, aminek hiszed
remember -- you are not what you see. 'This I am magad, s emlkezz nem az vagy, amit ltsz. Ez
not -- what am l?' is the movement of self-enquiry. nem n vagyok mi vagyok n? ez az nkutats
There are no other means to liberation, all means szellemi indtka. Nincsenek egyb eszkzei a
delay. Resolutely reject what you are not, till the real megszabadulsnak, minden eszkz ksleltet.
Self emerges in its glorious nothingness, its 'not-a- Hatrozottan utastsd el, ami nem vagy, mg a valdi
thingness.' n fel nem bukkan az ragyog semmisgben, az

Q: The world is passing through rapid and critical K: A vilg gyors s kritikus vltozsokon megy
changes. We can see them with great clarity in the keresztl. Ezeket az Egyeslt llamokban nagyon
United States, though they happen in other tisztn lthatjuk, habr ms orszgokban is
countries. There is an increase in crime on one hand elfordulnak. Egyfell nvekszik a bncselekmnyek
and more genuine holiness on the other. szma, msfell tbb hiteles szentsget lthatunk.
Communities are being formed and some of them Kzssgek alakulnak, s nmelyik az integrits s
are on a very high level of integrity and austerity. It vezekls nagyon magas szintjn ll. gy ltszik,
looks as if evil is destroying itself by its own mintha a gonosz nmagt puszttan sajt
successes, like a fire which consumes its fuel, while sikereivel, akr a tz, mely elemszti tzelanyagt,
the good, like life, perpetuates itself. mg a j, mint az let, fenntartja nmagt.

M: As long as you divide events into good and evil, M: Amg az esemnyeket jkra s gonoszokra
you may be right. In fact, good becomes evil and evil osztod, igazad lehet. Csakugyan, a j gonossz, s
becomes good by their own fulfilment. a gonosz jv vlik, sajt beteljesedse rvn.

Q: What about love? K: Mi a vlemnyed a szeretetrl?

M: When it turns to lust, it becomes destructive. M: Amikor parznasgba fordul, akkor destruktvv

Q: What is lust? K: Mi a parznasg?

M: Remembering -- imagining -- anticipating. It is M: Emlkezs kpzelds elre lts. rzki, s

sensory and verbal. A form of addiction. verblis. A fggsg egy formja.

Q: Is brahmacharya, continence, imperative in K: Elrs a Yogban a brahmacharya, az

Yoga? nmegtartztats?

M: A life of constraint and suppression is not Yoga. M: A knyszerek s tiltsok lete nem Yoga. Az
Mind must be free of desires and relaxed. It comes elmnek meg kell szabadulnia a vgyaktl, s
with understanding, not with determination, which is lazv kell vlnia. Ez megrtssel kvetkezik be,
but another form of memory. An understanding mind nem elhatrozssal, amely csak egy msik formja
is free of desires and fears. az emlkezetnek. A megrtsre jutott elme
vgyaktl s flelmektl mentes.

Q: How can I make myself understand? K: Hogyan juthatok megrtshez?

M: By meditating which means giving attention. M: Meditcival, ami figyelemben rszestst jelent.
Become fully aware of your problem, look at it from Lgy teljesen tudatban a problmdnak, nzd meg
all sides, watch how it affects your life. Then leave it azt minden oldalrl, figyeld meg, hogyan hat az
alone. You can't do more than that. letedre. Majd hagyd magra. Ennl tbbet nem
tudsz tenni.

Q: Will it set me free? K: Ez szabadd fog tenni?

M: You are free from what you have understood. M: Attl vagy szabad, amit megrtettl. A szabadsg
The outer expressions of freedom may take time to kls megnyilvnulsainak megjelense idt vehet

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
appear, but they are already there. Do not expect ignybe, de mr jelen vannak. Ne vrd el a
perfection. There is no perfection in manifestation. tkletessget. A megnyilvnulsban nincs
Details must clash. No problem is solved completely, tkletessg. A rszletek ssze kelll, hogy
but you can withdraw from it to a level on which it tkzzenek. Semmilyen problma nem oldhat meg
does not operate. teljesen, viszont vissza tudsz hzdni elle egy
olyan szintre, ahol mr nem befolysol.

