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Adol h Hitler Tile NO: 65-5361 Volume No. % “9 Serials: yh ‘ : Mebderal Biireax: of Inuestigniio, ‘Hnited States Department of Bustice Hew York, Nev’ork Yeconber 5, 1938 Director. -- . Federal Bureau of Investigation : ‘Washington, De Ce, Under separate cover acconpanicd by a cony of this =: letter there are being forwurded to the jiureas the following -.. ~ Gescribed/pooks: Doar dir: oh Ags ta cass ‘by Jomes: Harvey Yo 9F3, prblished iversity Press, ‘rofessor Rogers is described as Ang Professor cf Political Teonoay 2% vale orsity and was from 1933 to 1057 one of President ‘ooseveli's informal ad.isers on monetary mutors. ry wizee farm nape) by adort year pebdishea by the Hosier ssiTiin Cam any, Socton, in 1933. Bosh of thess books were rocuested in ures let.or of ‘ovenbor #, 1 erence to the bool: by Mitler, it is undorsiood . - thet there 6 no cenplete translution tivo! into tho Rnglish lengue;se and thet thoro is some differonce of opinion as to wich of the various editions or transloticus !s the most conrlete. ‘The bool: itsels in the orisinal Govman rors! 4s apparently subject to chan. wien conditions anv tis da- Biravle and so the “ik. YORK THES of “ocgdor 5, 198, pace 15, column C, states thet poce G19 of Mitlerts bout: 16 to undergo "e histortenl ccrroction" on tuccdey, Jeosuber 6, 1950, at mhich tine page 659 of the uncbridged German edition will be altered or suppressed. tae eS, c + % 3 = PACISH, (2) by Yoxfeaccds end Arthur feilor. This is cs ook requested by the Bureau 37 letter of ‘hs wher : 16, 1938. QLIE pacie a Rois eee 2 RECORDED woRKed- frye n DESTROYED Lettel to Director Decenber 5, 1950 61-507 Bur. file 61-7559 The two authors, ope on italion and the other a Gornen are both apparently refugees and numbers of the ‘Graduate Faoulty of the New School for Social Research. There 4s presented in the book an account of tro fascisns, one Gernen and one Italien. The euthors enalyse the international character of fascism and its threat to world pence and American democracy. The book has a very complete index. Yuxos of 1 PRESS by Goorze erdes, published by Julien! fosonor, Ineo, 1958.” The beak Ts directed to The American Nowspaper Guild and others intoresied in a froo press. It is noted that there is a brief chepter on Foses 1. Annenberg on pages 240 to 241. The bok has a good index and a2iears to contain good volum of information regerding persons prominent in the newspaper world. Soldes . de attenpting in his book to show the extent to which the public press is fre, bought, yellot:, vicious or scared and to what extout those who run the press are servants of "the lords" who control it. lerncr is described as belng @ Graduate of Yale cud until recently was the editer of TZ NATION from which position ho resigned to accept @ professorship at Tilliams College. This is his first book. The point of Lernor's book is that our denccracies aro being attacked by fhsciem, communism, and various other types of Government which seok to destroy then and that while it is not yet too late, “it is later than you think Very truly yours, DuIGHT DRAth z Special @gent \in Charge Gf. Hitler Again Orders Nazis Here i To Quit Bund and All Such Groups German Ambassador Informs Hull of D Demand Sent to Nationals in America— Upward of 400,000 Affected * ay , whi fe ae , i "a : ea Uae Ee ee ie ie | i ao wi me 2a", Ad. cll 3 be ae te al PERT aa el 2 tie: 7 ae i nh i! un a al nc I i ie re Ia HE ae Ha Pe na aay i tei a ie FEDERAL B'iKe.4 OF thy" 2938 October 5, Gascago, Tinie Federal Bureau of Investigation ‘Weanington, D. 0. Dear Director Birestor Aner] Investigation, Me did not : to tace any further action req tte, SBD nas tn bts possoasio: sewspaper clippings, one other from the Gloag operation of the Masi Party ie this Delleved some action should be taken such activitios as those comtunted by ur. will keep in'his n the slip of paper which was written at bis store aa mM BM, LADD . Special Agent in Charge me ae opener js i { Iph Hitler, Benito Museolini Joseph Stalin bad been, or even now could be examined as cases X, Y and Z in a poychiatric linic, would we have 2 better under @anding of their personalities, views ‘and behavior? I think so, Such an ‘analysis, if candid and cooperative, ‘would be free of the footlight glamor which colors journalistic interviews of Europe's strongest but not other- "wise notable men in power. As clinical revelation is out of the question, how lever, a speculative long-distance analy- sis, documented merely by the dic- tators’ public utterances and political actions, is tho only substitute offered tu Tt is pouible that, even #0 handi- capped, we may approach an authentic peychological interpretation. ‘Adolf Hitler fs commonly. referred the composite characteristics of the German Fuchrer. Benito Musso- Jini and Joseph Stalin, too, have been decried as mad by some obverver. y for degree of sanity? How far do they approach the psychopathic? ‘The case of Hitler ix by far the most clear-cut. The clue to his mental con- dition lies in paranoia, which has been described by Dr. F. A. Moss as “a constitutional, and 40 far incurable, mental disorder—causes__ unknown. ‘Owing to their lack of deterioration end to their untiring energy. paranoi- ‘cs are often able to accomplish un- ngs in Hfe; they are often good orga! Paranoia is formal Greck for in- formal American “off one’s hase.” The typical paranoiac is an individ ‘man who “goes it alone.” With 1 exceptions, paranciacs are disturbing and undesirable citizens. The world ‘ean assimilate a fair number of them ‘without constant dread of their upset- fing the organized schedule of the Ibuman scene. ‘The'man possessing « partial and tempered paranoiac makeup is called 1 poranoid by peychologiate, Many i tae oe Sate: GT EE NE EN SER e aM tec re rene ah . A need psychologist analyzes u.2 mental patterns of Europe’s strongest strong - By JOSEPH HASTROW varieties of minds fall into thi» eate- gory. The paranoid may be sive individual, with an ‘compulsive, unbslanced desire to im- reas bis personality upon his fellow men regardless of means, reckless of consequence. Or he may be witha: ing and secretive of I a. ftvtedged paranoia the eychologist often finds present all three factors of the paranoid complex. ‘The Gost factor ia hypertrophy o the ego—in Greek, ‘Aoerican, “awelied heat” Unite the delusions of