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Parent Teacher Conference

3 year old

Childs Initials- A.D

Teacher Ms. Courtney

Overall Progress- Axel is growing in many ways from the beginning

of the year. We assessed him in August and have been observing
him over the past few months. He is familiar with routines and
rules. He comes in and sits, ready for the morning circle. He can
recognize the names and faces of the classes nametags.
Language- Axel talks in complete sentences and expresses his
emotions. If Axel is getting redirected, sometimes he does not
use his words. He sits down on the floor and puts his head down.
When the teacher goes to talk with him, he listens and is ready
to rejoin the group. Axel sometimes uses the wrong pronouns for
girls and boys.
Stimulation of Senses- In our popcorn activity, we used all our
senses to talk about the popcorn. Axel knew that it smelled
yummy and like popcorn. He put the fresh popcorn in his mouth
and said it was hot and he tasted the butter that was on his
hands. We do a mystery box for every theme and letter that we
are learning. Axel has guessed a few times the correct item in
the box.
Math- Axel can count to 11. He can pattern with three different
objects or 2-2. Axel can put objects in groups according to color
and size. He did not put the objects from little to small. I
guided him to the answers. He understands qualitative concepts.
When Axel was given our block set to make different objects with
the blocks, he made something that was not on one of the cards.
He was focused on his building.
Gross Motor- Axel can catch a ball, but kept dropping the ball
when trying to throw it over his head. Axel switches feet when
going up the stairs and jumps down without losing balance. He
always participates in P.E. He can balance on both feet for over
5 seconds. Axel does most of our yoga poses correctly. Axel jumps
with both feet off the floor.
Fine Motor- Axel holds his writing tool in a tri-pod grip. He can
trace his name and draw shapes. He needed assistance when beading
the necklace we made. Axel plays in the creative art center about
once a week and can make different sized balls with play-doh. He
was at the light table and made a few sizes of towers out of the
toys with different sizes of toys.

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