101. Gnani does not Grasp, nor Hold 101. A Gnani nem ragad s nem tart meg
Questioner: How does the gnani proceed when he Krdez: Hogyan jr el a gnani, mikor valamit
needs something to be done? Does he make plans, megcsinlnia szksges? Terveket kszt, dnt a
decide about details and execute them? rszletek fell, majd vgrehajtja azokat?

Maharaj: Gnani understands a situation fully and Maharaj: A gnani teljesen tltja a helyzetet, s
knows at once what needs be done. That is all. The azonnal tudja, hogy mit kell csinlnia. Ez minden. A
rest happens by itself, and to a large extent tbbi megtrtnik nmagtl, s egszben vve
unconsciously. The gnanis identity with all that is, is tudattalanul. A gnani minden ltezvel val
so complete, that as he responds to the universe, so nazonossga annyira teljes, hogy ahogyan hat az
does the universe respond to him. He is supremely univerzumra, gy hat az univerzum r. A
confident that once a situation has been cognised, legteljesebb mrtkben biztos benne, hogy mihelyt
events will move in adequate response. The felismerte a szitucit, az esemnyek a megfelel
ordinary man is personally concerned, he counts his mdon fognak alakulni. Az tlagember szemlyesen
risks and chances, while the gnani remains aloof, rintett, kockzatait s eslyeit latolgatja, mg a
sure that all will happen as it must; and it does not gnani kzmbs marad, biztos benne, hogy minden
matter much what happens, for ultimately the return gy fog trtnni, ahogy kell; s nem sokat szmt
to balance and harmony is inevitable. The heart of neki, hogy mi trtnik, mert vgl is az egyensly, s
things is at peace. a harmnia helyrellsa elkerlhetetlen. A dolgok
szve bkben van.

Q: I have understood that personality is an illusion, K: gy tudom, hogy a szemlyisg illzi, s a

and alert detachment, without loss of identity, is our valsggal az nazonossg elvesztse nlkli ber
point of contact with the reality. Will you, please, tell prtatlansg pontjban rintkeznk. Lgy szves,
me -- at this moment are you a person or a self- ruld el nekem e pillanatban te szemly vagy,
aware identity? vagy egy ntudatos identits?

M: I am both. But the real self cannot be described M: Mindkett. De a valdi n nem rhat le, csak a
except in terms supplied by the person, in terms of szemly knlta kifejezseken kvl, csak annak
what I am not. All you can tell about the person is kifejezseivel, ami nem vagyok. Mindssze annyit
not the self, and you can tell nothing about the self, mondhatsz a szemlyrl, hogy az nem az n, s
which would not refer to the person; as it is, as it nem tudsz semmi olyat mondani az nrl, ami ne a
could be, as it should be. All attributes are personal. szemlyre vonatkozna; ahogy az van, ahogy az
The real is beyond all attributes. lehetne, ahogy annak lennie kell. Minden
tulajdonsg szemlyes. A valsg minden
tulajdonsgot meghalad.

Q: Are you sometimes the self and sometimes the K: Idnknt az n, idnknt pedig a szemly vagy?

M: How can I be? The person is what I appear to be M: Hogy lehetnk? A szemly az, aminek ms
to other persons. To myself I am the infinite expanse szemlyek szmra megjelenek. nmagam
of consciousness in which innumerable persons szmra n a tudatossg vgtelen kiterjedse
emerge and disappear in endless succession. vagyok, amelyben megszmllhatatlan szemly
jelenik meg, s tnik el, vgtelen egymsutnban.

Q: How is it that the person, which to you is quite K: A szemly, amely szmodra teljesen illuzrikus,
illusory, appears real to us? mikppen jelenik meg szmunkra valdiknt?