grandeur that appear in ther mental” disorders and develop imperial Napoleons and royal Vie- torias resigned to menial tgaks, the aggressive paranciac bas the urge to translate his self-inflagion into practice, and maj become vidlent if balked. A. second factor |is # grievance, sonse"rankling hurt Which keeps the Soaking it feel wronged. persecution may readily develop. According to Allred Adler, the compensation for a blasting sense of inferiority induces the aseumption 1 superiority. factor is a scheme of re- may take one of as many Torms as there are interests in life Crack-brained cultists, including oocal- tists, wild redeemers, social panace its, even perpetual motion machine inventora, are of the paranoid family ‘oF -persuasion—moct of them of a harmless type. When a person with a paranoid complex becomes domi. nated by the desire to master, and makes the political world the scene of his activities, the result is the dic- ‘ator. ‘The peychologiat dots not have to search far to find the grievance com- plex in Hitler's mental makeup. It rides him like a fury. Beginning pow aibly an an underdog frustration in 12 youthful rebellion for recognition, it is now expressed as a Blind rage, ‘ruthless onslaught, as if the only form, ‘ pee’ St te u 4 of expremion open to his paranoid mind were hate. His complex has led ‘him, now that he is in power, to perse- ‘cute Jews, burn books torture objeo ter in ongentraon camp. His dit torted ego disregards history, earning, makes women servile ne bearers for his cause, ligion, reriles all other nations and ideals with fish-wife seurrility, purges and. suppresses. all opposition. The edicts which Hitler has issued while in power would serve as protocols of Paranoia. Hitler lives in & paranoid world not unlike the dream of many @ patient in an asylum, but which has come into existence for causes over which historians will debate Tong after the Hitlecian catastrophe has gone the way ‘of all delusion. To me it seems that ‘without the~background of armed force, the unwisdom of Versailles, the collapse of deliberation at the Leagu of Nations, the paranoid =ifq Te Hitler woutd have been impossible. exist, dictatorship must destroy dom and build up fear and force. It is only by an accident of history that the “Aryan” myth and Nordic nonsense was inherited from pre-War Germany. The delusions of Teutonic superiority were developed in prepara: tion for Der Tag of 1914. They grew ‘out of w thesis advanced by an ecccer tric French literateur, Gobinesu, In The Inequality of Human Races, Gobinean set forth the notion that the Teuton was the supreme race. The greatness of Leonardo, Michelangelo aand a host of others be, declared was due to the fect that Tevionic blood flowed in their veins. The “Aryan” cealt wan further developed by a rene- ade Englishman, Houston Charaber- fain, sonin-law of Richard Wagner. ‘And this literature of “political anthro} flourished from 1910 to 1918, years during which learning; tras highly regarded in Germany{’| ‘The popularity of the w: iets he Senegal Snty Mostrates cal Mozo-eeali He ee ceases. Musolini told Emil Ledwig what a dictator learns from histor) 4s to shoot Brat. “I want to make my mark on history with my will, like 2 Tion with his claw.” His crowning ‘satisfaction is in conqueat and the ap- plause of bombentic oratory. He has hed to go far to find an outlet for his desire for glory. The son of the modern Caesar, sharing his father’s precepts, records that he found mow- ing down ionocent Abywsinians from the air to be glorious sport, and hie victim's consternation in’ finding themselves, family and shelter sad- denly exterminated most amusing. __ Mumolini once told Nicholas Mur- ray Butler that freedom was not only moribund but dead. Between the bene- rach outer ks commonly a epee historians declare that it show of desire for or appreciation of true civic. freedom, «liking for # land plastered with Perboten signa, and = ving for-goosestep regimentation. Missoxnt aid Satin are not fo quite the same psychological class as | Hitler. Yet if the Italian and Russian dictators had been more normal men, more loyal to the accredited standards of sanity, the history of the world certainly would have been far difler ent. As a paychologist Tam inclined to agree with John Gunther's conclu sion that “all dictators are abnormal; may be sccepted as an axiom,” ‘of the norma! male is is normal ak ‘= humen for ‘most careers. Certainly he possesses an abundance of normalizing, extr fits of human freedom and the ego satisfaction of one man he has made jcult revolutionery situation. | drastic, inhuman methods to his cause, as is shown by hie past records and-amplified by his present record of purges. He resorts freely to ‘terrorist methods, apparently without a twinge. talin’s makeup suggests a aus picious, withdrawal trend. He rarely seca diplomats or journalis in attending a gala celebration of the ‘Moscow Art Theater, remains screened behind & curtain in a box. ‘Despite the apparent ovations, of their following, the lives of the dice tators are as constantly threatened as those of autocratic taara, thus causing them to have phobias quite similar to peychopathics. Sialin leaves the Krem- lin in a cavalcade of three fast-moving ‘cars. He lives in a guarded country Howse werounded by high wall, Mus- solini's cars have one-way glass 10 that he can sce but not be seen. Hitler has a bomb-proof cellar ander his closely guarded mountain retreat, ‘with a charged barbed wire enclouing the estate. The strongest men and, ‘according to their followers, the most adored men in Europe are fp constant fear for their lives, which hardly adds to the sanity of their mind. : ‘The dictator's following is recrpite’d among = population in despair and is reinforced by propaganda. Once under way, the dictator imposes his will upon the masses by ruthless Baltion and the silencing of oppost tion, Dictatorship and ‘more than sanity and insanity, can live under the same roof. verted compensations. If early in life hre bed been induced to wear an ortho- ei device which inflicted a remind- jing whenever he strutted, the Coat poet right have been nipped in the bod. Yet his personel ‘record is fairly damaging, and the price the eri ae had to py over-gorged ego is far too hi Te ia quite likely, in view of tho fact that he is well verved in history, that Tl Duce early in life deliberately adopted