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Glossary shsolute threshold the minimum stimulation needed to detect 3 paticular stimulus 50 percent ofthe tre. (p. 120) | accommodation (1) the process by which the eyes len changes Shape to focus near or far objets om the retina. (2) adapting our ‘oarent underseandings (schemas) to Incorporate new information, = (pp. 126, 418) achievement motivation a desi: for significant acsomalishment, for mastery of thinge, people, ot Kess for rapidly attaining a high standard. (p,B-7) achievement tests tests disigned to assess what a person has learned. (p. 935) © aconstic encoding the encoding of sound, specally the sound of swords. (9°25) © acqsition in classical conditioning, the initial stage, hen one | links a neutral stimlst and an unconditioned stimulus so that the neutral stimulus begins tggering the condoned response. In operant conditioning, the strengthening of 2 reinforced response {p.220) | action potential 3 neural impulse; a bref elect / tavels dove an axon. (p53) active listening empath listening In which the lstener echoes, = esate, and caves. A feature of Roget’ clect-cntered therapy. (609) adaptation-level phenomenon our vendency to form judgments {of sounds, of Tights, of income) relative to a neutral lev! defined by out prior experience. (p. 394) addiction compulsive drug craving and use, despite adverse conse © quences. (p.197) adolescence the transition erie from childhood to adulthood, ex ‘ending from puberty to independence (p. 45) adrenal [sh-DREEN-cl] glands a pair of endocrine glands that sit Just above the kidneys and secrete hormones (epinephrine nd norepinephrine) that help arouse the body in thnes of sexs (9.63) aerobic exercise sustained exercise that increases heart and ling ‘tess ny also alleviate depression an analy. (p.C-6) aggression pstcal or verbal behavior intended to hurt someone (pp. #36, 670) charge that algorithia a methods, logical ral or procedure that guarantees folving a particular problem. Contrasts with the usally speeier— bat also mote ertor-prone—use of heuristics. (p. 300) alpha waves the relatively slow brain waves of a relaxed, awake state (p. 178) altruism uncelish regard forthe welfare of others. (p. 685) amnesia the loss of memory. (p. 271) “amphetamines drugs that smut neural activity, casing speeded ‘ap body functlons and associated energy and mood changes. (9.201) amygdala (uh-MIG-

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