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English Grammar in English - John Dow 1 An Introduction to Word classes ...... ade 41.1 Criteria for Word Classes . ad Led. MeaningssesssesssessssssssessseesstennasseinsensassussesssenssesuseansssssasenssesnsensseseS® 41.1.2 The form or ‘shape’ of a word . 58 1.1.3 The position or “environment of a word in a sentence. 1.2 Open and Closed Word Classes... 2.4 Characteristics of Nouns.. 8 2.2 Common and Proper Nouns 10" 2.3 Count and Non-count Nouns. crt 2.4 PONOUNS sossecesseseeneens a1 2.5 Other Types of Pronoun, 36 2.6 Numerals... 14 2.7 The Gender of Nouns 15" CDGM cnscservsrconaseresteansasiessisstcnvussssagrisinnsstciesastssnessiessiuen inns TEE 3.1 Numerals and Determiners 17" 3.2 Pronouns and Determiners. 186 3.3 The Ordering of Determiners... eee : 119" 3:4 Predeterminers wsssssssessessenarnaeinseseeumnnenseasnsesnsnaeinenaeenennaneneinennenasnns 19M 3.5 Central Determiners «.. 3.6 Postdeterminers... 4 Verbs... 4.1 The Base Form... 4.2 Past and Present FOrMS.escsseesee 4.3 The Infinitive Form sesso 4.4 More Verb Forms: ~ing and -ed. 4.5 Finite and Nonfinite Verbs... 4.6 Auxiliary VerbS.essesseenen 4.7 Auxiliary Verb Types... oi 4.8 The NICE Properties of Auxiliaries... 4.9 Semi-auxiliaries . 4.10 Tense and Aspect . 4.11 Voice. 5 Adjectives 5.1 Characteristics of Adjectives sores 5.2 Attributive and Predicative Adjectives. 5.3 Inherent and Non-inherent Adjectives ssssessessesaennensee 5.4 Stative and Dynamic Adjectives... 5.5 Nominal Adjectives. 5.6 Adjectives and Nouns, 5.7 Patticipial Adjectives........ 5.8 The Ordering of Adjectives. 6 Adverbs 28

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