the principles of Machiavelli. There is nothing prychopathic in de- ciding ose ja a gangster's game to cording to preer ula with afew regarde -the-arbenites, for there are many his choice. Of contemporary dictators, Joweph Stalin ig certainly the most normal. In personal demeanor he {s serene, and be has a sense of humor. He is with an appreciation of historical forces. His personality Jin many ways ia an enigma. In contrast with Hiler and Musco- ini, Stalin did not ereste the politioal stats which he dominates. With the passing of Lenin, who warned hia party against Stalin's methods ss ‘crude, violent and menacing, the con- ‘text for contro! of the USSR. spliy ‘the state into warring ee fc his way to iatiga- ee ‘nad chee ve ‘organiz- Ee _ aeral @ureau of fuvestigntion Buited States Departivent of Justice New York, New York be i i ; { GUS sFicv January 25, 1639 61-520 Director Federal Bureau of Investigation Washington; D. Cc. - Dear Sir: , io Rot NAZI ACTIVITILS Ii: UNITED STATES ‘There 4g forwarded herewith for inclusion in the Bureau Library, a/pamphlet printed and published by tof Gorman Goverment Printihy Office at Berlin in 1954, and being FORE ThE GsMUn REICHSTAG BY qunctulon os itmisn._ —_— Seria; January $0, 1934" that he did not recall as as he was concerned, but it had probably been given to him by someone with whom he ‘ ame in contact in the course of his daily activities. = truly yours, DWIGHT Special in Charge ‘one enclosure me appones TCs Y SCAG “prer: COPIES DESTROYED gh 886 APR 28 1961 «spoSufua ose q¥ 2) ayy Jo sosuods o|quioaas sour 3 sgepoy own puw ‘ssouyvai8 ¢,ajdoad sno 107 1430} *5217 sivas Uy s9punuuoD snolsoyot4 Pue 429gJO uw se “OU [ESE poe om Jo andy aip hq ways AiSumy aor poryjoquss 04 jounvo Aqnp feuoppwasayay Spmzy STUD LLYINE OF SS201PYOS 29D -ayndsyp youura sSujoq mwomng axoyoxa4 Yor pus BopeT ¥IvAIE oF oy pons|ssY seq aoaaprscig qpys ‘sodoad ye 30 ssourddig poe ysodsoud 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PIN Ao gudnoyy ‘Koqpod ywed onp Jo SzVaq pue syuepaadcap wos Su OT ‘osoyy sure quowmsasop om Jo PuE aS 049 Jo AyHoqINE “ogy pursassy Apoyeroquap svad syyy UF daey aad DOJO “sajuraua 4s10% ano Jo Supfoug pax aow8 oumsoldo ayy 04 “saoys U4}0 007 Kao Ayaysanqrozun Lr0ys4y SB ING “POR JO Ts OT} woryysod ayat pomo Aaqy guyp woere you pinoo ‘apdioujad symp supe pouuye ungo os Aros] uoMHeD JoMsoF U OM asom PUY *f2yano9 980 UF AAT] 0} fea OM PITY DOHTE BuO a1¥ aK—'ON, | 4 : “Bo Samypazory 404] Jo UBjox ap zapun azour dou0 Adduy a4, ut ap rei ‘prunes ynd upeSe woaq an) 4 ‘poov0ns plnow wsy[e}o0s-[eUORKT 40 ‘plies sjoqas oq} 20; “yuauasour sH[¥}OOs-feuopET aq} 7: pax aq} ©} Ljoassnpoxa and oq weo yore juoMasa|yOR onbya: ¥ 5 “OH Jo 4 d ‘aapyysod Aqjuax £qasoq pus ‘spony 1B Snoforuco aM} Jo aayya8oy Sujsoqye. ing ‘eydonswyes wanted oy jo Supuayscy oy 20U pip ‘sossuus ay yo Hopuztradned Juyyysiay {urowooa Stu 181] 3985 OW_L, “Aeoap [eM] MO pus [OH TIO HOF © Puy yseID ojuLOUoDd a4} saouRsuNDITS O6aqy U s0n19q LIne Syqyssod w eppEy 880] AtqextsoUy amp owe woo [v190s pu jruoRuG ano da Supyeur euopyypuco 91 ¥Sow 2p anoqu suojpdoouoo apeeq yw Jo Avoap perona® amy mos, “uonvu ag pr] oF oouapun oya atom Jo AomNe am 10. pur 4) uiog WUqat Jo So4ax SB] OP WO SRE pexOU—s stag} MY CO} ~onansap Jo santos aapyeSan agp Ayuo pur sopunse [fey pun xvas 0} wuboq uoyuasasaad-z]08 Jo seoxog asjysod ay], “wouiBo40; - 4 -sip Susvasouy £ysnonupuos ¥ poousysadxe Lyquysauy ofdood ‘amp 30 Aqunmmos oy or ‘yuesa; onspereM op paquosqns pue Wosead Fo say] PUR suOULD Te wos; PayTrsop Ajsno;osUCD Honea om JO diqsiapaay ayy 19 aUFap oy) OF yen aenvog, ‘sonqo oMsrMmUTOD oF pro OF PEG A[qUETEATN SIT. — "ON gsvouanbasuco aurayxa ysour paw yeu] amy oy Sunynsaz Cep amos nopenys eqyy ogras ‘Awap Yous jo sexs w uy Woy JoAdI0; 9q plo uowem e 3949 aAzT[aq Afsno}HaE UE O¥MA “MOITTIOAO Tay paw set om jo yuomysdaroosw 243 ay zodjaq JwoRsod 1 68 ystseR 0} 10889 004 Aquo sem ajstORBsn0g ssa YsNOG Bqo$-keve uv ‘anr oa} MAOIIY fIenojosu0D osoM syuOM.]a samasz pov seep [prin aq) Supusasdar ojdoad Jo euoypya 2g) aETs PUY “WaompeA0 Paw pomyuirepun alos GoUD}e]xS s.uonen aq Jo szeiyd Sunsoddns yy “aunyyng mau porpeo-os 1 Jo sua omy oum0q dyauidop pus ‘oewesyp ‘ssoujempeacn ‘pue ‘snoavapus ueuing Joy 1798 Bumpin o49 9q 0} pasv20 AqyyLay sea 3m) [TY “SeOURTN pun Ayprorasay Sapayyns Apsnoyosu0o 0} Kem axe Aynvoq Jo no og, “peRMBap paw’ pojnoipr sea. yf ‘oouapndary ssajomreys iM paypene sea 99915 S11 Ol Ue uoHUE auy UF J>If0q aYT, “pamouesrp Ayssapyoos wea aunyny TeoPoWTY ON SF Paya ATin;eouSerp su ysnf sear youd [uO}I0) St] oR, ‘ssoussoppaom pu yoHezur Oy Zupynses si9qunT asour Aq paoejdos azo Aou], “yan0o 40m pyp Yous sv sonreA “payyso[@ ssaugvam ‘uodn umop payool sea qyBuasg “papny] auo paansdap omy 8 pazoous sea UvuE yURsp oy], “‘papsTaa! auo Arey oq) paw pagsyund sea. tear ysau0g aq, “pamouoy su psvssoo 043 pux yduraquco o7Uy TPF osoy ay, "poo sume9q, 1189 Ue0q pug yy uv [149 4oT eA pool no9q PUM ETA suopdaoueg jo w0ysi9.49y 4496 "su y20 suopdeouco Je Jo wojszdsor ¥ ~Azoysty Oy popetyereda: Avoap Jo poyrad w yBnosqy passed snqy Aavwasoy s1ea uaayano Jog ‘uonea oq jo yedeo jwontjod pus yeoraouose payeine cnaoe oq paxapuunbs puv plos ‘s[eaiaju; Sujsuasoep sas c PHYO Yows Sojaoqjoy ‘gory spuamass08 Lawjasareyred asoy Poonpoid way} pus mstenopTur;Uy ospxumr posoFerpU: 91 Wop $2020} payjof ‘dn-ayum opsysuoHeT ¥ Uy S63] J0 9500 *kowsowrep syoaBnoq ayy Aqaed axyuso oy Jo wnrpam kg ‘souvyfesom ydnai0o Ay HORORINGO OUT oy GIL OFT 1s nayfod ays seaadeny 04 pay Aypxes8209) lOMBNMION Toya ‘saopoerd ys, eyydu p aspErwOr usaayjaq UoRET|qmIOD onbjam 3¥y) 04 ped sounsqns Uf sv [fom Se sroquine UY ounHax mou oy} Jo evoUEas SUL “ouTs2[0} aajered soy voER AGO Upwz09 v yses] ye J9A0% 30 Sraxvaq wou ot sprEmo, [99} 0} ‘uLIOY am UF Hitler Curtails Celebration of Beer Cellar Uprising £2 an oe ssa re ~Sertin, No a, today ‘degan preparations for the anniver- sary ealpoatin af Fuehrer Hilers Fr ot i. ~ Thenad bora tediuonal for Hier Cy or" Germanroccupled Ete tories was belag Organ + Sie orden’ immediate purpoue = er et Beers xe ag f EE H rl oy f Hitler Gets Two Ballots tates North Stelton ‘oF NEW MARKET, May 22—Al- though there were no local eon-| texts fn the primaries yesterday # [comparatively large vote was cast! {in Piscataway Township with 703. Republicans and 450 Democrats turning out to the polls. There fare 4.080 registered voters In the