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok

M: You, the self, being the root of all being, M: Az n, aki vagy, minden ltez, tudatossg s
consciousness and joy, impart your reality to rm gykere, te rszestesz valsgodban
whatever you perceive. This imparting of reality mindent, amit szlelsz. Ez a valsgban rszests
takes place invariably in the now, at no other time, megvltozhatatlanul a mostban megy vgbe, nem
because past and future are only in the mind. Being' ms idben, mert mlt s jv csak az elmben van.
applies to the now only. A ltezs csak a mostra vonatkozik.

Q: Is not eternity endless too? K: Az rkkvalsg nem vgtelen ugyangy?

M: Time is endless, though limited, eternity is in the M: Az id vgtelen, de korltozott, az rkkvalsg

split moment of the now. We miss it because the a most pillanatnak a trt rsze. Nem talljuk, mert
mind is ever shuttling between the past and the az elme rkk a mlt s a jv kztt ingzik. Nem
future. It will not stop to focus the now. It can be fog megllni, hogy a mostra fkuszljon. Ez
done with comparative ease, if interest is aroused. viszonylag knnyedn megtehet, ha rdekldsed
felbred irnta.

Q: What arouses interest? K: Mi breszti fel az rdekldst?

M: Earnestness, the sign of maturity. M: A komolysg, mint az rettsg jele.

Q: And how does maturity come about? K: s hogyan kvetkezik be az rettsg?

M: By keeping your mind clear and clean, by living M: gy, hogy elmdet vilgosan s tisztn tartod,
your life in full awareness of every moment as it leted minden pillanatt teljes tudatossggal gy
happens, by examining and dissolving one's desires led meg, ahogyan az trtnik, megvizsglva s
and fears as soon as they arise. sztoszlatva a vgyakat, s flelmeket, mihelyt

Q: Is such concentration at all possible? K: Lehetsges ilyen koncentrci egyltaln?

M: Try. One step at a time is easy. Energy flows M: Trekedj. Egy lps egyszerre knny. Energia
from earnestness. rad a komolysgbl.

Q: I find I am not earnest enough. K: Nem tallom magam elg komolynak.

M: Self-betrayal is a grievous matter. It rots the mind M: Az n-cserbenhagys slyos problma.

like cancer. The remedy lies in clarity and integrity of Megrohasztja a lelket, akr a rk. A tisztasg s a
thinking. Try to understand that you live in a world of gondolkods integritsa a gygyszer. Trekedj,
illusions, examine them and uncover their roots. The hogy megrtsd, illzik vilgban lsz, vizsgld
very attempt to do so will make you earnest, for meg, trd fel azok gykereit. A valdi trekvs a
there is bliss in right endeavour. megttelre komolly fog tenni tged, mert a helyes
erfesztsben boldogsg van.

Q: Where will it lead me? K: Hov fog ez engem vezetni?

M: Where can it lead you if not to its own perfection? M: Hov tudna vezetni, ha nem sajt tkletesedse
Once you are well-established in the now, you have fel? Amint jl megalapozott vagy a mostban, nem
nowhere else to go what you are timelessly, you kell sehov mshov menjen, ami idtlenl vagy,
express eternally. amit rkkrvnyen kifejezel.

Q: Are you one or many? K: Egy, vagy sok vagy?

M: I am one, but appear as many. M: Egy vagyok, de sokknt jelenek meg.

Q: Why does one appear at all? K: Mirt jelenik meg egyltaln az ember?

M: It is good to be, and to be conscious. M: Ltezni, s tudatosnak lenni j.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
Q: Life is sad. K: Az let szomor.

M: Ignorance causes sorrow. Happiness follows M: A szomorsg oka a tudatlansg. A megrtst

understanding. boldogsg kveti.

Q: Why should ignorance be painful? K: Mirt kell a tudatlansgnak fjdalmasnak lennie?

M: It is at the root of all desire and fear, which are M: Ez a gykere minden vgynak, s flelemnek,
painful states and the source of endless errors. melyek fjdalmas llapotok, s a vg nlkli
tvelygsek forrsa.

Q: I have seen people supposed to have realised, K: Lttam, hogy lltlag megvalsult emberek
laughing and crying. Does it not show that they are nevetnek, s srnak. Ez nem annak a jele, hogy nem
not free of desire and fear? mentesek a vgytl s flelemtl?

