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What to read when its been ---1

2. Writing through action movies, pornography, chat rooms, ---2on train tracks, crushes on teachers,
and orchids in grocery stores, the poems in this book present us with emotional souvenirs of a
curious and honest life lived.
3. In this---3, I recognize Hitchcock and Hurston, Crichton and Kubler-Rossand in Stalcup, an aviphile
of the highest order.
4. Ward takes James Baldwins 1963 examination of race in America, The Fire Next Time, as a ---4for
this groundbreaking collection of essays and poems about race from the most important voices of
her generation and our time.
5. As a working mother whose livelihood as a poet-lecturer depended on travel, Camille Dungy
crisscrossed America with her infant, then toddler, intensely aware of how they are seen---5.
6. ---6, Cory Taylor is dying of melanoma-related brain cancer.
7. Written in the space of a few weeks, in a tremendous creative surge, this powerful and beautiful
memoir is a ---7account of what dying teaches.
8. In The Future Looks Good, three generations of women are haunted by the ghosts of war---8a
father struggles to protect and empower the daughter he loves.
9. A sweeping debut that ---9continents and generations, Rebellion tells the story of Addie, Louisa,
Hazel, and Juanlan: four women whose rebellions, big and small, are as unexpected as they are
10. Moving from rural Illinois to the far reaches of China, Rebellion brilliantly ---10of four women,
spanning more than a century.
11. From the secrets they keep and the adventures they embark on---11 to the passions that ultimately
drive them forward, the characters at the center of this electric debut dramatically fight against
expectation in pursuit of their own thrilling fates.
12. I think the habits Ive picked up reading to real audiences ---12my reading for the record.
13. And also playing with a distance ---13what it does.
14. Let me try to answer your question---14.
15. I guess I want the reader to trust me in some sense, ---15to be wary.

a hell of a year
photo shoots
jumping off point
, not just as mother and child, but as black women
At the age of sixty
, while in Light,
links through action and consequence the story
carried over into
between the surface materiality of language, like as an object, versus
but also

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