port Mrs. Thera Holzwarth. of [Partin, and Henry W. Jeffers of Ptainaboro, candidates for reelee~ tion to the state committee, The [nepublteane gave Mrs. Holzwarth [516 votes and her opponent, Mrs. ‘Dewey, ‘abit, Bowever, : ‘Election boaras returned the ballot boxes and oficial papers fe Clerk Wallace BM. ‘carly with the ex: i i po came trailing io at 4 &. ma. paeliesk tt ae the primaries yesterday a comparatively large vote was cast in Piscataway Township with 703 Republicans and 450 Democrats turning out to the polls. ee ee ee oe Bane N }» Candidates. ‘ the state comttes, The Republicans gave irs. Holswarth 516 votes ‘and her opponent, Ire, Etta Filskov, 96, while Jeffere received 453 and Thomas A. Garretson, hie opponent, 146. Mrs.Daniel C, Luna, who — of hoo are a gubernatorial espirent, ‘a majority, « Rentedokeon, hh, v Reodived” Mtg. rs Stal ‘cintpatriok wastuvored Thy ‘the ‘Denocratas’ receiving 2i1. votes while ber -icev os" Mary Dooley, received 123, ai.der mo veri oar Roosevelt on the Republican tickeb, both Rteived Lethe Worth Stelton section, while the Democrats gave ‘Roosevelt 83 tbe pres : r os 1 Election boards returned the ballot boxes and official papers to Tomship Clerk Nallace M, Graves fairly early with the exception of District 4, River road, who came trailing in at ha. m. | by] BI Ear Test [ ‘Shows Hitler ‘Has Double a > propa by open of WASRINGION TIMES-HERAID Soot nano MORNING EDITION y deg hay Lop R oe pee tne ero 2 GOFS0 1-32 ; 7 MCS AB Ostober 17, 1942 itd FRRSOMAL AND Biwin X. wee ; Ho the President, aoe atte Honorable . Secretary to the i» The White Rouse; Adele A. Berle, Jr., Aveistent Secretary of State, Depertaent of State; Brigadier Generel Sherman kilos, Assistent Chief of Staff, 0-2, War Departaent; Captain T. 8. Wilkinson, Director, Naval Intolli- gence, Navy Departaent; and Colonel William J, Donovan, Coordinator of Information, Apex Building, Fashington, D. C. Respectfully, a. Régar Hoover dobn Edgar Boover Director SENT Fa0u dD. © | tins _LLYSA parE LOI2) Cn wanted to know whether the -ureau hod ony "probeble cause" for belteving thatumitler or any of his assoctates wore hiding in the Argentine and I stated -that the Bureau had no tangible evidence of any such hiding but that Generalefgng had jwtthheld considerable infornat ion from us, over a perioblmore than la year, concerning on alleged hactenca in the argentine which was % reported to be o hideout for Gernan subversives allegedly contng jto the Argentine by clandestine means, particularly submarines ap. wanted to know vhether the 3ureau would distribute for the Yar Grimes Conntssion through the Bureau's international ‘exchange, ctreulars printed for the apprehenston of wanted persons 7 whos sion was sought by the War Crines Conntsston.’ I inquired of hether fingerprints would be available upon these Pe e@ an @ stated they would not, but tn some tnstances they might have photographs of the wanted persons. I advssed that +I would refer thts guestton to you for your considera ecobaent! eo IEEE / B2 ser 101945 OP rey q eacfh 10 19507 a oi cane pret rset against utilization of the Bureau facilities for distributing such circulars, first, because they will not contain fingerprints and the other tdentifying date will probably be vague and inadequate, second, because the legality of many of these proceedings 18 Bubject to considerable doubt, including the question of means of extradition, and, third, because T con't think we should lend the prestine of the Surecu's nave ond reputation to the Zar Crines Conmtsstan end by the asoaciction of the Bureau's none with the circulars give the impression to the public generally that the 2ureau 1s attenpting to apprehend these war criminals, most of whom I think will never be apprehended, te J have your letter poatmarked May 6, 1953, - and apprectate the interest which prompted you to write me. - .Watle'I would 1tke to be of service, Ian * ~ unable, a8 a matter of policy, to comment on this matter. . . Pa A : “Sincerely yours, : ‘ey, Sohn Begar Hoover Director sec = New York, with copy of 1 Aling: . ATTENTION SAC: ° Buftles céntain no record of correspondent. | You ore instructed to make a search of your indices: regarding correspondent's oontact with your office and adutse te Bureau of the detatls, in order that the Bureau can determing how any Suture letters he might submit should be handled, Sulet - presults of your check by June 1,- 1953, the caption vad eo iy wl S-Bo 8 : *Margthing Fe a6, : ae GA forte corrcersans home poe : Baya varied an ee eo eee eae Jeu 29957 Oe ~ a : a ue FEB =& 1941 : TELETYPE DECODED COPY - FBI NEW YORK CITY 276-41 2-50 AM DIRECTOR AND SACS LOS ANGELES AND ST. LOUIS . ao SUBJECT A GERMAN ACTRESS WHO/IS/A SPECIAL FRIEND OF DOCTOR PAUL JosEPH/GOEBBELS AND ADOLPH/MITLER ALSO RE- PORTED FREQUENTLY IN CONTACT V1 Tigi. SAN FRANCISCO, LEAVING NEW YORK FEBRUARY FAFTH, FIVE FIFTY FIVE PH EST ON THE SPIRIT OF STs LOUIS OCCUPYING APARTMENT DUPLEX fj CAR MMB 02 exico crty via st Louis AND Los ANGELES. WILL ARRIVE ST LOUIS ONE FIFTEEN PM CST FEBRUARY SIXTH. WHILE IN NEW YORK SUBJECT WAS ACCOMPANIED BI ; QP ont: A LEFT EW York CITY JANUARY THIRTIETH FOR ST. LOUIS AND IS STAYING AT THE PARK PLAZA HOTEL ST. LOUIS. IT 1S BELIEVED GREER VILL contact QM at st. Lous a DESCRIBED FIVE FEET, SIX INCHES, ONE HUNDRED THIRTY POUNDS, AGE THIRTY, BLOND HAIR, BLUE EYES, FAIR COMPLEXION, ATTRACTIVE APPEAR- sce. SEED cescarseD, TIRTYPIVE YEARS OLD, FIVE FEET NINE Rvcduoey # cxpy q INCHES, BLOND HAIR, BLUE EYES, TYPICALLY GE \ “STOPS IN ST, LOUIS AND MAKE A SPOT CHECK OF | 4 FEB 90 1941 _ ACTIVITIES WHILE THERE. WHEN SUBJECT LEAVES | 2 PAGE TWO LOUIS FIELD DIVISION WILL ADVISE THE FIELD OFFICE COVERING THE PORT OF DEPARTURE OF SUBJECT FROM THE US IN ORDER THAT HER BAGGAGE MAY BE SEARCHED IN ACCORDANCE WITH BUREAU SPECIFIC REQUEST TO AS= GERTAIN IF SHE IS CARRYING ANY IMPORTANT DOCUMENTS TO MEXico. IN-= FORMATION Rece1veD Bs IN US ON A MEXICAN VISA, SACKETT ACK IN ORDER PLS WASH Ok FBI WASH DC STB” : 2 : LOS ANG OK FBI LOS ANGE U " f ST LOUIS OK FBI ST LouIs AUR : . : ALL DISCONNECT Sopteaber 18, 1:40 HEKQRAMEUM , RA? KARL B2MRY VOX S1Z0AKD Kazi Yon Wiegnnd advised bo has known Changelicr Adolph Hitler of Germany for many years, He stated ho wrote articles on Hitler for the Cosmopolitan Magazine in 1938, which he claims were written to Dring out tho baser side of Hitler and which were not looked w;on favorably by Der Pushrer, Because of there, ho feared that he asver would got drok or be contacts An Gerenny, but derpite thie fact, Deen in Mertia ant over Tnrore ceneralty, ani on Juaa 2%. 