M: They may laugh and cry according to M: Nevethetnek s srhatnak, a krlmnyektl

circumstances, but inwardly they are cool and clear, fggen, de belsleg nyugodtak s tisztk, prtatlan
watching detachedly their own spontaneous szemlli sajt spontn reakciiknak. A klssg
reactions. Appearances are misleading and more so megtveszt, s a gnani esetben mg inkbb az.
in the case of a gnani.

Q: I do not understand you. K: Nem rtem.

M: The mind cannot understand, for the mind is M: Az elme nem rtheti, mert arra van nevelve, hogy
trained for grasping and holding while the gnani is megragadjon s megtartson, mg a gnani nem ragad
not-grasping and not holding. s nem tart meg.

Q: What am I holding on to, which you do not? K: Mit tartok n meg, amit te nem?

M: You are a creature of memories; at least you M: Te az emlkek teremtmnye vagy; legalbbis gy
imagine yourself to be so. I am entirely unimagined. kpzeled, hogy az vagy. n egyltaln nem gy
I am what I am, not identifiable with any physical or kpzelem. Vagyok aki vagyok, ami semmilyen fizikai
mental state. vagy mentlis llapottal nem azonosthat.

Q: An accident would destroy your equanimity. K: Egy baleset biztos romba dnten a

M: The strange fact is that it does not. To my own M: Az a klns, hogy nem. Szmomra is meglep
surprise, I remain as I am -- pure awareness, alert to mdon, maradok aki vagyok tiszta tudat, minden
all that happens. trtnsre beren.

Q: Even at the moment of death? K: Mg a hall pillanatra is?

M: What is it to me that the body dies? M: Mit nekem a test halla?

Q: Don't you need it to contact the world? K: Nincs r szksged a vilggal val kapcsolathoz?

M: I do not need the world. Nor am I in one. The M: Nincs szksgem a vilgra. Egyben sem vagyok.
world you think of is in your own mind. I can see it Az ltalad gondolt vilg csak a te elmdben van.
through your eyes and mind, but I am fully aware Ltom azt szemeiden s elmden keresztl, de
that it is a projection of memories; it is touched by teljes tudatban vagyok, hogy az emlkek kivettse;
the real only at the point of awareness, which can be a valsggal csak a tudat pontjban rintkezik,
only now. amely csak a mostban lehet.

Q: The only difference between us seems to be that K: Egyetlen klnbsgnek az tnik kzttnk, hogy
while I keep on saying that I do not know my real mg n azt lltom, hogy nem ismerem valdi
self, you maintain that you know it well; is there any nemet, te fenntartod, hogy jl ismered azt; van
other difference between us? valamilyen ms klnbsg kzttnk?

M: There is no difference between us; nor can I say M: Nincs kzttnk semmilyen klnbsg; n sem

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
that I know myself, I know that I am not describable mondhatom, hogy ismerem nmagam, tudom, hogy
nor definable. There is a vastness beyond the nem vagyok se lerhat, se definilhat. Egy
farthest reaches of the mind. That vastness is my vgtelensg van az elme legtvolabbi elrsn tl.
home; that vastness is myself. And that vastness is Ez a vgtelensg az otthonom; ez a vgtelensg
also love. vagyok n magam. s ez a vgtelensg szeretet is

Q: You see love everywhere, while I see hatred and K: Te mindentt szeretetet ltsz, mg n gylletet,
suffering. The history of humanity is the history of s szenvedst. Az emberisg trtnete az egyni s
murder, individual and collective. No other living kollektv gyilkols trtnete. Semmilyen ms llny
being so delights in killing. nem gyilkol olyan lvezettel.

M: If you go into the motives, you will find love, love M: Ha az indtkokat keresed, szeretet fogsz tallni,
of oneself and of one's own. People fight for what nmagad, s az ember szeretett. Az emberek azrt
they imagine they love. harcolnak, amirl azt kpzelik, hogy szeretik.

