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Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS Hari/ tgl :

Kelas : VI (Enam) Waktu :
Nama : ... Nilai :

I. Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a, b, c, or d!

Pilihlah jawaban yang benar dengan menyilang (x) huruf a, b, c, atau d!
1. open the window! in Indonesian is . . .
a. Bukalah pintu itu! c. tutuplah pintu itu!
b. Bukalah jendela itu! d. tutuplah jendela itu!
2. Nama spell her - !
The correct arrangement is . . .
a. Spell her name! c. name her spell!
b. Her name spell! d. spell her name!
3. turn on the radio in Indonesian is . . .
a. Nyalakan televisinya! c. nyalakan lampunya!
b. Nyalakan komputernya! d. nyalakan radionya!
4. jangan malas! In English is . . .
a. Keep silent! c. come in!
b. Dont be lazy! d. be patient!
5. A : would you like to order meatball for me, please!
B :...
C : thank you
The right respons is . . .
a. Of course c. I am so busy
b. I am sorry, I can not d. pardon me!
6. Diko : can I borrow your book?
Dani :...
a. I am sorry, I am using it c. of course
b. Sure d. certainly
7. Mr. Namira : I am hungry. Would you take me some food!
Mrs. Namira :...
The right sentences to refuse (menolak) is . . .
a. No, I can not c. I am busy now
b. I am lazy d. Certainty
8. The class is so crowded (ramai). You can say . . .
a. Keep silent! c. come in!
b. Dont be lazy! d. be patient!
9. Siram tanamannya! in English is . . .
a. Water the flower! c. wash your hand!
b. Stand up please! d. eat your biscuit
10. Cinta: would you please lend me pencil?
Dani: . . .
The right sentences to refuse (menolak) is . . .
a. Sure, here it is c. sorry, I only have one
b. Certainly d. here, it is

II. Arrage these sentences!

1. Help can I you - ? ......................................................................................................................

2. Borrow I your can book - ?.......................................................................................................

3. Door close the - ! ...........................................................................................................................

4. Take me you would a cup of tea - ? .........................................................................................

5. A glass of would you take me of hot chocolate - ? ................................................................

Good Luck

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