194! a fifty minute interview with Hitler at e chateou in Belgiun, ued Yon Viegnat stated that diplomats and att itler are terrified in hie praseaoe and are very much afraid of bir. fe gave an exeuple, and aid that even Yon Ribbentrop van afraid of hin, end when the interviey with Mitler was submitted to You Pibbentrop for cansorship, he was afraid to authorize ite release until Hitler himself had officially dnolarei thet the article war egreanble. You iegnad alvins thit he te not afreid of Hitler, and questions which be Uniaterraptedly fo the subject that and for the interview it was necessary to ocotinunlly faterrupt Aim, which vee all right with Der Yushrer. Vou diegnod anys tht Hitler baa an asaring vocabulary, an a phonsmenel menory} tht be sever forgets. He has best kaova | to recell etatements in reports which vere written sonthe before te dy offictole, and bas reminded them of their inconsistencia: Inter date 7 t, traneasdius} ba-never forgives; he treats peop! sooras thom = even tho to hia, anf yet at othet t(nee Je overcome by « atresk of kindlinen: sotateanx and expensivn gifts. We comet Kitler bre a great payohological weakness, according to ‘Yon Wiegand, it being a marked fear of being considered wenk, Fe will ¢o things to preclude an appearance of venkaess ami sppeare to compensate for this four. In talking with him, Yon legend Glsine he noted three personalities = the statesman, tho politician, ft ani the demagogue. Yon ViegnaA stated that Mjtler expressed hinself that he felt cortain of victory in Purope, ant that vhile Sf the United cape into the vor ag an ally of Xnglané it would no doubt, the outcone, ould not change the final result in aay manner. Hitler wae vory moh irritated aad impatient is respo to an invuiry on the Anzis' coming over to the United States, fe nid 1t wee nomsonge, invading the United Strtea = it wae fantastic. Le stated, *Whot do you think I weatT® Yon ‘Legend replied, ‘But if you defent England, you will get ite Nevy--* Hitler interrupted atating, "J am mot being aisled by aay ides that J will get the Britieh Nevy even ine British defeat. Anyway the old fleets are sie no good. The British flest will be junked by the and of the var OF at uch time when we might get it, Furtheraore, fleets are not as important in modera war ee they vore,® You "iegrnd stated he then asked Hitler about the Fifth Coluam in the United “tates, and Citler replied thet it didn't extet. Hitler, sccording to Yon Viecnnd, said, “If Dresident Roosevelt thinks be can win a war with the Fifth Column, let bis try it.® ‘The Fifth Coluan (Yon Wieg»nd agreed vith Kitler) was a ame for collective opposition, sot propagendists, It according to bin, » fighting column in Nefrid, Yon Wiegand said tht was what it une since ho saw it operating there, Hitler told Yon Yiemad, “We oan conquer from the sir, but how cas we get mear the United =. -grh Rtotes. Airoraft carriers are obsblete and they vill be : anyway n> dig bombers cnn take off from ther," Uitler then amin Fepeated, “Ne can't cot the Sagiish fleet - we haven't the fleet added very pointedly, “Tant’ geen for vouth Yon ¥iegnni then said that he apd Hitler replied thet "4f we bave Detter setho way shouldn't vo use theal® - referring to themselves. 1's 24 | Yon Viognnd vas asked, *vbo Se behind Uitlert® asd he repliod that a0 one fe bobind Hitler = that Hitler in the cover of the Jari » You -Legind stated that Hitler Bas» desonicil energy nnd ac inarodible buna temncity to bold t2 a course. Yon Serand otated he does not thick it hes beon equalled since Mnyoleon. lle beliowne that Hitlar ty caychio at tines; thet be has tho ability to sen Shioge accoarlished. Hitler bas wuld that all be bas to dm Js do ‘Be it te alrendy laid out for hia, Yon Wiegand claine that it tan Intriguing and fascinating eide of the man. Yon Wiegand wae questioned as to whether Hitler bad patterned Binself after Mosoleon and whether or not hie ambitions were the anne, ent he replied that Hitler is buable in that he Glaine not to be God, the instrusent of God, short, and when Mie migsion ie completed that be vill go. Piscussing further the psychological side of Hitler, Yon Wiegand said that he 2raraed from those who are close to bin that - Re dorders on insanity; that be te aa insane genius. In sone of these moments be hee bed the most brilliant idene, ie explained that Hitler gets etrenke when he thinks out loud ent he valke up ant down talking inceesontly, and whatever be thinks comes tuedling ont, Yon ¥iegand edvised that Herr Hevell who replaced Captain Prite ¥iedemsan, presently German Consal Oeneral at San Yrasoieco, Coliforaia, as liaison betveen Yoo Ribbentrop and Hitler told his Dat Hitler hee fits similar to epileptic fits, anil that once during such » fit, he threv himself on the ground in Serechtemrten, and eried, "1 don't vant to veaken the white race - I don't want to attack England,* Von Viegnd explained that Hitler has an obsession 7 ‘that the white race must be supreme in the worl4. Be is supposed to have told Mussolini that they mat avoid anything that would venken the white reces, also that Rnglaod sust keep India in order to maintain the dominancs of the white roces in the world. Yon Viegrmi was asked who wes behing Hitler ta view of their financial efforts ani the strategic moves in handling money, nod he advivad that Kerr Schacht vas the real brains behini the Finssoing of the Basi scheme uatil be camo inte ovatact with the Fadionl wing of the Kasi Party. 