Q: Surely their love must be real enough when they K: Szeretetknek biztos elg valsgosnak kell
are ready to die for it. lennie, ha kszek meghalni rte.

M: Love is boundless. What is limited to a few M: A szeretet hatrtalan. Amely szeretet kevesekre
cannot be called love. korltozott, nem nevezhet valdinak.

Q: Do you know such unlimited love? K: Te ismersz ilyen korltlan szeretetet?

M: Yes, l do. M: Igen, ismerek.

Q: How does it feel? K: Hogyan rez?

M: All is loved and lovable. Nothing is excluded. M: Minden szeretett, s szeretetre mlt. Nincs

Q: Not even the ugly and the criminal? K: Mg a csf, s a bns sem az?

M: All is within my consciousness; all is my own. It is M: Minden tudatossgomon bell van; minden az n
madness to split oneself through likes and dislikes. I sajtom. rltsg felosztani nmagamat szeretett s
am beyond both. I am not alienated. nem szeretett dolgokra. Mindkett fltt llok. Nem
vagyok elidegenedett.

Q: To be free from like and dislike is a state of K: A rokon- s ellenszenvtl val mentessg a
indifference. kzny llapota.

M: It may look and feel so in the beginning. M: Kezdetben gy lehet ltni s rezni. llhatatosan
Persevere in such indifference and it will blossom tarts ki az effajta a kznynl, s mindent betlt, s
into an all-pervading and all-embracing love. mindent tlel szeretett fog fejldni.

Q: One has such moments when the mind becomes K: Vannak pillanatok, mikor az elme kivirgzik, s
a flower and a flame, but they do not last and the life fellngol, de e pillanatok nem maradandak, s az
reverts to its daily greyness. let visszatr mindennapos szrkesghez.

M: Discontinuity is the law, when you deal with the M: Diszkontinuits a trvny, amikor a konkrttal
concrete. The continuous cannot be experienced, for bnsz. A folyamatos nem tapasztalhat, mert
it has no borders. Consciousness implies alterations, nincsenek hatrai. A tudatossg talakulsokat
change followings change, when one thing or state foglal magban, vltozs vltozst kvet, mikor egy
comes to an end and another begins; that which has dolog vagy llapot vget r, s msik kezddik;
no borderline cannot be experienced in the common aminek nincs hatrvonala, az nem tapasztalhat a
meaning of the word. One can only be it, without sz kznsges rtelmben. Az ember csak annak
knowing, but one can know what it is not. It is ismerete nlkl lehet az, de azt tudhatja, hogy mi
definitely not the entire content of consciousness nem. Hatrozottan nem azonos a folytonos
which is always on the move. mozgsban lv tudatossg teljes tartalmval.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
Q: If the immovable cannot be known, what is the K: Ha a megvltozhatatlan nem megismerhet,
meaning and purpose of its realisation? akkor mi rtelme s clja a megvalstsnak?

M: To realise the immovable means to become M: A megvltozhatatlan megvalstsa

immovable. And the purpose is the good of all that megvltozhatatlann vlst jelent. s a cl minden
lives. lnek a java.

Q: Life is movement. Immobility is death. Of what K: Az let mozgs. A mozdulatlansg hall. Hogyan
use is death to life? vlik hasznra a hall az letnek?

M: I am talking of immovability, not of immobility. M: n megvltozhatatlansgrl beszlek, nem

You become immovable in reticence. You become a mozdulatlansgrl. Megvltozhatatlann vlsz a
power which gets all things right. It may or may not tartzkodsban. Erv vlsz, amely minden dolgot
imply intense outward activity, but the mind remains rendbe hoz. Ez jrhat, lehet, hogy nem jr intenzv
deep and quiet. kls tevkenysggel, de az elme mly, s csendes

Q: As I watch my mind I find it changing all the time, K: Ahogy elmmet figyelem gy tallom, hogy
mood succeeding mood in infinite variety, while you folyton vltozik, hangulat hangulatot kvet, vgtelen
seem to be perpetually in the same mood of cheerful vltozatossgban, mg te, gy ltszik, rksen
benevolence. ugyanabban a dersen jindulat hangulatban vagy.

