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The speaker on my written task will be a Sodexo staff on campus writing 2 letters to his

family back home. The first letter will talk about how he feels alone and disrespected when
young teenagers dont acknowledge his presence and dont talk to him and the 2nd letter
talking about how the behaviour of the students has improved and how he feels like home
in MUWCI. It will be an informal letter and will hold a rural Indian feel to it. The concepts
talked about in the letter will be regionally based and will hold a conservative tone. The
audience of the letter will be the speakers family.

Speaker Middle aged Sodexo staff recently joined

campus as a cleaner
Form Informal letter
audience The writers family
Context The writer comes from a conservative
background. As a cleaner, he feels all jobs
should be respected no matter what. He
thinks that people in his workplace dont
respect him as much and especially the
students on campus.
Relation to language The language barrier on campus doesnt let
him socialise and talk to students and staff
alike, this makes him feel lonely and sad
and he wants to give his best to make
Learning outcomes Different forms of communication and how
language and media is used to inform the

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