24e ‘Yon Wiegand clains thit Hitler leans to the Commnistic Side ve compered to the capitalistic views vhich are reprecented vy Goering. Yon ¥iegand vne questionsd as to the manner followed ia gunrding Eitler wad he stated he was unable to give any details except that when he aot Mitler in Selgtus for his interview, be vas ta the froat seat, ami there wore only several apparentiy Poreonal quarts in evidence, Yon Viegrad was asked what vould hapren vhea Hitler var gone and he stated that 4¢ ts accepted thet Goering will be the suscessor, He expl-ined thot Ooering is in bad bealth ant that he doesn't think that he will livo very long, The mext gan in line who iu Likewise very 111, and my die at aay tine beomse of tuberculosis of the bone, He eaid that after thot would come she qenersl fight for control, end because of the fact that th Jeaderehip, im bis wind, 9 definitely limited in longth of life, Bhat the Masi scheme was sot a vorld threat, Ho eadd the silitery regime vould undoubtedly come in after ilece vas go) Discussing Oosring for a woment, he pointes out that there is @ possibility that Hitler wight even retire in favor of Coaring as Goering appecre to be anxious to take over, He enye ‘Shet de why osring 4s eo subservient; thet he takes sbusos that one vould not believe @ man vould take but that he kaon that be hae to play that kind of « game since he xaove that Hitler has the Pover to elininste hin just by the serateh of « pen, 2 Midler is a prian doune. You cunsot suggest anything to Bis, whereas Oooring ie silent api clains to dave @ sincere fondness for the United States. It is Gosring's view that {riond- ship with the United States must extet: thet reconstruction of Parope cannot be scoomplished without the aid of the United States. Vou Wiegnad clains that Ossring is sound morally; that he bas - paver broken his vord and from ble peraoaal friendebip with Balbo 7 Italy, who was fond of Goering, he believes that Goering iy a ig mon, eee ae Yon Wiegsad atated that Goering told bi» that the German Goveranont Le willing to negotiate for peace eince it has aogcaplisied getting Encland osf the continent, which 1¢ vasted to do. You ¥iegand pea fer ae 1 Geranny ie concerned would be a status quo with tngland giving back Germany's African eolonie: % | -- ” You Viegnat advised that serly in the var he had been told ‘tbat upon ite conquest of France, the Oeraea Oovernsent would "Uterally Gissember her", Hovever, just before his recent return he learned that Hitler's idea nov 1s @ complete f France to s competent governsent, except possibly Of Aleace-Lorraing, and “even then he aight consider a plebiscite", Yon Wiegand declared this inforantion fe cheoked dy the fact that Hitler precluded Mussolini fron moving fato end teking any part of Prance even after the French troops hat retired, He advised that there vas a son-military corridor established vnich Andicates in bis mind that Hitler did aot want to dismember France ot the present tine, a yn Mhegrnd stated that Hitler te most desirous of baring competent government in France vhieh will pr. olution which ne of the things Hitler fears Decause then they enn have no control over thelr conquered arene, Ne added that Hitler bes & fear of driving the British Ooveranent to Camda, If that vere trae, they would have no Ruglish Governuent to deal with fa Great Britain, and At alght couse a merger of the British Repire vith the United tates, Questioned as to the basis for Hitler!e success 00 far, Yon “tegant atated that ninety per cent of it vas due to the British ani French policies vhich developed the situations that made Hitler possible and that he exploited it. Yon Wiegart advieed that Communion has “grova very strong’ that the Gersans needed police and ore in order to moet this Commanistic throat but that they vere turned down repeatedly by the French and English. Ee recalled that Hit came into power legally (granted that it wae by trickery, bat 4% vas no different in bi: mind than some of the deale pulled by sone of our ovn politicia: ‘Then with the personality that Hitler bes, the situation having bee orented, be exploited it to bis persons] advantage, A @iecuseion followed concerning the strength of the Serman araed foros, In thie aennection, Yon Wiegand stated the Germans have a strong aray. He advieed that there are eighteen aillion men fro eighteen to fifty yeare of age, nnd the “losses havo been unbelievably light*, He advised that he talked to people in Belgiun ~ ” Sar UPNY 7 -6- privately and they talked fresly and stated that the slight lose of man power wae due = great deal to the excellent equipeent fur Bished the men, He etated that he bas "been in ton vare* and has - never seen an aray equivalent to that of the present Cerca arny, He ndvieed that the physical Limitations of the Oerman aray are that 18 must confine iteslf to land congue Be ‘that the German sation bas asple man pover to cover the conquered fields: ‘the reserves are goods thetr wen are in excellent epirite: the equipmont is good: the quality of the material 48 geod, and there ‘ are pleaty of replacemeate. Yon ¥iegnat vas questioned as to the methods of offense, ont he pointed out that Oeranay had actually developed the tank to Ate full use, The allies hr4 neglected the development of mechanised material which the Ceraans vere using to grent advantage, including the wee of flame throwers which had a devaatating effect upon defending araios, Yon Vieguad pointed out that the morale of the men was Very high aad yet in a peculiar quiet annzer, Sle said that when he was in Paris (being the firet newspaper man to get in after 4% fell) there wae no exaltation or Jubilation, n> parades as evidenced in the laet war gn equally victorious occasions, 18 wan astonishingly quiet, » self-confidence permeating their activities, and there wns no evidence of the former Germa attitude, Ton Wiegand olains that he has hoard of no glaring veak- Qeeres with respect to the Geran forces but stated “they my show up laters. 2. Yon ¥iegand enid that in talking to Ooering, it 1s Ooering's Dolief that their greatest need 12 for personne) for the air corps. ‘Thay can make a1} the planes they eed, but they must have three yeara of training in order to be good pilots, They are pow down to the point whore they are using wea with only two years of training and they are not able to cnrry on nn it ie desired with thie loss of one yzar's training. Yon Yiegrnd advised that the fo: rod not that clothing fe axple, wap,lied the aray 4, Yon ‘iegand wae unable to give any further informtion concerning the Oerwan araed forces except that the nrny had opposed Bitler in going into Aorvay,to auch an extent that he had actually ~~ -?