M: Moods are in the mind and do not matter. Go M: A hangulatok az elmben vannak, s
within, go beyond. Cease being fascinated by the lnyegtelenek. Menj befel, haladd meg ket.
content of your consciousness. When you reach the Szntesd meg a tudatossgod tartalma ltali igzet
deep layers of your true being, you will find that the llapott. Amikor az igaz lt mlyebb rtegeibe rsz,
mind's surface-play affects you very little. gy fogod tallni, hogy az elme felszni jtkai
nagyon kevss hatnak rd.

Q: There will be play all the same? K: Ott is ugyanazon jtkok lesznek?

M: A quiet mind is not a dead mind. M: A csendes elme nem halott elme.

Q: Consciousness is always in movement -- it is an K: A tudatossg mindig mozgsban van ez

observable fact. Immovable consciousness is a megfigyelhet tny. A mozdulatlan tudatossg
contradiction. When you talk of a quiet mind, what is ellentmonds. Amikor csendes elmrl beszlsz, az
it? Is not mind the same as consciousness? mit jelent? Az elme nem a tudatossggal azonos?

M: We must remember that words are used in many M: Ne feledjk, hogy a szavakat sokfle mdon
ways, according to the context. The fact is that there hasznljuk, a szvegsszefggsnek megfelelen.
is little difference between the conscious and the A tny az, hogy kicsi a klnbsg a tudatos s a
unconscious --- they are essentially the same. The tudattalan kztt lnyegben ugyanazok. Az
waking state differs from deep sleep in the presence brenlti llapot klnbzik a mly alvstl a tan
of the witness. A ray of awareness illumines a part of jelenltben. A tudat sugara megvilgtja elmnk
our mind and that part becomes our dream or egy rszt, s az a rsz lmunkk, vagy brenlti
waking consciousness, while awareness appears as tudatossgunkk vlik, mg a tudat a tanknt
the witness. The witness usually knows only jelenik meg. A tan rendszerint csak a tudatossgot
consciousness. Sadhana consists in the witness ismeri. A sadhana abbl ll, hogy a tan elbb
turning back first on his conscious, then upon vissza fordul sajt tudatossga fel, azutn nmaga
himself in his own awareness. Self-awareness is fel az sajt tudatban. Az n-tudat a Yoga.

Q: If awareness is all-pervading, then a blind man, K: Ha a tudat mindenre kiterjed, akkor a vilgtalan
once realised, can see? ember ltni fog, amikor megvalsult vlik?

M: You are mixing sensation with awareness. The M: sszekevered az rzkelst a tudattal. A gnani
gnani knows himself as he is. He is also aware of his annak ismeri magt, ami. Tudja, ha teste nyomork,
body being crippled and his mind being deprived of s azt is, ha elmje rzki szlelsben valamilyen
a range of sensory perceptions. But he is not mrtkben korltozott. De nem befolysolja sem a
affected by the availability of eyesight, nor by its lts kpessge, sem annak hinya.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok

Q: My question is more specific; when a blind man K: Krdsem ennl sokkal konkrtabb; amikor egy
becomes a gnani will his eyesight be restored to him vak ember gnaniv vlik, ltsa visszatr, vagy
or not? sem?

M: Unless his eyes and brain undergo a renovation, M: Hacsak szemei s agya nem lett helyrelltva,
how can he see? hogyan lthatna?

Q: But will they undergo a renovation? K: De keresztl fog-e menni helyrelltson?