- ast up a special unit to take over that conzoe we he Aid not even trost the aray, Dut he wae eo sare that thie wae the right thing to do that he went to that extrese, In Holland he wae egnia erposed by the aray: they were very dubious, ant even Coering opnosed hin, but he prevailed, oad they vere successful. Ae fer as the 5 eonquest of “neland $s concerned Yon Viegrad olains that the nilitery man wanted this ant Hitler opposed it, but they overruled him, Viegand wae questioned comcerning the Kasi espionage ritten in the United Stel ayeten and he clained that the artiol 8 they are talking about. noticed that one Micoli hae been point Antelligense, Ke stated tha: Hicold has no influence de not the obief of the Gernan intelligence. It is his belief that the chief of the Gersan Intelligence Service is one Admiral Canaries. Yon Viegan’ olains that be has avoided err Hinler and ‘those engaged or who might be engaged in any espionage, He olaine to know Little about their activities in thie field, Yon Viegaad was asked vhethor Gerzen sabotage, espionage ‘ant propaganda vere fforts or united, to vhich be replicd that he did not know. ¥ ened gould not furnish any information concerning bow the Oeraen Goveran At used exobange students, refuge Or vhether it had any alliance vith erisinale in the United States or whether aay proseure woe placed on families in Kurope of people ia ‘the United States. Yon Viegnt aid wot! ksow hov the German agents vare trained er vhere - how they are instructed where to report or to whoa. Me 414 pot knew how the Gestapo operated. Me elained not to know any 2 - >t Of the lending agente, He aduitted beving knova a Morr Feldsecn, ‘an Oxford aan who 1e Chief of the Vereign Polition) Deyartaent in London, who died mddenty prior to the opening of the var, Yon Viegiod advised there 1s so forme] official Germany, but that the Governsent "takes the risk of vbal au or ¥ith reference to Oerean propne-ada, You “iogant stated that all furope bas been propagundised by the German Government. He stated that he over attends press conferences hinself, but that he understends tm the press coaferonece that there are certaia things pointed out to these in attendance viich should be avoided. and certain things which should be eaphasized, to attempting to influence the United Stat At should stay ont of the present Furopeas ooaflict, Yon Viegand was questioned coaceraing the purported German to be folloved when a country 1s taken over end particularly whether the stories that certain groups of people ia each of the countries vould be Liquidated ts true, Vou Wiegnnd anid that, of @tory from Polend bat that he "hadn't been there and Yon Viegand vai asked how the German Governsnnt selected Ate puppets wnt he replied thet he dic not knov of any puppets presently but that it hod men selected who were ready to take over ‘when the region was ceoupted. Questioned ebout eovcalled *intustrial slevery* You Viegand stated he doubted that because one of the things that Hitler needed. seterial, which certainly could act be produaed by workaen who were act in s productive frass of mind, You Viogand vas then asked hov the populace was controlled, other than by military control, He sald through the press, radio, a sobools end wal cvnsorship they hed control: that they took over ‘the police who hed te go along with thes. You Wiegand stated shat little attention is paid to the @horches in oecupied countries, ~~ Yon Wiegend v1 thet there aren't any atrocities atories from Relgius or Holland = only from Poland, He claimed thet the Cxechoslovakians are doing ‘very well = that they are prospercus, £ z seem Me olained that the Dutoh are extremely etubbora, ant that the Germans are having 2 great deal of difficulty mbjugnting then, Yon Wiegand stated that Hitler w useing Japan and vould not telk nbout it, tated that wee thet it "goes nlong vith Hitler's idea of wanting the Faces to dominate the world®, Hitler bad nid thet he bad nothing to do in the Far Kast - that he had nothing to say th and indicated that he G14 aot want to be caught io any tension je United States ant Japon, : ff1ah* about ‘AS far as Italy 1a concerned Yon Viegnnd atated thet this was en allinnce between two men, Hitler and Mussolini = that there wae @ genuine and muturl trust between these tvo men, but not betvesn the poople, : Aocording to Vou Wiegand! inspired by the Corsane to Bepire. 1% ie Fon iegand's view tats Spa should de watehed tm South Amoricn dnetend of Germany ~ that the activitier vill by the Spanish, of course prompted and inspired by the Marts, 2 Legend wi loned concerning German intentions ence to Toaland ant Uresnlaed and he stated. that Goering Lnugbed at the idea of Germany using these as air ba: ‘Yon Wiegand wae unable to give any details about internal @onditions 1a Oereeny but did state that there 1s 20 orgxnized oritioisn of Hitler. He advised there is, hovevar, a feeling among ‘She people that they would like to be informed when the var will be YW e So reser TRE PR bin Logan Hoover + 7 wero af nn Federal Bureau of Hnvestigation Mnited States Department of Justice 2udtDhd Bashington, D.C. s$ Date__Septeubar 12, 1940 MEMORANDUM FOR THE DIRECTOR or nite RE: KARL VON Yii3GAND ene I told the inforaunt of the coiicnis of we attached meucranduu, sotting forth the results of an inter~ view which SAC Pieper had with Karl Von Tegand. The informant would like to have & meworsndun on this. I think that you will be interest-d in reading the menorandua covering the interview. P, By Foxworth mene opts IB want ant utd taal] am - + oe 7 Federal Bureau of huestigation " Huited States Department of Justice ai an Francisco, California Soptenbar 4, 1940, Director Federal bureau of Investination Washington, D.C, Dear surcuant to toleshonie i: Burecu, I vas abi astructicas fron the e to ari ance an interview vith ic AAD, erat representative, who revently returned from Gornany. interviewed hin in sen Frunciseo ia thc Slice of ie 2. D. cobroate, pubticnor ar eee vall- Bulletsn, who e:ranced for the interview se aétocied menorandw: original of which has been forward ‘te Director's attention, has cleo to ur. connelley here in for the Director, the led to i4lvaukee for been nade available an Francisco, Very truly yours, 4 ( San Francisco, California Bepterbor 4, 1940 SBUORATDUN FO" Th. De cTUR Rer FRE you sic v2 TAA GAtL wom Laterviewed by me on Anguct dL, 1940, 1 tad epproximtely en hour in which to talk te , “© WOU EEROAND bos known At ybit NT 1, he states, ite wrote articles on 2 fosnopolitan Ma azine in 1938, which ke cial gs icre written bring out the baser side of litlsr, Gnd vuich vore not Looked uson favoravly by Ler iuehrer. Bocause of those, he Secrud tat be never would get back or bo able to mintain contacts in Geraany, but despite this fact, curing tiis lect