M: They may or may not. It all depends on destiny M: Lehet, hogy igen, lehet, hogy nem. Minden a
and grace. But a gnani commands a mode of vgzettl, s a kegyelemtl fgg. De a gnani
spontaneous, non-sensory perception, which makes rendelkezik egy spontn mdszerrel, egy nem-
him know things directly, without the intermediary of rzkszervi szlelssel, amely rvn kzvetlenl,
the senses. He is beyond the perceptual and the rzkszervek kzvettse nlkl ismeri a dolgokat.
conceptual, beyond the categories of time and az rzki, s a fogalmi fltt ll, tl van id s tr,
space, name and shape. He is neither the perceived nv s forma kategriin. Nem azonos sem az
nor the perceiver, but the simple and the universal szlelvel, sem az szlelttel, hanem azzal az
factor that makes perceiving possible. Reality is egyszer, s univerzlis hatervel, amely az
within consciousness, but it is not consciousness nor szlelst lehetv teszi. A valsg a tudatossgon
any of its contents. bell van, de nem azonos sem a tudatossggal, sem
annak valamilyen tartalmval.

Q: What is false, the world, or my knowledge of it? K: Melyik hamis, a vilg, vagy az n tudsom rla?

M: Is there a world outside your knowledge? Can M: Kvl esik-e a vilg a tudsodon? Tl tudsz-e
you go beyond what you know? You may postulate lpni azon, amit tudsz? Felttelezheted a vilgot
a world beyond the mind, but it will remain a elmden tlinak, de az meg fog maradni egy olyan
concept, unproved and unprovable. Your experience fogalomnak, amely nem bizonytott, s nem
is your proof, and it is valid for you only. Who else bizonythat. A tapasztalatod a bizonytkod, s az
can have your experience, when the other person is csak szmodra rvnyes. Ki ms rendelkezhet mg
only as real as he appears in your experience? a te tapasztalatoddal, mikor a msik szemly csak
annyira vals, amennyire a te tapasztalatodban

Q: Am I so hopelessly lonely? K: Ilyen remnytelenl magnyos vagyok?

M: You are. As a person. In your real being you are M: Az vagy. Szemlyknt. Valdi ltedben te vagy a
the whole. teljessg.

Q: Are you a part of the world which I have in K: A tudatossgomban lv vilg rsze vagy, vagy
consciousness, or are you independent? pedig fggetlen?

M: What you see is yours and what I see is mine. M: Amit te ltsz, a tid, s amit n, az enym.
The two have little in common. Kettejkben kevs a kzs.

Q: There must be some common factor which unites K: Kell, hogy legyen valamilyen kzs tnyez,
us. amely sszekapcsol bennnket.

M: To find the common factor you must abandon all M: Hogy a kzs tnyezt megtalld, el kell vetned
distinctions. Only the universal is in common. minden klnbsget. Csak az univerzlis lehet

Q: What strikes me as exceedingly strange is that K: Rendkvl furcsllom, hogy mikzben azt
while you say that I am merely a product of my mondod, csupn emlkeim termke vagyok, s
memories and woefully limited, I create a vast and sznalmasan korltozott, kzben egy risi vilgot
rich world in which everything is contained, including teremtek, mely mindent tartalmaz, belertve tged
you and your teaching. How this vastness is created s tantsodat is. Hogyan jtt ltre ez a vgtelensg,
and contained in my smallness is what I find hard to s hogy tartalmazhatja azt az n cseklysgem,

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
understand. May be you are giving me the whole nehz megrtenem. Lehet, hogy tadod nekem a
truth, but I am grasping only a small part of it. teljes igazsgot, de n annak csak egy kis rszt
tudom felfogni.

M: Yet, it is a fact -- the small projects the whole, but M: Mgis tny a kicsi kivetti az egszet, de nem
it cannot contain the whole. However great and tudja tartalmazni az egszet. Brmennyire nagy s
complete is your world it is self-contradictory and teljes a vilgod, az nmagnak ellentmond,
transitory and altogether illusory. mland, s teljesen illuzrikus.

Q: It may be illusory yet it is marvellous. When I look K: Lehet, hogy illuzrikus, de csodlatos. Amikor
and listen, touch, smell and taste, think and feel, nzem, s hallgatom, rintem, szagolom, s zlelem,
remember and imagine, I cannot but be astonished gondolom s rzem, emlkezem s elkpzelem,
at my miraculous creativity. I look through a nem tudok mst, csak bmulatba esni az n
microscope or telescope and see wonders, I follow csodlatos kreativitsomon. Keresztl nzek a
the track of an atom and hear the whisper of the mikroszkpon, vagy a teleszkpon, s csodkat
stars. If I am the sole creator of all this, then I am ltok, kvetem az atom nyomt, s hallgatom a
God indeed. But if I am God, why do I appear so csillagok suttogst. Ha n vagyok az egyedli
small and helpless to myself? teremtje mindennek, akkor valjban n vagyok
Isten. De ha Isten vagyok, mirt jelenek meg olyan
kicsinek, s tehetetlennek nmagam szmra?

M: You are God, but you do not know it. M: Isten vagy, csak nem tudsz rla.

Q: If I am God, then the world I create must be true. K: Ha Isten vagyok, akkor az ltalam teremtett
vilgnak igazinak kell lennie.

M: It is true in essence, but not in appearance. Be M: Lnyegt tekintve igazi, de megjelensben nem
free of desires and fears and at once your vision will az. Szabadulj meg a vgyaktl s flelmektl, s
clear and you shall see all things as they are. Or, ltsod azonnal kitisztul, s gy fogod ltni a
you may say that the satoguna creates the world, dolgokat, ahogy azok vannak. Vagy mondhatod,
the tamoguna obscures it and the rajoguna distorts. hogy a satoguna teremti a vilgot, a tamoguna
homlyoss teszi, s a rajoguna eltorztja.

Q: This does not tell me much, because if I ask what K: Errl inkbb ne beszljnk, mert ha azt
are the gunas, the answer will be: what creates -- krdezem, hogy mik a gunk, a vlasz ez: ami
what obscures -- what distorts. The fact remains -- teremt ami elhomlyost ami eltorzt. A tny
something unbelievable happened to me, and I do fennmarad valami hihetetlen trtnik velem, s n
not understand what has happened, how and why. nem rtem, mi trtnik, hogyan, s mirt.

M: Well, wonder is the dawn of wisdom. To be M: Nos, a kvncsisg a blcsessg szletse. A

steadily and consistently wondering is sadhana. szakadatlan s llhatatos kvncsisg a sadhana.

Q: I am in a world which I do not understand and K: Egy olyan vilgban lek, amelyet nem rtek, ezrt
therefore, I am afraid of it. This is everybody's flek tle. Mindenkinek ez a tapasztalata.

M: You have separated yourself from the world, M: Elklntetted nmagad a vilgtl, ezrt az
therefore it pains and frightens you. Discover your fjdalmat okoz, s megrmt. Fedezd fel a
mistake and be free of fear. tvedsedet, s szabadulj meg a flelemtl.

Q: You are asking me to give up the world, while I K: Arra krsz, hogy adjam fel a vilgot, mikzben n
want to be happy in the world. boldog akarok lenni a vilgban.

M: If you ask for the impossible, who can help you? M: Ha a lehetetlent kred, ki tud segteni? A
The limited is bound to be painful and pleasant in korltozott a fjdalmas s az lvezetes
turns. If you seek real happiness, unassailable and vltakozshoz kttt. Ha rk boldogsgot keresel,
unchangeable, you must leave the world with its amely megtmadhatatlan s megvltozhatatlan,
pains and pleasures behind you. akkor magad mgtt kell hagynod a vilgot, annak
fjdalmaival s rmeivel egytt.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj I AM THAT, magyarul: n Az vagyok
Q: How is it done? K: Hogy kell ezt tenni?

M: Mere physical renunciation is only a token of M: A puszta fizikai lemonds csak jelkpe a
earnestness, but earnestness alone does not komolysgnak, de a komolysg nmagban nem
liberate. There must be understanding which comes szabadt meg. Megrtsre van szksg, amely
with alert perceptivity, eager enquiry and deep figyelmes szlels, lelkes kutats, s mly
investigation. You must work relentlessly for your elmlyls eredmnye. Hajthatatlanul dolgoznod kell
salvation from sin and sorrow. a bntl s szomorsgtl val megvltsodrt.

Q: What is sin? K: Mi a bn?

M: All that binds you. M: Minden, ami tged megkt.


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