ear be has been in berlin and over Surope generally, and on June 20, 1940 had a fifty minute intervie: rith Fitler at a chateau in Relgiun, Sati Tho atatea that dindorsts vid of Hitler are terrified in bis prosence and are very suck sfraid of hic. ie cave an exaiplo, arc cad that even Vol! AIM ONTO wep efendé of apd when the interriow with itlor wos subnitted toYOMRISCKIN Tor Gensorship, be “7 waa afraid to give it an ustil Hitler hinsely jurd officially dvolared that the article ras asroeavle. Vor SIGHED cletas that he 18 not afraid of Mitler, and thet he evon would interrupt nia in bie spocoh At tines and ak quoctions which he stated v.09 necece.ry becouse Hitler wold telk unintorruptedly for hours on tho subject that be had started om, and for tie sur,cees oF fa interview it was necossory to continun iy interrupt bin, vhieh ron all right with Ler Fushrer, - Voli “TOAD gaye thot «itier has an cnozing Yooabulary, an¢ a phononinal mexory; tut be never for He bas bean krovn te recall statene.te in rcyorte wich were vritten ‘waths before by officials, anf tee rounded then of their inconsistencies at later dator, WOU MINGAND esoribed titler as an ebnarsal perfon - a trent isaiuay he never forgives; ne trest Poogle with utter contespt, scorns thax + aven t o8c 0: 9 Yego 2 to him, and yot at other tines he ts overccne by = streak y and he will give then chetonux and expensive Hitler has e greet peyobolocical weakness, accurd= TICAPD, At belne @ rerked fear of being cone Hidered weak. Us will do things to preclude an appearence of weekness and appears to Conpensate for this fear, In Salking with bin, Yue PIZOARD elaine be noted three persons =~ alition - the stateamn, the pelitioten, and the denagoqus, _ _ARequiry ato hie atiiuute-eatnetsnetrited enters VOR TIBD-GD etatod that hitler expressed Binself wt-!+ Sire ho Frit eertain of viotors im suroze, ant thst oer 9) Une Unt fooine into the wer noald Bo doubt Golay the ontoune, bay! Oo Weld not change tin any manner, Kitler was very “)y pee ee ‘Seritated and Lxpetiont in response to an enquiry on the “WY 4a ys Mazie coaing over to the United Htetes.. He said it was nonsense, invading the U. 5. = it was fantastic. lie stated, “Mat do you think I want?’ VN TILGMO replied, “out If you dofest ?nglend, you will cot its Kavy = Hitler intere Fupted atating, °K a5 not being risled by any idoo that I will ret tho Pritish tevy even ine Britich defort. Anywey the eld fleets are no good, The Uritish flect will be Sunked by the end of the war or at euch tine shen we micnt gat At. Purthersore, fests ere not a8 taportant in modern war os they were." ttle H.dten ‘Vo! DIEGUDythen eked Big ,abuut the ¥ifth Column in the United Stotes,’ Uitler replied that it didn't exist. Hitler, according to VON RIZOAND, seid Rooforelt thinks he ean win a ear with tae Fifth Colunn, let + hin try it. = : Fifth Colusa (VOR '17GAW ecreod with Hitler) was a nave fdr’ collective op-otition not proparandiste, {t wes, accordiny to hin, a fighting column in -aérid, Yutt FINN oaid thet wes what It vas since he sam it operating thore. Hitler told VoN FLEA! @ can conquer fron the air, but how can ro got noar the United Ctates, Aircraft carriers aro obsolete and they will be scrap iron - anyway no bis bombors can take off fron then." ilitier then aroin repeated, "ce can't get the English flect = we haven't the fleet ourselves = we wouldn't be eble to build one, and cea epee ne 4 RB 8 +H ene 3 furthermore, we don't wont anything over there anyvo.* WS STRONY atetod thet he adieg rary pointedly, thet ro Tor South: Anerica too.” . Vy" TI-AND then said trat he quero? Ata cht, hte trate retheta, and Vitler reptind that “Uf ne beve ict ietiods, why shoulds't we use thane” ~ referring to tuouped : E I questioned VoR *ISQAKP 28 to who 28 bohird Ritler anf WN KIFOAVD ronling tint no one a8 dol iAther © thet itler was tie po rr of the tiegd re: io har a de onicel eunray, and on tzeredible fue . texseity te Sol¢ to a course. fc" 1) Baye ke dooen"h btu Av iio “aon cywshled 2inca iispoleon. ite boifeves that uitler is payobie st tines; that he has the ability to avo things accoaplishes, Hitler has pala thet all he has to do 19 60 At, an tt 49 already laid out for hin, VuN BIEL w elalus ‘that it iu en Satriguing end fascinstiny aie of te on. festionod by we AG to bLs bet Mee “eraleca eng victor oF not “is aabitione are tus sac, The. Pooling that littier 4a husble, im that he elri a nat to ho fod. He Gzawe s dests-etion in that bo ip only cha Lastrus seit of Ged. ie saya that he knowa thet bie tine 1s skort, and when his riesion is completed thet be will go. Discussing furtier the poyoholnrioud side of Uitler, Vs" -1748D said that Re Learned fron those who are Close to hin that he borders on insanity; thet be is on insane renius, In sone of thera ronente ke has bed the nost brilliant idens, be exulainod that uitier gets Streaks when he thinks outloud and he walks up a:d coun talking incessantly, ond whatever he thinks coves tunblts outs a ern\"! AIL who took® Tepe’ detneen Vol WIN 2IMED end Wetter tole WLP 6 tsk Ditler kes Fite sidlnr to ephleptis ite, ond tht oroe : dering suck a fit, be threw nicaelf on the sround in Merechtorsrten, ant cried, *I don't want to wesien the white race = I don't vant to attack opland.* Wut r4c2uD oxplained thot iitier nas en obsession that tho white race ‘WHE bo Puprons In the World, Us Caine that be 18 #upy0s0s Pisce v6 Lictoon $4) “@ 3 mete ime a ateaadhal ae Pore & to have told Museoling that they must evol4 anything that Ee ‘would wenken the white reces, also that "nrlend rust keep t India in oréer to mintain the dominance of the white races of the world. ~ ~ 1 questioned Yor vr cop further as to who ras beniné Uitler in view of their finaneicl efforts and tke StrategiG moves ia handling mopey, und VOU NIDUAND onic : ‘that ‘SCHACHT was the real brains behind the finanoing nee of the sohone until be case inte eontact with the : Fadical wing of tho Haei Perty. YOR METS claina that Uitler leone to the Covuristic efte at c.zpsred to tho capitabictic 11 Yiich ere represented bz Oo:RUC, JX questioned the manner of guarding Uitler and eH ‘Vow BISGASD was eneble to give me any details except tuat —-.- — - when he set bia in Belciun for this istervies, he was in ‘Ye front seat, and there vore only sevornl, anparently personal gusrts in evisence,

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